Audiatur et altera pars - Let the other side be heard. "The Other Side of the Moon"

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Let the other side be heard

Let the other side be heard

From Latin: Audiatur et altera pars[auditur et altera pars].

The basic principle of impartial and fair judicial trial. Attributed to a Christian theologian, one of the church fathers Aurelius Augustine, or Blessed Augustine(354-430).

It is used as a call for a calm and reasonable discussion, dispute, trial.

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We were invited to an honest dialogue. "Does our law judge a man if they do not first hear him out and know what he is doing?" (John 7:51). This is quite consistent with the ancient principle of legal proceedings and discussions: "Let the other side be heard."

The first remark in the dialogue was the assertion that everything written in our reports is a lie and dirty slander. We were asked to remove the materials from the site. It was concretized as follows: their general tone is ironic and condemning, the author states that the community in question is allegedly not Christian at all, and even ascribes to them the utterance of the Hare Krishna mantra.

We answer: the author is ready to apologize for the general tone of the materials, but he cannot delete these pages on his own, since he is not the editor-in-chief of the publication and does not have access to the site administration at all. Persons with such opportunities, it was decided to leave the materials on the spot.
In no case does the author undertake to call the “junior” members of the “church in Moscow” community personally known to him “non-Christians,” since he sees in them, first of all, people who have dedicated their lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The chanting of the mantra "Hare Krishna" is not practiced in the community, the material only compares the practice of invoking the Savior by repeating the words "O Lord Jesus!" with the practice of Hare Krishnas. In order to avoid further misunderstandings, the author will ask those who have such an opportunity either to remove the part of the material where this comparison takes place, or to edit the text so that the lack of identification of the practices of different communities becomes obvious.

Members of the "church in Moscow" really dislike the 15th chapter in Alexander Dvorkin's book "Introduction to Sect Studies." The author, inviting his readers to take care of acquiring complete information about the community in question, in particular referred to this book, but, however, first of all recommended using any search engine and make a decision based on all the information received. Those users who do not have confidence in the Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodox journalists, we remind you that Google and Yandex are not Orthodox.

During the dialogue, it was pointed out that members of the "church in Moscow" communicated with Alexander Dvorkin in October 1994 in the presence of Father Deacon Andrei Kuraev and a certain "Father Alexy", and the father deacon, after listening to the arguments of the followers of Witness Lee, said that the person who wrote an article about the community (meaning articles in unspecified Moscow newspapers from 1994, for which Alexander Dvorkin provided information) "deserves a slap in the face." At the first opportunity, we will ask Father Deacon to comment on this statement and shed light on our attitude towards the “church in Moscow.” We will try with humility to accept a slap in the face from Father Andrei, if he proves his assertion.
Themselves, not having complete information about the teachings of Witness Lee, in no case will we risk trusting Alexander Dvorkin in everything and following him to say that the community “has only the appearance of a Christian organization, but in fact it is a totalitarian organization based on Eastern pantheism and ancient heresies. a sect with elements of the occult and well-developed methods of controlling the minds of its adherents. The author, communicating with members of the community, really did not hear anything from them either about pantheism or about ancient teachings.

We were confirmed that the community does not have a self-name. "Witness Lee Church" and "Local Church" are names given by outsiders. We apologize for ourselves and for these “outsiders”, and in justification we say that if the community does not have a self-name, this does not negate the need to somehow designate it if the “outsiders” talk about it.
According to our interlocutors, "the Church of Witness Lee" cannot exist in the same way that the "Church of the Apostle Paul" cannot exist. We fully agree with this and with the words of the apostle (1 Cor. 1:12-13). We were pointed out that the "Local Church" is mentioned in the New Testament (as opposed to Orthodox or Catholic). We find it difficult to find such a mention in the traditional translation of the New Testament. We assume that it is in the Recovery Translation. They are not preaching Witness Lee, but the Lord Jesus - which is why they don't put Lee's name on the flyers. All this is true, and our reporting is precisely aimed at making Lee's name sound.

It was pointed out to us that "family" was an incorrect name used by one of the sisters only to indicate the measure of love of the members of the community for us, believing that this misunderstanding was caused by the fact that not only the "outsiders" had a need to somehow designate the community in question. We apologize and pledge not to refer to the "church in Moscow" as "family" in the future. The name “church in Moscow” is recommended by its members to be written with a small letter, since this is not a proper name, but simply a descriptive designation, and we follow this recommendation.

We were confirmed that the community does not have a “headquarters”. However, we were offered “at least now” to go open our reports on the Web. Unfortunately, we did not have to use this invitation and see where the computer is. We find it difficult to define the word "headquarters". At the address where the meetings are held, there is also a “Collector bible book”, offering mainly editions by two authors: Witness Lee and Watchman Nee. The catalog is available online. We did not try to enter the "Collector ...".

