Variants of nominations for rewarding children. Graduation ceremony for graduates in the style of "Oscar" - "Star Graduation"




Ved1: Ladies and Gentlemen!

Vedas 2: Ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 1: Hello!

Ved2: Good evening!
So the solemn moment has come, to which everyone has been going for the last 11 years.

Vedas 1: And today we are present at solemn event annual presentation of the prestigious award "Oscar - 2015"

Vedas 2: The most interesting movies created over the past 11 years.

Vedas 1: Sometimes sad, and even sad, but always interesting, bright, unusual, worthy of the highest award - the Oscar!

Ved.2: Everyone knows how honorable it is to receive this award. Today it will not be awarded to Hollywood stars. The main characters of the evening are graduates of 2015.

Ved.1: It is they who deserve the award for outstanding talents, and it is they who are the stars of this evening!

Vedas 2: Graduates of 2015 MBOU secondary school No. 10 in Birsk are invited to the red carpet.

Vedas 1. We welcome by name. Our first guests on the red carpet are:

Stepping on the red carpetNikulin Igor - a guy of all trades - a computer programmer, artist, DJ, etc., who played the role of "master" in all school plays welcome him.

Today we welcome the charming, boyish, perky and daring, brave and independentIslamova Victoria , your applause

A tall, slender beauty whose dancing talents require development, we believe in a lucky starOlga Zolotareva welcome her.

Welcome - sports star schools: a handsome guy with a charming Hollywood smile, who showed remarkable artistic abilities in the 11th grade, the star of school shows and TV series -Timerkaev Alexander.

Stepping on the red carpet - purposeful, always achieving her goals, but modest, shy, our graduate, who has an original oriental appearance -Nasibullina Elvina.

And here comes the president of school student self-government, an irreplaceable and very responsible nature, organizer and performer creative ideas At school -Karyakina Anastasia.

- We welcome a smart, strict, modest, having many hidden virtues, undiscovered talents, a handsome guy -Gorbunova Alexandra.

Stepping onto the red carpet is a talented girl from our school, lower grades not a single concert passed without her participation, the singing star of our school, future star world stage -Sakharova Maria.

Meet: a kind, smiling girl, whose smile gives warmth to everyone and cheers up everyone around -Epaneshnikova Tatiana.

Appears on the red carpet - charming, kind, overcoming his shyness at KVN in BDD-Galimov Ramadan

Greetings - A slender black-browed beauty, whose height and appearance is suitable for a model catwalk -Kiyamutdinova Elina

And here he appears - the most shy and most smiling guy among the graduates of 2015, in which there are a lot of undiscovered talents -Chernov Oleg.

The most slender graduate of 2015, diligent and executive, natural blonde and owner of the longest braid, steps on the red carpet -Alexandrova Irina

Dear guests, this graduate is not so easy to hide in the school crowd, a temperamental guy with beautiful appearance and a mohawk on his head, of course, this is -Musin Artur

Meet - stylish, extravagant, creative person, a girl with creative thinking and her own personal approach to all decisions -Nabieva Elmira

And here comes a gentle, modest, charming beauty with good diction, the future announcer of the central television -Shevkoplyas-Gurieva Nadezhda

Appears on the red carpet last graduate… We welcome the charming, sociable brunette graduate, his natural modesty disappears on stage, where he shows remarkable artistic talents -Shpak Dmitry.

    And here are all the graduates of 2015 in front of you, dear guests

(Alumni line up)

    Today they are a little worried,

A little bit happy today

And, of course, you can understand them,

After all, they have a new path ahead of them!

    He waits, calls, scares a little.

Great things beckon

Let them remember the path

That she took me to school every day!

Vedas 2: “Listen, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it, then it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ...” Today, at our festival, not one star is lit, but a whole starfall of new graduates of our school.

Ved.1. And opened these stars cool lady. We invite the class teacher of the 11th grade, Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna, to the red carpet.

She is cheerful, knows how to organize well, aim, rally children. Students respect her as a teacher, they love her very much for her understanding, support, ability to give advice on any issue of interest to them. This is a caring, patient, benevolent class teacher who wholeheartedly cheers for every student in his class.

Applause class teacher.

1. The director is a faithful guardian of order,

Guarantor, as they say now,

He has a strict eye for everything

And devoted to school without a trace,

A thunderstorm of boobies and rake,

Damoclav sword of immodest girls.

Does not notice the looks of languid,

He bears his cross with dignity.

We see no flaws in it.

But all the praises later

After certificates,

Pyotr Alexandrovich, time! We wait!!!

2. Director of the school Karachun P.A. is invited to the red carpet.

    The destiny of the young is the joy of flight,
    Knowledge of life, the beginning of the path,
    Study, career, ups and downs,
    Fall down, get up, and go again.

2. Youth has a ringing road,
The young have a way in the palm of their hand,
They are confident, strong and know a lot,
And God forbid they do not turn off the road.

Ved1. We start our film festival "Oscar" (with a musical and dance surprise of our graduates).

Dance Flashmob

Ved2. For the solemn holding of the Oscar 2014 awards ceremony, to deafening applause, we invite our graduates to the hall.

1. We invite all guests, parents, teachers to the hall.


Music for the Oscars (certificates)

Vedas 2.: Graduation party "Oscar" - 2015 "is declared open.

Anthem of the Russian Federation, Belarus

Ved1. School years left behind, the real one is coming adulthood difficult, with many obstacles and difficulties.

And only purposefulness, perseverance, diligence will help you, graduates, overcome all difficulties and find yourself in life.

Presenter: Connoisseurs of school cinema came to congratulate the 2015 graduates ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The word is given by _________________________________________________


What city? Cannes?

- No, Birsk, - I will answer you.

- Here us nominations

Looking forward to this evening.

Vedas 1. Fanfares sound joyfully.

The solemn moment has come!

Now they will give everyone a certificate,

Who was looking forward to it.

Vedas 1:
We are approaching the most solemn moment of our filming, to which you have been going for all school years- for the presentation of certificates. To make the film so wonderful, everyone put their hands, head, soul and heart.

Vedas 2. To award the laureates, we invite the chief director of the Film "Burnt by School 2015" Karachun Petr Aleksandrovich to the stage

(Word of the director)

Vedas 1. We announce the first nomination - "Director's Pet".

