Synodal Department for Youth Affairs The most scattered hero


Olympiad tasks for literary reading for 3rd grade students

Last name, first name ________________________________ class _________________

1. At the beginning of the work, determine its genre:

a) We are nasty microbes, we live in your mouth.

And uncleaned teeth we gnaw, gnaw, gnaw. _______________________________________

b) She lived - was in one distant forest village Marya. She was arguing about everything, skillful in all matters. ____________________________________________

c) Dobrynya grew up to full age. Heroic grips awakened in him.

d) When there is no agreement among the comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And nothing will come out of it, only flour. ____________________________________________

e) It is difficult for soldiers on a campaign. A cannon got stuck on a bridge while crossing a small stream.


2. Who invented Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, friends from Prostokvashino?


3. In the Ukrainian version of this folk tale, forest animals took turns living in a lost mitten. The story is called "Mitten". What is the name of a Russian fairy tale with a similar plot?


4. The introduction to which poem is the famous Pushkin poem “At the Lukomorye there is a green oak ...” ____________________________________________________________________________

5. What is the name and patronymic of the famous postman Pechkin.


6. This writer created a huge variety of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his fairy tales are informative: “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails” and many others. He is also the author of the Forest Newspaper. Give the author's first and last name.


7. The fairy tale of the German writers the Brothers Grimm is called "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." And what is the name of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin with a similar plot?


8. main character of this fairy tale fulfilled all the wishes of the wife of the main character, but in the end the evil and greedy wife remained with " broken trough". Remember the author of the tale and its title.


9. This famous fairy tale French writer Charles Perrault is not written for children at all. In the preface to its first edition, it was said that it was addressed to young ladies who should not talk to strangers so as not to get into trouble. What is the name of this fairy tale? ____________________________________________________________________________

10. What famous writer And children's poet introduced us to the poems of English, French, German, Italian and Polish authors? And he also invented the most absent-minded person in our children's literature. ____________________________________________________

11. Add proverbs:

a) Who will you go with, _____________________________________________________________.

b) old friend __________________________________________________________________.

c) To be afraid of wolves - ______________________________________________________________.

Brothers Grimm

"Puss in Boots"

"The Wizard of Oz"

"The Brave Tailor"

"Little Longnose"

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

13. Pick up a rhyme:

Young - _________________; queen - _____________;

Dearer - __________________; Guessed __________.

14. Add lines:

My cheerful, sonorous _______,

Where did you rush ___________?

Yellow Red, ___________.,

Do not keep up _________________!

15. Underline the names of folk tales:

"Three Fat Men", "Three Bears", "Two Brothers", "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The Little Mermaid", "Teremok".

16. Write down what fables these catch phrases are from:

a) ... And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner ... .. __________________________________________

b) ... And the chest just opened ... .. ___________________________________________________

c) .... Hey, Pug! To know that she is strong that she barks at an elephant .... _________________________________

Poem, fairy tale, epic, fable, story.

Edward Uspensky


"Ruslan and Ludmila"

Igor Ivanovich

Vitaly Bianchi

"Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

"Little Red Riding Hood"


From that you will gain; ....better than the new two; ... do not go into the forest.

The Brothers Grimm - "The Brave Tailor", V. Gauf - "Dwarf Nose", C. Perro - "Puss in Boots", P. Ershov - "The Little Humpbacked Horse", A. Volkov - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

Ball, jump, blue, behind you.

"Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Teremok"

a) "Crow and Fox", b) "Cabin", c) "Elephant and Pug". I. Krylov

Do you remember who wrote "The Distracted Man" (more precisely, "That's how absent-minded")? On mocking poems of this, more than one generation of people grew up. And today mothers read in the evenings to their children “The Tale of stupid little mouse”, “Children in a cage” and “Snooze and Yawn”. Even adults with the most unimportant memory are able to quote: “My cheerful sonorous ball, where did you rush off?”, “In December, in December, all the trees are in silver” or “The lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a bag ...”. Such is the nature of the works of this author - they are remembered, like songs that have achieved rotation.

Doodle for Google

But the most published poem of the poet is the story of an absent-minded man who “instead of a hat on the go” put on a frying pan, confused his trousers with a shirt, and gloves with felt boots. The popularity of the work turned out to be so great that in 2012, when the world celebrated the 125th anniversary of its creator, even Google succumbed to general absent-mindedness. On this day, users of the legendary search engine were greeted by a funny doodle, on which familiar letters crumbled and stood backwards.

Heel Ivanov

More often than others, the name of Ivan Alekseevich Kablukov, a well-known specialist in the field of physical chemistry, is called. True, this scientist lived in Moscow, and not in the northern capital, but otherwise he was very similar: absent-minded, charming and constantly confusing words and letters. In one of the rough drafts of the future poem, the hero writes that his name is "Kabluk Ivanov." The real Ivan Kablukov called his two favorite sciences "chemistry and physics"; having made a reservation, he could say “the shovel flailed” instead of “the flask burst”.

