Fairy tales read in the middle group. Tale of how the last fly lived


Vera Komolova
Sample list literature for reading to children according to the program of education and training in kindergarten ed. M. A. Vasilyeva

An approximate list of literature for reading and telling children according to the PROGRAM OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN KINDERGARTEN, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Early age (1-2 years)

Russian folklore

Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes. “Okay, okay.”, “Cockerel, cockerel.”, “ Big feet. ”,“ Vodichka, vodichka. ”,“ Bye-bye, bye-bye. ”,“ Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat. ”,“ Like our cat. ”,“ Come on, cat under the bridge. ,".

Russians folk tales. “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip” (arr. K. Ushinsky); “How a goat built a hut” (arr. M. Bulatova).

Poetry. 3. Alexandrova. "Hide and Seek"; A. Barto. "Goby", "Ball", "Elephant" (from the cycle "Toys"); V. Berestov. "Chicken with chickens"; V. Zhukovsky. "Bird"; G. Lagzdyn. "Bunny, bunny, dance!"; S. Marshak "Elephant", "Tiger Cub", "Owlets" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); I. Tokmakova. -Bainki".

Prose. T. Alexandrova. "Piggy and Chushka" (abbreviated); L. Panteleev. * How a piglet learned to speak "; V. Suteev. "Chicken and Duckling"; E. Charushin. "Hen" (from the cycle "Big and Small"); K. Chukovsky. -"Chick".

Fiction for children

First junior group (2-3 years)

Sample list for reading and telling children

Songs, rhymes, incantations. "Our ducks in the morning."; "The cat went to Torzhok."; "Egor's hare."; "Our Masha is small."; “Chicky, chicky, kichki.”, “Oh doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak"; "Because of the forest, because of the mountains."; “A fox with a box ran through the woods.”; "Cucumber, cucumber."; "Sunshine, bucket."

Fairy tales. "Kids and the Wolf", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Teremok", arr. M. Bulatova; "Masha and the Bear", arr. M. Bulatova. Folklore of the peoples of the world "Three merry brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina; "Boo-boo, I'm horny", lit., arr. Yu. Grigorieva; "Kotausi and Mausi"; English, arr., K. Chukovsky; "Oh, you hare-shooter."; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova; “You, doggy, don’t bark.”, trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova; "Conversations", Chuvash., Per. L. Yakhnina; "Snegirek", trans. with him. V. Viktorova; "Shoemaker", Polish., Arr. B, Zakhodera.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. A. Barto. "Bear", "Truck", "Elephant", "Horse" (from the cycle "Toys", "Whoever screams"; V. Berestov. "Sick Doll", "Kitten"; G. Lagzdyn, "Cockerel"; C Marshak "The Tale of stupid little mouse»; E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated); N. Pikuleva. "Fox tail", "The cat inflated the balloon."; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?"; A. Pushkin. "The wind blows across the sea." (from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"); M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby." (from the poem "Cossack lullaby"); A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl-Revushka"; A. Vvedensky. "Mouse"; A. Pleshcheev, in Rural song "; G. Sapgir. "Cat"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka", "Confusion".

Prose. L. Tolstoy. “The cat was sleeping on the roof.”, “Petya and Misha had a horse.”; L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears"; V. Suteev. "Who said" meow ""; V. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"; G. Ball. "Yeltyachok"; N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

S. Kaputikyan. “Everyone is sleeping”, “Masha is having lunch” trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova. P. Voronko. "News", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak. D. Bisset. "Ha-ha-ha!", trans. from English. N. Shereshevskaya; Ch. Yancharsky. "In the Toy Store", "Friends"! from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.

Fiction for children

Second junior group (3-4 years)

Sample list for reading and telling children

Russian folklore: Songs, nursery rhymes, chants, “Finger-boy.”, “Hare, dance.”, “The night has come,” “Magpie, magpie. -bom! Tili-bom."; “Like our cat.”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart.”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi.” , "Dawn-dawn."; “Weed-ant. ,.", "There are three chickens on the street.", "Shadow, shade, sweating.", "Ribushka hen.", "Rain, rain, thicker.", " Ladybug. ,", "Rainbow-arc.", .

Fairy tales. "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and goats", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, rooster and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox"; “Goby - black barrel, white hooves”, arr. M. Bulatova; "The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl; “Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

Folklore of the peoples of the world.

Songs. "Ship", "Braves", "Little Fairies", "Three Trappers" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a Rumble", trans. from Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy an onion.", trans. with shotl. N. Tokmakova; "Frog Talk", "Intractable Hoopoe", "Help!" per. from Czech. S. Marshak.

Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Goat-Dereza" Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina; "Two Greedy Little Bears", Hung., arr. A. Krasnova and V, Vazhdaeva; "Stubborn goats", Uzbek, arr. Sh. Sagdulla; “Visiting the sun”, trans., from Slovak. S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina; "Nanny Fox", trans. from Finnish E. Soini; "The brave fellow", trans. from Bulgarian L. Gribovoy; "Puff", Belarusian, arr. N. Myalika; “Forest bear and naughty mouse”, Latvian, arr. Yu. Vanaga, trans. L. Voronkova; "The Rooster and the Fox", trans. with shotl. M, Klyagina-Kondratieva; "The Pig and the Kite", a tale of the peoples of Mozambique, trans. from Portuguese. Y. Chubkova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. K. Balmont. "Autumn"; A. Blok. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. "The winds are blowing." (from the poem "Russian Song"); A. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come.", "Spring" (abbreviated); A. Maikov. " Lullaby"," The swallow rushed. (from modern Greek songs); Ah, Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are powerful. ”,“ Our light, the sun !. ”,“ Month, month. (from "The Tale of dead princess And. seven heroes"); C. Black. "Private", "About Katyusha"; S. Marshak. "Zoo", "Giraffe", "Zebras", "Polar Bears", "Ostrich", "Penguin", "Camel", "Where the Sparrow Dined" (from the cycle "Children in a Cage"); "Quiet Tale", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "The Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Fly-Sokotuha", "Hedgehogs Laugh", "Christmas Tree", "Aibolit", "Wonder Tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is this?"; V. Berestov. "Hen with chickens", "Goby"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mice fought with a cat"; V. Mayakovsky. “What is good and what is bad?”, “Whatever the page is, then an elephant, then a lioness”; K. Balmont, "Mosquitoes-makariki"; P. Kosyakov. "All of her"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl grimy"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Greedy"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear". Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Ducks", "Vaska", "Lisa-Patrikeevna"; T. Alexandrova. "Bear cub Burik"; B. Zhitkov. “How we went to the zoo”, “How we arrived at the zoo”, “Zebra”, -Elephants”, “How the elephant bathed” (from the book “What I saw”); M. Zoshchenko. -Smart bird"; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there are not enough toys" from the book "About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub"); K. Chukovsky. "So and not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha-confused", " It is snowing"(from the book" It's snowing "); N. Nosov "Steps"; D, Kharms. "Brave hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "The bird made a nest."; "Tanya knew the letters."; “Vari had a siskin,.”, “Spring has come.”; W. Bianchi. "Bathing cubs"; Y. Dmitriev. "Blue hut"; S. Prokofiev. “Masha and Oika”, “When You Can Cry”, “The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse” (from the book “Machines of a Fairy Tale”); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Cocks".

