We live with this name, we are proud of this name. The children of the Palevitsky kindergarten got acquainted with the "Red Book of the Komi Republic"


Krutomaidan rural library named after F. F. Pavlenkova

Mailing address: 606380, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vadsky district, with. Steep Maidan, st. Microdistrict, 10

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 8 (831-40) 4-51-09

Library manager: Titova Elena Anatolievna

At the very beginning of the last century, free folk reading rooms began to be intensively created in Russian villages and villages. By 1909 there were more than two thousand of them. The impetus for this mass movement was given by the spiritual testament of the St. Petersburg publisher and educator Florenty Fedorovich Pavlenkov.

F. F. Pavlenkov, Russian publisher, publicist, translator, public figure was born on October 8 (20), 1839 in the Tambov province in a large, poor family of a service nobleman, a participant in the Napoleonic wars. He graduated from the 1st Petersburg Cadet Corps and the Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy. During his studies, he joined the opposition student movement and came under secret police surveillance. In the same years, he began to collaborate with various magazines and newspapers, and was engaged in translations. After graduating from the academy, he served in the Kiev Arsenal, where he sharply criticized embezzlement and was forced to resign.

After failed attempt to become a teacher at a military gymnasium, Pavlenkov moved to St. Petersburg and forever connected his life with publishing. His most famous publications are: “A visual alphabet for teaching and self-teaching to read and write” (1873), which went through 22 editions, a collection of exposing pamphlets “Vyatskaya forget-me-not” (1878), a one-volume illustrated “ encyclopedic Dictionary» (1899). Pavlenkov is the founder of the series "Life wonderful people» - predecessors famous series, which is still being published, as well as the series "Popular Science Library" and "Library useful knowledge» (on applied sciences and art). A “Pavlenkovsky” type of book gradually developed: as a rule, a small format, thick paper, good stitching, neat font, narrow margins, a large number of drawings. But there were also books of large format, with text printed in two columns. All publications are modest, but at the same time good quality, high quality. And very cheap.

F. F. Pavlenkov published books by famous Russians and foreign writers: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, G. I. Uspensky, V. G. Belinsky, D. I. Pisarev, V. Hugo, C. Dickens; books for children, popular science literature of domestic and foreign authors in physics, astronomy, zoology, botany, sociology, etc. Pavlenkov hardly managed to get the publication of the first collected works of A. I. Herzen in Russia (it came out after the death of the publisher). In total, Pavlenkov published over 750 book titles, with a total circulation of more than 3.5 million copies.

F.F. Pavlenkov died in 1900 at the age of 60. Buried in Petersburg literary bridges Volkovsky cemetery.

In his will, F. F. Pavlenkov ordered that the bulk of his money be used to open 2,000 free public libraries in poor remote villages and villages. His executors carried out the will of the deceased. Letters were sent to the zemstvos with the following proposal: the zemstvos find a room, a librarian, etc., send 50 rubles to the executors, and they, in turn, send books worth 100 rubles to the village or village. Thus, by 2011, 2018 libraries were opened, one of them is in the village of Krutoy Maidan, Arzamas district Nizhny Novgorod province.

The village of Steep Maidan is old. According to legend, it was formed during the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. Matched rich history villages and the history of the local library.

In 1997, employees of the Vadskaya central library working at the State Archives Nizhny Novgorod region Arzamas (GANO Arzamas), found a letter from the most active of Pavlenkov's executors - Valentin Ivanovich Yakovenko - addressed to the Arzamas district government on August 7, 1900 (GANO Arzamas, f. 2, op. 1, d. 267, p. 87). The letter says that the book publisher F. F. Pavlenkov bequeathed 100 thousand rubles for the opening of 2,000 people's reading rooms in the poorest and most remote villages and settlements. The Arzamas Zemstvo did not turn away from the modest but promising gift of Florenty Fedorovich. 2 libraries were opened in the county in the villages of Krutoy Maidan and Chernukha.

The Krutomaidan Free Public Library was opened in 1901. For a long time the library was located in the house of deacon Pobedonostsev, who was also the first librarian. The large landowner Pyotr Ivanovich Lebedev (GANO, Arzamas, f. 2, op. 1, d. 29) took custody of the library.

