Presentation of the use of mini museums in educational activities. Forms of work of the mini-museum


Thematic planning

class number Lesson objectives
1,2,3 creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the group; acquaintance with adults and children; development of empathy; awareness of oneself, one's name; removal of psycho-muscular tension; development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body; creating game motivation.
4,5,6,7,8,9 creating a positive emotional environment in the group; development of the ability to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children, with the rhythm of music and text. decrease in impulsivity and excessive physical activity. removal of emotional and muscular tension; development of the ability to act according to the rules of the game; group cohesion, the ability to interact with peers.
10,11,12 development of communication skills (learn to establish contact with each other, act in concert, adapt to the pace of the partner’s movements). removal of anxiety;

LESSON #1 "Kitten-kitten"

Purpose of the lesson: 1) creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the group;

2) acquaintance of children with adults (educator and psychologist) and with each other;

3) development of empathy;

4) removal of psychomuscular tension;

5) development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body.

Equipment: a basket, a kitten doll, a small toy mouse, a stick with a bow, album sheets by the number of children, with a cat drawn on each sheet, finger paints, wet wipes for hands.

Lesson progress:

> "Hi, I'm a cat!"

The psychologist brings a basket to the group: “Hello guys! I have a surprise for you. It's in my basket." The psychologist puts a kitten doll on his hand and invites the children to say hello to him in turn. Each child shakes the paw of the kitten and introduces himself by calling himself an affectionate name, for example: “Hello, I am a kitten, what is your name?” (if the child is shy or speaks poorly, then the teacher helps him)

> « affectionate name»

The psychologist in the role of a kitten caresses each child in turn (pats them on the head with his paws) with the words “Good Olenka, good Mishenka”, etc.

> "Like our cat"

The psychologist draws the attention of children to the cat, a nursery rhyme is read:

Like our cat

The coat is very good

Like a cat mustache

amazing beauty,

white teeth,

The eyes are bold.

When re-reading, the psychologist, together with the children, performs certain movements for each line: with his hands he shows his ears above his head, with his fingers he draws a mustache under his nose, knocks his teeth, strokes his eyes.

> "Cat and Mouse"

The psychologist says: “Oh, who is this in my pocket moving?” He takes out a mouse and offers to watch and listen to a song called "The Cat and the Mouse." The song is sung:

cat, cat, cat,

Don't sit on the edge

The mouse lives there, it will bite off your tail!

The cat is talking to the mouse:

Scratching mouse, where did you run?

To the cellar.

What did she do there?

Ate cheese and cottage cheese.

Left me milk?

She jumped off the threshold, dipped her tail in milk,

Well, I'll say!

And I'll run away!

With these words, the mouse begins to run around the table, over the children, and the cat catches up with it. The mouse hides and runs away from the cat. (the psychologist hides the mouse toy).

"The mustachioed cat walks" (finger game)

The psychologist and children sing a song and perform movements.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


The psychologist tells the children that kittens love to play with bows. Invites children to turn into kittens ( “one, two, three - turn around yourself and turn into a kitten!”) He takes out a stick with a string attached to it. Lowering and raising it, he invites individual children to catch the bow. turning in different sides, the psychologist is trying to involve all children in this fun. After the game, the psychologist ties a bow around the cat's neck and invites the children to sit on the rug next to the kitten and put him to sleep.

Relaxation (the cat goes to bed). The psychologist rocks the kitten and sings the motive of the lullaby: Ah-ah-ah-ah….

Drawing.(Children are given pre-prepared sheets on which each child has a cat drawn). The teacher explains that the kittens have lost their colorful balloons and are therefore sad. To cheer up the kittens, you need to draw colorful balls for them with your finger (the psychologist shows the methods of work). Children draw balls near their kitten with their fingers (dip a finger in a pre-prepared gouache and draw).


"Multicolored balls"

Purpose of the lesson: 1) creating a positive emotional atmosphere in the group;

2) removal of emotional and muscular tension;

3) development of the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children, adapt to their pace;

4) decrease in impulsivity, increase in physical activity

5) development of empathy.

