Russian people as they see them. Those mysterious Russians


Russian is one of the most complex languages. Those who learn it as a foreign language are looking for clues: for which words you can fall in love with Russian, for which you cannot find an analogue in mother tongue, the meaning of which words is easy to guess. Orientation as best they can wonderful world Cyrillic, conjugations and cases. We unearthed the strangest and most interesting life hacks of those for whom Russian is not native.

Just add "-ow"

When I got tired and forgot all my lexicon, just throw "-ovate" at the end of any English verb“and pray to the gods of cross-cultural communication,” writes 29 Things You Will Only Understand If You Studied English BuzzFeed journalist Susie Armitage, who studied Russian.

If "start" is a real word, then the possibilities are endless.

Susie Armitage

"Y" as the sound of a blow to the stomach

Some sounds are especially difficult for foreigners. The French, for example, learn to pronounce "x" from scratch. There is no such sound in their language, and instead of the words familiar to us, “kleb”, “korovod” and “kalva” are obtained. It’s hard for everyone to give “y”. “Imagine that you have just been kicked in the stomach, then you get the perfect Russian“ y ”,” Professor Armitage taught the American.

“Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y!" you howl like a bunch of drunken sea lions.

Susie Armitage

Three friends who will drive you crazy: "h", "sh" and "u"

"For what?" and "For what?" - about such questions are asked by people who first get acquainted with Russian consonants. It is easy to confuse "sh", "u" and "h" when the sounds are new to you, and as a result, native speakers do not understand you at all. You need the Shukhovskaya tower, asked for directions, as best you could, arrived at the Schukinskaya station. This is the norm.

What do you mean? Open "box"? Ah, the box.

Susie Armitage

Cases teach humility

Everyone who learns Russian goes through levels of humility. It looks like this: first you learn, then you learn more, then you learn a little more, you start to feel confident, and then you make mistakes in cases. The only way to stay calm and carry on is to learn humility.

Six synonyms for to go

Sophisticated test for foreign student- write a short story about a walk around the city. In order to tell it, you have to use six different verbs instead of native to go: "to go", "to go", "to leave", "to bypass", "to pass" and "to enter". To indicate the scale of the tragedy, let us recall that in Russian the glass is on the table, and the fork lies.

Armitage says that written texts in Russian have a special status for a foreigner. First, no matter how hard you try to write beautifully, it will turn out like a third grader. Secondly, you still won’t be able to read handwritten texts by native speakers for quite a long time. Thirdly, most likely, you will become much worse at writing by hand in your native language. Enchanted circle.

Polite expressions seem rude to Russians

For carriers in English it seems strange that their usual way of asking for something, like ordering in a cafe ( I would like a cup of coffee, please. - “I would like a cup of coffee, please.”) seems rude to native Russian speakers, as if the person is putting on airs.

Instead of "Could you pass me the salt, please", foreigners learn to speak imperative moods: Pass me the salt, please. Russians who learn English suffer from being seen as rude by native English speakers.

The harmless "Pass me the salt, please" in English sounds like an ultimatum: "Pass me the salt, please."

"Pee" and "write" - a trap for a beginner

The sphere of the Russian language for a foreigner is a hotbed awkward situations. Because of the consonance of the words "circumcision" and "education", the bizarre change of stress in the word "write" depending on the meaning, many newcomers catch a smile on themselves when talking with Russians. Of course, you can understand what is meant, but it is difficult to resist chuckles.

If you want to be understood, pronounce English words with an accent

Western brands, penetrating the Russian market, begin a new linguistic life. Most a prime example- Nike. For decades, we bought Nike sneakers, while everyone in the US, UK and other countries called the company Nike. It is curious that in the cinema in Russian dubbing, the translators still leaned towards the folk version.

In order to order Sprite or Long Island in a Russian bar, writes Armitage, you need to name drinks with a hard Russian accent, otherwise they will not understand. Well, or just point the finger, often it makes life much easier. It is also difficult for many English speakers to realize that all their lives they have incorrectly called the main alcoholic drink from Russia and said "vadka".

