Coworking definition. Coworking - a new type of office real estate


Freeform workspace when the group is absolutely different people performs its work in a certain space, rooms or halls.

What is coworking in simple words?

All these people can work independently of each other, although they are in the same place, or vice versa, they can come together to discuss common project issues and tasks. Coworking only provides a comfortable and equipped space or space necessary for work. In most cases, coworking centers are visited by freelancers and startups, in other words, free and independent individuals.

Only in such a relaxed atmosphere can the whole creative potential person.
It is worth noting that co-working centers were first formed in America in 2005, and in Russia they began to develop only in 2008 in Yekaterinburg. The first co-working center in Russia was called the Tower, but it only lasted a year. The following centers opened only a few years later, but already in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their activities were enshrined at the level of legislation.

As a rule, coworking areas, equipped with everything you need from furniture to a coffee machine, are rented out for the required period and outwardly resemble an ordinary office with workplaces, meeting rooms and recreation areas.

Pros and cons of coworking

Coworking centers are not a permanent place of employment, but they allow, if necessary, to gain a planned income.

After all, a special atmosphere, a sense of freedom bring to work those factors that contribute to greater efficiency, unlike work in the office or at home. This is especially suitable for people with creative professions, designers, artists, poets and musicians, since no one distracts them with everyday issues and various trifles. But here you can also meet people in strict business suits who make appointments and perform important tasks in places that require an informal atmosphere.

After all, in the process of working in coworking areas, it is possible to make new acquaintances, borrow ideas, discuss issues that you doubt, put your ideas for consideration by people from completely different professional fields in order to get an objective assessment.

It is worth noting that coworking areas are often rented by organizations for their employees. This allows all employees to be in a single information space and discuss work issues in a relaxed, free manner.

In addition, such joint work, first of all, is a team-building event, which should be attributed to one of the important components successful business. Companies that care about their employees and are interested in their development personal qualities and skills often resort to such forms of organization of the work process.

Of course, it is worth noting the disadvantages of the coworking system. One of these disadvantages is territorial accessibility. Since while coworking is not very common within walking distance, you need to spend time on transport to get to it.

At the same time, the lack of a fixed workplace creates a new environment for work every day, which will not always be familiar and comfortable. You need to be vigilant about your belongings, since coworking is mostly a public place, which distracts from the main activity.

But despite the above disadvantages, coworking areas are in demand.

Coworking as a business structure

The main condition for the development of coworking areas as a business area is the demand of customers for this type of service. For the successful development of a business, it is undoubtedly necessary to take into account the needs of customers, focus on their wishes, make changes to the conditions for the provision of services in the presence of claims and complaints, and analyze the services of competitors from this area.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create coworking areas with an ideal working atmosphere, which also provides for the presence of additional functions, such as lounges, meeting rooms, sports complexes, food areas and other vital conditions.

Each workplace corresponds to its price gradation, depending on its equipment and business platform model. When building a business, it is also worth considering socially-oriented services that provide affordable jobs for low-income segments of the population, such as pensioners and students.

For the opportunity to work in these zones, the client can pay both 1,500 and 25,000 rubles, taking into account tariffs for additional services. Legal and accounting assistance and even a personal assistant can also be provided. Everything depends on the wishes of the client.

Coworking starts with planning

Any organizational project activity starts with business planning and creating coworking spaces is no exception.

It is important to take into account the main aspects of this activity so that the business brings not only income, but also becomes a kind of hobby.

One of the decisive roles is the choice of premises. It should be located in a crowded area, not far from the transport hub, have a convenient layout, business style and best meet the requirements of customers.

For this, first initial stage it is possible to rent a space for coworking services. It is important to consider that the premises must be relatively new and with high-quality repairs. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the walls. The tone of the room should be neutral and not distract from the main activities of customers.

An important role is played by the equipment of space. Tables, chairs, clothes hangers, cabinets with locks, chargers, partitions. Substantial part Money will go only to the initial arrangement of space. How additional functions it is possible to organize recreation areas, meeting rooms, dining rooms, a gym.

The purchase of stationery, paper and office supplies are also included in the expense item.
It is worth paying special attention to fixed costs such as paying rent, electricity, telephone, public mobile phone, cleaning services, and paying salaries to employees.

Competent planning of expenses and income will allow you to create coworking zones of both budgetary and prestigious types, depending on your wishes.

Possible profit

Undoubtedly, profit depends on many indicators, including the economic situation in the country, but by correctly calculating all expenses and income, you can achieve desired result. Of course, this takes a lot of effort. But this investment will undoubtedly be returned in the near future.

