Historical communities of people: family, clan, tribe, nationality, nation, race. Types of social communities




a set of people united by historically established stable social connections and relationships and possessing a number common features (crap) giving it a unique character.

Unlike other organizations and institutions, consciously created by people, O. arise naturally-historically, i.e. regardless of the will and consciousness of people under the influence of objective necessity in the process of societies. production. In the final analysis, O is also determined by the mode of production. In the early stages of history, the weak produce. forces caused numerically small O., which, however, were very stable and ensured the functioning and development of the production of means of subsistence, the reproduction of man himself, the joint opposition to the hostile forces of nature and T. e. Such O. were, tribe, family,. They allowed humanity not only to survive, but also to lay the foundations for further progress, the development of civilization. More developed produces. forces in pre-capitalist conditions. antagonistic social economy, formations brought to life a new historical. ABOUT.- . Like , nationalities are more numerous than previous O., and provide more opportunities for the development of both produces. forces and societies. life in general. Societies develop within the framework of nationalities. , including the separation of minds. labor from the physical, there is a litich. as a result of the split of society into . The formation of nationalities is associated with the disintegration of tribal lands, the remnants of which are sometimes preserved as a relic. There is also a disintegration of the community, but in pl. cases, it continues to exist within the nationality. Changes and receives further development family.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .



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Historical communities of people: clan, tribe, nationality and nation. First historical form community of people is genus- organization primitive society based on consanguinity, collective ownership of the means of production, community of elements primitive culture, language, traditions, etc.

The shape of a wider ethnic community, characteristic of the primitive communal system, is tribe, which, as a rule, consisted of several genera. Tribes were also based on tribal relations, blood relations of people. A person's belonging to a tribe made him a co-owner of common property and ensured participation in public life.

Nation- it's like that historical community people, which has a common territory, language, culture and, most importantly, a common economy. Nations are formed from many or several peoples

Nationality how a community of people is formed with the emergence of private property relations. Development private property, exchange, trade destroyed the former tribal ties, gave rise to a new division of labor and class stratification. The nationality consists of tribes close in origin and language. Nationality as a historically formed community of people is characterized by such features as common territory, economic ties, common language and culture, etc. Having arisen in a slave-owning and feudal society, nationalities are preserved and even formed up to the present day.

5. Family in the social structure of society. Problems seven and marriage.

A family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life and mutual moral responsibility, certain legal norms. The social necessity of the family is determined by the needs of society. As a necessary component social structure any society and performing various social functions, the family is playing important role in social development, performing a number of important social functions. With the development of society, there were certain changes in marriage and family relations.

Family life and its social functions are multifaceted. They are associated with intimate life of spouses, procreation, raising children. All this is based on the observance of certain moral and legal norms: love, respect, duty, fidelity, etc.

The family is such a foundation of society and such a microenvironment, the climate of which contributes or hinders the development of moral and physical strength man, his development as a social being. It is in the family that the moral foundations are laid that contribute to the development of the individual.

The family has the greatest influence on a child's personality. In the sphere of influence of the family, the intellect and emotions of the child, his views and tastes, skills and habits are simultaneously affected.

6. Politics as a social phenomenon. Power. Types of Power

Translated from Greek policy means the art of government, certain way accomplishment of the purposes of the state inside and outside its territory. All philosophers, starting with Aristotle, emphasized the most characteristic of politics as a social phenomenon - its direct or indirect connection with power.

Thus, politics is a special sphere of social life associated with the relationship between classes and social groups about power.

The concept of "power" correlates, as a rule, with political power, although in reality there are varieties of public power that arose long before the emergence of the state. IN general plan power is the ability and ability to exercise one's will by a class, group, party or individual, to influence people's behavior, relying on force, authority, law or any other means of coercion and persuasion. So, in the primitive communal system, power was of a public nature, exercised by all members of the clan, who elected an authoritative elder. There are several types of power - economic, political, class, the power of a group or an individual. In history, there were also family types of power, such as matriarchy and patriarchy. Power performs a number of functions: domination, leadership, management and organization, control, which are inherent in any of its types.

the political system is a complex, multi-level dynamic formation. It has three components: 1) subsystem political ideas, theories, views, emotions, feelings that make up the political consciousness; 2) a subsystem of political relations between society and the state, different classes and social groups, states, etc. about power; 3) a subsystem of political institutions that form the political organization of society: the state, parties, trade unions and other public organizations

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Social communities.

