All works of Leo Tolstoy in chronological order. The best works of L



Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Collection of 279 works

For lovers of Leo Tolstoy's work, 2010 is a significant year. We celebrated on September 9 the 100th anniversary of his death.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Biography with photos

Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Among the ancestors of the writer on the paternal side is an associate of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia to receive county title. Member Patriotic War 1812 was the father of the writer gr. N. I. Tolstoy. On the maternal side, Tolstoy belonged to the family of the princes Bolkonsky, related by kinship with the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn, Odoevsky, Lykov and other noble families. On his mother's side, Tolstoy was a relative of A. S. Pushkin.

When Tolstoy was in his ninth year, his father took him to Moscow for the first time, the impressions of the meeting with which were vividly conveyed by the future writer in children's essay"Kremlin". The first period of young Tolstoy's life in Moscow lasted less than four years. He was orphaned early, having lost first his mother and then his father. With his sister and three brothers, young Tolstoy moved to Kazan. Here lived one of the father's sisters, who became their guardians.

Living in Kazan, Tolstoy spent two and a half years preparing to enter the university, where he studied from 1844, first in the eastern, and then in law school. Studied Turkish and Tatar languages from the famous Turkologist Professor Kazembek.

Classes in government programs and textbooks weighed heavily on Tolstoy the student. He got carried away independent work above historical theme and, leaving the university, he left Kazan for Yasnaya Polyana, which he received under the division of his father's inheritance. Then he went to Moscow, where at the end of 1850 he began his writing activity: an unfinished story from the gypsy life (the manuscript has not been preserved) and a description of one day lived ("The History of Yesterday"). Then the story "Childhood" was started. Soon Tolstoy decided to go to the Caucasus, where his older brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, an artillery officer, served in the army. Entering the army as a cadet, he later passed the exam for a junior officer rank. Writer's impressions Caucasian War reflected in the stories "Raid" (1853), "Cutting down the forest" (1855), "Degraded" (1856), in the story "Cossacks" (1852-1863). In the Caucasus, the story "Childhood" was completed, which was published in 1852 in the journal Sovremennik.

When did it start Crimean War, Tolstoy was transferred from the Caucasus to the Danube army, which acted against the Turks, and then to Sevastopol, besieged by the combined forces of England, France and Turkey.

In the autumn of 1856 he retired and soon went on a six-month trip abroad, visiting France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. In 1859 Tolstoy opened in Yasnaya Polyana school for peasant children, and then helped open more than 20 schools in the surrounding villages.

One of the first works of the writer were the stories "Childhood", "Adolescence" and "Youth", "Youth" (which, however, was not written). As conceived by the author, they were to compose the novel "Four Epochs of Development".

In the early 1860s for decades, the order of Tolstoy's life, his way of life, is established. In 1862, he married the daughter of a Moscow doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers.

The writer is working on the novel "War and Peace" (1863-1869). After completing War and Peace, Tolstoy spent several years studying materials about Peter I and his time. However, after writing several chapters of the "Petrine" novel, Tolstoy abandoned his plan.

In the spring of 1873, Tolstoy began and four years later completed work on a large novel about modernity, naming it by name main character— Anna Karenina.

At the beginning of 1880s. Tolstoy moved with his family from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow, taking care to educate his growing children. In 1882, a census of the Moscow population took place, in which the writer took part. He saw the inhabitants of the city's slums up close and described them terrible life in the article on the census and in the treatise "So what shall we do?" (1882-1886).

On the basis of social and psychological contrast, Tolstoy's story "The Master and the Worker" (1895) is built, stylistically connected with the cycle of his folk stories written in the 80s.

All the works of the writer are united by the thought of an inevitable and close in time "denouement" social contradictions, about replacing the obsolete social "order". “What the denouement will be, I don’t know,” Tolstoy wrote in 1892, “but that things are coming to it and that life cannot go on like this, in such forms, I am sure.” This idea inspired largest work of all the work of the "late" Tolstoy - the novel "Resurrection" (1889-1899).

IN last decade In his life, the writer worked on the story "Hadji Murad" (1896-1904), in which he sought to compare the "two poles of imperious absolutism" - the European, personified by Nicholas I, and the Asian, personified by Shamil. I can be silent", in which he protested against the repressions of the participants in the events of 1905-1907. The stories of the writer "After the ball", "For what?" belong to the same period.

Burdened by the way of life in Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy more than once intended and for a long time did not dare to leave it. But he could no longer live according to the "together-apart" principle, and on the night of October 28 (November 10) he secretly left Yasnaya Polyana. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to make a stop at the small station Astapovo (now Leo Tolstoy), where he died. On November 10 (23), 1910, the writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, in the forest, on the edge of a ravine, where, as a child, he and his brother searched for a "green stick" that kept the "secret" of how to make all people happy.

source: federal agency for Culture and Cinematography -

Name: Collection of works by L.N. Tolstoy
L.N. Tolstoy
Genre: Dramaturgy, tragedy, comedy, journalism, prose
Language: Russian
Format: FB2
Quality: excellent
Number of works: 279
Size: 20.08 Mb

List of works:

1. War and peace. Volume 1
2. War and peace. Volume 2
3. War and peace. Volume 3
4. War and peace. Volume 4

Childhood. Adolescence. Youth
1. Childhood
2. Adolescence
3. Youth

1. Confession
2. To the king and his assistants
3. I can not be silent

From the notes of Prince D. Nekhlyudov (Lucerne)
Morning of the landowner
fake coupon

The power of darkness, or "The claw is stuck, the whole bird is abyss"
And the light shines in the darkness
From her all the qualities
The first distiller, or How the imp deserved a piece of bread
The Fruits of Enlightenment

Assyrian king Esarhadon
poor people
grateful soil
Divine and human
The enemy's is stucco, but God's is strong
Where there is love, there is God
Two brothers and gold
Two old men
Girls are smarter than old people
For what?
Marker notes
Diary of a Madman
Grain with chicken egg
From Caucasian memories. Demoted
How the devil redeemed the edge
Korney Vasiliev
How much land does a person need
Unfinished. sketches
Songs in the village
After the ball
Traveler and peasant
Worker Yemelyan and an empty drum
Conversation with a passerby
Destroying hell and restoring it
Forest felling. Junker's story
The power of childhood
Dream of a young king
Surat coffee house
Three days in the countryside
Three parables
Three elders
Three sons
Let the fire go - do not put out
Owner and worker
How people live
What I saw in my dream...

