Nikolay gogolnikolay gogol. Obukhov bridge, disappeared completely in the darkness of the night


Literature Olympiad

Grade 5 2012-2013 ACADEMIC YEAR

(1 point each for the character, author and title of the work)

  1. Talking miraculous mirror
  2. Only a gray holey scroll
  3. broken trough
  4. "...bass, viola, two violins"
  5. Sarachinskaya white hat
  6. silk tent
  7. "Half a Dozen Points"
  8. Cherevichki
  9. Fresh fragrant golden-ruddy apple
  1. Which writers in question? (Maximum amount points - 3)

1.1 He was not only an excellent poet and translator, but also a wise teacher, educator of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. A.S. Pushkin called himself his student; when the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", this poet presented Pushkin with a portrait with the inscription "To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher."

1.2 At home, on the estate Yasnaya Polyana near Tula, he creates a school for peasant children and teaches in it himself, writes the ABC, creates four Russian books for reading. By that time, he had already returned from the Caucasus and from Sevastopol, where the Crimean War was going on. He is one of the most famous writers in Russia, in the collection of his works there are more than ninety volumes.

1.3 The student of St. Petersburg University is only 18 years old, he was embarrassed to take the manuscript of his fairy tale to the editor and gave it to his beloved professor, who not only read it to the students, but also helped to publish it in the most widely read magazine "Library for Reading". A.S. Pushkin, after reading this tale, said: "Now this kind of writing can be left to me."

  1. Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is the name of this element of the composition of fairy tales?

1.1 ... They didn’t become for a long time,

To think, with an honest feast and for a wedding; guests have arrived

The wedding was played; I was there, there I am honey and beer

Drank; flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth. And everything is here.

1.2 I was there; honey, drinking beer -

And his mustache just wet.

  1. Read an excerpt from a poem by M. Yu. Lermontov:

An oak leaf broke away from a branch of a native

And he rolled off into the steppe, driven by a cruel storm ...

Find an epithet and justify your decision.

  1. What paintings on fairy tales were created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

Which hero's passions are closer to you and why?

Victor Dragunsky

What does Mishka like?

Once Mishka and I entered the hall where we have singing lessons. Boris

Sergeevich sat at his piano and played something slowly. Me and Mishka

sat on the windowsill and did not interfere with him, and he did not notice us at all, but

continued to play for himself, and from under his fingers very quickly jumped out

different sounds. They were splashed, and it turned out something very friendly and

joyful. I really liked it, and I could sit and listen like that for a long time,

but Boris Sergeevich soon stopped playing. He closed the lid of the piano and saw

us, and cheerfully said:

ABOUT! What people! Sitting like two sparrows on a branch! So what


I asked:

What were you playing, Boris Sergeevich?

He replied:

This is Chopin. I love him so much.

I said:

Of course, since you are a singing teacher, you love different songs.

He said:

This is not a song. Although I love songs, but this is not a song. What I

played, is called a much bigger word than just "song".

I said:

What? In a word?

He answered seriously and clearly:

Music. Chopin is a great composer. He composed wonderful music. And I

I love music more than anything.

Then he looked at me carefully and said:

Well, what do you like? More than anything else?

I answered:

I like a lot of things.

And I told him what I love. And about the dog, and about planing, and about

baby elephant, and about red cavalrymen, and about a little doe on pink

hooves, and about ancient warriors, and about cool stars, and about horse

faces, everything, everything...

He listened to me carefully, he had a thoughtful face when he

listened and then he said:

Look! And I didn't know. Honestly, you're still small, you're not

be offended, but look - you love how much! The whole world.

Mishka intervened at this point. He pouted and said:

And I love different differences even more than Deniska! Think!!

Boris Sergeevich laughed:

Very interesting! Come on, tell me the secret of your soul. Now yours

turn, take the baton! So get started! What do you love?

Mishka fidgeted on the windowsill, then cleared his throat and said:

I love rolls, buns, loaves and cake! I love bread and cake and

cakes, and gingerbread, even Tula, even honey, even glazed.

I love drying too, and donuts, bagels, pies with meat, jam, cabbage

and with rice.

I love dumplings, and especially cheesecakes, if they are fresh, but

stale, too, nothing. You can oatmeal cookies and vanilla crackers.

And I also love sprats, saury, pike perch in marinade, gobies in tomato, part

in own juice, eggplant caviar, zucchini slices and fried


I love boiled sausage right madly, if it’s a doctor’s one, it’s a bet that

eat a whole kilo! And I love the dining room, and the tea room, and the brawn, and the smoked, and

half-smoked, and raw-smoked! I love this one the most. I love you very much

pasta with butter, pasta with butter, horns with butter, cheese with holes and

without holes, with a red crust or white - it doesn't matter.

I love dumplings with cottage cheese, salty, sweet, sour cottage cheese; I love

apples grated with sugar, otherwise the apples alone, and if the apples

peeled, I like to eat an apple first, and only then, for a snack -


I love liver, meatballs, herring, bean soup, green pea,

boiled meat, toffee, sugar, tea, jam, borjomi, soda with syrup, eggs

soft-boiled, hard-boiled, bagged, can and raw. I love sandwiches with just what

horrible, especially if thickly spread with mashed potatoes or millet porridge.

So ... Well, I won’t talk about halva - what fool does not like halva? And also

I love duck, goose and turkey. Oh yes! I love with all my heart

ice cream. Seven, nine. For thirteen, for fifteen, for

nineteen. Twenty-two and twenty-eight.

Mishka looked around the ceiling and took a breath. Apparently he's great

tired. But Boris Sergeevich looked at him intently, and Mishka drove off

He muttered:

Gooseberries, carrots, chum salmon, pink salmon, turnips, borscht, dumplings, although

dumplings, I already said, broth, bananas, persimmon, compote, sausages, sausage,

although he also said sausage ...

The bear sighed and fell silent. You could see in his eyes that he was waiting for

Boris Sergeevich will praise him. But he looked at Mishka a little displeasedly and

even if it's strict. He, too, seemed to be waiting for something from Mishka: what, they say,

The bear will say more. But Mishka was silent. They got it that they're both from each other

friend waited for something and were silent.

The first could not stand Boris Sergeevich.

Well, Misha, - he said, - you love a lot, no doubt, but everything that

you love, it is somehow the same, too edible, or something.

It turns out that you love the whole grocery store. And only ... And the people?

Who do you love? Or from animals?

Here Mishka was all startled and blushed.

Oh,” he said embarrassedly, “I almost forgot! More kittens! And grandma!

Literature Olympiad

5th grade


1. Which of the literary characters owns the following items? Name the character, work and author.

  1. Petrus, Gogol's story "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala"
  2. The Old Woman, Pushkin "The Tale of the Goldfish"
  3. Donkey, goat and clubfoot Mishka, Krylov's fable "Quartet"
  4. Sage eunuch, Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

6 Queen of Shamakhan, Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

  1. Vakula got them for his beloved, Gogol "The Night Before Christmas"
  2. Stepmother, Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1.1 V.A. Zhukovsky

1.2 L.N. Tolstoy

1.3 P.P. Ershov

III. knowledge of literary theory.

  1. Both passages represent the ending of the tale

IV. Literature and other arts

1. "Three princesses underworld”, “Flying Carpet”, “Knight at the Crossroads”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Snow Maiden”, “Frog Princess”, “Alyonushka”.

2. Epithet - darling branch, cruel storm

  1. Following the rules of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

  1. class of 2012-2013 academic year
  1. Knowledge of literary texts.

1. What works of Russian literature (and who is their author) are preceded by the following epigraphs?

1.1 We were shooting.

1.2 Horses rush along the hillocks,

Trampling deep snow...

Here, aside the temple of God

Seen alone.

1.3 In all of you, Darling, you are good attire.

2. Name the names of "Ruslan's rivals" and the work of A.S. Pushkin, from which an excerpt:

In despondency, with a cloudy brow,

At the noisy wedding table

Three young knights are sitting

Silent, behind an empty bucket,

Forgotten cups are circular,

And brasna is unpleasant to them;

They do not hear the prophetic Bayan;

They lowered their embarrassed gaze.

Those are Ruslan's three rivals...

II. Historical and literary assignments.

  1. Which Russian writer jokingly called himself "Uncle of all witches and devils in Rus'"? (Maximum points - 1 point)
  2. Who is the author of these works?

2.2 "Demons", "The Undertaker", "Snowstorm", "Eugene Onegin"

3. With the name of which Russian writer these places are associated:(Maximum points - 2 points)

3.1 Mikhailovskoye, Royal Lyceum, Moscow

3.2 Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, Moscow

III. knowledge of literary theory.

  1. What size is written most of the fables of I.A. Krylov. For example:(Maximum points - 1 point)

Listen, I will not throw myself into tears:

I joke all your threats.

What I'm trying to get

That is not kept in your hands;

You cannot carry that.

  1. Define the genres of the works:

Snowstorm, Swan, Pike and Cancer, Thick and Thin, Winter Morning, Marya Morevna, Dubrovsky, Three Palm Trees, Dobrynya and the Serpent

  1. What remedy artistic expressiveness used in the passage?(Maximum points - 1 point)

... She sent wagons of dried flowers in envelopes, and on one of Nikolaev's birthdays she sent him, unhooked from her jacket, her only decoration: a white enamel dove.

IV. Literature and other arts(Maximum points - 1 point)

  1. What picture are you talking about? Who is its author? Which poem resonates with the plot of the paintings?

January day. A room with three dear friend friend of people seems to be filled with warmth and light. In the center is the inspired figure of the poet. An old woman is depicted in the background, she froze, subdued by the music of the words of her pupil. On the right is a friend of the poet, he does not just listen - he listens. In his eyes - admiration, deep interest. Suddenly finding himself “in the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement,” the friend made the poet feel the saving grace of “love and friendship.”

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Why did the teacher suggest that the hero write an "honest statement"?



I got two anyway. Although I tried my best. I wrote off almost everything from Mishka.

I've gotten doubles before. But that was before, and that is now. There are no letters from dad for a long time. Since the day he left. I was always afraid: a letter would come, dad would ask in a letter, how is Petya, how is he studying, what will I answer?

It was necessary to correct the deuce. I couldn't wait any longer. I decided to explain everything to Pal Palych.

Hmm…” he said. - Seven mistakes in one statement. But there is a way out. Here, take this book. Here is the story. You will read it at home. One or two. But no more. Close the book and start writing. Just mind - do not look. Understood?

And who will look, I look or I do not look? - I said.

Nobody will watch. You are not so small anymore. Adult guy. What are you watching!

How so? - I was surprised. - I'll watch.

I don't think so, he said.


Because for honesty. Such an agreement. How can you watch! Then it won't be fair.

Wow! - I was surprised.

I believe you, - said Pal Palych. - I trust you - that's all!

So it is so, - I said, - I said, - but who will know?

Of course, of course, - I said, - of course ...

I must have been confused. I haven't seen this yet. It's downright amazing!

I have only read the story twice. I didn't open the book again. Although I really wanted to. I wrote with difficulty. I so wanted to see the story! Even in class writing was easier. There you could ask Pal Palych. You could write off from a neighbor. And here it was all about honesty.

I wrote everything as I remember. Pal Palych read and said:

You are an honest man, I see. So write to your father.

But what about the two?

And how do you know, - I asked, - am I honest or not honest?

You can see right away, - said Pal Palych, - you can see it from the presentation.

Literature Olympiad

6th grade


I. Knowledge of literary texts.

1.1 E. Baratynsky (the story "Shot" by Pushkin)

1.2 V. Zhukovsky (the story "The Snowstorm" by Pushkin)

1.3 D. Bogdanovich (the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" by Pushkin)

Ratmir, Rogdai, Farlaf

II. Historical and literary assignments.

  1. V.A. Zhukovsky

2.1 V.A. Zhukovsky

2.2 A.S. Pushkin

3.1 A.S. Pushkin

3.2 M.Yu. Lermontov

III. knowledge of literary theory.

1. iambic tetrameter

2. Tale, fable, story, poem, fairy tale, novel, ballad, epic

3. Metaphor

IV. Literature and other arts

1. N.N Ge "Pushchin visiting Pushkin." Message to I. I. Pushchin

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

  1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question - 8
  2. Level of theoretical and literary knowledge - 3
  3. The validity of the involvement of the text of the work - 3
  4. Consistency and consistency of presentation - 3
  5. Following the rules of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

7th grade

I. Knowledge of literary texts.

  1. Below are snippets of the dialogues. Name the work and its author.(maximum score - 3 points)

1.1 - Don't laugh, don't laugh, dad!..

Look how magnificent you are! Why not laugh?

Yes, even though you are my father, and how you laugh, then, by God,

I'll beat you!

1.2 - Where is the key?

Here is the key before your eyes.

Why, - the sovereign says, - I do not see him?

Because, - they answer, - that it is necessary in a small scope.

1.3 - Did you guys hear what happened to us in Varnavitsy the other day?

On the dam?

Yes, yes, on the dam, on the broken one. What an unclean place, so unclean, and so deaf. All around are such gullies, ravines, and in the ravines all kazyuli are found.

Well, what happened? Say...

And here's what happened.

  1. From what works are fragments of the image of the battle taken? Name the work and its author.(Maximum points - 3 points)

2.1 And the Cossacks struck from all sides, knocked down and confused the Poles, and themselves mixed up. They didn't even let them fire; it went to swords and spears. Everyone huddled together, and everyone was given a chance to show themselves ... They already agreed in hand-to-hand combat. The Cossack was already overpowering and, having broken, struck him in the chest with a sharp Turkish knife, but did not save himself. Immediately, a hot bullet slammed into his temple.

2.2 You will not see such battles! ..

Worn banners like shadows

Fire gleamed in the smoke.

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,

The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing

And prevented the nuclei from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

2.3 And the battle broke out ...

In the fire, under the red-hot hail.

Reflected by a living wall,

Above the fallen system fresh system

The bayonets close. heavy cloud

Flying cavalry units.

Reins, sabers sounding,

Knocking down, cut from the shoulder.

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. What events of Russian history are discussed in these works?(Maximum points - 3 points)

1.1 Pushkin "Song of prophetic Oleg»»

1.2 Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov"

1.3 Lermontov "Borodino"

2. Name the real historical figures who are the heroes of the following works:(Maximum points - 5 points)

N.S. Leskov "Lefty", N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas", A.S. Pushkin "Poltava"

III. knowledge of literary theory.

  1. Determine the genre of each of the works, excerpts from which are given:(maximum points - 5 points)

1.1 Not raw oak tends to the ground,

Not paper leaves spread out, -

The son spreads himself before the father,

He asks himself a blessing:

Oh, you are a goy, dear dear father!

Give me your blessing

I will go to the glorious capital Kyiv-grad,

Pray to the wonderworkers of Kyiv,

Mortgage for Prince Vladimir

Serve him faithfully

Stand up for the Christian faith.

1.2 After some time, the holy Metropolitan Alexy passed away, and again blessed Sergius was forced with prayer by the great princes and all people to accept the throne of the Russian metropolis.

1.3 The hungry fox noticed a bunch of grapes hanging from the vine and wanted to get it, but could not. She left and said: "He has not yet matured." Another cannot do anything due to lack of strength, but blames chance for this.

1.4 Do you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

1.5 Front patch,

back hook,

middle back,

bristles on the back.

  1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage:(maximum score - 1.5 points)

An agile stream runs from the mountain,

In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,

And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -

Everything echoes cheerfully with thunder.

IV. Literature and other arts

1. Which artist created a landscape that is a response to the work

M.Yu. Lermontov and called the first line of the poem?(Maximum points - 1 point)

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Read the work. What question does the author ask about human relationships in the story? What techniques help to understand the position of the author?



