Folklore concert of folk musical instruments script. Scenario of the reporting concert of the department of folk instruments "simplicity, beauty, kindness"


Scenario of the holiday "Song - the soul of the people"

Purpose of the holiday:

Introduction to the Russian folk cultural heritage through a song that reflects centuries-old history, troubles and aspirations, the subtlest shades of human experiences, a high musical culture people.

Decor stage and hall in the style of antiquity.

Holiday progress:

Leading on stage in Russian folk costumes.

Host 1: Host 2:

Presenter 1:

Host 2:

Presenter 1: Presenter 2: Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Good afternoon, sirs! We are glad to see you on our


And we gathered here to listen to songs, to sing,

play and learn about the Russian song.

Presentation of the participants of the holiday.

In the old days they said: “Who lives with a song, that

the twist is numb."

"As you live, so you sing"

"Where there are songs, there is youth"

"The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

Russia is our country!

2 host:

Those who are on the ground

Thresh grains of bread

Here he rises with roosters,

Here it is our rural people!

1 host:

And our village lives!

Today he dances and sings.

Here we celebrate the holidays

We serve pies!

Russian folk song or "Romashkovaya Rus"

1 host:

We got up early today

Clean burners were removed.

Dressed up for a long time

Everyone has gathered in the square!

(Everyone gathered in our club)

2 host:

To celebrate now

We will dance here at once.

The young generation, we are calling to the stage.

Dance song is performed

Who gets up early, God gives him!

1 host:

God gave us the forest,

Fields, field - miracles!

2 host:

Gave a beautiful village

It's called….

All: say the name of the village.

1 host:

Let it flourish

Let the guests always meet!

2 host:

Let's all live in joy

And do not groan, do not grieve!

He who lives in joy does not take that grief!

A cheerful dance number is performed.

Rural poets come out with their poems about the village.

1. Here is my native land!

Everything from end to end

I am dear, dear,

Such a sweet heart!

2. Among this village

I was born and lived.

This is where the kids grew up

Magnificent weddings were celebrated

Quarreled and reconciled

The earth, the sun bowed.

3. Although it’s not sweet to live today

Let's be friends with the whole village.

celebrate birthdays,

Collect everyone for the holiday!

Performed "My Village" - song

1. We live in our native village,

Here we dance and eat.

And to make it more fun

We'll call the buffoons.

1 buffoon:

Laughter is fun like peas

I came to you - Buffoon.

Here's my funny brother

Today he came with me.

2 buffoons:

Meet all of us cheerful!

Send a kiss.

We will sing ditties to you,

And then we'll call you.

1. Here the cow flew

Straight to the hot climes

And who cares

After all, the cow is not mine!

2. Our rural guys

very curly,

The rich think.

1 buffoon:

And now it's your turn

Who will sing ditties here?

Competition "Chasushki merry"

2 buffoons:

Our cheerful rural holiday

We continue together.

Our competition "Are you weak?"

Let's announce together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.

1. Who will split the board with his fist

2. Who will drink milk from a bottle ahead

At the end, the men swear "After the holiday, it's easy, we will only drink milk."


So let's save our Russia,

In the meantime, let's dance.

1 buffoon:

We choose dancers

2 buffoons:

All dancers are invited

1 buffoon:

Hey harmonicas, play

2 buffoons:

Choose the best dancers of the village!

Competition "Eh, stomp your foot, stomp your right one"

After the end, the participants are given souvenirs.


Never get bored!

Have fun gentlemen!

We are in our native village

We'll get through all the bad weather! (run away)

Leading out:

1 host:

The holiday continues today

And we announce to the villagers

What do we have farms

Labor - they can not be counted!

2 host:

Although not great wealth,

The house is clean and tidy.

There is a neat courtyard

And there are no kids to count!

1 host:

All shod and dressed

Warmed by gentle caress.

Family name - Kindness

Who are these gentlemen?

Villagers name prospective winners

1 host:

No! Let's not guess here

It's time to call the owners.

Head out rural settlement and names the families that are recognized as the best in the village (large, decent, exemplary)

Rewarding families - winners!

1 host:

Here is my native village

It is sweet to the heart.

2 host:

Who earns fame for the village,

Who glorifies our village.

1 host:

Honored guests came to the holiday,

And brought good fame to the village.

Honored guests congratulate the villagers

1 host:

May our dreams all come true

Let neighbors and friends smile

Let the native village live

Works together and sings songs!