Collected works in twenty-two volumes
1. Volume 1. Childhood, Adolescence, Youth
2. Volume 2. Works of 1852-1856
3. Volume 3. Works of 1857-1863
4. Volume 4. War and Peace
5. Volume 5. War and Peace
6. Volume 6. War and Peace
7. Volume 7. War and Peace
8. Volume 8. Anna Karenina
9. Volume 9. Anna Karenina
10. Volume 10. Works of 1872-1886
11. Volume 11. Dramatic works of 1864-1910
12. Volume 12. Works 1885-1902
13. Volume 13. Resurrection
14. Volume 14. Works of 1903-1910
15. Volume 15. Articles on Literature and Art
16. Volume 16. Selected publicistic articles
17. Volume 17. Selected journalistic articles
18. Volume 18. Selected Letters 1842-1881
19. Volume 19. Selected Letters 1882-1899
20. Volume 20. Selected Letters 1900-1910
21. Volume 21. Selected Diaries 1847-1894
22. Volume 22. Selected Diaries 1895-1910

Out of series:

Russian classical prose
Carthago Delenda Est (Carthage must be destroyed)
Alyosha Pot
Apostle John and the Thief
Archangel Gabriel
Squirrel and wolf
Senseless dreams
Good of Love
God or mammon
Ursa Major (Ladle)
big stove
Bulka (Officer's Tales)
What is my faith
Variant of the end of the story "The Devil"
Believe yourself
War and Peace. Book 1
War and Peace. Book 2
Volga and Vazuza
wolf and mare
son of thieves
Upbringing and education
Memories of a Soldier's Trial
The time has come
The second Russian book to read
Main law
stupid man
Hunger or not hunger
Greek teacher Socrates
Two hussars
Two letters to M Gandhi
Two different versions of the history of the lubok-covered beehive
The girl and the robbers
diaries and notebooks (1909)
Fool and knife
Uncle Zhdanov and Chevalier Chernov
hedgehog and hare
Life and suffering of the martyr Justin the Philosopher
Crane and stork
Hares and frogs
The law of violence and the law of love
Notes of a Christian
From the testament of the Mexican king
Hut and palace
Study of the dogmatic theologian
To the Clergy
Prisoner of the Caucasus
As Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest
How Russian soldiers die
How to read the gospel and what is its essence
To the Chinese people from a Christian
Who should learn to write from whom, peasant children from us or us from peasant children
Horse and mare
Kreutzer Sonata
Kreutzer Sonata (Compilation)
Who is right
Fox and crane
Love each other
wise maiden
Field mouse and city mouse
Raid (volunteer story)
Don't play with fire - you'll get burned (Idyll)
I can't be silent (1st edition)
Don't kill
Don't kill anyone
by accident
Nikolai Palkin
About madness
About religious tolerance
About Gogol
About hunger
About life
About people big and small
About methods of teaching literacy
About public education
About science (Answer to the peasant)
About the census in Moscow
On the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria
About the Samara famine
About Shakespeare and Drama
About art
The end of the Little Russian legend "Forty Years", published by Kostomarov in 1881
It earns well, and sin happens from that (Idyll)
Determination of the Holy Synod of February 20-22, 1901
Response to the decision of the Synod of February 20-22 and to the letters I received on this occasion
Father and sons
Father Sergius
Father Sergius (options)
Excerpts from the article "Inevitable coup"
Excerpts from the article "The Kingdom of God is within you"
Fragments of stories from village life
Hunting more than bondage (Hunter's Tale)
The first Russian book to read
First stage
Song about the battle on the Black River
Letter to a revolutionary
Concerning the conclusion of V. A. Molochnikov
Concerning the Peace Congress
It's time to come to your senses!
Afterword to the book by E I Popov "The Life and Death of Evdokim Nikitich Drozhzhin, 1866-1894"
Afterword to Chekhov's story "Darling"
Why are the Christian peoples in general, and especially the Russians, now in a distressed situation?
Preface to "Peasant Tales" by S. T. Semenov
Preface to the writings of Guy de Maupassant
Preface to Edward Carpenter's "Modern Science"
End approaching
Progress and definition of education
path of life
Bees and drones
Slavery of our time
Talk about science
Stories from the "New ABC"
Religion and Morality
Speech in a society of lovers of Russian literature
Equal Inheritance
Sevastopol in August 1855 ( Sevastopol stories — 2)
Sevastopol in the month of December (Sevastopol stories - 1)
Sevastopol in May (Sevastopol stories - 3)
Sevastopol stories
family happiness
Tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers...
Fairy tales
Death of Ivan Ilyich
The dog and its shadow
Student Movement of 1899
So what are we to do
Calf on ice
Black grouse and fox
water flow
Tikhon and Malanya
The third Russian book to read
Three questions
Three thieves
Three Bears
three deaths
Labor, death and disease
Amazing Creatures
stubborn horse
Christ's Teachings for Children
Hadji Murad
Walk in the light while there is light
Holstmer (Horse Story)
Christian teaching
Christianity and patriotism
Fourth Russian book to read
What is art
What is religion and what is its essence
Jackals and elephant
Shat and Don
It's you
hawk and doves

Fairy tale
Three Bears

Children's prose
Two brothers
fire dogs
- Children about animals: Stories of Russian writers

Living Dead
Infected family

Biographies and Memoirs

Decembrists (From unfinished)
diaries and diary entries (1881-1887)
Report prepared for the peace congress in Stockholm
Interviews and conversations with Leo Tolstoy
Is it really necessary?
State superstition

Connecting and translating the four gospels
The Kingdom of God is within you...

Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a fine day, with a fresh breeze blowing from the sea; but towards evening the weather changed: it became stuffy and, as if from a melted stove, hot air from the Sahara desert was blowing at us.

Before sunset, the captain went on deck, shouted: "Swim!" - and in one minute the sailors jumped into the water, lowered the sail into the water, tied it and made a bath in the sail.

There were two boys on the ship with us. The boys were the first to jump into the water, but they were cramped in the sail, and they decided to swim in a race on the high seas.

Both, like lizards, stretched out in the water and with all their strength swam to the place where there was a barrel above the anchor.

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.

One man had a big house, and the house had a big oven; and this man had a small family: only himself and his wife.

When winter came, a man began to heat the stove and burned all his firewood in one month. There was nothing to heat, but it was cold.

Then the man began to break the yard and drown with wood from the broken yard. When he burned the whole yard, it became even colder in the house without protection, and there was nothing to heat with. Then he climbed in, broke the roof and began to heat the roof; the house became even colder, but there was no firewood. Then the man began to dismantle the ceiling from the house in order to heat it.

One man was riding a boat and dropped a precious pearl into the sea. The man returned to the shore, took a bucket and began to draw water and pour it onto the ground. He scooped and poured for three days tirelessly.

On the fourth day, a merman came out of the sea and asked:

Why are you scooping?

Man says:

Then I scoop up that I dropped the pearl.

The waterman asked:

Will you stop soon?

Man says:

When I dry up the sea, then I will stop.

Then the merman returned to the sea, brought the same pearl and gave it to the man.

There were two sisters: Volga and Vazuza. They began to argue which of them is smarter and who will live better.

Volga said:

Why should we argue - we are both old. Let's leave the house tomorrow morning and go our own way; then we will see which of the two will pass better and sooner will come to the Khvalyn kingdom.

Vazuza agreed, but deceived the Volga. As soon as the Volga fell asleep, Vazuza ran at night on a straight road to the Khvalyn kingdom.

When Volga got up and saw that her sister had left, she went on her way without a moment's notice and overtook Vazuza.

The wolf wanted to catch a sheep from the flock and went under the wind so that the dust from the flock would be carried on him.

The sheepdog saw him and said:

In vain you, wolf, walk in the dust, your eyes will ache.

And the wolf says:

That's the grief, little dog, that my eyes have been hurting for a long time, and they say that dust from a flock of sheep cures my eyes well.

The wolf choked on a bone and could not cough up. He called the crane and said:

Come on, you crane, you have a long neck, put your head down my throat and pull out the bone: I will reward you.

The crane stuck its head in, pulled out the bone, and said:

Come on, give me a reward.

The wolf gritted his teeth and said:

Or is it not enough for you that I didn’t bite your head off when I had it in my teeth?

The wolf wanted to get close to the foal. He approached the herd and said:

What is it you have a lame foal? Or do you not know how to heal? We wolves have such a medicine that there will never be lameness.

The mare is alone and says:

Do you know how to heal?

How not to know.

So, treat my right hind leg, something in the hoof hurts.

wolf and goat

The category is made up of Russian life, mainly from the life of the village. Data on natural history, stories are given in the simple form of fairy tales and fiction stories. Most of the stories are about moral theme spanning only a few lines.

Stories and tales, written Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy for textbooks, rich and versatile in content; they are a valuable contribution to the domestic and world literature for children. Most of these fairy tales and stories are still in books for reading V primary school. It is well known how seriously he took Lev Tolstoy to writing little fairy tales for children, how much I worked on them, reworking the fairy tale many times. But the most important thing in Tolstoy's little stories the fact that their creator is concerned about the moral side and the topic of education. These stories contain hints from which one must be able to draw good, good, moral lessons.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy often used an understandable and so beloved genre fables, in which, through allegories, unobtrusively, carefully presented completely different edifications, intricate morality. Stories and tales on the topics of proverbs Lev Tolstoy educate the child industriousness, courage, honesty and kindness. Representing a kind little lesson- memorable and bright, fable or proverb teaches understanding folk wisdom, learning figurative languages, the ability in a generalized form to determine the value of human actions.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy; Russian empire, Tula province; 08/28/1828 - 11/07/1910

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy needs no introduction. This is a world famous coryphaeus of Russian and world realism. Tolstoy's works have been reprinted many times in most languages ​​of the world, they have been filmed in almost all countries, and Tolstoy's plays are still very popular. All this makes the inclusion of Leo Tolstoy in our rating simply mandatory. After all, his works are relevant even now, thanks to this, those who want to read Tolstoy do not decrease over the years.

