Delicate English names. Rare English female names


Abkhazia has been under the influence of various cultures since ancient times. Representatives of many nationalities lived on its territory. This influenced the formation of Abkhaz names. And yet, the Abkhazians to this day remain faithful to their national names.

In the history of the Albanian people, many contentious issues, even the meaning of a certain part of the ancient names remains unknown. Nevertheless, Albanians remain true to their names, receiving from them a powerful charge of positive energy.

How American names different from the names of other English-speaking countries? Why is it so difficult for a foreigner to understand who, a man or a woman, is he talking about? How to explain such a number of female names associated with flowers? What else do America's names say?

Thanks to the widespread in English all over the world, the wealth of English literature - English names quite familiar to our ears. Moreover, there is some similarity with Russian names - the melody of pronunciation and the formation of diminutive forms. As in many other languages, the history of the origin of English names has become a reflection historical processes that took place in England.

Traditional Arabic names are very complex. Each element of this name has a strictly designated purpose. A classic Arabic name can tell a lot of interesting things about its carrier. What is the meaning of modern Arabic names?

National Armenian names, of course, are the symbol that allows the representatives of this ancient people maintain their national unity.

Ancient Armenian names.

Some ancient Armenian names that have survived to this day appeared in the pre-Christian era. These are the names pagan gods(Hayk, Anahit, Vahagn), the names of Armenian kings and commanders (Tigran, Ashot, Gevorg). Many names, both male and female, were formed from the names of various objects, abstract concepts, plants and animals. They evoke positive emotions - Arevik (sun), Vard (rose), Goar (diamond), Mkhitar (consolation), Makrui (clean). A special group of names is associated with religion - Arakel (apostle), Harness (saint), Mktich (baptist).

borrowed names.

Among the foreign names in the Armenian name book, most of all are Persian and biblical borrowings - Suren, Gurgen, Movses (Moses), Soghomon (Solomon). IN Soviet period Armenians willingly called children Russian names, rewriting them in their own way - Valod, Volodik (Vladimir), Serozh, Serzhik (Sergey). This is how they are written in official documents. In the last century, Armenians developed a fashion for Western European names. Henry, Edward, Hamlet and Juliet can still be found among the Armenians.

Tell about African names In short, it's not easy. After all, Africa is a huge continent inhabited by various peoples. In our time, there are more than three thousand tribal and clan groups that have different traditions, religions, languages, customs, customs.

African Americans, descendants of slaves taken out of Africa several centuries ago, for a long time did not have the opportunity to choose the name of the child "at the call of the blood." They were called biblical names from the Old Testament. Now they are returning their native national names.

The Aztec culture lasted only 300 years and was swept away by the Spanish conquerors. But thanks to her bright personality and tragic history, she still excites the imagination. The mysterious names of the Aztecs contribute to this to a large extent.

The Bible is the most read and most quoted book in the world. Therefore, each of us is familiar with the names that are mentioned in it. But few people thought about the meaning of these ancient names. But all the biblical male and female names have a deep meaning and contain a fairly complete description of their first carriers. First of all, this concerns the Hebrew names. In classical Hebrew, words have a hidden content and are associated with the essence of objects and phenomena. The similarity of the essence of a person and the name that he bears distinguishes many biblical names.

Perhaps, not a single Slavic people has preserved so many ancient names as in Bulgaria. The history of the origin of most Bulgarian names has Slavic roots - Zhivko (live), Iveylo (wolf), Lyuben (love), Iskra, Rositsa (dew), Snezhana (snow woman). Two-part names are still very popular - Krasimir, Lubomir, Vladimir, Borislav, Desislava. Favorite national names are found in a variety of variants, many new names are formed from the same root. For example, "zora" (dawn, star) - Zoran, Zoran, Zorina, Zorka, Zoritsa. And how many "joyful" names - Radan, Radana, Radko, Radka, Radoy, Radoil, Radostin and just Joy.

When we talk about Holland, we invariably remember tulips, windmills, cheese and, of course, Dutch surnames, which are easily recognizable all over the world by the prefixes -van, -van der, -de. And few people know that names in the Netherlands not only appeared much before surnames, but are still more important for the Dutch.

Irina, Alexey, Tamara, Cyril, Alexander, Polina and many other names have become so familiar, “ours”, that it is hard to believe in their “overseas” origin. Meanwhile, these are names born before our era and saturated with the spirit of ancient Hellas. With full confidence we can say that Greek names are the soul of the people. For example, many male Greek names reflect the idea of ​​the inevitability of fate, and their male carriers in our time not only see the “hand of providence” in all events, but are also ready to fight against circumstances and are not afraid of the heat of passions.

What is the popularity of Greek names?

The mystical power and huge popularity of Greek names lies in their history of origin. Some of them originate from ancient mythology- Aphrodite, Odysseus, Pinelopi. Others are associated with Christian values ​​- Georgios, Vasilios. Hebrew and Latin names easily adapted to the Greek pronunciation - Ioannis, Konstantinos. Most male and female ancient Greek names had an analogue of the opposite sex, some forms have survived to this day - Eugene-Eugene, Vasily-Vasilisa.
Greek names are surprisingly melodic and are distinguished by positive energy - Eleni (light), Parthenis (chaste), Chryseis (golden). In the rich nomenclature of the Greeks, there was a place for foreign borrowings, which had to slightly change their sound, for example, Robertos. And each official name has a colloquial form (Ioannis-Yannis, Emmanuel-Manolis).

The meaning of a large group of ancient Georgian names is associated with the languages ​​of numerous ethnographic groups Georgians - Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretians, Mengrelians, Svans, Gurians. Folk names were formed from various concepts and common nouns.

Dagestan is a country of mountains. This small area is inhabited by Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Chechens and other mountain peoples who speak more than thirty languages. But, despite such a number of languages, the naming system of all Dagestan peoples is largely the same.

Jewish names have a special history, and it is connected with difficult fate this ancient people.
Most of the ancient Jewish names have survived to our times thanks to their mention in the Old Testament. There are more than two thousand of them in the Bible. Many male names were formed from various names of God - Michael, Tsurishaddai, Yohanan. Sometimes theophoric names mean whole concepts - Israel (God-fighter), Elnatan (God gave).
Not all biblical names have a religious connotation. Like many other peoples, a separate group of Jewish names highlights any sign of a person - Iedida (sweetheart), Barzilai (hard like iron) or correlates with plants and animals - Rachel (sheep), Tamar (palm tree), Deborah (bee ).

How did the Jews "exchange" names with other peoples?

Even in the Old Testament, the Jews had names borrowed from languages neighboring nations. The Chaldeans "gave" Bebay and Atlay to the Jews, the Babylonians - Mordechai. In Jewish families one could meet Greek and Roman names - Antigonus, Julius. And Alexander, popular in many countries, became Sender among the Jews.
As the Jews became scattered throughout the world, some Hebrew names had to adapt to the language of the indigenous peoples. In the Arab countries, Abraham turned into Ibrahim, David into Daud. In Georgia, Yosef became Joseph; in Western Europe, Moses became Moises. In Russia, many Jews used Russian names that were close in pronunciation to traditional Jewish names - Boris-Berl, Grigory-Gersh, Lev-Leib. And so ancient Jewish names like Sarah, Dina, Solomon, Anna, Tamara, Elizabeth, Zakhar have long become international.

Many Indians call their children names or epithets of gods. So they invoke divine mercy on their child. But besides the personal name, there is also a collective name. How to determine the caste of a resident of India by this name?

At the end of the last century spanish names V literally poured into our lives from the TV screens. The craze for Mexican and Brazilian TV series led to the fact that Russia has its own Luis Alberto, Dolores and, of course, “just Maria”. No wonder that exotic, as if filled with the hot sun, the names came to the liking of some Russian parents. Another question is how such a Luis Alberto lives among Sing and Fedorov.

It remains a mystery whether the cheerful Italians make their names so attractive, or whether the Italian name endows its bearers with positive energy. Anyway, but italian names have a special charm and warmth. Perhaps the secret is that almost all Italian names end in a vowel. This gives them melodiousness and melodiousness.

Meaning of Latin names.