Works of poets and writers different countries

Poetry. E. Vieru. "The Hedgehog and the Drum", trans. with mold. I. Akima; P. Voronko. -Sly hedgehog", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes", trans. from Bulgarian M. Marinova; A. Milne. "Three Chanterelles", trans. from English. N. Slepakova; N. Zabila. "Pencil", trans. from Ukrainian 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who will rather finish drinking", "Masha does not cry" trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova; A. Bosev. "Rain", trans. from Bulgarian I. Maznina; “The Finch Sings”, ~ep. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Carem. "My cat", trans. from French M. Kudinova.

Prose. D. Bisset. "The Frog in the Mirror", trans., from English. N. Shereshevskaya; L. Muur. "Little Raccoon and the One Who Sits in the Pond", trans. from English. O. Exemplary; Ch. Yancharsky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", translated from Polish by V. Prikhodko; E. Bekhlerova. "Cabbage Leaf", translated from Polish by G. Lukin; A. Bosev. "Three" , translated from Bulgarian by V. Viktorova, B. Potter, “Uhti-Tukhti”, translated from English by O. Obraztsova, J. Chapek, “A Hard Day”, “In Le-:v”, “Yarinka Doll” (from the book “The Adventures of a Dog and a Cat”, trans.. Czech. G. Lukin; O. Alfaro. “Goat-Hero”, translated from Spanish by T. Davityants; O. Panku-Yash. “Good night, Dooku! ”, translated from Romanian. M. Olsufieva, “Not only in kindergarten” (abbreviated, translated from Romanian. T. Ivanova. An approximate list for memorizing “Finger-boy.”, “Like our cat. ", "Cucumber, cucumber.", "Mice lead a round dance. ,." - Russian folk songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Cockerels"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas Tree" (abbreviated); E. Ilyina. "Our Christmas Tree" (abbreviated); A. Pleshcheev. "Country Song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?".

Fiction for children

Middle group (4-5 years old)

Sample list for reading and telling children

Russian folklore

Songs, rhymes, incantations. "Our goat." -; "Bunny coward.": "Don! Don! Don! -", "Geese, you are geese."; "Legs, legs, where have you been?". “Sits, sits a bunny. >, “The cat went to the stove.”, “Today is a whole day.”, “Lambs.”, “A fox is walking along the bridge.”

Fairy tales. "About Ivanushka the Fool", arr. M. Gorky; "War of mushrooms with berries", arr. V. Dahl; "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", arr. L. N. Tolstoy; "Zhiharka", arr. I. Karnaukhova; "Chox-sister and wolf", arr. M. Bulatova; "Zimovye", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa; "Fascinating", "Fox-bast", arr. V. Dahl; "Cockerel and bean seed", arr. Oh, Kapitsa.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. "Fish", "Ducklings", French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Chiv-chiv, sparrow", trans. with Komi Perm. V. Klimov; "Fingers", trans. with him. L, Yakhina; "Sack", Tatar., trans. R. Yagofarova, retelling by L. Kuzmin. Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", trans. from English. S. Mikhalkov; "The Hare and the Hedgehog", from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, trans. with him. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; "Little Red Riding Hood", from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. from French T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. " The Bremen Town Musicians", German, trans. V. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. "Leaf fall" (excerpt); A. Maikov. " Autumn leaves circling in the wind."; A. Pushkin. "Already the sky breathed autumn." (from the novel "Eugene Onegin"); A. Fet. "Mother! Look out the window."; I am Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "Left"; S. Yeast. "The street walks." (from deprivation "In peasant family»); S. Yesenin. "Winter sings - calls out."; N. Nekrasov. "It is not the wind that rages over the forest." (from the poem "Frost, Red Nose"); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. “Luggage”, “About everything in the world-:-”, “That's how scattered”, “Ball”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa"; E. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring" (abbreviated); Y. Moritz. "A song about a fairy tale"; "House of the gnome, gnome - at home!"; E. Uspensky. "Destruction"; D. Kharms. "Very creepy story." Prose. V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Petushka and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Showcase child"; K. Ushinsky. "Cheerful cow"; S. Voronin. "Militant Jaco"; S. Georgiev. "Grandma's garden"; N. Nosov. "Patch", "Entertainers"; L. Panteleev. "On the Sea" (chapter from the book "Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka"); Bianchi, "The Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Non-hearing."

literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Oseeva. " magic needle»; R. Sef. "The Tale of Round and Long Little Men"; K. Chukovsky. "Phone", "Cockroach", "Fedorino grief"; Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of Komar Komarovich - A long nose and about Shaggy Misha- Short tail"; W. Bianchi. "First Hunt"; D. Samoilov. "Elephant has a birthday."

Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons.”, “The boy guarded the sheep.”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink.”.

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Poetry. V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian. I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Miracles", trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; "About Pan Trulyalinsky", retelling from Polish. B. Zakhoder; F. Grubin. "Tears", trans. from Czech. E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. "Snowdrops" (chapters from the book "Gugutse - the captain of the ship", translated from Mold. V. Berestov.

