What does coworking mean. Coworking - a new type of office real estate


New terms are constantly appearing in the business sphere, and you need to be able to operate them correctly. By the way, most newfangled words mean enough simple concepts, which can be explained more plain language. The same goes for coworking. What is it and how to use this phenomenon in business?

Definition in clear words

Coworking is nothing more than "working together". This is how this term is translated from English. If we talk about the use of this term in the business environment, then we are talking about providing office space where everyone can work. You can do anything, but in most cases it means working at a computer. Alas, work on a lathe or a rock band will have to rehearse in another place.

Coworking is needed for those who do not have the opportunity to work at home or in the office. Initially, these centers were akin to . But then the two services separated, and there were areas for business people.

Simply put, this is an office without a boss, where people work, hold master classes, and meet like-minded people. For being in such a center, you must pay a certain fee.

In this regard, such a business idea looks quite interesting. No specific knowledge or skills are required. All that is needed is to rent an office and advertise.

Pros and cons of coworking

First about the pros:

  • Saving money. This is the main plus. There is no need to rent an expensive office space, pay for utilities, security, cleaning, buy a computer and other office equipment. The owner of the coworking center has already paid for all this. The client remains to make a one-time payment or buy a monthly subscription.
  • Saving time. The client does not have to spend time organizing the workspace. Everything has already been done for him. Administrative issues are decided by the owner of the office.
  • Self-development. Seminars, trainings, master classes are regularly held in coworking centers, in which everyone can take part.
  • Convenient schedule. The client himself determines for what period of time he will pay. Vacation, business trip, illness - all these are good reasons that allow you not to pay for the location in the center. If you rent your own office, then in any case, the monthly payment will be charged in full.
  • Useful acquaintances. Coworking centers are visited by your like-minded people. And it is very useful for business and development. You can always get the right connections.

Now for the cons:

  • Staying at home is cheaper. If it is possible to work outside the office, then why not do it at home? Indeed, in this case, you do not need to pay at all.
  • Noisy neighbors". It is important for one to work in complete silence, while the other likes to work to the music. It can get in the way. Therefore, this option is not very suitable for those who need to focus entirely on the process in complete silence.

Coworking centers are just a godsend for freelancers

How to open a coworking center? Step-by-step instruction

To implement such a business idea at first glance is not difficult. All that is needed is to rent a room of the required area, purchase the necessary office furniture and office equipment, and advertise.

But in practice, certain difficulties arise, otherwise almost everyone could implement such a project. How to plan everything so that this business brings a good profit?

Niche relevance

First, you should determine how much such a service will be in demand in your city. To do this, it is necessary to analyze how many locality people of the following professions live:

  • Journalists (copywriters)
  • Programmers
  • Designers
  • translators.

Among them may be freelancers or aspiring businessmen. Having studied target audience, we can roughly predict the demand for this center.

Practice shows that coworking is most relevant in megacities. In small towns, people are quite skeptical about this kind of service.


Enough space is needed to open the center large area. It should be located in an office or just a separate building provided for this kind of occupation. The space should be divided into zones: workers, rest rooms, toilets, meeting rooms, presentations. On the basis of the coworking center, you can open a small cafe.


It is definitely best to place such an office in the city center. This will allow convenient access to all customers without exception. In addition, such an arrangement increases the prestige of the institution itself.

Worried about high rents? Throw in the difference in the cost of services. Many clients are repelled by the location of offices almost outside the city, so most will be willing to pay a little extra, but visit a coworking center in a prestigious area.

You will need a complete set of office furniture and equipment


Considering that we are talking about a standard office, you will need all the equipment necessary for fruitful work:

  • Office tables, chairs
  • Lockers, hangers
  • Racks, shelves
  • Computers, laptops
  • Printers, scanners

A telephone network and the Internet are required.


First of all, you need an administrator. He will keep order, accept payment, inform visitors about the end of the paid time, control the serviceability of the equipment and the availability Supplies(paper, stationery, coffee). You will also need a cleaner.

Promotion of the coworking center

  • Website and groups in social networks
  • Distribution of flyers at various seminars, exhibitions, presentations
  • Announcements on web portals and in paper catalogs.

To increase the number of visitors, hold promotions, give discounts to those who have brought a friend to your center, organize raffles, and create a comfortable working atmosphere. Free tea and coffee is a nice addition.

Calculate income and expenses

For example, let's take the opening of a coworking center with an area of ​​150 sq.m. in the metropolis. The initial costs will be about 1.5 million rubles. This amount will include rent of premises, repairs, purchase of furniture, equipment, installation of video surveillance, advertising.

You will also need to bear monthly expenses, the amount of which is approximately equal to 200 thousand rubles. In this case, it means payment of rent, utility bills, wages to the administrator, cleaner, purchase of consumables, advertising.

If about 20 people visit the center per day, then the monthly net profit will be 130-140 thousand rubles.

Do you think the coworking center will take root in your city? Leave your comments below!

Freeform workspace when the group is absolutely different people performs its work in a certain space, rooms or halls.

What is coworking in simple words?