2 host:

Let it spike around the village

And rye and wheat.

And we celebrate the holiday

Lush bread loaf!

The song "Bread is the head of everything" is performed

God bless the one who lives in this house!"

Year of the Dragon 2012: funny scenarios, sketches, for the New Year.

Add script

"Russian soul in the song" (holiday script for middle and senior school age)


The leader is a boy or girl.

High school students: peddler, hostess, girls and boys.

The hall is decorated in folk style, fragments of the interior of a Russian hut were used, a balalaika, an accordion, wooden painted spoons lie on the bench.

Leading. A lot of different songs from our people. Epics tell about exploits in the name and well-being of the people and the state. historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of life's drama. Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand on the mine, listen

Runs like a new engine.

... The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

V. Bokov "Russian Song"

The Russian folk song "Peddlers" sounds. The Peddler enters the stage, he is met by the Mistress. On an embroidered towel, she carries a loaf of bread and salt.

Mistress. Welcome!

We welcome everyone, we welcome everyone.

According to Russian customs

From bow to you low.

WITH kind word and with love

And with bread and salt.

The hostess bows low.

Peddler. I have a box full of

I go to peddlers.

Come out, sweetheart soul,

I will distribute all goods.

And ditties are funny,

And a perky dance,

Russian songs

I have prepared for you.

I have good goods

Come have fun.

I charge moderately -

All smiles of people!

Hello hostess! (Bows to the hostess.) Hello good fellows! (Bow to the guests.) Hello red girls! (Bow to the guests.) Glad to see you at the fun party.

Oh, my box is full,

And I will sing, and I will tell ...

Come, dear soul,

I will show you all products!

Come, hostess, I will choose the most perky song for you, the most cheerful dance!

Mistress. Still need to see what kind of goods you have!

You are a smart guy, how are you without looking back?

Or maybe our own product is not worse?

And songs, and dances, and skill in the game ...

The Russian folk song "Give me a balalaika!" is performed.

Mistress. Well, show me what you brought. What Russian songs do you know?

Peddler. But I know, hostess, Russian everyday songs. Everyday songs accompany a person all his life - from birth to death.

Mistress. Even in the cradle, the child falls asleep to the sound of a babble (“bayat” - to speak, speak, whisper) - the mother, sister, grandmother or nanny sings.

It sounds like a lullaby.

Oh, lu-lu, my child,

Sleep, sleep, mother's child!

All the swallows are sleeping

And killer whales sleep

The martens are sleeping

And the foxes sleep

Our Vanyusha is ordered to sleep.

For what, why

Vanya can't sleep?

The swallows are sleeping

All in nests

killer whales sleep

All in pieces

The foxes are sleeping

All under bushes

The martens are sleeping

Everything is in mints,

The falcons are sleeping

All in nests

The sables are sleeping

Wherever they please

little kids

They sleep in cradles.

Sleep, Vanyushka,

Sleep, dear child!

Peddler. The man grew up. And the song followed him into his family life, in his adult worries and fun. None of the holidays was complete without singing. Singing also facilitated hard everyday work. Thanks to the song, already in his youth, a person was accustomed to look at the world in a special way, to notice the beautiful. They sang laudatory songs - carols, praised the owners, their house, wished his family all the best.

Mistress. And when they were guessing, they sang sing-along songs.

In a bowl with clean water

They put a golden ring,

emerald earrings,

Spread out white boards

And they sang in tune over the bowl

The songs are submissive.

Here is the refrain of a song with fortune-telling about marriage, about what life will be like in the future:

The chicken was rummaging

On the rubble

The hen dug

Gold ring.

I'll be engaged to that ring.

Who will take out

That will come true

Doesn't pass

Peddler. But tell me, hostess, are you familiar with spring songs, funny chants?

Mistress. Every year we call, we always look forward to it. On March 1, March 4, March 9 or other days, "larks" from dough are baked in all houses. The children tie these larks to poles, run with them down the street and shout: “The larks have arrived!”

The group performs a spring song:

Oh you larks


Fly into the field

Bring Health:

The first is cow

The second is sheep

The third is human.

Mistress:. Well, well done, and what will you please?

Peddler. For such a beauty, I'm overwhelmed. I will post songs of ringing silver of the highest standard.

Oh you my dear

Come out soon.

to dance, to dance

I can do you!

dance songs,

Perky, dashing!

