Inspiration from the best artists of the twentieth century. Research and practical work "inspiration of the artist"


8 famous tips from psychologists who know where to find inspiration for each of us. We save ourselves!

So, what do you mean by the word: "Inspiration?"

Here is a dictionary of the Russian language explains the meaning of the word inspiration as "a state of creative upsurge."

Indeed, no artist, writer, director or other person with creative profession cannot create a masterpiece without inspiration.

And from that, so quality works they give out depends not only on their monetary earnings, but also on their state of mind.

But to think that inspiration is the prerogative of exclusively creative people is not right!

Here, remember your most successful financial transactions, sewn dresses, baked pies, and any other thing. Remember what you experienced then?!


This is called inspiration.

Where to get inspiration so that each completed task is a small masterpiece, we will talk today.

Remember, in the article: “about the daily routine successful person"- I told you about my friend artist Oksana?

So, there are a lot of people who can draw, but those who manage to make money on it and have recognition in a specific creative environment, where everyone considers himself a genius, can be counted on the fingers.

But my friend did it.

Naturally, she has more or less successful work, but she never fails.

Oksana claims that - never start working without inspiration!

If it’s completely unbearable to create, then the artist simply takes a day off for herself or does some household chores: cleaning, washing, putting things in order in kitchen or wardrobes.

But if the situation is not so hopeless, then she tries to call the muse to visit.

“Year after year, month after month, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute and even second after second - time runs without stopping for a moment. No force is able to interrupt this run, it is not in our power. All we can do is spend our time usefully, constructively, or waste it, to the detriment. This choice is ours; the decision is in our hands. Therefore, spend your time usefully: in my opinion, this is very important.
Dalai Lama XIV

Three crown recipes, where to find inspiration, she shared with me, and I am happy to give them to you!

    We love beauty.

    First, think about what is really great for you: art, natural wonders, cute animals, musical or literary works etc.

    Forget about everything and immerse yourself in the contemplation of beauty for 1-2 hours!

    I'm going for a walk.

    If the weather permits, get dressed and go for a walk through the streets of the city.

    Go to your favorite cafe, visit the park, go to the river.

    Firstly, your brain will receive a lot of oxygen, which means it will begin to function intensively.

    And secondly, during the walk you will surely see something amazingly inspiring.

    P.S. If outside the window - rain, coupled with a hurricane, virtual walk also suitable, although the effect of it will be worse.

    If the muse refuses to visit Oksana, then she tries to appease her with something insanely delicious.

    Think about what you want the most this moment: gourmet dessert, original soup, magic salad, the freshest fish or tender meat?

    Go to the kitchen.

    Turn on your favorite music and start creating a culinary masterpiece.

    Cooking is a rather creative process, so the muse will not remain indifferent, and even arrange a small holiday for yourself.

Where to Get Inspiration: If You Still Don't Know

The above recipes are suitable for Oksana, but since each person is an individual, you must have large area for maneuver.

Before I started writing this article, I read a lot of recommendations from famous people, where to find inspiration, sorted them and that's what happened.


    You must have cherished dream and not even alone.

    I hope you already have one or will soon.

    And when the muse escaped from you, look at it and say to yourself: “I must / must finish the article / finish the dress / plaster the wall, etc., in order to fulfill this or that dream.”

    Real literature is created by brilliant and the most talented people who share their feelings and experiences through the work.

    If you read a lot, then in any difficult situation you can remember similar example from literature.

    In addition, reading promotes mental development and fantasy.

    Become a music lover.

    Sometimes, in order for inspiration to appear, it is enough to put on the right melody.

    Get your playlist.

    It is better if all the songs in it are sorted into folders.

    For example, "Drive music", "Philosophical music", "Romantic ballads", etc.


    A visit to the neighboring regional center is already an opportunity to learn something new.

    And a vacation in other countries is an invaluable experience that broadens your horizons and creates a lot of things for you!

    At least a week out of my annual leave spend not at home.

    Believe me, you will have enough impressions for the whole year.

    And if inspiration is gone, you can always review the photos.


    Make it a habit not to move around the streets, delving into yourself, but studying the world around you.

    Believe me, even a route to work that you have walked a million times can bring pleasant surprises.

