Why does Pechorin go against the established morality of the highlanders, arranging the kidnapping of Bela and essentially destroying her family? How does he justify his act? How does he explain. What does Pechorin have in common with the highlanders? (According to the novel by M


In the literature of every nation there are books that, in the words of V. Belinsky, "are destined to never grow old." One of such eternally young works of Russian classical literature is a novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Written in the late 30s of the century before last, the novel touched upon the most acute and significant issues public life and reflected the Russian reality of that time.

The action of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" takes place in the Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century. Lermontov knew well the nature of the Caucasus and the warlike life of the mountain peoples. He first came to North Caucasus at the age of five with his grandmother, where she brought him to improve his health. Then Lermontov again ended up in the Caucasus in 1837. He lived in Pyatigorsk, visited Tiflis. A new arrival in the Caucasus was associated with the participation of Lermontov in hostilities in the ranks of the Tenginsky Infantry Regiment. And, finally, the last visit to the Caucasus in 1841, which ended in a duel and the death of the great poet. A good acquaintance with the nature of the country, the customs and traditions of its peoples allowed Lermontov to create a number of works with Caucasian themes: the poem "Ismail-Bey", the poem "Mtsyri", the poem "Demon", the novel "Hero of Our Time". For Lermontov, the Caucasus was "a home of simple liberty", "a harsh land of freedom".

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" realistically depicts the nature of the Caucasus, the life and characters of the highlanders. Majestic mountains, peaks covered with snow, deep gorges, where it is scary to look, fast mountain rivers, realistic details of warlike life, customs of the highlanders, all this appears before us on the pages of the novel. In Lermontov's novel truthfully depicted and cruel morals, which have existed in mountain villages since ancient times, and true descriptions of the harsh lifestyle of the highlanders, their poverty are given: “The saklya was stuck with one side to the rock; three slippery, wet steps led up to her door. I groped in and stumbled upon a cow ... two old women, many children and one lean Georgian, all in rags, were sitting by the fire ... ”Pechorin saw such a picture when he entered the Georgian hut. Highlanders on the pages of the novel appear in the description of Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin. sad tale we hear about Bel from the lips of Maxim Maksimych. He also tells us about Kazbich and Azamat, about the customs and customs of the highlanders. These stories bear, however, the stamp of the well-known limitations of Maksim Maksimych's concepts. For him, "Circassians" (as all the inhabitants of the mountains were then called) were "thugs" and "desperate heads." And yet Maxim Maksimych cannot but approve, for example, of the fact that the highlanders are extremely hospitable. No matter how Maksim Maksimych tries to “humiliate” Kazbich (to “his mug is a robber”, and his Karagoz is “such a robber horse”), but from these stories about Kazbich the image of a strong, courageous horseman arises, for whom “valiant will” - the most precious thing in life. Drawing the character of Kazbich, Lermontov gives his portrait in a realistic way. Power is felt behind the ordinary appearance: “small, dry, broad-shouldered”, “beshmet in patches, and weapons in silver”, an outstanding character is guessed. Indifferent to money, he most of all appreciates freedom, courage, daring, and abusive deeds. Hence his attachment to the horse Karagez, his love for weapons. Kazbich is a man of decisive and lightning-fast actions, unable to forget the harm done to him. He cruelly avenges the stolen horse: he kills Azamat's father and Bela. But Kazbich is not a romantic villain. His actions reflect the way of life of the highlanders, whose custom imperiously demanded revenge for insults and insults. Kazbich is a whole, true to himself nature, there is no gap between his consciousness and actions, he is not a natural person spoiled by the contradictions of civilization, but formed in accordance with the simple and clear suggestions of nature itself. His experiences are full of passionate will, his affections are incorruptible.

Bela's brother Azamat wants to be like Kazbich in everything. But he is too young and unbalanced, quick-tempered and touchy. The desire to take possession of Kazbich's horse completely blinded him. However, it was not easy for him to decide to agree to Pechorin's proposal - to steal his sister in exchange for Karagez. “Pale as death,” he answers Pechorin in a whisper: “I agree.” Azamat is also a "child of nature." He is distinguished by the same integrity of nature, bright activity and the same range of concepts as Kazbich.

An important place in the novel is occupied by Bela - the Circassian princess, the daughter of a peaceful prince and the sister of the young Azamat, who kidnaps her for the Russian officer Pechorin. The image of Bela is captivating, full of wild grace and female charm. It preserved the natural simplicity of feelings, the immediacy of love, a living desire for freedom, inner dignity. Insulted by the abduction, she withdrew, not responding to signs of attention from Pechorin.

