Unusual snowman drawing. Draw a snowman

  • Does your kid absolutely not want to look at the letters in the alphabet?
  • The child will soon go to first grade, and you can force him to read only under the fear of "weaning" from the computer?
  • Do not know how to organize classes with a preschooler in such a way as to save your nerves and not completely discourage him from reading?

These and other problems in teaching preschoolers to read can be solved by organizing classes in a playful way. For preschool children, the game is the leading form of activity. Therefore, engage with a preschooler by playing different games, is the simplest and effective method teach him to read.

Before we talk about what games are best to play with a child when learning to read, we will give a few general advice organizing classes.

  1. Practice regularly! Keep the classes short (5-10 minutes), but daily. This is much more effective for preschoolers than 45-minute lessons once a week.
  2. Get busy everywhere. To learn to read, you do not have to sit the child at the table with books. You can learn letters in the park on a walk, drawing them with chalk on the pavement or looking at signs, helping your mother make cookies in the shape of letters, or studying the numbers of cars in the parking lot, etc.
  3. Practice when your child feels good: he has had enough sleep, is active and ready for new games and activities.
  4. Constantly create situations of success for your child, praise him more often, focus his attention on what he did, do not dwell on failures. Classes should be fun for the child!

And yet, what you definitely need to know when starting to learn to read - in an article on.

What games can be played on different stages teaching preschoolers to read?

1. Learning letters.

If the child does not memorize letters, The best way to learn them is to “revive” them, to create a vivid association with each letter. You and your child can come up with what this or that letter looks like, or use a variety of materials from the Internet and modern alphabets.

For example, bright images of letters that are memorable for children can be found in Elena Bakhtina's primer (this book contains not only colorful pictures and recommendations on how to tell a child about each letter, but also colored templates - letters from this primer can be cut out and played with) .

On the Internet for children, you can find a lot of coloring pages with letters similar to a particular object.

It is also useful in the process of learning letters to repeat short verses that help memorize each letter:

You see the tail at the end
So this is the letter C.

The letter B is like a hippopotamus -
She has a big belly!

G looks like a goose -
The whole letter is bent.

D - a tall house with a roof!
We live in this house.

And the poor thing is the letter Y
Walks with a stick, alas!

In my work, I use various “reminders” that children associate with a particular letter. You can actively use them in home lessons or come up with your own.

It is very useful to have a special notebook or album in which the learned letter will “live” on each turn. In this album, you can also teach your child to write, stick pictures with him with words on the desired letter, put poems and coloring books, creating a selection of materials for each letter. Children are very interested in the process of joint creativity, so actively involve them in creating such an album.

Another option is to make a house for the letters. Choose any size: it can be very small, made from a couple of cardboard sheets, or huge, as high as a child. The main thing in it is special windows-pockets for letters. Set up a letter with your child in each “apartment” of the letter building. To do this, you will need cardboard letters, slightly smaller than each window. Mark in any way which apartments already have “residents”, and which are still empty.

Attach the already learned letters outside on the windows (using paper clips) and invite the child to arrange pictures with words into the studied letters in the windows. For example, “treat” the letters: give the child images of products that he must spread to the necessary “apartments”: put a watermelon / apricot in the box with the letter A, a long loaf, an eggplant in the box with the letter B, waffles \ grapes - with the letter C and etc.

Similarly, you can visit the letters with fairy tale characters(Pinocchio - to the letter B, Thumbelina - to the letter D, Mowgli - to the letter M, etc.) .

The main goal in this game is to teach the child to identify the first letter in a word and easily recognize the letters already passed.

Various lottos and dominoes are also great for learning letters. Lotto is better to use without hint pictures, so learning will be much more effective. Such a loto can easily be done by yourself. To do this, prepare sheets with 6-8 pictures on each and cardboard cards with the necessary letters. Let the child draw cards, read the letters and show which of the players has a picture for the letter that has fallen out.

2. We add syllables.

Teaching a child to add syllables can take a little longer than learning letters. The child will have to repeat various syllables many, many times before he masters this skill. So that learning is not a burden for him, but a joy - we continue to play with him. Only now we play games with syllables. the main task this stage is to teach the child to pronounce two letters together.

In addition to the syllabic bingo, which can be done in the same way as the letter bingo, you can use other homemade games for kids to teach them how to add syllables.

- Adventure games ("tracks").

Adventure games have been and remain one of the most exciting games for children. To make such a game with syllables, take the playing field from any board game. Write in the empty cells / circles various syllables (write in more than those that are difficult for the child). Then play according to the usual rules: roll the die and go through the cells, reading what is written on them. So the child will be able to read long enough tracks with syllables that he would “overcome” in an ordinary primer with great difficulty.

By analogy with rpg games, you can make various tracks with syllables, on which various vehicles: who without errors and as soon as possible will pass the track. To do this, you will need cardboard / drawing paper, on which the track with syllables will be drawn, and toy cars / trucks / trains / airplanes. Remember that it is very easy to captivate children by adding a competitive moment in the classroom.

- Games "Shop" and "Mail".

Prepare coins - circles with written syllables, as well as goods - pictures with products / things that begin with these syllables. You first play as a seller: offer your child to buy something from you on the condition that he will offer the correct coin for the selected product (for example, he can buy cabbage for a coin with the syllable KA, kiwi - for a coin with the syllable KI, corn - for a coin with the syllable KU, etc.).

