Nikolai the Wonderworker read online, Mikhail Nikolaevich Greshnov. Greshnov Mikhail Nicholas the Wonderworker


Option 1

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) The invention of the transistor in the late 1940s was one of the biggest milestones in the history of electronics. (2) Vacuum tubes, which until then had been an indispensable and main element of all radio and electronic devices for a long time, had many disadvantages: they should include, first of all, the mechanical fragility of the tubes, their short service life, large dimensions, low coefficient useful action due to high heat loss at the anode. (3) ... when these lamps were replaced in the second half of the twentieth century by semiconductor elements that did not have any of the listed flaws, a real revolution took place in radio engineering and electronics.

1) Semiconductor elements in the late 40s of the twentieth century replaced fragile and large vacuum tubes in radio and electronic devices.

2) The disadvantages of semiconductor elements can be considered their large dimensions and short service life.

3) In the second half of the twentieth century, the replacement of electron tubes with semiconductor elements used in radio and electronic devices and having many significant shortcomings can be considered revolutionary in radio engineering and electronics.

4) A real revolution took place in radio engineering and electronics, when in the second half of the twentieth century semiconductor elements were replaced by compact and durable vacuum tubes with a high efficiency.

5) A real revolution in radio engineering and electronics in the second half of the twentieth century was the replacement of large and fragile electron tubes in radio and electronic devices with compact semiconductor elements.

In turn, even

Quite the opposite though

That's why

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word ELEMENT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

ELEMENT -a; m.

1) Composite part of something.; component. Expand the whole into e. Composite e. something // Characteristic movement, one a figure of some. exercise, dance, etc. Gymnastic, dance Learn e. figure skating.

2) Spec. Detail of a structures, devices; unit of some. sets. Prefabricated e. stairs. Semiconductor e. International e. vocabulary.

3) Spec. A simple substance that is indecomposable by conventional chemical methods into its component parts. Periodic system e. Lungs e.

4) A device that is a source of electric current generated by chemical energy. Galvanic e. dry e.

Leisure time

Pleading dowry


5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Fix it lexical error choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

More than a hundred beluga whales were cut off from clean water by ice and ended up in ICE captivity in the narrow strait of the Bering Sea.

Native Odessans are people with a good sense of humor.

ANIMAL mores reigned in this tribe.

SINGLE specimens of giant stick insects found in Malaysia.

I have been waiting for the promised letter for a whole year.

THEIR problems THE KINDEST person

Flew off the SHOULDER MOWING the lawn

SEVENTY tickets



A) incorrect construction

Suggestions with indirect speech

1) Many of those who are passionate about astronomy,

Knows the location, movement, structure,

Origin and development of celestial bodies and

systems they have educated.

B) disruption of communication between

Subject and predicate

2) Lermontov became close to the editors

Journal "Domestic Notes"

He met the critic V.G. Belinsky.

AT) misuse

Case form of a noun

With a pretext

3) The first work of F.M. Dostoevsky,

Caused delight in Nekrasov and Grigorovich,

It was called "Poor People".

D) violation in construction

Offers with inconsistent


4) Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" was

Published in the collection of short stories "Mirgorod".

D) violation in construction

Participle sentences


5) The success of the novel "Poor People",

Collection" was extraordinary.

6) The verses that condemned not only the murderer, but also

The court nobility - the culprit of the accomplished

Tragedies spread throughout Russia.

7) Socrates, the famous ancient Greek

Philosopher, assured that "I know that nothing

I know".

8) History of Russia from 1725 to 1762

Marked by a number of palace coups,

And due to the frequent changes of persons standing in

The head of state, the supreme power was weakening.

9) In the fight against enemies, the Cossacks showed

Courage, heroism, were staunch warriors,

Loyal to the motherland, loyal comrades.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

Prot... ptit



S... stem

Pal ... gardener

Right...equal, right...enough

P ... fractionally, imagine ... imagine

No ... lay down, in ... flutter

D...dark, n...sawn

Pre...Julian, super...sleek

Wrap ... wag


Wink ... wink


Grind ... wate


Squeeze ... sh


Cleaned up

On the walls, instead of the usual hunters with green mustaches and purple dogs and portraits of generals (UNKNOWN to anyone), bunches of dried herbs hung.

The old woman (UN) FRIENDLY looked at me.

If you want, I will even (NOT) TELL anyone that I was here and saw you.

Your words are (NOT) FORGOTTEN by me.

LOVED (NOT) by anyone, she grew up gloomy.

(C) LEVA on a hillock SOME (WHERE) poppies turned red.

Ivan woke up (FOR) LIGHT and (B) FOR several seconds he could not figure out where he was.

In the (SEMI) DESTROYED city it was deserted, AS (IF) everyone was carried away with a powerful hurricane.

EVERYTHING (THIS) I still could not go (TO) MEETING with classmates.

The detachment was already in the very lowland, and (C) TOP the enemy cavalry rushed to him (TO) CUT.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

Everywhere, from the broken roof, the dusty rays of the midday (1) sun streamed onto the floor. At the other, destroyed (2) end of the huge structure, dozens of people scurried around with a load (3) stretcher; women drove loaded (6) wheelbarrows with gravel on the ground (4) on the ground (5) boards.

1) The Order of St. Andrew the First-Called could be received for both military and civilian merits.

2) The George Cross was given only to the military for military merit and it could never be removed.

3) Numerous and heterogeneous in composition, the nobility generally opposed petty officials and merchants.

4) B Ancient Rus' a blow with the back of the hand or fist was considered dishonorable and shameful.

5) Love of the Gogol era is also eternal human love and the love of Chichikov and the love of Khlestakov.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

Lazily turned the mill wheel (1) blackened from time (2) collecting (3) sleepily murmuring water (5) into slowly substituted boxes (4) being afraid to drop an extra drop of precious moisture.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

In the modern view, the love of dancing is associated with the image of a person who is cheerful, sociable and (1) most likely (2) somewhat frivolous. However, (3) the serious and rather dry Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, prone to misanthropy and philosophical reflection, "was one of the best dancers of his time."

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Peter the First in special instruction(1) the rigidity (2) and effectiveness of which (3) was known to many (4) ordered the Russian midshipmen to be assigned to the galleys one at a time (5) hoping to speed up their learning of foreign languages.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

Benjamin Franklin (1) laughing (2) assured (3) that (4) if scammers knew all the advantages of honesty (5) they would stop cheating for the sake of profit.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

Read the text and complete tasks 20 - 25.

(1) Science fiction is the most important literary genre, because it is the one that "corresponds" to the spirit of the times... (2) All the most important problems of our time are the problems of science fiction. (3) Make a list of these problems for yourself. (4) I will compose too. (5) Now let's compare our lists.

(6) I am sure that both lists include the problem of interaction between man and machine, and in connection with it, the problem of morality, morality, which organically follows from such interaction.

(7) The history of science fiction is the history of ideas that changed the world but were first ridiculed and rejected. (8) Let me explain this idea.

(9) If thirty years ago, in one of my stories, I wrote that soon we would be surrounded by polluted air, poisoned water, deadly road traffic you would exclaim:

(10) - Vile fiction! (11) Pure fantasy!

(12) Now look around! (13) That time has come!

(14) If I wrote that the time will come and with the help of credit checks people will borrow from "tomorrow" in order to live today, you would snort indignantly:

(15) - Nonsense and lies! (16) Never!

(17) If I wrote about a device that transmits an image through the air and thereby affects the mentality of mankind, I would be thrown out the door. (18) If I wrote that one day people would land on the moon, how would you react? (19) I will say how they treated those who tried to mention this - they simply laughed at them. (20) They laughed in 1930, in 1940, in 1950. (21) They continued to laugh until the first artificial Earth satellite was launched in October 1957.

(22) A person became convinced that the predictions of science fiction come true only when he saw small metal stars traveling across the sky from west to east and inscribing new coils in the bizarre pattern of the New Time.

(23) Who would have believed me if, in 1920, I wrote that the day was not far off when one madman and his armored "bugs" would nullify the theory of lines of long-term defense?

(24) It wasn't until the fascist tanks appeared in France that everyone believed it.

(25) Hitler's tanks and armored vehicles razed Western Europe to the ground in a matter of weeks. (26) And only devices described in science fiction literature and called airplanes, not yet invented in 1900, still primitive in 1939, helped England to defend its airspace.

(27) This is only part of the list, in which one can count a thousand items.

(28) A few decades ago, radio, television, automobiles, the hydrogen bomb did not exist. (29) The air was clean.

(30) All the achievements of science and technology that have brought benefit or harm to mankind over the past fifty years, long before that, were born in the head of a science fiction writer.

(31) Serious times have come. (32) And science fiction is especially needed now because it makes attempts to study each new machine long before it appears and begins to destroy or rebuild us and the world around us.

(33) Now that we have almost fully harvested the harvest of technical innovations, we need to develop some kind of norms for the relationship between man and technology, so as not to be untenable in the face of the future.

(34) Plato told us about his dream state. (35) Science fiction writers subsequently also portrayed the states of steel, electricity and atomic energy that would make us different. (36) In this particular world lost in space solar system we are beings who are trying to get to know and understand ourselves better, beings who are trying to create machines that have our minds, able to see, hear, feel the world better than us and - God willing - more kind. (37) This would extend the life of our planet by another two billion years if we achieve harmonious coexistence with the machines we have created.

(38) Can you name a greater goal than this?

(By R. Bradbury)

Raymond Douglas Bradbury is an American science fiction writer.

1) The problems of science fiction are inextricably linked to the problems of our time.

2) Science fiction is essential as it studies every new machine that has appeared in our world.

3) Airplanes, described in science fiction literature, helped England defend its airspace.

4) B modern world Science fiction is no longer relevant.

5) All the scientific and technological achievements of mankind, which brought him benefit or harm, were born long before that in the minds of science fiction writers.

1) Proposals 18 - 20 and 21 are opposed in content.

2) Sentences 1 - 5 contain a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentences 9 - 13 contain an explanation for the judgment in sentence 7.

4) Sentences 17 - 19 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 34 - 35 contain a narrative.

23. From sentences 15 - 17 write out contextual synonyms.

24. Among sentences 33 - 35, find one that is connected with the previous one with the help of a union. Write the number of this offer.

25. "Convincing the reader of the importance of science fiction as a literary genre, the writer uses a number of techniques. In the syntax of the text, attention is drawn to (A) _____ (sentences 9, 14, 17), (B) _____ (sentences 18 - 21), ( C) ______ (proposal 38), and among the paths - (D) _____ (proposal 33)".

List of terms:

1) extended metaphor

2) syntactic parallelism

3) rhetorical exclamation

4) question-answer form of presentation

5) rhetorical question

6) epiphora

7) hyperbole

8) colloquial and colloquial vocabulary

9) litote

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Option 2

Part 1

(1)Many European nations they try to prove that tanks were invented by their military engineers, and give a lot of examples of unrealized projects of tracked combat vehicles created by “crazy dreamers” who were ahead of their time. (2) the historical reality is that Britain has the upper hand in this matter, because in June 1900, the young captain of the British Expeditionary Force in South Africa, E. Swinton, made the first sketch of a tracked vehicle capable of moving through trenches, ditches, rough terrain and wire barriers. (3) During the First World War, he remembered the "engineering experiments" of his youth and embodied this idea by creating the first tank.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Many representatives of different European countries the idea came to create a tank, but the first to do this was the German young captain E. Swinton, when he was in South Africa.

2) Despite numerous attempts by European nations to claim that the invention of the tank belongs to them, it has been historically proven that the idea of ​​a combat tracked vehicle appeared in 1900 and belongs to the British E. Swinton, who successfully implemented the idea during the First World War.

3) The invention of the tank occurred simultaneously in several European countries at once, as evidenced by the numerous projects of tracked vehicles found in different points Europe.

4) The invention of the tank, as they say historical facts, belongs to the British E. Swinton, who in 1900 made the first sketch of this combat vehicle, and during the First World War he successfully implemented his idea.

5) The invention of the tank happened quite by accident when the British captain E. Swinton was in South Africa and was thinking about what a car should be that could move through ditches, trenches and barbed wire.

2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).



In other words,



3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word MASS. Determine in what sense this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MASS, -s, f. R.

1) One of the basic quantities of mechanics is a quantity that measures the amount of matter in a body, a measure of the inertia of a body with respect to the force acting on it.Mass unit. (specialist.)

2) Pasty shapeless substance, thick mixture. Woody m.

3) Any whole that has a significant physical volume, size, bulk, lump.Majestic m. of the church cathedral.

4) units A bunch of, a large number of somebody something (colloquial). M. people.

5) pl. The broad, working circles of the population, the people. The book is for the masses.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.


will present




He, after thinking for a while, threw the PIECED lace out the open window.