Lev Petrovich

Who else claims the title of "distracted man from Basseinaya Street"? One version says that in 1926 Marshak published a poem called "Lev Petrovich". It is completely unknown to the general public, because it came out under the name of the symbolist Vladimir Piast. In the 20s of the last century, the poet was very poor, and Marshak managed to “knock out” an advance for him from the literary leadership for the publication of a future children's book. Since Piast did not know how to write for kids, Marshak also composed a poem for his friend.

An absent-minded man, Lev Petrovich, put a live cat on his head instead of a hat, and waited for the tram "for firewood at the barn." Contemporaries believed that this image was "written off" from Vladimir Alekseevich Pyast himself, who was distinguished by inattention and eccentricity. This version is indirectly confirmed by the presence in one of the draft versions of a hint at a story from the poet's life: "Instead of tea, he poured ink into a tea cup."

Marshak or Kharms?

Some researchers believe that an absent-minded person is the author of the work, Samuil Marshak. Allegedly, he was characterized by lack of assembly. True, others are convinced that such behavior could also be part of what is now commonly called PR. Talented authors themselves invented and "created" their image for posterity.

Not only Marshak is suspected of deliberate absent-mindedness, but also Piast, as well as Daniil Kharms. In the works of the latter, by the way, one can also find the theme of forgetfulness and inattention, embodied in absurd images: Pushkin, constantly stumbling over Gogol and calling epigrams "erpigarms", and Zhukovsky - Zhukov; residents of the city, who have forgotten "what comes first - 7 or 8", and old women falling out of the window.

More about prototypes

A truly talented work is always a generalization. Therefore, many people can claim the role of the prototype of the “distracted man”. It is said that Mendeleev regularly took off his galoshes when entering the tram. Apparently, he confused comfortable transport with home. Isn't Marshak writing about him: “He began to put on leggings. They tell him: "Not yours!"

Another chemist, and part-time composer, Alexander Borodin, once in the midst of dinner party V own house stunned guests. He put on his coat, loudly said goodbye to everyone, explaining that it was time for him to return ... home. Is it not this case that inspired the lines: “He began to put on a coat. They tell him: "Not that!".

Or maybe "the scattered man from Basseinaya Street" is Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov? After all, he really lived on a St. Petersburg street with that name (now it bears the name of a peasant poet)? Once the inattention of the author of "Russian Women" almost left domestic literature without the novel "What to do?".

Sat in Peter and Paul Fortress Chernyshevsky handed over the manuscript in tiny pieces for 4 months, and the absent-minded man Nekrasov, hurrying to the publishing house, dropped it on the street, and did not even notice it. A few days later, fortunately, the materials were returned for a large reward for those times - 100 rubles. At the same time, the poet-publisher initially promised to pay the finder 50 rubles, but out of forgetfulness he gave out an amount twice as large.

About the reality of the image

The poem "That's how absent-minded" is often presented to readers as a story about a funny and ridiculous person. We do not know his name or profession. The author does not provide any information about the hero's family. Of the features inherent in him, only emphasized politeness can be noted. Perhaps this is all that the poem tells us about. A scattered person is the embodiment of one character trait in an exaggerated form.

However, as we have already seen, this image cannot be called absurd. Similar situations happened repeatedly with people known and unknown, with scientists, writers and musicians, with heroes of books and films. They still happen today. Most people suffer from forgetfulness, inattention, lack of concentration from time to time.

About true distraction

Who is a scattered person? From the point of view of psychology, this is someone who suffers from an inability to concentrate. True absent-mindedness is understood as a state of a kind of prostration, when a person cannot concentrate on anything, for some time “disconnects” from reality. One of the terrible varieties of this condition is the so-called "road hypnosis", familiar to many drivers. From a long monotonous ride, a person falls into a state of half-asleep. At some point, he feels the effect of a gap in time. What happened to him just now: did he fall asleep, passed out? It is during these moments that accidents can occur.

The causes of true absent-mindedness are insomnia, headache, severe fatigue, monotonous monotonous work. It is difficult to say whether Marshak's hero suffered from it, but some symptoms indicate that he could. A resident of Basseinaya Street managed to sleep for two days, as they say, without hind legs. Does this not speak of the extreme exhaustion of a person, the absence of normal sleep and rest in his life?

About imaginary absent-mindedness

Why do we often believe that an absent-minded person is certainly a dreamy poet or an eccentric professor? The fact is that psychologists distinguish another type of absent-mindedness - imaginary. Imaginary absent-mindedness - by-effect strong internal concentration on some topic, problem. A person absorbed in an idea that is important to him is not able to distribute his attention between various objects. He cannot "follow" everything at once. Hence - inattention to everyday trifles, forgetfulness, inability to find the right word and speech reservations.