All these people can work independently of each other, although they are in the same place, or vice versa, they can come together to discuss common project issues and tasks. Coworking only provides a comfortable and equipped space or space necessary for work. In most cases, coworking centers are visited by freelancers and startups, in other words, free and independent individuals.

Only in such a relaxed atmosphere can the whole creative potential person.
It is worth noting that co-working centers were first formed in America in 2005, and in Russia they began to develop only in 2008 in Yekaterinburg. The first co-working center in Russia was called the Tower, but it only lasted a year. The following centers opened only a few years later, but already in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their activities were enshrined at the level of legislation.

As a rule, coworking areas, equipped with everything you need from furniture to a coffee machine, are rented out for the required period and outwardly resemble an ordinary office with workplaces, meeting rooms and recreation areas.

Pros and cons of coworking

Coworking centers are not permanent place employment, however, allow, if necessary, to obtain the planned income.

After all, a special atmosphere, a sense of freedom bring to work those factors that contribute to greater efficiency, unlike work in the office or at home. This is especially suitable for people with creative professions, designers, artists, poets and musicians, since no one distracts them with everyday issues and various trifles. But here you can also meet people in strict business suits who make appointments and perform important tasks in places that require an informal atmosphere.

After all, in the process of working in coworking zones, it is possible to make new acquaintances, borrow ideas, discuss issues that you doubt, put your ideas for consideration by people from completely different professional fields in order to get an objective assessment.

It is worth noting that coworking areas are often rented by organizations for their employees. This allows all employees to be in a single information space and discuss work issues in a relaxed, free manner.

In addition, such joint work, first of all, is a team-building event, which should be attributed to one of the important components successful business. Companies that care about their employees and are interested in developing their personal qualities and skills often resort to such forms of workflow organization.

Of course, it is worth noting the disadvantages of the coworking system. One of these disadvantages is territorial accessibility. Since while coworking is not very common within walking distance, you need to spend time on transport to get to it.

At the same time, the lack of a fixed workplace creates a new environment for work every day, which will not always be familiar and comfortable. You need to be vigilant about your belongings, since coworking is for the most part public place which distracts from the main activity.

But despite the above disadvantages, coworking areas are in demand.

Coworking as a business structure

The main condition for the development of coworking zones as a business area is the demand of customers for this species services. For the successful development of a business, it is undoubtedly necessary to take into account the needs of customers, focus on their wishes, make changes to the conditions for the provision of services in the presence of claims and complaints, and analyze the services of competitors from this area.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create coworking areas with an ideal working atmosphere, which also provides for the presence of additional functions, such as lounges, meeting rooms, sports complexes, food areas and other vital conditions.

Each workplace corresponds to its price gradation, depending on its equipment and business platform model. When building a business, it is also worth considering socially-oriented services that provide affordable jobs for low-income segments of the population, such as pensioners and students.

For the opportunity to work in these zones, the client can pay both 1,500 and 25,000 rubles, taking into account tariffs for Additional services. Legal and accounting assistance and even a personal assistant can also be provided. Everything depends on the wishes of the client.

Coworking starts with planning

Any organizational project activity starts with business planning and creating coworking spaces is no exception.

It is important to take into account the main aspects of this activity so that the business brings not only income, but also becomes a kind of hobby.

One of the decisive roles is the choice of premises. It should be located in a crowded area, not far from the transport hub, have a convenient layout, business style and meet the requirements of customers as much as possible.

To do this, at the initial stage it is possible to rent a room for the provision of coworking services. It is important to consider that the premises must be relatively new and with high-quality repairs. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the walls. The tone of the room should be neutral and not distract from the main activities of customers.

An important role is played by the equipment of space. Tables, chairs, clothes hangers, cabinets with locks, chargers, partitions. Substantial part Money will go only to the initial arrangement of space. How additional functions it is possible to organize recreation areas, meeting rooms, dining rooms, a gym.

The purchase of stationery, paper and office supplies are also included in the expense item.
It is worth paying special attention to fixed costs such as paying rent, electricity, telephone, mobile communications open access, cleaning services, as well as the payment of wages to employees.

Competent planning of expenses and income will allow you to create coworking zones of both budgetary and prestigious types, depending on your wishes.

Possible profit

Undoubtedly, profit depends on many indicators, including the economic situation in the country, but by correctly calculating all expenses and income, you can achieve desired result. Of course, this takes a lot of effort. But this investment will undoubtedly be returned in the near future.

Of course, it is possible to make a big profit by attracting organizations and enterprises by organizing places for their employees in coworking areas. This will increase the volume of services provided and profit accordingly.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult for one person to organize a coworking center. This requires the efforts of a whole team, including an administrator, sales manager, development manager, designer, marketer, demand researcher and competitive environment analyst. As a rule, it is 5-8 people.

It is also desirable to have personal friends who will help you promote your business at no cost. new business. It is also possible to attract volunteers.

The profit reference point will begin approximately after six months of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to secure in advance the reserved funds for paying the first expenses, including the payment of wages.

Franchise Coworking

For those who are planning to start developing a service business in coworking areas for the first time and are afraid of possible failures, you can purchase a franchise from official German companies.
This service is now developing dynamically, and the proposed concept and a well-developed development plan will create all the conditions for the development and profitability of your undertaking.