Biography of Leo Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich was born into a famous noble family. The roots of the Tolstoy family date back to the 14th century. Leo was orphaned at a fairly young age, first his mother passed away, and then his father. Distant relatives and aunts alternately engaged in the upbringing of children. In 1844, Tolstoy enters the Imperial Kazan University, but the young man studies very badly, because of which the threat of repeating the course hangs over him. In the future, the occupation of Leo Tolstoy is quite different, then he is an avid gambler and reveler, then he tries himself in literature. Basically it depends on financial position. This lasts until 1951, until he gets into the artillery brigade as a cadet. The very next year, Sovremennik publishes the debut, partly autobiographical work Tolstoy "Childhood". This debut work is quite successful, which allows the author to write subsequent works more confidently, which only strengthen his authority.

But Tolstoy, like many writers of that time such as, and many others, had a chance to take part in numerous wars. At first it was two years in the Caucasus, where the young cadet lost the George Cross to his colleague. Then it was the defense of Sevastopol, which prompted Tolstoy to write the Sevastopol Tales cycle. These works of Leo Tolstoy further cemented his fame as a great writer.

In 1857 begins new stage in Tolstoy's life. He goes on a trip to Europe. After returning from Europe in 1961, Tolstoy became a mediator in the Tula province. It is during this period of the writer's life that the most novels read Tolstoy "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina". These works have become significant both for the author and for world literature as a whole. In subsequent years, right up to his death, the author devotes a lot of time to writing new works, as well as educational and community service. He opened schools for peasants, published an educational magazine and did charity work. At the same time, he was very sensitive to family values and children.

Works by LN Tolstoy on Top Books website

In our ratings, the works of Leo Tolstoy are presented in all profile categories. Most of all, of course, they are in the ranking, which is a natural phenomenon for a prose writer. In addition, Tolstoy's works are so popular to read that even after many years some of them are included in our rating. It is also worth noting that Tolstoy's books for children and works in the genre of plays are very popular. In general, you can find a complete list of Tolstoy's works below.

All works by LN Tolstoy

  1. Decembrists
  2. A novel about the time of Peter I
  3. A hundred years
  4. Two hussars
  5. Morning of the landowner
  6. Polikushka
  7. Cossacks
  8. Death of Ivan Ilyich
  9. Kreutzer Sonata
  10. Devil
  11. Owner and worker
  12. Father Sergey
  13. Hadji Murad
  14. fake coupon



  1. History of yesterday
  2. Raid
  3. Marker notes
  4. logging
  5. Blizzard
  6. Demoted
  7. Lucerne
  8. Albert
  9. three deaths
  10. Two horses
  11. Bounce
  12. Aeronaut's Tale
  13. How people live
  14. Where there is love, there is God
  15. Two old men
  16. Let the fire go - do not put out
  17. The enemy is stucco, but God's is strong
  18. Two brothers and gold
  19. Ilyas
  20. Cross
  21. How much land does a person need
  22. Candle
  23. Three elders
  24. Strider
  25. Three sons
  26. Who is right?
  27. Francoise
  28. Surat coffee house
  29. Karma
  30. Three parables
  31. Expensive
  32. Assyrian king Esarhadon
  33. Destroying hell and restoring it
  34. The tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers: Semyon the Warrior and Taras the Belly, and the mute sister Malanya, and the old devil and the three imps.
  35. Divine and human
  36. For what?
  37. Korney Vasiliev
  38. Berries Wolf
  39. grateful soil
  40. Songs in the village
  41. Conversation with a passerby
  42. Three days in the countryside
  43. Alyosha Pot
  44. by accident
  45. Father Vasily
  46. What did I see in my dream
  47. Idyll
  48. Diary of a Madman
  49. Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich ...
  50. Two different versions of the history of the lubok-covered beehive
  51. The power of childhood
  52. Dream of a young king
  53. Khodynka
  54. Traveler and peasant
  55. History of yesterday
  56. How Russian soldiers die
  57. Christmas night
  58. Uncle Zhdanov and Chevalier Chernov
  59. Fragments of stories from village life

Fairy tales and fables:

