"Gospel of socialism" from A.M. Gorky


Current page: 4 (total book has 7 pages) [available reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Text No. 5

Arrange, where necessary, the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.


Sergei chopped down both big and small trees...I (not) paying attention...mania to my new older comrades...comrades. Each had his own business and tool. But the main instrument here was the theodolite. Even from school (geo)graphy, Sergey knew that theodolite is a (angular) measuring instrument with the help of which ... measurements are taken ... on the ground ... to display ... me ... surface ... on maps. However, he vaguely imagined ... the appointment and purpose of the work of his comrades who turned out to be not at all g ... ologists but (surveyors) topographers. These are the first people who wake up the taiga. In their footsteps p ... go g ... loggers - perhaps ... chiki subsoil. They will say for real ... is it a dead and barren land ... or is there its own blood in it?

This land was called barren ... in old books that were ... in the cloak of the in ... rnat where Sergey studied. Dusty ... sagging ... with beautiful silt ... yustrations inside, they seemed to harbor some kind of mystery of life that had sunk into the past. Sergei loved those books the most. In them there were many races ... travel stories ... stories about the earth. In one of them, he read ... the first lines about his region. The taiga was presented to the author of this essay as a silent forest where there are no n... herbs n... birds n... n...insects. Going deeper into the forest thicket, that traveler ... and always experienced ... a wave of horror. The gloomy ... noy of the desert ... th to ... the taiga where there is no ... one living creature ... only ... the wind ... rushes ... through ... the ridges of the trees ... breaking the grave ... silence ....

Terribly and gloomily, the traveler wrote here ... hic. On both sides ... of the road rise ... huge ... pines ate firs and cedars ... reaching several girths ... thick. In the depths of the thicket in ... the day ... t ... g ... Gan ... trunks of fallen trees, rotting ... there (in) continuing ... lies ... for many years. Dead silence reigns all around. N ... beast n ... birds. Is it only sometimes (somewhere) somewhere in the depths ... not of the forest that ... a woodpecker sounds, breaking the gr ... bove silence ... the silence and the creak of ... a rotten tree in ... disturbs this ... solemn ... silence ... well, nag ... nag ... heavy ... despondency on the soul …

Quest Keys

№ 1

1, 2, 3, 5,6,8,10,11,12, 15, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33, 34.

№ 2

1. There were no stormy words, no ardent confessions, no oaths, no promises.

2. She wanted to remember this town for the rest of her life, gostiny dvor with yellow peeling arches, pigeons in the market, a green sign for a tavern, tea and sugar, every chip on a humpbacked pavement.

3. Will he support him or not?

4. It was sad in the spring air, and in the darkening sky, and in the carriage.

5. No stake or yard for a poor peasant.

6. And the old man paced the room, now humming psalms in an undertone, now impressively instructing his daughter.

7. From the room occupied by the officers, one could hear laughter, then singing, then sobbing groans of the guitar.

8. Alleys planted with lilacs and lindens, elms and poplars led to the stage.

9. Everywhere she was greeted cheerfully and friendly and assured her that she was good, sweet, rare.

10. He saw not only garden plantations with booths and pumps, but also the bed of the future canal.

11. Mom was not only angry with me, but still was unhappy.

12. A whirlwind raged for about an hour and then disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

13. She is windy not from mediocrity and depravity, from loneliness, hopeless longing for true love.

14. Gray and whitish stones, yellow-green moss, dew-covered bushes of the hold-tree, dogwood and elm were indicated with transparent clarity and bulge in the golden sunrise.

15. The pale gray sky brightened, and grew cold, and turned blue.

16. Kalinich was a man of the most cheerful, most meek disposition, constantly sang in an undertone, looked carelessly in all directions, spoke a little through his nose, squinted his light blue eyes, often took his thin wedge-shaped beard with his hand.

17. On the dried moss, on the purple weeds, on the soft dust of the road, on thin trunks, on the clean leaves of young birches, lay the clear and gentle light of the already heatless, low sun.

18. In a carefree youth, I knew only dense oak forests, streams, caves of our rocks and wild poverty of fun.

19. An uninterrupted rumble, crackling and clouds of smoke hung over the mountain, clouding the sun.

20. Over the mountains, over the valleys, and in broad daylight, and at night, our knight rides incessantly.

21. Let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him sniff gunpowder, let him be a soldier.

22. Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, nor an accident, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person.

23. Andrei stood neither alive nor dead, not having the courage to look his father in the face.

24. How long should I walk in the world, either in a carriage, or on horseback, or in a wagon, or in a carriage, or in a cart, or on foot?

25. It rained continuously both yesterday and today.

26. The enemy is stabbed not only by a bayonet, but also by an ear.

27. I was entrusted with the work, although difficult, but interesting.

28. Not thoughts, not memories, not dreams wandered in his head.

29. Joyfully, it was young on earth, and in heaven, and in the heart of man.

30. With a sliding motion, like a cat, he either crawled, or slipped, or flew over a traveled road.

№ 3

1. Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.

2. Handrails, compasses, binoculars - everything was copper.

3. Everywhere: in clubs, on the streets, on benches, at the gates, in houses - there were strange conversations.

4. V. Hugo came out in defense of the Bulgarians. Ch. Darwin, O. Wilde, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky,

D. Mendeleev.

5. Smile, laughter, and joy, and peace - I forgot everything.

6. Neither a bird, nor an animal, nor a person - no one and nothing escapes the vigilant gaze of a strong, dexterous and intelligent predator of an eagle.

7. Coniferous trees, such as: spruce, pine, fir and others - are called red forest, or red forest.

8. Pets, namely: a horse, a cow, a sheep - benefit people.

9. In every person there is strength and weakness, courage and fear, firmness and hesitation.

10. Long shadows ran from the house, from the trees, and from the dovecote, and from the gallery.

11. Tarpaulin, deck, suitcases, railings - everything was wet with fog.

12. The cart runs, but Yegorushka sees everything the same: the sky, the plain, the hills.

14. There are walls, air - everything is pleasant.

15. And bumps, and moss swamps, and stumps - everything is fine under the moonlight.

16. Everyone: both comrades and ladies - began to assure Belikov that he should marry.

17. Umbrella, watch, knife - all this was in his case.

18. Neither gossip of the world, nor Boston, nor a sweet look, nor an immodest sigh - nothing touched him, he did not notice anything.

19. The spring sun, the local fields - I would be glad to give you everything.

20. Every trifle: a turn of the highway, a branch over a fence, the light of lanterns - everything seemed significant.

21. Everything around was green, everything was gently agitated, everything: trees, bushes, grasses.

22. It seems that I am doing everything to keep up with the times: I arranged for peasants, started a farm, I am learning to read.

23. Both you and I are both decent people.

24. Everything shone joyfully around us: sky, earth and water.

25. Beautiful is the sun, this sky - everything around us is beautiful.

26. She ate no veal, no pigeons, no crayfish, no cheese, no asparagus, no ground pears - nothing that she considered unclean.

27. Hope and hate both disappeared at the same time.

28. Kolya's sons Shura and Misha are all in school.

29. Various vessels: jugs, glasses, bottles - stood on the shelves.

30. But common sense, firmness and freedom, ardent participation in other people's troubles and joys - in a word, all the virtues were definitely born with her.

№ 4

2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

№ 5

2,3,4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

№ 6

1. Sometimes, instead of Natasha, Nikolai Ivanovich appeared from the city, a man with glasses, with a small blond beard, a native of some distant province.

2. There was a bookcase in the corner of the room, a gift from my father.

3. Vladimir Mayakovsky, a talented futurist poet, is also known abroad.

4. A good-natured old man, a hospital watchman, immediately let him in.

5. We guys can't sit for hours without moving.

6. Our history teacher, a native of Kyiv, is now working in a rural school.

7. An ophthalmologist, that is, an eye doctor, sees patients in the morning.

8. The conversation was with a journalist, a correspondent for the capital's newspaper.

9. We know Lermontov as a poet and prose writer and do not know him as a playwright.

10. On the street, a boy, a newspaper seller, was shouting something unintelligible.

11. About the exploits of Ilya Muromets, beloved folk hero many legends have been preserved.

12. This boy, named Vilen, is in the first grade.

13. Mont Blanc, the highest mountain Western Europe attracts many tourists.

14. The rest of the brothers, Vasily and Eugene, lived separately.

15. Both of them, as the best students in the class, were awarded medals.

16. Hippo, or hippopotamus, most spends time in the water.

17. Tragedies of Shakespeare, the great English writer are staged in theaters in many countries.

18. Her father, Sergei Petrovich, is considered a specialist in the field of botany.

19. She does not know what this feeling is, love.

20. My neighbor, a young Cossack, slender and handsome, poured me some wine.

21. He, a swindler, let his horse into my garden.

22. Two townsfolk were sitting in the britzka: Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, shaven, wearing glasses and a straw hat, and another, Syrian, small, long-haired, in a gray caftan, in a wide-brimmed top hat and a colored belt.

