Why did Pavel Volya actually marry Laysan Utyasheva? Childhood: school years. How Pavel Volya helped Laysan cope with the death of his mother


Viewers of the TNT channel should be well aware of the host of the show "Comedy Club" and "Improvisation" Pavel Volya. His biography and personal life are closed to fans. If about childhood and youth young man you can still find enough information on the network, then about it life together very little has been written with Laysan on the Internet. We will try to shed light on the life of Pavel Volya off the screen.

Biography of the showman

The showman's birthplace is Penza. He was born there in 1979. Pavel celebrates his birthday on March 14th. The pseudonym of the man is "Pavel Snezhok Volya". According to some reports, the very name of Paul is already his pseudonym. One of the variants of his real name is Denis Dobrovolsky.

From school, Pasha was interested in KVN, as well as humanities. After school, the young man entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky. Pasha studied at the philological faculty. In fact, he was supposed to become a teacher of the Russian language and literature, but fate decreed otherwise.

Future actor in his youth

At the institute, Volya played for the Valeon Dasson team. As part of the same team, Volya won the first League of KVN. Thanks to this, Valeon Dasson received the right to play in the first League. Unfortunately, the team "departed" immediately after the first game.

In 2001 Pavel moved to Moscow. Here he got a job working on the radio. After moving to Moscow, Pavel's career went up significantly. He worked for MUZ-TV, MTV.

Pavel Volya and Comedy Club

Before we talk about the personal life of Pavel Volya and his wife, let's dwell a little more on the biography of the presenter. I got to Comedy Volya in 2005. He made a presentation new program. Pavel immediately appeared before the journalists and those present in the role glamorous bastard who is ready to offend everyone and everything. In most cases, Volya based his speech on insults to journalists who were in the VIP zone.

Another "trick" of Pavel is an insulting presentation of the guests present at the show. Not a single guest star managed to escape the attacks of Will. The only difference is that for some the jokes were less offensive, for others more. Few of the guests were ready to answer Paul. As a rule, his jokes went unpunished.

Pavel Volya at the Comedy Club

In 2007 the young man started solo career. He shot several videos and recorded several albums (subsequently). In addition, Pavel began to actively agree to shoot in promotions.

Since 2009, Pavel Volya continues to work as a DJ.

Pavel famous DJ

How did Pasha and Laysan meet?

With his future wife, Pavel Volya's personal life did not begin with love at first sight. It's all press fiction. At first, in the showman's biography there was only friendship with a gymnast. Look at the photo. The couple looks very harmonious together.

Laysan says that he and Pasha were friends for three years. At the same time, none of them climbed into the personal life of another person. Let's just say it was a long distance friendship. Sometimes young people met. They had very emotional conversations. After that, they did not see each other for six months. This has been the case for as long as they have been friends.

After they met, there was just friendship between young people.

It is difficult for young people to remember the specific moment when they met. Perhaps they had such a feeling because they already knew each other in absentia thanks to the television screen. Later, Laysan was invited to the Comedy Club. There they were able to get to know Pasha better. By the way, Laysan came to many parties at Comedy with her mother. Comedians very often made fun of the girl on this topic.

Pavel Volya's personal life

Before Laysan Utyasheva appeared in the life of Pavel Volya, the young man already had a girlfriend. He met with Maria Kravtsova. Her creative pseudonym- Marika. The girl worked on the MTV channel. Young people met on the set of Comedy Club. Fans predicted a quick marriage for the couple. But in 2010, the lovers broke off the relationship.

After that, information appeared in the press that Laysan Utyasheva was pregnant from Pavel. It is interesting that information about his personal life with Laysan did not begin with news about the wedding, but immediately with his wife's pregnancy. It turns out that significant changes in the biography of the showman occurred in 2012. They married the former gymnast in September.

Laysan Utyasheva: photo

In May 2013, their first child, son Robert, was born. In 2015, daughter Sophia was born. Pavel says that they have another family member - a cat. He weighs under 20 kilograms. Children and Pavel and his wife love him very much. The breed of the animal is Maine Coon.

What do Pavel and Laysan think about childbirth?

