Is it true that Boris Korchevnikov. Boris Korchevnikov brain tumor


As the host of the popular talk show himself recalls, he was visited by thoughts of death as soon as he learned about the diagnosis. “I didn’t know yet what it was, what kind of tumor, growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: that's how many days I have left, they should be devoted to preparing for death, ”recalls Korchevnikov.

The information that the young presenter Boris Korchevnikov fell into the net of a terrible oncological disease caused a lot of discussion. But after the bold confession of Boris himself, there were no more doubts. The brain tumor gave new complications.

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After surgery, the TV presenter's condition improved. Now Boris feels well, but continues to be observed in the clinic.

Boris Korchevnikov cancer. Breaking news today 01/02/2018

Popular Russian TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov left the TV channel "Russia 1" and scandalous show"Live broadcast" on the channel for believers "Spas". It is there that Korchevnikov will talk about the main thing in life.

Konstantin Eggert, a columnist for the Kommersant FM radio station, criticized Korchevnikov's film, pointing out the lack of logic in his work, distortion, editing and ignorance of the creator himself. The journalist described the film as "a helpless agitation even as a propaganda tool."

It was produced very complicated operation according to trepanation (opening) of the skull, then the worst prognosis was not confirmed, the tumor turned out to be benign. But still, a very long exhausting treatment was ahead.

Boris Korchevnikov state of health. Latest Details.

As the employees of the TV channel admitted to journalists, during the exacerbation of his tumor, he practically stopped hearing, and the peculiarity of the work of a TV presenter is that he has to work with an ear monitor in which the commands of the producer and director sound. When Boris himself wanted to leave in connection with this aggravation, he was not immediately released.

As it turned out, Boris Korchevnikov really has cancer. AND for a long time fights this disease. Moreover, as channel workers said, leading started hearing loss due to illness. Korchevnikov himself also admitted that he hardly hears. Such health problems have become a serious obstacle to work.

Whatever Boris Korchevnikov was sick with, this famous TV presenter intuitively chose a very correct behavioral line in the current situation, most conducive to relaxation and thus help in successful therapy.

“I know how important it is when you are prayed for, I know how prayers and your words are needed. I know because the word "tumor" has recently come into my life. I myself have been in this situation. I was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign, the operation has already been done. True, the scar is still there. But I remember feeling the support of friends and family while in the hospital room. When I was in need, I felt the words of prayers, the support of relatives and friends. I am eternally grateful for this. I know the value of words. Get well soon. Get well soon, ”admitted Korchevnikov.

Illness could be one of the reasons for the dismissal of the presenter. Although this is only at the level of rumors.
Boris Korchevnikov was officially fired from the Russia channel. His place in the program Live now occupied Andrei Malakhov. former star The first channel was introduced to the new team. Filming of the next episodes of the talk show has already begun.
Korchevnikov did not believe until the very end that he would be expelled. But he was morally hounded there. Can you imagine what it was like to hear from the lips CEO Russia Zlatopolsky, that the best presenter of the country Andrey Malakhov came to Russia alone. After all, Korchevnikov considered himself a star!
But there was another circumstance that provoked the departure of Korchevnikov, he became the general director and general producer of the public Orthodox TV channel Saved. During the exacerbation of his brain tumor, Boris was almost deaf, but he had to listen to the commands of the director and producer, which sound in the ear monitor during the filming of the program.
Korchevnikov himself informed shocked fans about a serious illness on one of the broadcasts. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign, the operation has already been done. True, the scar is still there. But I remember how I felt the support of friends and relatives while in the hospital room, said Boris, visibly worried.

Boris Korchevnikov was officially fired from the Rossiya channel. Andrey Malakhov has now taken his place in the Live Broadcast program. The former star of Channel One was introduced to the new team. Filming of the next episodes of the talk show has already begun.

Also, the star gossip gave advice to Andrey Malakhov. “My famous teachers, students of Stanislavsky, tirelessly repeated: - The secret of personal life should be hidden from prying eyes. Especially pregnancy ... And so, let them say .. what they want. This, on the contrary, fuels interest in the person, ”Sadalsky said.

Many netizens wondered if Boris Korchevnikov was really sick. And as sad as it is to hear, it is true. Rumors about the leader's illness appeared a year ago. Then, Korchevnikov had a brain tumor removed, but unfortunately, the cancer returned again. More recently, the program “Live” was released on TV screens, in which the ex-leader Korchevnikov and new producer and presenter Andrey Malakhov jointly revealed the truth.