Most Italian names are of ancient origin. Latin names were a distinctive sign of a person - Flavio (blond), Luca (who came from Lucania). Commoners received names derived from the titles of the owners - Tessa (countess), Regina (queen). Names such as Elena, Ippolito were borrowed from the myths of Ancient Greece, and the Western European peoples enriched the Italian name book with their names, rewritten into Italian mode- Arduino, Teobaldo.

Italian naming traditions.

Christianity not only brought some Hebrew and Arabic names to the Italians, but also forbade calling children "barbarian" names. The name for the newborn could only be chosen from the Catholic calendar, and the same names in the same family were repeated from generation to generation. This was due to the fact that children were traditionally named after maternal and paternal ancestors. This custom has survived to this day. He led to the fact that many derivative names appeared in the Italian nomenclature. For example, Antonio - Antonello, Antonino, Giovanna - Giovanella, Ianella, Janella.

In any Kazakh family, the birth of a child is big celebration. Therefore, the choice of a name for a newborn has always been treated with responsibility. Traditionally, the name was chosen by the grandfather or a respected person, so that the baby would grow up as a worthy person.

Modern Azerbaijani names are diverse in their origin and meaning. In religious families, children are most often called Muslim names. According to folk tradition, children are given the names of respected people, prominent figures, literary heroes.

Chinese names name the personal characteristics of a person, distinguish him from the numerous members of the collective name. Traditionally male Chinese names note courageous character traits, military prowess and intelligence. What do female names emphasize?

Classic male Roman names were a reflection of the lifestyle and traditions of Ancient Rome. All of them consisted of at least two parts - a personal and generic name. Sometimes personal nicknames or names of offshoots of the main genus were added to them.

For Lithuanians, the name has always been the key word for determining the personality of a person. In ancient times, each of the Lithuanian names had its own individual meaning. If the name given at birth did not fit with the character or behavior of its bearer, then a nickname was chosen for him, reflecting the internal and external qualities - Juodgalvis (black-headed), Mazhulis (small), Kuprius (humped), Vilkas (wolf), Jaunutis (young).

Muslim names are a special layer of names that are allowed by Sharia law. Their main part is of Arabic origin, but there are names with Turkic and Persian roots.

Men's muslim names.

In Muslim countries, there are certain rules that are strictly observed when choosing a name for a child. Allah has 99 names, but a person cannot bear the name of God. Therefore, the prefix "abd" (slave) is added to the names - Abdullah (slave of Allah). The names of the prophets and their companions are traditionally popular among Muslims - Mohammed, Isa, Musa. At the same time, the Shiites do not recognize the names of the caliphs who came to power after the Prophet Muhammad (Umar), and the Sunnis do not call their children the names of the Shiite imams (Jawad, Kazim). Naturally, all of the above applies to male Muslim names.

Women's Muslim names.

Female Muslim names conquer with their melodiousness. According to custom, names for girls should delight the ear with a harmonious sound, emphasize the beauty and virtues of the fair sex. Women are compared with flowers (Yasmine-jasmine), the moon (Ayla-moon-like), they highlight their external attractiveness (Alsu-beautiful). But the most popular Muslim female names are the names of the mother of the prophet Isa - Maryam, the wives and daughters of the prophet Muhammad - Aisha, Fatima, Zeynab.

In German families, when choosing a name for a newborn, simple rules are strictly observed. The name must necessarily indicate gender and cannot be fictitious. Indeed, why invent non-existent names when there are already big choice. Moreover, the law does not limit the number of registered names, and some parents give their beloved child up to a dozen of them. Moreover, short forms of the name, for example, Katya, can be considered official.

ancient german names.

The oldest German names appeared before our era. As in other languages, they described virtues and character traits man - Adolf (noble wolf), Karl (brave), Ludwig (who gained fame in battle). In modern German, there are few such names left, about two hundred. From the second half of the 8th century, Christian names gradually begin to gain more and more popularity. Children are increasingly called by biblical names of Hebrew, Greek or Roman origin. At the same time, proper German names associated with religion appear - Gotthold (the power of God).


The close ties of Germans with other peoples brought borrowings from languages ​​into German culture. Western Europe and even Russian. German parents give their children the names of famous actors and show business stars. Now in Germany, original foreign strange names, which do not always comply with the laws of German spelling. So, Gertrude is next to Natasha, and Hans is next to Lucas. But traditional German names have always prevailed over extravagant inclusions.

The history of the origin of Polish names, like that of other Slavic peoples, is rooted in the pre-Christian era. Early Polish names arose from common nouns, which were essentially the nicknames of people - Wilk (wolf), Koval (blacksmith), Goly (naked). The child was often named after a deceased relative, so some names were passed down from generation to generation and became fixed in the folk name book. The division of society into classes singled out the nobility. In this environment, names formed from two components (Vladislav, Kazimir), which are found in our time, have become popular.

IN Ancient Rome the attitude to names was more than serious. There was even a saying: "Names are not subject to disclosure." Therefore, the Roman priests avoided pronouncing the names of the patron gods of Rome - the enemies will recognize these names and lure the gods to themselves. And the slaves did not have the right to call the name of their master to a stranger.

The vast majority of Russian names, so familiar to our ears, do not actually have Slavic roots. They appeared in the Russian nomenology during the period of the establishment of Christianity in Rus'. And, oddly enough, the original Slavic names were almost completely replaced from everyday life. How did our distant ancestors call each other?

Ancient pagan names.

The pagan Slavs lived in harmony with nature, believed in the existence of a soul in plants and animals, endowed mystical power natural phenomena. The name served not only to distinguish people. It was both a personal amulet and a characteristic of a person. To ward off " evil spirit", The child was often given an unsightly name - Kriv, Malice. The affectionate name that the parents called the child was kept secret so that no one could damage the baby through it. The teenager, when some of his personal qualities were already manifested, was given a new name. Children were called names from the plant and animal world (Wolf, Nut). IN large families the name indicated the order of birth - Pervak, Devyatko. Names evaluated the personality and appearance of their carriers - Fool, Krasava, Malusha. Old Slavic names-nicknames have long disappeared from use, but at one time they became the basis for the formation of surnames - Volkov, Fools, Karasin.

Russian names with Slavic roots.

The ancient names, consisting of two bases, which were originally the privilege of princely families, continue to live in the modern world - Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Miroslava. Already in Christian Rus', the female names Vera, Hope and Love, popular at all times, were born. This is a direct translation Greek words"pistis, elpis and agape" (faith, hope, love). The Slavic names Olga, Oleg, Igor were included in the calendar, their use was legalized by the church.

Serbs are a South Slavic people who, despite centuries of domination Ottoman Empire, was able to preserve the national culture and language. This is evidenced Serbian names. The history of the origin of most Serbian names has Slavic roots.

The warlike nature of the numerous tribes that inhabited the lands of Scandinavia in ancient times left an imprint on the origin and meaning of most Scandinavian names. Even the custom of naming itself was rather harsh - the father had every right to recognize the newborn as a member of the family and give him a name in honor of his ancestors or abandon the baby.
Many ancient Scandinavian names descended from common nouns features person, names of animals, objects or abstract concepts. Such nicknames could change as a new individual trait appeared.

Scandinavian fidelity to national names.

The rich mythology of the Scandinavians also could not stay away from a kind of "fashion" for names - children were willingly called the names of mythical heroes. Even female names often had a formidable connotation - Hilda (battle), Ragnhilda (battle of the defenders). Most of these names have two bases, which makes them related to the ancient Slavic names - Wigmarr (glorious war), Alfhild (battle of the alves).
The commitment of the Scandinavian peoples to their national names, which came from the depths of centuries, is worthy of respect. Even the spread of Christianity and the power of the church could not supplant patriarchal names. In the Middle Ages, a child could generally be baptized under any pagan name. And even later, the baptismal name remained secret, and in everyday life people used the usual old names. And representatives of the military elite even called Christian names only illegitimate children.

Soviet names, the fashion for which swept the inhabitants Soviet Union in the first half of the twentieth century, amaze with their "originality". It is impossible to imagine that now anyone would want to name their son Uryuvkos or Jarek. What do these names mean?

It so happened that the Tatar people “responded” to almost every historical event by forming or borrowing new names.
Pagan names had in common with everyone Turkic peoples roots. Usually they indicated belonging to a particular genus and social status human - Ilbuga (homeland of the bull), Arslan (lion), Altynbike (golden princess).