23. The son of poor parents, the grandson of a serf, he recognized the need early.

24. Mukhin sent him, a fourteen-year-old teenager, to be examined at the medical faculty of Moscow University.

25. N.I. Pirogov, a prominent specialist in the field of medicine, left behind a lot of work on pedagogy.

26. His son, a boy of about fifteen, got into the habit of visiting us.

27. A minute later the hostess entered, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry over crop failures.

28. So lived Mikhail Vlasov, a locksmith, hairy, gloomy, with small eyes.

29. The new face was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the husband of the little princess.

30. An officer, comrade Tushin, was killed at the beginning of the case.

№ 7

1. A few minutes later, the platform trembled, and, puffing, a locomotive rolled up.

2. Hadji Murat shook his head and, perplexed, undressed and began to pray.

3. He sat opposite me, leaning on the railing, and, pulling a lilac branch to himself, tore off the leaves from it.

4. Egorushka emerged from the water and, snorting and blowing bubbles, opened his eyes.

5. Egor's face was covered with fine sweat, and slowly raising his unruly hands, he wiped his forehead with his palm.

6. And, as if responding to the wishes of his mother, after dinner, Nikolai appeared.

7. Thunder subsided in the thicket, but, breaking out into clearings and clearings, thundered even more gloomily than before.

8. Rybin, standing up, caught a sunbeam on paper, which penetrated into the hut through a crack in the roof, and, moving the newspaper under the beam, read, moving his lips.

9. The swell of the sea, like tired sighs, slowly sways us, either raising or lowering our skiff.

10. One should have seen how he managed with a seven-pound piece of dough, rolling it out, or how, leaning over the chest, he kneaded it, plunging his mighty hands up to the elbow into the mass that squeaked in his steel fingers.

11. Making his way to the door, he stood for a minute, listening.

12. The Czech wanted to say something else, but, noticing three people approaching, he fell silent.

13. At first they walked quickly and without starting conversations.

14. A lazy person sleeps sitting, works lying down.

15. Having recovered his breath a little, the deer rose to his feet and, staggering, went to the side, but, not reaching the forest, he saw a stream and, not paying attention to us, began to drink.

16. Having risen on half-bent legs, Metelitsa stood for about ten minutes without moving, vigilantly peering and listening into the night.

17. But, turning around in a minute, I no longer see her.

18. Sergey lay for a long time without moving.

19. Some time later Vyesovshchikov came.

20. He walked along the garden path without looking back.

21. We will act depending on the circumstances.

22. Since Tuesday the weather has changed.

23. The project is designed based on the planned cost.

24. From the lyceum threshold you stepped onto the ship jokingly.

25. He entered the living room dancing.

26. He stumbled and, barely keeping on his feet, grabbed the handrail.

27. Mists, swirling and wriggling, crawled along the wrinkles of neighboring rocks.

28. After examining the patient and prescribing him medicines, the doctor left.

29. A dog ran barking along the wet pier.

30. When, waking up, he looked at the clocks, they showed ten.

№ 8

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12,13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20,22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

№ 9

1. Despite my indifference, he was extremely attentive to me.

2. Despite my efforts, I could not fall asleep, an endless string of thoughts stretched out, unnecessary, obscure, stubborn and monotonous, like buckets of a water-lifting machine.

3. In the absence of a room for visitors, at the station we were given an overnight stay in a smoky hut.

4. The next day after my return, Pantelei Eremeevich called Porfish to him and, in the absence of an interlocutor, began to tell him, without losing feeling dignity and bass, how he managed to find Malek-Adel.

5. Contrary to the opinion of Chizh, which Mechik also almost learned, Baklanov began to like him.

6. Due to the exclusivity of his position, his actual independence, Khor talked to me about many things.

7. Ivan Dmitritch was always drawn to people, but because of his irritable nature and suspiciousness, he did not get close to anyone.

8. Savelich, in accordance with the opinion of the coachman, advised to return.

9. Tikhon Ivanovich Nedopyuskin could not, like Pantelei Yeremeich, be proud of his origin.

10. Despite the holiday, the garden was deserted.

11. Despite the wind and cold, the birds rushed to their native lands to the north.

12. To the right, somewhere far away, cocks crowed.

13. On the left, under the mountain, over the black Volga, rare lights float on the masts of the last steamboats, wheels thump on the water, whistles are buzzing.

14. Returning from the fair in the evening, I stopped on a hill near the Kremlin wall and watched the sun go down behind the Volga, fiery rivers flow in the sky.

15. From the mountain, along the congress, along the softened clay, among the many streams shining with silver, a long, lean peasant strode broadly, sliding and swaying.

16. On the jambs of windows, in cages pierced by the sun, my birds played.

17. I alone went to catch birds almost thirty miles away, in the Kotovsky forest, on the banks of the Volga, where in the mast pine forest there were long-tailed white birds of rare beauty, valued by lovers of the Apollonian tit.

18. Having bypassed the city by the field, I came to the slope of the Volga, lay down there on the dusty grass and looked for a long time across the river, into the meadows, at this motionless land.

19. At half past seven, already in the dark, Annensky came to Saburov's trench.

20. One evening, at the hour of her duty, Claudia went into ward 42 without anything to do, just to chat, for which the wounded especially loved her.

21. In the evenings, from tea to dinner, the uncles sewed together pieces of dyed fabric.

22. Two years later, at the beginning of September, I again had to be in the city.

23. The Rostovs remained in the city until September 1, that is, until the eve of the enemy's entry into Moscow.

24. In the absence of another room for work, one has to stay in the old building for the time being.

25. Every time I worked without a break until late in the evening, I experienced severe fatigue.

26. Boats sailed along the reeds, under the trees.

27. We got up very late, at ten o'clock.

28. I stayed here for a week, that is, until Sunday or until Monday.

29. On a crooked haystack, sadly, like an orphan, perched a crow.

30. In the sea, at the very shallows, silver herrings glisten.

№ 10

1. Except for a few willows, always ready for service, and two or three skinny birches, we will not see anything.

2. Father, except for French spelling, seems to have known nothing fundamentally.

3. In addition to predators, daytime eagles, hawks and falcons, various nocturnal owls, owls, and owls also live in our forests.

4. The editor listened to him and, against his will, smiled.

5. Instead of bare cliffs, I saw green mountains and trees around me.

6. In the back room of the house, damp and cold, on a shabby bed covered with a shaggy cloak with a blanket instead of a pillow, lay Tchertop-hanov, no longer pale, but yellow-green.

7. To Kashtanka's great surprise, the carpenter, instead of being frightened, stretched out to the front and made it under the visor with all five of his hands.

8. I was already beginning to think that there was no other place for me than literature.

9. The words that gave rise to our quarrel seemed to me even more vile when, instead of obscene mockery, I saw in them deliberate slander.

10. With the exception of a few minor shortcomings, Polutykin was an excellent person.

11. All summer, except, of course, bad days, I lived in the garden.

12. The black-necked swan has white plumage, but the head, with the exception of white eyebrows and three-quarters of the neck, is black.

13. I looked in all directions, expecting to see the formidable bastions of the tower and the rampart, but I saw nothing but a village surrounded by a log fence.

14. Rahim and I cook fish soup from freshly caught fish and both are in that mood when our hearts are so pure and light and there are no other desires except the desire to think.

15. Who, besides the hunter, has experienced how difficult it is to wander through the bushes at dawn?

16. In the room, except for a warped sliding table on thirteen legs of unequal length and four old straw chairs, there was nothing.

17. My driver told me that Yermolov never visits anyone except his father, a simple pious old man, that he receives only city officials.

18. Accompanied by my chilled dog, I went up to the porch, opened the door in the passage, but, instead of the usual accessories of the hut, I saw several tables littered with papers, two red cabinets, tin sandboxes weighing a pood, longest feathers and so on.

19. He undressed as he usually undressed at home, preparing to lie down under a flannel blanket, that is, he took off everything except his underwear, then sat on a stool and, looking in the mirror, began to do amazing things on himself.

20. He was a decent lazy person and, moreover, extremely stupid.

21. In the dark distance there was nothing but sparkling lights.

22. Instead of a cheerful Petersburg life, boredom awaited me in a deaf and distant side.

23. The entire crew of the ship, including the captain, and the chief mechanic, and the barman, consisted of eight or nine people.

24. In addition to the pretzel, our owner also had a bakery.

25. The plane, along with the passengers, captured the mail.

26. Nikolai had to work instead of a friend who suddenly fell ill.

27. We, instead of telling the content of the story, will present only a short sketch of its main characters.

28. Everyone, with the exception of Varya, loudly applauded the singers.

29. The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was upbeat.

30. All material, including diaries of travelers, is carefully studied.

№ 11

2, 3, 5,6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20,21, 24, 28, 29.

№ 12

1. The road runs like mercury.

2. Cities are like magnets.

3. It rained like a bucket, and everything disappeared.

4. I follow you like an ordinary moviegoer and appreciate your talent.

5. Valya was summoned in his case as a witness.

6. In late autumn, such days are given out, sleepy, gloomy, when a warm fog both lay down in the morning and lies, not thinning until the evening.

