El Salvador years. George Orwell: "He is sick and his paintings are disgusting"


- the greatest Spanish artist, a brilliant representative of surrealism of the 20th century. Dali was born on May 11, 1904 in the family of a notary, very wealthy man Salvador Dali y Cusi and the kindest Doña Felipa Domenech. Future genius was born in the most picturesque corner of the earth in the city of Figueres, located in northern Spain. Already at the age of six, the child showed the talent of a painter, he paints landscapes with rapture hometown and its surroundings. Thanks to the drawing lessons that Dali took from Professor Joan Nunez, his talent began to take real shapes. Wealthy parents tried to give their son a good education. Since 1914, he studied at the monastic school in Figueres, from where he was expelled in 1918 for bad behavior. However, he successfully passes the exams and enters the Institute, which he brilliantly finishes in 1921 and, having completed his secondary education, enters the Academy of Arts in Madrid. At the age of sixteen, another facet of his creative nature opened up - he begins to write, publishes his essays on famous Renaissance artists in a self-made publication called the Studium. Admiring the works of the futurists, Dali still dreams of his own style in painting.

In Madrid, he meets many famous and talented people. Among them are Luis Bunuel and the famous poet Federico Garcia Lorca, who had a great influence on the budding artist. In 1923, he was suspended from attending the Academy for a year for violating discipline. During this period, he was fascinated by the work of the great Pablo Picasso, and in his paintings of this time (“Young Girls”), the influence of cubism is clearly visible. At the end of 1925 in the Dalmau Gallery his first personal exhibition took place, where 27 paintings and five drawings of the future genius were presented. A little later, Dali leaves for Paris, where he becomes close to the group of surrealists Andre Breton. During this period he wrote the first surreal paintings"Honey is sweeter than blood" and "Bright joys" (1928, 1929). Dali, together with Luis Bunuel, writes the script for the film "Andalusian Dog" in record time (six days), the scandalous premiere of which took place in early 1929. The film has become a classic of surreal cinema. And already planned New film The Golden Age premiered in London in early 1931. In the same year, he met Elena Dyakonova or Gala, who later became not only his wife, but also a muse, a deity, and inspiration for long years. Gala, in turn, lived only the life of her passionately adored Dali. True, they officially got married only in 1934, after Gala divorced the writer Paul Eluard. In 1931 the artist creates such ingenious paintings, as "The Persistence of Memory", "Blurred Time", the main themes of which are destruction, death and the world of sexual fantasies and unfulfilled human desires. In the period 1936-1937. Dali simultaneously creates famous painting"Metamorphosis of Narcissus" and writes a literary work under the same title.

In 1940, Dali and his wife left for the United States, where the novel Hidden Faces would be written and, perhaps, best book artist - "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali". In addition, Dali is successfully engaged in commercial activities and, having accumulated an excellent fortune, in 1948 he decided to return to Spain. Every year the popularity of the great artist is growing, no one doubts his genius, his paintings are valued and bought for a lot of money. Over time, relations between the spouses began to deteriorate, and in the late 60s, Dali acquired a castle for Gala.

In 1970, Dali began to build his own Theater Museum in Figueres, investing in this project all their funds. In 1974, this surrealistic creation, which was another masterpiece of the great genius, was opened to the public. The museum is filled with the works of the great artist and presents a retrospective of his life. On January 23, 1989, the great artist passed away. Thousands of people came to the Museum, where his body lay, to say goodbye to the great man. Salvador Dali was buried, according to his will, here, in his Museum, under one of the unmarked slabs.

). Author of books "The Secret Life of Salvador Dali as Told by Himself" (1942), "Diary of a Genius"(1952-1963), Oui: The Paranoid-Critical Revolution (1927-33) and the essay "The Tragic Myth of Angélus Millet".



Salvador Dali was born in Spain on May 11, 1904 in the city of Figueres, province of Girona, in the family of a prosperous notary. He was a Catalan by nationality, perceived himself in this capacity and insisted on this peculiarity. Had a sister and an older brother (October 12, 1901 - August 1, 1903), who died of meningitis. Later, at the age of 5, at his grave, his parents told Salvador that he was the reincarnation of his older brother.

As a child, Dali was a quick-witted, but arrogant and uncontrollable child.

Once he even started a scandal on the marketplace for a candy, a crowd gathered around, and the police asked the owner of the shop to open it during a siesta and give this sweet to the naughty boy. He achieved his whims and simulation, always sought to stand out and attract attention.

Numerous complexes and phobias (fear of grasshoppers and other [which?] ) prevented him from joining the usual school life, make with children the usual ties of friendship and sympathy.

But, like any person, experiencing sensory hunger, he sought emotional contact with children by any means, trying to get used to their team, if not in the role of a comrade, then in any other role, or rather the only one that he was capable of - in the role shocking and naughty child, strange, eccentric, always acting contrary to other people's opinions.

Losing in school gambling, he acted like he won and triumphed. Sometimes he got into fights for no reason.

Partially, the complexes that led to all this were caused by the classmates themselves: they were rather intolerant of the “strange” child, used his fear of grasshoppers, slipped these insects into his collar, which drove Salvador to hysteria, which he later told in his The Secret Life of Salvador Dali as Told by Himself.

He began to study fine art at the municipal art school. From 1914 to 1918 he was educated at the Academy of the Brothers of the Marist Order in Figueres. One childhood friend was future FC Barcelona footballer Josep Samitier. In 1916, with the family of Ramon Pisho, he went on vacation to the city of Cadaqués, where he got acquainted with modern art.


1921 At the age of 47, Dali's mother dies of breast cancer. It became a tragedy for him. In the same year he enters the Academy of San Fernando. The drawing prepared by him for the exam seemed too small to the caretaker, about which he informed his father, and he, in turn, to his son. Young Salvador erased the entire drawing from the canvas and decided to draw a new one. But he had only 3 days left before the final assessment. However, the young man was in no hurry to work, which greatly worried his father, who had already endured his quirks for many years. In the end, young Dali said that the drawing was ready, but it was even smaller than the previous one, and this was a blow to his father. However, the teachers, due to their extremely high skill, made an exception and accepted the young eccentric into the academy.

In 1922 he moved to the "Residence" (Spanish. Residence de Estudiantes ) (student hostel in Madrid for gifted young people) and begins his studies. In those years, everyone celebrates his panache. At this time, he meets Luis Bunuel, Federico Garcia Lorca, Pedro Garfias. He reads the works of Freud with enthusiasm.

Acquaintance with new trends in painting develops - Dali experiments with the methods of cubism and Dadaism. In 1926 he was expelled from the Academy for being arrogant and dismissive attitude to teachers. In the same year he travels to Paris for the first time, where he meets Pablo Picasso. Trying to find own style, in the late 1920s creates a number of works influenced by Picasso and Joan Miró. In 1929, together with Buñuel, he participated in the creation of the surrealistic film The Andalusian Dog.

Then he first meets his future wife Gala (Elena Dmitrievna Dyakonova), who was then the wife of the poet Paul Eluard. Having become close to El Salvador, Gala, however, continues to meet with her husband, starts passing relationships with other poets and artists, which at that time seemed acceptable in those bohemian circles where Dali, Eluard and Gala revolved. Realizing that he actually stole his friend's wife, Salvador paints his portrait as "compensation".