Literature Olympiad

7th grade


I. Knowledge of literary texts.

1.1 N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

1.2 N.S. Leskov. "Lefty"

1.3 I.S. Turgenev. "Bezhin Meadow"

2.1 N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba"

2.2 M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

2.3 A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava"

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1.1 The death of Prince Oleg from his horse

1.2 The era of the reign of Ivan the Terrible

1.3 Battle of Borodino in 1812

2. Nicholas I, Alexander I; Catherine II; Peter I, Charles XII

III. knowledge of literary theory.

1.1 Bylina

1.2 Life

1.3 Fable

1.4 Proverb

1.5 Enigma

IV. Literature and other arts

  1. I. Shishkin "In the wild North ..."

V. Interpretation of a work of art

  1. Depth and independence of understanding of the problem proposed in the question - 8
  2. Level of theoretical and literary knowledge - 3
  3. The validity of the involvement of the text of the work - 3
  4. Consistency and consistency of presentation - 3
  5. Following the rules of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

8th grade

I. Knowledge of literary texts.

1. The hero of which work says the “golden word” and for what reason?(Maximum points - 2 points)

2. Which of the characters owns the words. Specify authors and titleworks of art, from which excerpts are given.(Maximum points - 2 points)

2.1 “It’s surprising to me here that my Donets-well done fought without all this

and they drove out twelve tongues.

2.2 “Hello, princes and retinue, standing up for Christians from filthy regiments! Glory to the princes and the squad! Amen…"

3. Recognize the work by its finale, name the author.(Maximum points - 3 points)

3.1 "Here are the worthy fruits of wickedness."

3.2 "- Vish, trudged along! - he muttered, - yes, I him! ..

Half an hour later he said goodbye to me at the edge of the forest.

3.3 "And with this thought I will fall asleep,

And I won’t curse anyone!”

4. About which heroes of which work of Russian literature is coming speech? Name the author, work and characters.(Maximum points - 2 points)

4.1 He studied more willingly and without strain, with which a heavy and strong character is usually accepted. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to evade punishment. He also seethed with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also accessible to other feelings.

4.2 ... Kind little one: he protects our horses, braids their manes, approaches the priest for blessing; but if you don’t put an extra spoon for him at the table, or if the priest doesn’t give him an extra blessing when he is on vacation at church, then ... and he will go on a spree ...

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. What connects the Black River and Mount Mashuk?(Maximum points - 1 point)

2.1 "Svetlana", "Lyudmila", "Sleeping Princess", "Forest King"

2.2 "Brigadier", "General Court Grammar", "Questions"

2.3 "Airship", "Angel", "Demon", "Cliff", "Runaway", "Three Palm Trees", "Motherland".

III. knowledge of literary theory.

1. Determine the genre of works of ancient Russian literature. Give examples of works of this genre.(Maximum points - 3 points)

1.1 “And Oleg lived, the prince in Kyiv, had peace with all countries. And autumn came, and ... "

1.2 “My children or anyone else, listening to this letter, do not laugh, but to whom it will be loved, let it be accepted in your heart and will not be lazy, but will work.”

1.3 But he was truly a man of God, a luminary, visible to the whole world and illuminating the path of the Chernorizians: humility, and reason, and humility, and other asceticism; working all the days, giving neither hands nor feet rest ...

(maximum score - 3 points)

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

IV. Literature and other arts

1. In what works of Russian literature is art the central problem?(For each correct example - 1 point)

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Write a review of A. Green's story "The Loquacious Brownie".



I stood at the window

Whistling a song about Anna...

A. Hornung

A brownie suffering from a toothache - doesn't this seem like a slander to

a creature at whose service so many witches and sorcerers can be safely

devour whole barrels of sugar? But it's true, it's a true story - small, sad

The brownie was sitting by the cold stove, which had long since forgotten the fire. measuredly shaking

with an uncombed head, he held his bandaged cheek, groaned - pitifully, as

a child, and in his cloudy, red eyes, suffering beat.

Lil rain. I entered this abandoned house to wait out the bad weather and saw

him, who forgot that he had to disappear ...

when the bird is at its best, it doesn't matter, no one will believe you that you saw me.

Having made, just in case, snail horns from fingers, that is

"jettaturu", I replied:

Don't be afraid. You will not receive from me either a shot of a silver coin, or

complex spell. But the house is empty.

I-oh. How hard it is to get out of here, despite the fact, objected the little

brownie. - Here, listen. I'll tell you, so be it. I still get hurt

teeth. When you speak, it's easier. Much easier... oh. My dear, it was

one hour, and because of it I'm stuck here. You need to understand what it was.

and why. Mine, mine, - he sighed tearfully. - Mine, well, - one

in a word, - ours - have long been cleaning horse tails on the other side of the mountains, as

left here, but I can’t, because I have to understand.

Look around - holes in the ceiling and walls, but now imagine that everything

shines with the purest copper dishes, the curtains are white and transparent, and the flowers

inside the house as much as around in the forest; the floor is brightly rubbed; plate, on

which you sit, as on a cold, grave monument, red from the fire, and

the dinner bubbling in pots swirls with appetizing steam.

Nearby were quarries - granite breaking. Husband and

wife - a couple of rare. The husband's name was Philip and the wife's name was Annie. She was

twenty, and he is twenty-five years old. Here, if you like it, then she was

exactly like this, - here the brownie plucked a small wild flower that grew in

the cracks of the windowsill from the earth that had accumulated over the years, and defiantly presented

to me. - I also loved my husband, but I liked her more, because she was not

only hostess; for us brownies, there is beauty in what brings people together

with us. She tried to catch fish in the stream with her hands, pounded on a large stone,

that at the crossroads, listening to how he, long fading, rings, and laughed if

seen on the wall yellow bunny. Do not be surprised - there is magic in this, great

knowledge of a beautiful soul, but only we, goat-footed ones, are able to parse it

signs; people are imperceptible.

"Annie!" the husband shouted cheerfully when he came to dinner from the quarry, where

served in the office - I'm not alone, my Ralph is with me. "But this joke was repeated

so often that Annie, smiling, served without hesitation for two

device. And they met as if they found each other - she ran

to him, and he brought her in his arms.

In the evenings he took out the letters of Ralph, his friend, with whom he spent

part of his life, before he married, and reread aloud, and Annie, bowing

head in her hands, listening to the long-familiar words about the sea and glitter

wonderful rays on the other side of our vast earth, about volcanoes and pearls,

storms and battles in the shadow of vast forests. And every word concluded for her

a stone like a singing stone at a crossroads, upon striking which you hear

long ringing.

- "He will arrive soon," said Philip: "he will be with us when he

the three-masted Sinbad will hit Gres. From there it's only an hour railway And

an hour from the station to us."

It happened that Annie was interested in something in Ralph's life; Then

Philip began to talk with enthusiasm about his courage, quirks,

generosity and fate, reminiscent of a fairy tale: poverty, gold placer,

the purchase of a ship and the lace of high-profile legends woven from ship rigging,

sea ​​foam, games and trade, dangers and finds. Eternal game. Eternal

excitement. eternal music coasts and seas.

I didn't hear them quarreling, but I hear everything. I didn't see that

at least once they looked coldly, - but I see everything. "I want to sleep," she said

in the evening Annie, and he carried her to the bed, laying her down and wrapping her up like a child.

Falling asleep, she said: "Phil, who whispers on the tops of the trees? Who walks on

roof? Whose face do I see in the stream next to you?" He answered anxiously,

looking into half-closed eyes: "A crow walks on the roof, the wind rustles in

trees; stones glitter in the stream - sleep and don't go barefoot."

Then he sat down at the table to finish the next report, then washed himself,

prepared firewood and went to bed, falling asleep at once, and always forgot everything that

saw in a dream. And he never hit the singing stone at the crossroads

where fairy carpets are made of dust and moonbeams.

Well, listen ... There is little left to tell me about three people,

put the brownie in a dead end. It was a sunny day in the full bloom of the earth,

when Philip, with a notebook in his hand, noted the piles of granite, and Annie,

returning from the station where she bought, she stopped at her stone and, as

always, made him sing with the blow of a key. It was a piece of rock, a height of

half of you. If you hit him, he rings for a long time, quieter and quieter, but,

thinking that he is silent, you just have to put your ear to it - and then you will distinguish inside

Our forest roads are gardens. Their beauty compresses the heart, flowers and

the branches overhead look through their fingers at the sun changing its light,

because the eyes get tired of it and wander aimlessly; yellow and purple and

dark green light reflected on white sand. Cold water on a day like this

the best thing.

Annie stopped, listening to the forest singing in her very chest, and became

knock on the stone, smiling as a new wave of ringing mastered the half-silent

sound. So she amused herself, thinking that they did not see her, but a man came out from behind

turn of the road and approached her. His steps became quieter, finally, he

has stopped; continuing to smile, she glanced at him, without flinching, without

stepping back as if he had always been and stood there.

He was swarthy - very swarthy, and the sea left a sharpness on his face.

traveling wave. But it was beautiful, because it reflected the frenzied and tender

soul. His dark eyes looked at Annie, getting darker and brighter, and

the woman's bright eyes shone meekly.

You will correctly conclude that I followed her, as in the forest

there are snakes.

The stone had died away long ago, but they were still watching, smiling without words, without

sound; then he put out his hand, and she - slowly - put out hers, and her hands

connected them. He took her head - carefully, so carefully that I was afraid

breathe, and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes closed.

Then they parted - and the stone still separated them. Seeing

Philip, approaching them, Annie hurried to him. - Here's Ralph; he came.

Came, yes. - For joy, Philip could not even scream at once, but

finally threw up his hat and shouted, embracing the newcomer: - Annie, you already

I saw Ralph. That's her.

His kind, firm face burned with the excitement of the meeting.

You will stay with us, Ralph; we will show you everything. And let's talk freely.

Here, my friend, my wife, she was also waiting for you.

Annie put her hand on her husband's shoulder and looked at him the biggest,

with her warmest and purest gaze, then she turned her gaze to the guest, not

changing expressions, as if both were equally close to her.

I'll be back, Ralph said. - Phil, I mixed up your address and thought

that I'm going the wrong way. That's why I didn't bring my luggage. And I immediately

I will go after him.

They agreed and parted ways. That's all, hunter, killer of my friends, what

I know about it. And I don't understand it. Maybe you can explain to me.

Ralph is back?

They were waiting for him, but he wrote from the station that he had met a friend,

offering an immediate profitable deal.

And those?

They died, died a long time ago, about thirty years ago. cold water in

hot day. First she caught a cold. He walked behind her coffin, half-gray,

then he disappeared; it was reported that he had locked himself in the room with the brazier. But what up

this?.. My teeth hurt and I can't understand...

So it will be, - I politely said, shaking the shaggy,

unwashed paw. - Only we, the five-fingered ones, can make out the signs of the heart; brownies


Literature Olympiad

8th grade


I. Knowledge of literary texts.

1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", Prince Svyatoslav, the defeat of the squad of Prince Igor in the battle with the Polovtsy

2.1 N.S. Leskov "Lefty"

2.2 "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

3.1 D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

3.2 I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk"

3. 3 M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

4. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"; Andriy, Ostap

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. Places of duels A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lemontov

2.1 V.A. Zhukovsky

2.2 D.I. Fonvizin

2.3 M.Yu. Lermontov

III. knowledge of literary theory.

1.1 Annals

1.2 Teaching

1.3 Life

2. epithet, personification, inversion

IV. Literature and other arts

1. "Portrait" N.V. Gogol, "Dumb Artist" N. Leskov, "Gambrinus" A. Kuprin

V. Interpretation of a work of art.

Review evaluation criteria:

  1. The ability to characterize the author and indicate his place in literary process - 2
  2. Depth and independence of understanding of the work - 3
  3. Consideration of the addressee factor - 2
  4. Evaluative orientation of the review and the desire to justify one's position - 3
  5. Analytical nature of the presentation (themes, problems, system of images, skill of the writer) -5
  6. Level of theoretical and literary knowledge - 2
  7. Consistency, consistency of presentation, following the norms of speech - 3

Literature Olympiad

Grade 9

I. Knowledge of literary texts

  1. Before you are messages and excerpts from the messages of literary heroes. Who writes to whom? List the work and its author.(Maximum score -4 points)
  1. "My merciful lord,

Until then, I do not intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me the kennel Paramoshka with a confession; but it will be my will to punish him or pardon him, but I do not intend to tolerate jokes from your lackeys, and I will not tolerate them from you either - because I am not a jester, but an old nobleman. - For this, I remain obedient at the service of ……………………… .. "

  1. "Dear niece! My deeds forced me to live for several years in separation from my neighbors; and the distance has deprived me of the pleasure of having news of you! I am now in Moscow, having lived for several years in Siberia. I can serve as an example that one can make one's fortune through labor and honesty. By these means, with God's help of happiness, I have amassed ten thousand rubles of income ... By which I make you, my dear niece, heiress ... "
  1. “Shame on you, old dog, that you, despite my strict orders, did not inform me about my son Pyotr Andreevich and that outsiders are forced to notify me of his pranks. Is this how you fulfill your position and master's will? I love you, old dog! I will send pigs to graze for concealing the truth and indulging a young man. Upon receipt of this, I order you to immediately write to me, what is his health now, about which they write to me that he has recovered; Yes, in what place was he wounded and whether he was well healed.

1.4. “On the road, an infantry captain cleaned me around, so that the innkeeper was about to put me in jail; when suddenly, according to my Petersburg physiognomy and costume, the whole city took me for the governor-general. And now I live with the mayor, live, dragging recklessly behind his wife and daughter; I just didn’t decide where to start - I think, first with my mother, because it seems that she is now ready for all services.

2. The above passages speak of the home teachers of literary heroes. Give, where possible, the names of students and teachers. Specify the author and work.(Maximum points - 3 points)

2.1 ... in his own country he was a hairdresser, then a soldier in Prussia, then he came to Russia pour etre outchitel, not really understanding the meaning of this word. He was a kind fellow, but windy and dissolute to the extreme ... We immediately got along, and although under the contract he was obliged to teach me French, German and all sciences, he preferred to quickly learn from me how to chat in Russian - and then each of us went about his own business. We lived soul to soul. I didn't want another mentor.

2.2 In French and all the sciences, he was taught by a German ... This is three hundred rubles a year. We sit at the table with us. Our women wash his linen. Where necessary - a horse. A glass of wine at the table. At night, a tallow candle, and our Fomka directs the wig for nothing. To tell the truth, and we are pleased with him ... he does not captivate a child.

2.3 Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,

Index finger, all signs of learning

How our timid minds disturbed,

As we used to believe from an early age,

That there is no salvation for us without the Germans!

II. Historical and literary assignments.

1. Which of the heroes of the story by A.S. Pushkin is a historical person, and

who is fictional?

1.1 “I lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. In the meantime, I have passed sixteen years.”

1.2 “His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was gray in his black beard; alive big eyes so they ran."

2. Who owns this poetic testament. Which of the Russian poets, in turn, did Zhukovsky give the palm to? When and why did this happen?(Maximum points - 2 points)

Your legacy, Zhukovsky,

I give the old lyre;

And I'm over the abyss of the coffin slippery

I bow my head.

III. knowledge of literary theory.

  1. Before you are fragments of the works of A.S. Pushkin and the names of the types of stanzas. Compare them to each other. Write down the answer using the letter and number designation (for example: m - 9).(Maximum points - 4 points)

1. I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not grow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.

2. The forest drops its crimson dress,
The withered field is silvered by frost,
The day will pass as if involuntarily
And hide behind the edge of the surrounding mountains.
Blaze, fireplace, in my deserted cell;
And you, wine, friend of the autumn cold,
Pour a pleasant hangover into my chest,
Minute oblivion of bitter torments.

