Scenario of a solo concert by Maria Levchenko.rtf - Scenario of a solo concert "Music Pages" by Maria Levchenko. Scenario of the concert of choirs


"Sing, magic microphone!"
Scenario creative evening alumni, soloists

exemplary vocal artistic group

"Song Constellation"

Sypko Daria, Kamenskaya Tatyana and Morozov Alexey
(Head Shalimova G.V.)

Fanfare. Leila: Man like a star is born

Amid the obscure hazy milkiness,

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity...

Generations are being created

Age after age, the earth is imperishable...

Man, like a star is born

To make the universe brighter!

Natasha: Hello dear friends!

We are glad to see you in our school, where music always sounds! Today we are holding the first creative evening of graduates,soloists of the exemplary vocal art group "Song Constellation" Sypko Daria, Kamenskaya Tatyana and Morozov Alexei (headed by Shalimova G.V.).

Yes, our team was awarded this last year honorary title, and today he says goodbye to his best pupils.

Vasya: Music is a beautiful art, but not an easy one. You have to discover it for yourself great secret. Now no one argues about whether a person needs music. It is clear. We also need a serious one, one that makes us think, reflect, worry. And light, cheerful, from which the legs seem to start dancing on their own ... Music opens up the world of human feelings before us. With his unique and special language, he tells us about the beauty and grandeur of nature. In a word, without music, our life will become much poorer and more boring.

Leila: And it is necessary to comprehend this great art, like mathematics and literature from childhood. And the sooner the better. That's what our teacher-organizer Galina Vasilievna Shalimova thought about 10 years ago, who once had a great idea - to organize a school vocal group "Song Constellation".

Today there are soloists of this wonderful group on the stage, students of the 11th grade, Laureates of regional, All-Ukrainian and International competitionsSypko Daria, Kamenskaya Tatiana and Morozov Alexey.

1. "Magic sing, microphone."

Natasha: No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, who have the right to be proud of the land that gave birth to them. From time immemorial, the Donetsk land has nurtured and is nurturing wonderful people who are worthy of honor and respect.

6 years ago in vocalcollective "Song constellation"an asterisk appeared, which immediately became its decoration. Her voice and artistry were admired by everyone who had ever heard her songs.

Let's applaud this girl and express our admiration for one of our heroines tonight.

Meet! A beauty who goes through life with love for a song! On the stage

Sypko Daria.

2.« Run to you"

Leila: And now I would like to say that in our school we rejoice for each of our graduates, who overcame all the difficulties and difficulties of study, and became one step higher in spiritual and moral terms. And to this feeling of joy is always added a sense of pride for those guys for whom music has become not just a friend in life, but life itself, for those who have found their professional vocation in the field of art.

Dear friends, have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star? Maybe because the talent is given from above. Or maybe because talented person illuminates our life, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer. So where does he draw strength for creativity, for the music of his soul? Where do they come from, our talents?

Natasha: 4 years ago, another star appeared in the Song Constellation team. Even though no one knew about it at the time.

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me, she is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in rainbow of colors,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...

She is always and forever my companion.

Meet Tatyana Kamenskaya!

3. "Swans"

Natasha: The next hero of today's celebration came to us in Dzerzhinsk from our neighboring Luhansk region. He joined the boarding school in 2008. But the meeting with the song began much earlier, back in the last school. Our hero always studied well, read poetry, took an active part in cultural life schools, cities, their region.

And so, as far as he can remember, he always walked with a song through life.

Leila: In 2008, he began to study in the vocal group "Song Constellation". There he continued his "hobby". And in 2009, a health problem occurred: during the mutation, the vocal cords were seriously injured, and further vocal training became impossible. For 2.5 years, our hero was vocally silent, the hope for a full restoration of his voice practically died. But a great desire to sing helped him overcome the disease and return to the stage.

Natasha: Over the past two and a half years, Alexey Morozov, having a chronic sore throat, made a dizzying leap: thanks to his desire, diligence, talent, he became a participant, prize-winner and winner of many well-known prestigious vocal and artistic city, regional, all-Ukrainian and international competitions. He permanent member school, city, regional cultural events.

The audience in any halls always treated him with warmth and accepted his performances with a bang.

Leila: Preparing for tonight, we asked Alexei what kind of artists he likes. He replied that his favorite singer is Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and the Okean Elzy group. And he enjoys singing their songs. Meet Alexei Morozov on stage!

4. "Hallelujah"

Leila: A few dozen simple words and 10-15 notes of the usual range human voice. What can be made of them? Song. You probably already guessed that today we will talk about one of the most beautiful creative genres. This is really the closest, simplest and most understandable kind musical art. It is hardly necessary to talk about what a huge place songs occupy in a person's life: funny, sad, fast, slow. Romance is one of the favorite genres of listeners. It combines a beautiful melody, light and expressive accompaniment, and a bright memorable image. Many romances are widely known. Performers are happy to include them in their concert repertoire. And our Daria is among such performers.

5. "Chopin".

Natasha: A song is always a story. In order for the song to touch the hearts of the listeners, the performer must “live through”, “pass through himself” the song. Since childhood, Tanya has heard those who are nearby singing. Songs were constantly played in their house, and Tanya also began to sing. With dad, mom and sister. And joint family singing develops the ability of solo singing, which can become interesting for everyone. Tanya did just that. In the group "Song Constellation" Galina Vasilievna believed in her and helped her take her first solo steps on the big stage. Kamenskaya Tatyana sings for you.

6. "Zoryana"

Natasha: Sometimes the songs of specific authors acquire nationwide fame, firmly enter everyday life, break away from the name of their creator and become truly popular. Morozov Alexey on the stage.

7. "Nightingale"

Leila: Vocal art is multifaceted. Today the concert will feature folk songs, romances, modern author's songs. All of them are united by one thing - they undoubtedly decorate our life, make it brighter and spiritually richer.