Dali's works are shown at exhibitions, he is gaining popularity. In 1929, he joined the Surrealist group organized by André Breton. At the same time, there is a break with the father. The hostility of the artist’s family towards Gala, the conflicts, scandals associated with this, as well as the inscription made by Dali on one of the canvases - “Sometimes I spit on the portrait of my mother with pleasure” - led to the fact that the father cursed his son and put him out of the house. Provocative, outrageous and, it would seem, terrible deeds the artist was by no means always worth taking literally and seriously: he probably did not want to offend his mother and did not even know what it would lead to, perhaps he longed to experience a series of feelings and experiences that he stimulated in himself with such a blasphemous, at first glance, act . But the father, grieved by the long-standing death of his wife, whom he loved and whose memory he carefully kept, could not stand the antics of his son, which became the last straw for him. In retaliation, the indignant Salvador Dali sent his father in an envelope his sperm with an angry letter: "This is all I owe you." Later, in the book “The Diary of a Genius,” the artist, already an elderly man, speaks well of his father, admits that he loved him very much and endured the suffering brought by his son.

In 1934, he unofficially marries Gala (the official wedding took place in 1958 in the Spanish town of Girona). In the same year, he visits the USA for the first time.

Break with the Surrealists

In early 1989, Dali was hospitalized with a diagnosis of heart failure. Sick, infirm, Dali died on January 23, 1989.

The only legible phrase that he uttered during the years of illness was “My friend Lorca”: the artist remembered the years of a happy, healthy youth, when he was friends with the poet Federico García Lorca.

The artist bequeathed to bury him so that people could walk on the grave, so Dali's body was walled up in the floor in one of the rooms of the Dali Theater Museum in the city of Figueres. He bequeathed all his works to Spain.



Salvador Dali is the author of the libretto and design of the ballet "Bacchanal" (music by Richard Wagner, choreography by Leonid Myasin, Russian Ballet Monte Carlo).


In 1945, in collaboration with Walt Disney, he began work on an animated film. Destino. Production was then delayed due to financial problems; The Walt Disney Company released the film the following year.


Salvador Dali is the author of Chupa Chups packaging design. Enrique Bernat named his caramel "Chups" and at first it only came in seven flavors: strawberry, lemon, mint, orange, chocolate, coffee with cream, and strawberry with cream. The popularity of "Chups" grew, the amount of caramel produced increased, new flavors appeared. Caramel could no longer remain in its original modest wrapping, it was necessary to come up with something original so that everyone would recognize “Chups”. Enrique Bernat turned to his countryman, famous artist Salvador Dali with a request to draw something memorable. ingenious artist I didn’t think long and in less than an hour I sketched a picture for him, which depicted the Chupa Chups chamomile, which, in a slightly modified form, is now recognizable as the Chupa Chups logo in all corners of the planet. The difference between the new logo was its location: it is not on the side, but on top of the candy


  • 1969-1979 - The Clot Collection, a series of 44 bronze statues created by the artist at his home in Port Ligat.

    Dali. Caballo.JPG

    Horse with rider stumbling

    Dali DonQuijotesentado.JPG

    Seated Don Quixote

    Dali. Elefantecósmico.JPG

    space elephant

    Gala in the window

    Dali. GalaGradiva.JPG


Image in cinema

Year A country Name Director Salvador Dali
Sweden Sweden The Adventures of Picasso Tage Danielsson
Germany Germany
Spain Spain
Mexico Mexico
Bunuel and King Solomon's Table Carlos Saura Ernesto Alterio
Spain Spain
Echoes of the past Paul Morrison Robert Pattison
Spain Spain
Midnight in Paris Woody Allen Adrien Brody
1991 Spain Dali Antonio Ribas Lorenzo Quinn

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  • 1974 Robert Descharnes. Salvador Dali. Ed. DuMont Buchverlag, 164 pp., ISBN 3-7701-0753-5;
  • 1990 George Orwell. The privilege of spiritual shepherds. Essay. - Lenizdat,
  • 1992 A. I. Rozhin Salvador Dali. Ed. Republic, 224 pp., circulation 75,000 copies, ISBN 5-250-01946-3;
  • 1992 E. V. Zavadskaya Salvador Dali. Ed. art, 64 pp., circulation 50,000 copies, ISBN 5-85200-236-4 ;
  • 1995 Gilles Neret. Salvador Dali. 1904-1989 = Salvador Dali / Gilles Neret. - Koeln: TASCHEN, 95 p. (On German) ISBN 3-8228-9520-2;
  • 2001 Nicola Descharnes, Robert Descharnes. Ed. White City, 382 pp., ISBN 5-7793-0325-8;
    • 1996 (erroneous) ;
  • 2002 Meredith Etherington-Smith. "Salvador Dali" (Translated by E. G. Handel). Ed. Potpourri, 560 pp., 11,000 copies, ISBN 985-438-781-X, ISBN 0-679-40061-3;
  • 2006 Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret. Dali. Ed. Taschen, 224 pp., ISBN 3-8228-5008-X;
  • 2008 Delassin S. Gala for Dali. Biography of a married couple. M., Text, 186 pp., edition: 5000, ISBN 978-5-7516-0682-4
  • 2009 Olga Morozova. Burnt alive. Scandalous biography of Salvador Dali. Ed. Funky Inc., 224 pp., 3000 copies, ISBN 978-5-903912-70-4 ;
  • 2010 Salvador Dali. Thoughts and anecdotes. Pensees et anecdotes. Ed. Text, 176 pp., 3000 copies, ISBN 978-5-7516-0923-8 ;
  • 2011 S. S. Pirozhnik. Salvador Dali. Ed. Harvest, 128 pp., 3000 copies, ISBN 978-985-16-1274-7;
  • 2011 V. G. Yaskov Salvador Dali. Ed. Eksmo, 12 pp., 3000 copies, ISBN 978-5-699-47135-5 ;
  • 2012 Salvador Dali. My secret life. La Vie Secrete De Salvador. (Translated by E. G. Handel) Ed. Potpourri, 640 pp., 5100 copies, ISBN 978-985-15-1620-5;
  • 2012 Salvador Dali. Diary of a Genius. Journal D'un Genie. (Translated by O. G. Sokolnik, T. A. Zhdan) Ed. Potpourri, 336 pp., 5100 copies, ISBN 978-985-15-1619-9;
    • 2014 Salvador Dali. Diary of a Genius. Journal D'un Genie. Ed. ABC, ABC-Atticus, 288 pp., 5000 copies, ISBN 978-5-389-08671-5;
  • 2012 Robert Descharnes, Nicolas Descharnes. Salvador Dali / Salvador Dali. Album. Ed. Edita, 384 pp., ISBN 5-7793-0325-8;
    • 2008 ed. White City
  • 2013 R. K. Balandin Salvador Dali art and shocking. Ed. Veche, 320 pp., 5000 copies, ISBN 978-5-4444-1036-3 ;
  • 2013 Bible illustrated by Salvador Dali. Ed. Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Belgorod, Book Club "Family Leisure Club". Kharkiv, 900 pp., 500 copies, ISBN 978-5-9910-2130-2 ;
  • 2013 Dali near and far. Digest of articles. Rep. editor Busev M. A. M., Progress-Tradition, 416 pp., circulation 500 copies, ISBN 978-5-89826-406-2
  • 2014 Salvador Dali. Hidden faces. Ostros Ocultos (Visages Caches / Hidden Faces). (Translated by L. M. Tsyvyan) Ed. Eksmo, 512 pp., 7000 copies, ISBN 978-5-699-70849-9 ;
  • 2014 Katherine Ingram. Genius Dali. This is DaLi (Translated by T. Platonov). Ed. Eksmo, 80 pp., 3150 copies, ISBN 978-5-699-70398-2 ;