3. The Sultan is furious. Blood of Hellas
And jumps briskly, and boils.
Ancient treasures were opened to the Greeks,
Violent Pete trembles in the Styx.
And behold - the ship flies daringly
And sweeps the thunders mutually.
Se Byron, Phoebe sample.
Flow, but the disease is fast,
Reckless and ungrateful
The chisel brought death upon him.

4. Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepares enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, god is the inventor...

5. My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science;
But my god, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
Not leaving a single step away!
Which low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself:
When will the devil take you!

6. I hear the silent sound of the divine Hellenic speech;

I feel the shadow of the great old man with a confused soul.

Title of the stanza

Example number

B) odic stanza

B) quatrain

D) distich

E) quintet

G) Onegin stanza

2. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage?(Maximum points - 3 points)

IV. Literature and other arts

  1. What are the names of the artists who created the portraits of A.S. Pushkin.
  1. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage?(Maximum points - 3 points)

... In one place, a particularly dull lantern diluted the darkness, and, passing through its dull aura, the fog turned into beads of rain (V. Nabokov "Other Shores").



What worries my dreams
On the usual bed of sleep?
It blows on my face and chest
Spring fresh air
Quietly kisses my eyes
Midnight moon.

Are you a shelter for tender delights,
The joy of my youth
Angel with serene eyes
Angel with the beauty of eyes
Perseus with snow-white brilliance,
Soft golden curls!

Are you my love dreams
Are you chasing peaceful dreams?
Are you with fresh lips
Bring on the light of the moon
Hidden by light shadows
Seductive spring?

blessed vision,
Quiet angel! calm down
Soothe the souls of excitement,
Feelings are hot drink
And give me fatigue
Sanctified by you!


Literature Olympiad

Grade 9


I. Knowledge of literary texts.


1.1 Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky (father)

Kirill Petrovich Troekurov; A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

1.2 Starodum Sophia; DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

1.3 Andrei Petrovich Grinev (father) to Savelich; A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

1.4 Khlestakov Tryapichkin; N.V. Gogol "Inspector"


2.1 Beaupré. Peter Grinev's teacher. A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

2.2 Vralman. Mitrofan's teacher. D. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

2.3 Teacher of Sofia Famusova and Chatsky. A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

II. Historical and literary assignments.


1.1 Fictional person - P. Grinev

1.2 Historical person - E. Pugachev


G.R. Derzhavin V.A. Zhukovsky.

V.A. Zhukovsky A.S. Pushkin in connection with the writing of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

III. knowledge of literary theory.


Title of the stanza

Example number


B) odic stanza


B) quatrain


D) distich


E) quintet


G) Onegin stanza


2. Epithet, metaphor, personification

V. Literature and other arts

  1. O. Kiprensky, Tropinin, self-portrait, etc.

  1. Biographical and literary context - 4 points
  2. Genre, form - 1 point

  3. Composition - 2 points
  4. Lyrical hero - 4 points
  1. Trails - 3 points

  2. Rhythm, sound writing - 3 points
  3. Perception - 2 points
  4. Independence - 1 point

Literature Olympiad

Grade 10

  1. Knowledge of literary texts.
  1. Before you are the dreams of literary heroes. To whom do they dream? List the work and its author.(Maximum points - 3 points)
  1. I seemed to have a presentiment: all night long I dreamed of two extraordinary rats. Really, I have never seen such things: black, unnatural size! They came, sniffed - and went away.

1.2 I had a dream that I could never forget, and in which I still see something prophetic when I reflect with it on the strange circumstances of my life.

It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert ... Suddenly I saw the gate and drove into the manor yard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents' roof and would not consider it a deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep chagrin. "Hush," she says. me, father sick at death and wants to say goodbye to you. "Stricken with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people with sad faces are standing by the bed. I quietly go up to the bed; mother raises the curtain and says:" Andrei Petrovich Petrusha has arrived; he returned when he learned about your illness; bless him." I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the sick man. Well? this means? This is not a dad. And why should I ask a peasant for a blessing?" - "It doesn't matter, Petrusha," my mother answered me, "this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand and let him bless you ... "I did not agree. Then the peasant jumped out of bed, grabbed an ax from behind his back and began to swing in all directions. I wanted to run ... and could not; the room was filled with dead bodies; I stumbled over bodies and slid in bloody puddles... A terrible peasant called me affectionately, saying: "Don't be afraid, come under my blessing..." Horror and bewilderment seized me... And at that moment I woke up.

1.3 Fell into the snow; bear nimble

She grabs and carries;

She is insensitively submissive;

Does not move, does not die;

He rushes her along the forest road;

Suddenly, between the trees, a miserable hut;

All around the wilderness, everywhere he

Covered with desert snow

And shines brightly in the window,

And in the hut and scream and noise;

The bear said: here is my godfather.

Warm up a little!

And he goes straight into the canopy,

And puts it on the threshold.

  1. Find out the piece by the end. Name the author.(Maximum points - 3 points)
  1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.
  1. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

2.3 Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer!

  1. Historical and literary assignments.
  1. For the plays of which Russian playwright, the dictionary N.S. Ashukina and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles:grand - delicate; something - nothing; electricity - electricity; frishtykat - have breakfast; prude - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite (Maximum points - 1 point)
  1. The publication of two parts of the collection of essays "Physiology of St. Petersburg" in March - April 1845 marks the initial stage in the development of critical realism in Russian literature.What is the conventional name for this literary phenomenon? (1 point).Name the main authors.(One point for each correct answer)

1. He plays chess with one hand

With the other hand he conquers the nations,

With one foot he strikes friend and foe,

With another he tramples the universe on the shore.

(A. Suvorov)

2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

Noisy herds crowd over the river;

A tired peasant with a slow foot

He goes, thinking, to his calm hut.

(V. Zhukovsky)

3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
Not throwing for centuries a fruitful thought,
Nor the genius of the work begun.
And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
A descendant will offend with a contemptuous verse,
The mockery of the bitter deceived son
Over the squandered father.

(M. Lermontov)

4. The calm of the ashes.

The cat plays with fur.

All will pass.


5. Love, hope, quiet glory
The deceit did not live long for us,
Gone are the funs of youth
Like a dream, like a morning mist;
But desire still burns in us;
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Fatherland heed the invocation.

(A. Pushkin)

Genre name

Example number

A) idyll

B) sonnet

B) a message

D) elegy

D) ode

E) thought

G) epigram

H) haiku

6. Poet! do not value the love of the people.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

You are the king: live alone. By the road of the free
Go where your free mind takes you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
Not demanding rewards for a noble feat.

They are in you. You are your own highest court;
You know how to appreciate your work more strictly.
Are you satisfied with it, demanding artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
And spits on the altar where your fire burns
And in childish playfulness your tripod shakes.

(A. Pushkin)

7. Time verb! metal ringing!

Your terrible voice confuses me,

Calls me, calls your moan,

He calls - and brings him closer to the coffin.

As soon as I saw this light,

Death is already gnashing its teeth

Like lightning, oblique shines

And my days, like cereal, cuts.


8. Shepherds, I will forget

Hours, how I was sad, groaning,

Again I will jump into my flute,

You will see me again in your circles.

(A. Sumarokov)

  1. This literary journal was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. It contained "The Captain's Daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Name the magazine.(Maximum points - 1 point)

III. knowledge of literary theory.

(The maximum number of points is 4).

2. What means of artistic expression are used in an excerpt from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"(Maximum points - 3 points)

Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan!

With the hero of my novel

Without preamble, this very hour

Let me introduce you!

IV. Literature and other arts

1. In what works of Russian classics are gypsies the characters?(One point for each correctly named piece)

V. Analysis poetic text.

Fedor Tyutchev


Hours of monotonous fight,

A tormenting night story!

The language is foreign to everyone

And intelligible to everyone, like conscience!

Who without longing listened from us,

In the middle of the world's silence

Silent groans of time

A prophetic farewell voice?

We imagine: the world is an orphan

Irresistible Rock overtook -

And we, in the struggle, the whole nature

Abandoned on ourselves.

And our life is before us

Like a ghost at the end of the earth

And with our age and friends

Fading in the gloomy distance...

And a new, young tribe

Meanwhile, the sun bloomed

And us, friends, and our time

It has long been forgotten!

Only occasionally, the rite is sad

Coming in the midnight hour

Sometimes mourns us!


Literature Olympiad

Grade 10


I. Knowledge of literary texts.


1.1 N.V. Gogol "Inspector", mayor

1.2 A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", P. Grinev

1.3 A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Tatyana


2.1 N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"

2.2 N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

2.3 A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

II. Historical and literary assignments.

  1. A.N. Ostrovsky






    IV. Literature and other arts

    1 .“Dowry” by A.N. Ostrovsky, "Gypsies" A.S. Pushkin

    V. Analysis of the poetic text

    Maximum points - 30

    A consistent analysis of the text should be implemented: ideological and thematic originality, artistic means and technique of verse. Additionally, the analysis of the figurative system, lexical, sound, rhythmic and syntactic levels is assessed.

    Literature Olympiad

    Grade 11

    1. Knowledge of literary texts.
    1. In what works are these bonfires burning? Write the title of the work, the author.(Maximum score - 4 points)
    1. And here's another smell: in the garden - a fire, and strongly pulls the fragrant smoke of cherry branches. In the darkness, in the depths of the garden - a fabulous picture: just in a corner of hell, a crimson flame flares near the hut, surrounded by darkness, and someone's black silhouettes, as if carved from ebony, move around the fire, while giant shadows from them walk along apple trees.
    1. He and I are lying on the sand near a huge stone, torn off from our native mountain, dressed in a shadow, overgrown with moss, near a sad and gloomy stone. On that side of it, which faces the sea, the waves threw mud, algae, and the stone hung with them seems to be tied to a narrow sandy strip that separates the sea from the mountains. The flame of our fire illuminates it from the side facing the mountain, it shudders, and shadows run across the old stone, cut by a frequent network of deep cracks. Rahim and I cook fish soup from freshly caught fish, and both are in that mood when our hearts are so pure, light and there are no other desires, except for the desire to think.
    1. Let the night Let's go home. Let's light up the bonfires

    Steppe distance.

    The holy banner will flash in the steppe smoke

    And the steel of the Khan's saber.

    1. The red fire bloodied the tagans,

    In the brushwood are the white eyelids of the moon.

    Quietly, squatting, in the patches of dawn

    They listen to the tale of the old mower.

    1. Restore the names using the words given after the task (you can change the case and number in words). What unites the names of each series? Comment, arrange the names in chronological order.(Maximum score - 6 points)
    1. "Harps", "lands", "Terrible";
    1. "Way", "Alien", "Porcelain";
    1. "Seven Flowers", "Russians", "Mirror".

    Conquistadors, symbolist, bubbles, pavilion, shadow, rainbow, violin, sky, world

    II. Historical and literary assignments.

    1. The manifesto of which literary movement contains the following lines: “hole, bul schyl / ubeshchur / scum / you so bu / rl ez (By the way, in this five-verse line there is more Russian national than in all of Pushkin’s poetry ...)” .1 point
    1. This great Russian writer until the age of 19 lived without a break in the parental estate of the Oryol province. A nobleman by birth, a commoner by way of life, a poet by vocation, a tireless traveler (he has been to Turkey, Greece, Egypt more than once, traveled through Syria, Palestine, sailed to Ceylon, traveled all over Europe), received Nobel Prize on literature. He died in Paris in 1953.1 point

    3. Rejecting the prosaic existence of the layman,neo-romantics late XIX early 20th century they sang courage, feat, heroics of adventure. Typicalneo-romanticthe hero is a courageous, extraordinary person (“superman”), whose life is full of danger, fraught with risk. Name the authors and works in Russian literature, where the features of neo-romanticism are manifested.1 point - author, 1 point - story.

    III. knowledge of literary theory.

    1. Before you are fragments of lyrical works and the names of genres. Compare them to each other. Write down the answer using the letter and number designation (for example: m - 9).The maximum number of points is 4.

    1. steel, brick and

    wrapped in a network of wires,
    You are a relentless enchanter
    You are an unrelenting magnet.

    (V. Bryusov)

    2. Crushing my comedies blocks,

    Sits Glavrepertkom Gandurin.

    - Could you play the nocturne?

    On this cracked bandura?

    (V. Mayakovsky)

    3. My last year's treasures
    Unfortunately, it won't last long for me.
    You know, half of them
    Evil memory does not waste:
    Sideways knocked-down dome,
    Gray raven, and the cry of a locomotive,

    And as if having served time
    Birch waddling in the field,
    And huge biblical oaks
    Midnight secret gathering
    And from someone's dreams
    And an almost sunken boat...

    (A. Akhmatova)

    4. Autumn bliss kiss

    Burned in the forests with a scarlet star

    And the song of transparent-voiced jets

    She seemed quiet and tired.

    (N. Gumilyov)

    5. And it made me sad
    that my life has passed
    That for the sake of the plan I worked a little,
    But for me, good stood up against evil,
    And the truth was dying for me under falsehood.

    (A. Tarkovsky)

    6. In his poems - a cheerful drop,

    The slopes of the mountains, shining with mica,

    And sung by a young birch

    Song of the sun. And spring water font.

    The verse is transparent, like northern April.

    Then he runs with running water,

    It glows like a cold star,

    It has some cheerful, sober hops.

    The comfort of estates at the time of leaf fall.

    A good joy of loneliness.

    Gun. Dog. Gray Eye.

    Soul and air are bound in a crystal.

    Fireplace. Wine. Feather willows of mild steel.

    Longing for an estranged woman.

    (I. Severyanin)

    7. The swift-winged ones are led by captains -

    Discoverers of new lands

    Who is not afraid of hurricanes

    Who has known the maelstroms and stranded.
    E) ballad

    G) elegy

    2. What means of artistic expression did A.P. Chekhov use in the passage:(1 point for each remedy named)

    “It's true that it's expensive,” sigh the red pantaloons.

    IV. Literature and other arts

    1. Explain who those whose names and surnames met in O. Mandelstam's poem.(1 point for each name mentioned)

    ANDSchuberton the water andMozartin bird noise,

    ANDGoethewhistling on the winding path,

    ANDHamletwho thought with timid steps,

    They counted the pulse of the crowd and believed the crowd.

    May be. A whisper was already born before the lips,

    And the leaves whirled in woodlessness,

    And those to whom we dedicate experience,

    Before experience acquired traits.

    V. Analysis of the poetic text.

    Andrey Dementiev

    Pushkin's meeting with Anna Kern

    And it was on the day of arrival.

    Some prince spoke to her.

    "Oh my God! How lovely she is!" -

    Pushkin thought, bending over.

    She wasn't shy at all.

    And he surging delight

    Translated into words timidly.

    And suddenly he frowned.

    And silent.

    She, without giving a look,

    I rushed to him with all my heart,

    As if she really was guilty

    In his thoughtfulness.

    - What are you writing now?

    What, Pushkin, hit us? -

    And he - like a pilgrim in the desert -

    Went to the spring of distant eyes.

    He wanted her in the palm of his hand

    Bury yourself. And humble your ardor.

    - What am I composing?

    I don't remember.

    saw you -

    And I forgot everything.

    She looked quietly, sternly.

    And a sad whisper, like a cry:

    - Why are you like this? Well, for God's sake!

    Don't waste this moment...

    Nothing showed love.

    Half smile. Half look.

    But we know -

    This is where the start

    Those lines

    That we are then captured.

    And he looked fascinated

    Following the beauty that has gone.

    And someone's daughters and wives

    Circling in the echoing void.