There were serious relationship"from the student bench" with Anna Odegova did not work out. Later, the TV presenter was credited with an affair with Sessil Sverdlova, it was even rumored that they got married, Boris himself did not speak on this topic.

Brain cancer has similar symptoms. But after some time, the representative of Boris Moiseev denied this information. Explaining that the artist’s poor health is due to a stroke and there is no artist’s brain tumor. On given time he is in rehab. And in the near future will appear on the scene.

Boris Korchevnikov is a successful journalist, popular presenter and actor. The role of cadet Sinitsyn in the series "The Cadets" brought him unprecedented fame. Not so long ago, sad changes took place in Boris's life.

More recently, the cheerful and successful presenter delighted his fans with constant appearances on the screen as the host of the Live Broadcast program. In the same program, on the air dedicated to the illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Boris admitted that he himself was fighting a tumor.

Boris Korchevnikov brain tumor latest news 2017: presenter's illness

"Brain tumor" - everyone is afraid to hear such a phrase addressed to them. Boris had to endure this blow. He admitted that, having learned the diagnosis, he reassessed his life, priorities, and even began to think about preparing for death.

As time has shown, thoughts of death were premature. The tumor turned out to be benign and was removed by surgery. However, during the operation, the auditory nerve was damaged, on which the tumor was located.

Subsequently, the host lost his hearing. Boris recalls the postoperative period as a difficult test, when you are unable to move independently and your coordination of movements is impaired.

The problems of the vestibular apparatus disappeared over time, Korchevnikov got to his feet and returned to work. But the leader remained with hearing problems. Many associate Boris's departure from the popular show with this.

Boris Korchevnikov brain tumor latest news 2017: what now

Already on his first broadcast as the host of the program "Direct Air", Andrei Malakhov invited his predecessor as a guest. Boris had to visit the other side of the barricades - in the place of the guest.

The show raised a lot of questions. Could not get around the topic that does not leave the pages of funds mass media, the topic of Boris's health. The ex-host of the program admitted that he still feels the consequences of the operation to this day. He said that such difficult moments do not pass quickly, and he believes that he simply needs time to fully recover.

Korchevnikov does not deny that there are indeed hearing problems. However, he does not believe that he has unsolvable health problems. Boris is seen at the clinic and feels fine. As for the rumors about terrible disease, which fills the information space, Korchevnikov said that they are too exaggerated.

He noted that now it is difficult to find absolutely healthy person. He also admitted that he also has some health problems, but they are all solved. He is full of strength and inspiration to work in the new position of General Director of the religious channel Spas.

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Boris Korchevnikov was born in Moscow. His mother Irina Leonidovna is an honored worker of culture, she worked in the Moscow art theater. Father Vyacheslav Orlov directed the Pushkin Theater for more than 30 years. Not so long ago, little was known about Boris's family, and information appeared in the media that the father of the future actor was TV presenter Vladimir Berezin.

It is known that Boris spent a lot of free time in the theater with his mother. Knowing from the cradle everything that happens behind the scenes, he was not at all shy about the stage. When the boy was 8 years old, he invited him to participate in one of his performances. Borya agreed and became one of the youngest actors of the Moscow Art Theater. He took part in such productions as "The Cabal of the Hypocrites", "Boris Godunov", "My Dear, Good", "Sailor's Silence" and many others.

But the performances were just entertainment for the boy, a game. From an early age, he dreamed of becoming a TV journalist, took part in several screenings and castings for the vacancy of a children's show host. Finally, when he was 11 years old, Boris Korchevnikov was invited to the RTR channel in the Tam-Tam Novosti program, designed for young viewers, and after 5 years on the same TV channel he became the host and reporter of the Tower youth program.

After graduating from school, the young man entered two educational institutions- V theater studio Moscow Art Theater and Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. But he could not undergo full-fledged training in two directions at the same time, so he made a choice in the direction of his favorite profession.

A television

Since 2001, while still a student, the young journalist has been working with the NTV channel. It is from this moment that it starts active biography on TV. As a reporter, he prepares reports for several programs of this channel at once: “Today”, “The Other Day”, “Personal Contribution”, “Country and World”, “Profession - Reporter”, “ Main character" and others.

Two years, since 2009, led educational program"I want to believe!" about the mysteries of the history and civilizations of our planet. In total, 87 programs were released on the STS channel. At the same time, a documentary film “Romania. Albania. Two destinies”, dedicated to the topic Orthodox Christianity. Boris Korchevnikov turns out to be the host and partly the screenwriter of the TV movie. He will return to religious topics more than once, but the most sensational film will be the investigation “I don’t believe!”, Released on the NTV channel in 2013.

