Authors of the late 19th century. See what "Russian poets of the 19th century" are in other dictionaries


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Presentation on the topic: Writers and poets of the 19th century

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Writers and poets of the 19th century 1. Aksakov S.T. 2. Ershov P.P. 3. Zhukovsky V.A. 4. Koltsov A.V. 5. Krylov I.A. 6. Lermontov M.Yu. 7. Marshak S.Ya. 8. Nekrasov N.A. 9. Nikitin I.S. 10. Prishvin M.M. 11. Pushkin A.S. 12. Tolstoy L.N. 13. Tolstoy A.K. 14. Tyutchev F.I. 15. Ushinsky K.D. 16. Fet A.A. 17. Chekhov A.P. Svetlana Alexandrovna Lyalina, teacher primary school, Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod Region

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Sergei Trofimovich Aksakov Famous Russian writer. Was born in noble family famous family of Shimon. Love for nature - future writer inherited from his father. Peasant labor aroused in him not only compassion, but also respect. His book "Family Chronicle" was continued in the "Childhood of Bagrov's grandson".

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Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov Born March 6, 1815 in the Tobolsk province in the family of an official. Russian poet, writer, playwright. He was the initiator of the creation of an amateur gymnasium theater. He was directing in the theatre. Wrote several plays for the theatre: Rural Holiday, Suvorov and stationmaster". Fame Ershov brought his fairy tale " The Little Humpbacked Horse»

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Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky Born on January 29 in the village of Mishenskoye, Tula province. Father, Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin, landowner, owner of the village. Mishensky; his mother, a Turkish woman, Salkha, ended up in Russia among the prisoners. I lived and studied there for 3 years. Studied Russian and foreign literature. In 1812 he was in Borodino, wrote about the heroes of the battle. His books: A boy with a finger, There is no dearer native sky, Lark.

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Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsov A.V. Koltsov is a Russian poet. Born October 15, 1809 in Voronezh, in a merchant family. The father was a merchant. Aleksey Koltsov penetrated from the inside into a variety of economic concerns of the villager: gardening and arable farming, cattle breeding and forestry. In the gifted, receptive nature of the boy, such a life brought up the breadth of the soul and the versatility of interests, direct knowledge of village life, peasant labor and folk culture. From the age of nine, Koltsov learned to read and write at home and showed such outstanding abilities that in 1820 he was able to enter the county school, bypassing the parish. He started writing at the age of 16. He wrote a lot about labor, about land, about nature: Mower, Harvest, etc.

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Ivan Andreevich Krylov I.A. Krylov is a great fabulist. Born February 2, 1769 in Moscow in the family of a poor army captain, who received the rank of officer only after thirteen years of military service. Krylov was 10 years old when his father died and he had to work. Russian writer, fabulist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Petersburg in summer garden there is a bronze monument where the fabulist is surrounded by animals. His works: Swan, Pike and Cancer. Chizh and Dove. A Crow and a fox.

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Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov Born in Moscow in the family of Captain Yuri Petrovich Lermontov and Maria Mikhailovna Lermontova, the only daughter and heiress of the Penza landowner E.A. Arsenyeva. Lermontov's childhood passed in the estate of Arsenyeva "Tarkhany" Penza province. The boy got a capital home education, since childhood he was fluent in French and German. In the summer of 1825, Lermontov's grandmother took him to the Caucasus; childhood impressions of the Caucasian nature and the life of the mountain peoples remained in his early work. Then the family moved to Moscow and Lermontov was enrolled in the 4th grade of the Moscow University Noble Boarding School, where he received a liberal arts education.

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Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak S.Ya. Marshak is a Russian poet. Born October 22, 1887 in Voronezh in the family of a factory technician, a talented inventor. At the age of 4 he wrote poetry himself. Good translator With of English language, Russian poet. Marshak was familiar with M. Gorky. He studied in England at the University of London. During the holidays, I traveled a lot on foot in England, listened to English folk songs. Even then he began to work on translations of English works.

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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a famous Russian poet. Descended from the nobility, once rich family. Born November 22, 1821 in the Podolsk province. Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters. All childhood and youth of the poet passed in family estate Nekrasov, the village of Greshnev, Yaroslavl province, on the banks of the Volga. He saw the hard work of people. They pulled barges across the water. He devoted many poems to the lives of people in tsarist Russia: green noise, Nightingales, Peasant children, Grandfather Mazai and hares, Motherland, etc.