Equipment: cat, balls of thread according to the number of children, a basket for balls, a drawing of a cat from the previous lesson, glue, threads, felt-tip pens or pencils

Lesson progress:

> "Hi, I'm a cat!" (see lesson number 1)

The cat came to the group to the guys disheveled:

“I hurried to you guys, and on the way I met big dog... (The psychologist tells the story that “ruffled up” the cat, then asks the children to calm the Cat)

"Affectionate Name"(see lesson number 1) "Good ears, beautiful eyes ..."

The psychologist offers the children to show where they have good ears, beautiful eyes, fast legs, etc. Then stroke yourself with the words: " Good boy good girl..."

"Who woke up the cat?"(version of the game "Guess who called")

The cat invites children to play. Babies turn into mice

falls asleep, and the children quietly approach him. The cat wakes up, meows and tries to catch the mice, the children run away. (The game is repeated several times)

"The mustachioed cat walks"(see lesson number 1)

“Multi-colored balls” (balls are selected in primary colors, in the process of playing with them the name of the primary colors is fixed)

The psychologist says that he brought the favorite toy of all the cats - he takes out a ball of wool from the basket. The cat purrs, tells the guys which ball is soft, fluffy, elastic (etc.); shows how well he takes off and how great he rolls on the floor. Children receive a ball, turn into kittens and play with balls (throw a ball, roll on the floor, shift from pen to pen)

One two three four five

Let's play balls!

Up, down - 2 times

Hey guys, don't be lazy!


Children are given tangled threads and sheets of paper depicting cats with

past lesson.

The kittens played with the threads and tangled them. Glue to our kittens, confused

threads. Children take turns approaching a psychologist, smearing threads with glue and

applied to the sheet. (Given the age and capabilities of the children, this task

can be replaced by drawing glomeruli with a pencil or felt-tip pen. You can also offer the children to glue multi-colored balls near the cat, which the teacher-psychologist prepared in advance.)

Children and adults remember what games they played with the cat. The psychologist says: “The cat liked it very much, but it’s time to say goodbye.” Children stroke the cat and say goodbye to him.


"Ryaba Hen"

Purpose of the lesson: 1) removal of emotional and muscular tension;

2) development of the ability to coordinate their movements with the rhythm of music and text, with the movements of other children;

3) development of the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game;

4) decrease in impulsivity and excessive motor activity;

5) development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body.

Equipment: cat, wonderful bag, chicken, egg, mouse, house, grandfather, grandmother, puff pastry for modeling or plasticine.

Lesson progress

"Hi, I'm a cat!"

The cat comes to the group, greets the guys.

"Affectionate Name"

The psychologist in the role of a kitten caresses each child in turn (pats them on the head with his paws) with the words "Good Olenka ...", etc.

"Wonderful bag"

The cat shows the children a "wonderful bag":

Guys! Look what I brought you. This bag is not simple, it is a bag

wonderful. Who wants to know what's in it?

Children take turns trying to feel the bag and guess what is in it. cat

takes out of the bag (in turn): a chicken, a mouse, an egg


The psychologist turns to the chicken and conducts a dialogue with her, a nursery rhyme is read:

- Ripple hen, where did you go?

- To the river.

- Why did the chicken ryabushek go?

- For water.

- Chicken ryabushechka, Why do you need some water?

- Water the chickens.

- Chicken - ryabushechka,

How do chickens ask for water?

- Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!

"The hen is sad - have pity on her"

The hen is sad - her wing hurts. The psychologist offers children to feel sorry for the chicken. The cat or an adult is the first to regret, then all the children take turns. The teacher-psychologist offers to treat the chicken with grains. (the children put their hands on the chicken, and she “pecks” the grains of each baby and thanks for the treat: “Thank you, Masha, Kolya ...”

Natalya Ponamareva
Project "Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution"

Informative project« Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution» .

Museum values ​​of Siberia.

Informative project« Mini-museum of local history in preschool educational institution» .

View: cognitive, long-term.

The purpose of this project:

promote comprehensive development children, to acquaint children with history, with the basics of Russian national culture, with the life and history of their ancestors, the formation of patriotic feelings among preschoolers. Build teamwork skills. Cultivate a desire to help and yield to each other.

Tasks project:

Enrich the impressions of children, cause a vivid emotional response when visiting mini-museum;

Form in children cognitive interest to the surrounding world, the history of their ancestors.


The project expands horizons, makes it possible to enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them.

