Scenario 20 years of folk instruments ensemble concert. Leisure scenario "Journey to the country of Russian folk musical instruments


Russian souvenir
Concert of students of the department folk instruments

Souvenir, souvenir, Russian souvenir.
Russian souvenir conquered the whole world.
The blue of blue lakes, white snows,
Gzhel was given by Mother Earth.
Voiced balalaikas, Tula samovar.
Everyone will be happy with the gift, both young and old. (lyrics by O. Churilova)

Hello dear lovers of Russian instrumental music. We are glad to see you at the traditional concert of students of the Department of Folk Instruments "Russian Souvenir".
We hope that the performance young musicians will not leave anyone indifferent. And I invite the youngest participant to the stage ..., who will perform r.n.p. Teremok.

The Russian people have always been distinguished by hospitality and hospitality, and for you the play by A. Filippenko "Pies".

In addition to professional, author's music, there is, as we know, folk art. Art of anonymous authors. Of all types of folk musical creativity the most favorite, no doubt, is the song. As the Russian composer of the 19th century P.I. Tchaikovsky: "Russian folk song- there is a precious sample folk art". Beauty in music does not lie in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness.
The song accompanied the Russian people all his life: she was next to him in labor, and in the fight against life's difficulties. Russian songs amaze with their melody, sincerity, depth of feelings, playfulness...

R.n.p. “Oh, garden. Meadow duck" in arr. N. Lyubimova

"Naur Lezginka"

Eh, stretch the harmonica, sing, friend,
Let's go beyond the outskirts, to the green meadow,
How in old days all the people walking
And the beautiful girls lead a round dance.

R.n.p. "Pedlars"

Of course, Russian folk music not only became an inspiring beginning for the work of composers of the 19th and 20th centuries, but also acquired a new sound itself.

"Waltz - musette" Z. Betman
V. Erzunov. Summer in the Hermitage Garden
D. Lvov - Companion "Mom's waltz"

Just as A. Pushkin discovered with his work classical era Russian literature, M. Glinka became the founder of Russian classical music. Glinka's music captivates with extraordinary beauty and poetry, delights with grandeur and clarity of expression. The people became the main character of his work, and the folk song became the basis of his music.

M. Glinka "Lark"

No matter how colorful and varied our modern life with its crazy and rapid pace, no matter how different our goals and objectives may be… we are all united by a great miracle – the love of the folk song.

R.n.p. "In the puddles" in arr. T. Grachevoi

Amazing fate was prepared for many romances and author's songs. Born in the depths folk music and embodying it best features, some of them have become truly popular. This happened with V. Lipatov's romances to the verses of M. Lermontov. The people have carefully preserved and sing these wonderful songs, sometimes not knowing the name of one of their authors. But a long, enviable life was provided for them not only by heartfelt poems, but also by music worthy of Yesenin's genius.

Muses. V. Lipatov, arr. V. Fetisova "You are my maple, fallen"

IN . Lipatov "Letter to mother"

Romance. Blizzard. And the violin sang
about the tender story of the soul,
the gate creaked in the wind,
flutes sang in the silence.
Sighed piano, cello
took off into the snow, the oboe fluttered,
we, listening, sang with our souls,
the blizzard played with you and me.
Centuries will pass, years, but time
Will not grow old, will not pass,
"Romance" from Pushkin's "Snowstorm"
The orchestra of the heart will suddenly sing. (Ulexa von Lu)

Tsvelich Rem. - G. Sviridov. Romance from music. illustrations for A. Pushkin's story "The Snowstorm"

golden magic fish
May the music shine
And in a friendly way, with a smile,
Suddenly look into our eyes.

I. Dunaevsky "Arrows" from the movie "Merry Fellows".

Oh, folk orchestra,
Razdolno - round dance!
If the dance breaks out -
I will dance with everyone
If the song is sad -
I feel sadness in my heart!
Then he cries, then he laughs -
Does with us
What he wants. (Leonid Yakovlev)

Meet the orchestra of Russian folk instruments!

K. Molchanov. Waltz from the movie "Sergey Yesenin".
P. Kulikov. Fantasy on the theme of R.N.P. "Lime of the Ages".
r.n.p. in arr. A. Zvereva "As in a meadow"

And so our concert ended. But the good that we carry in our souls and give to each other will live forever.