A group of children performs the dance song "Oh, you, canopy, my canopy."

Ah, you canopy, my canopy, my new canopy,

Canopy new, maple, lattice!

To know that I don’t walk in the senichki,

I have a sweet friend for the hand, do not care!

I went out young for new gates,

For new oak, for lattice;

Released a falcon from the right sleeve:

Fly you, my falcon, high and far,

And high, and far to the native side!

Mistress. hid in the clouds

Sun over the sea.

Don't brag just yet

We'll see!

Wait for me my dear

Just go out the gate

And now cheerful, festive

Start a round dance!

Come on, girl friends, let's start a round dance!

All participants of the holiday lead a round dance. Russian folk dance song sounds.

Sitting Vanechka in the spring

Under the green pine.

Plays the pipe-horn,

Invites everyone to the round dance.

Lado, lado, leli-lel!

Lado, lado, leli-lel!

I'm stomping my foot

Let me stomp another one.

Come to me, Vanyusha,

Dance with me!

Oh, and tili-tilishok,

Dance, my friend!

Peddler. Where are you, girl, to compete with me? We are a worn out people. Like ditty binge drinking, everyone wants to dance. In addition, there are many of us, just nod, the guys will help me.

Mistress. And there are even more of us! So let's do it!

Girls and boys perform ditties.

golden parents,

Brother native silver,

Let go for a walk -

Today is not a bad day.

You, Lesha, Alexey,

Sow my field;

You sow my field,

Have pity on me girl!

I will work with my father

One more year

For a woolen coat,

For a silk scarf.

For what sins

Dressed up as shepherds?

Lord, I'm sorry

How you do not want to fall.

Leading. These are ditties about village lifepeasant labor and family. They talk about how hard work is common man from dawn to dusk, how in youth one is too lazy to work and wants to take a walk with girlfriends and friends, as well as about the relationship of “fathers and children”, about obedience to parental will and submission to it.

Chastushkas were sung at gatherings and festivities.

The performance of ditties continues.

The balalaika played

My blood boiled.

I until this year

Didn't know about love.

Black-browed, young,

Don't stand in front of me

My heart will burn

Don't fill it with water.

I accidentally looked

On you my dear

Scarlet cheeks flared up

The girl is young.

Leading. Ditties dedicated to the theme of love, happy and unhappy, marriage and marriage. The girl is waiting for love, now she is already luring the guy she likes, he reciprocates or rejects her. In turn, the guy takes care of the girl, makes appointments with her, and gets married. Lovers talk about their meetings and partings. Chastushki about marriage and marriage are, first of all, the stories of matchmaking, between parents and children who are preparing to marry or marry.

Mischievous ditties are performed.

There was a forge - burned down,

The mill was swept away by water.

Loved the little one

Snow covered the field.

There is a glass on the table

Under it is a red cockroach.

This red cockroach

Well, just like my Ivan.

Leading. In naughty comic ditties, ditties-fiction girls and guys laugh at each other. Above oneself. They make fun of their parents.

sincere friend,

I saw yours

Sitting on the porch and crying -

The chicken hurt.

Like in our village

All huts on the side.

How are our guys

Blackened with tobacco.

Leading. Among the Russian people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Was the young man going to get married, and his wedding, from matchmaking to the so-called "branches", when after a feast the young people visited their father-in-law and mother-in-law after a while, everything was accompanied by singing.

In family songs, they sang about domestic troubles, misfortunes, and rarely, very rarely, about happiness.

Relatives expressed their heavy grief for the untimely dying in funeral lamentations. Equally mournful were the songs about the widow and the orphan.

No matter how hard life was, however, the joke remained indestructible. In the songs they laughed at unlucky people, at inept workers. The humor of comic songs is inexhaustible.

How the memory of the past ancient songs have retained their modern life. True works the arts survive the time of their original creation.

Peddler. Oh, the box was full, full,

All gone now!

I'm on holiday sweetheart

Met this time.

Mistress. A Russian proverb says: "Cause - time, fun - an hour!". Our hour has come to an end.

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

Looks thin. amateur performances, Russian song holidays, etc.

For centuries, Rus' lived by its own mind

And she built fairy tale cities along the steep slopes.

Special article, song, craft

And by faith, the Russian is beautiful and glorious.

In epics, fairy tales whether heroes

Overseas poison was the only thing they took.

