Learn the movements of oriental dances. Oriental dance master class for beginners


Posted On 11/11/2017

  • strong flat feet;
  • cholecystitis,
  • pregnancy;

What is the benefit of belly dancing?

Video. Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

It should fit snugly enough around the legs to show the movement of the knees and hips, but not slip or squeeze. For coach control or self-control with a mirror, it is desirable that the stomach be open. If you have big breasts It is very important to choose a comfortable bra. On the carpet it is better to practice in socks, on the floor - in light non-slip shoes. A belt with beads or coins is a nice little thing, not a necessity.

In addition, belly dancing is very useful for the internal female organs and is quite an effective and popular fitness trend. This dance can be learned not only in the gym or in special courses.

How to start learning dance?

Of course, it's easier than ever to sign up for oriental dance classes and study it under the strict supervision of an instructor. However, not every modern woman there is enough free time for this, and maybe the finances are not designed for such purposes. It is for this that there is a technique that allows you to learn how to dance this lovely dance at home.

For self-study you will need video tutorials that can be found on the Internet, a suit for classes, well, a few hours a week of free time and a great attitude. This dance can only be danced in good location spirit, because it involves something like meditation. You feel every muscle of your body, communicate with the body with the power of thought, feel how, to the music, you begin to move to the beat and perform all new movements and ligaments.

What movements should be learned first?

Of course, the most simple, or in other words, basic. Turn on a video lesson, or just any oriental, preferably slow, music. Such music will help you understand the principle of dance, teach you how to connect the movements and the beat of this music, which will be very useful in the future when performing complex connections. So, in belly dancing, only the legs, hips and arms work. All other parts of the body remain motionless.

What hip movements are performed?

Therefore, to begin with, try to master the movements of the hips. You can put your hands on your belt or spread in different sides. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and try to raise and lower each hip in turn. Try to do it to the beat of the music. When performing these movements, make sure that your shoulders remain motionless and your feet do not leave the floor. Belly dance involves not only smooth movements, but also rhythmic ones, which reach up to shaking the hips.

Try to speed up a little, then another, another, and in the end, try to bring the movements to such a frequency that they visually resemble shaking. If you use a special belt decorated with coins for belly dancing, then you will hear their light and winding ringing. After you master this first movement, then try to perform a movement with your hips that will resemble the sign of infinity.

How to learn to dance belly dance

Your hips should sort of draw this sign in the air. Next, try to combine the first and second movement to the music.

What movements to perform with your hands?

As already mentioned, to begin with, hands should be kept at the waist or spread apart. After the movements of the legs and hips are fully mastered, you can connect your hands. To do this, try moving your hips to hold straight arms in front of you, first in one direction and then in the other. If your right hip went up, then your hands should move to the left, and conversely, if your left hip went up, then your hands should move to the right. With brushes, in this case, perform a movement that will remind you that you hook jam or honey from a vessel with your fingers, and then offer it to the viewer. So, the hips began to move, the hands scooped up the jam, the arms move in the opposite direction.

What step to use in the dance?

It is clear that just standing still and swinging your hips in different directions does not mean that you have learned how to dance an oriental dance. For movement in the belly dance, the side step is used. Steps should be small, almost in place. In this case, it will give the impression that you are floating in the air. As from one element to another, circular movements of the hips are used. To do this, after shaking your hips, try to circle them around your axis. However, make sure that the body and neck remain on the same line, that is, do not lean. Remember, only the hips move.

How to learn to play with the stomach?

Everyone has seen how the masters of belly dance sort it out with incredible speed. There is nothing impossible in this movement, but in order to learn it, you need very long training. To begin with, try to draw in the entire stomach, and then let go of its different parts gradually.

For example, you pulled in the entire abdomen, then released the lower abdomen, then the navel area, and then the stomach area. Next try in reverse side do the same thing. After this exercise began to work out, you can speed up the pace, master it and move on to a higher one.