The Basel exhibition differs from the Salon of Haute Horlogerie in Geneva, which takes place annually in January, in that it presents both luxury and more DEMOCRATIC brands.

Having received no education, he remained a complete IGNORANT in all sciences.

He was an extraordinary person who had a decisive and BENEFItable influence on my character. My VOCABULARY has been expanding day by day, "free conversation" on various topics has become even freer, and in-depth study of grammar has found its real practical application.

6 . In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

in EIGHTH copies

chose a place DRY

autumn MONTHS

WAIT the brushwood

in BOTH reviews

7. Match grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




bow .. thread (in the belt)




9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..follow, (c) pr..dacha


be..tasty, ..shaved (beard)

pr .. raised, pr .. lay down

with .. voice, pr .. image

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the gap.





11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.



hope.. you


12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

Nikolai Ivanovich (1) being a naturally strong and healthy person (2) that day, for no reason at all, felt ill and (3) immediately interrupting the meeting (4) and (5) calling a car (6) went to his home .

- You (1) guys (2) from the middle

Start off. And I will say:

I am not the first shoes

I wear it here without a fix.

Here (3) you (4) arrived at the place,

Guns in hand - and fight.

And which (5) of you (6) knows

What is Sabantuy?

A literary work was conceived by stylistics as a closed and self-sufficient whole (1) all elements (2) of which (3) constitute a closed system (4) and do not imply any other statements outside of themselves.

When Zhenya nevertheless decided to accept Alexander Semyonovich's proposal (1) and (2) a letter about this decision had already been sent to his Moscow address (3) she was about to go to say goodbye to her aunt (4) so ​​that (5) despite the fact that (6 ) the relationship between them was very difficult (7) to receive a blessing from her.

In this landscape there was not a single flashy paint, not a single sharp feature in the relief, but its stingy lakes filled with dark and calm water seemed to express main point more water than all the seas and oceans.

Part 2

(1) It was Christmas Eve...

(2) The caretaker of the resettlement barracks, a retired soldier, with a beard as gray as mouse hair, named Semyon Dmitrievich, or simply Mitrich, went up to his wife and said cheerfully:

- (3) Well, woman, what a thing I thought up! (4) I say, the holiday is coming ... (5) And for everyone it is a holiday, everyone rejoices in it ... (6) Everyone has their own: who has a new thing for the holiday, who will have feasts ... (7) Your room, for example, will be clean, I also have my own pleasure: I will buy sausages for myself! ..

- (8) So what? the old woman said indifferently.

- (9) And then, - Mitrich sighed again, - that everyone will have a holiday as a holiday, but, I say, it turns out for the kids, and there is no real holiday ... (10) I look at them - and my heart bleeds : oh, I think it’s wrong! .. (11) It’s known, orphans ... (12) Neither mother, nor father, nor relatives ... (13) It’s awkward! .. (14) So I thought of this: it’s necessary Amuse the kids! .. (15) I saw a lot of people ... and ours, and I saw everyone ... (16) I saw how they like to amuse children for the holiday. (17) They will bring a Christmas tree, remove it with candles and gifts, and their children just even jump for joy!

(19) Mitrich winked merrily, smacked his lips and went out into the yard.

(20) Around the yard, here and there, wooden houses were scattered, covered with snow, clogged with boards. (21)C early spring and settlers passed through the city until late autumn. (22) There were so many of them, and they were so poor, that good people built these houses for them, which were guarded by Mitrich. (23) By the fall, the houses were vacated, and by winter there was no one left except Mitrich and Agrafena, and even a few children, no one knows whose. (24) For these children, the parents either died or went to no one knows where. (25) Mitrich had eight such children this winter. (26) He settled them all together in one house, where he was going to arrange a holiday today.

(27) First of all, Mitrich went to the church warden to beg for stubs of church candles to decorate the Christmas tree. (28) Then he went to the resettlement official. (29) But the official was busy; without seeing Mitrich, he ordered me to say "thank you" to him and sent a fifty kopeck piece.

(30) Returning home, Mitrich did not say a word to his wife, but only laughed silently and, looking at the coin, figured out when and how to arrange everything.

(31) “Eight children,” Mitrich reasoned, bending his clumsy fingers on his hands, “so eight candies ...”

(32) ... It was a clear frosty afternoon. (33) With an ax in his belt, in a sheepskin coat and a hat, Mitrich returned from the forest, dragging a Christmas tree on his shoulder. (34) He had fun, although he was tired. (35) In the morning he went to the city to buy sweets for the children, and sausages for himself and his wife, to which he was a passionate hunter, but he rarely bought it and ate only on holidays.

(36) Mitrich brought a Christmas tree, sharpened the end with an ax; then he adjusted it to stand, and when everything was ready, dragged it to the children in the barracks.

(37) When the tree warmed up, the room smelled of freshness and resin. (38) Children's faces, sad and thoughtful, suddenly cheered up ... (39) No one yet understood what the old man was doing, but everyone already foresaw pleasure, and Mitrich looked cheerfully at the eyes fixed on him from all sides.

(40) When the candles and sweets were already on the Christmas tree, Mitrich thought: the decoration was poor. (41) No matter how fond he was of his idea, however, he could not hang anything on the Christmas tree, except for eight sweets.

(42) Suddenly such an idea came to him that he even stopped. (43) Although he was very fond of sausage and valued every piece, but the desire to treat to glory overpowered all his considerations:

- (44) I will cut off a circle for everyone and hang it on a thread. (45) And slices of bread, and also on the Christmas tree.

(46) As soon as it got dark, the Christmas tree was lit. (47) It smelled of melted wax, resin and greenery. (48) Always gloomy and thoughtful, the children screamed with joy, looking at the lights. (49) Their eyes brightened, their faces blushed. (50) Laughter, cries and talk revived for the first time this gloomy room, where from year to year only complaints and tears were heard. (51) Even Agrafena clasped her hands in surprise, and Mitrich, rejoicing from the bottom of her heart, clapped her hands. (52) Admiring the Christmas tree, the children having fun, he smiled. (53) And then he commanded:

- (54) The audience! (55)Come! (56) Taking a piece of bread and sausage from the Christmas tree, Mitrich dressed all the children, then took Agrafene for himself.

- (57) Look, the orphans are chewing! (58) Look, they're chewing! (59) Look! (60) Rejoice! he shouted. (61) And after that, Mitrich took the harmonica and, forgetting his old age, started dancing with the children. (62) The children jumped, squealed merrily and whirled, and Mitrich did not lag behind them. (63) His soul was filled with such joy that he did not remember if such a holiday had ever happened in his life.

- (64) The audience! he exclaimed at last. - (65) Candles burn out. (66) Take your own candy, and it's time to sleep!

(67) The children screamed with joy and rushed to the Christmas tree, and Mitrich, touched almost to tears, whispered to Agrafena:

- (68) Good! .. (69) You can directly say: right! ..

(according to N.D. Teleshov*)

* Nikolai Dmitrievich Teleshov (1867–1957)- Russian Soviet writer, poet, organizer famous mug Moscow writers "Wednesday" (1899-1916). The story "Yolka Mitrich" (1897) is included in the cycle "Settlers", dedicated to a large migration beyond the Urals, to Siberia, where the peasants were given allotments of land.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Mitrich is a retired soldier who guards the barracks built for the settlers.

2) Mitrich Agrafen's wife was at first indifferent to the idea of ​​her husband, but she also liked the holiday.

3) Mitrich was very fond of sausage, but he bought it only on holidays, so during the organization of Christmas he treated the children with sweets, and hung the sausage and bread as a treat on the Christmas tree for himself and Agrafena.

4) To organize a holiday for the children, Mitrich had to go to church and ask for candles and money for sweets.

5) All the children that Mitrich took care of lived in the same hut, and before the holiday darkness and an atmosphere of misfortune reigned there.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 17 reveals, explains the content of sentence 16.

2) Sentences 20–22 present reasoning.

3) Sentence 36 presents the narrative.

4) Propositions 48-49 point to the consequence of what is said in sentences 46-47.

5) Proposition 67 presents reasoning.

23. From sentences 10–16 write out synonyms (synonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 46-53, find one(s) that is(-s) related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

“Telling the reader the story of the holiday organized by Mitrich, N.D. Teleshov generously uses a wide variety of means artistic expressiveness. At the lexical level, it is worth noting the active use of (A)_____ (“theirs” in sentence 17, “fit” in sentence 36, “Mitrich”), as well as such a trope as (B)_____ (in sentence 2). Among other means of expressiveness, one can single out such a device as (C) _____ (for example, in sentences 15-16, 57-58), and such a syntactic means as (D) _____ (in sentences 3, 68, 69).

List of terms

1) synonyms

2) comparison

3) metonymy

4) litote

5) colloquial vocabulary

6) rows of homogeneous members

7) rhetorical exclamations

8) anaphora

9) rhetorical appeals

Option 3

Part 1

(1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the era early medieval led to the destruction of temples, luxurious country villas, the destruction of entire cities, the loss of many works visual arts, the destruction of written monuments of the past and, as a result, the decline of culture as a whole. (2) the legacy of the ancient civilization, turned to dust, did not disappear without a trace. (3)At the core new culture lay the synthesis of the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic, Germanic peoples and a number of achievements of ancient culture, and Christianity became the factor that facilitated the gradual unification of such different cultures into a single culture of medieval Europe.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages led to the decline and destruction great culture created by ancient civilization.

2) On the basis of ancient culture, almost destroyed in the early Middle Ages, and the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples, united by Christianity, a new European culture was formed.

3) The legacy of the lost Western Roman Empire, combined with the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples and the unifying power of Christianity, became the basis of a new European culture Middle Ages.

4) Christianity became the main unifying force during the decline of the new culture European Middle Ages, formed on the basis of the traditions of the Celtic, Romanesque and Germanic peoples.

5) The death of the Roman Empire was natural, since ancient civilization had to give way to the stronger traditions of the Romanesque, Germanic and Celtic peoples.

2. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combinations of words).



That's why

The fact is that


3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word CULTURE. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CULTURE, -s, w.

1) The totality of the achievements of mankind in industrial, social and spiritual terms.History of culture.

2) The same as culture.A man of high culture.

3) Breeding, cultivation of some kind. plant or animal. K. silkworm.

4) High level something, high development, skill. K. speech

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.






5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

Global changes will have to UNDERSTAND the entire European world.

If the suit is a little baggy on you, then this is a purely ETHICAL flaw, it only concerns appearance, and besides, it can be easily corrected.

This man was all mercilessly polite, IRONIC, strict and understanding.

In addition, special prizes of the government, the mayor's office, the prize of the union of circus workers and AUDIENCE sympathy have been established.

On the day of the wedding, the father put on a full dress with a ribbon over his shoulder and was unusually handsome at the marriage ceremony of his daughter.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

in EIGHTH copies

chose a place DRY

autumn MONTHS

WAIT the brushwood

in BOTH reviews

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) the wrong choice of the prepositional case form of the noun.

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Looking at antiques, you understand how much valuable they store.

2) The motive of madness in the novel "The Master and Margarita" is closely connected with the motive of soundlessness.

3) Exploring moral flaws modern society, V. Pietsukh in his works often refers to classic stories and classical heroes, noting that "the plot basis is an immortal category."

4) M. Weller writes: "Shukshin does not judge the heroes, but understands them, and this gives an ambivalent view of the subject of the story."

5) Platonov in the story "The Foundation Pit" not only argues with the philosophy of the New Age at the level of content, but also at the level of form.

6) Long time the question of dating Yesenin's poem "The Black Man" remained debatable.

7) In world literature there is a huge number of works dedicated to women.

8) It's nice to look from the side when a ship floats on the sea, winged with white sails, like a swan.

9) Having finished all the preparations, it was announced through the loudspeaker that a general final meeting would take place on the first floor of building No. 1.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


bow .. thread (in the belt)




9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter., sport..gra

pr..fight, pr..backward (interpret)

pr..nudil, pr..right

damn .. chur, in .. called

s..ate (apple), b..shining (light in the eyes)

go over..wait



enamel..vy (wheat)

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.

lined ..

(fog) stele..tsya

get some sleep (wind)

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The door to the veranda was (NOT) CLOSED.

This manuscript sheds light on a country that is (UN)KNOWN in detail to no one until now.

The dressing gown had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of (UN) APPRAISED merits.

The air here was (NOT) OURS, alien, and my heart ached.

The crate turned out to be (NOT) THAN other than ammo storage.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It was getting (FOR) a LITTLE way to get dark outside, and we moved along the road already without a map, hoping to find the right path (FROM) MEMORY.

On the bridge, everyone passed (ALONE) ALONE, THAT (WOULD) not break the structure, which was fragile from dilapidation.

The cat was well aware that he was playing a prank when (C) RUNNING jumped onto the bookcase with souvenirs and broke one porcelain figurine - (FROM) THAT and climbed under the sofa.

