Human life value system: types of values ​​and system formation. Changing values



2. Social space of Ancient China 10

3.Philosophy ancient rome: content and historical meaning 12

4. Neo-Thomism as a revived philosophy of F. Aquinas 14

References 16

1. Why is there a change of values ​​in the history of mankind

From a sociocultural point of view, modern society there is a transition from industrial to post-industrial, or information, society, the concept of which became popular in the 60-70s of this century (Bell, Kahn, Brzezinski, Tofler). This theory was put forward as an alternative, first of all, to the Marxist theory of socio-economic formations. According to this concept, at a certain, rather high stage of economic and technical development, a cardinal change in the system of values ​​takes place. Economic and technotronic values ​​are being replaced by values ​​of a different, informational and scientific nature. A liberated person, freed from heavy physical labor, gains true freedom through material and technical well-being and focuses his attention on intellectual self-improvement. Unfortunately, this concept turned out to be utopian. Societies of relative abundance of the late twentieth century, based on market conditions, on the principle of supply and demand, could not overcome the limitations of rational economic thinking. The technical upheavals, on which the theorists of post-industrialism pinned their hopes, only exacerbated the crisis in modern civilization endangering the moral and physical existence of mankind. The emergence of new ways of transmitting and processing information brings countries and peoples together, but further divides individual people. There is an intensified dehumanization of culture - the human personality is being forced out of the cultural framework, which is paradoxical in itself. There is a certain …………………………………….

2.The Social Space of Ancient China

Man in China is identified with nature and the cosmos and is central to Chinese philosophy.
According to the Chinese philosophical tradition, a person is a clot of three types of cosmic energy: jing; qi; shen.
Jing is the energy of the origin of all things, the "root", "seed" of a living organism. There are two types of this psychophysical energy:
1. "Seed of the Former Heaven" - what is given to a person from birth, a genetic program, physical data,
2. "Seed of the Subsequent Heaven" - that which a person accumulates during his life.
Often, jing is identified with sexual energy.
Qi - material and spiritual energy, which serves as the "building material" of all things (in contrast to jing - the energy of generation).
Qi is divided into material qi and spiritual qi.
Spiritual qi is the basis of human life. The path to success, physical and spiritual health, happiness is the release of qi from all that is superfluous, the purification of the soul.
Shen - indestructible spiritual energy that exists in a person, which constitutes the "core" human personality and does not disappear after the death of a person).
In addition to the three types of cosmic energy (the energy of generation - jing; the energy of the material and spiritual existence- qi; permanent spiritual energy remaining after death - shen) Chinese philosophy distinguishes two types of sexual energy: yang - male sexual energy; yin - female sexual energy.
From here, everything that exists is divided into two opposite principles - male and female.
This applies to both wildlife (the difference between all people into men and women, a similar sexual division among animals), and inanimate nature (for example, Chinese philosophy refers to the active masculine yang Sun, sky, day, dryness, lightness, and to the passive feminine beginning of yin - Moon, Earth, plains, night, moisture).
At the basis of existence, of the whole surrounding reality lies "Tai-chi" - unity, struggle, interpenetration of yang and yin.
Ancient Chinese culture gives a mythological explanation of the origin of life on earth, animate and inanimate nature, which included a number of successive stages:
1. Great Chaos, resembling a huge Egg in shape;
2. The origin in the Egg-Chaos for 18,000 years of the First Ancestor of all things - the giant Pan-Gu;
3. The exit of the giant Pan-Gu from the Egg, which led the egg-shaped Chaos to death;
4. The formation of Heaven and Earth from Chaos by concentrating everything light and dry above (Sky) and heavy, wet below (Earth); ……………………..