    Look what a wonderful coat this girl has, and cute kittens are frolicking in the grass, and the trees have already changed their clothes to golden ones ...

    And why haven't you seen this before?

I suggest watching an insanely inspiring video about

where to find your source of inspiration?

I believe that the only correct answer to the question is " Where to get inspiration?", - EVERYWHERE!

There is magic in every little thing, the main thing is to see it.

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Alexander Grigoriev-Savrasov 2015-09-14 at 03:09

In this article, I answer one of the readers of my blog on what seems to me a burning question of finding inspiration. Thanks to her for the given topic, which concerns all creators without exception.

“I started drawing in January of this year, attended a right-brain training and off we go! At first there was such delight, everything turned out so well. But for more than three months I can not gather my strength. And I want to develop in this direction, and I can’t force myself to take up the brush. Since I am engaged in self-education, I thought that perhaps this happens at some stage of development, I just don’t know about it. So I decided to ask someone if there are such failures of inspiration among beginners, and what to do about it? I'm waiting for the answer. Thank you!"

Where does an artist look for inspiration and should it be done?

It happens, since from time to time we find ourselves in a vacuum of desires, we are not pleased with our previous hobbies and ideas. We do not find interest in once exciting activities, we want to quit everything and never return to this.

I think many people have experienced similar feelings, let's try to figure out how to deal with this and whether it is necessary at all.

To begin with, there is no right-brain drawing as a method or as a school, and in general nothing, except commercial offer, where they allegedly help you turn off left hemisphere and create only with the right.

The brain is a single organ, it is not divided into independent parts. Its left and right halves are connected by neurons, and we can only guess which area is responsible for what.

We are told to turn off the left hemisphere, which is responsible for control, and surrender to creativity, supposedly the problem is that we control our emotions too much.

I think you understand that there is no switch, and with it there are no such techniques.

How can you develop in a direction that does not exist?

I'm not against such a pastime, but, again, let's call everything by its proper name. These classes are not in the area visual arts. It is rather relaxation, rest from everyday work and prolonged depression.

Yes, while undergoing such trainings, you react emotionally, you open up, removing your daily constraint, and getting rid of fears, but this does not last long. You don't control the switch simply because there isn't one.

You run the risk of becoming dependent on emotional outbursts caused by such activities; you are attracted not by creativity itself, but by the emotional shock that accompanies this action.

You deceive yourself, and you are helped in this, but this will not happen indefinitely. As a result, you either pull yourself together, realizing that this can no longer continue, or fall into despondency, disappointed in creativity too.

I repeat, you didn’t even touch creativity while taking such courses, but it really could help you.

Let's turn to Wikipedia as the most accessible information source.

Creativity is a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of creating an objectively new one.

Let's take a look at what creativity is. First of all, creativity is a result. If you do not have an ultimate goal, then the process itself will soon cease to please you, since there will be no point in it, no matter how you are assured of the opposite.

If you are moving towards a set goal, you cannot do it uncontrollably, that is, turning off your brain. In this case, the brain is far from being an enemy to creativity, but an assistant.

The brain, which has knowledge, easily manipulates them, applying the necessary ones, and achieves its goals. Conversely, the lack of acquired skills can easily be confusing.

To summarize: You set a goal and move towards its realization. Having achieved the result, you receive a moral reward, realizing that you could, you succeeded.

The process of achieving it depends on what goal you set, and at this stage, I assure you, it is very interesting to create, develop, get involved, live.

Infect yourself with an elusive goal. Let it be like a disease, but a creative disease, then each work you complete will become a pill that relieves the itch of creativity for a while.

A reader asks me how to overcome the lack of desire to create. The first thing to do is set a goal. The second is to get the missing knowledge. And the third and most important thing is to learn to see and notice in the world around you the moments with which you will fill your pictures.

Stop thinking that you have fewer opportunities than those who study in professional educational institutions. I assure you, they don’t teach you to set goals and see interesting stories in the world around you.

I have already written about and about what I consider all of us to be. No one will teach us if we ourselves do not want it. Treat right hemispheric drawing as an occasion that brought you into the world of fine art, and, finally, do not turn off, but turn on your brain in the direction you need.