Literary tales. A. Milne. “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” (chapters from the book, translated from English by B. Zakhoder; E. Blyton. “The Famous Duck Tim” (chapters from the book, translated from English by E. Papernaya; T. Egner "Adventures in the forest of Elka-on-Gorka" (chapters from the book, translated from Norwegian by L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About a boy who growled at tigers", translated from English by N. Sherepgevskaya; E Hogarth "Mafia and his funny friends"(chapters from the book, translated from English by O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko.

To memorize “Grandfather wanted to cook his ear.”, “Legs, legs, where have you been?” - Russian nar. songs; A. Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are powerful." (from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"); 3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone"; A. Barto. "I know what to think of"; L. Nikolaenko. "Who scattered the bells."; V. Orlov. “From the Bazaar”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (at the choice of the educator); E. Serova. "Dandelion", " cat paws"(from the cycle" Our flowers "); "Buy a bow.", Shotl. nar. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.

Fiction for children

Senior group (5-6 years old)

Sample list for reading and telling children

Russian folklore

Songs. "Like thin ice."; "Nikodenka-gusachok."; “I am amusing the pegs.”; "Like grandmother's goat."; “You are frost, frost, frost.”: “You knock on the oak tree, a blue siskin flies.”; “Early, early in the morning.”: “Rooks-kirichi.”; “You, little bird, you are stray.”; " Swallow - swallow.”: “Rain, rain, more fun.”; "Ladybug.".

Fairy tales. "The Fox and the Jug", arr. O. Kapitsa; "Winged, hairy and oily" arr. I. Karnaukhova; "Havroshechka", arr. A. N. Tolstoy "Hare-bouncer", arr. O. Kapitsa; " Princess Frog", arr. M. Bulatova; "Rhymes", an authorized retelling of B. Shergin's "Sivka-Burka", arr. M. Bulatova; "Finist - Clear Falcon", arr. A. Platonov.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. “They washed buckwheat”, Lithuanian, arr. Yu. Grigorieva; "Old lady". "The House That Jack Built", trans. from English. S. Marshak; "Good luck!", Dutch, arr. I. Tokmakova; "Vesnyanka", Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak; “Friend for friend”, taj., arr. N. Grebneva (abbreviated).

Fairy tales. "Cuckoo", Nenets, arr. K. Shavrova; "Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek", folk tales West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreev; "Goldilocks", trans. from Czech. K. Paustovsky; "Three golden hairs of Grandfather-Vseved", trans. from Czech. N. Arosyeva (from the collection of fairy tales by K. Ya. Erben). Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. "First snow"; A. Pushkin. "Already the sky breathed autumn." (from the novel "Eugene Onegin"); " Winter evening"(abbreviated); A. K. Tolstoy. “Autumn, our entire poor garden is sprinkled.”; M. Tsvetaeva. "At the bed"; S. Marshak. "Poodle"; S. Yesenin. "Birch", "Bird cherry"; I. Nikitin. "Meeting of winter"; A. Fet. "The cat sings, his eyes screwed up."; C. Black. "Wolf"; V. Levin. "Chest", "Horse"; M. Yasnov. "Peaceful Counting". S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty"; F. Tyutchev. "Winter is angry for a reason."; A. Barto. "Rope". Prose. V. Dmitrieva. "Baby and the Bug" (chapters); L. Tolstoy. "Bone", "Jump", "Lion and Dog"; N. Nosov. "Live hat"; Diamonds. "Humpback"; A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters); S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus"; V. Dragunsky. "Childhood Friend", "Top Down, Obliquely"; K. Paustovsky. "Cat-thief".

Literary tales. T. Alexandrova. "Domovenok Kuzka" (chapters); B. Bianchi. "Owl"; B. Zakhoder. " gray star»; A. Pushkin. "The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Guidone Saltanovich l o beautiful princess Swans"; P. Bazhov. " silver hoof»; N. Teleshov. "Krupenichka"; V. Kataev. "Flower-seven-flower".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Poetry. A. Milne. "The Ballad of the King's Sandwich", trans. from English. C. Marshak; W. Smith. "About the Flying Cow", trans. from English. B. Zakhoder; I. Bzhehva. "On the Horizon Islands", trans. from Polish. B. Zakhoder; Lzh. Reeves. "Noisy Bang", trans. from English. M. Boroditskaya; "Letter to all children on one very important matter", trans. from Polish. S. Mikhalkov.

Literary tales. X. Myakelya. “Mr. Au” (chapters, translated from Finnish by E. Uspensky; R. Kipling. “Elephant”, translated from English by K. Chukovsky, poems from the translation of S. Marshak; A. Lindgren. “Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew again ”(abbreviated chapters, translated from Swedish L. Lungina.

To memorize “You will knock on the oak tree.”, Rus. nar. song; I. Belousov. "Spring Guest"; E. Blaginina. "Let's sit in silence"; G. Vieru. "Mother's Day", lane, from mold, Ya. Akima; M. Isakovsky. "Go beyond the seas-oceans"; M. Carem. "Peaceful counting rhyme", trans. from French V. Berestov; A. Pushkin. "At the seaside, the oak is green." (from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"); I. Surikov. "This is my village."

For reading in persons Yu. Vladimirov. "Freaks"; S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty"; V. Orlov. "Tell me, little river."; E. Uspensky. "Destruction". additional literature

Russian folk tales. "Nikita Kozhemyaka" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev); " Boring Tales". Foreign folk tales. "About the little mouse who was a cat, a dog and a tiger", ind. per. N. Khodzy; “How the Brothers Found the Father’s Treasure”, Mold., Arr. M. Bulatova; "Yellow Stork", Chinese, trans. F. Yarlin.

