Children's story competitions. Novel competition “Extraterrestrial Love”



The eighth season of “Kniguru” unexpectedly turned out to be animalistic - that’s what the competition experts called it: the texts of all the laureates are dedicated to animals.

The first two places in the 2017 season were taken by “newcomers” - these names are still unknown to most readers, and the third is well known.

“Children’s literature has a decisive role,” commented expert Shamil Idiatullin. – The book remains the most universal tool that turns a human cub into a human being. Literature must correspond to the era. If the reader encounters a text that is not of its time, he does not consider it honest - and we lose the reader. Then we will not raise a person who will take a big step for humanity. And if a child or teenager does not learn from literature, he can only learn from his own example. It's not always safe. And in “Kniguru” in this sense - ecological niche: bookish writers know how to come from the side where the reader is not expecting, pull him along with them - and start talking to him about complex and serious topics.”

1 place took Liliya Volkova (Moscow), story "Under the Constellation of Stray Dogs" .

2nd place Antonina Malysheva (Novosibirsk), story "The Cat of Oblivion" .

3rd place Stanislav Vostokov (Moscow region), story "Brother-junnat."

Experts noted the most active readers who took part in the voting. This Irina Tumanova and Anastasia Avramenko from Yekaterinburg. It turned out that the readers study in the same gymnasium, and the school librarian told them about the competition.

The winner of the competition for best review became Polina Rutkovskaya from Petrozavodsk.

In 2017, 613 texts were submitted to the competition. The finalists of the Eighth Season were authors from Veliky Novgorod, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kyiv, Moscow, Cheboksary, Moscow Region, Novosibirsk, Omsk, St. Petersburg and Yakutsk.

All texts of the Short List are posted on the website and are available for free reading.

Liliya Volkova, “Under the constellation of Stray Dogs”
Muscovite Sashka meets red-haired Letka in the south, who rescues dogs throughout the area. Friendship does not have time to develop: Sashka is taken home because family problems. Letka considers the boy a traitor - but then she is taken away too. Also because of family problems and also home - to Moscow.

Antonina Malysheva, “Cat of Oblivion”
A white cat lives in a small village. Whoever he looks at, everyone forgets. Children forget teachers and classmates, parents forget their children. A forgotten person becomes superfluous in life: he is a stranger to everyone, no one needs him. He immediately loses his family, home, friends - everything that life consists of. Gosha, the hero of the story by Antonina Malysheva, together with others forgotten people trying to return to a life where he is remembered and loved. And for this you need to find white cat and unravel its secret.

Stanislav Vostokov, “Brother-Yunnat”
It is impossible for an ordinary eighth grader to go into the savannah or jungle to observe and study elephants, lions and other exotic animals. But you can come to the city zoo as a young naturalist! Pelicans are grunting, seagulls are bursting with laughter, the poisonous viper is escaping from the bag - Stas-Yannat goes to work! Yes, no one will be bored here...


The name of the winner of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) has been announced. 2017 Became him German artist and the writer Wolf Erlbruch (b. 1949), author of the books “The Bear Miracle”, “Leonard”, “Frau Mayer’s Thrush” and others.

The winners of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth for 2016 have been announced. Among them are the classic of Russian animation Leonid Shvartsman, the famous film director Vladimir Grammatikov and children's poet Anastasia Orlova.


Among the award winners are director Konstantin Bronzit, author of the 2016 Oscar-nominated cartoon “We Can’t Live Without Space,” poet Yuri Entin, artistic director of the Russian State Academic Youth Theater Alexey Borodin and other cultural figures.

Text of the Decree “On the awarding of Presidential Prizes Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth in 2015" reads:

“To award the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth in 2015 and assign honorary title laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth:

Borodin Alexey Vladimirovich, artistic director of the federal state budgetary institution culture "Russian State Academic youth theater", - for contribution to the development of the domestic theatrical arts;

Boyarsky Alexander Ionovich, producer, Bronzit Konstantin Eduardovich, animation film director, Selyanov Sergei Mikhailovich, producer - for his contribution to the development of domestic animated cinema;

Entin Yuri Sergeevich, poet, - for his contribution to the development of domestic children's literature."

Separate Prizes were awarded to young cultural figures in 2015:

musician Vladislav Lavrik- for contribution to the development of traditions and popularization wind art;

to the artist Evgenia Lotsmanova- for contribution to development Russian art illustrations;

designer Elena Cheburashkina- for his contribution to the development of domestic design and art education.


The UNESCO International Board for Children's and Youth Literature (IBBY) has announced the winners of the 2016 H. C. Andersen Prize. Children's Nobel Prize Winners: Chinese Writer Cao Wenxuan and illustrator from Germany Rotraut Susanne Berner.

In addition, as part of the Bologna Fair, the winners of the International Award for Reading Promotion Projects (IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award - 2016) were announced. The winning projects were: Read With Me (Iran) and Big Brother Mouse (Laos).

The Read With Me project has created more than 90 small libraries throughout Iran for children in difficult situations. life situation and usually do not have access to books. main feature The project is that in the created libraries teachers, psychologists and volunteers meet with young readers and read aloud to children. The Big Brother Mouse Project specializes in publishing beautiful, interesting, fun and accessible books that improve literacy and quality of life.


Writer Meg Rosoff received the 2016 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Prize.

The International Literary Prize in Memory of Astrid Lindgren in 2016 was awarded to the American writer Meg Rosoff, who this moment lives in London. This was announced by Buel Westin, the chairman of the international jury of the award.

This literary prize is awarded for contributions to the development of children's and youth literature. This year for the award in total 215 children's organizations, illustrators and writers who work with children applied for different countries peace. According to tradition, the award ceremony for the prize winner will take place in May in Stockholm.

Meg Rosoff made her debut as a writer in 2004, her works addressed to young people and filled with meaning, she became widely known with her novel “How I Live Now.” The jury noted that this year’s winner masterfully describes the search for meaning in the strange and bizarre world. Meg Rosoff will receive a cash award of five million Swedish kronor, which is equal to 616 thousand US dollars.

The founder of the International Literary Prize in Memory of Astrid Lindgren is the Swedish government. The prize has been awarded since 2002 with the aim of promoting the development of children's and youth literature. The award was also a sign of deep respect and recognition for the outstanding writer Astrid Lindgren, who remains one of the most beloved and widely read authors in Sweden today. The books of this writer have been translated into more than ninety languages ​​all over the world. On Russian language, k unfortunately not translated.


