Mayakovsky has a work war and peace. What "peace" is referred to in "war and peace"? Cm


While in two-room apartment Brikov was full of disputes about modern poetry, the street was seething with other passions. In the summer of 1916, Russia was close to defeat, but it still managed to turn the tide of the war, and the next summer the Russian army was able to go on the offensive.

Two days after the assassination of Rasputin, Mayakovsky wrote Elsa a "nervous" letter. Neither in it nor in other letters of this period is there a single reference to what is happening outside of it. own life. It was as if he lived in a world where nothing existed but himself and his own feelings. It is possible that not all letters have been preserved, but correspondence from other periods allows us to see a clear pattern here: political and social reality is almost never commented on. However, social events did not pass without a trace, the suffering of war - like love - was reflected in poetry.

In addition to satirical and propaganda poems, Mayakovsky wrote in 1916-1917 another major work- the poem "War and Peace". In this poem, the former, somewhat primitive view of the war was replaced by an existential reflection on its madness and horrors. The guilt is collective, and the poet, Vladimir Mayakovsky, is not only a scapegoat, but also an accomplice. Therefore, he personally asks for forgiveness from humanity - perhaps repenting of those propaganda exaggerations that he allowed at the beginning of the war: "People! / Dear ones! / For Christ's sake, / For Christ's sake / forgive me!" At the same time, he sees the dawn of a new time.

During these years, the idea of ​​the doom of the old world was widespread, especially among writers. Just like in The Cloud, awareness of the universal vulnerability of man is balanced by a messianic conviction in the birth of a new, more harmonious world order:

"And he, free, yells about whom I am, a man - he will come, believe me, believe!

Long live political life Russia and long live art free from politics!

Vladimir Mayakovsky, March 1917

I returned to Moscow in complete confidence that we were before the revolution, - recalled Roman Yakobson, - it was quite clear from the university moods. "It was not only students who rebelled. On the occasion of the International women's day On February 23, 1917, a peaceful demonstration took place in Petrograd, the participants of which demanded bread and peace. More demonstrations took place in the days that followed, dispersed by the police. On February 27, the Pavlovsky Regiment voted to refuse the order to shoot civilians, and on the same day most of Petrograd was in the hands of the regiment. On February 28, unrest began in Moscow. Two days later, on March 2, Nicholas II abdicated. The monarchy was overthrown, the Provisional Government was created - the February Revolution took place. On March 8, Elsa wrote a letter to Mayakovsky, in which, as an exception, she commented on the events taking place outside the walls of her apartment: "Dear Uncle Volodya, what's going on, the splendor is right!" Roman, who so clearly foresaw everything, entered, she says, into the police, carries weapons and arrested six police officers - he, as a student at Moscow University, was asked to help restore order on the streets.

The revolution aroused great enthusiasm among the general population, people sincerely believed in the possibility of profound transformations. The political spring had come, the air was filled with freedom. These sentiments are reflected in a letter written by philosopher Lev Shestov to relatives in Switzerland a week after the coup:

“We all here think and talk exclusively about the grandiose events that took place in Russia. It is hard to imagine for someone who did not see what happened here. Especially in Moscow. As if by order from above, everyone, like one person, decided that it was necessary to change The old order was decided and everything was done in one week.Even in Petrograd there were some frictions - in Moscow there was one continuous holiday.<... >in less than one week, the whole vast country, with calmness, which happens only on solemn and great holidays, left the old and moved on to the new.

Specific demands were presented to the new government: to normalize the food situation and bring the war to victory, or at least to a worthy end. However, few people knew exactly how the political future of Russia should look after the overthrow of the autocracy. The feeling of liberation, euphoria dominated. The revolution gave Mayakovsky and other writers and artists hope that they would be able to create without the interference of censorship bodies and academies. In March 1917, the Union of Artists was formed, which included representatives of all political and artistic trends, from conservatives to anarchists, from aesthetic retrogrades to the most radical futuristic groups. Mayakovsky was elected to the presidium as a representative of writers, which caused surprise and protest: why the scandalous futurist, and not Gorky, who is known throughout the world? The election of Mayakovsky was due to the fact that Gorky agreed to join the government commission, thus betraying the interests of cultural figures. The newly formed Union fought for the independence of art and artists from the state, and those who collaborated with the government were considered collaborators.