Take care of others - call yourself in Russian

“If you call your name the way you used to do it, in Russia they will not understand you or they will still speak incorrectly,” Susie Armitage complains. It's especially hard, she notes, for people with names like Seth or Ruth. Ruth? Rude? What?! How right?!

"Yacht club", "copier" and "body shaming" as a big hello from home

There are many borrowings from English in Russian and simply similar words: we really start, finish, flirt and invest. There are especially many such words that have recently come into use: “post”, “google”, do “drawing”. Therefore, when a student studying Russian, after cramming cases and stresses, stumbles upon this, his soul becomes a little calmer.

Beloruchka and lawlessness: words and their unique meanings

Many concepts familiar to us seem strange to foreigners, albeit accurate. They cannot find synonyms for them in own language. Business Insider Leads 9 Incredibly Useful Russian Words With No English Equivalent a few such words: “longing”, “vulgarity”, “being”, “lawlessness”, “why”, “dry”, “white hand”.

"Slippers" as a reason to fall in love with the Russian language

Many touchingly perceive new words when they begin to learn Russian. Someone seems charming "front garden" instead of garden, for someone - a “pillow”, which is under the ear, and an “eye”. Katherine Sperling for Babbel foreign language magazine told 8 Russian Words We Should Be Using In English about which of them sunk into her soul.

In the first place - "slippers". On the background English version house slippers our word contains something more.

The very sound "top-top-top", heard when you walk, is even in their name and refers to the verb "stomp". Therefore, the word "slippers" has crept into my speech when I speak English or German.

Katherine Sperling

Following the "slippers" - "hedgehog". In English, these animals are called rigidly: "hedgehogs" ( hedgehogs). There is no diminutive form for them, often the word is added for this little, and it turns out cuter: "little hedgehog." But, says Sperling, the affectionate “hedgehog” perfectly reflects appearance animal.

Multifaceted word "so"

“So” has special magic - an adverb, a union, a particle and an introductory word in one person. Sperling notes that the short "so" contains many tones. Need a minute to think - say "so". If you want to seem formidable - say "so". Do you want to pay attention to the problem? "So"!

"So" I learned from my husband's grandmother. I still don't speak Russian fluently enough, so our communication often goes downhill. When we both decide to give up, she says "so", which means "It's okay, at least we both agree that it's useless to try to explain it any further." When we understand each other, she also says "so", that is: "Yeah, great." A word for all occasions, that's why I like it.

Katherine Sperling

No, probably

In addition to the fact that the passage itself from “yes, no, probably” can drive a meticulous person crazy, a foreigner needs to cope with commas in it. But those who, learning Russian, take its tricks into service and begin to use them themselves get special pleasure. A foreigner who has learned to say “yes, no, probably” appropriately is already almost a carrier.

And what surprises you in the Russian language? Share in the comments.

You can deceive a Russian only if you are good at it. According to foreigners, partners from Russia are concentrated, very straightforward and skeptical people. Negotiating with them is not an easy task.

Firstly, before doing business with Russians, a foreigner must delve into. It would not be superfluous to acquire the ability to recognize, which in Russia are diverse. However, even in this case, many pitfalls remain.

How do foreigners see business negotiations with Russians, and what do guests not recommend doing? Faktrum figured out the tricky question business relations between domestic and foreign businessmen.

Features of negotiations: bargain. Sometimes it works. It is best to bargain in the area retail goods. However, even here it is difficult to find a Russian seller who will agree to lower the price. Trying to outplay businessmen from Russia is not worth it at all. First, they always know when a foreigner is bluffing. Secondly, they have a disarming method - to get up and leave right during the negotiations. So the foreigner will either accept the terms or there will be no deal. According to foreign guests, the ability to bargain is in the blood of Russians.