November 30, 2015 Annual competition "New children's book" , one of the largest events in modern Russian literature for children, announced start of the seventh season. Over the previous 6 seasons, more than 18,000 manuscripts were submitted to the competition, about 76 contracts were concluded with authors, and more than 70 books were published. And this is not the limit. The competition continues to gain momentum!

The competition is held with the aim of attracting readers' attention to modern Russian children's literature, opening up new talented authors of children's books to the general public and giving them the opportunity to publish their works.

Previously unpublished works written in Russian are accepted for the competition. The competition is supported by famous writers, experts in the field of literature, art, film and media industries, famous media personalities, and book and publishing market professionals.

The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded special prizes. The main prize of the New Children's Book competition is a contract with the ROSMEN publishing house; the best works of the competition participants are published in an illustrated collection. Regardless of the opinion of the jury, the ROSMEN publishing house also considers other manuscripts submitted to the competition for possible publication.

The “New Children's Book” competition is the winner of the professional book market award “Inspector” in the category “Best project to promote books and reading.” Many books that were published thanks to the “New Children's Book” competition were awarded new awards and were awarded such authoritative prizes as “BabyNOS”, “Runet Book Award”, “Golden Delvig”, “RosKon”, “EuroСon”, “Medal . N.V. Gogol", "Prize named after. V. Krapivina” and others.

In the VI season of the competition, an additional nomination for illustrators, “New Children’s Illustration,” was introduced for the first time.

On September 17, 2015, the Russian State Children's Library announced the winners of the VI season of the competition in the following categories: “Children's poems and fairy tales,” “Fantasy World,” and “New Children's Illustration.” The online store also made its choice; a special prize “Choice of Terra Incognita” and prizes for winning the “Open Reader Voting” were awarded. The results of Season VI can be found here


September 17, 2015 winners were announced VI annual competition "New children's book" .

The New Children's Book competition, established in 2009 by the largest Russian publishing house of children's literature ROSMEN, is today one of the largest Russian literary events in the field of children's and youth literature. The purpose of the competition is to attract the attention of readers to modern domestic children's literature, to open new talented authors of children's books to the general public and to give them the opportunity to publish their works. For the first time in the VI season of the competition, a separate nomination was introduced to search for artists with contemporary, original style drawing.

From November 27, 2014 to April 7, 2015 was sent to the competition 5327 applications from writers and artists from 899 cities 41 countries world(!), from which a shortlist was formed on July 1, 2014 in three categories. The shortlisted works were read and evaluated by members of the jury. Based on the results of reviewing the works, the jury announced the names of the winners.

Nomination "Children's poems and fairy tales":

1st place – Anna Nikolskaya (Barnaul). "Martha and the Fantastic Airship"

2nd place – Yulia Simbirskaya (Yaroslavl). "In the Belly of the Sea"

3rd place - PonornitskayaIlga (Cheboksary). "Our Earth is breathing"

Nomination "Fantasy World":

1st place - Ekaterina Merzlyakova (Moscow). "Destroyer"

2nd place - Alla Vologzhanina (Moscow). "Young. Wolves on the Path of the Moon"

3rd place - Sergey Potemkin (Korsakov). "Lawmaker"

Nomination "New Children's Illustration":

1st place - Elizaveta Tretyakova (Moscow). "Where snowing»

2nd place - Valery Kozlov (Moscow). "I'm tired of being a chicken"

3rd place - MikhailyanIvanna (Kyiv). "Magic Shop"

Nomination “Children's poems and fairy tales” - Alexey Lisachenko (Ekaterinburg). " True stories about Mitya Pechenkin." The work received 33%, which amounted to 1139 votes.

Nomination “Fantasy World” - Irina Goryunova (Moscow). "Team Z Magic Lessons" The work received 22%, which amounted to 426 votes.

Nomination “Children's poems and fairy tales” - Alexey Lisachenko (Ekaterinburg). “True stories about Mitya Pechenkin”

Nomination “Fantasy World” - Alexandra Stepanova (Moscow). "The Fifth Abyss"

As part of the competition, a special prize “TerraIncognita's Choice” was established in the “Fantasy World” category.

The first 250 teenage readers evaluated all the works on the nomination shortlist and chose their winner. They gave the majority of votes for the work “The Destroyer” by Ekaterina Merzlyakova (Moscow). Representatives of “TerraIncognita” Stefania Kulikova and Daria Vishnyakova congratulated Ekaterina on stage. As you can see, the teenagers’ choice coincided with the jury’s opinion, which is especially valuable!

The winners who took first place in the “New Children's Book” competition were awarded a special prize of the competition - a contract with the ROSMEN publishing house for the publication of illustrations for the book.

The ROSMEN publishing house reserves the right to discuss with the finalists who were not included in the winners the publication of works and contracts for book illustration.

Pleasant surprises await readers this year.

Jury members Andrey Maksimov, Anastasia Arkhipova, Victoria Fomina, Marina Moskvina, Alexey Kopeikin, Ekaterina Ptashkina, Elena Smirnova, who were present at the ceremony, highly appreciated the level of manuscripts and illustrations sent to the competition, and also noted their favorites.

As part of the award ceremony, a presentation of the books of the winners and runners-up of the 2014 “New Children's Book” competition took place: “Salapapon and Mzdyrya” by Yuri Ligun, “The Sea That Is Not on the Map” by Maria Bershadskaya.


March 31, 2015 announced name of the winner of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Prize for Children's Literature.

This year the prize was awarded to the South African project PRAESA.

PRAESA is the abbreviated name for a project to study alternative education in South Africa, in Cape Town. In 1992, the project grew into the organization PRAESA, which helps children learn to read and not forget their native language. The organization works closely with scientists and volunteers through an established network of book clubs. Thanks to PRAESA activists, a series of books have been published in the country at the most different languages spoken in South Africa.

There were 197 candidates from 61 countries vying for the 2015 award, including children's writers, illustrators and organizations working with children. From Russia, the writer Arthur Givargizov, illustrators Sergei Lyubaev and Igor Oleynikov, as well as the children's book bus "Bumper" were nominated for the prize.


Artist Evgeny Medvedev - laureate of the Presidential Prize for works for children and youth

March 25 took place in the Kremlin presentation of awards from the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth. Became a laureate illustrator Evgeny Alekseevich Medvedev.