Since the beginning of his personal life with Laysan Utyasheva, Pavel Volya had two children. The biography of a young man has changed dramatically since that moment. How he has changed.

Laysan says that the period before her first pregnancy was especially active for her. They were constantly flying different countries. The couple decided to go to America to spend the pregnancy as calmly as possible. In Russia, they would still be constantly pulled at work.

Pavel Volya and Garik Martirosyan

When asked why he offered to give birth to the first child in America, Pasha replies that it's all about the Miami Heat basketball world championship. If not for the match, he would not have persuaded Laysan to leave before giving birth in Miami. It is not known whether Paul is joking or telling the truth.

The woman says that giving birth is incredibly painful, but at the same time pleasant. She did not want her husband to be present at the birth. He was waiting for his beloved near the car below. IN total the first birth lasted 12 hours. With the second birth, everything was much easier.

What did Laysan Utyasheva tell reporters about life with Pavel Volya?

For some time now, Pavel Volya has preferred to keep his personal life under lock and key. Journalists very rarely manage to find out something about the comedian and his famous wife. Some time ago, the gymnast nevertheless decided to reveal details from her life together with showman Pavel Volya.

Journalists asked Laysan a question why they hid their relationship with Pavel for so long. To which the woman replied - they absolutely did not hide anything. Laysan says that they went shopping together for two years before the wedding, were on Red Square and in many other places, but for some reason the paparazzi never caught them.

Pavel Volya with his wife Laysan Utyasheva

True, fans approached them many times to be photographed. To the surprise of Laysan, none of them posted online joint photo her and Paul. At the same time, celebrities did not even ask their fans about it. The latter, in turn, guessed everything themselves.

Laysan laughs from the fact that a few years before the birth of her first child, she was ready to give interviews right and left. Now she tries not to tell anyone about her personal life. Perhaps Laysan simply supports her husband, who does not like to communicate with the press.

P. Will famous actor

The gymnast says that her perception of life has changed dramatically after her mother died in 2012. The woman was everything to her. Plus, Laysan worked with her mother. The woman was the director of the gymnast. Laysan had to grow up immediately as soon as her mother died.

After that, Laysan decided to take a year off from work. Moreover, before the death of her mother, she sometimes had to work seven days a week.

How did Pavel Volya help Laysan cope with the death of his mother?

“Pasha helped me survive the death of my mother,” says Laysan. The girl recalls that grief made it hard for her to even breathe. And Pasha surrounded her with love and care. Laysan remembered that someone needed her.

Will by his eldest son

The gymnast began to gradually come to her senses and learned to be in harmony with the world. When she closed herself in again, Pavel reminded her of her mother.

He said that if she had been around, she would definitely not have approved of Laysan's behavior. The girl slowly calmed down.

Pavel Volya with youngest daughter Sofia

The wedding of the young was very modest. Laysan did not have wedding dress. They signed in ordinary clothes. There was no big celebration on this occasion. The young couple invited only their closest ones to dinner. They celebrated such a solemn event in a narrow circle.

34-year-old cynical truth-teller Pavel Volya and 27-year-old gentle beauty Laysan Utyasheva got married. It seemed that this was a joke, because the couple had never been seen together. And can a windy womanizer settle down, become caring husband And loving father? But it was the “glamorous bastard” who ended up next to the inconsolable girl when her mother died, and became her close friend, strong support and beloved man. And it is clear that this love story is for a long time and seriously.

Resident comedy club Pavel Volya and the famous gymnast Laysan Utyasheva met at a social event, which they hosted. The mutual sympathy of young people turned into friendship, and then grew into love. Laysan, who was mistaken more than once in choosing a life partner, was in no hurry to tell reporters about the new novel, and Pavel did not comment on the situation in any way. The couple did not appear anywhere together, although this is understandable, because after the death of her mother in March 2012, the girl had no time for fun and holidays. She experienced the biggest loss. Pavel turned out to be caring, attentive, courageous. And in December, the lovers got married. Former gymnast coach Irina Viner said that the wedding of Pavel and Laysan was quiet, modest, in a narrow circle of friends. For obvious reasons, the bride did not want a magnificent ceremony. Rumor has it that after registering the marriage, the couple decided that Laysan would give birth to her first child in Spain, where she went ahead of time. Now the showman's wife is in her seventh month of pregnancy, and the newly-made spouse flies to her beloved between filming and performances. There are rumors that the newlyweds will have a boy. Care, love and family - that's what every woman needs. Laysan is no exception. We hope that it is Pavel who will be able to make her happy, because her life was not easy.