We wish you happiness, health, kindness.
And your home - love and warmth!

Sulim S.L., 2013,
Monchegorsk, Murmansk region

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Scenario of the holiday "Evening of Folk Song"


Without a song, the Russian land is like an empty, unfinished house where no one lives. The song forms the whole world human life, which is born together with a person, grows, becomes richer, more meaningful, influences his character, actions and appearance. And the members of the Veteranochka folk group carried their love for Russian folk songs through their whole lives. Much can be said about the team, but the most important thing should be noted that, despite their age, they do not lose their enthusiasm, love for the song and have maintained a positive attitude towards life.

    A group photo is projected on the screen.


So we do not have enough days, everyone would like eternity.

So we lack all the simple cordiality in life.

May hearts now open for goodness,

For a good, for a cordial meeting

Let there be no end to joy

And now we open this evening.

    Team presentation #1.

1 slide: Folk group "Veteranochka"

2 slide: Is one of prominent representatives folk song


3 slide: Head of the team - Evgeny Aleksandrovich Perelyaev.

4 slide: The Veteranochka team is proud district house

culture "Zharki".

5 slide: PURPOSE:

    Introduction to the culture of our people, to its spiritual values.

    Activation creative activity and leisure activities for the elderly.

Slide 6: TASKS of the manager's activity:

    Propaganda and distribution the best experience work with older people;

    Attracting public attention to solving the problem of organizing leisure for the elderly;

    Support and popularization of the creativity of the elderly.

7 slide: Tasks of the team:

    Mastery of vocal and choral technique;

    Mastering the techniques of choreography.

8-9 slide: The Veteranochka team is the most active participant

all village and regional events.

10 slide: In their work, the team popularizes Russian folk and author's songs.

11-15 slide: For several years the team has maintained friendly relations with

Cheremkhovo branch of the Irkutsk Association

Belarusian culture named after Jan Chersky.

16 slide: The whole life of these wonderful, beautiful, kind, talented and

ordinary women associated with the song.

17 slide: We live, often without understanding what destiny we got

Moreover, not noticing at all how quickly the year suddenly flew by.

But it is a pity, alas, that it is impossible to start everything from scratch.

And yet, why be sad about this, that you are not able to change?

As long as there is life in this world, you need to live and not grieve!

Minutes, months and years, may God send more of them,

And despite adversity, you firmly move forward.

May temptations delight you all, may pleasures attract,

And in the temptations of various succumb to the brevity of minutes.

Therefore, let's rather sing for the movement of years.

What could be more important?

There is nothing more important today!

Festive fanfare sounds.

Blessed are the anniversaries, if only because

That you can go out without being shy, that they will suddenly misunderstand.

A good song is worth a lot! Much more expensive than any item.

The time has come today to hear a response song from the anniversaries.

    There are lyrical tunes. Enters the stage folk group"Veteranochka" and "Ensemble of spoons".

Where did the Russian song come from?

Whether in an open field, or in a misty forest?

Is it in joy? In pain? Or bird whistle?

You, tell me, where does the sadness in you and the prowess come from?

Whose heart were you in from the very beginning?

How did you come? How did you sound?

"Song of Siberia";

Around me are forests, intoxicating peace.

And above - moss crawls over rocky rocks

And a hundred forest roads lead away

Into the invisible expanse beyond the dark sky.

A jubilant song lives in my chest

And in it - forests, fields and birds at dawn,

It is a fiery call to what lies ahead,

Everything in it is about the happiness of living under this firmament!

"Bird cherry blossoms";

The heart is inseparable with a Russian song, sincere, affectionate to tears.

From her it is either joyful or sad, it is warm with her in bad weather and in frost.

I see in the songs the Russian plains, a far-flung expanse.

"Sing, accordion";

The Russian song sounds widely, precisely in the open, in the field, beyond the outskirts. A wide Russian song, around from some paths and paths, immediately splashing into the skies of the breed, in Russian into the choke.


Again the song in the heart wakes up - old, forgotten to tears.

If the soul responds to it in the night, then you won’t find a better song.


    "Veteranochka" and E. Borisova leave the stage.

35 years is a decent age. This is the age of one whole generation. Generations of lovers of Russian songs.