Then you can switch roles: you are the buyer, the child is the seller. He must carefully monitor whether you are giving coins correctly for the selected product. Make mistakes sometimes, let the child correct you. The buyer can also be any toy, invite the child to teach her to correctly name coins with syllables.

A very similar game is "Mail", but instead of coins you prepare envelopes with syllables, and instead of goods - pictures with animals or fairy-tale characters. The child will be a postman, he must guess from the first syllable written on the envelope - to whom the letter needs to be delivered. In this game, it is best to read syllables that begin with the same consonant so that the child does not guess the addressee by the first letter.

- Houses with syllables.

Draw several houses, write one syllable on each. Lay out the houses in front of the child. Then take a few figurines of little men and, naming the name of each of them, invite the child to guess who lives in what house (Vasya needs to be settled in a house with the syllable VA, Natasha - with the syllable HA, Lisa - with the syllable LI, etc.) .

Another version of this task: let the child himself come up with names for the little men, settle them in houses and write the first syllable of the name on each of them.

Prepare cardboard cards with syllables, cut them into two equal halves horizontally. The child must put these “puzzles” together and name the resulting syllables.

Take some cards with two-syllable words (for example, FEATHER, VASE, CLOCK, FISH). To the left of the picture, put the first syllable of the word. You need to read it clearly, and the child must choose the correct last syllable. 3-4 possible endings are laid out in front of the child.

More games for learning to read by syllables - in the article on.

3. We read words and sentences.

Learning to read words (and then sentences) presupposes already active work preschoolers with books, but this does not mean that we stop playing in the classroom. On the contrary, “dilute” learning with games as often as possible, switch from one type of activity to another so that the child is less tired and learning is more efficient. Remember: it is not enough to teach a child to read, it is important to instill in him a love of reading.
What games can be offered to parents of preschoolers at this stage of learning to read.

Lay out a path of words in front of the child. Invite him to choose only “edible” words (or what is green / what is round / only “living” words, etc.). If the path is long, you can read the words in turn with the child.

Spread the cut out traces with words around the room (you can use ordinary sheets). Invite the child to follow these tracks from one end of the room to the other: you can move on only by reading the word on which you are standing. The child walks on them himself or with his favorite toy.

- The game "Airport" or "Parking".

In this game we train mindfulness of preschoolers. Prepare some flashcards similar words so that the child does not guess the words, but carefully read them to the end (for example, MOUTH, HORN, GROWTH, HORN, ROSE, ROTA, ROSA). Spread the cards around the room. These will be different airports/parking spaces. The child picks up an airplane (if you play at airports) or a car (if you have parking), after which you loudly and clearly name where exactly he needs to land / park.

- Chains of words in which only one letter changes.

Prepare sheets of paper or an easel. Start writing a chain of words one at a time - for each subsequent word, change only one letter, this will train the child for attentive, “tenacious” reading.

Examples of such chains:


Ball games, with favorite toys, to school, hospital or Kindergarten- Include all of this in the process of learning to read. Come up with active games yourself. Consider what the child is interested in and use this when you sit down to read with your child. Does your daughter love princesses? Ride the carriage along the paths with letters/syllables/words. Does your son love superheroes? Make a tutorial track for his favorite character. Invite your child to play school and teach him Teddy bear put two letters into a syllable.

Change games, carefully follow what the child likes and what he quickly gets tired of, and then learning will be a joy to you and him! Remember that it is not difficult to get preschoolers interested, they love to play and will be happy to help you come up with new games in the learning process.

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

How to avoid common mistakes when teaching a child to read? Read the 7 essentials complicated rules effective methods of teaching children to read, which have been tested and proven to be effective on more than one generation of children. Agree, I want to invest so much in my baby and teach so much everything that we immediately run to the store and stock up on a bunch of meaningless alphabets and computer programs.

But in practice it turns out that the child completely refuses to repeat the next verse with the letter “A” and memorize hieroglyphs that are incomprehensible to him. What mistakes do experienced grandmothers and young mothers make when trying to teach a child to read as early and quickly as possible? Let's go through the 7 basic rules for teaching a child to read:

1 rule of an effective methodology for teaching a child to read: Buy an alphabet for a child without pictures.

Always choose the alphabet with capital letters preferably without pictures. So it will be easier for the child to focus on the letters, and not colorful drawings. You can teach a child to read from the age of 2-3, but it is worth remembering that at such an early age it is difficult for children to concentrate - to keep their attention on the same subject for a long time. And therefore, you should not complicate the task for the child: it is best to buy the simplest alphabet with letters drawn in a beautiful but understandable font without unnecessary curls, and preferably without fancy verses and extra pictures.

Rule 2 of an effective technique for teaching a child to read: First, learn the capital letters.

Start learning letters from vowels: A, E, E, I, O, U, S, E, Yu, I. Vowels are easier for children. They can be easily learned by singing. So that the child quickly enough and without special efforts was able to learn vowels, organize a family singing lesson together: sing together, 3 rules for an effective method of teaching a child to read: Learn letters quickly, and even faster - move on to syllables.

Rule 4 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Do not delay with syllables! It is easiest to teach a child to read by syllables, not by letters.