7. As a doctor and friend, she did not find it possible to tell him the whole truth.

8. In the valley, the storm roars and howls like a wild beast, and darkens the vault of heaven.

9. This story is nothing but my memories.

10. He looked at Marya Alekseevna and then, as if on purpose, looked at Vera.

11. It was evident that he was trying to leave as soon as possible.

12. The farm seemed to be empty, only the calls of sentries were heard in the darkness.

13. He is like a brother to me.

14. I passed over Alazan, over a bizarre wave, over gray-haired, like a legend, and, like a song, young.

15. The workers were met by none other than the director himself

16. He became famous among the sailors as an ardent speaker.

17. Bobrov, no matter how he peered into the gray twilight, saw nothing.

18. He tried to express himself as clearly as possible.

19. Your offer sounds like a threat.

20. They recognized her as a reasonable, prudent, practical woman.

21. In the blue haze you saw how the metal was dying in the fire.

22. Children always take the play as a fairy tale.

23. As a bride, we love our homeland, we protect it like an affectionate mother.

24. The world lies in full view before me.

25. I did not notice how the stars left, long pale from fatigue.

26. Days, like streams, run into a foggy river.

27. You look like a pink sunset and, like snow, you are radiant and bright.

28. Seryozha watches how the river runs, and cannot help but think about the past day.

29. And I see: wide world lies in the palm of my hand in front of me.

30. For the first time, Lermontov was talked about as a great poet after the death of Pushkin.

7.2. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.


An application is a definition expressed by a noun in the same case (that is, AGREED) as the word being defined. Characterizing the object, the application gives it a different name and claims that it has some additional feature. Applications can refer to any member of a sentence expressed by a noun, a personal pronoun, a substantiated participle and an adjective, as well as a numeral. For example: This is how Mikhail Vlasov lived, locksmith, hairy, sullen, with small eyes (M. G.); It was her Peterhof stranger(Paust.); The first, the eldest of all, Feda, you would give fourteen years old (T.); Mother and father rode from Siverskaya station, and we, children, went out to meet them (Nab.).

Note: Proper names used in figuratively(quoted in writing) are also attachments, they are called UNAGREED as opposed to AGREED.

Also very often proper names written without quotes are applications.

The components of some types of compound words are not applications (although they resemble them in the form of connections): words, part of which are evaluative words (firebird, good boy, boy-woman, unfortunate leader, miracle fish).

UNAGREED APPENDICES, expressed by the code name.

7.2.1. Proper names - names used in a figurative sense (quoted in writing), are always applications if they refer to the word being defined, and are in the nominative case, regardless of case form defined word. For example: Among the seven hundred sailors who landed from the battleship "Potemkin" on the Romanian coast, was Rodion Zhukov (Cat.); During the test of the tanker "Leningrad" shipbuilders launched another similar vessel - "Klaipeda". This type of application is present in USE assignments . Please note: as soon as the DEFINED word “leaves” the sentence (that is, book, magazine, picture, play, article, car, steamboat and so on), PROPER NAME ceases to be an application, compare: the history of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin"; Malevich made several copies of the "Black Square" - Kazimir Malevich's painting "Black Square" was created in 1915.

7.2.2 If we are talking about APPENDIX - a proper name, but written without quotes, then there is a very long set of rules governing their writing. Some groups of proper names agree with the word being defined, others do not. Fortunately, there were no such assignments on the Unified State Examination (at least until 2016).

Following these rules, one should write, for example,

On the planet Mars (not Mars);

On Lake Baikal (and not Baikal);

Behind Mount Elbrus (and not Elbrus).

On the Ganges (not the Ganges), but on the Moscow River (not the Moscow River).

For complete information on writing such appendices, please read any of Dietmar Rosenthal's textbooks on stylistic and literary editing.

1. Sometimes, instead of Natasha, Nikolai Ivanovich appeared from the city, a man with glasses, with a small blond beard, a native of some distant province.

2. There was a bookcase in the corner of the room, a gift from my father.

3. Vladimir Mayakovsky, a talented futurist poet, is also known abroad.

4. A good-natured old man, a hospital watchman, immediately let him in.

5. We guys can't sit for hours without moving.

6. Our history teacher, a native of Kyiv, is now working in a rural school.

7. An ophthalmologist, that is, an eye doctor, sees patients in the morning.

8. The conversation was with a journalist, a correspondent for the capital's newspaper.

9. We know Lermontov as a poet and prose writer and do not know him as a playwright.

10. On the street, a boy, a newspaper seller, was shouting something unintelligible.

11. There are many legends about the exploits of Ilya Muromets, the beloved national hero.

12. This boy, named Vilen, is in the first grade.

13. Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe, attracts many tourists.

14. The rest of the brothers, Vasily and Eugene, lived separately.

15. Both of them, as the best students in the class, were awarded medals.

16. The hippopotamus, or hippo, spends most of its time in the water.

17. The tragedies of Shakespeare, the great English writer, are staged on the stages of theaters in many countries.

18. Her father, Sergei Petrovich, is considered a specialist in the field of botany.

19. She does not know what this feeling is, love.

20. My neighbor, a young Cossack, slender and handsome, poured me some wine.

21. He, a swindler, let his horse into my garden.

22. Two townsfolk were sitting in the britzka: Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichov, shaven, wearing glasses and a straw hat, and another, Syrian, small, long-haired, in a gray caftan, in a wide-brimmed top hat and a colored belt.

23. The son of poor parents, the grandson of a serf, he recognized the need early.

24. Mukhin sent him, a fourteen-year-old teenager, to be examined at the medical faculty of Moscow University.

25. N.I. Pirogov, a prominent specialist in the field of medicine, left behind a lot of work on pedagogy.

26. His son, a boy of about fifteen, got into the habit of visiting us.

27. A minute later the hostess entered, an elderly woman, in some kind of sleeping cap, put on hastily, with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers, small landowners who cry over crop failures.

28. So lived Mikhail Vlasov, a locksmith, hairy, gloomy, with small eyes.

29. The new face was Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, the husband of the little princess.

30. An officer, comrade Tushin, was killed at the beginning of the case.

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) The impossibility of returning to the old order after the war of 1812 was widely felt in a society that had experienced a national upsurge.

2) Each tool brings the highest benefit in the hands of those who have studied it as deeply as possible.

3) Today in Ch. Aitmatov’s novel “And the day lasts longer than a century” bears the deep burden of memory, since “the human mind is a clot of eternity that has absorbed our past, present and future.”

4) Nature heals not only the human soul, but can also be blind and cruel to him.

5) B latest novel In his epic "Katorge" Pikul talks about hard labor on Sakhalin.

6) Upon returning to the capital, Vostryakov firmly decided to make a marriage proposal to Marya Alekseevna.

7) After finishing reading, something turned over in my soul.

8) The crowd of listeners, as soon as the performance was over, jumped up from their seats and began to shout loudly.

9) It seemed to me that everyone looked at me with condemnation.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

A) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application in sentence 5. The title of the novel, a proper name, is placed in nominative case, if it is an application, that is, the second name.

Here is the correct spelling: In the last novel of his epic "Katorga", Pikul talks about convicts on Sakhalin.

Rule 7.2.1 paragraph

7.2. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.


An application is a definition expressed by a noun in the same case (that is, AGREED) as the word being defined. Characterizing the object, the application gives it a different name and claims that it has some additional feature. Applications can refer to any member of a sentence expressed by a noun, a personal pronoun, a substantiated participle and an adjective, as well as a numeral. For example: This is how Mikhail Vlasov lived, locksmith, hairy, sullen, with small eyes (M. G.); It was her Peterhof stranger(Paust.); The first, the eldest of all, Feda, you would give fourteen years old (T.); Mother and father rode from Siverskaya station, and we, children, went out to meet them (Nab.).

Note: Proper names used in a figurative sense (quoted in writing) are also applications, they are called UNAGREED in contrast to AGREED.

Also very often proper names written without quotes are applications.

The components of some types of compound words are not applications (although they resemble them in the form of connections): words, part of which are evaluative words (firebird, good boy, boy-woman, unfortunate leader, miracle fish).

UNAGREED APPENDICES, expressed by the code name.

7.2.1. Proper names - names used in a figurative sense (quoted in writing), are always applications if they refer to the word being defined, and are in the form of the nominative case, regardless of the case form of the word being defined. For example: Among the seven hundred sailors who landed from the battleship "Potemkin" on the Romanian coast, was Rodion Zhukov (Cat.); During the test of the tanker "Leningrad" shipbuilders launched another similar vessel - "Klaipeda". It is this type of application that is present in the tasks of the exam. Please note: as soon as the DEFINED word “leaves” the sentence (that is, book, magazine, picture, play, article, car, steamboat and so on), PROPER NAME ceases to be an application, compare: the history of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin"; Malevich made several copies of the "Black Square" - Kazimir Malevich's painting "Black Square" was created in 1915.

7.2.2 If we are talking about APPENDIX - a proper name, but written without quotes, then there is a very long set of rules governing their writing. Some groups of proper names agree with the word being defined, others do not. Fortunately, there were no such assignments on the Unified State Examination (at least until 2016).

Following these rules, one should write, for example,

On the planet Mars (not Mars);

On Lake Baikal (and not Baikal);

Behind Mount Elbrus (and not Elbrus).

On the Ganges (not the Ganges), but on the Moscow River (not the Moscow River).

For complete information on writing such appendices, please read any of Dietmar Rosenthal's textbooks on stylistic and literary editing.

B) the violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate in sentence 8 is that the subject CROWD is a singular word. It is necessary to put the predicate also in units.

Here is the correct spelling: The crowd of listeners, as soon as the performance was over, jumped up from their seats and began to shout loudly.

