How to learn to dance modern dances at home? get ready to slow dance. Dance school location


The slow dance begins with an invitation. Traditionally, the guy should invite. Sometimes the host of the event announces White dance. This means that the girls are invited. However, in modern society it doesn’t really matter who invites whom, so if you want to dance with a guy, but he is not too active, feel free to go to him yourself. invite to a slow dance with a smile, and then the partner will definitely not be able to refuse you.

How to dance a slow dance so as not to disgrace yourself in front of a partner?

Get in position to dance. Traditionally, the girl's right hand should lie in the guy's hand. The girl's left hand is on the guy's shoulder, and the guy's right hand is on the girl's waist. Sometimes it is acceptable to put both of the girl's hands on the guy's neck, and both of the guy's hands on the girl's waist. Put your feet in a comfortable position, at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other. The distance between the couple should be at least 15-30 cm. Only if you are in a relationship can you get closer.

In any slow dance, a guy leads. To do this, he must slightly pull the girl by the hand, showing her where he is going to move. A girl needs to feel a partner and follow him. All movements should be smooth and soft. Sharp movements in this dance will be inappropriate.

If you don’t know how to dance, it’s not scary, everyone learns sometime. Before the dance, you can ask your partner if he can dance. If yes, let him teach you. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You will be happy to help. Here are some more helpful tips.

  • Do not lift your legs, but slide them on the floor. This way you won't step on your partner's foot.
  • Make eye contact with your partner from time to time to show your interest, but don't stare at them all the time.
  • Have a casual conversation while dancing.
  • If you stepped on your partner's foot, apologize and be careful in the future. If you have been attacked, do not be angry.

And don't forget to thank your partner when the dance is over. This old-fashioned gesture is very cute and quite appropriate.

By different reasons people who want to learn to dance don't want to do it in special schools. In the age of progress, you can learn to dance on your own, at home. Many women do not intend to become professionals, but strive to lose weight and maintain their figure. Dancing at home will help you achieve your goal.

How to learn modern dance at home

Many are interested in the question of how to learn to dance on their own at home. Particularly popular are Street dance, breakdance, latin and Eastern dance. Each direction has certain features that distinguish them from other styles. Decide what you want to dance and how to teach dance (video lessons or instructor).

Choose a dance direction

Among the variety of styles and directions, the following can be distinguished:

  • Latin American. The direction is very popular. Rumba, cha-cha-cha, salsa and bachata are highly active and look very impressive. The principles of dance are based on simplicity, openness and emotionality of movements.
  • Oriental (belly dance) will suit girls and women of any age. The structure of the figure and complexion for this style do not matter. Dance movements are smooth and mysterious.
  • Club modern dances created to be performed on the dance floors of discotheques. When dancing, you need to carefully monitor the rhythm so that the movements exactly match the music. Club dances include:
  • hip-hop;
  • street jazz;
  • brakedance;
  • Go go;
  • funk.
  • National dances have gained great popularity. It is very interesting to join the culture of a certain people through movements. The most common are Irish, indian dances, tango and flamenco.
  • Strip plastic is suitable not only for seducing men, but also for maintaining the shape of your body.
  • Ballroom dancing is useful for prom, wedding or other solemn event. Beautiful, smooth performance adds refinement and elegance to a person.
  • The famous ballet adds flexibility to a person not only during the dance. The grace inherent in ballerinas is noticeable in Everyday life. It is very difficult for adults to learn this style, but you can borrow some links.

You need to choose a direction for yourself in accordance with your musical preferences. If the music is not to your liking, you will not be able to study for a long time and will not get quality result. Important role when choosing a dance, character plays. If you humble person, choose a style with smooth movements, if active - with rhythmic ones.

Make a workout schedule

When learning to dance, it is important to make your loads systematic. This will help scheduling workouts. At home, it is more difficult to fight laziness, because the dance school involves payment, so the motivation to dance is more formed. It is much easier to miss a solo or a training session with a guest teacher. Remember that you will learn to dance really beautifully only by observing discipline. The schedule for dancing can be any that is convenient for you. The most common frequency is 2-3 times a week.