Start learning syllables from letters you already know as soon as possible: knowing a few vowels and a couple of consonants is already good enough to compose the most simple words, like “mom”, “dad”, but in any business the most difficult thing is to start. Therefore, you need to start with a simple one, then move on to the complex. After learning to read syllables, proceed to compose full-fledged words.

Rule 4 of an effective method for teaching a child to read: When you name a letter for a baby, say its pronunciation ("M"), and not its name ("Em").

Pronounce the sound as you name the letter. When teaching a baby letters, you should pronounce sounds, not the name of the letters. For example, say the letter "S" rather than "E" or "Se". Do not complicate the child's task of teaching reading, save him from unnecessary knowledge at this stage: everything ingenious is simple! Less details, more to the point.

Rule 5 of an effective technique for teaching a child to read: Practice with your child often, but little by little.

Practice with your child for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

It is difficult for children under six years old to keep their attention on the same lesson. Don't overburden your child by doing it for a long time. It is better to work with a child twice a day for 15 minutes than once, but half an hour.

Learning to read Russian words is like learning to read foreign language: too much new information difficult for the child's brain to understand. Therefore, it is advisable to break it into many small pieces, each time “swallowing” one at a time, than trying to squeeze a whole “pie” of incomprehensible information into the baby’s head at a time.

15 minutes worked out in a playful way, preferably with motivation for prizes or in a funny, relaxed way, and then - rest, switching the child to other activities.

Rule 6 of an effective method of teaching a child to read: Reading lessons include drawing lessons!

Draw letters! The best way to remember a letter is to draw it, or even better, write it. Thus, you will immediately teach your baby to read, while preparing his hand for writing.

In general, it's great if the mother and / or father of the child is at least a little versed in psychology and, in particular, knows what psychotype his child belongs to - visual, auditory or sensitive / tactile.

Visual people perceive and remember information best if their eyes and organs of vision are used to the maximum, i.e. for a visual child, the best way to learn to read is to look at the letters in the children's alphabet and contemplate the letters written by oneself in a notebook or on a sheet of colored paper.
An auditory child learns best by listening to information. Those. such a child will remember the letter best of all if you pronounce it clearly aloud to him, and if he himself repeats its pronunciation several times aloud and, preferably, is able to associate this sound with its spelling, the image - the letter on the letter.

A tactile child - a child who perceives life through sensations, through the skin, will be best able to learn to read, paradoxically as it sounds, by learning to write letters. Or if he has curly letters without extra hieroglyphs on the sides, then feeling them.

Rule 7 of an effective methodology for teaching a child to read: We fix the theory in practice, in everyday life.

Why are letters needed? The child needs to be intelligibly, simply and clearly, to explain why mom and dad are forcing him to learn all these letters. What is the meaning of this alphabet?

On the bus or walking around the city, show your child different signs and names of buildings. The child must realize that the study of letters opens up new interesting possibilities for him. Let the child look for familiar letters in the inscriptions on goods and at stops, in car numbers and tell you about his findings!

Learning to read then becomes interesting for the child when he realizes the meaning of this process. Tell your child that having mastered the knowledge of the world of letters, he will be able to read interesting children's fairy tales himself, and not wait for his mother to be free from cooking in the kitchen.

Read to your child children's poems, fairy tales, funny stories, anecdotes, inscriptions for jokes and from time to time do not forget to gently remind him that "having learned the letter "A" or the syllable "Ma", he will soon be able to read everything himself, without the help of his mother. these curiosities and quirks. And, perhaps, someday he himself will read a fairy tale to his mother!

Reading for a child can be an exciting activity. That's just to show a love of reading - this is, above all, the task of parents. And praise the baby, even for small victories, because each letter learned is a real triumph for him! Do not forget to notice and celebrate even the smallest achievements of your child in the process of learning to read, build your own strategy, effective methodology teaching your child to read, do not save time communicating with your child, and then a rich harvest of education will not be long in coming.

Educational games for learning to read.

Psychologists believe that at 4 - 5 years old it is easier for a child to learn to read than at 7 - 8 years old, explaining this by the fact that a five-year-old child has already mastered speech well, but he is still interested in words and sounds, he willingly experiments with them, easily remembers whole words , and then begins to distinguish letters in them, and the adult only has to give his interest the direction necessary to master the skill of reading. At an older age, words and sounds become something familiar to the child, and his experimental interest disappears.

According to psychologists, intellectual development the preschooler most successfully passes in the course of his game activity.

Principles of teaching reading to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren with the help of games, the child psychologist D.B. Elkonin. These principles underlie most reading education programs. We offer you a program of classes, consisting of five stages. On each of them, the child learns by playing with an adult in games developed by Chelyabinsk psychologists L.G. Matveeva, I.V. Bouncer, D.E. Myakushin.

The first stage is the pre-letter, sound period of learning.

Precedes the acquaintance and work of the child with letters. The child is shown that speech is "built" from sounds. An adult plays sound games with a child, the purpose of which is to highlight certain sounds in words.


The adult asks the child questions such as:

How does a bee buzz? (W-w-w!)
How does a snake hiss? (Shhhh!)
- How is the train buzzing? (Woo!)

Main sound

An adult reads poetry to a child, highlighting the main sound. It is good to use the texts of poetic alphabets, for example, E.L. Blaginina "Let me learn to read" or S.Ya. Marshak "ABC in verses and pictures", etc.