    Literature Olympiad

    Grade 11


    I. Knowledge of literary texts.


    1.1 I. Bunin. "Antonov apples"

    1.2 M. Gorky. "Makar Chudra"

    1.3 A. Block. "On the Kulikovo field"

    1.4 S. Yesenin. "Black, sweat-smelling howl!"


    2.1 "Harps and Violins", "Bubbles of the Earth", "Terrible World" - cycles of poems by A. Bolk

    2.2 "The Way of the Conquistadors", "Alien Sky", "Porcelain Pavilion" - the names of collections of poems by N. Gumilyov

    2.3 "Seven Colors of the Rainbow", "Russian Symbolists", "Mirror of Shadows" - the names of V. Bryusov's collections

    II. Historical and literary assignments.

    1 .Futurism. "The word as such" 1913

    2 .I.A. Bunin

    3 . M. Gorky "Makar Chudra", "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil". Other authors and works are possible: L. Andreev and others.)

    III. knowledge of literary theory.



    Title of the stanza

    Example number

    A) thought


    B) dithyramb


    B) a sonnet


    D) song


    D) epigram


    E) ballad


    G) elegy


    2. Metonymy

    IV. Literature and other arts

    1 . Franz Peter Schubert 1797-1828 - Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791 - Austrian composer.

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749-1832 - German poet. Statesman and naturalist.

    Hamlet - the hero of the tragedy of the same name by W. Shakespeare

    V. Analysis of the poetic text

    Maximum points - 30

    A consistent analysis of the text should be implemented: ideological and thematic originality, artistic means and technique of verse. Additionally, the analysis of the figurative system, lexical, sound, rhythmic and syntactic levels is assessed.

    1. Biographical and literary context - 4 points
    2. Genre, form - 1 point
    3. Poetic theme, idea - 2 points
    4. Composition - 2 points
    5. Lyrical hero - 4 points
    6. Lexical level - 2 points
    1. Trails - 3 points
    2. Syntactic figures - 3 points
    3. Rhythm, sound writing - 3 points
    4. Perception - 2 points
    5. Independence - 1 point
    6. Speech (integrity, completeness of statements) - 3 points


    "... The official cannot be said to be very remarkable, short in stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, even somewhat blind-sighted, with a slight bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of his cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal ... The surname of the official was Bashmachkin. Already by the very name it is clear that she once descended from a shoe; but when, at what time and how she descended from a shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and everything is completely Bashmachkin walked in boots, changing soles only three times a year.


    Gogol was a strange creature, but a genius is always strange: only healthy mediocrity seems to the noble reader to be a wise old friend, kindly enriching his, the reader, ideas about life. Great literature goes on the edge of the irrational. "Hamlet" is a crazy dream of a learned neurotic. Gogol's "Overcoat" is a grotesque and gloomy nightmare that breaks through black holes in a vague picture of life. The superficial reader will see in this story only the ponderous antics of an extravagant jester; profound - will not doubt that Gogol's main intention was to denounce the horrors of the Russian bureaucracy. But both those who want to laugh heartily and those who crave reading that "makes you think" will not understand what "The Overcoat" is written about. Give me a reader with a creative imagination - this story is for him.

    The balanced Pushkin, the earthly Tolstoy, the restrained Chekhov - they all had moments of irrational insight that simultaneously obscured the phrase and revealed secret meaning deserving of this sudden change of perspective. But with Gogol, such shifts are the very basis of his art, and therefore, when he tried to write in the rounded handwriting of the literary tradition and consider rational ideas logically, he lost even the signs of his talent. When, in the immortal "Overcoat", he gave himself the freedom to frolic on the edge of a deeply personal abyss, he became the greatest writer that Russia has produced so far.

    Sudden shifting of the rational plane of life can be done in a variety of ways, and every great writer does it in his own way. Gogol achieved it with a combination of two movements: a jerk and a hover. Imagine a hatch that opened under your feet with ridiculous suddenness, and a lyrical impulse that lifted you up and then dropped you into a nearby hole. The absurd was Gogol's favorite muse, but when I use the term "absurd" I don't mean the bizarre or the comic. The absurd has as many shades and degrees as the tragic—moreover, in Gogol it borders on the tragic. It would be wrong to say that Gogol puts his characters in absurd situations. You cannot put a man in an absurd position if the whole world in which he lives is absurd; you can't, if by "absurd" you mean something that causes a laugh or a shrug. But if by this we understand something that causes pity, that is, we understand the situation in which a person finds himself, if by this we understand everything that in a less ugly world is connected with the highest aspirations of a person, with his deepest sufferings, with his strongest passions, then the necessary gap appears, and the miserable creature, lost in the nightmarish, irresponsible world of Gogol, becomes "absurd" according to the law, so to speak, of reverse contrast.

    On the lid of the snuffbox, the tailor had "a portrait of some general, which one is unknown, because the place where the face was was pierced with a finger and then sealed with a quadrangular piece of paper." So it is with the absurdity of Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. We did not expect that among the cycle of masks one of them would turn out to be a real face, or at least the place where a face should be. The essence of humanity is irrationally deduced from the chaos of imaginaries that make up Gogol's world. Akaky Akakiyevich is absurd because he is tragic, because he is human, and because he was born from the very forces that are in such contrast with his humanity.

    He is not only human and tragic. It is something more, just like its background is not just ridiculous. Somewhere behind the apparent contrast lies a thin line of affinity. There is the same shimmer and shimmer in his persona as in the ghostly world to which he belongs. Allusions to something hidden behind the crudely painted screens are so skillfully interspersed in the outer fabric of the narrative that civic-minded Russians completely missed them. But a creative reading of Gogol's story reveals that here and there in the most innocent description this or that word, sometimes just an adverb or a particle, for example the words "even" and "almost", are inscribed in such a way that the most harmless phrase suddenly explodes into a nightmarish firework; or a period that begins in an incoherent, conversational manner suddenly derails and turns into something irrational, where, in essence, it belongs; or just as suddenly the door swings open, and a mighty foaming wave of poetry bursts in, to immediately go down, or turn into self-parody, or break through with a phrase similar to the tongue twister of a magician, which is so characteristic of Gogol's style. This creates a feeling of something ridiculous and at the same time unearthly, constantly lurking somewhere nearby, and here it is appropriate to recall that the difference between the comic side of things and their cosmic side depends on one whistling consonant.


    So what is this strange world, glimpses of which we catch in the breaks of seemingly innocent phrases? In some ways it is genuine, but it seems utterly absurd to us, so we are used to the scenery that covers it. It is from these glimpses that it emerges main character"Overcoat", a timid little official, personifies the spirit of this secret, but genuine world, which breaks through Gogol's style. He, this timid little official, is a ghost, a guest from some tragic depths, who inadvertently assumed the guise of a petty official. Russian progressive critics felt in him the image of an oppressed, humiliated person, and the whole story struck them with its social denunciation. But the story is much more than that. Gaps and gaps in the fabric of Gogol's style correspond to ruptures in the fabric of life itself. Something is very badly arranged in the world, and people are just quietly insane, they strive for a goal that seems very important to them, while an absurd logical force keeps them from anyone necessary activities- this is the true "idea" of the story. In a world of vanity, vain humility and vain domination highest degree what passion, desire, creative impulse can achieve is a new overcoat, before which both tailors and customers will bow their knees. I am not talking about a moral position or a moral teaching. In such a world there can be no moral instruction, because there are no students or teachers; this world exists, and it excludes everything that can destroy it, therefore any improvement, any struggle, any moral goal or effort to achieve it is just as unthinkable as a change in the stellar orbit. This is the world of Gogol, and as such it is quite different from the world of Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov, or my own. But after reading Gogol, the eyes can gogolize, and a person sometimes manages to see fragments of his world in the most unexpected places. I traveled to many countries, and something like Akaky Akakievich's overcoat was a passionate dream of one or another casual acquaintance who had never heard of Gogol.


    The plot of "The Overcoat" is extremely simple. The poor little official accepts important decision and orders new overcoat. While sewing it, it turns into a dream of his life. On the very first evening when he puts it on, thieves take off his overcoat on a dark street. The official dies of grief, and his ghost roams the city. That's the whole plot, but, of course, the real plot (as always with Gogol) is in style, in internal structure this transcendental anecdote. In order to appreciate it, one must perform a kind of mental somersault, reject the usual scale of literary values ​​and follow the author along the path of his superhuman imagination. Gogol's world is akin to such concepts in modern physics as "the Universe is an accordion" or "the Universe is an explosion"; it is not like the worlds of the last century, calmly revolving like a clockwork. Literary style has its curvature, as does space, but few Russian readers want to plunge headlong into Gogol's magical chaos. Russians who consider Turgenev a great writer or judge Pushkin by the vile librettos of Tchaikovsky's operas are only skimming the surface of Gogol's mysterious sea and content themselves with what seems to them to be ridicule, humor, and catchy puns. But the diver, the seeker of black pearls, the one who prefers monsters sea ​​depths umbrellas on the beach, will find in the "Overcoat" shadows that link our form of being with other forms and states that we vaguely feel in rare moments of superconscious perception. Pushkin's prose is three-dimensional; Gogol's prose is at least four-dimensional. He can be compared with his contemporary mathematician Lobachevsky, who blew up the Euclidean world and discovered many of the theories later developed by Einstein a hundred years ago. If parallel lines do not meet, it is not because they cannot meet, but because they have other concerns. Gogol's art, revealed to us in The Overcoat, shows that parallel lines can not only meet, but can wriggle and entangle in the most bizarre way, just as two columns, reflected in water, oscillate, bending at the slightest ripple. The genius of Gogol - this is the same ripples on the water; twice two is five, if not the square root of five, and in Gogol's world all this happens naturally, there neither our rational mathematics, nor all our pseudophysical conventions with ourselves, to be serious, do not exist.


    The process of dressing, which Akaky Akakievich indulges in, sewing and putting on an overcoat is in fact his exposure; a gradual return to the full nakedness of his own ghost. From the beginning of the story, he has been training for his supernatural high jump, and seemingly innocuous details such as tiptoeing down the street to save his shoes, or his confusion when he does not know where he is - in the middle of the street or in the middle of a phrase, - all these details gradually dissolve the official Akaky Akakievich, and at the end of the story his ghost seems to be the most tangible, the most real hypostasis of his being. The story of his ghost, scurrying through the streets of St. Petersburg in search of an overcoat taken from him by robbers, and in the end removed the overcoat from important official, who refused to help him in trouble - this story may seem to the superficial reader to be an ordinary ghost story - by the end turns into something for which I can not find an epithet. This is both an apotheosis and degringolade .

    “The poor significant person almost died. No matter how characteristic he was in the office and in general before the lower ones, and although, looking at one manly appearance and figure, everyone said: “Oh, what a character!” - but here he, like very many , having a heroic appearance, felt such fear that, not without reason, he even began to fear about some painful seizure. He himself even quickly threw off his overcoat from his shoulders and shouted to the coachman in a voice that was not his own: "Go home with all your might!" The coachman, hearing a voice that is usually pronounced at decisive moments and even<обратите внимание на частое повторение этого слова>accompanied by something much more real, put his head in his shoulders just in case, brandished his whip and rushed off like an arrow. A little over six minutes<по особым гоголевским часам>a significant person was already at the entrance of his house. Pale, frightened, and without a greatcoat, instead of going to Karolina Ivanovna, he came to his room, dragged himself somehow to his room, and spent the night in great disorder, so that the next morning, over tea, his daughter told him bluntly: very pale, papa." But dad was silent<тут пошла пародия на библейскую притчу>and not a word to anyone about what happened to him, and where he was, and where he wanted to go. This incident made a deep impression on him.<тут начинается снижение, та эффектная прозаизация, которую Гоголь любил пользовать для своих нужд>. He even much less often began to say to his subordinates: “How dare you, do you understand who is in front of you?”; if he did, it was not before he had first heard what was the matter. But even more remarkable is the fact that since then the appearance of the dead official has completely ceased: it is clear that the general's overcoat fell completely on his shoulders; at least, no such cases were heard anywhere of someone pulling off their greatcoats. However, many active and caring people did not want to rest in any way and it was rumored that a dead official still appeared in the distant parts of the city. And sure enough, one Kolomna watchman saw with his own eyes<снижение от морализующей интонации к гротеску идет полным ходом>, as it seemed because of one house a ghost; but, being somewhat powerless by nature, so that once an ordinary adult pig, rushing from some private house, knocked him down, to the greatest laughter of the cabbies standing around, from whom he demanded a penny for tobacco for such a mockery, - so, being powerless, he did not dare to stop him, but he followed him in the dark until at last the ghost suddenly looked around and, stopping, asked: "What do you want?" - and showed such a fist, which you will not find even among the living. The watchman said: "Nothing," - and turned the same hour ago. The ghost, however, was already much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, to the Obukhov bridge, disappeared completely into night darkness".

    A torrent of "irrelevant" details (such as the unabashed assumption that "adult piglets" usually happen in private homes) is hypnotic, so that one simple thing is almost overlooked (and therein lies the beauty of the final chord). Gogol deliberately masked the most important information, the main compositional idea of ​​the story (after all, every reality is a mask). The man who was mistaken for the overcoatless ghost of Akaky Akakievich is the man who stole his overcoat from him. But the ghost of Akaky Akakievich existed only due to his lack of an overcoat, and now the policeman, having fallen into the most bizarre paradox of the story, takes for this ghost just the person who was his antithesis - the man who stole the overcoat. Thus, the story describes a full circle - a vicious circle, like all circles, no matter how much they pretend to be apples, planets or human faces.

    And so, to summarize, the story progresses like this: murmur, murmur, lyrical outburst, murmur, lyrical outburst, murmur, lyrical outburst, murmur, fantastical climax, murmur, murmur, and return to the chaos from which everything arose. At this ultra-high level of art, literature, of course, does not mourn the fate of a destitute person or curses at those in power. She turns to those secret depths human soul where the shadows of other worlds pass like the shadows of nameless and silent ships.


    As perhaps two or three of the most patient readers have already realized, this appeal is the only thing that essentially occupies me. The purpose of my cursory notes on Gogol's work, hopefully, has become quite clear. Roughly speaking, it boils down to this: if you want to know something about Russia, if you are eager to understand why the chilled Germans lost their blitz, if you are interested in "ideas", "facts" and "trends" - do not touch Gogol. The hard labor of learning the Russian language, which is necessary in order to read it, will not be paid with the coin you are accustomed to. Don't touch him, don't touch him. He has nothing to tell you. Don't go near the rails. There is high voltage. Access closed. Avoid, refrain, don't. I would like to give here a complete list of prohibitions, vetoes and threats. However, this is unlikely to be needed - after all, the casual reader, probably, will not get that far. But I will be very happy for a non-random reader - my brothers, my twins. My brother plays the harmonica. My sister is reading. She is my aunt. First, learn the alphabet of the labial, backlingual, dental, letters that buzz, hum, like a bumblebee and a tsetse fly. After some vowel, you will begin to spit. The first time you decline a personal pronoun, you will feel stiffness in your head. But I see no other approach to Gogol (and, indeed, to any other Russian writer). His works, like all great literature, are a phenomenon of language, not of ideas. My translations of individual passages are the best my poor dictionary can do; but if they were as perfect as my inner ear hears them, I, not being able to convey their intonation, still could not replace Gogol. Trying to convey my attitude to his art, I did not present a single tangible evidence of his unique nature. I can only honestly say that I did not invent Gogol. He really wrote, he really lived.

    Gogol was born on April 1, 1809. According to his mother (she, of course, invented this miserable anecdote), the poem that he wrote at the age of five was read by Kapnist, quite famous writer. Kapnist hugged the silent child with dignity and said to the happy parents: "He will be a great talent, give him only fate to lead a Christian teacher." But the fact that Gogol was born on April 1 is true.