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Ivan Savvich Nikitin Russian poet, born in Voronezh to the family of a wealthy merchant, owner of a candle factory. Nikitin studied at religious school, in the seminary. He dreamed of graduating from the university, but the family went bankrupt. Ivan Savvich continued his education himself. He composed poems: Rus', Morning, Meeting of Winter, Swallow's Nest, Grandfather.

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on January 23, 1873 in the Oryol province near Yelets. Prishvin's father from the indigenous merchant family city ​​of Yelets. Mikhail Mikhailovich is educated as an agronomist, writes a scientific book about potatoes. Later he leaves for the North to collect folklore from folk life. He loved nature very much. He knew well the life of the forest, its inhabitants. He knew how to convey his feelings to readers. He wrote: Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland! His books: Guys and ducklings, Pantry of the sun, Calendar of nature, etc.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich is a great Russian writer. He wrote the first ABC for children and four Russian books for reading. AT Yasnaya Polyana opened a school and taught children himself. He worked hard and loved work. He himself plowed the land, mowed the grass, sewed boots, built huts. His works: Stories about children, Toddlers, Filipok, Shark, Kitten, Lion and dog, Swans, old grandfather and granddaughters.

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Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy A.K. Tolstoy was born in St. Petersburg, and the childhood of the future poet passed in Ukraine, on the estate of his uncle. As a teenager, Tolstoy traveled abroad, to Germany and Italy. In 1834 Tolstoy was assigned as a "student" to the Moscow archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 1837 he served in the Russian mission in Germany, in 1840. received service in St. Petersburg at the royal court. In 1843 - the court rank of chamber junker. During Tolstoy's lifetime, the only collection of his poems was published (1867). Poems: The last snow is melting, Cranes, Forest Lake, autumn, etc.

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Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky was born on February 19, 1824 in Tula in the family of Dmitry Grigorievich Ushinsky, a retired officer, a small estate nobleman. The mother of Konstantin Dmitrievich - Lyubov Stepanovna died when he was 12 years old. Konstantin Dmitrievich was a teacher, he created books himself. He called them " Child's world" and " native word". He taught me to love his native people and nature. His works: Learned Bear, Four Wishes, Geese and Cranes, Eagle, How a shirt grew in a field.

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Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich - Russian lyric poet, translator. Born in the estate of Novoselki, Oryol province. Since childhood, he loved the poems of A.S. Pushkin. At the age of 14 they were taken to St. Petersburg to study. He showed his poems to Gogol. In 1840, the first book was published. His poems: A wonderful picture, The swallows are gone, Spring rain. For the last 19 years of his life, he officially bore the surname Shenshin.

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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is an outstanding Russian writer, playwright, doctor by profession. Born January 17, 1860 in Taganrog, Yekaterinoslav province. Early childhood Anton flowed in endless church holidays, name days. On weekdays, after school, he guarded his father's shop, and at 5 in the morning he got up every day to sing in the church choir. First, Chekhov studied at the Greek school in Taganrog. At the age of 8, after two years of study, Chekhov entered the Taganrog gymnasium. In 1879 he graduated from the gymnasium in Taganrog. In the same year, he moved to Moscow and entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, where he studied under renowned professors: Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Grigory Zakharyin and others. His works: White-browed, Kashtanka, Spring, spring waters, and etc.

The nineteenth century is the golden age of Russian literature. During this period, a whole galaxy of geniuses of the art of the word, poets and prose writers was born, whose unsurpassed creative skill determined further development not only Russian literature, but also foreign.

fine weave social realism and classicism in literature absolutely exactly corresponded to the national ideas and canons of that time. In the 19th century, for the first time, such acute social problems began to be raised, such as the need to change priorities, the rejection of outdated principles, and the confrontation between society and the individual.

The most significant representatives of Russian classics of the 19th century

Word geniuses like A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky and A.S. Griboyedov, in their writings openly demonstrated contempt for upper strata society for their selfishness, vanity, hypocrisy and immorality. V.A. Zhukovsky, on the contrary, introduced dreaminess and sincere romance into Russian literature with his works. In his poems, he tried to get away from the gray and boring routine in order to show in all colors the sublime world that surrounds a person. Speaking of Russian literary classics, it is impossible not to mention the great genius A.S. Pushkin - poet and father of the Russian literary language. The works of this writer made a real revolution in the world literary art. Pushkin's poetry, story " Queen of Spades"and the novel" Eugene Onegin "became a stylistic presentation, which was repeatedly used by many domestic and world writers.