When she fell in love with Pechorin, she was ready for anything for her beloved. Bela's love is a deep and devoted feeling. All falsehood, pretense, subtle calculations and intricate tricks are alien to her. love on a short time brings her happiness, but in the end ends with the death of the heroine.

Fate throws Pechorin into this circle of mountain life. In many ways, he is close to these "children of nature" - the stubbornness of the will, the restless activity of nature. For Pechorin, the environment of the Caucasus is an opportunity to show a craving for adventure, to get rid of the emptiness and aimlessness of existence. He is attracted by the life of the highlanders. In hunting, war, love of the "savage" Bela, he longs to find the lost taste for life again. Pechorin invades the life of the highlanders as an active, but destructive beginning. Through his fault, Bela dies, Bela's father dies, Azamat goes missing, Kazbich turns into a militant enemy, participates in all skirmishes with the Russians. IN sad story Bela Lermontov reveals Pechorin's egoism. No matter how much Pechorin was passionate about Bela, and no matter how little he was to blame for the fact that he became bored with her, one thing is clear: he turned a living, feeling person into an instrument of his egoistic goals and passions. Explaining what happened to him to Maxim Maksimych, he says: “... the love of a savage is few better than love noble lady; ignorance and simple-heartedness of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of another ... "

Thus, already in "Bel" Lermontov outlines the "hero of time", establishing that the basis of his character can be "either decisive inaction, or empty activity." The reason for this is the contradiction between consciousness, goals, aspirations and life practice. In Pechorin's diary, we find his sincere confession, in which he reveals his thoughts and feelings, mercilessly scourging his inherent weaknesses and vices. Feeling “immense forces” in his soul, he failed to guess his high purpose and squandered his spiritual strength on empty deeds, which is why he “lost forever the ardor of noble aspirations - best color life."

Lermontov's novel is, as it were, woven from opposites, which merge into a single harmonious whole. It is classically simple, accessible to everyone, even the most inexperienced reader, at the same time it is unusually complex and ambiguous, and at the same time deep and incomprehensibly mysterious. At the same time, the novel has the properties high poetry: its accuracy, capacity, brilliance of descriptions, comparisons, metaphors; phrases brought to the brevity and sharpness of aphorisms - what was previously called the "syllable" of the writer and constitutes the unique features of his personality, his style and taste - brought in "A Hero of Our Time" to the highest degree perfection.

Secondary characters in the novel they have quite independent meaning as full-blooded artistic types, which corresponds realistic principles Images. Nevertheless, in some of them, realism coexists with more or less pronounced elements and traditions of romanticism. Such, in particular, are the images of the highlanders in the story "Bella". They do not look like romantic heroes, but, as Apollon Grigoriev claimed, they have something of the “wildly raging passions of Ammalat-Bek and Mulla-Nur.”

In the initial characterization of Kazbich, which Maxim Maksimych gives him, there is neither elation nor deliberate lowering: “He, you know, was not that peaceful, not that peaceful. There were many suspicions about him, although he was not involved in any pranks. And then there is mention of Kazbich's everyday occupation as the sale of rams, although it is casually noticed that he did not like to bargain, it is said about an unsightly outfit, although attention is drawn to his passion for rich weapons and his horse.

In the future, the image of Kazbich is revealed in sharp plot situations that demonstrate his active, strong-willed, wildly impulsive nature. But Lermontov substantiates these inner qualities in the course of the narrative to a large extent realistically, revealing their connection with the customs and rules prevailing in real life highlanders. As E. Mikhailova noted, in them he "put some kind of reflection of his dream of a strong, free and whole man."

The relationship between Pechorin and Kazbich, included in the "big dialogue" of Lermontov's novel, not only compares the characters, but also opposes them. For the "natural man" and "Asiatic" Kazbich main value- a horse, his favorite Karagoz, in retaliation for the kidnapping of which he kidnaps and then kills Bella. The object of passion, love for Pechorin is a woman, a person. In fact, by the time Bella was kidnapped by Kazbich, Pechorin did not love her: “I will give my life for her, but I’m bored with her ...”, nevertheless, he protected her dignity from the encroachment of a predatory and vindictive person, which was Kazbich.