  • - Tretyakov Gallery magazine, #4 2015 (49)

An excerpt characterizing Dali, El Salvador

At dinner, having seated Balashev next to him, he treated him not only affectionately, but treated him as if he considered Balashev among his courtiers, among those people who sympathized with his plans and should have rejoiced at his successes. Among other things, he spoke about Moscow and began to ask Balashev about the Russian capital, not only as an inquisitive traveler asks about a new place he intends to visit, but as if with the conviction that Balashev, as a Russian, should be flattered by this curiosity.
– How many people are there in Moscow, how many houses? Is it true that Moscou is called Moscou la sainte? [saint?] How many churches are there in Moscou? he asked.
And in response that there were more than two hundred churches, he said:
Why such an abyss of churches?
“The Russians are very pious,” Balashev answered.
- However, a large number of monasteries and churches is always a sign of the backwardness of the people, - said Napoleon, looking back at Caulaincourt for an assessment of this judgment.
Balashev respectfully allowed himself to disagree with the opinion of the French emperor.
“Every country has its own customs,” he said.
“But nowhere else in Europe is there anything like it,” said Napoleon.
“I apologize to Your Majesty,” said Balashev, “besides Russia, there is also Spain, where there are also many churches and monasteries.
This answer by Balashev, hinting at the recent defeat of the French in Spain, was later highly appreciated, according to Balashev's stories, at the court of Emperor Alexander and very little appreciated now, at Napoleon's dinner, and passed unnoticed.
It was clear from the indifferent and perplexed faces of the gentlemen of the marshals that they were perplexed, what was the witticism, which was hinted at by Balashev's intonation. “If she was, then we did not understand her or she is not witty at all,” said the facial expressions of the marshals. This answer was so little appreciated that Napoleon did not even notice it resolutely and naively asked Balashev about which cities there was a direct road to Moscow from here. Balashev, who was on his guard all the time of dinner, answered that comme tout chemin mene a Rome, tout chemin mene a Moscou, [as every road, according to the proverb, leads to Rome, so all roads lead to Moscow,] that there are many roads, and what among these different ways there is a road to Poltava, which Charles XII chose, said Balashev, involuntarily flushing with pleasure at the success of this answer. Before Balashev had time to say the last words: "Poltawa", Caulaincourt was already talking about the inconvenience of the road from Petersburg to Moscow and about his Petersburg memories.
After dinner we went to drink coffee in Napoleon's study, which four days earlier had been the study of Emperor Alexander. Napoleon sat down, touching the coffee in a Sevres cup, and pointed to a chair meanly to Balashev.
There is a well-known post-dinner mood in a person, which, stronger than any reasonable reasons, makes a person be pleased with himself and consider everyone his friends. Napoleon was in this location. It seemed to him that he was surrounded by people who adored him. He was convinced that Balashev, after his dinner, was his friend and admirer. Napoleon turned to him with a pleasant and slightly mocking smile.
- This is the same room, as I was told, in which Emperor Alexander lived. Strange, isn't it, General? - he said, obviously not doubting that this appeal could not but be pleasant to his interlocutor, since it proved the superiority of him, Napoleon, over Alexander.
Balashev could not answer this and silently bowed his head.
“Yes, in this room, four days ago, Winzingerode and Stein conferred,” Napoleon continued with the same mocking, confident smile. “What I cannot understand,” he said, “is that Emperor Alexander brought all my personal enemies closer to him. I do not understand this. Did he think that I could do the same? - he asked Balashev with a question, and, obviously, this memory pushed him back into that trail of morning anger, which was still fresh in him.
“And let him know that I will do it,” said Napoleon, standing up and pushing his cup away with his hand. - I will drive out of Germany all his relatives, Wirtemberg, Baden, Weimar ... yes, I will drive them out. Let him prepare a refuge for them in Russia!
Balashev bowed his head, showing with his appearance that he would like to take his leave and is listening only because he cannot but listen to what he is told. Napoleon did not notice this expression; he addressed Balashev not as an ambassador of his enemy, but as a man who was now completely devoted to him and should rejoice at the humiliation of his former master.
- And why did Emperor Alexander take command of the troops? What is it for? War is my trade, and his business is to reign, not to command troops. Why did he take on such responsibility?
Napoleon again took the snuffbox, silently walked several times around the room and suddenly unexpectedly approached Balashev and with a slight smile so confidently, quickly, simply, as if he was doing some not only important, but also pleasant for Balashev, he raised his hand to the face of the forty-year-old Russian general and, taking him by the ear, tugged slightly, smiling only with his lips.
- Avoir l "oreille tiree par l" Empereur [To be torn by the ear by the emperor] was considered the greatest honor and mercy at the French court.
- Eh bien, vous ne dites rien, admirateur et courtisan de l "Empereur Alexandre? [Well, why don't you say anything, adorer and courtier of Emperor Alexander?] - he said, as if it was funny to be in his presence someone courtisan and admirateur [court and admirer], except for him, Napoleon.
Are the horses ready for the general? he added, bowing his head slightly in response to Balashev's bow.
- Give him mine, he has a long way to go ...
The letter brought by Balashev was last letter Napoleon to Alexander. All the details of the conversation were transferred to the Russian emperor, and the war began.

