Think of questions about the story of Garshin's red flower. “Philosophical motives in the story of V.M. Garshin “The Red Flower


Lesson Objectives:

  1. On the example of studying the story "Red Flower" to reveal the concept of "image-symbol".
  2. To form the ability to analyze the text, to understand its ideological and thematic meaning.
  3. Contribute to the formation of a personal position, education of moral qualities: compassion, humanity.

1. introduction teachers. Epigraph work.

We read V. Garshin's story "The Red Branch". In the last lesson, we found out that he produced great impression, left no one indifferent. Today in the lesson we will continue the discussion of what we read, try to comprehend the ideological and thematic content and answer a number of questions.

The first question is hidden in the epigraph. Let's read it.

The Man in the Red Flower
more than the world's evil, which
defies though the price
his victories are life.

IN AND. Porudominsky

"Red flower"

Try to formulate a question. (What is world evil?)

problem question (written on the board):

Analyzing the story, you will also have to prove what kind of work it is - social, ridiculing the strange impulses of people, or philosophical, forcing us to once again think about the complexity of life.

In addition, today in the lesson we will introduce a new literary concept. And of course, everyone will draw some conclusion for themselves from what they read.

We settled on the fact that all of you have a hero who evokes sympathy. Even the author, because he very expressively, in detail, eerily, describes both the mental and physical state of the patient.

2. Conversation on questions. Work with text.

What actions betray a sick person in the hero, and what does it say that he is consistent in his actions?
- Describe the image of the doctor. What is his description compared to the description of the patient?
What adjectives does the author use to describe him?
- Why does the hero think that the doctor is doing evil?
- To whom else does the patient oppose himself? What makes him different from other patients and from the doctor?
- With what feeling does the author describe the doctor? Explain the reason for the dislike.
What is the problem the patient is trying to solve? What is the hero thinking about? (Unlike other patients, he has a thought!)
- Find the description of the flowers. What do you imagine the flowers with which the hero fights?
What do they look like to him?

So, red poppies became a symbol of evil for the hero of the story.

Let's work with the concept of "symbol". (Homework check: students talk about the origin of the word "symbol")

What symbols do you know? (road signs, bread and salt - a symbol of hospitality, a book, a globe - a symbol of knowledge, a dove - a symbol of peace).
- Make a conclusion, for the sake of which the hero sacrifices his life?
- Remember, the hero of which work of foreign literature also fought evil, and he was also considered crazy? (“Don Quixote” by M. Cervantes)

Is the idea of ​​saving the world a delusion? And all those who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of others are crazy? Is it a problem of one person or the whole society?

Determine the topic of the story. (The theme of opposition to evil).
- And to determine the idea of ​​the work, we can compare it with the poem by A.S. Pushkin “Anchar”.
- What does Anchar symbolize? Anchar - the tree of death, poison, the embodiment of evil.

Examination individual task: the student reads by heart the poem “Anchar” by A.S. Pushkin, gives a brief literary commentary.

3. Conclusion on the lesson.

So, evil has always existed: in ancient times (remember the myths Ancient Greece), and in the time of Pushkin, and in our time.

What idea did the author want to convey to us? (evil must be resisted, evil must be fought)

And if you remember the time in which Vsevolod Garshin lived, then, probably, it becomes clear what prompted him to write this story. We talked about the reign Alexander III, about his transformations, which were called "counter-reforms", that their successful implementation was due to the lack of forces in Russian society capable of creating opposition to government policy. Garshin was worried about inaction, the lack of resistance. This is what he says in his story, and therefore the following words were uttered about him:

You have lived a sad life.
Sick conscience of the century
I have made you my herald...

Now answer the questions that are written on the board. What is the relevance of this story?
- What are its problems - philosophical or social?

4. Homework.

Homework. Give a detailed answer to the question: “Why did evil appear to the patient in the form of a red flower, and why does the hero not feel sorry for his life in the fight against evil?”

Garshin Porudominsky Vladimir Ilyich



The storm beat over the city. Bright, swift lightning crossed out black sky. It seemed to a person that sharp arrows of lightning were flying straight into an old two-story house.

The house groaned under the blows of the wind. The glasses hummed. The man was standing at the window. Lightning flashed already very close - in the garden; they rustled in the dense foliage of old maples. Thunder rumbles merged into a continuous rumble.

The man couldn't take it anymore. He felt: another moment - and lightning will pierce the house. People lived in the house, the man loved them. He had to save them.

He opened the window. Wind and rain rushed into the room. It immediately became cold. The man tore his shirt off. He put a long stick out the window. The end of the stick was firmly pressed against her bare chest. The lightning was supposed to strike him, burn his heart. At the cost of life, a man wanted to save people from death ...