    1 degringolade - rapid fall (fr.).

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    Answers to the Literature Olympiad Grade 6

    1. 1-B;

    2 -D;

    3 -B;

    4 - G;

    5 - A;

    6 - E.


    2. A - Pushkin A.S.

    B - Lermontov M.Yu.

    B - Tostoy L.N.

    The maximum number of points is 3

    3 . A) no
    B) yes
    B) yes
    D) no
    D) yes

    The maximum number of points is 5

    4 .

    1 -g

    2 -d



    5 -i

    6 –z




    10 -b

    The maximum number of points is 10





    4 -d


    6 -g



    The maximum number of points is 8

    6. 1. Literary device - personification, a verb that transfers the action of a living being to other objects: Streams run, the forest will dress, winter has carried away)

    2. State - a premonition of happiness, joy; anticipation;

    And the heart is still strong in the chest

    7. "Three Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Will", "The Frog Princess", "Kashchei the Immortal", "The Sleeping Princess", "Alyonushka", "The Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the Seven-Headed Serpent Gorynych", "Flying Carpet", "Vityaz ”, “Bogatyr”, “Knight at the Crossroads”, “Bogatyrsky lope”, “Guslars”, Baba Yaga”, “Princess Nesmeyana”, “After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsians”.

    1 point per fact

    8 . Fragments from fairy tales. The element of the composition of fairy tales is called the ending.

    Maximum points-1

    9 . A) a saber and a knapsack - a soldier, a fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "Flint"
    B) magic hairs from a beard - old man Hottabych, from the fairy tale of the same name by Lagin
    C) a barley seed in a flower pot - Thumbelina was born from it, a fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "Thumbelina"
    G) broken trough- old woman, A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Goldfish"
    E) a wonderful talking mirror - stepmother, A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess..."
    The maximum number of points is 15 points (for the hero, the title of the work and the author, 1 point each)

    10 1) Comparison. 2) Litota. 3) Metaphor. 4) Epithet. 5) Litota. 6) Metaphor. 7) Personification.

    8) Epithet. 9) Hyperbole. 10) Personification. 11) Antithesis. 12) Comparison.

    11. Our colonel was born with a grip.

    HVAT - a dexterous, quick person, full of daring.

    Maximum score-2

    12. Text analysis.

    1) Landscape.

    2) Winter: "frosty, bright silence", "yesterday's powder"; "Nast", etc.

    3) Epithet: "bright silence";

    comparison: "powder, like powder with sparkling sparkles";

    the personification "the bush looks and sees", etc.

    1 point per fact

    Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 9.docx


    school stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in literature 2014-2015 academic year

    Grade 9 Answers

    (evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 4)

    1.1. V. A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana"

    1.2. A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

    "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

    2. From which works are the excerpts taken? Name their authors and genre.

    (assessment: for each correct answer - 2 points. Maximum number of points - 6)

    2.1. M. V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of the ascension ...". Oh yeah.

    2.2. N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". Tale.

    2.3.B. A. Zhukovsky "Lyudmila". Ballad.

    3.The list of works below A. Pushkin, their names are confused. From the words that make up the wrong titles, restore the true names.

    (evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 8)

    "Journey to Arzrum", "Arap of Peter the Great", "House in Kolomna", "Brothers - robbers", "History of the village of Goryukhin", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Count Nulin", "Egyptian nights".

    4. What literary heroes , real historical figures, are depicted in the following excerpts? Name the work and the author. (assessment: for each correct answer - 2 points. Maximum number of points - 6)

    4.1. Peter I. A. S. Pushkin "Poltava".

    4.2. Ivan groznyj. M. Yu. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"

    4.3. Emelyan Pugachev. A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

    (Evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 3)

    5.1. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    5.2. D. I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

    5.3. A. S. Pushkin "Brothers-robbers"

    6. Explain the meaning mythological names in the cited texts. (evaluation: for each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum number of points - 3)

    Elena - in Greek mythology, the most beautiful of women, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus. The abduction of Helen by Paris triggered the Trojan War.

    Troy (Ilion) - an ancient city destroyed by the Achaeans (Greeks).

    Stribog - in East Slavic mythology, the god of the air elements (wind, storms, etc.)

    7. Give an interpretation literary terms mentioned in an excerpt from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Tale for Children". (Evaluation: for each correctly explained term - 2 points. The maximum number of points is 6)

    Epigrama short poem ridiculing a person or

    social phenomenon

    Poem - one of the types of lyrical-epic narrative kind of literature:

    poetic storytelling, poetic story or short story


    Drama - 1. One of the three literary genres,whose formal distinction from others in

    that it is intended to be played on stage.

    2. one of the main genres of modern theatrical art(along with

    comedy and tragedy)

    8 . Assessing the quality of the interpretation of a poetic text, we propose to be guided by the following criteria:

    Emotional dominants of the text 2 points;

    Themes, ideas, motives, poetic images 4 points;

    Position of the lyrical hero 2 points;

    Literary context (literary direction)2 points;

    Rhythm 2 points;- composition 2 points;

    Genre features1 point; chronotope 1 point;

    Poetic vocabulary 2 points;

    Poetic syntax 2 points;

    Sound recording 2 points; - integrity and compositional harmony of interpretation 2 points. The maximum number of points is 24.

    Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 10.docx


    Literature Olympiad Grade 10


    Maximum Points- 6 b. (Title, author - 0.5 each; hero - 1 point )

    1.1 N.V. Gogol "Inspector", mayor

    1.2 A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", P. Grinev

    1.3 A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Tatyana

    2. The maximum number of points - 3 b. (author, title by 0.5b)

      1. N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"

    2.2 N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    2.3 A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    II . Historical and literary assignments.

    1. A.N. Ostrovsky 1b

    2. Sovremennik 1b

    3. "Dowry" A.N. Ostrovsky, "Gypsies" A.S. Pushkin, N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer". 1 b each

    III . knowledge of literary theory. Max. 3 b


      A dull lantern, a dim aura is an epithet

      Rain beads - metaphor


    2 Max. 8 points

    Title of the stanza

    Example number









    IV Maksim. 25 points

    We propose to be guided by the following criteria:

    Emotional dominant of the text1 point

    Themes, ideas, motives, poetic image 4 points

    The position of the lyrical hero2 point

    Literary context1 point

    Cultural context1 point

    Historical context1 point

    Rhythm, poetic size 2 points

    Composition2 points

    Chronotop1 point

    Poetic vocabulary2 points

    Poetic Syntax2 points

    Morphological features1 point

    sound recording2 points

    Integrity and compositional harmonystatements3 points.

    Total for work47b + task II (3)

    Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 11.docx



    The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature. Grade 11.

    2014-2015 academic year

    1.Maximum score - 5 points

    "Mtsyri", "Prayer" ("per minute difficult life”), “Sail”, “In the wild north”, “Death of a poet”, “From under the mysterious cold half-mask”, “Duma”, “To N.I ....”, “Both boring and sad ...”, “ Leaflet.

    2. Maximum score - 10 points

    "Who's to blame?" A. Herzen, "Financier" T. Dreiser, "Cliff" N. Goncharov, "What to do?" N. Chernyshevsky, "Ordinary History" N. Goncharov, "The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov, “Bleak House” by C. Dickens, “Trap” by E. Zola, “Les Misérables” by V. Hugo, “Thunderstorm” by A. Ostrovsky, “Forest” by A. Ostrovsky, “Call of the Ancestors” by D. London, “The Nose” and "Overcoat" N. Gogol,

    "Walking through the torments" A. Tolstoy.

    3. Maximum score - 5 points

    Allegory - allegory; anapaest - poetic size, three-syllable foot; annotation -shortpresentation of the content of the article, book; aphorism - a short expressive saying;

    alliteration is the repetition of the same consonants.

    4. Maximum score - 10 points

    Realism (N. Ostrovsky, M. Sholokhov, A. Tolstoy, D. Bedny, later work V. Mayakovsky). Silver Age (V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, A. Blok, A. Bely, and Annensky, S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumelev, O. Mandelstam, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, I. Severyanin, N.D. and D.D. Burliuks, V.Kamensky, A.Kruchenykh.

    5. Maximum score - 5 points

    1) "Stray dog"; 2) Northerner; Mayakovsky 3) "Tower" 4) publishing house "Knowledge" 5) "Balagan"

    6. Maximum score - 5 points. The maximum mark is given if the main milestones are indicated the life of Vrubel (1856-1910), his significance for art - he is the founder of symbolism and modernity in Russian painting. He is distinguished by innovative searches in the field of form (the principle of "crystallization") and color ("purple worlds"). Most famous paintings: “Seated Demon” (1890), “Pan” (1899), “Lilac” (1900), “Defeated Demon” (1902), “Princess Dream” panel (early 1896).

    7. Maximum score - 4 points

    8. Maximum score - 5 points for each task

    1) anapaest, cross rhyme, masculine, exact; 2) iambic, ring rhyme, male and female, inaccurate; 3) free verse - free verse

    9. Maximum score - 10 points

    1) M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" 2) V. Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" 3) V. Bykov "Obelisk" 4) A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" 5) K. Simonov "Wait for me" 6) M. Lermontov "Borodino" 7) M. Bulgakov "The White Guard" 8) B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" 9) Y. Bondarev " Hot Snow» 10) S. Smirnov "Brest Fortress"

    10. Maximum score -10 points

    Selected document to view Answers Literature Grade 5.docx


    School stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in literature

    Grade 5 2014–2015 academic year

      Andersen "The Princess and the Pea"

      Little robber; G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

      Stepmother; A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

      The heroine from Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans"

      Old man Hottabych from the fairy tale of the same name by Lagin


    a) a fairy tale b) proverb; c) riddle

    3. Fill in the missing word(s). Indicate the author and the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken

    A) A.S., Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess"; prince Elisha ;

    B) A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; don't want to be pillar noblewoman

    4. Identify the writer by biographical facts. Write his last name, first name, patronymic. (6 points)

    A) Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov; b) Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    5. Restore the full forms of the writers' names (first name, patronymic, last name). (5 points)

    Ivan Andreevich Krylov

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

    Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

    Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol










    P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"

    8. Divide the mythological characters: Yarilo, Atlas, Dazhd - god, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo - into groups:

    a) Slavic: Yarilo, Dazhd-god;

    b) Greek: Atlas, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo.

    Write the name of the fables. (2 points for definition, 2 points for answer - 4 points in total)

    Moral - the initial or final lines of a fable with a moralizing conclusion. I.A. Krylov a). "Swan, Pike and Cancer" b). "A Crow and a fox"

    10 Creative task

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    Literature Olympiad answers for grade 7

    Task number 1

    1.N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, the opera "Sadko"; Grechaninov, opera "Dobrynya Nikitich"; V. Vasnetsov "Three Bogatyrs", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Guslyars", « After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsy» ; Repin "Sadko", I. Bilibin "Volga's team", opera by A.P. Borodin "Prince Igor" ...

    Exercise №2

    Mark Twain

    A.P. Chekhov

    V.A. Zhukovsky


    L.N. Tolstoy

    Exercise №3

    Deforge (Dubrovsky); two Caucasian captives (Zhilin and Kostylin); a hero nicknamed Chameleon (Ochumelov), a young peasant woman (Liza Muromskaya), an amphibious man (Ihtiandr), a man on the clock (Postnikov), Biryuk (Foma).

    Exercise №4

    Moscow (“Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...”), monastery (“Three Musketeers”), front door (“Reflections at the front door”), shack by the sea (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”), Ithaca (“Odyssey ").

    Exercise №5

    A carol is a song in which the owners of the house were famous and contained wishes for a rich harvest, abundance ... Carols were sung during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Caroling - festive detours of houses with carol singing, with dressing up. This is the difference between carols and other calendar-ritual songs.

    Exercise №6

    a) The beaten unbeaten is lucky.

    To whom are the tops, and to whom are the roots. …;

    b) There is no beast stronger than a cat.

    And Vaska listens and eats.

    The strong always blame the powerless.

    Elephant - I did not notice.

    And nothing has changed. …

    Task number 7

    The east is burning with a new dawn - a metaphor; crimson smoke - an epithet; like a plowman the battle is resting - comparison; throwing piles of bodies on top of a pile is a hyperbole.

    Exercise №8

    a) "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman", Lisa - Akulina
    b) "Dubrovsky", Vladimir Dubrovsky

    Task number 9

    Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

    Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

    Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

    Task number 10

    We evaluate the answer according to the following criteria:

    Listed by subject or genre of the book that is in the home library - 3 points;

    It is told about the addictions of family members and their choice in reading books - 2 points;

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    Literature Olympiad

    Grade 10

      Knowledge of literary texts.

      Before you are the dreams of literary heroes. To whom do they dream? List the work and its author. (Max points - 6 b, title, author - 0.5 each; hero - 1 point )

      1. I seemed to have a presentiment: all night long I dreamed of two extraordinary rats. Really, I have never seen such things: black, unnatural size! They came, sniffed - and went away.

    1.2 I had a dream that I could never forget, and in which I still see something prophetic when I reflect with it on the strange circumstances of my life.

    It seemed to me that the storm was still raging and we were still wandering through the snowy desert ... Suddenly I saw the gate and drove into the manor yard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents' roof and would not consider it a deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep chagrin. “Hush,” she says to me, “father is ill at death and wants to say goodbye to you.” Stricken with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people with sad faces are standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother raises the curtain... I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well? .. Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. In bewilderment, I turned to my mother, saying to her: "What does this mean? This is not a father. And why should I ask a peasant for a blessing?" …

    1.3 . Fell into the snow; bear nimble

    She grabs and carries;

    She is insensitively submissive;

    Does not move, does not die;

    He rushes her along the forest road;

    Suddenly, between the trees, a miserable hut;

    All around the wilderness, everywhere he

    Covered with desert snow

    And shines brightly in the window,

    And in the hut and scream and noise;

    The bear said: here is my godfather.

    Warm up a little!

    And he goes straight into the canopy,

    And puts it on the threshold.

      Find out the piece by the end. Name the author. 3 b. by 0.5b)

      1. The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

        A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

    2.3 Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer!

      Historical and literary assignments.

      For the plays of which Russian playwright, the dictionary N.S. Ashukina and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles: grand - delicate; something - nothing; electricity - electricity; frishtykat - have breakfast; hypocrite - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite (The maximum number of points is 1 point)

      This literary journal was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. It contained "The Captain's Daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Name the journal.(Maximum points - 1 point)

      In what works Russian classics are the characters gypsies? (One point for each correctly named work + author)

    III . knowledge of literary theory.

    1. Indicate the means of artistic expression used in the passage? (Maximum points - 3 points)

    In one place, a particularly dull lantern diluted the darkness, and, passing through its dull aura, the fog turned into beads of rain (V. Nabokov "Other Shores").

      Before you are fragments of lyrical works and the names of genres. Compare them to each other. Write down the answer using the letter and number designation (for example: m - 9). Max-8b.

    Genre name

    Example number

    A) idyll

    B) sonnet

    B) a message

    D) elegy

    D) ode

    E) thought

    G) epigram

    H) haiku

    1. He plays chess with one hand

    With the other hand he conquers the nations,

    With one foot he strikes friend and foe,

    With another he tramples the universe on the shore.

    (A. Suvorov)

    2. The day is already paler, hiding behind the mountain;

    Noisy herds crowd over the river;

    A tired peasant with a slow foot

    He goes, thinking, to his calm hut.

    (V. Zhukovsky)

    3. Crowd gloomy and soon forgotten
    We will pass over the world without noise or trace,
    Not throwing for centuries a fruitful thought,
    Nor the genius of the work begun.
    And our ashes, with the severity of a judge and a citizen,
    A descendant will offend with a contemptuous verse,
    The mockery of the bitter deceived son
    Over the squandered father.