Among other things, the literature of the nineteenth century was also characterized by philosophical concepts. They are most clearly revealed in the works of M.Yu. Lermontov. All my creative activity the author admired the Decembrist movements and defended freedoms and human rights. His poems are saturated with criticism of the imperial power and opposition calls. In the field of dramaturgy, A.P. Chekhov. Using subtle but "prickly" satire, the playwright and writer ridiculed human vices and expressed contempt for the vices of the representatives of the nobility. His plays from the moment of his birth to the present day do not lose their relevance and continue to be staged on the stage of theaters all over the world. It is also impossible not to mention the great L.N. Tolstoy, A.I. Kuprin, N.V. Gogol, etc.

Group portrait of Russian writers - members of the editorial board of the journal Sovremennik». Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Leo Tolstoy, Dmitry Grigorovich, Alexander Druzhinin, Alexander Ostrovsky.

Features of Russian literature

In the nineteenth century Russian realistic literature acquired an unprecedented high artistic perfection. Its main distinguishing feature was originality. The second half of the 19th century in Russian literature passed with the idea of ​​decisive democratization artistic creation and under the sign of tense ideological struggle. Among other things, pathos changed in these time frames. artistic creativity, as a result of which the Russian writer was faced with the need for artistic understanding of the unusually mobile and impetuous elements of being. In such an environment, literary synthesis originated in much narrower temporal and spatial periods of life: the need for a certain localization and specialization was dictated by the special state of the world, characteristic of the era of the second half of the nineteenth century.

The nineteenth century is called the golden age of Russian poetry. During this period, classicism, beloved by writers, was replaced by romanticism and sentimentalism. A little later, realism is born, gradually replacing the idealization of the world. It was in the nineteenth century that literature reached its peak, and the contribution made by the Russian poets of the nineteenth century is invaluable. The list of them is really great, among such famous names as Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Afanasy Fet, there are also little-known but talented Vladimir Raevsky, Sergey Durov and many, many others.

Nineteenth century in literature

The nineteenth century was far from simple period for Russia: a series of wars for trade routes swept, Napoleon's military campaign began, followed by another war, All this became a huge shock for the country. Against the backdrop of such events, literature developed. The great Russian poets of the 19th century in their work wrote about love for the motherland, the beauty of Russia, and the difficult fate common man and idleness noble life, they talked a lot about the place of man in this world, about the opposition of the individual to society. Classicism created the image of romanticism elevated it above the dullness of life, sentimentalism surrounded lyrical hero stunning landscapes - the poetry of the early nineteenth century sought to idealize the world. They used a huge number of tropes, played with foreign words, perfected the rhyme - all to display the ideal. Later, realism began to appear, within which classical poets no longer shunned colloquial expressions, experiments with the form of a poem: the main task was to demonstrate reality with all its shortcomings. The nineteenth century is a century of contradictions, in which miraculously combined the ideality and imperfection of the world in which the poets lived.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844)

Krylov laid the foundation for fables in Russian literature. His name is so strongly associated with this genre that it has become something like "Aesop's fables". Ivan Andreevich chose this form of lyrics, unusual for that time, to demonstrate the vices of society, showing them through the images of various animals. The fables are so simple and interesting that some of their lines have become popular expressions, and a variety of topics allows you to find a lesson for any occasion. Krylov was considered a role model by many Russian poets of the 19th century, the list of which would be far from complete without the great fabulist.

Ivan Zakharovich Surikov (1841-1880)

Nekrasov is most often associated with realism and the peasantry, and few people know that many other Russian poets sang of their people and their lives. Surikov's poems are distinguished by their melodiousness and simplicity. This is what allowed some of his works to be set to music. In some places, the poet deliberately uses words that are characteristic not of the lyricists, but of the peasants. The themes of his poems are close to every person, they are far from being as sublime as the idealized poetry of Pushkin, but at the same time they are in no way inferior to it. Amazing ability to demonstrate life ordinary people, show their feelings, talk about some everyday situations in such a way that the reader is immersed in the atmosphere of peasant life - these are the components of Ivan Surikov's lyrics.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817-1875)

And in famous kind Tolstoy were Russian poets of the 19th century. The list of eminent relatives was replenished by Alexei Tolstoy, who became famous for his historical plays, ballads and satirical poems. His works express love for native land, chanting its beauty. Distinctive feature poems - their simplicity, giving the lyrics sincerity. The source of inspiration for the poet was the people, which is why there are so many references to historical topics and folklore. But at the same time, Tolstoy shows the world in light colors, admires every moment of life, trying to capture all the best feelings and emotions.