3.Philosophy of Ancient Rome: content and historical significance
ancient philosophy originated in the Greek cities
states at the turn of the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. First on the western
coast of Asia Minor (in Ionia), then in the Greek cities
Southern Italy, In the coastal Greek cities of the island of Sicily
and, finally, in Greece proper - in Athens (5th century BC). Having experienced a period of brilliant prosperity in the VI-V centuries. BC e., philosophy ancient Greece continued to develop in the era of the formation of the monarchy of Alexander the Great (4th century BC) and under his successors, and then under the rule of the Roman Empire and during the period of its division - in the Eastern Empire - until the beginning of the 6th century. n. e. The philosophy of ancient Rome arose at the end of the Republican
period of Rome (II-I centuries BC) and developed in parallel with Greek philosophy- during the time of the Roman Empire until about the time of its fall (end of the 5th - beginning of the 6th century AD). Feature ancient Greek philosophy is
primarily in opposition to philosophical reflections
practical activity, in its peculiar relation to
mythology. Spiritual development in the 7th-4th centuries. BC e. It went from mythology and religion to science and philosophy. An important link and condition for this development was the assimilation by the Greeks of scientific and philosophical concepts developed in the countries of the East - in Babylon, Iran, Egypt, Phoenicia. Especially great was the influence of Babylonian science - mathematics, astronomy, geography, systems of measures. Cosmology, calendar, elements of geometry and algebra were
borrowed by the Greeks from their…………………….

4.Neo-Thomism as a revived philosophy of F. Aquinas
Neo-Thomism is the philosophical direction of renewed Thomism, that is, the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher of the 13th century. In 1879 neo-Thomism was recognized by the head Roman Catholic Church(Pope of Rome) and since that time has been an important part of the official doctrine of Catholicism. The most famous representatives of neo-Thomism are E. Gilson, J. Maritain, V. Brugger, A. Dempf. I. de Vries, D. Mercier, K. Fabro and others. Neo-Thomism revives the main categories of philosophy of F. Aquinas, such as being, being, existence, act and potency, form and matter. From the point of view of neo-Thomism, it was Thomas Aquinas who most correctly solved the main philosophical problems, so his work is of enduring importance. New philosophy, starting from the Renaissance, neo-Thomism considers as a continuous chain of deviations, errors and delusions, therefore, it sets the task of reviving the spirit of medieval philosophy. On this path, representatives of neo-Thomism see the overcoming of chaos modern life, gaining clarity, reviving spiritual values. The development of science, especially natural science, which has been rapidly proceeding since the New Age, according to neo-Thomism, in addition to positive sides also had negative ones. In particular, science leads modern man away from understanding the meaning of moral and religious ideals. A person has overly believed in science, while, in accordance with neo-Thomism, science is not able and should not solve questions about the ultimate causes of being and meaning. human existence. It studies secondary causes and external (functional) connection of phenomena. Special meaning Neo-Thomism gives the concept of personality. A person cannot exist outside of freedom, self-consciousness……………………………


Alekseev P.V., Panin A.V. Philosophy. - M., 2002;
Avtonomov V.S. Model of a person in economic science. - St. Petersburg: School of Economics, 2004;
Barulin V.S. Social Philosophy. Part 1 - M., 2003;
Bogomolov A.S. Ancient philosophy. Moscow University Press, 2005.;
Introduction to Philosophy: Textbook for High Schools. At 2 pm Part 1 /Under the general. ed. I.T. Frolova. - M.: Politizdat, 1999
Introduction to social philosophy: Tutorial for humanitarian universities / Kemerov V.E. - M.: Aspect-Press, 2002;
Bolshakov A.V., Grekhnev V.S., Dobrynina V.I. Fundamentals of philosophical knowledge. – M.: Knowledge, 2001………………………….

While the core values ​​are relatively constant, in general public values are continuously changing. Marketers should pay special attention to "transitional" values ​​that affect all areas of the market. Changes that took place in the 1990s (see Table 11.1) are an example of a paradigm shift or a fundamental reordering of how consumers and marketers think about the world around them.26 These changes laid the foundations for the current market environment. Perhaps looking at the right column of Table. 11.1, you will want to think about how values ​​will change in the next few decades and what impact this will have on the decisions you will make as a consumer or manager.
The change in social values ​​can be predicted based on the concepts life cycle A: Human values ​​change with age. Consequently, young people, having some of their own, inherent only to them, values, in a few decades will change their guidelines, and the social values ​​of the future will not differ from today's ones, since young people, getting older, assimilate the values ​​of their parents (the main provision of the theory of behavioral assimilation). In contrast, the gradual replacement of existing values ​​is explained by the change of generations: young people representing this moment"leading" generation, implement their own values. As they grow older, they retain the values ​​of their youth that replace the social attitudes of older consumers.27 Which of these theories do you think is more true? Will your views on life remain the same in 30 years or will you think like your parents? Your answer will depend on the extent to which your values ​​in life have been influenced by the cultural triad (family, religion, and school) and past life experiences. The degree of persuasiveness of communications will depend on the values ​​that, contrary to opinion about their relative stability and links to cultural norms and traditions are indeed flexible and largely driven by your personal characteristics character.28
Table 11.1. Western civilization: changing values