8. "Unanswered"

9. "Ale, I loved you"

Leila : “We all come from childhood” ... Once having flown out of the parental nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious holidays once come.

And, no matter what heights we reach in life, we will forever remain in our memory bright pictures childhood: parental parting words and instructions, the first tests of strength, our cherished dreams who, everyone wants to come trueNecessarily!

10. "Dream"

Natasha: One of the Eastern sages said about human life So:

Look at the world with a reasonable eye,

Not the way you looked before.

The world is the sea. Do you wish to swim?

Build a ship of good deeds!

In my opinion, our heroes of tonight managed to create such a ship and reach an important life milestone on it!

11. "Taka, yak ti"

12.Video clip of the International Festival " Nazustrich dream » ,

performance with a star Ukrainian stage Renata Stiefel.

"There, by the cherry orchard"

Leila : The song not only educates the soul, but also strengthens health. And if the song is comic, cheerful, then what a charge of vivacity it gives a person! Better than any medicine! With such a song, the creative duet of Sypko Daria and Morozov Alexei began

13. "Kings can do everything"

13. "Friend"

Natasha: Tatyana Kamenskaya in her repertoire, as you have already noticed, chooses songs that are very difficult in terms of the quality of performance. It is commendable! Her motto: do not look for easy and useless ways. So, meet! Tatyana with a song

14." Sweet People »

Leila : We don't mean anything without friends.

When we laugh and when we are sad and cry.

We live for them and it is evident from the fact

That without friends we mean nothing.

We spin, we spin in our affairs,

Meeting for success - failure,

We are not mistaken in the chosen friends,

After all, without friends, we mean nothing!

Today in the hall gathered the most best friends our graduates, their families and friends. And Daria Sypko gives this musical gift to all her friends.

15. "Feeling Good"

Natasha: Success and recognition come only when a creative and friendly atmosphere develops in the team. And the “Song Constellation” team, if I may say so, is, in fact, a second family. And today, on this beautiful evening, dear graduates of the team, accept this song as a gift. You are congratulated by those who remain instead of you, your younger comrades.

16. "Farewell Song"


II part of the concert

Leila: We start the second partcreativeWoweveningAalumni,soloists of the exemplary vocal art group "Song Constellation" Daria Sypko, Tatiana Kamenskaya and Alexei Morozov. In their work, the guys could not help but pay attention to songs dedicated to the exploits of our people! And now they will perform songs that convey everything that those who fought and waited, waited for the return of a loved one from the war felt ...

17. "19 years old"

18. "White dance"

19. "About the war"

Leila : In the life of every person there are many people, each of which means something to you or not. We take an example and imitate great people, stars, artists, both living now, and those who left a deep mark with their bright life. In the life of Lesha and Dasha there was one wonderful person who put them on the road of knowledge and gave them an impetus to development ... This is a wonderful teacher Serafima Viktorovna Dobroshtan.(Photo by S.V. Dobroshtan on the screen) Unfortunately, Sima Viktorovna is no longer with us, but she will forever remain in our memory and in our hearts. This song is dedicated to the memory of such people...

20. "Clouds"

Natasha: How wonderful that there are guys in the school,

Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her,

After all, it is about them that they will once say:

You are the pride and hope of our days!

Leila : What good children grew up

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.

Let's say they say it's harder

Perhaps, and it is true, these competitions ...

They, the children, know better ...

But very good children grew up!

Of course, we must say sincere words of gratitude to the relatives of our today's graduates: grandmothers, mothers and fathers, who always support the children in difficult moments of life, rejoice at their successes, believe in them, want all their dreams about the future to come true. Alexander Nikolaevich and Marina Vitalievna! Yuri Alexandrovich and Oksana Alexandrovna! Tatyana Alekseevna! The next song is for you!

21. "Let's pray for parents"

Natasha: A low bow to moms and dads, who, fulfilling their parental duty, did everything to make their children happy today. A word to the director of our school Ganzuk Olna Nikolaevna.

(Presenting thanks to parents and certificates to graduates.)

22. "Girl"

Leila: One day great Shakespeare said:

Listen how friendly the strings are

And the notes, merging into a young anthem,

Sing in happy rapture!

And again I invite you to plunge into wonderful world where Her Majesty reigns - Song!

23. " Blue Suede shoes » A.Morozov

24. "Sabaret" D. Sypko

Natasha: Love is a mysterious feeling

The soul knows no peace with her,

Without her, our hearts are empty -

With love, the world is completely different.

25. "More than the sky"

26. "Do not renounce, loving"

27. "Ice"

28. "N" even »

Tanya: It so happened that today's creative evening coincided with another significant event. Today is the birthday of beautiful woman, at our beloved class teacher, teacher Yatsukevich Elena Ivanovna.

Lesha: Without theories, calculations,
We know about your holiday.
And congratulate you today
Our entire class rushed in.
Dasha: We wish you good luck
So that every day of life
Was for you as bright
Like a birthday.
Tanya: All my life in anxiety and excitement
And in concern for the children:
Let today be your birthday
Peace of mind will come soon!
Lesha: Today, on your birthday,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Patience and love, health and luck,
Good students every time!

29. "May you be lucky in love"

30. "Fly, my angel"

31. " Sway »

Leila : Applause does not stop! Dear viewers, now the person who came to this creative evening will take the stage to congratulate you, our dear graduates, with a solo concert. The soloist of the Exemplary Artistic Vocal Group “Sboobies» children's and youth creativity, laureate of International, All-Ukrainian, regional competitions for young vocalists Nikita Khvostik.Applause for Nikita! This is an old and very close friend of our team.

32. "Mirrors"

Natasha: And now we are handing over the microphone to the head of the exemplary artistic vocal group "Song Constellation" Galina Vasilievna Shalimova.

This is how it goes in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

Like beautiful flowers.