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING, I took the news of the reorganization of our group bleakly, but then it turned out that living in a (FOR) NEW is very interesting.

The time was (B) CUT: before the scheduled meeting, there was no more than (HALF) HOUR.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Almost all purchased (1) goods turned out to be defective (2); the quality (3) were only clay (4) pots, which were purchased in small lots from one craft (5) ik.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Along the banks of the rivers, bushes of currants and willows of alder and forest raspberries huddled together.

2) In the distance, the chalky rocky coast was white and the young green of oaks and pines was bright green.

3) I forbid myself to think about anything and mentally return to any of my feelings and refrain from making assumptions.

4) He heard only frequent heartbeats and a dull murmur of blood in his head.

5) Natalia moved away from her mother and then thought about it, then set to work.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Silver (1) road (2)

You (3) call me where?

Pure Thursday candle (4)

Above you (5) a star burns.

Willow branch on a bridle.

I will bring myself.

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Martynov (1) whose mental and moral understanding (2) (3) did not go beyond the generally accepted concepts (4) had long been irritated against Lermontov (5) whom he considered in his soul both by “career” and by talent “salon”.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Anastasia said (1) that grass is the overgrowth of the memory of a person (2) and (3) that (4) as long as there is someone to cope with this grass (5) a person is still present on earth in some way.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word.

In this landscape there was not a single flashy paint, not a single sharp feature in the relief, but its mean lakes filled with dark and calm water seemed to express the main essence of water more than all the seas and oceans.

Part 2

(1) I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. (2) The literature teacher suggested that this friend write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. (3) And in this essay, the schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his significance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. (4) The teacher considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. (5) And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? (6) I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. (7) No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our difficult life.

(8) What is important to a person? (9) How to live life? (10) First of all, do not commit any acts that would drop his dignity. (11) You can’t do very much in life, but if you don’t do anything, even petty, against your conscience, then by doing this you bring tremendous benefits. (12) Even in our ordinary, Everyday life. (13) But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when a person faces the problem of choice - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. (14) I am sure that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your own conscience. (15) A person must be able to sacrifice himself. (16) Of course, such a sacrifice is heroic deed. (17) But you need to go for it.

(18) When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) No one is free from mistakes in our difficult life. (20) However, a person who has stumbled is in grave danger: he often falls into despair. (21) It begins to seem to him that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone lies and acts badly. (22) Disappointment sets in, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency - this is the worst thing.

(23) Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." (24) But even if it was not possible to save honor from a young age, it must and can be regained in adulthood, break yourself, find the courage and courage to admit mistakes.

(25) I know a person whom everyone admires now, who is very appreciated, whom I am in last years loved his life. (26) Meanwhile, in his youth, he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. (27) And then he told me about this act. (28) He himself confessed. (29) Later, we sailed with him on a ship, and he said, leaning on the deck railings: “But I thought that you wouldn’t even talk to me.” (30) I didn’t even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. (31) I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...

(32) The path to repentance can be long and difficult. (33) But how adorns the courage to admit one's guilt - adorns both a person and society.

(34) Anxiety of conscience ... (35) They suggest, teach; they help not to disturb ethical standards to preserve dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

(according to D.S. Likhachev*)

* Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev(1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The literature teacher scolded the student who made many mistakes while talking about the works of the great writer, and gave the schoolgirl an unsatisfactory grade.

2) If a person has not committed any evil deeds, has not made a single deal with his conscience, this does not mean that he good man for the benefit of mankind.

3) A person can be driven to despair by the very fact that he made a mistake.

4) You need to protect honor from a young age, because otherwise it will be restored good name subsequently it will not be possible.

5) One day a man confessed to the narrator that he bad deed, but this did not change the narrator's opinion of the man.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 2-4 contain the narrative.

2) Sentence 7 indicates the condition of what is said in sentence 6.

3) Sentence 10 contains the answer to the question posed in sentences 8 and 9.

4) Sentence 35 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 34.

5) Sentences 23–24 present reasoning.

23. From sentences 1-5 write out the phraseological unit.

24. Among sentences 1-7, find the one(s) that is(-s) related to the previous one with the help of attributive, demonstrative and personal pronouns.

25. Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

"Style D.S. Likhachev is extremely recognizable. Moreover, this recognition concerns both the lexical and syntactic levels of text organization. In the syntax of the presented text fragment, it is worth noting such means as (A) ______ (sentence 34) and (B) ________ (sentences 8–10). And in vocabulary - (B) ________ ("courage", "courage" in sentence 24, "to make mistakes", "stumble" in sentence 18). Throughout the text, the author repeatedly uses such a device as (D) ______ (“decorates” in sentence 33, “dignity” in sentence 35)”.

List of terms

1) synonyms

2) name sentence

3) parceling

4) lexical repetition

5) epiphora

6) rhetorical appeal

7) metonymy

8) litote

9) question-answer form of presentation

Option 4

Part 1

(1) In 1943, the Hungarian Laszlo Biro, who received an order from the British Royal Air Force to develop a pen capable of writing on high altitudes at low pressure, for the first time proposed the use of a rod consisting of a channel blocked by a metal ball. (2) The first ballpoint pens were just terrible: the balls fell out, air bubbles blocked the writing unit, the ink often started to leak out, and at first it was more familiar and seemed easier for people to write with a regular fountain pen. (3) A ballpoint pen could write with more pressure than a fountain pen, did not scratch the paper, made less ink marks, and therefore quickly gained popularity.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro at the request of the British Air Force, quickly gained popularity, despite a number of shortcomings.

2) A ballpoint pen capable of writing at high altitudes at low pressure was developed by the British Laszlo Biro: he used a rod consisting of a channel blocked by a metal ball.

3) The first ballpoint pens, invented by order of the British Royal Air Force, were not in demand by the population: people preferred to write with ordinary fountain pens.

4) Despite the fact that the first ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro by order of the British Air Force, had many drawbacks, they quickly became popular due to their fundamental advantages over fountain pens.

5) Laszlo Biro went down in history as the inventor of the ballpoint pen, which could write at high altitudes at low pressure, did not scratch the paper, and made fewer blots.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

For example,





3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LOW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SHORT , -th, -th; -zok, -zka, -zko, -zki.

1) Small in height, located at a small height from the ground, from some. level. N. fence.

2) Not reaching the average level, less than the average norm, insignificant. Low prices.

3) Poor, unsatisfactory in terms of quality. N. grade.

4) Mean, dishonorable (contempt.). N. deed.

5) Thick to the ear. N. bass.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.






5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

All elements must form a single HARMONIOUS whole and correspond to your ideological intent.

He took a deep breath and resolutely approached Gerasim.

The water was ICE, teeth ached from it, and it was swallowed with a ringing.

In the provinces, the DEVELOPMENT from the honorary duty of the jury in the early years was negligible.

A TECHNICAL chess player must be able to play on two wings.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

fixed more RELIABLE



seedlings of APPLE TREES

pick up from the CRAYER

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) violation in the construction of a complex sentence

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover

D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Antipov annoyed the repair service with complaints about the material shipped to him to renew the rail track.

2) Standing on the threshold of the house, the parents looked for a long time after the departing children.

3) Upon arrival from Greece, I sat down to write a new book.

4) In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin conveyed much of what he heard from his nanny Arina Rodionovna.

5) In order to get to Ryabtsev, who occupied an office on the fifth floor, Nastasya had to explain the purpose of her visit to a dozen guards.

6) I was not accepted into the school basketball team. Because I was short.

7) When creating a project for a new building, the architect said that I want to make this building the most beautiful in the city.

8) Mistakes not only bring pain, but also make us wiser.

9) The war was a difficult test for the whole people, but everyone believed and hoped for victory.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




see. rush (with circumstances)


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and .. tries, in .. head (institution)

pr..possible, pr..shore


pr .. grandfather, pr .. I'll lead

(I see) in .. reality, times .. yaryon

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.





coughed up..coughed up

11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

frustrated..getting upset

departure .. sh (first flight)

(he) mel..t (coffee) (detail)

change..nye (for small bills)

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

That long, not at all (NOT) UNDERSTANDABLE to other people's ears conversation brought Oleg and Nastya closer.

(NOT) DOUBTING his decision for a minute, Arkasha left the house.

Vasily (DID NOT) HAVE the courage to admit to himself that it was time to retreat, to surrender.

The (NOT) reedy shore attracted us, and we decided to spend the night here.

I was offended by the (IN) POLITE remark of a friend, but by the icy tone in which it was made.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It was getting (FOR) a LITTLE way to get dark outside, and we moved along the road already without a map, hoping to find the right path (FROM) MEMORY.

On the bridge, everyone passed (ALONE) ALONE, THAT (WOULD) not break the structure, which was fragile from dilapidation.

The cat was well aware that he was playing a prank when (C) RUNNING jumped onto the bookcase with souvenirs and broke one porcelain figurine - (FROM) THAT and climbed under the sofa.

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING, I took the news of the reorganization of our group bleakly, but then it turned out that living in a (FOR) NEW is very interesting.

The time was (B) CUT: before the scheduled meeting, there was no more than (HALF) HOUR.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

Almost all purchased (1) goods turned out to be defective (2); the quality (3) were only clay (4) pots, which were purchased in small lots from one craft (5) ik.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Grandfather Mityai kept looking out the window and either grunting or grumbling something under his breath.

2) At the New Year's carnival, red and yellow, blue and green lights of garlands winked cheerfully and fervently.

3) In the evenings, my grandmother stoked the stove and the adults played smart games. card game- preference.

4) Only books and old newspapers lay on the table.

5) Akulina was loved in our house not so much for her ability to cook delicious dinners, but for her good nature, warmth and affection.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

On the bank of the river (1), leaning over the very water (2), an old willow grew; hunched and drooping (3), she seemed to mourn - as mothers (4) mourn for their sons who died in the war (5).

17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Silver (1) road (2)

You (3) call me where?

Pure Thursday candle (4)

Above you (5) a star burns.

Give (6) you (7) me a dawn on firewood,

Willow branch on a bridle.

May (8) be (9) to the gates of the Lord

I will bring myself.

(S. Yesenin)

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

In Gorokhovaya street, in one of big houses(1) a population (2) which (3) would be enough for a whole county town (4) Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lay in bed in the morning in his apartment.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

Yegorushka looked around (1) and did not understand (2) where this strange song came from (3) but (4) when he listened (5) it began to seem to him (6) that it was grass singing, complaining about the heat and drought.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word.

Hide true truth it was useless, and Serpilin did not consider himself entitled to do so.

Part 2

(1) The sky was covered with evil clouds, the rain sadly beat on the glass and made me sad. (2) In a thoughtful pose, with his vest unbuttoned and his hands in his pockets, he stood at the window and looked at the gloomy street, the owner of the city pawnshop, Polikarp Semyonovich Iudin.

(3) “Well, what is our life? - he reasoned in unison with the weeping sky. - (4) What is she? (5) Some kind of book with a mass of pages on which more suffering and grief are written than joys ... (6) Why was it given to us? (7) After all, God, good and omnipotent, did not create the world for sorrows! (8) And it turns out the other way around. (9) There are more tears than laughter ... "

(10) Judas took out right hand out of his pocket and scratched the back of his head.

(11) “Yes,” he continued thoughtfully, “in terms of the universe, obviously, there was no poverty, venality and shame, but in reality they are. (12) They were created by humanity itself. (13) It itself gave rise to this scourge. (14) And for what, one asks, for what?

(15) He took out left hand and mournfully passed it over his face.

(16) “But how easy it would be to help human grief: it would only be worth moving a finger. (17) Here, for example, there is a rich funeral procession. (18) A gear of horses in black blankets carries a magnificent coffin, and a line of carriages rides behind almost a mile away. (19) Torchbearers stand out importantly with lanterns. (20) Cardboard emblems dangle on horses: an important person is being buried, the dignitary must have died. (21) Has he done at least one good deed in his whole life? (22) Did you warm the poor? (23) Of course not ... tinsel!

- (24) What do you want, Semyon Ivanovich?

- (25) Yes, I find it difficult to evaluate the costume. (26) In my opinion, you can’t give more than six rubles for it. (27) And she asks for seven; says the kids are sick, they need to be treated.

- (28) And six rubles will be a bit much. (29) Do not give more than five, otherwise we will burn out like that. (30) Just take a good look around, if there are any holes and if there are any spots left ...

(31) “Well, sir, so here is a life that makes you think about human nature. (32) Behind a rich hearse stretches a cart, onto which a pine coffin is piled. (33) Behind her weaving, slapping through the mud, only one old woman. (34) This old woman, perhaps, is putting her breadwinner son in the grave ... (35) And ask if that lady who is sitting in the carriage will give her at least a penny? (36) Of course, he won’t, although he may express his condolences ... "

-(37) What else is there?