“My motto and everyone in general is long live the political life of Russia and long live art free from politics!” Mayakovsky proclaimed two weeks after February Revolution, specifying: - I do not refuse politics, only in the field of art there should not be politics. "That art should be independent of the state, and the left and right flanks of the Union were united. The same unanimity was observed in their attitude towards the war Mayakovsky was just as defencist as most of the others, Mayakovsky, who was awarded the medal "For Diligence" in January, proudly explained that "we not only have the first art in the world, but also the first world army". It was quite possible to combine patriotism with aesthetic avant-gardeism and political radicalism: the hopes that the course of the war would change with the new government were great.

In the poem "Revolution", published in May 1917 in the social democratic internationalist newspaper Novaya Zhizn, founded by Gorky, Mayakovsky hails the revolution as a triumph of the "great heresy socialists". However, he was not a member of any party - his political ideal was socialism with a strong anarchist bias. He did not adhere to more definite political convictions at that time.

Having once taken part in raising money for the families of the victims of the revolution, he gave them to the editors of the Rech newspaper, published by the liberal party of the Cadets. The dizzying joy of overthrowing the tsarist regime inspired unrealistic hopes for the future. The fact that Mayakovsky's belief in the possibility of revolution was somewhat naive is evidenced by an episode told by Nikolai Aseev. For the first time in Russian history any person got the opportunity to put forward his candidacy in the elections, and all of Moscow was plastered with posters and election leaflets. Next to the posters of the major parties on the walls of the houses were the appeals of lesser-known political associations, such as various anarchist groups and small organizations like the "union of chefs". Once, when Aseev and Mayakovsky were walking around the city, looking at posters, Mayakovsky suddenly suggested compiling his own electoral list, consisting of futurists. He should be in the first place, Kamensky in the second, and so on.

"To my bewildered objection that who will vote for us, Vladimir Vladimirovich replied thoughtfully: The devil knows! Now the time is like this: what if they elect the president ...?"

If Mayakovsky's worldview was romantic and divorced from reality, then Osip had a highly developed political instinct. Apparently, at this time his attitude towards Bolshevism was more positive than that of Mayakovsky. When Lenin returned to Russia in April 1917 after more than a decade of emigration, he was met in Petrograd at the Finland Station by a jubilant crowd. Osip was also in the crowd, who went there out of curiosity. “It seems crazy, but terribly convincing,” he made a judgment preserved for posterity by Roman Yakobson, who spent this fateful night for Russia over cognac and playing billiards in the company of Mayakovsky and other friends.

War, peace... and some details. On the eve of the start of online readings of the great novel by Leo Tolstoy, we decided to recall some details

Text: Mikhail Wiesel/Year of Literature.RF
Collage: watercolor by N. N. Karazin; portrait of Leo Tolstoy. 1873, I. N. Kramskoy (State Tretyakov Gallery)

1. The volume of the novel "War and Peace" is 1300 pages of the usual book format. This is not the largest novel in world literature, but one of the largest included in the European canon. literature XIX century. Initially, in the first two publications, it was divided not into four parts, as we are used to, but into six. Only in 1873, when the novel was being prepared for publication for the third time as part of the Works of L. N. Tolstoy, did the author change the distribution of the text by volume and allot him exactly half of the 8-volume collection.

2. We confidently call "War and Peace" a "novel", but the author himself categorically objected to such genre definition. In an article dedicated to the release of the first separate edition, he wrote: This is not a novel, even less poem, even less historical chronicle. "War and Peace" is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed. … History since time not only presents many examples of such a departure from the European form, but does not even give a single example of the contrary. Starting from " Dead Souls» Gogol and before « Dead House» Dostoevsky, in the new period of Russian literature there is not a single artistic prose work, a little out of mediocrity, which would fit perfectly into the form of a novel, poem or short story". Nevertheless, now "War and Peace" is certainly considered one of the pinnacles of world romance.

Initially, in 1856, Tolstoy was going to write a novel not about the Napoleonic wars, but about the old one, which finally, thirty years later, is allowed to return from Siberia. But he quickly realized that he would not be able to reveal the motives for the hero’s participation in the December uprising if he did not describe his youthful participation in the Napoleonic wars. In addition, he could not help but take into account that when describing the events of December 14, 1825, he would begin to have problems with censorship. In the 1890s, Tolstoy would not have paid any attention to this, but in the 1860s, for an author who was not yet forty years old, it mattered. So the idea of ​​"the story of the Decembrist" was transformed into "an epic novel about the Napoleonic wars in Russia."