Traditional values

New values

The moral of self-denial

The moral of self-realization

High earnings

High quality of life

Traditional sexual roles

Blurring the boundaries of sexual roles

Common definition of success

Individual understanding of success

Traditional family life

Alternative family models

Belief in industrial progress, social

belief own forces


Live to work

Work to live

Hero Worship

Fascination with ideas




Blurring of borders between nationalities

Uneven development

Increasing Restriction Aversion

Industry development

Development of the service and information sector

Susceptibility to technical innovations

Technology Oriented

Note: developed Western societies are gradually abandoning traditional values ​​and increasingly moving to new ones.

Source: Joseph T. Plummer, "Changing Values", Futurist, 23 (January-February 1989), 10.
Change in family influence
In most cultures, the family is the most important factor in the formation of social values. The influence of the family is discussed in more detail in Chap. 12. Here we dwell only on the main points. Nowadays, children are less and less influenced by "home" and parents. Because many mothers work away from home, most children today attend preschool institutions different types(in 1965 only 5.7% of children attended kindergartens). Now children are increasingly learning values ​​outside the home. Parents are replaced by nannies, kindergartens, mass media. Increasing the number of children raised by single mothers also reduces potential parental influence. The increase in divorces weakens the influence of the family, since children mostly communicate with only one of the parents. These children themselves are less likely to form traditional families, which subsequently affects the values ​​of the future generation. The family as an isolated core or geographical separation of the family from grandparents and other relatives (extended family) also weakens the influence of the family on the transmission of values.
Changing influence of religion
The commitment of people to religious institutions has a great influence on the culture of society. The level of people's faith in God or " higher power» can affect many aspects of their behavior. The sidebar article “Market Facts 11.1” highlights some of these influences on how people vote.

yut in elections, as well as the distribution of these influences according to age groups and geographic location. In the formation of the values ​​of the United States and other Western cultures, historically important role belonged to the Judeo-Christian religious institutions, but in last years the situation has changed. Only slightly more than half (52%) of American adults identify themselves as Protestants, about a third as followers of the Roman catholic church, 1.3% Jewish, 0.5% Muslim, and the rest divided into more than a hundred categories.29 Percentage of consumers who do not associate themselves with any of the religions (i.e. atheists, humanists and secularists), increased from 8% of the US population in 1990 to 14% in 2001.
The current religious situation in the United States is characterized by the following trends: The decline in adherence to the traditional church and religion, which began after World War II, along with the search for the "baby boomer" generation. Whereas in 1958 one in 25 Americans did not share the religious beliefs of their parents, by 2001, according to the American Religious Identification Survey, 16% of Americans had changed their religious preferences.30 The most successful church communities are among the socially conservative groups with a high level of involvement. This is the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last day(Mormons), Churches of Christ, and the Community of God, each of which has increased its membership by 19% since 1990. The ranks of Presbyterians and the United Church of Christ are thinning, having lost 12% and 15% respectively since 1990.31 The popularity of non-Christian denominations is growing. The increase in ethnic diversity is accompanied by an increase in the number of people professing Buddhism, Islam and other religions. Often these are conservative religions that cultivate respect for older family members. Departure from traditional religiosity towards spirituality. Many Americans, especially those who have middle age lt;lt;baby boomers", instead of traditional religions look to seeking experiential faith and spirituality. Spirituality, more personal and practical, does not proclaim a desire for salvation, but rather a release from tension, not just a blessing, but a sense of satisfaction and grace.
religiousness, and more than ever many people began to talk about their "religiosity" (although they do not attend church services). Thus, 90% of Americans say that religion plays a significant role in their everyday life, and only 10% consider religion “not that important.”34 Greater religiosity among women. Women are more inclined than men to express their religious feelings and spiritual pursuits, often attending Bible studies and women's groups in which they support each other in these endeavors, and take on more responsibility for passing on religious values ​​to their children and grandchildren. Also, compared to men, they are more likely to

are successful from a religious standpoint.33 Such famous people, like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Demi Moore and Madonna, are adherents of Kabbalah, a form of mystical Judaism.36
Religion and spirituality are serious business and influence serious business. The intensification of spiritual quests has led to an increase in demand for religious literature, spiritual societies, clothing with religious logos, alternative medicine, spiritual education, religious radio and television programs, pilgrimage tours and various religious music- from U2 to Megsume. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ became one of the highest-grossing films thanks to marketing efforts aimed primarily at Christians, and Rick Warren's Life Driven by Purpose sold over 21 million copies, resulting in hundreds of home and church groups, which examines the facts described in the book.37 Consumer Behavior and Marketing 11.2 describes how the values ​​of religious consumers sometimes affect major retailers and their suppliers.