VED. 2 Graduates! Are there among you those to whom Pyotr Alexandrovich treats well? (Pause)
Raise your hand, no - both hands... clap them!

Now we will find out how insightful you were!
Let's open the envelope!

Vedas 1: Yes, there are so many. Name them yourself, Pyotr Alexandrovich!


Irina, Ramadan and Sasha,

Tatyana, Olya and Vika,

Nastya, Elina, Artur,

Of course, Elmira and Elvina,

Igor, Masha, Ivan would not be forgotten

Sasha, Oleg, Nadia and Dima

Did I name everyone? I love you all.


Vedas. Attention! Certificates of complete secondary education are being awarded to graduates of 2015!

(fanfare for the presentation of certificates)

Vedas. 1. Certificate - it is in the film by the way:
And its name is "Big Life".
But on this, as at the start,
You don't stay long.

Vedas. 2.In the second series, which will be soon.
Take important keys in your hands.
Learn a couple of years.
And get a degree.

Vedas 1. There are those teachers in the school

Who cares about you the most

Who most often praised, sometimes scolded,

Who wholeheartedly helped you in everything.

2nd presenter: - The graduates of our school are already adults, independent people, they decided to hold a return presentation of the Oscar award - awarding school teachers for their services to them.

Graduate: - Dear, infinitely beloved teachers and school staff! Today we have common holiday. 11 years of joint work behind. If it were not for your professionalism, patience, love and kindness, we would not be holding these wonderful crusts in our hands now. Over the years we have studied you very well. All of you - wonderful people but each of you has special features character that we liked best in you and that we sought to emulate. After all, a student is not only a sum of knowledge, but also a personality that is formed over many years of study.

Graduate: Attention! Attention!

Following the dictates of the times, we are holding the second part of the Recognition Award . Applicants for "Recognition" were tested for several years in various nominations, including school subjects.

Graduate: - The nomination: “Putin himself is not a decree for him” is dedicated to the strict and attentive, understanding and omniscient headmaster: Karachun P.A.
Dima Shpak : Our feelings unspent bowl,

And the living breath of spring

And our love and gratitude

We address the Director.

From dawn to dusk you are at work,

You are always in search and in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

The heart will help anyone urgently.

We want you to stay the same

All adversity in spite of smiling,

And save this dear house,

To meet our children in it.

(Graduates present a medal and a diploma to the director of the school.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Everything is in order, everything is fine, all exams have passed” is dedicated to the Deputy Director for Educational and educational work Yamaeva N.G.
Tanya Epaneshnikova:

You are the scheduling goddessYou put in the effortSo that the lessons are fullyWe could visit.Wherever we go to work or study,We are sure that these days are not destined to be forgotten.(presentation of a medal and diploma)

Graduate: - The nomination “How long we did not resist, you tried to educate us” is dedicated to the deputy director for educational work Anisimova L.A.

Sasha Timerkaev : For discipline you are strictlyFollow from the morningSo as not to smoke at the threshold,So that the children do not swear.We had fun with youWe painted the floors togetherSo that these days are not forgottenYou will accept the medal and diploma.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: "We will remember you"! dedicated to the first teacher Zaitseva E.S.

Masha Sakharova : “Everyone has only one time in their lifeIt happens its first, its memorable classAnd the first mentor, our first teacher,He opened the door for us to the land of knowledge and discoveries.”

Graduate: - The word for congratulating the graduates is given to the first teacher ....
(Congratulates the first teacher.)

Graduate: - The nomination “I would have learned Russian because you taught us it” is dedicated to the teacher of Russian language and literature Zolotareva E.N.
Graduates! Please note in the futureSo as not to be afraid of essays,It is enough to haveA set of simple definitions:Write that the poet is a prophet,And Gogol ridiculed the orders,That Famusov is bad and nasty,

Graduate:And Chadsky is no longer a rider.Bazarov overtook his age,Onegin is a complex nature,Wild is the image of a tyrant,Gerasim drowned Mumu...That's all the literature for you.

Graduate:I'll be the most honest rules.I would make me learn RussianNot only Russians, but allThen Russia will succeed.Everyone will know literatureAnd our Russian culture.(delivery)

Graduate: - Nomination: “You know everything about numbers and they taught us the same” is dedicated to the mathematics teacher Kail G.K.
The laws of numbers are very strict,And become mathematiciansGiven, alas, not very many,We have learned to countAfter all, in the current difficult century,Everything will have to be counted.

Geometry and algebra meaningNowadays, everyone can appreciateTherefore, for our right decisions,We must thank you from the bottom of our hearts.(delivery)

Graduate: – Nomination: “Columbus discovered America, and we will take it and close it” is dedicated to E.V. Khramov, a history teacher.

Igor Nikulin:

If there is silence in the classroom,Flies don't flySo we have historySomeone is being called.

If everyone rustledSo the teacher is movingAll cheat sheets must be hiddenAnd close all books.In general, we are veryWe love all history!If necessary, we will conquerAny territory!(delivery)

Graduate: – The nomination “Don’t spin the colorful globe, it will still come in handy” of our award is dedicated to the teacher of geography Mudarisova G.R.
You and I descended to the depths,Among the quicksands the sands moved,We conquered mountain peaksAnd the permafrost of both poles.

And let there be many more discoveriesWe must make in our life,For showing us the wayWe will always thank you!(delivery)

Graduate: - The nomination "Knowledge of Ohm's laws does not exempt from responsibility" is dedicated to the teacher of physics Yatsenko A.V.
Physics for us is like a birthday,

We are happy to come to class!

Tiles, irons, electric lamps -

Physics is everywhere and always.

Glory to Newton, Ampere, Ohm,

Watt is a good man!

Honor, praise you for making friends

We are forever with them!

Graduate: - Nomination: “Chemistry decorates and heals us and, apparently, will soon feed us” is dedicated to the teacher of chemistry Karelina V.V.


The sorceress is known to all of us:
Worked wonders in test tubes
And love forever for chemistry
She undoubtedly dropped
We always remember
WhatH 2 O-This is water.