Little Laysan was born in ordinary family. Papa Albert was a historian, mother Zulfiya worked as a librarian. When the girl was four years old, her parents moved to Volgograd and dreamed of sending their beloved daughter to ballet. But fate decreed otherwise. Once in a store, gymnastics coach Nadezhda Kasyanova approached Zulfiya. So the flexible and dexterous Laysan got into gymnastics. At the age of 12, the athlete was already engaged in Moscow, and at 14 she received the title of master of sports. At the World Cup stage in Berlin, the 16-year-old girl became the absolute winner, and then won the World Championship in Madrid. It seemed that now all the doors were open to the champion and fate spoiled her with surprises - the audience adored the beautiful gymnast. She was applauded in Slovenia and France, Germany and Spain. But in September 2002, disaster struck. On demonstration performances in Samara, the 17-year-old master of sports beat off her foot upon landing. The aching pain did not become a reason to end the competition, Utyasheva, a real athlete, continued to fight. Moreover, the doctors who conducted the examination did not find any injury. Pain in the legs drove Laysan crazy, they did not allow her to sleep at night and intensified during the day. The gymnasts no longer paid attention to the complaints, some even assured that the capricious prima was feigning. But two months later, after the World Cup stage, coach Irina Viner insisted that her pupil be examined again in a German clinic. The result shocked everyone! It turned out that all this time Laysan walked on broken legs. Doctors diagnosed multiple fractures of the navicular bone of one leg and a divergence due to the constant transfer of the load of the bones of the foot of the other leg. The doctors feared that the star patient would not only have to quit sports career but also learn to walk again. However, after the operation in Russia, Laysan returned to sports, and a year later she again performed as part of the Russian team. But in April 2006, Utyasheva left the sport. Maybe the girl was still in pain, or she thought that she could no longer see her past victories, or perhaps she could not refuse the offer to become a TV presenter. And then another dream of Utyasheva came true - she still performed in the ballet "Bolero" with a solo part. And even wrote autobiographical novel"Unbroken", then there was a role in the series "Champions". Work, work and work ... Laysan had a lot sports achievements, but the beauty was unlucky with her personal life. Her first man was the goalkeeper of the Dynamo football club, Lithuanian Zydrunas Karchemarskas. They met at a training camp in Novogorsk near Moscow. There, at the sports base, where the gymnasts lived next door to the players, their romance began. Young Laysan fell in love, the couple tried to spend everything free time alone. Athletes understood each other from the first word, both knew what training camps, training, separation for several weeks or months. And they didn’t throw tantrums about this, because the main thing for them was sports. And when Laysan received a serious leg injury, he was there. Together with his beloved, he experienced her depression, because the girl did not want to live, and reassured her, assuring her that she would run, and not go to wheelchair. I tried to help in everything, but when the girl felt better, Zhydrunas left. He, an experienced and illustrious footballer, was already attracted to other girls. And the athlete spent time with fans.

But, of course, the beauty's heart could not be empty forever. Especially for a pretty young lady, gentlemen went in crowds.

And Laysan met the famous figure skater Lesha Yagudin. The meeting was romantic. The Olympic champion saw a photo of a little gymnast in a magazine. He really liked the girl, he got her phone and called. They agreed to meet, and when the girl came, Lyosha presented her with a bouquet pink roses. He dreamed about strong family, wife, home. She is about sports. And of course, like any man, he was offended that he was not the center of her universe. Yagudin was not ready to wait and suffer, so six months later the lovers became just friends.