For censorship reasons, as well as at the insistent request of his wife, Tolstoy cut out fairly frank descriptions of Pierre and Helen's wedding night. Sofya Andreevna managed to convince her husband that the church censorship department would not let them through. With Helen Bezukhova, who, obviously, acted for Tolstoy as the bearer of the "dark sexual beginning", the most scandalous plot twist is also connected. Helen, a flourishing young woman, suddenly dies just in 1812, untying Pierre's hands to marry Natasha Rostova. Russian schoolchildren, studying the novel at the age of 15, perceive this unexpected death as a convention necessary for the development of the plot. And only those of them who reread the novel as adults understand, to their embarrassment, from Tolstoy's dull hints that Helen is dying ... from the consequences of an unsuccessful pharmacological abortion, which she went for, entangled between two supposed husbands, a Russian nobleman and a foreign prince - she intended to marry one of them, having received a divorce from Pierre.

5. Russian word"peace" means "absence of war" and "society". Until the reform of Russian spelling in 1918, this difference was also fixed graphically: “lack of war” was written “mir”, and “society” - “mir”. Tolstoy, of course, implied this ambiguity when he gave the name of the novel, but, contrary to the well-established misconception, he called the novel precisely "War and Peace" - which is clearly visible on the covers of all lifetime publications. On the other hand, Mayakovsky called his 1916 poem "War and Peace", in defiance of Lev Nikolaevich, and this difference has now become invisible.

6. The novel was written in 1863–69. Tolstoy himself acknowledged that

« an essay on which I have assigned five years of unceasing and exceptional labor, under the best conditions of life».

A year before the start of this work, the 34-year-old Tolstoy married, and his wife, 18-year-old Sonya Bers, took over, in particular, the duties of a secretary. In the course of working on the novel, Sofya Andreevna rewrote the text completely from beginning to end at least eight times. Individual episodes were rewritten up to 26 times. During this time, she gave birth to the first four children (out of thirteen).

7. In the same article, Tolstoy assured that the names of the characters - Drubetskoy, Kuragin - resemble real Russians. aristocratic surnames- Volkonsky, Trubetskoy, Kurakin - only because it was more convenient for him to enter his characters into historical context and "allow" them to talk with the real Rostopchin and Kutuzov. In reality, this is not entirely true: describing the Rostov and Bolkonsky families, Tolstoy described his own ancestors quite closely. In particular, Nikolai Rostov is to a large extent his own father, Nikolai Tolstoy (1794–1837), hero of the war of 1812 and lieutenant colonel of the Pavlograd (!) Regiment, and Marya Bolkonskaya is his mother, Marya Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya (1790– 1830). The circumstances of their wedding are described quite closely, and Bald Mountains are similar to Yasnaya Polyana. Immediately after the release of the novel, in the absence of the Internet and the "gossip column" in modern understanding, of course, only people close to Tolstoy could guess about this. But everyone immediately recognized three characters: Vaska Denisov, Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova and Ivan Dolokhov. Under these transparent pseudonyms, famous people were designated then: the poet and hussar Denis Vasilyevich Davydov, the eccentric Moscow lady Nastasya Dmitrievna Ofrosimova. As for Dolokhov, it turned out to be more difficult with him: it seems that General Ivan Dorokhov (1762–1815), the hero of the Napoleonic wars, is meant, but in fact Tolstoy quite accurately described his son with strange name Rufin (1801-1852), a hussar and a brute, who was repeatedly demoted to the soldier for riot and again, with courage, achieved officer epaulettes. Tolstoy met Rufin Dorokhov in his youth in the Caucasus.

