Who are racists. What's happened


the theory of the division of mankind into "higher" and "lower", "full" and "inferior" races, substantiating the right of people to dominate others or reject others who are supposedly inferior to them.

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reactionary ideology, psychology, politics and practice, based on the recognition of the supposedly natural, natural, biological predetermination of inequality human races and pursuing the line of dividing them into “higher” and “lower”, “full” and “inferior”, substantiating the legitimacy of the domination of the former over the latter.

R.'s historical roots go back to ancient times, to slavery. It was later widely used by colonialism. But R.'s theories took shape only in the second half of the 19th century (J. Gobineau's "An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races" 1884, H. Chamberlain's "Fundamentals of the Nineteenth Century" 1899, etc.). The essence of R. comes down basically to the following: races are unequal; they decisively influence the character and behavior of people, culture, the whole social life; First of all, racial differences determine different level intellectual ability and creative possibilities representatives of the respective races; the latter predetermines the hierarchical division of races and peoples, is an eternal, unchanging natural law of social development; racial mixing is detrimental to sociocultural progress and can lead civilized society to disaster. R. was the official theory and ideology of Hitler's fascism, National Socialism. The world community, the UN strongly condemn R. as gross violation universal and fundamental human rights, demand from all countries an active struggle for the eradication of R. (The weighty decoloration of human rights in 1948, the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1963, the Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice of 1978, etc.) . All this played important role in the elimination of R., segregation and apartheid in South Africa in the late 80s and early 90s. Nevertheless, manifestations of R. have not disappeared in the modern socio-political life of many countries, especially in connection with various fascist organizations still remaining in them.

The modern Russian racial theorist V. B. Avdeev says the following about the word “racism”: “This word first appeared in 1932 in the French dictionary of Larousse and is just a journalistic remake created by politically engaged people and does not have a clear and intelligible scientific justification. Therefore, using it in the environment educated people Not recommended" . French writer and the journalist Alain de Benoist devoted an entire article to the definition of this word, which he called “What is racism”. In particular, the author of the article says the following: “Today, the word “racism” has so many contradictory meanings that an aura of myth forms around it and therefore it is difficult to define it. Calling someone a racist, even if it is a dirty slander, is a convenient tactic - it either paralyzes the opponent or casts suspicion on him and robs him of his confidence. This approach has become commonplace in the conflicts we see every day. The accusation of racism usually entails a number of similar accusations: extreme right, fascism, anti-Semitism, etc.”

See also: ethnic hatred, nationalism, national socialism, race, Russian fascism.

Great Definition

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Dictionary of medical terms


a set of anti-scientific reactionary concepts based on the idea of ​​the mental and biological inequality of human races, on the decisive influence of racial differences on the course of history and the development of the culture of human society, on the existence of "higher" and "lower" races.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


racism, pl. no, m. (new). Reactionary anti-scientific misanthropic fascist theory about the unequal value of human races and, Ch. arr., a special historical purpose, the so-called. Aryans, serving as a cover for the exploitative, cannibalistic policy of fascism.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ah, m. Reactionary theory and politics, asserting the superiority of one race over another. Preachers of racism.

adj. racist, th, th. R. mode.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Reactionary, anti-scientific theory and politics based on it, asserting the superiority of one race over another.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


a set of concepts based on the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of society, on the primordial division of people into superior and inferior races, of which the former are the only creators of civilization, called to dominate, and the latter unable to create and even assimilate high culture and doomed to exploitation. Having put forward in ser. 19th century the first racist concept, the Frenchman J. A. Gobineau declared the Aryans the "superior race"; in the future, racism is intertwined with social Darwinism, Malthusianism, and eugenics (D. Highcraft and B. Kidd in Great Britain, J. Lapouge in France, L. Voltman, H. Chamberlain, O. Ammon in Germany). Became the official ideology of fascism; used to justify racial discrimination, segregation and apartheid. Racism has been condemned by the international community.


a set of anti-scientific concepts, the basis of which is the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on the history and culture of human society. All varieties of R. are characterized by false misanthropic ideas about the primordial division of people into higher and lower races, of which the first are supposedly the only creators of civilization, called to dominate, and the second, on the contrary, are not capable of creating and even assimilating a high culture and are doomed to be objects operation.

