Pictures of the best artists of Belarus on the theme of flowers. Artists from Belarus


When the conversation turns to famous Belarusian artists, it rarely goes beyond a couple of names. And not because there were no more talented masters in our country, we just don’t talk so much about Belarusian art. Globally recognized creators keep in trends, and leaders national art remain in the shadows. I decided to correct this oversight and tell about the wonderful Belarusian artists, who are worth knowing about.

Ivan Khrutsky(1810-1885) - known for his still lifes and group portraits, worked in line with the Russian academic school. Born in the Vitebsk region in the family of a Greek Catholic priest. He received his secondary art education in Polotsk. At the age of 17 he moved to St. Petersburg, where he took lessons in English painting George Doe while simultaneously working on Imperial Academy arts.

The most famous canvas of the artist is “Portrait of an unknown woman with flowers and fruits” (1838), a fragment of which is depicted on a bill of 1000 rubles in 2000

After the death of his father, Khrutsky was forced to leave cultural capital, because without main support left his mother and five younger brothers and sisters. The artist takes the boys to St. Petersburg, where he continues to work hard, earning a living by painting portraits. And then he returns to his native places and buys land near Polotsk, where he builds a house according to his project and lays out a garden. If you get acquainted with further events in the life of the painter, we can conclude that many secrets of his biography have not been revealed.

Ivan Khrutsky. "Portrait of a boy in a straw hat"

Leon Bakst(1866-1924) - artist, set designer, illustrator and designer, one of the legislators of European fashion for the exotic, a member of the famous association "World of Art". At one time he made a real sensation in France. And he was born in Grodno, in an orthodox Jewish family. After graduating from the gymnasium, he left for St. Petersburg, was a volunteer at the Academy of Arts. IN free time moonlighted by creating book illustrations. Then a whole string of events awaited Bakst: art exhibitions, life in Paris, communication with like-minded people, teaching painting to the children of Grand Duke Vladimir, marriage to the daughter of the founder of the famous Tretyakov Gallery and the associated adoption of another faith, divorce and return to Judaism ...

Leon Bakst. "Ancient Horror" (1908). One of the most famous paintings artist

Since 1910, Bakst has been living in Paris, where he reveals his talent in creating theatrical scenery.

Sketch for Sergei Diaghilev's ballet "Scheherazade" (1910)
Costume design for the Firebird for the ballet The Firebird (1922). One of the few works of the artist returned to his homeland, to Belarus

Yazep Drozdovich(1888-1954) - one of the most unusual Belarusian masters of the twentieth century. Born in poverty noble family on the farm Punki Glubokoe district. He studied at the Vilna Drawing School under the professor of painting Ivan Trutnev. He served in the army, worked as an art teacher in the capital female gymnasium As an illustrator, he actively collaborated with magazines and newspapers. Wrote carpets, collected folk songs and processed vocabulary for dictionaries vernacular. Published popular book in astronomy "Heavenly Run", painted a graphic series of paintings on a space theme.

Yazep Drozdovich ""Saturnian" landscape" (1931)

The above facts give the right to assert that Yazep Drozdovich was a comprehensively developed personality. Nowadays, he is compared with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Mikalojus Ciurlionis and even Leonardo da Vinci. However, unusual and multifaceted talent the artist was not understood by his contemporaries. He died at the age of 65 in dire need.

Witold Byalynitsky-Birulya(1872-1957) - landscape painter late XIX- the first half of the XX century, a representative of the lyrical direction. A native of Mogilev region. Born into a family of a small tenant. The boy's father worked in the Dnieper shipping company and often took him on a voyage along the Dnieper, Pripyat and Sozh. Byalynitsky-Birulya studied at first in the Kiev cadet corps, and then moved to the Kyiv drawing school. Later he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. In Moscow, he met Isaac Levitan, worked in his studio. Under the influence of teachers, he became interested in landscape.

Vitold Byalynitsky-Birulya. "Winter Dream" (1911)

The artist gradually gained popularity, demonstrating his paintings at various exhibitions, receiving high titles and awards. Most the master spent his life in a small estate in the Tver province called "The Seagull", which he himself rebuilt. The Belarusian writer Viktor Karamazov wrote the story "Kryzh on the earth and on the sky" dedicated to life and creative way painter.