Main character"War and Peace" - - has no exact prototype. At the same time, it is not difficult to point out the prototype of his father, Catherine's nobleman, who recognized the illegitimate son only before his death - this is one of the richest and most the most influential people Russia XVIII century, chancellor Alexander Bezborodko. But in the character of Pierre, the youthful features of Tolstoy himself and the collective "thinking youth" from the nobility are combined. early XIX century - in particular, Prince Peter Vyazemsky, the future poet and closest friend

Georges Nivat, the greatest contemporary French Slavist, who speaks fluent Russian, confirms: French"War and Peace" is not conventional "international French", like modern "international English", but real aristocratic French XIX language century. True, still closer to the middle of the century, when the novel was written, and not the beginning, when the action takes place. Tolstoy himself compares French blotches with "shadows in the picture", giving sharpness and bulge to faces. It's easier to say this: refined French allows you to convey the flavor of an era when all of Europe spoke French. It is better to read these phrases out loud, even if you do not quite understand their meaning, and not to read the translation. The narrative is constructed in such a way that at its key moments all the characters, even the French, switch to Russian.

10. On currently"War and Peace" served as the basis for ten cinematographic and television films, including the grandiose four-part epic by Sergei Bondarchuk (1965), for the filming of which in Soviet army a special cavalry regiment was created. However, before the end of the year, the 11th project will be added to this list - an 8-episode television series BBC one. And, probably, it will not spoil the reputation of the "historical British series", which has now become a global brand.

Original language: Date of writing: Date of first publication: in Wikisource

"War and Peace" ("War and Peace") - a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky, written in / 1916.

First publications

For the first time, the 5th part of the poem was published in the Chronicle magazine in 1917 (No. 2-4); prologue - in Nos. 7 and 8; 4 part - in the collection "Miracle in the Desert" (Odessa); Part 3 - in the newspaper " New life". Fully separate edition published by the Parus publishing house in St. Petersburg in 1917.


Already in 1914, Mayakovsky came close to the main topics of our time: poetry and reality, man and society, war and peace. His first poetic response to military events - the poem "War is declared" - is riddled with gloomy associations, contains a specific, dramatic disclosure of the poet's feelings on the evening of the declaration of war. In the poem "War and Peace" (the second half of the title in pre-revolutionary spelling was written through "i", "mir" - that is, the universe), the extraordinary breadth of poetic associations, the hyperbolism of Mayakovsky's poetic style are combined with his awareness of an unprecedented scope social contradictions life.

What do they
your sorrows
what to them
some fringe verses?!
on a pair of used pieces of wood
somehow limp the day!

The scene of the poem is a huge arena, the whole world (mir), and characters- not only peoples and countries, but the whole universe. The poet interprets his voice as "the only human" among the screeching and howling of war. Feeling all the human pain for people crippled by senseless slaughter, the poet asks the question: “Who is to blame?”

taken out of the coffin
to understand people's unprecedented decline:
in a broken soul
golden-footed microbe
the ruble soared.

Such, according to Mayakovsky, is the cause of the first imperialist war. October 8, 1915 - the date Mayakovsky was drafted into the army.


The structure of the poem is built as follows:

  1. Prologue
  2. Dedication (Leela)
  3. Part 1
  4. Part 2
  5. Part 3
  6. Part 4
  7. Part 5

In order to convey to the reader his musical associations with some of the problems posed, in addition to words, the poet often uses notes (for example, argentine tango). They occur in whole lines among stanzas.


see also

Write a review on the article "War and Peace (poem)"

An excerpt characterizing War and Peace (poem)