Types of homeschooling

You need to choose the way of learning to dance in accordance with your budget and necessary quality workouts. You can easily learn how to dance modern dances at home for free using the Internet. For very little money, you can purchase full-fledged video tutorials. If you want to practice more seriously, are willing to pay a lot, invite a private instructor.

Dance Tutorials

As a guide on how to learn to dance at home, video tutorials are suitable. It is also useful to read books in order to feel the atmosphere and history of the direction you have chosen. In mastering the dance on your own according to the training materials, you must follow the following steps:

  1. To get started, you need to find videos with detailed lessons. On the Internet, you can find them on the websites of dance schools, in in social networks or on video. The problem is to get full course online is almost impossible, because they are laid out for informational purposes to attract customers. If you want to fully master the desired style, purchase discs in the store.
  2. When the allowance is purchased, form a study area in the apartment. You will need a large space and a mirror so that you can keep track of your movements.
  3. Training should be carried out several times a week, mastering 2 classes at a time. First, repeat the movements for the instructor in the video, then try it yourself.

Private lessons at home

If you want to avoid going to school but want to work with a teacher, you can hire a specialist privately. Keep in mind that his services will cost you a lot, but the teacher will help you work on every movement and not miss workouts. If you decide to go this route, follow the instructions:

  1. Check out the list of dance schools in your city. You can do this using the Internet.
  2. Carefully read the reviews of those involved in this school regarding teachers. If you did not find the information, contact one of the students with this question.
  3. When the right teacher is found, take his phone number and call. During the conversation, find out about the price of classes and the time when you can meet.
  4. When meeting, discuss the frequency of training, their duration. Find out what equipment you will need for the class.

What dance can you learn at home

Today, shops and online portals offer many lessons. They will help you learn how to dance lezginka at home, oriental, Latin dances, master modern trends. For those who want to travel back in time, classical and folk elements. A training video can be found for any style or direction you like.

Twerk for beginners

How to learn to dance twerk at home:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart so that your toes are directly under your knees. Then do a deep squat and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Start exercising your movements. To do this, place your thumbs on your tailbone and push it forward.
  3. To push your hips back, do the same with your pelvic bones.
  4. When the main ligament begins to turn out, place your hands on your knees. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist should be facing outward. Gradually increase the pace of movement.

How to dance hip hop at home

To learn hip-hop at home, you need to master a few basic elements:

  1. Basic movements in dance: steps (steps) and swing. Pull out first right hand up, and set the lower limb aside so that the toe looks to the right. Bend your leg, transfer your body weight to it. Lower your raised arm so that it is at the same level as your shoulder. Turn the body to the left side, put the right foot on the toe, and bend the left. Do flick, dropping to the right knee, while rounding the back. Try to reach the floor with your hands, then straighten up.
  2. Turn your toes to the left, knees bent, support should be on a full foot. Place your hands on your chest with your fingers apart so that your elbows are parallel to the floor. Make a pressing movement with your hands, push the pelvis forward, round your back. Straighten your back, turning to the side, hands should slide along the body to the waist. Tighten with the next movement. gluteal muscles, the pelvic region will rise up, round your back.

Oriental dance lessons at home

How to learn to dance oriental dances at home:

  1. It is best to learn with an instructor or with the help of video tutorials, but you can learn the basics on your own. Start your workout with slow movements hips in different sides leaving the upper part of the body stationary.
  2. Continue moving your pelvis back and forth, gradually increasing the pace. Then try to connect the elements.
  3. To make the dance look more spectacular, put one foot forward, and let the body make movements in the form of a figure-eight, circle or arc. Leaning on your leg, try to make a wave using your chest and stomach.

How to learn to dance the waltz on your own

Waltz - pair dance. You can only master it well with a partner. You need to move in space counterclockwise, circling in the opposite direction. Each element should be performed to a clear rhythm that is easy to catch when counting up to three. The man's left hand should be located on the partner's waist, the other he takes her hand. When the movements become confident in the square, start trying to dance in a circle.