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights!

If only the future was

As bright as they are!

Unique, wonderful time,

When the lilac knocks on the window with a branch,

Last mark received -

And you leave the schoolyard.

Towards the sun, light and heat

The world and the windows of the school are thrown wide open.

He rang for you, a cheerful call,

And in childhood the door slammed shut in the morning.

So ten school years have flown by.

We gloriously lived them in our common home.

From cute girls and a boy there will be a portrait

In my computer album.

Slightly mischievous eyes

And carefree youth in your eyes:

What a pity that the years can not be returned back!

The last notebooks have been written.

All songs are sung to the end ...

Recent bugs fixed:

Ah, how careless the gaze of the face is -

The slightest shadow is not yet in the smile!

Probably the happy years will pass,

When dozens of them rush past,

Then, probably, the girls and my boy will understand,

That in this life everything is unique!

out of place here beautiful words,

But parting is worse than a tsunami!

I give you islands as a keepsake,

Barely visible in the sea mist.

And this lonely moon,

A lighthouse burning with a little hope

I give you a noisy wave,

And the farewell call of snow-white seagulls.

How to succeed in this life?
How do you get what you want?
How to realize everything that you dreamed about?
The answer is simple - let's dare!

Let yourself be loved,
Giving no place to insults,
Spreading love everywhere
And appreciate every moment of life!

Let yourself be yourself
Living, not acting!
To be the expression of your will,
And not crushed by fate!

Let yourself be changed!
Watching movies, reading books,
Learning and stuffing bumps
Dare to gain wisdom!

Let yourself dare to grow
Raising the bar all the time!
No need at all on the wrong side,
But dare to be always on the go!

Let yourself dare to dream
Dreams without clipping their wings
Fearing only your powerlessness
In dreams under the clouds to fly!

Dare not to worry
About what you can't change!
But if you want to live beautifully,
Have the power to change your life!

Dare to manage life!
Taking your decisions
Turning dreams into reality
Dare to transform life!

Let yourself love life!
Admiring everything in this life,
Enjoying every moment
Dare to live fully!

The world is unspeakableAbut interesting

And intriguingly large!

Let it be joyful from songs

Let the mainland be small!

Let there, beyond the horizons of dreams,

Will fill the wind of wanderings scarlet sail,

But wherever your boat wanders,

You will return home one day.

We will be waiting for you...

And remember:
The best day is today!
Most best holiday- Job!
The most best job- the one you love!
The biggest need is the need for communication!
Most great wealth- health!
The greatest gift is love!
The greatest joy is creativity!
Remember this and never regret anything!

Children, relatives, I wish you luck to catch.

Believe in yourself, but don't lose school friends either.

Remember that I am always waiting for you with hope.

It will be difficult for you - call, I will come to the rescue

33. "Snow" duet Shalimova G.V. and C ypko D.

34. "Angel" tomorrow» duet Shalimova G.V. and Kamenskaya Tatiana

Natasha: And now we give the floor to our main culprits of today's holiday.

Dasha. Thanksgiving words for the leader, film. Congratulations to parents.

Dasha. Everything passes, only the music is imperishable,
She sounds in a dream and in reality,
She flies like a bird into the blue
On a wonderful morning, escaping from captivity.
She has no barriers, and, listening to the foliage,
Let's kneel together
And mistrust invented walls
Easily fall into the green grass.
Lesha. We'll be back again
To light up the sky with stars.
We'll be back again
So that love shines over the world.
We'll be back again
To make the best in life come true
And sounded from heaven
Above the earth is a magic lyre.
Tanya. We dream that the world
Reigned for all time
To people around
Wishing everyone love and health
To from a good sky
The big moon shone
Filling the whole world
Inspirational and tender love.
We'll be back again, we'll be back again...

35. "Angels of Hope"

Galina Vasilievna: So, Lord, pop stars are lit! Daria, Tatyana, Alexey, you were born to sing! I invite you, dear viewers, to give the final salvo with your palms! Applause! And we do not say goodbye, and we hope that our singers will please you more than once with their songs! Goodbye!Thanks to everyone who spent the evening with us, see you soon!


    Video presentation to creative concert"Magic Sing Mic"

    Video presentations about each graduate

    Video presentation "We are worthy of our memory"

    Video presentation of the prologue "Magic Sing the Microphone": photo collage about graduates

    Video presentation "The most worthy men" for the song "Fly, my angel"

    Video from the International Festival "Nazustrich dream» , performance with Ukrainian pop star Renata Stiefel. “There, by the cherry orchard”

    Video presentation "The Tale of good fairy", about the head

Shalimova G.V.

    Video for the song "19 years"

    Video of concert numbers.


    Song: "JOY"

HOST: Good evening, dear friends! I am glad to see you here again, in this cozy room on holiday concert"Spring, music, love"
And today I would like to congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring, beauty and love!
And where there is beauty and love, there is, of course, a woman, because it is not in vain that we have gathered today on this wonderful holiday, on International Women's Day

A woman is a heavenly creature.

A dream come true.

A cloud of unfulfilled desires.

Wind of goodness and beauty.

How much effort has nature expended,

Creating a Woman into the world!?

What has invested good and evil

In this many-sided silhouette?

The serenity of a summer dawn

The purity of the cold stream,

warmth from sunlight,

Fresh breath of rain.

The strange mystery of the fog

Sensuality from the morning dew

Furious volcano rampage

And the unpredictability of the storm!

So we start. And this song will sound just for you!

    Song: "WHITE SWAN"


The land is rich in spring

Around the gardens are blooming,

And winged swans

My love is carried.

She is like the sun

Laughing and singing

And everything beautiful in the world

Worries, lives.

Just look around

Flowers grow in the fields

And past the geese - swans

My love is carried.

And I hear this song

She came to me

And here again my soul

I took it and blossomed.