The patient plucked a flower. “All the evil of the world gathered in this bright red flower ... It was necessary to pluck it and kill it. But this is not enough - it was necessary to prevent him from pouring out all his evil into the world while breathing out. That's why he hid it on his chest. He hoped that by morning the flower would have lost all its strength. His evil will go into his chest, his soul, and there he will be defeated or won - then he himself will perish, die, but he will die as an honest fighter and as the first fighter of mankind, because until now no one has dared to fight all the evil of the world at once ... "

The person who exposed his heart to a lightning strike was Garshin. The man who sacrificed his heart to kill all the evil in the world was a nameless He- the hero of the Garshin "Red Flower".

Every great writer has a work without which he is unthinkable. Garshin is unthinkable without the "Red Flower".

About the work on the “Red Flower”, Garshin reported: “something fantastic comes out, although in fact it is strictly real ...” Against the background of a strictly real description crazy house(the story "refers to the times of my seat at the Saburova dacha," Garshin admitted) a bright, exciting theme develops - the fruit of Garshin's imagination.

But it is no accident that The Red Flower became one of the favorite works of his contemporaries. They read in it not only a "psychiatric study", like Dr. Sikkorsky, and a "pathological study" not far from objectivity, like other critics; contemporaries saw in the story “something in which one should look for allegories, linings, something big, general, not fitting into the framework of one or another special science” (Mikhailovsky).

Looking for allegories does not mean carefully removing masks from the heroes and declaring: “Under the guise of such and such, such and such was hiding”, “With this scene, the author wanted to say this and that” ... Searching for allegories means, without dismembering or distorting the work, to hear in it is the “music of time”, to feel the ideas and the environment in which it was born, to see the general behind the particular. This is how Vladimir Ilyich Lenin read, heard, and felt Chekhov's "Ward No. b": "I had the feeling that I was also locked in Ward No. 6."

in his name imperial majesty, Sovereign Emperor Peter the Great, I announce an audit of this madhouse!

These words open the story. They contain the character of the hero and the program of his activity.

Not at the whim of Garshin, but due to the logic of his hero's thinking, the stone walls of the hospital lose their meaning: they no longer separate a handful of madmen from the outside world. For Garshin's hero, the whole world fits within the walls of a madhouse (“the hospital was inhabited by people of all times and all countries”). The world needed to be revised. This means, among other things (let's look into Dahl's dictionary!), "to consider, by right, the order and legality of affairs." There was no order in the world, lawlessness was being repaired around. The time has come to act. “All of them, his comrades in the hospital, gathered here to carry out a task that vaguely seemed to him a gigantic enterprise aimed at the destruction of evil on earth.”

Like all the heroes of Garshin, the hero of the "Red Flower" understood that the world was bad. Burning questions have been raised - they must be addressed. Unlike many heroes of Garshin, the hero of the "Red Flower" took up this. The path he has chosen is struggle. Selfless struggle: victory or death.

Garshin fought. Thoughts of injustice, violence, lies tormented the soul of the wounded Ivanov and the "coward", Ryabinin and Nadezhda Nikolaevna. Their weapon is denial. They do not accept, they deny evil and thereby affirm good. The hero of the "Red Flower" directly fights evil.

The madman from the "Red Flower" is richer than other heroes of Garshin. He not only felt and understood how not to live. He crossed the line. He learned how to live. You have to live as an honest fighter.

Evil is huge. The red flower, like anchar, is able to drink its poison around everything. Someone must give himself to the struggle, die, destroying evil. An honest fighter would have no future if he weren't last a fighter. He is the last one. And if he dies, it doesn't matter. He is already looking into tomorrow. It is beautiful - tomorrow of humanity. “Soon, soon the iron bars will disintegrate, all these imprisoned ones will come out of here and rush to all ends of the earth, and the whole world will tremble, throw off its decrepit shell and appear in a new, wonderful beauty.” It was worth fighting and dying for. And let there be no last fighter - this is his tomorrow!

A sense of the future, the thought of universal happiness - this is what distinguishes the hero of the "Red Flower" from a proud palm tree. Palma did everything she could, but it was not enough. The palm tree broke the bars of its dungeon, but outside the walls of the greenhouse a cold wind blew and wet snow fell. Palma won, but did not see victory.