Features and conditions of work on a franchise

The main feature of franchising is the implementation of most of the organizational issues at the expense of the company:

  • providing a working space with the presence of office furniture, office equipment with installed automated systems necessary for work, communications;
  • provision of stationery, paper supplies and other office material;
  • provision of services of an assistant or assistant;
  • providing an organized storage area, a box with a locking device in which it is possible to store personal items, including outside the working day;
  • organization of Halls for conferences, meetings, seminars, master classes, meeting rooms;
  • provision of space foreign organizations who do not have an official representation in the city;
  • organization of public places, kitchen service, lounges and rooms for conversations that are not related to work issues, a personal plan;
  • organization of showers, dry cleaning, gym, drinks and food vending machines, play areas and much more;
  • organization of a children's room with the presence of animators and security, to organize an uninterrupted workflow;
  • organization of legal and legal services, including lawyers, lawyers, accountants, tax agents and specialists in other financial professions;
  • organization of marketing support, including coverage of the coworking area in the media mass media as a famous brand.

At the same time, partner companies can offer franchise packages in various modifications, both initial and complete. The range of services provided and, accordingly, the cost depends on this.

The experience and knowledge of franchise companies will help novice entrepreneurs to get comfortable in the coworking services market and develop their business under reliable protection.

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In the lexicon of modern businessmen, one can increasingly hear the concept of "coworking" - what is it? The idea of ​​joint offices, where each specialist can rent a workplace for several hours or months, came to Russia from the West and is steadily gaining popularity. Why is coworking the future, and is it possible to make money on it?

Why and who needs coworking spaces

What is a "coworking center"? Currently, this concept, which comes from the English co-working - “joint work” - refers to large offices equipped with certain equipment, where each specialist or group of specialists can rent a workplace.

« Wikipedia” reports on two meanings of the foreign term “coworking”:

  • a common space for joint work of different specialists (in the broad sense of the word);
  • collective office (in the narrow sense of the word).

Within the framework of this article, we will use the first meaning of the term - a space for the collaboration of different people, and in this space they can work both on the same project and independently of each other.

Shared offices are used by employees and entrepreneurs working on a temporary joint project.

Coworking zones are in demand by several categories of workers at once. First of all, they are necessary for freelancers, that is, specialists working remotely.

Freelancers most often work from home, but sometimes they need a change of scenery, use some special technique, meet other professionals - coworking is ideal for all these purposes.

Shared offices are used by employees and entrepreneurs working on a temporary joint project - for example, developing a website or application, organizing an event, and so on. Using coworking space can significantly save on office rent, avoid the need to conclude an agreement with the owners of the premises, take care of the availability necessary equipment and paying utility bills.

Benefits of working in a coworking space

Joint offices are a fairly new trend. In the world it has been developing since 2005, in Russia - the last 6-7 years. It's pretty new form work, which has so far been distributed only in big cities and gradually comes to small. Meanwhile, everyone who has encountered coworking notes an impressive list of opportunities it opens up:

  • work in a comfortable environment;
  • refuse to rent your own office and purchase equipment that is required irregularly;
  • organize a meeting with colleagues, hold a meeting, discuss the project in a calm "working" environment;
  • resolve any issue with the involvement of other specialists;
  • overcome creative crisis or stagnation through a change of scenery;
  • make new acquaintances and business contacts, find customers and contractors;
  • not to be interrupted from work while traveling, using a co-working space in another city.

How much do visitors pay for a "shared office"

The most common form of payment for coworking space is the purchase of a subscription. A month's visit to the joint work zone in Moscow will cost from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles, in the regions - about 6,000 rubles. It also provides for hourly payment - from 250 rubles, or subscriptions for other periods (for a week, 10 days) - from 1 thousand rubles.

Finding the right space for a coworking space can be tricky.

Opening a coworking space - what you need to buy and how much money you have to invest

Consider an approximate business plan for opening your own coworking space, or rather, a list of what is required to open your space and how much it will cost. Of course, the costs of opening a center in different regions Russia will be significantly different.

In addition, individual entrepreneurs can find ways to optimize the costs of opening or even develop their own, innovative approach to this business. We present only the most general and significant provisions about creating your own coworking space.

Premises - how to choose and not miscalculate

At least half of the success of the entire enterprise depends on the premises. Finding the right space for a coworking space can be tricky. It should have a whole set of specific characteristics:

  • large area, preferably from 200 square meters;
  • convenient location, good transport accessibility;
  • good communications, a sufficient number of electrical connection points;
  • fresh renovation, unique design;
  • the presence of an air conditioning and ventilation system;
  • good lighting.

The list of requirements for a coworking space is very extensive. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a ready-made space and immediately enter it - most likely, repairs will be required. A coworking space will not fit a standard office interior with white or gray walls and the same furniture. They come here, among other things, for a change of scenery, which means that an author’s modern design, good furniture, cozy atmosphere.

Expenses only for the repair of the premises, its long-term lease and the purchase of furniture are unlikely to be less than 1 million rubles, and in large cities - much more. A high-quality, memorable interior will attract customers: the first visitors to post a photo beautiful place on social networks and attract new ones.