The powdered old servant who was sitting in the waiter's room stood up with a quiet movement and announced in a whisper: "You're welcome."
From behind the door came the steady sounds of the machine. The princess timidly pulled on the lightly and smoothly opening door and stopped at the entrance. The prince worked at the machine and, looking around, continued his work.
The huge office was filled with things, obviously, incessantly used. A large table on which books and plans lay, high glass cabinets of the library with keys in the doors, a high table for writing in a standing position, on which lay an open notebook, a lathe, with tools laid out and shavings scattered all around - everything showed a constant, varied and orderly activities. From the movements of a small foot, shod in a Tatar, embroidered with silver, boot, from the firm overlay of a sinewy, lean hand, the stubborn and enduring strength of fresh old age was visible in the prince. Having made several circles, he took his foot off the pedal of the machine, wiped the chisel, threw it into a leather pocket attached to the machine, and, going up to the table, called his daughter. He never blessed his children, and only, offering her a bristly, still unshaven cheek today, said, sternly and at the same time attentively tenderly examining her:
- Healthy? ... well, sit down!
He took a geometry notebook, written in his own hand, and moved his chair with his foot.
- For tomorrow! he said, quickly finding a page and marking from paragraph to next with a hard fingernail.
The princess bent down to the table over the notebook.
“Wait, the letter is for you,” the old man suddenly said, taking out an envelope, inscribed with a woman’s hand, from a pocket attached above the table, and throwing it on the table.
The princess's face was covered with red spots at the sight of the letter. She took it hastily and leaned close to him.
From Eloise? asked the prince, showing his still strong and yellowish teeth with a cold smile.
“Yes, from Julie,” said the princess, looking timidly and smiling timidly.
“I’ll skip two more letters, and read the third one,” the prince said sternly, “I’m afraid you write a lot of nonsense. Read the third.
- Read at least this, mon pere, [father,] - answered the princess, blushing even more and handing him a letter.
“Third, I said, third,” the prince shouted shortly, pushing away the letter, and, leaning on the table, pushed the notebook with geometry drawings.
“Well, madam,” the old man began, bending close to his daughter over the notebook and placing one hand on the back of the chair on which the princess was sitting, so that the princess felt herself surrounded on all sides by that tobacco and senilely pungent smell of her father, which she had known for so long . “Well, madame, these triangles are similar; if you please, the angle abc...
The princess looked in fright at her father's shining eyes close to her; red spots shimmered over her face, and it was clear that she did not understand anything and was so afraid that fear would prevent her from understanding all further interpretations of her father, no matter how clear they were. Whether the teacher was to blame or the student was to blame, but every day the same thing was repeated: the princess's eyes were clouded, she did not see, did not hear anything, she only felt the dry face of her strict father near her, felt his breath and smell, and only thought about how she could leave the office as soon as possible and understand the task in her own space.

"War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy is not just classic novel, but the real heroic epic, literary value which is incomparable to any other work. The writer himself considered it a poem, where private life man is inseparable from history whole country.

It took Leo Tolstoy seven years to perfect his novel. Back in 1863, the writer more than once discussed plans to create a large-scale literary canvas with his father-in-law A.E. Bers. In September of the same year, the father of Tolstoy's wife sent a letter from Moscow, where he mentioned the writer's idea. Historians consider this date official start epic work. A month later, Tolstoy wrote to his relative that all his time and attention was occupied by new novel over which he thinks like never before.

History of creation

The initial idea of ​​the writer was to create a work about the Decembrists, who spent 30 years in exile and returned home. The starting point described in the novel was to be 1856. But then Tolstoy changed his plans, deciding to display everything from the beginning of the Decembrist uprising of 1825. And this was not destined to come true: the third idea of ​​the writer was the desire to describe the young years of the hero, which coincided with large-scale historical events: the war of 1812. The final version was the period from 1805. The circle of heroes was also expanded: the events in the novel cover the history of many personalities who have gone through all the hardships of different historical periods in the life of the country.

The title of the novel also had several variants. "Working" was the name "Three Pores": the youth of the Decembrists in the period Patriotic War 1812; The Decembrist uprising of 1825 and the 50s of the 19th century, when several important events in the history of Russia Crimean War, the death of Nicholas I, the return of the amnestied Decembrists from Siberia. In the final version, the writer decided to focus on the first period, since writing a novel even on such a scale required a lot of effort and time. So instead ordinary product a whole epic was born, which has no analogues in world literature.

Tolstoy devoted the entire autumn and early winter of 1856 to writing the beginning of War and Peace. Already at that time, he repeatedly tried to quit his job, because, in his opinion, it was not possible to convey the whole idea on paper. Historians say that in the writer's archive there were fifteen options for the beginning of the epic. In the process of work, Lev Nikolayevich tried for himself to find answers to questions about the role of man in history. He had to study many chronicles, documents, materials describing the events of 1812. The confusion in the writer's head was caused by the fact that all information sources assessed both Napoleon and Alexander I in different ways. Then Tolstoy decided for himself to move away from the subjective statements of strangers and display in the novel his own assessment of events based on true facts. From diverse sources, he borrowed documentary materials, records of contemporaries, newspaper and magazine articles, letters from generals, archival documents of the Rumyantsev Museum.

(Prince Rostov and Akhrosimova Marya Dmitrievna)

Considering it necessary to go directly to the scene, Tolstoy spent two days in Borodino. It was important for him to personally go around the place where large-scale and tragic events. He even personally made sketches of the sun on the field during different period days.