Arabic and Persian roots of Tatar names.

In the tenth century among the ancestors current Tatars Islam begins to spread, Arabic and Persian names are strengthened in the Tatar name-book. Some of them are undergoing changes, adapting to Tatar language- Gabdulla, Gali. Especially popular and now enjoy women's Tatar names Arabic origin. They are filled with positive energy and have a melodic sound - Latifa (beautiful), Valiya (holy).
In Soviet times, there was no need to call children only Muslim names, ancient names of Turkic-Bulgarian origin reappeared in everyday life - Aidar, Chulpan, Bulat. And the old names (Chanysh, Bikmulla) were replaced by new ones - Leysan, Azat. In many Tatar families, children began to be called European and Slavic names - Svetlana, Marat, Roza, Eduard.

Variety of Tatar names.

There are a huge number of Tatar names. Their diversity is associated not only with extensive borrowings, but with creative fantasy Tatar people. This was manifested in the formation of new names with components from different languages ​​- Zhantimer (Persian-Turkic-Tatar), Shakhnazar (Arabic-Persian). There were female analogues of male names - Ilhamia, Farida. Despite the fact that the meanings of many Tatar names are difficult to determine, they are remembered for their beauty and originality.

In the Turkish nomenology, a worthy place is occupied by the most diverse names in origin and meaning. In Muslim families, they try to call their children by the names that are mentioned in the Koran. Folk names have a beautiful sound and an interesting meaning.

Turkic names are an ancient mirror reflecting the Turkic ideas about the world, their lifestyle, relations in society. The names tell about the militant nature of their bearers, about who the Turks worshiped, what character traits they valued.

Uzbek names amaze with their diversity, bizarre pattern of construction and multifaceted value. To some, these names may seem exotic and unusual. Their true meaning becomes clear if we consider the history of the origin of Uzbek names as a reflection of the way of life, traditions and customs of the people.

Ukrainian names differ little from Russian and Belarusian names, they have a similar history of origin with them. This is due to the historical commonality of the East Slavic peoples, close traditions and a single faith.

The history of the origin of ancient Finnish names is closely connected with the subtle perception of nature by the Finns. In the old days, names were formed from the names of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world - Ilma (air), Kuura (hoarfrost), Villa (grain), Suvi (summer). Until the 16th century, the Finns did not have their own written language, and the Finnish language was considered the language of the common people until the middle of the 19th century. Folk names were passed from mouth to mouth, forgotten over time, they were replaced by new names borrowed from other peoples.

Ah, these luxurious french names! How they bewitched Russian society in the 19th century. It was enough to change the name a little and put the emphasis on the last syllable, and the rustic Masha turned into a sophisticated Marie, and the bumpkin Vasya into the aristocrat Basil. At the same time, few people knew that French names proper, in fact, are “foreigners” in their homeland. Their origin is associated with historical events that led to numerous borrowings from the names of various ancient tribes and peoples.

Historical borrowings of French names.

On the territory of France, the population has long used Celtic (Bridget, Alan-Alen), Greek and Hebrew names (Dion, Eve). The Romans left their "legacy" to the French generic names(Mark, Valerie). And after the German invasion, German names appeared in the name book (Alphonse, Gilbert). In the 18th century, the Catholic Church forbade naming children by names that were not included in the Catholic naming calendar. The choice of a name for French newborns became limited, borrowings ceased.
In modern France, these restrictions have been lifted, and parents are free to choose any name they like for their child. Foreign names became popular again - Tom, Lucas, Sarah. The French are quite warm about Russian names, using them in a short form. Calling a little Frenchwoman Tanya or Sonya is a special chic. How to pronounce a Russian name with a "French pronunciation" in Russia.

Gypsies living in different countries not only preserve their traditions, but also have to adapt to different cultures and languages. This is the reason for the complex system of gypsy names and the history of their origin. In today's world, every gypsy has an official name and surname, registered in the passport in full accordance with the laws and customs of the country of residence. But along with the official name, it is customary for gypsies to have their own, gypsy, "internal" or "secular" name. "Secular" names can be divided into proper gypsy names, foreign names, adapted to Romani culture, and directly borrowed names from other languages.

Today, the vast majority of Chechens in choosing a name for a child try to adhere to established traditions. 90% of modern Chechen names are of Arabic origin. At the same time, borrowed Russian and Western names, mostly female ones, sometimes “penetrate” the Chechen name book. Some of them are even short form names - Lisa, Sasha, Zhenya, Raisa, Tamara, Rosa, Louise, Zhanna.

The history of the origin of Scottish names is like a mosaic. Each period of the difficult, eventful life of the Scottish people has left its mark on the names. Most ancient population Scotland, the legendary Picts, representatives of the Celtic tribes (Scots and Gaels), Roman conquerors - they all influenced the composition and meaning of Scottish names.

The Yakuts have always been very responsible in choosing a name for a child. Their names became the wishes of parents to see their children strong, healthy and happy. If the name did not match the character or appearance, the person received a new name.

The choice of names for newborns is unlimited. Parents can make any name for their child. The main thing is that you can use only permitted hieroglyphs, of which there are about two thousand. How did the ancient samurai clan influence the formation of new names?

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From time immemorial, the name of a person has been given great sacred significance, it was believed that it bears the imprint of fate. So, at birth, a whole direction of life was chosen.

Male names were supposed to reward the owner with strength, courage, power. Women's, on the contrary, were supposed to bring femininity, beauty, harmony, higher patronage and family happiness to the owner.

How to choose names for girls

The choice of a name for a girl often turns into a dispute among relatives. Sometimes you have to resort to the help of lots, the church calendar and even astrology.

And here it is preserved
subconscious desire to choose the most favorable fate for the girl, along with the name.

Female names are popular today - modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual. See the list and their meanings below.

What names should not be given to children

In choosing a name, it is most reasonable to be guided by an understanding of how comfortable the child will live with him in a social environment. It is desirable that the name correspond to the traditions of the given area, nationality, and customs.

The absence of prohibitions caused a tendency in society to give the most unimaginable names to their offspring. And yet, you should not name the child so that later he becomes the object of ridicule in society.

The most popular female names

  • Sophia or Sophia;
  • Anastasia;
  • Darina or Daria;
  • Victoria;
  • Pauline;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Ksenia;
  • Barbara;
  • Maria;
  • Veronica;
  • Alyona;
  • Alexandra;
  • Ulyana;
  • Alina;
  • Margarita;
  • Arina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Milan;
  • Christina;
  • Alice;
  • Kira;
  • Diana;
  • Anna.

These names are statistically found in 75% of all registered newborn girls.

Songs with female names

Love for a woman has inspired poets and composers at all times, and as a result, a huge number of beautiful songs with female names have appeared. They have always been loved all over the world.

The most famous Russian songs of different times:

  • "Pink roses (Sveta Sokolova)" (Funny guys);
  • "Katyusha" (Blanter - Isakovsky);
  • "Ksyusha" (Alena Apina);
  • "A stewardess named Zhanna" (Vladimir Presnyakov);
  • "Alexandra" (from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears");
  • "Natalie" (Mikhail Shufutinsky);
  • "Olesya" (Syabry);
  • "Faina" (Na-Na);
  • "Lisa" (Andrey Gubin).

In Russia, songs dedicated to women have always been very loved, and not only here. There are also many songs with female names in the world. This is the most favorite theme among songwriters.

The most famous foreign songs in English:

  • "Michelle" (The Beatles);
  • "Carry" (Europe);
  • "Nikita" (Elton John);
  • "Maria" (Blondie);
  • "Susanna" (Adriano Celentano).

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual. List and values

Slavic beautiful female names

Among the Slavs, the main purpose of a woman was motherhood and family. This girl was invested in the name main point: she was to become the guardian of the family hearth in the future.

Women's names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, the list and meanings of these names cannot fully accommodate more than one dictionary of names, they are countless.

Female names: modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare, unusual, ancient - the list and their meanings are very extensive.

Female names Russian modern

Modern Russian female names are mainly of Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Latin and Germanic origin.

Greek, Jewish and German names appeared in Rus' with the advent of Christianity from Byzantium in the 10th century, some Latin ones - during the period of Peter's transformations.