Graduate: - In the nominations “Biology we know for sure” and “The most, most, most classy tormentor”, Mardanova L.V. won.

Biology was taught
Stigmas, pistils passed,
DNA and ribosomes
carbohydrates, chromosomes,
How to protect nature
We will know now at “5”.

For seven years we were famously tormented,
Seven years of rest did not give.
Although you were the best for us -
FREEDOM FINALLY has arrived!”

Graduate: - The response word is given to the class teacher Mardanova L.V.
(The class teacher speaks.)

Graduate: - Nomination: “Oh, sport, I love you, but strange love” is dedicated to the teacher physical education Sadrtdinov I.A.

In the young month of April, snow melts near the school,
And the physical education teacher kicks out for a run.
The children rushed with a whistle, the heart beats furiously,
Only something pricks somewhere and ripples in everyone's eye,
Striving for the cherished goal, not knowing barriers,
Children are running, rushing, almost flying.

Graduate: – Nomination: “Crazy Hands” is dedicated to the teacher of technology Krasilnikov V.A.

"Your hands are golden
They can create a lot.
How do you do it,
We can't understand!"

We thank you for your love.
It wasn't easy for you at times.
Saying goodbye to you, we say:
Together). "Thanks a lot!"

Song "Our" (Masha, Igor, Sasha and Olya)

Vedas 1. In the nomination "Our feelings unspent bowl" are our graduates.

Issue 1. Dear teachers of our school!

Today on this June day
Please accept our congratulations
For your loyalty and love,
For your dedication to your work!

Issue 2 We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
It's good to be with us
You are smiling now!

You are so extraordinarily kind!
And today it is no coincidence that we
Thank you for everything, let's say together,

Issue 3 Everyone knows if something is needed,
You did not allow refusal,
They always helped us with everything!

Issue 4. Let's not talk today
Banal words, duty phrases,
We wish you good health!
We love you very, very much!

Vedas. In "Childhood" last call"The film" Odnoklassniki "wins" Let's see its excerpt. Song and The film "Classmates".

And now performing the best comedian our school future artist stage, which will eclipse Justin Timberlake-Igor Nikulin with his performance

The song "Tick-tock" performed by I. Nikulin


Parents - Holy Word -
In it, ROD burns with the Fire of the Universe,
It sounds new for centuries -
In it, Life sings of imperishable fate.

Graduate. 1 The day before the birth, the Child asked God:

AT 3 - I am very afraid! I don't know at all what am I supposed to do in this world?

IN 1 God replied:

AT 4 - I will give you an Angel, he will always be with you. He will protect you from all troubles.

AT 3- But what is his name?

IN 1 - It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MAMA"!

AT 2. And now, graduating from school, we would like to thank our mothers and fathers, our parents from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our hearts, who have always stood behind our backs, supporting Hard time, solved problems with you, wrote essays, re-passing school curriculum. Thank you, our relatives, dear ones, for everything that you have done, are doing and will do for us.

AT 3. Mom, you are with me always and everywhere,

Dad and mom are the main people.

The best people on this earth.

If you are near, we know what will happen

Peace of mind for me and for you.

Your warmth will warm you in the cold,

Strong hands will always support

Dear heart, when you get sick,

He can heal you easily.

May God grant you long life, health,

Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes.

You are our relatives, we invite you

To the school farewell parental waltz.

Song for parents on the motive Quest Pistols "I'm tired"

Vedas. In the nomination of the best retro film won the film " Happy childhood". Attention to the screen, gentlemen.

(Film and Parent Performance)


Film "Happy Childhood"

Parents come out to the music.

    Graduates of distant years send you their fiery greetings!

    One milestone successfully taken - you have received a certificate!

    Dear Guys! On behalf of all parents, congratulations on your successful graduation!

4. How quickly our children have grown! They read thick volumes, Solve problems that are incomprehensible to us and ask difficult questions.

5. Yesterday mine asks: - Dad, for how much could you read "War and Peace"? I thought and thought and said: - Well, a hundred rubles!

6. - And mine recently taught my little sister to write the number 8:

How can you not understand! This is the sign of infinity, placed vertically!

7. - And I tell my own, I also studied for deuces, so it will be fair if I encourage you the way your grandfather encouraged me ... with a belt.

8. But I met such a nice woman on the street, she says to me:
“I think you are the father of one of my children…
I ask in horror:
- I?!
- Calm down, - the woman answers, - I'm a teacher.

9.- And how many written greetings we received from teachers in diaries:
10.- Here, for example: Thank you for having an educational conversation with your son. Now he answers at every lesson, however, so far everyone understands him poorly, since he began to stutter.

11.- And here's to us: Parents! Cut the child's hair, I want to look into his eyes.

12.- Yes, and to us: Your son at the lesson of physical education rested like a ram and did not want to jump over a goat.

13.- And I checked my son's diary: physics - 2, chemistry - 2, history - 2, literature - 2, singing - 5. Lord, he also sings.

14. - And I checked the diary, and there are only deuces, I tell him:
- In our time, they were beaten with a belt for such grades!
And he answered me: Cool idea! Come tomorrow after school, we'll take revenge on the teacher!

15. Children bring us nothing but grief. And we are different for them!

16. - Yes, how imperceptibly our children have become adults!

17. And today at your graduation party, we want to wish you:

18. When you're only seventeen,
Leaving the student bench,
Sometimes it's hard to figure out:
Where to go, which way?
And the path through life will be difficult,
So as not to turn to the side paths.
May conscience be everywhere for you
Your adviser and compass.

19. So that youth always rules in life,
Love was pure and bright.
So that each star suddenly turns
Your cherished dream.

20. I thank the teachers, I am patient,
That our children were selflessly led.
In an effort to replenish the ranks, they are the first.
They taught life to love, so as not to pass by.
21. And I will not forget to wish, of course,
What is given, diligently multiply.
To the delight of everyone, work wholeheartedly.
And never forget the school walls.

22. Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!

Congratulations on your graduation from school

Great accomplishments and life without troubles!


The final

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only a timid sketch,
Oh how beautiful proms!

Let you leave school forever
But leaves a memory of your childhood
Don't forget your school years
Hearts and souls wonderful neighborhood

Yes, your film about childhood is coming to an end,

And all episodes were filmed, dreams were examined,

Like a Christmas tree holiday, fairy tales end.
Like a movie tape, the thread breaks.