Participants of this projects are: preschool teachers, children, parents.

Creation and placement mini-museum:

Mini Museum of Local Lore has been created in our group since October 2013, when creating the museum, we determined that in a kindergarten it is impossible to create expositions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we named it mini-museum. part of a word « mini» , in our case, reflects both the age of the children for whom it is intended, and the size of the expositions, and a certain limitation of the subject matter. Besides, distinctive feature our mini museum is, That What: you can’t touch anything in real museums, but in mini Museum of Kindergarten is not only possible, but also necessary! You can visit it every day, replenish the exposition and rearrange the exhibits and view them.

Mini-museum of local history in MBDOU"Kindergarten No. 97" located in a group "Flower-seven-flower". And was created by educators DOW: Ponamareva N. V. and Arakelyan T. M.

In building this museum took part not only creative Group preschool teachers, parents (who helped in the creation of the museum's expositions, replenishing them with materials).

Corner of Russian life;

Album of photographs of the city of Novokuznetsk;

Natural resources of our region;

Russian folk dolls;

In structure project we have identified three stages.

I. Preparatory stage. He included in myself:

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing project;

Model development mini-museum.

II. Practical stage (implementation stage project) .

1. Creating exposures in mini museum.

When we organized this mini museum, He "thinking" as an exhibition of natural resources of our region. In progress mini The museum was replenished with new expositions. Then, we thought that children should know not only about what the city of Novokuznetsk is famous for, but also about the culture and life of the Slavic people.

2. Development of a work plan mini-museum.

IN mini-museum are organized:

Thematic exhibitions, exhibitions of exhibits, objects of arts and crafts, Russian life, folk crafts, photographs, household items, etc.;

Excursions in mini museum, entertainment, gatherings, in accordance with the work plan;

Free entrance mini-museum by children together with their parents.

III.Final stage

Presentation of results project

IV. Integration of educational areas.

In this project integration of the following educational regions:

- « Artistic creativity» (drawing, application)- exhibitions of children's works are organized in mini museum;

- "Knowledge"- games-classes are organized to get acquainted with others);

- "Socialization"- excursions are organized to introduce children to the world of historical heritage;

V. Job prospects.

Replenish the plan of the content of excursions in mini museum;

Equipment mini- a museum with a video library for expositions (work in this direction has already begun and in mini-the DOW Museum has separate video materials for expositions).

Tasks of museum pedagogy: Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Development harmonization creative personality. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Formation of national ideology. Formation of national ideology. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Tasks of museum pedagogy: Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Expansion of the sphere of education through familiarization with museum pedagogy. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Harmonization of the development of a creative personality. Formation of national ideology. Formation of national ideology. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Preservation of traditions, return to primordial spiritual values; patriotic education of citizens of their Fatherland. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum. Creation of a new museum auditorium; expanding the area of ​​influence of the museum.

“Museum pedagogy is an area scientific knowledge that arises at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, museology, art (as part of common culture) and local history. She explores museum forms communications, nature of use museum funds in the transmission and perception of information from the point of view of pedagogy. The subject of museum pedagogy is the problems associated with the content, methods and forms of the pedagogical impact of the museum, with the peculiarities of this impact on various categories of the population, as well as with the definition of the museum in the system of educational institutions. Thus, museum pedagogy is formed at the intersection of museology, pedagogy, and psychology. “Museum pedagogy is a field of scientific knowledge that arises at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology, museology, art (as part of a general culture) and local history. She explores museum forms of communication, the nature of the use of museum tools in the transmission and perception of information from the point of view of pedagogy. The subject of museum pedagogy is the problems associated with the content, methods and forms of the pedagogical impact of the museum, with the peculiarities of this impact on various categories of the population, as well as with the definition of the museum in the system of educational institutions. Thus, museum pedagogy is formed at the intersection of museology, pedagogy, and psychology. E. B. Medvedeva, M. Yu. Yukhnevich give the following definition:

Museum is an institution that collects, studies, preserves and exhibits monuments. natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities. Museum science is the science of the history of museums, their purpose and organization. Museums are an integral part cultural heritage. They cover almost all spheres of human life: art, science in general, history, geography, etc. In any major city There are museums of different kinds.