The trip gave the writer an opportunity to feel the spirit of history in a new way; became a kind of inspiration for further work. For seven years, the work was on a spiritual upsurge and "burning". The manuscripts consisted of more than 5200 sheets. Therefore, "War and Peace" is easy to read even after a century and a half.

Analysis of the novel


(Napoleon before the battle in thought)

The novel "War and Peace" touches upon a sixteen-year period in the history of Russia. The starting date is 1805, the final date is 1821. More than 500 characters are “employed” in the work. It's like real existing people, and fictional by the writer to add color to the description.

(Kutuzov before the Battle of Borodino is considering a plan)

The novel intertwines two main storylines: historical events in Russia and the personal life of the heroes. Real historical figures are mentioned in the description of Austerlitz, Shengraben, Borodino battles; the capture of Smolensk and the surrender of Moscow. More than 20 chapters are devoted specifically to the Battle of Borodino, as the main decisive event of 1812.

(In the illustration, an episode of the Ball by Natasha Rostova from the film "War and Peace" 1967.)

In opposition to "wartime", the writer describes the personal world of people and everything that surrounds them. Heroes fall in love, quarrel, reconcile, hate, suffer ... In the confrontation of various characters, Tolstoy shows the difference in moral principles individuals. The writer is trying to tell various events able to change mindset. One the whole picture The work consists of three hundred and thirty-three chapters of 4 volumes and another twenty-eight chapters placed in the epilogue.

First volume

The events of 1805 are described. In the "peaceful" part, life in Moscow and St. Petersburg is affected. The writer introduces the reader to the society of the main characters. The “military” part is the battles of Austerlitz and Shengraben. Tolstoy concludes the first volume with a description of how military defeats affected the peaceful life of the characters.

Second volume

(The first ball of Natasha Rostova)

This is a completely "peaceful" part of the novel, which touched upon the life of the characters in the period 1806-1811: the birth of Andrei Bolkonsky's love for Natasha Rostova; freemasonry of Pierre Bezukhov, the kidnapping of Natasha Rostova by Karagin, Bolkonsky's refusal to marry Natasha Rostova. The end of the volume is a description of a formidable omen: the appearance of a comet, which is a symbol of great upheavals.

Third volume

(In the illustration, an episode of the Borodino battle of their film "War and Peace" 1967.)

In this part of the epic, the writer turns to wartime: the invasion of Napoleon, the surrender of Moscow, battle of Borodino. On the battlefield, the main male characters novel: Bolkonsky, Kuragin, Bezukhov, Dolokhov ... Completion of the volume - the capture of Pierre Bezukhov, who arranged failed attempt assassination attempt on Napoleon.

Fourth volume

(After the battle, the wounded arrive in Moscow)

The "military" part - a description of the victory over Napoleon and the shameful retreat French army. The writer also touches upon the period of the partisan war after 1812. All this is intertwined with the “peaceful” fates of the heroes: Andrei Bolkonsky and Helen pass away; love is born between Nikolai and Marya; think about life together Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov. And the main character of the volume is the Russian soldier Platon Karataev, in whose words Tolstoy tries to convey all the wisdom of the common people.


This part is devoted to describing the changes in the lives of the heroes seven years after 1812. Natasha Rostova is married to Pierre Bezukhov; Nicholas and Marya found their happiness; the son of Bolkonsky, Nikolenka, grew up. In the epilogue, the author reflects on the role individuals in the history of the whole country, and tries to show historical relationships events and human destinies.

The main characters of the novel

More than 500 characters are mentioned in the novel. The author tried to describe the most important of them as accurately as possible, endowing with special features not only of character, but also of appearance:

Andrei Bolkonsky - Prince, son of Nikolai Bolkonsky. Constantly looking for the meaning of life. Tolstoy describes him as handsome, reserved, and with "dry" features. He possesses strong will. Dies as a result of a wound received at Borodino.

Marya Bolkonskaya - Princess, sister of Andrei Bolkonsky. Inconspicuous appearance and radiant eyes; piety and concern for relatives. In the novel, she marries Nikolai Rostov.