Rule 7.3.2 paragraph

7.3. Agreement of the predicate with the subject


Subject - main member offers, which is consistent with its predicate according to the laws of grammar.

The subject and predicate usually have the same grammatical forms of number, gender, person, for example: Clouds are rushing, clouds are winding; Invisible moon Illuminates the flying snow; The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

In such cases, we can talk about the agreement of the predicate with the subject. However, the correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members of the sentence is not necessary, there may be an incomplete correspondence of the grammatical forms of the main members: My whole life has been a guarantee of a faithful date with you.- correspondence of number forms, but different forms of gender; Your destiny is endless chores- inconsistency of number forms.

The grammatical connection of the main members of the sentence is considered as coordination. This grammatical connection is wider and freer than agreement. Different words can enter into it, their morphological properties do not have to correspond to each other.

When coordinating the main members of the sentence, the problem arises of choosing the forms of the number of the predicate, when the gender / number of the subject is difficult to determine. This section of the "Reference" is devoted to consideration of these issues.

7.3.1. In a complex sentence, pronouns act as subjects

If in a sentence (and not necessarily in NGN!) a pronoun is used as a subject, then you need to know a number of rules that prescribe how to correctly coordinate the predicate with it.

A) If the subject is expressed by the pronouns WHO, WHAT, NOBODY, NOTHING, SOMEONE, SOMEONE, WHOEVER, then the predicate is put in the singular form: For example: [Those ( who neglect the opinions of others) risk being left alone].

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes), [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [No one knew (that the lesson was postponed).]

EXAMPLE 1 (Whoever comes, [everyone will know].

EXAMPLE 2 [No one knew (that the lesson was postponed).]

B) If the subject is expressed by the plural pronoun TE, ALL, the predicate is put in the plural form. If the subject is expressed by pronouns in singular THAT, TA, TO, the predicate is put in the singular form. For example: [ THOSE (who graduated with honors) are more likely to enter a university free of charge].

This proposal is built on the following model:

[Those (who + the predicate), ... the predicate ...]. And this is the most common model in which it is proposed to find an error. Let's analyze the structure complex sentence: in the main clause, the pronoun "those" - is the subject, pl. h; "have" -predicate, pl. This is in line with rule B.

Now attention to the subordinate clause: “who” is the subject, “finished” is the predicate in the singular. This is in accordance with rule A.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) must independently check in for the flight].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

EXAMPLE 3. [Those (who are planning a vacation for the summer) buy tickets in the spring].

Here are the corrected versions:

EXAMPLE 1 [Everyone (who purchased tickets at the box office) MUST check in for the flight on their own].

EXAMPLE 2. [Those (who have seen the northern lights at least once) will no longer be able to forget this extraordinary phenomenon].

In examples 1 and 2, the error is easy to see: it is enough to throw out the subordinate clause. In the following example, the error often goes unnoticed.

EXAMPLE 3. [Those ( who are planning a vacation for the summer) buy tickets in the spring].

C) If the subject is expressed by the phrase ONE OF .., EACH OF ..., NONE OF .. then the predicate is put in the singular form. If the subject is expressed by the phrase MANY FROM ..., SOME FROM ..., ALL FROM .. then the predicate is put in the plural form. For example: [None of those (who won a prize) wanted to go to the republican competition].

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who have been to Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the old manor trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each of the parties (which presented its project) defended its advantages over other projects].

Here are the corrected versions:

EXAMPLE 4 [Many of those (who have been to Mikhailovsky Park) were amazed at the size of the old manor trees].

EXAMPLE 5 [Each of us (who has been in a similar situation) certainly thought about ways out of it].

EXAMPLE 6 [Each side, (who presented her project), defended its advantages over other projects].

D) If the sentence has a turnover of WHO, AS NOT .., the predicate is put in the singular form male. For example: Who, if not parents, SHOULD teach children the ability to communicate?

This turnover can be considered as clarifying, see other examples in clause 7.3.3, part B.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not we, should worry about the cleanliness of our cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you a model of endurance and love of life?

Here are the corrected versions:

EXAMPLE 7 Who, if not us, should worry about the cleanliness of their cities?

EXAMPLE 8 Who, if not your mother, taught you a model of endurance and love of life?

7.3.2 Predicate coordination with subject, expressed word or combination of words with the meaning of quantity

When coordinating the main members of the sentence, the problem arises of choosing the forms of the number of the predicate, when the subject points to many objects, but appears in the singular.

A) The role of the subject is the collective name of nouns and words close to them in meaning.

Collective nouns denote a set of homogeneous objects or living beings as an indivisible whole: FOLIAGE, DUBNYAK, ASPEN, CHILDREN, STUDENTS, TEACHER, PROFESSORIES, PEASANTS. They have the form of only the singular, do not combine with quantitative numbers and with words denoting units of measure, but can be combined with the words a lot / little or how much: LITTLE RELATIONS, A LITTLE LEAVES, A LOT OF MOSHKORA.

The words PEOPLE, PACK, ARMY, GROUP, CROWD can also be attributed to them in terms of the meaning of collectiveness; THOUSAND, MILLION, HUNDRED; TROIKA, PAIR; DARKNESS, DEEP, LOTS AND OTHERS

The subject, expressed by a collective noun, requires the predicate to be set only in the singular form:

For example: The children frolicked in the courtyard of the house; young people often take the initiative.

Subject expressed by a noun type GROUP, CROWD also requires setting the predicate only in the singular form:

For example: A group of festival participants shared their impressions; a trio of horses rushed under the windows

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 1. During last three For years, the leadership of the Central and regional markets have repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

Here are the corrected versions: 

EXAMPLE 1. Over the past three years, the leadership of the Central and regional markets have repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

EXAMPLE 3. A couple of lovers were sitting on a bench.

B) The subject is a collective noun with a quantitative meaning

The nouns MOST, MINORITY, PLENTY, SERIES, PART, despite the grammatical form of the singular, denote not one object, but many, and therefore the predicate can take not only the form of the singular, but also the plural. For example: On this pond ... an innumerable number of ducks were hatched and kept; Many hands are knocking on all the windows from the street, and someone is breaking on the door. Which form would you prefer?

The subject, which has in its composition the collective nouns MOST, MINORITY, Plenty, ROW, PART, requires the predicate to be set only in the singular form, if:

A) there are no dependent words from the collective noun

Part went on vacation, and part remained; many scatteredAxis, a minority remainedAxis

b) the collective noun has a singular dependent word

With a subject that has in its composition the words MOST, MINORITY, PLENTY, SERIES, PART, you can put the predicate both in the plural form and in the plural, if the noun has a dependent word in the plural:

Most students passed the test; a number of participants demonstrated excellent knowledge.

Some of the books were purchased for the library; a number of objects delivered ahead of schedule

The plural of the predicate in such constructions usually indicates the activity of the actors.

Consider the cases in which the use of the plural of the predicate is allowed and permissible.

The predicate is put
in the singular, ifplural, if
The activity of animated persons is not emphasized:

Part of the conference participants did not accept participation in the discussion

Activity is highlighted. The subject is animate.

Most writers strongly rejected editor fixes. Most students are good answered at the lesson.

Activity is not emphasized, the passive participle indicates that the object itself does not perform the action.

Row of workersattracted to responsibility.

Activity is emphasized in the presence of participial or participle turnover.
Activity is not emphasized, subject is inanimate

Most Items lay in disarray

A number of workshops manufactures parts for our workshop.

Activity is also indicated by a number of homogeneous members:

Majority editors, proofreaders, authors, reviewers studied these documents.

Most editors got order, got acquainted with its content and done necessary conclusions. A number of homogeneous predicates.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the singular form of the predicate is more in line with the tradition of book writing styles and the use of the plural form of the predicate must be clearly justified. An error in the tasks of the exam will be the unreasonable setting of the predicate in the plural.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not done correctly enough.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, Orel.

EXAMPLE 6 A lot of poems by this author were published in the series "Children's Library"

Here are the corrected versions: 

EXAMPLE 4 Most of the tasks were not completed correctly. Predicate in the form passive communion indicates passivity. actor.

EXAMPLE 5 A number of events will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, Orel. Events cannot act on their own, so the predicate must be used in the singular.

EXAMPLE 6 Many poems by this author were published in the Children's Library series.. The predicate in the form of a passive participle indicates the passivity of the actor.

C) The combination of a numeral with a noun acts as a subject

With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination, the same problem arises: in what number is it better to use the predicate. In Chekhov we find: Some three soldiers stood side by side at the very descent and were silent; He had two sons. L. Tolstoy preferred the following forms: Three peasants and a woman sat in the sleigh; Two feelings fought in his soul - good and evil.

Note: In the USE assignments, such cases do not occur, since there is a high possibility of incorrect classification of the type of error - such cases can be attributed to an error in the use of a numeral. Therefore, we confine ourselves to remarks of a general nature and note the most gross errors made in written works.

With a subject that has in its composition a numeral or a word with the meaning of quantity, you can put the predicate both in the plural form and in the singular:

Five years have passed; ten graduates have chosen our institute

Use different forms depends on the meaning that the predicate brings to the sentence, activity and generality of action is emphasized by the plural. number.