    Song "GESE SWANS"

LEADING:And now I invite a dance group to this stage "


LEADING:Surely all of you have felt how something has changed in nature and mood.
And everything is very simple. Spring has come, a time that gives us all a lot of sun, warmth, love.
It's time that gives only us women one of the most beautiful holidays of the year.
Happy holiday dear women.
Joy to you, love and love.
Beauty, perfection and peace.
Boundless happiness, deep respect and complete understanding.

    Dance "BURN CLEAR"

HOST: And now I would like to talk to our men. Dear men, do you know what a woman needs to be completely happy?.......

And now you will learn more

What a Woman Really Needs
Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, tender and repeated!
Hair - silky! Teeth - snow-white!
Husbands - wealthy! Sponsors - gentle!
Stocking without puffs! From a sable fur coat!
Neighbors from below and from above - silent!
Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea!
Cookies - more, but without calories!
The cars are foreign, but the steering wheel is on the left!
Perfume - from Dior! Flowers - daily!
Intentions - different, but better serious!
Dwellings - five-room and five-star!
Bus tickets - only happy!
Friends - not boring! Girlfriends - not jealous!
Passion - exhausting! Difficulties - brief!
Diamonds - no less than 40 carats!
And ... it seems ... we forgot something else ...
Oh ok!
And sideboards without dust!!!

And I dedicate the next song to our men, and you, dear women, girls, sing along with me.

    Song "DO NOT FEAR"

HOST: Our today's meeting is full of surprises. Surely in the hall there are lovers of drawings, lotteries, auctions, participating in them, everyone wants to get Grand Prize.
And today among you, dear viewers, there are three lucky ones. Who will be the owner of gifts for the holiday? What needs to be done for this?
It's very simple: a flower with a number is attached under the three seats, you just need to get up and check if the place you have chosen has become happy.
Please accept our heartfelt congratulations, wishes to be always young, full of health, and may your whole life be sunny and beautiful, joyful and happy.
And now you can relax a little, relax with a wonderful song, and you, dear men, invite your ladies to dance.

    Song "FOR HER"

HOST: Today's holiday is dedicated to great topic"Spring, Music, Love".

And again we are talking about love. Love is the purest, most pleasant feeling on earth. This is the very thread that binds two souls. Love is what makes a person live.

music candle
1st candle
Angels call it heavenly delight
Devils - hellish torment,
And people love.
Love is a great feeling!
2nd candle
In the soul, the light would fade and the darkness would come again,
Whenever we banish love from it.
3rd candle
I believe in the magic of love, in its mysterious power.

    DANCE "CANDLES" synthesizer

LEADING: This is what it is - love: mysterious and beautiful, fatal and passionate, all-consuming power of love ...


HOST: And now I would like to turn to our men again.

Listen, dear men.
The very first woman - Eva
The most beautiful is Cleopatra.
The smartest is George Sand.
Did you know it? Very good.
Now forget it all, and remember.
The very first woman is the one who is near
The most beautiful is the one next to you
And the smartest one is the one next to you.

And if you do not agree with this, it means that you still do not understand much.

Lovely women! Today is your day! And today you are the queens on our holiday! And today Veronika Filippova will present her musical gift to you, and she will perform a song



There is no gypsy blood in me,

My mother said

But I love to live free

Songs to sing and dance.

Gypsy shawl with border

I will tie on the shoulders

Give me your hand - I won't hide

And I'll tell you the whole truth.

LEADING:What can be in the world more sacred than the name mothers! A person who has not yet taken a single step on the ground and is only just starting to “sputter”, uncertainly and diligently adds the word MAMA in syllables, and, feeling his luck, laughs happy ...
Mom, mommy ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which names the dearest, closest, the only person.
Not one ode in the world can express our feelings for mothers. Better just go up to her, to her so tired and busy, press your cheek to your hand and whisper so that only she would hear:
"Mommy! I really love you very much! Happy Holidays!!!"

And now I would like to invite the smallest participants of our holiday to this stage, meet .......

    Song "Daisy"

HOST: And now I would like to sing a song that I really like, and I'm sure you will like it too. Are there people present with the name Galina in the hall? So I dedicate the next song to you and of course to all women.

    Song "GALINA"

LEADING: Dear land, we are your particles,
Ages sleep in your palm.
I'm on it like a grain of wheat
On my lips I am a drop of a spring.
You teach us the truth with inspiration,
Your sunrise is in everyone's destiny.
I write one line, probably
Our common book about you.
There are many of us, but you are all one,
Let's stand up, just call.
Motherland! Take a bow...
And his declaration of love.

Yes, we live in the beautiful Komi land, and very rarely we hear our native songs in our native language. So let's do it together, I think, all famous song, which is called


HOST: And again on this stage I invite the dance group "

LEADING: You fly my soul,
white bird over the field,
And breathing freedom
enjoy the space.
Fly up like a black bird
take it away, into other people's distances,
Those fragments of the soul
Where are the hurts and sorrows.

  1. Song "YOU FLY MY SOUL"

LEADING: I wish you happy bright days,
The warmth of spring and autumn coolness,
And a shadow in the heat of birch branches,
And nightingale trills of a serenade.

I wish passion and fire in the blood
And that's all - so that without end and edge,
So that the heart, choking with love
It could give without getting tired ...

    Song "Wish"

HOST: Our concert program"Spring, Music, Love" came to an end. May this day bring you a good mood, and spring winds, having flown into every house, into every family, will bring with them good, wonderful changes and the hope of meeting happiness.

I sincerely wish you
Health, happiness and good luck,
To keep the heart open
Against any thunder.
So that no sadness is a shadow
Fate and life did not touch,
And everything you want came true
And every day was great.

    Song "POPPURI"

1 Vedas 9 cl Polina Vika Musical intro

My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you speak.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love, separation,
And about happiness, too, each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
It doesn't matter to us with such songs!
How many songs are sung, how many we will sing,
When we sit side by side on a holiday at the table!

