The works of Bunin of good blood are a summary. Bunin's short biography is the most important


"Rusya", summary which is given in this article, is included in the famous cycle of the writer about love "Dark Alleys". Bunin worked on stories in exile, living in France, but at the same time he wrote about Russia, which he greatly missed. Most of them were first published during the Second World War.

Bunin's story "Rusya", a summary of which you are now reading, begins with a description of the arrival of a train following the route "Moscow - Sevastopol" at a small station. In the most prestigious first-class carriage rides married couple. The wife leans on her husband's shoulder, and he looks thoughtfully out the window.

At this point, he begins to talk about how he once lived in this area on vacation. In one of the country estates, he then worked as a tutor. According to his memoirs, the area here was very boring, the large landowner's house was in disrepair and became very impoverished. A large garden was also launched, and a lake behind it, which eventually began to turn into a swamp. But the master still managed to roll a girl in a poor calico sundress on this lake.


In the story of Ivan Bunin "Rusya", a summary of which is presented in this article, it is said that full name this girl was Marusya. In the family, her name was simple - Rusey. She was an artist, a student at the Stroganov School of Painting. In the same places came to rest for the summer.

In the story "Rusya" Ivan Bunin describes how picturesque the heroine herself was. A powerful and long black braid, a swarthy face, which was decorated with dark moles, a nose correct form and curly hair. She was very similar to her mother, who was born an oriental princess. At the same time, Russia was almost always slow and melancholic.

Her father was a retired officer. Like his daughter, dry and silent, it was impossible to get an extra word out of him. True, there was also a brother. Unlike the rest of his relatives, he is sweet, cheerful and simple. He was just taught by the narrator in his youth.

His wife immediately asks him if he was in love with Russia in those years. He admits it. And in love without memory and reason. Rusya reciprocated his feelings, at least she thought so herself. Here the gentleman interrupts his story and offers to go to sleep. His companion now certainly wants to know how this story will end.

The husband says that it is simply trite. He left, and did not marry Rusa, because he had a premonition of a meeting with his current wife.

Memories of youth

In Bunin's story "Rusya", a summary of which you are now reading, it is described that the master's wife is falling asleep. And he himself smokes all night and remembers that summer.

In the story "Rusya" by Bunin I.A., the summary gives a complete picture of the plot, it is said that at first Rusya looked closely at the main character. Only then did she decide to speak. Soon she invited him to ride on the lake. True, the boat was rotten, with holes patched carelessly and one oar. But it didn't bother anyone.

During a river walk, the narrator asks Rusya to put her cap next to her, but instead she passionately presses it to her chest, saying that she will take care of it. At that moment, his heart fluttered. The walk ends with a long kiss.

The very next day in the garden they declare their love to each other. They agree on a date in the evening at the same place. The main thing is to be as careful as possible. Mother Rus closely watches her daughter.

date night

In Bunin's story "Rusya" (summary in the article) it is described that the girl came to the river bank with a blanket thrown over her arm. They got into the boat and went to the opposite shore.

That night they became close. The narrator threw the girl to the stern, and she, with her head clouded, embraced him frantically.

sad ending

This amazing romance ended in a week. The narrator was kicked out of the house in disgrace. It turned out that the half-witted mother of Rus' had been watching them all this time. IN Once again she found them when the young people were sitting in the drawing room after dinner, touching their heads. They looked at pictures in the old issues of the Neva magazine and talked about love.

Mad mother Rusi took an old pistol from her son. The boy loaded it only with gunpowder to shoot the sparrows. The woman shot the narrator and then hit him in the forehead with a pistol. After this, she loudly shouted that if her daughter ran away with him, then she promised to hang herself or throw herself off the roof the same day.

She forced Rusya to choose between herself and her beloved. The girl with tears in her eyes was forced to choose her mother.

Since then, about 20 years have passed. And now the narrator found himself in these places again. The next day, after breakfast, they go out for coffee. The wife notices that her husband adds too much cognac to the drink and admits that he still cannot forget his country girl and is sad. In response, the husband only sadly confirms these assumptions.

Story analysis

In Ivan Bunin's story "Rusya", a summary and analysis are given in this article, the author contrasts two worlds. The first is everyday and ordinary, in which the narrator now lives. The second is romantic and bright, built on the memories of his youth.