After his meeting in Moscow with Pierre, Prince Andrei went to Petersburg on business, as he told his relatives, but, in essence, in order to meet there Prince Anatole Kuragin, whom he considered it necessary to meet. Kuragin, whom he inquired about when he arrived in Petersburg, was no longer there. Pierre let his brother-in-law know that Prince Andrei was coming for him. Anatole Kuragin immediately received an appointment from the Minister of War and left for the Moldavian army. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei met Kutuzov, his former general, always disposed towards him, and Kutuzov invited him to go with him to the Moldavian army, where old general appointed commander in chief. Prince Andrei, having received an appointment to be at the headquarters of the main apartment, left for Turkey.
Prince Andrei considered it inconvenient to write to Kuragin and summon him. Without giving a new reason for a duel, Prince Andrei considered the challenge on his part compromising Countess Rostov, and therefore he sought a personal meeting with Kuragin, in which he intended to find a new reason for a duel. But in the Turkish army, he also failed to meet Kuragin, who returned to Russia shortly after the arrival of Prince Andrei in the Turkish army. IN new country and in the new conditions of life, Prince Andrei began to live easier. After the betrayal of his bride, who struck him the more, the more diligently he concealed from everyone the effect made on him, the conditions of life in which he was happy were difficult for him, and the freedom and independence that he so cherished before were even more difficult. He not only did not think about those former thoughts that first came to him, looking at the sky on the field of Austerlitz, which he liked to develop with Pierre and which filled his solitude in Bogucharov, and then in Switzerland and Rome; but he was even afraid to recall these thoughts, which opened up endless and bright horizons. He was now interested only in the most immediate, not connected with the former, practical interests, which he seized on with the greater greed, than the former ones were hidden from him. It was as if that endless receding vault of the sky that had previously stood above him suddenly turned into a low, definite vault that crushed him, in which everything was clear, but nothing was eternal and mysterious.
Of the activities presented to him, military service was the simplest and most familiar to him. As a general on duty at Kutuzov's headquarters, he stubbornly and diligently went about his business, surprising Kutuzov with his willingness to work and accuracy. Not finding Kuragin in Turkey, Prince Andrei did not consider it necessary to gallop after him again to Russia; but for all that, he knew that, no matter how much time passed, he could not, having met Kuragin, despite all the contempt that he had for him, despite all the proofs that he made to himself, that he should not humiliate himself before a collision with him, he knew that, having met him, he could not help calling him, just as a hungry man could not help throwing himself at food. And this awareness that the insult had not yet been vented, that the anger had not been poured out, but lay on the heart, poisoned the artificial calmness that Prince Andrei arranged for himself in Turkey in the form of anxiously busy and somewhat ambitious and vain activity.
In the 12th year, when the news of the war with Napoleon reached Bukaresht (where Kutuzov lived for two months, spending days and nights at his wall), Prince Andrei asked Kutuzov to be transferred to the Western Army. Kutuzov, who was already tired of Bolkonsky with his activities, which served him as a reproach for idleness, Kutuzov very willingly let him go and gave him an assignment to Barclay de Tolly.
Before leaving for the army, which was in the Drissa camp in May, Prince Andrei drove into the Bald Mountains, which were on his very road, being three versts from the Smolensk highway. The last three years and the life of Prince Andrei were so many upheavals, he changed his mind, re-felt, re-saw so much (he traveled both west and east), that he was strangely and unexpectedly struck at the entrance to the Bald Mountains by everything exactly the same, down to the smallest details - exactly the same course of life. He, as in an enchanted, asleep castle, drove into the alley and into the stone gates of the Lysogorsky house. The same gravity, the same cleanliness, the same silence were in this house, the same furniture, the same walls, the same sounds, the same smell and the same timid faces, only somewhat older. Princess Marya was still the same timid, ugly, aging girl, in fear and eternal moral suffering, living the best years of her life without benefit and joy. Bourienne was the same joyfully enjoying every minute of her life and filled with the most joyful hopes for herself, self-satisfied, coquettish girl. She only became more confident, as it seemed to Prince Andrei. The teacher Dessalles, brought by him from Switzerland, was dressed in a frock coat of Russian cut, mangling his language, spoke Russian with the servants, but he was still the same limitedly intelligent, educated, virtuous and pedantic teacher. The old prince changed physically only by the fact that one missing tooth became noticeable on the side of his mouth; morally, he was still the same as before, only with even greater anger and distrust of the reality of what was happening in the world. Only Nikolushka grew up, changed, flushed, overgrown with curly dark hair and, without knowing it, laughing and having fun, lifted the upper lip of his pretty mouth in the same way as the deceased little princess lifted it. He alone did not obey the law of immutability in this enchanted, sleeping castle. But although outwardly everything remained as before, the internal relations of all these persons had changed since Prince Andrei had not seen them. The members of the family were divided into two camps, alien and hostile to each other, which now converged only in his presence, changing their usual way of life for him. belonged to one old prince, m lle Bourienne and the architect, to the other - Princess Marya, Desalle, Nikolushka and all the nannies and mothers.
During his stay in the Bald Mountains, everyone at home dined together, but everyone was embarrassed, and Prince Andrei felt that he was a guest for whom they made an exception, that he embarrassed everyone with his presence. During dinner on the first day, Prince Andrei, involuntarily sensing this, was silent, and the old prince, noticing the unnaturalness of his condition, also sullenly fell silent and now after dinner he went to his room. When in the evening Prince Andrei came to him and, trying to stir him up, began to tell him about the campaign of the young Count Kamensky, the old prince unexpectedly began a conversation with him about Princess Marya, condemning her for her superstition, for her dislike for m lle Bourienne, who, according to he said, was one truly devoted to him.
The old prince said that if he was ill, it was only from Princess Marya; that she deliberately torments and irritates him; that she spoils the little prince Nikolai with mischief and stupid speeches. The old prince knew very well that he was torturing his daughter, that her life was very hard, but he also knew that he could not help but torment her and that she deserved it. “Why does Prince Andrei, who sees this, tell me nothing about my sister? thought the old prince. “Why does he think that I am a villain or an old fool, for no reason moved away from my daughter and brought a Frenchwoman closer to me?” He does not understand, and therefore it is necessary to explain to him, it is necessary that he listen, ”thought the old prince. And he began to explain the reasons why he could not bear the stupid nature of his daughter.
“If you ask me,” said Prince Andrei, not looking at his father (for the first time in his life he condemned his father), “I didn’t want to talk; but if you ask me, I will tell you frankly my opinion about all this. If there are misunderstandings and discord between you and Masha, then I can’t blame her in any way - I know how much she loves and respects you. If you are asking me, - Prince Andrei continued, getting annoyed, because he was always ready for irritation in Lately- then I can say one thing: if there are misunderstandings, then the reason for them is an insignificant woman who should not have been a friend of her sister.
The old man at first looked at his son with fixed eyes and unnaturally revealed with a smile a new lack of a tooth, to which Prince Andrei could not get used.
- What kind of friend, my dear? A? Already talked! A?
“Father, I didn’t want to be a judge,” said Prince Andrei in a bilious and harsh tone, “but you called me, and I said and I will always say that Princess Mary is not to blame, but to blame ... this Frenchwoman is to blame ...
- And he awarded! So that your spirit is not here! ..