Song Russian-Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to last days
We are with you friend song no return!

The holiday begins with the song _Voronova Alina (Shadow-Shadow)

Ved Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Vedas And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about the Russian song.

Vedas In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."

“As one lives, so one sings” “Where there are songs, there is youth”

Vedas "The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial the song is always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth to death

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Ducks flew - dropped pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring
We found it, we weren't surprised...

Vedas: Well, what about the song?
Vedas With a song in Rus' were born.

Students open our program with a song _________________________________________________________

2 Leaders 10kl Olya Alina

Let's forget everything
and sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that people always sing.
from joy, or from longing,
or the heart is torn to pieces.
The soul will suddenly ask for melodies,
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from Russian essence, nature.

these songs live in Russia
and there is nothing better in the world.
When the evening happens
after labors, after roads,
friends over bread and wine
talk about everything;
drag the song together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blooms
and nothing else is needed
and life to the song is good.

Let's sing folk -
Let's take it from the heart.
Let now unfashionable;
Yes painfully good!

Vedas Folk song originated even before the appearance of writing in Rus'. The peasant cultivated the land, planted a garden, raised cattle and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. And how could it be otherwise?

Vedas After all, things go faster with a song, and work is almost in full swing, and how else could a poor person have a rest, except for not singing a couple of songs on a mound in the evening. The whole life of a person in those days was connected with the song. What I see, I sing about. And what were the songs?

Vedas - Many different songs from our people. Epics tell about exploits in the name of happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of the life drama.

Vedas Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are the family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

O beloved Russian songs,

Stored among the people for centuries,

Well, why are you so good?

And in sorrow you are with us and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of the soul!

About songs languidly tender,

Hidden in you gave boundless,

And the universal sadness cries ...

And like an in'okinya-old woman,

Hearing you, I want to repent

And my chest is full of light.

But remote, spaced,

Like the unrestrained wind free,

Such that immediately - and dance!

You Rus gave birth to fertile

And with its overwhelming strength

Filled you to the brim.

And how good are the songs of war!

Immeasurable love for Russia

It sounds to you like a formidable tocsin.

We are with a song of war to death in battle

Let's go, O Russia, for your life,

Without taking a step back

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand up for a minute, listen

Runs like a new engine.

The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

Vedas Labor songs. They accompanied almost every type of labor activity of the peasant - whether it was hunting, pulling nets or lifting weights. All these songs had their own rhythm, under which the work went amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a labor song is the presence of exclamations in it - interjections, such as "Hey!", "Wow!", "Ah!". The most famous labor folk song is Dubinushka.

3 Vedas 9 class Polina Vika

Vedas Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting timber or pulling a barge, a song helped him everywhere.

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,
Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering

Vedas: In the Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,
Let a cheerful or sad motive
Grateful in the soul will respond!


Guess what song is in question, the answer is accepted in the performance of a few lines or words

1 A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter shoes made from sheep wool. (Felt boots)
3. Song of the windy girl who seduced young man and overwhelmed with a great sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
11. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)

The tunes of our Russian songs...
They whisper the stars
They have a rustle of grass.
Spring hymn of heaven
The rumbles of oak forests roam in them ...

River reeds sing.
All that is given to them from above,
That life cannot crush
We continue to hear in songs.

The river rings, sings in the night,
Overflowing closer to the mouth.
Hear the melody of the breeze
With viscous, steppe sadness ...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal boundlessness!
And will not drown out the crows
Gentle and gentle tunes!

About Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 class Nastya Julia

Vedas The second group is love songs. Most often, boys and girls sang these songs before the wedding. They are full of bitterness. unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a sweetheart, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of the unloved ... The girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together for embroidery.

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Vedas All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones.

The third group is family songs sung by married women. These songs reflected the difficult life of a married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the upper rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,
My spring song!

Vedas The fourth group is soldiers' songs. All these songs are divided into military - historical and domestic. Military historical songs were most often sung in the first person and narrated about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In everyday songs, a soldier-peasant described his difficult military life.

Vedas The fifth group is humorous or satirical folk songs. These songs include "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." These songs reflect the cheerful and resilient disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was actually separation, there was no story and song. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories and epics.

5 Vedas 9 cells Polina Vika

Vedas And buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.
Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses!

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About the torment and grief,

About heartbreak.
And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun.

Vedas In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering could do without round dances.

Vedas In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...? /accordions, balalaikas/.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.

You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 cells Olya Alina

Vedas There are so many types of folk songs that it is difficult to define what they are. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world, life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs reflect these phenomena.

One of the types of folk songs is songs about professions. They may be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They might be about miners and cowboys.

Vedas Another variety of folk songs - religious folk songs. The most remarkable of these songs - the spiritual - are imbued with high spirituality.

Vedas There are folk songs that sing of the seasons. There are wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, war songs, soldiers' songs and many others. Folk songs can be about absolutely everything in Everyday life person.

Tenderness wakes up, I hold my breath

And I will wake up my heart with light sadness.

About the Russian song, about your suffering,

Table, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The age-old truth settled here

And people's grief and depth of will.

Will fly up like a bird above the clouds.

Spilled with gold in ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you people, live,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And giving the wisdom of the ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And, finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story...
The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die.
Vedas The song unites us, singing a song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common Home- Russia.

Vedas Rus' is powerful in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live - Well done!

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.

Merry and sad -
Whatever you want, we will sing;
Our relatives are Russian;
We live with them again.

Left us as a legacy;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop...

Sing, listen, love the Russian song!

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The radiance of the gentle eye.
A trifle is my gift - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think of you!

March 8 is Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to all smiles,
When flowers bloom in the soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
Let it accompany you:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept musical congratulations with a holiday, the song Across the river bridge sounds for you. (Nastya and Alina)

Solo concert of a 6th grade student

piano department

slide 1.