IN 1 . We want to say again thanks a lot you, dear school!

AT 2 . We want to once again thank our esteemed administration and our beloved teachers. And also all those who have always been with us for 11 years.

AT 3. We don't say goodbye to you

AT 4. We are speaking-

ALL Goodbye!!!


Nominations for rewarding children in a summer camp can be thought of in several ways.

I will give 3 examples of different trains of thought, and below I will write the nominations in a long list.

Example 1

The most familiar, standard option. Everyone uses it, even if they don't think about it.

Nominations for the duties of children in the camp

Take the names of the child's real duties and add the words "best, main, first, super", etc. You will receive nominations - Super-host of KVN, Chief radio announcer, Best duty officer in the detachment.

It's simple, but boring. So let's make it more fun.

Example 2

Nominations for children by adult job titles

The same as in the 1st example, but inserting adult job titles into children's nominations:

The head of the library is a child who helped the work of the camp library.

Everyone understands that the real head of the library is one of the adults, but by nominating a student in this way, you show him respect and good humor. That is to say, respectful.


  • The head of the dining room is the one who is assigned to help set the table. Or not fixed, but simply did it often and well.
  • 2nd shift chef - child helping in the kitchen
  • The best sous chef of the camp
  • Beach Director
  • pool manager
  • and further in the same spirit.

Example 3

Nominations with double meaning

- sound scary, but in meaning - kind

  • The main arsonist - to a girl or boy who lights a fire, or supports burning
  • A permanent filler (sand extinguisher, fire extinguisher) - to the one who extinguishes the fire - skillfully and conscientiously
  • Terrible lumberjack - who was good at collecting dry branches for the same fire
  • The fastest chipper - was the first to fall asleep after lights out
  • The main gamer, oh, sorry - The main gamer ( that's how you pronounce it ) - a boy who distinguished himself in games
  • The first non-nuclear reactor to the winner of the reaction games

Nominations for awarding children

at summer camp (list)

I will only explain a few in general terms and in plain text, because everything will be clear to you anyway. But when nominating in the camp, you must comment on each one more gently than I wrote - it is awarded to this and that for this and that, because otherwise those present, and the nominee himself, may not understand the meaning and not appreciate the humor. Go)

  1. The author of the best chant (or - Best Performer chants)
  2. Best pool keeper
  3. Pool Tester
  4. Our peacemaker (Anti-aggressor) - for the positive, desire and ability to reconcile all parties to the conflict
  5. The main storyteller is an excellent lie
  6. The best storyteller best stories campfire
  7. Legendary boy, legendary girl best knowledge legends
  8. Press center (information bureau) - one or more people who prepared the news program
  1. Pioneer
  2. Colombo, Hercule Poirot and Agatha Christie - who managed to find the loss, real or in the game
  3. Volleyball and other adventures (instead of volleyball, substitute the appropriate word - the name of the game)
  4. Ignorant of prohibitions - camp anarchist)))
  5. Proof of life - for an active (sometimes too active) child
  6. Beautiful creation - literally or figuratively
  7. Do no harm - a neat, careful child or someone who gets everything dirty and breaks
  8. gifted person

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

  1. Life is like a show (or - Show like life) - who keeps well on stage or grimace where seriousness is needed
  2. The guy learns the world - either who is fond of experiments, studying the forest, plants, etc., or the catastrophe boy (breaks his elbows, falls into nettles, falls off a tree)
  3. Eight days a week - who systematically does something
  4. Seventh heaven - for being happy in the 7th heaven when ... ( name the event - won, won, could ), or for an optimistic personality and consistently happy expression
  5. Ours in the city, go Girls in the camp - a nomination for a small group of girls who have shown themselves in some way (sing, dance, draw, fly kites) or just they are everywhere together all the time - on exercises, in the pool, at dinner, go flock around the camp
  6. Ordinary magic - for a beginner magician or a child who does not know where his things have gone
  7. The mission is feasible - a child who at first did not succeed in something, and then he learned. Or who didn't like it in the camp and then he got a taste
  8. Bedtime stories - who tells stories well to friends or counselor in the evening))

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

  1. Wonder children
  2. The Taming of the Shrew (the Shrew) - I know to whom these two nominations should be addressed. I guess you know too. And there are almost always candidates for them... But we want positive motivation, so it's better to announce only the name here, pause and add that it was decided not to announce the nominees. Let everyone mentally apply this nomination to themselves and think about how to live so as not to become a contender for the Taming of the Shrew.
  3. Flying Blind - for actually flying, jumping into the water or falling from anywhere
  4. In search of justice
  5. A man without rules - you can meaningfully look at the applicant, but say: - Is this good or bad? Perhaps this is a question of a whole discussion, so for now we will postpone this nomination. (And look again at the potential owner)
  6. Like little children
  7. Handyman
  8. Master of almost all trades
  9. Jack of all trades, mostly strangers - someone who knows how to organize the work of other children well

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

  1. The worst 3 weeks of my life - who is very unhappy with the camp
  2. The best 3 weeks of my life - who is very happy with the camp
  3. Kind of a cool guard
  4. Get it done in 30 seconds set your time ) - ran the distance in 30 seconds, set the tables for dinner in 10 minutes - that is, he did something quickly and well.
  5. Almost the end of the world - the main person involved in some kind of camp incident
  6. All or nothing - maximalist
  7. A deserted city - to the one who caused the camp to be deserted for a while. For example, he got lost, and everyone went looking for him.
  8. Such different twins- twins or Gemini according to the horoscope
  9. Monsters on vacation - only if the children know and love this cartoon. Monsters are kind, cast spells with jokes, so this nomination is for the funniest pranksters of the camp or squad
  10. Their own league- a group of children with common interests, team

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

  1. Necessary people
  2. More than friends - for a close-knit team in sports or any other business (radio news is prepared together) or for friendly brothers and sisters if they are all in the camp
  3. 8 steps to success ( insert the correct number ) - a nomination for a child who, during his stay in the camp, has achieved something noticeable, which can be decomposed into steps or stages of his success: he did not know how to swim at all - overcame fear, entered the water - start swimming near the shore with a circle, then - in inflatable armlets - then swam himself
  4. Goodfellas to a few boys whose fame is known to all. And what kind of glory is this - good or not so - decide for yourself
  5. Mobile fashion magazine - for the most fashionable or stylish girl ... mobile not because it hangs on the phone, but because it moves)
  6. Everything is for the best - a participant in something problematic. But then everything turned out great.
  7. First Knight
  8. Escape from Shawshank - the one who escaped from the camp. If he is already at home, announce this nomination in absentia.