The madman made a great sacrifice when “everything is ready”, when the world is ready for renewal, when the hour of an incredibly difficult and cruel, but latest struggle. Dying, he did not utter the mournful "Just something?". He died proud and happy. After him there remained the world, already renewed by feat. His feat. His victory will not be blown away by cold winds, will not be washed away by light rain mixed with snow. The hero of the "Red Flower" is richer than other heroes of Garshin. He not only knew how to live. He knew how to die.

A decade and a half later, the brave Sokol was dying just as anxiously and calmly: “I lived a good life! .. I know happiness! .. I fought bravely! ..” Maxim Gorky sang a song to the madness of the brave.

In a poor share, unknown,

Century working tirelessly,

You made an honest feat,

And in your gloomy, cramped shelter

You descended from the unbreakable

Passionate faith in the ideal!

Pleshcheev was applauded for a long time. The gray-bearded poet waved his hand to the audience and, satisfied, left the stage.

Following the old man Pleshcheev, the very young Merezhkovsky appeared on the stage and in several beautiful poems explained to everyone that he was a stranger to people and had little faith in earthly virtue, that life was boring and, in general, there was no need. He also got clapped.

Garshin went out onto the stage, sat down at the table, opened a book.

- "Red flower".

The audience gave him a standing ovation. Garshin raised his head, slowly looked around the raging hall. It's quiet. He began to read.

In the heavy silence of timelessness, words rolled out like explosions.

- ... Not today, so tomorrow we will measure our strength. And if I die, does it matter...

People who had seen a lot of the recent seventies were sitting in the hall. Before their eyes, a selflessly selfless tribe of heroes was born and died. Now a majestic requiem for these heroes sounded. A beautiful wreath was laid on the graves of the tortured and executed - it was now forbidden to lay wreaths on these graves.

“…Soon, soon the iron bars will disintegrate… and the whole world will tremble…”

Young people were sitting in the hall. They thought not about the past - about the future. Tomorrow was already calling them.

“…How much strength do I need, how much strength…!”

Young people needed a lot of strength. They still had to grapple with evil in the name of the beauty of the renewed world.

“…There will be the last fight…”

And who knows, maybe here, in the hall, there were those who really happened to participate in the last, decisive battle later.

... Twenty years after the appearance of the "Red Flower" Leonid Andreev wrote the story "Thought". "Superman" Kerzhentsev, an egoist and a murderer, is trying to understand whether he is insane or not. And the further we read Kerzhentsev's confession, the more his indifference, hostility, contempt, hatred for people is revealed to us, the more clearly the answer to the question - yes, crazy! Only a madman can come up with the idea to destroy humanity and create his own ugly world, "in which everything obeys only whim and chance."

Garshin is strictly real. He immediately says that the hero of the "Red Flower" is a madman. But the Garshi madman is obsessed with love for people. For their happiness, he gives his life. His dream is a renewed world filled with harmony. And we forget about the madness of an honest fighter. He is our friend and ally.

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“They didn't see him. I saw. Can I let him live? Better than death... These were the words of the hero Garshin, the hero of the Red Flower, the crazy hero.



Subject: " Philosophical motives in the story of V.M. Garshin "The Red Flower"

Completed by: Alekseeva K., 9Gkl., MOU SOSH №8

Checked by: Burtseva E.V., teacher of Russian language and literature

“They didn't see him. I saw. Can I let him live? Better than death... These were the words of the hero Garshin, the hero of the Red Flower, the crazy hero.

Immediately after the release of the first collection of stories by Garshin, contemporaries felt and understood that Garshin was creating different variants a single typical image. This is the image of a person who is not able to put up with "the injustice and evil of the decrepit and corrupted world." Drawing the spiritual insight of the hero, Garshin sharpens the tragedy life situations. Any incident outgrows the everyday framework and becomes in the mind of the hero Garshin a tragedy of universal significance. Striking a single "flower of evil", Garshin's hero, as it were, enters the fight against all the evil of the world, in each specific manifestation of evil, he tries to expose all "innocently shed blood, all tears, all the bile of mankind." Therefore, the story takes on the character of an allegory, romantic symbols. And next to the psychological short story, Garshin has an allegorical fairy tale as another favorite genre. "Red Flower" is undoubtedly a masterpiece, representing, as it were, a synthesis of these two genres.