Of course, it is possible to make a big profit by attracting organizations and enterprises by organizing places for their employees in coworking areas. This will increase the volume of services provided and profit accordingly.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult for one person to organize a coworking center. This requires the efforts of a whole team, including an administrator, sales manager, development manager, designer, marketer, demand researcher and competitive environment analyst. As a rule, it is 5-8 people.

It is also desirable to have personal friends who will help you promote your business at no cost. new business. It is also possible to attract volunteers.

The profit reference point will begin approximately after six months of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to secure in advance the reserved funds for paying the first expenses, including the payment of wages.

Franchise Coworking

For those who are planning to start developing a service business in coworking areas for the first time and are afraid of possible failures, you can purchase a franchise from official German companies.
This service is now developing dynamically, and the proposed concept and a well-developed development plan will create all the conditions for the development and profitability of your undertaking.

Features and conditions of work on a franchise

The main feature of franchising is the implementation of most of the organizational issues at the expense of the company:

  • providing a working space with the presence of office furniture, office equipment with installed automated systems necessary for work, communications;
  • provision of stationery, paper supplies and other office material;
  • provision of services of an assistant or assistant;
  • providing an organized storage area, a box with a locking device in which it is possible to store personal items, including outside the working day;
  • organization of Halls for conferences, meetings, seminars, master classes, meeting rooms;
  • provision of space foreign organizations who do not have an official representation in the city;
  • organization of public places, kitchen service, lounges and rooms for conversations that are not related to work issues, a personal plan;
  • organization of showers, dry cleaning, a gym, vending machines with drinks and food, play areas and much more;
  • organization of a children's room with the presence of animators and security, to organize an uninterrupted workflow;
  • organization of legal and legal services, including lawyers, lawyers, accountants, tax agents and specialists in other financial professions;
  • organization of marketing support, including coverage of the coworking area in the media as a well-known brand.

At the same time, partner companies can offer franchise packages in various modifications, both initial and complete. The range of services provided and, accordingly, the cost depends on this.

The experience and knowledge of franchise companies will help novice entrepreneurs to get comfortable in the coworking services market and develop their business under reliable protection.

In contact with

So, it's decided. You leave the office for free bread and become a freelancer. Imagination draws rainbow pictures: here you wake up early in the morning, slowly brew coffee, prepare a light breakfast and sit down to work. Nothing and no one distracts. Negotiations with customers and colleagues through email or messengers. No sudden deadlines, hysterical bosses. After lunch, walk and back to work. In the evening time for family and friends.

And now we will tell you what will actually happen. A family wakes up with you in the morning, and in its absence, neighbors from above or builders from a neighboring apartment. Noise, din and any other factors distracting from work begin. Morning coffee gets cold while you help feed and dress your baby. Afternoon walk is covered with a copper basin due to the fact that you were distracted all the time. And the evenings are becoming from "family" purely "working".

You have two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Organize your work at home so that nothing can distract you. Arrangement personal account, sound-absorbing headphones, education of relatives and neighbors.

    Is it possible?
    - Certainly
    - It's complicated?
    - Incredible.

  2. Find a job outside the home. The first freelancers huddled in coffee shops, rented offices in business centers, but now it is much more convenient to use the services of co-working spaces. Now they are opening in all major cities.
Coworking spaces are spaces created just to make you feel comfortable working in them. This is not an office, the main purpose of which is to provide you with a workplace. The creators of such spaces strive to make their sites as convenient as possible for a person who runs his own business. For singles there are tables and chairs, for teams there are rooms with boards and everything you need. For presentations and training, you can take a meeting room or a conference room. In our experience, productivity in a coworking space is one and a half to two times higher than in a home or even an office.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule. In offices, everyone often eats at their workplaces or raids nearby cafes. This is inconvenient and wastes your time. Almost every co-working space has a great kitchen where you can warm up or even prepare meals, as well as enjoy complimentary tea, coffee and cookies.

For lovers total immersion capsule hotels are arranging to work with short-term sleep outages in coworking spaces. There is no need to explain what it is, just look at the photo.

In general, you can even live in coworking spaces. Many novice freelancers treat their new place of work in this way, thereby risking running into negativity from colleagues. In coworking spaces, there are certain rules that it is highly desirable to follow:

1. Be quiet

Your very important call, which can dramatically change your life and bring huge income, is completely unimportant to others. This is not an office where colleagues will listen with bated breath to your negotiations. And people with headphones around you probably don't listen to Heavy Metal at maximum volume.

So, if you have an important conversation, then go out somewhere or take a meeting room. Respect your colleagues and they will respect you.

2. Do not take up the meeting room more than the scheduled time

If you need a meeting room and you understand that a meeting or Skype call goes beyond the originally scheduled time, then try to reschedule the conversation. You are almost certainly already occupied by other people who have arranged a meeting with a client.