******* ******* ******* ******* *******

These are my nominations for awarding children at the summer camp. Please share your opinion or ideas in the comments. What interesting duties are assigned to children in your camp, from which you can then arrange a fun nomination?

With the nomination "Tired but Satisfied",

Your Evelina Shesternenko

A few months before graduation school students start looking forward to it an important event hoping that it will be remembered for a lifetime. By compiling original comic nominations for graduates, teachers will be able to make the holiday unique and even brighter!

Basic rules for compiling comic nominations

Comic nominations for grade 11 graduates should be both original, but not offensive. Even if teachers want to emphasize positive traits student, with sharp epithets they can offend him a lot. That is why teachers should carefully select words when compiling such nominations so that the holiday passes without other people's experiences and wounded pride.

Another rule of a successful prom is that all nominations must be true. That is why for such creative work the teacher should be taken who knows the class perfectly, all the students, their advantages and disadvantages. By the way, in such comic nominations it is necessary to emphasize the positive qualities of students, even if some of them did not show themselves in any way in the educational or creative activity. For every child, graduation is an important holiday, and therefore the teacher should celebrate all children, regardless of their achievements.

If teachers want graduation to be great, they should pick different nominations for all students. At the age of seventeen, children want to emphasize their own individuality and the otherness of others as often as possible. That is why, if the nominations are repeated, it can offend graduates, prompting them to think about the poor elaboration of the very idea by teachers.

And, of course, such nominations will look more interesting and brighter if they are included in the context of the graduation ceremony itself. For example, the presentation of certificates can take place precisely under the announcement of nominations. If the teacher wants to stand out and make graduation unforgettable, you can even style everything that happens under some kind of award, for example, under the Oscar or Emmy. Such an announcement of nominees and winners will definitely be remembered by graduates for the rest of their lives.

Even if the categories for rewarding students cannot be entered into the main idea of ​​the script, it is better to organize the announcement of the nominations to the music. Then it will be more fun for both the children and the presenter to pronounce comic nominations. If, in addition to this, each child also has his own individual award, reflecting his services to the school, the graduate will definitely remember the holiday for a lifetime.

It is very important that attention at the awards be given to all children without exception, regardless of their merits. If teachers come up with nominations only for excellent students or exclusively for activists, the rest of the graduates will be clearly uncomfortable and insulting. In addition, teachers should take into account the time period for such an award. Nominations should not be too long, contain lengthy explanations, otherwise the awards will drag on for the whole evening.

Examples of joke nominations

To begin with, teachers should decide on the subject of their nominations. If they like the standard options, then you can only characterize the main merits of the child in front of the class. For example, the nominations "Head of the Class" for the smartest, and "Head of the Year" for the most active student will be as relevant as possible. You can also always note those students who have obvious creative inclinations. Nominations such as Main voice countries" for the musician and "Salvador Dali Schools" for the artist will surely delight students with creativity highlighting their uniqueness.

Graduation can be made even more interesting if you think of a specific topic for nominations. For example, the theme of Hollywood cinema is popular, in which all nominations will be somehow connected with cinema. For example, the nominations "James Bond of the class" for the strongest and most courageous boy, "Federico Fellini from Science" for the smartest student and "Marilyn Monroe of the class" for one of the students will delight children with their originality. These nominations highlight best qualities students, and besides, they also seem very unusual. To make graduation even brighter, teachers can think of awards for children in each of the categories. Since the graduation is dedicated to the theme of cinema, then a copy of the Oscar statuette can act as a reward.

Another one great idea for nominations, it is to consider the success of children in various sciences. "Thunderstorm of test tubes", "Albert Einstein of the Year", "Lord of the legs and hypotenuses" - each of these nominations is interesting and original in its own way. To add individuality to the holiday, for each child you can think of your own reward, for example, figurines in the form of a test tube, chemical formula or books for the genius of literature. These nominations are directly related to educational process and emphasize the contribution of each child to this evening.

To draw up nominations, teachers can travel into the future, imagining what kind of career awaits students. Such nominations as "Born Doctor", "Genius of Engineering", "Businessman from God" will definitely not leave children indifferent. To make accurate and up-to-date nominations, you should find out a few months before graduation what the children's plans for life are. Having found out which universities graduates will enter, and in what field of activity they see themselves, teachers will be able to make relevant and really interesting nominations.

It is great if teachers show imagination not only regarding the compilation of the nominations themselves, but also in the matter of their announcement. For example, you can think of short quatrains that will succinctly tell about the abilities and talents of the nominee himself. In such poetic congratulations, only positive notes should also be present. Even if the student behaved badly during the year, this should not be reflected in his graduation.

As the main idea for the graduation, the organizers can choose to travel in time, and then the nominations for the graduates should not be knocked out of general mood. For such topics, the nominations “Catherine the Great of our days”, “Wise like Peter I”, “Talented like John Lennon” and so on are suitable. Such nominations will not only delight children with their originality, but also make them Once again learn something new and interesting within the walls of your own school. The most important thing is that historical figures are known to children. Also, don't choose historical figures for nominations that have left a negative mark on international history.

A holiday dedicated to time travel can be beaten with the help of other nominations. For example, teachers can fantasize about what time a graduate could live in. This is how the nominations “Best Pharaoh of the School” or “Winner of the Greek Olympiads” can be born. Such nominations, of course, are a little peculiar, but certainly original and funny. To make the holiday seem even more interesting, teachers can conduct awards not in alphabetical order, but in historical eras, beginning with ancient civilizations and ending with modernity.