“In the name of His Imperial Majesty, Sovereign Emperor Peter the Great, I announce an audit of this lunatic asylum!” - with these words of the heroic madman, the "Red Flower" opens. There is something symbolic about this beginning. "This lunatic asylum" announced a revision (revision of something in order to introduce fundamental changes). The hero identifies himself with Peter, the great reformer of the established order. The image of the lunatic asylum is closely associated with Russia in the 70s of the nineteenth century. I.S. Turgenev wrote about this period of Russian life in the following way: “The new was received badly, the old lost all its strength ... the whole shaken life is shaking like a swamp quagmire ...”. The hero of the "Red Flower" intends to fight, like many revolutionary-minded people of the 70s, he is in the grip of great expectations and imagines the coming renewal almost like a cosmic upheaval. “Soon, soon the iron bars will disintegrate, all these imprisoned ones will come out of here and rush to all ends of the earth, and the whole world will tremble, throw off its decrepit shell and appear in a new, wonderful beauty.” The world needs to be updated - this is the idea of ​​a crazy hero. He behaves like a person who is aware of his moral rightness, but who is in the hands of enemies. He walks "with a quick, heavy and resolute gait, raising his crazy head high."

The garden is a separate world, in the center of which a large large dalia blooms, which seemed to the patient like a palladium of the entire building (Palladium is a statue of the Greek goddess Athena Pallas, who, according to the ancient Greeks, guarded the safety of the city). But even in this ideal world, where everything blooms and smells sweet, there is a place for evil. The red flower grows separately from the others, in an unweeded place, so that thick quinoa and some weeds surrounded it. They seemed to be hiding from others, and only a person who is at the highest level spiritual development able to see this hidden evil. Such a person is crazy hero. In his mind, the red flower is the embodiment of evil. When the sick went out into the garden they were given caps with a red cross on their foreheads, these caps had been in the war. The patient gave special meaning cross. “He took off his cap and looked at the cross, then at the poppy flowers. The flowers were brighter." This shows that such a terrible event as war is not comparable to the evil of this flower. Why did the hero hide red flowers on his chest? There is a opposition of all the sins, all the evil of mankind (the first flower is associated as the past, the second flower as the present, and the third, respectively, the future) and the innocent, pure soul, sincerely fighting for the sake of others with world evil. The hero calls the flower - Ahriman, (Ahriman is the personification of the forces of evil, the deity of darkness and the underworld, often identified in Christianity with Satan) who took on a "modest and innocent look." And in order to defeat such a force one must be not only common man, therefore, the hero compares himself with the opposite of Ahriman, he is the god of light and goodness, he is the god Ormuzd, who "lives in all ages, lives without space, everywhere or nowhere." In the last fight with the third flower, the hero talks to the stars on an equal footing. He becomes even higher, comparing himself with the first fighter of mankind, i.e. with Jesus, there are no more earthly barriers for him, such as a straitjacket or a brick fence. In the end, he dies, but his face expresses some kind of proud happiness. He took his trophy to the grave. His mission is over and it no longer makes sense to live on this earth without a goal.

By 1880, Garshin became seriously ill with a mental disorder and was placed in a mental hospital. V. A. Fausek (professor of zoology, friend of Garshin) visited the writer in Kharkov: “He was thin and exhausted, terribly excited and agitated. His general structure, the tone of his conversation, the greetings that he exchanged with the sick - everything seemed to me wild, strange, not like the former Vsevolod Mikhailovich. I vividly recalled this later, when I read The Red Flower.

Fidler (translator of Garshin's stories into German) recalled that when he asked if anyone was the prototype of the Red Flower, Garshin replied: “I myself was the object of my psychiatric observations. When I was 18 and 25 years old, I suffered from a disorder nervous system but I was cured both times. One day there was a terrible thunderstorm. It seemed to me that the storm would blow away the whole house in which I then lived. And so, in order to prevent this, I opened the window - my room was on the top floor, took a stick and put one end of it on the roof, and the other on my chest, so that my body would form a lightning rod and thus save the whole building from all its inhabitants from death.

A feature of the disease was that Garshin remembered everything that happened to him during the clouding of his mind: all the words that he uttered, all the actions that he performed. Then it was as if two people lived in it at the same time - the one who committed crazy deeds, and normal person who observed the actions of the patient. In this sick state, he retained all the noble aspirations of the soul. Thus, the thoughts of the writer were reflected in the ideas of the protagonist. Everything that is described in The Red Flower grew out of the torment and morbid state of the author himself.

The writer perceived the existing evil so sharply that everyday realities became symbols in his works. Garshin put all the passion of his soul into his works, wrote "with his unfortunate nerves alone", and "each letter was worth ... a drop of blood."