Finished Device 2000 free libraries, Pavlenkov's executors began to replenish Pavlenkov's libraries with books, at the same time checking their viability. IN AND. Yakovenko appealed to the Arzamas Uyezd Administration in order to obtain information about the libraries opened with the assistance of the Pavlenkovsky Fund, which have become stronger and deserve further support (letter from V.I. Yakovenko dated June 10, 1909 - GANO of Arzamas, f. 2, op. 1, file 549, p. 59). The letter stored in the archive is accompanied by a completed “Questionnaire on the status of free public library opened with the assistance of the Pavlenkovsky Foundation. According to this document, the Kr.-Maidansky library was given the name "Pavlenkovskaya", since its foundation in 1901, it has been subsidized by the county zemstvo for 50 rubles. per year, inventory books for September 1909 are 500 copies. in the amount of 270 rubles.

Since 1912, the teacher P. N. Shlychkov was appointed librarian, the library was located in his house. Unfortunately, in September of the same year, due to a fire in a neighboring building, part of the teacher's house and library books were destroyed by fire. But, despite this, already by 1914, according to the testimony of P. I. Lebedev (GANO of Arzamas, f. 2, op. 1, file 704), with the assistance of the Zemstvo and executors, “a very decent library".

In 1917, the Krutomaidan cultural and educational organization was formed, which included the library. The name of F. F. Pavlenkov was consigned to oblivion. In 1921, teacher Klavdiya Aleksandrovna Lebedeva was appointed librarian. The library becomes the center of agitation and propaganda work, the center for the elimination of illiteracy. In the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War The library was without an employee. In order to save the books, the villagers took them to their homes.

In 1945, the revival of the library began. Komsomol member Maria Bazhenova is in charge of the cool Maidan hut-reading room. Both children and older people - everyone finds a book to their liking here. The library is used by 143 regular readers. Loud readings are organized for the illiterate. A literary circle has been created, books are being restored, and book-selling has been established.

In 1976, the Krutomaidan rural library became a branch of the Vadsk centralized library system.

In 2001 the library celebrated its 100th anniversary. To that significant event the library restored its history, including the role of F. F. Pavlenkov in its creation. The library and its anniversary are dedicated to the article by L. I. Soboleva and V. V. Tuzhilkina “So that the candle does not go out” (Panorama of the library life of the region: experience, new ideas, development trends. - 2001. - Issue 4 (24). - C 31-33). In 2006, in connection with the 105th anniversary of the library, by the Decree of the Zemsky Assembly of the Vadsky District of October 31, 2006, it was named after F. F. Pavlenkov.

House of culture in the village of Krutoy Maidan.

December 30, 2009 in the village of Krutoy Maidan opened new house culture, on the second floor of which in 4 rooms there is a rural library named after. F. F. Pavlenkova.

Today it is not only the largest library - a branch of MBUK "Centralized library system Vadsky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod Region”, but also the most exemplary in the area in terms of creating a comfortable information environment and technical equipment. The library received the status of a rural information center. It has two computers, copier, multimedia projector, screen, TV, DVD player. A presentation “Krutomaidan rural library named after F. F. Pavlenkov” has been prepared: an information and computer center.

The library serves over 600 residents of the village. The fund is more than 8000 copies. 15 items are issued annually periodicals. in great demand enjoy electronic editions: encyclopedias, reference books, collections of classical and contemporary music, training programs, etc.

Visitors are given the opportunity to receive business, cultural, general educational information in the library. Email, Internet, ordering literature on intrasystem book exchange and MBA, access to electronic catalogs of the Nizhny Novgorod State Regional universal library them. V. I. Lenin made the library the first assistant for high school students and students. Operational communication with the Public Center legal information acting under the Central Bank, helps to solve the pressing problems of rural residents. People of all ages are invited to usefully spend their leisure time by becoming participants literary evenings, creative meetings and others library events prepared on high professional level. When the library works family club"Anthill", summer children's toy library. The booklet “Krutomaidan rural library named after F. F. Pavlenkov” gives an idea of ​​the various possibilities of the library.

For more than 25 years, Lidia Alekseevna Baranova, a conscientious, hardworking, sociable person, has been in charge of the library. In 2012, she took a well-deserved rest, and in her place was taken by a young, energetic, plump creative plans Elena Anatolyevna Titova. The library is a district and regional school of excellence, its activities are well respected by library workers in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The library is constantly working to popularize materials about the life and work of F. F. Pavlenkov and the direct executor of his will - V. I. Yakovenko. Material on the history of the library, photographs, information about F. F. Pavlenkov and V. I. Yakovenko are presented at the stand “ good name- good memory".