What to do with inspiration, where to look for it, how to keep it? Actually, this is a simple question. I'll scare you if I say it doesn't exist at all!

Should you understand what inspiration is? Figuratively speaking, this is a spiritual upsurge on which you want to create, create, express yourself.

Returning to the above, how will you begin to express yourself without having a goal, without having decided on the direction where you are going and why? Most likely, your inspiration is simply good mood which will soon pass.

For an artist, inspiration is the energy that comes during work, and he tries to use it for its intended purpose, achieving the goal.

Let's finally dispel this myth about an artist - a celestial who creates, only waiting for a spiritual uplift. Creativity is work, sometimes hard, sometimes very hard. Your legs may swell from standing in front of the easel for a long time, your head may split from nervous tension. The list could go on, but I won't.

All of the above difficulties are nothing compared to the happiness of creating and achieving goals! The result is the reward for our work. "Through hardships to the stars" - only in this way can one achieve true freedom to express oneself.

If you have a goal, there will be no failures of inspiration, simply because it does not exist, as well as right-brain drawing.

I also have a good mood, as well as not a very good one, but I always have inspiration as energy for work. How to achieve such harmony? I repeat, set a goal, gain the missing knowledge and move towards the result.

In this sequence, the process itself will become a fascinating, exciting journey into the world of fine art.

Thanks again to everyone who comments on my articles, it is important to me Feedback. Based on your questions, detailed topics are born, I repeat, we are writing this blog together with you.

I look forward to your comments!

Works the greatest artists of the twentieth century are known to the whole world and each of us at least once, but saw the creations of Pablo Picasso, or Gustav Klimt. The creators of such extraordinary and unique paintings inspired and continue to inspire other people from generation to generation with their creativity. Their works reflect a special vision of the world, contributing to the development of society and the emergence of new views on what is happening.

But sitting down at the easel, Claude Monet, or Andy Warhol turned on some music, read some books, admired someone's work, watched some films ... Therefore, today we decided to find out what served as a muse for the great talents of the twentieth century.

Marcel Duchamp

French and American artist, an art theorist who stood at the origins of Dadaism and Surrealism, in addition to a passionate love for painting and sculpture, was also an excellent actor and director who shot the short film "Anémic cinéma" (1926). Having studied the biography of Marseille, we can conclude that the artist was a very versatile person and was inspired primarily by cinema: one of his favorite directors was Rene Clair, in whose film "Intermission" Marcel Duchamp starred.

Inspirational Music: Jazz

Pablo Picasso

The Spanish artist, sculptor, graphic artist, theater decorator, ceramist and designer said: “Art is a lie that helps us understand the truth” and under this motto the master created great masterpieces all his life. The works of Pablo Picasso differ in style depending on the period of his life and mood. Inspired by love and women: married twice and dedicated a large number of his paintings to his beloved. Women's images differ in realism and variegation of colors.

Inspirational Music: Classical

Andy Warhole

American artist, producer, designer, writer, collector, magazine publisher and film director cult person in the history of the pop art movement and contemporary art In general, Andy Warhol, the king of the sixties bohemian party and the founder of the famous New York glam club "Factory", drew inspiration from various sources, one of which, oddly enough, was television. Andy could spend days and nights watching television series, shows and commercials. Also, probably, the most important muse in Warhol's life was Edie Sedgwick, an actress who took part in his films.

Inspirational Music: Rock and Roll

Fun fact: Andy Warhol was the producer famous rock band 1960s and 1970s - The Velvet Underground, whose key members were Lou Reed and John Cale.

Henri Matisse

French painter and sculptor, leader of the Fauvist movement, known for his research in conveying emotions through color and form. Interested in the work of William Turner, British painter and masters romantic landscape XIX century. In May 1906, Matisse went to Algiers and visited the Biskra oasis and was very inspired by the landscapes and nature of this wonderful place, and immediately after returning home he became interested in linear ornaments. Muslim East arabesque style.

Interesting fact: One of Matisse's paintings - "Les coucous, tapis bleu et rose" - in February 2009 was acquired by a private collector during an auction in auction house Christie's for 32 million euros. The still life was created by the artist in 1911.