Parents often accuse children of absent-mindedness, but often its manifestations are evidence of inner concentration. Small man is busy with a very serious matter: he learns a world in which there are so many irritants that it is sometimes simply impossible to keep track of them!

The hero and his era

If we recall the era in which the work was created, then a thoughtful adult reader will be able to find in it hints of events about which it was customary to remain silent.

The poem was written in 1928, and was first published in 1930. By this time, Nikolai Gumilyov had already been shot, whose lines (“Stop, wagon driver, stop the car now!”) Marshak parodies. In 1930 Piast was arrested, in 1931 Kharms.

And in cultural circles, a serious discussion was in full swing: can it be playful or even (God forbid!) funny. The conclusion was unequivocal: works for kids should be serious. Could it be otherwise? After all, laughter is contrary to the foundations of existence thinking person in the conditions of the 30s of the twentieth century, it could well plunge him into a state of prostration - as defensive reaction to what is happening. After all, one of the causes of absent-mindedness, psychologists call depression and anxiety disorders.

So the scattered hero of Marshak, of course, funny man, but the reasons for what is happening to him can be the most serious.

Are you scattered? Some people, for example, try to turn on the TV with their car key and use a credit card on the subway. Or put the sugar bowl in the fridge and the butter in the microwave. Or they want to call their mother, but call the boss. And so on. I call it "the Pierre Richard syndrome" after an actor who often played absent-minded people. Distraction is an endless source funny stories, Certainly. For example, I once mixed up the dates, arrived at the airport a month earlier and was very upset that there was no my flight. On the other hand, absent-mindedness can be dangerous, including for life - it's good that I mixed up the dates, not being an air traffic controller. What mental processes are behind absent-mindedness?

Distraction can be interpreted in different ways. Freud's approach is best known. He saw in the errors absent-mindedness secret signs, with the help of which the drives and conflicts repressed into the unconscious make themselves felt in consciousness. This is certainly an interesting approach. But there is also a cognitive approach to distraction. Within the framework of this approach, it is not excluded that some errors may indicate something about deep personal conflicts. But most distraction errors are still explained more operationally - as the consequences of failures in cognitive processes.

Research by psychologist James Reason, one of the world's leading experts on absent-mindedness, has shown that people most often make mistakes when they perform habitual actions under familiar conditions. Rizon calls absent-mindedness errors situations when the planned sequence of actions does not achieve the goal - somewhere there is a failure. There is always a possibility of such a failure, because something can always interfere with automated algorithms - some parallel processes, intentions, unforeseen events. In mental processes, as in physical ones, there is also interference.

As a rule, the brain perceives habitual actions as a routine, and allocates a small amount of attention to them. Maximum attention is given new activity or something subjectively very important. Of course, people in especially responsible professions are trained to voluntarily control their attention and hold it even while performing their usual professional activities. But, attention cannot be completely arbitrary - it combines activity and reactivity. Activity is conscious control, and reactivity is when something unplanned arises and distracts attention. Our intentions and unforeseen circumstances pull our attention like a blanket over each one. And attention span is limited.

Moreover, attention can be mobile and fixed - switch quickly or slowly. When attention switches too quickly, it seems to bounce like a ping-pong ball. And a lot of things can distract us, it can be difficult to concentrate. And if it is too fixed on something, then it gets stuck on one object, and we stick, we miss a lot. In principle, in a dashing minute, both can be dangerous. But, if you strengthen the arbitrariness, then you can concentrate by an effort of will, or, on the contrary, be distracted from freezing. The main thing is to get involved.

Cognitive psychologists distinguish two levels of activity management:

1) The level of knowledge and rules. It is where new actions are planned and managed. This is a manual control mode, when we consciously control everything. The most important thing at this level is to check the results of the action, whether it corresponds to the tasks set. In short, I did - I checked.

2) Level of skills. This is the level of habitual actions that we perform according to a rigid automated scheme. This is the autopilot mode, and in it we do most of our daily activities. As a rule, we do all these things successfully, but there is also the possibility of errors. These are the very errors of absent-mindedness, from the series "went into a room, got into another." The most dangerous thing about automatism is that we often do not check the results of actions. According to the scheme, done - forgot. The difficulty is that when we do something completely familiar, then the verification step is eliminated - why check actions that are completely automated? And sometimes you still need to.

IN Everyday life it is important to understand better typical mistakes absent-mindedness, so that they do not take them completely by surprise, so that they can lay straws. One can single out the schemes of these errors, find the weak points of these schemes and pay special attention to them, arbitrarily - to know where it is subtle. This is hardly 100% possible, due to the same routinization. But at least some mistakes can be avoided. What if we escape fatal error? The work on the classification of errors was carried out by the same James Reason, for which humanity should thank him, if it were more attentive to psychology.