Over honeysuckle
On a beetle
(E. Blaginina)

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow,
Oak hollowed like a chisel
(S.Ya. Marshak)


An adult is a seller, and a child is a buyer who "comes" to the store to choose something from the goods. You need to pay for the purchase with the first sound of the word. For example, if a child wants to buy a spoon, then he should say "L-l".

Stage two: determination of the sound composition of the word.

The child is taught to determine what sounds a word consists of, to distinguish between a hard and soft pair of consonants, to distinguish a stressed vowel sound.

forbidden sounds

This game helps to develop the child's ability to distinguish sounds in a word and teaches him to work according to the rule - this is one of important conditions successful schooling.

An adult and a child agree that one of the sounds is forbidden, for example, you cannot pronounce "3" or "K". An adult shows the child pictures and asks what is depicted on them, the child tries to answer without naming the forbidden sound. Let at the first stage the forbidden sound be at the beginning of the word, and then at the end.

Who crawls and hisses?
- mea.
- Who purrs and washes all the time?
- from.
- Who's backing away?
- Ra.

Tim and Tom

This game teaches the child to distinguish between hard and soft sounds.

Draw two people. Tom is "hard" - he is angular, skinny, and Tim is "soft" - he is round and fat. Introduce your child to:
- You see, this is Tom, his name begins very firmly. T-t-t. He himself is all solid, like this sound, and chooses everything solid. Loves Tomato juice, always wears a coat, plays in Sea Battle and Bubble. And this is Tim, his name starts softly. T-t-t. He loves everything that sounds as soft as his name: he eats Tinuchki and Meatballs, plays Ball, Draws and wears a Jacket. You will be Tim and I will be Tom. We are going on a hike. What do you think Tim will take with him: a BACKPACK or a Knapsack?

Also, Tim and Tom should take with them a KIT, CANS, SUGAR, SPOONS, BOWL, ROPE, BINOCLES, COMPASS, MAP, LOLLIPOPS, SNEAKERS, SNEAKERS, CAP, Panama hat, etc. The child, with the help of an adult, needs to choose what Tim will suffer from this and what Tom will suffer. Then you can switch roles, let the child be Tom, who picks mushrooms (CHANTERELLES, OIL), berries (STRAWBERRY, BLUEBERRY), fishes (BREAM, SAZAN), etc.

Lost in the forest

This game will help the child learn to highlight the stressed sound in the word.

Toys scattered around the room, they need to be called by pulling a shock sound - the loudest sound in a word.

- Mash-i-inka!
- Slo-oh-he!

Stage three: sound analysis of the word.

The child is taught to highlight all the sounds in words from three to five sounds and fix them with the help of chips (pieces of cardboard, buttons, mosaics). house of sounds

The adult draws "rooms" for sounds. For example, for the word "cat" you need to draw a house of three rooms: three squares.
- Sound should live in every room, let's settle them.
The child pronounces the sound that will "live" in this room, and puts a chip on the square.
- CAT.

A common mistake is that the child correctly names the first and last sounds and "loses" the middle one. An adult may be surprised: - Does "KT" live here? "Ko-o-ot" lives here! (pulls out the missing sound).

house in the forest

The task is the same, only the house must be drawn from four rooms.
- LION, ELEPHANT and GIRAFFE want to live in this house. Who do you think this house was built for? And will the FOX, WOLF, UZH, OWL, DOG, MOLE, CROW be able to live in it?

If the child is experiencing difficulties, draw an additional three-room and five-room houses, asking them to "settle" the animals in a house suitable for each of them.

House in the forest-2

This is an advanced version of the previous game. The child learns not only to take into account the number of sounds in a word, but also to find the stressed sound.

An adult draws four identical four-room houses.
- ELEPHANT, WOLF, FOX and STORK live in these houses. Help the HERON to visit the STORK, not the FOX or the WOLF for dinner.

Tell the child a way out - put the emphasis on the word "elephant", painting over the corresponding box in one of the houses.


A game to consolidate the skill of placing stresses.

From the warehouse of building materials to the construction site, you must first bring CEMENT, then BRICK, then SAND, then CLAY, followed by GLASS, and finally - BOARDS. You will be the driver.

An adult makes six cards with the number of squares corresponding to the number of sounds in each word, and shaded percussive sounds. These will be the necessary building materials. The adult asks the child:
- Find and take CEMENT to the construction site.

Stage four: the letter period of study.

The child is introduced to the alphabetic designation of sounds using the picture alphabet, cubes or laying out images of letters from sticks, drawing letters on snow or sand, on misted glass, looking for familiar letters in shop signs and newspaper headlines. All this helps to make learning unobtrusive and interesting. You can learn letters with your child on a walk, on the road, at a party.

sound bingo

An adult distributes cards to children with a picture various items, plants or animals. Then he shows a letter familiar to the children and asks:
Who has a word for this letter?

Then the game becomes more difficult: on cards block letters words are written, children must recognize the proposed letters at the beginning, middle and end of the word.


The child must put all the cards with words starting with this letter into the "L" brand car, and all the words beginning with the letter "M" into the "M" brand car.

Draw a letter

An adult draws the elements of printed letters, and the child must complete the missing to get one or another letter.

You can also return to the "House of Sounds" game, but now, instead of pronouncing sounds and laying out chips, the child must tell the adult what letters to write in order to put this or that animal in the house.