Korchevnikov also took part as a presenter in a 6-episode documentary"Concentration camps. Road to Hell" in 2009, in the 20-episode documentary project "History Russian show business"2010, a 20-episode continuation of the previous project "The History of Russian Humor".

Since May 2013, Boris Korchevnikov can be regularly seen on the Rossiya-1 TV channel in the public talk show Live, where he replaced popular TV presenter.

Korchevnikov is often invited to lead various events and gala concerts, for example, "Day Slavic writing and culture - 2013", "1025 years of the Baptism of Rus'" on Red Square, actions " Immortal Regiment"and others.


Feature film debut for young actor was the film "Sailor's Silence", in which the boy got the role of schoolboy David. Then in 2002 he took part in the filming of the television series "The Thief 2. Happiness for Rent", where in one of the episodes he played Maxim Makeev. A year later, Boris took part in an episode of another series - “Another Life”, in which he starred as Seva.

Boris Korchevnikov in the series "Kadetstvo"

Success and fame came to him after the release of the TV series about the life of the Suvorovites "Kadetstvo". The film was immensely popular among teenagers, and the actors, including Korchevnikov, even went on tour around the country. Boris plays one of the main roles - a decent and purposeful boy Ilya Sinitsin (Tit). Many fans of the film will soon call him the main character of one of the most popular series in the post-Soviet space. No less famous was the actress Olga Lukyanenko, who played the role of Ksyusha, the girl of Sinitsa, in The Cadets.

Curiously, at the time of filming, the actor was almost 10 years older than his character. But the youthful appearance of Korchevnikov helped to successfully join the role. In total, three seasons of the series appeared on the screens, which were shown on television from 2006 to 2008.

Subsequently, he already got the main roles in films, although the pictures did not turn out to be particularly noticeable. Some exception can only be called a fantastic comedy "New Year's Tariff".

Talk show "Live"

In April 2013, the management of the TV channel "Russia 1" makes changes to the popular program "Live". Its format is changing significantly: a new TV presenter appears, equipped modern studio.

Boris Korchevnikov in the show "Live"

Instead of Mikhail Zelensky, who hosted the well-known TV show since 2011, Boris Korchevnikov was appointed host. New TV presenter brings with it a completely different author's intonation. The audience liked these changes. From that moment on, Boris consolidates his success on TV.

Many people remember the scandal involving the famous showman and Boris Korchevnikov during one of the episodes of " live broadcast". Between them there was a skirmish, but still it did not come to a fight.

In February 2017, information appeared that. This was stated to the media by one of the representatives of the Rossiya TV channel.

Many viewers immediately began to ask the question of why Korchevnikov left Direct Ether. It is assumed that the TV presenter made such a decision for personal reasons.


In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov shocked his fans with a confession during next issue program "Live". The program, which aired on the Russia-1 channel, was attended by two famous people- Singer and actor. They talked about their struggle with oncology, and those present supported the desire of celebrities to overcome a terrible disease. In the studio, they discussed the problem, shared their experience and said the necessary words of support.

At the end of the program, everyone was literally dumbfounded by the TV presenter himself, saying that he was sick with cancer. Boris Korchevnikov made a statement that not so long ago his state of health was extremely difficult. He suffered major operation to remove a brain tumor. Boris asked the studio guests and all viewers to pray for Dmitry and Andrey:

“I know how important it is when you are prayed for, I know how prayers are needed. I know because I was in this situation recently. I was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign, the operation has already been done.

It was noticeable that it was obviously difficult for the Russian TV presenter to recall health problems, and the performance was not easy. He thanked his loved ones, saying that it was the support of his relatives that helped overcome this obstacle, the terrible challenge that life threw him.

Viewers remembered that the well-known TV presenter dedicated several episodes of Live to the singer, who died of cancer. Many began to talk about some analogies, evil fate, about the unfortunate fate of celebrities who pay for their glory with suffering.

Boris Vyacheslavovich called such a period of his life "a state of impotence, monstrous weakness." He frankly said that, having heard the news about his illness, he began to prepare for death. In addition, Korchevnikov condemned Russian society, which, in his opinion, is exclusively aimed at obtaining various pleasures:

“I think it comes from a completely wrong attitude towards death in our society. The further we go, the more we live in such a hedonistic society, where death is completely absent "in the mass field." Although death is something that happens to everyone anyway. And this is the most important event in our lives.”