All stories have something fantastic, but at the same time they contain a deep philosophical meaning. If we draw an analogy between the stories "Red Flower" and " Attalea princeps”then we find the similarity of situations, both works have a certain hidden political character. The huge greenhouse made of iron and glass in the story "Attalea princeps" is the place where "prisoner" plants live. They are stuffy and cramped in the greenhouse, they are deprived of their freedom. And yet the bold impulse of the palm tree is universally condemned. On the way to freedom, she overcomes enormous difficulties: "The cold rods of the frame dug into the tender young leaves, cut and mutilated them." But the palm tree is ready to die in the name of achieving the cherished goal - freedom. In the "Red Flower" we again have a dungeon, this time - a madhouse. The patient brought here does not find support in anyone. He is obsessed with one thought that haunts him relentlessly, the thought of evil reigning in the world. For the sake of his goal, he overcomes all obstacles alone, endures pain and deprivation. But the end of the stories is the same - the death of the protagonist. This reflects the situation of the 70s, when the revolutionaries were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of illusory happiness. They met with strong resistance from the authorities. When, say, in "Attalea princeps" the author reported about the servants of the greenhouse as people "with knives and axes" who watched the growth of plants, then the reader - a contemporary in his memory had images of other "servants" who zealously followed the thought and the actions of people. And the palm tree, as a threat to the entire greenhouse, is cut down, i.e. she was dealt with as politically untrustworthy. The Red Flower is more pessimistic, the tragedy lies in the fact that the story is, first of all, an expression of selfless sacrifice in the fight against social evil, and the source of the disease is seen in the conditions of Russian life in the Garshin era.

A feat is a heroic, selfless deed. The madman has accomplished the feat. He overcame evil at the cost of his life, he gave himself to others. Garshin expressed his admiration for the beauty of "selflessness and heroism", for the romance of heroism. "Red Flower" is Garshin's hymn to "the madness of the brave". This is its deep philosophical meaning.

The poet and critic N.Minsky assessed Garshin as a person who expressed the spirit of the generation of the 80s of the nineteenth century: “It seems to me that among the writers of each generation there is such a central personality, such a hero of his time, and he differs from his other brethren, in addition to talent , also mainly because literary activity and the personal life of such a writer amazingly coincide with each other, like two sides of one and the same phenomenon. The life of such a writer seems to be one of the poems created, and each of his poems seems to be a repetition of his life. Not only suffering and struggle, but also the death of such a writer seems not accidental, but necessary, as last scene a well-conceived tragedy... On March 19, 1888, anticipating the approach of madness, the writer threw himself into the flight of stairs of his house. Vsevolod Mikhailovich died in the hospital on March 24. In a nutshell, Chekhov expressed the reason for the death of Garshin: "Unbearable life!".


1. G.A. Byaly. Vsevolod Garshin. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1969.

2. G.I. Uspensky. Death of V.M. Garshin. - M., USSR Academy of Sciences, v. 11, 1952.

Private Vsevolod Mikhailovich I.E. Repin

1877 Portrait of Garshin 1884

The story of V. Garshin "Red Flower" tells about the heroic struggle - the struggle of the protagonist with universal evil. The embodiment of this evil for the madman was a bright red flower - a poppy flower.
It would seem, how can this beautiful plant remind of something terrible and evil? But the thoughts of a lunatic cannot be explained logically. In addition, the author emphasizes that often outwardly evil is beautiful, but this makes its essence more terrible.
So, the hero, who ended up in a madhouse, decided that the poppy bushes growing in the garden of the hospital were fraught with all the world's evil: this flower "absorbed all the innocently shed blood (that's why it was so red), all the tears, all the bile of humanity. It was a mysterious, terrible creature, the opposite of God, Ahriman, who assumed a modest and innocent look. And the hero decided that he needed to destroy this plant at all costs, otherwise the whole world would perish.
This man decided to sacrifice his life for the lives of others. For several days he hid poppy flowers on his chest - so that poisonous fumes hit only him, but not those around him. As a result, the hero dies - from exhaustion, physical and moral, which, of course, were the result of his mental illness.
But, it seems to me, with this tragic story, the author wants to say that the world is beautiful by those madmen who are able to give their lives in the name of the good of others. Thanks to them, cardinal changes are made, thanks to them, global catastrophes are prevented. Of course, such people are not always and not in everything right, but life on earth is impossible without them.