Stage five: merging syllables into words.

At the beginning of a child's education, the syllable is the basic unit of reading. Teach your child to read the syllables with a drawl, as if "singing" them ("SSOO-SSNNAA", "MMAA-SHSHII-NNAA"). This will help the child avoid "chopped" syllables, which slow down the transition from syllabic reading to verbal reading.

Stock up on cubes or cards with the image of letters. Let the child try to put together the words that you offer him. Start with the simplest ones. Show him how to add words, using the example of an excerpt from G. Vieru's poem "Mother":

Come on, M, give a hand to A,
Come on, MA
MA and MA, and together MAMA -
I am writing this myself.

Working with stress will speed up and facilitate the transition to reading in words. Here are some games to help your child learn the principle of syllables.

Permutation of accents

Let the child experiment with stress in words, answering your questions.
- What is your name?
- Pasha. Pasha.
- What it is?
- TV, TV, TV, TV.


The child is given cards with the names of wild animals written on them in block letters, which he needs to tame by placing an emphasis on the corresponding vowel (the emphasis is "put" with the help of a special chip). For example, in the word BISON, the child must put a chip on the letter O. If the child thinks too long or puts the stress incorrectly, the animal "runs away" into the forest (jungle, steppe, etc.). The tamer needs to call it correctly (see the Lost in the Woods game) for it to return.

Attention parents! The proposed games can vary depending on your capabilities and imagination. Do not be afraid to improvise - this will make your activities with your child more interesting and useful.

Go back to the material covered Everyday life. For example, have your child practice stressing words as you walk around the convenience store looking for GRE-E-E-CHKA, SA-A-AHARA, RY-S-Y-S, etc. Or, when reading to a child before going to bed, highlight the passed sound in the text. When preparing dinner, ask your child to find all the items in the kitchen that begin with a certain letter. All this will help the kid to better learn the material, and, in addition, you will be able to maintain the effect of the continuity of learning if you fail to conduct classes regularly.

In order to succeed and not discourage the child from developing activities, you must follow certain rules:

When working with a child, follow the sequence of steps. Don't expect too fast results. Consider the characteristics of your child: some children need to play with the same letter, sound for a week to learn the material, while others can remember half the alphabet or learn how to correctly place stresses in one day.

Use as many visual materials as possible for classes: color pictures, cubes, toys, real objects, draw what in question in the task (animals, cars, etc.), because little child it is difficult to perceive information by ear.

Avoid monotony and monotony: do not engage in one type of task with your child for more than 10 minutes, interrupt for physical education, drawing, and joint search for something needed for classes.

Play with your child in a school where you will be a student and he will be a teacher. When the child learns, for example, the names of letters, turn into a Dunno who confuses and makes mistakes, let the baby correct your mistakes.

Most importantly: be patient and avoid criticism and negative ratings! Remember that you are playing with your child. These activities should give him pleasure.

Praise your child for minimal progress, if only for the fact that he is just trying to complete your tasks.

Many modern parents have to deal with teaching their children to read even before school age. Indeed, in many lyceums and schools, rather serious requirements are imposed on first-graders: the child must already be able to read, write and think logically. Of course, these skills make it easier to get used to during training and quickly integrate into the learning process.

Where to begin?

In fact, preparation for reading begins at a very early age. First of all, it is worth starting not with the reading itself, but with a general cognitive development child. Such development is greatly facilitated by simple tasks for logic, fine motor skills and the improvement of speech.

Some examples of games for children 4 years old

  • Continue the word . We learn to invent words, develop imagination and speech.

Throwing the ball into the child's hands, say the beginning of a word. For example, the syllable "Ma". And the child, returning the ball to you, should continue it and say “Sha” or “Tire”. Be sure to pronounce the whole word later: Masha or the car. Then complicate it a little and set a specific theme for the hidden words. For example, fruits, transport or names.

  • Sound riddle . Learning to develop memory and auditory attention.

Prepare some children's musical instruments or toys: pipe, rattle, bell, etc. Demonstrate all the sounds in turn so that the child remembers them. Then ask him to turn away and guess what object is making a sound now. Gradually complicate the game and alternate several sounds in turn. Such a game trains auditory attention, which is so necessary when learning to read.

  • gift for toy. We learn to identify the first letter in a word and develop imagination.

Celebrate your child's favorite toy. May her birthday be today. Invite the child to pick up a gift for the toy and draw it. The main condition of the game is that the first sound in the name of the gift is the same as the first sound in the name of the toy. For example, gifts for a doll begin only with the letter k: paints, xylophone, cubes. And for a bear - a ball, honey, a car. The more options the child names, the better.

A good tool in such a game will be pictures or cards with various objects depicted. Invite the child to pick up a gift and choose one of the ones shown in the picture.

Such a game helps to develop the ability to sound analysis of words, which is necessary when reading.

  • Finish it. We learn to complement the figures, develop attention and fine motor skills. For drawing, there are many options for games.

Drawing according to the model teaches the child to concentrate when working with signs, and also contributes to a better memorization of letters and the correct reproduction of words when reading.

Learn letters

An integral stage on the way to reading is the study of letters. And the more interesting and exciting this process will be, the hurry up baby will learn everything. To make the process of memorizing letters easy and productive, there are several simple rules pedagogy.