God forbid us blind guides,

Yes, as long as we do not become blind.

Again from the West, demons suddenly inflicted,

Tempted us sinful crippled.

A village is not worth without a righteous man!

And do not rise without him Russia!

It can be put in the beginning. Take two women dressed in folk costumes if you have already picked up a repertoire, look for poems or prose for them. In this topic, I posted the book "About the Motherland, about us and about myself", find it, I think you will take the material from there. You can also make an exhibition of your craftsmen and focus on this quite a bit.

Like a crafts fair

Amazing people - folk craftsmen! From wood and clay, from bone and wool, from flax and iron, they created and create real miracles. Whether it's a spinning wheel or a bowl, a tuesok or a spoon, a gun or a sleigh - you look at them, and you can't take your eyes off them - how good they are!

Durable and easy to use, at the same time they are artistic, bring celebration and beauty to life, radiate joyful warmth. Ancestors believed that such things not only give joy, but also protect from evil and serve as amulets to their owners.

Leading. When the master plans to create such a thing, his image arises, and then the salt shaker is seen as a duck, the casket - a tower, clay pot- a bowl of a flower, and a sundress - a scarlet dawn, and the working essence of a thing becomes a spiritualized fantasy of an inspired master ...

Inspirational master, and I remembered:

bright, iridescent,

Let's open the doors to Russia

From times unrealizable.

Compatriots, Red Guards,

Old and young and youth

Treat your heart -

You will find bright joy.

Come marvel at the miracle

Good hands to skill.

We will wonder for a long time

fellow countrymen to creation.

Department of Education Dobryansky municipal district

Municipal educational institution additional education children

"Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script« MUSICAL GLADE"

compiled by the teacher of the second qualification category Kayukova Galina Leonidovna

Dobryanka 2009

Quietly, quietly sit next to -

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart -

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

The forest and meadow are lightly dormant.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting in a haze of blue ...

This music is rushing

And leads us along.

Hello our young friends! Today is an amazing day - the day of Music! You know that there is a holiday, Mom's Day - March 8, Dad's Day - February 23. And today, October 1, is Music Day. Hello Music! we say. Music is songs and dances. This world is amazingly kind and friendly. I would like you to make friends with music, and we will try to help you with this, and I invite you to look at us at musical clearing, so we called our today's concert, look how many musicians came to you from the children's art school, both large and small. Big musicians are our teachers, and the little ones are our students. “And this meadow is wonderful, there will be a lot of interesting things on it.”

I'm in a hurry to the meadow

Children, if you want

Hurry up after me.

Let's go along the path

Let's find a Russian song.

Russian folk song "Kalinka" Spanish Radosteva Dasha

“I am the mistress of all the fun,

Comfortable and light"

The balalaika tells us.

"I'm alone in the whole country

I can do it so well

Touch the Russian string.

Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field" Spanish Kursin Egor Now try to solve riddles about tools.

1. We are very surprised

And we greatly admire

When baby Phillipka

Plays us on ... (violin)

2. Pleasure for Vasya -

Play the double bass

And for Sanya and for Vanya

Knock on ... (drum)

And for Dashenka Vorontsova pleasure to perform on the piano.

Knipper "Polyushko - field"

Allow me to brag:

I am a famous singer.

Not a trumpet and not a flute

It's me cello.

Czech folk song "Rich Bridegroom" Spanish Shayakhmetova Tanya And now, guys, I want to check you, do you know polite words. I will start and you will complete the sentences.
    Even an ice block will melt, from a warm word:
a/ please b/ hello c/ thank you
    The old stump turns green when it hears:
a/ rubbish, b/ good afternoon, c/ deer
    A polite and developed child says at a meeting:
a/ goodbye, b/ bye, c/ hello
    And in Russia and Denmark they say goodbye:
a/ hello b/ goodbye c/ how are you

Quietly the leaf rustles in the grass,

Quietly the brook murmurs

Mom wakes up quietly in the morning

The Italian will say "piano".

Maykapar "Prelude" Spanish Silantieva Alena Somewhere in fairyland snakes lived - were,Their musical names were:Dolly, reli, milli, fally, salt, lally, silli.They lived very well, they loved music.