The task of a teacher involved in museum pedagogy is to create conditions for developing a position of creation among pupils; positions not of an outside observer, but of an interested researcher; positions of personal responsibility in relation to the past, present and future heritage; position not so much mechanical memorization of historical and other material, but its understanding and emotional and moral assessment.

Museum pedagogy has an integrated character. Museum Studies Museum Studies Psychology Psychology Pedagogy Pedagogy scientific discipline, is of an integrated nature, since the development of this direction is due to the interaction of museology, pedagogy and psychology. IN recent decades preschool institutions began to create their own mini-museums, the organization and use of mini-museums is considered as special form work with children and parents. In recent decades, preschool institutions have begun to create their own mini-museums, the organization and use of mini-museums is considered as a special form of work with children and parents. In preschool museum pedagogy, two major areas can be distinguished: In preschool museum pedagogy, two major areas can be distinguished: 1) cooperation of a kindergarten with museums (local history, art, etc.); 2) creation and use of mini-museums in a preschool institution 2) creation and use of mini-museums in a preschool institution.

The principle of integration The principle of continuity and diversity The principle of activity and interactivity The principle of scientificity The principles of dynamism and variability The principle of partnership The principles of environmental friendliness and safety The principles of organizing a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution

Areas of work in the course of the implementation of museum pedagogy projects Creation of thematic collections and expositions Presentation of parent-child research projects joint artistic activity for children and parents, as a result of which museum exhibits are created Museum Pedagogy Project implementation Specially organized and independent artistic activities Research activities according to the methodology Folklore holidays, joint excursions and other aesthetic events

Stages of creating a mini-museum Preparatory stage At the beginning of the work (children, educators), together with their parents, determined the theme and name of the mini-museum, developed its model, and chose a place for placement. Final, summarizing stage Presentation of the mini-museum Presentation of the mini-museum Practical stage (or project implementation stage) Participation in the creation of children and parents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families. In the course of work, all material is systematized and supplemented. Eventually the main objective achieved: the relationship between parents and teachers has changed, more united, there has been a rapprochement. Partnerships between preschool institutions and parents have been established.

Forms of organization of work with children: I. Daily. K Collecting with children; creation of mini-museums. II. Weekly. Museum Content Formation Games artistic culture, entertainment games; travel games; games - aesthetic exercises: filling in museum dictionaries (drawings, collages, etc.). Doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle). III. Periodic. Conducting educational and sightseeing tours, competitions and quizzes in mini-museums (a prize for the most curious museum visitor).

Mini museums in kindergarten relevant and effective. They give the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills. The leading method in working with preschool children, as you know, is the game. It is in the game, simulating a variety of situations, that the child learns the world acquires the necessary skills, acquires own experience. Imagination and fantasy, at their most developed in childhood, help the child to feel the spirit of a different historical time, and therefore, to master, transform the accumulated historical and cultural values. aim pedagogical technology is the education of morality of preschool children by means of museum pedagogy. The purpose of pedagogical technology is to educate the morality of preschool children by means of museum pedagogy. To develop the technology of using museum pedagogy as innovative in the process of educating children's morality, the following principles are identified:

What is the difference between a modern children's museum and a classical museum? His the main task educational, educational: any objects can be collected in it, and not just originals, as is customary in traditional museums. Another one specific trait children's museums: this is a playful or interactive educational space in which a child can do something independently, according to his choice, taking into account his own interests and capabilities. Children's Museum focused on children of a certain age, family and preschool. Its main function is educational, educational. It is interactive and involves the active behavior of the child in relation to the exhibits. The main thing in such a museum is not the value of the exhibits themselves, but the availability of conditions for creativity and independent activity of the child. From this point of view, a mini-museum in a kindergarten, in our opinion, is a kind of children's museum.