Prince Andrei wanted to leave immediately, but Princess Mary begged to stay another day. On this day, Prince Andrei did not see his father, who did not go out and did not let anyone in, except m lle Bourienne and Tikhon, and asked several times if his son had left. The next day, before leaving, Prince Andrei went to take his son's half. A healthy, curly-haired boy sat on his lap. Prince Andrei began to tell him the tale of Bluebeard, but, without finishing it, he thought. He was not thinking about this pretty boy son while he was holding him on his lap, but was thinking about himself. He searched with horror and did not find in himself either repentance that he had irritated his father, or regret that he (in a quarrel for the first time in his life) was leaving him. The main thing for him was that he was looking for and did not find that former tenderness for his son, which he hoped to arouse in himself by caressing the boy and placing him on his knees.
“Well, tell me,” said the son. Prince Andrei, without answering him, removed him from the columns and left the room.
As soon as Prince Andrei left his daily activities, especially as soon as he entered the former conditions of life, in which he was even when he was happy, the melancholy of life seized him with the same force, and he hurried to quickly get away from these memories and find some business soon.
– Are you determined to go, Andre? his sister told him.
“Thank God that I can go,” said Prince Andrei, “I am very sorry that you cannot.
- Why are you saying this! - said Princess Mary. “Why are you saying this now, when you are going to this terrible war and he is so old!” M lle Bourienne said that he asked about you ... - As soon as she began to talk about it, her lips trembled and tears dripped. Prince Andrei turned away from her and began to pace the room.
- Oh my god! My God! - he said. - And how do you think, what and who - what a nonentity can be the cause of people's misfortune! he said with an anger that frightened Princess Mary.
She realized that, speaking of people whom he called insignificance, he meant not only m lle Bourienne, who made his misfortune, but also the person who ruined his happiness.
“Andre, I ask one thing, I beg you,” she said, touching his elbow and looking at him with eyes shining through tears. - I understand you (Princess Mary lowered her eyes). Do not think that people have made grief. People are his tools. - She looked a little higher than the head of Prince Andrei with that confident, familiar look with which they look at a familiar place in the portrait. - Woe is sent to them, not people. People are his tools, they are not to blame. If it seems to you that someone is guilty before you, forget it and forgive. We have no right to punish. And you will understand the happiness of forgiving.
- If I were a woman, I would do it, Marie. This is the virtue of a woman. But a man should not and cannot forget and forgive,” he said, and although he had not thought about Kuragin until that moment, all the unexpressed malice suddenly rose in his heart. “If Princess Mary is already persuading me to forgive, then it means that I should have been punished for a long time,” he thought. And, no longer answering Princess Marya, he now began to think about that joyful, angry moment when he would meet Kuragin, who (he knew) was in the army.
Princess Mary begged her brother to wait another day, saying that she knew how unhappy her father would be if Andrei left without reconciling with him; but Prince Andrei answered that he would probably soon come again from the army, that he would certainly write to his father, and that now the longer he stayed, the more this dissension would be aggravated.
— Adieu, Andre! Rappelez vous que les malheurs viennent de Dieu, et que les hommes ne sont jamais coupables, [Farewell, Andrei! Remember that misfortunes come from God and that people are never to blame.] - were last words which he heard from his sister when he said goodbye to her.
“So it should be! - thought Prince Andrei, leaving the alley of the Lysogorsky house. - She, a miserable innocent creature, remains to be eaten by an old man who has gone out of his mind. The old man feels that he is guilty, but he cannot change himself. My boy is growing and enjoying a life in which he will be the same as everyone else, deceived or deceiving. I'm going to the army, why? - I don’t know myself, and I want to meet the person whom I despise in order to give him the opportunity to kill me and laugh at me! And before there were all the same conditions of life, but before they all knitted together, and now everything crumbled. Some meaningless phenomena, without any connection, one after another presented themselves to Prince Andrei.

Prince Andrei arrived at the main army quarters at the end of June. The troops of the first army, the one with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa; the troops of the second army retreated, seeking to join the first army, from which - as they said - they were cut off by a large force of the French. Everyone was dissatisfied with the general course of military affairs in the Russian army; but no one thought about the danger of an invasion of the Russian provinces, no one even imagined that the war could be transferred further than the western Polish provinces.
Prince Andrei found Barclay de Tolly, to whom he was assigned, on the banks of the Drissa. Since there was not a single large village or town in the vicinity of the camp, the whole huge number of generals and courtiers who were with the army was located in a circle of ten miles along the best houses villages on this side and on the other side of the river. Barclay de Tolly stood four versts from the sovereign. He received Bolkonsky dryly and coldly and said in his German reprimand that he would report on him to the sovereign to determine his appointment, and for the time being asked him to be at his headquarters. Anatole Kuragin, whom Prince Andrei hoped to find in the army, was not here: he was in St. Petersburg, and Bolkonsky was pleased with this news. The interest of the center of the huge war that was being carried out occupied Prince Andrei, and he was glad for a while to be freed from the irritation that the thought of Kuragin produced in him. During the first four days, during which he did not demand anywhere, Prince Andrei traveled around the entire fortified camp and, with the help of his knowledge and conversations with knowledgeable people, tried to form a definite idea about him. But the question of whether this camp is profitable or disadvantageous remained unresolved for Prince Andrei. He had already managed to deduce from his military experience the conviction that in military affairs the most thoughtfully considered plans mean nothing (as he saw it in the Austerlitz campaign), that everything depends on how one responds to unexpected and unforeseen actions of the enemy, that everything depends on how and by whom the whole thing is conducted. In order to clarify this last question, Prince Andrei, taking advantage of his position and acquaintances, tried to understand the nature of the management of the army, the persons and parties participating in it, and deduced for himself the following concept of the state of affairs.

On May 11, 1904, a boy was born in the family of Don Salvador Dali y Cusi and Dona Felipa Domenech, who was destined to become one of the greatest geniuses of the Surrealist era in the future. His name was Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali.

Dali's childhood passed in Catalonia, in the north-east of Spain, the most beautiful corner of the globe.

Already in early childhood, the behavior and passions of little Salvador could be noted for his irrepressible energy and eccentricity of character. Frequent whims and tantrums made Dali's father angry, but the mother, on the contrary, tried her best to please her beloved son. She forgave him even the most disgusting antics. As a result, the father became a kind of embodiment of evil, and the mother, on the contrary, became a symbol of good.

Talent for painting manifested itself in Dali quite at a young age. At the age of four, he is surprising for such small child tried hard to draw. At the age of six, Dali attracted the image of Napoleon and, as if identifying himself with him, he felt the need for some kind of power. Wearing a masquerade costume of the king, he received great pleasure from his appearance.

Salvador Dali painted his first painting when he was 10 years old. It was a small impressionistic landscape, painted on a wooden board with oil paints. The talent of a genius was torn to the surface. Dali spent whole days sitting in a small room specially allocated to him, painting pictures. In Figueres, Dali took drawing lessons from Professor Joan Nunez. It can be said that under the experienced guidance of the professor, the talent of the young Salvador Dali took its real forms. Already at the age of 14 it was impossible to doubt Dali's ability to draw.

When Dali was almost 15 years old, he was expelled from the monastic school for indecent behavior. But he was able to successfully pass all the exams and go to college (as in Spain they called a school that provides a completed secondary education). Institute in 1921, he managed to finish with brilliant grades. Then he entered the Madrid Art Academy

At the age of sixteen, Dali began to express his thoughts on paper. Since that time, painting and literature have been equally part of his creative life. In 1919, in the self-made publication Studium, he published essays on Velasquez, Goya, El Greco, Michelangelo and Leonardo. Participates in student unrest, for which he ends up in jail for a day.

In the early 1920s, Dali was fascinated by the work of the Futurists, but still he was determined to create his own style in painting. At this time, he made new friends and acquaintances. Among them were such outstanding and talented people as the poet Federico Garcia Lorca and Luis Bonuel. In Madrid, Dali was left to his own devices for the first time. The extravagant appearance of the artist amazed and shocked the townsfolk. This led Dali himself to indescribable delight. In 1921 Dali's mother dies.

In 1923, for violation of discipline, he was suspended from classes at the academy for a year. During this period, Dali's interest was riveted to the creations of the great genius of cubism, Pablo Picasso. In the paintings of Dali of that time, one can notice the influence of cubism (“Young Girls” (1923)).