We were given the book On Witness Lee and the Local Churches - An Answer to the Accusations, published by the same Bible Book Collector. We thank our interlocutors. We are especially flattered by the fact that with a circulation of only 300 copies of the book. (However, who knows how many of these circulations there were?) and a five-year-old edition, we found a copy for us. Let's get acquainted with it with the greater interest that in the preface it is written that the book was written by a group of Christians born and raised in Russia, we are talking in particular, about conversations with Alexander Dvorkin, and the imprint states that the publication is a "translation from English" (probably this only applies to extensive appendices, but this is just our guess). The preface declares the noblest purpose: in view of the appearance of numerous publications presenting the ministry of Witness Lee in a perverted way, to give readers the opportunity to know the truth first-hand. However, we are surprised: there are more than three hundred Russian sectologists “misled” by publications, and copying the publication or any part of it is prosecuted by copyright law.

We were pointed out many inaccuracies in the news that appeared on the Interfax-religion resource and spread throughout the Russian-speaking Internet. Here we fully admit our guilt: not being Interfax employees, we did not follow up on whether they read the article about the “church in Moscow”, which they extracted from the Internet, to the point where it says about the death of Witness Lee in 1997. Archpriest Maxim Kozlov owns the words in quotation marks. About the inaccuracies made in the text of the article outside the quotation marks, we regret no less than the members of the "church in Moscow."

The names that are used in the news do not correspond to the ideas of community members about their organization. We regret that in the absence of a self-designation, it is the names given by "external" ones that become generally accepted. However, people need to talk about any subject in commonly understood names. Since the members of the “church in Moscow” attributed the news to their own account, we can say that the names given by the “external” ones fulfill their function - to designate the subject of conversation.

After the release of the news to Fr. Maxim Kozlov and the author of the reports were approached by TV journalists. Having recorded the materials that could be recorded, one of them said that it would most likely not go on the air, because the editorial office needed “tin” (for example, drugs or taking away apartments), but “tin” did not work. Fair. Members of the community simply gather and pray to God, nothing compromising is known to us. We will do everything in our power to ensure that no “tin” or cheap sensation arises groundlessly in materials about the “church in Moscow”. We do not consider the publication of the name of Witness Lee and his connection with this community to be "tin," especially since the interlocutors assured us that they did not hide their connection with the "ministry of Brother Lee."

Both verbally and in the book, we are invited to an open theological dialogue. We doubt whether theological disputes (for example, triadology and the heresy of modalism, veneration of saints, prayer for the dead, salvation by faith alone in the light of the message of the Apostle James, recognition of virginity Mother of God including after the Nativity of Christ, etc.) of interest to a wide (especially non-Christian or not yet Christian) audience. However, if such discussions take place, we will undoubtedly make them public. We invite the members of the “church in Moscow” to answer our questions and make up their own, to which we undertake to answer honestly. We offer our Tatyana's Day portal as a platform for publication.
In the meantime, we once again remind you of our goal: to find out as much specifics as possible about the “church in Moscow” and to show the connection between the signature “Christian students” and the name of Witness Lee. Those who are members of the community, we do not condemn in any way. The motto in this controversy on our part, we see the statement of St. Gregory the Theologian: "We seek not victory, but the return of the brothers, separation from whom torments us." For those who are faced with a choice, we unanimously with the "church in Moscow" recommend listening to all sides: both the followers of Witness Lee and the Orthodox, as well as turning to neutral sources.

Who are you, condemning someone else's slave? Before his Lord he stands, or he falls. And he will be raised, for God is mighty to raise him up. (Rom 14:11-12) Do not slander one another, brethren: whoever slanders his brother or judges his brother, the same slanders the law and judges the law; and if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one Lawgiver and Judge, able to save and destroy; and who are you to judge others? (James 4:11-12) I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, let you also love one another. BY THIS EVERYONE WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY STUDENTS, if you have love for one another. (John 13:34-35)

Evgeny, Moscow

Hi all. Has anyone read the Bible? Man is so constituted that he consists entirely of opinions. On any issue and in any area, we can say something. Do we know the subject of the conversation? I agree with Alexander Ishutin, we all need education. Read The Brothers Karamazov

Nika Dverkina, Moscow

Sasha, I also believe that it is not for us to alienate the God-given right to choose. I only want this choice to be made with completeness of information and consciously. Sociologically, we understand the term "sect" or in some other way, we ourselves pray for the dead or we don't pray, we honor the Mother of God or we don't honor - but what do we know about the "church in Moscow" (Christian students, Witness Lee Recovery Translation, etc.) - we will tell everyone who wants to hear us.

Svetlana, Moscow

I agree with the previous opinion, leave the articles! ...I never even tried to take these leaflets, but I was curious!! Thank you for the material. Maybe now the guys will at least think a little before going there.

Pavel Kostylev, Moscow

Read your discussion, ladies and gentlemen. somewhat scary. Regular new religious movement, of which there are thousands in the world, and dozens in Russia, and such a battle of minds ... Both sad and, excuse me, funny. The term "sect" is a term of sociology, and it does not describe whether a religion is good or bad, but simply a type of social organization religious community. When it is small and closed, it is a sect; when it is large and open, it is a church. The term "sect" originally did not carry any value features; and early Christianity was a sect, and the early years of Islam a sect, and early Buddhism a sect. Sociologically.