Rizon divided errors into three types:

1) Actually, mistakes are mistakes. They occur at the stage of intention - these are planning errors. They are based on incorrect calculations, false assumptions, underestimation of various factors. Undercalculation or incorrect calculation, in short. One client complained to me that everything he had planned failed. He even deduced from this the theory that he was pursued by evil fate. We analyzed how he has these disruptions of plans and it became clear that when planning he does not take into account the variability of circumstances. In his inner picture, the circumstances are static - they are just waiting for him to come and take advantage of them. But in reality, circumstances change, and if this is not taken into account, breakups will occur so often that one can believe in evil fate.

2) Gaps - lapses. To fulfill the plan, you need to remember it well - what needs to be done, what means are needed for this, what is the sequence of actions, what should be the result. Gaps are errors of fixing, storing and restoring the plan in memory. With one of my friends, this often happens with shops: I went to buy greens, but I bought a cake. It turns out that the image of the cake erased the original plan. I understand her - chocolate and biscuit are stronger stimuli than cilantro and dill. Basil is another matter) It also happens that the plan has changed under the influence of circumstances, but the old plan is remembered better, and therefore we continue to fulfill it, although we need to act differently.

3) Slips - slips. These are errors that occur during the execution of scheduled actions. Most often they are associated with attention errors - when it is fixed on something else that does not correspond to the plan. I especially love it when instead of saving you click on the close button, ahhh! It is possible that such errors may have deep unconscious reasons, internal conflicts. For example, I could delete a text because deep down I disagree with it. But it often happens without much sense - it's just that attention has jumped somewhere in the wrong direction if it is too mobile. Or missed, if too inert. Here, psychophysiological states also play a big role - overexcitation, excitement. Or lack of excitement, fatigue.

How can this classification be used in real life? During the planning stage, you can formulate goals more precisely, learn more about the circumstances in which you are going to perform your actions. Check the validity of your assumptions. At the stage of saving the plan, it is important to double-check yourself - did I remember everything, did I miss anything. And at the execution stage, monitor your actions more carefully - do not press the buttons too hastily, for example. In short, keep a little more arbitrariness.

It is especially important to understand your current state - what is happening to me now, what I think about, what emotions I experience. The better you understand, the better you manage. It is also important to remember that no one is immune from mistakes. After all, if you set yourself the task of completely avoiding mistakes, then it is quite possible that the impossibility of this task will cause a stupor - it will make attention sticky and stuck. Or, conversely, jumping with excitement. A more realistic goal is to minimize errors as much as possible. And some actions can be abandoned for a while if the state does not have. For example, do not drive when hysterical or sleepy.

To be continued.

There lived a scattered man

On Basseinaya Street.

He sat down on the bed in the morning

Started putting on a shirt

Put his hands in the sleeves -

It turned out they were pants.
S. Ya. Marshak

A funny children's poem by Samuil Marshak tells us about the absurd behavior of a man who either puts a frying pan on his head instead of a hat, or gets into an uncoupled wagon, setting off on a journey ...

A seemingly harmless feature that causes irony and laughter threatens with serious consequences for the safety of the soul. What is distraction? And who is he - an absent-minded person?

“If I were asked to describe my life in one word, it would be the word “fatigue”. And although no physical labor, there are no supernatural loads or health problems, I still get tired to death. It feels like the morning itself brings not cheerfulness, but fatigue. But a cup of coffee, a shower, a couple of calls and my favorite tunes on the radio bring me to my senses and I start my day. A day that will again end with fatigue and the understanding that I did not have time to do anything, absolutely nothing ... "

If our descendants made a film about us today, then the portrait modern man would be something like this: a middle-aged man, constantly somewhere in a hurry. He tries to bypass traffic jams in the city, choose the shortest path to the intended place, he always half-runs, in a hurry, because he has a lot to do. He certainly has a telephone in his hands, this new organ of a modern person, which is sometimes more important than a hand or even a head. The person speaks excitedly or types with quick habitual finger movements short messages. He always does not have time, he fusses. He tries to solve all the problems at the same time, and this rhythm of life makes him extremely stressful.

Julius Caesar?

“I sometimes hate my phone and all these gadgets. There is always something for me. All kinds of applications are loaded into the phone, and every now and then someone calls me, writes, gets in touch. I'm in literally words sleep with phone. In our time, no one is surprised by the abilities of Julius Caesar, now many can do several things at the same time.

Why does the absent-minded Marshakovsky do such strange things? Well, for example, why does he put gloves on his heels instead of felt boots, or why does he go to the cashier to buy a bottle of kvass?