Prose. B. Zhitkov. "White House", "How I Caught Little Men"; G, Snegirev. "Penguin Beach", "To the Sea", "Brave Penguin"; L. Panteleev. "The letter "y""; M. Moskvina. "Baby"; A. Mityaev. "The Tale of the Three Pirates". Poetry. Ya. "Council", "Endless Poems"; D. Kharms. "Already I ran, ran, ran."; D. Ciardi. "About the one who has three eyes", translated from English by R. Sefa; B. Zakhoder "A pleasant meeting"; S. Cherny. "Wolf"; A. Pleshcheev. "My garden"; S. Marshak. "Mail". Literary tales. A. Volkov. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters); O. Preusler "Little Baba Yaga", translated from German by Y. Korints, J. Rodari, "Magic Drum" (from the book "Tales with Three Ends", translated from Italian by I. Konstantinova; T. Jansson. "About the last dragon in the world", translated from Swedish by L. Braude; "The Magician's Hat", translated by V. Smirnov; G. Sapgir. who could sing ", A. Mityaev. "The Tale of the Three Pirates".

Fiction for children

Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old)

Sample list for reading and telling children

Russian folklore.

Songs. "The fox was walking."; "Chigariki-chok-chigarok."; "Winter has come."; "Mother spring is coming."; "When the sun rises, dew will fall on the ground." Calendar ritual songs. "Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes carols. ”; "Kolyada, carol, give me a pie."; "How the carol went."; "Like butter week."; "Tin-tin-ka."; "Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!"

Jokes. "Brothers, brothers."; "Fedul, what did you pout your lips with?"; "Have you eaten the pie?"; “Where is jelly - here he sat down”; " Silly Ivan.»; "Knocked down, knocked together - that's the wheel." Fables. Yermoshka is rich. "Listen guys."

Tales and epics. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (recording by A. Hilferding, excerpt); "Vasilisa the Beautiful" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasiev); "Wolf and Fox", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova. "Dobrynya and the Serpent", retelling by N. Kolpakova; "Snow Maiden" (according to folk stories); "Sadko" (recorded by P. Rybnikov, excerpt); "Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova; "Synko-Filipko", retelling by E. Polenova; “Do not peck into the well - it will come in handy to drink water”, arr. K. Ushinsky.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. "Gloves", "Ship", translated from English. S. Marshak; "We went through the spruce forest", trans. from the Swedish I. Tokmakova; “What I saw”, “Three revelers”, trans. from French N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Oh, why are you a lark.", Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak; "Snail", Mold., arr. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales. From the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault (French): “Puss in Boots”, trans., T. Gabbe; "Ayoga", Nanaisk., arr. D. Nagishkin; “To each his own”, Estonian, arr. M. Bulatova; "Blue bird", Turkm., arr. A. Alexandrova and M. Tuberovsky; "White and Rose", trans. with him. L. Kohn; "The most beautiful outfit in the world", trans. from Japanese. V. Markova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. M. Voloshin. "Autumn"; S. Gorodetsky. "First snow"; M. Lermontov. "Mountain Peaks" (from Goethe); Y. Vladimirov. "Orchestra"; G Sapgir. "Rhymes, tongue twisters"; S. Yesenin. "Powder"; A. Pushkin “Winter! Peasant, triumphant." (from the novel "Eugene Onegin", "Bird,"; P. Solovyova. "Day Night"; N. Rubtsov. "About the Hare"; E. Uspensky. "A Terrible Story", "Memory". A. Blok. "; S. Gorodetsky. "Spring Song"; V. Zhukovsky "The Lark" (abbreviated); F. Tyutchev. " spring waters»; A. Fet. “The willow is all fluffy” (excerpt); N. Zabolotsky. "On the river".

Prose. A. Kuprin. "Elephant"; M. Zoshchenko. "Great Travelers"; K. Korovin. "Squirrel" (abbreviated); S. Alekseev. "First night ram»; N. Teleshov. "Ear" (abbreviated); E. Vorobyov. "A broken wire"; Y. Koval. "Rusachok-herbalist", "Stozhok"; E. Nosov. "How the crow on the roof got lost"; S. Romanovsky. "Dancing".

Literary tales. A. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"; A, Remizov. "Bread Voice", "Geese-Swans"; K. Paustovsky. " warm bread»; V. Dahl. "Old man-year-old"; P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; K. Ushinsky. "Blind Horse"; K. Dragunskaya. "The Cure for Obedience"; I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "Salt of the earth"; G. Skrebitsky. "Everyone in his own way."

Works of poets and writers from different countries

Poetry. L. Stanchev. "Autumn Gamma", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; B. Brecht. "Winter conversation through the window", trans. with him. K. Oreshina; E. Lear. “Limericky” (“Once upon a time there was an old man from Hong Kong.”, “Once upon a time there was an old man from Winchester.”

Literary tales. H. -K Andersen. "Thumbelina", " ugly duck» per. from dates A. Hansen; F. Salten. "Bambi", trans. with him. Yu. Nagibina; A. Lindgren. "The Princess Who Doesn't Want to Play with Dolls", trans. from the Swedish E. Solovieva; C. Topelius. "Three rye spikelets", trans. from the Swedish A. Lyubarskaya.

For learning by heart (at the choice of educators) Ya. Akim. "April"; P. Voronko. "Better not native land", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak; E. Blaginina. "Overcoat"; N. Gernet and D. Kharms. "Very very tasty pie»; S. Yesenin. "Birch"; S. Marshak. "The young month is melting."; E. Moshkovskaya. "We ran until the evening"; V. Orlov. "You fly to us, starling."; A. Pushkin. "Already the sky breathed autumn." (from "Eugene Onegin"); N. Rubtsov. "About a hare"; I. Surikov. "Winter"; P. Solovyov. "Snowdrop"; F. Tyutchev. “Winter is angry for a reason” (at the choice of the educator).

For reading in faces K. Aksakov. "Lizochek"; A. Freudenberg. "The Giant and the Mouse", trans. with him. Y. Korintsa; D. Samoilov. "Elephant has a birthday" (excerpts); L. Levin. "Box"; S. Marshak. "Koshkindom" (excerpts). additional literature

Fairy tales. " white duck”, Rus, from the collection of fairy tales by A. Afanasyev; “A boy with a finger”, from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. from French B. Dekhtereva.