Alexey did not survive the breakup for long, because the heartthrob easily fell in love. Before meeting with Utyasheva, he met with the famous gymnast Yana Batyrshina, figure skater Elena Berezhnaya. Then he started an affair with singer Vika Daineko, and later with an American of Japanese origin, Kyoko Ina. The loving athlete also showed attention to the figure skater Anastasia Gorshkova. The list of his victories also included athletes Tatyana Totmyanina, Tatyana Navka and singer Sasha Savelyeva.

Utyasheva was also not alone for long. The girl was taken care of wealthy people and popular actors Alexander Nosik and Mikhail Mamaev, but Laysan chose an ordinary guy who starved the champion out. The first time he approached her and confessed his love. The girl sent the impudent one to study tact, but this did not scare the guy away, he was always there, appeared where Laysan was. Later it turned out that Michael was domineering man. He was annoyed that his beloved goes to parties, works, and does not sit at home, waiting only for him. The different views of the lovers became a stumbling block, and the couple broke up.

In 2010, Laysan met Valery, the owner of the bath business, who showered the athlete with expensive gifts. He tried to help in everything, even settled his beloved girl with her mother in his apartment. But then a black cat seemed to run between Valery and Laysan, there were rumors that envious people jinxed the lovers. One way or another, but soon they parted.

And then trouble happened in Laysan's life. On March 12, 2012, her beloved mother died. Zulfiya Utyasheva was only 47 years old, but her life was claimed by a heart attack. Kinder than a man Laysan did not have, and grief crippled her. The girl did not want to see anyone. And only Pavel Volya helped her return to life ...


Pavel Volya came from Penza and became one of the most famous residents comedy club. From childhood, Pasha knew how to cheer up any company, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that he was the captain of the Penza KVN team. After working on the local radio, a talented DJ and a newly-made teacher of Russian language and literature moved to the capital. And even worked as a foreman at a construction site in the capital. Then there were many projects on radio and television. And in 2005, the stellar ascent of the "glamorous bastard" began. From the stage, Pavel "Snezhok" Volya ridiculed the personal life and work of actors, singers and athletes who came to the program. The sharp-tongued artist was noticed, the girls were crazy about him, but he knew how not to advertise his love affairs. He was credited with novels with a young actress Maria Kozhevnikova, talented singer Yolka and with the participant of the "Comedy Vumen" Nadezhda Sysoeva, who plays the role of the silly empty blonde Nadenka in the program. According to Paul whole year met with the artist, but there is no official confirmation of this.

Moreover, Pasha did not have time for stupidity, he sought to make a solo career, and he succeeded. He shot videos for his songs “Everything will be awesome”, “Mom!”, “Barvikha”, “The most best song and Penza City. Released a solo album "Respect and respect". He worked on the radio and tried on the role of a film actor, and of course, spent a lot of time with friends. ABOUT serious relationship busy Pasha did not think.

The cynic and comedian was not looking for love, she came to him herself. Somehow, a spectacular guest appeared on the set of the program. Model and TV presenter Marika - Masha Kravtsova - Volya immediately liked. The lightning-fast and active showman quickly found the key to the beauty's heart. After a while, the lovers began to live together. Friends and relatives were sure: it was for a long time and seriously. And they were already thinking what to give the young people for the wedding. But the matter did not come to the registry office. Jealous Pavel admitted that he did not like that a colleague on the show, in which Marika starred, was behaving incorrectly.

It was rumored that the "glamorous bastard" even attacked Artem several times. Marika, in turn, was worried that her beloved Pavel was flirting with actress Elizaveta Lotova, who starred with the resident in the film Plato. And although in the family atmosphere lightning flashes of resentment and debriefing thundered, in public Marika and Pasha showed tender feelings for each other.

Three years later, the lovers took common decision. And they parted. Moreover, they managed to do it peacefully, without scandals and lawsuits, remaining in friendly relations. Later, Marika married a man whom she met for only one year, the girl admits to reporters that Sergey's courtship struck her on the spot and she immediately agreed to his marriage proposal. The wedding ceremony took place in Italy, and only the closest people were invited to the wedding.

Talented humorist and singer Pavel Volya: how did he become famous and successful? Does he have a wife, and who is she?

And the famous comedian Pavel Volya captivates everyone with his charisma, talent and ability to quickly improvise. We will tell more about his life in this article: how he became famous, who his wife is, and how many children the man has.