Ideas about the natural inequality of races arose in a slave society, where they served to justify social differences between slave owners and slaves. In the Middle Ages, statements about the "blood" differences between the "nobility" and the "rabble" were intended to justify class inequality. In the era of the primitive accumulation of capital (16th–18th centuries), when European states first seized colonies, R. served the purposes of inhuman exploitation, and often the justification for the extermination of the Indians of America, Africans, and many peoples of South Asia, Australia, and Oceania.

In the middle of the 19th century the first generalizing “works” on R. appeared. In the essay “An Experience on the Inequality of Human Races”, J. A. Gobineau declared the “superior” race of fair-haired and blue-eyed Aryans, whom he considered the creators of all high civilizations, preserved in the most “pure” form among the aristocracy Germanic peoples. Gobineau's theory, based on the misidentification of races and language families, has become the cornerstone of many racist concepts. In the USA, D. Nott and D. Gliddon, in their book Types of Mankind (1865), attempted to prove the racial inferiority of Negroes from the standpoint of polygenism. In the future, racist ideas were closely intertwined with social Darwinism, whose representatives transferred the teachings of Charles Darwin about natural selection and struggle for existence human society(D. Highcraft and B. Kidd in Great Britain, J. Lapouge in France, L. Voltman, H. Chamberlain and O. Ammon in Germany, M. Grant in the USA, etc.).

In their constructions, social Darwinists widely used Malthusianism, as well as the provisions of eugenics, to justify the superiority of the hereditary properties of the ruling classes compared to working people, the usefulness of artificial selection of marriage couples to improve the race, and the need for forced sterilization of persons who would be recognized as "genetically inferior". All these misanthropic statements were especially widespread in the era of imperialism in Great Britain, Germany and the USA.

After World War I (1914–18), mainly in Germany, in reactionary circles, the “Nordic myth” about the superiority over all other races of the northern or Nordic race (see Nordicism) of tall, long-headed blonds, allegedly connected genetically with peoples who speak in Germanic languages. This variant of R., which goes back to the concepts of Gobineau and Lapouge, was promoted in the writings of many German pseudoscientists who openly supported Nazism (H. Günther and others). However, due to the inconsistency of the appearance of most Nazis (starting with Hitler) to the Nordic racial type the ideologists of German fascism increasingly began to talk not about long-headed tall blondes, but about the “northern racial soul” or simply the “superior race”, which also included Italian fascists and Japanese militarists.

During the years of the Hitlerite dictatorship in Germany, R., which became the official ideology of fascism, was used to justify the seizure of foreign lands, the physical destruction of many millions of civilians (primarily in the USSR and Slavic countries), imprisonment in concentration camps, torture and execution of anti-fascists in Germany itself . A similar "racist practice" was carried out by the Japanese militarists in China and other Asian countries, and by the Italian fascists in Ethiopia, Albania, and Greece.

The defeat of fascism dealt R. and his bloody practice a crushing blow and fully revealed the misanthropic essence of the myth of the “superior German race.”

After World War II (1939–45), R.'s supporters attempted to use tests mental abilities(see IQ) of different racial groups in order to "prove" their mental inequality (American psychologists G. Garrett, O. Shai, N. Jenson, and others). In fact, test results are not predetermined race studied, but their social status, working and living conditions (for example, the work of O. Kleineberg "Race and Psychology", 1956).

R. is used in modern capitalist countries (especially in South Africa and Rhodesia) to justify racial discrimination, segregation, and in many cases genocide. In the USA, the struggle against the theory and practice of R. is intensifying, both among Negroes and Indians and among the progressive sections of white Americans.

In South Africa and Rhodesia, there are laws and actively implemented prohibitive and repressive measures that prevent communication and marriage between whites, on the one hand, and blacks and people of color, on the other. The policy of segregation and apartheid pursued in these countries is accompanied by bloody incidents, murders, and brutal persecution of opponents of R. Of the 22 million people. of the population of South Africa (1970), only whites (3.8 million, about 20% of the population) are full citizens, while the rest - Africans, "colored" (mestizos) and Asians (mainly Indians) - are subject to legal discrimination in all areas of work and life. A similar situation is also characteristic of Rhodesia, where R. was declared the official ideology, designed to perpetuate the dominance of the European minority (less than 300 thousand people) over the African majority (over 4 million people). In many other countries, various varieties of R. are used to substantiate all kinds of nationalist concepts and incite enmity between peoples. Before the collapse of the fascist dictatorship in Portugal (1974), the indigenous African population of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau was subjected to racial discrimination. The anti-scientific myth about the existence of a single world Jewish nation has been adopted by Zionism.