  1. Shark
  2. Astronomers
  3. Grandma and chicken
  4. Squirrel and wolf
  5. God sees the truth, but will not tell soon
  6. big stove
  7. Bulka
  8. Vizier Abdul
  9. Water and pearl
  10. Volga and Vazuza
  11. wolf and crane
  12. wolf and mare
  13. wolf and goat
  14. Wolf and goat (2)
  15. wolf and bow
  16. wolf and hunters
  17. wolf and dog
  18. wolf and old woman
  19. wolf and lamb
  20. She-wolf and pig
  21. sparrow and swallow
  22. Raven and crows
  23. Raven and fox
  24. Harmful air
  25. Jackdaw and doves
  26. Jackdaw and jug
  27. Galchonok
  28. Stupid man (Stupid man)
  29. Head and tail of a snake
  30. Geese and peacock
  31. Two brothers
  32. Two merchants
  33. Two comrades
  34. Two horses
  35. girl and mushrooms
  36. The girl and the robbers
  37. Division of inheritance
  38. Wild and tame donkey
  39. What is the wind for?
  40. quick-witted ram
  41. Milch cow
  42. Oak and hazel
  43. A fool and a knife (How a fool cut jelly)
  44. hedgehog and hare
  45. Vest
  46. Hares
  47. Hares and frogs
  48. Hare and hound dog
  49. Hut and palace (Tsar and hut)
  50. Indian and English
  51. Prisoner of the Caucasus
  52. How the house was repaired in the city of Paris
  53. How wolves teach their children
  54. How the thief gave himself away
  55. How geese saved Rome (ancient Roman legend)
  56. As a boy told about how he found queen bees to his grandfather
  57. How a boy talked about how he stopped being afraid of blind beggars
  58. As a boy talked about how a thunderstorm caught him in the forest
  59. How the boy talked about how he was not taken to the city
  60. How a man divided geese
  61. How the man removed the stone
  62. How Bukharians learned to breed silkworms
  63. How my aunt talked about how she learned to sew
  64. How I learned to ride
  65. Stone
  66. Reeds and olive
  67. Chinese Queen Xilinchi
  68. mosquito and lion
  69. Cow
  70. Cow and goat
  71. Bone
  72. cat and mice
  73. Cat with a bell
  74. Kitty
  75. cat and fox
  76. crystals
  77. Who is right?
  78. Where does the water from the sea go?
  79. Hen and golden eggs
  80. Hen and swallow
  81. Lion and fox
  82. Lion and mouse
  83. Lion and dog
  84. Lion, wolf and fox
  85. Lion, bear and fox
  86. Lion, donkey and fox
  87. lazy daughter
  88. Bat
  89. Lipunyushka
  90. Fox and crane
  91. Fox
  92. Fox and grapes
  93. Fox and goat
  94. Fox and monkey
  95. Horse and groom
  96. Horse and owners
  97. frog and lion
  98. Frog, mouse and hawk
  99. Magnet
  100. Bear on a cart
  101. Wise old man
  102. Man and water
  103. man and horse
  104. man and cucumbers
  105. Ant and dove
  106. Mouse under the barn
  107. Mouse, rooster and cat
  108. Mother hen and chicks
  109. Monkey
  110. monkey and pea
  111. monkey and fox
  112. Deer
  113. Deer and vineyard
  114. Deer and luncheon
  115. Donkey in a lion's skin
  116. Donkey and horse
  117. Touch and vision
  118. From speed to strength
  119. Father and sons
  120. Where did fire come from when people didn't know fire?
  121. Why is there wind?
  122. Why do trees crack in cold weather?
  123. Why is it visible in the dark?
  124. Hunting more than bondage
  125. The hunter and the quail
  126. Peacock
  127. Peacock and crane
  128. First flight
  129. Quail
  130. Peter I and a man
  131. Foundling
  132. Fire
  133. fire dogs
  134. Truth is the most valuable
  135. righteous judge
  136. Bounce
  137. Birds and nets
  138. birdie
  139. Bees and drones
  140. Worker Yemelyan and an empty drum
  141. Workers and cock
  142. Equal Inheritance
  143. Hare
  144. Fisherman and fish
  145. The best pears
  146. San Gotthard dog
  147. Svyatogor-bogatyr
  148. How many people?
  149. Blind man and milk
  150. Oleg's death
  151. dog and wolf
  152. dog and thief
  153. The dog and its shadow
  154. Jacob's dog
  155. Dog, rooster and fox
  156. Dogs and the cook
  157. Owl and hare
  158. Falcon and rooster
  159. Soldier
  160. sun and wind
  161. Wranglers
  162. old horse
  163. old man and death
  164. Old grandfather and granddaughter
  165. Terrible Beast (Who is more terrible)
  166. Dragonfly and ants
  167. severe punishment
  168. Dampness
  169. Calf on ice
  170. Thin threads
  171. Ax and saw
  172. Three thieves
  173. Three rolls and one bagel
  174. Luck
  175. Specific gravity
  176. Already and hedgehog
  177. Stubborn horse (How a man re-stubbed a horse)
  178. duck and moon
  179. Christ's Teachings for Children
  180. learned son
  181. Fedotka
  182. Filipok
  183. owner and rooster
  184. owner and dog
  185. Heron, fish and cancer
  186. Royal brothers
  187. king and shirt
  188. king and elephants
  189. The king and the falcon
  190. Turtle and eagle
  191. Flair
  192. Jackals and elephant
  193. Shat and Don

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich
(09.09.1828 - 20.11.1910).

Born in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana. Among the ancestors of the writer on the paternal side is an associate of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia to receive the title of count. Member of the Patriotic War of 1812 was the father of the writer gr. N. I. Tolstoy. On the maternal side, Tolstoy belonged to the family of the princes Bolkonsky, related by kinship with the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn, Odoevsky, Lykov and other noble families. On his mother's side, Tolstoy was a relative of A. S. Pushkin.
When Tolstoy was in his ninth year, his father took him to Moscow for the first time, the impressions of meeting with which were vividly conveyed by the future writer in the children's essay "Kremlin". Moscow is here called "the greatest and most populous city in Europe", whose walls "saw the shame and defeat of the invincible Napoleonic regiments." The first period of young Tolstoy's life in Moscow lasted less than four years. He was orphaned early, having lost first his mother and then his father. With his sister and three brothers, young Tolstoy moved to Kazan. Here lived one of the father's sisters, who became their guardians.
Living in Kazan, Tolstoy spent two and a half years preparing to enter the university, where he studied from 1844, first at the Oriental Faculty, and then at the Faculty of Law. He studied Turkish and Tatar languages ​​with the famous Turkologist Professor Kazembek. In his mature life, the writer was fluent in English, French and German; read in Italian, Polish, Czech and Serbian; knew Greek, Latin, Ukrainian, Tatar, Church Slavonic; studied Hebrew, Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian and other languages.
Classes in government programs and textbooks weighed heavily on Tolstoy the student. He became interested in independent work on a historical topic and, leaving the university, left Kazan for Yasnaya Polyana, which he received under the division of his father's inheritance. Then he went to Moscow, where at the end of 1850 his writing activity began: an unfinished story from the gypsy life (the manuscript has not been preserved) and a description of one day lived ("The History of Yesterday"). Then the story "Childhood" was started. Soon Tolstoy decided to go to the Caucasus, where his older brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, an artillery officer, served in the army. Entering the army as a cadet, he later passed the exam for a junior officer rank. The writer's impressions of the Caucasian War were reflected in the stories "The Raid" (1853), "Cutting the Forest" (1855), "Degraded" (1856), and in the story "Cossacks" (1852-1863). In the Caucasus, the story "Childhood" was completed, which was published in 1852 in the journal Sovremennik.