Slavic names are the most ancient, but some of them are still popular:

  • Arina or Yarina - dedicated to the sun god Yarila;
  • Bozhena - gifted by God, divine or blessed;
  • Bronislava - glorious protection;
  • Faith - knowledge, faith;
  • Vlad, Vladislav - owns fame;
  • Darina is a gift of the Gods;
  • Zlata - golden;
  • Lada - good, kind;
  • Love or Lyubava - giving love;
  • Lyudmila - dear to people;
  • Milana - she is cute;
  • Miroslava - glorious in the world;
  • Hope is hope;
  • Radmila - caring, cheerful, sweet;
  • Snezhana is cold and snowy.

Interesting fact! The name Svetlana, very popular since the second half of the 20th century, has a controversial origin. According to some unconfirmed versions, this is a Slavic name. But closer to the truth is the version according to which the name Svetlana was invented in the 19th century by Russian poets Vostokov and Zhukovsky.

After the release of Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana", the name gained tremendous popularity. Gradually, girls began to be called them, and it became firmly established in everyday life.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', new female names took root. which we now consider primordially Russian. Today they are familiar to our ear and are quite common throughout Russia.

But their Greek origin is not entirely clear. The fact is that the name book was formed on the basis of cultural and trade relations, therefore, in Byzantium itself, there were not only Greek, but also Syrian, Latin, Egyptian, Persian, Germanic, Babylonian and other names.

The most beautiful and common Russian names that came from Byzantium:

  • Alexandra (Greek) - human protector;
  • Alena (Greek) - light;
  • Alice (German) - protector;
  • Alla (Greek) - next;
  • Anastasia (Greek) - resurrection;
  • Anna (Hebrew) - God's mercy;
  • Antonina (Latin) - rushing into battle;
  • Valentina (Latin) - healthy and strong;
  • Valeria (Latin) - strong and strong;
  • Barbara (Greek) - foreigner, barbarian;
  • Vasilisa (Greek) - majestic, regal;
  • Galina (Greek) - serenity, silence, sea surface;
  • Daria (pers.) - possessing a blessing;
  • Catherine (Greek) - pious, immaculate;
  • Elena (Greek) - bright, chosen;
  • Eugenia (Greek) - noble;
  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) - a vow to God;
  • Jeanne or Yana is a variant of the name John (Hebrew) - God's grace;
  • Zoya (Greek) - living, life;
  • Irina (Greek) - calmness and peace;
  • Inna (Latin) - a stormy fast stream;
  • Karina (Latin) - dear, dear;
  • Xenia (Greek) - a wanderer, a stranger;
  • Christina (Greek) - dedicated to Christ;
  • Larisa (Greek) - seagull;
  • Maya (Greek) - mother, nurse, goddess;
  • Margarita (Greek) - a pearl;
  • Mary (Hebrew) - desired, serene, bitter;
  • Marina (Latin) - marine, living in the sea;
  • Natalia (Latin) - native, bestowed by God;
  • Nina (Georgian) - queen, mistress;
  • Olga - (has Scandinavian origin from Helga) sacred;
  • Sophia or Sophia (Greek) - wisdom, science;
  • Tatyana (Latin) - mistress, organizer;
  • Tamara (Hebrew) - date palm, fig tree;
  • Taisia ​​(Greek) - wise, late;
  • Ulyana, Julianna, Julianna and Julia (Latin) - belonging to the genus Julia;
  • Evelina or Eve (Hebrew) - life force;
  • Emilia (Latin) is an unyielding rival.

Interesting fact! The name Victoria - victory, is of Latin origin. It firmly entered Russian use after Russia's victories in the northern war (1700-1721).

Orthodox Russian female names - saints

The Russian Orthodox Church has its own unique name book - these are the saints who came to us from Byzantium. They contain the names of Orthodox saints, each of which is associated with martyrdom and righteous deeds.

Until 1917, the church gave names to newborns at baptism. Some of them are actively used today. The rest are rarely used or have fallen into disuse. Each name in the calendar has its own day in the year, sometimes more than one.

Here are some of them:

  • Agnia - immaculate;
  • Anisiya - accomplishment, success;
  • Anfisa - blooming;
  • Evdokia - goodwill;
  • Euphrosyne - joy;
  • Zinaida - divine;
  • Ilaria - clear, joyful, quiet;
  • Kapitolina - born on the Capitol;
  • Claudia - lame;
  • Nonna - dedicated to God;
  • Paraskeva, the Russian version of Praskovya, is Friday, the eve of the holiday;
  • Raisa - carefree, light;
  • Rimma is a Roman;
  • Rufina - reddish;
  • Seraphim - fiery;
  • Faina - light;
  • Fotinia, Fotina (analogue of the Russian Svetlana) - light.

This is interesting! The name Pauline or Paulina, popular today, originates from the male name Paul, which in turn is the French version of the biblical name Paul.

This name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but there is Apollinaria (Greek) - dedicated to God Apollo.

Old Russian female names

Old Russian names were formed not only on a Slavic basis. The cultural ties of our ancestors contributed to borrowing from the traditions of neighbors. This also affected the names, some of which were of Scandinavian origin.

Today, not all Old Russian names are forgotten, some are very relevant. Recently, due to the undying interest in their roots, many call their children according to old Russian tradition.

There are such names more and more often, especially:

Ukrainian female names

Most Ukrainian female names have common roots with Russian ones. This is related to Slavic origin both peoples, common history, as well as with the Orthodox tradition.

The lion's share of names in the Ukrainian name-book coincides with Russian ones. The only difference is their spelling and pronunciation.

For example, some Russian names in Ukrainian tradition are written through "o" -: Olena, Oleksandra, Orina. And also there are differences in the spelling of the letter "i", in the Ukrainian language its Latin analogue "i" is used. This is due to the influence of Polish culture.

Some Ukrainian names with pronunciation features:

Belarusian female names

Belarusian female names are similar to Russian and Ukrainian ones. Here, too, “i” is used instead of “and”, and the letter “y” also has its own pronunciation features.

Writing Features:

There are also traditional Belarusian names, very loved by the people and having their own meaning:

  • Alesya, Lesya, Olesya - forest;
  • Alena is a wonderful torch;
  • Ulada - fine, peaceful;
  • Yana - God's grace;
  • Yarina, Yarina - sunny.

Czech female names

The Czechs, although they are Slavic people, their traditions are somewhat different from Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian.

The Czech Republic is a predominantly Catholic country. Therefore, Czech female names are a mixture of Slavic, Catholic and European. They are very unusual and interesting.

Some of them have their unique features and meaning:

  • Abena - the one who was born on Tuesday;
  • Bara, Baranka, Barbara, Barka - a strange foreigner;
  • Branca is a great defender;
  • Power - power;
  • Daska - soul;
  • Willow - a good God;
  • Cape - a small stork;
  • Libena, Libus - love;
  • Otili - rich;
  • Radka - happy;
  • Sarka - forty;
  • Stepanka - crowned;
  • Hedvika - wrestling;
  • Tsjenka - originally from Sidon;
  • Evika - life;

Bulgarian female names

The most popular in Bulgaria are traditional Slavic names. Although, since the 20th century, the Bulgarian name book has been enriched with various Western European borrowings.

Traditionally, children are named after their ancestors. There is one more feature: the names are universal for both boys and girls, for example, Spaska and Spas, Zhivka and Zhivko.

Some traditional Bulgarian names and their meaning:

  • Vasilka - queen;
  • Yordanka - flowing down;
  • Mariyka is an analogue of the biblical name Maria;
  • Rositsa - Rosa;
  • Stefka - crowned;
  • Parking is standing.

Polish female names

In Poland, children are traditionally given Latin, Slavic and Greek names. Here, too, there are peculiarities of pronunciation that make these names unique.

For example, popular names are:

  • Agnieszka - immaculate;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Wanda - from the Wend tribe;
  • Wojciech - the consolation of soldiers;
  • Wenceslas - more glory;
  • Casimira - peacemaker;
  • Malgorzata is a pearl;
  • Francisca is French;
  • Jadwiga - battle of rivals.

Rare female names

Beautiful rare names are very popular now. They come from other cultures, movies, songs, etc.