Worst Graduation Nominations

As mentioned above, comic graduation nominations should not offend the child and emphasize his shortcomings. So, for example, the nominations “Hooligan of the Year” or “Best Loser in the World” should be abandoned. Perhaps in such nominations there is a bit of humor, but they can offend not only the child himself, but also his parents.

You should not make categorical nominations. So, for example, if one of the students is called the main beauty of the class, this can offend the rest of the girls a lot. You should not deliberately flatter students, as this can put them in an uncomfortable situation, spoiling general impression from graduation. The more sincere the nominations, the better for the general atmosphere of the holiday.

Teachers should not use long-prepared phrases that were already used at graduation last year. If students are awarded every year in the nominations “The smartest” or “The most athletic”, this is unlikely to surprise or please anyone. The brighter the main idea of ​​such an award is, the more interesting it will be for children to attend it.

Even if teachers can't come up with something original, you should always avoid standard phrases that don't express anything. For example, the nomination "The smartest" can be replaced with "The brain of the class", and instead of the "Most beautiful" one can be inserted into the "Miss charm" award. Such nominations are unlikely to offend or offend anyone, and besides, they will have some kind of individuality.

Sometimes graduations at school turn out to be not interesting, largely due to the fact that teachers do not try to make the holiday bright for schoolchildren and their parents. Having come up with excellent nominations related to the main theme of the holiday, teachers will definitely be able to give schoolchildren a graduation that they will never forget.

At many graduations, schoolchildren are rewarded in comic nominations, but far from always such an idea turns out to be justified and funny. Teachers should think about original categories for rewarding students in advance so that this evening will leave them with extremely positive memories of school and study.


Look at Gladkih Kristina,

How sweet, slender, beautiful she is.

And in addition to appearance

She is optimistic and cheerful.

She will support anyone with a joke,

She is talented, responsive, kind.

The soul of the company and the ringleader,

It will never be boring with her.

With data like hers,

She just needs to be an actress

She would play roles in performances and films,

And we would all be proud of her.

"Pride of the School"

Kalugina Valera has a gentle look,

Like in portraits Italian masters.

And curls wave carelessly

Falls on the shoulders like a silk veil.

She is always responsible, hardworking,

And the ambulance is ready to provide,

And if necessary, then gracefully and beautifully

And the machine will be able to disassemble for speed.

She has a lot behind her shoulders.

Victories in regional, regional Olympiads.

And your TRP score

She passed the glory, as it should be.

"Pride of the School"

Tanya, dear Tatiana,

She matches Larina.

Also proud and silent,

And just like Larina, she is smart.

Tanyusha wants to become a teacher,

Dedicate yourself to the perky kids.

We are sure that she will teach them

Faith, truth and, of course, kindness.

We congratulate you on the last call,

We only want to pass the exam with “excellent” marks.

"Miss Kindness"

Always shy, quiet,

With a sweet smile and a long scythe.

We are talking about Anastasia Ponomareva,

Who is renowned for her kindness.

In any business - organizer, activist,

She has a talent for bringing people together.

So let the first path through life

It will be difficult and thorny

So as not to turn you to the side paths.

May conscience be everywhere for you

Your adviser and compass.

"For talent and optimism"

Our glorious Natasha

And beautiful and slim

All our guys know:

She wants to become a doctor.

But Natasha will treat

Neither you nor me

Will help animals

After all, they are our friends.

We are confident in Natalia and wish her victories,

And we are proud to have learned

She has been in our school for 11 years.


Violetta is a beautiful girl

Plus, it's a coquette.

Her talent sometimes sparkles,

Like a silver coin.

Violetta values ​​herself highly,

And the girl's plans

It's already far from here...

Let dreams swarm

What wonderful visions.

And life will lay down the plot

In a line of a poem.

"For the ability to conspire"

Vanya is a guy anywhere,

It combined both fire and water.

This little one is very hard,

And he is always serious.

He is a member of the spiritual

Yes, he is a star in his class.

We know what Vanyusha decided

Tie yourself up with the FSB.

And so we want to pass the exams for five.

Keep striving for the goal

Don't put your hands down

And then you will see, Vanya,

Nastya is friendly, likes to communicate,
She loves to joke and laugh.

Every concert for her is happiness.
And the beauty contest has been dreaming about her for a long time.
She would take all the prizes there,
But Nastenka is attracted to study,

As well as starting a family.

Be serious, be responsible
For yours to be happy life path.

And we just want to wish you happiness

To overcome everything in the life of bad weather.

"Unrevealed Talent"

This guy is very kind

He is calm and simple.

And with the girls from the class

He will find a common language.

He has many talents

This guy anywhere:

Activist, athlete, artist,

Often jokes - a comedian. And if mother were too lazy to overcome, He would become a scientist ... or maybe not. May your dreams come true, May you achieve everything in life. You will conquer peaks And do everything in life on the "five"!

“Square of Stars” is a favorite holiday that students, parents and teachers are looking forward to in our school. This holiday is a good tradition of recognizing the merits and achievements of children, rewarding the best students of the school and those who helped them achieve their achievements.

This holiday ends school year. They prepare for it very carefully. Everything should be on top: stage design, concert program, gifts - so that all participants of this holiday would be interesting, easy, fun. Preparatory work begins long before the holiday. Lists of students presented for awards are compiled, indicating all achievements for the academic year. Nominations are determined (“First Steps”, “Successful Debut”, “Our Hope”, “Application for Success”, “To the Top of Olympus!”, “Inspiration”, “Pride of the School”). The material for the holiday is collected, a script is drawn up, the place and time of the holiday are determined. Letters are being prepared, gifts are being purchased, a multimedia presentation is being created. most solemn and touching moment holiday - honoring the best students of the school. In each nomination, students are invited to the stage in turn, where certificates and gifts are presented. The best students are awarded badges "The winner of the nomination ...". The entertainment part of the holiday includes concert numbers between nominations. A separate page of the solemn event is dedicated to teachers and parents. For them - words of gratitude, flowers, gifts, applause and recognition.

Holiday script

Again April in white light.
On the school joyful planet
Nature comes alive again
Ringing, blooming, fragrant.
And it's a miracle in this room
What schoolchildren we have collected!