Short description: For all young ladies who want to learn oriental dancing in the comfort of their own home, we advise you to view this video video clip. The story details the first option. self-study for people with little dance experience. The main guarantee of a pleasant dance is a competent warm-up, during which it is necessary to thoroughly warm up all parts of the body.

Belly dance

Particular importance in the plot is given to hand movements, which are given special importance in oriental dances. The main thing is to achieve the ability to dance by immobilizing certain parts of the body, which is the main quality criterion in Arabic dances.

Added: 2015-05-07

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Belly dance

Oriental dance (Arabic dance, belly dance) - feminine, charming. Belly dancing also helps to lose weight, improves posture, reduces cellulite, and has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. The number of people who want to learn how to dance oriental belly dance is increasing. For beginners, we suggest watching a video belly dance lesson. Simple but effective basic movements dance, a good instructor in just a few minutes you can learn belly dancing.

This is a video lesson on teaching belly dancing for beginners from the largest dance and vocal center "Headquarters". This is one of best videos belly dance training for beginners! Everything is simple, clear and accessible.

Apart from online lessons belly dancing, of course, is taught in dance schools. Now there are such schools in every city, and in Almaty, Astana, in fact, in every quarter. Prices are different, depending on the promotion of the dance school, the popularity of the instructor, location (city center), room class. The cost is approximately from 1,000 tenge for a single lesson, a month of classes from 5-6,000 tenge and more. Training in belly dancing is more expensive in Almaty and Astana.

Belly dance is usually called Belly dance. This name is accepted all over the world and translated from English “belly” means belly, and “dance” means to dance. So it turns out in Russian: belly dance. IN Arab countries this dance is usually called Raks Sharki, which can literally be translated as the dance of the East. In these countries, Belly dance was traditionally performed at weddings, in honor of the birth of children, at holidays dedicated to the New Year, sowing and harvesting.

Contraindications for belly dancing:

  • strong flat feet;
  • diseases of the spine: hernia, etc.;
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • cholecystitis,
  • ovarian diseases, tumor, cyst, myoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • you need to consult a doctor if you have heart disease, varicose veins.

What is the benefit of belly dancing?

Belly dancing is good for women for example, oriental belly dance increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is an excellent prevention of adhesions and other inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. If you already have diseases of the small pelvis, you first need to cure them, or first consult with your doctor if you can practice belly dancing.

Belly dancing is a wonderful way to lose weight, shape your figure, reduce cellulite, make the figure more feminine - highlight the waist, remove the folds on the sides and fat on the hips. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of unwanted kilograms very quickly, but for the body this is only beneficial.

Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

Firstly, rapid weight loss visually adds age: the skin becomes flabby, the chest becomes sagging, wrinkles on the face are more noticeable.

Secondly, excessive physical activity leads to an increase in the body's level of stress hormone - cortisol, which "saves reserves" and does not get rid of body fat.

In the dance, the loads are moderate, alternating with relaxation. Not only the stomach works, almost all muscles are involved in it, thanks to which the figure looks slender and embossed, and not “dried”. In addition, dance is a pleasure, and therefore the body is easier to part with excesses.

Another one positive side belly dance - soft effect on the spine and supporting muscles. By exercising regularly, you can solve problems with posture, which in itself will improve the figure, since often a sagging or protruding stomach is a consequence of back problems.

It is better to start dancing under the guidance of a coach, then the classes will be more effective. He will show you how to correctly perform the basic elements, correct mistakes in their implementation. Perhaps the coach will select a program of independent home training, explain what you need to pay attention to for more fast weight loss. Usually after the first few sessions you feel problem areas requiring higher loads. The trainer should be friendly and pleasant to you, otherwise, by exercising through force, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Clothing for beginners in belly dancing should be tight enough to fit the legs so that the movements of the knees and hips are visible, but not slip or squeeze. For coach control or self-control with a mirror, it is desirable that the stomach be open. If you have large breasts, it is very important to choose a comfortable bra. On the carpet it is better to practice in socks, on the floor - in light non-slip shoes.