Look for inspiration, it's everywhere!

A pair of "muse + creator", maintaining a relationship for decades. However, at first no one expected such a development of events. The young fashion designer and debutante actress met in the early 50s. Audrey came to Paris to make costumes for the new film "Sabina". There was no time for thoughtful communication, and Hubert simply offered her some ready-made outfits. Already the first experience of cooperation turned out to be productive - the creators of the film "Sabrina" received the only "Oscar" for the costumes. Subsequently, Hubert de Givenchy worked on the image of Audrey Hepburn in the films "Funny Face", "Love in the Afternoon", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Charade", "Paris When it's Hot", "How to Steal a Million". The work has grown into strong friendship, Hubert said that many ideas come to his mind precisely in those moments when he thinks of Audrey. He dedicated his first perfume to her. The actress reciprocated the fashion designer and admitted that Givenchy is as important to her as a psychoanalyst is to an American.

Another classic pair of muse and artist is Catherine Deneuve and Yves Saint Laurent. The actress watched the work of the designer even before they met. She turned to him when she needed to find a dress for a truly important event - a meeting with the Queen of Great Britain. Catherine Deneuve liked the result so much that she invited Laurent costumes for main character the film "Beauty of the Day", which was released a year after their first meeting. The fashion designer guessed the dual nature of the heroine - modest during the day and uninhibited in the parallel nightlife– and reflected this in the costumes. Subsequently, Catherine Deneuve described Laurent's work in a similar way as a whole - she believed that in his woman she could be calm and confident during the day and seductive in the evening. The friendship and collaboration of the couple continued until the death of the fashion designer, Catherine, who wore things from Yves Saint Laurent, both in cinema and in life, has become the epitome of femininity and sophisticated elegance.

Creative unions happen in our days. For example, Lady Gaga and Nicola Formichetti found each other. Their first joint success was the video for Bad Romance, after which Nicola acted as a permanent designer-stylist for the singer. He did not design costumes himself, but skillfully selected the craziest creations of other fashion designers and combined them into costumes, contributing to Lady Gaga's notoriety. They assured that they understand each other perfectly, support and inspire. It was Gaga who inspired the talented to become a fashion designer. The result of this initiative can be fully assessed later, while it has become creative director Mugler and made several collections. Gaga attended their presentation.

The question of finding inspiration has worried and continues to worry many generations of creative people. Any poet or artist will say with confidence: without a "muse" things will not work. But what if she becomes an infrequent guest in your house? How to attract and keep it?

Of course, if creativity is just your hobby, you can just wait until your hands “itch” to create something new. But what about those professionals who have a flight of fancy - this is the basis of their work? After all, musicians, and writers, and journalists with copywriters, and designers must constantly “create” in the regular mode, and their earnings directly depend on this.

What is inspiration, and where do you get it from?

Inspiration: what is it and what is it for?

First, let's look at the definition itself. According to dictionaries, inspiration- this is a special state into which a person is able to enter, and the signs of which are the highest emotional upsurge, a surge of energy and strength, high creative productivity. Describing their feelings in moments of inspiration, many creators claim that they feel the state of the flow that carries you: you cannot always understand what is happening, you are not able to specifically predict the future, and you are not aware of how much time has passed. That is, such a “wave” can carry five minutes, an hour, or a day, and, regardless of its duration, a person does not feel other urgent needs - the only such need is to create. You must have heard that creative people in a fit of inspiration, they can forget about sleep, food, not notice anyone and nothing around.

Also, in a state of creative inspiration, a person becomes very charismatic and strong, able to influence other people and lead them along. In addition, in this special state, various enlightenments and insights often come to the creators, it is not clear where the ideas that have arisen come from. Most people say that in a burst of inspiration they notice the extraordinary ease of movement of images and thoughts, they clear up, amaze with their fullness and brightness. Emotional experiences intensify, become very deep and comprehensive.

Experts explain this state by a special acceleration of all cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking. For creative people, inspiration often looks like a delusion, as if they “found” something - a person is engaged in only one art, forgetting about everything in the world, until the completion of the work. If a person thinks about solving some difficult problem, inspiration can come to him in the form of an unexpected insight: how is it, he pondered the question for hours, could not think of anything, and then - one - click, and the whole picture became clear, like a divine day! All the puzzles came together, and an understanding came instantly of how to do the right thing and solve this issue.