When the Crimean War began, Tolstoy was transferred from the Caucasus to the Danube army, which acted against the Turks, and then to Sevastopol, besieged by the combined forces of England, France and Turkey. Commanding a battery on the 4th bastion, Tolstoy was awarded the order Anna and medals "For the Defense of Sevastopol" and "In Memory of the War of 1853-1856". More than once Tolstoy was presented for the award of the military St. George Cross, but however, he never received the “George”. In the army, Tolstoy wrote a number of projects - on the reorganization of artillery batteries and the creation of battalions armed with rifled rifles, on the reorganization of the entire Russian army. Together with a group of officers of the Crimean army, Tolstoy intended to publish the magazine "Soldier's Bulletin" ("Military List"), but its publication was not allowed by Emperor Nicholas I.
In the autumn of 1856 he retired and soon went on a six-month trip abroad, visiting France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. In 1859, Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana, and then helped open more than 20 schools in the surrounding villages. In order to direct their activities along the right path, from his point of view, he published the pedagogical journal Yasnaya Polyana (1862). In order to study the setting of school affairs in foreign countries the writer in 1860 went abroad for the second time.
After the manifesto of 1861, Tolstoy became one of the world's mediators of the first call, who sought to help the peasants resolve their land disputes with the landowners. Soon in Yasnaya Polyana, when Tolstoy was away, the gendarmes searched for a secret printing house, which the writer allegedly started after talking with A. I. Herzen in London. Tolstoy had to close the school and stop publishing the pedagogical journal. In total, he wrote eleven articles on school and pedagogy ("On Public Education", "Upbringing and Education", "On social activities in the field of public education "and others). In them, he described in detail the experience of his work with students ("Yasnopolyanskaya school for the months of November and December", "On methods of teaching literacy", "Who should learn to write from whom, peasant children with us or we peasant children"). Tolstoy, the teacher, demanded that the school be closer to life, sought to put it at the service of the needs of the people, and for this to intensify the processes of education and upbringing, to develop Creative skills children.
However, already at the beginning creative way Tolstoy becomes a supervised writer. One of the first works of the writer were the stories "Childhood", "Adolescence" and "Youth", "Youth" (which, however, was not written). As conceived by the author, they were to compose the novel "Four Epochs of Development".
In the early 1860s for decades, the order of Tolstoy's life, his way of life, is established. In 1862, he married the daughter of a Moscow doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers.
The writer is working on the novel "War and Peace" (1863-1869). After completing War and Peace, Tolstoy spent several years studying materials about Peter I and his time. However, after writing several chapters of the "Petrine" novel, Tolstoy abandoned his plan. In the early 1870s the writer was again fascinated by pedagogy. He put a lot of work into the creation of the ABC, and then the New ABC. Then he compiled "Books for reading", where he included many of his stories.
In the spring of 1873, Tolstoy began and four years later completed work on a great novel about modernity, naming it after the name of the main character - "Anna Karenina".
The spiritual crisis experienced by Tolstoy in the late 1870s - early. 1880, ended with a turning point in his worldview. In "Confession" (1879-1882), the writer speaks of a revolution in his views, the meaning of which he saw in the break with the ideology of the noble class and the transition to the side of the "simple working people."
At the beginning of 1880s. Tolstoy moved with his family from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow, taking care to educate his growing children. In 1882, a census of the Moscow population took place, in which the writer took part. He saw the inhabitants of the city's slums up close and described their terrible life in an article on the census and in the treatise "So what shall we do?" (1882-1886). In them, the writer made the main conclusion: "... You can't live like that, you can't live like that, you can't!" "Confession" and "So what shall we do?" were works in which Tolstoy acted both as an artist and as a publicist, as a deep psychologist and a bold sociologist-analyst. Later, this kind of works - according to the genre of journalistic, but including artistic scenes and paintings saturated with figurative elements will take great place in his work.
In these and subsequent years, Tolstoy also wrote religious and philosophical works: "Criticism of dogmatic theology", "What is my faith?", "Combination, translation and study of the four Gospels", "The kingdom of God is within you". In them, the writer not only showed a change in his religious and moral views, but also subjected to a critical revision of the main dogmas and principles of the teaching of the official church. In the middle of 1880s. Tolstoy and his like-minded people created the Posrednik publishing house in Moscow, which printed books and pictures for the people. The first of Tolstoy's works, printed for the "simple" people, was the story "What makes people alive." In it, as in many other works of this cycle, the writer widely used not only folklore stories, but also expressive means oral art. WITH folk tales Tolstoy thematically and stylistically linked his plays for folk theaters and, most of all, the drama "The Power of Darkness" (1886), which depicts the tragedy of the post-reform village, where centuries-old patriarchal orders collapsed under the "power of money".
In the 1880s Tolstoy's novels "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" and "Kholstomer" ("History of a Horse"), "Kreutzer Sonata" (1887-1889) appeared. In it, as well as in the story "The Devil" (1889-1890) and the story "Father Sergius" (1890-1898), the problems of love and marriage, the purity of family relationships are raised.
On the basis of social and psychological contrast, Tolstoy's story "The Master and the Worker" (1895) is built, stylistically connected with the cycle of his folk stories written in the 80s. Five years earlier Tolstoy had written for " home performance"The comedy" The Fruits of Enlightenment ". It also shows the" owners "and" workers ": noble landowners living in the city and peasants who came from a hungry village, deprived of land. The images of the first are given satirically, the second author portrays as reasonable and positive people, but in some scenes and "serves" them in an ironic light.
All these works of the writer are united by the thought of the inevitable and close in time "decoupling" of social contradictions, of replacing the obsolete social "order". “What the outcome will be, I don’t know,” wrote Tolstoy in 1892, “but that things are coming to it and that life cannot go on like this, in such forms, I am sure.” This idea inspired the largest work of all the work of the "late" Tolstoy - the novel "Resurrection" (1889-1899).
Less than ten years separate Anna Karenina from War and Peace. "Resurrection" is separated from "Anna Karenina" by two decades. And although much distinguishes the third novel from the two previous ones, they are united by a truly epic scope in the depiction of life, the ability to "match" in the narrative separate human fates with the fate of the people. Tolstoy himself pointed to the unity that exists between his novels: he said that Resurrection was written in the "old manner", referring primarily to the epic "manner" in which War and Peace and Anna Karenina were written. ". "Resurrection" has become latest novel in the work of the writer.
In the early 1900s Tolstoy was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church by the Holy Synod.
In the last decade of his life, the writer worked on the story "Hadji Murad" (1896-1904), in which he sought to compare "two poles of imperious absolutism" - the European, personified by Nicholas I, and the Asian, personified by Shamil. At the same time, Tolstoy creates one of his best plays - "The Living Corpse". Her hero is kindest soul, soft, conscientious Fedya Protasov leaves the family, breaks off relations with his usual environment, falls to the "bottom" and in the courthouse, unable to bear the lies, pretense, hypocrisy of "respectable" people, shoots himself with a pistol commits suicide. An article written in 1908, "I Can't Be Silent", in which he protested against the repressions of participants in the events of 1905-1907, sounded sharp. The stories of the writer "After the ball", "For what?" belong to the same period.
Burdened by the way of life in Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy more than once intended and for a long time did not dare to leave it. But he could no longer live according to the "together-apart" principle, and on the night of October 28 (November 10) he secretly left Yasnaya Polyana. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to make a stop at the small station Astapovo (now Leo Tolstoy), where he died. On November 10 (23), 1910, the writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, in the forest, on the edge of a ravine, where, as a child, he and his brother searched for a "green stick" that kept the "secret" of how to make all people happy.