Lezginka video tutorials for men

Mastering the basic dance moves for beginners is easy with easy-to-follow video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose the right one. dance style. Some directions are too complicated and not suitable for beginners, so before starting the first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Club dance go-go

go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in nightclubs in America. It was originally based on dance moves twist, which the girls performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs guessed to place the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique, Go-Go dances became incredibly popular: exquisite and sensual movements attracted a huge number of visitors to the club.

This dance requires great physical strength, significant flexibility, looseness and an impeccable sense of rhythm. It is usually performed under contemporary pop music, includes many different styles such as strip dance, hip hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it is still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which moves are judged.

Group Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners, simple for beginners easy to master, they allow you to develop a special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can independently learn how to dance beautifully and after a few lessons, shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic movements of the hips, relaxed and filled with freedom, a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to consider that all steps are performed on half-bent legs. This direction requires a good physical training, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will definitely bear fruit.


It's beautiful and passionate dance, which is usually performed in pairs. There are several varieties of tango: Argentinean, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last, ballroom, is often chosen as wedding dance happy couple.

master basic steps and even beginners can take positions, but in order to master the true skill, you will have to sweat a lot. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember and the couple always moves counter-clockwise.

One of the most popular directions for girls is oriental dances, as the movements are very simple and beautiful, they help to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dancing is much easier than strip dancing, does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the most short time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is danced even in discos. Basic movements for belly dancing for beginners include swinging the hips, soft movements arms and chest. The video lesson will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn how to dance, you need to overcome shyness and own laziness. Thanks to simple video workouts, beginners can try themselves in various directions and choose exactly the one that works best and delivers greatest pleasure. Basic dance moves for beginners are easy to master, and regular practice will help you achieve the desired level of skill.

Ah, the slow dance: you probably either loved it or hated it high school. No dance can be that romantic, and yet, many people who have no problem shaking their buttocks all night long go to the bench when the music slows down. But don't worry - even if you don't know how to slow dance, you shouldn't sit on the sidelines at the end of the evening. If you want to know how to slow dance, you just have to master a few basic steps, trust your partner, and glide gracefully to the music. If you want to master slow dancing in the time it takes for K-Ci & Jojo to play "All My Life", just follow these steps.


get ready to slow dance

Ask someone to dance. If you want to start slow dancing correctly, then you must ask the person to dance as gracefully as possible. If you are the man who asked you out on a date, you can wave your hand to her and say, "Let's dance?" If you are the date girl, then gently grab your partner's hand and pull him as you ask him to dance. Even if you don't have a partner, you should still look the person straight in the eye when you want to dance with her or him, and even playfully smile or sneer at him or her.

  • Don't worry if you're nervous - chances are, that person is nervous too. Cover your nervousness by smiling and asking with confidence.
  • Smoothly accompany your partner to the dance floor. After your partner has accepted your tempting offer, then you should accompany him or her to the dance floor slowly and gently - there is no need to rush. Don't forget to "savor" the moment. If you know the person well, or you're dating, you can hold your hands or join your elbows as you make your way to the dance floor. The man should lead the way to the dance floor and on floor, so the guy should grab the right hand of his partner with his left hand, slightly lifting it, and lead the girl to the dance floor.

    • Girls, if your partner does not automatically lead you to the dance floor, give him your right hand and turn your elbow towards his elbow and walk to the dance floor.
    • If you're already on the dance floor, the challenge is hold yourself and your partner on the dance floor - not an easy task if one or both of you are nervous about slow dancing. If your partner is nervous, smile and tell him or her that there is nothing to worry about.

    a slow dance

    Position your hands. Correct position hands has great importance in order to start the slow dance properly. For the traditional slow dance position, the man should place his right hand on the left side of his partner's thigh or on the middle of his partner's back towards the top of his back, and his left hand should gently take the right hand of her partner and support it approximately at the level of the shoulder of the taller partner so that the arms of both partners are bent upwards from the elbow. You should stand 30 to 15 cm away from your partner, depending on the level of intimacy you want to create.