    (M. Lermontov)

    4. The calm of the ashes.

    The cat plays with fur.

    All will pass.


    5. Love, hope, quiet glory
    The deceit did not live long for us,
    Gone are the funs of youth
    Like a dream, like a morning mist;
    But desire still burns in us;
    Under the yoke of fatal power
    With an impatient soul
    Fatherland heed the invocation.

    (A. Pushkin)

    6. Poet! do not value the love of the people.
    Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
    Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
    But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

    You are the king: live alone. By the road of the free
    Go where your free mind takes you,
    Improving the fruits of your favorite thoughts,
    Not demanding rewards for a noble feat.

    They are in you. You are your own highest court;
    You know how to appreciate your work more strictly.
    Are you satisfied with it, demanding artist?

    Satisfied? So let the crowd scold him
    And spits on the altar where your fire burns
    And in childish playfulness your tripod shakes.

    (A. Pushkin)

    7. Time verb! metal ringing!

    Your terrible voice confuses me,

    Calls me, calls your moan,

    He calls - and brings him closer to the coffin.

    As soon as I saw this light,

    Death is already gnashing its teeth

    Like lightning, oblique shines

    And my days, like cereal, cuts.


    8. Shepherds, I will forget

    Hours, how I was sad, groaning,

    Again I will jump into my flute,

    You will see me again in your circles. (A. Sumarokov)

    IV . Analysis of the poetic text. Maksim. 25 points

    F.I. Tyutchev

    As the ocean embraces the globe,

    Earth life surrounded by dreams;

    Night will come - and sonorous waves

    The element hits its shore.

    Then her voice: he forces us and asks ...

    Already in the pier the magic boat came to life;

    The tide is rising and taking us fast

    Into the immensity of dark waves.

    The vault of heaven, burning with star glory

    Mysteriously looks from the depths, -

    And we are sailing, a flaming abyss

    Surrounded on all sides.


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    School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature Grade 11

    2014-2015 academic year

    1. Complete the description of M.Yu. Lermontov, given by V.G. Belinsky, with examples - indicate the name of Lermontov's poems in the gaps or quotes.

    “Throwing a general look at the poems of M. Lermontov, we see in them all the forces, all the elements that make up life and poetry. In this deep nature, in this powerful spirit, everything lives; everything is accessible to them, everything is clear; they respond to everything.

    Indestructible strength and power of the spirit (_______________________________________),

    unctuous fragrance of prayer (_________________________________________),

    fiery, stormy animation (______________________________________),

    quiet sadness, meek thoughtfulness (____________________________________),

    cries of proud suffering (_____________________________________________),

    mysterious tenderness of feeling (________________________________________),

    ailments modern society (____________________________________________________),

    intoxication of love (_________________________________________________________________),

    contempt for the prose of life (_____________________________________________________________),

    poison of denial (_________________________________________________________________),

    everything, everything in Lermontov's poetry: heaven and earth, heaven and hell.

    2. Read the text, find the names of works of art hidden in it. Write them out, indicate the author.

    “Mentally running through his life, he asked himself with excruciating anguish: “Who is to blame for the fact that he, having successfully started his career as a financier, fell off a cliff and ended up at the bottom of society. What to do? The most ordinary story! Such is the fate of a man who believes in the kindness and meek tenderness of the world. How hard it is given to him the truth that our world is empty cold house, the inhabitants of which beat an empty cold heart. The world is a trap for the gullible, a huge barge loaded with outcasts.”

    It was already getting dark. Purple clouds drifted across the low sky, harbingers of a coming thunderstorm. The streets became dark, like thick jungle, impenetrable forest, in which, as if coming from the depths of memory, the call of the ancestors, someone's quiet, strict voice sounded. Hiding his nose in the beaver collar of his overcoat, he, not paying attention to rain drops, alone, slowly walked through the empty city, like a holy martyr, making a purifying walk through torment.

    3. Explain literary terms:

    Allegory - ; anapest -; annotation-; antithesis-; aphorism -; alliteration -.

    4. What trends and trends in Russian literature of the early 20th century influenced the work of the best poets and prose writers of that time?

    5 . 1. First public speaking V. Mayakovsky with the reading of poetry took place in the famous artistic basement ____________________________________________

    2. In 1918 At a poetry evening at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow _______________

    __________________ was elected, the second place was taken by Mayakovsky, and the third by Balmont.

    3. Since the autumn of 1905, the brightest literary salon Petersburg becomes __________

    Vyacheslav Ivanov, his apartment in a house on Tavricheskaya Street, located on the top floor, in a corner tower.

    4. The publishing house ____________ led by M. Gorky in different years included L. Andreev, I. Bunin, V. Veresaev, N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, A. Kuprin, I. Shevelev and other writers

    5. In 1907 The premiere of the play by A. Blok _____________ took place at the theater of V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, with music by M.A. Kuzmin.

    6. A. Blok said that Vrubel's "Demon" and Lermontov's "Demon" are "symbols of our time." Write a short article about this artist, name his most famous paintings.

    7. 1. In the period 1900-1903. the poet created his the best poems : "Verbalism",

    “I am the sophistication of Russian slow speech ...”, “Most tenderly”. In 1904-1905. The Scorpion Publishing House published a collection of the poet's poems in two volumes. This period ends with the collection “The Liturgy of Beauty. Elemental Hymns", in which the poet rebukes people who "have fallen out of love with the Sun".

    8. 1. Determine the poetic size, rhyme, rhyme method in each passage;

    1. My queen has a high palace,

    About seven he pillars of gold,

    My queen has a seven-sided crown,

    It has no number of precious stones

    2. Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails.

    I read the list of ships to the middle:

    This long brood, this train


    That over Hellas once rose.

    3. She came from the cold,


    Filled the room

    Aroma of air and perfume.

    9. Select the match: writer - work:

    1. M Sholokhov 1. "Brest Fortress"

    2. V. Nekrasov 2. "Borodino"

    3. V. Bykov 3. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

    4. A. Tvardovsky 4. "Obelisk"

    5. K. Simonov 5. "White Guard"

    6. M. Lermontov 6. "The fate of man"

    7. N. Bulgakov 7. "Wait for me"

    8. B. Vasiliev 8. "Hot snow"

    9. Y. Bondarev 9. "Vasily Terkin"

    10. S. Smirnov 10. "In the trenches of Stalingrad"

    10. Analysis of the poetic text.


    "Sky and Stars"

    Clear evening sky
    Distant stars are clear
    Clear as the happiness of a child;
    ABOUT! Why can't I think:
    Stars, you are as clear as my happiness!

    Why are you unhappy
    Will people tell me?
    That's why I'm unhappy
    Good people that the stars and the sky -
    Stars and sky! - and I'm a man! ..

    people to each other
    Envy is nourished;
    I, on the contrary,
    I only envy the beautiful stars,
    I would just like to take their place.

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    School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

    Olympiad tasks Grade 5

    The maximum number of points for the entire work - 50

    1. Which of the literary characters owns the following items? Name the character, work and author.(By1 points for the hero, author and title of the work)


      A sharp sparkling knife and a fur clutch

      Fresh fragrant golden-ruddy apple

      Shirts knitted from nettle yarn

      Magic beard hairs


    2. Define and name the genre according to the fragments of the text.

    ( The maximum number of points- 3)


    genre name

    A) Once upon a time there was a good king Matvey,;

    Lived with his queen

    He has been in agreement for many years;

    And there are still no children.

    B) Alone in the field is not a warrior

    C) The red yoke hung across the river.

    3. Fill in the missing word(s). Indicate the author and the title of the work from which the excerpt is taken. ( The maximum number of points- 4)

    A) white-faced, black-browed,

    I like such a meek one.

    And the groom was found by her,

    Royal __________.

    B) “Come back, bow to the fish:

    I don't want to be ___________ ___________,

    And I want to be a free queen"

    4. Identify the writer by biographical facts. Write his last name, first name, patronymic. ( The maximum number of points- 6)

    a) Born in the Arkhangelsk province in the family of a peasant fisherman. Without the knowledge of his father, he left for Moscow. He entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He made many scientific discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, astronomy. He carried out a reform of versification.

    b) Born in Moscow. His uncle, Vasily Lvovich, was famous poet. The nanny had a great influence on the boy. He studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription "To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher."

    5. Restore the full forms of the writers' names (first name, patronymic, last name).

    ( Maximum points - 5)

    Ivan Andreevich Lermontov

    Mikhail Yurievich Gogol

    Lev Nikolaevich Krylov

    Alexander Sergeevich Tolstoy

    Nikolay Vasilievich Pushkin

    6. Match the given nouns with constant epithets (you can connect them with arrows):

    (The maximum number of points is 5)










    7. Mark works of art that belong to fiction:

      I.E. Repin "Dragonfly"

      P.P. Ershov "Humpbacked Horse"

      P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker"

      A.M. Opekushin. Monument to A.S. Pushkin

      S. Aksakov. "The Scarlet Flower".

      Barma and Postnik. Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral)

    (The maximum number of points is 2)

    8. Divide the mythological characters: Yarilo, Atlas, Dazhd-god, Zeus, Hercules, Apollo - into groups:

    a) Slavic; b) Greek

    (The maximum number of points is 6)

    9. Define the moral of the fable. What fables are morals drawn from?

    Write the name of the fables.

    ( 2 points for definition, 2 points for answer - total 4 points )

    a) “When there is no agreement among the comrades,

    It won't work out for them."

    b) How many times have they told the world,

    That flattery is vile, harmful; but it's not all right,

    And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner"

    10. Creative task

    In fairy tales often come to life inanimate objects. For example, a darning needle, an inkwell, a coin from G.Kh. Andersen, mirror at A.S. Pushkin, toys
    T.A. Hoffmann and A. Milne, maps from L. Carroll.

    Compose a fairy tale, where the main character would be some thing.

    (The maximum number of points is 10)

    We wish you success!

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    Literature Olympiad 6th grade

    1. Correlate genre definition with titles below




    "Horse Family"








    "The Tale of Bygone Years"


    Fairy tale


    "Porridge from an ax"







    "White birch"

    2. Identify the writer by biographical facts.


    Born in Moscow, his uncle Vasily Lvovich was a famous poet, the nanny had a great influence on the boy, he studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, V. Zhukovsky gave him his portrait with the inscription “To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher”


    He was raised by his grandmother, studied at Moscow University, entered the school of guard ensigns and cavalry cadets, was exiled to the Caucasus for one of his works, died in a duel.


    He spent most of his life in Yasnaya Polyana, participated in Crimean War, opened a school for peasant children, they say about him that he is "the pride of the Russian people"

    Maximum points - 3

    3.Answer each of the questions "yes" (if the statement is true) or "no" (if the statement is false).

    A) V. Zhukovsky is called "the sun of Russian poetry"

    B) Chronicle writing in Rus' began in the 11th century.

    C) A poem based on a historical event, a legend with a sharp plot is called a ballad

    D) epigraph - a short text placed by the author after the work

    E) The story and the word are genres of ancient Russian literature.

    Maximum points - 5

    4 Connect the names and surnames of Russian and foreign writers.

    1) Agnia a) Yesenin

    2) Astrid b) Prishvin

    3) Sergei Alexandrovich c) Kuprin

    4) Alexander Ivanovich d) Marshak

    5) Alexander Sergeevich e) Lindgren

    6) Konstantin Georgievich e) Rodari

    7) Gianni e) Astafiev

    8) Viktor Petrovich g) Barto

    9) Samuil Yakovlevich h) Paustovsky

    10) Mikhail Mikhailovich i) Pushkin

    1 point per fact (10 points).

    5. Match the term with its definition.

    1) Description of nature in a literary work. a) rhyme

    2) A conversation between two or more people. b) landscape

    3) Consonance of the ends of the lines. c) dialogue

    4) Allegorically describes the subject, teaches

    guess what's going on. d) a fable

    5)Small artwork,

    depicting a single event in a person's life. e) riddle

    6) Allegory, with the help of which the abstract

    the concept is conveyed with the help of a specific image. f) antithesis

    7) A small piece of narrative

    moralistic character. g) allegory

    8) Stylistic figure based

    on the opposition of concepts, images. h) story.

    1 point per fact (8 points).

    6. Read the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev "Spring". Answer the questions:

    1. What figurative - expressive means underlies the poem

    (comparison, epithet, personification).

    2. Write down the words that underline emotional condition poet,

    write what.

    The snow is already melting, streams are running,

    The window blew in the spring ...

    The nightingales will soon whistle,

    And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

    clear blue sky,

    The sun became warmer and brighter,

    It's time for evil blizzards and storms

    Again a long time passed.

    And the heart is still strong in the chest

    Knocking like it's waiting for something

    As if happiness is ahead

    And the winter took care

    Maximum score-2

    7.Name the paintings based on fairy tales created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

    1 point per fact

    8.Here are excerpts from several literary works. What do these passages have in common? What is the name of this element of the composition of fairy tales? Maximum points - 1

    1. ... They didn’t become for a long time,

    To think, with an honest feast and for a wedding; guests have arrived

    The wedding was played; I was there, there I am honey and beer

    Drank; flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth. And everything is here.

    2 I was there; honey, drinking beer -

      Which of the fairy tale or literary characters owns the items listed below? Name the character, work and author.
      A) saber and satchel
      B) magic beard hairs
      C) a barley seed in a flower pot
      D) broken trough
      D) a talking miraculous mirror
      The maximum number of points is 15 points (for the hero, the title of the work and the author, 1 point each)
      10. Based on these examples, determine the type of trail.
      1) "The knight fought like a lion"
      2) "Below the thin bylinochka you need to bow your head"
      3) "Magnificent carpets, shining in the sun, the snow lies"

    4) “Under it a stream is lighter than azure, above it is a golden ray of the sun”
    5) "Man with a marigold"
    6) "The shadow of sadness has disappeared"
    7) "The golden grove dissuaded"
    8) "Pale Stars"
    9) "A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper"
    10) "Hunger armed them with courage"
    11) "Black wind, White snow»

    12) "Eyes like the sky, blue"
    1 point per fact (12 points)

    11. Find and correct the semantic error in the passage below. Explain the meaning of the found word.
    And the sky just lit up
    Everything suddenly stirred,
    The formation flashed behind the formation.

    Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
    Yes, sorry for him; smitten with damask
    He sleeps in the damp earth.
    M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

    Maximum score-2

    12. Text analysis.
    Blue shadows...
    Silence resumed, frosty and bright. Yesterday's powder lies on the crust, like powder with sparkling sparkles, the crust does not fall through anywhere, and on the field, in the sun, it holds even better than in the shade. Each bush of the old wormwood, burdock, blade of grass, blade of grass, as if in a mirror, looks into this sparkling powder and sees itself as blue and beautiful. (M.M. Prishvin).
    1) What is the name of this description?
    2) What season did M.M. Prishvin depict? Prove this with examples from the text.
    3) What means of expression artistic speech is used by the writer
    in this description?
    1 point per fact

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    Literature Olympiad. 7th grade

    Task number 1

    Epics inspired many masters of art to create original creations. Name the authors and their works. (The maximum number is 5 points).

    Task number 2

    What writer are you talking about? (Maximum number - 5 points)

    1. The real name of this writer is Samuel Clemens, his pseudonym means a pilot term used on the Mississippi River. At the age of 12, he was left without a father, was forced to leave school and earn his living. He tried himself in various professions: he was a typographer's apprentice, compositor, pilot, gold digger, journalist. Already during his lifetime, he was so famous that letters reached him, even if only the name of the country and his name were written on the envelope.