All these examples are given here in order to clarify one simple truth: inspiration is needed not only for creative people. Often, it will not interfere even in the most routine matters, such as parsing documentation or putting things in order in an apartment. In fact, it is not so important what you need to do: write a poem, come up with a new business idea, prepare a presentation, or simply plan your work tasks correctly. In all these things, a breath of new strength and inspiration will not be superfluous at all, right?

There are two opposite "camps" of inspiration theorists: some say that it must come by itself, and the second - that it can and should be attracted into your life. Both versions work. And the dispute on the topic “What comes first - inspiration or creative process? as eternal as the argument about the primacy of the chicken and the egg. Obviously, one follows the other, but how?

Fans of the first theory argue that inspiration must first come, and then you can start creating. And in every way they try to attract this very inspiration. How they do it - we will talk further.

Followers of the second theory tend to think that "appetite comes with eating." That is, we prepare a creative environment, sit down, start doing something, and the muse comes by itself, so to speak, enters the “light”. The most interesting thing is that this method also works fine in most cases!

Why is it so important to find out the source? Most likely, it is much more important to learn how to work this way and that way. Try it - who knows which approach will be closer to your soul?

So, we have already sorted out the definition and approaches to inspiration, it's time to move on to the “delicious” - ready-made recipes for obtaining this delicious treat!

Specialists and the experience of many creators talk about the following ways to get inspiration:

1. Find your muse!
IN Ancient Greece it was believed that the masterpieces of art were not created by the mental activity of a person, but are a gift from the gods or muses - beings divine origin, nine daughters of the supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne. It was the muses who inspired the creators to create new poems, paintings and songs, endowed them with talent and a sense of beauty. They said about such gifts - “kiss of the muse”. These divine beings have inspired artists, musicians, poets, warriors, and people seeking life purpose and lovers.

Over time, people began to call muses some specific, quite earthly people. Often women from the environment of the creator acted in their role: wife, girlfriend or lover. Such "home-grown" muses inspired men to exploits, including creative ones.

In addition, not only women can inspire a person to create something new, but also other people: relatives, friends, and even casual acquaintances. They can be a huge source of inspiration in the right situation. Their possibilities are virtually limitless, their thinking can be very deep, and their characters are striking in their diversity. Therefore, experts recommend finding your own muse in moments of lack of inspiration, and for starters, just chat with someone.

2. Love!
Such a strong and eternal feeling as love, in itself, is already able to inspire. Surely, you have noticed that people in love sometimes begin to do things that were completely uncharacteristic of them before: write poetry, compose songs. Why don't you take advantage of this advice, while not only not depriving the feeling of fullness, but inevitably multiplying it and filling it with new colors.

3. Right to be wrong
Allow yourself to be wrong. It's not as easy as it seems in reality. And in matters of creativity, a tendency to perfectionism in general can ruin something in the bud that, perhaps, should have become a masterpiece. Remember, not everything and not always necessarily turns out on the first try. But, without doing them at all, you, of course, will not make a mistake, but you will not feel the joy of flying either!

4. Creativity to be!
Allow yourself to be creative person. Even if it seems to you that you do not have enough knowledge, skills, experience to do something. But it won't fall on your head like snow! You just have to allow yourself to start - and who knows what prospects fate will draw for you?

5. Forward to childhood!
Very good recipe to attract inspiration is a "return" to childhood. Look at how children behave - they draw and play not for someone to appreciate them, and they are not afraid to experiment. They just enjoy the process every moment. Why not try to take their example?

6. Good rest
Decent work should be backed by good rest. No need to try to be productive 365 days a year by artificially invoking the "muse". So you are likely to get only complete physical and nervous exhaustion. Both your imagination and your body needs good rest don't forget about it! Not bad if it is associated with a change of scenery and a complete distraction from "business".

7. Life without rehearsals
You should not think that now you will simply learn something, pretend, as if drawing a “draft” of life, and then you will start doing everything “for real”. There are no rehearsals in life - immediately start playing "in earnest", enjoying every moment. Even if it is not the most pleasant for you now - well, it will pass, and new perspectives will appear, so enjoy every moment!