    • The woman's left hand is usually located on the partner's shoulder. This is the traditional position in ballroom dancing(as well as a safe dance position for middle school), and you still need to stand 30cm away from your partner.
    • If two of you are in romantic relationship, you can even get into a position where the guy hugs the girl around the waist and the girl hugs the guy around the shoulders. It's also a common move for middle school and even high school because it's a little easier to get into that position - but it gets a little tricky for a guy to lead the dance.
    • Don't let your hands wander. Even if your partner doesn't mind, it throws off the other dancers and just isn't stylish.
  • Get your feet into position. Stand facing your partner so that your head is about 30 or 60 cm away from him or her. The face-to-face position is not the optimal position - you need to give yourself room to move your legs without bumping into your partner's legs. Some couples stand at an angle, with the right foot of each in the middle of the legs of the other; some partners may put the woman's legs in the middle of the men's.

    • Your legs should be at least 30 to 45 cm apart so that you can move comfortably from side to side.
  • Improve your movements. Luckily for you non-dancers, the slow dance is almost as easy as it gets. The movements should be slow and fluid, and you don't have to move too much. (Swinging back and forth as you move in a circle is perfectly acceptable.) Just shifting your weight back and forth, though, is the language everyone speaks. To change, move, or rotate, lift your leg slightly, eliminating your weight, and move that leg slightly forward, backward, or sideways.

    • As you improve your slow dancing skills, you can learn the "side step": simply step to the right of your right foot, then follow with your left foot, touch the ground, and then step to the left with your left foot, and then follow your left foot with your right, touching the floor again before you come back.
    • You and your partner's legs should be in sync when you do the side step, or even when you swing your leg.
    • Your hands should remain in place, except when the guy pulls on the girl's hand to lead her in a new direction.
    • If you are close to the person you are dancing with, you can look directly at each other with your faces only a few inches apart. Otherwise, you may move your head slightly to the left and your partner moves his head to the right, or vice versa, so you don't meet face to face.
  • Leading the dance (for guys). Traditionally, the man leads the dance and the woman follows. This means that not only does the man need to give signals for the couple to turn or move to a new position, but the girl must also allow herself to be led. If you are a guy, then you should lead your partner, and not move her on the dance floor like a broom. You need to be confident enough in your movements to show the girl when you want to turn or move in a new direction. Here are some other things to keep in mind as you lead the girl:

    • The easiest way to guide a girl is to gently nudge or pull her right hand (if you're holding it in your left hand) in the direction you want to move.
    • However, make sure you don't just lead with your hands; if your body is doing one thing and your hands are doing another, you'll look pushy or like you don't know what you're doing.
    • Instead, lead with your whole body: keep your shoulders and elbows firm but elastic, and then step in the direction you want to lead your partner.
    • You can lead your partner in a new direction and continue turning in a rectangle shape so that you continue the slow dance, keeping things interesting as you move your bodies.
    • You can also just move your partner to the right, left, or back or forward if you want to find a less crowded spot on the dance floor, or if you just want to mix up the moves.
  • Be led (for girls). While you girls may not want to give your partner control of your dance, you have to trust him and hope that he will do his best. If you try to control him when he tries to control you, then you will end up in awkward situation tug of war and neither of you can really move and enjoy the dance. Here are some things to keep in mind when you allow yourself to be led:

    • If you're lucky enough to get a partner who leads - even if it's awkward - don't fight him. In fact, do your best to follow along; the more clearly you show that he is in charge, the more he will try to lead you better.
    • If your partner moves his foot, then you will have to praise his action: for example, if the leader moves his right foot back, you should move his left foot.
  • Move to the beat. Your steps should move roughly to the beat of the music, so that you step on every beat or so. This is not as difficult as it may seem, as the music will be nice and slow and easy to follow. If the song speeds up its rhythm at any point then speed up the "side step" or swaying movements of your feet to match the music - make sure you And your partner both speed up and slow down when necessary.