Poetry. “Here the red summer has come.”, Rus. nar. song; A. Blok. "In the meadow"; N. Nekrasov. "Before the rain" (abbreviated); A. Pushkin. "Behind the spring, the beauty of nature." (from the poem "Pitany"); A. Fet. "What an evening." (abbreviated); C. Black. "Before going to bed", "The Magician"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Cunning old women", "What are the gifts"; V. Berestov. "The Dragon"; E. Uspensky. "Memory"; L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in the window"; I. Tokmakova. "I'm upset"; D. Kharms. "Cheerful old man", "Ivan Toropyshkin"; M. Outrigger. "The Wise Men", trans. from Slovak R. Sefa. Prose. D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Medvedko"; A. Raskin. “How dad threw the ball under the car”, “How dad tamed the dog”; M. Prishvin. "Chicken on poles"; Y. Koval. "Shot".

Literary tales. A. Usachev. "About the smart dog Sonya" (chapters); B. Potter. "The Tale of Jemima Nyrnivluzha", trans. from English. I. Tokmakova; M. Aime. "Paints", trans. from French I. Kuznetsova.

Tasks: Teach children to describe the toy, its appearance.

To teach to answer with a full sentence, to activate the dictionary, to develop the coherent speech of children, the ability to reason, imagination, thinking, logic, develop Creative skills children, to bring up love for Russian folk tales.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, you all hold hands, and smile at each other.

Today we will go on a fabulous journey.

If the fairy tale the door is knocking,

You quickly let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird

You scare a little and you won't find it.

Educator: Guys, look what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic bag.

But there is something inside. Let's try with you to guess what is there, but not with the help of the eyes, but with the help of the hands. Now I'll let a few guys feel it, and they should name a hundred inside the bag.

Children feel the bag and try to guess who is inside.

That's right guys, this is a fox, she came running to us from a fairy tale.

Guys, what is the name of the fox in fairy tales? (Fox-sister, fox, Lisa Patrikeevna).

And how did you guess that the fox hid in the bag? (she has a fluffy tail).

And now guys, let's try to describe our guest.

Katya, what can you tell us about fox fur? (The fur of the fox is soft, fluffy, red.)

Okay, Sasha, what can you tell us about the fox's muzzle. (The muzzle of the fox is sharp, cunning, sharp, the ears are sharp, similar to triangles.)

Well done Sasha.

And Daria will tell us about the fox's tail. (The fox's tail is long, soft, fluffy.)

Well done Daria. And what can be said about the character of the fox, what is it like in fairy tales? (the fox in fairy tales is cunning, a deceiver)

Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but what do you think from which one? In what fairy tales did we meet the fox? (Fox with a rolling pin, Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended a hare and drove him out of the house. (Zayushkina hut).

Guys, the fox brought you riddles. Let's listen to them carefully and guess.

We first listen to the riddle and only then prepare the answer.

Our animal lives in anxiety

Takes away from misfortune.

Well, quick guess

What is the name of the animal? (hare).

Who is big and clumsy

He took the honey out of the barrel with his paw.

I ate sweetness and roar.

And his name is (bear).

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly

He flaps his wings loudly.

Hen faithful shepherd

What is his name (rooster)

I have excellent hearing

Sharp eyes and subtle scent

I immediately get into a fight with a cat

Because I (dog)

Jumping through the swamp

green frog

green legs

My name is (frog).

Guys, look at what animals we guessed, but are they all heroes of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (no, a frog from another fairy tale)

That's right guys. The fox sees that you are tired and wants to play with you.


Hey guys what are you sleeping

Show us the animals.

The fox has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail.

Fur coat red fox

Unspeakable beauty.

The fox walks through the forest

Strokes a red fur coat.

The hare jumped through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly, at the hare on top,

Rose like arrowheads

Bunny jumped, turned

And crouched under a tree.

The bear got out of the den,

Misha stretches his legs.

He walked on his toes.

And then on the heels.

On the tables there are sheets with circles, pencils, on the board there is also a sheet with circles.

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut". Sophia, tell me how the fairy tale begins.

That's right, and Katya will come out to the blackboard and draw us a hare and a fox.

Katya, what distinguishes a fox from other animals?

Let's show on the first circle that this is a fox, draw sharp ears and a long muzzle.

And what does the hare have that other heroes of our fairy tale do not have?

That's right, let's draw long ears for our hare.

And what distinguishes the dog in our fairy tale?

Correctly, let's draw our dog's tail with a ring.

Nastya what do we draw to show that this is a bear ?.

That's right, let's draw small round ears.

Maxim will continue the story.

Daria, what is special about a cockerel?

That's right, let's draw a scallop to our cockerel, you can finish the beak.

How does Seryozha end the fairy tale?

Well done guys, you remember well the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"

And now I will show you this fairy tale with dolls.

Puppet show.

Once upon a time there was a fox and a bunny. They decided to build a hut for themselves. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then spring came - red, and the fox's hut melted.

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, oblique here. What about where is my house?

Hare: Your whole hut with a porch ran into the river. You fox do not worry, you move to me.

Fox: I’m lucky I’ll tell the oblique one, I’ll drive him out of the house, I don’t want to live with him, share the crust of bread. (Turns to the hare)

Hey listen, dear Zaya! There is news

Hare: Yah! Which?

Fox: There is a garden behind the forest, there is cabbage all year round!

Hare: Is it already ripe? Come on, come on, I'll run and look for cabbage! What's that? The door is closed.

Fox: (looks out of the house) I now live in a hut

Hare: Yes, this is my house!

Fox: I won't let you scythe! (the hare moves away, sits next to him crying)

A dog appears.

Dog: Woof woof woof! I have a hot temper, I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights. Show me who is your enemy?

Hare: Here he sits in my hut, here his ears stick out in the window

Dog: Hey fox, do you hear the barking? Woof-woof-woof go away!

Fox: As I wave my tail, I will burn with fire, beware!

Dog: (cowardly) Oh, I completely forgot the oblique, I need to go home soon!.

A bear appears.

Bear: I'm a couch potato, I slept long and deep, I'm not afraid of fights or rubbish. Show me where is your enemy?

Hare: here he sits in my hut, here his ears stick out in the window.

Bear: Hey! Who is there in the hut? Here you get it!

Fox: as I wave my tail, I will burn with fire, beware!

Bear: (cowardly) Oh, I completely forgot the scythe. I need to go home soon.

A cockerel appears.

Cockerel: Coo-ka-re-coo, coo-ka-re-coo! I'll help, I'll help!