Brief biographical note

A man originally from Penza, was born on 03/14/1979. He grew up as a very active boy who needed people's attention. At school, Pavel showed his versatile talent. First, he studied "good" and "excellent", being interested in different sciences, it became clear that Volya had a humanitarian mindset. Secondly, the boy was actively involved in extracurricular activities, participated in KVN and often acted as the organizer of any events.

After school the young man received higher education V Pedagogical University Penza, where he studied Russian language and literature. Of course, the guy paid more attention to working with the student team of KVN Valeon Dasson. By the way, here he met other future TV stars: Timur Rodriguez, Leonid Shkolnik.

At first, their activity was successful, the guys won victories and even managed to get into Major League, from where, however, they quickly flew out. The KVN team could not stand this and broke up.

After receiving a diploma, Pavel moved to the capital of Russia. In Moscow, he gets a job at HIT FM as a disc jockey. He already had experience: as a student, the young man worked at one of the Penza radio stations.

IN Russian capital Pavel began to consistently realize his talent, first taking up voice acting cartoon character Masyanya and writing scripts for the TV show " Good evening", he soon became the host on the popular MTV channel (Night Flirt TV program). In the course of this work, the young man met the future producer of the Comedy Club show, which soon changed his life.

It was this humorous TV project that made Pavel famous. He chose for himself the original image of a "glamorous bastard" with cynical and even boorish jokes, with which he ridiculed the stars invited to the program. It became very popular both among the stars themselves and among the audience.

Pavel Volya loves to hang out

In 2004, Volya tried himself as a singer, and he succeeded. Many of Pavel's singles fell in love with viewers. “Showbiz”, “Everything will be awesome”, “Stop the planet”, “Advanced cities” are just a few hits of his work. In 2007-2012, the artist released 4 albums. The fashionable singer is touring different cities and countries, participates in various festivals, gives live concerts in clubs.

On television, Pavel takes part in various humorous projects on the TNT channel: Comedy Battle"," Laughter without rules", "Slaughter League".

Volya has also been actively acting in films since 2006. Roles in the television series "Club", the movie "The Best Film", the main role in the film production "Plato", participation in the continuation of " office romance” and other films made the talented artist even more popular.

Who is Will's wife? When did he get married?

Pavel Volya with his wife Laysan Utyasheva

ABOUT early relationship Pavel in Penza there is little information, more is known about his Moscow life, when he began to gain popularity.

First long romance took place with the host Marika on the MTV channel, ( original name Maria Kravtsova). The couple lived together for 3 years, after which they suddenly broke up, although people were talking about an imminent wedding.

In 2010, Pavel fell in love with the athlete Laysan Utyasheva. At that time, her mother died, and Volya, who happened to be nearby, was able to support the grieving girl. Soon feelings flared up, relationships began, which the couple preferred not to talk about. In 2012, the wedding of Pavel and Laysan took place, but this became known only a year later, when journalists noticed that Utyasheva was pregnant. In 2013, the son Robert was born (in Miami, USA), and two years later the daughter Sofia was born. The couple live happily in their house near Moscow.

Pavel Volya has achieved success with the help of his bright talent and ability to achieve his goals. He has beautiful wife and two small children. We wish Pavel and his family new achievements and continued happiness.

Resident Comedy Club Pavel"Snowball" Alekseevich Volya (real name Denis Dobrovolsky) was born on March 14, 1979 in the city of Penza. There he graduated from the 11th school. Moreover, Pasha was a diligent student, along with a matriculation certificate he took with him a silver medal and a lot of thanks from teachers for participating in school life. By the way, his photo still hangs on the honor roll.

After school, Pavel Volya went to study as a teacher of Russian language and literature. So the right profession he studied in Pedagogical Institute named after V. Belinsky. But in parallel with his studies, Snezhok played in KVN and was the captain of the Valeon Dasson team. At the same time, he had time to work as a DJ at Russian Radio in Penza. The city still remembers Pavel Dobrovolsky on the air.