- (38) The old woman brought a fur coat ... how much to give?

- (39) Rabbit fur ... (40) Nothing, strong, it costs five rubles. (41) Give me three rubles, and the interest, of course, is forward ... (42) “Where, in fact, are people, where are their hearts? (43) The poor are dying, but the rich don’t care ... "

(44) Judas pressed his forehead against the cold glass and thought. (45) Tears appeared in his eyes - large, shiny, crocodile tears.

(according to A.P. Chekhov*)

* Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov (1855–1913)- Russian writer, prose writer, publicist, elder brother of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The city pawnshop is on the verge of bankruptcy, so Judas, the owner of this pawnshop, cannot afford to do charity work.

2) The lady in the carriage gave one kopeck to the old woman who was burying her son that day.

3) funeral processions- rich and poor - led Polikarp Semyonovich to reasoning about the poor and the rich.

4) The owner of the pawnshop, despite his philanthropic reasoning, strictly observes the financial interests of the institution.

5) Polikarp Semyonovich is convinced that it is very easy to help people.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 2 contains a description.

2) Sentences 11-14 present the narrative.

3) Proposition 23 contains the answer to the question formulated in Propositions 21-22.

4) Sentences 34–36 present reasoning

5) Sentence 45 explains the reason for what is said in sentence 44.

23. From sentences 39-45 write out antonyms (antonymic pair).

24. Among sentences 15-23, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a coordinating conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

25. Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20–23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write down the sequence of numbers without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

“Chekhov's stories are compact in form and deep in content, and the author avoids direct value judgments – his voice sounds low, but at the same time firm and distinct. This contributes complex composition and, of course, a competent selection of figurative and expressive means. In the presented fragment, it is worth noting the trope - (A) __________ (“evil clouds” in sentence 1, “gloomy street” in sentence 2), the lexical means - (B) __________ (“hang out” in sentence 20, “burn out” in sentence 29 , “weaves, spanking…” in sentence 33), the syntactic means is (B)__________ (sentences 3, 14, 21). It is worth paying attention to such a technique as (D) __________ (sentence 11), which becomes, perhaps, one of the main ones in the construction of this text.

List of terms:

1) phraseological units

2) antithesis

3) epithets

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

6) interrogative sentences

7) lexical repetition

8) hyperbole

9) synecdoche

Greshnov Mikhail

Greshnov Mikhail

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Greshnov Mikhail Nikolaevich


Retired teacher Nikolai Ivanovich Volin went for a walk, as usual, at eight o'clock. The fourth year he does not work - he left school and turned into free man. He has a lot of time with which he does not know what to do. Time besieges him from morning to evening and even at night when he can't sleep. The school passed from him to his daughter, also a teacher, Olga Nikolaevna. They live together. Nikolai Ivanovich buried his wife when the girl was in her fifth year. Now Olga is twenty-one.

The village of Bityuzhnoe, consisting of forty-four households, lies on a hill and consists of two streets - a central one and a side one. On the main street there is a club, a shop and a team, with a wide yard and a shed, under which seeders hide from the rain, a team car. The school and house of Nikolai Ivanovich at the beginning of the street, on a hill, and below the river flows - Zelenaya. Right there, between the hills, there is a forest: wild cherry and viburnum.

In the forest, Nikolai Ivanovich knows every hollow and path. He is now walking down the street, towards the forest. He's not in a hurry, and he doesn't need to hurry. Stops at the brigade gate. Previously, there was a collective farm "Dawn", and now - a brigade. The main authority in the countryside is the foreman Lapshin, a former student of Nikolai Ivanovich. He had just left the brigade's house.

Resting? - asks Nikolai Ivanovich.

Rest, Seryozha.

All in the woods? - The brigadier knows the habits of the old teacher.

I'm wandering. I'm making a herbarium for Olenka.

The teacher would still talk to the brigadier, but he has no time: he adjusts the girth on the horse - he goes to the board, in Zharovo.

Having crossed the bridge over the Zelenaya, Nikolai Ivanovich turns off the road into the thick of the forest. You need to pick an adonis. Adonis grows in Kruglyaya Polyana. Go down to the spoon, then climb the Rocky Mane - here is the Glade.

Peace and sleepy greenery surround the teacher. The path winds among the trees - his path, Nikolai Ivanovich. He trampled her. He dies - and the path, his trace on the ground, will remain. But for many days Nikolai Ivanovich will walk here the way he does now.

Went down to bed. It's damper here, the grass is taller. And here is the ascent to the Rocky Mane. Here and there there are glades-latochki. The old man makes his way from one clearing to another and suddenly stops. Ahead of the voices are female, excited, and male, outwardly calm, but anxiety slips through it:

Are you stuck, Bean?

Be patient, Lola, until I know the reason.

I'm afraid...

What are you afraid of?

Someone will find us.

The place is abandoned. And the problem, I think, is trifling.

What year are we in, Bean?

In one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five.

Strange sounds, like iron scratching iron. And again:

What, Lola?

Is this for a long time?

Don't know. Something with a leading circuit.

The voices are ahead and slightly away from the path. Nikolai Ivanovich took two or three steps and parted the bushes. At first he did not understand anything: he saw something blue and gold and two leaning, as it seemed to him, over a convex mirror.

Help me fix it. - The man rested his hands on the mirror, as if he wanted to lift it.

The woman also rested her hands on the mirror - her hands were bare to the shoulders, thin and tender.

It's hard, Bean... - she complained.

You have to put it right, Lola, - said the man and again pulled the edge of the mirror. The bushes moved.

Here Nikolai Ivanovich saw that they were standing near the car.

Apparently, the car had an accident - fell into the bushes and stood tilted. The convex mirror is the roof of the car, polished to a shine and reflecting the sky. The man tried to straighten the car, stood with his back to Nikolai Ivanovich. A woman, on the contrary, has a face. She tried to help the man pull the car off the bushes, biting her lip from the effort.

It's hard ... - she complained again.

It is absolutely necessary to park the car properly. So she doesn't pick up the lines of force magnetic field.

I know, Bean, but what can I do?

Come on, once again, together, - said the man.

Here the woman's eyes met those of Nikolai Ivanovich.

Bean…” she said.

The man sensed the fear in her voice and turned around. Now they were both looking at Nikolai Ivanovich. The teacher noted the hard features of the man's face, the drops of sweat on his forehead. The woman's face was softer. Nikolai Ivanovich would have called him handsome if he had not been spoiled by fear.

For a whole minute they looked at each other - the strangers and Nikolai Ivanovich. During this time, the teacher noticed many oddities in their clothes and in themselves. The light dress of a woman in gold sequins, her hair caught in a hoop, which was closed under the chin with a thin, barely visible bundle. The same hoop was on the man's head. His arms were also bare to the shoulders, every muscle on them was like a cast. Both of them are dressed in light, reflective fabric - lilac for the man and gray for the woman. Both are tall, heated, apparently by unusual work, the machine, skewed, did not succumb to their efforts.

Can I be helpful? - asked Nikolai Ivanovich and, as a sign of greeting to the strangers, took off his hat.

The strangers did not answer.

Do you have an accident? .. - asked Nikolai Ivanovich.

Fortunately, he did not consider them to be saboteurs and did not rush to call the police. Nikolai Ivanovich was by nature a meek, trusting person, and the first thing that came to his mind was quite understandable: the all-terrain hovercraft had an accident, and the passengers needed help. He will gladly help them.

The man raised his hand to his forehead, wiping sweat from his brows.

Yes... - he said. - We have an accident.

The three of them pulled the car from the bushes, put it on the ground.

Like this! - Nikolai Ivanovich said with satisfaction. Where are you going?

Neither the appearance of Nikolai Ivanovich, nor the fact that he, having rolled up his sleeves, helped the travelers to pull the car off the bushes, led them into confusion as much as this simple question. But the answer, in turn, no less stunned Nikolai Ivanovich, when the man said:

We're going... to see the mammoths.

Mamontov? .. - Nikolai Ivanovich asked again.

My name is Bin, - as if deciding on something, the man said. - Her, - nodded at his companion, - Lola. Let's get acquainted, what's your name?

Nikolai Ivanovich, - answered the teacher. - But ... what does mammoths have to do with it?

We're going into the past," Bean said. - From the future.

So, this ... this ... - the teacher murmured, looking around the car, - sparkling with gold and glass, - a time machine?

Bean nodded in the affirmative, Lola did not take part in the conversation.

And are you from afar? asked Nikolai Ivanovich.

From two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight.

Oh! .. - only Nikolai Ivanovich said.

A dazzling day was burning, birds were singing, two colored butterflies were flying one after the other over the clearing. Nothing was like a dream. And these two were not like a dream. What a dream, if Nikolai Ivanovich remembers to the smallest detail how he got up this morning and had breakfast, talked with Olga, with foreman Sergei. And yet he said:

Oh, Lord ... - although he did not believe in God and conducted atheistic propaganda in the village.

Lola asked:

What did you say?

So, a play on words ... - Nikolai Ivanovich was confused. And then he said: - How well you speak Russian.

We don't speak Russian,” Lola said. - This is a linguist-translator, - she pointed to a device built into the head hoop like a microphone. - With the same success we will be understood cave people...

Having said last phrase, she was embarrassed, but Nikolai Ivanovich did not understand her tactlessness - he was indescribably amazed.

However, he muttered, why are we standing here? Come to me - you will be guests.

Sorry, Bean replied. - We need to fix the damage. He leaned over to the car.

Tell me, - Lola asked Nikolai Ivanovich, - what is the name of this area now?

Altai region- answered Nikolai Ivanovich.

Are you listening, Bean? Lola exclaimed.

For the next half hour, Lola talked to the teacher. They moved into the shade of an old birch - the sun rose higher and it became hot. Bean dug into the open motor. The car didn't look like one of them. modern machines. It was an ellipsoid - a drop of water, as you can see it on window glass. Thickened in front and falling back. The resemblance to a drop was given to it by a convex roof - not that glass, not that mirror - reflecting the sky, trees. Below, around the circumference of the ellipsoid, was a sight glass, wide at the front, tapering towards the rear of the machine. Nikolai Ivanovich did not notice any wheels or any supports - the glass rested on the bottom of the car. Actually, it was a cabin, with folding seats, an instrument panel and an engine similar to an aircraft - you can see through the glass that it is designed in the form of a star; Bean successively considered all its five rays.

Lola looked at Bean impatiently. This did not prevent her from answering Nikolai Ivanovich's questions and asking him questions.

Here is what Nikolai Ivanovich learned from her. Lola and Bean are biologists. In the Planet Zoological Park they restore animal species. that have existed on earth at all times. Now 1they are reviving the fauna of the Ice Age: in the Park there are woolly rhinos, saber-toothed tigers. There are no mammoths. But they will bring mammoths - fertilized eggs and grow them artificially. Of course, it will not be easy to do, but he and Bean will manage. They were able to grow four megatheriums. They had to go far away for them - in the Tertiary period! .. "What is the name of this area, Altai Territory?" asked Nikolai Ivanovich. “A little differently,” she replied, “Altaa is the root, as you can see, to trace m...

The study was a high corner room with two windows overlooking a shady garden (1) because of the broken line (2) of which (3) one could see the strip of the factory pond (4) and the contours of the bulging mountains.

Let's put punctuation marks.

[The office was a high corner room overlooking a shady garden with two windows], (1) (because of the broken line (2) of which (3) one could see a strip of a factory pond (4) and the contours of bulging mountains).

Commas are needed only for the boundary of the subordinate clause. Please note that in the adjective homogeneous subjects, no comma.

Answer: 1.

Answer: 1



taiga which? ,( amazing beauty which we admired) represented

The correct answer is 1 and 4.


representatives which even before the revolution

Gray's father and mother were slaves wealth and laws to which it is customary to say

The correct answer is 2 and 4.

Kitchen, to the left wall of which ...

and this series is infinite.

We need to look (1) in what spirit the adherents of pure art themselves write (2) and in what spirit the works they approve are written (3) and (4) when we look at this (5) we will see (6) that they are not concerned about pure art but they want to subordinate literature to the service of one trend, which has a purely worldly significance.


Let's put punctuation marks.

[It is necessary to look], (1) (in what spirit the adherents of pure art themselves write) (2) and (in what spirit the works they approve are written), (3) AND (4) (WHEN we consider this, (5) [THAT we will see], (6) (that they are not concerned with pure art, but want to subordinate literature to the service of one trend that has a purely worldly significance.)

Comma 2 is not put: it stands between homogeneous subordinate clauses

In a dangerous place at the junction of alliances AND WHEN an apk is NOT needed, there is the second part of "THAT"

The rest are needed, stand on the borders of proposals.

Answer: 1356.