35 years is an era in the history of the country, in the history of our region, in the history of our settlement. The song era, which was created by the members of the folk group "Veteranochka".

We can do everything! But we know it just can't be stopped years,

Return back, at least b minutes, slow down a stubborn run for seconds.

And time goes on an eternal route: a minute, an hour, decades, a century.

The streams of time, you are like a simple miracle, where there is a mystery, but no answer.

Dear Veterans! Your path is bright!

It has conscience, your honor and work!

Your every day is dear to us,

What is created from sparkling minutes.


The first members of amateur performances (which in 1972 could not even be called amateur performances, but an interest club) gathered at hostel No. 10, where the directorate of the East Siberian Refractory Plant under construction was located.

Then the creative team began to gather and grow, first in the shops of the VSOS, in 1977 they united under the auspices of the women's council of the VSOS trade union committee.

Those who wanted to show their ability to sing, dance, got together. Not a single holiday passed without a concert. All participants came out of the factory amateur.


Choir "Uzorochye" in the old club (mid-90s).

    The team consists of 23 people.

    The most active participant of district and regional events.

    Accompanist - Olga Viryasova.


1995 - the ensemble "Lyubavushka".

    Composition - 25 people.

    All different ages.

    In the repertoire: songs from folklore to the author's song.

    1997 - received the title of folk group.

    The division of "Lyubavushka" into TWO compositions, by genre.

    The repertoire of "Lyubavushki", Soviet lyrical songs, and in the repertoire of "Veteranochka" folklore, folk and author's songs.

    Accompanist - Oksana Rishko.


February 2006

    Reporting concert folk group "Veteranochka"

    Confirmation of the title of "people's team".

    The young composition of the revived team "Lyubavushka" received the title of "folk team".

    The leader is Tatyana Soroka.

    The accompanist is Evgeny Perelyaev, who in September 2006 became the leader of the Veteranochka band.


Festive. Tenth anniversary of receiving the title of "PEOPLE".

Performance of the Spoon Ensemble

So many feelings fit, by God, in such round anniversaries.

We experience joy and anxiety and heat in the blood that once bubbled.

Praise be to the creator, who gave everything to fully experience, feel and remember everything.

let friends good names your anniversary will be filled to the brim.

And we invite you to say kind words:


    Block "Congratulations to the guests".

On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring, like a bell of memory beats in the distance.

And the dawn plays in the sky in the morning, again peace and war among people on the scales.

Many years have passed since that terrible war, dear sons did not return home,

But we remember them and mourn to this day. We keep photos of old houses!

In each of our families there is someone to remember,

Who forever remained in the steppes to fight.

Well, those who returned and survived then became a life support for us forever.

On the roads of Russia, feather grasses ring, they will remind you of a sad date.

"Transbaikal waltz";

Russian old women sing on the stage. Floating, floating, wild sorrows.

Chest hoarseness of distant days, when they, soldiers, shouted

On riding Cows and horses, on rare potatoes in frozen holes,

On a tractor that has become in the field (at least roar).

On small us, on smaller brothers in cradles

On those deprived of affection and love.

They sometimes completely lost their strength, when in their black time,

Sing! And the streams and winds return to circles, and the fields rustle.

Russian old women sing on the stage, strong as the Russian land

"Like two birches";

Over the immense forests, over the erratic fields,

Over the breaks of the pomegranate songs - swallows fly.

The groves smell of bitter gunpowder, the herbs whisper with a quiet rustle.

And about what is dear to the heart, the Russian people are told.


Front-line soldiers are looking at us, disappeared companies are looking at us,

The departed regiments are looking at us, looking at us with hope and care.

And the memory does not give us rest, and the conscience of you and me often gnaws,

Let two hundred years, four hundred pass - no one in our country can forget the war.

"Under the high window";

Victory Day! This is a holiday that our brave grandfathers gave to everyone.

For what? Everything is simple. For us.

In order for us to love in five-story buildings, sing, drink bread kvass,

And sometimes on holidays, and brew.

“Your pathos is false,” the critic will say to me.

I won't be offended - how can I talk like that about a long-standing that war,

So that grandfather is resurrected, rising from the grave ?!

We can’t change anything, the history of mistakes can’t be corrected.

What's left? Remains to live. I also know! - the memory remains.


    "Veteranochka" leaves the stage.