Nika Dverkina, Moscow

Leaflets of the "Union of Christian Students" are again handed out on the territory of Moscow State University. What is disturbing. It is unlikely that something has fundamentally changed in their methods and goals ...

Alina Sh., Kyiv

My opinion is a real totalitarian sect. She personally visited one of their gatherings. I walked knowing what it was, just out of curiosity, it was interesting to understand how they affect the minds and consciousness of young people. The "meeting" lasted about 2 hours, all the time they sang songs (hymns) to the guitar, ate cookies, fruits, etc. Then they passed around the circle the book of their idol - Witness Lee, read aloud in turn. Then they listened to some kind of program on the radio, again about Witness Lee. The owner of the apartment where all this was, clearly had some kind of training in the field of psychology, looked with a long and piercing gaze, probably trying to hypnotize. At the end, I was offered to buy a copy of the hymns printed on a xerox for 40 hryvnias (about $9). I said next time, even though I knew there would be no next time. Then she went to our Orthodox Church, confessed to the priest and asked for forgiveness for that. that participated in a sectarian gathering. How good it is to have our Holy Orthodox Church! I hope the Lord will forgive me for my curiosity. I want to say to all young people: do not go to sects, neither this one nor any other. Everyone needs God, and you will find Him in the Church that has existed on the Slavic land for more than 1000 years, in our Orthodox Church.

Sasha, Moscow

Well, sect and sect. At least they don't seem to have killed anyone yet. And they didn't force anyone. And if a person, having received a leaflet, goes to them, this is his own business. Regarding the articles - very informative :) But, in my opinion, everyone has the right to choose who to pray and how.

Ishutin Alexander Sergeevich, Moscow

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I am a "sectarian" and a member of the local church in Moscow! And for this I praise my God Jesus Christ, my Savior. Many thanks to everyone for the kind words :), and for the not kind ones too ... After all, anything can happen! It's true?! I want to remind you that Christ was crucified because he healed the sick, raised the dead, inspired the oppressed, turned water into wine, and many other things that people of that time did not understand! Well ..., "by their deeds and by their fruits you will know ..!" Each person, not to mention that during life, and after death, for sure, will give an account for his every word and action! Let us be careful in our words and actions. In the spiritual realm there is a war. The prayers of the saints are the most modern weapon! Be careful! The realm of religion is not the place to be thoughtless. We all need to be tolerant of each other, respect each other, love and look for everything possible ways which would unite us in the pursuit of spirituality, the highest moral values ​​and the best human qualities. Special services are engaged in the fight against crime and illegal actions. If you believe that a crime has been committed, or it is being committed, or will be committed, report it to the competent authorities. Please don't mislead people. As the cat Leopold said: "Let's live together" and do business. Since we are Christians, let's bring people to God and save them from sin. And let's learn and educate, with smart people It's always easier to have a conversation. With love, Alexander in Christ.

Nika Dverkina, Moscow

Dear Dmitry, thank you for your ardent sermon. Once again, I will clarify that no one threatened me with anything. Whether because I didn’t do anything serious to them, or because their methods are different. I wouldn't call them Satanists. Ordinary members of the community, I repeat, seem to me to be Christians. Not all Protestants, who do not recognize the virginity of the Virgin and prayers to the saints, are Satanists from your point of view? Let's be calmer. The task is not to condemn the brothers, even if they are mistaken, but to warn adults reasonable people able to draw their own conclusions from the information provided.

Alexey R., Ivanovo

A few words about Dmitry's comments. Firstly, all the conclusions in his comments are made not on the basis of official publications of the group of believers in question (only one quote is given, the accuracy and meaning of which, without taking into account the context, I would doubt), but on the basis of the words spoken by one or two believers (words retold by Nika Dverkina in a certain interpretation). No serious person who values ​​the rights and dignity of others will base himself on such subjective premises, some of which are obviously false. Secondly, there are suggestions in his comments about "methods" that are definitely criminal in nature. Where do such assumptions come from? Even in Nika Dverkina's articles there are no such "suspicions". Thirdly, a few characteristic quotes: Orthodox faith– is the truth of faith (and all other religious communities are perverted in the understanding of this Holy Truth)”, “The True Church is the Orthodox Church”, “... go to Orthodox Temples! ". I have nothing against these statements. Everyone has the right to their own religious beliefs. But from the point of view of those features that, according to A.L. Dvorkin, characterize typical sectarians, these statements can be called no less sectarian than official statements communities of believers "the church in Moscow" (which were practically not considered here). religious organization, could become for Nika Dverkina the reason for a new article on religious pressure on student souls (his approach differs significantly from that of "Christian students"). I approached the question in principle, without considering concrete examples(for example, "second baptism"; is it a required condition for participation in the community of believers in question? what are the conditions in general and how do they, from the point of view of the sociology of religion, characterize the "totalitarianism" attributed to these believers). I'm not sure that in the format of comments you can conduct a constructive dialogue. But I ask everyone, at least, to maintain a moral tone of communication worthy of believers.