Growing up is an integral stage in the life of every person, when one has to learn to take responsibility for other people and suddenly becomes executive, getting into a stressful situation. At the end of such events, we often draw philosophical conclusions that do not correspond to the worldview that was formed on the subconscious in youth. It is not surprising that as a result of the internal dialogue, a personal conflict arises, which has another name -. A person who is faced with the inconsistency of his own beliefs and harsh reality experiences strong spiritual torment, trying to streamline his thoughts. In this situation, some people experience panic attacks, preferring to distance themselves from others.

Surprisingly, it is precisely, accompanied by solitude, that can solve the problem that has arisen. Left "eye to eye" with our own thoughts, we can objectively assess the scale of the situation, finding optimal solution. Having reconciled with changes, there is peace and tranquility, which is accompanied by a harmonious combination moral ideals and external stimuli. Reappraisal of values ​​is a way of improving the personal appearance, allowing a person to grow up and gain wisdom. To understand the terminology of such a phenomenon, it is important to answer the following questions: When and why does it occur? What concomitant factors influence the reboot of the subconscious? How to speed up such a process? Can it be controlled? Why do we feel the need to change our worldview? Are there any downsides to this procedure?

Prerequisites for reassessment of life values

Reassessment of values ​​is a natural process that is characteristic of every person. Over time, people tend to change their views on life, adjusting their own worldview. Such a phenomenon is often accompanied by the improvement of the personal appearance, from which undesirable qualities are eliminated. It is not surprising that after rebooting your subconscious, a person has new acquaintances, interests and hobbies. Revaluation life values occurs in people at different ages. This phenomenon is explained quite simply - in the fate of a person there are many internal and external factors that accelerate or slow down the process of personality development. Common prerequisites that affect the formation of a worldview traditionally include the following aspects:

a serious or incurable disease observed in a loved one;
meeting a lover whose image does not correspond to the ideals erected in childhood;
being on the verge between life and death, accompanied by an awareness of the value of human existence;
tragic events on a global scale that took many lives;
a severe transport accident that deprives a person of full-fledged functions (disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system, etc.);
the birth of a child, accompanied by a change in the usual way of life;
financial bankruptcy or deprivation of funds;
unexpected success that changes social position;
the loss of a loved one.

Given the above factors, a person begins by prioritizing from a new angle. Not surprisingly, after a soul-searching, some people go on a trip around the world, while others leave the industrial centers, choosing the measured everyday life of a village dweller. After the reboot of the personal image, both the spiritual side and the moral image of a person change. In a short period of time, we are revising our worldview, which has been developing on the subconscious for many years.

Features of the evolution of personal appearance

The versatility of changes is amazing, because in dialogue with true friend You may not recognize the person you have known since childhood. You disagree on the situation that happened, you don’t feel the moral support of a friend, you hear from his lips philosophical phrases that he had never thought about before. There is only one reason for this behavior - your friend succeeded, laid down in his youth. During the period of growing up, he managed to change his worldview according to his own preferences, harmoniously arranging his inner world. You can find out a person who has undergone a reassessment of values ​​by characteristics characteristic during the formation of a new personality:

Psychosomatic and physiological reactions, accompanied by changes in blood pressure and chemical structure blood, sudden changes in body temperature and the appearance of minor chronic diseases (it is recommended to consider such phenomena as a path to purification - the transformation of one's own personal appearance).
Loss of former beliefs that occupy priority positions in the outdated model of the worldview. The desire to be completely alone, allowing you to be alone with your own thoughts. Depression and alienation from social processes, explained by the search for answers to emerging questions.
A radical change in thinking, accompanied by an improvement in moral character. Harmony is established in the inner world of a person, helping him to combine personal beliefs with the standards of society. There is a comprehension of already committed actions and a reassessment of the importance of close people who are included in the cohort of close associates.
Feeling of spiritual weightlessness, when the former points of support, which served for a long time as a stronghold for all life processes, disappear from the field of view. It is not surprising that the moral character and mental image are formed taking into account modified priorities.