Pyotr Isaevich Weinberg (1831-1908)

Many poets in the nineteenth century were engaged in translating poetry from other languages, Weinberg was no exception. They say that if in prose the translator is a co-author, then in poetry he is a rival. Weinberg translated a huge number of poems from German language. For the translation from the German drama "Mary Stuart" by Schiller, he was even awarded prestigious award Academy of Sciences. In addition, this amazing poet worked on Goethe, Heine, Byron and many other eminent writers. Of course, it is difficult to call Weinberg an independent poet. But in his arrangement of verses, he retained all the features of the original author's lyrics, which allows us to speak of him as a truly poetically gifted person. The contribution that Russian poets of the 19th century made to the development of world literature and translations is invaluable. Their list would be incomplete without Weinberg.


Russian poets have always been an integral part of literature. But it was the nineteenth century that was especially rich talented people, whose names forever entered the history of not only Russian, but also world poetry.

"Verily, that was the golden age of our literature,

the period of her innocence and bliss! .. "

M. A. Antonovich

M. Antonovich in his article called the "golden age of literature" early XIX century - the period of creativity of A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol. Subsequently, this definition began to characterize the literature of all 19th century- up to the works of A.P. Chekhov and L.N. Tolstoy.

What are the main features of the Russian classical literature this period?

Fashionable at the beginning of the century, sentimentalism gradually fades into the background - the formation of romanticism begins, and from the middle of the century realism rules the ball.

New types of heroes appear in literature: " small man", which most often dies under the pressure of the foundations accepted in society and the "extra person" is a string of images, starting with Onegin and Pechorin.

Continuing the traditions of the satirical image, proposed by M. Fonvizin, in literature XIX century satirical image vices modern society becomes one of the central motifs. Often satire takes on grotesque forms. Vivid examples- Gogol's "Nose" or "The History of a City" by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Another one distinguishing feature The literature of this period has an acute social orientation. Writers and poets are increasingly turning to socio-political topics, often plunging into the field of psychology. This leitmotif permeates the works of I. S. Turgenev, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy. Appears new form- Russian realistic novel, with its deep psychologism, harshest criticism reality, irreconcilable enmity with the existing foundations and loud calls for renewal.

Well main reason, which prompted many critics to call the 19th century the golden age of Russian culture: the literature of this period, despite a number of unfavorable factors, had a powerful influence on the development of world culture as a whole. Soaking up all the best that offered world literature, Russian literature was able to remain original and unique.

Russian writers of the 19th century

V.A. Zhukovsky- Pushkin's mentor and his Teacher. It is Vasily Andreevich who is considered the founder of Russian romanticism. It can be said that Zhukovsky "prepared" the ground for Pushkin's bold experiments, since he was the first to expand the scope poetic word. After Zhukovsky, the era of the democratization of the Russian language began, which was so brilliantly continued by Pushkin.

Selected Poems:

A.S. Griboyedov went down in history as the author of one work. But what! Masterpiece! Phrases and quotes from the comedy "Woe from Wit" have long become winged, and the work itself is considered the first realistic comedy in the history of Russian literature.

Analysis of the work:

A.S. Pushkin. He was called differently: A. Grigoriev claimed that "Pushkin is our everything!", F. Dostoevsky "the great and incomprehensible Forerunner", and Emperor Nicholas I admitted that, in his opinion, Pushkin is "the most clever man in Russia". Simply put, this is Genius.

Pushkin's greatest merit is that he radically changed Russian literary language, saving him from pretentious abbreviations, like "young, breg, sweet", from the ridiculous "marshmallows", "Psyche", "Cupids", so revered in grandiloquent elegies, from borrowings, which were then so abundant in Russian poetry. Pushkin brought colloquial vocabulary, craft slang, elements of Russian folklore to the pages of printed publications.

A. N. Ostrovsky also pointed out another important achievement of this brilliant poet. Before Pushkin, Russian literature was imitative, stubbornly imposing traditions and ideals alien to our people. Pushkin, on the other hand, "gave courage to the Russian writer to be Russian", "revealed the Russian soul". In his stories and novels, for the first time, the theme of the morality of the social ideals of that time is so vividly raised. And the main character light hand Pushkin is now becoming an ordinary "little man" - with his thoughts and hopes, desires and character.

Analysis of works:

M.Yu. Lermontov- bright, mysterious, with a touch of mysticism and an incredible thirst for will. All his work is a unique fusion of romanticism and realism. Moreover, both directions do not oppose at all, but, as it were, complement each other. This man went down in history as a poet, writer, playwright and artist. He wrote 5 plays: the most famous is the drama "Masquerade".