    2. The first stories of this writer were funny, funny, funny, witty, and they were published in magazines, the names of which were also unusual: “Dragonfly”, “Alarm Clock”, “Shards”. And he writes these stories under a pseudonym, being a student of the medical faculty of Moscow University.

    3. He was not only an excellent poet and translator, but also a wise teacher, educator of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II. A.S. Pushkin called himself his student. In response, this writer gave the great poet his portrait as a sign of respect after the release of Ruslan and Lyudmila.

    4. William Sydney Porter (this is his real name) creates his first story while in prison, and with the proceeds he buys a Christmas present for his daughter, who, along with her mother, is waiting for him at home.

    5. At his home in the estate near Tula, he creates a school for peasant children and teaches in it himself, writes the ABC, creates four Russian books for reading. By that time, he had already returned from the Caucasus and retired after participating in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. His collected works comprise 90 volumes.

    Task number 3.

    Remember and name real name heroes.(Maximum 7 points) .

    Deforge; two Caucasian captives; a hero nicknamed the Chameleon, a young peasant woman, an amphibious man, a man on the watch, Biryuk.

    Task number 4

    The events of many works are connected with these places. Tell me, in what books did you come across these places? (For each correct answer 1 point, total 5 points)
    Moscow, monastery, front entrance, shack by the sea, Ithaca.

    Task number 5

    (Maximum -3 points)

    What are carols? When and where were they performed? What is their difference from other calendar-ritual songs?

    Task number 6

    (Maximum -4 points)

    Give examples of proverbs that came from

    a) fairy tales

    b) fables by I.A. Krylov.

    Task number 7.

    Determine the literary devices (tropes) in the lines of A.S. Pushkin from the poem "Poltava" ((Maximum number - 4 points)

    The east burns with a new dawn; purple smoke; like a plowman the battle is resting; throwing piles of bodies upon piles

    Task number 8.

    Pushkin's heroes often change their former way of life, becoming, as it were, "imposters." In what work and who became:
    a) a peasant
    b) a robber

    (The maximum number is 2 points.)

    Task number 9

    What are the names and patronymics of writers

    Pushkin __________________________________________________________

    Lermontov __________________________________________________

    Turgenev ____________________________________________________

    Nekrasov ____________________________________________________

    Chekhov _________________________________________________________

    (The maximum number is 5 points.)

    Task number 10

    (Maximum -10 points)

    “A personal library is not just a collection of books, only necessary books that meet the needs of the mind and soul of the owner of the library. What books are in your home library? (List subject or genre of the book. Tell us about the addictions of your family members and their choices in reading books). name 3- 5 of your favorite authors and their books. Explain your choice.

    Total 50 points.

    a) what is the difference: poems / ballads

    b) what is the difference: plot / plot

    2. Knowledge of the texts of works of art (10 points for each correct answer)

    1. From what works are these heroes? Who is their author?

    A) Ochumelov

    B) Deforge

    B) Natalya Savishna

    D) Liza-Akulina

    D) Princess Volkonskaya

    3. Do you remember…(5 points)

    a) How many years did Oleg reign?

    b) Who did Batu send to fight Evpatiy Kolovrat?

    c) Who was the first to recognize Peter I in the "Glass State"?

    d) How much money did Tsar Ivan Vasilievich order to pay the young man “for dishonor”?

    e) What happened when Martha finished her speech at the place of execution?

    4. Name the genre of works: (5 points)

    Name the genre of works:

    a) N.M. Karamzin “Martha the Posadnitsa…”;

    b) V.A. Zhukovsky "Forest King";

    c) N.V. Gogol "Inspector";

    d) K.G. Paustovsky "The joy of creativity"

    e) M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri".

    5. Determine the poetic size: (2 points)

    a) In the hope of glory and goodness

    I look ahead without a fight

    The beginning of the glorious days of Peter

    There were riots and executions.

    (A.S. Pushkin)

    b) The leaves in the field turned yellow,

    And spin and fly.

    Only in the forest drooped spruce

    Greenery is gloomy.

    6.Find and correct the semantic error in the given passage of text: (2 points)
    You listen to my command
    Came here, thank you.
    Everything is better in front of someone
    Lighten my chest with words
    But I did not harm people,
    And so my deeds
    It's a little good for you to know
    Can you tell your soul? M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"
    B ) And only the sky lit up,
    Everything suddenly stirred,
    The formation flashed behind the formation.
    Our colonel was born a brother:
    Servant to the king, father to the soldiers
    Yes, sorry for him; smitten with damask
    He sleeps in the damp earth. M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

    7. Recognize the work by its finale, name the author. (6 points)

    1. "Here are the worthy fruits of wickedness."

    2. “- Vish, trudged along! - he muttered, - yes I did! ..

    Half an hour later he said goodbye to me at the edge of the forest.

    3. “And with this thought I will fall asleep,

    And I won’t curse anyone!”

    8. What means of artistic expression are used in the passage? (3 points)

    The nature of the thirsty steppes

    She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,

    And green dead branches

    And watered the roots with poison.

    9. Which writers and poets are associated with literary places in Russia: (5 points)

    a) Yasnaya Polyana;

    b) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo;

    c) Nizhyn;

    d) Tarkhany;

    e) Mikhailovskoye.

    10. Read the work of I.S. Turgenev - a poem in prose "The Beggar" (1878).

    Explain how you understood its meaning. In your answer, rely on the tasks proposed after the text (the recommended amount of answers to each question is 3-4 sentences). (8 points)

    I was walking along the street... I was stopped by a beggar, decrepit old man.

    Inflamed, tearful eyes, blue lips, rough tatters, unclean wounds... Oh, how ugly poverty gnawed at this unfortunate creature!

    He extended his red, swollen, dirty hand to me... He groaned, he bellowed for help.

    I began to fumble in all my pockets... Not a purse, not a watch, not even a handkerchief... I took nothing with me.

    And the beggar waited... and his outstretched hand swayed weakly and shuddered.

    Lost, embarrassed, I firmly shook that dirty, trembling hand...

    “Do not seek, brother; I have nothing, brother.

    The beggar fixed his inflamed eyes on me; his blue lips smiled

    and he, in turn, squeezed my cold fingers.

    ˗ Well, brother, ˗ he murmured, ˗ and thanks for that. That's also an alms, brother.

    I realized that I also received alms from my brother.

    1. Formulate the theme of the work. By what artistic means does Turgenev characterize the situation of a beggar? (2 points)

    1.2. Then everything was gone: meadows and skies.

    We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle

    The floor opened up - and you are from there,

    Pale as death, and hair on end!

    Here with a thunder the doors were flung open

    Some not people and not animals.

    We are apart - and they tortured the one who sat with me

    1.3 . That night from the evening they dressed me ...

    black veil

    on a yew bed;

    they scooped me blue wine,

    mixed with grief;

    poured me from empty quivers of filthy foreigners

    large pearls on the chest

    and do not live me.

    1.4 .And now I walk like crazy. All night long, such rubbish climbed into my eyes ... Yes, then you, mother, then father ... As soon as I start to fall asleep, I see that you, mother, deign to beat the father ... So I felt sorry ... you, mother: you are so tired, beating the father …

    2. From which works are the excerpts taken? Name their authors and genre


    2.1. The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

    Beloved silence,

    The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

    How useful and red you are!

    Flowers bloom around you

    And the classes in the fields turn yellow;

    Treasure ships are full

    Dare in the sea for you;

    You pour with a generous hand

    Your wealth on earth.

    2.2. The sensitive, kind old woman, seeing her daughter’s indefatigability, often pressed her to her weakly beating heart, called her divine mercy, nurse, the joy of her old age and prayed to God to reward her for what she did for her mother.

    2.3 . Suddenly a blizzard is all around;

    Snow falls in tufts;

    Black Raven, whistling its wing,

    Hovering over the sleigh;

    Raven croaks: sadness!

    The horses are hurried

    Sensitively look into the dark distance,

    Raising manes.

    3. In the list of works by A. Pushkin below, their titles are confused. From the words that make up the wrong titles, restore the true names.

    "Journey to the Village of Kirdzhali", "Prisoner of Peter the Great", "Arap in Kolomna", "House of an Egyptian Peasant Woman", "Caucasian Robbers", "History of Arzrum", "Count Nulin's Brothers", "Nights of the Young Lady Goryukhina".

    4. What literary heroes, real historical figures, are depicted in the following passages? Name the work and the author.

    4.1 . His eyes

    Shine. His face is terrible.

    The movements are fast. He is beautiful.

    He is like a thunderstorm.

    Goes. They bring him a horse.

    Zealous and humble faithful horse,

    Feeling the fatal fire

    Trembling. Eyes askance

    And rushes in the dust of battle,

    Proud of the mighty rider.

    4.2 . Here the king frowned black eyebrows

    And he fixed his eyes on him,

    Like a hawk looked down from heaven

    On a young gray-winged dove, -

    Yes, the young fighter did not raise his eyes.

    4.3. He was wearing a beautiful Cossack caftan trimmed with galloons. High sable hat with

    with golden tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. ... sat in the first place,

    leaning on the table and propping up his black beard with his broad fist.

    5. What is the work in question?

    5.1. “The greatest patriotic poem is dedicated not to one of the victories, which Russian weapons knew a lot, but to a terrible defeat, in which for the first time in Russian history the prince was captured, and the army was almost destroyed!” (D.S. Likhachev)

    5.2 . They say that one of the young nobles recognized himself in the hero of this work and was so shocked that he rushed into learning, studied at home and abroad, studied languages, philosophy, the history of painting ... This was Nikolai Alekseevich Olenin, one of the most educated people of his time .

    5.3 . When A.S. Pushkin was passing through Ekaterinoslavl, two brothers escaped from the local prison. The poet himself testifies to this: “In 1820 ... two robbers, chained together, crossed the Dnieper and escaped. Their rest on the islet, the sinking of one of the guards is not invented by me. This incident became the reason for writing a large poem, which the author then destroyed, leaving only the beginning. This passage has become a poem in its own right.

    6. Explain the meaning of the mythological names in the given texts.

    6.1. Like a crane wedge in foreign borders -

    Divine foam on the heads of kings -

    Where are you sailing? Whenever not Elena,

    What is Troy to you alone, Achaean men?

    (O. Mandelstam)

    6.2. “Here are the winds, the grandchildren of Stribog, blowing arrows from the sea ...” (“The Tale of Igor's Campaign”)

    7. Give an interpretation of the literary terms mentioned in an excerpt from the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Tale for Children."

    The weapon is excellent: you throw an epigram in the face of your enemies ...

    Do you want to annoy your friends?

    Let them in with a poem or a drama!

    8. Interpretation of the poetic text. Suggest your option literary analysis this poem.


    Does the beast roar in the deaf forest,

    Does the horn blow, does the thunder rumble,

    Does the maiden sing beyond the hill

    For every sound

    Your response in the empty air

    You suddenly give birth.

    You listen to the roar of thunders,

    And the voice of the storm and the waves,

    And the cry of the rural shepherds -

    And you send an answer;

    You don’t have a response ... Such is

    And you, poet! (A.S. Pushkin. 1831)

    - genre features 1 point; - chronotope 1 point; - poetic vocabulary 2 points;

    - poetic syntax 2 points - sound writing 2 points; - integrity and compositional harmony of interpretation 2 points.

    The maximum number of points is 24.The maximum number of points for the entire work is 60 points.

    Find material for any lesson,

    Assignments for LITERATURE

    for the first (correspondence) round

    Grade 9

    1. Find out the work by its ending:

    1. The ghost, however, was already much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

    2. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

    3. Here are the worthy fruits of evil-mindedness!

    4. Oh! My God! What will Princess Marya Alekseevna say!

    1. Add the names of poets and writers:

    1. Nikolai Mikhailovich

    2. Denis Ivanovich

    3. Evgeny Abramovich

    4. Vasily Kirillovich

    5. Konstantin Fedorovich

    1. Based on the text of F.I. Tyutchev, compile a glossary of terms denoting means of expression (tropes, lexical and syntactic):
    On the Neva

    And again the star dives

    In the light swell of the Neva waves,

    And again love entrusts

    Her mysterious boat.

    And between the swell and the star

    He glides as if in a dream,

    And two ghosts with me

    It carries away on a wave.

    Children, is it idle laziness

    Spend your leisure time here at night?

    Ile blessed two shadows

    Leave the earthly world?

    You, spilled like the sea,

    fluffy wave,

    Shelter in your space

    The secret of the humble boat!

    1. Who owns these statements about Pechorin:

    1. He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you, only a little strange ... Yes, sir, with great oddities, he must have been a rich man: how many different expensive things he had.

    2. Now I feel like he doesn't love me. And if this continues like this, then I myself will leave: I am not his slave, I am a prince's daughter.

    3. His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not swing his arms - a sure sign of a certain secretive nature.

    4. He loves to joke around. Once I said such things to him that another would have chopped me up on the spot, and Pechorin turned in a ridiculous direction.

    5. There is something special in your nature, peculiar to you alone, something proud and mysterious ... no one knows how to constantly want to be loved.

    1. Which characters of the play "Woe from Wit" own the words:

    1. My custom is this: signed, so off your shoulders.

    2. I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.

    3. Happy hours are not observed.

    4. Houses are new, but prejudices are old.

    5. Not a man - a snake.

    1. List the poets and writers of the early 19th century, participants in the Decembrist uprising.

    1. Find the missing one, explain why:

    1. inversion, litote, gradation, asyndetone

    2. pyrrhic, sponde, anapaest, iambic

    3. story, essay, elegy, short story

    4. digressions, landscape, portrait, climax

    1. I deeply despise myself for this.
    That I live - day after day uselessly ruining;

    That I, not torturing my strength on anything,

    He condemned himself with a merciless judgment ...

    1. Am I driving down a dark street at night,
    I will listen to storms on a cloudy day -

    Friend defenseless, sick and homeless,

    Suddenly your shadow flashes before me!

    Who is to blame - you can’t interrogate fate,

    And is it all the same?

    You wander by the sea: “I don’t believe, you won’t rush! -

    It whispers softly.

    1. Arrange in chronological order the works of Russian literature:
    N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls", M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa", G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa", A.S. Pushkin "Fountain of Bakhchisaray".

    1. Define the literary movement (classicism, romanticism, sentimentalism, critical realism) according to its characteristics:

    1. Image of nature as a subject of science; a positive character who knows how to feel.

    2. Trinity of place, time and action; image of nature as a background.

    3. The positive hero is a reasonable respectable citizen, a patriot; nature as a symbol of freedom.

    4. The hero is reflective, analyzing his thoughts and actions.

    1. From which poetry A.S. Pushkin excerpts, name them:

    1. Goodbye love letter, goodbye she said...
    How long have I lingered! How long did not want

    The hand to set fire to all my joys! ..

    But enough, the hour has come: burn, letter of love.

    1. I was already thinking about the shape of the plan
    And as a hero I will name;

    While my romance

    I finished the first chapter...

    3) Mazepa is gloomy. Mind it

    Confused by cruel dreams.

    Mary with tender eyes

    He looks at his old man.

    She hugged his knees

    Words of love repeat to him.

    4) The young man looked sadly

    To the deserted plain

    And grieve for a secret reason

    I did not dare to interpret.

    With him black-eyed Zemfira,

    Now he is a free inhabitant of the world,

    And the sun is merrily above it

    Shines with midday beauty ...

    1. There were many of us on the boat;
    Others strained the sail,

    Others chimed in unanimously

    Deep into the powerful oars. In silence

    Leaning on the steering wheel, our feeder is smart

    In silence, a heavy boat ruled ...