Vitold Byalynitsky-Birulya. " Early spring» (1913)

Vitaly Tsvirko(1913-1993) - Belarusian painter and teacher, laureate State Prize BSSR. Born in the Gomel region in a family of rural teachers. The father of the future artist in many ways contributed to the formation artistic taste his son: the walls of the house of the Tsvirko family were hung with reproductions of works by such Russian artists as Vasily Perov, Ilya Repin, Ivan Kramskoy. When they moved to Minsk, Vitaly Tsvirko's drawings were noticed by school teachers, who began to give him private lessons. Special impact on development creative personality artist, by the way, rendered Belarusian writer, poet and playwright Kondrat Krapiva.

Vitaly Tsvirko. "Winter Landscape" (1976)

In 1929 future artist entered the Vitebsk Art College, after graduating he lived and worked in Minsk. A colossal success at an exhibition in Moscow leads him to the Moscow Art Institute named after Surikov, where he studies with famous masters of the Russian landscape. In 1944, Tsvirko returned to Minsk and actively engaged in creativity and teaching.

Vitaly Tsvirko. "Indian Summer" (1980)

Mikhail Savitsky(1922-2010) is a cult figure in Belarusian art. Born in the village of Zvenyachi, Tolochin district, Vitebsk region. Youth of the future People's Artist Belarus coincided with the bloody events of the Great Patriotic War. At the age of 20, he participated in the battles for Sevastopol, went through several concentration camps - these events had a powerful influence on Savitsky's worldview, which was later reflected in his work. He received an art education after demobilization: he graduated from the Minsk art school in 1951, then studied at the Moscow art institute named after V. I. Surikov. Lived and worked in Minsk. He was the first in the country to be awarded the Order of Francysk Skaryna (in 1997).

Savitsky is the creator of the unique series of paintings "Numbers on the Heart", dedicated to the prisoners of concentration camps. "The Curse of Fascism" (1979) - one of the paintings in this series)
Mikhail Savitsky. "Partisan Madonna" (1978). One of the most famous works of the master

Many works by Mikhail Savitsky received world fame. At the center of the artist's work were both historical and contemporary themes. He revealed them publicistically, with expression. In 2012 in Minsk was opened Art Gallery Mikhail Savitsky, whose exposition Aducar advises you to familiarize yourself with.

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Belarus- a country of amazing natural beauty. Picturesque landscapes, clean lakes and rivers, healing springs, endless coniferous forests and birch groves, only occasionally interrupted by lonely fields or a whole string of blue lakes, will certainly captivate and inspire everyone who is lucky enough to be there at least once. The fact that this region is truly fabulously wonderful is once again convinced by looking at landscape painting Belarusian artist Viktor Yushkevich, lovingly capturing these corners of nature on his canvases.

Viktor Yushkevich's works are in galleries and private collections in Russia, Great Britain, Germany, China, Canada, Israel and Poland. The artist has written more than 3000 works." alt=" "Colors of autumn".

My Belarus, Belaya Rus...
White morning grew purity.
Wherever I am, I long for you
You are mine and I am yours forever." alt=""Before the rain".

They call you blue-eyed
Dear Fatherland and mother.
For someone, you are very far away
It's easy for me to hug you.

(Vadim Antosh-Kozlov)" alt=""Bridge at the Pond"

Children's passion for drawing eventually grew into something more, and when his father handed 15-year-old Victor a canvas and professional brushes, the beginner young artist has begun new stage creative life. Unusually beautiful landscapes native land became the main theme of his work. Victor learned step by step to capture the mysterious the world, capture the mood of nature, create a unity of space, air and light. And he did it excellently." alt=""Forest road".

For the past two years, 30-year-old Viktor Yushkevich has been exhibiting at art exhibitions in his native Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, Spain, where his paintings are in great demand and decorate the interiors of apartments and apartments of many admirers of his talent." alt=""Morning forest"." alt=""Awakening"." title=""Awakening"." border="0" vspace="5">!}" alt=""Winter morning"." alt=""Spring thaw"." alt=""Fog on the Lake"" alt=""Dawn Beam".

This Belarusian artist is called modern impressionist. His paintings are full of life and emotion. It is impossible to pass by his bright canvases, painted in an unusual technique.

Talented Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov never ceases to amaze social media users with his works. His paintings are always emotional, they evoke only positive and joyful emotions, despite the fact that the artist depicts autumn. Afremov does not paint with brushes. He uses a palette knife (special knife-shovel), with which oil paints skillfully imposes the necessary strokes.