Beauty, the ability to work well, dance, and sing were considered the virtues of a girl in the Caucasus. The author writes that Bella was beautiful: tall, thin, eyes black, like those of a mountain chamois. But, having fallen in love with Pechorin and surrendering to him, she dishonored her family. Bella, Kazbich, Azamat are not only varieties of a natural person, but also complex, contradictory characters. Drawing their pronounced human qualities, the depth of feelings, the strength of passions, Lermontov also shows their inherent social and specific limitations, due to the inseparability of their lives, their harmony, with the environment that Pechorin so lacks, is based on the strength of customs, traditions, and not on a developed self-consciousness, and this is one of the reasons for the fragility and fragility of this harmony in a collision with "civilization".

Pechorin, as a “civilized” person, of course, differs in the most serious way from the “natural person” living in each of the highlanders with whom he has to communicate. However, the complexity of this character lies precisely in the fact that a concrete-historical and general-historical man, a generic one, intricately coexists in him with a naturally natural man. Therefore, the "savage" Kazbich is to some extent a double of the savage living in the subconscious depths of Pechorin

In "Bella" Pechorin is in the closest contact with such "natural people" - the highlanders.

    • Pechorin Grushnitsky Origin An aristocrat by birth, Pechorin remains an aristocrat throughout the novel. Grushnitsky from a simple family. An ordinary cadet, he is very ambitious, and by hook or by crook he strives to break into people. Appearance More than once Lermontov focuses on external manifestations Pechorin's aristocracy, such as pallor, a small brush, "dazzlingly clean linen." At the same time, Pechorin is not obsessed with his own appearance, it is enough for him to look […]
    • The novel by M. Yu. Lermontov was created in the era of government reaction, which brought to life a whole gallery " extra people". Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, with whom Russian society met in 1839-1840, belonged to this type. This is a man who did not even know why he lived and for what purpose he was born. "The Fatalist" is one of the most plot-intensive and at the same time ideologically rich chapters of the novel. It consists of three episodes, peculiar experiments that either confirm or deny […]
    • “How often surrounded by a motley crowd ...” is one of the most significant poems by Lermontov, in its accusatory pathos close to “The Death of a Poet”. creative history poems until now has been the subject of unceasing disputes by researchers. The poem has the epigraph "January 1st", indicating its connection with the New Year's ball. According to the traditional version of P. Viskovaty, it was a masquerade in the Nobility Assembly, where Lermontov, violating etiquette, insulted two sisters. Pay attention to the behavior of Lermontov in this […]
    • Youth and the time of the formation of Lermontov's personality fell on the years of government reaction after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. A heavy atmosphere of denunciations, total surveillance, exiles to Siberia on charges of unreliability reigned in Russia. advanced people At that time, they could not freely express their thoughts on political issues. Lermontov was acutely worried about the lack of freedom, the state of stopped time. the main tragedy era he reflected in his novel, which he pointedly called "The Hero of our […]
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    • Actually, I'm not a big fan of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time", the only part that I like is "Bela". The action in it takes place in the Caucasus. Staff Captain Maksim Maksimych, veteran Caucasian war, tells a fellow traveler an incident that happened to him in these places several years ago. Already from the first lines, the reader is immersed in the romantic atmosphere of the mountainous region, gets acquainted with mountain peoples, their way of life and customs. This is how Lermontov describes the mountain nature: "Glorious […]
    • "Besides, what do I care about the joys and misfortunes of men?" M.Yu. Lermontov In Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" a topical problem is solved: why do people, smart and energetic, not find application for their remarkable abilities and wither without a struggle at the very beginning of their career? Lermontov answers this question with the life story of Pechorin, young man belonging to the generation of the 30s. […]
    • So, "Hero of our time" - psychological novel, that is, a new word in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. It's really special piece for its time - it has a truly interesting structure: caucasian short story, travel notes, diary .... But still the main objective works - revealing the image of an unusual, at first glance, strange human - Gregory Pechorin. This is truly extraordinary special person. And the reader traces this throughout the novel. Who is this […]
    • In any quality work the fate of the heroes is associated with the image of their generation. How else? After all, people reflect the nature of their time, they are its "product". We clearly see this in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Writer on the example of life typical person this era shows the image of a whole generation. Of course, Pechorin is a representative of his time, the tragedy of this generation was reflected in his fate. M.Yu. Lermontov was the first to create in Russian literature the image of the "lost" […]