Good evening dear friends, dear parents and colleagues! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy concert hall and give you pleasant moments of relaxation from meeting with music.

Today we have invited you to a solo concert by Daria Balashova, a 6th grade student of the piano department of our school of arts. Her performance is the result of her training in piano, synthesizer and vocals.

We decided to call our concert " Music stories' and it is no coincidence. After all, in every piece of music there is a story that sometimes needs to be heard, unraveled.

And one of these mysteries was for us the work of the composer I.S. Bach. Bach was a genius on such a scale that today it seems to be an unsurpassed, exceptional phenomenon. In his music, he reflected on the most important, eternal questions human life - about the appointment of a person, about his moral duty, about life and death.

Bach music, for a long time considered too complicated, incomprehensible, but for the inhabitants of that era of "Baroque" it was simple, understandable, quite natural.

This word, meaning in Latin "invention" (inventio), J. S. Bach called small polyphonic pieces that he composed especially for his students. These were a kind of exercises necessary in order to master the techniques of performing complex polyphonic works, in particular - fugue.

The invention “seemed the genre of discovery or new in the old, or a new task, or new technology. The invention held a certain mystery, something wonderful, funny, strange and bizarre, as well as skillful, dexterous, ingenious, skillful, sophisticated and masterful. The invention was part of the "poetics of the miraculous". In inventions, tasks were set and riddles were guessed, instructive tasks and funny riddles. To teach and find - these didactic and entertaining goals, sharpening the natural abilities of a witty mind, were emphasized in every possible way.

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I. Kirnberger "Polonaise"

Another musical story tells us about a slightly different era: the era of chivalry, the era of beautiful ladies, magnificent feasts. And it was at such secular balls that such a dance as a polonaise sounded.

Polonaise is a truly chivalrous dance, a dance in which every gesture of the gentleman emphasized his admiration for beautiful lady. It was a kind of declaration of love, but the declaration was not passionate, but restrained, full of great inner dignity and tact.

We know that in the 18th century ladies were magnificently dressed, but the men's costumes of the past were not inferior to the ladies' ones not only in richness of decoration, but also in sophistication of taste - heavy gilded brocade, Venetian velvet, satin, soft fluffy sables, sabers with gold notch, bloody - red or gold shoes.

At European balls of the 18th century, the first couple set the movement, which was then repeated by the entire column; therefore, the design and tone of the polonaise largely depended on the organizer of the holiday. Starting in the palace, the polonaise could continue in the garden or in distant living rooms, where the movements became more relaxed. But upon returning to the hall, the main dance again showed its extraordinary solemnity and ceremoniality.

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A.-R. Gilly "Pirates of the Pacific"

A completely different story of musical history meets us in the music of A.-R. Gilly. Only the name "Pacific Pirates" and already the imagination draws the most unusual pictures for us. And thanks to this feature film like "Pirates caribbean» it becomes even easier.

Piracy has its roots in time immemorial. Information about predatory sea raids can be found in ancient Greek legends and in the sagas of Scandinavia. The folklore of many peoples of the world is replete with stories about the fearless and cruel workers of the cutting saber and axe. Piracy is inextricably linked with the history of the development of navigation, the origins of which are in ancient times.

IN early middle ages piracy was actively developing in the northern part of the European continent. The most famous among the sea robbers were the Normans - pirates from Scandinavia.

By the way, not all states fought with pirates - some rulers took them into their service as an exceptionally fast and powerful force. military force. So, the Russian Tsar John IV the Terrible attracted Karsten Rode, a well-known Danish corsair, whose duties included the protection of merchant ships of Muscovy, to cooperate.

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S. Banevich "The soldier and the ballerina"

A sad story about a ballerina, a tin soldier and their love leaves no one indifferent. The devil from the snuffbox lures the tin soldier onto the windowsill and throws him down, but thanks to his courage and luck, the tin soldier returns to the mantelpiece. The story ends on a sad and at the same time happy note - perhaps, having burned down, the soldier and the ballerina are united forever.

It is about such sad story we are told by music composed by Sergei Banevich.

slide 6

A. Klimashevsky "Portrait of a son"

Slide 7

I. Parfenov "In the spring forest"

Walk through the forest, try to absorb all the beauty, all the tenderness of spring nature, all its reviving, warm essence. Touch the real miracle - the awakening life. A river is already running under the ice, breaking its winter shackles, the sun is already beginning to warm all living things with its warmth.

The unity of man with nature at the best time of the year is special and unsurpassed. After all, in autumn forest you can enjoy the beauty of the withering of nature, in winter you can have fun and look at the forest in white clothes, but only in the spring forest nature and every part of it are felt so sharply, so brightly.

It is worth taking walks in the spring forest more often. Enjoy nature while it is not completely conquered by man!

Slide 8

"Fairy Girl" A. Parfenov

The forest fairy sang about something

And smiled

Forest fairy in transparent white,

And gently scarlet

Golden thread on a delicate neck,

golden braids,

The evening wind caressed, playing,

Streams of gold

And my forest fairy sang,

And it smelled like mint.

While Dasha is preparing for her next performance, we would like to tell you about her merits and achievements during her studies at the art school:

III open city festival-competition of performers on electronic

For a short time, Dasha balls as a member of the folklore group "Spinner".

Our school has close cooperation with the kindergarten in Katunino village. For the pupils of this institution, the school prepares musical performances, fairy tales and shows them to children. Daria also takes part in such events, these are:

The musical fairy tale "Turnip", in which Dasha played her grandfather;

The musical fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha", in this fairy tale Dasha played main character Muhu-Tsokotuhu;

The musical performance "Tale of Notes", in this event Daria had to play several roles at once: one of the evil spirits, a lark, and one of the three flowers;

And the most last tale"Teremok", in it Dasha played a runaway bunny.