Answer: 1356

Nikolai Ivanovich (1) being a naturally strong and healthy person (2) that day, for no reason at all, felt ill and (3) immediately interrupting the meeting (4) and (5) calling a car (6) went to his home .

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's put punctuation marks.

Nikolai Ivanovich, (1) being naturally strong and healthy, (2) that day all of a sudden felt bad and, (3) interrupting the meeting immediately(4) and (5) calling the car, (6) left to your home.

Zpt 1 and 2 stands out the first adverbial turnover, zpt 3 and 6 - the second and third. In place of the number 4, the zpt is not needed, since both turns refer to the same predicate "left", that is, they are homogeneous.

Answer: 1236

Answer: 1236

Rule: . Task 17.


Consequently, .

This agreed definitions main word (= GS)


single definition.

Common participial turnover (=|PO|).

Example 1. Car (what?) (GS)"Ambulance" , | standing across the pavement|, managed to attract onlookers.

Example 2 On glass (GS) what?, | Silver from hoarfrost | |, frost painted patterns

And or there are commas;

And or no commas.

Example 3: boy , | sledding | and |played with sister|

to the main word boy

Scheme: GS + (PO and PO).


Example 4

boy , | sledding |,(1) and |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son.

Scheme: GS+PO , And

Let's go back to the example boy , | sledding |, and |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son.

Example 5: Man, | not remembering the past | |, deprives itself of the future. Set apart

Example 6: Were heard sounds, | similar to the groans of trees | |. Scheme: GS+OO.

Example 7.|Not remembering the past|human deprives himself of the future

Example 8. Were heard | similar to the groans of trees | | sounds.


If .

Example 9: , Earth

Example 10: |Decorated with glitter balls|, Christmas tree

Example 11: Raised in poverty and hunger, Paul

Scheme: software + GS.

|Hung on a tree| birdhouse

Example 12 |Engaged in conversation|, is he listened.

Example 13 is he ran into the room.

Example 14 is he

Example 15 wandered I



Example 16 March night

Example 17 Spring spirit, cheerful and carefree, went everywhere.

EXAMPLE 1. From a distance he saw house, | different from others | |, architect | .

EXAMPLE 2. Over the boundless by sea towered sky, stars.

Having done putting watch in front of you, sat down, waiting twelve.

Example 1 .


Example 2 He went staggering and ah . alone

Example 3Sergey, standing for another minute


Example 4 He stood, and,

When Zhenya nevertheless decided to accept Alexander Semyonovich's proposal (1) and (2) a letter about this decision had already been sent to his Moscow address (3) she was about to go to say goodbye to her aunt (4) so ​​that (5) despite the fact that (6 ) the relationship between them was very difficult (7) to receive a blessing from her.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's put punctuation marks.

(When Zhenya nevertheless decided to accept Alexander Semyonovich's proposal) (1) and (2) (a letter about this decision had already been sent to his Moscow address), (3) [she was about to go to say goodbye to her aunt], (4) (so , (5) (despite the fact that (6) the relationship between them was very difficult), (7) to receive a blessing from her.

The sentence has one main clause and 4 subordinate clauses.

Zpt 1 and 2 are not placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses

in order to = to

conjunction "despite the fact that" joins adventitious assignment, there cannot be a comma in place of the number 6.

Answer: 3457.

Answer: 3457

Rule: Punctuation marks in a sentence with different types connections. 20 USE


In task 20, students should be able to punctuate complex sentence, consisting of 3-5 simple.

This most difficult task tests the graduate's ability to put into practice the following knowledge:

1) at the level of a simple sentence:

Understanding that there is no proposal without a basis;

BP 6

[Curtain rose], and, (as soon as[the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic shouts]


[Curtain rose], and (as soon as the audience saw their favorite), So

and (although

[The woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes], and (although but

[argue](1) what? ( what and(3) (when(4) when? then how much eyewitnesses were right).

1. Highlight the basics.

3 - we saw

4- make sure yourself

5- eyewitnesses are right


(when we first saw its unique bright beauty)

(how much eyewitnesses were right).

[Affirm] what? ( what

[then themselves convinced] when? ( when we first saw its unique bright beauty)

[were convinced] of what? ( how much eyewitnesses were right). The second component is found. Commas 4 and 5 are placed according to rule 4.

(when - =), [then- =], (as far as - =) Two different subordinate clauses to one main, the subordinate tense very often comes BEFORE the main.

1 and 2 components are connected by a coordinating conjunction AND into one compound sentence. This is comma 2.

Scheme: |[ = ], (what- = and =)|, and |(when - =), [then- = ], (how much - =)|

It remains to find out if a comma is needed 3. Between AND and WHEN, according to rule 6, a comma is not needed, since after the subordinate clause there is TO.

Olga Trusova 01.03.2018 20:13

Hello, in cases 1 and 2 you need a comma, between simple ones as part of a complex one, and everything between 2 and 3 can be removed, so it is separated by commas

Tatiana Statsenko

Commas numbered 1 and 2 are not needed, because we have homogeneous adverbial clauses related to the same main:

she is was going to go say goodbye to your aunt(when?) when Zhenya decided all the same to accept the offer Alexander Semyonovich And a letter about this decision has already been sent to his Moscow address.

The comma at number 3 just closes these subordinate clauses and separates them from the main clause.

Veronika Dvuzhilova 26.11.2018 10:46

you yourself identified two grammatical bases, why where the number one is not needed, there are two grammatical bases

Tatiana Statsenko

Repeat the topic "Homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses" or read the answer to the question asked above.

Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

On the bank of the river (1), leaning over the very water (2), an old willow grew; hunched and drooping (3), she seemed to mourn - as mothers (4) mourn for their sons who died in the war (5).

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's put punctuation marks.

On the river bank (1) bending over the water, (2) an old willow grew; hunched and drooping, (3) she is as if grieving - as mothers mourn (4) for those who died in the war (5) sons.

Zpt 1 and 2 stands out as participial turnover, zpt 3 - participial turnover related to the personal pronoun. In place of the numbers 4 and 5, zpt is not needed, since the turnover is in front of the noun being defined.

Answer: 123

Answer: 123


In task 16, students are required to be able to see isolated and non-isolated secondary members of a sentence and place commas in sentences with isolation. While all secondary members can be separated, only cases of separation / non-separation are included in this assignment definitions and circumstances. Thus, in the task there can be combinations of two types separate members, and the placement of punctuation marks will depend on the specifics of the separation of definitions (see paragraph 16.1) and circumstances (see paragraph 16.2)

16.1 Separate definitions. Basic concepts.

Separate definitions are definitions highlighted in meaning with the help of intonation and commas.

Consequently, non-separated - not separated by commas and intonation.

Both isolated and non-isolated definitions are expressed most often * full forms of adjectives or participles. This agreed definitions, that is, it agrees in gender, number and case with its main word (= GS). Both isolated and non-isolated definitions designate a sign of an object (main word).

*note: cases of isolation of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns, in this section are not considered because USE assignments do not include such examples.

If the definition has no dependent words, then it is single definition.

If from the definition you can ask a question to another word (words), that is, there are dependent words in the definition, it is called widespread. The most striking example of a common definition is participial turnover (=|PO|).

Example 1. Car (what?) (GS)"Ambulance" , | standing across the pavement|, managed to attract onlookers. The definition for the word "car" is expressed by the participle "standing"; from him we ask the question where? - to "across the pavement". Both the participle and the words dependent on it are included in the participle.

Example 2. In the same way, there are turns with an adjective: On glass (GS) what?, | Silver from hoarfrost | |, frost painted patterns. From the adjective "silver" the question is raised from what? to "frost", therefore, the adjective and the dependent word are defining turnover (=|ОО|).

Both the participle and the attributive turnover are one member of the sentence - the definition.

If there are several definitions, then they can be homogeneous if they refer to the same member of the sentence and there is (or can be inserted) a union between them And or there are commas;

and heterogeneous, if they refer to different members of the sentence and there is no union or it is impossible to insert a union between them And or no commas.

Here are examples of common homogeneous definitions expressed by participial phrases:

Example 3: boy , | sledding | and |played with sister|, turned out to be the son of our neighbor.

to the main word boy include two common definitions, each of which is expressed by a participial turnover: “rolled” + dependent words and “played” + dependent words

Scheme: GS + (PO and PO).

As you can see, a comma is not placed between two homogeneous software, according to the general rule of using commas with homogeneous members connected by a single union And.

Example 4: In the following example, common definitions are not homogeneous, as they refer to different members of the sentence:

boy , | sledding |,(1) and |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son. The boy was riding, and the neighbor was playing.

Scheme: GS+PO , And PO+GS . If you drop both turns, the sentence will not break: The boy and the neighbor turned out to be dad and son. The comma at number 1, therefore, is needed not for homogeneous definitions, but for the boundary of the first participial turnover.

16.1.1. BASIC RULE for separation of definitions

Let's go back to the example boy , | sledding |, and |playing with his daughter| neighbour turned out to be father and son.

Why is there a comma after the word “boy” before the PO (= participial phrase), but not before the word “neighbor”?

There are a number of rules governing this. Let's define the most important, practically the only rule that you need to know when doing task 16 when working with definitions.

The participial (determinative) turnover is always isolated if it is after the main word.

Here, according to this scheme, separation always occurs: GS + PO.

Example 5: Man, | not remembering the past | |, deprives itself of the future. Set apart participial phrase after the main word.

Example 6: Were heard sounds, | similar to the groans of trees | |. Scheme: GS+OO.

The definitive turn standing after after the main word was isolated

We interchange the positions of software and HS in the above sentences:

Example 7.|Not remembering the past|human deprives himself of the future. There is no separation, since the scheme is different: PO + HS

Example 8. Were heard | similar to the groans of trees | | sounds. There is no separation. Scheme: OO+GS

Note: There is no such rule: participle turnover is separated by commas. It is absolutely necessary to comply with the conditions for its selection.

16.1.2. ADDITIONAL RULES for separation of definitions

The following rules can be called additional only in terms of the need for task 16. These rules are included in school course of the Russian language are obligatory for studying, but spellings regulated by these rules were not found in the tasks of the Unified State Examination.

1. The participial turnover must be isolated in the position before the word being defined, if determination has the meaning of cause or concession.

Example 9: | Exhausted by many days of drought |, Earth eagerly quenched their thirst. (Why did the earth quench its thirst? Because it was exhausted by the drought.) Scheme: PO + GS.

Example 10: |Decorated with glitter balls|, Christmas tree now and then attracted the attention of the kitten. Why did the tree attract attention? Because it was decorated. Scheme: software + GS.

Example 11: Raised in poverty and hunger, Paul was hostile to those who were, in his understanding, rich. Why did he treat it like that? Because I grew up in poverty.

Scheme: software + GS.

If there is no reason value, then turnover is not allocated as a general rule.

|Hung on a tree| birdhouse was occupied on the same day. (There is no reason, it cannot be argued that he was settled because he was hanged. There is no isolation, the basic rule applies.)

2. Separation always occurs if the definition refers to a personal pronoun.

Scheme: PO+(GS=LM). , where LM is a personal pronoun.

Example 12 |Engaged in conversation|, is he listened.

Example 13 Excited and excited is he ran into the room.

Example 14 Enriched with new concepts and feelings is he I started re-reading my books.

Very often these two rules are combined in one sentence:

Example 15 Tired of walking in the swamp, wandered I into the shed and fell deeply asleep: on the one hand, there is a reason (why did you fall asleep?), on the other hand, the main word is a personal pronoun.

The above rules related to the separation of participial and attributive turns.

There is another type of isolation that is different from the others.

3. Several non-common definitions are separated, connected by a union and(or without it, with a comma) after the main word.

Scheme: GS+Definition + I+ Definition.

Example 16 March night, cloudy and misty, enveloped the earth.

Example 17 Spring spirit, cheerful and carefree, went everywhere.

We draw attention to the fact that sentences with two or three participial (defining) phrases are very often found in assignments, which complicates the process of highlighting their boundaries. In this case, it may turn out that the revolutions either sequentially follow each other, or are built into one another, or are located to the right and left of the HS. At the same time, in sentences there can be and will be non-isolated definitions expressed by single adjectives, participles and pronouns.

We give examples of parsing the most difficult sentences with isolated and non-isolated definitions

EXAMPLE 1. From a distance he saw house, | different from others | |, | built by some Italian architect | .

EXAMPLE 2. Over not yet calmed down after the recent storm boundless by sea towered sky, humiliated by brightly shimmering stars.