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  5. I consider the lily of the valley a miracle of nature. Each flower individually is a masterpiece that you can admire and admire. Yellowish-white bells of ideal shape on a thin green stem, rising among rather wide elongated leaves. It seems to touch them - and they will ring thinly, gently, announcing Read More ......
  6. A. S. Pushkin has amazing poem- "Flower". It is short and consists of several stanzas. The plot of the poem is simple: lyrical hero found in old book dried and forgotten by someone flower. And these petals that have lost their color raised a whole Read More ......
  7. Flower The poem “Flower” was written by Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky in 1811. The sight of a withered flower, which the author calls the momentary beauty of the fields, lonely and devoid of its former charm, gives rise to reflections on his life in his heart. Indeed, like the hand of autumn, cruelly depriving a flower of beauty, Read More ......
  8. The story is based on newspaper reports and eyewitness accounts of Russo-Japanese War. L. Andreev showed the “madness and horror” of any war through the irrational image of the Red Laughter, created by the painful fantasy of the protagonist, who is constantly in mental stress. Pay attention to the verbs, Read More ......
What is the red flower for the hero of the story? (according to the story by V. Garshin “The Red Flower”)

"Where I am? What happened with me?" - came to his mind.

Chapter 2

Oh, schob toby! .. - shouted the guard who entered.

What a toby bis help! Gritsko! Ivan!

Go shvidche, bo wine untied.

Chapter 6

“He was found dead in the morning. His face was calm and light; emaciated features with thin lips and deeply sunken eyes closed expressed some kind of proud happiness. When they put him on a stretcher,they tried to open their hand and take out a red flower. But his hand became stiff, and he took his trophy to the grave. So the hero died famous story Vsevolod Garshin (1855-1888).

Plot elements. The story has 6 chapters. In chapter 1 (tie pervaya) a new mental patient is taken to the hospital, he resists terrible force. He perceives all medical manipulations as torture, he sees in himself a Christian martyr for the faith, for example, St. George. In chapter 2 (development of the action), at night the patient woke up for a short while as a healthy person and fell asleep again. No wonder this chapter is the shortest. Chapter 3 (the second plot) contains a conversation between the patient and the doctor about freedom, then the madman sees poppy flowers in the hospital garden. Chapter 4 (development of the action) is filled with events: the fantasies of the hero, the first daytime attempt to pick a poppy, the second eveningearly attempt turned out to beL successful, frantic appetite, destruction of the flower. In chapter 5 (the first climax), we learn why the poppy needs to be destroyed: “All the evil of the world gathered in this bright red flower ... It was a mysterious, terrible creature, the opposite of God, Ahriman, who took on a modest and innocent look. You should have plucked it and killed it." Three days later the patient plucked the second Red flower. She is losing weight, sedatives (morphine) do not work. In chapter 6 (the second climax and denouement), a patient in a straitjacket is tied to a bed, torn, screaming about terrible danger, a watchman is assigned to him, at night the madman is released, picks the third flower, in the morning he was found dead.

Chronotope (time and place of the text).The action takes place in a hospital and a hospital garden, that is, in a closed horizontal space. Vertical space is open, because the madman connects himself with the sky: "I'm coming to you," he whispered, looking at the sky. It is no coincidence that the same-root words “moon, lunar” are repeated: “Behind the bushes, directly opposite the window, a high fence darkened, the high treetops of a large garden, drenched and imbued with moonlight, looked out from behind it. To the right rose the white building of the hospital, its iron-barred windows illuminated from within; on the left - a white, bright from the moon, deaf wall of the dead. Moonlight fell through the bars of the window into the room, onto the floor, and illuminated part of the bed and the exhausted, pale face of the patient with his eyes closed; there was nothing crazy about him now.”

Day and night are in opposition. During the day the hero is insane (chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6), at night in the first half of the story he feels healthy (chapters 2, 4). The images of the poppy (daily cheerfulness) and morphine ( night sleep). As you know, morphine is obtained from the juice of poppy heads - what an evil irony! The insane seeks to destroy the poppy (the source of the world's evil in his eyes), and the doctor injects him with a dose of morphine as a remedy.




Hospital for the mentally ill.

Bath room


Room in the hospital. Windows with iron bars. Near dead


Room in the hospital. “I live in all ages. I live without space, everywhere or nowhere, as you wish."

Hospital corridors, garden door.

Another day

Hospital garden, flower garden

Several days have passed.


Room in the hospital.

Hospital garden, flower garden.


Night. Day.

After three days.

Next day

Tied up in the room.


corpse in the room

Another day.