It should be noted that such events develop creative initiative, communication, comprehensive development and discipline.

For the last 3 years Daria has been studying in the synthesizer class. The debut performance on the synthesizer was the school competition "Electronic Keys", where she took the third place.

Slide 8 (2 photos)

"Merry Blacksmith"

"Ah, my dear Augustine"

The simple motive of the song about "dear Augustine" was very popular in Europe a couple of centuries ago, as among common people and among the nobility.

And here is the legend of the uncomplicated melody.

There once lived a certain Augustine in Vienna. His surname has not been preserved in history; and no one would have remembered the name in four hundred years, if not for the plague, and not for the hurdy-gurdy.

Augustine was a cheerful fellow who earned his living by singing and playing the bagpipes. For the song and for the music, Augustine managed to skip a glass or two - so that it would be better sung and played. He did not change his habit in 1679, when the plague raged in Vienna. Only he began not to take a glass, but as much as the soul required in order to forget about the horrors of the plague. Well, I once took ... many, many glasses, as a result of which, dead drunk, I lay at night on the city pavement. The time was terrible; plague funeral teams, collecting the corpses of the dead from the plague through the streets, dispensed with doctors who witnessed the death.

They also picked up Augustine; thrown into a cart, and then into a pit with corpses dug outside the city. The pit was not dug in - why? Every day and every hour new victims were brought, and more and more corpses were dumped into the pit ... How long Augustine lay in the pit is unknown; however, he woke up, sobered up, managed to get out of the hole and ... went to get drunk in the nearest tavern. There he told those present an incredible story that, dead drunk, he lay among the plague corpses and - did not get sick! And instantly the news spread throughout the city that alcohol was a remedy for the plague.

Grateful townspeople erected a monument to Augustine and composed a song about him, which, over time, hurdy-gurdies spread around the world.

Significant event in creative activity Daria in the synthesizer class was her participation in the III open city festival-competition on electronic keyboard instruments"Magic Sounds" in Novodvinsk. There Daria received a diploma for the original interpretation folk song and certificate for participation.

"Oh, the falcon flies" Ukrainian.n.p.

In the 5th grade, Daria first tried her hand at the art of vocals.


"I'm bored today" A. Ermolov

slide 10

"We dance Jazz"

Did you know that jazz can not only be played and sung, but also danced... and

If you are uncommon and eager to express your attitude to the world around you through movement ...

If your soul wants to fill the heard music with movement, plasticity, beauty...

If you think that the main thing in dance is control over your body…

If you dream of learning how to move in the same way as the artists of the sensational musicals on Broadway or the ballets of M. Bejart appreciated by the whole world ...

Your element is jazz-modern!

The artistic feature of jazz dance is the perfect freedom of movement of the entire body of the dancer and individual parts of the body, both horizontally and vertically. stage space. Jazz dance is, first of all, the embodiment of the dancer's emotions, it is a dance of sensations, not forms or ideas.

Today's jazz dance is hard rhythms, emotional pressure, even some aggression. It contains elements of hip-hop, break, rap, funk. The dance figures combine complex hand translations and intricate body movements that fit into the intense rhythm of the music. Broken movements, asymmetrical figures, spectacular throws to the floor - the dance depends on the music and the choreographer's imagination.

by the most bright moments in the vocal work of Daria there was a performance at reporting concert"Childhood seven-colored" in the village of Uyma.



You can forget your wishes

And shed them like old leaves

Humble yourself when all your efforts are in vain

But just don't change your dream.

Let her light the way

Let it burn like a distant beacon

And in difficult moments helps

Cope with an unbearable forced march.

Live the dream when it's raging

She will save from the darkest thoughts,

Dream out loud, then very quietly,

Without hearing everyday and boring noise.

And may your dream come true

Having accepted the real, earthly flesh,

May the best happen to you

With a dream, you can overcome the difficulty!

Dear friends, we thank you for your time at our concert. We are very happy to see you again in our school. Thanks to Dasha for the work done and understanding. In gratitude, I want to give a small gift. And wish you all the best in life: new beginnings, creative victories and never give up and dream!

Thank you for your attention, our concert is over.

Full text of the material Scenario solo concert 6th grade students of the piano department "Musical Stories", see the downloadable file.
The page contains a snippet.

The stage is framed under the "starry sky"

Stargazer enters the scene:

Hello first star!

Star: (offstage) Good evening, my friend Stargazer! How amazing is the Earth! Glittering lakes, velvet blankets of forests... What's this? Stars?


These are not stars. These are the city lights.

Star: Do people live there? The stars are destined to burn, fulfilling their desires...

What do people dream about?

Girl enters the stage: I dream of revealing my talents.

A guy with a bouquet enters the stage: And I want to find my love.

Girl: And I want to become a teacher, like a mother ... or a princess.

Boy: I would like to jump with a parachute, only my mother does not allow it yet ...

Star: Astrologer! What are you dreaming about?

Stargazer: I dream of getting a star from the sky.

Star: I'm ready to be your wish!

Stargazer: Wait! To get a star means to believe in yourself, and then all desires will come true!

Live in the blue sky, fly, shine boldly,

The more stars in the sky, the brighter the earth!


Leading out:

- There is a wonderful country somewhere in the world:

The wind rules there, the moon rules there ...

Astrologer: There the stars shine in the darkness of heaven,

And we are invited to enter the world of miracles!

Host: Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon dear guests! Today we will be surprised and delighted by children different ages, adults working in our Center, as well as our good friends. What brought them to this hall, to this stage?

Stargazer: Love for the song! For her sake, at any time, in any weather, they came to rehearsals, preparing their numbers, delving into a new business for themselves.

Host: In the soul of each of them, an asterisk of inspiration burns, which warms and beckons to distant horizons, forcing them to reveal all new talents in themselves ... Speaking of stars. Stargazer, it's time for us to start the concert!