And among prose works the real diamond of creativity was the novel "A Hero of Our Time" - the first realistic novel in prose in the history of Russian literature, where for the first time the writer tries to trace the "dialectics of the soul" of his hero, mercilessly exposing him psychological analysis. This pioneering creative method Lermontov in the future will be used by many Russian and foreign writers.

Selected works:

N.V. Gogol known as a writer and playwright, but it is no coincidence that one of his most famous works is " Dead Souls"is considered a poem. There is no other such Master of the word in world literature. Gogol's language is melodious, incredibly bright and figurative. This was most clearly manifested in his collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka."

On the other hand, N.V. Gogol is considered the ancestor " natural school", with its satire bordering on the grotesque, accusatory motifs and ridicule of human vices.

Selected works:

I.S. Turgenev- the greatest Russian novelist who established the canons classic novel. He continues the traditions established by Pushkin and Gogol. He often refers to the topic " extra person", striving through the fate of his hero to convey the relevance and significance of social ideas.

Turgenev's merit also lies in the fact that he became the first propagandist of Russian culture in Europe. This is a prose writer who opened the world of the Russian peasantry, intelligentsia and revolutionaries to foreign countries. A string female images in his novels became the pinnacle of the writer's skill.

Selected works:

A.N. Ostrovsky- an outstanding Russian playwright. Ostrovsky's merits were most precisely expressed by I. Goncharov, recognizing him as the creator of the Russian folk theater. The plays of this writer became a "school of life" for the playwrights of the next generation. And the Moscow Maly Theater, where most of the plays of this talented writer were staged, proudly calls itself the "Ostrovsky House".

Selected works:

I.A. Goncharov continued to develop the traditions of the Russian realistic novel. The author of the famous trilogy, who, like no one else, managed to describe the main vice of the Russian people - laziness. With the light hand of the writer, the term "Oblomovism" also appeared.

Selected works:

L.N. Tolstoy- a real block of Russian literature. His novels are recognized as the pinnacle of the art of novel writing. The style of presentation and the creative method of L. Tolstoy are still considered the standard of the writer's skill. And his ideas of humanism had a huge impact on the development of humanistic ideas throughout the world.

Selected works:

N.S. Leskov- a talented successor to the traditions of N. Gogol. Made a huge contribution to the development of new genre forms in literature, such as pictures from life, rhapsodies, incredible events.

Selected works:

N.G. Chernyshevskyeminent writer and literary critic, who proposed his theory of the aesthetics of the relationship of art to reality. This theory became the reference for the literature of the next few generations.

Selected works:

F.M. Dostoevskybrilliant writer, whose psychological novels known all over the world. Dostoevsky is often called the forerunner of such trends in culture as existentialism and surrealism.

Selected works:

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrinthe greatest satirist, who brought the art of denunciation, ridicule and parody to the heights of mastery.

Selected works:

A.P. Chekhov. With this name, historians traditionally complete the era of the golden age of Russian literature. Chekhov was recognized throughout the world during his lifetime. His short stories have become a benchmark for short story writers. BUT Chekhov's plays had a huge impact on the development of world drama.

Selected works:

To late XIX centuries of tradition critical realism began to gradually fade away. In a society permeated through and through with pre-revolutionary moods, mystical moods, partly even decadent ones, have come into fashion. They were the forerunner of a new literary direction- symbolism and marked the beginning of a new period in the history of Russian literature - silver age poetry.

The century before last became interesting stage development of human history. The emergence of new technologies, faith in progress, the spread of enlightenment ideas, the development of new social relations, the emergence of a new bourgeois class that became dominant in many European countries - all this was reflected in art. The literature of the 19th century reflected everything turning points development of society. All shocks and discoveries are reflected in the pages of novels by eminent writers. 19th century literature– multifaceted, diverse and very interesting.

Literature of the 19th century as an indicator of public consciousness

The century began in the atmosphere of the Great french revolution, whose ideas captured the whole of Europe, America and Russia. As a result of these events, greatest books 19th century, a list of which you can find in this section. In Great Britain, with the coming to power of Queen Victoria, new era stability, which was accompanied by a national upsurge, the development of industry and art. Public peace has created best books 19th century, written in various genres. In France, on the contrary, there was a lot of revolutionary unrest, accompanied by a change in the political system and the development of social thought. Of course, this also influenced the books of the 19th century. Literary age ended with an era of decadence, which is characterized by gloomy and mystical moods and a bohemian lifestyle of artists. Thus, the literature of the 19th century gave works that everyone needs to read.

Books of the 19th century on the site "KnigoPoisk"

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