  • It will be easier for a child to remember a letter if he first draws it or molds it himself from plasticine. Same way great option there will be an addition of letters from sticks, buttons, pebbles, etc.
  • It is important not to overload the children's memory and not try to remember more than two letters a day.
  • Learn letters by pronouncing their sound correctly. For example, the letter M is not pronounced with the sound "em", but with a short "m". Otherwise, the child will be confused when reading and pronounce syllables incorrectly.
  • Don't start learning capital letters while the child has not yet mastered all the printed ones.
  • To make it easier for the child to remember the letters, let him figure out what each of them looks like. For example, compare them with different subjects.

Learning to read by syllables

There are currently many educational literature for teaching preschoolers. And each parent chooses the most suitable and interesting option primer or alphabet for children who are just learning to read. They use various techniques for reading by syllables. Somewhere the option of stretching sounds is considered, and somewhere the transitions from letter to letter in the form of colorful pictures.

In fact, when reading, we no longer think and are not aware that all the syllables come naturally to us, because they are pronounced automatically. It is memorization that helps us read quickly and without hesitation. Therefore, the education of children should also be approached with the same goal. Each syllable must be pronounced several times, searched in words and pictures.

Reading the words

When the child masters and remembers the combination of syllables well, the reading of words begins. At this point, it is important to teach the child to understand the meaning of what is read. This is also facilitated by various puzzles and games with pictures.

Insert a letter

This game is very effective primary education reading words. It will require three pictures for three-letter words. For example: bow, house and cat. Sign the first and last letter under the pictures, and leave a space in place of the vowel. Have your child guess the missing letter in the word. Performing this task, he will reflect, and pick up letters in turn. Thus, in this game, the child learns meaningful reading, understands the semantic distinctive meaning of letters, and develops phonemic hearing.

picture with word

The most common word game. Often ready-made options are sold in the form of a lotto. It is easy to make it yourself by preparing pictures in advance and signing words on them in block letters. You need to cut the picture with the word in half so that the child can pick up the two halves of one picture.

finish the word

For this game, you will need several pictures from coloring pages or postcards. The initial syllables of words denoting the depicted objects are attached to the pictures on a paper clip. And the endings of the words must be put in front of the child, so that he himself chooses the appropriate ones from them.

A few more secrets useful tips about how to quickly and correctly teach a child to read, watch the video

When teaching a child to read, it is very important to give tasks in an easy, playful way in order to maintain interest. The main thing at the same time is not to overdo it with the load and select benefits according to the age and abilities of the baby. Always be patient and diligent, then your child will definitely be well prepared for school and learn to read quickly.

Lots of. And the choice of the optimal one will depend on many factors, in particular the age of the baby and his readiness to perceive this or that information.

All approaches to teaching reading can be divided into 4 types:

  • analytical-syntactic;
  • subjunctive;
  • reading whole words;
  • warehouse.

In modern Russian schools the first of these methods is used. Based on the teaching methodology, the unit of reading in it is sounds, which subsequently add up to syllables.

Analytical-syntactic syllabic techniques

Analytical and syntactic methods are distinguished by a clear structuredness of speech units and a clear sequence of the order of learning:
"sound → letter → syllable → word → phrase → sentence".

Their significant difference lies in the fact that the baby is not invited to immediately learn the alphabet. First, he gets acquainted with the sounds, learns to hear them in the word, analyzes the composition of the word.

The Elkonin-Davydov system can serve as a striking example of the analytical-synthetic teaching methodology.

Developing analytic-synthetic system of Elkonin - Davydov

According to this methodology, the learning process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Pre-letter or sound. Games of this period aimed at teaching the child to hear certain dominant sounds, as well as pronounce them. Examples of such games are onomatopoeia (how the train hums, how the wind blows), highlighting the main sound in poetry, finding a given sound.
  2. Teaching a child to determine the sound composition of a word (what sounds the word consists of, hard and soft consonants).
  3. Sound analysis of a word, when a child learns to count the number of sounds in words, to find a stressed sound.
  4. Letter stage. On which the child moves on to learning the alphabet.
  5. Making syllables with learned letters.
  6. Reading words.

Advantages of analytic-synthetic methods:

  • Parents generally understand and are familiar with this system.
  • Children get a detailed understanding of phonetics.
  • Grammar and spelling are easier to learn.
  • Children are brought up with a special sensitivity to the sound and spelling of words, as a result of which they are spared the mistakes of first-graders (omitting letters, rearranging letters).
  • Methods do not contradict the school curriculum, the child does not have to "relearn".
  • Great for delayed children speech development, can be used in parallel with the work of a speech therapist.

Disadvantages of the methods:

  • These techniques are better suited for children of senior preschool, primary school age and are difficult to apply to children. early learning reading, because they require regular classes and exercises that bear little resemblance to the game.

Subjunctive techniques

The subjunctive method is offered mainly foreign authors. It involves the study of letters as units of reading and the subsequent compilation of words from them (letter-by-letter reading). At the same time, special attention is paid to the comprehensive study of letters and their memorization. The stage of composing syllables with a "pure" subjunctive approach is omitted. An example is the system early development proposed by Montessori.

Learning to read using the Montessori method

Learning begins with a comprehensive acquaintance with letters as an element of the language.