Stargazer: Bright stars will soon light up in the sky!

Host: And there are stars in our Center too!

Stargazer: Stars? In our Center?!

Moderator: In our Center! Dear friends, applause warms the palms in frosty weather! And if we all begin to applaud together, our hearts will also warm up!

The song "GREAT KHOROVOD" is performed

Host: Everything in the songs: inescapable longing

And joy is violent, like the wind,

Ice-breaking river in spring

And tenderness, and love, and children.

Now the guys from the 1st group, together with Sergey Vasilyevich, will perform a song

everyone knows and loves it: both children and adults. And, I am sure, they will certainly sing along. Get out guys!

Leading: They say that every nation has its own star - the keeper and guide. Every person must have their own song. Such songs warm the soul, illuminate with a quiet light of goodness and hope, and become loved and cherished for life.

Victoria Batyreva - "Christmas"

Sounds like "CHRISTMAS"

Astrologer: I always looked for the answer to one question: why do they say "grass is greener in childhood"? The stars in the sky always shine the same way: both when you are small and when you become an adult.

Leading: They say so because the place where a person was born, where his childhood passed, forever remains the most dear in the world, and therefore the most beloved and most beautiful: here the grass is greener, and the flowers smell more tender, and people are kinder. In difficult times it becomes easier.

Stargazer: It means that in native places one breathes easier, and one sleeps sweeter, and the stars shine brighter.

Host: Of course!.. Meet Dmitry Kostin and Ekaterina Vasilievna with a song



Astrologer: I didn't even know that there was such a meteor shower!

Host: Did you like it?

Stargazer: You bet!

Host: The broad, Russian soul is torn out, demanding songs. And now a song will be performed by our guest Anna Zinovieva. It's called


Presenter: Everything in the songs: the memory of the battles

And tears for our losses,

Memories of victory days

And pride in the living and the fallen.

In our Center there is a wonderful creative community of adults and children. And with each concert, the number of artists only increases. And this cannot but rejoice! Director of the Center - Svetlana Yurievna - permanent and active participant our concerts. Despite being very busy, she found an opportunity to sing today.


Host: A nice song about human kindness and love for animals. And yet, I am sure that all people with special warmth and tenderness, with great pleasure, sing songs about their mother. On stage again Victoria Batyreva with the song "My Mom"


Stargazer (turns to the Host): Svetlana Alexandrovna! Do you like to look at the stars?

Host: I love it!

Stargazer: There are both small and large ...

Leading: And we have small, but already bright stars! Meet vocal group preschoolers "Do-mi-solka" with a song


Host: You see New Year has been walking the planet for a long time, and we all sing and sing our favorite New Year's songs.


Presenter: Well, we cannot do without the song "Russian Santa Claus" today! This is probably our favorite new year song! By popular demand, the guys now sing it all together.


Host: Songs are always with us: in bright moments they make our life happier and more tangible, in difficult times they support. The heart beats in the chest more often from a cheerful song and worries and worries and freezes from a sad song.

Sergey Vasilyevich, guys! We know that you have such a song in your repertoire. We ask you!!!

SONG from the film "Generals of the Sandpits"

Host: But the next song will sound on English language. It will be performed by Anna Zinovieva. Anna is the winner of the city children's competition vocal creativity "Ladder of Success" and the owner of the "Grand Prix". We heartily congratulate her and wish her further success and new victories!

Song from the repertoire of Christina Aguilera.

Host: How many songs have been composed and sung about love - loud and quiet, lyrical, funny and not very ... How many people - so many songs! Stas Kalinin - "Pink Evening"


Host: When we started to draw up the program of the festival, it turned out that we had so many favorite songs that it would not be possible to sing them in a whole day. Therefore, of course, not all songs will be performed in our concert today. But we decided to dedicate one more song to all mothers in the world. It is called “Mom, Mommy” and will be performed by Ekaterina Vasilievna together with the girls of the third group and the day care unit.


Host: You can love or not love rap, you can argue about the merits of an operetta, but, in my opinion, it’s simply impossible not to love a Russian song! There is in it the breadth of the Russian soul, and tenderness, and purity, and bright sadness. She's alive, she's real!

Dear friends, what do you think, is it possible to sing a song without musical accompaniment?

Remember how in the brides' huts

And at Christmas time, and before weddings, as usual,

Young people came from nearby places,

And the conversations went on as usual.

Then they sang, and then they spun flax

And they danced long quadrilles.

And the evenings flew by like a dream.

And the guys did not take their eyes off the girls.

Now the Russian folk song “Among the Flat Valley” will be performed by Anna Zinovieva and WITHOUT MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT.

"Among the Valley of Smooth"

Presenter: Winter is decorated: Fringe on the dress

From transparent ice floes, Asterisks-snowflakes.

All in diamonds, pearls, In colorful lights,

Radiance pours around, whispers a spell:

- Lie down, soft snows, On forests and meadows,

Cover the paths, down the branches!

Here it is our white winter!


Host (representing the vocal duet): Roman Babichev and Victoria Batyreva!

(applause sounds)

Today, in front of our eyes, multi-colored stars gathered in constellations and gave us their art, some of them are already recognizable and loved, others for the first time felt the excitement before going on stage.

Stargazer: And we are sure that your applause will allow our artists to strive for distant horizons, revealing new talents in themselves! (Applause)

We remain true to our proverb:

The more joyfully people sing, the brighter the earth!

Leading: We wish that among everyday life and holidays, at work and in the family circle, a star will always shine for you, from the magical light of which goodness, joy and love shine brighter in the sky of our life!

The song "I WISH" sounds from the repertoire of E. Vaenga

Host: Dear friends, we will be glad to see new stars in our song constellation!!! Until we meet again!!!

The phonogram "Starland" sounds.

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