Human life is only a moment in the boundless time of the Universe,

And only in the memory of the living will it remain incorruptible.

All this is so. Yes, the trouble is that sometimes we forget

Where are we from, who are our ancestors?! Such cases are not uncommon.

The evil genius of the people should not make us forget about them.

After leaving the memory of the living, many generations will disappear.

We are bound by one destiny, one family, one blood.

Descendants will become Hope, Faith and Love for you and me.

And your spirit, continuing to live, will merge into the grandchildren of great-grandchildren.

And the connecting thread will never break for centuries.

And so from time immemorial it has been going on in my land,

What if you sing, it means from the heart.

Let the heart cry out, if trouble touches,

And if it's a holiday, then let's dance!

Speech by A. Prishchepova. Dance "Apple".

    Performance of the folk group "Lyubavushka".

"Washing the scythe in the willow river."

    Performance dance group "Movement".

    O. Blashkevich takes the stage.

Well, oh well, it's time, brothers, for us to take up history.

And the story is this - the main thing is not simple.

Our story is for children and adults, for tall and tall,

For old and young, for fat and thin.

Everyone - without distinction of salary and rank

To you historical story. We are waiting for everyone's attention.

Everything has its origins, a moment of insight, the first step on the path.

Then we count the years and terms, then we decide where and how to go.

But the first moment of birth is high, it is beautiful, like magic!

We will never be able to forget the moment that this celebration gave us!

    Presentation of the group No. 2 "About them".

Accompanying the presentation "About them".

Maria Vasilievna Kotova.

During the war years, she performed front-line songs at school. In the forties, labor activity began on the collective farm, but Maria Vasilievna never parted with the song. She learned to drive a tractor, harrowed, sowed and sang songs to the roar of the engine. The family was large, four sisters. They were called the Bartoshovs in the village. Surname - Belarusian Bartosh. In 1972 they moved to Mikhailovka. 2 sons, 2 daughters. In 1976, amateur art competitions in workshops began. Since then, she has been a member of the amateur art group "Veteranochka".

Vera Ivanovna Belokopytova.

In 1948, after the death of his father at the front, they moved to Kasyanovka. From the age of 15 she went to work at Kirzavod. In 1958 she came to the amateur club in Kasyanovka. In 1960 she worked in an orphanage, at the same time graduating from a pedagogical school. After the disbandment of the orphanage in Cheremkhovo, she moved to the village. Mikhailovka, where she continued to work as an educator in kindergarten No. 6. In 1988, Maria Vasilievna Kotova invited Vera Ivanovna to Veteranochka, where she still sings.

Lydia Alexandrovna Stadnichuk.

She loved to sing since childhood. Then this talent manifested itself both at school and at the college. Since 1977, she began to work in nursery school No. 14. Creative team often performed with amateur performances on the stage of the cinema. I came to the choir when the leader was Gennady Viktorovich Popov.

Nina Nikolaevna Peretolchena.

She was born on February 18, 1931 in the Bratsk region, with. Alexandrovka. She graduated from the Tulun Pedagogical College in 1951. She began to sing in the choir in 1948 in Tulun in the House of Culture. After graduating from college, she stayed there to work. She sang, participated in the drama club. She returned to her native village in 1961 and worked until 1987. She participated in the school choir, then in the village choir until 1998. The ensemble was called "Sudarushka". She came to Veteranochka in April 2000.

Galina Grigorievna Ivanova.

Born in the village of Khilok Chita region in 1936 in a working class family. He has been living in the village of Mikhailovka since 1947. Labor activity began at the age of 16 at the Polovinsky coal mine. In 1973, she entered the All-Russian Health Organization as a pumping unit engineer. Participated in interdepartmental competitions in amateur performances. When in 1978 a choir was organized at the plant under the direction of Gennady Popov, she began to study there. Now one of the members of the Veteranochka folk group.

Anna Mikhailovna Birkina.

Started working in 1942 at the military plant named after Karl Marx in Cheremkhovo. From the age of 14 she worked on a lathe, made small parts for machine tools, at the age of 16 he was transferred to a military workshop, where mines and lemons were produced. Then on railway switchman. She worked in trade, in the restaurant "Cherembass", while studying at the evening school in the city of Cheremkhovo. In 1963, by decision of the meeting, he was nominated to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1964 to 1968 she studied at the Khabarovsk police school. Upon graduation, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. She retired with the rank of police captain. IN amateur team from 1976 to the present. This year it celebrated its 80th anniversary.