Fox: As I wave my tail, I will burn with fire, beware!

Cockerel: How I shake it with a comb and the whole house falls apart! I have a scythe, come on out fox!

Fox: Oh, I'm afraid of a rooster, oh away from sin! (runs out of the house)

Hare: Well, thanks, Cockerel, he helped to cope with the fox. We will live in the house together, live together and not grieve!

Did you guys like the story? What does she teach us? Well, it's time for us to say goodbye and part with the fairy tale.

Created on 12/01/2014 04:32 PM Updated on 02/16/2017 10:19 AM

  • "The Fox and the Bear" (Mordovian);
  • "War of mushrooms with berries" - V. Dahl;
  • "Wild Swans" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Chest-plane" - H.K. Andersen;
  • "Voracious Shoe" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Cat on a Bicycle" - S. Black;
  • “At the seashore, a green oak ...” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Humpbacked Horse" - P. Ershov;
  • "The Sleeping Princess" - V. Zhukovsky;
  • "Mr. Au" - H. Myakelya;
  • "The Ugly Duckling" - H.K. Andersen;
  • “Everyone in his own way” - G. Skrebitsky;
  • "Frog - Traveler" - V. Garshin;
  • "Deniska's stories" - V. Dragunsky;
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich" - V. Odoevsky;
  • "Mrs. Metelitsa" - Br. Grimm;
  • "The Tale of Lost Time" - E. Schwartz;
  • "Golden Key" - A.N. Tolstoy;
  • "Guarantee little men" - E. Uspensky;
  • "Black hen, or Underground inhabitants» - A. Pogorelsky;
  • “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” - A.S. Pushkin;
  • "Elephant" - R. Kipling;
  • "The Scarlet Flower" - K. Aksakov;
  • "Flower - seven-flower" - V. Kataev;
  • "The cat who could sing" - L. Petrushevsky.

Senior group(5-6 years old)

  • "Winged, hairy and oily" (arr. Karanoukhova);
  • "Princess - frog" (arr. Bulatov);
  • "Bread Ear" - A. Remizov;
  • "Grey neck" D. Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • "Finist - a clear falcon" - r.n. fairy tale;
  • "The Case with Evseika" - M. Gorky;
  • “Twelve months” (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Silver Hoof" - P. Bazhov;
  • "Doctor Aibolit" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Bobik visiting Barbos" - N. Nosov;
  • “Boy - with - finger” - C. Perro;
  • "Gullible hedgehog" - S. Kozlov;
  • "Havroshechka" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • "Princess - an ice floe" - L. Charskaya;
  • "Thumbelina" - H. Andersen;
  • "Flower - semi-light" - V. Kataev;
  • "The Secret of the Third Planet" - K. Bulychev;
  • "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters) - A. Volkov;
  • "Dog's grief" - B. Zahader;
  • "The Tale of Three Pirates" - A. Mityaev.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

  • “About the girl Masha, about the dog, the cockerel and the cat Thread” - A. Vvedensky;
  • "Cheerful cow" - K. Ushinsky;
  • "Zhurka" - M. Prishvin;
  • The Three Little Pigs (translated by S. Marshak);
  • "Chanterelle - sister and wolf" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Wintering" (arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitov);
  • "The Fox and the Goat" (arr. O. Kapitsa;
  • “About Ivanushka the Fool” - M. Gorky;
  • "Telephone" - K. Chukovsky;
  • « winter fairy tale» - S. Kozlova;
  • "Fedorino grief" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians" - the Grimm brothers;
  • "The Dog That Couldn't Bark" (translated from Danish by A. Tanzen);
  • "Kolobok - prickly side" - V. Bianchi;
  • "Who said "Meow!"?" - V. Suteev;
  • "The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse".

II junior group(3-4 years)

  • "Wolf and goats" (arr. A.N. Tolstoy);
  • "A bull is a black barrel, white hoof"(arr. M. Bulatov);
  • “Fear has big eyes” (arr. M. Serova);
  • "Visiting the sun" (Slovak fairy tale);
  • "Two Greedy Little Bears" (Hungarian fairy tale);
  • "Chicken" - K. Chukovsky;
  • "Fox, hare, rooster" - r.n. fairy tale;
  • "Rukovichka" (Ukrainian, arr. N. Blagina);
  • “Cockerel and bean seed” - (arr. O. Kapitsa);
  • "Three Brothers" - (Khakassian, translated by V. Gurov);
  • “About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub” - K. Chukovsky;
  • “a fairy tale about a brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail” - S. Kozlov;
  • "Teremok" (arr. E. Charushina);
  • "Fox-bass" (arr. V. Dahl);
  • "Cunning Fox" (Koryak, translated by G. Menovshchikov);
  • "Cat, rooster and fox" (arr. Bogolyubskaya);
  • "Geese - swans" (arr. M. Bulatova);
  • "Gloves" - S. Marshak;
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - A. Pushkin.
  • < Назад


Continue to teach children to listen carefully to fairy tales, stories, poems. To help children, using different techniques and pedagogical situations, correctly perceive the content of the work, empathize with its characters. Read at the request of the child a favorite passage from a fairy tale, story, poem, helping to develop a personal attitude to the work. Maintain attention and interest in the word in literary work. Continue to work on creating interest in the book. Offer children illustrated editions of familiar works. Explain the importance of drawings in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by carefully considering book illustrations. To acquaint with the books designed by Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachev, E. Charushin.

For reading to children

Russian folklore

Songs, nursery rhymes, incantations, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles.

"Our goat...", "Legs, legs, where have you been?..",

“Grandfather wanted to cook an ear ...”, “A hare-coward ...”,

"Don! Don! Don!..”, “Lambs…”,

"Laziness-sipping ...", "Sits, sits a bunny ...",

“You geese, geese ...”, “The cat went to the stove ...”,

“A fox is walking along the bridge ...”, “Today is a whole day ...”,

"The sun-bell ...",

"Go, spring, go, red."

Russian folk tales.