As a result of rebooting one's own subconscious, a person's social circle may change, because previous acquaintances and connections become karmically worked out and useless. After a reassessment of values, only close people and relatives remain in life. Psychologists call this phenomenon filtering their environment - a useful procedure that is periodically recommended for every person.

It is important to note that not only a complete, but also a partial reassessment of values ​​can occur, which consists in changing only 1-2 facets of one's worldview. It is enough for people to find peace. Over time, the formed personality can observe extremely insignificant “deviations” - a change in taste preferences in food or the emergence of a new hobby. moral character and real world coexist harmoniously, so there is no need to reboot your own consciousness.

Reassessment of values: common options

In the process of improving the personal image, a person may experience physical malaise and strong spiritual torment. However, for the sake of the result, accompanied by an improvement in moral character, such torment is worth enduring. It is important to consider that a midlife crisis or serious stressful situation become exclusively prerequisites for a change in worldview. Such a procedure cannot be instantaneous, a person must gradually come to internal dialogue. Considering the spheres of life, which are related to the revaluation of values, the following areas should be noted:

Over time, people understand how important it is to confess their love in time and apologize to a loved one. Life is so "fragile" that you just can not have time to say important words relative or lover.
Opinion about strangers mostly wrong. A financially wealthy person can be spiritually poor and unhappy, and in distressed countries there are often smiles on the faces of babies who go to plastic bottles on foot. As a result, comes the realization that the outer shell is not a reason for evaluating the interlocutor, whose personal qualities can only be known after a certain period of time.

It is impossible to achieve the cherished goals and achieve desired results without putting any effort into it. Such a statement is formed on the subconscious only in wise man, who managed to taste the joy and bitterness of life.
Patience is a way to enjoy the resources you already have, not a reason to detach yourself from observing the events taking place around you. Not surprisingly, as people age, endurance develops. Clever man first of all to get acquainted with the versatility of the situation, given the mistakes of youthful maximalism.
Doesn't exist in the world ideal people, therefore, you need to learn how to accept your own, correctly presenting a personal image to your surroundings. Wise people are proud of "minuses", rationally using them to improve their moral character. It is not surprising that society perceives such "sins" from the other side, which has a positive connotation.
Life is made up of little things, so they need to be given special attention. Observation becomes an integral characteristic inner world, because there are many events around that differ in actions and “subtext”.
The ability to enjoy today is another piece of wisdom that comes from the process of soul-searching. It is impossible to earn all the money, you cannot neglect the feelings of loved ones and compromise your own principles. A similar statement applies to material and spiritual relics.

As a result of a change in a person's worldview, new ones appear that correspond to his personal preferences and moral convictions. Spiritual insight allows you to correct the mistakes of the past, preventing similar excesses in the future. It is not surprising that mature personalities are characterized by wisdom that distinguishes the thinking of an adult from the maximalism of a teenager.

Consider soul-searching as a way to improve your inner world. After setting priorities, a person succeeds by coordinating spiritual standards with social criteria. The main thing is to be guided in choosing a new personal image by individual preferences, without relying on the opinion of society and others. The upcoming changes are the path to a bright future, the creator of which is you yourself.

March 24, 2014

Access to the value range of the universe.

The expansion of the picture of the universe, the opening of the field of possibilities, the creation of manifested creations - all this happens, is born at once.

There are points at which transitions are made and there is an increase in the possibilities of merging with the spaces of perfection. Today is one of those days that can activate and start a new, more perfect coil of conscious reality, if you choose and step into IT.

THIS does not apply to those human preferences that divide into “good and bad”, make choices “pain or joy”, “black or white”.

THIS is a harmonious flow and balance in the higher spheres of creation, access to which always exists behind the scenes, but can also go into a conscious channel.

THESE are other accents of the flow of harmony, where there is no difference and human aspects.

Coming into contact with these dimensions at such a time consciously, you are able to switch from what you knew, who you were, how you used to feel and identify yourself, to another, more expanded state. We can say that THIS is the sublime, expanded space of the universe, in which there is a manifestation of creation.