Nina Viktorovna Balk.

In the amateur art activities of the All-Union Health Organization since 1981. The team worked under the leadership of Kokorin Leonid. Since December 2002, she has been a member of the Veteranochka folk group.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Martusevich.

Started my singing activity in the city of Karaganda. From 1966 to 1968 she sang in the children's choir "Solnyshko" at the Miners' Palace of Culture. Since 1973, she has been an active participant in amateur performances at the Karaganda Clothing garment factory. In 1986, after moving to Siberia, she got a job at the All-Russian Health Organization, where she participated in intershop competitions. Since 1988, she has been singing in Veteranochka.

Raisa Dmitrievna Voronova.

At Veteranochka since 2001. Once, having come to the concert “Veterans do not grow old in soul”, I realized that she also wants to sing. She was warmly welcomed by the team.

Anastasia Petrovna Prishchepova.

She loved to sing and dance since childhood. Was active participant at school and in college. Since 1974, she performed as part of the amateur performances of the VOZZ plant, and then became a member of the Veteranochka team

Tamara Mikhailovna Ivanova.

Childhood and youth were spent in the city of Usolye - Siberian. Talent was revealed in childhood. She sang in the choir of the Khimik club. During the years of study in the city of Angarsk, she was a member of the Ivushka ensemble from 1968 to 1970. Since January 2006, she began to study in the Veteranochka group. Here are her words:

“In general, in life, both in joy and in grief, I love a song, whether it be Russian spacious or sad lyrical, dances to the button accordion. That is where the will of the senses is. All troubles and illnesses recede when we speak before ordinary people village workers, what we give them: love for the song and we see their joyful faces, is more than returned to us. This is where I found myself."


How long, how short, but the participants of "Veteranochka" got to today's creative JUBILEE.

Let us once again congratulate you on your anniversary.

And continue our story, what do we want to wish? -

Do not be sad, do not lose heart, and always keep your tail with a gun in this life.

We wish you all health and strength.

So that you always have everything you want.

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without interference.

    There are lyrical tunes. The folk group "Veteranochka" enters the stage.

    Performance of the folk song group "Veteranochka":

Belarusian land! Groves and huts, golden fields and grasses - silks,

That bunches of mountain ash are the crimson of the sunset,

That the cry of a crane - rifts of streams and light clouds above the highway.

Belarusian land!

You look at the blue of the lake in the transparent distances of heaven,

And the stars fall like ripe grains,

Above the water mirror, above the black arable land,

In the dewy grass they scatter their brilliance.


Belarus! And again, unknown you go along the forest paths.

And only everywhere your name grasses and leaves whisper to me.

"Kvitney, my garden";

My homeland is rivers, fields, green hay over the Neman,

Nice Brest and noisy Minsk - the whole of Belarus from edge to edge.

And with a daughter's love, I suddenly fell in love with Siberia.

With you, we have become one, native expanse of the fatherland.


    Game for the audience "Who is this."

Russia is all in songs: sometimes sad, and sometimes, like a blizzard, in bells.

But where is it, all this is Russian? Yes, everything is here - in our hearts.

"My village";

I don't want to get off the ground, even if the ground is not in flowers.

It’s good for me to remain earthly, to be earthly both in deeds and in dreams!

It's good that she was born not somewhere, but on strict Siberian soil,

Where summer is especially charming and winter is not good in heat.

It is good that our land is covered with the winds of freedom!

It's good that all my girlfriends and friends are of the Siberian breed.

“I baked a godfather of pancakes”;

Under the harmonica, the silvery sound all of Russia sings today.

“What kind of harmonist is this”;

    Conclusion. Taking out a cake with candles for the team.

There were joys, and there were worries,

There is something to remember and something to cherish,

Were beautiful quiet dawns, tender meetings, grace of love ...

Everything is mixed up: happiness and sorrow, all this in life had to be experienced.

All this was, it will not come back, but the warmth of your hands does not grow thin.

But with you always there is a circle of your relatives, friends and girlfriends.

Children are smart, your grandchildren are good, your particles on this earth.