Volya graduated from the university in 2001 and immediately after that he left for Moscow. In the capital, he worked as a presenter on Muz-TV, and also voiced Masyanya and worked as a DJ on Hit-FM. Exactly at seven zero-zero Volya raised hundreds of thousands of listeners from the bed

Pavel Volya participated in the voice acting of the cartoon

And before that, Pavel Volya worked as a screenwriter on the Good Evening show with Igor Ugolnikov. Here he met Artur Dzhanibekyan, the future producer famous show comedy club.

Comedy Club and Pavel Volya

First Comedy releases Club were filmed back in 2003. The idea to create something similar appeared even earlier. Its authors are the guys from the New Armenians KVN team: Artak Gasparyan, Tash Sargsyan and Artur Dzhanibekyan. The guys, while touring America, studied the stand-up comedy market and realized that this genre would be a great alternative to KVN and Full House. The latest genres are already rather fed up with the audience, which is called “blurred their eyes”.

stand-up comedy For Russia new format, and at the same time quite mobile, despite the fact that in the West it has existed for a long time. However, the guys had no confidence that the Comedy Club would become a successful project. They started from scratch and immediately received a sharply negative reaction.

An excellent team was selected: Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Revva, Sergey Svetlakov, Semyon Slepakov - the majority with the baggage of playing KVN, great feeling humor and healthy ambition. Even though the show was not well received, they continued to move on. As a result, they became winners.

Residents of the Comedy Club are trying to please the audience different jokes. Both poetic and historical, sometimes vulgar or even without a hint of eroticism, there is also “black humor”. And there are also miniatures that are aimed at politicians, businessmen, and youth. One way or another, the guys are constantly experimenting.

Pavel Volya is different from others comedy participants club. He chose for himself the role of "glamorous bastard." During his performances, he, as they say, "lowers" the stars and jokes about the guests at the tables in the VIP area

It is worth noting that Pavel Volya does not criticize politicians, Russia at all and does not sow decadent moods among the audience. Pavel Volya criticizes only singers, athletes and other stars who came to the Comedy Club. However, he does not say nasty things in the face of the guests.

Film career of Pavel Volya

In "Very Russian Cinema" Pavel Volya was a guest star. He starred in comedies that have not yet been released in our country. A parody of all domestic films that were released in Lately: "Brigade", "Boomer", "Patrols", "Heat", "9th Company", "Wolfhound", "My Fair Nanny".

IN leading role filmed by Gennady Khazanov. And the script was written for him. The actor and comedian liked everything, but the work schedule was too busy. Then the question arose of who would replace Khazanov at the site. All other roles were already taken: Dmitry Nagiev, Ksenia Sobchak, Vladimir Turchinsky, Garik Kharlamov, Mikhail Galustyan, Dmitry Sychev, Boris Moiseev. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan came and said: "I read the script, I liked it, I'm ready to act."

For a long time Very Russian Cinema was the film's working title. And it was planned to release it on New Year's Eve 2008. However, just at this time, the release of "The Irony of Fate" was scheduled. Then it was decided to release the tape a little later - at the end of January 2008.

The feature film "The Best Movie" became one of the most funny comedies. By the way, the budget of the picture reached about 9 million dollars. This is one of the most expensive movie in the history of Russian cinema.

Pavel Volya in the first roles

After "Myself best movie» Pavel Volya began working on the main role in the film Plato. This is a comedy drama. Pasha plays a close role - a glamorous Moscow party-goer. In addition to "Snowball", Elizaveta Lotova, Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev, Evelina Bledans, Ksenia Knyazeva and Vladimir Bolshov play in the film.

Pavel Volya. Soundtrack of the film "Plato".

The hero of the film is very similar to Pavel Volya himself in all respects. He has an extraordinary mind, attractive appearance, sociability. This allows him to successfully conduct business and be popular with women. “Platosha is very interesting to me. In Moscow life, he is like a fish in water, anyone knows what he does, how to find him. In the hands of Plato are the levers of fate, he controls the world, no, let's say, the little world in which he lives, ”Pasha said about his hero.