Here is a sea of ​​​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us,
Here the souls are full of expectation,
Love by an accidental confession

Solemn excitement reigns
Sounds like a familiar intro.
For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,
He arrived, joyfully arrived ...

Leading out:

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the traditional festival of young talents “Star Square”.

Presenter2. By tradition, this holiday in our school takes place at the end of the school year. Here we honor the most talented and smart,

Lead 1. The strongest and most dexterous, -

Presenter 2. All those who bring good fame to our school and make the life of the school itself interesting and joyful.

Presenter 1. What was remarkable about this year?

Lead 2. This academic year is jubilee.

Presenter 1. Yes, this year our district is 70 years old.

Presenter 2. And our native school is 80.

Presenter 1. And therefore, we want to dedicate the holiday to the best students and teachers of our school.

Leaders (in chorus). For all of us.


The song "Little Country" (performed by the ensemble "Buttons")

School is a small country, a small state, and it has its own laws.

In order not to stray from the right path, to set the movements of the vector,

The school has a fair and strict, but the best director!

The floor is given to the director of our school Lodyagina Vera Alexandrovna

Moderator 1. Each school has its own merits. But there is something that unites them and unites them. These are their graduates. Our school is rightly proud of its graduates.

Presenter 2. What we are absolutely sure of is that wherever our graduates work, they are always distinguished by search, experiment, innovation.

Presenter 1. We are pleased that today in this hall there are graduates of our native school No. 27, graduates who are a special pride of the school, who have chosen not the easiest, not the most profitable, but the most important profession in society - the profession of a teacher.

] Presenter 2. The floor for the presentation of the nomination “First Steps” is given to a graduate of the school, a teacher primary school- Oborina Olga Vladimirovna.

Every person takes the first step in their life. The first step towards mother's gentle hands. Towards the teacher. The first step on the path to knowledge, success, victories.

In the nomination "First Steps" are presented:

  1. Albycheva Lera
  2. Alikin Vova
  3. Achintseva Daria
  4. Bashirova Karin
  5. Belyaev Vlad
  6. Boldina Julia
  7. Vshivkova Sofia
  8. Galitsyna Liza
  9. Golenko Egor
  10. Yenukidze Danil
  11. Zavyalova Daria
  12. Zorina Anna
  13. Ivanov Nikita
  14. Covina Lera
  15. Komissarova D
  16. Konyakhin Kirill
  17. Lomilov Kostya
  18. Lukina Masha
  19. Maltsev Sasha
  20. Melnikova Yana
  21. Metlyakov Nikita
  22. Mokrushina Anna
  23. Muzafarova Anzh
  24. Nekrasova Maria
  25. Nikulin Andrey
  26. Ovechkin Nikita
  27. Pershin Kirill
  28. Plotnikova Julia
  29. Ponomareva Katya
  30. Rossomahina Lera
  31. Romanov Savely
  32. Sokolov Nikita
  33. Smetanin Daniel
  34. Smolentsev Sergey
  35. Efremova Varya
  36. Shubin Sasha
  37. Yurina Veronica
  38. Morozov Denis


The winner in the nomination “First Steps” was -....(last name, first name, achievements).

Well, what do you wish? Learning, of course

To achieve heights and depths in your learning!

Presenter 2. We thank our nominees.


(Students of grade 3a perform a dance.)

Presenter 1. We continue the awards ceremony.

They try to protect their own school

It's nice to win at competitions and shows.

And they also want to be the first in their studies.

Let it not always come out

But they are not sad.

Presenter 2. The nomination “Successful Debut” is presented by a graduate of the school, a primary school teacher - Lazareva Nina Nikolaevna

In the nomination "Successful Debut" are presented:

  1. Balandina Veronica.
  2. Berezovik Alyosha
  3. Bondarenko Katya
  4. Borisova Julia
  5. Borovikova Nastya
  6. Bronnikov Artem
  7. Buzikova Polina
  8. Bushuev Maxim
  9. Vasilevskaya Xenia
  10. Grigorieva Daria
  11. Efimova Xenia
  12. Zinnurova Sofia
  13. Zhetikova Lera
  14. Kazakova Tanya
  15. Kipenko Nastya
  16. Kopytova Lisa
  17. Matyaeva Diana
  18. Leontieva Nastya
  19. Nikonova Lisa
  20. Oborin Gleb
  21. Onishchenko Katya
  22. Onyanova Nastya
  23. Oshchepkov Ivan
  24. Oshchepkova Vika
  25. Pigasov Maxim
  26. Silkin Ilya
  27. Tryastsin Nikita
  28. Tulyakov Nikita
  29. Ustalova Katya
  30. Khudyakova Natasha
  31. Chiruhina E
  32. Yudina Vika
  33. Yukseeva Irina

The students take the stage. They are given certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination “Successful Debut” was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

Let every school day pass for good reason,
You need to know a lot, a lot
To become like the hero Gagarin,
To conquer the depths of the Earth and Space!

Presenter 2. We thank our nominees.

The ensemble "Buttons" performs a song about the school


Song "Interplanetary Cruiser"

Lead 1.

How wonderful that there are guys in the school,
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her.
After all, it is about them that they will once say:
“You are the pride and hope of our days”

Presenter 2. The floor for the presentation of the nomination “Our Hope” is given to a graduate of the school, a primary school teacher - Bryzgalova L.S.

In the nomination "Our Hope" are presented:

  1. Agreste Eve
  2. Andreeva Daria
  3. Anischenkova Polina
  4. Beresneva Sasha
  5. Bronnikov Nikita
  6. Vozhakova Nastya
  7. Glushkova Katya
  8. Gribkova Anna
  9. Dudina Ksenia
  10. Dudko Liza
  11. Zakirova Natalia
  12. Kichev Ivan
  13. Kolosova Tatiana
  14. Kostareva Anna
  15. Krinitsin Ruslan
  16. Lyashenko Julia
  17. Melnikov Mikhail
  18. Naumenko Nikita
  19. Polina Nechaeva
  20. Oborina Sofia
  21. Soynova Masha
  22. Tutynina Vasilina
  23. Khudorozhkov Maxim
  24. Sharafutdinov Marat
  25. Yurina Alisa
  26. Mazurina Maria

The students take the stage. They are given certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination “Our hope” was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

Great achievements to you
And a lot of good decisions!
A lot of joy, warmth,
Let the dream come true

Presenter 1. We thank our guys for the results achieved.