3. The main thing is cleanliness

In coworking spaces, as in a hostel, you need to clean up after yourself everywhere and always. It is unacceptable to leave any garbage for later. We talked with the client, gave him coffee, signed the contract, saw him off ... Then come back and clean up after yourself. Dinner - wash your dishes. And never store dirty lunch boxes in bags.

4. Look after your appearance

Of course, no one requires you to wear a suit, but you should also refuse beach shorts and slippers. Coworking spaces are democratic, but still you should not test the patience of colleagues.

5. Communicate but don't distract

One of the main advantages of coworking spaces for freelancers is the ability to connect with colleagues. Show them your achievements, receive objective criticism, learn new things, improve. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the person you want to contact in this moment may be busy with his own project. Quite often, an indicator that a colleague should not be distracted now is wearing headphones.

The market did not immediately come to ideal coworking spaces, as well as to the rules of conduct in them. The first spaces were opened on former factories or modeled on the classic office Open Space. As a result, something was always missing. There is little space, few meeting rooms, problems with shops and restaurants. In the end, some co-working spaces were difficult to get to, and finding a parking space in Moscow is not an entirely trivial task.

Coworking 14: we ate more than one dog

"Coworking 14" is the union of our own experience and experience of colleagues. We studied coworking projects all over Russia and implemented everything that a freelancer or a small team might need in ours. Our space is currently the largest in Moscow, the entire 14th floor of the AeroCity business center, which can accommodate 300 people. The location is very good, as far from all our clients and their guests have easy access to the center of Moscow, where other co-working spaces are located. There are no problems with parking and traffic jams.

"Coworking 14" is not only tables and chairs in a huge room. We managed to implement all types of spaces for work and leisure: open space, mini-offices, meeting rooms, conference hall, sleepbox and shower cabins. We took into account that very often our clients do not have time to run to the grocery store, and therefore there is a mini market on the territory of the coworking.

Of course, the main coworking area is designed for freelancers sitting in a common space. But we took into account that very often they gather in teams in areas or just by acquaintance. For their convenience, we made "island zoning" with the help of rounded podiums. Moreover, they are located not in the depths of the building, but near large windows.

We also took into account that many freelancers strive to play sports, but often do not have time for this. Therefore, we have a zone with simulators. Any of our clients can use them. Agree, it is not only convenient, but also economical. You don't have to pay for a subscription Gym, the cost of which is equivalent to our standard offer.

In addition, our partner, hosting provider RUVDS, provides all coworking residents with big discounts on modern cloud infrastructure. Considering that developers are now very often engaged in freelancing, such opportunities will be very useful for the development of their startups.

At the same time, let's talk about the cost of our services. Now 3 main tariffs S/M/L (600 rubles/day and from 12 to 15 thousand rubles a month) have been formed, which give our residents the opportunity to use all the necessary set of services for the successful organization of their business. Such prices are much more profitable than renting offices in business centers.

From our clients, we always expect not only compliance with the rules of conduct in coworking, but also feedback. What should be removed, what should be changed, what should be added? From readers, we also want to hear advice and objective criticism. We promise that we will listen to everything and make our Coworking 14 ideal for work.

New terms are constantly appearing in the business sphere, and you need to be able to operate them correctly. By the way, most newfangled words mean enough simple concepts, which can be explained in simpler terms. The same goes for coworking. What is it and how to use this phenomenon in business?

Definition in clear words

Coworking is nothing more than "working together". This is how this term is translated from English. If we talk about the use of this term in the business environment, then we are talking about providing office space where everyone can work. You can do anything, but in most cases it means working at a computer. Alas, work on a lathe or a rock band will have to rehearse in another place.

Coworking is needed for those who do not have the opportunity to work at home or in the office. Initially, these centers were akin to . But then the two services separated, and there were areas for business people.

Simply put, this is an office without a boss, where people work, hold master classes, and meet like-minded people. For being in such a center, you must pay a certain fee.

In this regard, such a business idea looks quite interesting. No specific knowledge or skills are required. All that is needed is to rent an office and advertise.

Pros and cons of coworking

First about the pros:

  • Saving money. This is the main plus. There is no need to rent an expensive office space, pay for utilities, security, cleaning, buy a computer and other office equipment. The owner of the coworking center has already paid for all this. The client remains to make a one-time payment or buy a monthly subscription.
  • Saving time. The client does not have to spend time organizing the workspace. Everything has already been done for him. Administrative issues are decided by the owner of the office.
  • Self-development. Seminars, trainings, master classes are regularly held in coworking centers, in which everyone can take part.
  • Convenient schedule. The client himself determines for what period of time he will pay. Vacation, business trip, illness - all these are good reasons that allow you not to pay for the location in the center. If you rent your own office, then in any case, the monthly payment will be charged in full.
  • Useful acquaintances. Coworking centers are visited by your like-minded people. And it is very useful for business and development. You can always get the right connections.