"About Ivanushka the Fool", arr. M. Gorky;

"Sister Chanterelle and Wolf", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Zimovye", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova;

"Favorite", arr. V. Dahl;

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", arr. A.N. Tolstoy;

"The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa;

"Fox with a rolling pin", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Zhiharka", arr. I. Karnaukhova;

"Wonderful paws", arr.N. Kolpakova;

"Cockerel and bean seed", arr. O. Kapitsa;

"Fox-bast," "War of mushrooms with berries", arr. V. Dahl.

Folklore of the peoples of the world


"Sack", Tatar, trans. R. Yagafarova, retelling by L. Kuzmin;

"Conversations", Chuvash., Per. L. Yakhnina; “Chiv-chiv, sparrow!”, Komi-Perm., trans. V. Klimov;

"Swallow", arm., arr. I. Tokmakova;

"Hawk", cargo., trans. B. Berestova;

"Twisted Song", "Barabek", English, arr. K. Chukovsky;

"Humpty Dumpty", English, arr. S. Marshak;

"Fish", "Ducklings", French, arr.N. Gernet and S. Gippius;

"Fingers", German, trans. L. Yakhnina.

Fairy tales.

"Cunning Fox", Koryaksk, trans. G. Menovshchikova,

« scary guest", Altaysk., Per. A. Garf and P. Kuchiaka;

"Shepherd with a pipe", Uighur, trans. L. Kuzmina;

"Three brothers", Khakassian, trans. V. Gurov;

"Travkin tail", Eskimo., arr. V. Glotser and G. Snegirev;

“Like a dog was looking for a friend”, Mordov-sk., arr. S. Fetisova;

"Spikelet", Ukrainian, arr. S. Mogilevskaya;

The Three Little Pigs, English, trans. S. Mikhalkov;

"The Hare and the Hedgehog", "The Bremen Town Musicians", from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, German, trans. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak;

"Little Red Riding Hood", from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, French, trans. T. Gabbe;

"Liar", "Willow Sprout", Japanese, trans. N. Feldman, ed. S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers from different countries


I. Bzhehva. "Glue", trans. from Polish. B. Zakhoder;

G. Vieru. "I love", trans. with mold. I. Akima;

V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian, I. Tokmakova;

F. Grubin. "Swing", trans. from Czech. M. Landman;

"Tears", trans. from Czech. E. Solonovich;

I. Rainis. "Race", trans. from Latvian. L. Mezinova;

Y. Tuvim. "About Pan Trulyalinsky", retelling from Polish. B. Zakhoder,

"Miracles", retelling from Polish. V. Prikhodko,

"Vegetables", trans. from Polish. S. Mikhalkov.


L. Berg. "Pete and the Sparrow" (chapter from the book "Little Tales of Little Pete"), trans. from English. O. Exemplary;

S. Vangeli. "Snowdrops" (chapter from the book "Rugutse - the captain of the ship"), trans. with mold. V. Berestov.

Literary tales.

H.K. Andersen. Flint and Steel, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, trans. from dates A. Hansen;

"Pro little pig Splash”, based on the fairy tales of E. Uttli, trans. from English. I. Rumyantseva and I. Ballod;

A. Balint. "Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka" (chapters from the book), trans. from Hung. G. Leibutina;

D. Bisset. "About a pig that learned to fly", "About a boy who growled at tigers", trans. from English. N. Shereshevskaya;

E. Blyton. Tim the Famous Duck, trans. from English. E. Papernoy;

And Milne. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all ..." (chapters from the book), trans. from English. B. Zakhoder;

J. Rodari. "The Dog That Couldn't Bark" (from "Tales with Three Ends"), trans. from Italian. I. Konstantinova;

works of poets and writers of Russia


E. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring! .." (abbreviated);

I. Bunin. "Leaf fall" (excerpt);

S. Drozhzhin. “Walks along the street ...” (from the poem “In a peasant family”);

S. Yesenin. “Winter sings - calls out ...”;

A. Maikov. “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind ...”;

N. Nekrasov. “It is not the wind that rages over the forest ...” (from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”);

A. Pleshcheev. "A boring picture!";

A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn ...” (from the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”);

I. Surikov. "Winter";

A.K. Tolstoy. "According to the spring in the warehouse" (from the ballad "Matchmaking");

A. Fet. "Mother! look out the window...”;

C. Black. "Who?", "When no one is home."

I am Akim. "First snow";

3. Alexandrova. "Rain";

A. Barto. “Left”, “I know what to think of”;

V. Berestov. “Who will learn what”, “Hare trace”;

E. Blaginina. "Echo";

A. Vvedensky. "Who?";

Y. Vladimirov. "Freaks";

B. Zakhoder. "Nobody";

Y. Kushak. "News", "Forty forty";

S. Marshak. “That's how scattered”, “Luggage”, “Ball”, “About everything in the world”;

S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa";

Y. Moritz. "Huge doggy secret”,“ The house of the gnome, the gnome is at home! ”,“ A song about a fairy tale ”;

E. Moshkovskaya. "We ran until the evening";

G. Sapgir. "Gardener";

R. Sef. "Miracle";

I. Tokmakova. “Windy!”, “Willow”, “Pines”;

E. Uspensky. "Destruction";

D. Kharms. "Game", "Liar", "Very scary tale».


L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons ...”, “The boy guarded the sheep”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink ...” (from Aesop).


V. Veresaev. "Brother";

K. Ushinsky. "Steady Cow".

W. Bianchi. Foundling"; "First Hunt"

A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, about the dog Petushka and about the cat Thread” (chapters from the book);

S. Voronin. "Militant Jaco";

L. Voronkova. “How Alenka broke the mirror” (chapter from the book “Sunny Day”);

S. Georgiev. "Grandma's garden";

V, Dragunsky. "The secret becomes clear";

M. Zoshchenko. "Showcase child";

Y. Kazakov. "Why do mice have a tail";

Y. Koval. "Pasha and Butterflies", "Bouquet";

N. Nosov. "Patch", "Entertainers";

L. Panteleev. "On the Sea" (chapter from the book "Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka");

E. Permyak. "Hurry Knife";

M. Prishvin. "Zhurka", "Guys and ducklings";

N. Romanova. “Kotka and birdie”, “I have a bee at home”;

I. Segel. "How I was a monkey";

N. Sladkov. "Non-hearing";

E. Charushin. “Why Tyupa was nicknamed Tyupa”, “Why Tyupa doesn’t catch birds”, “Foxes”, “Sparrow”.

Literary tales.