The predicate is usually put in the singular if

In the subject, a numeral ending in "one":

Twenty-one students of our institute are included in the city's volleyball team, But Twenty-two (three, four, five...) students of our institute are members of the city's volleyball team

If the message fixes this or that fact, the result, or when the message is given an impersonal character:

Twenty-two suits sold; Three or four students will be transferred to another class.

The predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, existence, position in space:

Three kingdoms stood before her. The room had two windows with wide window sills. Three windows of the room faced north

Wrong: Three kingdoms stood. There were two windows with wide window sills in the room. Three windows of the room faced north.

A single number, which creates an idea of ​​a single whole, is used to designate a measure of weight, space, time:

Thirty-four kilograms of drying oil will be required to paint the roof. Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, already, it seems, eleven o'clock has struck. Five months have elapsed since

Wrong: Thirty-four kilograms of drying oil will be required to paint the roof; Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey. A hundred years have passed. However, already, it seems, eleven o'clock has struck. Five months have elapsed since then.

With a subject expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral sex-, the predicate is usually put in the singular, and in the past tense - in the middle gender, For example: half an hour will pass, half a year has flown by, half the city participated in the demonstration.

Wrong: half the class participated in the competition, half an hour will pass

7.3.3 Coordination between subject and verb separated from each other

Between the subject and the predicate there may be secondary separate members sentences specifying members, subordinate clauses. In these cases, it is necessary to strictly observe general rule: the predicate and the subject must agree.

Let's consider special cases.

A) Coordination of the subject and the compound nominal predicate in a sentence built according to the “noun. is a noun.”

Note for the teacher: this type of error in the SPP is noted in his manual "How to get 100 USE points" (2015) by I.P. Tsybulko, while in the "Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing" by D. Rosenthal, such an error is called a construction shift in a complex sentence.

The nominal part of the predicate in a sentence built according to the noun + noun model must be in the nominative case.

For example: [First, (what you should learn) is highlighting the basis of the sentence].

The grammatical basis of the main clause consists of the subject first and predicate selection. Both words are in the nominative case.

And this is what it looks like proposal with an error: [The first (what should be learned) is the selection of the basis of the sentence]. Under the influence of the subordinate clause, the predicate received the genitive case, which is a mistake.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 1 [The main thing (what you need to pay attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last thing (to stop) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important (what is worth striving for) is the fulfillment of a dream]

Here are the corrected versions:

EXAMPLE 1 The main thing (what you need to pay attention to) is the ideological side of the work]

EXAMPLE 2 [The last (what should be stopped) is the composition of the book]

EXAMPLE 3 [The most important (what is worth striving for) is the fulfillment of a dream]

B). Coordination of the predicate with the subject, in which there are clarifying members.

In order to clarify the subject, sometimes clarifying (explaining turns), connecting members of the sentence, separate additions are used. Yes, in the proposal Competition Jury, including representatives of a cosmetic company selected from the audience, could not determine the winner the highlighted turnover is a connecting one(in other manuals it is called clarifying).

The presence in the sentence of any member that specifies the meaning of the subject does not affect the number of the predicate. Such turns are attached with the words: EVEN, ESPECIALLY, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE; EXCEPT, INCLUDING, INCLUDING and the like. For example: Editorial Board, including the editors of the Internet portal, is in favor of reorganization.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error:

EXAMPLE 4. The entire team, including dancers and jugglers, spoke out in favor of participating in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5. The whole family, and especially the younger children, was looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6. The school administration, including members of the parent committee, supported holding an extended parent meeting.

Here are the corrected versions:

The mistake is easy to see if you throw out the subordinate clause.

EXAMPLE 4 The whole team, including dancers and jugglers, spoke out in favor of participating in the competition.

EXAMPLE 5 The whole family, and especially the younger children, was looking forward to the arrival of their grandfather.

EXAMPLE 6 The school administration, including members of the parent committee, advocated holding an expanded parent meeting.

7.3.4 Coordination of the predicate with the subject, the gender or number of which is difficult to determine.

For the correct connection of the subject with the predicate, it is very important to know the gender of the noun.

A) Certain categories or groups of nouns have difficulty in determining the gender or number.

The gender and number of indeclinable nouns, abbreviations, conditional names and a number of other words are determined special rules. For the correct coordination of such words with the predicate, you need to know their morphological features.

Ignorance of these rules cause errors: Sochi became the capital of the Olympics; cocoa is cold; shampoo is over; the university announced the enrollment of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Need to: Sochi has become the capital of the Olympics; cocoa has cooled down; shampoo is over, the university announced a set of students, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported

Nouns, the gender/number of which is difficult to determine, are discussed in the section. After studying the above material, you will be able to successfully complete not only task 6, but also 7.

Consider sentences with errors

EXAMPLE 1. The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week.

In the sentence, the word "package" is the subject, feminine. The predicate "was sent" is in the masculine. This is mistake. We fix: The parcel was sent at the beginning of the week

EXAMPLE 2. The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

In the sentence, the word "tulle" is the subject, masculine. The predicate "approached" is in the feminine. This is mistake. We fix: The tulle harmonized perfectly with the color of the upholstered furniture.

EXAMPLE 3. The UN has met for another meeting.

In the sentence, the word "UN" is the subject, feminine (organization). The predicate "gathered" is on average. This is mistake. We fix: The UN met for a regular meeting.

EXAMPLE 4. Foreign Ministry announced participation in the meeting

In the sentence, the word "MIA" is the subject, it does not change. When decrypted, we get "Ministry

Foreign Affairs". At the same time, we recall that given word belongs to the masculine gender. The predicate "reported" is on average. This is mistake. We fix: The Foreign Ministry announced its participation in the meeting.

EXAMPLE 5. "Moskovsky Komsomolets" published a rating of the best universities in the country.

In the sentence, the phrase "Moskovsky Komsomolets" is the subject, this is a conditional Russian name, a masculine word, like the word "Komsomolets". The predicate "printed" is in the feminine. This is mistake. We correct: Moskovsky Komsomolets published a rating of the best universities in the country.

EXAMPLE 6. Tbilisi attracts tourists .

In the sentence, the word "Tbilisi" is the subject, it is an invariable code name. It is a masculine word, like the word "city". The predicate "attract" is plural. This is mistake. We fix: Tbilisi attracts tourists. 

B) Coordination of the predicate with the subject with the meaning of the profession

With a masculine noun denoting a profession, position, rank, etc., the predicate is placed in masculine regardless of the gender of the person in question. For example: the teacher made a report, the director called an employee

WITH proposals will be wrong, in which the teacher made a report, the director called an employee .

Note: if there is a person's own name, especially a surname, in which the indicated words act as applications, the predicate is consistent with own name: Teacher Sergeeva gave a lecture. More on this point below, 7.3.5

7.3.5 Subject is appendix

An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in the case: city ​​(what?) Sochi, bird (what?) hummingbird, website (what?) "ReshuEGE"

As a general rule, the predicate is consistent with the subject, and the presence of latest application in the form of another gender or number does not affect the agreement

For example: The plant, this grand colossus, seemed to be a ship of unheard-of dimensions too. The suggestion would be wrong. The plant, this grandiose colossus, it seemed, was also a ship of unheard of dimensions. .

If the subject has an application, then, first of all, it is necessary to find out which of the words is the subject and which is the application, and then put the predicate in one way or another.

Table 1. Application and subjects are written separately. When combining a generic name and a specific or specific and individual subject, the word denoting a broader concept is considered, and the predicate is consistent with it. Here are some examples:

Application - common noun:

the rose flower smelled marvelously; the oak tree has grown; kharcho soup is cooked

Application - proper noun

the Dnieper river has flooded; newspaper "Moscow's comsomolets" came out; Barbos dog barked

Exception: last names of people. In pairs, engineer Svetlova reported, Doctor of Science Zvantseva came out, head teacher Marina Sergeevna noted proper nouns are subject.

Table 2. The subject is compound noun, forms terms, in which one part resembles an application in function. In these cases, the leading (defined) word is the word that expresses a broader concept or specifically designates an object.

The predicate agrees with the first word, both words change

an armchair-bed stood in the corner; the factory-laboratory fulfilled the order; invoice issued in a timely manner; theater-studio brought up a lot of actors; attention was attracted by a table-poster; romance song became very popular

The predicate agrees with the second word, the first word does not change:

cafeteria is open(dining room is a broader concept); vending machine open(in this combination, the part of the diner acts as the bearer of a specific meaning); raincoat tent lay(tent in the form of a raincoat, not a raincoat in the form of a tent); "Roman-newspaper" was published in large circulation(newspaper is a broader name).

EXAMPLE 1 ice cream cake cut into equal pieces .

Compound noun "ice cream cake" in the main, more common word"cake" is masculine, so: Ice cream cake cut into equal parts

EXAMPLE 2 The story "Children of the Underground" was written by V.G. Korolenko. .

The conditional name is an application, so you need to coordinate the predicate with the word "story": The story "Children of the Underground" was written by V.G. Korolenko.

EXAMPLE 3 A tiny dog, quite a puppy, suddenly barked loudly. .

The subject is the word "dog", it is feminine, therefore: A tiny dog, quite a puppy, suddenly barked loudly.

EXAMPLE 4 Yesterday the young teacher Petrov gave his first lecture. .