If in real life you ask an absent-minded person why this happened, then the answer will most often be this: “My head is full of business.” A distracted person is unable to concentrate on what he is doing. Performing some super-important work, he will be distracted by questions that arise along the way. He will begin to solve them, and he will think about abandoned work. Talking about "important", he will be distracted by calls, SMS and messages in in social networks. Returning home after work, he will begin to think about problems at work, getting annoyed with loved ones. When he comes to work, he will reproach himself that he spends so little time with his family and does not know at all how his relatives live. The bottom line is that his thoughts are rarely occupied with what he is directly in this moment does. Contrary to the words of the famous psychiatrist Karl Jaspers, who said that “a person becomes what he is thanks to the work that he makes his own”, a person is scattered everywhere and nowhere at the same time. “To surrender to the cause” requires the concentration of the mind, will and spiritual strength, the absence of fuss and the presence of firmness. This is precisely what the scattered man lacks.

His phone has a lot of missed calls, sms, letters. He is horrified by the volume of cases and information that has fallen, but deep down he himself desperately craves it. After all, this creates an image of oneself as a person in demand, necessary, significant. No matter how indignant a person is, distracted by a “heap of things” and that “everyone wants something from him,” in reality he is looking for this. This can be understood if you leave him without a phone and the opportunity to "solve things." The state of helplessness will quickly be replaced by irritation, which in turn will turn into despondency and even risk developing into depression.

Who is so scattered?

A misleading impression may be created that an absent-minded person is an exceptionally busy, business man. In reality, this is not entirely true. Absent-mindedness is a personal feature of a person who does not pay attention to himself and lives negligently, surrendering to momentary impulses. Therefore, one who does not have all the benefits of civilization, lives a limited social life, can also be scattered. You can often hear complaints from him that "time flies" and goes nowhere. And if the transience of time has always worried the mind and soul of a thinking person, then the question of where it goes and why the days are monotonous and filled with fuss is more often voiced by a distracted person. He will become distracted by every little thing, getting out of bed. The important to-do list may remain a “dead” piece of paper, because the task cannot be reached in any way due to various unplanned stops on the way to the list. The problem is that the set goal remains only an external factor, the soul of the scattered is not given to anything concrete.

Absent-mindedness as a vice, of course, applies to both men and women - sin has no gender differences. Although, if you remember, initially a male hunter is focused on prey, he must have a quick reaction and look around, escaping from dangers and following the trail of the “mammoth”. A woman, as the keeper of the hearth, has a different task: she sits at home and, delving into herself, her thoughts, is busy with what she sees in front of her: a hearth, a child, urgent household tasks. Perhaps this difference plays a role in the fact that a woman is by nature more prone to introspection and introspection, while a man, to a certain extent, must “look around”, and it is perhaps more difficult for him to delve into himself for this reason.

Don't waste time

“I don’t know how to rest and I don’t even like it. More precisely, I leisure, that would be more correct. Although sometimes strange things happen to me. Sometimes I can sleep through the weekend. In the truest sense of the word. I will get up to drink tea or eat something - and go back to sleep. Apparently, the body requires such a rest. But to be honest, I don't feel rested at all. On the contrary, after such hibernations, despondency overcomes me, and I cannot immediately enter into my usual rut. But life takes its toll, and after a short time I am back on horseback, and life is seething…”.

A distracted person does not know how to rest. not in vain one famous doctor He said: "He who does not know how to rest, he does not know how to work." Rest, like your work, you need to be able to surrender. An absent-minded person will go on tour, but there the first thing will be to look for wi-fi, find out if there is satellite TV, leaf through magazines, just go shopping or drink alcohol. Even on vacation, he will habitually fuss, creating an aura of employment, importance and exclusivity around him. No matter how he says that it is a pleasure for him to lie down with a book in the middle of nature, he will not be able to lie like that for a long time. Most likely, again and again there will be something that distracts him. It will be the same with the "home" scattered. He will open a book, turn on the TV, answer calls, in a word, do anything, just not to give himself at least for a short time to rest.

Sometimes, however, an absent-minded person is knocked down by illness. He doesn't know how to get sick either. Any illness requires a person to focus on his physical condition, treatment, on himself. For the distracted, this is a punishment. He will say that he has no time to get sick, and, justified by urgent matters, he will become accustomed to "doing something." Probably, it was for him that all high-speed drugs were created. The distracted have no time for pain! Everyone knows the destructive effect of "effective" fast pills on the organ system and the body as a whole. So it is with the soul of the absent-minded, who cannot endure hardships and sorrows. It is simply impossible for him to surrender to any one experience.

Movement is life?

“I am very satisfied with my position. On the one hand, I am a leader and people are subordinate to me. On the other hand, I am not the boss on whom something really depends. My function is to control everything that happens in our department. It takes a lot of strength - the human factor, you know ... "
Despite the fact that a distracted person, it would seem, is constantly on the move, he is little capable of real action, an act.