Struve. "Music is always with you." Khromushin. "Ecological song". Spanish vocal ensemble"Calls"

And more riddles

1. We all love to listen,

How Tamara sings with us,

And obedient in her hands
Six-string … (guitar)

2 . Performed at concerts

Our dear Tatyana
Like a star she played

whole hour on.. (piano)

Czech folk song. "Annushka" Spanish Belyaeva Masha

I am your friend, I am your travel companion

On the road without me, nothing will work.

With me, friends, you are always interested.

Know who I am?

Well, of course… the song.

"Shor song". Spanish Busyreva Nastya And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. We do like me.

Clap your hands, stomp your feet!

Head to and fro!

And now stronger elbows

Let's work, friends!

Now stop

And all turn into cats!

(And turn into dogs)

Oh, how nice it turned out

The whole clearing revived!

And again, riddles.

    Immediately pulls on

To ditties and to the dance,

If fun Earring

Will play on ... (accordion)

    Sting on the keys Anton,

Sting on the buttons Ivan,

And the accordion sounded

And played ... (button accordion)

"Slovak polka". Spanish Egor Kursin

    Grandfather Egor is not old yet

He made a gift to his grandson.

And now we have Vanyutka

All day blowing on ... (pipe)

    Very fond of music

Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,

And so we bought

They are big ... (piano)

Zone. "Recttime". Spanish Matalasova Valentina Ivanovna and Katya Shcherbak

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

Naughty melodies sounds:

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Ensemble "Zadorinka" Spanish. Dance "Young Sailors"

It lifts our spirits

Music is always good

We look forward to meeting her.

We need music like air.

On this, dear guys, we say goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention, see you soon.


    Khrebtyugov A.A. Children's riddles about musical instruments. M; Children's Literature, 1988

Location: Green Grove

Time spending: 11.00 a.m.

From 09.00 h. in the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins on sound amplifying equipment and loudspeakers, where announcers invite everyone to relax in the bosom of nature, have fun with live music.

From 10.00 a.m. the installation of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each village club and the village House of Culture of the district begins.

From 11.00 a.m. official opening begins national holiday"With a song for life." Speeches by officials.

At the end of the speech of the officials of the girl in national costumes present bread-salt-honey to officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we welcome everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

With kind words and love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth" (headed by R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes enter the stage to a cheerful folk Russian song.

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Host 2:

Good afternoon, sirs! We are glad to see us at our holiday! And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Presenter 1:

In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."
"As you live, so you sing"
"Where there are songs, there is youth"
Song is the soul of the people.

Host 2:

From time immemorial, a song has always been next to a person, both in joy and in sorrow. From
from birth until death.

A young girl comes out, with a wreath on her head and in a national costume.

Lead 2:

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Girl /in Russian costume/:

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring

I found it, I'm not surprised...

Presenter 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:With a song in Rus' and was born .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. Sounds like a lullaby.

Presenter 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
On which we will go all our lives,
This is Father Don near Rostov.
This is mother - the Volga is on its way.
The Russian song is a shepherd,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You listen, my friend .

Lead 2:

Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting wood or pulling a barge, a song helps him everywhere. Dear viewers, guests! On the stage of the festive program folk ensemble Russian and Ukrainian songs "Kuderushki" with folk song "Under the wide window".

Presenter 1:

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering .

Host 2:

They sang for needlework, they sang about heavy female lobe. The people felt sorry for the woman and in the songs affectionately called her a swan, a duck, a pavushka, a mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of the Ukrainian song "Khutorok". (with needlework in hand)

Presenter 1:

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones. On the stage of the festive program, the folk Bashkir ensemble "Amanat".

Host 2:

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, is a soldier wounded in an open field at the last minute - their thoughts are turned to home to father and mother. A Russian man sings about life, about his share in songs. Russian folk song "Oh, viburnum on the hill." Folk ensemble "Kuderushki" on the stage.

Presenter 1:

The song has been around for a very long time. Then there was actually no separation - it was not for the story and songs. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories epics.

Host 2:

And also buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.

Presenter 1:

Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses! We meet the folk Tatar ensemble "Engeler".
(Dance, ditties.)

Host 2:

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About torment and grief, About heartache.

Presenter 1:

And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun. Russian folk song "Kurochka". On the stage holiday program folk ensemble of Russian song "Sudarushka".

Host 2:

In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. They knew a lot of round dance songs, and we will now hear one of them performed by the Kuderushki folk ensemble. And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful dance!!!

(Sounds of a round dance)

Presenter 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were round dance games in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Host 2:

In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...?