Business communication without idle chatter. Russian businessmen are always in a hurry somewhere. Thus, distracted chatter during business negotiations is perceived negatively. Few people will support a conversation, say, about art or politics at a meeting. Russians love specifics. Most likely, you will win over a businessman if you directly ask him what he wants and how much he is willing to pay.

Temperament of Russians: incredulous skeptics. Negotiations with the Russian, most likely, will end with the signing of some paper. It's not that Russians are passionate about writing everything down. Foreigners note that contracts and written commitments help businessmen from Russia feel safe. Words that are not backed up by the signature of the parties are worthless in their eyes. Besides, Russians don't like to be deceived. Therefore, each meeting, as a rule, is accompanied by the signing of dozens of papers: contracts, agreements, checks. This habit, by the way, is extremely annoying for foreign partners.

Forms of business communication: spectacular disappearance. A Russian businessman suddenly disappeared during negotiations? Most likely, the tacon wanted to say “no” to his foreign colleague. Then he may not answer calls and letters for a long time. Foreigners see this feature as a paradox: a Russian can directly say what he wants, but sometimes he prefers to disappear without a trace. Without a doubt, it is rude to leave a business relationship in English. However, in some cases it is easier for Russians to disappear than to refuse.

Do not be deceived by wealth and Russian eloquence. According to foreigners, the status of an interlocutor in business negotiations in Russia plays almost a key role. A Russian businessman can vividly talk about the achievements of the company and at the same time look very presentable. It bribes unprepared foreigners. After the conclusion of the contract, it may turn out that the office of the leading company is located on the outskirts of Moscow. But the contract has already been signed.

Temperament of Russians: they harness for a long time, but they go fast. When doing business with Russians, this saying takes on real meaning. The final meeting with the signing of the contract may be preceded by lengthy telephone conversations and correspondence. A foreign partner comes with the idea that the deal is in your pocket. But it was not there. The meeting can drag on for hours. During the negotiations, the Russians will want to discuss all the conditions in detail again. A foreign partner can only be patient.

"The beauty of a Russian woman is the incalculable capital of the country." So he spoke about our compatriots French author, Alexander Lats. What do foreigners think about us, and how true is this?

A victim of patriarchy

In Russia, women are still dominated by men. This is how they see our social structure"weaker sex" of Europe.

In the West, the attitude towards women and the position of the woman herself is very different from the Russian reality. There, emancipation dominates not only "on paper", but also in public opinion. It is not customary to pay for a woman, hold the door, give way or help with heavy bags. And not because men "revenge" the weaker sex for feminism, but because it can offend a woman and result in a serious misunderstanding.

European women are quite satisfied with this position. Looking at the order in Russia, where it is customary to “take care of the weaker sex”, they are perplexed why our compatriots still do not declare a revolution and overthrow male chauvinism. However, as Anna-Lena Lauren, a Finnish journalist who has worked in Russia for several years, noted: “Apparently, Russia’s most carefully guarded secret is this: women are not dumber or weaker than men - on the contrary. But no one told the men about it.”

The woman is the head of the family

The previous stereotype has and back side. Many foreigners, especially men who happened to for a long time live in Russia and have the opportunity to observe the way of a simple Russian family, they say - "a hidden matriarchy reigns in Russia."

This paradigm is correct, but only partly. It is on the woman in most cases that the whole economy rests. Even where a man has reached a dead end, a woman still has to find a way out - after all, it is she who is responsible for the house and family. But the last word still often remains for the stronger sex.

Russian woman cooks well...

Every Russian woman good hostess who perfectly knows how to cook borscht. If she does not know the recipe for this "mysterious dish", then she is not from Russia at all, but simply pretends to be. The stereotype that all Russian women do nothing but cook, at the same time fat, plentiful and a lot, is very popular, especially among Americans. They can be understood most of American women do not know how to cook at all, except perhaps to heat it up in the microwave. But unfortunately, in many cities of Russia this stereotype has not been relevant for a long time.