Social community - it is a real-life, empirically fixed set of individuals, characterized by relative integrity and acting as an independent subject historical process. Social communities are relatively stable aggregates of people that differ in more or less the same features (in all or some aspects of life) of the conditions and way of life, mass consciousness, in one way or another by the commonality of social norms, value systems and interests. communities different types and types are forms of joint life activity of people, forms of human community.

Social communities are not created by people consciously, but are formed solely under the influence of an objective course. community development, the joint nature of human life. Different types of communities are formed on different objective basis. Some types of communities are directly social production, for example, a production team, a social class, a socio-professional group. Others arise on an ethnic basis: nationalities, nations (ethnic communities), and along with the economy, their nature and character are determined by a number of other factors. The objective basis of the third communities - socio-demographic - are natural demographic factors: gender, age, etc.

Any community is formed on the basis of the same living conditions of the people from which it is formed. But the totality of people becomes a community only when they are able to realize this similarity of conditions, to show their attitude towards them. In this regard, they develop a clear understanding of who is “ours” and who is “strangers”. Accordingly, there is an understanding of the unity of their interests in comparison with other communities. Awareness of this manifested itself in the tribal societies of the primitive communal system. This awareness is inherent in any nationality and nation.

Nationality is a term denoting belonging to a people or the presence of some of its qualities. A people is a large group of people connected mainly by their place of residence. In the ethnic sense, this term refers to all historically established types of ethnic communities: tribes, nationalities, nations. In Greek, ethnos means people. Since the beginning of the 50s of our century, people began to be called different kinds ethnos, which are at the stage of development between the tribe and the nation. Thus, nationality - it is an ethnic and social community that historically follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Another ethnic community is the nation. Nation(from Latin natio - people) - a type of ethnic group, historically formed and reproduced on the basis of a common territory, economic ties, language, cultural characteristics, mental make-up and consciousness of unity and difference from similar formations (self-consciousness). This definition is dominant in contemporary literature. However, at present, when defining a nation, the emphasis is often not on ethnic characteristics, but on the stadial and ethno-social signs that distinguish the nation from the nationality that historically preceded it. These features include: the unification of the language, mainly in the process of spreading it literary form through the education system, literature and means mass media; development professional culture and arts; the formation of a class and social composition corresponding to the level of industrial development, etc.

Nationality - it is belonging to one or another nation. However, in Western European languages this concept is used mainly to denote the nationality of people (citizenship), and to denote ethnic background often the expression " ethnic nationality” (ethnic nationality).

The problem of ethnic communities is dealt with by ethnosociology, which has its own categorical apparatus. Her focus is on interethnic relations related to the problem of ethnic minorities, assimilation, and so on. Ethnic minority - is a collection of people who are treated differently than other members of society because of their characteristic physical and cultural characteristics. Under assimilation is understood as the complete destruction of ethnic minorities by force or by their gradual mixing with the main (titular) ethnic group.

It should be noted that despite the presence of different points of view, race is not a kind of ethnic community. Race - this is a historically formed group of mankind, characterized by common hereditary characteristics, due to the unity of origin and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsettlement. These features include: skin color, eyes, hair, skull shape, height, etc. Modern humanity divided into three main races: Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid.

Features races are of secondary importance. All races are absolutely equal in biological and psychological respects, are at the same level of evolutionary development. However, throughout human history attempts were made to elevate one race and belittle another. They are most clearly manifested in the theory and practice of racism. Racism - it is discrimination, exploitation or cruel oppression of a community belonging to another race.

Society is an integral socio-cultural system, consisting of a huge number of subsystems. One of them is the social community. Any community implies an accumulation of people who have something in common (for example, interests, tasks or goals). People uniting in a community usually have similar ideas about life, perform similar tasks in society. social roles.

So, we can say that a social community is a collection of human individuals united by similar living conditions, having the same interests, values ​​and aware of their own. The grounds for uniting people can be: their close interaction with each other, common activities, awareness of the similarity of interests, their own culture, formed on the basis of similar ideas about the goals of this community, moral concepts, etc., the presence of a system of self-government.