/accordions, balalaikas/.

Presenter 1:

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Host 2:

The Russian song is not naked,
Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness.
It's a silent resolution
Sit next to me and look into my eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love you so much that there are no more words. !

Presenter 1:

The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close at heart. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common Home- Russia.

Lead 2:

Rus' is powerful even in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
"Song of Russia" - performed by the folk ensemble "Kuderushki".

Presenter 1::

And now the guests and your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Contest "Chasushki merry"

Host 2:

Our fun party let's continue together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Let's announce together!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1. Who will split the board with his fist
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle ahead, etc.
At the end, the men swear "After the holiday, it's easy, we will only drink milk."

Presenter 1:

Well done guys, you did your best! And now we move on, we choose dancers!

Host 2:

All dancers are invited!

Presenter 1:

Hey harmonicas, play

Host 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Presenter 1:

And now for all of you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more cheerfully?

Come here quickly.

Leaders read in turn:

Quadrille - an old dance,

Favorite in Rus'.

Through the centuries, centuries

We are dancing now.

Our grandfathers were able

Relax your mind:

And work in the field

And have fun walking around.

Play, cheerful accordion,

And sing the balalaika

Come on, my dear

I am following you.

"What a lovely couple!" -

All the people marvel.

"Here's the bravery

He leads his beauty!

smooth gait

Handy and easy

A girl is dancing with a boy

Rivals to spite ...

Years passed, centuries.

Not the same people

But the memory is about the ancestors

Protects with love.

And here's the old dance

Known in Rus'

Through the centuries, centuries

We dance now...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the meadow.

Host 2:

Among the people, song is inseparable from life, like the soul from the body.

Russian song in birches

Russian song in bread -

On the mowing, in the cold,

On sleds and in the meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen!

How many songs does Russia have -

So many in the field of flowers.

Who made it, I don't know.

Only the song is good.

Song from my childhood dear

Both friend and sister!

And her words are simple

The soul is moved to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

So many birches in the groves.

Russian songs are

What a desire to sing along

How many songs does Russia have -

Presenter 1:

Low bow to you, good people!

Happiness, health and long life...

Who will judge us for the songs?

Since there are no songs, there is no life.

Above the clear sky

We would like to wish you

Glory, feasts, plenty of bread,

Live with songs and do not lose heart.

Host 2:

A Russian proverb says: "Cause - time, fun - an hour!".

Now it's time to say goodbye.

Our speech will be short

We say to you: "Goodbye!

Until happy new meetings!”

The main action on the stage is over. Next comes concert program solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots, courtyards. Summing up is underway. The end of the holiday.

Plan of preparation for the national holiday

"With a song for life"


Job Title



Installation of sound amplifying equipment


Safin I.M.

Holiday scenario preparation


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparing a script for a theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal music block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Mounting / dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, tailoring and repair of costumes


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of amateur art participants


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director - S.Tupitso

Scenario of the anniversary reporting concert of the people's branch on 04/05/2013

"... along the waves of music"

The Mosaic Orchestra is on stage. Play without announcement:

G. Gladkov "Song of Friends"
K.M. Weber "Choir of Hunters"

Not today empty space in our hall
We invited friends to the party.
They, seated neatly in a row,
They talk about the school of music.
The music is loud here
And everything burns with bright lights,
And this does not happen in a dream -
You are visiting a starry little country.

Vedas. Good evening, Dear friends. We are glad to see all of you in this hall, in a hall with which everyone has different feelings: excitement, remembrance, maybe children's fear. For example, I was very afraid to play on stage. Today we have gala evening. This year music school turns 55 years old. And on the eve of the holiday, each department of our school holds its own holiday concert. The bayan and accordion class, as well as the piano class, was opened exactly 55 years ago, so people's branch It has rich history. The floor is given to the head of the people's department Kolegov Nikolai Illarionovich.

Kolegov: __________________________________________________________

Vedas. Today we decided to show everything that we already know. Students will participate in the concert different classes From beginners to high school students. Our concert was opened by the orchestra of Russian folk instruments"Mosaic", leader Oksana Borisovna Epova, accompanist Victor Budnikov.

The right to continue our concert is granted Wife Yankov and Kristina Kryuchkova. They are still first-graders, but the people are brave and have already taken part in the International Festival of Children and Youth Performance "Musical Art Forum" in Novosibirsk.