Alexey R., Ivanovo

I'm not sure that the proposed discussion on the territory of one of the parties in this case can be objective (judging by a number of factors, one of which is, for example, even the authorization mechanism). If I were the other side, I would think about the advisability of participating in this kind of dialogue, especially in the form of comments. But if this portal claims to be a platform for serious dialogue, and not shouting from the audience, then I would suggest approaching statements more reasonably. If some believers are called a sect, then several questions should be correctly answered: 1. What is the meaning of the definition of the word "sect" in this dialogue? 2. What is the origin of this definition: biblical or sociological? Or does it come from the own teachings of a particular religious group? 3. What signs (based on the chosen definition) give grounds to call this or that group of believers a sect? 4. Is this definition something that needs to be "laundered" from? So far, apart from individual statements to other believers, I did not find anything "unclean".

Dmitry, Russia

Dear Nika Dverkina! This is indeed a sectarian organization that lures people under the pretext of worshiping the Lord God our Son of God Jesus Christ. But in reality it perverts the True Teaching of Christ and turns away from the Saving Orthodox Church! Dear readers, we live in Russia - an Orthodox country! Yes, and other republics adjacent to Russia with an Orthodox population! From the publications of Nika Dverkina, we learned a lot about this satanic sectarian organization - yes, it is satanic, and this is clearly confirmed from previous articles about the “Witness Lee sect”. Here are the confirmations: 1. The sect practices a “second baptism” (maybe they practice the third and subsequent baptisms, for a special “penetration”) - this is a clear violation of the Canons of the Orthodox Faith. The Orthodox Faith is the true faith (and all other religious communities are perverted in the understanding of this Holy Truth) in the True God who created us, in the Most Holy Trinity - in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And whoever violates them deliberately goes against the Lord our God Jesus Christ, and therefore serves the prince of darkness of this age - Satan, the devil. 2. There are 15 Local Orthodox Churches divided historical reasons. And their so-called "local church" does not belong to them and has no right to be called that. The fact that the True Church is the Orthodox Church testifies: The Lord Himself - God Jesus Christ - the Son of God, through His Holy Saints: the Holy Martyrs of Christ, the Holy Fathers of the Holy Orthodox Church. Even the Apostle of Christ - Andrew the First-Called set the Cross in place future Rus' and predicted that there would be a true church and the light of the Grace of God would shine. 3. “Yes, but this is only the first salvation - from the lake of fire. I am a believer, I am saved. And there is a second salvation - from the sin that lives inside a person ... ". Consider these words! "I'm a believer, I'm saved." This is blasphemy, God, not man, decides whether a man is saved or not! Those people who are in the sect of "Witness Lee", "church in Moscow", "local church" thinking so, are preparing themselves not for the Kingdom of God, but for hellfire. Who has read the Bible and what is very important are the explanations of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church to it in order to correctly understand it. He will understand that salvation is one and it is in God! If a person repents of his sins, then the Lord God, by His mercy, saves this person! Satanism is clearly present here, which manifests itself in the fact that a person puts himself on an equal footing with the Lord God Himself! 4. They also do not need the Mother of God. They call her even less respectfully than the Jehovah's Witnesses: those at least "Mother Mary", and these - "Sister Mary". Why should She pray when there is only one mediator between God and people - the Man Jesus Christ? Naturally, in their theory, She is no longer a Virgin: after all, She gave birth to Christ as a Human, how can one remain a virgin after that? And the saints have nothing to pray for. The Lord Jesus commanded that "the dead should not be spoken to." I was even surprised: so you yourself are all about eternal life! With God, everyone is alive! Yes, - they agreed with me, - there is no God god of the dead, and the living, and the dead will be resurrected, but now they are all dead, and there is nothing to chat with the dead. This is also an obvious and undeniable satanism of the “church in Moscow” sect, which cannot be justified in any way. Deny the Saints of God! Where is it seen that the Saints were called the dead? This is another confirmation that the “Witness Lee Church” is a diabolical community. Dear students! Don't get recruited into any dubious communities! If you really love the Lord God and want to serve him, go to Orthodox Churches! The Witness Lee Church, "Local Church", or "Church in Moscow" is a strange new name - "Church in Moscow", when they themselves say that the activity of their sect is deployed in 169 cities of Russia - an obvious sectarian (satanic, diabolical) community. Dear Nika Dverkina, I admire your courage and courage, be strong - “But if you suffer for the truth, then you are blessed 1 Pet. to “regulate” “calmness”) to crack down (beat, rape, set fire to an apartment, inject with a syringe infected with AIDS or poison in the subway or other crowded place, murder, ... and so that “no one will know and prove that they are the Satanists of the Witness sect Whether) with you in order to "correct" or "for lies and dirty slander", your relatives and friends, do not be afraid and feel free to contact Law Enforcement or the Moscow Patriarchate “I am with you to save and deliver you Jer.15:20”, “Darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining 1 John 2:8”, “God is our refuge Ps.61:9” Most likely, many already the rooted "brothers and sisters" have already been "processed" in this regard, and now you will not learn any truth from them. I would like to appeal to those "brothers" and "sisters" of the Witness Lee sect, who were brazenly and cunningly recruited and deceived to this day: If you really love the Lord God Jesus Christ - the Son of God and your hearts are aflame with love, faith, gratitude for him and you if you want to serve him and glorify him, leave the "Witness Lee sect" as soon as possible and join your brothers and sisters in the True Church of Christ - the Orthodox Church. And glorify the Son of God at holy services in Orthodox Churches, partake of the Holy and Life-Giving Body of the Lord in the Sacrament of Communion! What are you still missing? Listen to the words of the Lord God: "Only fear the Lord and serve Him truly", "Treasure the time, because the days are evil Eph.5:16". If you don’t feel like going to an Orthodox Church – this is a direct consequence of the fact that you are God’s and the evil prince of this world with your unclean demonic spirits – the devil plots you and doesn’t let you go to the saving True Church Orthodox services. Many Orthodox Christians are going through this period, but when they conquer “the Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force” by faith and prayer, then the devil will not be able to do anything to you! It’s very hard for you now, maybe you still don’t understand what hellish abyss you are in. May the Lord God help you, we will pray for your churching and salvation, dear brothers and sisters of Christ! And remember the words of God "I want mercy, not the sacrifice of Hos.6:6" Time is coming doomsday and it is no longer tanned, the forces of darkness before sending them to Eternal flame and eternal torment is trying with all their might to drag with them as many people as possible, remember the words of the Savior “Watch, stand in faith, be courageous, strong, so that no one will take your crown”, now before the coming of the Antichrist, satanic servants are trying to “rapture even the elect ". From an article by Nika Dverkina, we learned that this sect, which is widespread in 169 cities of Russia, is also negatively disposed towards secular society: But they are not interested in much outside the “family”. Do you want to cultivate an interest in the cleanliness of Coca-Cola bottles? In one of Witness Lee's books it is written: “... The Church should be our only interest. What interests you today: school? business? family? I'm interested in the church. We should all be such Church “junkies” (Lee W. Life-Study of Genesis, Message Eighty-nine). Do you understand what this means? They go not only against the Holy Orthodox Church, but against our homeland, against Russia, against our Blessed Russian Land! They want to destroy the most important cell of society, one might say the bricks from which it is built - the family! School! Labor activity! They want to destroy our state, which is now being restored with such difficulty! Be reasonable, not insane, and do not get caught in the satanic network of Witness Lee scattered over 169 cities of Russia! There are many Orthodox communities: Sunday schools, choirs, ... Take a blessing from the Orthodox clergy and go to them. God is with us! Save yourself! Be children of the True Orthodox Church!