On information stand“Krutomaidan rural library named after F. F. Pavlenkov” in the first place is a photograph and an article about the life and work of the person whose name it bears; information about Florenty Fedorovich is also contained in the booklet “Krutomaidan rural library named after F. F. Pavlenkov”. The search for materials about F. F. Pavlenkov, V. I. Yakovenko and the history of the library to create a thematic exposition continues.

The exhibition “The Testament of a Strange Millionaire” aroused great interest among the villagers, at which books and articles about F. F. Pavlenkov, “Pavlenkov Libraries” of Russia were presented. The presentation of this exhibition was held several times for different audiences: teachers, students, members of the "Anthill" club, librarians of the district. The exhibition "The Life of Remarkable People: Biographical Library of F. Pavlenkov", which presents modern and reprint editions, is in constant demand among readers.

In 2009, on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of F. F. Pavlenkov, the library hosted “Small Pavlenkov Readings” “Florenty Pavlenkov - patron of art, publicist, book publisher”, which was attended by teachers and students of the Krutomaidan school, the intelligentsia of the village, employees of the Vadskaya CBS . Such readings are supposed to be organized every five years.

Every year in October, the library hosts the “Decade of F. F. Pavlenkov”, dedicated to the day his birth. These days are public events for different user groups. Among them: an hour of information "It all started with Pavlenkov", a virtual tour-acquaintance with the libraries that are part of the Commonwealth of Pavlenkov's libraries "The light of the Pavlenkov's lamp is shining", an hour of history "A candle in the wind", a local history lesson "What's in your name, library?" and others.

In addition, every year events dedicated to the life and work of Pavlenkov are held in the senior classes of the school. This is a review guide "Library of Florenty Pavlenkov" (based on the books of the series "Life of Remarkable People", literary clock"Book publishing activity F. F. Pavlenkov”, “Pavlenkov – creator of rural libraries”).

Published bio-bibliographic manual "Our library bears his name", memo "F. F. Pavlenkov. Grateful memory”, “History of the library: connection of times”, “The book opened the world to me”.

In 2012, on the eve of the All-Russian Day of Libraries, the action "It all started with Pavlenkov" was held in the village. The action program includes: the exhibition "History of the library: the connection of times", the evening-portrait "And the forgotten name”, a collection of books for the library “Sparks of the Great Initiative”. The action was successful, the library funds were replenished with new interesting publications.

The "candle" lit by the publisher Pavlenkov did not go out. The Krutomaidan rural library has been and remains the leading cultural center, which enjoys well-deserved authority among the villagers, and worthily bears the name of the person thanks to whom it was created.


  1. Blum A. V. F. F. Pavlenkov in Vyatka. - Kirov: Volgo-Vyat. book. publishing house, 1976. - 88 p.: ill. - (Outstanding figures and natives of the Vyatka region).
  2. Gorbunov Yu. A. Florenty Pavlenkov, his life and publishing activity: biogr. essay ⁄ Yu. A. Gorbunov. - Chelyabinsk: Ural LTD, 1999. - 288 p. - (The life of remarkable people. Biogr. F. Pavlenkov's library; T. 40).
  3. Pavlenkov Libraries of Russia ⁄ ed. N. S. Sulimova; comp. O. V. Ptichenko, G. N. Dubinkina; thin V. Mamaev; resp. for issue O. V. Ptichenko; Sverdl. region universal scientific b-ka them. V. G. Belinsky. - Yekaterinburg: SOCRATES, 2007. - 305 p.
  4. Rassudovskaya N. M. Publisher F. F. Pavlenkov: Essay on life and activity. - Moscow: Vsesoyuz Publishing House. book. Chambers, 1960. - 108 p. - (People of the book).
  5. * * *
  6. Barskaya S. He taught Russia to read: 2,000 libraries were opened with the money of a man who had been subjected to political and judicial persecution for half his life ⁄⁄ Librarianship. - 2006. - No: 8. - P. 28.
  7. Belov S. V., Tolstyakov A. P. Rebellious publisher ⁄⁄ Belov S. V. Russian publishers late XIX- early XX century ⁄ S. V. Belov, A. P. Tolstyakov. - Leningrad, 1976. - S. 36-63.
  8. Vibe F. Pavlenkov Island ⁄⁄ Bibliopole. - 2007. - No.: 10. - S. 29-34.
  9. Gorbunov Yu. Remember your name: 100 years of publishing and educational activities of the great citizen of Russia Florenty Fedorovich Pavlenkov ⁄⁄ Library. - 2001. - No: 3. - S. 75-77. — (History in faces and documents).
  10. Kalaeva I. Pavlenkovskiy Libraries in Nizhny Novgorod Province ⁄⁄ Panorama of library life in the region: experience, new ideas, development trends. — Nizhny Novgorod, 2000. - Issue. 4(20). - S. 21-27.
  11. Malgin A. S. "The life of wonderful people" [rus. publisher F. F. Pavlenkov (1839-1900)] ⁄⁄ The world of bibliography. - 2003. - No: 4. - S. 40-42. — Bibliography: p. 42 (7 titles).
  12. Ptichenko O. V. Rural Libraries in the format public organization⁄⁄ RBA. RBA Newsletter ⁄ Ros. bibl. assoc. - St. Petersburg: RNB, 1995. - No.: 42. - 2007. - P. 46-48.
  13. Ancestor artistic biographies: F. F. Pavlenkov (1839-1900) ⁄⁄ Library. - 1997. - No: 11. - P. 7.
  14. Rychkova O. Loyal rebel ⁄⁄ Independent gas. - 2007. - April 19.
  15. Sadykova S. The name and deeds of the great educator in the Urals are not forgotten ⁄⁄ Bibliopol. - 2012. - No: 9. - S. 2-4.