Some of these rare names are:

  • Bella (European) - beautiful;
  • Venus (Latin) - the Roman goddess of love;
  • Helium (Greek) - solar;
  • Daniela (Hebrew) - divine judge;
  • Ida (Greek) - fertile;
  • Oia (Greek) - violet;
  • Carolina (German) - queen;
  • Liliana (Latin) - lily;
  • Melania (Greek) - swarthy;
  • Nelly (Greek) - new, young;
  • Olympics (Greek) - Olympic;
  • Palmyra (Latin) - palm tree;
  • Regina (Latin) - queen;
  • Stella (Latin) - star;
  • Elina (Greek) - Hellenic, Greek;
  • Junia, Yunna, Juno (Greek) - the goddess of marriage and love;

Unusual female names

A large number of modern Russian children are called very unusual names. Some of them belong to fairy-tale characters, some come from the names of cities, countries, historical events, animals, plants, etc.

Here is a short list:

  • Byzantium;
  • Moon;
  • Russians;
  • Cherry;
  • Fox;
  • Joy;
  • Ocean.

Elvish female names

Elvish names are quite common today. These are the names of the elves from wonderful world created English writer John Ronald Tolkien.

Invented heroes gave a new fashion for names that have a wonderful sound and secret meaning.

Some of them:

  • Amanael - daughter of Haman;
  • Anariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Eariel is the daughter of the sun;
  • Lairiel is the daughter of summer.

The ending -iel denotes daughter.

There are also names consisting of two words, for example:

  • Arvel - a noble maiden;
  • Irvil - sparkling shine;
  • Nimloth is a white flower.

Funny female names

At all times, people have shown imagination in the matter of naming. Now this is a very common occurrence. But sometimes fantasy leads to a frankly ridiculous and ridiculous choice.

Some funny names:

  • Aria;
  • Blandina;
  • Villa;
  • Kazdoy;
  • Nunehia;
  • Scandulia.

The happiest female names

Parents always want to give their daughter a name that will bring her happiness. Everyone has their own criteria for lucky names, but there are common views on this issue.

Most people are of the opinion that Russian names Tatyana, Natalya, Elena, Olga, Irina and Ekaterina are the happiest.

Although no one has proven this, and no studies and observations have been conducted. Probably, the favorable sounding of these names fills them with light energy for many centuries.

Biblical female names

Bible stories contain a large number of beautiful female names. And many parents are inclined to name their daughters after pious biblical heroines.

The most beautiful of these names and their meaning:

  • Sarah is the ancestor;
  • Rebekah is a faithful wife;
  • Leah - heifer, heifer;
  • Rachel is a sheep;
  • Dina - avenged;
  • Delilah - curly;
  • Susanna - lily;
  • Magdalene is a resident of Magdala.

The most common female name in the world

From all the variety of names the most common and favorite name in the world - Anna.

It sounds different in every language, and yet it is the same name. Anna can sound in different languages ​​like Ann, Annette, Anita, Hanna, Ankhen, Ganna, Anika, etc.

Mythical female names

Myths, especially ancient Greece and Rome, are full of a huge number of magnificent female names. These are the names of goddesses, queens and beautiful maidens.

The most beautiful names and their meaning:

  • Aphrodite - Greek goddess love;
  • Artemis - Greek goddess of the hunt;
  • Grace - the Roman goddess of beauty;
  • Diana - Roman goddess of the hunt;
  • Cassandra - Trojan princess and soothsayer;
  • Muse - the Greek patroness of art and science;
  • Selena is the goddess of the moon.

Strange female names

There are also very strange names, which, as a rule, are the result of the creative thinking of parents. The peak of their popularity came in the Soviet era, when working professions were glorified and revolutionary ideas.

some strange and amazing names that era:

  • Tractorina;
  • Pravdin;
  • Railcar;
  • Stalin.

Among foreign bohemians, there are also parents with imagination, who called their children rather strange names.

Translated from English, they sound like this:

  • Apple is the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow;
  • Hazelnut - daughter of Julia Roberts;
  • The bell is the daughter of the Madonna;
  • Ireland is the daughter of Kim Bassinger.

Strong female names

It is believed that some names have a special energy of strength and are amulets for the owner. Basically, these are names, in the decoding of which there is strength, and fortress, and health, and protection, and victory.

It is believed that Russian names bear the highest patronage to the owner:

  • Alexandra;
  • Victoria;
  • Valeria;
  • Valentine;
  • Evgenia;
  • Olga;
  • Faith;
  • Catherine;
  • Daria.

Invented female names

In the creative Soviet era, parents created with the help of their imagination a very interesting names. They were half-hearted abbreviations formed from the names of leaders and revolutionary slogans.

Some of them:

  • Gertrude - heroes of labor;
  • Velira is a great labor force;
  • Vilena, Vladlena - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;
  • Krarmia - the red army;
  • Raytiya - district printing house;
  • Dazdraperma - long live the first of May;
  • Dinara is a child of a new era.

Women's names of the peoples of the world

English female names

In England, children are often given a double name, which gives scope for parental imagination. However, traditional names are also popular.

The most common female given names in England are:

  • Olivia - olive tree;
  • Deborah is a bee;
  • Scarlet - fabric saleswoman;
  • Jennifer is a sorceress;
  • Kimberly - born in the royal meadow;
  • Britney is little Britain;
  • Monica is a counselor.

In England and the USA, short Russian female names are very popular, and even some male names that have become female there. For example: Sasha, Natasha, Nikita, Misha, Tanya.

Irish female names

The traditions of the Irish are rooted in Celtic culture, so they give the name of the girl great importance. It reflects both beauty and piety, and all the beautiful qualities of a woman.

The most interesting traditional Irish names and their meaning:

  • Abiagil - pleasing father;
  • Aerin - the world;
  • Brida - exalted;
  • Kaoilinn - fair and slender;
  • Morrigan is a big queen;
  • Orleith is a golden princess.

German female names

There is an opinion about the dissonance of the German language, and, nevertheless, German female names sound very beautiful.

In Germany, it is customary to give complex names, their number can reach up to 10.

The most beautiful German names and their meaning:

French female names

By tradition, French female names have always been considered very beautiful. They are popular far beyond France. Indeed, the French language caresses the ear with its pleasant nasal pronunciation.

This people gave the world the most beautiful female names, such as:

  • Adele - giving goodness;
  • Blanche - white;
  • Vivien is alive;
  • Brigitte - majestic;
  • Jacqueline - chasing;
  • Emmanuel - God is with us.

Hebrew female names

The traditions of the Jewish people are closely connected with Christian culture. European and Russian names are partly derived from Jewish culture. But there are also primordially national names.

Most beautiful:

Italian female names

Italians are extremely emotional and passionate people. This feature is manifested in everything and even in names.

The most interesting of them:

  • Adriana - a resident of Adria;
  • Bianca - white;
  • Gabriella - the power of God;
  • Ornella - blooming ash;
  • Lucrezia is rich.

Tatar female names

Of the Tatar names are in demand:

Swedish female names

Swedes often call girls by these names:

  • Agnetha - chaste;
  • Botilda - battle;
  • Greta is a pearl;
  • Inger - body;
  • Frederica is a peaceful ruler.

Lithuanian female names

Popular names in Lithuania:

  • Laima is the goddess of life;
  • Yumante - insightful;
  • Saule - the sun;
  • Gintare - amber.

Greek female names

Beautiful Greek names:

Spanish female names

The Spanish people often call women by such names:

  • Dolores - sadness;
  • Carmen - dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel;
  • Pilar - column;
  • Leticia - joy;
  • Consuela is persistent.

Georgian female names

In Georgia, you can often hear such variants of names as:

  • Aliko - omniscient;
  • Dariko is a gift from God;
  • Mgelia - wolf;
  • Nani is a baby;
  • Salome is peaceful.

Turkish female names

Variants of names are popular in Turkey:

Armenian female names

In the corners of Armenia, you will often hear girls called:

  • Anush - sweet;
  • Gayane - earthly;
  • Siranush - love;
  • Shushan - lily;
  • Eteri - ether.

Korean female names

In Korean villages, parents call their daughters:

  • Mi - beauty;
  • Jung - love;
  • Mei is a flower;
  • Kim is golden;
  • Yuong is brave.