Dolzhenkova Nadezhda, Moscow region

Guys, in no case do not remove and do not correct the article. They are very good and knowledgeable. Of course, they will blame you now, they have nowhere to go, so they will try to wash themselves off by any means and get rid of the term sect. These gentlemen have been in Moscow for a long time and nest in many universities. The largest "nest" used to be in the agricultural academy. And their courses worked in the hostel of this academy. I don't know how it is now, but I don't think much has changed. At Moscow State University, they were mostly in the FDS area, but now they have apparently become more active. Don't take down articles, people need to know that.

I will start my next story with a historical background:

The catchphrase “Let the other side be heard”, which I put in the title of the article, expresses the basic principle of an impartial and fair trial and is a translation from Latin: “Audiauret altera pars”. The authorship of this phrase is attributed to the Christian theologian, one of the church fathers, Aurelius Augustine, or Blessed Augustine (354-430). The phrase is used as a call for a calm and reasonable discussion, dispute, trial.

Now the heart of the matter: April 15, 2016 breaking news in the Russian media, Rabbi Berl Lazar complained to the Russian Prime Minister about the “anti-Semitism” of some Russian citizens:

Here is the news without cuts from Vesti.Ru: The Chief Rabbi of Russia complained to Medvedev about United Russia anti-Semites

Chief Rabbi of Russia (according to Chabad - comment by A.B.) Berl Lazar asked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to stop the spread of anti-Semitism among politicians. According to him, the Jewish community of Russia is shocked by the anti-Semitic trick of the participant in the primaries " United Russia» in the Chelyabinsk region Vladislav Vikhorev. During one of his speeches, Vikhorev announced "a conspiracy of the Jews against the Russian people," Interfax reports.

“We are amazed by the fact that the organizing committee for holding the primaries limited itself to a formal “warning” to the anti-Semite and left him among the contenders for a place on the electoral list of the party you lead,” Berl Lazar said in a statement. He is quoted by the Kremlin press service.

The rabbi noted that the Jewish community is well aware of Dmitry Medvedev's personal constructive position on national question. They also appreciate the position of President Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly stressed the need for zero tolerance for any manifestations of xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

“It was thanks to the wise policy of the country's leadership that anti-Semitism in Russia first began to decline, and then was completely marginalized,” the rabbi said. He also added that it is for this reason that any anti-Semitic stunt attracts increased attention. “Especially when it comes to an incident in which an activist of the ruling party is involved,” the appeal says.