    1. What means of expression are we talking about, give examples from the works literature XIX century:

    1. repetition of identically and similarly sounding consonants, used for sound expressiveness;

    2. an artistic device based on exaggeration;

    3. artistic opposition of characters, circumstances, concepts, images, etc., creating the effect of sharp contrast;

    4. violation of the generally accepted syntactic construction of the sentence.

    1. Which of the listed typological features is optional for the ballad genre: plot basis, lyrical-epic character, short story structure, fragmentary composition, folklore basis, action dynamics, laconism.

    1. Give a literary commentary on P. Vyazemsky's poem "Autumn"
    Autumn flirts with us:

    Beauty in the west

    Last caress, last gifts

    Lures us more tenderly every day.

    And here I am, old red tape,

    I love taking care of her.

    And greedily drink up, drop by drop, spell

    My charming sorceress.

    And velvet, and brocade, and a stream of gold,

    And yahont, and amber, and bunches of grapes,

    With which she hung herself.

    And the more dear to me, the closer their loss,

    Even more fragrant are the flowers of her wreath,

    And in the bright glow of a beautiful sunset

    Fading forces and bliss, and longing. 1874

    ^ Assignments for LITERATURE

    for the first (correspondence) round

    Olympiad for the title of "ASU Scholarship"

    Grade 10

    1. Name the works, the epigraphs of which are the following statements:

    1. Eating, tasting a little honey, now I die (1 Samuel)

    2. There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked ( folk proverb)

    3. Vengeance is mine, but I will repay.

    4. Take care of honor from a young age (proverb)

    1. With which historical events are the following works related? Name their authors. Which real historical figures became the heroes of each of these works:

    1. "A singer in the camp of Russian soldiers"

    2. "Sevastopol stories"

    3. "Boris Godunov"

    4. « Bronze Horseman»

    5. "Russian women"

    1. Name the authors of critical articles and the works they are talking about:

    1. "A Million Torments", "Better Late Than Never"

    2. "Beam of Light in dark kingdom“When will the real day come?”

    3. "Asmodeus of our time"

    4. "Motives of Russian Drama", "Realists"

    1. Find the odd one and explain why:

    1. epithet, personification, plot, comparison

    2. proverb, fairy tale, lullaby, ballad

    3. iambic, amphibrach, dactyl, anapaest

    4. plot, climax, lyrical digressions, denouement

    1. Find out the work by the names of the characters:

    1. Trifles, Gvozdin, Skotinins, Petushkov, Buyanov

    2. Katerina Lvovna Izmailova

    3. Tarantiev, Sudbinsky, Volkov, Stolz

    4. Matrena Timofeevna, Grisha Dobrosklonov

    1. Name the Russian representatives of literary movements and their works written according to the canons of this literary movement:

    1. classicism

    2. sentimentalism

    3. psychological romanticism

    4. civic romanticism

    5. critical realism

    1. Name the writers in question:

    1. One of the first Russian playwrights, who himself read his comedy Brigadier to Catherine II

    2. This author dedicated the work “The Wolf in the Kennel” to the victories of Kutuzov

    3. On his grave are the words of his wife: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russians, but why did my love survive you”

    4. Illegitimate, all his life he was under the impression of his love for Masha Protasova, which was reflected in the cycle love letters and romances

    5. He was called "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye"

    1. Name the authors of the works:

    1. "Letters from a Russian Traveler", "History of the Russian State"

    2. "Rural Cemetery", "Evening", "Theon and Aeschines", "Singer in the camp of Russian soldiers"

    3. "Asya", "First Love", "Russian Language"

    4. “After the Ball”, “Sevastopol Stories”, “Resurrection”

    5. "Death of an official", "Chameleon", "Uncle Vanya"

    1. Write a poem that satisfies the following conditions:

    1. written in four-foot anapaest

    2. encircling rhyme used

    3. used personification and rhetorical question

    1. To whom the following works are dedicated:

    1. novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    2. novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

    3. poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Pedlars"

    4. novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

    1. Write an article "novel" for the dictionary of a young literary critic

    1. Determine the genres of works by I.S. Turgenev

    1. "Russian language"

    2. "Nov"

    3. "First love"

    4. "Khor and Kalinich"

    5. "A month in the village"

    1. Arrange the titles of the works according to the time they were written and name the authors:

    1. "Fathers and Sons"

    2. "Oblomov"

    3. "Resurrection"

    4. "Russian women"

    5. "Gull"

    1. Analysis of the lyrical work of F.I. Tyutchev "January 29, 1837"

    From whose hand the deadly lead

    Did you break the poet's heart?

    Who is this divine fial

    Destroyed like a meager vessel?

    Whether he's right or wrong

    Before our earthly truth,

    Forever he is the highest hand

    In the "regicide" is branded.

    But you, in timeless darkness

    Suddenly swallowed from the light

    Peace, peace be with you, O shadow of the poet,

    The world is bright to your ashes! ..

    In spite of human vanity

    Great and holy was thy lot!

    But with blood in his veins... sultry blood.

    And I sow noble blood

    You quenched the thirst for honor -

    And the autumn one rested

    Banner of people's grief.

    Let him judge your enmity,

    Who hears the shed blood...

    You, like first love,

    The heart will not forget Russia!.. 1837

    ^ Assignments for LITERATURE

    for the first (correspondence) round

    Olympiad for the title of "ASU Scholarship"

    Grade 11

    1. Of three poems different authors(symbolist, acmeist, futurist) all nouns are written out in three rows. Which series is “symbolic”, which is “acmeistic”, which is “futuristic”:
    1) sky, corpse, stars, worms, fog, pain, deception, Ethiopians, meopes, grip, rash, ligature, ropes, cry, bittern, people, animals, truth, sound, clock, vestibule, hands, spider;

    2) abyss, night, spirit, worlds, love, helm, meeting, light, firmament, bosom, legion, atom, fire, flame;

    3) skiing, sky, month, meadow, palace, windows, silence, ice hole, paths, willow, tree, mermaids, path, branches, jackdaws.

    1. Complete the definition literary terms:

    1. Epos, lyrics and drama are three ………. fiction.

    2. The construction of the work, the order of chapters, the presence of episodes, author's digressions are ………. works.

    3. Exposure of social and moral vices, which is distinguished by a sharply negative, mercilessly accusatory tone of assessment, is ………….

    1. name lyrical-epic genres literature. Give examples.

    2. Name the authors popular expressions»:

    1. And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams!.."

    2. "On a plate with a blue border."

    3. “If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest."

    4. "Lies are the religion of slaves and masters"

    1. Identify the hero of the work according to the words he uttered:

    1. "Hallowed be thy name..."

    2. "In life there is always a place for a feat"

    3. “In one of my dad’s books… I read what beauty a woman should have… There, you know, there is so much said that you can’t remember everything… But the main thing, you know what? - Easy breath! But I have it…”

    1. Write the real name and surname of the writers and poets who signed with the following pseudonyms:

    1. Andrey Bely

    2. Serafimovich

    3. Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

    4. Demyan Bedny

    5. Sasha Black

    6. Aurelius, Bakulin, Nelly

    1. List the genres of lyrics used in the poem "The Twelve" by A Blok.

    1. Which writer's Peru do these works belong to? What name unites them:

    1. "Crossing the Zbruch", "My first goose", "Death of Dolgushov".

    2. "Mole", "Someone else's blood", "Aleshkin's heart".

    3. "Smaragd", "Natalie", "Clean Monday".

    1. What was the original name:

    1. B. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago"

    2. novel by M. Sholokhov "Virgin Soil Upturned"

    3. epic novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

    4. novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

    1. Determine the meter:

    1. I rarely remember you
    And I'm not captivated by your fate.

    But the mark is not erased from the soul

    Little meeting with you. (A. Akhmatova)

    1. Sweet smell of blue grapes...
    Teasing intoxicating distance.

    I don't feel sorry for anyone. (A. Akhmatova)

    1. O Rus' - raspberry field
    And the blue that fell into the river -

    I love to joy and pain

    Your lake longing. (S. Yesenin)

    1. Glory to you, hopeless pain!
    The gray-eyed king died yesterday.

    The autumn evening was stuffy and scarlet,

    My husband, returning, calmly said ... (A. Akhmatova)

    1. Find out the works by the names of the characters:

    1. Shch-845

    2. Voshchev, Safronov, Prushevsky, girl Nastya

    3. Raspberry Evsyukov, Maryutka, Lieutenant

    4. casing

    1. What fact of the biography unites the writers A. Chekhov, V. Veresaev, M. Bulgakov, Gr. Gorin.

    2. Write an article "Bylina" for a literary dictionary.

    3. Give an interpretation of the poem by Boris Slutsky

    Leaving time

    Time is running out and even in blood tests

    You can see: shaggy eyebrows turn gray

    Time and imperious shoulders fall

    Time. Time is not far away.

    Time is running out with its state step,

    That proudly, as under the national flag,

    That is musical, as if the anthem of the state

    It will strike immediately, in a minute it will be heard.

    But, if you think about it, that time is running out,

    The only important thing is that it is irretrievably gone.

    And that later no one finds

    It's time, now it's running out.

    Time is running out. Not happy, but leaving.

    Time is running out, Looks back, but leaves.

    He waves his cap.

    It happens that kisses on the lips,

    But it disappears! 1977

    Olympiad tasks in literature grade 10 (with answers) 2016


    1. Match the portraits of characters in works of Russian literature (in the first column) with the title of the work and the author (in the second column). Name the hero (in the third column).

    He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with no definite idea, no concentration in his features. The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, settled on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glimmered in the whole face.

    I.S. Turgenev
    "Fathers and Sons"

    He was a man of enormous stature, with a swarthy open face and thick, wavy, lead-coloured hair: his gray cast so strangely. He was dressed in a novice cassock with a wide monastic belt belt and a high black cloth cap.

    I.A. Goncharov

    He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, there is bone and muscle, but no sign of fat roundness; the complexion is even, swarthy and no blush; eyes, although a little greenish, but expressive. He didn't have any extra moves.

    N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

    Turning back the collar of his hoodie, he showed ... his whole face. Long and thin, with a broad forehead, a flat upward, downward pointed nose, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-coloured sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.

    I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    2. Find out the work by the ending. Name the author.

        The ghost, however, was much taller, wore an enormous mustache, and, directing his steps, as it seemed, towards the Obukhov Bridge, disappeared completely into the darkness of the night.

        A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it way to other peoples and states.

    2.3 Good for you, Katya! And why am I left to live in the world and suffer!

    2. Knowledge of the history of literature.

      For the plays of which Russian playwright, the dictionary N.S. Ashukina and S.I. Ozhegov, including the following articles: grand - delicate; something - nothing; electricity - electricity; frishtykat - have breakfast; prude - feigned - virtuous person, hypocrite

      This literary journal was published successively by A.S. Pushkin, P.A. Pletnev, N.A. Nekrasov from 1836 to 1866. It contained "The Captain's Daughter", "Notes of a Hunter", "Mumu". Give the name of the journal.

    a) Moscow Vedomosti

    b) "Polar Star"

    c) "Bell"

    d) Vestnik Evropy

    4. Did A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov know each other? N. V. Gogol and M. Yu. Lermontov?

    5. Geographical names are associated with the life and work of which writers: Taganrog, Ovstug, Simbirsk, Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Spas-Ugol.

    3. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

      Name the literary terms according to its interpretation:

      Type of trail, artistically justified exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object.

    B. Element of the plot, the moment of the highest tension of the action, the peak of the conflict.

      Consonance of the endings of verses.

    D. The two-syllable meter of the verse, in which the first syllable is stressed, and the second is unstressed.

      What artistic technique does F. Tyutchev use in the following lines:

    The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

    A smile on everything, life in everything,

    The trees tremble with joy

    Swimming in the blue sky

      The fourth "extra"

    A. Metaphor, plot, climax, denouement

    B. Drama, epilogue, comedy, tragedy

      A stanza of 14 lines in iambic 4-foot? What is the name of?

      Determine the figurative and expressive means of the language

    a) Nails would be made from these people:

    Stronger would not be in the world of nails. (N. Tikhonov)

    b) Good-natured ferocity.

    c) A philosopher at eighteen.

    d) A boy with a finger, a peasant with a fingernail.

    6. Match the titles of A. S. Pushkin's poems and poetic genres.

    1) elegy a) “On the hills of Georgia”

    2) message b) "Liberty"

    3) epigram c) “I. I. Pushchin»

    4) ode d) "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg"

    5) song e) "On Vorontsov"

    1. Name the musical instruments played by A. S. Griboyedov.

    2. What poems by M. Yu. Lermontov were set to music?

    3. Name the artists who wrote the most famous portraits M. Yu. Lermontov and A. S. Pushkin.

    4. Name the films created based on the works of N.V. Gogol.

    F.I. Tyutchev

    As the ocean embraces the globe,

    Earthly life is surrounded by dreams;

    Night will come - and sonorous waves

    The element hits its shore.

    Then her voice: he forces us and asks ...

    Already in the pier the magic boat came to life;

    The tide is rising and taking us fast

    Into the immensity of dark waves.

    The vault of heaven, burning with star glory

    Mysteriously looks from the depths, -

    And we are sailing, a flaming abyss

    Surrounded on all sides.


    1. Knowledge of literary texts.


    4 b. (author, title - 0.5b and hero -0.5b)

    I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

    N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

    I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

    I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    2. The maximum number of points -3 b. (author, title by 0.5b)

    2.1 N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"

    2.2 N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    2.3 A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    2. Knowledge of the history of literature.

    1 .

    The maximum number of points -2 b.

    1.A.N. Ostrovsky

    2. "Contemporary"

    3. The maximum number of points -1 b.

    d) Vestnik Evropy

    4 .The maximum number of points -2b.

    A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov? - No.

    N. V. Gogol and M. Yu. Lermontov? - Yes.

    5. The maximum number of points -5 B.

    Taganrog - A.P. Chekhov, Ovstug - F.I. Tyutchev, Simbirsk - I.A. Goncharov, Spasskoe-Lutovinovo - I.S. Turgenev, Spas-Ugol - M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    3. Knowledge of the theory of literature.

    1. The maximum number of points -4 b.

    A. Hyperbole

    B. Climax

    2. The maximum number of points -1b.


    3. The maximum number of points -2 b.

    A-metaphor, B-epilogue

    4 .The maximum number of points -1 b.

    "Onegin stanza" of everything

    5. The maximum number of points -4 b.

    a) is an ametaphor; b) - an axymoron; c) - irony; d) - litote

    6 . The maximum number of points -5 B.

    1) elegy - a)

    2) message - c)

    3) epigram - e)

    5) song - d)

    4. Literature and other forms of art.

    1. The maximum number of points -3 b.

    Organ, flute, piano.

    2.The maximum number of points -5 b. (if the student writes more, then points can be added, because there are a lot of musical works)

    "Prayer", 1829;
    Sail ("The lonely sail turns white"), 1832
    "No, I do not love you so passionately", 1841
    “I go out alone on the road”, 1841
    Utes ("A golden cloud spent the night"), 1841

    3. The maximum number of points -5 b. (if the student writes more, then points can be added)

    Artists who painted the most famous portraits M. Yu. Lermontova- P.E. Zabolotsky, M.Yu. Lermontov (self-portrait), A.I. Klünder, D.P. Palen,

    K.A. Gorbunov, F.O. Budkin and A. S. Pushkin– V. A. Tropinin, O. A. Kiprensky, E. Geitman, P. F. Sokolov, Thomas Wright.

    4.Maximum points -5 b. (if the student writes more, then points can be added, because there are a lot of movies)

    "Inspector", "Marriage", "Overcoat", "Taras Bulba", "Dead Souls", "Nose", "May Night, or the Drowned Woman", "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", etc.

    5. Analysis of the poetic text. (Max. 25 points)

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