He will bypass situations where he is required to make a choice, make a decision with the subsequent bearing of responsibility for it. In such cases, he will say: "Time will tell", "Everything will form by itself." It may look like philosophy successful person, in reality, this is the fear of a concentrated, balanced decision, for which you will have to answer both in case of success and in case of failure. No matter how original and extraordinary the scattered person may be, he essentially lives like the majority or as it should be. He simply does not have the mental and spiritual strength to look for something, and then defend what he has found, even in front of himself. That is why he easily agrees with the opinion of the boss or any authority. He has a solid supply of "authoritative opinions" for all occasions. It is about him, an absent-minded man, that he is the master of his word: "I wanted - I gave, I wanted - I took it back." The reason for this is the lack of a value foundation, and in this case, life will go “downwind”.

Little nothings of life

"I love my wife. Of course, over the years, the intensity of feelings has subsided, and I definitely miss what I used to be. But she is an attentive friend, a caring hostess. I feel comfortable with her. But when I come to work, I see the sweet smile of our secretary. No torment and pangs of conscience, I smile at her and seem to invite her to light flirting. After she is offended that I become cold. I tried to explain several times that my smiles, compliments and “talks for life” are just such a non-committal game, but I saw tears in her eyes. Wife in the same vein. He may be offended that I did not serve a glass of water or did not help open the door. And I'm just surprised how she remembers everything! But the main thing is that there is a feeling that I love her. And all these little things, reproaches only spoil life ... "

He will explain all his unfulfilled promises, gaps in memory, inattention by being busy. He says that he loves, but at the same time he will forget what may be important to another. It will just forget. Then he will begin to apologize and say that his head was full of another important task, that he was mentally planning a difficult conversation with his boss or counting the budget for the month. Was it not about the absent-minded Clive Lewis wrote on behalf of Balamut, giving advice to the young demon Gnusik on seducing a person: “The more often he is immersed in feelings that are not connected with action, the less he is capable of action and, ultimately, the less he is capable of feeling” . Along with the word “fatigue”, you hear the word “emptiness” more and more often from the absent-minded, and this seems strange, seeing such a active life. But emptiness is an inner experience, not at all connected with the way of life or occupation.


Absent-mindedness, at first glance, looks like lack of will, atrophy of the will. While in reality we are dealing with what the Swiss psychiatrist R. Laing called the “split self”. The personality of a person seems to break up into many subpersonalities, a person does not have integrity and runs into vanity, escaping from a meeting with something important in himself. The subpersonalities of this “split self” cannot find each other in any way. common language. So, one part of him may want one thing, and the other - the exact opposite. That is why, when committing some act, he is able to both repent of it and justify himself at the same time. It is as if there is an argument going on in him, and it is impossible to say that there is a “true self” in him, since he has long ceased to be the master of himself. Thus, with the seeming activity of an absent-minded person, in essence, personally, he remains completely passive, inert, he is simply carried by the whirlpool of life, in which he does not have time to ask himself the main questions. But he cannot think about it, since his life is filled with pseudo-meanings and a huge number of cases, calls, contacts.

It is difficult to say whether absent-mindedness, like a wormhole of original sin, made a person move further and further away from God, or falling away from God led a person to run away from the place where he risks meeting his true self and consciously choose his Path.

It is worth remembering that, as the philosopher put it, "in each of us is a void the size of God." To peer into this emptiness, one needs concentration, courage and faith that this emptiness will not absorb, will not dissolve. You can escape from emptiness by fleeing into the vanity of your affairs and rejoice that anxiety has receded. In essence, the black abyss of emptiness has grown to such a size that it has swallowed it up, and a distracted man runs in the dark, trying to convince himself that there is a beautiful rich life around him.

You can start a dozen diaries, carefully plan the day, month, life. You can take courses in time management, but all this will be like putting things in order in a house in which the foundation is collapsing.
“When anxiety and unwillingness to understand the essence of this anxiety lead him away from true joy, when habit deprives fussy pleasures of pleasantness, and the excitement of feelings firmly binds to them (fortunately, this is how habit acts on pleasure), you will see that his wandering attention can attract anything. You don't even need to use good book who he really loves to keep him from prayer, work and sleep; a column of ads from the evening paper will suffice. You will make him lose time not only in conversations that are interesting for him with people he likes, but in conversations with those who are indifferent to him, on completely boring topics. He won't do anything for you at all. You will keep him until late at night not in a noisy company, but in a cold room, by an extinct fireplace. All his healthy external activity can be suppressed and nothing given in return, so that in the end he can say, as one of my patients said when he arrived here: “Now I see that for most of my life I did not do what I should have done. , nor what I wanted, ”we read from Lewis all the same instructions of the experienced demon Balamut on seducing a person from the Truth.