Now for the cons:

  • Staying at home is cheaper. If it is possible to work outside the office, then why not do it at home? Indeed, in this case, you do not need to pay at all.
  • Noisy neighbors". It is important for one to work in complete silence, while the other likes to work to the music. It can get in the way. Therefore, this option is not very suitable for those who need to focus entirely on the process in complete silence.

Coworking centers are just a godsend for freelancers

How to open a coworking center? Step-by-step instruction

To implement such a business idea at first glance is not difficult. All that is needed is to rent a room of the required area, purchase the necessary office furniture and office equipment, and advertise.

But in practice, certain difficulties arise, otherwise almost everyone could implement such a project. How to plan everything so that this business brings a good profit?

Niche relevance

First, you should determine how much such a service will be in demand in your city. To do this, it is necessary to analyze how many locality people of the following professions live:

  • Journalists (copywriters)
  • Programmers
  • Designers
  • translators.

Among them may be freelancers or aspiring businessmen. Having studied the target audience, you can roughly predict the demand for this center.

Practice shows that coworking is most relevant in megacities. In small towns, people are quite skeptical about this kind of service.


Enough space is needed to open the center large area. It should be located in an office or just a separate building provided for this kind of occupation. The space should be divided into zones: workers, rest rooms, toilets, meeting rooms, presentations. On the basis of the coworking center, you can open a small cafe.


It is definitely best to place such an office in the city center. This will allow convenient access to all customers without exception. In addition, such an arrangement increases the prestige of the institution itself.

Worried about high rents? Throw in the difference in the cost of services. Many clients are repelled by the location of offices almost outside the city, so most will be willing to pay a little extra, but visit a coworking center in a prestigious area.

You will need a complete set of office furniture and equipment


Considering that we are talking about a standard office, you will need all the equipment necessary for fruitful work:

  • Office tables, chairs
  • Lockers, hangers
  • Racks, shelves
  • Computers, laptops
  • Printers, scanners

A telephone network and the Internet are required.


First of all, you need an administrator. He will keep order, accept payment, inform visitors about the end of the paid time, monitor the serviceability of equipment and the availability of consumables (paper, stationery, coffee). You will also need a cleaner.

Promotion of the coworking center

  • Website and groups in social networks
  • Distribution of flyers at various seminars, exhibitions, presentations
  • Announcements on web portals and in paper catalogs.

To increase the number of visitors, hold promotions, give discounts to those who have brought a friend to your center, organize raffles, and create a comfortable working atmosphere. Free tea and coffee is a nice addition.

Calculate income and expenses

For example, let's take the opening of a coworking center with an area of ​​150 sq.m. in the metropolis. The initial costs will be about 1.5 million rubles. This amount will include rent of premises, repairs, purchase of furniture, equipment, installation of video surveillance, advertising.

You will also need to bear monthly expenses, the amount of which is approximately equal to 200 thousand rubles. In this case, it means payment of rent, utility bills, wages to the administrator, cleaner, purchase of consumables, advertising.

If about 20 people visit the center per day, then the monthly net profit will be 130-140 thousand rubles.

Do you think the coworking center will take root in your city? Leave your comments below!

Coworking is a new and rather progressive approach to organizing work and earning income.

In Western countries, such a way to make money is popular and in demand, but in Russia, such a concept as coworking centers is just being introduced. Translated from English, coworking means joint activity. However, this is not about the activities of the staff of a certain organization, but the unification of people of different professions, social status and age to achieve the goal.

Wikipedia offers two options for defining coworking:

  • in a broad sense - the organization of labor of specialists of different professions in a single space;
  • in the narrow sense - a collective office.

If we talk about coworking in our own words, this is a cluster of specialists of different professions in one room for joint activities. The organization of labor according to such a system involves the unification of representatives of various professions. As a rule, this form of labor organization is chosen by small enterprises (up to 8 people in the state) at the initial stage of development, if there are not enough funds to rent their own office.

Joint activity solves the following tasks:

  • work on a business project - the company's employees and third-party specialists are involved in the process;
  • it is an effective working platform for startups;
  • holding presentations, conferences, other business events;
  • coworking is needed for those who do not have the financial ability to rent an office space;
  • this is the best way to organize work for freelancers and for moms who, during maternity leave want to keep working.

Important! Coworking is used when you need a working space to organize the work process for a short period of time.