On March 25, the Day of Cultural Workers, the second presentation of the Presidential Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth took place in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin. IN 2014 topped the list of awardees writer Vladislav Krapivin And artist Alexander Traugott. This year the winner was the artist Evgeny Medvedev, the author of illustrations for the works of V. Krapivin, A. Gaidar, V. Kataev, V. Dragunsky, S. Mikhalkov, F. Iskander and many others.

The prize was awarded to Evgeny Medvedev “for his contribution to the development of the domestic art of illustrating children’s and youth books.”

Let us remind you that the Presidential Prize in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth has been awarded since 2014. Its size is 2.5 million rubles.

Some of the artist’s works are presented on the website


November 25, 2014 of the year open jury award "Kniguru" named three winners Season 5.

A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Russian competition for the best took place in Moscow. literary work for children and youth "Kniguru". Your favorites from short list named an open jury, which can include any person aged 10 to 16 years old who registered on the project website.

1st place busy with work Nina Dashevskaya "About Music". 2nd place awarded Dmitry Kazakov from Nizhny Novgorod for the work "Moscow Blizzard" , A 3rd- Muscovite Tatiana Rick per book “Cheers, Volodka is my fiancé!”

You can read the works of the winners of the fifth season and previous seasons on the website "Kniguru" -

Let us remind you that the “Book” competition was established by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Non-profit Partnership “Center for the Support of Domestic Literature”. Prize fund is 1 million rubles.


October 14, V Day 76 birth of the writer Vladislav Krapivin, names were named laureates and diploma holders Krapivinskaya Prize-2014 .

The Krapivinskaya Prize award ceremony took place in Yekaterinburg, at the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth.

The winners were:

Vostokov Stanislav per book "Frosya Korovin" ;

Dashevskaya Nina for the story "Willy" ;

Kreutzwald A. M. (Polgueva Ekaterina) for the story "Martha" .

Also, their winners were chosen by the children's jury (the Caravel squad and readers of Novouralsk), the Ural magazine, the Ural Writers Museum, the Yekaterinburg Teacher's House, the Yekaterinburg municipal association of libraries, the CospasGid and Vremya publishing houses.

The following became diploma holders:

Gromova Olga for the story "Sugar Baby" ;

Lederman Victoria for the story "Mayan calendar" ;

Baranovsky Mikhail for the story "I'm raising my dad" ;

Zhuravlikova (Galkina) Natalya for the story "The Great Journey Through the Closet and Back" ;

Nikolskaya Anna for the story "Bloshkins and Frew from Barakhty Bay" ;

Basova Evgenia (Inga Ponornitskaya) for the story "Open windows" ;

Strokina Anastasia for the story "The Whale Swims North" .

More information about the authors and works on the award website in the reports on the award ceremony of laureates and finalists: part 1 , part 2 , part 3 .

The publishing houses “KompasGid” and “Vremya” confirmed that all manuscripts of the finalists will be published.


September 7 The jury of the competition for the best literary work for children and youth “Kniguru” announced the shortlist for this year’s season. Literary critic and competition expert Ksenia Moldavskaya noted that “great readers grow out of readers of literature for children and teenagers. “Kniguru” – younger and best part"Big Book"! Writer Nikolai Nazarkin, Kniguru expert, announcing the list of finalists, said that this year the selection was stricter: “We tried to remove texts of the “not bad, you can read” level. The short list includes only the best." .

The short list included:

Eduard Verkin. "The Crow Biter."

Nina Dashevskaya. "About music."

Maria Druzhinina, Sergei Ilyin. "Tales from different countries."

Igor Zhukov. "The Wizard and the Son."

Dmitry Kazakov. "Moscow blizzard".

Alexander Kiselev. "The Canary and the Bullfinch."

Maria Lebedeva. "Without waiting until midnight."

Inga Ponornitskaya. "Open windows"

Anna Remez, Natalya Kolotova. "Skating on the Neva, or a Mouse in the Sleeve."

Tatyana Rick. “Cheers, Volodka is my fiancé!”

Elena Sokovenina. "The Bone of Merch, or My Struggle."

Igor Solopov. "Brownie."

Marina Yasinskaya. "Red, blue and dead."

All shortlisted works will be posted on open access on the competition website, and readers under 16 years of age will choose the best. Voting on the site will last until mid-November 2014. Ksenia Moldavskaya added that “Kniguru” is unique because it does not depend on sales, but on real reader interest: “It precisely predicts sales.” This is true: thanks to Knigur, for example, Svetlana Lavrova, who received the 27th MIBF on the opening day, became famous National Award"Book of the Year"

Laureates announced "Books of the Year" 2014 of the year.

On the opening day of the 27th Moscow International book exhibition-fair The winners of the National “Book of the Year” competition, which this year celebrates its 15th anniversary, have become known. The solemn ceremony where the names of the laureates in eight competitive nominations, took place on the stage of the Moscow theater “Et Cetera”. Award in nomination “Together with the book we grow” received Svetlana Lavrova for a children's fantasy story “Where is the cock’s horse galloping?” (Publishing house "CompassGuide").


The results were summed up in Moscow IV International Competition named after Sergei Mikhalkov for better piece of art for teenagers.

The motto of the Competition is the catchphrase of Sergei Mikhalkov "Today - children, tomorrow - people" . The competition is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The general sponsor of the project is the Russian Authors' Society.

The award ceremony was held National artist Russia Svyatoslav Belza. Diplomas and valuable gifts were presented to the laureates by the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the Third International Competition named after. Sergei Mikhalkov, film playwright Alexander Adabashyan and outstanding Russian poet Andrei Dementyev. The winners of the Competition received awards and cash prizes from the hands of the President of the Russian Cultural Foundation, Nikita Mikhalkov, and the Chairman of the Competition Jury, Genrikh Borovik.

The jury of the Fourth Competition was headed by the famous international journalist and writer Genrikh Borovik. Writers worked on the professional jury literary critics, publishers, librarians, teachers. The youth jury included ten teenagers aged 12-16 - participants in literary clubs at children's libraries in Moscow. It is worth paying attention once again to the fact that the jury members were familiar with anonymous works, since the manuscripts were encrypted upon receipt. And only at the stage of announcing the short list the names of the contenders for prizes became known. Therefore, at the award ceremony, the jury members got acquainted with the authors of the works that they selected as the best!