8. Breathe deeply
Look at how babies breathe - they inhale and exhale air as if with their whole body at once. It has been proven that complete deep breathing, unlike the superficial one we are accustomed to, helps to qualitatively change in better side both our health and life in general. There are many special practices on this topic. Try!

9. Surround yourself with "interesting things"
To make friends with inspiration, create the right environment for it. And, as the creators joke, and "suitable Thursday, Friday, etc." Surround yourself with things that interest you, new experiences, get ready to meet the muse like a date with your loved one - and she will certainly become a frequent guest in your house!

10. Spread your wings!
Experts say that there is a direct relationship between your posture and the productivity of your life. The straighter the posture, the more energetic the body becomes, and the more creative desires and thoughts you will have. Therefore - straighten your shoulders, chest like a wheel - and towards the muse!

11. Chat with people you're interested in
Definitely, your environment should help you move, and not slow down your movement. Draw inspiration from communication with interesting bright people, like-minded people, creators, learn from experience, and then boredom will stop visiting your thoughts.

12. Get creative
If you create at home, you should have a place where you will draw inspiration. Create a creative environment for yourself, decorate this place with those things that can push you to new ideas and just harmonize: for example, bright pictures, interesting stationery, etc. Look for something that pleases and fills you!

13. Notepad is always at hand
Even if you are not a creative writer, always carry paper and a pen with you. What if, at the most seemingly inopportune moment, a muse comes knocking with a new idea? Meet her head-on and immediately take notes that you can then develop further.

14. Do what you love
Of course, it is difficult to call inspiration to the area that makes you sick. It is much easier for him to show up in your favorite business. Therefore, try to do what you like, fills you and makes you happy.

15. Music in the studio!
Find for yourself musical compositions that will harmonize you, push you to new ideas. Maybe it will classical music, it has a huge potential for creative people! But it is possible that you will find something of your own in other directions - so look, listen and enjoy!

16. Yes - "frivolous" communication!
Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, we get used to dealing only with rational, serious people. Of course, this is not bad, but do not forget how much you can learn from communication on other levels - for example, with children, with pets. They will be able to give you such a layer of energy that you never dreamed of!

17. Find your purpose
Many books have been written about this. We will not repeat ourselves, just think, what exactly could be the meaning of your activity? What are you supposed to bring into the world? If specific thoughts appear in your head right now that fill you with joy, most likely you have already found your destiny! Create in this direction, and inspiration will not bypass you!

18. Start your day right
Simple recipes for every day begin with a morning mood. Smile at your reflection in the mirror. Do some light exercise. Tell yourself that today is the happiest day of your life, in which a stream of inspiration awaits you - and that's exactly what will happen!

19. Participate in contests
Good "instigators" creative activity often there are various competitions and festivals. Agree, it is much easier to be inspired to write an article to participate in the competition than just to the table. Take advantage of this.

20. Take action!
And of course, don't forget the action! Any, even the strongest, impulse will go out if you do not start doing something. The choice is still yours: if you want, create when the muse already “comes”, if you want, just sit down and start with clean slate, and she will already “connect” along the way. But do not be idle - neither the verse nor the picture will be written by themselves, without your active participation!

It seems that with the search for inspiration, the picture cleared up a bit. But often a situation arises - how to start if there is no specific idea? Where can I get it?

We bring to your attention a number of tips for finding new ideas for creativity:

1. Travel
New cities and countries, imperceptibly for you, can throw up a lot of interesting new ideas - you just have to write them down and then bring them to life!

2. Create your "piggy bank" of ideas
When a person just embarks on the path of a creator, he often asks the question: “Where do you get ideas from if nothing comes to mind?”. The advice is very simple - get yourself a notebook of ideas, in which you write down everything that touched you, interested you, liked it, or, conversely, outraged you. Over time, you will notice that ideas are literally in the air - you just have to reach out and take it!

3. Shake it up!
If you work at a computer, take breaks from time to time. Change traditional ways behaviors – for example, if you are used to walking to work on a noisy street, get out early, take a short detour, and walk through the park. Or take the spoon not in the right, but in left hand. Such “shakes” will make your right, “creative” hemisphere work.