A bit of history

office space format, where business projects are carried out jointly, appeared in the 90s. the last century. The first joint office was opened in 2005 in the USA (San Francisco). The idea came to programmer Brad Newberg, he was looking for ways to increase productivity.

Through joint efforts with like-minded people, Brad opened a center where everyone who wished for a low fee received a workplace, access to Wi-Fi and, of course, invaluable experience, free creative tips colleagues. The innovative idea instantly spread around the world.

In Russia, joint offices are opening at a rapid pace, confirming good demand. For fruitful work in a huge metropolis, coworking conditions are a practical and affordable find. The first such office started operating in Yekaterinburg in 2008, after which the direction of work has spread to all metropolitan areas.

Interesting fact! Large government organizations are opening coworking centers to attract talented youth. This practice is followed by Sberbank of Russia.

Coworking Development Factors

  • Economic. In the face of constant rent growth, many entrepreneurs are abandoning the idea of ​​renting an office space. A less expensive solution is a joint lease.
  • Behavioral. Today, many young people consciously refuse the imposed office discipline, choose creativity and free thinking. The workflow in the coworking center meets the requirements of young people - there are no limits, rules, a free, creative atmosphere reigns.

Character traits

The ability to move freely indoors, the absence of strict rules and frameworks, a high concentration of fresh, extraordinary ideas, useful skills and qualifications. WITH psychological point of view, such an atmosphere contributes to the full disclosure of a person’s potential.

Important! Coworking center - a workspace of any size, equipped for a certain amount of people - office furniture, computer equipment, a room for mass business events, a kitchen room, a bathroom. For a very affordable fee, you can rent a workplace or the entire room. The rental period is determined by the client individually. Subject to a long lease (a month or more), ask for the exact legal address of the organization.

Form of organization of work places

Office space can be organized in two ways.

  • With floating (non-permanent) places for clients. An employee of the center chooses any free workplace. The rent is approx. 100 rubles, while you can use all the premises, as well as computer equipment and move freely around the office.
  • With fixed (permanent) jobs. Each employee is assigned a certain workplace, the rent is about 50 rubles at one o'clock. Feature - employees do not have the right to move around the office. If you need to use another room, you must pay an additional fee.

Important! Professional centers offer clients separate, isolated rooms where they can perform responsible work that requires full concentration.

Other features

  • The room is equipped with the necessary material and technical base for work. However, the rent involves only the use of the most necessary - furniture and a computer. For other equipment and premises you need to pay extra.
  • You can rent a whole room, one or more workplaces. If you rent several workplaces, be prepared for any surprises - musicians may turn out to be your neighbors.
  • In the case of coworking, we are talking about a short-term lease - from 1 to 3 months. You can pay even a few minutes of working time. When renting a room for longer than 1 month, discounts are provided.
  • Additionally, you can use the services of a lawyer, secretary or courier (separate payment).
  • There are state centers. Here, the premises are provided free of charge, however, exclusively for solving socially important projects.

Difficulties in organizing a coworking center

  1. Not everywhere there is a stable, reliable Internet, the ability to establish a telephone connection.
  2. Poor office layout. Required big square and the presence of several small rooms - it is difficult to find such a layout.
  3. Building owners are reluctant to rent space for coworking. This is due to the fact that the frequent change of tenants causes distrust of the landlord.
  4. According to the reviews of coworking owners, difficulties often arise when decorating a center.

Advantages and disadvantages of coworking

This organization of activities is chosen by small companies with a staff of 5 to 8 people and as an alternative to working from home. At home, it is not always possible to concentrate, in connection with this, labor productivity decreases.


  • working atmosphere that motivates and disposes to work;
  • the offices are clean, renovated; it is not a shame to invite partners and clients here;
  • the premises are equipped with the necessary material and technical base;
  • support staff services are provided;
  • professional coworking centers give the client a legal address;
  • all technical malfunctions in the operation of the equipment are solved by the lessor;
  • given the large congestion of people in the room, it is easy to find like-minded people and establish business ties here;
  • given the opportunity to choose - to rent a workplace or a separate office;
  • develop teamwork skills;
  • coworking is a platform for networking, as you communicate daily with specialists of different professions, expand your circle of acquaintances.


  1. You can work from home for free, and coworking involves paying for a workplace.
  2. Sometimes you have to put up with noisy neighbors Therefore, you need to learn how to control yourself, rationally spend the paid time.
  3. Some are uncomfortable working among strangers.
  4. Unfortunately, not all clients are decent, so there is a possibility of theft and conflicts.

Types of coworking centers

First of all, the centers are open type and specialized. The second group of centers is classified according to specific criteria:

  • for representatives of certain nationalities;
  • only for men or only for women;
  • by specialty.