Prepared by:
— Shevtsova Tatyana Yuryevna, Deputy Director for Main Activities of the MBUK “Centralized Library System of the Vadsky Municipal District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region”, tel.: 8(831-40)4-12-79

Litvinova, E. V. Laplace and Euler: their lives and scientific activity: biogr. essays: from portrait. Laplace and Euler, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / E. V. Litvinova. - St. Petersburg. : Type. T-va "Public benefit", 1892. - 79 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - The wrapper is printed in type. T-va "Public benefit", 1892. - ISBN -.

Filippov, M. M. Leibniz: his life and philosophical activity: biogr. essay: from portr. Leibniz, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / M. M. Filippov. - St. Petersburg. : Type. and chromolithography by P. P. Soikin, 1893. - 96 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - The wrapper is printed in type. T-va "Public benefit", 1893. - ISBN -.

Skabichevsky, A. M. M. Yu. Lermontov: his life and literary activity: biogr. essay: from portr. M. Yu. Lermontov, engraved in St. Petersburg by K. Adt, and many drawings / A. M. Skabichevsky. - Ed. 2nd. - St. Petersburg. : Type. Yu. N. Erlikh, 1905. - 98 p. : 4 l. ill. - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - ISBN -.

Filippov, M. M. Lessing: his life and literary activity: biogr. essay: from portr. Lessing, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / M. M. Filippov. - St. Petersburg. : Type. gas. "News", 1891. - 96 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - The wrapper is printed in type. T-va "Public benefit", 1891. - ISBN -.

Kamensky, A. A. Lincoln. The Liberator of Slaves in America: His Life and social activity: biogr. essay: from portr. Lincoln, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / A. Kamensky. - St. Petersburg. : Type. T-va "Public benefit", 1891. - 85 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - In the book. No. M193076 port. absent. - ISBN -.

Litvinova, E. F. N. I. Lobachevsky: his life and scientific activity: biogr. essay: from portr. Lobachevsky, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / E. F. Litvinova. - St. Petersburg. : Type. P. P. Soykina, 1895. - 79 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - The wrapper is printed in type. T-va "Public benefit", 1894. - In the book. No. 273603, No. 348541 port. missing. - ISBN -.

272493 of
348536 of

Bykov, A. A. I. Loyola: his life and social activities: biogr. essay: from portr. Loyola, engraved in Leipzig by Gedan / A. A. Bykov. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Type. T-va "Public benefit", 1894. - 77 p. : portrait - (Life of remarkable people: Biographical library of F. Pavlenkov). - ISBN -.

Biographical Library of F. Pavlenkov

Bykov A.A.


Paevskaya A.N.

VICTOR HUGO: HIS LIFE AND LITERARY ACTIVITY.- 1890 (1891). - 96 p. 8100 copies

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