In the text of the story itself, one can observe how everything changes when love comes to the main character. The swamp lake and the crumbling house no longer seem like that to him, all his attention is turned to his beloved.

This a prime example Bunin's lyrical prose, in which the author's desire for an ideal is felt. in the story open final, the reader understands that something happened in the soul of the hero. But what exactly, it is up to him to determine.

To go to great inventions, starting from the most insignificant beginnings, and to see what can be hidden under the first and childish appearance amazing art, - this is not a matter of dozens of minds, but only the thought of a superman can do it.

The great writer, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, was born on October 22, 1870 in Voronezh. Alexey Nikolaevich Bunin, the writer's father, belonged to the ancient noble family. The writer's mother, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Bunina (Chubarova), also had ancient noble roots. Despite this, the Bunin family lived very modestly, since Alexei Nikolayevich was an avid gambler and wine lover, squandering both his fortune and that of his wife. In 1873, the Bunins moved to a nominal estate on the Butyrki farm (Oryol region). The education of the future writer was carried out by a home tutor, who taught him the first lessons in reading and writing. Bunin pines summary Special interest Ivan Alekseevich did not show for studies, although he always liked to read books. In 1881, at the age of 11, the boy entered the Yelets Gymnasium, which he had to leave five years later, as his parents did not have the means to pay. further education son. Back in native home, under the guidance of his older brother Ivan, Bunin passed the entire program of the gymnasium, and eventually the program of the university.

At the age of 17, Ivan Alekseevich wrote the first poems in which he imitated the work of Lermontov and Pushkin. In 1887, the first debut of the young poet in print took place. His work was published in the magazine "Motherland". A year later, Bunin's poems were taken for publication in the publication "Books of the Week", where the works of Shchedrin, Tolstoy and Polonsky were published.

Since 1889, having moved to Orel, Bunin began independent life. In Orel, the first collections of the writer are published: “Under open sky”, “Poems”, “Leaf fall”. Then, after the publication in 1900 of the work “ Antonov apples”, and the first fame comes. Bunin got married here, but the marriage did not last long, after which, in 1906, Ivan Alekseevich entered into civil relations with Vera Muromtseva, niece of the Chairman of the State Duma Russian Empire first convocation. At first family life the spouses traveled a lot in the eastern countries, visiting Egypt, Syria, Palestine and other countries of the East. The couple officially registered their relationship only in 1922. In 1909, the writer was recognized as an academician fine word, and two years later Bunin received the title of honorary member of the Society of Lovers of Literature, which he headed in 1914.

The writer perceives the revolution of 1917 very negatively, which makes him emigrate abroad to France. In Paris, the writer leads an active public and political life, giving lectures and collaborating with Russian political organizations, although due to his nature he hardly finds " mutual language with prominent representatives of the Russian emigration.

Far from home came the most famous works writer: "Mitya's Love", "The Life of Arseniev", " Sunstroke"and others. During the Second World War, Bunin categorically refuses all contacts with the Nazis, having moved in 1939 to Grasse (Alpes Maritimes), where he spent the entire war, actively interested in the fate of his abandoned homeland. Bunin pines summary During the war years, Bunin wrote the series "Dark Alleys", which became a new trend not only in the work of the writer himself, but throughout Russian literature. In 1945, the Bunin family returned to Paris.

For all the time of emigration, Bunin spoke more than once about his desire to return to his homeland, but, despite the decree of the USSR government allowing him to fulfill his dream, Ivan Alekseevich never returned to Russia. This was partly influenced by the persecution of A. Akhmatova and M. Zoshchenko. The writer died in enough old age November 8, 1953, leaving a great contribution to Russian literature. Bunin pines summary

There are people who are destined to be fools: they do stupid things not only for own will but also by the will of fate.

The story is written in the first person. Dmitriy, main character, already matured by the time of the story, recalls the events that happened to him at the age of twelve. At that time, Mitya was resting on summer holidays to the villages of his elderly uncle. Every morning Mitya, together with her cousins ​​Petya and Leva, went to watch the dawn. And during one of these walks, Leva told Mitya that he knew everything about his love for the neighbor girl Sasha, who was two years older than him. In addition, Leva said that Sasha had left the village in the evening of the previous day for the city gymnasium. Mitya Levino's confession both upset and angered him, he quarreled with his brothers and went home, thinking about Sasha.