16.2. isolated circumstances. Basic concepts

Separate circumstances are single gerunds and participles. The participle is a special form of the verb that answers the questions what are you doing? and what did you do ?, always refers to the verb and denotes an additional action in relation to the main one. For example, in a sentence Having done big circle on newspaper lane in Kislovka, Levin again returned to the hotel and, putting watch in front of you, sat down, waiting twelve. highlighted words - gerunds, underlined as circumstances together with words dependent on them, that is, gerunds (=DO)

16.2.1 The basic rule for separating gerunds and participles.

Unlike participles and participial phrases, single gerunds and participles are always distinguished by commas, regardless of their location.

Cases when gerunds are not distinguished, that is, they are not isolated, not included in the USE tasks and are not included in the amount of information necessary to complete task 16.

16.2.2 Special cases. Setting commas with several predicates or several turns (single gerunds).

The complexity of tasks often lies in the fact that the sentence may contain various combinations of combinations of isolated circumstances and predicates. For example, with one predicate there can be two (or more) DO or single gerunds; there can be two, three predicates, and each has its own (own) DO. Let's consider these options in more detail.

1. There are two homogeneous predicates in the sentence, and the adverbial turnover refers to one of them.

Example 1In the pocket of his riding breeches Sergey felt crumbs of shag and, gently flicking its contents into your hand, wrapped a thick clumsy cigarette.

There are two homogeneous predicates in the sentence, DO refers to the predicate "wrapped". The adverbial turnover after the union And, is separated from it by a comma (unions are not included in the adverbial turnover). Note that DO is easily excluded from the sentence, if the boundaries of circulation are marked correctly, then the sentence will not break down: In the pocket of his riding breeches, Sergey felt crumbs of shag and wrapped a thick, awkward cigarette.

2. If several DOs belong to one predicate, that is, when combining adverbial phrases, punctuation marks between them are placed in the same way as with homogeneous members of the sentence:

Example 2 He went staggering and all supporting the head with the palm of the left hand, a with the right, quietly tugging at his brown mustache. The sentence contains three homogeneous isolated circumstances related to alone predicate, commas before And and before A stand / do not stand according to the rule of homogeneous members.

3. Participle phrases relating to different verb-predicates are singled out separately:

Example 3Sergey, standing for another minute, slowly walked towards the pile of coal and, neatly laying the floor of the overcoat sat down on a large piece of anthracite. There are two predicates, each has its own adverbial turnover.

If adjacent adverbial phrases refer to different verb-predicates and the union and not included in their composition, then each of them is distinguished separately:

Example 4 He stood , leaning against a pile of cibics of tea, and, looking around aimlessly drummed his fingers on his cane like a flute. Let's extract the DO to make sure the punctuation marks are correct. He stood and drummed his cane like a flute with his fingers.

Martynov (1) whose mental and moral understanding (2) (3) did not go beyond the generally accepted concepts (4) had long been irritated against Lermontov (5) whom he considered in his soul both by “career” and by talent “salon”.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's put punctuation marks.

[Martynov, (1) (mental and moral understanding (2) of whom (3) did not go beyond generally accepted concepts), (4) had long been irritated against Lermontov], (5) (whom he considered in his soul and according to his “career” , and in terms of "salon" talents).

Commas 1 and 4; 5 are needed for the boundaries of subordinate clauses.

Answer: 145

Answer: 145

Rule: Punctuation marks in a complex sentence. Task 19.

TASK 19 Unified State Examination (2016): punctuation in a complex sentence.

Features of the task 18.

The purpose of the assignment: Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence. With this wording, the answer can contain one or more digits. Writing indicate all the numbers (U) greatly facilitates the task and makes it easier than the rest. Therefore, at RESHUEGE the wording will be only this.

Students are required to show the ability to punctuate complex sentences.

At the same time, in 100% of cases, the proposal model is the same: it is complex sentence with an attributive clause with an allied word which. Why this particular type? Apparently because it is in sentences with a given allied word that students do not see the boundaries of the sentence, following the rule elementary school"Before the word" which "put a comma." There is no such rule.

To develop the skill of meaningful punctuation, you must:

1. Understand what NGN is, for this we turn to the Help section;

2. Be able to determine the basics of the main and subordinate clauses;

3. Understand that the allied word which far from always standing at the beginning of the subordinate clause and it can be in a different gender, number of cases, with or without a preposition, that other members of the subordinate clause may stand before it;

4. Take into account that the main sentence can be complicated by homogeneous members, in particular, predicates;

5. Keep in mind that sometimes in the main sentence there may be participial phrases that are not separated by commas, and there is no need to look for a comma to separate them. Such commas simply will not exist.

Consider the proposals from the RESHUEGE catalog. Let's start with the simplest ones.

Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

The mighty Far Eastern taiga (1) with amazing beauty (2) which (3) we admired (4) represented a boundless green ocean.

[Mighty Far Eastern taiga which? ,( amazing beauty which we admired) represented boundless green ocean.

As can be seen from the analysis of the members of the sentence, in the subordinate clause from the stem questions are posed to the secondary members, and this is one sentence. It would be a gross mistake not to notice that the words "amazing beauty" are included in the subordinate clause, because the meaning of the sentence is that they admired the beauty, and not the taiga in general.

The correct answer is 1 and 4.

In the poem (1), Pushkin recalls his two-year exile and his nanny (2) steps (3) whom (4) he will never hear again.

[In the poem, Pushkin recalls his two-year exile and nanny] which one? (steps which he will never hear.)

The subordinate clause comes after the main one, the addition of “steps” specifies that the author will not hear them, but they belong to the nanny who is called the word “who”.

A more complex case is a very common sentence.

The urban and rural clergy (1) individual representatives (2) of which (3) even before the revolution showed themselves as intellectuals (4) at some point again singled out a number of remarkable representatives of the intelligentsia from their midst.

Urban and rural clergy, what? (separate representatives which even before the revolution showed themselves as intellectuals), at some point again singled out a number of remarkable representatives of the intelligentsia from their midst.

Let's write the two sentences separately, replacing the word "which" with "clergy".

At some point, the urban and rural clergy again singled out a number of remarkable representatives of the intelligentsia from their midst. Separate representatives of the clergy (=which) even before the revolution showed themselves as intellectuals.

Attention should be paid to sentences in which the main part has homogeneous members.

Gray's father and mother were slaves (1) of the wealth and laws of that society (2) in relation to (3) to which it is customary to say "higher" (4) and their position in it.

Gray's father and mother were slaves wealth and laws of that society, which one? (with respect to to which it is customary to say"higher"), and his position in it.

The correct answer is 2 and 4.

Thus, you should work out the skill of seeing the words associated with the word "which", and do not forget to put commas.

To a boy whose older sister...

Bulgaria, whose geostrategic position...

Fun, memories of which ...

For a photo whose story...

Knowledge of the fundamentals one-part sentences(impersonal, etc.)

Understanding that in a simple sentence there can be homogeneous predicates and subjects, punctuation marks between which are placed according to the rules of homogeneous members.

2) at the level of a complex sentence:

The ability to determine the main and subordinate clauses in the composition of the NGN on the issue;

The ability to see unions (allied words) in a subordinate clause;

The ability to see index words in the main

The ability to see homogeneous subordinate clauses, in which punctuation marks are placed in the same way as in homogeneous members.

3) at the level of a compound sentence:

The ability to see parts of the SSP and separate them with a comma. There is no common secondary member in this task.

4) at the level of the entire proposal as a whole:

The ability to see those places in a sentence in which two unions met: there may be two subordinating or coordinating and subordinating.

Let's collect all the basic punctuation rules that are important when completing a task and number them for convenience.

BP 6

If in a complex sentence there are coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (AND AND ALTHOUGH, AND AND HOW, AND AND IF, BUT AND WHEN, AND AND TO, etc.), then you need to find out if there are correlative words THEN, SO or one more coordinating union (A, BUT, HOWEVER, etc.). A comma is placed only when these words are absent after the subordinate clause. For example:

[Curtain rose], and, (as soon as


[Curtain rose], and (as soon as the audience saw their favorite), So the theater trembled with applause and enthusiastic cries].

[The woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes], and (although her words were familiar to Saburov), [they suddenly made her heart ache].

[The woman kept talking and talking about her misfortunes], and (although her words were familiar to Saburov), but[Suddenly my heart sank.]

As you can see, rules 5 and 6 are very similar: we choose either to write TO (BUT ...), or to put a comma.

Consider sentences from the RESHUEGE database and the algorithm for working on a sentence.

[argue](1) what? ( what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate)(2) and(3) (when then did you see for yourself (5) what? ( how much eyewitnesses were right).

1. Highlight the basics.

1- Approve (one-part, predicate)

2- carnivals delight and fascinate

3 - we saw

4- make sure yourself

5- eyewitnesses are right

2. We select unions and correlative words. We draw attention to the fact that AND and WHEN stand nearby and that there is THAT.

3. We mark subordinate clauses: we take all sentences in which there are subordinate conjunctions in parentheses.

(what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate)

(when we first saw its unique bright beauty)

(how much eyewitnesses were right).

4. We establish which main clauses belong to. To do this, we put questions from the main to the alleged subordinate clauses.

[Affirm] what? ( what Brazilian carnivals delight and fascinate). 1 component found. Comma 1 is placed according to the rule 4 [ = ], (which is = and =).

There are two subordinate clauses and one without subordinating union. We check whether it is possible to put questions from him.

[then themselves convinced] when? ( Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Returning the original beauty and splendor (1) to the Shuvalov Palace in St. Petersburg (2), the restorers coordinated the stages of their work with specialists (3) who were preparing the opening of the Carl Faberge Museum (4) in its halls, famous for creating unique jewelry.


Let's put punctuation marks.

Returning the original beauty and splendor (1) to the Shuvalov Palace in St. Petersburg, (2) restorers coordinated the stages of their work with specialists, (3) preparing the opening in its halls of the Carl Faberge Museum, (4) famous for creating unique jewelry.

2) a comma highlights a separate circumstance expressed by a participial phrase;

3) a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by a participial turnover, standing after the word “specialists” being defined;

4) a comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by a participial turnover, standing after the defined word "Carl Faberge".