Each of you may think that he knows something, has achieved, comprehended in this life (this may indeed be so). Compared to what you carry in your potential, this is quite a bit, perhaps even the smallest drop. But any drop of frequency that is made up of realizations and achievements is important - it dilutes everything else.

Sometimes you get carried away by following someone's call. It seems to you that this is your own call, and you take one of the illusions and start playing with it in a greater or lesser aspect, key. Then it becomes part of your space. When you take all of it, it dissolves and disappears.

Everything that appears in your field of vision deserves your attention - especially what you want to reject, what you want to give up. Behind the external that attracts or repels, lies something else - something that is part of yourself, what you strive for.

When you aspire to something, as it seems to you, "light" and start from something "dark", it may turn out that, starting from the "dark", you start from the light that stands behind it. It’s just that “dark” is that buffer, like a microexam, which is important to pass in order to achieve what you aspire to.

Microexaminations are a test for the degree of maturity, for strength - the Universe always suits her. This is a way to show what you need, that it is of value to you.

About value in this world.

They are now narrowed down to values ​​in various directions. Particularly valued wealth. No matter how a person in individual consciousness is disconnected from this value, he, in any case, will be dependent, fed on this value. Why? Because it is that narrow component of the big whole, which leads to the value range of the Universe.

Very often, many people make the mistake of being pushed by theories that something is not necessary or important to them. Disconnecting from anything, at the moment - from the value component, which in some aspects is hypertrophied and distorted, but in others is a guide to the deep value of what is the connection with the Universe.

There are values ​​of the Universe. They are, as it were, in the core of a ball, a sphere. On the periphery there is a point of material values. Many people fall on this point and stay in its areola without moving any further. Others cover a little more, capturing the value of the family, the value of memory, knowledge, skills and abilities.

The value of the Universe is much greater - it is the value of comprehending what is beyond deciphering, the possibility of deciphering this state into words and phrases.

As soon as there is indignation with something or someone, there is a distance from the value of the Universe. It is indignation that casts one away from itself and from its value.

You can feel your value as the value of all those around you and everything around you. Self-worth is what shows whether the person next to you is valuable to you or not. If you lose respect for him, if you lose the vision of what is significant in him, this is a sign to this being that it disappears, separates from its deepest value, loses its connection with the Universe.

At such moments, the value of the material grows, the value of owning something and one's own stability, and a substitution occurs. This substitution can become fraught when it occupies an interior space that does not belong to it. At first, only one part belongs to the substitution, one point, but gradually, when a person devalues ​​what comes from others or from another, discards, devalues, refuses, something else takes the place of depreciation - what he possesses in the dense world.

Thus, a person overlays himself brick by brick in his field, in his space with static and stability. It seems to him that his strength is growing, but at some point this strength begins to be his burden, because this burden must be fed with his own life force energy.

This is exactly how much is arranged in the social world today in order for people to experience overload, illness, so that their lifespan is shortened.

Everyone can influence this situation very simply: when he can see value in another person, when he can turn what was static bricks into flow, and thus connect his connection with the value of the Universe.

What does the value of the Universe mean?

This is the core of its connection with the General. When you reach it, there is an comprehension of merging with the universal, integral Consciousness. Then the reverse process occurs for you, when the integral Consciousness, that value of the Universe, begins to nourish you and flows, fills all those micro-capacities of value that are in your field: in your unconscious, in your consciousness, in your many levels.

It fills those voids that were formed in childhood, in previous incarnations, formed where you cannot restore your connection with yourself, where you cannot use your knowledge and your skills, where what you feel does not work should work.

Then completely different laws are activated, when it is not necessary to forcibly build automatic chains. You simply begin to direct your attention, and a valuable stream flows in that direction. And since it correlates with the Universe, and in itself there is the very value that forms the grain, then everything accumulates, is structured, formed and created.

Earlier we talked about the ether field. Now this ether field is also being extended, but from a more capacious state - from the Universe, from the state of using its core, its valuable filler.

This Knowledge and the ability to perceive this Knowledge is not for everyone, because it is put into words and is not easy enough for human awareness to perceive. In addition to words, there is also energy that flows at a certain time of the open portal.