A number of sociologists believe that social communities and groups in most cases do not arise spontaneously. One concept of their occurrence was proposed by the American D. Homans, who believed that people, interacting with each other, are trying to achieve a certain good. The more significant this good is, the more effort a person assumes to get closer to other people for whom this good is also significant. talking plain language According to the American sociologist, people unite in groups, form communities and communities only to achieve a specific goal.

One social community may differ from another in the purpose of its formation, the form and similar associations of people differ in the following ways:

By lifetime: from several minutes (audience concert hall, rallies) to whole centuries (a single nation);

According to the composition of the people included in them: from two people to several thousand (members of a certain party);

According to the density of connections between the main representatives: from closely (office employees) to very amorphous, practically non-interacting formations ( football fans).

Sociologists distinguish such a concept as a mass social community, hallmarks which are:

Instability of existence;

The heterogeneity of the composition of the people included in it, the impossibility of establishing their exact number;

Functioning on the basis of a particular activity and the impossibility of existence outside of it.

As an example of a mass social community, one can cite fans of a certain pop star, fans sports club members of various associations. A tribe of indigenous people of New Guinea, a single nation, race, a crowd of protesters near the administration of the enterprise are also mass social communities.

A separate place among other associations is occupied by an ethnos - a set of people living for a long period of time in a certain territory, having a stable own culture, distinguished by self-awareness, that is, aware of the difference between their association and other similar ones. usually formed on the basis of common territory for living that creates everything the necessary conditions for people to interact with each other. Further, when such a social community as an ethnos has already been formed, this feature becomes secondary or even loses its significance. People who consider themselves belonging can live in different parts of the Earth and, at the same time, remember and honor the traditions of their ethnic group, celebrate the holidays established by them and adhere to the rules of behavior determined by them.

The socialization of a person is impossible without his interaction with other representatives of the human race. Each of us, to one degree or another, belongs not to one, but to several social communities at once. A person outside of society ceases to feel like a person, becomes an outcast.

The concept of the social community of people allows us to consider the stages in the development of the human community as a social and natural whole, while the features of institutionalization may or may not be considered. The types of social communities of people include: clan, tribe, nationality, nation, extra-national inter-national communities.

Genus as a social community of people is determined by the presence of structured family ties. This form of community corresponds to the ancient, original development of human communities. A tribe as a social community is characterized by the fact that it consists of several genera. Within the tribe, the genetic purity of new generations is ensured. The tribe, in comparison with the clan, is a more progressive form of community, which is characterized by a single organization of life and the presence of a governing structure. The existence of tribes is characterized not only by the presence of blood and family ties and management structure but also in a way, a way of life. This method or way of life characterizes specific forms of development of nature by a given community. In this regard, it is necessary to note the existing "specialization" of the tribes (livestock breeding, agricultural, fishing, etc.).

Nationality is the next form of social communities of people. Compared with the tribe, the nationality is a noticeable step towards strengthening the social organizational characteristics the life of the human community, compared with the emphasis on the consanguineous moment (in the tribe). The nationality is characterized by the following features: language, the unity of natural characteristics (ethnic characteristics), which is manifested in all representatives of this nationality; features of culture (including ways of life and their reflection in the spiritual life), the territory of residence.

The nation as a social community of people is characterized by the following signs: common language, culture, territory, unity of ethnic traits, as well as common economic life. Given that the existence of an economic process is associated with the manifestation of capitalization public relations, whose symbol is large-scale machine production. The commonality of economic life is established in relation to this or that ethnos, as taking place only when for given people the main sign that characterizes the organization of his life is the establishment of links with nature and with other communities through the creation of their own technologies that use the capabilities of machines. It's about on the transition from natural forms of management on earth to forms of creation built environment mediating the attitude of the human community to nature. This mediation essentially changes the characteristics of the community itself, in particular, it leads to a weakening of the status of the blood-natural, muscular strength of people as the leading one. It was during this period that the connection of people, due to non-consanguineous characteristics, arises, and more and more intensifies. Although these characteristics remain, they cease to play a decisive role. significant role in the human community.

It is for the nation that the community of economic life is characteristic, therefore, the community of people in its development directly leads to the emergence of new communities - international ones, in which people go beyond the boundaries of connections, defined with an emphasis on natural and social aspects.