Berl Lazar also noted that he sincerely hopes that the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation will respond to this incident and take effective measures.

According to the rabbi, it is necessary once and for all to clear the Russian political scene of anti-Semites. And also from those who take a conciliatory position towards them.

I note that in Russia this happens from century to century! Someone will definitely express their indignation and indignation towards the Jews (or Jews, as they are called differently), and the so-called "spiritual leaders" of the Jews and some of the Jews will certainly raise cries about "anti-Semitism."

Since this has been going on for centuries and was even accompanied by two imperial decrees “On the expulsion of Jews from Russia” of 1727 and 1742, it can be said and argued that criticism of the Jews and their counter cries about “anti-Semitism” have already become a tradition in Russia.

As soon as the Jews appeared on the land of the Rus (why, one wonders, did they come from their Izrailovka to us?), they became, on the one hand, a general irritant, on the other hand, an object of constant criticism, which, of course, was not unreasonable, but had under the most serious grounds.

Evidence of this is hundreds of proverbs about Jews, the first of which appeared on Russian soil at least three or four centuries ago. In them, in these Russian proverbs, there is both a warning-mandate to all living Russian people - to beware of the Jews, and contains an answer - for what, in fact, for what deeds or traits of their character, our ancestors criticized the Jews and advised everyone not to have anything with them affairs.

“I want to believe that I can measure water with a sieve.”

“Then, the kikes don’t look like us, so that we don’t make mistakes.”

"When a Jew appears in the village, then tie your tongue, and let the dogs off the chain."

"Whoever gives freedom to a Jew, sells himself."

"Whoever serves a Jew will not escape trouble."

"He who buys from a Jew digs his own grave."

"The Jew is flattering in poverty, impudent in equality, a monster in authority."

"The love of a Jew is worse than a noose."

“There is honey on the tongue of the Jew, and ice under the tongue.”

"Call a Jew a brother, he will climb into his fathers."

"Do not do good to a Jew - you will not receive evil from him."

"Do not let the thief to the field, and the Jews - to Russia."

“Talk to a Jew that I’m getting drunk with poison!”

There are hundreds more floorboards of the same content in Russian folklore.

According to the National Corpus of the Russian Language, the words Zhid Jewry, and derivatives from them, in literary language coexisted during the XVIII-XIX centuries, and until the last quarter XIX century, the form of the Jew was the main one, and in the 1870s the form of the Jew became the main one; by the end of the 1920s, the kike uniform had become rare.

Until the revolution of 1917, the word "Jew" remained in common use both in Russian and in academic publications. Some dictionaries gave it without additional notes (old / folk / contemptuous), for example - “Short Dictionary Russian language" 1913, editions of 1915 and 1916 by Stoyan:

1) “Jew - Jew, Israelite, Jew. 2) bran. miser, flayer, usurer 3) inkblot.

After the revolution of 1917 in the RSFSR, and then in the USSR in the 1920s-1930s. was initiated by the Bolsheviks campaign against anti-Semitism; the use of the word kike and its derivatives was not forbidden by any special decree; but in the RSFSR, first in 1918, a law on anti-Semitic and pogrom activity was adopted, in which it was written: "The Council of People's Commissars declares the anti-Semitic movement a danger to the cause of the workers' and peasants' revolution." According to Lunacharsky, Lenin added to the law: “The Council of People's Commissars instructs all Councils of Deputies to take decisive measures to root out the anti-Semitic movement. Pogromists and those leading pogromist agitation are ordered to be outlawed” (that is, to be shot). Wikipedia.

And put "outside the law", and shot. Thousands were shot!

I also note that the "Sovnarkom" (or the "Council of People's Commissars"), which issued an order to all "Councils of Deputies" ("Sovdepam") to put "anti-Semites" outside the law, consisted of 80-85% of those same Jews who were criticized by the Russian people .

By issuing this order, the Council of People's Commissars reliably defended itself and all the Jews who took part in the October Revolution of 1917.

What V.I. Lenin did in 1918 and what Berl Lazar is currently asking D.A. Medvedev to do, 150 years ago, was very well, sarcastically described in this work by our great Russian writer M.E. . Saltykov-Shchedrin:

I repeat: this truth of life, as M.E. saw it with his own eyes. Saltykov-Shchedrin, was put on paper by him 150 years ago! However, to this day, in Russia, "Jews harm us without restraint and without hindrance," as Vladislav Vikhorev, a participant in the United Russia primaries in the Chelyabinsk region, noted.

Actually, Berl Lazar's appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is one more proof of that!

The Chief Rabbi of Russia demands "once and for all to clear the Russian political scene of anti-Semites. And also from those who take a conciliatory position towards them.

Berl Lazar acts one on one like the "Jews" from the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: "So that no one dares to say a word about us, about scoundrels, and we, scoundrels, about whom we think of what we want, we bark!"