In Canada, the Eskimos, Indians, and people from Africa are subjected to racial discrimination; in Australia, the Aborigines who have survived in this part of the world (about 80,000 people) are subjected to racial discrimination. In Great Britain, after World War II (1939–45), discrimination against "colored" immigrants from the countries of the British Commonwealth intensified; in 1974, their number was over 1.5 million. Linking with the ideologists of imperialism, the Maoists, in order to substantiate their great-power policy, propagate the theory of the racial unity of the peoples of Asia and the exclusivity of China, supposedly called upon to be the hegemon of world history.

The socio-political and scientific struggle against all varieties of R. unfolded as soon as racist writings began to appear. Leading leaders took an active part in it. public figures, writers and scientists of all countries. Factual materials accumulated by various public and natural sciences, anthropology, ethnography, and other disciplines that study races and peoples, showed the complete failure of R. All morphological and physiological features by which races are distinguished are of little importance for the general biological evolution And historical development humanity.

Historical experience shows that socio-economic and cultural progress is due not to the racial composition of the population, but to the social system. The practice of building socialism and communism in the USSR, whose peoples are extremely racially heterogeneous, proves the complete groundlessness of the concept of the existence of "higher" and "lower" races and of racial conditioning historical process. Against R. are also evidenced by economic and cultural successes other socialist states of Europe, the DRV, the DPRK, Cuba, the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, whose population belongs to different races and all kinds of mixed and transitional groups between them.

By decision of the 21st session of the UN General Assembly, in memory of the victims of the shooting in 1960 in Sharpeville and other cities of South Africa of peaceful demonstrations of Africans, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is annually held on March 21. Meetings of experts convened by UNESCO in Moscow (1964) and Paris (1967) condemned all types of R. The 25th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in which it confirms “the firm determination to achieve the complete elimination of racial discrimination and racism, against which the conscience and sense of justice for all mankind” [Document A (RLS) 2646 (XXV), 4, HP, 1970]. 1971 was announced international year concerted action against all types of racial discrimination, and 1974-84 - a decade of the most effective struggle against R. ideological struggle between the world of capitalism and the world of socialism, between the exploiting classes and the working people, between the imperialists and the peoples who have recently won state independence.

Lit .: The science of races and racism. Sat. Art., M. ≈ L., 1938; Anglo-American ethnography in the service of imperialism. Sat. Art., M., 1951; Roginsky Ya. Ya., Levin M. G., Racism and its social roots, in the book: Anthropology, M., 1963; Against racism. [Sat. Art.], M., 1966; Documents denounce racism, M., 1968; "No!" ≈ racism, M., 1969; Peoples against racism, M., 1970; Cheboksarov N. N., Cheboksarova I. A., community development humanity and race, in their book: Peoples, races, cultures, M., 1971; Races and peoples, c. 1≈5, M., 1971≈74; Winston G., Joining forces in the fight against racism, Problems of Peace and Socialism, 1974, no. 5; Reces and peoples. Contemporary ethnic and racial problems, Moscow, 1974.

N. N. Cheboksarov.



Racism- a set of views based on the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races and on the decisive influence of racial differences on history and culture.

There are several more broad definition racism. Thus, the Encyclopedia Britannica indicates that racism is an ideology that declares the division of people into strictly differentiated groups called races, the connection between inherited physical and character traits, intelligence, morality, culture, as well as the innate superiority of some races over others. . The implementation of racist theories in practice finds its expression in the policy of racial discrimination from the restriction of any rights to physical destruction.

Examples of the use of the word racism in the literature.

They were all swarthy, and Professor Avenarius decided that they were young Arabs protesting against racism.

However, there has been an absorption department in the Ministry of Education for 10 years, but there is nothing about racism they do not know and do not want to engage in violence against Olimovsk children.

No, the Exter family, and above all the youngest of them, Grigory, could not come to terms with fanatical dogmatism, which, together with anti-communism and racism essence of the modern Zionist movement.

Their songs were focused largely on social youth themes, on the problems of life outsiders in the stone jungle, unemployment among young people, racism, adult intolerance, social injustice.

Rousseau - father French Revolution and Gobino - father racism left us messages.

There they said that in Israel they were subjected to severe discrimination on ethnicity that in the kibbutz where they lived - a stronghold racism that the Israeli authorities and ordinary Israelis are trying to ensure that immigrant women from former USSR- could earn a living exclusively by prostitution.

Here the idea is persistently promoted that it is not a war of races that will bring true freedom, but the unification of the efforts of blacks and whites in their struggle against colonialism and racism, against its influence, poisoning the consciousness of people with the poison of mutual distrust.