Musical career of Pavel Volya

A few years ago, in a rented apartment in the south-west of Moscow, Pavel Volya, unexpectedly for everyone, began to write texts. It was then that the idea of ​​composing music arose. Snowball came up with it and just hammered it into the drum machine. As a result, about one and a half dozen melodies have accumulated. And you have to write texts for them. The artist has accumulated material on a full-fledged disc.

The song "Show-biz" by Pavel Volya was already on the air of several radio stations.

“I don’t follow this on purpose, it’s not so important to me ... - no, the result, of course, is important. But I don’t sit in chat rooms, I don’t look at what they write about me, I don’t go on the Internet, I don’t look at ratings, reports, and everything else. The song "Show-biz" occupied some places there, kept in some charts - it doesn't matter, people liked it. After all, at first when we brought it, we were told: “Oh, no, this is terrible! A lot of text, unformatted. Me: “Let him play for a week, then as you wish.” Has been playing for a long time. They no longer remember about the informal format, they say, “yes, no one said that!” says Pavel.

The 27-year-old beautiful ex-champion is so suitable for this gentle elegant name, meaning " Spring rain' or 'generous'. Delicate facial features, clear eyes of amazing beauty, as if a figure honed by a filigree sculptor, an open and sunny smile - everything captivates in her. And the grace and skill with which she gave herself and gives herself to any work, whether it be gymnastics or television, emphasizes the originality of Laysan Utyasheva.

Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya - it all started with friendship

At 12 future wife Pavel Volya - Laysan Utyasheva left Volgograd for the sake of sports, and at 14 she already felt the taste real victory when she triumphantly performed in Berlin at the World Cup stage. And everything moved with amazing speed. She deservedly adored the audience. She conquered, it would seem, all the world platforms that could be.

But it didn’t work out with a loved one, they broke up. After the ubiquitous journalists excitedly talked about new career TV presenter, about the men in the life of Laysan. And if she said goodbye to Yagudin as peacefully as she did to Karchemarskas, then the affair with businessman Valery Lomadze ended very harshly. Laysan Utyasheva was accused of stealing a car, jewelry and a large sum.

Their favorite work and close people, especially their mother, with whom they practically did not part, helped to survive everything. But in March 2012, the most necessary person in the girl's life was gone.

A friend came to the rescue. This is how the 28-year-old Laysan and the 34-year-old successful showman positioned their relationship. Pavel Volya. They met many times in secular parties, led programs together. It would seem that these two are so spiritually dissimilar that it is absolutely impossible to imagine them as a couple.

Penza macho, scandalously cynical, known for numerous conflict situations, it turns out, and not such a "snow king". Long relationship with Marika, model, designer, ended in a break. Unwillingness to talk about personal things in public and, jokingly, sometimes overstepping the line, ridicule others.

Look behind the mask stretched by Pavel once and for all for curious dreamers to reach out to the most intimate, and a completely different person will be revealed. A hard worker since childhood, like Laysan. Evidence? Please, I graduated from school with a silver medal. He studied at the university and worked every day on the radio, from early morning he inspired the townspeople with his jokes and witticisms for valiant work. And the conquest of Moscow.

Friendship ... Love ... And here is Laysan Utyasheva - the wife of Pavel Volya

Presenter, screenwriter, kaveenshchik, artist and musician. Compare with Laysan: presenter, author of the book “Unbroken”, filming a movie, performing in ballet ...

How many points of contact?! How could they pass each other? So they fell in love, as Irina Viner told the world, surprising everyone with an unexpected surprise. Few people even guessed about their feelings. How did they manage to hide, as the wife of Pavel Volya herself admitted - Laysan Utyasheva, two-year-old romantic relationship hard to understand. But they, like all lovers, walked around Moscow by the hand, kissed, went to in public places: cinemas and theaters, shops.

Pavel and Laysan took an oath of allegiance to each other, surrounded by the people most dear to them. More recently, a confirmation of their love was born - son Robert. And how not to believe that Will is still a “Snowball”, and not a “glamorous bastard”? After all, it was he who went to the doctor's appointments with his beloved during her pregnancy. And it was he who spent 12 hours next to her in Miami, "giving birth" to a baby. They do not let anyone else near the firstborn, taking care of him themselves. They say that Laysan and Pavel are already thinking about a second child.

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