Many compare Afremov with the great masters of the past. But the artist insists that he has found his own style. His works can be regarded as modern art, which is based on the traditions of the past.

The artist himself notes: “The human mind is peculiar. We tend to cling to the past and be overcritical of the present. We compare new creations with classic masterpieces and look for the slightest flaws. The grass may have been greener centuries ago, but talented people are born today.

Leonid Afremov prefers to post his works in social media rather than do personal exhibitions in galleries. His artistic philosophy is based on the idea that art should not be limited to the elite.

Belarus has given the world a lot wonderful artists. And some are so significant, so famous that even those who are not interested in art at all know them, from the word at all. Their style is recognized, and even those who cannot stand them know their work. And the masterpieces of these masters amaze people with auction prices.
Do you want to see what canvases Belarusian collectors are willing to pay exorbitant amounts for?
Here are the top 10 expensive works artists from Belarus

1. 37 million 770 thousand dollars, Kazimir Malevich "Mystical Suprematism"

The picture was painted in 1920−1930. In 2015, it was put up for auction at Sotheby's for $35-45 million. As a result, they sold for 37 million 770 thousand.

2. 32 million 800 thousand dollars, Kazimir Malevich “Suprematism. 18th design"

"Suprematism. 18th design", 1915.

The painting was painted in 1915, the year Suprematism was born. After 100 years auction house Sotheby's sold it for $32.8 million, although the work was estimated at between $30 million and $46 million.

3. 28 million 453 thousand dollars, Marc Chagall "Lovers"

"Lovers" on this moment- most expensive picture artist. The work was written in 1928. It was sold in November 2017 at Sotheby's for $28,453,000.

4. 28 million 165 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine "Bull carcass"

"Bull carcass" was sold in 2015 at Christie's auction. The work was written in 1923 by "a genius from Smilovichi". It is believed that the inspiration for this expressive painting searched for Rembrandt and her "Carcass of a Bull". Soutine made many "meat" sketches and wrote six different "Bull Carcasses". Five of them are kept in museums around the world, one is from a private collector who bought it for 28 million 165 thousand dollars.

5. 18 million dollars, Chaim Soutine "The Little Confectioner"

For this amount, Soutine's painting was sold in May 2013 at the Christie's auction in New York. The work was declared the top lot of the evening and became the artist's most expensive painting. “This painting, painted around 1927, serves as a kind of final point in a series of paintings of the same name, created by the artist for almost ten years - the time during which he managed to turn from an unknown artist into a world-famous celebrity,” the auction house emphasized in a press release.

6. 17 million 200 dollars, Chaim Soutine "Portrait of a man in a red scarf"

Until 2013, "Portrait of a Man in a Red Scarf" was Soutine's most expensive painting. In 2006, it was sold at Sotheby's for $17.2 million, making it the most expensive piece of the auction. The picture was painted in 1921.

7. 16 million 830 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine "Valet"

In 2001, the Valet was sold for $1.9 million. In 2015, the amount increased by more than 8 times: at Sotheby's, the painting was sold for 16 million 830 thousand - this was significantly more than the most optimistic forecasts of connoisseurs.

8. 16 million 300 thousand dollars, Marc Chagall "Jubilee"

For such an amount, the painting "Jubilee" (1923) was sold in 1990 (there are suspicions that the then 16 million 300 thousand dollars cost more). The picture was painted during the golden period of Chagall. It depicts his favorite subject - flying with his beloved wife Bela. The same picture is kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, but it is called "Birthday".

9. 15 million 600 thousand dollars, Chaim Soutine "The Bride"

"The Bride" Chaim Soutine wrote in 1929. At Christie`s auction in 2015, it was estimated at 3-5 million dollars, but sold three times more than the maximum amount - for 15 million 600 thousand.

10. 14 million 583 thousand, Marc Chagall "Three Candles"

"Three Candles" Marc Chagall wrote in 1938-1940. In 2016, it was sold at Christie's for $14.583 million.

Surprisingly, we can reflect on the work of Van Gogh, discuss the impressionism of Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, argue about the popularity of da Vinci's "Gioconda" and " Sistine Madonna» Raphael and at the same time know almost nothing about Belarusian artists. By the way, many immigrants from Belarus are on the list of the most eminent masters of the brush world. Their work surprises, inspires, and sometimes shocks like no other.