    • If the music suddenly slows down, or if you guys are just feeling playful, then you can turn your partner around in the middle of the dance.
  • Talk to your partner. For most of us, slow dancing says more about intimacy with a partner and getting to know each other than movement. Feel free to talk to your partner, look into his or her eyes and, if the situation is appropriate, steal a kiss or two. In conversation with your partner, you will feel more at ease during the dance process, whether you know each other well or not.

    • Don't feel the need to talk all the time - this can ruin the flow of the dance and can make things awkward if you don't hear each other very well. Just a little conversation from time to time will make the experience more fun and comfortable.

    finish strong

    Thank your partner for the dance. Whether you're dancing with your 60-year-old wife or someone you've never met before, thank your partner. You can simply say "Thank you for the dance" or "I hope we can do it again, thank you" to make your partner feel special. If you're a guy and you're feeling playful, you might even bow a little to the girl as you thank her to make her feel special and show how much fun you've had.

    • If you finish the dance in this subtle way, the person is more likely to dance with you in the future.
  • Switch to next dance or step back gracefully. Once you have confidently started dancing slow dances, you no longer want to leave the dance floor as quickly as possible: one dance is just the beginning. However, if you have already danced enough this moment, step back from the dance floor. And if you haven't had a great time slow dancing with this person yet, take a break - good way to stop this person.

    • Offer to escort your partner to his or her table or where he or she wants to go or ask him or her if they would like to take a break if you wanted to do so.
    • If you enjoyed slow dancing and the music sped up, fear not. You can keep dancing to fast music with the same dance partner as long as you are both in the mood to dance some more.
    • Make more eye contact with your partner as this strengthens the relationship and makes the dance more comfortable.
    • Let the conversation happen. Many people will slow dance just to get a chance to talk to you. If the conversation comes naturally, let it go. If you let him go quietly, be genuinely interested in the conversation, or be genuinely interested in your partner.
    • Show respect.
    • Try sliding your legs instead of lifting them up. This way you are less likely to step on your partners feet.
    • Make sure you don't stare at your partner too much.
    • Make sure your dancing position is comfortable. Position your legs so that you don't have to strain or stretch them as you dance.
    • Don't try to kiss him/her right away. When the dance is over, stretch slowly. If your partner steps back, stop. If you lean in or close your eyes, kiss.
    • If you really know how to dance, well or at beginner level, instead of assuming anything about your partner, ask him or test him. Girls, feel free to ask your partner if he can dance. If he can and you don't, ask him to teach so you can get a few more dances during the evening and a date later if you want.
    • Try to learn more about your partner - it would help to become less clumsy.
    • When the dance is over, give him a hug or even steal a kiss if that's appropriate.
    • If your partner makes mistakes and steps on you unintentionally, try not to get angry! It's probably a little scary for him to slow dance.
    • Girls, if you really can't stand the guy you're dancing with, just say your feet hurt and gently walk away.
    • Girls, make sure the guy you dance with doesn't dance with you just because his friends made him. If you can see in his eyes that he is interested in you, then he is reliable.
    • Girls, if you feel comfortable, some girls put their heads on the shoulders of the guy they're dancing with. After the dance is over, you can hug or chat with each other, or even dance side by side to fast songs.
    • Guys, be polite. Girls love it and it's attractive.
    • Look into each other's eyes sometimes to show that you are interested.
    • Guys don't have to ask the girl to dance. Girls, go ahead and ask him to dance if you feel like he's into it.


    • If you step on someone's feet, apologize, and for God's sake, try not to do it again. If someone steps on your feet and asks for forgiveness, forgive. It most likely happened by accident.
    • Talk and look at your partner, not your friend's partner! Glancing over your partner's shoulder at someone else can end badly.
      • If you hurt her, she probably won't dance with you again, and she'll probably tell her friends who won't either. In the worst case, she will tell the guards, and then you will be in trouble.
      • This beautiful woman The one you're dancing with may not feel the same way about everything as the guys do, which means that a sudden tug of the arm might startle her and not make her have a good laugh.
    • Practice really makes everything perfect. Maybe she won't dance with you ever again, but maybe the cutie in the cocktail dress will just notice that you treated the dance like a gentleman... and she'll look up the next time you are free.
  • Who among us has not experienced at least a secret admiration, looking at people who can dance well? For some people, such a spectacle also causes a feeling of joy and inspiration, because a beautiful and well-performed dance is a real art. And another part of the people, after what they see, decides that they will certainly take up dancing. So how do you learn to dance? What should be done and where to start?