First Prize and a certificate for 1 million rubles was awarded Irina Degtyareva(Russia, Moscow) for the story “Steppe Wind”.

Irina is a young but quite experienced author - she writes short stories, stories for adults and children, artistic essays and articles. She's a graduate Literary Institute them. A.M. Gorky, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Moscow. For a long time Irina Degtyareva worked special correspondent, then a columnist in the magazines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Currently she is the literary editor of the Ministry of Defense magazine “Warrior of Russia”.

The story “The Steppe Wind,” which brought Irina an award, is about a boy living with his family on a farm in Rostov region. About his growing up, pranks, quests, relationships with the outside world.

Second Prize and a certificate for 800 thousand rubles were awarded Tatiana Kornienko(Crimea, Sevastopol), author of the story “Chersonesites”.

Tatyana Kornienko is a well-known poet and prose writer in Crimea; for several years now she has been the chairman of the Children's Writers Club at the Central Children's Library named after. A.P. Gaidar in Sevastopol. Her stories and fairy tales-poems are known and loved by young Crimeans. They captivate with their sincere, trusting intonation and excellent knowledge of child psychology. Tatyana Kornienko editor of the literary almanac “Sevastopol”, member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine.

The heroes of her story live in different eras- in ancient Chersonesos and modern Sevastopol. But incredible events crossed their paths, and loyalty to duty made them friends. Real love, honor, dignity, valor - about this in “Chersonesites”.

Third Prize and a certificate for 500 thousand rubles were awarded Mikhail Karchik (literary pseudonym Mikhail Loginov) from St. Petersburg, for the story “The Key to the City of Antonovsk”.

Mikhail Karchik is a writer, political strategist, journalist of the daily socio-political newspaper “Nevskoe Vremya”. Due to the nature of his work, he travels around the country a lot.

He talks about his story like this: “Over the past fifteen years I have had the opportunity to visit dozens of small towns in the European part of the country and beyond the Urals. In these towns live the prototypes of my young heroes. They, like all children, believe in miracles. And that’s why miracles sometimes happen.”

The manuscripts of the three winners will be published by the Russian Cultural Foundation as separate books and will be added to the library of the Sergei Mikhalkov Competition Laureates at the end of the year.

In total, about four hundred manuscripts were sent to the competition. Having studied them, the jury determined general trend, characteristic of current literature for teenagers.

Yegor Konchalovsky summed it up:

“I have a feeling, to be honest with you, of a certain superficiality. In general, perhaps, literature is moving, like any art is moving, in the direction of such, you know, absolute lightness, “monosyllabicity.” This is not an exclusively Russian process. Maybe even in our country it is going a little slower than in the rest of the world.”.


On Bologna Children's Book Fair The winners of the Hans Christian Andersen Prize, one of the oldest and most prestigious international awards in the field of children's literature, were announced. March 24, 2014 The International Children's Book Council IBBY has announced the winners of the 2014 Hans Christian Andersen Award. They were a Japanese writer Uehashi Nahoko (Uehashi Nahoko) and Brazilian illustrator Roger Mello (Roger Mello).

The award jury noted that the writer Uehashi Nahoko, selected from 28 applicants, is distinguished by a unique ability to create different fantasy worlds, based on traditional Japanese mythology and great respect for nature and all sentient beings. The work of Roger Mello, the best of 30 applicants, according to the jury, gives the child the opportunity to explore the history and culture of Brazil, allowing him to go through it with his own imagination.

More information about the award winners on the website State Library foreign literature.

The Andersen Medal is awarded every two years. The winners will receive their awards at the 34th IBBY Congress, which will take place in September in Mexico City.

We would like to remind you that Vladislav Krapivin and Igor Oleinikov were nominated for the prize from Russia this year.

The Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award will be presented Swedish writer Barbro Lindgren (BarbroLindgren), namesake of the great Astrid Lindgren.

Barbu Lindgren was born in Sweden in 1937, and since childhood she loved to draw and read. And then she herself became a writer and artist. She writes poems and stories for children and often illustrates them herself. Barbro Lindgren's books have already been translated into many languages ​​of the world; in our library you can read books "Summer of Matthias" And "Hello Matthias!" , Lorang Mazarin and Dartagnan" , "Oh, Borka" .

Congratulations to Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin on being awarded the first Russian Presidential Prize in the field of literature for children and youth!

Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin was born on October 14, 1938 in Tyumen in the family of teachers Pyotr Fedorovich and Olga Petrovna Krapivin. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural state university. While still studying, he was hired by the newspaper “Evening Sverdlovsk”, and worked for several years in the magazine “Ural Pathfinder”. In 1961, he created the children's detachment "Caravella" (in 1965, the magazine "Pioneer" took patronage over the detachment). The squad's profile is journalism, maritime affairs, fencing. The detachment exists to this day; previously it had the status of a pioneer squad, a press center and a sailing flotilla of the Pioneer magazine. Vladislav Petrovich led the detachment for more than thirty years; currently, young graduates of the detachment are at the head of “Caravelle”. Official page of the writer

At the presentation ceremony in the Kremlin, Vladislav Krapivin said:
“I would like to express my deep gratitude for such high reward. And gratitude not so much from myself, but from those young readers for whom I write my books. The establishment of this award gives yet another hope for the development of literature for young people, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal good life of the current generation.”

Together with Krapivin, the director of the animated film received the Presidential Award of Russia Eduard Nazarov – for his contribution to the development of domestic animated cinema, and the artist Alexander Traugott – for his contribution to the development of the Russian art of illustration of children's and youth books.


Kate DiCamillo received again Newbery Award!

Kate DiCamillo won the 2014 Newbery Award for Flora and Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures. The American writer received her first medal in 2004 (for the book “The Adventures of Despereaux the Mouse”).

This is the sixth time in the history of the award that the award has been re-presented. The medal was also awarded more than once to Elaine Konigsburg, Joseph Krumgold, Lois Lowry, Katherine Paterson and Elizabeth Speer.

The Library of Congress previously named DiCamillo a new National Ambassador children's literature.

The John Newbery Award (Newbery Medal) is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of children's literature. Awarded since 1922. Awarded annually by the American Library Association to recognize an outstanding work for children written by a U.S. citizen and published in the previous year.

The Newbery Medal is the first award in the world to be awarded for achievements in the field of children's literature. Named after John Newbery, an English publisher of children's and youth literature who lived in the 18th century.