M. Gorky. "Sparrow";

D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail";

M. Mikhailov. "Thoughts".

S. Kozlov. “How a donkey had a terrible dream”, “Winter's Tale”;

M. Moskvina. "What happened to the crocodile";

E. Moshkovskaya. " polite word»;

N. Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (chapters from the book);

V. Oseeva. "Magic Needle";

G. Oster. "Just Trouble", "Echo", "Well Hidden Cutlet";

D. Samoilov. “Elephant has a birthday;

R. Sef. "The Tale of Round and Long Little Men";

V. Stepanov. "Forest Stars";

G. Tsyferov. "In the Bear Hour" (chapters from the book);

V. Chirkov. “What did “R” do;

K. Chukovsky. "Fedorino grief", "Cockroach", "Telephone".

E. Hogarth. "Mafia and his merry friends" (chapters from the book), trans. from English. O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko;

T. Egner. "Adventures in the forest of Elka-on-Gorka" (chapters from the book) (abbreviated), trans. from Norwegian L. Braude.

To learn by heart.

“Grandfather wanted to cook an ear ...”, “Legs, legs, where have you been?”, Rus. nar. songs;

A. Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”);

M. Lermontov. “Sleep, my beautiful baby” (from the poem “Cossack lullaby”);

3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone";

A. Barto. "I know what to think of";

Y. Kushak. "Deer";

L. Nikolaenko. "Who scattered the bells...";

V. Orlov. “From the Bazaar”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (at the choice of the educator);

N. Pikuleva. "Five kittens want to sleep...";

E. Serova. "Dandelion", "Cat's Paws" (from the cycle "Our Flowers"); "Buy a bow ...", shotl. nar. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.

Bulycheva Alexandra Valerievna

Kasadzhik Nadezhda Mikhailovna

Educator, MBDOU No. 66 of the combined type, Kiselevsk

Kasadzhik N.M. Synopsis of GCD in middle group on the topic: "In the world of fairy tales"// Owl. 2016. N4(6)..02.2019).

Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Reading fiction".

Tasks: Repeat and reinforce the familiar fairy tales “Geese-Swans”, “Snow Maiden and the Fox”, continue to work on consolidating the fairy tale “Zhikharka”, continue acquaintance with the fairy tale “Three Little Pigs”, activate the vocabulary of children using adjectives. Learn carefully, listen to questions and answer them complete sentences. Develop dialogue. Raise interest in folk art.

Material: A book, a chest, fairy tales “Zhikharka”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Geese-swans”, “Zayushkina's hut”, a magic flower, piglets' houses, piglets, a hare, a bear, a granddaughter, a gingerbread man, a mnemonic table, spoons.

Lesson progress:

Children sit at tables in a circle.

Guys, today magical land fairy tales, I received such a chest. It contains a book of fairy tales. Let's see her. But what is it? The book is not open. What to do? Oh, and here lies another letter. I'll read it to you now:

“This book is not easy, it is bewitched

Complete all assignments

Feel free to answer.

The smartest of the guys

Well, guys, only then the book will be disenchanted.

Fairy tales are asking, but now,

You friends recognize us.

Exercise 1

Fairy tales are asking, but now,

You friends recognize us.

Look at this flower. But he is unusual. On each petal is a hero of a fairy tale. Pick a petal and name a hero.

1 leaf (the plot of the fairy tale "Geese - swans")

What did the girl ask when she saw the stove? With what request did the stove turn to the girl? What request did the apple tree make to the girl? What did the river ask the girl for? Who is depicted on this petal? (Baba Yaga)

Where did the swan geese take your brother? What did Baba Yaga tell the swans to do? What do you think, Baba Yaga, which one? What is the name of this fairy tale? (Swan geese)

But the book still does not open its pages, it has not yet been disenchanted. So, there are still fairy tales in it that need help.

Task 2(The teacher takes out a spoon from the chest)

What is it? We guess fairy tales, but what does the spoon have to do with it? What story are they from? Who is Zhiharka? (A little boy)

What is he, Zhikharka? (Small, daring, brave, kind)

What did Zhikharka say, laying out the spoons? (this is a simple spoon - Petina ... ..)

What did Zhikharka do when he heard that the fox had come? (hiding under the stove)

How did the fox outsmart him? (she took the spoons and said….)

How did Zhiharka outsmart the fox? (he sat down on a shovel, spread his arms and legs ...)

What is the fox in this story? (cunning, angry, redhead) What is the name of this fairy tale? What other fairy tale does a cunning, evil fox live in? ("Zayushkina's Hut", "Gingerbread Man") Whom did the fox offend in these tales? (Bunny, Kolobok)


Geese - swans flew,

They sat quietly in the clearing.

They nibbled the grass with their beak,

Walked along the path

Right, left looked

And they flew home.

Guys, here's another challenge.

Task 3(The teacher takes out the houses of three piglets) Look, here are the houses and they are all different. What is each house made of? (straw, rod, brick)

Such beautiful houses and no one lives in them. Let's put the heroes of the fairy tale in them (lays out the heroes of other fairy tales familiar to children. See how many there are, but we need to settle them correctly. Otherwise, the fairy tales will get mixed up. What were the piglets' names? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

Which of the houses turned out to be the most durable? (Brick)

But the wolf still ended up in a brick house with piglets. Tell me how it happened. (He raised his head and saw a pipe, the wolf went up to the roof and went down the pipe)

What is the wolf in this story? (angry, hungry, gray, angry)

What about piglets? (cheerful, kind, funny, pink, lazy)

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Task 4

Guys, you need to guess a fairy tale. Listen .

The girl went to the forest for a berry.

And suddenly I got lost

I didn't find any friends.

Hiding in a tree

From wolf and bear.

Kind fox, saved the girl,

She put her on her back and carried her home.

"Snegurushka and Fox".

Well done, you got the story right. And now let's remember this fairy tale on a magic tablet . (Mnemonic table for the fairy tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox")

Guys, you are great, you did all the tasks correctly, you disenchanted the book, fairy tales.

Look, there are many more interesting tales we will definitely read them.

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