So the lectures on Nietzsche turned into a frontal attack on degraded metaphysics. racism and biologism.

Criticism of religion by Mark Twain was inextricably linked with the socio-political views of the writer, who denounced imperialism and its aggressive policy, racism and the lynching of Negroes, colonialism, and Christian missionaries.

Since the Malays did not see any improvement in this area, a rather radical version of Malay nationalism began to spread among them, especially among young Malays, or, more precisely, racism.

Achilles' heel of movements opposed to him - racism, national socialism, - was their narrow nationalism, more precisely - the narrow racial or national boundaries of those blessed zones, with the chimera of which they seduced and fascinated.

National socialism, socialism, religious fanaticism, racism militant atheism, patriotism, pan-Americanism, etc.

He stated exactly what racism is the reason why there is not a single black among welterweights, and announced that in next season will require him to be promoted to welterweight.

Prohibition of the active self-defense of nations as racism, xenophobia, aggressiveness, fascism The slipping of democratic institutions, because they are perfect for the seizure of power by anti-democratic fanatics.

Racism and elitism were the main content of the populist ideology.

What does racist mean? Today you can often hear this term in the media. mass media. The words "racism" and "racist" periodically fly off the lips modern people. But not everyone who uses them understands true value these concepts. Well, let's try to figure it out and answer the question: who is a racist?

The root of the word "racism" and the interpretation of the concept

Morphological analysis of these words shows that both of them have the root "race". So, one way or another, they are connected with the principle of dividing people into populations according to certain biological characteristics. Today, according to the main classification, there are three races in the world - black (Negroid-Australoid), white (Caucasoid) and yellow (Mongoloid). Each of them is assigned a certain territory on the planet, which is inhabited by the majority of representatives of this particular population. And everything would be smooth in this system, if humanity did not give rise to such a phenomenon as racism.

Who is a racist: definition of the term

talking in simple words- This is a person who elevates himself above others based on his skin color. Turning to different types of dictionaries and analyzing their interpretations, we can give a generalized interpretation: a racist is a person who elevates one population of people over another only on the basis of biological characteristics. And if this concept itself appeared relatively recently (in the 19th century), then the history of its manifestations goes back centuries.

Manifestations of racism in human history

In the days of the slave system, some people believed that others were born only to serve them, to work for them. Hence the word "slave" and, consequently, the name of the system. The next period in the development of mankind - the Middle Ages - gave rise to a blood division of everyone into "know" and "rabble". And again, the second category had to please the first. Capitalism justified its actions in relation to the natives of the mainland, who were discovered and colonized by white people - Europeans, by genetic inequality.

The Indians of both Americas and Australia were ruthlessly destroyed, and their wealth and the lands were mastered by aliens who consider themselves representatives of a more developed, better race. One of the latest and greatest outbreaks of racism has been the Nazi Germany, based on the conviction of the Germans that they belong to the superior race of the Aryans and therefore have the right to take everything from other peoples by force, up to life itself. Hitler even organized special expeditions to the east, to the sacred country of Shambhala, where, according to legend, the burial places of people who dominated the Earth many centuries ago are kept. The Germans tried to find evidence that their race comes from ancient highly developed civilizations, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

As you can see, at all times racism has served the sole purpose of enriching some people at the expense of others under the guise of the ideology of being chosen. And it was always accompanied by blood, devastation, war, the deaths of millions of innocents...

Development of racist theory

The first concept of racism developed in the middle of the 19th century French philosopher J. A. Gobineau, who just proclaimed the "Aryans" the highest race. From his theory, as well as from the developments of some other thinkers, it followed that people are initially unequal. This is determined by nature, and each race is forever destined for its place. Someone is "sentenced" to be the engine of cultural and technical progress, and the other is forever recorded as "helpers", "laborers". And this order of things, according to the authors of the theories, should have been preserved - they considered the mixing of races to be harmful to humanity. After some 30 years, all this was adopted by Hitler, who started the bloodiest war in the history of the planet.

Racist: the meaning of the word today

This notion still thrives today, though not as pronounced. Today, a racist is a representative of an "ultra-right" radical organization. There are such people in almost every country, their goal is to cleanse their state of representatives of other nations and biological races. The methods are very different, they depend on the rigidity of the legal system of the state. If the government properly monitors the observance of human rights and at the legislative level recognizes the manifestation of racism as a crime, then the radicals are in the shadows and occasionally arrange raids and pogroms. Example: skinheads in Russia, radical European football fans(ultra), etc.