Natasha Rostova is the daughter of Count Rostov. In the first volume of the novel, she is only 12 years old. Tolstoy describes her as a girl not entirely beautiful appearance(black eyes, big mouth), but at the same time “alive”. Her inner beauty attracts men. Even Andrei Bolkonsky is ready to fight for his hand and heart. At the end of the novel, she marries Pierre Bezukhov.


Sonya is the niece of Count Rostov. In contrast to her cousin Natasha, she is beautiful in appearance, but much poorer in spirit.

Pierre Bezukhov is the son of Count Kirill Bezukhov. A clumsy massive figure, kind and at the same time a strong character. He can be harsh, or he can become a child. Interested in Freemasonry. He is trying to change the life of the peasants and influence large-scale events. Initially married to Helen Kuragina. At the end of the novel, he marries Natasha Rostova.

Helen Kuragin is the daughter of Prince Kuragin. Beauty, a prominent society lady. She married Pierre Bezukhov. Changeable, cold. Dies as a result of an abortion.

Nikolai Rostov is the son of Count Rostov and Natasha's brother. The successor of the family and the defender of the Fatherland. He took part in military campaigns. He married Marya Bolkonskaya.

Fedor Dolokhov is an officer, a member of the partisan movement, as well as a great swashbuckler and lover of ladies.

Counts of Rostov

The Rostov counts are the parents of Nikolai, Natasha, Vera, and Petya. Revered married couple, an example to follow.

Nikolai Bolkonsky - Prince, father of Marya and Andrei. In Catherine's time, a significant personality.

The author pays much attention to the description of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The commander appears before us as smart, unfeigned, kind and philosophical. Napoleon is described as a little fat man with an unpleasantly feigned smile. At the same time, it is somewhat mysterious and theatrical.

Analysis and conclusion

In the novel "War and Peace" the writer tries to convey to the reader " folk thought". Its essence is that everyone goodie has its own connection with the nation.

Tolstoy departed from the principle of telling a story in a novel in the first person. Evaluation of characters and events goes through monologues and author's digressions. At the same time, the writer leaves the reader the right to assess what is happening. A prime example the scene of the Battle of Borodino, shown as from the side historical facts, and the subjective opinion of the hero of the novel, Pierre Bezukhov. The writer does not forget about the bright historical personality- General Kutuzov.

The main idea of ​​the novel lies not only in the disclosure historical events but also in the ability to understand that you need to love, believe and live under any circumstances.

Vladimir Mayakovsky



Good for you.

The dead have no shame.

to the dead murderers of the carcass.

Washed with cleansing moisture

the sin of a departed soul.

Good for you!

through the line

through the roar

how to carry love to the living?

stumble -

and the last baby lover

forever sink into a smoky pool.


your sorrows

some fringe verses?!

on a pair of used pieces of wood

somehow limp the day!

Are you afraid?!

You can still grow for fifty years, slave.

and in the lava of attacks

I will be the first

in heroism,

in courage.

Oh who

the tocsin of perishing years

Brav won't work?

herald of future truths.

Today I rejoice!

without splashing,

managed to deliver.

The only human

in the midst of the howl

in the midst of the scream

I'll pick it up today.


tie to the pole!

Will I change my face!

I'll pin it on my forehead

so that the target burns brighter ?!


watching the ceremony

initiation of me as a soldier.


even unnecessary

must live;

can't it

into the graves of trenches and dugouts

dig in alive

They don't listen.

The six-pound non-commissioned man squeezed like a press.

Shaved neatly from ear to ear.

put on a cross

Now I'm going west!

I will go and go there

until your eyes cry


recruited by petit.


to the stage

shaken by the fire of the orchestra,

the belly popped out.

Grew in the eyes, as in thousands of magnifying glasses.

Sweat was beading.

stopped the flashing navel,

wriggled out.

What happened!

Bald heads stuck together in one moon.

Eyes blurred, slitting.

Even the beach

splashing salty saliva,

he grinned at his house-studded jaw.

Got out.

like an electric current

twisted "bravo".




This mass-meaty

bull-faced mob?

Poems cannot be squeezed into silent volumes

cry of anger.

These are the grandchildren of Columbus,

Galilean descendants

neigh, entangled in a serpentine seine!

vshlobuchas for the evening ceremonial,

swayed with a stopper hat.