Other types

  • A simple office is equipped with the most necessary for the implementation of a business project - furniture, computer equipment and office supplies. You can use additional services.
  • The production office is an uncommon form of work organization. The client receives at his own disposal a production facility intended for the manufacture of a specific product. As a rule, such centers specialize in the production of a particular product.
  • Creative workshops. This is the place where people come to unleash their creativity. There are master classes creative lessons.
  • Craft. The room is fully equipped to create a product with your own hands.

An example is a carpentry coworking - a room equipped for the production of furniture and wood products.

  • Children's. Great solution for parents who develop Creative skills child. In the center, children are taught to sing, dance, sculpt, draw. The main thing is to choose the specialization of the center. Often children's centers are located together with adults, so parents can choose for themselves interesting activity. In addition, mothers often turn to children's offices.
  • Street. Do not want to limit yourself to walls and roofs, use the services of a street center. The office can be creative, childish, handicraft, however, necessary equipment located on fresh air- in a park or square.
  • Anticafe. The room is decorated in the style of a cafe.

Coworking cost

Rental rates vary slightly by region. The difference in prices does not exceed 10%. The highest rental rate is set in the capital, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk.

It is important! Capital prices for a floating (free) workplace are about 200 rubles, and for a fixed - about 50 rubles. The monthly fee for one workplace is approx. 6 thousand rubles. A full-fledged office space of about 15 sq.m. in a remote area of ​​the capital costs about 20 thousand rubles. Three workplaces can be placed here. If we talk about the same number of jobs in a coworking center, the rent will cost 6 thousand rubles x 3 = 18 thousand rubles. The savings will be 2 thousand rubles, and as a bonus, you get a ready-to-use premises and the opportunity to provide additional services.

Criterias of choice

The work should be fruitful and productive, while you should not be distracted by organizational issues, for this it is important to responsibly approach the choice of office.

  • Location of the center. Consider whether it is convenient for you to get to work in the office every day, how much time is spent on the road.
  • Availability of high speed internet. One of the main parameters of choice, on which the quality and speed of work depend. Check the quality of the Internet personally.
  • Evaluate the quality of the workplace - the serviceability of a set of furniture and equipment, the availability of stationery.
  • Evaluate the layout of the office, the presence of additional rooms - meeting rooms, separate rooms.
  • Be sure to ask about other office tenants so that you do not have to get along with noisy neighbors.
  • If you have your own vehicle, please check the availability of parking.
  • Find out if the coworking center provides a legal address, what additional services are available.

Coworking is a promising startup

The demand for temporary office space in Russia is constantly increasing. Many consider this direction from the point of view of a business project. Before opening your own specialized center, you need to study the market and assess the demand for this type of service. Main clients:

  • freelancers;
  • startups;
  • translators;
  • representatives of creative and craft professions;
  • journalists;
  • designers.

Then you need to choose a room with the optimal layout. Remember that the rent is determined by the location of the building. You should also determine the segment of the target audience and the requirements for the premises.

Basic list of workspace requirements

  • The exterior of the building. Customers and business partners evaluate the reliability of the company, first of all, by the external design of the house and the interior decoration of the premises.
  • Building location. An actual requirement, since no one wants to spend a lot of time getting to work. If your the target audience– wealthy clients – choose a building in central regions Be sure to consider parking.
  • Room layout. To organize a quality center, you need a spacious room and several small ones. Engineering communications will also be required - electricity and water supply.

It is important! Explore the companies located near the coworking center building. It is best if legal, cleaning and accounting companies are located near the center, in this case it will not be necessary to look for specialists in the relevant specializations to provide additional services to the tenants of the center.

Now you can think about interior decoration office. In this matter, one should focus on the main segment of the center's clients. For decoration, you can use the style of minimalism, classics or use the creative ideas of the designer.

After repair work equipment should be purchased. These are furniture, computer and office equipment, stationery, multimedia devices.

The specific set of equipment depends on the size of the premises, the list of services provided. Remember that the number of clients and prices for the services provided depend on the level and quality of staffing of the center.

Now you need to think about the staff, because the center needs:

  • perform the functions of an administrator;
  • keep clean;
  • check the health of the equipment;
  • control the amount of equipment, stationery;
  • resolve conflicts;
  • work with visitors, provide services, advise.

It is best if an administrator and a deputy work in the office. The functions of the deputy are to replenish supplies of consumables in a timely manner and resolve organizational issues.

Well, if related services are provided, this will expand the circle of customers. It is necessary to hire such specialists as a lawyer, secretary, accountant, courier. You will also need to hire a cleaner to maintain cleanliness.