    • "Taman" is a kind of culmination in the collision of two elements of the novel: realism and romanticism. Here you don’t know what to be more surprised at: the extraordinary charm and charm of the subtle all-penetrating color that lies on the images and paintings of the novel, or the extremely convincing realism and impeccable life-like plausibility. A. A. Titov sees, for example, the whole meaning of "Taman" with its poetry in the deliberate reduction and debunking of the image of Pechorin. Convinced that this was the author's intention, he writes […]
    • Arise, prophet, and see, and listen Be filled with my will, And, bypassing the seas and lands, With the verb, burn the hearts of people. AS Pushkin "The Prophet" Beginning in 1836, the theme of poetry received a new sound in Lermontov's work. He creates a whole cycle of poems in which he expresses his poetic creed, his detailed ideological and artistic program. These are "Dagger" (1838), "Poet" (1838), "Do not trust yourself" (1839), "Journalist, Reader and Writer" (1840) and, finally, "Prophet" - one of the latest and […]
    • My life, where are you going and where? Why is my path so obscure and mysterious to me? Why do I not know the purpose of labor? Why am I not the master of my desires? Pesso The theme of fate, predestination and the freedom of the human will is one of key parties central problem personality in the "Hero of Our Time". It is set most directly in The Fatalist, which does not accidentally end the novel, serving as a kind of result of the moral and philosophical quest of the hero, and with him the author. Unlike romantics […]
    • One of last poems Lermontov, the lyrical result of numerous searches, themes and motives. Belinsky considered this poem to be one of the most chosen things in which "everything is Lermontov's." Not being symbolic, capturing the mood and feeling in their “lyrical present” with instant immediacy, it nevertheless consists entirely of emblematic words highly significant in Lermontov’s world, each of which has a long and changeable poetic history. In the sing-along - the theme of a lonely fate. "Silicious […]
    • Properly embellished prophet I boldly betray shame - I am relentless and cruel. M. Yu. Lermontov Grushnitsky - a representative of a whole category of people - in the words of Belinsky - a common noun. He is one of those who, according to Lermontov, wear a fashionable mask of disillusioned people. Pechorin gives a good description of Grushnitsky. He is, according to him, a poser posing as romantic hero. “His goal is to become the hero of a novel,” he says, “in pompous phrases, draping importantly in extraordinary […]
    • Sadly, I look at our generation! His future is either empty or dark, Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge or doubt, It will grow old in inaction. M. Yu. Lermontov V. G. Belinsky wrote: “It is obvious that Lermontov is a poet of a completely different era and that his poetry is a completely new link in the chain historical development our society." I think that main theme in the work of Lermontov there was a theme of loneliness. She went through all his work and sounds in almost all of his works. Novel […]
    • Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" became the first socio-psychological and realistic novel in Russian literature of the first half of XIX century. The author defined the purpose of his work as "the study of the human soul." The structure of the novel is peculiar. This is a cycle of stories combined into a novel, with a common protagonist, and sometimes a narrator. Lermontov wrote and published stories separately. Each of them can exist independent work, has a complete plot, a system of images. At first […]
    • The life story of Pechorin is told to the reader by Maxim Maksimych. Psychological picture, sketched by the traveler, adds several characteristic touches to the story of Pechorin's life. The memory of Maxim Maksimych captured individual confessions of the hero, thanks to which the biography of the “hero of time” acquired extraordinary persuasiveness. Pechorin belonged to the highest Petersburg society. His youth was spent in the pleasures that can be obtained for money, and they soon became disgusting to him. Savor with her seductions too […]
    • Curiosity, fearlessness, an unjustified craving for adventure are the characteristics of the protagonist of the novel. Throughout the book, the author shows it to us from the very different sides. First, this is the view of Maxim Maksimych, and then the notes of Pechorin himself. I cannot call the “fate” of the hero tragic, since neither the death of Bela, nor Grushnitsky, nor the sadness of Maxim Maksimych make his life more tragic. Perhaps even own death not much worse than all of the above. The hero is very detached from people, plays […]
    • Grigory Pechorin Maxim Maksimych Age Young, at the time of his arrival in the Caucasus he was about 25 years old Almost retired Military rank Officer of the Russian Imperial Army. Staff Captain Character traits Everything new quickly gets boring. Suffering from boredom. In general, a tired, jaded young man, looking for distractions in the war, but in just a month he gets used to the whistle of bullets and the roar of explosions, starts to get bored again. I am sure that brings only misfortune to those around him, which strengthens his […]
    • And tell me, what is the mystery of the alternation of periods of history? In one and the same people, in some ten years, all social energy subsides, the impulses of valor, changing sign, become impulses of cowardice. A. Solzhenitsyn This is a poem by the mature Lermontov, exposing the social and spiritual crisis after the December generation. It closes the previous moral, social and philosophical searches of the poet, sums up the past spiritual experience, reflecting the aimlessness of personal and social efforts […]
  • People, help, please, answer the questions. M.Yu. Lermontov. novel "Heroes of our time", 1 hour "Bela"! I WILL BE VERY GRATEFUL!!! 1) On whose behalf

    Is the story being told? What can you learn about the narrator (his position in society, range of interests)?