And men thumped in the keys of the sidewalks,

street harlots frenzied tapers.

frantizing the fields of the bosom,

swirled strung on the earth's axis





admiring length.

drunk pit.

or rolled

like a drunken Noah,

or rumbled muzzle mnogohamoy!

Get drunk

in night blindness

falling out like meat in fluff and cotton wool,

crawl on top of each other to sweat,

cities shuddering with the creaking of beds.

The earth is rotting

lamp lights her

blow up the bark with a mountain of blisters;

trembling cities with agony,

people are dying

at the stone in the hole.

taken out of the coffin

to understand people's unprecedented decline:

in a broken soul

golden-footed microbe

the ruble soared.

To all ends

to get out sooner

stirring people up to the roofs,

hearts of capitals thousand-strong Diesels

loaded wagons of infected blood.

Didn't live long.

iron rail climbed up the vein

in the tan of the villages of the cities the contagion.

Where the birds sang - clanging cymbals.

Where the boron was - the square with a hundred-house sodom.

Six-story fauns rushed to dance

brothel for brothel.

The sun will raise its red head,

caked hangover on a swollen mouth,

and there is no strength to stay naked -

do not return to the nativity scene at night.

And still won't make it

night, arapka,

lie down, venal,

climbed a red-hot carcass

new hungry day.

The roofs are jammed!

A handful of stars

Shy away frightened, evening monk!

Let's inflate on females

eaten by the teeth of cocaine!


It happened one autumn


The sun was rushing

crazy painter,

orange tint of dusty stains.

from somewhere

rumors abounded.

They went on tiptoe.

Their whisper of anxiety in the chest evicted,

under the skull

red hand

untangled, untangled and untangled thoughts,

and it became unbearably clear:

if you do not gather people in bunches of mouths,

not to take and cut people's veins -

contaminated land

she will die herself

die paris,

What's softened?!

It's too late to whine!

Before, remorse would dawn!

Thousand-armed doctors

handed out with lancets

armory weapons.

do I barber

she has nowhere to go!

Already today

Germans over Venice!


dip into open vents.

Zevy roar, bare your teeth impudently!

ride on Kant!

Knife in the teeth!

Checkers naked!

Has the robbery heat of Asia cooled down?!

In the blood of desire seething horde.

Drag out the Tolstoys who have huddled under the gospel!

For a skinny leg!

Stone beard!

Drive the love whisper from the boulevards!

In new dances - to catch the young men!

Do you hear, dear?

burn and rape to the music of the mitraleza!


I heard!

Do not be afraid!


what about her hair?

The wrinkles of the trenches lay on the forehead!


Drums, music?

is she the one?




The spectacle of the greatest theatre.

state to state

16 selected gladiators.

Where are the legends about the massacres of the Caesars

before reality,

which was now!

How on baby face dawn,

the most monstrous hyperbole.

You will spin like a squirrel at laughter in the wheel,

when your ashes know about:

the whole - the Colosseum,

and the waves of all the seas

they covered it with velvet.

Tribunes - rocks,

and on the rock there

as if the battle had broken her teeth,

cathedral skies

skeleton by skeleton

burned out

and surrounded by railings.

she is a glow in the earthly baldness,

bloody crowds murmur,

chandelier suspended

whole lit Europe.

settled down in the valleys of the earth

in scary clothes.

Gloomy play on long necks

core necklaces.

Slavic gold.

Black Magyar mustache.

Blacks impenetrable spots.

All terrestrial latitudes tiers

she pushed herself from head to toe.

Where are the Alps

warming in the sunset

caressed the ice cheeks in the sky, -

clouds gallery

sharp-sighted pilots ruffled.

parade couples,

in versts shaking the theater doubled

the roar and thunder of billions of armies, -


poles squeezed

and froze in anticipation.

Grey-haired oceans

came out of the coast

stared into the arena with dull eyes.

By flaming gangways

the sun came down

eternal referee.

Burning with curiosity

the eyes of the stars popped out of their sockets.

And the second slows down and slows down.

Back to top bloody games,

tense like copulation,

without breathing, the moment stopped.

second to smithereens.

The arena collapsed into a hole in the smoke.

In the sky - nothing.

The seconds went by and went by

blew up,

Foam shot on shot

blazed in a bloody rampart.

The chest of the divisions shuddered from the cry.

Foam at the mouth.

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