Like Pushkin in poetry, so Tolstoy in prose is our everything! And this is despite the fact that Lev Nikolayevich has only five full-fledged novels, only a few dozen stories and one trilogy - “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". Stories, fairy tales, fables, poems, translations, dramatic works - few know them, which these works do not deserve at all. Perhaps, remembering them more often, many would discover a new Tolstoy.

The originality of the writer's prose, his literary style

What distinguishes the work of Leo Tolstoy is the reflection in it of the originality of the author himself: the coexistence in a single whole of a “spontaneous artist” and a “rational thinker”. This is exactly what researchers of the writer's work have been trying to decompose into atoms for many years. The works of L. N. Tolstoy are a storehouse for their delights. Artistic and philosophical beginning, full immersion these two polar styles cause delight in the reader when reading, writers, critics, public figures- an incomprehensible thirst for research, reasoning and disputes.

Some of them suggest the existence of the author in two forms, radically opposite and fighting with each other. Already in his first work - "Childhood and Adolescence" - the philosophy of images in its best manifestation reveals to readers the amazing beauty of the prose of such brilliant writer like Leo Tolstoy. The author's stories and all his other works were created in unique style, which gave him the glory of the greatest Russian writer.

Top 5 works of Leo Tolstoy

Our modernity is moving away from the definition of “The best something” (in our case, “ Best Books writer"), replacing it with the Top 10, Top 100. Let's try to create the Top 10 most read works Lev Nikolaevich.

Two novels deservedly claim the first place - "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace". Each of us has our own arguments in favor of one of them, whom we would put on the top line. Bringing them is superfluous, and the dispute may drag on. In our Top Parade, we give the first place to the two of them, and move on to the second.

The novel "Sunday", the trilogy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, the stories “The Kreutzer Sonata”, “Notes of a Madman”, “Morning of the Landowner” - all of them are readable, loved and still in demand by filmmakers and theater directors around the world. If it would be wiser to place the story on the third place, and leave the novel and the trilogy on the second place, then the prize three already has seven of Tolstoy's best works. For the remaining three places in our Top 10, we adequately enter the cycle “Sevastopol Tales”, the story “Hadji Murat” and dramatic work"The power of darkness, or the Claw is bogged down, the whole bird is abyss."

Of course, our top ten, in which we mentioned the best works of Leo Tolstoy, are just reflections on the topic, but it is also quite likely that it coincides with the opinion of many readers.

"War and Peace" - about whom and what

A rare reader did not ask the question, but what, in fact, is the novel about? About the heroism of the Russian army, about the stoic courage and bravery of our soldiers, about the honor and dignity of the nobility, or is it about human relations that are tested against the background of difficult events for the state?

A brilliant work, where as the author Leo Tolstoy is inimitable - "War and Peace"! The author seems to invite each reader to find the answer to the question himself: who is interested in war - the presentation of the main battles contains almost completely reliable historical accuracy, who wants to plunge into great description feelings experienced by the characters - he will definitely find in the novel what he is looking for.

In a work unique in its scale, style, language of presentation, which is the novel "War and Peace", each line is saturated with the main thing - happiness ordinary life both in sorrow and in joy. In it, both go in parallel, step by step, hand in hand through all the trials and obstacles. Good, of course, wins, and evil dies defeated.