When this Berl Lazar was invited in 2012 to the Russian studio "Center" and asked to tell, so that the Russian people would understand what thoughts the "Jews" live in Russia today, what their religious teaching - "Torah" represents, how they relate to Christianity and the teachings of Christ - the "New Testament", the chief rabbi of Russia answered bluntly: no way! The Jews do not recognize the "New Testament", respectively, and they treat Christ not as a messiah, but as a "Jewish rebel."

It would seem, what is this?

Well, the Jews do not recognize Christ and his "New Testament", so what?

And the fact that this is extremism, from the point of view of the new Russian legislation!

Any atheist has the right, according to Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, not to believe in God and deny his existence ... This is his, an atheist, personal worldview and conviction.

But when a representative of Judaism (one of the "major world religions"), especially the Chief Rabbi of Russia, claims that he does not recognize the "New Testament" of Jesus Christ, on the foundation of which all Christianity stands, he thereby puts his religion - Judaism - and his faith in God in an exceptional position in relation to Christianity, which violates Article 29 of the Constitution of Russia.

And in accordance with Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, for words that incite social, racial or religious hatred and enmity towards non-Christians in the minds of Russians and Jews, a criminal case should be initiated against Berl Lazar.

I quote "The Criminal Code Russian Federation"of 06/13/1996 N 63-FZ (as amended on 03/30/2016):

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 282. “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation human dignity"(As amended by the Federal Law of December 8, 2003 N 162-FZ).

1. Actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as at humiliating the dignity of a person or a group of persons on the grounds of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, attitude to religion, as well as belonging to any social group committed publicly or with the use of funds mass media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, - (as amended by Federal Law No. 179-FZ of June 28, 2014) are punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or by compulsory work for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by compulsory works for up to four years, or imprisonment for the same term.

2. The same acts committed by a person using his official position are punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to three years, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities. for a term of up to five years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years, or by deprivation of liberty for the same term. (in ed. federal laws dated 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ, dated 03.02.2014 N 5-FZ).

This is what Berl Lazar can be charged with for just one frankly publicly uttered phrase, with which he himself literally paved the abyss between Christians and Jews living in Russia and abroad!

But the problem is not only Berl Lazar!

I collected material for the Judgment of History, which indicates that many rabbis think exactly like Berl Lazar - they do not recognize the "New Testament" of Jesus Christ, but, in addition, these other rabbis go even further in their revelations, even stronger with their statements they kindle social, racial or religious hatred and enmity towards the Slavs and Christians in the minds of the Jews.

In fact, the rabbis encourage Jews to hate all non-Jews, to consider them defective (not having a "divine soul", which supposedly only Jews have), to consider all non-Jews to be on the same stage of evolution with animals, and to consider Christians as poisoners of Jewish souls, and so Further!

Here is a clear and blatant example from a publication on the site

“For example, today Christian missionaries, men and women, kill Jewish souls without any physical violence - only persuading them to abandon their belief in the One Creator. Therefore, the mere presence of idolatry in the Land of Israel is enough to cause the Wrath of Heaven. For such a presence creates, in a certain sense, a "poisonous" atmosphere ... "

The "single faith in the Creator" among the Jews is opposed to the "faith of Christians in the Holy Trinity": "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." And therefore, the Jews directly call Christians "idolaters", creating for them, the Jews, by their very presence a "poisonous" atmosphere!

These thoughts and ideas on the site were expressed by Rabbi Chaim Ackerman in an article with a very speaking name: "How to justify the extermination, women, children, the elderly during the conquest of Canaan?".

Most of all, I was struck and shocked in this material not by the revelations of Chaim Ackerman, who told why even babies (!) Of these Canaanites should be killed during the conquest of "Canaan", but by the fact that the rabbis in their publications use the "Aesopian language" to hide the truth about with whom they actually fight from century to century.

However, published in Russian Empire almost 150 years ago, the book by Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi "On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient time in Rus' and about Slavic words found among Jewish writers” (St. Petersburg, 1866), made it possible to decipher the “Aesopian language” currently used by Chaim Ackerman in Internet communication with Jewish readers.

This is a fragment of a page of the above mentioned book by A.Ya. Garkavy "On the language of the Jews who lived in ancient times in Rus' and on the Slavic words found in Jewish writers" (St. Petersburg, 1866). Avraam Yakovlevich Garkavi was a Russian orientalist and Hebraist, a real state councilor of the Russian Empire. He is the author of articles in the Jewish Encyclopedia and encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron. So there is no reason not to believe him!

As you can see, a picture is already emerging, indicating that the participant in the primaries of United Russia in the Chelyabinsk region, Vladislav Vikhorev, during one of his speeches, spoke the truth publicly. Indeed, there is a certain "conspiracy against the Russian people."

Only this is not a conspiracy of the Jews, but a conspiracy of those who stand above them!

I managed to collect a whole collection of extremist statements by various rabbis, which allowed me to apply to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with an appeal in which I proposed to recognize "the international group" Jewish Rabbinate "an extremist organization."

Note! Not Jews, but Jewish rabbis, I have reason to consider the main extremists in Russia!

And I want to draw the attention of not only the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation to this topic, Investigative Committee RF, President Putin, the Russian Court, but the Russian public.