    2) The narrator notices that he is not writing a story, but travel notes. What gives reason to designate the Bela genre in this way? Do you agree that we really only have travel notes, or is the Bela genre much more complicated? If so, then why?

    3) Why does Pechorin go against the established morality of the highlanders, arranging the abduction of Bela and essentially destroying her family? How does he justify his act? How does he explain to Maxim Maksimych the features of his life and his character? What conclusion does he come to as a result of the story with Bela?

    Hero of our time questions 1 Why does Pechorin start an intrigue with Mary? 2 What actions of Pechorin cause Mary's hatred? 3

    How has Mary changed in love with Pechorin?

    4 Why does Pechorin refuse to marry Mary?

    HELP 1. Why did Maxim Maksimych decide to tell an outsider about the history of Bela

    and Pechorin? 2. How long was Maxim Maksimych in Chechnya? Where was his fortress? 3. How many years have passed since Pechorin arrived in the fortress? What rank was he? How long did you live in the fortress? 4. Who are these words about: "Robber's mug: small, dry, broad-shouldered"? 5. Speaking of Azamat, the staff captain remarks: “One thing about him was not good ...” What exactly? 6. Azamat first offered 150 horses for Karagez, and then 1000. Why did the price increase so much? 7. “Oh gifts! what a woman won't do for a colored rag!" says the captain. What happened, since after a while he says that gifts cannot solve the matter: “You don’t know Circassian women: they have their own rules - they are brought up differently.” II 1. When, according to the author, do we become children? What poems are related to these thoughts? 2. What is it about: “And you, an exile,” I thought, “are crying about your wide, expanse steppes.” Why is he thinking about this? III 1. What does Pechorin's definition of his character mean as unfortunate? Why did he rejoice when he was transferred to the Caucasus? Why is he pitiable? What is left for him in life? Why does Maxim Maksimych remember this peculiar confession of Pechorin? 2. What struck the staff captain most of all in Pechorin's behavior after Bela's death? How long did Pechorin live in the fortress after that? 3. What words about Maxim Maksimych end the story "Bela"? Why? 4. What would change in the novel if the story "Bela" was told by Pechorin? Did Pechorin feel guilty before Kazbich? Transmit the content of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych after the abduction of Bela and almost before her death. Which of them can be called Pechorin's confession? Why?

    Works on the Russian language and literature.

    The correct writing of an essay is writing your own statement in the form of reflection.
    Reflection conveys the course of the writer's own considerations, his attitude to the environment, to people, animals, to phenomena, actions and impressions from them.
    Reflections reveal the student's abilities, his intellect, awareness of the topic.

    Composition on the topic: Pechorin and the highlanders in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

    Composition: Pechorin and mountaineers in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

    Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

    The novel "A Hero of Our Time" is the first Russian psychological and realistic novel in prose. In the center of the work is “the history of the human soul”. Lermontov explores the thoughts, impulses, causes and consequences of the actions of such a complex personality as Pechorin. In each chapter, the author shows various aspects of the hero's mental life, considers the manifestation of his instincts, passions, will, spirit, and mind. The rest of the characters set off the character of Pechorin - in contrast and in similarity - and illustrate his thoughts about people.
    In "Bel" highlanders are shown - people of passion in pure form. Azamat, Kazbich are effective, strong-willed, decisive, impetuous natures. Pechorin has a lot in common with these characters.