A belt with beads or coins is a nice little thing, not a necessity.

Being engaged in belly dancing for weight loss, you should not resort to too rigid low-calorie diets. At regular workouts spent enough a large number of energy, it just happens imperceptibly. A severe restriction in nutrition can lead to a deterioration in well-being, as a result of which classes will have to be interrupted.

Don't eat too much before a workout- a full stomach will interfere, reminding of itself with nausea and heartburn. You can have a light snack so that after a workout there is no unbearable feeling of hunger. Since most beginners are just learning how to breathe properly while dancing, it can cause a dry throat, so it's best to have a bottle of water with you.

Dancing for pleasure, you can ensure your health and slim figure for many years.

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How to dance oriental dances?

Many of us are wondering how to dance oriental dances? And this is not surprising, because oriental dances not only fascinate with their beauty, but are also beneficial for a woman's health. During classes, endurance increases, muscles of the arms, waist, back are trained, blood circulation of the abdominal and pelvic organs improves, graceful movements and flexibility appear. belly dancing is good breathing exercises. With the help of dance you can express your feelings and emotions, recharge good mood and grab the attention of others.

Let's see how to learn to dance oriental dances? It's not that hard. You can do it at any age and with any physique. IN modern world belly dance is very popular. Having mastered simple technique, you will not only tone your body, but also get a boost of positive energy. Often, people dancing oriental dances are always cheerful and fit. Where do oriental dances dance in our time? It can be fitness clubs and various studio schools. Also now you can watch oriental dance lessons on TV or on DVD discs.

Main Rules

Need to remember important rules for newbies. Hands should not dangle, the “hands to the sides” position will be most convenient. Otherwise, even the most beautiful movement hips. Do not slouch in any way. The buttocks should be tucked in if their participation in the performance of a movement is not required. The neck is long, the head is raised and a smile on the face is obligatory.

Useful exercises

Here are some exercises for those who decide to learn how to dance oriental dances at home.

  • Shoulder shaking: stand straight, spread your arms a little apart, legs together, alternately bring the left and then the right shoulder forward, gradually increasing the pace until you get a small shaking of the shoulders.
  • Chest circles: stand straight, spread your arms a little to the sides, bend your back, bring your chest forward, smoothly bring it to the right, round your back and move to the left. The tempo can be adjusted, it can be either fast or slow.
  • Large circles of the hips: similar to the circles of the chest, only work now with the hips. The left thigh is brought to the left, the buttocks are retracted, then the right thigh is pushed to the right, then the pelvis is pushed forward. Above the waist, keep the body motionless.
  • Wave with the stomach: stand straight, spread your arms to the sides, pull the stomach in and push it out, inflating the abdominal cavity.
  • Pendulum: stand straight, spread your arms to the sides, the distance between the legs is 10-15 cm. Pull the left thigh to the ribs, slightly retracting the left heel, then push the thigh to its original position, lowering the heel to the floor. Repeat the same with the right thigh. Movements are performed smoothly, the pace gradually increases. Try not to bend your knees.
  • Arab figure eight: stand straight, spread your legs 10-15 cm, arms to the sides. Pull the left thigh to the ribs, lifting the left heel off the floor, then turn the pelvis to the right and lower the heel to the floor. The same is done with the right hip. Do not bend your knees, increase the pace smoothly and gradually.
  • Rocking chair: stand straight, bend your knees slightly, arms to the sides. Raise the left thigh up to the ribs. Then, lowering it, simultaneously raise the right thigh. Make sure that the body is motionless, only the hips work up and down.
  • Waves with hands: stand straight, arms slightly to the sides. Pull up the left elbow while lowering the right
  • Pull: stand straight, spread your arms to the sides. Take a step to the left with your left foot, while moving your right thigh to the right and leaning to the left with your body. Then attach right leg to the left, return the right thigh to its original position. Repeat the same on the other side.
  • Hip kick to the side: stand straight, legs together, knees slightly bent and push the left thigh to the left. Then make a blow with the right thigh. When performing strikes, you can play with your hands.