A few days before his departure, Mitya met with Sasha, wanting to confess his sympathy to her, but he failed to do this, because young Mitya was embarrassed under the pressure of Sasha's questions. But Mitya was pleased that before leaving, the girl kissed him on the cheek, and now, before leaving, he wanted to "finally" explain himself to Sasha. However, her departure from the village meant that young heroes not see you until next summer.

Returning to his uncle's house, Mitya fell into thought and "tender, poetic" longing, it seemed to him that he had never been so sad and lonely. Mitya spent the whole day in this state, and in the evening the decision came to him to go to the city the next day under the pretext of buying books. The real purpose of his trip was to meet Sasha.

The next morning Mitya announced his trip to his uncle. However, he, being a man of a difficult temper, refused him a separate horse, and Mitya had to go to the city with his uncle. Mitya was terribly upset by this, but he was not going to give up his goal. The road turned out to be long and hard, besides, in the city, my uncle had a lot of things to do, and Mitya was forced to spend the whole day waiting in a cart. In the evening, Mitya still managed to persuade his uncle to go to women's gymnasium, however, he again had to come up with a story about a book that needs to be given to Sasha so that she would give it to Leva's men's gymnasium (at that time Petya and Leva were already in the city too). Uncle remained waiting in the cart around the corner, while Mitya went into the gymnasium, asked for Sasha, and began to wait impatiently.

Soon Sasha left, and only the young people began to talk, when my uncle entered and reproachfully said that, without waiting for Mitya, he drove up to the very entrance of the gymnasium. Mitya felt ashamed of their old dilapidated cart, over which Sasha and her schoolgirl friends laughed. The uncle promised to flog his nephew for lying.

That same evening, Mitya, leaving his uncle's house, was driving to the station. His soul was empty and there was not even a hope of ever visiting his uncle again and seeing Sasha - his first love.

It happened in a remote mountainous area in southern Spain.

It was a June night, there was a full moon, a small moon stood at its zenith, but its light, slightly pinkish, as happens on hot nights after brief daytime showers, so common at the time of lily bloom, still so brightly illuminated the passes of low mountains covered with undersized southern forest that the eye clearly distinguished them to the very horizons.

A narrow valley ran between these passes to the north. And in the shadow of their heights on one side, in the dead silence of this desert night, a mountain stream roared monotonously and mysteriously floated and floated, steadily fading and steadily flashing now with amethyst, now with topaz, flying fireflies, lucioli. Opposite hills receded from the valley, and an ancient rocky road ran along the lowlands below them. It seemed just as ancient on it, on this lowland, and that stone town, where, at this rather late hour, a bay stallion rode at a pace, crouching on the front right leg, a tall Moroccan in a wide white wool burnous and a Moroccan fez.

The town seemed dead, abandoned. Yes, he was. The Moroccan drove first along a shady street, between the stone shells of houses, gaping black voids where windows had been, with wild gardens behind them. But then he drove out into a bright square, on which there was a long pond with a canopy, a church with a blue statue of the Madonna above the portal, several houses that were still inhabited, and in front, already at the exit, an inn. There, on the lower floor, the small windows were lit, and the Moroccan, already dozing, woke up and pulled on the reins, which made the limping horse thump cheerfully on the bumpy stones of the square.

At this knock, a small, skinny old woman, who could be mistaken for a beggar, came out on the threshold of the inn, a round-faced girl of about fifteen, with bangs on her forehead, in espadrilles on her bare feet, in a light dress the color of faded wisteria, jumped out, a huge black woman lying at the threshold rose a dog with a smooth coat and short, erect ears. The Moroccan dismounted near the threshold, and the dog immediately leaned forward, flashing its eyes and baring its terrible white teeth as if in disgust. The Moroccan waved his whip, but the girl warned him:

Negro! she called loudly in fright, “what is the matter with you?

And the dog, lowering its head, slowly moved away and lay down, with its muzzle to the wall of the house.