...and drinks a lot of vodka

Regardless of gender, if from Russia, then he definitely drinks vodka. And he does it in large numbers. If not, then as in the case of borscht, he/she is definitely not from Russia.

Russian women lack self-confidence

Both in my career and in everyday life. Even HR specialists point out that Russian women, being ideal candidates, will always apply for a vacancy below, and they will still need to be convinced that they deserve higher positions. And if they think that they are not suitable for some requirements, then they will not send a resume at all. The same is true "on the road" - women drive a priori worse than men. Why? Because "everyone says so".

The most beautiful

Russian girls are the most beautiful, stylish and desirable in the world. Usually this is what foreigners say when asked about Russian women. Slavic appearance, of course, is very popular in the West, but it does not put beauties from Russia head and shoulders above the rest. In Russia, it is customary to take care of yourself, and appearance is the key to success. In Europe, on the contrary, feminism dictates careless attitude to appearance. A beautiful and well-groomed woman is perceived as a "stupid woman". At least, this is what the French author Alexander Lats said about the introduction of his compatriots, comparing them with Russians: “In France, the average young woman believes that not taking care of herself is the most The best way attract a man who will appreciate her personality and mind. Thus, European feminism has deprived everyday life beauty and eroticism.

Russian woman is pragmatic

A Russian woman is often described as mercenary and insensitive, with a purse for a heart, and "as empty of brains as her hair appears to be blond and smooth." This stereotype developed in the 90s, when thousands of beauties from countries former Union rushed across the opened borders to look for a beautiful and stable life in the West. The idea that marriage to a foreigner, whatever he may be, is better than life in Russia has led to more than one personal tragedy and formed in America and Europe a clear conviction that Russian women are ready for anything to get a European citizenship. The attitude towards them has developed accordingly. Even today, if you have a visa at the border, you have to explain to officers that the main objective trips - business or tourism, and not the search for the second half.

Is it interesting for everyone to know what a neighbor, colleague, boss, boss, passer-by thinks about you, salesman, waiter, your child's teacher, kindergarten teacher, etc.? Most likely, you don’t care, or you didn’t ask such a question, or you have more important things to do, or, what’s the difference .... But what do they think about us in general and how foreigners, in particular Italians, see us , this is interesting. Let's look, read, compare, laugh, be indignant, agree, or smile... It's up to you!

Russian people

Russians have a very clear division of all people into two groups: acquaintances and strangers. And with each category, they will behave in exactly the opposite way. If you are a friend, acquaintance or relative, then you become like a new member of the family: they feed you, leave you to spend the night, tell your problems, help with money, etc. Sometimes even that is too much. However, if you are a stranger, then you cannot smile on the street, ask for help - they are unlikely to help, they will push you in transport and will not think to apologize. The faces of everyone in the streets are gloomy and grey.

Russians and status

I noticed that Russian people have a very big problem with self-confidence. Everyone is trying to show that he is more than he really is. If he works in an office, then he is necessarily called a manager, if he has his own company, even with 1-2 employees, then he is sure to CEO. Nobody is happy with their job - everyone wants to build a career and earn as much as possible more money. Money for Russians is everything. Everyone just lives this idea - earn, earn, earn ...
And surprisingly, no one wants to pay for anything.
In Italy, it is believed that you are given services or goods in proportion to what you paid. And nobody wants more. For Russians, it’s like this: he paid, let’s say, 50 euros for a service, but he wants to be rendered services as if he had paid a million euros. Russians also don’t like to pay for anything - they try to get everything for free. This, ranging from programs on the Internet, which everyone downloads for free, to train tickets, where women in mink coats running from car to car from the controllers.
In Russia, the name of your position is very important - the attitude of the people around you depends on it. If you are a simple electrician, then most likely you are nobody in Russia. But if you are a senior electrician!.. We don’t have such a division in Italy: if you are a waiter, then no one will bother you with questions about why you are already 40 years old, and you are still a waiter.