I talked about this in detail in the article: Appeal to the Russian Prosecutor's Office about religious extremism!

During last month I have already made two attempts to appeal to the Murmansk Regional Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation about this. The answers, as it turned out, strictly corresponded to the program of the "Jews", which he spoke about in his immortal work"The Tale of the Zealous Boss" M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin:

“And here is our program. So that we, the bastards, speak, and the others remain silent. So that our, bastards, ideas and proposals are accepted immediately, and other desires are left without consideration. So that we, bastards, live in a habit, and for everyone else, so that there is neither a bottom nor a tire. So that we, the bastards, are kept in shackles in tenderness, and the rest of all - in shackles. So that we, the bastards, consider the harm done as a benefit, and by everyone else, if a benefit were brought, then such a harm would be considered. So that no one dares to say a word about us, about scoundrels, and we, scoundrels, about whom we think of what we want, we bark! ... "

But the most surprising thing for me was the answer from the Administration of the President of Russia in response to my request addressed to Putin to find out why I, Blagin Anton Pavlovich, a Russian writer, a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, is being unfairly judged under article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as an “extremist”, blaming me for writing the book "The Apocalypse Comes Tomorrow", in which I assert: "To save the Jews from the Jews means to save the whole world!".

To get rid of me as an annoying fly, the chief adviser of the department of analytical and legal support of the Administration of the President of Russia wrote me a two-page answer, telling me, in addition to the truthful information, also a deliberate lie. Here's the document, and here's what it says:

As I understand from this document, Vladimir Putin does not have any power at all over judges, prosecutors and representatives of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

When I shared this news with my friends, I was told to look into the law on the RF IC on my own and understand that I was simply misinformed.

And this is what turned out:

Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ "On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation". Published on December 30, 2010 Signed on December 28, 2010

As you can see, the President of the Russian Federation can not only interfere in the activities of the Investigative Committee of Russia, which is called upon to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, Putin personally manages the activities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation!

Interestingly, Vladimir Putin knows how his closest assistants work, who are entrusted to work with the appeals of Russian citizens?!

In this situation, I can only rely on the power of publicity and a direct appeal to the multinational Russian people, which, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Chapter 1, Article 3, is the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.

Anton Blagin,




“Every Slav must know this!”

"Jews in life and on the Internet - as they are!"

Latin is a language in which you can talk about anything, and always sound somehow especially smart and sublime. If you have ever studied it, it was hardly the brightest and most fun time in your life, but in any case it was useful.

But if you have not had a chance to study such a subject, then catch the 25 most famous Latin sayings. Remember at least a few of them, and then, having successfully screwed one or two phrases into a conversation, you will pass for a very intelligent and well-read person. And do not forget to languidly cover your eyes, quoting great philosophers.

25. "Ex nihilo nihil fit."
Nothing comes from nothing.

24. "Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur."
The world wants to be deceived, let it be deceived.

Photo: pixabay

23. Memento mori.
Remember that you are mortal.

Photo: pixabay

22. "Etiam si omnes, ego non."
Even if everything, then I - no.

Photo: shutterstock

21. Audiatur et altera pars.
Let the other side be heard.

Photo: B Rosen / flickr

20. Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.
If you were silent, you would remain a philosopher.

Photo: Maik Meid / wikimedia commons

19. Invictus maneo.
I remain undefeated.

Photo: naveenmendi / wikimedia commons

18. Fortes fortuna adiuvat.
Fate favors the brave.

Photo: pixabay

17. Dolor hic tibi proderit olim.
Endure and be firm, this pain will someday benefit you.

Photo: Steven Depolo / flickr

16. "Cogito Ergo Sum".
I think, therefore I exist.

Photo: pixabay

15. "Oderint dum metuant".
Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.

Photo: K-Screen shots / flickr

14. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the watchmen themselves?

Photo: John Kees / flickr

13. " Sic transit gloria.
This is how worldly glory passes.

Photo: pixabay

12. "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus".
Never tickle a sleeping dragon.


11. "Utinam barbari spacium proprium tuum invadant."
Let the barbarians invade your personal space.


10. In vino veritas.
The truth is in the wine.

Photo: Quinn Dombrowski / flickr

9. "Si vis pacem, para bellum."
If you want peace, prepare for war.

Photo: Σταύρος / flickr

8. "Pacta sunt servanda."
Treaties must be respected.

Photo: pixabay

7. "Non ducor, duco."
I am not led, I lead myself.

Photo: nist6dh / flickr

6. "Quando omni flunkus moritati".
If everyone is down, pretend to be dead too.

Photo: Pete Markham / flickr

5. Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Whoever speaks Latin sees the highest peaks.

Photo: Tfioreze / wikimedia commons

4. "Dum Spiro, Spero".
While I breathe I hope.

Photo: pixabay

3. Tua mater latior quam Rubicon est.
Your mother is wider than the Rubicon (Italian river).


2. Carpe diem.
Seize the moment.

Photo: pixabay

1. "Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam."
Either I'll find a way, or I'll pave it myself.


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