The winner is announced every January. The book immediately appears in bookstores and libraries (many of them even have special sections for Newbery Medal-winning books), and teachers add it to the school curriculum.

First book - Thank you, Winn-Dixie! - went out to 2000


President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin established prizes in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth.

Text of the Decree:

In order to support cultural figures working for children and youth audiences, to enhance their participation in creative activity I decree:

1. Establish three awards President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth in the amount of 2.5 million rubles each.

The Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation who have made a significant contribution to civil-patriotic, ethical And cultural-aesthetic education of the younger generation, development national culture, in order to stimulate the further activities of the laureates of this award, creating favorable conditions for new creative achievements.

2. Establish that the ceremony of solemn presentation of the President of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth is held annually, starting from 2014.


The largest competition of teenage literature in the Russian-speaking space "Kniguru" summed up the results of Season IV and announced the names of the winners.

“Kniguru,” a competition for teenage literature that features both fiction and educational works, and a jury made up of children themselves, has announced its 2013 winners.

Let us remind you that works recognized as winners of the competition are distributed in in electronic format free and open access via competition website.

An open jury, which included teenagers aged 10–16, spent three months reading the shortlisted works posted on the prize website, deciding on their preferences. At the same time, the jury members had to read at least five works each. The vote was counted only if there was a comment on the work. This allowed the finalist writers to find out what their readers directly thought about the texts.

Laureate first prize - "Treasures of the Riphean Mountains" - a collection of texts about the riches of the Urals and the history of Ural crafts by authorship Elena Lenkovskaya, art critic from Yekaterinburg.

Manuscripts that took 2 And 3 places are works of art. Tale Stanislav Vostokov "Frosya Korovin" talks about a real village woman of seven years old, and in the work Evgeny Rudashevsky "Hello, my brother Bzou" the story is about the friendship of a boy and a dolphin, and the action itself takes place in late Soviet Abkhazia.

Review of Russian children's literary awards

Writer Andrei Zhvalevsky talks about existing children's prizes and why literary prizes in general and children's prizes in particular are needed.

From a market perspective, literary prizes don't seem to be very necessary. One of the industry reports, “Book Publishing in Russia,” analyzed the factors that influence the choice and purchase of a book. The factor “The book is a prize winner or shortlisted for a competition” was only 14th in importance. It had a rating of only 3.4 (for comparison: “A Well-Familiar Author” received a rating of 7.0).

At the same time, the bonus system is a kind of table of ranks, a rating scale. This is a quasi-objective “thermometer” that measures literary quality and sets guidelines. Therefore, without large quantity of various literary competitions there cannot be a full-fledged literary life. Simply put, prizes help to understand what is good and what is bad in literature. But the most important thing is that the awards reveal new names to the world. The jury seems to say: “This author is worth reading, he stands out among his peers.”

If there have always been enough “adult” awards (I almost wrote “quite a lot”), then until recently everything was very bad with children’s awards. In Sergei Chuprinin’s fundamental work “Russian Literature Today: A Great Guide” (M.: Vremya, 2007), only five such awards are mentioned: “ Cherished dream", "Alice", " Scarlet Sails”, named after Green and named after Marshak, and only “The Cherished Dream” was awarded a separate article. Less than ten years have passed, and today you can create in directories separate section"Children's Prizes" And this despite the fact that “The Cherished Dream” and “Scarlet Sails”, unfortunately, have sunk into oblivion.

Which literary competitions are the most important today? One can argue here. In order to somehow structure the dispute, I propose dividing the bonuses by age.

For the little ones

Completely children's literature (what preschoolers and junior schoolchildren) - it's a poetry. Moreover, the set of these poems changes very slowly: Chukovsky and Marshak are as relevant as 70 years ago, the same applies to “Uncle Stepa” and ten best poems Barto. Therefore, “tiny” literary competitions are not very resonant. Everyone is waiting for a “new Barto” (it’s stupid to wait for a new Chukovsky) - and you can wait a long time for this. Although in last years Several excellent poets for the little ones have appeared: Anastasia Orlova, Kristina Strelnikova, several more authors. But ask offhand to name the prizes, among the laureates of which you need to look for fresh “baby” poets - the names of Marshak, Chukovsky will come to mind... Very unique. Actually, that's all. There are several more regional-scale awards, Internet competitions and “infighting”, but let’s leave the conversation about them out of the equation.

The winners of the Marshakov and Chukov Prizes were Andrey Usachev, Galina Dyadina, Marina Boroditskaya, Mikhail YasnovGood authors, needless to say. But perhaps Galina Dyadina can be classified as one of the “new wave” of children’s poets. The Renata Mucha Prize was received by lesser known ones - Dmitry Sirotin, Andrey Smetanin, Galina Ilyina, Nadezhda Radchenko, Natalya Ivanova- but, alas, this award cannot be called widely advertised and representative.

For not the most, but the little ones

Separately, it is worth highlighting the bonuses, so to speak, “cross-age”. That is, those where there are nominations for both children and older children. I immediately remember "New children's book"- project of the Rosmen publishing house. This award is interesting because it was created with a commercial aim. True, recently round table, dedicated to the formats of children's literature, the director of the publishing house Boris Kuznetsov admitted that for now he is only investing in the search for new authors. On the other hand, the success of the first laureate of the “New Children's Book” - “Chasodeev” by Natalya Shcherba - speaks of the market potential of such competitions. Over the past few years, NDK has greatly increased its rating, although its laureates are not very well known to the general public: Alexander Yagodkin, Yulia and Konstantin Snigala, Evgenia Shlyapnikova, Natalya Povalyaeva, Elena Yavetskaya and Igor Zhukov, Alexander Anderson… Even Anastasia Orlova And Valery Ronshi n, who are far from being beginners, are much inferior in fame to Usachev or Yasnov.

But Kniguru is not alone in this field. Several more teen awards have appeared in the last ten years. Interestingly, each of them was established because “there are no competitions for literature for teenagers in the country.”

Feedback from a regular user of the site, the author of works, and since 2017, a member of the site’s jury Marina Stanislavovna Uchevatova: “It’s always nice to discover new stars among your students. “Talents must be helped,” said the Russian classic. And it is very important to help children realize their talents... It’s great that there is such an Internet space where there is an opportunity to realize their abilities.”

This year we plan to publish a printed collection " dear heart» at the expense of the authors.