Modern people love unusual places that will enliven them. social media. A "photogenic" interior will produce a "wow effect" and provide a flow of visitors - if not for work, but at least for photographs. Therefore, saving on this item of expenditure is not worth it.

Proper zoning largely determines how hasty the coworking space will become.

Zoning in a coworking space - work, negotiations, coffee break

Proper zoning - dividing the room into zones depending on the purpose of their use - largely depends on how hasty the coworking space will become. As a rule, the following zones are distinguished in coworking:

  1. Working. This is the main area for which most customers come. Jobs are created here, computers, tables, office equipment are installed.
  2. Negotiation room. This is a zone where customers and contractors, as well as specialists working on the same project, can discuss the details of cooperation. There should be tables, comfortable sofas or armchairs. It would be wise to isolate the meeting room from the working area - so that the noise does not interfere with those who work independently.
  3. Recreation. There is a water cooler, coffee machine, kettle, snacks, maybe a TV or game console. The presence of such a zone is important because it extends the time for customers to visit the coworking space.
  4. Restroom. Toilet and in rare cases shower.

It would be wise to involve an interior designer in zoning and designing different zones. If this is not possible, you can study the experience of successful collaboration spaces in other cities and transfer it to your project.

What should be in a coworking area

Each coworking zone can have its own specifics, although it will be expressed for the most part in interior design and zoning. The basis of each zone will be the same:

  1. Computers and laptops, from 10 pieces. Many professionals who work in coworking spaces bring their own laptops, but it is not uncommon for clients to rent them. With an average cost of a laptop of 20 thousand rubles, the purchase will require from 200 thousand rubles. The more advanced equipment you plan to purchase, the more impressive this amount will be.
  2. A large number of electrical connection points, as well as a variety of extension cords, surge protectors and adapters.
  3. Wireless high speed internet. This is a very important component, for which at least half of the visitors come to the center. You will have to spend from 10 thousand rubles on a powerful router, several thousand rubles a month to pay for the Internet. You should not save on this expense item, as bad internet will scare away all visitors and ruin the reputation of the institution.
  4. Desks, chairs, armchairs and other furniture. Some prefer to work at the table, some prefer to work on the couch. The coworking organizer must form different variants comfortable jobs.
  5. Office equipment - printers, scanners, graphics tablets or multifunction devices. You can keep within 10-20 thousand rubles.
  6. Water coolers, kettles, coffee machines and refrigerators. Not the most essential, but an important part of the coworking center, helping to extend the stay of customers. The amount of expenses will directly depend on the wishes of the owner of the space, on average, 5-10 thousand rubles are enough.

A more advanced coworking area is equipped with conference rooms with microphones, and even shower rooms. The owners of some centers equip spaces with TVs and game consoles, but so far for Russia this approach will be more of an exception than the rule. First and foremost, a coworking space is a place to work.

Thus, the total cost (furniture is not considered) for equipping the coworking space with the minimum list of necessary equipment will amount to 250 thousand rubles. It is not worth saving on equipment, since the comfort of work of incoming customers depends on it.

The coworking zone is interesting for a fairly wide audience.

Do I need to hire employees to run a coworking center?

Another item of expenditure will be employees. As a rule, 3-4 administrators are enough to maintain coworking, who will maintain order in the zones and sell subscriptions. It is good if these same specialists can be involved in cleaning the premises. If not, you need to hire a cleaner for hours.

Coworking areas do not need a separate specialist for maintenance. However, it is important to conclude a contract or at least an agreement with any technical assistance center in order to quickly resolve problems with equipment or the Internet if necessary.

The wages of 3-4 administrators in the regions of Russia will cost an average of 60-80 thousand rubles, in Moscow it will be much more expensive. The wages of hourly cleaners will not exceed 5-6 thousand rubles, as well as the wages of lump-sum technical specialists.

The total cost of opening a coworking space

From all of the above, it follows that the opening of a coworking center will have to spend at least 1.5 million rubles, and most likely much more. Perhaps individual entrepreneurs will be able to find opportunities for savings, but you should not get carried away with it. Otherwise, coworking will be no different from a regular office, and potential clients will stay at home.

Disadvantages of business opening a coworking zone

The coworking zone is interesting for a fairly wide audience: from freelancers to businessmen who want to negotiate with customers or contractors in a comfortable environment. However, how profitable and profitable will the business be? Profits can be hindered by the following disadvantages:

  1. The need for a very significant initial investment. Opening a coworking space will require costs from one and a half million rubles, but their payback is questionable. With the same funds, you can successfully open more profitable cafes or shops.
  2. Low demand. In the regions of Russia, coworking is still gaining momentum, the demand for it is not so high: there are few specialists working remotely, businessmen are used to holding business meetings in cafes or restaurants.

IN provincial towns there is no shortage of cheap office space, and a few remote workers are accustomed to working from home, in a cafe or in a library. The need to pay for a job is not liked by most potential customers, which is due to the low incomes of the entire population as a whole.