    The highlanders of Azamat and Kazbich have a hereditary traditional passion for horses. “The first time I saw your horse ... something incomprehensible became in my soul, and since then everything has disgusted me ... I will die, Kazbich, if you don’t sell it to me! Azamat said in a trembling voice. So enslaved by his desire to have a wonderful horse, a fifteen-year-old boy. An adult highlander experiences the same strong feelings. Here is how he tells about the pursuit of the Cossacks for his Karagoz, while he himself was forced to hide at the bottom of the ravine: “... I heard how they rushed to catch my horse. My heart bled ... " Kazbich perceives the loss of his beloved horse as a tragedy: he "... fell on his side and sobbed like a child ..." Maxim Maksimych, shocked by the strength of the mountaineer's suffering, sympathetically tells how Kazbich "... did not notice anyone ... lay prone, like dead. Believe me, he lay like that until late at night and all night? .. ”Like the“ children of nature ”, Pechorin is also able to get carried away passionately. He really fell in love with Bela, and after her death "was unwell for a long time."
    The protagonist and the highlanders are brought together by the fact that in order to satisfy their whims, they go to any lengths, showing not only desperate courage, determination, but also audacity, cruelty, deceit. Both Pechorin and the highlanders are kidnappers. Grigory Aleksandrovich helps Azamat steal a horse, and Azamat assists in kidnapping Bela. Kazbich, killing Bela, takes revenge on both for the horse and the girl.

    The same instincts live in Pechorin as among the highlanders. He is not afraid of dangers, risks, stubbornly achieves his goal, cannot deviate from his desires. Pechorin says about Bel: “The devil, not a woman! .. only I give you mine honestly that she will be mine ... "Obstacles only inflame Pechorin. He, like a gambler, makes the last bet in the game with Bela: “I am guilty before you and must punish myself; goodbye ... "Maxim Maksimych, who secretly observed this scene, saw Pechorin trembling, and understood that he would certainly carry out his plan. And when Kazbich, in front of the officers, raced on a horse with the kidnapped Bela in the saddle, "Grigory Alexandrovich squealed no worse than any Chechen."

    So, both a horseman and a hunter live in Pechorin. It is no coincidence that the author notes that Pechorin was hardy, like a highlander, and "went one on one against a wild boar." The meaning of comparing the main character with Azamat and Kazbich is that the wild customs of the highlanders can be justified to some extent by the power of customs, tradition, heredity, and temperament.
    Pechorin, on the other hand, must be condemned for the fact that he hunts not only a wild boar, but also human hearts. The main character is a man who knows how to play on the feelings of people. He learned to use those around him to satisfy his whims. Pechorin has no moral restrictions.
    In the environment ordinary people Pechorin is shown as a destroyer. It is he who pushes Kazbich and Azamat onto the path of crimes. With his game on the shortcomings of people main character increases evil: Azamat runs away from home, fearing the revenge of Kazbich. Bela's father loses his peace after the disappearance of his son and daughter, and then dies at the hands of the same Kazbich. The author presents us with a Chechen as a murderer. However, all his bloody deeds are predetermined by the actions of Pechorin. I think that even in the physical death of Bela, Pechorin is more to blame. It was because of his hasty shot that Maxim Maksimych failed to capture Kazbich, and he hit Bela with a dagger. Pechorin does not kill anyone himself, but what is more terrible is that he is an intellectual killer. The hero rudely invades someone else's life and brings misfortune to people.

    It is no coincidence that the chapter of the novel is named after a mountain woman. The image of Bela is one of the most striking and tragic female images novel. This is a deep, whole nature. Bela has something that Pechorin lacks. She found the meaning of life in love, but Pechorin did not understand his destiny. Pechorin's passion is an instinctive attraction, and the impulses of the girl's heart are deeply humane and reasonable. Fidelity in feelings and constancy of Bela favorably distinguish her from Pechorin, who is not capable of selfless love. And it's not even that there is a social and intellectual gulf between the characters. Lermontov shows how morally crippled the "hero of our time", because he himself admits: "I loved for myself, for my own pleasure ...".

    I think that the author condemns the extreme individualism and selfishness of his hero. Pechorin explains his cooling towards Bela in this way: “I was mistaken again: the love of a savage is a little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of another.” However, living hearts pay for the mistakes and experiments of the protagonist.

    Essays on the Russian language and literature

    Essays on the Russian language

    Composition - this is an intellectual indicator of the development of the student, his aesthetic taste. This is the result of achievements in the study of the Russian language and literature. Certificate of knowledge of the text artwork, the ability to analyze the text, the maturity of judgments, the breadth of outlook. Independent work with the text of the work allows for penetration into the author's intention, to comprehend the objective meaning of the work. The main requirement for an essay is the logical harmony of presentation. The topic should be disclosed clearly, reasonably, deeply, the individual parts of the essay should be interconnected, the transition from one thought to another should be consistent, judgments are logical. The main idea of ​​the essay develops according to plan. should be analyzed as ideological content works, as well as its artistic side.


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