    The purpose of training

    If you are interested in how to learn to dance just so as not to stand in the corner at a party, then it is not necessary to enroll in a dance school. All you need is to learn how to listen to music correctly, relax and move to the rhythm. The Internet is full of videos with which you can learn a couple of simple club movements, and even more, which will make you feel comfortable at discos.

    But if you want to learn how to dance a particular style, then you have to seriously try.

    How to choose a dance style

    If you don't have a specific style in your head that you plan to learn, then consider: maybe you like classical motifs combined with innovative ideas? Then choose jazz-modern style. You are fascinated by the culture of American ghettos - dance one of the directions of hip-hop. If you like classical graceful movements, learn ballroom dancing.

    You can think about what kind of songs you like. So you will soon decide to what music, and therefore in what style you will like to dance the most.

    Search the Internet for videos of various dances and try to understand the basics of the different styles. Perhaps not every type of dance will suit you. Some styles require a certain amount of physical endurance, such as breakdancing. People with sore knees or other health problems, unfortunately, may also be limited in their choice of dance direction.

    Learning from professionals

    If you decide to study with a teacher, then first you need to choose a school or dance studio where you can be taught exactly the style that you have chosen.

    Classes in dance school discipline, and the teacher will immediately give you an idea of ​​​​how the training will take place, what stages await you and what you will do, provide timely assistance in correcting mistakes that you will certainly make at first.

    The competitive spirit among newcomers to the dance school encourages them to work harder, and dancing with other students is much more fun than being alone at home.

    Dancing at home

    If you don’t have the opportunity to go to dance courses or study with a teacher, but you have a desire to dance, then don’t despair - you can learn dancing at home. But at self-study you have to put in a lot more effort.

    Where to begin

    To practice dancing, you need to acquire the appropriate equipment - comfortable shoes and clothes. It can be sneakers, a T-shirt and leggings. But depending on the dance you are learning, the style of clothing can also change: for hip-hop classes, for example, wide sports trousers, and for classical dances need special shoes

    It may happen that before dancing you have to improve your ear for music. At first, you will dance to the count, but then you will have to navigate the music and coordinate movements on your own, and therefore the ability to hear the music and rhythm correctly will come in handy.

    Dance warm-up

    Each workout begins with a warm-up and stretching. If you do not prepare your body for training, then the likelihood of various injuries increases with an unexpected load on the muscles and joints.

    A set of warm-up exercises different styles dance sometimes differs and, depending on the parts of the body that are used in this dance, focuses on them. But the general warm-up and stretching for dancing follows the same pattern: a couple of minutes of active movement - running, walking, freestyle dancing; turning and tilting the head to the side, raising the shoulders, reducing / diluting the shoulder blades, tilting the torso, squats, stretching the back and legs.

    We offer you to watch a video with warm-up exercises before dancing.

    You don't need to do an overly intense workout. Its task is not to leave you exhausted at the very first stage of training, but to prepare the body for dancing.

    Body work

    Perhaps not a single dancer will be able to answer the question of how to learn to dance and not take care of your body, because this is impossible. For many types of dances, one warm-up will not be enough to cope with all the accompanying loads - you need to develop endurance, strengthen your body and prepare it for the performance of strength elements, such as lifts in ballroom dancing, racks in breakdance, active work tap dancing, etc.

    Don't forget about proper nutrition and body hydration to control your weight and replenish the moisture you lose from your workouts.

    Learning to dance

    And remember: mastery comes only with practice and experience. All the great performances that you have seen dancers perform hide behind hundreds and thousands of hours spent on training and training.

    These people, just like you, doubted whether they should start dancing and whether they would achieve such success, but look what they have achieved now. All in your hands!

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