A mini museum for pupils, this kind of educational zone: Speech development - vocabulary work, the development of coherent speech, intonational expressiveness of speech, activation passive vocabulary, acquaintance with folklore, with folk tale. Speech development - vocabulary work, development of coherent speech, intonational expressiveness of speech, activation of a passive dictionary, acquaintance with folklore, with a folk tale. Mathematics - counting, measurement, comparative analysis and synthesis, familiarity with the calendar and time cycle, etc. Mathematics - counting, measurement, comparative analysis and synthesis, familiarity with the calendar and time cycle, etc. Music - getting to know folk music, With classical music, musical and rhythmic exercises. Music - acquaintance with folk music, classical music, musical rhythmic exercises. Art - acquaintance with the works of classical artists, acquaintance with the works of photo artists; with folk applied art. Art - acquaintance with the works of classical artists, acquaintance with the works of photo artists; with folk arts and crafts. Knowledge of the surrounding world - acquaintance with different professions, with the production technology of some products, with social life, with the environment. Knowledge of the world around - acquaintance with different professions, with the technology of production of certain products, with social life, with the world around. Health - give an idea of healthy way life, oh proper nutrition about vitamins. Health - to give an idea about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, about vitamins. Physical development - to expand ideas about physical development as an integral part general development. Physical development - to expand ideas about physical development as an integral part of overall development.

Currently, one of the topical issues in the field preschool education is the search for new forms of organization of interaction between preschoolers and their parents, implemented in order to increase the competence of adults in matters of education. - proven, progressive form pedagogical activity, which:

  • allows you to improve the subject-spatial environment of groups;
  • promotes acquaintance of children with museum culture, the world around them;
  • opens up opportunities for independent research.

Themes of the mini-museum at the preschool educational institution

Main Feature museum exposition created in the kindergarten group, there should be a change in the role of pupils. Children for the most part do not like museums because of the prohibitions to touch the exhibits, the inability to examine and understand all of their elements due to the location at some distance (behind closed windows). In a mini-museum, preschool children should not be passive observers, but interested subjects of action. And the level of interest of the kids is primarily determined by the themes of the mini-museums opened in the preschool educational institution.

The theme of the created exposition depends on many factors - the regional characteristics of the area, the age and interests of preschoolers, the level of professional training and creativity educator and parents. Practice shows that with skillful interpretation, almost any field of activity can become interesting topic for a group mini-museum.

Exhibition displays have already been created in many kindergartens in our country. Teaching staff share their experience of successfully creating small museums, rethinking traditional themes. But in some preschool educational institutions, unusual exhibitions were also opened, contributing to the implementation creative activity children.

Popular themes of mini-museums in groups of preschool educational institutions:

  • “Wonder Tree”, “Such Different Flowers”, “Exotic Animals and Birds” are expositions designed to acquaint kids as closely as possible with the world of wildlife.
  • “Voditsa-sap”, “City of Masters” (an exposition dedicated to the recycling of waste), “Our Home is the Earth” - reveal the problems of environmental education.
  • "Native City", "My Motherland - Russia", "Museum of Military Valor", created as part of the implementation of patriotic education.
  • "Theatrical Art" Art Gallery”, “Sounds around us” - topics designed to introduce preschoolers to art.
  • "Puppet Museum", "Fun-toys", "Multi-remote" - expositions dedicated to the heroes of cartoons and fairy tales, toys.
  • "Mini-museum of railway transport", " Best friend"(exhibition of dog figurines), "Museum of the ball", "Museum of magical things", "Museum of Cheburashka" - examples of copyright expositions created by teachers preschool education together with children and their parents in different parts of our country.

Creation of a mini-museum in the preschool educational institution

The organization of museum exhibitions for preschoolers is a laborious task that requires coherence of actions from all participants in educational relations.
Creation of a mini-museum in preschool group provides for the implementation of several stages of activity:

  1. Conducting consultations with children and parents.
  2. Choice of location for exposure. It is very important that the location of the exhibition allows to replenish it with new exhibits in the future.
  3. Collection of exhibits that can be provided by parents or created in the process of joint creativity of kids and adults. Registration of exhibits in the catalog.
  4. Design of an exhibition mini-complex, which provides for the creation of scenery, tags for exhibits, decoration of the room.
  5. The choice of guides, which can be children of the eldest or preparatory group and family members of pupils.