The subject is the surname "Petrova", it is feminine, therefore: Yesterday, the young teacher Petrova gave her first lecture.

A) The sentence has homogeneous subjects and one predicate

If the predicate refers to several subjects, not connected by unions or connected by a connecting union, then the following forms of coordination apply:

The predicate after homogeneous subjects is usually plural:

Industry and Agriculture in Russia are steadily developing.

The predicate that precedes homogeneous subjects usually agrees with the nearest of them:

In the village there was a clatter and screams

If there are divisive or opposing unions between the subjects, then the predicate is put in the singular.

Experienced fear or instant fright in a minute seems both funny, and strange, and incomprehensible. Not you, but fate is to blame.

Consider sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 Passion for sports and a tough daily routine did their job. .

Two subjects, the predicate comes after a series of homogeneous members, so it must be in the plural: Passion for sports and a tough daily routine did their job.

EXAMPLE 2 Not reason, but fear suddenly took possession of me. .

Two subjects, with the union a, the predicate must therefore be in the singular: Not reason, but fear suddenly took possession of me.

EXAMPLE 3 In the distance, the familiar noise and loud voices could be heard. .

Two subjects, the predicate is in front of a number of homogeneous members, therefore it should be in the singular: In the distance there was a familiar noise and loud voices.

B) The combination in the subject of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case (with the preposition c) like “brother and sister”

Setting the predicate in the plural or singular depends on what meaning is given to the phrase: joint action or separate.

When combined in the subject of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in instrumental(with the preposition c) like "brother and sister" the predicate is put:

in plural, if both named objects (persons) act as equal action producers(both are subject);

Pasha and Petya had been waiting for their mother's return for a long time and were very worried.

in the singular, if the second object (person) accompanies the main producer of the action ( is an addition):

The mother and child went to the clinic. Nicholas with younger sister came last.

Only in the singular in the presence of the words TOGETHER, TOGETHER:

My father left the city with his mother.

Only in the singular with the subject expressed by the pronoun I, YOU

I will come with a friend; you had a fight with your mom

Consider sentences with errors:

EXAMPLE 1 My brother and his friends went to the beach. .

With the word "together" the predicate cannot be plural: My brother and his friends went to the beach.

EXAMPLE 2 Ruslan and I will come to class today. .

With the subject I (+ someone else), the predicate cannot be plural: Ruslan and I will come to class today. Or: Ruslan and I will come to class today.

EXAMPLE 3 You and your sister will live in this room. .

With the subject you (+ someone else), the predicate cannot be plural: You and your sister will live in this room.Or: You and your sister will live in this room..

C) an error in constructing a sentence with a gerund in sentence 7 is that the actors performing the main action and the action indicated by the gerund do not match. We need to completely redesign the proposal.

The sentence can be rearranged as follows: When I finished (l, la) reading, something turned over in my soul.

Rule 7.8.1 TYPE 3



Participial turnover is a gerund with dependent words.

The gerund always denotes an additional action that occurs in parallel with the main one, for example: a man walked (the main action), waving your arms(additional, what while doing); the cat fell asleep (main action), tucking its paws (additional action, what did you do?)

The participles answer the question what do you do? ( imperfect species) and what did you do? (perfect view). Along with this question, you can also ask questions How? how? for what purpose? and the like. A gerund always denotes a sign of an action, that is, it describes how the main action takes place.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using adverbial phrases.

7.8.1 Participle turnover in a sentence with a subject

The general rule for using adverbial phrases is as follows: the gerund and the predicate must denote the actions of the same person, that is, the subject. This person performs two actions: one main, the second additional. The participle should easily be replaced by the second verb: sat down, laid out textbooks - sat down and laid out; looked, smiling - looked and smiled.

TYPE 1. A gerund and a verbal predicate expressed by a verb without the postfix -sya

Slipping on ice I was picked up by a guy next to me.

Passing under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

In each of the sentences, there were two characters: in the first one, someone slipped and someone picked it up; in the second: someone passed and someone almost fell down. But due to an error in construction, it turns out that the guy picked up, slipping; the icicle nearly fell off as it passed.

With this construction, the participle is erroneously assigned to one actor, and the predicate to another, which violates the basic rule. To avoid mistakes, you need to ensure that the participle and the predicate refer to the same person.

When I slipped on the ice, I was picked up by a guy next to me.

When I was walking under the house, an icicle almost fell on me.

TYPE 2. The gerund refers to the predicate in the form of a short passive participle

Writing a poem "Death of a Poet", the fate of Lermontov was determined.

Analyzing the text, I was quite right in determining its size.

As in type 1, the participle and the predicate refer to different persons. Due to a construction error, it turns out that fate was determined by writing ; the size is determined having analyzed. The predicate is a short passive participle.

If the predicate is expressed a brief communion, which means that the subject itself does not perform the action, something is done with it. With this form of the predicate gerund, there can be no.

Here are the revised proposals:

When Lermontov wrote the poem "The Death of a Poet", his fate was determined.

When I analyzed poetic text, I was quite right to determine its size.

TYPE 3. The adverbial phrase is attached to the predicate-reflexive verb in the passive meaning, which has a postfix Xia

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Usually, creating your work, it expresses Xia author's attitude to life and people.

Having received an education, students direct Xia senior master for practice.

As in type 2, the subject in such a sentence does not actually perform the action itself: attitude expresses Xia(by someone); displays Xia(by someone); direct Xia(by someone). But a if there is no action, then there can be no additional, additional, expressed by a gerund. We replace the adverbial turnover with a subordinate clause.

Here are the revised proposals:

Usually, when a work is created, the author's attitude to life and people is expressed in it. Or: Creating a work, the author always expresses his attitude to life and people.

When students receive their education, they are directed by the senior master to practice.

7.8.2. Participle turnover in a sentence without a subject

It often happens that the subject performing both actions may not be formally expressed, that is, there is no subject in the sentence. In this case, we are talking about one-part proposals. It is these types that cause the greatest difficulty in finding an error.

TYPE 4. Participle turnover in an impersonal sentence (except for type 7)

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Sending a rather important telegram I didn't have enough money.

He was sad.

There is no subject, the acting person is expressed by a pronoun to me(this is the dative case). The use of participles in impersonal sentences is unacceptable. It is possible: either to make a subordinate clause from the adverbial clause, or to make the usual one from the impersonal, with the subject.

The exception is sentences with an infinitive verb, see type 7.

Here are the revised proposals:

When I sent a rather important telegram, I did not have enough money.

Refusing to experiment he experienced sadness.

TYPE 5. Participle turnover in an indefinite personal sentence

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Having received a good education , Griboedov was sent as a secretary diplomatic mission to Persia.

Didn't finish the report, the head of the department was offered to go on a business trip.

There can be no adverbial turnover with the subject, if it is not defined. This situation occurs in indefinite personal sentences with the verb in the past tense plural.

Who directed? who received? who suggested? who did not finish the report? Unclear. We replace the turnover with a subordinate clause or restructure it so that it is clear who received an education and who completed the report.

Here are the revised proposals:

When Griboedov received a good education, he was sent as secretary of a diplomatic mission in Persia.

Without finishing the report, the head of the department received an offer to go on a business trip.

7.8.3. Participle turnover in a sentence without a subject. Permitted tricks.

Due to the fact that the assignments may also contain correct sentences with adverbial phrases, we consider it important to place a table with such examples and such rules that are not found in erroneous ones. Everything in this table is allowed.

TYPE 6. The adverbial phrase refers to the verb in imperative mood

When crossing the street, carefully follow the traffic.

Having received the task for the adverbial turnover, check if it contains a request, order or advice.

There is no subject in sentences. But it is allowed to use participial phrases in such sentences where the verb is used in the imperative mood: follow, go, write, search and so on. It turns out that both the turnover and the predicate refer to one person, to whom we advise to do something. Easy to substitute a pronoun You: you follow by passing; you check when you receive it.

TYPE 7. The adverbial turnover refers to the infinitive

Consider sentences without errors.

walking along autumn forest , it is pleasant to inhale the intoxicating aroma of fallen leaves.

When handing over the work, it should be carefully checked.

Given that there is no subject (impersonal sentence) it is permissible to use a participial turnover if it refers to the infinitive: walking, inhale; reading, sit; dreaming, dozing; napping, dreaming.

Not all manuals allow this rule: in some of them, the infinitive must be required, it is possible, it is necessary, others follow (the so-called modal words). In any case, sentences like: rewriting, it should be noted; having begun, it is necessary to finish; having received, it is necessary to do, will be ERROR-FREE.

TYPE 8. Participle turnover in a definite-personal or generalized-personal sentence

Consider sentences without errors.

going for family table at the parents' house, we always remember grandmother's pies and tea with viburnum and mint.

Planning your upcoming vacation carefully calculate the family budget.

There is no subject, but the sentence definitely personal, it is easy to substitute the pronoun We. You can turn! It refers to the implied person: we remember when we gather; we calculate by planning.

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover - in sentence 1: the participle has an incorrect ending, is not consistent with the main word. Let's correct the error: The impossibility of returning to the old order after the war of 1812 was widely felt in a society (what?) that had experienced a national upsurge.

Rule 7.1.1 paragraph



Participle turnover is a participle with dependent words. For example, in the sentence Graduates who successfully pass the exam become applicants

word Graduates- main word

surrendered - communion,

those who passed (how?) successfully and passed (what?) the exam are participle dependent words.