Regulations on the Fourth International Children's Literary Competition "Mother Heart"

1. General Provisions

1.1 The regulations on the children's literary competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) were developed and approved by the editors of the Vector-success media..

1.2 These Regulations define the main goals and objectives of the Competition, the procedure and conditions for its conduct.

1.3 The competition is international.

1..rf, in particular, teachers of Russian language and literature, philologists, teachers primary classes and etc.

1.5 Full official name of the Competition: IV Children's International literary competition"Dear Heart"

1.6 Location of the Organizing Committee of the Competition: 603111, Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Raevsky, 15-45.

Editorial phone number: +7-920-0-777-397. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11:00 – 18:30 Moscow time.

1.7 Official website of the Competition Vector-success.rf,

1.8 Basic terms used in these Regulations:

  • Founder - media outlet “Vector-uspeha.rf - a portal for children and teenagers”, laureate of the Runet Prize 2011;
  • Author - the author of a work that meets the requirements of the competition;
  • A mentor is a teacher or parent who regularly engages in literary work with the Author and/or corresponds with the Competition Organizers, and is the Author’s representative.
  • The jury is a group of experts who evaluate competition entries and determine the winners of the competition.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Identifying talented children and creating conditions for their self-realization.

2.2 Involving children in literary activities, incl. children with disabilities and those in difficult life situations.

2.3. Support for the Russian language in Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad.

3. Dates of the Competition

3.1 The competition runs from November 13 to December 17, 2017. Submit an application for the competition

3.2 Works of Competition participants are accepted from November 13 to December 17, 2017 (inclusive).

Works uploaded after 24.00 Moscow time December 17, 2017, are not allowed to participate in the Competition.

3.3 Publication of works on the site - as applications are received. Application review time: from 1 to 14 days (depending on the number of incoming applications. As a rule, in the last days of receiving applications, the time for their consideration increases, while in the first days of the competition applications are considered quickly). We ask you to send applications as soon as the child submits the work to you, without waiting for other students, so that we can immediately check the application.

3.5 Announcement of the results of the Competition: until February 20, 2018. The results are published on the official website of the competition in the Competitions section.

The timing of publication of the list of winners may be subject to change due to the extension of the deadline for accepting entries and an unexpectedly large number of participants.

3.6 Awarding the winners of the Competition: within 30 working days from the date of publication of the results.

The organizers of the competition are interested in summing up the results as soon as possible, however, we have included holidays and holidays, and also reserve the right, in the event of an unexpectedly large number of works, to change the timing of the competition.

4. Competition nominations

4.1. The competition is held in the following categories:

  • prose (story, fairy tale, parable, essay, sketch, etc.);
  • poetic work.

The following age categories are distinguished in each nomination:

  • preschoolers, 1st - 2nd grade;
  • 3 - 4 grade;
  • 5 - 6 grade;
  • 7 - 9 grade;
  • 10 - 11 grade, students.
  • special child.

Students of special (correctional) institutions of types V-VIII can register either in their main age category and compete on an equal basis with everyone else, or in a special age category " Special child" The decision to apply to the main age category or to the special age category is made by the author together with the mentor.

6. Requirements for competitive works

6.2 Collective creativity is not accepted.

6.3 Works must be written in Russian in compliance with its standards.

6.4 Work design and scope:

  • Title lines are required:
    • Author's title of the work.
    • Age category (see above).

Requirements for page design:

Not allowed: the use of frames, pictures, photographs, footers, as well as font colors other than black, the use of abbreviations, bold, italic, and underlined text styles.

Requirements for text formatting: font Times New Roman, 14 point, spacing - 1.15; normal margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm

Minimum and maximum amount of work (excluding title page):

  • Prose: no less than 1/2 and no more than 4 A4 pages.
  • Poem:
    • at least 8 lines - for preschoolers and students in grades 1-2, participants in the “Special Child” category;
    • at least 12 lines - for students of 3-4 grades. and older.

6.5 Works sent electronically must be saved in one of the following formats: .doc, .odt, .rtf. Works in .pdf, .jpg formats are not accepted for consideration.

6.6 Each work is placed in a separate file, and a separate application is submitted for it.

6.7 Works for the Competition are uploaded by mentors independently through the Work Submission Form in the Personal Profile on the page (and also accepted by e-mail- see below).

6.8 One participant can provide for the Competition one piece. The author can publish any number of literary works outside the competition.

6.9 Accepted creative works students only write their own essays, never published before. Works previously published partially or completely on the Internet (including on the website educational institution, class, on social network pages, etc.) are not allowed to participate. The uniqueness of the text of the work must be 95% or higher (check on the website

6.11 Works are not accepted for the competition containing:

  • violation of requirements for the design and content of competition works;
  • plagiarism and/or works with incorrect citation of works of third parties (in any quantity);
  • language illiteracy (in large numbers). We draw the attention of the Authors that a minimum number of typos and errors is acceptable. A work containing syntactic or grammatical errors in small quantities, can be accepted for competition;
  • profanity;
  • political, religious and national differences.


7. The responsibilities of the Competition Organizer include

7.1 Ensuring wide publicity of the Competition.

7.2 Establishment of the procedure and timing of the Competition.

7.3 Creation of equal conditions for all participants of the Competition.

7.4 Development of requirements for the design and content of competitive works, criteria for their evaluation.

7.5 Collection and verification of competition materials.

7.6 Formation of the composition of the Competition experts.

7.7 Coordination of the work of the Jury during the competitive event.

7.8 Preventing the disclosure of information about the final results of the Competition before the date of their official announcement.

7.9 Rewarding the participants of the Competition.

7.10 Distribution and popularization of works that became the best according to the results of the Competition.

8. The organizer has the right

8.1 Do not accept work for the Competition if violations of the requirements for competition works are revealed. Submitted works are not reviewed.

8.3 Publish competition works on the pages of the website Vector-uspeha.rf: and vector-uspeha.rf, in official groups on social networks, in the mailing list.


9. Composition and functions of the jury

9.1. The composition of the Competition jury is determined by the Organizer. Jury members are active users of the site Pedsovet. su And Vector-success.rf.

9.2 The jury evaluates the competition entries and determines the winners of the Competition in accordance with the voting procedure described in these Regulations.