Such revelations famous TV presenter were a surprise to many. In 2016 in social networks users actively began to discuss Boris' thoughts about life and death, and his recovery was called a miracle. On Instagram, commenting on the recovery famous actor, many admired his stamina and attitude to the experience.

Personal life

Boris Korchevnikov is constantly in sight as a TV presenter, which is probably why he tries his best to hide his personal life from the public. Russian publications reported that he met with model and journalist Anna Odegova, but the matter did not reach the registry office. The couple ended their relationship.

It is known that Boris met for a long time with actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova. Cecile was born in France but grew up in the capital of Russia. His wife can be seen in such films as “Moscow. Three stations”, “New Year's marriage” and “If you are not with me”. Information has repeatedly appeared in the media that the couple got married back in 2013, but this was not confirmed. In 2016, the couple broke up, the TV presenter was very upset by this gap.

Boris gets carried away foreign languages He is fluent in German and English. Moreover, he specially left for Germany and Great Britain in order to improve colloquial speech, communicating with native speakers, as well as pass the relevant exams.

Boris Korchevnikov now

In August 2017, the most discussed news was the departure from Channel One. TV presenter, thanking colleagues and channel management for all the years of joint work.

Later it became known that already at the end of August, Malakhov became the host of the new season of the show "Live" on "Russia 1", replacing Boris Korchevnikov. The most was dedicated to Boris, who gave the project four years of his life. This release was recognized by many as very emotional.


  • 1997 - Sailor silence
  • 2002 - Thief 2. Happiness for hire
  • 2003 - Another life
  • 2006-2007 - Kadetstvo
  • 2008 - New Year's tariff
  • 2010 - Landing dad
  • 2010 - Black ram
  • 2011 - Guys and Paragraph
  • 2013 - I don't believe it!
  • 2013 - History of Russian humor

The popular Russian TV presenter began his career at a very young age, and gained considerable experience in communicating with viewers. During this time, he gained many fans, and Boris Korchevnikov's personal life has since been under the most close attention spectators.

Personal life of Boris Korchevnikov

This year, Boris will turn thirty-five years old, but despite this, he still has not tied the knot and lives with his mother, remaining one of the most enviable suitors of Russian show business. The TV presenter admitted that he had not yet met a girl with whom he would like to connect his fate, but as soon as this happens, he will be happy to create own family and move away from her mother.

However, Korchevnikov does not exclude that a completely different fate awaits him, and he will live alone, remaining a reliable support for his loved ones.

Among the many reasons why Boris Korchevnikov's personal life has not yet settled down is his enormous employment - in one of the interviews, the TV presenter admitted that he only comes home to spend the night, and he simply does not have enough time for anything other than work.

IN Lately Boris is diligently looking for his soul mate, and the best chance to meet the woman of his life is at his work.

The careful choice of a life partner can be explained by the fact that Korchevnikov would like to fall in love once and for all his life - it was such couples that he always admired. The presenter believes that he will someday meet a girl with whom he wants to connect his fate for the rest of his life and give birth to children, without whom he cannot imagine a full-fledged marriage.

Since he himself grew up without a father, Korchevnikov plans to build a life in a completely different scenario and become not only a faithful husband, but also a loving father.

Boris Korchevnikov's wife

Boris already had a chance to start a family, but for some reason this never happened. Korchevnikov was never completely frank in talking about his personal life, and not much is known about her, so it’s impossible to say with a high degree of certainty that the TV presenter was married, and Boris Korchevnikov’s wife, even the former, is a very real person.

It turns out that some time ago Boris tied long romance with actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova, whom he called simply Anya. They were so close that Borya's mother agreed to register his girlfriend in her apartment, and the young people even talked to the priest about the wedding.

Anna-Cecile and Boris Korchevnikov were together for eight whole years, but they never managed to start a family. They met in church - faith in God was one of the threads that connected the lovers.

Sverdlova, according to Boris, did a lot to bring him even closer to faith. She was an employee Orthodox channel"Tsargrad", took part in the work of the Board of Trustees of the Fund. Seraphim of Sarovsky, engaged in the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood.

Sverdlova was born in France, but soon after her birth, her parents moved to Moscow, where Anna-Cecile studied first at high school, and then in GITIS.

However, after graduating from creative biography Anna-Cecile did not have any notable roles, except for the main one in the series Rosehip Aroma and one of the main ones in the series If You're Not With Me. Sverdlova starred in small roles in the series "Only You", "My Prechistenka".