Answer: 234

Answer: 234|243|423|432|342|324

Greshnov Mikhail Nikolaevich
Retired teacher Nikolai Ivanovich Volin went for a walk, as usual, at eight o'clock. For the fourth year he does not work - he left school and turned into a free man. He has a lot of time with which he does not know what to do. Time besieges him from morning to evening and even at night when he can't sleep. The school passed from him to his daughter, also a teacher, Olga Nikolaevna. They live together. Nikolai Ivanovich buried his wife when the girl was in her fifth year. Now Olga is twenty-one.
The village of Bityuzhnoe, consisting of forty-four households, lies on a hill and consists of two streets - a central one and a side one. On the main street there is a club, a shop and a team, with a wide yard and a shed, under which seeders hide from the rain, a team car. The school and house of Nikolai Ivanovich at the beginning of the street, on a hill, and below the river flows - Zelenaya. Right there, between the hills, there is a forest: wild cherry and viburnum.
In the forest, Nikolai Ivanovich knows every hollow and path. He is now walking down the street, towards the forest. He's not in a hurry, and he doesn't need to hurry. Stops at the brigade gate. Previously, there was a collective farm "Dawn", and now - a brigade. The main authority in the countryside is the foreman Lapshin, a former student of Nikolai Ivanovich. He had just left the brigade's house.
- Resting? - asks Nikolai Ivanovich.
- Rest, Seryozha.
- Everyone in the woods? - The brigadier knows the habits of the old teacher.
- I'm wandering. I'm making a herbarium for Olenka.
The teacher would still talk to the brigadier, but he has no time: he adjusts the girth on the horse - he goes to the board, in Zharovo.
Having crossed the bridge over the Zelenaya, Nikolai Ivanovich turns off the road into the thick of the forest. You need to pick an adonis. Adonis grows in Kruglyaya Polyana. Go down to the spoon, then climb the Rocky Mane - here is the Glade.
Peace and sleepy greenery surround the teacher. The path winds among the trees - his path, Nikolai Ivanovich. He trampled her. He dies - and the path, his trace on the ground, will remain. But for many days Nikolai Ivanovich will walk here the way he does now.
Went down to bed. It's damper here, the grass is taller. And here is the ascent to the Rocky Mane. Here and there there are glades-latochki. The old man makes his way from one clearing to another and suddenly stops. Ahead of the voices are female, excited, and male, outwardly calm, but anxiety slips through it:
- Are you stuck, Bean?
- Be patient, Lola, until I know the reason.
- I'm afraid...
- What are you afraid of?
- Someone will find us.
- The place is abandoned. And the problem, I think, is trifling.
What year are we in, Bean?
- In one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five.
- Oh, Bean...
Strange sounds, like iron scratching iron. And again:
- Bin...
- What, Lola?
- Suddenly it is for a long time?
- I do not know. Something with a leading circuit.
The voices are ahead and slightly away from the path. Nikolai Ivanovich took two or three steps and parted the bushes. At first he did not understand anything: he saw something blue and gold and two leaning, as it seemed to him, over a convex mirror.
- Help me fix it. - The man rested his hands on the mirror, as if he wanted to lift it.
The woman also rested her hands on the mirror - her hands were bare to the shoulders, thin and tender.
- It's hard, Bean ... - she complained.
- We must put it properly, Lola, - said the man and again pulled the edge of the mirror. The bushes moved.
Here Nikolai Ivanovich saw that they were standing near the car.
Apparently, the car had an accident - fell into the bushes and stood tilted. The convex mirror is the roof of the car, polished to a shine and reflecting the sky. The man tried to straighten the car, stood with his back to Nikolai Ivanovich. A woman, on the contrary, has a face. She tried to help the man pull the car off the bushes, biting her lip from the effort.
- It's hard ... - she complained again.
- It is absolutely necessary to park the car properly. So she does not capture the lines of force of the magnetic field.
- I know, Bean, but what can I do?
- Come on, once again, together, - said the man.
Here the woman's eyes met those of Nikolai Ivanovich.
"Bin..." she said.
The man sensed the fear in her voice and turned around. Now they were both looking at Nikolai Ivanovich. The teacher noted the hard features of the man's face, the drops of sweat on his forehead. The woman's face was softer. Nikolai Ivanovich would have called him handsome if he had not been spoiled by fear.
For a whole minute they looked at each other - the strangers and Nikolai Ivanovich. During this time, the teacher noticed many oddities in their clothes and in themselves. The light dress of a woman in gold sequins, her hair caught in a hoop, which was closed under the chin with a thin, barely visible bundle. The same hoop was on the man's head. His arms were also bare to the shoulders, every muscle on them was like a cast. Both of them are dressed in light, reflective fabric - lilac for the man and gray for the woman. Both are tall, heated, apparently by unusual work, the machine, skewed, did not succumb to their efforts.
- Can I be of service? - asked Nikolai Ivanovich and, as a sign of greeting to the strangers, took off his hat.
The strangers did not answer.
- Do you have an accident? .. - asked Nikolai Ivanovich.
Fortunately, he did not consider them to be saboteurs and did not rush to call the police. Nikolai Ivanovich was by nature a meek, trusting person, and the first thing that came to his mind was quite understandable: the all-terrain hovercraft had an accident, and the passengers needed help. He will gladly help them.
The man raised his hand to his forehead, wiping sweat from his brows.
- Yes... - he said. - We have an accident.
The three of them pulled the car from the bushes, put it on the ground.
- Like this! - Nikolai Ivanovich said with satisfaction. Where are you going?
Neither the appearance of Nikolai Ivanovich, nor the fact that he, having rolled up his sleeves, helped the travelers to pull the car off the bushes, led them into confusion as much as this simple question. But the answer, in turn, no less stunned Nikolai Ivanovich, when the man said:
- We're going... to see the mammoths.
- Mamontov? .. - Nikolai Ivanovich asked again.
“My name is Bean,” the man said, as if deciding on something. - Her, - nodded at his companion, - Lola. Let's get acquainted, what's your name?
"Nikolai Ivanovich," the teacher replied. - But ... what does mammoths have to do with it?
"We're going back in time," Bean said. - From the future.
- So, this ... this ... - the teacher murmured, looking around the car, - sparkling with gold and glass, - a time machine?
Bean nodded in the affirmative, Lola did not take part in the conversation.
- And you're from afar? asked Nikolai Ivanovich.
- From two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight.
- Oh! .. - only Nikolai Ivanovich said.
A dazzling day was burning, birds were singing, two colored butterflies were flying one after the other over the clearing. Nothing was like a dream. And these two were not like a dream. What a dream, if Nikolai Ivanovich remembers to the smallest detail how he got up this morning and had breakfast, talked with Olga, with foreman Sergei. And yet he said:
- Oh, Lord ... - although he did not believe in God and conducted atheistic propaganda in the village.
Lola asked:
- What did you say?
- So, a play on words ... - Nikolai Ivanovich was confused. And then he said: - How well you speak Russian.
"We don't speak Russian," Lola said. - This is a linguist-translator, - she pointed to a device built into the head hoop like a microphone. - With the same success we will be understood by cavemen ...
Having said the last phrase, she was embarrassed, but Nikolai Ivanovich did not understand her tactlessness - he was unspeakably amazed.
“However,” he muttered, “what are we standing here for? Come to me - you will be guests.
"Sorry," Bean replied. - We need to fix the damage. He leaned over to the car.
- Tell me, - Lola asked Nikolai Ivanovich, - what is the name of this area now?
- Altai Territory, - answered Nikolai Ivanovich.
Do you hear, Bean? Lola exclaimed.
For the next half hour, Lola talked to the teacher. They moved into the shade of an old birch - the sun rose higher and it became hot. Bean dug into the open motor. The car was not like any of the modern cars. It was an ellipsoid - a drop of water, as you can see it on the window pane. Thickened in front and falling back. The resemblance to a drop was given to it by a convex roof - not that glass, not that mirror - reflecting the sky, trees. Below, around the circumference of the ellipsoid, was a sight glass, wide at the front, tapering towards the rear of the machine. Nikolai Ivanovich did not notice any wheels or any supports - the glass rested on the bottom of the car. Actually, it was a cabin, with folding seats, an instrument panel and an engine similar to an aircraft - you can see through the glass that it is designed in the form of a star; Bean successively considered all its five rays.
Lola looked at Bean impatiently. This did not prevent her from answering Nikolai Ivanovich's questions and asking him questions.
Here is what Nikolai Ivanovich learned from her. Lola and Bean are biologists. In the Planet Zoological Park they restore animal species. that have existed on earth at all times. Now they are reviving the fauna of the Ice Age: in the Park there are woolly rhinos, saber-toothed tigers. There are no mammoths. But they will bring mammoths - fertilized eggs and grow them artificially. Of course, it will not be easy to do, but he and Bean will manage. They were able to grow four megatheriums. They had to go far away for them - in the Tertiary period! .. "What is the name of this area, Altai Territory?" asked Nikolai Ivanovich. "A little differently," she replied, "Altaa - the root, as you can see, can be traced." - "And Russia?" asked Nikolai Ivanovich. "Now - One Humanity Lola replied. - There are no countries, as it used to be. The planet is divided into climatic zones: Equatorial, two Moderate, two Sub-Moderate and two Polar. Altaa in the Northern Temperate... Races? she continued answering Nikolai Ivanovich's questions. - What are races?.. We have One Humanity. Is time travel scary? No scarier than in Overspace. No, there are no accidents. Mistakes happen. Rescues Service Control. Usually we get out on our own ... "
How are you, Bean? She turned to her companion.
“I think I found it,” Bean muttered, not straightening his back.
- You see! Lola said, her face lit up. “It is inconvenient to linger in the civilized past,” she admitted candidly. - Meetings with natives are always undesirable. Rumors, myths are born... Another thing is when you study the Renaissance or the Etruscans. Then you learn the language, manners. This is a matter for historians... Tell us about yourself, Nikolai Ivanovich.
Nikolai Ivanovich talked about himself reluctantly. What could he say? About a school where four classes fit in one room? About the village from which he had not left for twenty years? He wanted to know more from Lola.
- Why do you have hoops around your head? he asked.
"Barrage," answered Lola. - Meson barrage for air disinfection.
- How does the car move?
- The energy of movement is the magnetic field of the Earth. The source is inexhaustible...
- Lola! Bean called from the car.
- That's all, Nikolai Ivanovich. We'll say goodbye.
They approached the car, Bean already holding the door open.
"Thank you," he held out his hand to the teacher.
Lola also shook his hand with her weak and tender hand:
- Thank you, Nikolai Ivanovich. What would you like to keep as a keepsake?
"Lola..." Bean said warningly.
- Oh, Bean! - she exclaimed. Let's break the rules for once! All these bans, rules...
- Be reasonable, Lola.
Lola rummaged through the small bag.
- Here you are, Nikolai Ivanovich. From me and Bean, - she handed the teacher glasses with large lenses.
Nikolai Ivanovich took the glasses from her hands.
“For you and for your daughter,” Lola nodded from the cabin: under the birch, Nikolai Ivanovich told her about Olga. - And no one ... - Lola wanted to say something else, but Bean turned on the motors. The car swayed and for a fraction of a second, it seemed to Nikolai Ivanovich, it became cloudy, as if his eyes were blurred.
- Farewell... - he heard Lola's voice.
- Farewell - Bean joined her.
"Goodbye," said Nikolai Ivanovich, but he wasn't sure if he had been heard. The contour of the car blurred, disappeared - at the feet of Nikolai Ivanovich there was rumpled and trampled grass, a broken bush nearby.
Birds sang, rumbled in the distance - a thunderstorm was approaching. Nikolai Ivanovich turned his glasses over in his hands and put them on. The glasses were not enlarged, the glasses seemed ordinary.
Arriving home, Nikolai Ivanovich did not tell his daughter anything. Didn't show her glasses. He was ashamed that he had not brought adonis for the herbarium. Tomorrow he will go for adonis. Nikolai Ivanovich was shocked by the meeting in the forest and could think of nothing but the meeting. I had a bad dinner, absent-mindedly answered questions.
Are you unwell, dad? Olga asked.
He went to his room, citing an ache in his legs, which he usually had in bad weather. Outside the window was pouring heavy rain.
At home, Nikolai Ivanovich lay down on the bed and again began to think about the meeting - to tell his daughter or not? Nikolai Ivanovich did not want to be considered a liar in the eyes of his daughter. "What kind of adventure can there be beyond the Zelenaya River? .." - Olga will ask. The old man freaked out. Of course, he won’t say it out loud, but he might think. But the daughter will see the glasses! Nikolai Ivanovich took the glasses out of his pocket and examined them. I came to the conclusion that the glasses were ordinary: with clean glasses, with thickened temples made of dark plastic. Nikolai Ivanovich put them on, but, apart from the ceiling and the window in front of him, he saw nothing. Ordinary glasses ... However, Olga will ask where he got his glasses from. I will say - I found it, Nikolai Ivanovich decided. But he immediately realized that it was by no means impossible to find such glasses beyond the Zelenaya River. Okay, he changed his mind, I’ll say, I bought it in Biysk and didn’t show it for the time being, I kept it in a suitcase. It sounded plausible, and the old man calmed down.
In the morning Nikolai Ivanovich accompanied Olga to Biysk. She was traveling with a report for the past academic year.
"Don't forget the money," Nikolai Ivanovich cared.
I got it, dad.
- Cloak.
- I also took it.
Olga rushed about the room, stuffing handkerchiefs and shoes into her bag to change her shoes in the city - the usual fuss before leaving. This moment was chosen by Nikolai Ivanovich to put on glasses. In the bustle, Olga will not pester him with questions.
- Oh, dad! she exclaimed, seeing him in glasses. - Where did you get them from?
- Yes, - Nikolai Ivanovich launched into explanations, - I bought it in Biysk, saved it.
- And they go to you! - praised Olga.
Nikolai Ivanovich did not answer. Feeling himself, he sat down on a chair as if he had not seen him next to him - and continued to look through the windows at Olga. He saw extraordinary things that made him forget about everything and deprived him of speech. He saw Olga in a brigade car, which raced through the forest. Nikolai Ivanovich knew the forest and the road very well - the road led to the railway station. But here the car flew into a puddle with a running start, stalled. Here the driver Matvienko throws branches under the slopes, and the passengers who were riding in the back throw branches, and Olga also throws branches under the slopes. And the car continues to slip, shake and still sits in a puddle. Olga looks at her watch - so as not to be late for the train. The car is bad at all. The driver works with a shovel, releasing the slopes from the resulting rut... Passengers are late for the eleven o'clock train. They take tickets for a two-hour.
- Dad, - says Olga, - let's go!
Nikolai Ivanovich hides his glasses in his pocket and walks with his daughter, not feeling his legs under him. What was it he saw? What did he dream about? .. The old man is barely trudging after his daughter.
- Dad, why are you so strange? Olga asks.
- Nothing, Olenka, nothing. Head spinning...
“Be sure to go to bed,” advises the daughter. - He must have caught a cold. You see, it got colder after the rain. Come back and go to bed!
Nikolai Ivanovich nevertheless escorts Olga to the brigade yard, puts her in the car. Next to her is a young ruddy Masha Sedelnikova.
- Be careful, - she says when Nikolai Ivanovich gives her a basket. - Here eggs, food to sell.
Nikolai Ivanovich recovered a little after the vision, which he observed through glasses at home. What if you put on your glasses again, look at Masha?
With trembling hands, Nikolai Ivanovich put on his glasses. He saw Masha on the same road, throwing brushwood under the slopes. Then I saw Masha at the ticket office at the railway station. She took the ticket, slipped it casually into her jacket pocket. After a while, she reached into her pocket for a handkerchief, and the ticket fell to the floor. The train approached, the passengers rushed to the cars. But Masha was not allowed into the car, she did not have a ticket. Passing the basket of eggs to Olga, Masha rushed to the cashier.
Nikolai Ivanovich was returning home, shocked no less than after meeting with time travelers. So what a gift they presented to the old man! .. Magic glasses! Glasses that give visions! If Nikolai Ivanovich had found a bar of gold, caught fireballs, he would not have been as surprised as he was surprised by the events of these two days. Glasses! Why does he need those glasses? Why did Lola give them to him? Out of frivolity? Or on purpose? If with intent, then with what? "No one..." she said. "What's 'no one'? - Nikolai Ivanovich asked himself. Don't give glasses to anyone? He won't. He won't let anyone touch him.
But these were not all the shocks that Nikolai Ivanovich had to endure.
Olga returned the next day in the evening. All this time, Nikolai Ivanovich did not wear glasses. Waiting for the return of his daughter.
- Oh, dad, - Olga said, - we missed the train! Stuck in the forest. While the car was being pulled out, time had passed, well at least we had time for a two-hour one. But nothing could be done in Biysk that day. I submitted my report today.
Nikolai Ivanovich sat on a chair and blinked his eyelashes frequently. Chills ran down his back, his face flushed with pallor. "Glasses! - he thought. - Glasses predicted everything! .."
“Greetings to you from Chebotarev,” Olga continued to say. - And from the head of the city department.
She dug in her bag, took out the gifts and did not look at the old man. Look at him at this moment, she would be frightened.
- Do you know what I want to buy for vacation? Olga asked.
- What? .. - Nikolai Ivanovich asked in an unnaturally thin voice.
“Jersey suit,” she said. - Cream. Do you approve?
Nikolai Ivanovich kept silent so as not to betray his excitement. He still hasn't come to his senses.
- Are you silent? Olga continued to chat. - So I'll buy it. Silent means consent.
- Olenka ... - Nikolai Ivanovich asked in the same thin, unnatural voice. Did Masha lose her ticket at the station?
- How do you know that? The daughter looked at him in surprise.
- Yes, so ... - he said. - By the way, I had to.
- No, - the daughter was surprised, - how do you know this? ..
Nikolai Ivanovich did not sleep at night. "What are glasses?" he reasoned. "Evil or good?" Predict the future. He saw Olga in them. Let's assume it's a hallucination. Olga is his daughter. The hallucination may be based on kindred feelings. But Masha, Masha!.. Nikolai Ivanovich felt that reasoning about hallucinations was nonsense. Through the glasses you can see the future of people! Lola gave him a truly divine gift. But what to do with this gift to him, an old pensioner? Why does he need this gift? A hundred times Nikolai Ivanovich asked himself this question. And the more he asked himself, the more grandiose it seemed to him what he owns. The fate of people - that's what he owns, the old teacher. But he doesn't need it. It's scary after all! How Olga looked at him! ..
The first cocks crowed, the second, and Nikolai Ivanovich continued to be tormented. Destroy points? But it makes sense that Lola gave him exactly them, and not something else. "What's the point?" - tried to get to the bottom of the main old teacher. It seems that something has begun to open up to him. Or was it in him, was it innate? What we call nature, the warehouse of the soul?
Nikolai Ivanovich was a gentle, humane man. Maybe characterless. He did not know how to order, push people around. Perhaps that is why he remained a village teacher all his life. The only thing that was invariable in him was love. Love for children, for wife, for daughter. Love and desire to do good. Or at least don't offend anyone. So he lived all his life: he taught children, read lectures to collective farmers, wrote applications to the old people in the social security or in the village council when it was needed. He enjoyed respect in the village and the quiet glory of a kind eccentric.
And so, long after midnight, tossing and turning in a hot bed, Nikolai Ivanovich made a decision: should not Lola's precious gift be used for the good of people? As if it dawned on the teacher: a wonderful gift was given for a reason. Of course, he must serve the people! Glasses served travelers to view the future, to prevent dangers and misfortunes. Nikolai Ivanovich will do the same: he will use glasses to prevent the misfortunes of his fellow villagers. Will warn people about possible troubles and sorrows!
Before dawn, Nikolai Ivanovich fell asleep. And in the morning he left the house with a firm determination to do good to his fellow villagers. Olga will not say anything. Maybe someday after... He hasn't done anything yet.
Putting his glasses in his breast pocket, Nikolai Ivanovich walked through the village. Who should be helped first, he wondered. Pakhomov or grandma Kiryanikha? The Pakhomovs lived opposite, Kiryanikha nearby. Nikolai Ivanovich did not see any of them in the yard or near the yard and went on.
At the brigade yard, the driver was preparing the car for the flight. Marina Potapova was standing there with a new basket in her hands. In a basket tied at the top with old gauze, hens clucked and worried. Marina took them to the market in Biysk. Nikolai Ivanovich put on his glasses. He saw how Marina got on the train, how she traded in the market. She sold the hens at a profit - one could judge this by her contented appearance. But then everything changed: Marina waved her arms, clutched her head. “Stolen, citizens,” she shouted. “Stolen!..” She was robbed of her wallet with all the proceeds. But that was there, in the future. Now she was standing by the car, snorting blue smoke, and in a honeyed voice asked the driver:
- And what, Petya, you can load?
Nikolai Ivanovich went up to her and said:
- Marina, don't go to the market.
Marina opened her blue impudent eyes to him. About twenty years ago, Nikolai Ivanovich admired the eyes of a student girl, clear as the sky. Now they were the eyes of a rogue lady.
"They'll take your money," Nikolai Ivanovich warned her in a whisper.
Marina opened her eyes even wider in bewilderment and climbed into the back.
- Ai-ai-ai... - Nikolai Ivanovich shook his head with regret.
In the evening, Marina arrived from the city without a kopeck, but with the firm conviction that the old teacher was to blame for her misfortune. Nothing, she decided, I'll tell you.
Nikolai Ivanovich, meanwhile, expanded his activities. On this day, he warned the Sumarokovs not to drive the cow out - the cow would break its leg - and predicted to the clerk Grisha that he would fall off the bicycle. Everything happened just like that: the cow broke her leg, and the Sumarokovs fussed around the cattle, forgetting for a while about the warning of Nikolai Ivanovich. Grisha seemed to have fallen off his bicycle, running into a stump at the Belkin gates, and, rubbing his bruised leg, pondered for a long time how Nikolai Ivanovich had managed to divine an incident that had never happened to Grisha in his life.
It was just the time for Nikolai Ivanovich to think about whether it was worth continuing his activities in favor of his fellow villagers. Three of his predictions came true, three misfortunes, and he did not manage to prevent a single one. Maybe there was no thoughtfulness in his system? Maybe he came from the wrong end? Wouldn't it be better to predict joy for people? Kind letters, good luck, the birth of boys or girls? But Nikolai Ivanovich did not heed the doubts stirring in his heart. Joy, he thought, would come anyway, without him. Much more important to avert trouble from people. If the Sumarokovs had listened to him, they wouldn't be running around the village now, offering their fellow villagers, even on credit, meat and liver, just to sell themselves. And Grisha would not have thought about an unexpected incident. Why did no one listen to the voice of Nikolai Ivanovich?
Probably because Nikolai Ivanovich was neither a diplomat nor a sly one. His soul was wide open, and, apart from purity and kindness to people, there was nothing in his soul. He did not know how to come in from a distance, to express himself in equivocal terms, and therefore the predictions were made by him ridiculously absurd.
Suitable, for example, for the fence of the Osipovs.
- Pyotr Ivanovich, can I have you? - shout to the owner.
- You can, - replies Peter Ivanovich - a man about a sazhen, white-toothed, healthy. He slept well, had breakfast with appetite, and was going to work: the foreman announced haymaking.
- Do not drown the bath on Thursday, Peter Ivanovich, - warns his teacher. He wants the words to sound sincere and for Pyotr Ivanovich to believe him. The words, however, sound sincere, but Pyotr Ivanovich asks:
- Why not heat the bath?
- It will burn you, Pyotr Ivanovich.
- How will it burn, Nikolai Ivanovich, God bless you.
- It will burn, Pyotr Ivanovich.
Pyotr Ivanovich's red cheeks are beginning to turn pale. From Have a good mood no trace remains. At this time, his wife comes out onto the porch.
“Listen, Praskovya Andreevna,” says Pyotr Ivanovich in confusion, “our bathhouse will burn down on Thursday.
- Have you thought of something? .. - Praskovya Andreevna approaches the wattle fence, greets Nikolai Ivanovich. - How will the bath burn down? ..
“I didn’t make up my mind,” Osipov justifies himself. - Nikolai Ivanovich says.
- Is it really going to burn? .. - the hostess asks Nikolai Ivanovich in confusion.
- It will burn, - Nikolai Ivanovich confirms and, leaving the couple in alarm, goes further down the street.
On Thursday the bath burned down.
Rumors and gossip spread throughout the village. People began to look cautiously after the teacher, to whisper. And Nikolai Ivanovich got a taste: the Karavaevs predicted the death of an old woman who had been paralyzed for two years, the newlyweds Telenkin - a quick divorce.