9.3 The list of Jury members will be announced additionally after summing up the results of the competition.

10.1 Works that received maximum amount points, become winners (I, II, III places). The authors of these works are awarded diplomas. The competition organizer reserves the right to establish additional prizes. In each nomination and each age category there is a 3 (three) winners.

10.2 Evaluation of competition works takes place in two stages. At the first stage, jury members determine by voting whether the work submitted to the competition has artistic value. Selected works move on to the second stage of the competition, where each work is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • compliance with the genre structure of a fairy tale, story, poem (10 points);
  • creative approach (originality, unusual plot) (10 points);
  • logic, narrative sequence (10 points);
  • possession artistic means language (10 points);
  • literacy of presentation, compliance with the norms of the Russian language (10 points);
  • expressiveness and emotionality of the work (10 points);
  • consistency of style (10 points);
  • harmony of syntactic structures (for a poetic work: harmony of rhythm, clarity of rhymes) (10 points);
  • general impression from work (10 points).

10.3 The jury evaluates works nominated for participation in the Competition, taking into account the criteria named in clause 10.2 of these Regulations on a ten-point scale.

10.4 The final score of each participant is formed by summing the scores of all members of the Jury for all criteria.

10.5 The results of the Competition are not subject to revision. The summary table of jury members' assessments is not disclosed, and the participants' ratings are not published.

11. Responsibilities of the Jury members

11.1 Conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them for the examination of works of participants in the Competition.

11.2 Do not disclose information about the results of the Competition before its completion date.

11.3 Do not distribute works submitted to the Competition or information about the participants of the Competition.

12. Awarding the winners

12.1 Winners of the Competition residing in the Russian Federation are awarded diplomas in paper form (if the certificate was paid for) or electronically (if the certificate was not paid for), those living outside the Russian Federation - in electronic form. The deadline for sending diplomas is within 30 working days from the date of publication of the results. Diplomas for the winners (I, II, III places) are sent free in paper or electronic form. Diplomas of laureates (if they are determined) are sent under special conditions, which will be announced additionally.

12.2 The organizer of the competition reserves the right to attract sponsors of the competition and establish additional nominations.

13. Agreement with the Regulations on the competition

13.2. By sending a work to the Competition, the mentor agrees to be informed within the framework of the competition by e-mail, namely:

  • receiving notifications by email about the registration of the mentor and the author, about the receipt of the work to the Organizing Committee, about the consideration of the work, about the receipt of payment (in the case of payment for souvenirs), about the sending of documents, etc. Unsubscribing from notification is possible only in case of refusal to participate in the competition .
  • after summing up the results of the competition, all mentors automatically subscribe to the main current newsletter of the Vector-success website. Unsubscription is possible at any time directly from the letter.

14. Changes to the Regulations on the competition

14.1 In case of unforeseen situations, as well as in the event of an unexpectedly large number of works entering the Competition, the Competition Organizer reserves the right to change the timing of the Competition. In this case, information about the changes will be published on the pages of the Vector-success.rf website.

How to submit works for the competition

Dear participants of the competition!

We have simplified the registration system for the competition, now you do not need to pre-register on the site to submit an application: first you send an application, and the login and password for your account will be sent to your email automatically (if the mentor was not previously registered on the site) or (if the mentor has already been registered on the site) the application is attached to your existing personal account.

Send a request

You can submit your works both on the website and by email using the form:

Form for submitting a work to the competition

Create a letter to an email address [email protected]

In the letter please indicate:

  • Full name of the mentor without abbreviations;
  • mentor position;
  • the name of the educational institution where the mentor works;
  • Full name of the author without abbreviations;
  • The class in which the author studies;
  • The name of the institution where the author studies;
  • Name competition work(literary work);
  • Age category;

It is advisable to indicate your region of residence and telephone number.

Attach a file of the work to the letter.

You can also indicate whether you need certificates and/or certificates (see below).

It is advisable to send works of different mentors from different email addresses (so that each mentor has his own Personal Account on the website).


Those interested will be able to order certificates of participants and mentors of the competition, as well as certificates of publication.

The main participants in this competition are children, they are the ones who prepare the competition work, so there are two options for receiving certificates in the competition:

  • or only for the child (author),
  • or for a child and a mentor at the same time.

A mentor cannot order a certificate only for himself.

  • Full name of the author, abbreviated name of the mentor.
  • The class in which the author studies.
  • Name of the institution.
  • Title of the competition work.
  • Nomination.
  • Age category.

The mentor's certificate indicates:

  • The name of the competition and its status is “international”.
  • Full name of the mentor.
  • Mentor position.
  • Name of the institution.
  • The wording “issued to the participant’s mentor.”
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, stamp.

The certificate does not indicate the address (URL) of publication of the work and the date of publication.

The certificate of publication of the work on the website indicates:

  • Full name of the author, abbreviated name of the mentor
  • The class the author is in
  • Name of institution
  • Title of the competition work
  • Internet publication address (URL)
  • Publication date
  • Date of issue of the document, its number, signature of the site editor, stamp

The name of the competition and the name of the nomination are not indicated on the certificate
and the age category of the author.

Ordering documents

Participants and mentors can receive documents electronically:

  • 150 rub. — any electronic document if paid before 01/15/2018;
  • 200 rub. — any electronic document for payment after 01/16/2018.
  • The winners' diplomas are sent free of charge.

Documents for a mentor are issued only when documents are ordered for at least one of its participants.

For free Certificates are issued for children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations if a mentor applies before January 15, 2017. If applied later, certificates are issued on a general basis.

How to pay for certificates?

Certificates can be paid online with plastic cards or electronic money, as well as by receipt at any bank in the Russian Federation. After registering an application for the competition, instructions for payment are sent to the e-mail address. You do not need to pay anything before registering your work for the competition.

Terms of payment and sending of certificates

If the acceptance of works for the competition is extended, the payment terms will also be extended; this will be announced additionally.

1. PrizePresident in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth

Founder – President of the Russian Federation. This state prize behind outstanding works for children and youth, the purpose of which is to support cultural figures working for children and youth audiences and to enhance their participation in creative activities.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, since 2014, three prizes of 2.5 million rubles each have been awarded.

2. All-Russian Literary Prize named after. P. P. Ershov for works for children and youth

Founders of the prize: the Union of Writers of Russia and Cultural Center P. P. Ershov of the city of Ishim, the birthplace of the great storyteller. Books and manuscripts in one copy are accepted for the competition. Five winners of the Prize are determined annually: three laureates and two runners-up. The purpose of the competition: in accordance with the provisions of the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading” to raise and strengthen the prestige of scientific and artistic creativity, reading culture in the minds of young readers in Russia and neighboring countries; identify new talents among writers, poets, publicists writing in Russian.