4. “Accidentally” hit an unfamiliar stop
Create yourself some unusual conditions. Come to new places where you don't know anyone. Start communicating with a foreigner without knowing his language perfectly. Such non-standard situations will teach you to think and act differently than you are used to.

5. Visualize
If you have a specific creative goal- for example, a book or a picture - imagine it to yourself in great detail. Let your subconscious get used to this picture - and it will definitely materialize in life!

6. Divide the elephant into parts
It is not always possible to immediately find an idea for a huge layer of work. Therefore, do not be afraid to divide all the work into many small components, for which it will be much easier for you to find new ideas.

7. Study "foreign" work
If you are an artist, go to art galleries if a poet, read the verses of the classics and contemporaries. Such classes will not only enrich you mentally, but will certainly give you a couple of new ideas.

8. Get distracted
When you feel that the process is "not going", switch off, do something else. You can do something around the house, start cleaning, for example. Or ride a bike. However, you may well come up with something of your own.

9. Switch to what you are good at.
A bit similar to the previous point, but not exactly the same. If you can’t get an article right now, do something that you always do well. For example, knit a napkin. Thus, you will not get hung up on failure - “yes, I didn’t get an article, but here’s a napkin!” and you will still feel good.

10. Keep working
An important point in any business - do not quit what you started! Yes, you can be distracted for a while, but then keep working! Remember that nothing will come without effort.

11. Remember moments of joy
Recall the moments when you were happy and fulfilled. Return mentally to that state. And new ideas will surely come to you.

12. Leave the computer for a while and turn off the phone
A large flow of information can both help in the search for ideas and harm. Sometimes arrange for yourself a clock of "pure reason", turning off all communications with the outside world. And the ideas will not keep you waiting long.

13. Read!
In fact, all successful creative people unanimously repeat: read as much as possible! Books are not only a source worldly wisdom but also inspiration.

14. Watch good movies
Watching inspiring films will also set you up for new ideas, just like good music.

15. Refer to aphorisms and quotes
Sometimes good ideas can be gleaned from the thoughts and sayings of famous people, do not forget to use such an accessible source.

16. Do Special Creative Exercises
In many creative directions For example, writers have special creative techniques. Finding them online is not difficult. Why not try?

17. Watch people, listen to them.
Often we underestimate such an important and accessible source of ideas as observation of other people. See how they behave, what are they talking about? Completely unexpected discoveries await you!

18. Get on the exercises!
And don't forget about your body. IN healthy bodyhealthy mind, right? That's why physical exercise not only make your body hardy, but also refresh your mind.

19. Walk in nature
Communicating with nature will not only give strength, but will surely fill your soul with joy. Sometimes you can notice something that you didn’t notice before, look at the issue as if from the outside. And new ideas will come.

20. Write down vivid dreams
It may seem a little strange to you, but in a dream they also sometimes come interesting ideas. Better write them down - maybe when they come in handy?

21. Keep a diary
And be sure to keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings. Believe me, this tool can become a bottomless well of ideas and inspiration for you. Even if it still doesn't seem to be the case.

Inspiration: how to find your way?

And now on to dessert: so many tips on how to find your way? For this:

1. Taste everything
Work through these suggestions. If not all, then at least the ones that resonated with you the most. So you will understand what works for you and what does not, and see the results.

2. Be in touch with yourself
Your goal is not just to “stuff yourself” with usefulness, but to find exactly your path to inspiration. Therefore, listen to your feelings and feelings.

3. Look for the good
Try to see around you more positive than negative. Believe me, there are enough bad things, but for creativity, try to notice the good, and collect it in your piggy bank.

4. Get rid of the old
Psychologists recommend periodically putting things in order "on the table and in the head." Spend general cleaning in the house and inventory of values ​​in thoughts.

5. Open up to new experiences
Inspiration always brings new impulse, something unusual, non-trivial. Therefore, try not to fence yourself off from new experiences - who knows what they will bring to you?

6. Ask yourself the question: "Who am I and why am I?"
The question is eternal and therefore interesting. Live consciously, and then many things will happen "by magic." Proven by the experience of many.

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