Thus, the participial turnover in this sentence is - successfully passed the exam. If you change the word order and write the same sentence differently by placing a turnover before main word ( Successfully passed the exam Graduates become applicants), only the punctuation will change, and the turnover remains unchanged.

Very important: before starting work with task 7 for finding errors in a sentence with a participle, we advise you to solve and study task 16, which tests the ability to put commas with correctly constructed participial and adverbial phrases.

The purpose of the task is to find one such sentence in which the grammatical norms when using the participle. Of course, the search must begin with finding the sacrament. Remember that the sacrament you are looking for must certainly be in full form: short form never forms a participial turnover, but is a predicate.

To successfully complete this task, you need to know:

  • rules for coordinating the participle and the main (or defined) word;
  • the rules for the location of the participial turnover in relation to the main word;
  • tense and type of participles (present, past; perfect, imperfect);
  • participle pledge (active or passive)

We draw attention to that that in a sentence with a participial turnover, not one, but two or even three errors can be made.

Note for teachers: keep in mind that the authors of various manuals have different points of view on the classification, as well as on the types of errors that can be attributed to a certain type. The classification adopted at RESHU is based on the classification of I.P. Tsybulko.

We classify all types of possible grammatical errors when using participial turnover.

7.1.1 Violation of the agreement of the participle with the word being defined

The rule according to which single participles (as well as those included in the participle) are consistent with the main (= defined) word, requires setting the participle in the same gender, number and case as the main word:

About children (what?) returning from a trip; for the exhibition (what?) being prepared in the museum.

Therefore, we simply find a sentence in which there is full communion, and its ending does not match (or) gender, (or) case, (or) number of the main word.

Type 1, the lightest

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

I got to chat with the guests present at the opening of the exhibition.

What is the reason for the error? The participle is not consistent with the word to which it must obey, that is, the ending must be different. We put the question from the noun and change the ending of the participle, that is, we agree on the words.

I had a chance to chat with guests(what IMI?), those present at the opening of the exhibition.

In these examples, the noun and its participle stand side by side, the error is easily seen. But this is not always the case.

type 2, harder

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

I want to find the words to the song heard recently.

These sentences contain two nouns: author, books; lyrics. Which of them has a participle turnover attached to it? We think about meaning. What was published, the author or his book? What do you want to find, words or a song?

Here's the corrected version:

I want to find the lyrics of the song (which one?), heard recently.

Type 3, even harder

The endings of participles sometimes perform a very large semantic mission. We think about the meaning!

Let's compare two sentences:

The noise of the sea (which one?), which woke me up, was very strong. What woke up? It turns out that the sea. The sea cannot wake up.

The noise (what?) of the sea that woke me up was very strong. What woke up? Turns out it's noise. And the noise can wake up. This is the correct option.

I heard the heavy steps (what?) of a bear, chasing me. Footsteps cannot pursue.

I heard the heavy steps of a bear (what?), haunting me. The bear can chase. This is the correct option.

Children of employees (which ones?), having any diseases receive preferential vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle “having” refers to the word “employees”. It turns out that employees will have diseases, and the children of sick employees will receive vouchers. This is not the right option.

Children (what?) of employees, having any disease receive preferential vouchers to the sanatorium. The participle "having" refers to the word "children", and we understand that it is the children who have diseases and they need vouchers.

4 type, variant

Often there are sentences in which there are phrases of two words, the first of which is part of the whole, indicated by the second, for example: each of their participants, one of all, any of those named, some of them, some of the gifts.. A participial phrase can be attached to each of the nouns, depending on the meaning: in such phrases, the participle (participial phrase) can be agreed with any word. It will be a mistake if the sacrament "hangs" and has no connection with any of the words.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Each participant who received maximum amount points, the right to perform one more number was granted.

The sacrament can be agreed with both the word "to each" and the word "participants".

To each (what?) of the participants, who received the maximum number of points, was granted the right to perform one more number

Each of the participants (which THEM?), who received the maximum number of points, was granted the right to perform one more number.

We draw attention to the fact that it will be a mistake to disagree with OR with the first word, OR with the second:

Incorrect: Each of the participants who received ... or Each of the participants who received ... This is not possible.

In explanations on DECIDE, the option of agreement with the ending THEM is more often used.

Similarly true: Part of the books (which THEM?), received as a gift will go as a gift.

Or Part (what) of books, received as a gift will go as a gift.

Incorrect: Part of the books received as a gift will go as a gift.

NOTE : this type of error when checking essays is considered a matching error.

7.1.2 Participle construction and place of the main word

In well-formed sentences with participial turnover the main (or defined word) cannot be inside the participial turnover. His place is either before or after him. Remember that this depends on the placement of punctuation marks !!!

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Submissions must be carefully checked documentation for examination.

We walked through the littered alley fallen leaves.

presenter Street the city was free.

Created novel young author caused lively controversy.

note: with this construction of the sentence, it is completely incomprehensible whether to put a comma.

Here's the corrected version:

Must be carefully checked documentation, submitted for examination. Or: You need to carefully check submitted for examination documentation.

We walked along alley, strewn with fallen leaves. Or: We walked along strewn with fallen leaves alley.

Street leading to the city was free. Or: Leading to the city Street was free.

7.1.3. Participle turnovers, including irregular forms of participles

In accordance with the norms of the formation of participles, in modern Russian literary language participle forms are not used in -sch, formed from perfective verbs with the meaning of the future tense: there are no words pleasing, helping, reading, able. In the opinion of the editors of DECIDE, such erroneous forms should be presented in task 6, but, since I.P. Tsybulko has similar examples, we consider it important to note this type too.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Until I found human, able to help me.

A valuable prize awaits participant, finding the answer to this question.

These sentences need to be corrected, because future participles are not formed from perfective verbs. Participles do not have a future tense..

Here's the corrected version:

We replace the non-existent participle with a verb in the conditional mood.

Until I found someone who can help me.

A valuable prize awaits the person who finds the answer to this question.

7.1.4. Participle turnovers, including irregular forms of pledge of participles

This type of error was in tasks USE past years (until 2015). In the books of I.P. Tsybulko 2015-2017 there are no such tasks. This type is the most difficult to recognize, and the error is due to the fact that the participle is used in the wrong voice, in other words, the real is used instead of the passive.

Consider sentences with a grammatical error.

Documentation, sent for examination

Contest, hosted by the organizers

Foam, pouring into the bath, has a pleasant aroma.

Here's the corrected version:

Documentation, sent for examination must be carefully checked.

Contest, organized by the organizers very much liked by the participants.

The foam that we pour into the bath has a pleasant aroma.

E) the error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members in sentence 4 is that the parts of the double union are NOT in front of homogeneous members.

Let's rearrange the first part: Nature NOT ONLY heals the human soul, BUT ALSO can be blind and cruel to him.

Rule paragraph 7.4.6



As you know, there are three types of complex sentences: compound, compound and non-union. Each of these types has its own semantic and grammatical features associated with the presence or absence of the union, the meaning of the union, the order of the parts and intonation. The most simple and understandable in their structure are compound and unionless proposals. Complex sentences have rich possibilities for a detailed presentation of thoughts, means subordination able to express shades of relations between grammatical parts. At the same time, the more complex structure of such sentences becomes one of the reasons for the violation of syntactic norms when they are used. To avoid grammatical errors in complex sentences, you must remember the following rules.

7.4.1. In sequential submission, the same words should not be repeated. It was this violation that helped

S. Ya. Marshak to achieve comic effect in a famous poem:

Here is a dog without a tail

Who pats the cat by the collar,

Which scares and catches a tit,

Which deftly steals wheat,

Which is stored in a dark closet

In the house that Jack built.

Use different conjunctions, different types of subordinate clauses, replace them with participial phrases to avoid such annoying repetitions. For example: I had to go to the city where my parents used to live, who came to it in 95, which was a real test for them. This is a very bad suggestion. We fix: I had to go to the city where my parents used to live, who came to it in 95: this year was a real test for them.

7.4.2 Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions must not be used at the same time for connection between main and subordinate: As soon as lightning flashed, but suddenly hail began to fall. To correct this sentence, you must leave one of the unions: Only lightning flashed, but suddenly hail began to fall or As soon as lightning flashed, hail suddenly fell.. In the first sentence, the union “how” was removed, in the second, the union “but”.

7.4.3 Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions that are close in meaning cannot be repeated: Parents say we don't help around the house at all. To express syntactic relations, one union is enough: Parents say we don't help around the house at all. The union "as if" was removed from the second sentence. Possibly in another way: Parents are angry, as if we do not help around the house at all. The choice of union always depends on the meaning that we want to add to our statement.

In the book "A Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing for the Press" D.E. Rosenthal writes about it this way:

"there is a pleonastic use of unions (staging a number of unambiguous unions), for example: "The conditions for a further rise in animal husbandry on a number of collective farms were evident, but nevertheless, a turning point has not yet come", noting that this is an error.

7.4.4. Do not skip the necessary demonstrative words in the main sentence. Mom always went to stores where groceries were cheaper. This sentence will receive grammatical and semantic completeness if the necessary demonstrative word is added to the main part: Mom always went to THAT (SUCH) stores where products were cheaper.