There is no idleness and boredom in your life, your efforts are all for people,

Let fatigue be unknown to you, enthusiasm, a light do not fade in your heart,

We wish you to live what is left, in bright joy, without storms and worries.

"We will live, we will not die."

Elena Astakhova
Scenario of the thematic holiday "Russian Folk Song"

The music is playing and the children are entering the room.

presenter: Russia ... How from songs word,

birch tender foliage,

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expanse - Russian soul.

presenter: Russia… What beautiful word! And dew, and strength, and blue expanses ... All this is our Motherland. At Russian people their customs, music, songs, dancing. And how in Rus' they love festivities ! In ancient times, boys and girls gathered outside the outskirts, sang songs, danced.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka"

presenter: Strongly loved and love Russia Russian people. They composed many songs about her, bravely defended their homeland from enemies.

Listen a song about defenders - Russian soldiers?

Song"Soldiers, bravo, guys".

presenter (says proverbs):

"Good the song invigorates the spirit»

"Where the song is being sung life is fun there"

"With good song and work argue»

presenter: And now we will sound good song.

Song"And I'm in the meadow".

presenter: Funny and mischievous, sad and sincere songs accompany a person throughout life. There are lullabies. Mothers sing them when they put their children to bed.

Russian folk lullaby"It's raining outside"

presenter: Children grew up in the family, taught them to work. The boys helped their father in the field, in the workshop and in the forge. Blacksmiths forge iron with a hammer, make horseshoes for horses. The boys are working and song helps them in their work.

Song"In the forge"

presenter: able Russian people to work. not without reason says: "Business before pleasure". Mothers taught their daughters to perform homework. Listen song"In the mountain".

Song"In the mountain".

presenter A: Finished work, relax hunting. Come out of the gate and get up in a round dance.

Ensemble dance "Zadorinka".

presenter: Where one lives happily, there the song is sung. No one holiday did not do without a mischievous ditty. They were performed to an incendiary melody with a dance. Ditties are small funny stories, teasers.


presenter: Chastushki were also performed at the fair. was going to people on the trading floor - to show oneself, to look at people, buy, sell, play remote games.

Acrobatic number.

presenter: In many folk songs beauty was sung Russian nature: endless fields, green oak forests, full-flowing rivers, beautiful quiet evenings.

Song"Shining Moon"

presenter: Who dances with handkerchiefs, but plays the balalaika, he never gets bored.

Matryoshkas lined up in a row,

Their eyes sparkle cheerfully.

Flowers on sundresses

Unprecedented beauty.

Matryoshka round dance.

presenter: Known everywhere:

Go through the whole wide world

Russia is song,

Which has no end!

Song"Ah, duck, my meadow duck".

presenter: Russia, Russia - dear lands,

Here for a long time Russian people live,

They glorify native spaces,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

potpourri Russian folk songs.

presenter: So our meeting with wonderful Russians folk songs but we don't say goodbye to them. May they be with us all our lives.

Music sounds, everyone leaves the hall.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education"Urmar Children's Art School"

Urmar region Chuvash Republic

/429400, Chuvash Republic, Urmarsky district, village of Urmary,

st. Mira, d. 10, MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School" /


reporting concert

branch of stringed folk instruments

"Charm of melodious strings"

Performed: teacher MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School"

Mikhailova Margarita Pavlovna

Place of work: MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School" Urmary settlement

Urmarsky district of the Chuvash Republic, st. Mira, 10

Urmary - 2015

Event progress.

The hall is festively decorated. Two presenters take the stage.

(music plays)

Leading. Good evening, Dear friends!

Together. Good evening!

presenter. We are pleased to welcome you to this wonderful hall.

Leading. There is one country on earth, it is called music.

Consonances live in it and sounds, but whose hands open them?

Leading. Who makes the world sound when it gets tired of being silent?

When is it like a string that should ring?

Leading. Of course, this is a musician, his impulse, his talent,

His desire to create, and to give beauty to people

presenter. The youngest participant of our concert Simushkina Ulyana

will perform the Russian folk song "The Baby Walked"

Leading. We learn to play instruments

And we go to solfeggio and choir;

On these wonderful things

All musicians have grown since ancient times.