The process is conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. Acquaintance with the letter as a symbol. The child learns to write letters with the help of special frames, paints them, studies and examines them. various options execution of letters (from fabric, paper, plastic, various textures and colors).
  2. Learning sounds and matching them with familiar symbols. The child perceives sounds by ear and circles the contour of the named letter with his finger.
  3. Teaching reading and writing. Children learn to build words, phrases and sentences from familiar letters and their corresponding sounds.

Advantages of the technique:

  • Variety of play activities with toys, templates and aids.
  • Children quickly learn to read without dividing words into syllables.
  • Since the system is designed for self-acquaintance of the child with his environment, the baby quickly acquires the skill independent reading inwardly.
  • The materials used in the process not only "teach" to read, but are also aimed at developing fine motor skills, logic and analytical and creative thinking.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Huge laboriousness and high cost at home. Many elements of the development environment are required: cards, templates, toys, books, frames, etc.
  • Most of the lessons of the methodology are designed for a group of children.
  • At the stage of compiling whole words from the studied letters, the baby may have difficulties.

Methodology of Olga Soboleva

From domestic authors such techniques can be noted Olga Soboleva. She also used creativity to memorizing letters and sounds using the dominant type of memory, and the learning process itself was proposed to be divided into three streams of information (for auditory, kinesthetic and visual).

  • Many activities and games are performed jointly with parents.
  • The learning process is easy to organize with one child.
  • There are a significant number of educational materials designed not only for learning letters, but also for reading words, a special “Primer” has been developed.

All classes take place in the form of a game, but a smooth transition from game tasks to work directly with the book is expected. Olga Soboleva considers the main goal of training to be the need to instill in the child a love for the printed word.

Both noted techniques also have age restrictions. It is advisable to use them when the baby is already ready to perceive the word not globally, as at a very early age, but will show interest in the individual components of the objects being studied. As a rule, this happens about 3-4 years.

Mixed syllabic techniques

Quite a lot of mixed methods. They do not place such an emphasis on phonetics as with the analytical-synthetic approach, while after studying the letters, the baby proceeds to reading by syllables (syllabic reading).

The difference between methods close to the subjunctive method lies in the fact that phonemes are perceived by ear and are remembered as if “by themselves”. Sound analysis not given as much close attention, but the scheme: "letter (sound) - syllable - word - phrase - sentence" remains the same.

Those who adhere to this direction recommend starting the study of letters not with their full name, but from the corresponding sound (not “be”, but “b”, not “ve”, but “v”). So the crumbs in the future will be easier to get used to composing syllables. Professor Ushakov can be called the author of the first domestic mixed method, who proposed in this way to transform the letter-subjunctive method proper, adopted even before the revolution.

Warehouse reading using Zaitsev's cubes

The methodology proposed by Zaitsev is based on warehouses. They are distinguished from the usual syllables by the fact that the warehouse always consists of one or two letters (sounds) - a consonant and a vowel, a consonant and a soft or hard sign. They are easier to understand than syllables.

Therefore, you can start teaching a child earlier - at the age of about 2 years. In addition, the technique does not provide for boring classes with the alphabet or primer. Warehouses are located on educational material(cubes).

The cubes differ in size (large - hard warehouses, small - soft) and color, in addition, various fillers are often inserted inside (for voiced and deaf sounds, vowels). A special table is also used, which contains all the studied warehouses.

Advantages of the technique:

  • The child easily masters the fusion of sounds.
  • You can study from the age of 1. At the same time, even at an older age, it will not be too late to start classes. At the same time, the author himself notes that even at school age, the technique can become " magic wand”, allowing you to catch up with your peers.
  • There are no combinations of letters on the cubes that are absent in the Russian language. The kid will never write later, for example, “zhy” or “shy”.
  • Cubes develop color and spatial perception, ear for music and memory, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills.
  • Classes do not take much time, take place in the form of interesting games.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • A child who has learned to read Zaitsev's cubes is more difficult to give phonetics as the main element curriculum in first grade. He does not understand how to divide a word into its component parts otherwise than by warehouses.
  • Benefits are quite expensive and quickly deteriorate.

Warehouse method is used and less famous authors. On sale, if desired, you can find cards with warehouses, puzzles and other toys.

Early Development Techniques and Whole Word Reading

This is a relatively young approach to teaching literacy. However, it is gaining more and more adherents, primarily because it seems to many specialists the most "natural" way.

Let's make a reservation right away - this is not just a method of teaching a baby to read. This is a different approach to the entire educational process applied to the child.

The younger the child, the better his perception of images is, and the brain independently, as it develops, “builds” patterns based on the images received. This is the basis of most of the methods of early development.

The clearest example of this trend is Glen Doman's Global Reading Technique. It is based on the fact that the child from the very early age(the author himself recommends starting at 3-6 months) they are taught to perceive the images of the words depicted on the cards. Thus, the study of the words themselves occurs in parallel with the memorization of their spelling.

Andrey Manichenko perfectly adapted and developed the foreign technique. Under his authorship, several books have been published on the early development of children. In addition, parents have the opportunity to purchase ready-made Doman-Manichenko cards, divided into several sets and provided with a description of specific games with them.