In 1925, from November 14 to 27, the first solo exhibition of his works was held at the Dalmau Gallery. In this exhibition there were 27 paintings and 5 drawings of the beginning great genius. The school of painting in which he studied gradually disappointed him and in 1926 Dali was expelled from the academy for his freethinking. In the same 1926, Salvador Dali left for Paris, trying to find something to his liking there. Having joined the group that united around Andre Breton, he began to create his first surrealist works (“Honey is sweeter than blood” 1928; “Light joys” 1929)

At the beginning of 1929, the premiere of the film “Andalusian Dog” took place, based on the script by Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel. The script itself was written in six days! After the scandalous premiere of this film, another film called "The Golden Age" was conceived.

By 1929, surrealism had become a controversial, for many, unacceptable trend in painting.

The personal life of Salvador Dali until 1929 had no highlights(unless you count his many hobbies with unrealistic girls, girls and women). But it was in that 1929 that Dali fell in love with a real woman - Elena Dyakonova or Gala. At that time, Gala was the wife of the writer Paul Eluard, but her relationship with her husband was already cool by that time. It is this woman who will become a muse for the rest of her life, the inspiration of Dali's genius.

In 1930, the paintings of Salvador Dali began to bring him fame (“Blurred Time”; “The Persistence of Memory”). The constant themes of his creations were destruction, decay, death, as well as the world of human sexual experiences (influenced by the books of Sigmund Freud).

In the early 30s, Salvador Dali entered into a political conflict with the surrealists. His admiration for Adolf Hitler and monarchist tendencies ran counter to Breton's ideas. Dali broke with the Surrealists after they accused him of counter-revolutionary activities.

In January 1931, the premiere of the second film, The Golden Age, took place in London.

By 1934, Gala had already divorced her husband, and Dali could marry her. Amazing Feature this married couple was that they felt and understood each other. Gala, in literally, lived Dali's life he, in turn, deified her, admired her.

Between 1936 and 1937 Salvador Dali wrote one of the most famous paintings"Metamorphosis of Narcissus". At the same time it comes out literary work titled Metamorphoses of Narcissus. paranoid topic. “By the way, earlier (1935) in the work “Conquest of the Irrational”, Dali formulated the theory of the paranoid-critical method.

In 1937, Dali visited Italy to get acquainted with the painting of the Renaissance.

After the occupation in France in 1940, Dali left for the USA (California), where he opened a new workshop. It was there that the great genius wrote, probably one of his best books, “The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, written by himself. “When this book was published in 1942, it immediately attracted serious criticism from the press and supporters of the Puritan society. But nostalgia for his homeland takes its toll and in 1948 he returns to Spain. While in Port Lligat, Dali turns to religious-fiction themes in his creations.

In 1953, a large retrospective exhibition of Salvador Dali was held in Rome. It contains 24 paintings, 27 drawings, 102 watercolors!

Earlier in 1951, on the eve of the Cold War, Dali developed the theory of "atomic art" published in the same year in the Mystical Manifesto. Dali sets himself the goal of conveying to the viewer the idea of ​​the constancy of spiritual existence even after the disappearance of matter (Raphael's Exploding Head. 1951).

In 1959, Dalí and Gala set up their own home in Port Lligat. By that time, no one could doubt the genius of the great artist. His paintings were bought for a lot of money by admirers and lovers of luxury. The huge canvases painted by Dali in the 60s were estimated at huge sums. Many millionaires considered it chic to have paintings by Salvador Dali in their collection.

In the late 60s, the relationship between Dali and Gala began to fade. And at the request of Gala, Dali was forced to buy her his castle, where she spent a lot of time in the company of young people. The rest of their life together was smoldering firebrands that were once a bright fire of passion.

In 1973, the Dali Museum was opened in Figueras. This incomparable surrealistic creation delights visitors to this day. The museum is a retrospective of the life of the great artist

Closer to the 80s, Dali began to have health problems. Franco's death shocked and frightened Dali. Being a patriot, he could not calmly experience the changes in the fate of Spain. Doctors suspected Dalí had Parkinson's disease. This disease once became fatal for his father.

Gala died on June 10, 1982. Although their relationship could not be called close, Dali took her death as a terrible blow.

By the end of 1983, his spirits seemed to have lifted somewhat. He sometimes began to walk in the garden, began to paint pictures. But, alas, it did not last long. Old age took precedence over a brilliant mind. On August 30, 1984, a fire broke out in Dali's house. Burns on the artist's body covered 18% of the skin.

By February 1985, Dali's health improved somewhat and he was able to give an interview to the largest Spanish newspaper Pais.

But in November 1988, Dali was admitted to the clinic with a diagnosis of heart failure.

Salvador Dali's heart stopped on January 23, 1989. His body was pained, as he requested, and for a week he lay in his museum in Figueres. Thousands of people came to say goodbye to the great genius.

Salvador Dali was buried in the center of his museum under an unmarked slab. The life of this man was truly bright and brilliant. Salvador Dali can safely be called unique greatest genius Surrealism of the 20th century!

Salvador Domenech Felip Jacinte Dali and Domenech, Marquis de Pubol (1904 - 1989) - Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer. One of the most famous representatives of surrealism.


Salvador Dali was born in the town of Figueres in Catalonia, the son of a lawyer. Creative abilities manifested themselves in his early childhood. At the age of seventeen, he was admitted to the Madrid Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, where fate happily brought him together with G. Lorca, L. Bunuel, R. Alberti. Studying at the academy, Dali enthusiastically and obsessively studies the works of old masters, the masterpieces of Velasquez, Zurbaran, El Greco, Goya. He is influenced by the cubist paintings of H. Gris, the metaphysical painting of the Italians, and is seriously interested in the legacy of I. Bosch.

Studying at the Madrid Academy from 1921 to 1925 was for the artist a time of persistent comprehension of professional culture, the beginning of a creative understanding of the traditions of the masters of past eras and the discoveries of his older contemporaries.

During his first trip to Paris in 1926, he met P. Picasso. Impressed by the meeting, which changed the direction of the search for his own artistic language, corresponding to his worldview, Dali creates his first surrealistic work, The Magnificence of the Hand. However, Paris inexorably attracts him, and in 1929 he makes a second trip to France. There he enters the circle of Parisian surrealists, gets the opportunity to see their solo exhibitions.

At the same time, together with Bunuel Dali, he makes two films that have already become classics - “Andalusian Dog” and “Golden Age”. His role in the creation of these works is not the main one, but he is always mentioned second, as a screenwriter and at the same time an actor.

In October 1929 he marries Gala. Russian by origin, aristocrat Elena Dmitrievna Dyakonova took important place in the life and work of the artist. The appearance of Gal gave his art a new meaning. In the book of the master “Dali according to Dali”, he gives the following periodization of his work: “Dali - Planetary, Dali - Molecular, Dali - Monarchic, Dali - Hallucinogenic, Dali - Future”! Of course, it is difficult to fit into such a narrow framework the work of this great improviser and mystifier. He himself admitted: “I don’t know when I start pretending or telling the truth.”


Around 1923, Dali began his experiments with Cubism, often even locking himself in his room to paint. In 1925, Dali painted another painting in the style of Picasso: Venus and the Sailor. She was among the seventeen paintings exhibited at Dali's first solo exhibition. The second exhibition of Dali's work, held in Barcelona at the Delmo Gallery at the end of 1926, was met with even more enthusiasm than the first.