3. All-Russian competition for the best literary work for children and youth “Kniguru”

Founders of the competition: Federal agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Non-Profit Partnership “Center for Support of Domestic Literature”.

Both literary and educational texts are accepted for consideration, and the winners are determined by an open jury made up of readers aged 10 to 16 years. Manuscripts and books published during the year of the competition, created in Russian and addressed to readers aged 10–16 will be accepted for consideration. Authors of works, book publishing houses, and media can nominate texts for the competition. mass media, creative unions, libraries, educational and training institutions. The purpose of the competition is to search for new names and works in the field of literature for teenagers, to support young and talented authors. The prize fund of the “Book” competition is 1 million rubles.

Past laureates: Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak, Eduard Verkin, Irina Lukyanova, Svetlana Lavrova, Igor Zhukov, Vladimir Berezin, Aya eN.

4. Literary competition “New children's book”

Founder: Publishing house "ROSMEN". The goals of the competition are “to attract the attention of readers to Russian children’s literature, to open new talented authors of children’s books to the general public.” The competition is held in five categories: “Children's fairy tales and stories”; "Education of feelings"; "Non-Fiction"; “Stories and tales about animals and nature”; " Magic lantern" The right to nominate a work for the competition belongs exclusively to the author of this work (you can nominate any number of works). The competition offers original works created in Russian and previously unpublished. All laureates of the competition are awarded diplomas and special prizes.

Laureates of past years: Evgenia Shlyapnikova, Yulia and Konstantin Snigala, Natalya Povalyaeva, Elena Yavetskaya and Igor Zhukov, Alexander Yagodkin and others.

5. All-Russian Literary Prize named after. S. Marshak

The annual prize for children's writers named after Marshak was established in 2003 by the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg and the Detgiz publishing house.

The purpose of the prize is to identify and reward the most talented poets and writers in Russia who create literature for children.

Awarded annually for works of children's literature (except translations) published separate publications or in magazines in Russia in the calendar year preceding the award.

Over the years, children's writers Valery Voskoboynikov, Andrey Usachev and poet Alexey Shevchenko became laureates of the prize.

6. Korney Chukovsky Prize

Organizers: the Moscow Writers' Union and the Korney Chukovsky Memorial House-Museum in Peredelkino. Awarded since 2007.

The award is awarded in four categories:

  • "For outstanding creative achievements in Russian children's poetry";
  • “For the development of the innovative traditions of Korney Chukovsky in modern Russian children's literature;
  • “For fruitful activities that stimulate children’s interest in reading and in domestic children’s literature”;
  • “Children's Jury Award “Golden Crocodile”.

Laureates of past years: Grigory Oster, Yuri Kushak, Alexander Kushner, Sergey Agapov and others.

7. International literary competition in memory of the poetess Renata Mukha “The smartest Mukha in the world!”

Established in 2009. The prize is awarded in three categories: poems for children 11 years old, poems for children over 11 years old and “ALL SAYINGS” (no more than two lines each). Preference is given to small forms. Both published and unpublished works can be nominated for the competition. Prize – special memorial sign them. Renata Mukha, as well as a Laureate diploma from the Federation of Writers' Unions of Israel and the International Creative Association of Children's Authors, which will be awarded to the Laureates of each of the three nominations.

Prize winners: Andrey Smetanin, Lev Rakhlis, Galina Ilyina, Dmitry Sirotin, Nadezhda Radchenko and others.

8. international competition named after Sergei Mikhalkov for the best work of art for teenagers

Founders: Sergey Mikhalkov, Russian Foundation Cultures and the Russian Children's Book Council.

The motto of the competition is: “Today – children, tomorrow – people” (S. Mikhalkov).

The competition has been held every two years since 2008. Manuscripts written in Russian, in poetry or prose, that have not previously been published are accepted for consideration. The prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places includes:

  • Laureate Diploma;
  • Laureate Gold Medal;
  • monetary reward (1,000,000, 800,000, 500,000 rubles, respectively);
  • publication of a book in the book series “Laureates of the International Sergei Mikhalkov Competition”.

Laureates of past years: Tamara Mikheeva, Eduard Verkin, Natalya Volkova, Anna Nikolskaya, Irina Bogatyreva.

10. International Children's Literary Award named after Vladislav Krapivin

Organizers: Commonwealth of Children's Writers. Awarded since 2006.

Awarded once a year to a Russian or foreign author and is awarded on the writer’s birthday, October 14. Published (the book should not be published earlier than two years before the competition) and unpublished texts are accepted for consideration. In addition to the monetary reward, the laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.

Past laureates: Nail Izmailov, Eduard Verkin, Albert Likhanov, Elena Gabova, Elena Rakitina, Yulia Kuznetsova, Ekaterina Karetnikova, Pavel Kalmykov, Natalya Evdokimova.

11. Russian Literary Prize named after Alexander Green

Established in 2000 by the Government Kirov region, the administration of Kirov, the administration of the city of Slobodsky. Co-founder: Union of Writers of Russia. Awarded annually on August 23 – the writer’s birthday. The Alexander Green Prize is awarded both for an individual literary work and for creativity in general. The right to nominate an author for a prize belongs to any government bodies of any territory of Russia, public, creative, charitable, scientific organizations, publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines.

The prize is a diploma and a medal with the image of A. Green, as well as a cash prize.

Prize winners different years: Vladislav Krapivin, Valery Voskoboynikov, Georgy Pryakhin, Sergey Lukyanenko, Vladimir Zheleznikov, Spiridon Vangeli and others.

12. Literary Prize"Alice"

The award was founded by Kir Bulychev. Awarded annually to the best work of children's and teenage fiction that was published in the past calendar year. Awarded as part of the RosCon conference.

13. International competition of children's and youth fiction and popular science literature named after A. N. Tolstoy

Established in 2005. Organizers: Union of Writers of Russia, Association of Children's and youth writers Russia, Youth Public Chamber. Works submitted to the competition “should contribute to the spiritual and intellectual maturation of readers, broaden their horizons, and develop the best traditions of Russian classical, Soviet, and world literature.”

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