For our “hopes” the saxophone sounds.


Lead 2.

Sports surnames of the country
Known to the world, we are proud of them!
There are glorious sons of the fatherland!
The Motherland is proud of its athletes!

Lead 1.

And it all starts - at school sometimes,
In a simple physical education lesson,
Then - years of hard work,
The path to the master is work without hack work.

Presenter 2. A graduate of the school, a teacher of physical education, Natalya Viktorovna Solovieva, is invited to present medals to the best athletes.

In the nomination “To the top of Olympus!” presented:

  1. Bolonkin Kirill
  2. Demin Grisha
  3. Egozova Masha
  4. Kamensky Daniel.
  5. Kovalev
  6. Kopytova Lisa
  7. Chicken Angelina
  8. Lazarev Sasha
  9. Lipatova Masha
  10. Ovechkin Nikita
  11. Pachin Nikita
  12. Rossomahina Lera
  13. Tarantine Sasha
  14. Pulling Artem
  15. Tulyakov Nikita
  16. Filippov Lev
  17. Steinle Andrey
  18. Yurin Danil

Athletes and athletes are beautiful and smart.

You are the pride of our school - the hope of the whole country!


(Pop dance)

Presenter 2. The school is famous for its affairs,

The school is famous for its students.

In sports, in studies, in work, in entertainment

We have achievements in our school

Presenter 1 The nomination "Application for success" is presented by the winner of the city competition "Teacher of the Year-2011" - Yulia Anatolyevna Prokhorova.

  1. Alkinskaya Sasha
  2. Gushchina Polina
  3. Istomin Ilya
  4. Kamenskikh Maxim
  5. Kamynin Misha
  6. Klimenko Irina
  7. Kopylova Julia
  8. Kuchukbaev Danil
  9. Laskarzhevskaya Ulya
  10. Lelkina Kristina
  11. Lipatova Masha
  12. Pishchalnikova Sofia
  13. Poroshina Ksenia
  14. Postupinskaya Alena
  15. Proleeva Xenia
  16. Razumova Alena
  17. Rybakov Daniel
  18. Salikhova Anna
  19. Samoilenko Kolya
  20. Stafeeva Irina
  21. Tudvaseva Nastya
  22. Fedoseeva Lena
  23. Filonenko Alina
  24. Chernova Vika
  25. Shveeva Daria
  26. Chebykin Edgard

The students take the stage. They are given certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination "Application for success" was -....(last name, first name, achievements)

You were born at the turn of the century.
you in new Age open the road.
Today and always we must be together
Decide, search, create, dream


(Literary reading)

Presenter 1 The nomination “Inspiration” is presented by the laureate of the city competition “Teacher of the Year – Malykina Olga Vladimirovna

  1. Alexandrova Polina
  2. Berezin Egor
  3. Gorbik Daniel
  4. Gorbunov Sergey
  5. Demin Grisha
  6. Kalinina Valya
  7. Yura Komilzhonov
  8. Lukoyanova Victoria
  9. Mekhonoshina Anna
  10. Murygina Maria
  11. Pachin Andrey
  12. Pimenova Maria
  13. Serebrov Ekaterina
  14. Tolkachev Denis
  15. Yurin Danil

The students take the stage. They are given certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination “Inspiration” was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

In your studies, different successes to you,

More joy and laughter

Pass all control without any problems,

So that everything in your life is on the "five".


(The song is performed by a student of grade 2a)

Lead 2.

The fanfares fell silent, the dancers were tired,
The main action is waiting in this hall,
Looking forward to the award ceremony
Highest award per year of study.

Lead 1.

Let the holiday lights up the stars,
Let everyone in our school know
Which star team
We are winning today.

The nomination “Pride of the School” is presented by a graduate of the school, a primary school teacher, Tarasova Elena Aleksandrovna.

  1. Derbenev Alexander
  2. Gogidze Polina
  3. Eremina Sasha
  4. Ilyina Anna
  5. Kamenskikh Daniel
  6. Mazeina Irina
  7. Mazunin Maxim
  8. Mansurova Sofia
  9. Popkov Ilya
  10. Sagyndykov Timur
  11. Fedorishcheva Maria
  12. Khramtsova Ludmila
  13. Chernitsin Igor
  14. Shevchenko Sofia

The students take the stage. They are given certificates and gifts. The winner in the nomination is awarded a badge.

The winner in the nomination “Pride of the school” was -.... (last name, first name, achievements)

Let study be bright, starry,
May you be able to know more
So that in the spring, ringing, hot, late
Again on "five" any exam to pass!

Lead 2.

About parents, I want to say separately,
Who knows how they can worry about you?
With whom you can share joy, sadness
Whose, sometimes, do you not notice the tears on the eyelashes?
Your parents are sitting next to you
And they look at you with excitement, as if they saw you for the first time.
The best of my guys

Presenter 1 We invite the parents of the “star team” to the stage:

  1. Fedorishcheva Nina Anatolyevna and Valery Sergeevich
  2. Ilina Yana Sergeevna and Alexei Alekseevich
  3. Derbenev Olga Alexandrovna and Andrey Vladimirovich
  4. Popkov Lilia Railevna and Alexander Anatolyevich
  5. Chernitsyn Alexander Vasilievich and Tatyana Evgenievna
  6. Sagyndykov Artur Khatybovich and Yulia Arturovna
  7. Shevchenko Larisa Anatolyevna and Taras Stanislavovich
  8. Kamensky Svetlana Anatolyevna and Pavel Vitalievich
  9. Mazeinykh Svetlana Andreevna and Sergey Valerievich
  10. Mansurov Natalia Timofeevna and Rustam Anatolyevich
  11. Gogidze Tatyana Pavlovna and Roin Gurgenovich
  12. Mazunin Olga Leonidovna and Sergey Gennadievich
  13. Eremina Olga Alekseevna
  14. Khramtsov Mikhail Yurievich

Thank you letters to parents


Presenter 2. Behind each of you is a person whose cares, professional skills and love led you to creative victories in studies, sports, creativity

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