It is not known for sure whether there was a wedding between Boris Korchevnikov and Anna-Cecile, whether the wedding took place, but their couple broke up, and parting was not easy for Boris. They were able to remain friends, although Korchevnikov tried to save the relationship.

TV presenter's parents

TV presenter grew up in incomplete family- father left the family before Boris was born. Long years Korchevnikov did not communicate with his father, Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, and only when Boris was thirteen years old did they meet.

Incomparably more connects the TV presenter with his mother, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, who alone raised her son and gave him all her love.

Since little Borya had no one to leave home with, she often took him with her - Irina Leonidovna worked for a long time at the Moscow Art Theater, was Efremov's assistant, then became his deputy, and later - director of the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova.

Since her father never helped financially, she had to work hard. Mom introduced her son to theatrical art- from the age of eight he played on stage, so after school he applied to the Moscow Art Theater School.

Another vocation of Korchevnikov was journalism, and in parallel he also entered the journalism department of Moscow State University.

Irina Leonidovna says that she always raised her son very strictly and tried to control everything. She recently admitted that sometimes she even went too far, but she did it only because she was very afraid for Borya and tried to protect him from the bad influence of the street.

Relationship with father

Although Boris met his father only at the age of thirteen, he always knew who his dad was - Irina Leonidovna never said anything bad about ex-husband. The first acquaintance of the father with his son took place in the theater. Pushkin, where Orlov worked as a director. Vyacheslav Evgenievich, who had long intended to get acquainted with Borey, asked for a meeting.

At that time, he already had another family, which, apparently, did not want him to communicate with his son. When it was still far from close communication, Boris Korchevnikov's father tried to observe his life at least from afar. That is why, when little Borya went on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, Vyacheslav Evgenievich took a ticket to the front row and watched Boris from afar.

Despite the fact that in early years Boris Korchevnikov's family consisted only of him and his mother, and his father did not take an active part in raising the child, Borya never fed him negative feelings, and was offended only by the fact that Evgeny Vyacheslavovich hurt his mother by leaving her when she was pregnant.

After the first meeting, when Korchevnikov was still a teenager, he and his father again lost sight of each other, did not communicate for several years, and only when Orlov was already sick, Boris himself arranged a meeting with him.

When he saw his sick dying father, a feeling of pity arose in his soul and the realization that this was a person close and dear to him.

Vyacheslav Evgenievich supported Boris, after his separation from Anna-Cecile and a heart-to-heart talk with his father helped Korchevnikov a lot.

When Orlov, the former director of the Theater. Pushkin, was already in the hospital in a very serious condition, he introduced his son to his daughter - she is twelve years older than Boris and works as a teacher lower grades. close contact with stepsister Korchevnikov did not succeed, and, according to him, they mostly talk only on the phone.

Boris said that his father died practically in his arms, and the fact that at that moment he was nearby was very important to him. Before his death, Vyacheslav Evgenievich gave parting words to his son, saying: "Do not rush to do everything."

Korchevnikov says that his father always loved him very much, but was afraid to talk about it.

Disease of Boris Korchevnikov

A black streak in the biography of Boris Korchevnikov was the period when he struggled with his illness. The TV presenter never spoke about his state of health, and only in 2015 it became known that he had a benign brain tumor removed.

About what happened to him, Boris Korchevnikov admitted in one of the episodes of the program "Live", the guests of which were Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Andrei Gaidulyan, who told about their illness and the fight against it.

At the end of the program, the host said that he also survived a terrible illness and his health was very difficult.

He was examined in one of the German clinics, where he underwent an operation, after which Korchevnikov partially lost his hearing for some time.

After the surgery, Boris's health did not recover immediately, but he tried to get to work as soon as possible, which helped him get in shape faster.

Until now, the presenter is grateful to his relatives who supported him in difficult period life, and it helped him to cope with all the difficulties.

Brief biography of the actor and TV presenter

The famous TV presenter was born in Moscow on July 20, 1982. As a child, Boris Korchevnikov spent a lot of time in the theater where his mother worked, and was well acquainted with all his behind the scenes.

He began to appear on stage early, and he was also very interested in journalism, and he got to know her especially closely when he came to television and became the host and reporter of the Tam-Tam News program.