N. Kalinin "Little Spaniard"

Spanish 1st grade student Anya Platonova

Leading. Three strings include all states of the soul

And laughter, and joy, and sadness,

As soon as the plectrum touches the strings -

To the sounds of music and your heart will respond -

This is how human nature has created

Sings from the sounds of the soul house.

In Spanish ensemble of domrists U. Simushkina and I. Ivanov will perform the Latvian folk song "Cockerel"

Russian folk song "Grapes bloom in the garden"

in the same performance

M. Carcassy "Piece" - will be performed by a student

1st class Mikhailova Svetlana

Leading. Music is more than just sound. Music is movement.

And flies like a bird from the hands of restless whirling notes.

A. Vinitsky "Etude No. 1" - students of grades 1-2 will perform Viktorova Yu., Timofeeva T. and Golubeva M.

- “You are my fallen maple” - in the same performance

R.N.P. "Kalinka" - will sound in Spanish. 2nd grade students

Nikiforova Anya

Leading. The element of music is a powerful element.

The more incomprehensible it is, the stronger it is.

My eyes, bottomless, dry,

Tears fill with her.

G. Cooper "Tarantella" - will be performed by a duet of guitarists, students of the 2nd grade. Ivanova I. and Fedorova F.

Leading. Waltz, mazurka, polonaise, polka, yanka, ecossaise,

Even a foreigner knows. It's all DANCE, of course.

F. Yanel "Yulya-waltz" - will sound in the same performance

Leading.- "Schoolyard" - will sound performed

Dimitrieva T. and Petrova A.

A. Vinitsky "Etude No. 3" - will be performed by students

Grade 2 Chernova O. and Timofeeva T.

Leading. We are grateful to our fathers and mothers.

It is not easy for them to be with us!

And the most loved, the best -

We want to dedicate a song now.

- “Song about Mom” - Ivanov I. and Fedorov F. will perform

Leading. The sound of beautiful music will help us in a sad hour.

In moments of fear and despair, she, as a friend, will support us.

When the world spins with happiness, and the legs suddenly start dancing,

We turn our hearts to music.

F. Carulli "Piece" - will be performed

duet of guitarists Nikitina A. and Zhuk E.

Russian folk song "Oh, yes you, Kalinushka"

in the same performance

Leading. Today is a holiday - the day of talents -

Readers, poets, musicians,

And on this bright day for you

Sounds like a wonderful "Russian Waltz"!

A. Petrov "Waltz" from the movie "Beware of the car" will be performed by a student of the 2nd grade Ivanov Igor

Leading. I want the music to sound from under my favorite, good hands,

And poured a clear juicy sound.

The soul rejoiced in delight: after all, a musical instrument -

Souls are just an accompaniment.

F. Schubert "Serenade" - will be performed

trio of guitarists

F. Lay "Love Story" - in the same performance

Leading. Many wonderful sounds in nature -

The nightingale sings in a quiet grove...

But the magic sounds of melodies

The composer creates for us.

Song to the words and music of Nikolaeva Alena

« bright colors watercolor” will be performed by the author

Leading. The music gets louder and louder.

The morning of birth sounds in the heart.

Stars of luck, excitement of love

You, musician, hurry up!

How well the guitar sings along!

Oh, how much sun and heat are in the song!

We dedicate a few lines to you

Thousands of strings and fun in fate!

- "Pink Perfect" - performed by an ensemble of guitarists

Leading. At school we have not only poets,

Who write sonnets at night

But there are composers too,

Spanish Kuznetsova N., Stepanova N. and Ivanova A.

Leading. You will meet the day with a cheerful song,

And in the evening you will sing a song -

Life becomes more interesting

And the world is unspeakably good!

- “Surkunne” - performed by a student of grade 2. Ivanova Nastya

Leading. A wonderful union - music and children!

Which is not more wonderful in the world,

And see grateful eyes.

O. Mityaev "Festival" - Spanish. ensemble of students of the department of stringed folk instruments

Leading. Years pass like dreams

Like commas in life scripture.

And forward again, to the breath of spring,

To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.

Leading. Well, even if the path is not easy and somewhere rocky,

But, summing up the past weekdays,

We seem to be starting new leaf,

Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.

Leading. Our concert is over.

Leading. But we are always glad to see you, dear friends,

within the walls of our home school.

Leading. Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

We say to everyone: “Goodbye!

Together. Until happy new meetings!”

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