If there is no perception at the conceptual level, but there is an internal feedback that “there is something in it” for you, that “there is some kind of grain”, and you can admit the existence of something that is now undecipherable, incomprehensible or inaccessible, then simply allow this unknown, but valuable, which fills the Universe, to activate, integrate and create your own connection. It is the connection of the individual, which once separated and went into the choices of duality, with the universal One, which is ready, willing and eager to manifest itself through the individual in the most perfect way.

This most perfect way can be bestowed upon you.

At the same time, there is not a single moment that you have lived in vain. There is not a single moment of your interactions, choices, your situations that was, is or will be imperfect and less suitable for you.

What is is a greater degree of awareness or intelligence of the individual being. By manifesting intelligence, you flip and create a greater ability to include yourself in the general processes of the Universe. You are not just flowing like a blade of grass in a stream of water, but you are able to participate, you are able to interact with your consciousness and transmit your desires and perceptions, as well as to hear the desires, perceptions, opportunities and values ​​of the world around you and participate.

Once again, value always comes from value. You see the value of who is with you, what is around you. Seeing this value, you connect, merge, flow and create opportunity.

The world is infinitely diverse.

There are many layers and sub-worlds in the world that contain different forms life, different degrees of the situation.

Many of you, finding yourself in some seemingly illusory situations, simply dive into certain worlds. In these worlds, through illusion (through a dream, fantasy, representation), one lives oneself as another. It may not be known, due to the fact that in this incarnation it is not revealed to them.

There are those who have a greater ability to expand, stretch. These are the ones who need it. Others are less capable of stretching. They follow their direction and tasks clearly. All these are just different spectrums of life, different spectra of perception.

You can not be disappointed and not offended by those who do not perceive you as you are, who are not able to hear your values, who are not able to perceive the world that is reality for you. Just give him the opportunity to see him, this being, as valuable - so and with what he is.

This way you will begin to get closer and closer to your values.

As for material values, this is the very first step on the way to yourself, to your highest values, which can be treated with respect and attention, understanding that this is not something you need to stop and focus on, attaching to it, but something that gives you the opportunity to conduct and follow further in order to reveal yourself more.

The state of gratitude for the values ​​of any plane also opens up the possibility of further movement on the path.

Often cataclysms with values material world can be something that a person is very attached to and cherishes. He begins to translate the values ​​of the material world from an instrument into goals and achievements, and then these values ​​in themselves, their consciousness tries to shake the human being so that he takes the right, right position.

There is no pride in the fact that you have accumulated more material values. They don't belong to you. They are given to you as a tool so that you can properly distribute them in the range and in those environments that are with you, and not in order to crush, hide and accumulate for yourself.

When someone accumulates and tries to hold on, seeing everyone else and the world as a threat, then his other plans and other levels begin to collapse, because he steps on the value layer of himself in the highest range.

A person does not directly connect attachment to material values and p

What is important to you and what is ? Each person who will be asked such a question will answer it individually. One will say that the most important thing in life is a career and prosperity, the other will answer that this is power and status in society, the third will cite family, relationships and health as an example. The list can be quite long, but we only need to understand that what is important for a person controls his actions. Based on what his priorities are, he will make friends, get an education, choose a place of work, in other words, build his life.

And the topic of this article is life priorities or, to be more precise, life values. Next, we will talk about what it is, what values ​​​​are in general and how their system is formed.

What are life values?

So, the life values ​​of a person can be called that scale of assessments and measures, with the help of which he verifies and evaluates his life. At various periods of human existence, this scale has been transformed and modified, but certain measures and assessments have always been present in it and continue to be present now.

The life values ​​of a person are absolute values ​​- they occupy the first place in his worldview and have a direct impact on which areas of life will be a priority for him, and what he will perceive as secondary.

What are life values?

First of all, it should be pointed out that a person's system of life values ​​can consist of several elements:

  • Human values
  • Cultural values
  • Individual values

And if the first two elements are due mainly to general ideas people about what is good and what is bad, what is important and what is secondary, as well as the peculiarities of the culture in which a person was born and raised, then the third element can be attributed to purely subjective worldview features. Although in this case, one can single out something in common that unites the life values ​​of all people in general.