Venus and the Sailor The Great Masturbator Metamorphoses of Narcissus The Riddle of William Tell

In 1929, Dali painted The Great Masturbator, one of the most significant works of that period. It depicts a large, wax-like head with dark red cheeks and half-closed eyes with very long eyelashes. A huge nose rests on the ground, and instead of a mouth, a rotting grasshopper with ants crawling over it is drawn. Similar themes were characteristic of Dali's works of the 30s: he had an unusual weakness for the images of grasshoppers, ants, telephones, keys, crutches, bread, hair. Dali himself called his technique a manual photograph of concrete irrationality. It was based, as he said, on associations and interpretations of unrelated phenomena. Surprisingly, the artist himself noted that he did not understand all of his images. Although Dali's work was well received by critics who predicted a great future for him, the success did not bring immediate benefits. And Dali traveled the streets of Paris for days on end in a vain search for buyers for his original images. They, for example, were women's shoes with large steel springs, glasses with glasses the size of a fingernail, and even gypsum head roaring lion with fried chips.

In 1930, Dali's paintings began to bring him fame. Freud's work influenced his work. In his paintings, he reflected the sexual experiences of a person, as well as destruction, death. His masterpieces such as Soft the Clock and Persistence of Memory were created. Dali also creates numerous models from various objects.

Between 1936 and 1937, Dali worked on one of his most famous paintings, Metamorphoses of Narcissus, and a book of the same name immediately appeared. In 1953, a large-scale exhibition was held in Rome. He exhibits 24 paintings, 27 drawings, 102 watercolors.

Meanwhile, in 1959, since his father no longer wanted to let Dali in, he and Gala settled down to live in Port Lligat. Dali's paintings were already very popular, sold for a lot of money, and he himself was famous. He often communicates with William Tell. Under impressions, he creates such works as "The Riddle of William Tell" and "William Tell".

In 1973, the "Dalí Museum" opens in Figueres, incredible in its content. Until now, he is amazed by the audience with his surreal appearance.

The last work "Dovetail" was completed in 1983.

Salvador Dali often resorted to sleep with a key in his hand. Sitting on a chair, he fell asleep with a heavy key between his fingers. Gradually, the grip weakened, the key fell and hit a plate lying on the floor. The thoughts that arose during the nap could be new ideas or solutions to complex problems.

In 1961, Salvador Dali drew for Enrique Bernat, the founder of the Spanish lollipop company, the Chupa Chups logo, which, in a slightly modified form, is now recognizable in all corners of the planet.

In 2003, The Walt Disney Company released cartoon"Destino", which Salvador Dal and Walt Disney began to paint back in 1945, the picture lay in the archive for 58 years.

A crater on Mercury is named after Salvador Dali.

The great artist, during his lifetime, bequeathed to bury him so that people could walk on the grave, so his body was immured in the wall in the Dali Museum in Figueres. Flash photography is not allowed in this room.

Arriving in New York in 1934, he carried a 2-meter-long loaf of bread in his hands as an accessory, and while visiting an exhibition of surrealist art in London, he dressed in a diving suit.

IN different time Dali declared himself either a monarchist, or an anarchist, or a communist, or an adherent of authoritarian power, or he refused to associate himself with any political movement. After World War II and returning to Catalonia, Salvador supported Franco's authoritarian regime and even painted a portrait of his granddaughter.

Dali sent a telegram to the Romanian leader Nicolas Ceausescu, written in the manner characteristic of the artist: in words he supported the communist, and caustic irony was read between the lines. Not noticing the catch, the telegram was published in the daily newspaper Scînteia.

The now famous singer Cher (Cher) and her husband Sonny Bono, while still young, attended the party of Salvador Dali, which he tripled at the New York Plaza Hotel. There, Cher accidentally sat on a strangely shaped sex toy placed on her chair by the host of the event.

In 2008, the film Echoes of the Past was filmed about El Salvador. The role of Dali was played by Robert Pattinson. For some time, Dali worked together with Alfred Hitchcock.

In his lifetime, Dali himself completed only one film, Impressions of Upper Mongolia (1975), in which he told the story of an expedition that went in search of huge hallucinogenic mushrooms. The video sequence of "Impressions of Upper Mongolia" is largely based on enlarged microscopic spots of uric acid on a brass strip. As you can guess, the "author" of these stains was the maestro. For several weeks he "painted" them on a piece of brass.

Together with Christian Dior in 1950, Dali created a "suit for 2045".

Canvas "The Persistence of Memory" (" soft watch”) Dali wrote under the impression of Einstein's theory of relativity. The idea in El Salvador's mind took shape as he looked at a piece of Camabert cheese one hot August day.

For the first time, the image of an elephant appears on the canvas "A dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate a second before awakening." In addition to elephants, Dali often used images of other representatives of the animal kingdom in his paintings: ants (symbolizing death, decay and, at the same time, great sexual desire), he associated the snail with human head(see portraits of Sigmund Freud), locusts in his work are associated with waste and a sense of fear.

Eggs in Dali's paintings symbolize prenatal, intrauterine development, if you look deeper - we are talking about hope and love.

On December 7, 1959, the presentation of the ovocypede (ovocypede) took place in Paris: a device that was invented by Salvador Dali and brought to life by the engineer Laparra. Ovosiped - a transparent ball with a seat fixed inside for one person. This "transport" was one of the devices that Dali successfully used to shock the public with his appearance.


Art is a terrible disease, but it is still impossible to live without it.

With art I straighten myself and infect normal people.

The artist is not the one who is inspired, but the one who inspires.

Painting and Dali are not the same thing, as an artist I do not overestimate myself. It's just that others are so bad that I turned out better.

I saw - and sunk into the soul, and through the brush spilled onto the canvas. This is painting. And the same is love.

For the artist, every touch of the brush on the canvas is a whole life drama.

My painting is life and food, flesh and blood. Don't look for intelligence or feelings in it.

Through the centuries, Leonardo da Vinci and I extend our hands to each other.

I think that now we have the Middle Ages, but someday the Renaissance will come.

I am decadent. In art, I'm something like Camembert cheese: just a little overdose, and that's it. I - the last echo of antiquity - stand on the very edge.

Landscape is a state of mind.

Painting is a color photograph made by hand of all possible, ultra-refined, unusual, super-aesthetic samples of concrete irrationality.

My painting is life and food, flesh and blood. Don't look for intelligence or feelings in it.

A work of art does not arouse any feelings in me. Looking at a masterpiece, I am ecstatic about what I can learn. It doesn't even occur to me to spread in tenderness.

The artist thinks with a drawing.

It is good taste that is fruitless - for an artist there is nothing more harmful than good taste. Take the French - because of good taste, they are completely lazy.

Do not try to cover up your mediocrity with a deliberately careless painting - it will reveal itself in the very first stroke.

First, learn to draw and write like the old masters, and only then act on your own - and you will be respected.

Surrealism is not a party, not a label, but a unique state of mind, not bound by slogans or morality. Surrealism is the complete freedom of a human being and his right to dream. I'm not a surrealist, I'm a surrealist.

I - the highest embodiment of surrealism - follow the tradition of the Spanish mystics.