Russians and food

The desire of Russians to drink tea is very surprising. Tea can be very hot and even burning, but many do not seem to notice this. Moreover, Russians can drink hot tea not only in winter, but also in summer. The same goes for hot soup.
Tea in Russia is generally an indispensable thing: they finish any meal with it, they eat sweets with it, they drink tea when they are sick, they treat tea at a party.

In general, the process of tea drinking and coffee drinking among Russians is long. In cafes and bars in Russia, they can order a tiny cup of espresso and sit down to drink it for an hour.

Russians and suspiciousness

Another feature that simply amazes me in Russians is gullibility and faith in any words and any advice of any people: acquaintances and strangers. I have seen several times how someone with the air of an expert declares by what means a certain disease can be cured, the rest believe him, as if he were a professional physician.
Influenza should be treated with an infusion of garlic, olive oil, honey and lemon. Hearing problems will pass if you constantly dive. The pressure can be reduced by doing breathing exercises- here is an incomplete list of what you can advise. Although I would not go to Russian doctors for treatment either. As you listen to what diagnoses they make, it immediately becomes bad. If I ever get sick and go to Russia, I will pay any money to be flown to Italy to be treated by our doctors, whom I trust.

Russian men

I really feel sorry for Russian men who need to constantly be men with capital letter M. They must not cry, they must not show emotions, they must be strong from childhood, they must not speak loudly and gesticulate violently.
The only case when all this can be done is if the man has drunk. A drunk is allowed to do all of the above. It is understandable why there is such a level of alcoholism in Russia, if you can only express emotions by drinking.

I envy Russian men that they have the opportunity to choose women: in Russia they are beautiful and smart women a lot, but worthy men who work and don't drink at all is not enough. In Italy, it's the other way around - a woman chooses you, not you choose her.

Russian women

Russian women are the most beautiful women in the world. The most beautiful and the sexiest. In a crowd of tourists, I can always identify a Russian woman by her beauty and, of course, leopard clothes. Russians are just crazy about clothes or shoes in leopard colors.

Russian women are constantly under pressure from society: why don't you have a boyfriend, when will you get married, when will you have children, when will your children get married. I am very sorry to see how young girls of 23-24 years old consider themselves losers if they are still not married.

About Russia

Russia - huge country. When you look at the map, you have no idea how huge it really is. From one locality you can drive 3-4 hours to another, and there will be empty forests, fields, steppes. When I rode the train and saw all this, I really felt the power and huge potential of Russia - how much land and resources there are. I am sad that in Russia all these resources are not used 100%, that so much fertile land is empty.
Russia and Russians are difficult to understand - they are very contradictory and sometimes do opposite things. But despite all this, I would really like to live in Russia - maybe not in Moscow, where it is too noisy, but in some small town.



A few years ago, tourists wishing to come to our country seriously discussed on the Internet the possibility of meeting a bear or a KGB agent on Red Square. But times are changing, and today foreigners who have visited Russia share their impressions and advice with each other.

ATOR analyzed publications with advice to tourists who are going to visit our country, posted both in the media and in in social networks and travel portals last couple years. The results were pretty funny.

Tasty food

First in number positive feedback in Russia there is ... food. At the same time, foreigners most often like all food in general - they are happy to try both Russian and other national cuisines presented in Russian restaurants. Also, everyone notes the variety and affordability of food in supermarkets.

“Russian food is very tasty! And there's a lot of her. Soups are very good. Very delicious bread. Supermarkets have a lot of products, their prices are moderate. In Russia wide choose tea, chocolate, dairy products, sweets and vodka - even in the supermarket of a small provincial town in Tatarstan, where I was, ”a guest from the USA writes on TripAdvisor.

Relationship between people

"You can't help but notice: flowers are everywhere in Russia, even in the bitter cold," writes CNN in an article for those who are going to visit Russia, "Women carrying huge bouquets, on the streets or in the subway, are a common sight" .