On this topic, there are various videos on the Internet. You can learn how to dance oriental dances by reading the relevant literature, which is also lacking. On the Internet you can find a huge number of books that describe in detail how to learn to dance. But still, online lessons are better. The advantage of this method is that you can study at any convenient time, you do not need to adapt to the class schedule. Minus - it is impossible to control the load and the correctness of the exercises.

Oriental dances are good way cheer up, improve well-being, feel confident in female charms and win the heart of a beloved man.

Do not force yourself to do exercises, but do you want your body to be plastic, and all your muscles to be in good shape? Then dancing to music is the activity for you! Your Izyumka offers an original set of exercises, it presents simple dance moves from oriental dances.

Dancing is very useful activity for the beauty and health of the body, they:

Form a beautiful gait and posture;
develop muscle flexibility and relieve their tension;
strengthen internal muscles;
correct the figure and promote weight loss;
learn to control their body;
develop coordination of movements;
relieve stress, help with depression.

In this complex, all the main muscles of the body are worked out, you do not need to do monotonous boring exercises, as when performing regular gymnastics. All you need to do is turn on some nice rhythmic music and enjoy the dance movement!

First you need to do a small five-minute warm-up: make rotational movements with your head, arms, torso, pelvis, do a few tilts and squats. Now that your body has warmed up, try learning some simple dance moves. It is better to perform them in front of a large mirror to check the correct execution of dance movements.

1. Belly dance - we form the muscles of the press.

Tuck in your belly by tensing your abs, then relax. In this movement, the breath as a "pulling force" should not be used. Alternately tense your muscles, and then relax. Woo aerobatics- pick up and relax the stomach at a fast pace. Start with 3-5 minutes and then, when you are already good at it, bring the belly dance to 10 minutes.

2. We work out the hips and buttocks.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Draw a figure eight with your hips, first 8 times in one direction, and then 8 times in the other direction. Then, slowly going down, having time to do four eights, and then slowly rise up, doing four more eights. Get up and down 4 times. In order to better concentrate on the movement of the hips, it is better to place the palms of the hands on the back of the head (but not necessarily).

3. We work out the upper body - the shoulders.

Standing straight, feet are shoulder-width apart, bend slightly left leg, and at this time, take the pelvis to the right and make a movement with the right shoulder back a couple of times. Now bend your right leg, while the pelvis moves to the left, and the left shoulder makes a circular motion back - 2 times. Do 10 backward shoulder movements along with dance leg movements, and then 10 forward shoulder movements. Then do the same movements with your legs and pelvis, and with both shoulders make circular movements forward - 10 movements and then the same number with your shoulders back.

4. We work out the hips.

All dance movements are easy to repeat, you can perform them yourself, carefully following the movement. The simplest dance movement with the hips is to alternately raise one or the other hip up.

Now stand sideways to the mirror and make a movement with the pelvis moving it as far forward and then back.

Try a slightly different movement with your hips, turning your hips along with your pelvis to the left and then to the right. The main thing to watch out for when performing this dance movement is that the upper body remains motionless. You are doing well, let's move on. In order to perform the following dance movement, you need to put your foot slightly forward on the toe and move the hip up and down, unbending and bending the leg.

Learning to perform simple moves hips, you can try more laborious, while lowering the torso. Just keep in mind that such a dance move takes more strength, so at first do as many movements as you can do. After all, the most important thing is to get a pleasant fatigue and good mood.

5. We work out the muscles of the neck.

Stand up straight, keep your head straight in front of you too, start moving your head left and right, while making sure that it does not lean! Now stretch your nose forward, make sure that your head does not tilt! And then back of the head. At the same time, the shoulders remain motionless, only the head works: make 10 movements to the left and right and the same number of movements back and forth. The most important thing in this movement is that the head is straight, not tilted, but “walks” left and right and back and forth. This movement strengthens the muscles of the neck and helps to cure cervical osteochondrosis, which affects many who spend their time sitting at the computer for a long time. In this case, be sure to include head movements in your dance program.