How much can you earn

The amount of profit of a coworking space directly depends on the number of visitors and subscriptions sold.

With an average subscription price in Russian regions of about 6 thousand rubles, in order to earn 100 thousand rubles, you need to sell at least 17 subscriptions - this is not so little for provincial cities where the demand for coworking has not yet matured.

Obviously, in order to increase profits, the coworking owner must find some ways, otherwise it will not be possible to recoup even the initial investment.

Opening a co-working space in a small town is a very risky business.

IN Lately The number of small companies is constantly growing. Often they occupy several rooms in modern office centers. If a team consisting of specialists from different profiles has to work in the same room, then a well-thought-out way of organizing their work is required. One of the most popular is coworking.

What is coworking?

Nowadays, many people know thatwhat is coworking(coworker) zone. His translation is coworking. This word implies the English version of the organization of labor of people who perform miscellaneous work, in the common area. This plan is characterized by the desire to create harmonious communities of residents.

Notable examples are Philadelphia's Tribe Commons, iHub, Washington's Hera Hub, Paragraph, and La Ruche's Parisian co-working space. The reasons for coworking are economic factors. This approach is applied as a product of knowledge in the field of economics, which is complemented by non-profit initiatives.

Coworking centers

Individual lease of entire buildings is not economically viable. In this regard, coworking is increasingly used to organize the workflow, which is based on the mutual assistance of employees and the constant exchange of knowledge between people of different specialties.

Modern coworking centers- Offices consisting of one to three large rooms. They equip the required number of jobs with a pronounced zoning of space into separate "corners" depending on the specialty of the organization's employees.

coworking space

coworking spaceis a place where every freelancer who wishes has the opportunity to find a permanent location for work, and not just for one month. This area is fully equipped with all the necessary office equipment and all sorts of little things that help make work more efficient. The layout of the premises involves the separation of the working area from the meeting room, a lounge with a cafe and special areas for training. It has to work together with specialists from several areas.

Coworking as a business

Now everything less people ask the question “coworking – what is it?”.Coworking as a business- model, brings a good profit. Coworking centers are not opened for a separate niche activity. With skillful management, one room turns into a source of income for people working in different directions. It is necessary to find the premises and conclude a lease agreement with the owner. A small investment of funds is required, so sponsorship is not mandatory. The main thing is to assemble a team of professionals who love what they do.

Pros and cons of coworking

ABOUT pros and cons of coworkingyou can talk for a long time. Key benefits of this popular workspace approach include:

  • Convenience for receiving clients (the office looks solid);
  • Savings (for freelancers);
  • The co-working center supports the efficiency and productivity of the workflow on high level;
  • For third-party organizers, a coworking zone is an opportunity to gather all employees in one place;
  • Tenant payments are small;
  • A freelancer can work for a couple of months or a year or longer;
  • High business profit;
  • Timely payment for work;
  • Provided accounting services;
  • Legal services;
  • Employees receive useful knowledge at trainings and seminars, the plan of which involves the joint exchange of the necessary information, optimal for the business model;
  • In such offices there is a friend and colleague.

Good afternoon, dear readers. I try to follow the news in the economy, especially if the business model is interesting. One such business model is coworking. This is a real treasure for owners of spacious premises where it is difficult to find a tenant. The only requirement is a good location. Now you are probably thinking, good location any fool will rent it out, no matter what the business.” If you think so, you probably never tried to find a tenant for 100+ meters of open space somewhere on the 4th floor of a weak business center that has lost its former popularity. What is coworking?

In fact, this is an anti-cafe for work. Visitors pay either for time or a fixed amount per month for which they get a job among like-minded people (this is desirable). In fact, it is very beneficial for freelancers and remote workers. Everyone around is working, it's hard to do nothing. In terms of money, it is more profitable than renting a micro-office for yourself or with someone for a couple.

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Coworking - what is it? Definition, meaning, translation

Coworking (emphasis on the second “o”) is a fashionable workflow organization scheme in which different, not always similar types of activities take place in the same workspace. Coworking is also called the space itself (office, cafe, library, etc.), where such work takes place.

The English word Coworking is translated precisely as “joint work”. The idea of ​​coworking arose with the development of freelancing, one of the main drawbacks of which is the isolation of the working person and the lack of a team.

This is precisely the problem that coworking is designed to solve: a designer can sit in the same room with a programmer and a stockbroker, while creating a business atmosphere that contributes to increased productivity and quality of work. And yet, since coworking is often paid, its employees have an additional motivation to work hard without spending wasted money spent on renting a workplace.

From the site: https://chto-eto-takoe.ru/coworking

What is coworking in simple words and why pay money for it

Do you know what coworking is and why you need it? In recent years, remote work has become more and more popular.

Just imagine how great it is to make reports, edit texts or create advertising banners, sitting on a soft sofa, in home environment. No need to get up at the ominous seven in the morning, stand in traffic jams or crowd into the subway, there is no need to sit in a stuffy office from ten in the morning until six in the evening.

And all you need to work is a laptop or computer and the Internet. Not a job, but a dream. However, in reality this is far from the case. In addition to the fact that you will not have sick days and vacations, you will also lose the working atmosphere. Most households on a subconscious level will not be able to perceive your unusual format of work.