Variants of mini-museum locations

Cons of this solution:

  • providing access to the exhibition for a limited number of pupils (children of one group);
  • remoteness from the dressing room (precedents are rarely created for communication between parents and children on exhibition issues);
  • the fact of creating a mini-museum will remain unknown to a large number family members of pupils from other groups.
locker room When organizing an exhibition mini-complex in the locker room, the advantages of free access to the exhibits are preserved not only for children from particular group but also other pupils and their parents. Premises for extra classes Music halls, art studios and other premises of the kindergarten are characterized by a sufficient amount of free space, but at the same time they are very rich in content. The creation of a mini-museum in such premises will be associated with the need to implement bold design solutions. halls Free access to such premises is a big plus and minus at the same time. On the one hand, parents have the opportunity to visit the mini-museum at any convenient time, individually or in groups. On the other hand, due to the lack of access control, educators do not have the opportunity to replenish the exhibition with truly valuable and interesting exhibits.

Presentation "Mini-museum in the preschool educational institution"

The completion of works on the arrangement of the museum exposition within the walls of the kindergarten should not go unnoticed. To once again draw attention children's team and the parent community to the subject of the project, it is recommended to presentation and Grand opening mini-museum in preschool educational institution. For clarity, you can create several slides and use a projector, or prepare a short stage story.

As part of the presentation of the museum, the following blocks of information should be presented:

  1. History of the creation of the exposition. Kids will be pleased to know that it was their passion for natural history or an increased interest in a particular category of toys that served as the idea for creating unique project which was visualized.
  2. The goals and objectives of museum pedagogy, the voicing of which allows adults to realize the importance of the experience of creating an exposition in the context of the educational process.
  3. Brief Introduction different collections Exhibitions. Practice shows that during preparatory work children have time to get acquainted only with those exhibits that were brought or created by members of their families. The first solemn tour of the mini-museum helps to draw the attention of pupils to individual subjects, which will later be studied in more detail.

It will be interesting for children and adults to find out what can be done in the mini-museum, what excursions and activities will be held on the basis of the group exhibition complex.

A presentation on Museum Pedagogy in Kindergarten should be carried out in a fun and integrative way, involving the participation of toddlers and their parents. The continuation of joint work on the project helps students feel involved in the process of museum collecting, creates excellent prerequisites for subsequent easy assimilation of the material.

Passport of the mini-museum in the preschool educational institution

An obligatory element of the museum infrastructure, which contributes to the transfer of experience in the implementation of museum pedagogy projects, is passport of the thematic mini-museum in the preschool educational institution. This reporting document can be formatted in text form with the inclusion of flowcharts, illustrations, or in the form of a colorful presentation.

The structure of the mini-museum passport

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Chapter Content
Front page The name of the museum exposition is indicated, data on the group of authors are given: the names and surnames of responsible educators, information about their education, positions, experience in teaching practice.
Location Indicate the permanent location of the museum, configuration data (presence of shelves, prefabricated structures).
The purpose and objectives of the exposition Goals:
  • improvement of the conditions for conducting the educational process;
  • in groups;
  • implementation of an integrated approach to the education of preschoolers.
  • the formation of interest in collecting, the search for historical truth;
  • organization of conditions for joint activities pupils and members of their families;
  • conducting cultural and educational work.
Content and forms of work It could be a learning activity. literary sources, search work, conducted with the aim of replenishing the exposition, excursion and lecture work.
Museum management Most often, the functioning of the museum mini-complex is carried out according to the principles of self-government.
Preservation of the museum fund Provide a list of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of the exhibition.
An appendix should be made to this item - a list of all exhibits, which must be systematically updated.

Mini-museum in the senior group of the kindergarten

Museum activity should not end at the stage of a successful presentation of the project. On the contrary, the exposition should be improved and supplemented, and its elements should be included as subject material in different types activity.

The work of the mini-museum in the group of preschool educational institutions provides mandatory excursions - preschoolers or their parents. This approach allows you to implement several important functions:

  1. Educational - through the training of visual and auditory perception new information preschoolers, providing all possible assistance to the educator in the preparation of exposition and presentation materials, expanding the boundaries of the main program material.
  2. Developing. The presence of new objects in the group space stimulates the activation of pupils' thinking, the expansion of vocabulary, and has a positive effect on the development of intellectual data.
  3. Educational, realized through instilling the skills of a thoughtful, critical perception of new information.
  4. Educational. During implementation museum project and subsequent work on it, preschoolers receive elements of social experience, learn to work in a team to achieve a common result.

The experience of using museum pedagogy has not been fully studied. Using a Variety of Shapes methodical work on the theme of the exhibition - holding thematic conversations, excursions, creative activities - allows you to diversify educational process and significantly expand the cognitive horizons of children.