Japanese female names

Interesting Japanese names:

Chinese names for women

Among the Japanese young ladies you can hear the names:

  • Venling - refined jade;
  • Jieying - household;
  • Xiu - graceful;
  • Meirong - self-control;
  • Xiangjiang - fragrant.

Scandinavian female names

Scandinavian girls are often called like this:

  • Asgerda - protection of the Gods;
  • Ingeborg - fertile;
  • Alva is an elf;
  • Astrid - divinely beautiful;
  • Brunnhilde is warlike.

Azerbaijani female names

Variants of such names can be heard among the girls and women of Azerbaijan:

  • Aishe - alive;
  • Diamond - beautiful;
  • Billura - crystal;
  • Zulfiya - curly;
  • Layla - night.

Arabic female names

Arabs often call their babies with similar versions of names:

  • Lamia - radiance shine;
  • Aziza - dear, valuable;
  • Fatima - the daughter of the prophet;
  • Daliya - grape wine;
  • Khalida is immortal.

Egyptian female names

The Egyptian population in its female part often has the following names:

Chechen names for women

Interesting variants of Chechen names:

  • Amira is the leader;
  • Jamila is beautiful;
  • Nazira - equal;
  • Ruvayda - smoothly walking;
  • Salima is healthy.

Kazakh female names

Such names are popular in Kazakhstan:

  • Aigansha - moon-like;
  • Balbala is a smart child;
  • Dilara - beloved;
  • Karlygash - swallow;
  • Marzhan is a pearl.

Indian female names

Picturesque India is famous for such female names:

Uzbek female names

You will often come across such names in Uzbekistan:

  • Asmira is the first princess;
  • Guldasta - a bouquet of flowers;
  • Intizora - long-awaited;
  • Olma - an apple;
  • Farkhunda is happy.

Gypsy names for women

The fervent gypsy people christen their girls like this:

  • Mirela - admiring;
  • Lala - tulip;
  • Luladja - the flower of life;
  • Esmeralda - emerald;
  • Jofranca is free.

At all times, parents, giving the name of their daughter, wanted to give her beauty, love, happiness, wealth, fertility, protection together with him. This desire is reflected in the names of almost all peoples of the world.

From this video you will learn modern Russian, beautiful Slavic, rare and unusual other female names, their list and meanings.

Interesting article. I would still like to make some clarifications. About Georgian names. “Mgelika” (“wolf cub”), or “Mgelia” (wolf), is a non-baptismal, pagan name; now used in the form of "Gela"; this is a male name. Popular female names: Tamari, Nino, Ketevan, Khatuna, Khatia, Nateli (“bright”, a synonym for Svetlana), Mariami ... By the way, “Tamari” is Georgian for “temple”.

A beautiful name - Maayan .... I would call it, although I am a grandmother, but brave))

A well-known proverb says: "Whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail." The same thing happens in human life, since the name can not only endow the child with certain character traits, but also affect his fate. Modern parents pay attention to everything foreign, so they prefer to name their children in accordance with foreign trends.

How can a name affect fate?

How to name a child is a question that worries parents from the first days of the mother's pregnancy. It is proved that the name directly affects the fate of a person. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the translation and consonance with the surname and patronymic. Many modern parents like beautiful foreign ones. If your daughter becomes Angelina, Sandra, Zemfira, Lilian or Teresa, she will always stand out in the crowd and be able to make a career as an actress or singer.

5 beautiful international names for girls

Sarah. This name is found in almost any nation, since in translation it means “lady”, “princess”, “noble”. What parent would not agree to predestinate his daughter a happy fate and a secure future?

Alina. When named like this, they give a new name "Alla". In translation, it means, according to the first version - “noble”, according to the second - “other”.

Angelina. By naming your daughter this way, you will give her an angelic character, since the word “angel” is the basis. Angelina Jolie - the most famous owner of this name - fully corresponds to it.

Eve. The name of the first woman will positively affect the fate of your daughter, if you want to call her that. In translation, Eve means "giving life."

Rose. There are often beautiful people in the world foreign names for girls - modern and outdated, which are somehow connected with flowers. By naming your daughter Rose, you will convey to your daughter the fragility and confidence of this plant.

The most beautiful female foreign names for all letters of the alphabet

Sometimes moms and dads tend to name their child, given the consonance with the surname and patronymic. A certain combination of sounds can affect not only the character, but also the fate of the child. The list contains beautiful names for girls (foreign) and their meaning for all letters of the alphabet.

A. Aelita ("air").

B. Bella ("beautiful").

V. Vivien ("live").

G. Gloria ("glory").

D. Dominica ("belonging to the Lord").

E. Eve ("life").

J. Jasmine ("gift of the gods").

Z. Zemfira ("air").

I. Iren ("peace").

K. Kayla ("fair").

L. Lilian ("lily").

M. Melanie ("dark").

N. Nicole ("winner of the peoples").

O. Olivia ("olive").

P. Penelope ("faithful wife").

R. Regina ("queen").

S. Sandra ("protector of people").

T. Teresa ("protector").

W. Ursula ("bear").

F. Filipina ("loving horses").

H. Chloe ("young shoot").

C. Cecilia ("blind").

Ch. Chulpan ("morning star").

S. Charlotte ("man").

E. Emma ("precious").

Y. Yustina ("fair").

I. Yasmina ("jasmine").

The most beautiful names for foreign girls (list with translation)

Britney. So the Americans call their babies in honor of their favorite pop singer Britney Spears. The name means "Little Britain".

Kimberly. Girls named like that are called to win always and everywhere, because in translation the name means “leader”.

Jessica."Stronger, higher, faster" is the motto of all the girls named after the most beautiful actress in the world. Jessica Alba has not only an exceptional appearance, but also positive personal qualities, such as sincerity, kindness, and reliability.

Pamela."Sweet as honey" - this is the meaning behind this name. You can see this by looking at the magnificent actress and fashion model Pamela Anderson.

Tiffany. Not the most popular, but very beautiful female name, which means "manifestation of God" in translation. After the release of Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961 with Audrey Hepburn in leading role it has become very popular in Europe and America.

Charlotte. This name was named the greatest of women in history, according to statistics, it takes 10th place in the list of "the most beautiful foreign names for American girls."

Marilyn. After the popularity of the famous blonde in the world flourished, girls began to be called by this name very often. Marilyn Monroe was talented, but closed, so you should think a thousand times whether to pass on these character traits to your daughter.

The most beautiful and for girls Russian (list with translation)

Zhanna. The baby will be a real gift for parents, because in translation the name means "God's grace." This is how fans of Zhanna Friske's creativity can call their daughter.

Angelina. Translated from means "messenger", but the obvious root "angel" will be reflected in the character of the daughter, who will truly be angelic.

Victoria. So they call girls in the West and in Russia. Translated, this royal name means "victory."

Evelina. It is believed that the name is a form of the name Eve. Based on the translation from Hebrew - "life force" - we can conclude that a girl named like that will grow up active and healthy.

Snezhana. Let the root “snow” in this name not scare young parents: despite the translation - “snowy” - a girl named like that will grow up active, but balanced.

Pauline. In translation, the name means "solar" and "sent to Apollo." Usually, girls named like this have been distinguished by activity and determination since childhood.

Names for girls in the language of love

If you are expecting a daughter, imagine for a moment what kind of character and demeanor you want to give her. Considering the most beautiful names for girls (foreign), pay attention to French, since the language itself is beautiful, melodious and romantic. You can name your daughter Aurora, Beatrice, Vivian, Gabriella, Julian, Jacqueline, Ines, Claudine, Lucinda, Melissa, Nicole, Odile, Penelope, Roberta, Susanna, Florence, Chloe, Charlotte or Edith. By the way, according to opinion polls, French names are considered the most beautiful and melodic.

Star Choice

Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband knew that they would have a girl, so they decided on the choice right away. Parents are familiar with biblical story, so they named the girl in honor of the fatal fruit - Apple (English - "apple").

Julia Roberts also gave her daughter the tasty name Hazel (English - "nut").

Jessica Alba - the most charming actress and caring mother named her daughter Marie Honor. By the way, the second part in translation from English means "honor".