Therefore, in such a relaxing environment, where you are constantly distracted by everything and everyone, labor productivity will be extremely low. But there are no unsolvable problems. If you want to work productively, but there is not enough money for your own office, then rent your own workplace in one of the coworking centers!

Coworking - what is it?

Translated from English, "co-working" literally means "working together." If to speak in simple terms, then coworking is a community of free and independent people of various professions who come together in one room to perform a certain job.

Web designers, programmers, copywriters, freelancers, entrepreneurs, as well as employees of small companies who find it unprofitable to rent an entire office work side by side in one space. Thus, coworking is an innovation in the organization of work.

Coworking centers are equipped with everything necessary for the implementation of full-fledged work. As a rule, in addition to the working space, they also include a relaxation area, a kitchen or vending machines with food and drinks, a meeting room and their own library. So it turns out "office for rent", a place where you can rent both for the day and for the whole year.

A bit of history

In 2005, a young American programmer, Brad Newberg, started the first co-working space that brought together several like-minded freelancers under its roof. The idea was to create a workspace that sits between a regular office and home.

As you can see, the idea was successful and brought the founder world fame. Since then, coworking has become very popular, gradually spreading around the world, it finally reached Russia.

It should be noted that in our country this direction is developing much more slowly than abroad. The reasons for this lie in the complexity of design. It is also difficult to find a space that simultaneously meets several important parameters:

  1. The place must be comfortable. It is desirable that it be the center of the city, since hardly anyone wants to go to a dubious dormitory area on the outskirts. In addition, it will be a big plus if the center is located within walking distance from public transport stops. Currently, loft spaces, which were once industrial premises, are often converted into coworking centers.
  2. The layout of the room should be atypical. In no case do not copy the offices of companies, as your task is to create a unique creative place where people will not only work comfortably, but also just have fun.
  3. Stable and fast internet - required condition without which the center would not be able to function normally.

Despite the fact that the opening of a coworking space is accompanied by a lot of difficulties, this process is gradually gaining momentum in Russia as well. In 2008, the first co-working center Tower was opened in Yekaterinburg. Later, such workspaces began to appear in all major cities.

It is noteworthy that the state also approved this idea and is trying to promote it to the masses. So, as part of the development of this project, a special program"Coworking 2.0", along with these actions, Sberbank developed a program to support youth coworking spaces.

At the moment, two directions for the development of coworking are predicted: it either evolves towards office space, or acquires the status of a cultural center that unites creative people.

Types of coworking centers

A unified classification of such workspaces does not yet exist. However, they can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. The most common today are coworking spaces designed for office and industrial activities. However, these spaces differ in size, level of technical equipment and the provision of related services, so they are divided into:
  • Created by freelancers who come together to implement a joint project. They rent a small room, the fee for which is shared among all participants. The necessary equipment is brought from home.
  • A workplace organized by a specific entrepreneur. He takes care of all the costs of maintaining the premises, the client only has to pay for the stay in the office.
  • Centers designed by a particular company to organize the work of freelancers. All costs in this case are borne by the employer.
  • Creative co-working centers that unite people of art are becoming more and more popular.

What does educational coworking mean, its profitability

2. One of the promising areas is the development of children's workspaces, combining both educational and leisure functions.

In addition to coworking, there are many more similar establishments of a social orientation, for example, they include time cafes and clubs, anti-cafes.

And if in an ordinary cafe after a certain amount of time they will start to look at you askance, as you just sit in a laptop and take the place of a potential client, then in these new-type premises everything is created for work or communication of people with a variety of hobbies and preferences.

Price list

Prices for coworking are formed taking into account many factors:

  • region;
  • location;
  • available equipment;
  • rental period: the longer it is, the cheaper the client costs one day of work in the center;
  • fixed or floating workstation.

Note that "dynamic seats" are the least expensive, which means that a person comes with a personal laptop and takes any free seat. The most expensive thing is renting meeting rooms or separate rooms for holding meetings. business meetings. But you must admit that it is much more presentable to meet with a future partner in a coworking space than at home.

Pros and cons of coworking

Coworking, like any other innovation penetrating into everyday life, has a number of supporters and opponents. Let's consider what arguments "for" and "against" are presented by both sides.

Let's hope that after reading this article, your doubts about coworking centers will be dispelled, and you will be inspired by the desire to try this original approach to organizing work. However, many of you are probably worried about the question: “How and where to find a coworking center in your city?”.

The Internet will come to the rescue. Type the appropriate query in the search box, and if a similar space has already been organized in your city, then you can easily find it on the pages of the World Wide Web.

Of course, today coworking is not as common in our country as we would like, so do not be surprised if it is not yet in your city. But, on the other hand, maybe this is a good opportunity to open your own center?

Now, having got acquainted with the concept of coworking, you have a certain idea about this unusual place. Do you want to constantly develop in a creative and professional way, get acquainted with interesting people and discover something new every day? Then coworking is what you need!

From the site: https://vse-dengy.ru/ekonomika/kovorking-prostyimi-slovami.html

In simple words

With the development of business, the number of small, narrow-profile organizations is growing.