Once I happened to attend a seminar of my colleague as an assistant in a group psychological help for people suffering from emotional burnout and chronic fatigue. My colleague is not a church person, but a seeker. When asked by one of the participants how to find oneself and “one’s own” in life, to my surprise, he took out the prayer of the Optina Elders. In prayer, in his opinion, lies the answer to this question. Last words prayers “lead my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love everyone” gave birth to silence in the group. And it was felt that in this silence there was no fuss, anxiety receded, and something important was born in the soul.

Anna Lelik

About a distracted and attentive life

The sons of the world recognize absent-mindedness as innocent, and the Holy Fathers recognize it as the beginning of all evils.

A person devoted to absent-mindedness has a very light, most superficial concept about all subjects, and the most important ones.

An absent-minded person is usually unstable: his heart sensations are devoid of depth and strength, and therefore they are fragile and short-lived. As a moth flutters from flower to flower, so does an absent-minded person pass from one earthly pleasure to another, from one vain concern to another. The absent-minded is alien to the love of one's neighbor: he looks indifferently at the misfortune of people and easily lays on them burdens that are unbearable.

Sorrows have a strong effect on the absent-minded precisely because he does not expect them. He expects some joy. If grief is strong, but transient, then the distracted one soon forgets it in the noise of entertainment. Long-term grief overwhelms him.

Absent-mindedness itself punishes the devotee: everything bores him with time, and he, as having not acquired any solid knowledge and impressions, indulges in languishing, endless despondency.

He who leads a scattered life directly contradicts the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ by his life.

All the saints carefully avoided absent-mindedness. Incessantly, or at least as often as possible, they concentrated in themselves, listening to the movements of the mind and heart and directing them according to the testament of the Gospel.

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov

Magazine "Family"