Moroccan said in bad Spanish greeting and began to ask if there was a blacksmith in the city - tomorrow you need to examine the horse's hoof - where you can put it for the night and if there is food for it, and for him some kind of supper? The girl looked with lively curiosity at his great stature and his small, very swarthy face, eaten away by smallpox, and looked apprehensively at the black dog, which lay quietly, but as if offended, the old woman, hard of hearing, hastily answered in a loud voice: there is a blacksmith, the worker is sleeping on barnyard next to the house, but she will wake him up and let go of the fodder for the horse, as for food, then let the guest not exact: you can fry scrambled eggs with bacon, but from dinner there was only a few cold beans and vegetable stew ... And half an hour later, having handled the horse with the help of a worker, an eternally drunken old man, the Moroccan was already sitting at the table in the kitchen, greedily eating and drinking greedily yellowish white wine.

The inn house was old. Its lower floor was divided by a long passage, at the end of which there was a steep staircase to the upper floor, into two halves: to the left a spacious, low room with bunks for the simplicity of the people, to the right an equally spacious, low kitchen and at the same time a dining room, all along the ceiling and along walls densely smoked with smoke, with small and very deep windows due to the very thick walls, with a hearth in the far corner, with rough bare tables and benches near them, slippery with time, with uneven stone floors. There was a kerosene lamp burning in it, hanging from the ceiling on a blackened iron chain, it smelled of firebox and burnt tallow, - the old woman made a fire on the hearth, warmed up the sour stew and fried eggs for the guest while he ate cold beans, poured with vinegar and green olive oil. He did not undress, did not take off his burnous, sat with his legs wide apart, shod in thick leather shoes, over which they were narrowly grasped up to the ankles. wide pants from the same white wool. And the girl, helping the old woman and serving him, was frightened every now and then from his quick, sudden glances at her, from his bluish whites, which stood out on a dry and pockmarked dark face with narrow lips. He was already terrifying to her. Very tall, he was wide from the burnous, and the smaller his head seemed in the fez. in its corners upper lip curly black hair. The same ones curled up here and there on the chin. The head was slightly thrown back, which made a large Adam's apple in olive skin stick out especially. Silver rings were white on thin, almost black fingers. He ate and drank and was silent all the time.

Love is a feeling about which in Russian classical literature a lot has been said. Some of the authors touched on the topic of love in passing. But there were also those who boldly went to meet her, devoting their work to her mysterious and incomprehensible sides. The most mysterious and ambiguous human emotions are dedicated to love. The list of these works is a gallery of beautiful poetic stories, which, as a rule, have a sad and touching outcome.

"Dark alleys"

The problem of love in Bunin's stories lies in the transience and inconstancy of this feeling. tragic story love becomes when feelings were fleeting for one of its participants. So, in the story "Dark Alleys" an elderly military man, accidentally stopping by, meets his former love there, which he does not immediately recognize. Many years have passed since their last meeting. She became the mistress of the inn, a hard and cold woman. But she wasn't always like that. She was made so by unrequited feelings for Nikolai Alekseevich - that same military man, her random guest. The man who brutally abandoned her thirty years ago.

In his youth, he read to her the lyrical poems "Dark Alleys", and she called him Nikolenka. Now he admits that he was not happy for a minute of his life. But nothing can be corrected, and Nikolai Alekseevich leaves the inn with a heavy heart and with vague, disturbing memories.


The motive of love in Bunin's stories is often associated with betrayal, which leads a person to tragic ending. In the story "Caucasus", on the one hand, the happiness of two lovers is shown. On the other hand - the tragedy of a deceived husband. Little is said about him in this story. The reader only knows that he is a tough and determined man. In the eyes of a frivolous wife, he appears as a hindrance and an annoying obstacle to happiness. But at the moment when the lovers are exhausted from passion, this "hard man" realizes that he has been betrayed and commits suicide.

Bunin describes the emotions of the deceived husband and his death sparingly and dispassionately. The happy experiences of the wife and her lover are depicted against the backdrop of a colorful southern landscape. This literary device creates a sharp contrast between happiness and tragedy, which are generated equally by love.