However, they buy or rent several premises for their office. To cut costs and save budget, some firms take the risk of occupying the same space for employees of different specializations. To minimize risky consequences, it is necessary to think carefully about the organization of work. The way out of this situation is coworking centers that allow you to optimize the workflow of specialists.

Coworking in simple terms

Let's understand what coworking is. Coworking literally translates as "working together", i.e. when people of different profiles work in the same building. In other words, all that unites people is a room.

Such organization of labor activity provides additional communication and exchange of experience. Often, an unusual work model is chosen by freelancers who are monotonous working at home.

Coworking was created for the development of social initiatives, the formation of team projects and their implementation. In addition, social business projects and projects for the development of small and medium-sized businesses are being developed. There are clear rules in the premises. It is necessary to take care of furniture, not disturb the working atmosphere, treat others politely.

Coworking centers

Coworking centers are office spaces consisting of several large rooms. A coworking center must have:

  • Modern office equipment
  • Comfortable office furniture
  • Negotiation room
  • high speed internet
  • Rest and dining area

Benefits of coworking

  • In view of the fact that coworking brings visitors together with different profiles works, then there is a good opportunity to get good business contacts, find business partners and diversify the social circle;
  • Create a joint project;
  • Creative, flexible atmosphere;
  • Some coworking centers conduct training sessions that allow participants to improve professional competencies;
  • Lack of leadership makes you feel comfortable;
  • Unlike work at home, where there is a domestic environment around, coworking centers are an imitation of an office with a working atmosphere that can increase work productivity;
  • No distractions;
  • Those who are forced to receive clients at home can use the meeting room of the coworking center;
  • All necessary office equipment: office furniture, printers, computers, faxes, etc.;
  • When difficulties arise, you can ask for help;

Disadvantages of coworking

Any organization of work has its drawbacks. When analyzing coworking, what this means, it can be noted that getting to the workplace also takes time, besides this:

  • Cost of time and money to come to a coworking space;
  • If the center is far from your home, then during rush hour you can get stuck in traffic jams;
  • As the number of people increases, so does the noise;
  • Some people cannot concentrate in the presence of strangers;
  • Payment for stay;

Who uses coworking

The article mentioned that freelancers or creative people become clients of coworking centers, but that's not all. Come to the centers:

  • Programmers;
  • Webmasters;
  • Business coaches;
  • Startups;
  • Entrepreneur;
  • Those people who do not depend on the office or workshop premises.

Types of coworking centers

There are several types of coworking centers, below we present the most common ones:

For industrial and office activities. One of the most popular species coworking. Clients are representatives of various professions. Since people spend a significant part of their time in this center, in addition to the working space, there are also rooms for rest, negotiations and meals.

For creative visitors. Here you can find a minimum of office equipment and a maximum of boards, flipcharts, projectors, in general, everything that is necessary for creativity.

For handmade. A heavenly place for connoisseurs of creating something with their own hands. In this case, the center focuses on graphic programs, 3D printers, In addition, master classes are regularly held.

For children. In Europe, children's coworking centers have already become the norm, while in Russia this type of coworking is only gaining momentum. For children you can find a large number of educational games, as well as chat with other parents.

Profit from coworking centers

  • Rental of premises and workplace.
  • Conducting lectures and seminars.
  • Catering: refrigerators, coffee machines, sale of lunches.
  • WITH large companies increase in rental space.

Statistics confirm the profitability of coworking centers: payback is possible in less than 6 months.

From the site: http://moipersonal.ru/organizatsiya-truda/chto-takoe-kovorking

Overview of 3 coworking franchises

IN modern world there are more and more freelancers. And their main a common problem is the lack of comfortable working conditions.

At home, other family members, roommates, neighbors, pets, or even a refrigerator that is too loud and intrusive are in the way. Renting a small workplace with the necessary office equipment in a pleasant environment and access to a meeting and presentation room at an affordable price is a real and modern solution for freelancers. And a promising business idea for entrepreneurs.

In essence, a coworking business is a profitable resale of real estate for all parties, the difference in price of which is the profit of the owner of the idea. The profitability of coworking, according to the current owners, can reach 60%. Read an overview of the niche of coworking centers in the article Coworking Franchise.

A coworking center franchise is actually a turnkey business that is relevant for a city with a population of 50,000 or more, which includes location selection, design, furniture purchase, advertising campaigns and staff training.

Indagate Covoriking Deal of the century B-Point Coworking Center
Year of foundation 2008 2013 2009
Franchising 2014 - -
Number of points 5 2 1
Own enterprises There is There is There is
General investment 1,290,000 - 10,000,000 rubles from 1,300,000 rubles from 449 000 rub.
What is the investment spent on? *depends on the franchise package Rent, renovation, furniture, financial cushion before reaching operating profit Full-fledged launch of the business, transfer of all materials
Lump sum RUB 490,000 from 300 000 rub. RUB 399,000 *the fee depends on the city
Royalty 3% of turnover No 10% of net profit
Other payments No No No
Support Yes Yes Yes
Opening time - - 45 days
Payback from 7 months from 3 months 2-5 months
Net profit - from 150 000 rub. 100,000-500,000 rubles
Franchise Package Standard, Advanced, Turnkey No No
Square from 150 sq.m. from 200 sq.m. from 150 sq.m.