The director decided to continue family tradition call children names starting with the letter "R". So, he named his four sons and daughters Rocket, Racer, Rebel and Rogue. As you can see, the choice of Hollywood stars is very original, and ordinary citizens rarely dare to follow their example. However, there are beautiful foreign names for girls and boys that are more popular.

Steven Spielberg's daughter's name is Sasha, Jennifer Lopez's twins are Max and Emma; Sophia named his favorite Lionel Richie, Ella - John Travolta, Alexandra - Dustin Hoffman, Ella Sophia - Jeff Gordon. Zoe - Leni Kravitz, Natalia - Kobe Bryant. All these "western" names are popular in Russia, so many are wondering about their origin.

What can the season say?

The tendency to name a child according to the month in which he was born comes from ancient times. Beautiful foreign names for girls, chosen in honor of the season in which they were born, will allow you to fully reveal your character and influence fate.

"Julius" and "Julia" by etymology have similar features with the second summer month - July. August (Augustin) and Augusta (Augustina) are less common names that children are called mainly in Russia. The revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental changes in people's lives. The fashion to name children October and Oktyabrina appeared almost a hundred years ago and is connected precisely with this event. Noyabrina and Dekabrina name girls born in these months.

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt named her daughter Autumn (English - "autumn") - this is how "autumn" sounds in English. Choice star mom It is no coincidence, because the baby was born on September 28. Beautiful for girls, March and April are very common in Europe and America. Obviously, the name Maya also comes from the month of spring.

A resident of Arkhangelsk distinguished himself with originality, who hardly manages to change his passport. Andrei Valentinovich Khristoforov changes his name 12 times a year and chooses a name in honor of the corresponding month, and a patronymic in honor of the season. So, he was October Osenievich, December Zimnievich. The man admits that he would like to name himself in honor of the day of the week and change his name every day, but the employees of the registry office would hardly have made a concession to him.

Fashion on various names is gradually changing. In a certain period, any names necessarily become popular. Very responsible step in life - choosing a name for a child. The name is given for life, so its choice and meaning requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

It is currently fashionable to call girls in a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Such names sound quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not match the patronymic and surname and looks ridiculous in this combination, you should not condemn the child to such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such unusual name and may be ashamed of it in the future. But, definitely, a rare name will distinguish the child from other boring names.

Old Russian names also gained popularity: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelageya. These are names with an old schooling and energy, they sound quite solemn. When choosing an old Russian name for your daughter, look at the abbreviated versions of such names. This will help to avoid embarrassment when children in the kindergarten will be teased with Palazhki and Vaska.

picking up modern name, try to choose one that is easy to pronounce.

Modern Russian names for girls

Having settled on the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to the universal names meaning feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose a name for your princess based on the season of your baby: you can name a winter baby Snezhanoy, autumn - Golden, summer - august, spring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • barbarian
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but they have taken root with us and have been popular for a long time.
Popular old Russian names :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinya
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Yesenia.

Learn more about the meanings of female Old Russian names from our article.

Rare and unusual female names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and distinguish him from other children with an unusual name.

  • When choosing a name for your daughter, remember that she will live with him all her life. Try to pick up one of the rare names that are typical for your country of residence and nationality.
  • Study the diminutive version of the name you like, it should not cut the ear. You should definitely like the diminutive version, because peers and relatives will call the daughter like that.
  • Study the meaning of the name, because it can influence fate. It will be unpleasant to know that the meaning beautiful name your girl is "lame" or "sad".
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps that rare name that you have chosen for the child has not been such for a long time.

Examples unusual old Russian names :

  • Bozena
  • Vesnyan
  • Veroslava
  • Zlatislav
  • Darena
  • Lubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislav
  • Slavyana
  • Tsvetana.

foreign names will also sound unusual:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names , which in the past few years had to register with the registry office:

  • Golub
  • Rosiyana
  • Byzantium
  • ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names by months according to the church calendar

It has long been customary for Orthodox believers to name a child in honor of the memory of a saint who falls on the child's birthday. Take a closer look at the church calendar, you might like a name that matches the month of your daughter's birth.
IN January the memory of saints who help the needy, steadfast and courageous is honored.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatiana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melania
  • Vasilisa.

February- a month in which the memory of women who know how to balance their character is honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Ksenia
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

IN March modest and humble girls are born, but according to the calendar, it is possible to reward the daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • barbarian
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Hope
  • Nika.

At April girls are usually stubborn and firm in nature. Therefore, it is best to choose soft names from the holy calendar:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

Hardworking girls born in May, such names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

IN June wishing to reward the daughter not only nice name, but also a reliable patroness, stop your attention on such names:

  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For July daughters according to the church calendar there is such a list of names:

  • Olga
  • Jeanne
  • Marina
  • margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

A girl will grow up decent and honest if in august you choose her name from the calendar:

  • Angelina
  • Christina
  • Irina
  • Daria
  • Elena.

In the calendar, there is a fairly extensive choice for girls born in September:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Ludmila
  • Tatiana
  • Natalia
  • Raisa.

Good choice of female names and in church calendar behind October:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisiya
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Gold.

If you have difficulty choosing a name for your daughter, November saints will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • neonilla
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter december, honor such saints:

  • Tatiana
  • Catherine
  • barbarian
  • margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign female names in the Russian way

Most of the names have the same origin, usually Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but they have been translated into other languages.

  • popular name Maria, which has Jewish roots, is quite common with us. In England it is Mary, in France - Marie.
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizhen translates as Elizabeth.
  • french Julie and Italian Juliet in the Russian way will become Julia.
  • Spanish Catarina, English Catherine- this is our Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia(translated as "light") - an analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Analogue of the English name Dolly in Russia - Daria, A Barbarabarbarian.
    Almost all foreign names have analogues in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar female names

The meanings of Tatar names are mainly divided into denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim female names

Female Muslim names are quite popular among other peoples due to their beautiful sound and meaning.

  • Alsu - pink-haired
  • Aliya - exalted
  • Aisha - life
  • Amira is a princess
  • Amina - faithful
  • Layla - night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadira - rare
  • Rashida - walking right
  • Halima - patient
  • Zuhra - morning star
  • Malika - queen
  • Rahima - merciful
  • Samia - precious
  • Farida is unique
  • Firuza - light
  • Khabiba is my favorite
  • Jasmine - similar to jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you want to endow your daughter with any qualities, then you need to know what the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to native Kazakh ones, include names from Arabic, Russian, Persian and other languages. Every woman Kazakh name has its own unique meaning, mostly pleasant and necessary meanings in life, character traits.

  • Ademi - graceful
  • Azhar - pretty
  • Aigul - moon flower
  • Alma - apple
  • Balzhan - sweet, smart
  • Balym is my smart girl
  • Gulnaz - graceful
  • Dameli - reliable
  • Zhanar - shine of the eyes
  • Kunsulu is a ray of sunshine.

Modern Armenian female names

For Armenians, a born girl is, first of all, a future mother, so the name should mean care, purity, warmth. Many female names come from the names pagan goddesses. Anahit- mother goddess, goddess of motherhood and war - Nane, Astghik- Goddess of beauty and love. There are a lot of names formed from the names of natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Suzanne- lily, Lusine- moon, Garunik- spring. Many female names are formed from male names with the addition of certain endings. The ending “ui” personifies the feminine – male Tigran + ui = female Tigranui. The ending "uht" is translated as a daughter and a holy oath. Wormizd's daughter will Wormizduht. The most harmonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush - means "sweet"
  • Asmik - jasmine
  • Arevik - the sun
  • Gayane - earthly
  • Zara - gold
  • Zarui - Priestess of the Fire Temple
  • Mariam - Mary
  • Naira - free
  • Nana - mother
  • Narine - wife
  • Ruzanna - rose
  • Siranush - love
  • Ermina - courageous, dear.

List of the most beautiful female modern names

The most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Yesenia
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilith
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violet.