In the coming week, the memory of two New Martyrs of Tver is celebrated: on January 17 - Hieromartyr Nicholas (Maslov) and on January 18 - Martyr Eugenia (Domozhirova). Not much is known about either of them.

Nikolay Ivanovich Maslov was born in 1874 in Tver. He became a priest after the revolution, that is, in those days when this path promised only persecution and torment, but not prosperity. At the end of the pastoral courses in 1924, he was ordained a priest and served in the church in honor of the icon Mother of God"Burning Bush" behind Tvertsa. This temple has not been preserved, but in the 1930s it turned out to be almost the last one where worship services had not yet been banned. Therefore, literally all the remaining free Tver clergy gathered here. After serving his first term, Father Elijah (Benemansky), whom we wrote about in the last issue of Orthodox Week, was transferred here. Archbishop Thaddeus also served here after the closure of the Ascension Church.

Father Nikolai was arrested a month and a half before the arrest of Vladyka - on November 3, 1937. It is difficult for an ordinary person to comprehend the logic of the so-called "investigation", and even more so - the "troika" that makes senseless sentences from the point of view of law. Therefore, it is difficult to explain why Archbishop Thaddeus, like hundreds of other clergymen, was sentenced to death, as a rule, immediately carried out, and why Father Nicholas, who behaved in the same way during interrogations, did not admit any guilt and did not giving no evidence that could worsen the situation of other clergymen, they were sentenced to "only" ten years in a forced labor camp. Perhaps this is due to the fact that even during the investigation the priest fell seriously ill, and the executioners of the NKVD decided that there was no point in sentencing an already doomed person to death. The verdict was passed on November 20, but until July 1938, Father Nikolai remained in the Kalinin prison. Then he was transferred to a prison in the village of Lykoshino, where he died on January 17, 1939.

Fate Evgenia Domozhirova was somewhat different. She was born in 1871 in Riga in the family of General Peter Domozhirov. After graduating from the Institute of Noble Maidens in Warsaw and the Red Cross School, she decided to devote her life to serving her neighbors and God, leaving all thoughts of marriage and family happiness. She was twenty-five years old when she joined the military hospital in Warsaw. Then she moved to the Alexander-Mariinsky Institute, where she worked for eleven years - first as a nurse, and then as head of the hospital. From 1907 to 1912 she worked as a nurse at the Institute of the Moscow Nobility. Not differing from nature in good health, she began to get sick often at that time, which forced her to leave the medical profession. But as soon as the first World War, Evgenia Domozhirova returned to her main profession, having entered the hospital on the Western Front, located in Polotsk, as a nurse. Here Evgenia Petrovna worked until the collapse of the state and the front in 1917.

Revolutionary events and poor health brought her to Tver, where she settled in the same house with her sister. As a person deeply ecclesiastical and educated, she quickly entered the circle of the Tver Orthodox society and was well acquainted with the clergy of Tver. This was the reason for her arrest on March 15, 1932. Simultaneously with Yevgeny of Tverskoy, the OGPU arrested several more Tver priests and laity.

Not being experienced in the intricacies of Chekist interrogations, she named several acquaintances from among those arrested, who had been at home and who had been to her. This turned out to be enough for accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. However, Evgenia Petrovna pleaded not guilty. Nevertheless, on July 9, 1932, the OGPU troika sentenced the arrested priests and Yevgeny Domozhirov to deportation to Kazakhstan for three years.

For a sick elderly woman, going to the place of exile in stages, through all the prison transfers in the southern direction, turned out to be tantamount to a death sentence. On January 18, 1933, on the eve of the Epiphany, Evgenia Domozhirova died in Alma-Ata prison and was buried in an unknown grave.

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