*data are for August 2017, some numbers may have changed by the time you read it

Indagate Coworking

Indagate is a group of research companies in the field of marketing, sociology and business development, one of whose projects is a network of coworking centers.

The minimum franchise package includes assistance in choosing a premises and selecting a concept, a website, software for customer accounting and and business book from the franchisor.

The "Advanced" package provides additional opportunities for marketing research.

With the "Turnkey" package, partners are given a conceptual design project of the premises and the opportunity to prepare a co-working space for opening together with a team of managers from the company's head office.

Deal of the century

Deal of the century since 2013 in the real estate market. To date, there are 2 coworking centers, and 3 can be opened by you.

The minimum amount required to launch a workspace of 200 sq.m., according to the franchisor's calculations, is 1,300,000 rubles, including a lump-sum fee. These funds will cover the rent, renovation of the premises and the purchase of furniture.

The Deal of the Century franchise package includes:

  • A package of documents to open legal entity, all document flow (contracts with tenants, with the landlord, with personnel)
  • Premises selection
  • Pre-sale of places in a coworking space
  • Design project for the renovation of the premises
  • Selection of administrators and training
  • Regional site
  • CRM system for customer accounting
  • Scripts telephone conversations for administrators
  • Personal manager support

B-Point Coworking Center

The B-Point coworking center belongs to the WantResult group of companies, which has several areas of activity under its wing - the advertising business with VkTracker, the rental of BPOINTS real estate, and its own media “First Unofficial”.

The lump-sum fee for opening a B-Point coworking center depends on the population in the city of opening and averages 300,000 rubles. The franchisor also adds here that the repair of the premises and, in general, the launch of a business requires from 50,000 rubles. It is perhaps true, but we understand that the total final investment will be from 10 to 100 times higher.

What can a franchisee expect when buying a coworking center franchise?

  1. Premises selection
  2. Support, control and launch of business
  3. Full-fledged marketing support, customer acquisition technologies (website, customized advertising campaigns). The minimum number of applications that the franchisee promises to provide is 100
  4. Business training and necessary documents (videos, chat, logo, templates, sales scripts, contract templates, etc.)
  5. Recruitment
  6. Tools for selling a share in a business

When choosing a coworking center franchise, you need to understand that this is a long-term project that usually pays off no earlier than in 10-12 months. Accordingly, it is difficult to say that franchise projects that have not yet completed a 1-year cycle have already proven their profitability.

It is worth paying attention to the experience of the franchisor, the presence of a federal advertising campaign and assistance in promoting the franchisee's regional enterprises.

From the site: https://franchblog.ru/obzor-3-franchiz-kovorkingov/

How to open a coworking center

Today we decided to offer you a really original project, namely to tell you how to open a coworking center. The first organization of this kind arose quite recently, in 2005, but today there are more than 100 of them in Russia alone.

What is a coworking center

Such a place is also called an action zone where freelancers work: designers, translators, copywriters, programmers, and even aspiring entrepreneurs.

Now there are more and more such people, but each of them is faced with a choice: to work according to a clear schedule in the office or at home (in a cafe, library, etc. A coworking center is the golden mean between these two evils.

How to open a coworking center and what is needed for this?


The most important thing is the location of the coworking center. If it is located somewhere on the outskirts, far from a bus stop, then most local freelancers will simply not be able to get there and, as a result, the business will not pay for itself.

This will not only help you save on electricity, but will also create a good atmosphere for the current team. Looking at photos of existing projects, you will understand how to open a co-working center even on the territory of, say, a former clothing factory.

As for the design of the premises, here, by the way, there will be a youth and original style loft. At least, most of the existing coworking centers are decorated in this stylistic direction.

Workspace organization

To organize such a space once and for all simply will not work. Over time, zoning, rules and arrangement of furniture will definitely change, in accordance with the needs of the team.

However, here it is very important to follow the habits of his employees and optimize the space based on them. The only thing that should be mandatory is a large (one might even say huge) negotiating table. It is he who will perform a unifying function for the entire community.

Also, don't forget about entertainment. There should not be many of them, but the representatives of your team should remember that they are freelancers, that is, free people: if they wanted, they drank tea, if they wanted, they beat a punching bag. Come up with your own "chips" to make your center truly unique.


First of all, coworking should be comfortable, so the choice of furniture is very important: you can buy cheap sofas or order exclusive designer furniture.

But in addition to comfortable and original furniture, the space should be equipped with all necessary equipment: from wi-fi modems to scanners, printers and so on. All this determines the expediency of the existence of the center, because people come there, first of all, to work.

Team and promotion

Each coworking space is based on its specialists. Such a team may consist of an administrator, a designer responsible for technical side project, the person who will be engaged in the promotion and the organizer. The more creative and energetic your team members are, the more successful the business will go.

Finance and events

From the site: http://ladyboss.com.ua/business-ideas/kak-otkryt-kovorking-centr/

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