Meanings of the most beautiful female names

Anastasia- from the Greek "resurrected", "immortal".
Milan- Slavic name, meaning "dear".
Angelina- from the Greek "angelos" - an angel.
Mia- Swedish origin, meaning "rebellious".
Valeria- from the Latin "strong".
Christina- from the Latin - "Christian".
YeseniaSlavic meaning"autumn".
Anna- translated from Hebrew as "brave", "blessed".
Marina- is of Latin origin "marine".
Svetlana- from the Slavic "bright", "clean".
Snezhana- from the Slavic "snow".
Thea- from the Greek "goddess".
Zlata- from the Slavic "golden".
Nika- from the ancient Greek "victory".
Regina- translated from Latin - "queen".
Pauline- from the Greek "solar".
Eve- is of Hebrew origin, meaning "giving life."
Pelagia- from the Greek "sea".
Violet- from Latin means "violet".

Whatever you name the child, let reason and common sense prompt you in the search for a name. Harmonizing with the surname and patronymic, having good value a name that pleases the child and parents is the best choice. Remember that your daughter will live with him all his life, approach responsibly when choosing a beautiful name.

Often, from the first days of pregnancy until the birth of a child, parents argue about the name of the future baby. Many come from the words of the saying: "As you call a ship, so it will sail." Therefore, the choice, especially for girls, is approached with great care.

It is believed that a female name should be refined and at the same time mysterious. Therefore, girls tend to be called not just beautifully, but by investing special meaning, which could tell others about the character of its owner.

Choosing an original name for girls

When sorting out names, parents proceed from various factors:

  1. Believers use church calendar, where the names of the great martyrs who suffered for their faith are recorded. Each month and each day of the month has a specific name. They were quite famous and widespread in ancient times. On this moment many of them are unusual for us, and therefore are considered very rare. Despite this, every year there are more and more such names.
  2. Those who are fond of numerology are looking for a harmonious ratio of the date of the birth of the child with the name that was chosen for him. If harmony can be achieved, then the child will be happy and successful in everything.
  3. Some name their children according to the time of year they were born. It is believed that "winter" children should be called warm names, and "summer" - solid, so to speak, with character.
  4. Do not forget about the traditions inherent in different peoples. Many girls are named after grandmothers, great-grandmothers or other famous women in the family, and sometimes men. You can often meet girls with boyish names (Alexandra, Valeria, Ruslana, Evgenia).
  5. And even more often, children are simply called names that are fashionable at the moment or timed to coincide with some important events in the country. For example, Elnara, which means “Joy of the People” in Tatar.

Beautiful female names from ancient Russian to modern Russian

In the course of a sociological survey conducted in our country, it turned out that the most favorite female names among men are:

  • Anastasia,
  • Catherine,
  • Victoria,
  • Ksenia,
  • Tatiana,
  • Alexandra,
  • Sofia,
  • Natalia.

Names that are relevant in Russia are of Slavic, Latin, Greek, Germanic and even Jewish origin.

Slavic are considered the oldest, but, despite this, some of them are popular to this day. For example:

  • Bozena (God's);
  • Lyudmila (sweet for people);
  • Snezhana (snowy, that is, cold);
  • Vlad (the one who owns fame);
  • Darina (gift of the gods).

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', new names were formed, adopted and taken root, which we consider to be primordially Russian. They were formed through trade with various countries, especially with Byzantium. And there were in use not only Greek names, there were also Egyptian, Byzantine, Babylonian, Germanic and many others. Here is just a small list of the most common:

  • Irina (calm and peace);
  • Maya (mother, nurse);
  • Elena (light);
  • Zoya (living, life);
  • Natalia (given by God);
  • Taisia ​​(wise);
  • Alena (light);
  • Valentina (healthy, strong).

But there are also Orthodox names, each of them has a specific day in the year. And if the child was born on this day, then it is recommended to name him:

  • Raisa (careless);
  • Anfisa (blooming);
  • Euphrosyne (joy);
  • Claudia (limping);
  • Seraphim (fiery);
  • Kapitolina (born in the Capitol).

Some parents prefer to call their children biblical names - Eve, Dinah, Leah, Rachel, Rebekah, Delilah, Esther. This tradition was borrowed from the Jewish people. It is they who name the children using the Old Testament.

In the modern world, children are increasingly called by double names. This was done in Ancient Rus', but with only one difference: one name was known to everyone, and the other was known only to the closest. At the same time, it was believed that the first must necessarily be negative, so that in life it would be the other way around. Used old Russian:

  • Bereginya,
  • Veselina,
  • Goldenflower,
  • malice,
  • Zorina,
  • curve,
  • Kupava
  • Gorislava,
  • Nekras,
  • Malusha,
  • Milena,
  • Svetozara,
  • Yaroslav.

In those days, everything was clean - both nature and air. They lived honestly, subsistence farming, and knew what love is. Therefore, they gave names that endowed people with wisdom, kindness, diligence, and a strong character.

Fancy foreign

Parents borrow unusual names for babies from foreign languages. Since our country is multinational and multi-confessional, not Russian names are often used, but common in various countries of the world.

For example, Belarusian. They are very similar to Russian ones, with only one difference - instead of "and" "i" is used. Here are the most common ones - Alesya, Alena, Yana, Yarina, etc. Ukrainian - Oksana, Sofia, Darina, Vladislav, Stanislav, etc.

Muslims often call their children Azerbaijani names. They are very warm, feminine and soft-sounding, which gives them a special charm:

  • Aziza (dear);
  • Diamond (beautiful);
  • Amina (guardian);
  • Bella (beauty);
  • Jamila (beauty of the world);
  • Zara (gold);
  • Leila (night);
  • Maryam (loving).

The east has no less attractiveness and mystery. In the East, a woman is hot and sensual inside, but closed and cold outside. These are the women who attract men.

Representatives of the Arab countries call girls melodic names that emphasize the beauty of the owner - Aisha (beloved wife of the Prophet), Zafira (victorious), Ablaa (perfect), Nadira (rare), Rashida (wise), Salima (immaculate), Latyfa (gentle girl).

For the Japanese, the most important thing is the sonority of the name and surname of the child. The most interesting are those that mean flowers and natural phenomena or precious stones in translation:

  • Fuji (wisteria)
  • Sora (sky)
  • Amaya (evening rain)
  • Keori (flavor)
  • Cho (butterfly),
  • June (obedient)
  • Yoko (ocean child).

Among foreign ones, it is European ones that have gained particular popularity in Russia. They are distinguished by a special energy, as these are the names of winners, real business women, great designers, politicians, successful actresses and singers. These include French:

  • Aglaya,
  • Gabriella
  • Daniela
  • Jasmine,
  • Stephanie
  • nicole,
  • Camilla
  • Olivia,
  • Nadine,
  • Evelina,
  • Suzanne
  • Sophie,
  • Adeline,
  • Bridget,
  • Blanche.


  • Agatha,
  • Alice,
  • Valerie,
  • Gloria,
  • Diana,
  • irma,
  • Caroline,
  • Laura,
  • Monica,
  • Sabrina.


  • ursula,
  • Erika,
  • Albertina,
  • Amalia,
  • Belinda,
  • bruna,
  • Gertrude,
  • Greta,
  • Josephine.

From Scandinavian countries, in particular, such unusual names came to us from Ireland:

  • Isolde (fair),
  • Mirna (beloved)
  • Nora (honor)
  • Suzanne (lily)
  • Fiona (vine)
  • Elinor (foreign),
  • Rachel (sheep)


  • Vedella (wanderer),
  • Gerdi (fortress)
  • Kaisa (pure),
  • Marit (pearl),
  • Ottali (rich) was not widely used, as it sounds strange and unusual to the Russian ear.

IN Lately names from songs, films, TV series have gained particular popularity. Top included:

  • Constance,
  • scarlett,
  • Olympics,
  • Stella,
  • chloe,
  • Natella,
  • jacqueline,
  • cassandra,
  • Regina
  • Dominica.

Ratings of Russian names

According to experts, the most unusual are found in mixed marriages, where one of the parents is a foreigner. According to the registry office, the rating of the most unusual names for Russia is as follows.

  • Zhuzha;
  • Millionaire;
  • Russia;
  • Privatization;
  • diamond;
  • Rowan;
  • Niva;
  • Moon;
  • Ophelia;
  • Viagra.

Judging by the most used, it is best to refer to the statistics of queries in search engines:

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you, dear parents. When you give a name to a child, remember that he will carry it for the rest of his life. And I don’t want the girl to become the object of ridicule at school. It is better if her name is familiar to the country and nationality to which you belong.

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