Did Anna Karenina sympathize with her creator

As in "War and Peace", in "Anna Karenina" there are two polar loves: sublime, pure, sinless, and its antipode - basely vicious, almost dirty. Tolstoy provokes the reader by interpreting the relationship between Anna and Vronsky in the mouth of the "light", allowing him to decide for himself the degree of sublimity or baseness of their feelings. The author tries not to build concrete walls between these definitions, the transition from one state to another is imperceptible: on one line we meet the complete justification of this love, on the other - its general condemnation. And as if shaky, but frequent bridges between these lines - the torment of the main characters, their doubts and the final choice, no matter what.

So what is the assessment of his character gives the author himself? Justifies it, sympathizes, regrets, supports? Tolstoy here acts as an implacable moralist - in all his works, criminal love is doomed to tragic end. The author created his heroine in order to demonstratively kill her as a warning to others. An image that evokes sympathy does not make you suffer so much.

"Childhood" as one of the main works of Tolstoy

prominent place in creative heritage the writer is occupied with this story. Almost the first work, where Leo Tolstoy declared himself as a great author - "Childhood". Not because the reader is exposed to problems beyond the understanding of adults. little man who sees the world in which he lives in an adult way, feels its unveiled good and evil, sincerity and falsehood. The reader, following Nikolenka, goes through the school of his growing up, analyzes him and other people's actions, learns to accept the world as he sees it.

The boy's ability to keenly feel cunning, cunning, his worries about the fact that he sees these unsightly qualities in himself, make the reader look back at his childhood and rethink his actions. You can learn from Nikolenka to love people, not only those with whom he lives, but also those who are friends with him or have impressed him in some way. baby heart. And the story teaches how not to destroy this love. The ability to read between the lines will give a lot to those who try to understand this work, as well as the short prose that Leo Tolstoy wrote - stories.

Themes of Lev Nikolayevich's stories

About wildlife and defenseless animals, about smart children and wise adults. He does not have many stories, there are only four dozen works on this list, most of which, as already mentioned, a wide range readers are unfamiliar. Few are more fortunate short prose from Tolstoy's heritage, such as "After the Ball", "Jump", "False Coupon", "The Power of Childhood", "Conversation with a Passerby", and, of course, the cycle "Sevastopol Stories".

A noticeable intensity in writing stories is observed from 1905 to 1909 - the last years in the life of Lev Nikolaevich, he died, as you know, in 1910. A huge period of his life was devoted to other genres of literature, in which there was simply no place for stories. Stories for children, which are worth talking about separately, since the world of these works is striking in its depths, a subtle transfer of the child's impressions of the problems of life, explain the formation of his personality. This theme was also reflected in such a genre as the fables of Leo Tolstoy.

Stories about children and for children

A prominent place in the writer's work is occupied by prose for children and about themselves. Trilogy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth ”Tolstoy did not limit attempts to know in what ways a person’s personality is formed from birth to his entry into adult life. The stories “Three Bears”, “How Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest” and “Cow”, included in the collection “New ABC”, are imbued with love for children and compassion for their little problems. The works of Leo Tolstoy are rich in reflections on children.

The story "Philippok" was born after the writer's careful observation of peasant children and ingenuous communication with them. Lev Nikolaevich always found time for the peasants, he even opened a school for their children on his estate. And one of the first stories that can be attributed to children can be called small work about the dog Bulka, her aching devotion to the only close creature - her master. Until his death, Leo Tolstoy recalled his own childhood and how he wanted to find a “green stick” that would help him make everyone on earth happy.

Place of fables and fairy tales in the work of Tolstoy

Just like the prose of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, we remember from childhood and lessons in our native speech, so do the moralizing fables of Leo Tolstoy, imbued with subtle morality.

  • "The Wolf and the Old Man"
  • "The Lion and the Dog"
  • "Crane and stork".
  • "The head and tail of a snake."
  • "Ferret".
  • "The Dog and its Shadow"
  • "The Monkey and the Pea".
  • "Squirrel and Wolf".
  • "Lion, donkey and fox".
  • "Lion and Mouse".

This is only a small fraction of the famous fables that replenish the great works of Leo Tolstoy, which we love. Through fables, he ridiculed what he could hardly explain in people, and what was unacceptable for himself: deceit and cunning, malice and hatred, meanness and betrayal. The opposite features were shown in his prose at times unprotected, open to attack, and therefore even more endearing. Tolstoy seemed to believe that in works for children, and he wrote his fables more for them, there is no place to justify vile deeds, it is necessary to explain in an accessible and simple way what is “good” and what is “bad”. And he always believed that children are quite smart and understand subtle morality much closer to the truth than adults.

The confrontation between love and duty is a distinctive feature of Tolstoy's characters

The genius that Leo Tolstoy created in his life - "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", his stories, fables, fairy tales and stories, reflected primarily his own morality. He transferred to paper his religious dogmas, his spiritual throwing and doubts, his convictions and endowed them with the characters he sympathized with. In some of his works there was no even light humor, and each phrase in them was strictly verified, comprehensively considered. He often rewrote what had already been published in magazines, deducing the ideal character, in his opinion.

A bright personality stands before us the image of Konstantin Levin in "Anna Karenina" with his painful love for Kitty and a sense of duty in relation to his convictions. Inimitable and majestic is Pierre Bezukhov from War and Peace, Nikolai Rostov, who assumed the debts of his father and did not take a penny from the dowry of his wife, Princess Bolkonskaya, to pay them off. Many of his characters go through the torment of desires and real deeds. The author takes them through psychological tests and makes them even stronger and worthy of respect. Such was also own world writer, it was left to us by L.N. Tolstoy. Works for children - stories, fairy tales, fables, for adults - novels, stories, dramaturgy. He is so near and dear to us.

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