Thus, the general system of human values ​​in life can be attributed to:

  • Health - it is one of the basic values ​​of life, shared by many people and valued quite highly. But health can be attributed not only to spiritual well-being, but also social well-being, expressed in the absence of social crises in life. Particularly noteworthy are indicators of physical and social well-being, which are reflected in external attractiveness and in the attributes of social status, such as social status, possession certain things, compliance with standards and brands;
  • Success in life is another value that has been held in high regard for a long time. Obtaining is the key to a stable future, a successful career, the presence and public recognition– all this is important for many people. But at the same time, the number of adherents of the so-called downshifting is also quite large - a phenomenon in which people who have already managed to achieve success and social status, come to the understanding that they no longer have the strength to endure social pressure, retire and go into simple life in order to save peace of mind and integrity. Today, the ability to adapt to different conditions and circumstances of life and the ability to earn money without being employed;
  • Family remains one of the main life values ​​for people all over the world, despite the fact that today there is a tendency to refuse marriages, especially earlier ones, refuse to have children, as well as propaganda of same-sex relationships. Moreover, even the fact that in our time money can be used to obtain an infinite number of sexual relations and the appearance of love cannot be compared with the fact that a real family and the need for procreation still remain significant for people;
  • Children - and here again we can say that, despite the propaganda of abandoning children (childfree), for the vast majority of people, children continue to be the meaning of existence, and the birth and upbringing of offspring turns into. And of great importance here is the opportunity for a person to leave behind posterity, as a trace, as well as the transfer of his life experience and the consolidation of his individual "I" in that will continue to exist longer than himself.

Guided by all this, we can conclude that the system of life values ​​of people, which they are guided by throughout their lives, in most cases is represented by their desire for self-realization, and its transmission in time.

But, in addition to the listed life values, there are a number of others that are also very common:

  • Closeness with loved ones
  • Friends
  • Freedom of thought and action
  • Independence
  • Jobs for life's purpose
  • Respect and recognition from others
  • and opening new places
  • creative realization

Differences in life values ​​and priorities are explained by the fact that people differ in. This suggests that your system of life values ​​\u200b\u200bis completely individual, but what matters to you highest value, and what you value as the most important thing in life, for someone else may be completely meaningless or even absent from his system of values. Although, of course, things that are significant for everyone and everyone, like moral values, have a place to be, regardless of where a person was born and at what time.

Now let's talk about how the system of life values ​​is formed.

Features of the formation of a system of life values

The system of life values ​​of each person begins to form from the first years of his life, however, it is finally formed only by reaching a responsible age, i.e. by about 18-20 years, although even after that it can change in some way. The very process of its formation takes place according to a certain algorithm.

Schematically, this algorithm can be expressed as follows:

  • Aspiration > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Goal > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Values ​​> Purpose > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Means > Values ​​> Goal > Ideal

However, subsequently, between all these points, another one appears - ethics, as a result of which the whole scheme takes the following form:

  • Aspiration > Ethics> Funds > Ethics> Values ​​> Ethics> Purpose > Ethics> Ideal

Hence it turns out that in the first place there is an ideal and the very desire for this ideal. The ideal, which can also be called an image, if there is no desire for it, is no longer such.

At the first stage, which is most often instinctive, the ideal is neutral from an ethical point of view, i.e. it cannot be assessed in any way, and it can be formed in the form of a sensory-emotional substance, the content of which is rather difficult to determine. The meaning that is given to the ideal is formed only at the stage of transformation into a goal. And only after that, reaching the third stage, is the formation of values ​​that serve as resources, conditions and rules for, which leads to the ideal. And the whole algorithm, in the end, ends with the so-called inventory of the necessary and available means to achieve the goal.

Each element of the presented algorithm is extremely important, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the ideal, goal and means are formed and chosen under the influence of not only needs, but also norms. ethical character, which, as it were, “filter” all stages of the algorithm. Simultaneously, ethical standards can be present in the mind of a person, as well as in the mass mind, representing the results of the action of previous algorithms, and therefore perceived as "objectively existing". In addition, they can also be formed as new ones, being conditioned by the newly emerged ideal and the algorithm corresponding to it.

The life of any person, which we have already mentioned, from childhood begins to obey this algorithm, and it doesn’t matter what it concerns: choice future profession, loved one, political or religious views and committed actions. And here it is the “ideals” that play a special role, regardless of whether they exist in the mind of a person or in his subconscious.

Summing up, we can say that the system of human values ​​in life is a fairly stable structure, despite the fact that it is subject to changes, both small and global. And the realization by the person himself of his system of life values ​​is the first step towards understanding his own.

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