The main theme of the story is death.Just for the thought of death suggest strong positions of the text (beginning and end, repetitions, keywords). The name is "Red (symbol of blood) flower." Dedicated to the memory of the recently deceased Turgenev. The beginning of Chapter 1: “In the name of His Imperial Majesty, Sovereign Emperor Peter the Great, I announce an audit of this lunatic asylum!” End: "He was carried to his bed in unconsciousness, which passed into a deep, dead and long sleep." The beginning of chapter 2 (the shortest): "He woke up at night." End: "For a few moments he woke up in full memory, as if healthy, then to get out of bed in the morning the same madman." Beginning of chapter 3: “How do you feel? the doctor asked him the next day. End: "The patient hardly slept and spent whole days in continuous motion." Chapter 4 (the longest). Start: "He was aware that he crazy house; he even realized that he was ill. End: “He was trembling as if in a fever and convulsively clutching his chest, all saturated, as it seemed to him, with an unheard-of deadly poison.” Chapter 5 Start: "He didn't sleep all night." End: "However, I doubt that he survived." Chapter 6 Beginning: "They tied up the sick man." End: "But his hand went numb, and he took his trophy to the grave."

Death motive keywordsscattered throughout the text: “A place of secret execution, hell, why kill me, in mortal horror, cut off my head, a dead dream, a blank wall of the dead, grew thin every day, dead, killed, dead, poisonous, deadly breath, I will die, turned pale like death, suffocate, deadly poison, die, die, better death, a little alive, die, kill, died, death, stiffened, grave. If it goes on like this, he won't survive. If it goes on like this, he will die in two days. However, I doubt that he survived. I'm coming to you, he whispered, looking at the sky.

The hero of Garshin is proud,and pride, as you know, is a mortal sin and a spiritual disease. “He saw himself in some kind of magical, enchanted circle, which gathered all the power of the earth into itself, and in a proud frenzy considered himself to be the center of this circle.” “He hoped that by morning the flower would lose all its strength. His evil will pass into his chest, his soul, and there he will be defeated or won - then he himself will perish, die, but he will die as an honest fighter and as the first fighter of mankind, because until now no one has dared to fight all the evil of the world at once. . “What a toby bis help!” “His face was calm and light; emaciated features with thin lips and deeply sunken closed eyes expressed some kind of proud happiness. I also recall the thematic repetition associated with Russian emperor: "Peter the Great, Peter the Great, the Battle of Poltava." The madman perceives himself as the Christian savior of the world, almost a martyr, Saint George. He attaches a mystical meaning to the red cross on the hospital cap.

Symbols. Number 3. Three red flowers. “One of the most positive number-emblems in symbolism, religious thought, mythology and folklore. Can be seen as the interaction (sum) of duality and unity. Participates together with the four (the symbol of the corporeal) in the formation of the sacred seven (addition) and twelve (multiplication), in both cases representing the heavenly or the Spirit (soul).

Poppy. “The ancient Greeks considered the poppy an attribute not only of the god of sleep (Hypnos), but also of the god of death (Thanatos). It is known that the ancient Egyptians already had a sleeping potion prepared from poppies, who used it as a medicine and for this they cultivated even near the city of Thebes the same kind of poppy (Paraver somniferum), which we also cultivate. In our time, the healing properties of the poppy have receded, unable to withstand the competition with synthetic analgesics. And the deadly juice of this flower, opium, a source of heroin, morphine and others, came to the fore. the most dangerous drugs. But the flower is not to blame for anything. The people who have lost their sense of proportion, who do not feel the line between life and death, and sometimes just necrophiles, fans of Thanatos, are to blame.

Red color. “Among the experiences that red reflects, one can single out, on the one hand, love, passion, erotic beginning, inspiration, and, on the other hand, aggression, hatred and danger. It is believed that the choice of red is also associated with a tendency to self-realization. Most often, the red color evokes such associations as fiery, fire, fiery, hell, heat, blood, irritation. Red color has a variety of mental effects on a person. Often it causes excitement, anxiety, increases nervous tension. Raising the level of anxiety, it makes you pay more attention to the world around you. Being surrounded by red, a person intuitively tries to get out of it as quickly as possible.

Cross. "Cross - main character Christianity, which is an instrument of execution of the God-man Jesus Christ, on which he was crucified to atone for the sins of the world. The cross is a symbol sacrificial love the all-good God to fallen people, the all-conquering spiritual weapon of Christians, the foundation and focus of church life.

Dictionary. Ahriman (spirit of calamity) is the god of evil in the religion of ancient Iran founded by Zoroaster. A. - the source of evil, injustice, all in the red forces of nature; in every good undertaking, he can sow the seed of evil. All other evil spirits are subject to him.”

"Morphine - a colorless crystalline powder obtained from opium, bitter and poisonous; in small doses, it is an analgesic and sedative. Narcotic, analgesic, extracted from the milky juice of poppy heads. [From Morpheios, Greek god of sleep. mythology.]"

"George the Victorious- Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name. He suffered during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, after eight days of severe torment in 303 (304) he was beheaded.