The journalist notes that men give women flowers at any opportunity - and this is not necessarily a sign of romantic interest, but rather that "relationships between men and women are still quite traditional." In addition, the article notes, it is customary for women in Russia to offer food and drinks first of all, and men help them take off and put on their coats, let them go ahead. “Even in the elevator!”, - the American columnist continues to be surprised.

“Knighthood may seem charming or outdated to you, depending on your point of view, but in any case it is useful to consider if you want to make new friends in Russia,” he sums up.

At the same time, as many sources note, the famous Russian “gloom” has not gone anywhere.

“I once asked the seller for chewing gum. Well, in the spirit of "Please, be so kind, I need chewing gum, if you don't mind." The clerk didn't look at me and grimly continued typing an endlessly long message on her phone. Then she sighed loudly, looked up and grunted: “Thirty rubles,” one of the observers shares.

However, many have found a way to deal with the "unsociable" of Russians.

“The stereotype that Russians are indifferent to strangers has the right to life, but I realized that at the same time they are open to new friends. It is very easy to get acquainted in Russia. Just choose any of the interests (brewing homemade beer, chess, or at least black magic) and find the corresponding online resource where Russians hang out. After a couple of letters, you will find a friend, a drinking buddy, and a guide for the rest of your life, ”writes one of the portals.

Not all Russians drink vodka

Such an unexpected discovery was made by a CNN columnist. “I met a lot of Russians who don't drink at all!” he quotes a British student who is studying in Moscow. At the same time, the publication notes, if you were invited to big celebration to Russian friends, still get ready for a large number toast - but no one here will force you to drink if you don't want to.


“In winter, you need to bring good boots with thick soles. Snow and ice removal (at least in Moscow and Kazan) is often very selective, and it is easy to slip on the local streets. The Russians seem to be just walking through the uncleaned streets like bulldozers!” one tourist writes on TripAdvisor.

The CNN columnist notes that " Russian winter can destroy your shoes, ”and this should be taken into account even by those tourists who come from other cold countries.

“Puddles, mud and snow may be the last thing they see for your Manolo Blahnic boots, so take action. Some Russians have adapted to the local winter by simply wearing unprepossessing but sturdy shoes outside and changing indoors into something better.

Another unexpected revelation for the journalist was that the Russians themselves get cold in winter.

“Although they live in Russia permanently, many citizens of this country are sensitive to the cold. Many of those who can afford it simply run to mediterranean sea and other warm places at the first sign of snow,” he notes.

“Following Napoleon and Otto von Bismarck, I tell you: do not forget about the weather when planning a trip to Russia!” writes one of the tourists. - “Never come here in November and March! In November, a storm with snow and rain tears umbrellas to shreds, and puddles are the size of lakes. In March, everything begins to melt, exposing the dead grass and everything that was under the snow, and the puddles, again, become the size of lakes!

At the same time, everyone who visited Russia in winter notes the “terrible” heat in the rooms.

“Generally, buildings and cars are too hot. Sometimes it’s not clear how you can even survive in the tropical heat that reigns in a hotel room,” a US tourist writes on TripAdvisor.

“In winter in Russia, everything is heated to the level of“ inferno ”, while outside the arctic cold reigns,” the CNN columnist notes. - "You can cope with this if you properly distribute the layers of clothes on yourself - not the first time, but usually it works out."

Visa difficulties and other bureaucracy

The “terrifying Russian visa” is a serious obstacle on the way of a foreigner to Russia, but those who have already received it once claim after the fact that there is nothing particularly terrible here.

“If you are staying more than three days in Russia, you need to register your visa and migration card. Most hotels will do this for you at check-in. If you are staying at the hotel for less than three days, registration is not required, but it is better to do so. Russian police have the right to stop you for random checks documents, so carry everything with you,” advises American journalist and traveler Veronica Hackethall in an article on

In addition, many guests note that in Russia it is always necessary to have cash with you and to exchange currency for rubles in a timely manner.