In the photo: Boris Korchevnikov in childhood ("Tam-Tam news")

Korchevnikov took part in the preparation of reports for the programs “The Other Day”, “Today”, “Profession - Reporter” and many others, was one of the creators of the documentaries “Concentration Camps: Road to Hell”, “Romania. Albania. Two destinies" and others.

Career stages

The artistic career of Boris Korchevnikov began early - he played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater from the age of eight, including in such performances as Bulgakov's Cabal of the Hypocrites, Boris Godunov, My Dear, Good, Sailor Silence and others.

In the cinema, he first appeared in tiny roles in the series "Happiness for Rent" and "Thief-2", and his first leading role played in the TV series "Kadetstvo".

Almost two years of Korchevnikov's life were associated with this project, and he admitted that the character of his hero turned out to be very close to him, so there were no particular difficulties in revealing the image.

After he finished filming in "The Cadets", Boris came to the STS channel, where he began to lead own program"I want to believe!". In 2010, together with Sergei Shnurov, Korchevnikov hosted programs from the History of Russian Show Business series, and in the same year he played the role of Paragraph in the children's television movie Guys and Paragraph.

The next stage in the creative biography of Boris Korchevnikov was the creation of an investigative documentary film “I don’t believe!”, dedicated to denigration of Russian Orthodox Church, including a number of well-known journalists, writers and media personalities.

Boris Korchevnikov joined the Live Broadcast project on Channel One in May 2013, was the host of the program until August 2017, and in October he began hosting the Fate of a Man program on the Russia-1 channel.

Since May 3, 2017, Korchevnikov has been the CEO and general producer channel "Spas". The offer to head a socio-Orthodox channel was unexpected for Boris, and he saw providence in this, since he himself had long believed in God.

  • In the series "Kadetstvo" Korchevnikov, who at that time was twenty-four years old, played the fifteen-year-old Suvorov Sinitsyn.
  • Boris always regretted that he did not receive a male upbringing - after a divorce from her husband, his mother, Irina Leonidovna, did not marry again.
  • His film "I do not believe!" recognized by many of his colleagues as biased. In addition, Korchevnikov was accused of committing many violations, including ethical ones, when creating the tape.
  • Boris carefully monitors his health and regularly works out in the gym.
  • Korchevnikov is a deeply religious person who often goes to church.
  • In January 2018, he became a confidant of President Putin in the upcoming presidential elections.

In 2015, the famous Russian TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov felt weak and weak. He decided that the deterioration of health was caused by huge workloads, but nevertheless turned to the doctors. The study showed that the TV star has a brain tumor.

Boris Korchevnikov was born on July 20, 1982. He has established himself as a professional in various fields. Now Boris holds the post of head of the Spas TV channel and is talk show host"The fate of man" on the channel "Russia". When Korchevnikov found out about the diagnosis, he was 32 years old. He announced his illness during the program "Live", which he then hosted.

He has always been a healthy man, actively involved in sports. And then the star of "Kadetstvo" realized that no one is immune from terrible diseases. He said that people are too naive when they think that they themselves can do something, have strength.

“Only one miracle of God, in fact, keeps us strong and healthy,” says Boris.

This illness only strengthened the faith of Boris Korchevnikov.

Fortunately, further analyzes showed that the tumor is benign and it is not in the brain, but on the auditory nerve, but it is still better to get rid of it. This can only be done through surgery, so in the summer of 2015, Boris lay down on the surgeon's table. Usually people recover after craniotomy within three days week maximum. It took Korchevnikov three weeks for the body to return to normal.

The first few days it was generally impossible to walk, because the vestibular apparatus was disturbed. The TV star admits that he felt completely powerless and weak. But that's exactly what it took to rethink many things in life. He devoted too much time to urgent matters and forgot about the most important ones. Therefore, when I first heard about the diagnosis, not knowing how quickly the tumor develops and what it is, I decided that last days live fully.

Latest news about Boris's health

In the issue of "Live" on August 25, 2017, Boris said that, as it turned out later, this tumor has been for many years.

Boris Korchevnikov talks about his illness:

Boris has a scar from the operation

And the disease itself occurs in one person out of a hundred thousand. He also convicted many publications of lies that attributed to him oncology and exaggerated the extent of the disease too much.

“This is not the worst thing that can happen to a person,” says Korchevnikov.

But that feeling of impotence, weakness, impotence, which he experienced in the hospital ward, forever changed him. Truly life-transforming.

Boris also admits that he felt the full power of human prayers, which from the lips of relatives, friends, and colleagues were aimed at his speedy recovery. Now the leader feels well and is regularly examined by a doctor.

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