6. We are working on the calves of the legs.

Now stretch out and learn a few simple dance steps. Stand up straight, cross your legs in front of you and, changing the leg in front, take dance steps with your feet, your arms can be kept apart to the sides, or they can be in a free position. Repeat the dance move 10-15 times.
And we do the second dance movement for the calves in the same starting position, only you need to perform a crossing movement with your legs moving from side to side. Repeat the dance move 10-15 times.

Your Izinka hopes that these simple dance moves will be easy for you to repeat and you will fall in love with dancing in oriental style. Let dance classes bring you a light, pleasant fatigue, charge you with vigor for the whole day in the morning, give you a lot of positive emotions and good mood!

Your Highlight also offers to watch simple dance moves in the video, which presents oriental dances for beginners. Happy viewing.

Video #1. Oriental dance training.

Video #2. Oriental dances for beginners.

Video #3. Belly dance for beginners. Part 1.

Video number 4. Belly dance for beginners. Part 2.

Can't sit still when you hear the sounds of oriental music? It's time to learn a new hobby - belly dancing! Oriental dances will turn you into a mysterious beauty and teach you to love your body!

If you want to always be in the center of attention of men and stay in good mood, there is nothing left to do except how to learn how to dance oriental dances. This is one of the most! Fascinating brilliance of costumes, hypnotizing rhythmic sounds of drums, incredibly plastic movements female body- all this is about oriental dance " belly dance". Belly dancing quickly broke into our culture 10 years ago, along with the appearance on the air domestic television fairy tales about the life of Arab beauties.

A bit of history: when belly dance appeared

Historical name for oriental dance Arabic sounds like "Rax Sharqi", in Turkey it is called Oryantal dansı. Its original version is very far from what modern belly dancers dance, if only for the reason that the Islamic dress code would never allow a woman to expose her body in the presence of men.

What we are watching with enthusiasm today is a modernized product of the synthesis of several dance techniques: gypsy dance Ghawazi, European cabaret and Arabic dance traditions. For the first time, a show with oriental dancers in the interpretation that is popular to this day was shown in Paris in 1889. Nowadays, there are already more than 50 directions of oriental dance, founded by various leading schools of the world.

Theory and technique: where and how to learn to dance

The popularity of this exotic dance has led to the fact that today even in Slavic and European countries there is a mass dance clubs and groups that teach the art of belly dance. The main thing is to find a teacher to your liking, in some ways this task is similar to the correct one. In no case do not immediately enroll in the first school that comes across and do not buy a subscription. To get started, go to a trial lesson with a trainer and find one who explains clearly for you and in whose presence you do not feel constrained.

Take an interest in the achievements of students in various competitions, because this is an indicator of the mastery of the mentor. Not always even a great dancer can become a good teacher. The team in which you will study is also very important - when a friendly atmosphere reigns in the classroom, and not malicious competition, there are much more chances to master the skill of dance.

A very positive effect on improving the level of skill various competitions. Do not be afraid to participate in them, even if you are new to this business! Competitions always have separate categories for beginners and experienced professionals. You will see how the first diploma earned, even if among beginner dancers, will make you train with even greater zeal.

If for some reason you do not want or cannot practice in a group, do not be discouraged, today there are many manuals that will help you learn oriental dances at home. To get started, watch a few videos to decide which of the dance techniques and directions of oriental dance you like best.

First lesson for beginners: a few important movements:

On specialized sites, you can easily find a lot of video tutorials and melodies. After choosing a suitable song, listen to it several times to get a good feel for the rhythm, and start training! It is desirable that you have a mirror in your home. full height, which will help you see yourself during classes from the side and assess the correctness of the movements.