The difference between the surrealists and me is that the surrealist is me.

I'm not a surrealist, I'm a surrealist.



"The Secret Life of Salvador Dali as Told by Himself" (1942)

"Diary of a Genius" (1952-1963)

Oui: The Paranoid-Critical Revolution (1927-33)

"The Tragic Myth of Angelus Millais"

Film work

"Andalusian dog"

"Golden age"


"Impressions of Upper Mongolia"

When writing this article, materials from such sites were used:kinofilms.tv , .

If you find any inaccuracies, or wish to supplement this article, send us information to email address admin@site, we, and our readers, will be very grateful to you.

Name: Salvador Dali

Age: 84 years old

Birthplace: Figueres, Spain

A place of death: Figueres, Spain

Activity: painter, graphic artist, sculptor, director, writer

Family status: was married

Salvador Dali - Biography

Famously twisted mustache, crazy look, eccentric antics - everyone saw him as a madman. But behind the outer shell of an eccentric was a shy and notorious person. This is Salvador Dali.

Salvador Dali - childhood

In the family of Don Salvador, Dali y Cusi were extremely happy about the appearance of their first child. We decided to name him after his father. However, the boy did not live long - he died of meningitis. Parents did not find a place for themselves from grief, and only the birth of another son brought them back to life. There was no doubt: this baby is the reincarnation of the first! In addition, it looks like him, like two drops of water. The boy was also named Salvador.

When the child grew up a little, he was taken to the grave of his brother. He gazed intently at given name on a marble slab...

Salvador Dali - obnoxious child

Residents of the Spanish town of Figueres surrounded the heart-rendingly screaming boy. The police intervened:

Yes, you already open your shop and give the child a lollipop! - the law enforcement officer turned to the frightened shopkeeper, who simply asked the boy to wait until the siesta was over.

Of course, Salvador turned out to be a hysterical child, accustomed to getting his own way with the help of manipulation, blackmail and shouting. When his father refused to buy him a bike, the boy began to wet his bed. He could throw himself at the walls, and when asked why he was doing this, he answered: “Because no one pays attention to me.”

The children didn't like him. Upon learning that El Salvador was afraid of grasshoppers, they began to put them in his notebook, throwing them by the collar. The unfortunate man cried, shouted, but there were no people willing to console him. The only outlet was drawing. At the age of six, he scribbled his first sketch on a wooden table - a pair of swans, and at ten he already became an artist with his own, rather original vision of the surrounding reality.

Parents tried not to limit anything young genius. They took him under the workshop private room with bath. When it was hot, Salvador filled the bath cold water, sat in it and painted on canvas. The easel was a ribbed laundry board.

Salvador Dali - career

In 1921, Salvador went to the San Fernando Academy to hone his fine art skills. Wrote an examination picture, but the commission said that the work was too small in size, and gave him a chance to improve. However, after a couple of days, Dali brought a drawing even smaller than the previous one. The academics gave up and accepted the gifted eccentric on the course. A few years later, he fully "repaid" his teachers for their kindness. At the exam, he told the commission: "I'm not going to show you my skills, because none of you knows as much as I know." The impudent know-it-all was excluded.

However, the years of study at the Academy were not in vain for Dali. He was looking for himself, tried new trends - cubism, Dadaism, wrote a lot, read Freud. But the most powerful surge of his talent happened when the artist arrived in Paris. There he met his idol - there he joined the surrealists, whose canvases were full of allusions and bizarre forms.

Salvador Dali - biography of personal life

In the circle of surrealists, Dali first saw the woman who was destined to become the most important person in his life, the incomparable Gala.

Elena Dyakonova is 36, he is 25. Quite a youth, considering that Dali did not know women. Shortly before that, he became interested in his close friend, the poet Federico Garcia Lorca, but the connection was not something serious.

Something fluttered deep inside and made his legs give way when he saw Gala. Far from being a beauty, but what a charisma! It is no wonder that her husband, the poet Paul Eluard, looked both ways - if only someone did not take her away. It did not help: she started novels right and left. In the circle of surrealists, she was mysteriously nicknamed "the muse." Dali Gala noticed immediately. Looking at his work, I realized that in front of her real talent. And Salvador himself has already recklessly fallen in love.

The father did not like the chosen one of his son, but Dali was ready to quarrel with the whole world for the sake of his beloved. First, he signed one of the paintings with the words: “Sometimes I spit on the portrait of my mother with pleasure,” although he always loved his mother passionately. Then he sent his father an envelope with his sperm and a note: "Here is everything I owe you." He turned the whole world against himself, and in 1934 he married Gala, who left her husband and daughter for him.

Salvador Dali by that time had become enough famous artist. His paintings were taken to exhibitions, critics wrote admiring reviews. The canvases "The Great Masturbator" (1929), "The Persistence of Memory" (1931), "Retrospective Portrait of a Woman" (1933) have already been created. In a couple of years, Dali will write The Face of Mae West and The Lobster Phone. The public liked his work, but no one was in a hurry to buy paintings. Most of all, Gala was worried about this. She was sure that she had not made a mistake by placing a bet on Dali, and was looking for buyers: she walked through the galleries, offered canvases - and heard a refusal over and over again. The couple lived in poverty.

Finally, the wind of change blew: it turned out that the artist is known and loved in America. It was decided to go overseas.

While World War II was raging in Europe. Dali and Gala enjoyed the artist's American triumph. Money poured in. Walt Disney himself invited Dali to work with him on the cartoon. True, it turned out so strange that they decided not to release it on the screens. Later, the artist began to offer advertising contracts, he willingly agreed.

Outside observers saw in Dali a crazy eccentric who does whatever comes into his head. In fact, he did what Gala wants. After the wedding, he even signed part of his paintings "Gala Salvador Dali."

She enjoyed the gullibility of a genius. She had many young lovers, and Dali had to put up with it. Soon he began to start novels on the side. So, in 1965, Amanda Lear appeared in his life. A strange character: there were rumors that in the past she was a man ... Although what's the difference, because Salvador needed a loved one. He still painted, but his paintings were in such demand that the artist stopped creating and began to stamp. Once Gala saw how Dali draws: she takes paint, dips the brush in a bath of water and splashes it on the canvas: “And so they will buy it!”

In 1968, Gala wished to be left alone. Salvador bought her a castle in Pubol. He could come there only with the prior permission of his muse. The artist suffered, but that was only the beginning. A few years later, he learned that he had Parkinson's disease. Gala immediately put an end to Dali: what is the use of him now?

The disease progressed. The artist drew with difficulty - he simply drew squiggles. Gala brought him blank sheets of paper and forced him to put a signature on them - in order to later draw something on them herself and sell them, passing off the master as a drawing.

But he continued to love Gala. When she died in 1982. Dali locked himself in her castle and practically did not receive visitors. Left the house only because of the fire. Partially paralyzed, Dali called for help, but no one came ... The artist burned 20% of his body, he survived miraculously.

He did not want to return to Pubol. Settled in "native Figueres, in own museum who founded in 1974. Sick and weak, he dreamed of being buried here. When Salvador Dali died of a heart attack on January 23, 1989, the coffin with his body was placed under one of the slabs on the floor. Now every day hundreds of fans step on his grave, as the artist himself wanted.

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