The advantages of this method are:

  • The baby learns to read almost from birth.
  • Children taught with flashcards not only begin to read sooner, but also build up a significant vocabulary faster.
  • The child almost immediately begins to understand the meaning of what he read, his reading is fluent and expressive.
  • During the game, the visual and auditory memory of the child is trained, which will be noticeable even at an older age.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • How older child the less applicable the technique. Many parents who have tried it came to the conclusion that after 2 years it no longer justifies the efforts made, since it is already difficult for the child to memorize the necessary amount of information.
  • Labor intensity. Parents need to prepare a huge number of cards and regularly show them to the child repeatedly.
  • Difficulties with development school curriculum. It is not enough to teach the baby to read "according to Doman", later it will be required extra classes by phonetics.
  • Children who have learned to read fluently in whole words make mistakes more often than peers taught by other methods.
  • The baby may get used to a certain font and have difficulty reading familiar words written differently.

A few words in conclusion

As you can see, there are many ways to teach a child to read. In this article, we have reviewed the most famous of them and broken them down in accordance with the proposed approach. There are no "good" or "bad" among them. And a technique that is perfect for one kid may not show the best results for another.

It's ok to adjust educational process according to the needs of the baby. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to abandon the chosen approach or borrow some solution from another author.

It is permissible to combine different approaches and elements of methods that are similar in content or to “borrow” one of the stages. For example, when studying letters, turn to the methodology of Olga Soboleva, based on the associative perception of children. And then, as the crumbs grow older, it will be possible to smoothly switch to the Elkonin-Davydov method.

Another thing is if the chosen approach as a whole has not justified itself. For example, the kid simply does not want to play with cubes, and each lesson turns into torture. In this case, before changing the methodology, you should take a break in classes (2-4 weeks, depending on the age of the baby) and only then offer him new games based on a different learning principle.

How to teach a child to read? All parents ask this question sooner or later. If during our childhood there was only one answer to this question, now there are already many different methods on the one hand, and conflicting opinions of experts on the other hand. I will talk about the most popular techniques and share my opinion on this matter. As always: short, to the point, without "water".

Reading teaching methods can be divided into three groups:

1) The traditional method of letters and syllables
2) Reading in warehouses (Zaitsev's method)
3) Reading in whole words (method of Doman, Teplyakova, Danilova)

Traditional technique

Most likely, you were taught to read in this way, as I was. He concludes that the child first learns letters, then learns to put them into syllables, and then into words.
The main problem is that what children, in view of their developmental abstract concepts such as letters and numbers are difficult to come by. What is A or B? Some kind of symbol, you can’t touch it, pass it through your fingers, there was no experience of interacting with this concept. It's about the dangers of learning traditional way children say child psychologists and recommend starting such training no earlier than 5-6 years. Of the pluses, it is worth noting that you can easily find a lot of materials and primers, because. this is the most common type of training.

Reading in warehouses (Zaitsev's cubes)

It is believed that the author of the concept of warehouses is Leo Tolstoy, who, using this method, could to teach a talented child of 4 years to read in a week. How is a warehouse different from a syllable? A warehouse is a combination of a consonant and a vowel (ma, bi, ko), one letter (o, k, v) or a consonant with a soft or a firm sign(d). Thus, any word is easily decomposed into warehouses.
So-m, ka-r-ti-n-ka, ru-ka.
The child is invited to memorize warehouses and begin to put words out of them. For this purpose, special Zaitsev cubes, warehouses, etc. have been developed. This is already an expensive pleasure, cubes cost from 3 to 8 thousand rubles. Another problem, as in the traditional technique, is the difficulty of putting together a word from warehouses (or syllables).
Car. Phew, recognized the syllables. Now we must not forget which syllable was the first. Still need to put these syllables into a word. How much mental effort is spent on reading one word! And if you need to read the whole sentence? It is very difficult and difficult to read in this way, so most children quickly stop enjoying reading. No fun, just hard work.

Reading in full:

Let's remember how adults read the text? We read in whole words, i.e. we know what words look like and recognize them by appearance . That is why you can almost easily read this passage:

According to rzeuslattam, ilssoevedny odongo anligsiokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zachneiya, in kaokm proyakde rsapjooleny bkuvy in solva. Galovne, chotby preavya and pslonedya bkvuy blyi on the site. osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a plonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without straps. Pichriony this is the fact that we don’t read for a long time at a glance, but everything is solvable.

This method is suitable for the smallest, because. no problem with abstract letters.
It's quite different when you show a card with the word "cat" and say: This is a cat. The baby most likely saw cats, maybe even stroked them, had experience of observation or interaction. It’s just that there is another version of the “cat”, there is a live purring cat, there is a drawn one, and there is a cat like this on the card. By the way, both Lena Danilova and Olga Nikolaevna Teplyakova use reading in whole words in their methods. They finalized the Domin method for children from 1 year old and added a game element to it. I must say that after about a year, I intuitively changed my approach to reading, and after that I already read the recommendations of Danilova and Teplyakova, which already seemed understandable and logical.

What is the Domino method? If very briefly, then in showing cards with words to the baby in a certain way. 3 sets of cards of 5 words each, quickly show the child, 1 second per card. Such impressions per day should be 3 per day with an interval of at least 30 minutes. My cards were in a pocket at the changing table: they came to change a diaper, at the same time they looked at the words. In the evening, in each set, we remove one card that the child has seen for 5 days, and add a new card. I used cards from diaper reading kit from Clever and in detail at the webinar

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