About how unattainable human happiness can be, they tell how impossible better stories Bunin about love. The summary of the story "Step" gives the impression of a familiar plot. But art forms, characteristic of the author, allow you to see in classical history about the "poor dishonored girl" new shades.

The young merchant Dyers, having driven into a room familiar to him, finds the master's daughter alone. The father went to the city. The merchant, taking advantage of the situation, approaches the girl. For him, this story is an entertaining adventure, which he safely forgets after two days. For her - the hope of happiness. The story does not show the tragedy of a simple girl. Only her hopes and dreams are present here, creating the opposite of the protagonist's indifference and frivolity.


The world of men and the world of women in Ivan Bunin are in constant antagonism. Bunin's narrative is characterized by a sharp change in the life circumstances of the hero, which is not the result of any events. Changes in the life of the character occur under the influence of his feelings for a woman, who often has the image of a selfish and eccentric nature. To the question of what kind of love in Bunin's stories does not have a sad ending, the answer can be unambiguous: there is no such love. The writer did not pay attention to the life-affirming power of this feeling.

The main character will not suffer a fatal fate, which is how Bunin's stories about love often end. A summary of the misadventures of the protagonist of the short story "Muse" is reduced to a description life together with the beloved and separation from her, which comes as suddenly as the meeting. An unexpected separation leads him into confusion, causes a feeling of emptiness.

The story is told in the first person. Main character takes painting lessons, but does not show in fine arts any abilities. From a short introduction that precedes the acquaintance with the heroine, who has the symbolic name Muse, the reader concludes that the narrator is not a strong-willed person. He is unable to influence the course of events in his life. One day the Muse comes to him, draws him along, his life changes. But when the girl-muse loses interest in him, another, equally weak-willed character takes his place.

"Late Hour"

Bunin's prose is characterized by the catastrophic nature of life, the feeling of loneliness and the illusory nature of happiness. Undoubtedly, these traits are the result of difficult fate author, although there are no direct autobiographical references in his work.

In the years when the story "The Late Hour" was written, the writer was abroad. The work is dedicated to the memories of a long-past love that accompany the author during his journey through hometown. Passing over the bridge, the bazaar and the Monastery Square, he restores the lost images in his memory. Past and present merge into one. This whole becomes the awareness of the perishability of all life on earth. The logical conclusion of the city tour is the cemetery. In the story, it is a symbol of the fragility of love. In this cemetery is the grave of a beloved. An analysis of Bunin's stories about love allows us to see the connection between the writer's lyrical motives and nostalgia and awareness of the frailty of life.


Tragic love in Bunin's stories is not always beautiful. And sometimes it can be compared rather with animal passion, which can only be experienced by an extremely narcissistic and selfish person. In the center of the story "Fool" is a very immoral and hypocritical person.

The master's son spends the summer with his parents. As a student of the theological seminary, he shows brilliant success in his studies. At the same time, his spiritual and moral world exceptionally poor. Taking advantage of the unresponsiveness of the foolish cook, he took possession of her: "She couldn't even scream out of fear." The impunity of these actions led the young man to repeat them more than once. In the end, the cook gave birth to a boy. But the sight of the child, as well as the appearance of the "fool" herself, depressed the master's son, and he ordered her to be driven out of the yard. Since then, she wandered the streets with her son, asking for alms "for Christ's sake."

The hypocrisy and cruelty of the main character acquire a particularly strong effect because he has a spiritual dignity, is a minister of the church. The story is simple, but thanks to unique style Ivan Bunin causes the reader strong feelings. The wanderings of a young mother are not complemented by tearful emotions, but are described very briefly and concisely. The author says only a few words about the child: "He was ugly, but when he smiled, he was very sweet."


This story from the collection "Dark Alleys" tells about mutual passion. A young student is visiting his close relatives. Uncle is a general chained to In his house young man boring and sad. Out of boredom, he indulges in fantasies, compares himself with Pushkin's Onegin. But he does not correct the pillows for the general and does not bring medicine. These duties lie with the nurse, a fine young lady.