7.4.5. The use of the union what in the subordinate part in the presence of a particle whether is a gross error: We did not hear that he had come to the appointed place.. Correct option: We did not hear if he came to the appointed place.

7.4.6. wrong shape index words in subordinate clauses or they are not needed at all - also a mistake.

The article raises the issue of... That's right: the problem of WHAT? WHAT is raised? mercy, compassion...

This error is not so much related to the structure complex sentence how much with the rules of management. It is absolutely necessary to know which verb or noun governs which forms of nouns and pronouns. For example:

We were worried (for that / about) that the weather would not deteriorate. True "ABOUT THAT"

The heroine of the story is worried (about that / that) that she does not find support. Correct: "TEM"

Here is a list of commonly used turns in which mistakes are made. The right questions are given. This list is far from complete.

Faith in what

Confidence in what

Worthy of what

Full of what

Do not rejoice at anyone

Summarize what

Need for what

contempt for whom

full of what

to shun what

Characteristic for whom, what

Convinced of what

Typical for whom, what

Full of what

marvel at what

Admire who, what

7.4.7. Incorrect word order in a sentence, in which the subordinate clause can be attributed to different words, leads to misunderstanding and is a mistake.

Consider an example: Students completing tasks control work for ninth-graders, who were previously considered difficult, began to make fewer mistakes. According to the meaning of the sentence, it turns out that ninth graders used to be difficult. The attributive clause must be placed after the word of the work, it was her tasks that were previously considered difficult. Although this error is easily detected by careful reading, it occurs very often in written works. Here's how it should be: Pupils began to make fewer mistakes on tests that were previously considered difficult for ninth graders.

What is a grammatical error?

Grammatical errors are divided into morphological, derivational and syntactic. Therefore, in tasks there can be no spelling and punctuation errors.

If a word is formed incorrectly, this is a word formation error (mockery, underlining, etc.). And this is checked in task 6. If the form of the word is formed incorrectly, this is a morphological error (directors, higher, and so on). And this is also checked in task 6.

And only mistakes syntactic are checked in task 7. Syntactic means errors in the construction of phrases and sentences, because it is these units of the language that are studied in syntax.

In the 2015-2016 school year, students should be able to see and identify 10 types of errors. In this case, in each individual task there can be combinations of 5 different types. Here is a list of the types of syntax errors that are checked:

1) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

2) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

4) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

5) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms

6) violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

7) an error in constructing a complex with indirect speech

8) mistake in using the case form of a noun

9) mistake in the use of the numeral

10) error when using homogeneous terms


1. If the sentence contains a participle / gerund / word in quotation marks and so on, then this does not automatically mean that an error has been found. It will be exactly like this: in one sentence there can be a gerund, and homogeneous members, and indirect speech. And this DIFFICULT sentence may be perfectly correct. Or maybe there will be an error. So you can't guess...

2. Do not rush to complete task 7 in testing mode. Open tasks with explanation. In the explanation, a specific analysis of the GIVEN in the example task will be given. If necessary, open the RULE link, a link to it will be attached to each of the five types.

3. Pay attention to what is under the type, for example, violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover as many as SIX different errors are hidden, one way or another related to the sacramental turnover. That is why it will be indicated: See paragraph 7.1.2 or 7.4.3. This will be exactly the part of the rule that is needed for explanations. For example, what constitutes an error in the use of voice in participial turnover will be written in the Handbook, in paragraph 7.1.3. Point to link rule and read the relevant paragraph.

4. Learn the rule for one type, and only then move on to another.

So terrible force drawn to the village. Once I was driving home, I turned on the song “Lube”, and there it was their “Through the High, Tall Grass”. And so I thought: come on, this rigmarole with papers, with schools, I’ll leave for the village! - and left.

The 34-year-old teacher-historian Mikhail Vlasov tells us his story, and he himself does not believe in his utopian plans.

You understand, he says. - I'm not a superhero who, like Lenin, walks from corner to corner and thinks how to save Dergunovka. I don't have any plan or program. I'm just trying to build my own world that has room for 30,000 toy sheep. And I don’t want to take this whole story with the utmost seriousness.

However, Mikhail started serious business in Dergunovka. Miracles began to happen in the village, hitherto unseen.

Here it is necessary to tell about the landowner Vlasov (as he dubbed himself) in more detail. And especially about summer school for boys - the school of Huckleberry Finn, in which the city mothers now dream of enrolling their sons.

House with windows to the steppe

Vlasov lives in Dergunovka for a year and a half.

The bear is good, - the villagers respond. - We ask him: “Where did you come? Why didn’t you live at home?” And he shrugs his shoulders.

Where did you come? In an old wooden house on the banks of the Vyazovka River. I bought it on the cheap with money from a sold apartment in the city. And what? Plot 90 acres. The neighboring empty house was also privatized: “If I repair it, I will rent it out!”

While life was being adjusted, it was not necessary to be bored. And then…

There is nowhere for a certified history teacher with 10 years of experience to work. The Dergunov school was closed three years ago, and there are no vacancies in neighboring schools.

Vlasov sat, thought and went to the director of the former school museum to study what kind of place this is - Bolshaya Dergunovka.

So in Wikipedia, an article about the village appeared. There was a big event for the old-timers (only they stayed here). The whole country knew about the village.

And when Vlasov moved the remnants of the population to put the children's playgrounds in order, they became famous at all.

Journalists arrived in Dergunovka.

Art objects were filmed, this is something fashionable. Museum, they say, they want to make here. We will live no worse than the rest, - the Dergunovites are proud.

Painting three playgrounds in Dergunovka is really a big breakthrough.

Rusty swing "played" against the backdrop of the Volga steppe. But who is there to ride? There are only a few children in Dergunovka, and a dozen more come to visit their grandmothers on vacation.

For the only gym I bought five balls, a volleyball net and a pump. I found money for all this through a social network: I created a village group, developed improvement projects and announced a fundraiser for them. For four months, people transferred 40 thousand rubles to the account, ”says Vlasov.

"The square potato began to round"

The Vlasov school does not let go. Cats Glashka and Kefir, garden, chickens - good. But no, no, but he remembers his childhood.

We lived an interesting life: we created, played, made. All summer at my grandmother's in the village - everyone knew how to do it. What about today? Children sit in computers. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the village, says Vlasov.

He thought that it would be nice to organize a summer field school for the boys. And organized.

Now all Samara residents know the school of Huckleberry Finn in Bolshaya Dergunovka. Helped all the same social networks. He gave an announcement in June in the group - friends of their guys immediately brought him. Samira and Misha, both 13 years old.

The boys lived in a separate house. They cleaned themselves, cooked their own food. It didn’t work out right away for them, city people. But gradually the square-shaped potato began to round off. They learned how to fish themselves. Slingshots were made for the first time in my life, ”says Vlasov.

The "change" lasted a week - here, as the parents agreed. They say that during this time the boys have changed dramatically.

The son didn’t leave anywhere longer than a day, Natalya Abbasova, Samir’s mother, says about Huck Finn’s school. - And if he left, he remembered only the bad. I was very afraid that it would be the same. In the early days, he called and excitedly told what they were doing. And then he said: “Here you sleep so well, it’s very quiet. And I don’t really want to go home, I just miss you.

The “landlord Vlasov” is waiting for new Geks from day to day. The former two boys promised for the second race, and the house is ready to accept a couple of “cadets”.

Parents let their children go to him voluntarily - they trust him.

Hothouse kids are growing up. Male influence almost not. They are not accustomed to work, they will not stick their nose out of the apartments. Let them study, get used to the earth, on fresh air play, says single mother Anna Rodionova. She is thinking of sending her 10-year-old son to Dergunovka for at least a week.

you yourself are freaks

And Vlasov, in between shifts, collects the museum bit by bit. He wants to make the endangered Dergunovka interesting for tourists.

The basis of the museum already lies on his carved wooden chair: clippings from centennial newspapers, photographs, writings of pre-revolutionary schoolchildren ...

There is a legend in Dergunovka that Petka, Chapaev's assistant, actually comes from here. And allegedly his name is not Petka, but Sergey Voilokov, he was a local embezzler. He took pictures with the Chapaevs when they passed together, and called himself Petka so that his relatives could not figure out: the village was constantly moving from white to red, - Mikhail broadcasts on a social network.

He plans to organize a summer cinema in the village: put a bookcrossing shelf in the middle of the field, paint an abandoned store in the center of the village, plant azure tulips and even make a film about Dergunovka.

I don't give up on my plans. Everything will be, but over time, Vlasov assures. “I can't do all this alone. Dergunovites are inert. I have a lot of energy goes into my own area. Friends come, they say that I do not work, lazy. And you try to mow so much grass! - Mikhail suddenly catches himself, pulls out two toy sheep from behind the bed:

My old neighbors terribly regret the times when there were 30,000 sheep in the village. I can't keep that many sheep. But we can replace some things with symbols. Wouldn't it be great if there were 30,000 toy sheep?

Toys were sent to Vlasov in response to a call on the social network to gather a herd for Derugovka.

A resident of Dergunovka winks at a photographer snapping at rural landscapes:

Us for Last year so many times they came to shoot. It will make sense, I tell you. And you are nonsense, an eccentric ... You yourself are eccentrics.

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