"Palladium, palladium(ancient Greek παλλάδιον) - a sacred statue-amulet depicting Pallas Athena. It was a shrine and a talisman of the city in which it was kept. IN figuratively- a talisman, a sacred object that brings good luck to the owner (often the country).

"Dahlia. Dahlia is the Russian name for this flower. Its botanical name is Dahlia, it belongs to the aster family. Dahlias are a perennial tuberous plant with stems that die off by winter and powerful perennial tubers that have a supply of nutrients. Dahlia's homeland North America. These plants were well known to the Aztecs and Mayans."

Gleb Uspensky about the "Red Flower": “But after all, Garshin in his “Red Flower” managed to remember and keep in his attention the transitional moments not only of a painful state.

When we read such a thing as "The Red Flower", we, in addition to subtle observations of the symptoms mental illness, we see that the source of the suffering of a sick person is hidden in the conditions of the life around him, and that from there, from life, suffering entered his soul. We see that life has offended his sense of justice, grieved him, that the thought of life's unrighteousness is the main root of mental suffering, and that nervous breakdown, physical pain, physical suffering only complicate the intense work of a completely definite thought inspired by the impressions of living life. Thought grieved by life beats as it beats migrant with the wind, with the fog, it struggles with the symptoms of a physical illness, but it, this thought, like a bird knowing the purpose of its flight, is not distorted by these obstacles encountered on the path of its flight, but tries to break through them, rushing towards known target, in this case, to the abduction of a flower, to its destruction as a source of all evil. The mere circumstance that the mentally ill person focuses his attention not just on the flower, but on the red one, and that it is this color that reveals inseparable bond simply physical suffering with moral suffering, aroused by life, the impressions of the experienced, painted in this particular red, bloody color - this alone proves that the living impressions of real life, of a certain tone, quality, meaning and quality - have in mental disorder such a person as Garshin, which takes precedence over a physical disorder.

Extra-plot elements (portrait, landscape, interior, digressions)
Hero portrait. “He was terrible. Over the gray dress torn to shreds during a fit, a coarse canvas jacket with wide neckline fitted his camp; the long sleeves held his arms crosswise across his chest and were tied at the back. His inflamed, wide-open eyes (he had not slept for ten days) burned with a motionless, hot gleam; a nervous spasm twitched the edge of the lower lip; matted curly hair fell in a mane on the forehead.

Interior. “It was a large stone building of an old government building. Two large halls, one - a dining room, the other - a common room for calm patients, a wide corridor with a glass door overlooking a garden with a flower garden, and a dozen private rooms where the sick lived, occupied the lower floor; two dark rooms were immediately arranged, one upholstered with mattresses, the other with boards in which violent people were put, and a huge gloomy room with vaults - a bathroom. The top floor was occupied by women. Discordant noise, interrupted by howls and screams, rushed from there. The hospital was arranged for eighty people, but since she alone served in several surrounding provinces, up to three hundred were placed in it. There were four and five beds in the little closets; in winter, when the sick were not allowed into the garden and all the windows behind iron bars were tightly locked, the hospital became unbearably stuffy.

The new patient was taken to the room where the baths were placed. And on healthy person it could make a painful impression, and it acted all the more heavily on a disturbed, excited imagination. It was a large vaulted room with a sticky stone floor, lit by a single window in the corner; the walls and vaults were painted dark red oil paint; in the floor, blackened with dirt, two stone bathtubs were built into it, like two oval pits filled with water. A huge copper stove with a cylindrical boiler for heating water and a whole system of copper pipes and taps occupied the corner opposite the window; everything had an unusually gloomy and fantastic character for a frustrated head, and the caretaker in charge of the bathrooms, a fat, eternally silent crest, increased the impression with his gloomy physiognomy.

Scenery. “The corner of the garden is overgrown with dense cherry trees; alleys of elms stretched along it; in the middle, on a small artificial hill, was the most beautiful flower garden in the whole garden; bright flowers grew along the edges of the upper platform, and in its center flaunted a large, large and rare, yellow dahlia with red specks. It formed the center of the entire garden, rising above it, and it could be seen that many patients attached some mysterious significance to it. To the new patient, she also seemed something not quite ordinary, some kind of palladium of a garden and a building. All paths were also lined with the hands of the sick. There were all kinds of flowers found in little Russian gardens: tall roses, bright petunias, tall tobacco bushes with small pink flowers, mint, marigolds, nasturtiums and poppies. Immediately, not far from the porch, three poppy bushes of some special breed grew; it was much smaller than usual and differed from it in the unusual brightness of the scarlet color. This flower struck the patient when, on the first day after admission to the hospital, he looked into the garden through the glass door.

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