Passion is born at first sight. But the student cannot meet the girl. She is somewhere close, her room is behind the wall, but still the girl is not yet available. One fine day she appears in his room, and the next morning the general's nephew meets her in her bed. The connection is instantly discovered, and the young woman has no choice but to leave the estate. What did this fleeting relationship become for her? Passion? In love? The features of Bunin's stories about love are, first of all, understatement and mystery. For some questions, the reader has to find answers himself.

"Business Cards"

Diverse palette human feelings reflect Bunin's love stories. List love stories include stories about a fateful feeling, and about selfish passion, and about fleeting attraction. Relations with random companions are discussed in the story "Business Cards".

He - famous writer. She is a poor simple-hearted girl. Her husband, in her own words, is a kind and completely uninteresting person. The feeling that life is wasted pushes the young woman on love adventures. Her naivety and inexperience touch and attract the writer. The life of this woman is so monotonous and gray that after meeting and briefly communicating with a beautiful and famous person she is ready to indulge in simple, unromantic debauchery in order to give her existence at least some bright colors. What is happening in her cabin. At the end of the story, she appears before the reader in a different form: "quiet, with lowered eyelashes."

Zoya and Valeria

Bunin devotes stories about love to an all-consuming and sometimes deadly feeling. List of characters dark alleys” is not easy to compose, as many of them are faceless. In the foreground in the stories of this cycle is not a person with characteristic appearance and habits, but the feeling that governs his actions. Georges Levitsky is one of the few characters who is not without a name and appearance.

He is thoughtful, melancholy, slovenly. Love comes to him not with the appearance of the chosen one, but much earlier. He is waiting for this feeling, but to whom it will be addressed, at the beginning of the story, he does not yet know. Whether it will be the daughter of a colleague Georges, or a distant relative, it does not matter. The important thing is that one day Valeria appears, and it is on her that this nervous and sensual character directs all his strength of experience. Valeria, like many other Bunin heroines, is impartial and cold. Her indifference prompts the protagonist of the story "Zoyka and Valeria" to commit suicide.


Some of Bunin's love stories have a hidden historical background. The list of stories dedicated to happiness is supplemented by the story "Tanya". Here we are talking about the love between a small landowner's maid and a certain young man. All that is known about him is that Tanya affectionately called him Petrusha and he led a disorderly and wandering life. One autumn night, he took possession of her. At first, this girl was frightened, but later the fear faded into the background, and in its place, attachment began to grow and develop. But they were not destined to be together. Their last meeting took place in February of the terrible seventeenth year.

"In Paris"

In emigration, people, more than ever, experience a feeling of melancholy and loneliness. It was in this atmosphere that Bunin's love stories were created. The list of works of those years includes the short story "In Paris". The protagonist is a former officer of the Russian army, forced to leave his homeland. In a small Russian restaurant, he meets a waitress - a woman of Russian origin. The fates of these two people are crippled by the revolution. They are united by loneliness, the desire to love and be loved. The life of these characters, so alien against the backdrop of the Parisian cityscape, makes sense again. But Bunin's love cannot last long. It, like a flash, lights up and goes out again. The protagonist of the story "In Paris" suddenly dies in a subway car.


In this story, Ivan Bunin created an image of the Don Juan type. In the center of the story is the writer Glebov. His life is full of lies. He is surrounded by women, but does not feel affection for them. With the exception of one - a translator and journalist who writes under the pseudonym Heinrich. But even with this lady, he is insincere when he tells her that she is only for him true friend and understanding interlocutor. In reality, Glebov is seized with jealousy. After all, Heinrich also has a person to whom she lies and whom she uses in her integrity. The culmination is a small newspaper article, from which the main character learns about the death of his beloved. An analysis of Bunin's love stories demonstrates a special Bunin style. Poetic art style, with which the author conveys the emotions of lovers, contrasts with the dry newspaper style that reports the death of the heroine of this story. A similar technique is found in other works of Bunin.

Motives for separation and death

"Dark and Gloomy Alleys" contains love in Bunin's stories. The author himself spoke briefly about these works in this spirit. Hence the name famous cycle. The life of the heroes of Ivan Bunin takes on meaning only with the advent of a deep feeling. But love in his works is fleeting and tragic character. As a rule, relationships between a man and a woman end in death or separation. Such a pessimistic view is due to the personal tragedy of the author, who was forced to be alone for many years abroad.

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