“ATMs are plentiful in most major cities but may not always be provided with cash. Credit cards are still not accepted everywhere, and most places don't accept traveler's checks,” advises Ms Hackethall.

“Bring a lot of cash with you! It’s not always possible to guess where suddenly there won’t be an ATM,” says another tourist.

“Think twice when buying souvenirs. In Russia, there are rules regarding the export of items " cultural value". Even on ballet slippers, a sticker “not for export from Russia” can be found. Be careful and save all receipts,” warns another.

Domestic difficulties

In general, all tourists pay attention to the fact that the level of service in Russia has grown significantly: for example, most people employed in the tourism industry speak at least English, switching phones to the GSM tariff does not cause difficulties, navigation in the metro of large cities works well, and Hailing a taxi has become much easier with the advent of apps like Gett. In addition, many guests note the convenience of using Aeroexpress.

However, there are still things to keep in mind - for example, many people advise you to always carry wet wipes with you.

"Make sure you have some coins in case you need to use public toilet. Do not forget that toilet paper there may not be. Carry with you. Also often missing paper towels. Provincial toilets may have a squat appearance and bad smell. At one of the gas stations in Tatarstan, the toilet was generally a room with a hole in the floor! Try not to fall there, ”the desperate American shares on TripAdvisor.

“Be aware that you can spend a lot of time at the airport, even on domestic flights. Security is high here, but everything is very slow. And often, in order to get on a plane, you must first dive into the bus. The Russians in the crowd, as a rule, are quite persistent, and you have to defend your place in the queue for him,” he adds.

Various oddities

There are things in Russia that surprise all foreigners. For example, the way Russians dress beautifully for any occasion. In addition, the numbering of houses raises questions - tourists note that it is often not so easy to navigate, even using mobile application and a map. Separately, Russian superstitions are also noted: for example, one of the tourists discovered that the cashiers in the store do not give change in their hand, but put it on the counter or saucer. “It turns out that this is a bad omen,” the tourist wonders.

In addition, foreigners also encountered such Russian signs as the prohibition to put the keys on the table (to financial losses) and to greet someone across the threshold (to a quarrel).

Thus, a columnist for The Calvert Journal found that in Russia it is extremely profitable to ... get sick.

“Every building in Moscow that is not a coffee shop or a sushi bar is a pharmacy. Russians are legendary hypochondriacs, which means that in pharmacies they have an abundance of powerful drugs that are sold without prescriptions. Your cold will go away immediately after being chemically bombarded with these drugs – most of which are probably banned in the EU,” he shares.


“Holidays in Russia can be unforgettable, especially for art lovers. There are fantastic festivals here - for example, "White Nights of St. Petersburg" - magnificent opera and ballet in the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theater not to mention the active club life Moscow,” says Veronica Hackethall, “And you can be sure that although the Russians don’t smile at you the first time they do it, they do it really sincerely.”

In addition, tourists actively visit exhibitions and museums in both capitals, and also just walk around the cities with great pleasure. Many of them note the cleanliness on the streets and in public transport. And, of course, the distances are surprising: one of the American tourists said that the main revelation for him was that in Moscow it’s really not always possible to just walk between metro stations.

As previously reported by Vestnik ATOR, it was discussed during the round table "Know our: the main trends in inbound tourism in Russia", which was held as part of the exhibition "Recreation 2016". Deputy Head of Rostourism Sergei Korneev said that today in the field of inbound tourism Russia has to compete with a huge number of countries that have long been successfully developing this industry.

“Russia can become one of the leading tourist countries with the active promotion of the national tourism product on the world market in the current situation. Abroad, Russia is valued as a country where high level security with ample opportunities for travel. However, very little is known about these advantages in the global tourism market,” Mr. Korneev noted.

Present at round table Representatives of Visit Russia offices abroad noted the following problems that still exist in attracting foreigners to the country. Among them are the insufficient awareness of tourists about Russia and the unpreparedness of the infrastructure to meet the growing demand.

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