The monthly cost is estimated to be approx. 550 thousand rubles. An office with 25 jobs generates net income 35 thousand rubles per month. The payback period for this business project is about two years.

It is more profitable to engage in such a business in regions with a minimum rent. To increase the profitability of the business, you can think about additional services– cuisine, courses, conferences, presentations, master classes.

Many freelancers know that home furnishings relaxes and it immediately affects productivity. Of course, the absence of the need to work in an office is a definite plus - a freelancer has no bosses and he plans his own work schedule, but sometimes communication with colleagues is so lacking! In addition, the work in the office is more streamlined, the office atmosphere itself adjusts to the working mood and allows you to fully concentrate on the task at hand.

For the first time about the possibility of creating an office space, jobs in which could be rented for short term thought young freelance programmer Brad Newberg. The idea of ​​a workspace in which a variety of specialists could work at the same time seemed to him worthy of attention, and in 2006 Brad Newberg opened the world's first co-working space in San Francisco, which lasted only one year. The reason for the closure was the lack of space. Brad's idea was very popular with other freelancers and a few months later he opened new coworking, which was called Hat Factory.

The coworking model proposed by Brad Newberg attracted not only freelancers who are tired of home isolation. Businessmen saw in coworking great opportunity earn. After that, office spaces that provide the opportunity to rent a workplace began to appear around the world. At the moment, there are dozens of co-working spaces in Russia. Most of them are in Moscow, which is quite understandable - the city is large, there are many freelancers, and, as you know, demand creates supply. FreelanceToday brings to your attention comparative analysis the most popular co-working spaces in Moscow.

Delovar coworking is located at 28, Komsomolsky prospect. Opening hours: from 10:00 to 22:00, seven days a week. The co-working area includes a range of open tables and a range of tables with partitions, which are great for negotiations. Each workplace is provided with Internet access and all necessary office equipment. Delovar coworking offers three rates for freelancers and entrepreneurs: Standard, Business and Premium.

Also in the coworking there is a hall for trainings and seminars, the area of ​​​​which is 60 square meters. meters.

Delovar is an unusual co-working space that only partially positions itself as a common workspace for freelancers. In fact, this is the oldest Russian business club that has existed for over 12 years. Here, entrepreneurs can exchange experiences and make useful contacts. In the club you can get accounting and legal advice, as well as the necessary services for business. The friendly atmosphere of the club will especially appeal to beginners who often need support from their more experienced colleagues.


Coworking "Free swimming" is located at Varshavskoe shosse, 28 A. Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 00:00. Coworking offers visitors several tariff plans that take into account the financial capabilities and personal needs of freelancers and business people. Even the cheapest tariff provides access to everything that contributes to comfortable work: each client receives a comfortable workplace, high-speed Wi-Fi, access to the recreation area and the kitchen.

More expensive tariff plans contain additional options: a fixed place, accounting and legal consulting, parking. The coworking space has a kitchen where you can quickly warm up your lunch brought with you. "Free Swimming" offers 8 tariff plans designed for a variety of categories of customers.

Coworking "Table for one" is located in the center of Moscow at 20/31 Tokmakov pereulok, building 1. This is a cozy coworking space where you can rent a workplace or office at any time. Coworking space is small but has everything the necessary conditions For comfortable work. In addition to renting a workplace, you can book a meeting room or a room for seminars, master classes or individual lessons. Coworking is also ready to provide its clients with a legal address with secretarial and accounting support.

High-speed Internet (Wi-Fi) is always available in the coworking space, and there is also an MFP for printing documents. There is no recreation area, but you can always distract yourself from work by sitting on a soft sofa in the corridor. There is a kitchen with hot drinks, where customers can warm up their lunch or cook something tasty.

"Table for One" is a five-minute walk from the metro station Kurskaya (circle line). Customers who prefer to travel by car are provided free parking. There is a cumulative system in the coworking: if the client spent three full days, he gets a free hour in a coworking space or in a meeting room.

The meeting room can be rented for a day, hourly payment is also provided. By choosing a tariff « Meeting room for an hour », the client books one of the two rooms with an area of ​​11 sq. m or 22 sq.m. The cost of rent is 400 and 650 rubles, respectively. The meeting room has everything you need: Internet, MFP, table, chairs, air conditioning, blackboard.

The tariff "Meeting room for a day" will cost 2,500 rubles when renting a small meeting room. Renting a room with an area of ​​22 sq.m will cost 5,000 rubles.

There are three tariffs in the coworking space: “Ran in here”, “I drop in here” and “I live here”.

You can also rent a representative office with a manager's office, a reception and a meeting room. The cost of renting an office is 8,000 rubles per day.