"Portrait of a wife with flowers and fruits", 1838

Khrutsky is considered the founder of Russian still life. At the age of seventeen, he, the son of a Uniate priest, a student of a religious lyceum, went alone to St. Petersburg to paint. And, apparently, not in vain. Khrutsky managed to develop his talent so much that in the twentieth century his still lifes were in almost every home. Not originals, of course, copies - most people couldn't afford real paintings. Khrutsky's work is observed daily and we are with you - the Russian thousandth bill is decorated with a fragment of Khrutsky's painting "Portrait of a Wife with Flowers and Fruits." The artist's most famous painting depicts a young woman at a table filled with fruit baskets, a carafe of water, and a bouquet in a ceramic vase.

Art project "Fragments Tower of Babel»

Laureate of the State Prize of Belarus and Head of the Center contemporary arts Today Victor Olshevsky exhibits abroad more often than in Belarus. Victor's works, which are distinguished by deep symbolism and figurativeness, are in galleries and private collections in Belarus, Italy, Germany, Israel, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, France, Turkey and other countries. And his famous project "Fragments of the Tower of Babel" generally managed to travel half the world: New York, Berlin, Budapest, Gdansk ... The project consists of 13 canvases - 13 fragments of the Tower of Babel, which display elements of the cultures of the peoples of the world: Ancient Egypt and China, Iran and Cambodia, Mayan pyramids and Kremlin chimes, Polish Warsaw and Belarusian World.

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) Above the City, 1914

Chagall is often called a Frenchman because they simply cannot believe that such an avant-garde, innovative, emotional and fantastically talented artist could have been born in a small and far from well-known Belarus. A native of Vitebsk literally conquered the world with his unusual landscapes, portraits and genre compositions. It is interesting that almost every stroke on Chagall's canvas or paper is about love. About love for his tender and dear wife and muse Bella. The main feature of the artist is the figures of him and Bella, and sometimes other persons who fly in the paintings, ignoring all the laws of gravity and physics. Of the most famous works artist - "Above the city". Little houses, tilted boards, domestic scenes... And lovers, whose flight is not prevented by any prosaic life.

Andrey Smolyak (born in 1954). Project "Revived Pictures", 2010

Artist famous master not only brushes, but also outrageous. The idea of ​​his popular project “Paintings Alive”, which began three years ago, is the desire to unite famous, talented and honored people of Belarus through the art of painting. The essence of the project is that politicians and artists, poets and businessmen, directors and athletes "try on" the images of the characters in the artist's works. Smolyak's paintings have already included singer Larisa Gribaleva and actress Vera Polyakova, tennis player Maxim Mirny and biathlete Daria Domracheva, National artist Anatoly Yarmolenko and many others. The artist's works are today in public and private collections in Belarus, as well as in France, Italy, USA, Belgium, Russia and Holland.

Kazimir Malevich (1879-1935) Black Square, 1915

Great artist, avant-garde artist who changed the world and predicted the future architectural buildings, the father of Suprematism, the creator of the theater of futurism, the "artist-philosopher" - something like this you can read about Malevich in any paper or electronic encyclopedia. And one more obligatory addition to all the regalia of the artist is the author of the famous "Black Square". According to the artist himself, he painted the picture for several months. Someone jokes that the artist simply did not have time to finish the painting on time and smeared it with black paint. However, experts in art see in the picture a deep philosophical meaning. Subsequently, Malevich made several copies of the "Black Square" (according to some sources, seven). Malevich also painted the painting "Red Square" in two copies and one "White Square".

Chaim Soutine (1893-1943) "Meat carcass", circa 1923

The tenth child in a poor Jewish family from a small Belarusian village Smilovichi, Chaim from childhood had an irresistible desire to draw, although this was forbidden to the Jews. Despite the obstacles, he gradually achieved his goal: at first he studied in private school Jacob Kruger, then studied in Vilnius for three years. And finally Paris! Years of suffering, fermentation, hunger, disease... It was worth it for the whole world to talk about Soutine, for his expressive, crazy, hurricane-like paintings to be measured at auctions by millions of dollars. For example, at the recent May auction of christie's, his painting "The Little Confectioner" went under the hammer for $ 18 million! And among the happy owners of his works were Isabella Rossellini, the Chaplin family, the publisher Galimard, the descendants of Chagall, Francis Ford Coppola ... Lee not by herself famous painting the artist can be considered the expressive “Meat Carcass”, depicted in the twenties of the last century.

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