And if the government does not control the situation in the country, then chaos begins. In some such states, a person can be beaten and even killed just for the color of his skin, the shape of his eyes and religion. The most dangerous are considered to be African and Asian countries where a civil war or other local conflicts are being waged. Whites hate blacks and vice versa, radical Muslims kill Christians, etc. A racist is a person who tries to humiliate and sometimes even maim or kill people who are different from him.

And although racism has long been condemned by the world community, its manifestations now and then happen in different parts of the world, including in our country. And today, despite the progress made and the many preventive measures taken, one can meet racists - people who are sincerely convinced that they belong to the highest (better) caste and allow the existence of representatives of the "low" class populations only as their admirers and slaves.

News and Society

Who is the racist?

September 30, 2013

A racist is a person who is convinced of the physical and mental superiority of some races over others and that these differences are decisive in cultural and historical achievements various peoples.

Racism in modern world

In the modern world, where the most progressive part of the community is in favor of democratic principles, the idea of ​​pluralism of opinions and views is also popular. This means that any opinion, interpretation of the historical process, political movement and other products of human thought have the right to exist and defend own positions legal ways. In the political sphere of states declaring the democratic nature of the system and power, this implies the peaceful coexistence of parties and movements of various directions in it. However, it is extremely important that pluralism and tolerance cannot in any way be extended to misanthropic views. In this sense, “racist” is an unambiguously negative definition, and people who call for discrimination against persons with a different skin color (eye shape) or even more so for illegal actions against them should definitely answer before the law.

History of racism

The opinion that representatives of different human races are unequal in their abilities appeared a very long time ago. And, in fact, it was born more than once, as soon as representatives of various civilizations with pronounced external differences met. However long time racism did not take shape in any significant philosophy for the reasons that, firstly, there was no special dominance of representatives of one race over another, and secondly, there was simply no need for it. It arose only in the era of colonialism and the mass conversion by Europeans of the inhabitants of the African continent into their slaves. Such a practice had to be justified in the eyes of the public, and the slave owners themselves. First of all, this justification was found in the Bible, in the story of the descendants of Ham cursed by Noah - supposedly those same Africans. The first racist from science is the Frenchman Joseph Gobineau. This person is still mid-nineteenth century became the founder of the scientific justification of the inequality of human races. His ideology was based practical observations about how far Europe of that time - economic, military, cultural and political - has gone in its development from the civilizations of other continents. According to Gobineau, this was due to the original advantage of the so-called Nordic race in intellectual abilities.

In general, the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century became the time of the theoretical substantiation and flourishing of racism. In the 1860s and 1870s, after the abolition of official slavery in the United States, racism flourished here among the demobilized soldiers and officers of the southern army. The American racist appears before us in white robes and with a cap. Representatives of the Ku Klux Klan, thanks to the scope of their activities, have become one of the main symbols of this movement. However, the most famous representative and the ideologist of the belief in the inferiority of individual races and peoples is Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately, modern ultrapatriots in Russia, stubborn in their ignorance, continue to use the symbols of the NSDAP, despite the fact that the Nazis also considered the Slavic race to be inferior. As an extremely weak counterargument, Russian racists cite excerpts from the speeches of German officers flirting with local collaborators and sometimes saying what they wanted to hear. However, even after the defeat of National Socialist Germany, racism for a long time continued to prosper in some parts of the world. So, in the Republic of South Africa during the apartheid era, racist is not at all an abusive designation. But apartheid existed until the 1990s.

Who is a racist? Explain it clearly =

  1. Eat different types racism, as already answered above!
  2. Racists are people who hate people of another race.
  3. racism is other nations inappropriately from Russia
  4. if you don't want to know. then go out into the street and say chebureks to a crowd of Dags or Chechens passing by. they will rip you apart.
  5. I'm asking about a racist, not about racism
  6. not necessarily Russian! it can be a person of any nationality, and yes, who does not consider other races (peoples) to be full-fledged
  7. Racism is a set of doctrines based on the provisions on the physical and mental inequality of human races, based on objective anthropological differences, and on the decisive influence of racial differences on history and culture. A racist is a person who shares and preaches this doctrine.

    It is widely stated that "Racism includes the ideas of the initial division of people into higher and lower races, of which the first are the creators of civilization and are called upon to dominate the second" but this is not racism itself, this is a consequence of the teachings of racism.

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