The emergence of international communities occurs when the community of economic life covers a number of regions in which different peoples are present. Within the framework of international communities (the American people, Soviet people) there is a problem of preserving the cultural identity of the incoming peoples, their languages.

Within the framework of the world economic process, there is a gradual non-violation of features cultural life different peoples including their languages. In this regard, the task is to achieve a conscious orientation towards the preservation of the cultural achievements of all peoples. This task is essentially the task of opposing the actual human technologization social life, within the framework of which the person himself turns into a cog in an impersonal process that does not have proper cultural definitions.

The theory that serves the technologization of social life, substantiating its positivity, or at least neutrality, in relation to the process of destruction of culture, is the theory of cosmopolitanism. main idea this theory is that a person should not seek cultural context own existence, that, being in the stream of technological manipulations, called the modern way of existence of human civilization, a person must abstract from the absence of the first and the presence of the second, and in his existence find a replacement for the lost content in the social technological movement. In other words, a cosmopolitan is one who, regardless of location and social context of existence, feels equally good and is not a defender of any existing or lost cultural worlds.

The point is that the position of the cosmopolitan characterizes the rooted-external relationship of the individual to any cultural content. The cosmopolitan is characterized by the predominance of non-cultural definitions of existence, a complete focus on civilizational definitions. It is this position, which expresses and justifies cosmopolitanism, that is carefully veiled, since only in the subtext is there a connection between the purely civilizational position of the individual and the interests of the ruling social groups. In categorical terms, the position of cosmopolitanism could be expressed in the form of the loss of a link between the universal and the special. The real version is that the universal does not exist outside the particular. The universal planetary idea, which cosmopolitanism adopts, is absolutized as a result of the assertion by cosmopolitans of the insignificance, insignificance for a person of one or another feature of a territorially defined area on the planet. It is in this that the separation of the substantive basis of participation in the universal is expressed. material world, which is always expressed in the presence of a person of his homeland, that is, a place on the planet, loving which, a person loves the whole planet. Cosmopolitanism characterizes a person as a citizen of the World. This expresses the presence of his manipulative-correlative status. Here the correlation of the individual with the sphere of the alienated-normatively regulating characteristics of existence is established. The universal, manifesting itself, receives its content, meaningfulness, through the general, the special. In relation to this sphere, a person acts as a unit that must. conforming to her, obeying her standards. It is subordination that is central to the definition of the concept of a citizen. This definition does not specifically emphasize the cultural capabilities of a person.

The idea of ​​world citizenship arises from the deepening of capitalist transformations of social ties. This idea is intended, firstly, to justify the rejection of the significance and intrinsic value of a person's cultural position, replacing it with the ability to adapt in the "technologization" of social life. Secondly, the idea of ​​world citizenship is aimed at destroying the national in relation to technologically more developed countries. In this sense, there is a manipulation with the phenomenon of the national: the national is opposed to the world. The need to maintain the specifics of the national on the basis of the assertion of the need to subordinate it to the world is denied. However, this manipulation with the concept of the national is based on an abstract understanding of the concept of the world. When the world is considered a-national, it appears to be non-existent in reality. This line of thought is common. In this case, an ideological procedure takes place, as a result of which the world is cleared of the array of the national. After such a purification, the concept of the world includes an indication of the presence of some array (number) of participants, units of the economic financial process covering everyone, and the concept of the world includes an indication of the involvement of these units in the general technological, financial process covering everyone. Thus, we are talking about an abstract image of the process of civilizational movement taking place everywhere, in which the individual is to some extent an accomplice and expresses the image of a cosmopolitan - a citizen of the world. Since this process has its own norms and regulations in relation to which a given individual determines his place, including a place that is not fixed at any point the globe. This is explained by the fact that the world process, as such, should be determined not so much by the results that characterize it, but by the facts of the continuation of the begun movement. We are talking about an economic process that covers the whole world. For him, the various national characteristics of social life are not important. Therefore, the real status of the national is leveled, giving way to the status of the actual economic. Various, not only national, but also political, religious, ideological and other problems are solved under the flag of cosmopolitanism.

The problem of globalization as a problem of economic superiority of the developed and an attempt to forcibly join this level is economically insufficient developed countries is currently a powerful trend in the world process, which ignores national traditions, and forces to intensively develop the national economy.

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