  • Russians folk talesRussian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about the extremely important things in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise the cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches to be faithful, honest, makes fun of our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. For centuries, fairy tales have been passed down orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told another, that person added something from himself, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the story got better and better. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many. different people, people, that's why they began to call it - “folk”. Fairy tales originated in ancient times. They were the stories of hunters, trappers and fishermen. In fairy tales - animals, trees and herbs talk like people. And in a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to become young, eat rejuvenating apples. It is necessary to revive the princess - sprinkle her first with dead, and then with living water ... The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. The fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult times and always overcome difficulties. The tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you do not leave a friend in trouble, then he will help you ...
  • Tales of Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich Tales of Aksakov S.T. Sergey Aksakov wrote very few fairy tales, but it was this author who wrote a wonderful fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower and we immediately understand what talent this man had. Aksakov himself told how in childhood he fell ill and the housekeeper Pelageya was invited to him, who composed different stories and fairy tales. The boy liked the story about the Scarlet Flower so much that when he grew up, he wrote down the story of the housekeeper from memory, and as soon as it was published, the tale became a favorite among many boys and girls. This tale was first published in 1858, and then many cartoons were made based on this tale.
  • Tales of the Brothers Grimm Tales of the Brothers Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are the greatest German storytellers. The brothers published their first collection of fairy tales in 1812 on German. This collection includes 49 fairy tales. The Grimm brothers began recording fairy tales regularly in 1807. Fairy tales immediately gained immense popularity among the population. The wonderful fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, obviously, have been read by each of us. Their interesting and informative stories awaken the imagination, and the simple language of the story is clear even to kids. Fairy tales are for readers different ages. In the collection of the Brothers Grimm there are stories that are understandable for kids, but there are also for older people. The Grimm brothers were fond of collecting and studying folk tales in their student years. The glory of the great storytellers brought them three collections of "Children's and family tales» (1812, 1815, 1822). Among them are "The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Pot of Porridge", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Hansel and Gretel", "Bob, Straw and Coal", "Mrs. Snowstorm" - about 200 fairy tales in total.
  • Tales of Valentin Kataev Fairy tales by Valentin Kataev Writer Valentin Kataev lived a great and beautiful life. He left books, by reading which we can learn to live with taste, without missing the interesting that surrounds us every day and every hour. There was a period in Kataev's life, about 10 years, when he wrote wonderful fairy tales for children. The main characters of fairy tales are the family. They show love, friendship, belief in magic, miracles, relationships between parents and children, relationships between children and people they meet on their way, which help them grow up and learn something new. After all, Valentin Petrovich himself was left without a mother very early. Valentin Kataev is the author of fairy tales: “A pipe and a jug” (1940), “A flower - a seven-flower” (1940), “Pearl” (1945), “Stump” (1945), “Dove” (1949).
  • Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Hauff Wilhelm (29.11.1802 - 18.11.1827) - German writer, best known as the author of fairy tales for children. Considered a representative of the artistic literary style Biedermeier. Wilhelm Gauf is not so famous and popular world storyteller, but the tales of Gauf must be read to children. In his works, the author, with the subtlety and unobtrusiveness of a real psychologist, put a deep meaning that prompts reflection. Hauff wrote his Märchen for the children of Baron Hegel - fairy tales, they were first published in the Almanac of Tales of January 1826 for the Sons and Daughters of Noble Estates. There were such works by Gauf as "Caliph-Stork", " Little Muck”, some others that immediately gained popularity in German-speaking countries. Focusing initially on oriental folklore, later he begins to use European legends in fairy tales.
  • Tales of Vladimir Odoevsky Tales of Vladimir Odoevsky Vladimir Odoevsky entered the history of Russian culture as a literary and musical critic, prose writer, museum and library worker. He did a lot for Russian children's literature. During his lifetime, he published several books for children's reading: "Town in a snuffbox" (1834-1847), "Tales and stories for children of grandfather Iriney" (1838-1840), "Collection of children's songs of grandfather Iriney" (1847), "Children's book for Sundays» (1849). Creating fairy tales for children, V. F. Odoevsky often turned to folklore stories. And not only to the Russians. The most popular are two fairy tales by V. F. Odoevsky - “Moroz Ivanovich” and “The Town in a Snuffbox”.
  • Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Garshin V.M. - Russian writer, poet, critic. Fame gained after the publication of his first work "4 days". The number of fairy tales written by Garshin is not at all large - only five. And almost all of them are school curriculum. Fairy tales “The Traveling Frog”, “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”, “That which was not” are known to every child. All Garshin's tales are imbued with deep meaning, the designation of facts without unnecessary metaphors and the all-consuming sadness that passes through each of his tales, each story.
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  • Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - writer, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, lyricist of two hymns Soviet Union and anthem Russian Federation. They begin to read Mikhalkov's poems in the kindergarten, choosing "Uncle Styopa" or the equally famous rhyme "What do you have?". The author takes us back to the Soviet past, but over the years his works do not become obsolete, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become classics.
  • Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev - Russian Soviet children's writer, illustrator and animator. One of the founders Soviet animation. Born in the family of a doctor. The father was a gifted person, his passion for art was passed on to his son. WITH youthful years Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically published in the magazines "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Friendly guys", "Iskorka", in the newspaper " Pioneer Truth". Studied at MVTU im. Bauman. Since 1923 - an illustrator of books for children. Suteev illustrated books by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as own works. The tales that V. G. Suteev composed himself are written laconically. Yes, he does not need verbosity: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works as a multiplier, capturing every movement of the character to get a solid, logically clear action and a vivid, memorable image.
  • Tales of Tolstoy Alexei Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy A.N. - a Russian writer, an extremely versatile and prolific writer who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collections of poems, more than forty plays, scripts, fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.), primarily a prose writer, a master of fascinating narration. Genres in creativity: prose, short story, story, play, libretto, satire, essay, journalism, historical novel, Science fiction, fairy tale, poem. popular tale Tolstoy A. N .: "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", which is a successful alteration of the fairy tale Italian writer XIX century. Collodi "Pinocchio", entered the golden fund of world children's literature.
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  • Tales of Charles Perrault The Tales of Charles Perrault Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French storyteller, critic and poet, and was a member of the French Academy. It is probably impossible to find a person who would not know the tale of Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf, about a boy from a finger or other equally memorable characters, colorful and so close not only to a child, but also to an adult. But they all owe their appearance wonderful writer Charles Perrault. Each of his fairy tales is folk epic, its writer processed and developed the plot, resulting in such delightful works that are still read today with great admiration.
  • Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales have much in common in their style and content with Russian folk tales. IN Ukrainian fairy tale much attention is paid to everyday realities. Ukrainian folklore the folk tale is very vividly described. All traditions, holidays and customs can be seen in the plots of folk tales. How Ukrainians lived, what they had and what they didn’t have, what they dreamed about and how they went towards their goals is just as clearly laid down in the meaning fairy tales. The most popular Ukrainian folk tales: Mitten, Goat Dereza, Pokatigoroshka, Serko, the tale about Ivasik, Kolosok and others.
    • Riddles for children with answers Riddles for children with answers. Big selection riddles with answers for fun and intellectual activities with children. A riddle is just a quatrain or one sentence containing a question. In riddles, wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, to strive for something new are mixed. Therefore, we often encounter them in fairy tales and legends. Riddles can be solved on the way to school, kindergarten, used in different competitions and quizzes. Riddles help the development of your child.
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      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this section you will find your favorite fairytale heroes. Riddles about fairy tales with answers help magically turn funny moments into a real show of fabulous connoisseurs. A funny riddles perfect for April 1st, Maslenitsa and other holidays. Riddles of snag will be appreciated not only by children, but also by parents. The ending of the riddle can be unexpected and ridiculous. Riddles tricks improve mood and broaden the horizons of children. Also in this section there are riddles for children's holidays. Your guests will definitely not be bored!

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