There are two co-working spaces operating under the Workstation brand. The first is located in the park. Gorky, at Leninsky Prospekt 30A. Address of the second coworking: Artplay Center, st. Lower Syromyatnicheskaya, house 10, building 2, 7th floor.

A single workspace located in Gorky Park will surprise even experienced freelancers. Coworking is located in a quiet corner of the park, it is a pavilion sheathed in wood with panoramic windows. The coworking space has several working areas with different noise levels. At the far end of the pavilion is the startup area, separated from the freelance area by a glass partition. There is also a communication area and a play area where you can chat without fear of interfering with the work of other visitors.

Like other coworking spaces, Workstation has a kitchen with hot drinks where you can grab a quick bite to eat. If you need a full meal, then this can be done in the cafe "Shardam", located next door.

The coworking space has everything you need for productive work: computers, office equipment, lockers, high-speed Internet. It is worth noting the presence of showers - they are designed for those who came to work after a run or bike ride.

The co-working space located in Artplay Design and Architecture Center is a modern office space spread over four floors. In addition to the working area, the coworking has a conference room and 3 spacious meeting rooms.

"Workstation" offers three tariffs to choose from: "Hipster", "Freelancer" and "Startup".

The co-working space in Gorky Park has a full-fledged Rabochy cinema with an author's program. IN summer period film screenings are held on the veranda, and in winter the play area and the communication area are transformed into a hall for about 50 visitors. So the creators of the Workstation co-working did not model the workspace, but the lifestyle of a modern creative person.

Union Place coworking addresses: Moscow City, Presnenskaya embankment, 6/2, 43rd floor of the Empire Tower and 1st Koptelsky lane, 10/1.

Union Place Coworking is a shared workspace designed primarily for startups and entrepreneurs with a vision for success. This is the only co-working space of this format not only in Russia, but throughout the Eastern Hemisphere. Union Place has strict rules for clients, it's not an anti-cafe or a place to relax and hang out with other freelancers. There are no game consoles, ping-pong tables, balloons and other things that distract from work. People come to Union Place who are united by a common idea - to make money.

There is no dress code requirement in the coworking space, but neat appearance welcome. Do not forget about personal hygiene - otherwise they may be denied access.

One of the principles of coworking is openness and sociability. Here it is not customary to look at someone else's monitor, but if the visitor has any difficulties, then other clients will gladly come to his aid.

Union Place is waiting for business and purposeful people who are constantly moving forward. For those who come to the office to relax or work carelessly, there is no place in coworking. A team spirit is maintained here and everyone is united by one idea - to get rich.

Union Place coworking spaces have everything you need to effective work: high-speed internet, comfortable workplaces, office equipment and stationery, drinks, meeting rooms, boxes for personal belongings. Various business events take place regularly; consulting sessions, business simulations, seminars and master classes.


It is impossible not to note the growing popularity of co-working spaces, which are becoming more and more in Moscow every year. Today, co-working spaces operate in a variety of formats - freelancers and entrepreneurs can work in anti-cafes, libraries, business incubators. Even a room in a student hostel can turn into a co-working space. However best conditions for work, they provide coworking spaces that earn by renting out workplaces. In such office spaces, all conditions are created for productive work and constructive communication with other visitors to the coworking space. Coworking is ideal for startups and small businesses that would like to save on renting a separate office. For relatively little money, you can rent workplaces and office equipment, and hold meetings with investors and clients in meeting rooms.

The cost of renting a workplace in Moscow coworking spaces is at least 5,900 rubles per month (Free Swimming coworking space). Some coworking spaces offer hourly rates. Renting a workplace at the lowest rate in this case will cost 100-150 rubles per hour.

On average, a place in a coworking space costs 13-15 thousand rubles a month. The cost of rent depends on several factors: the proximity of the coworking space to the city center, the size of the premises, the number of services provided and the quality of the audience. There are coworking spaces where you can work and have fun, in other common workspaces, management strives to create an exclusively business atmosphere.

Most high prices for renting a workplace - in Union Place coworking, which is located in Moscow City. For work near purposeful people will have to pay 19970 rubles per month. The second place is taken by co-working “Workstation”. For visitors who have chosen the Startup tariff, renting a workplace will cost 18,000 rubles per month. This is the most expensive coworking plan, but you can save money by choosing, for example, the Hipster plan with the possibility of hourly rent. The third place with the "Team" tariff is again at Union Place - 17,970 rubles per month.

From all this, we can conclude that the cost of renting a workplace in Moscow depends on the proximity of the coworking space to the city center. Also, the price is affected by the business positioning of coworking, but it is the geographical location that is the pricing factor.

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