Where to buy a suit for rehearsals and performances

It is better for beginner dancers to purchase the simplest costume, not burdened with a variety of details that will complicate the development of movements. If the question is where to buy an oriental dance costume, then consider one of the options:

  1. The cheapest way to buy such an outfit is from girls who have already mastered a sufficient level of skill and dance in costumes of complex cut.
  2. If you want a new outfit, specialized online stores offer wide choose for every taste and budget.
  3. The right outfit is sure to be found in the oriental bazaars or in specialized stores for dancers, which are simply full of costumes, both mass-made and hand-made.
  4. If you have basic needlework skills (sewing,), then it’s quite easy to build a costume yourself, having a piece of fabric, an unnecessary bra, some beads, sequins, rhinestones, ribbons on hand.

From theory to practice: where to show mastery

You can apply the skills learned at rehearsals anywhere. Today there are a lot of nightclubs and discos where oriental dances are danced and theme parties are often held. Yes, and in ordinary discos, the movements learned in training will come in handy. The main thing is to listen carefully to the melody, because many songs popular on modern dance floors have oriental motifs.

Belly dance is suitable for any figure

While learning oriental dances, as well as, a sense of rhythm and plasticity develops well, so after a few lessons you can easily turn into a graceful disco star! The attention of men is guaranteed to you, and the problem will remain in the past!

The only condition for success in belly dancing is not to be ashamed of your body! A small tummy and lush hips will only benefit. To love your body, you can try classes or. Even if you dance exclusively for yourself, you can increase self-esteem in a month and achieve new successes in other areas. Turn on the music!

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - how to learn to dance belly dance at home?

The best thing master the art of belly dancing an experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. About what is needed for this, we will tell in our article.

How to start learning belly dance for beginners at home - paraphernalia and basic rules

Belly dancing demands from a woman the ability to relax those muscle groups who are not employed in this moment. Only in this way can a dancer perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dance lessons will require a lady formation of one's own sexual image of a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. An important role is played here costume, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dancer.

  • To choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that in the first months of classes, the figure of a woman will change significantly . The waist will become more refined, and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of the attire for oriental dances after some time has passed.
  • For beginners, belly dance is better to dance in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image coin loincloth that create the intended mood during training.
  • As for shoes for belly dancing, we recall that for a long time there has been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus marking an inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can put on shoes ballet shoes, Czechs or socks.

In order to harmoniously and correctly perform belly dance, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a particular style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dance

Video: belly dance - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dance is "rocking chair". To perform this movement, the woman must rise on tiptoe with her legs placed together, bend them slightly at the knees and mentally pass through the navel. vertical line. Along this line, you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel remains in place. You can do dance elements up - down or forward - backward.

For the execution of movements down - up, i.e. - in the vertical plane , put your feet together, rise to the toes and bend your knees a little. In turn, we pull up to the armpits of the thigh so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This element of the dance can also be performed moving forward.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) we stand on a full foot, bend our knees a little. Bending the lower back as much as possible, we take the pelvis back. We lead it forward and pull the pubis to the navel. Plastically moving the hips, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is in the navel. Accelerating the pace, we switch to shaking the stomach.

  • The next element of belly dance is "pendulum" . To perform the exercise from top to bottom, up to the armpit, we raise the right thigh, bring it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by bringing the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled towards the armpit. Diagonally lower the right thigh, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Do not forget - when dancing the element, you need to make sure that the back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, we mentally imagine a circle for ourselves. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, bending the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to get the pubis on the stomach as much as possible.
  • Reset circles. We describe the circle and, pulling back the pelvis, perform a dump with the hip from top to bottom. On the following laps, the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is immobile. To perform the element, we stand on high half-fingers, half a turn towards the viewer. In the vertical plane, we imagine a circle, the axis of which passes through the femurs. In the direction from below - forward - up - back, we try to describe it with our hips. The execution of this element is possible with advancement to the side or forward. There are several types of waves - lateral and frontal.

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