Museum pedagogy, as one of the activities of the museum, is becoming more and more common in the practice of spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, historical and local history education of the individual in a single educational process.

In accordance with the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution, in order to enrich the subject-developing environment of the group, form preschoolers' ideas about the museum, create conditions for the development of design and research skills, from February 20 to February 22, 2017, a mini competition was organized and held. -museums in the preschool educational institution, in which everyone took part age groups DOW.

During the competition, the following indicators were evaluated:

- mini museum location(aesthetic appearance, creativity of design, safety, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions, age appropriateness of children,

- theme of the mini-museum(connection of the selected topic with educational areas, patriotic education or speech development,

- the history of the creation of the mini-museum(story about the purpose of creation, interesting facts and objects of the museum,

- availability of documentation (summaries of GCD, work plan, content of work with children - a selection of games, fiction and etc. ,

as well as the variety of exhibits, the ability of the teacher to conduct a tour of the museum.

The “mini-museums” presented during the review-competition are diverse in content, themes, aesthetic design, equipment with materials and manuals, are of a developing nature, created taking into account age features, located in places accessible to children, created by the hands of teachers, parents and children.

Each of the educators did a lot of work, decided on the theme of the mini-museum, chose a place for its placement, filled it with content, thought out equipment, sections, forms of work in the museum.

The theme of museums turned out to be diverse:

In the "Polyanka" group, Mylnikova Natalya Yurievna and Savkina Nadezhda Alexandrovna shared some secrets of making exhibits. Everyone really liked the mini-museum "This is how our ancestors lived."

In the group "Rainbow" - teacher Ivanova Olga Viktorovna met the guests with pancakes and treats. Shrovetide in the yard! The mini-museum "Folk Crafts" was presented to the attention of colleagues. Olga Viktorovna conducted a fascinating tour about the past and present of our country, our region.

In the group "Ryabinka" educators Chikova Galina Alexandrovna and Korney Yulia Nikolaevna presented the mini-museum "Wonders from wood" and "Russian hut". Everyone appreciated beautiful decoration And interesting stories about the exhibits.

In the "Rays" group, the teacher Karelina Larisa Yuryevna presented the mini-museum "The World of Stones".

In the "Why" group, teachers Kolbina Tatyana Nikolaevna and Salomatova Svetlana Borisovna presented to the attention of colleagues the mini-museum "Porridge - our joy" hospitably, according to Russian tradition, and everyone else tried porridge "Friendship" with heat, with heat in a real cast iron and wooden spoons !

In the "Daisy" group, the educators Tamara Petrovna Korobatova and Natalya Ivanovna Popova presented the "Utensils" mini-museum, as well as the didactic material used in the work, to the attention of their colleagues.

The group "Yagodka" was represented by the teacher Bondar Marina Aleksandrovna. The teacher presented the mini-museum "Berest".

In the group "Sun" there was a grand opening of the mini-museum "World of Clocks". The tutor Novikova Elena Mikhailovna told her colleagues about how the decision on the theme of the museum was made together with the parents, how the exhibits were collected and how they got acquainted with them. Visual and didactic material was also demonstrated.

The mini-museum "Russian Matryoshka" was represented by the teacher Borodina Lyubov Viktorovna.

In the "Bees" group, the novice educator Simonova Olga Olegovna presented the mini-museum "Sounding Toy", on which Morshneva Polina Nikolaevna worked.

The final excursion was to the "Rodnichok" group, which was presented by the tutors Deryabina Elena Viktorovna and Malenkih Roza Vasilievna. The mini-museum "Russian Folk Crafts" has existed in the group for a long time, but today it is presented in a new version. Also, the educators showed all the exhibits, collections, visual and didactic material accumulated in the group, morally patriotic education. The educators told their colleagues in detail how the work on patriotic education is being implemented, what forms of work are most interesting in the implementation of the program for the regional component, etc.

Summing up such fruitful work preschool educators, I would like to note the coherence of work, kindness, mutual assistance and support of all members of the team, the interest and participation of parents.

We hope that the work in mini-museums will continue, teachers will develop museums, replenish exhibits, complicate didactic and theoretical material according to the age of the children.

The results of the competition will be announced at the Pedagogical Council in March 2017.

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