Another member International Festival Ivan Stepchenko. Kholminov, Song

When it comes to button accordions and balalaikas, very soon the conversation turns into discussions about folk songs. And where are the arguments, there practical work. Today we asked students from the Ryabina Russian Song Ensemble (leader Svetlana Gennadievna Puchkova) to join our concert. Singing accompanied by a button accordion is a pleasant act in itself, and if the singers are in costumes and the lyrics are cheerful, then singing turns into a holiday. Now not the masters of the holiday will take the stage, but already quite professional singers - junior group Ensemble "Rowan".

"Lived once"

"Soldiers, brave boys"

concertmaster Leonid Nikolaevich Zuev

in different historical periods different instruments dominated the hearts of the people. Since ancient times classical instruments(piano, violin, wind instruments) played a leading role in the aesthetic education of children and adults. But picking up a piano or an organ and going with performances at least from house to house, you see, is not an easy task. Therefore, in Europe, portable organs were invented - organols. Of these, bayans and accordions known to everyone later turned out. The guitar is quite another matter. This instrument is known no less than the piano, if not more. The history of the guitar is fascinating and quite interesting. Suffice it to say that in almost every European state the guitars had their own system, and in Russia they even invented their own type of guitar - a seven-string one. It's easier with a guitar - I picked it up and it's already possible to organize a concert. You can sing, or you can play. Moreover, just like singing, you can play anything on the guitar. Now you will hear the "Tango of the Grasshopper in Love". Will fulfill it Kuznetsova Anastasia, student III International Competition"Musical Art Forum" in the city of Novosibirsk, in 2012 she received a Diploma of the 1st degree.

Voronov Andrey, Scholarship holder of the mayor of Usolye-Sibirskoe

"Santa Lucia"

Gordeeva Vlada, Giuliani, Rondo for guitar and piano

concertmaster Dobryshina Marina Alexandrovna

Ensemble "Rowan" ( senior group),

"What a couple"

"Usolsky ditties"

accompanist Ageev Anatoly Borisovich

Where it came from, how and when domra appeared in Rus', still remains a mystery to researchers. IN currently There are two most probable versions of the origin of domra. The first and most common version is about eastern roots Russian domra. Another version proceeds from the assumption that domra leads its pedigree from the European. From such instruments, domra took the body, neck, strings and the technique of playing - with a sliver, carved from improvised material - with a plectrum. Ease of manufacture allowed domra to become widespread in Rus'. Based on the knowledge and research accumulated to date, we can conclude that the domra was a typical Russian instrument that combined, like much in the culture and history of our state, both European and Asian features. Currently, this instrument is considered young and promising. More and more attention is paid to him on the most different levels. In 2012, the children's and youth orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Talents of the Baikal region" was created. This year our school took part in this project and we hope we will continue to participate. plays for youIdrisov Timur , member of the regional orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Talents of the Baikal region"


concertmaster Olga Ilyinichna Roshchihina

I recently read an interesting article on the Internet about the accordion. It turns out that an accordion is an instrument that has a special quality - when you press one button on the left keyboard, a ready-made chord of three sounds sounds. The author of the material suggested that an accordion should be considered any instrument with similar functions, no matter the buttons or keys it has with right side. Bayan, in fact, is also an accordion, because it also has ready-made chords. Maybe, from a technical point of view, this is true, but the names accordion and button accordion are closer to us. In Rus', the narrator was called Bayan (from the word bayat - to speak). Here Konyakhin Gleb and tell us about the hero civil war, Army Commander Nikolai Shchors. ("Song of Shchors").

The accordion orchestra immediately begins to sit down

The department employs 8 people, 6 of them are graduates of the school. Having received an education, they returned to their native walls and have been successfully working with children for many years. I want to ask the graduates - the most memorable moment during the training?

Boiling work every day,

But among the ebullient days

Suddenly a birthday comes

Wonderful holiday - anniversary!

Bayan Orchestra "Accent" presents to all those present "A curiosity from Düsseldorf"

At one time, the orchestra was my favorite subject. Collective music making I still love it very much. The repertoire of our orchestra included works by Dunaevsky, Khachaturian, Bizet. I want to ask the graduates in the hall - which play do you remember the most?

Russian folk song "Veysya, cabbage"

Over the years, I have been making my little observations and found out that accordionists are the easiest people to climb. They are ready to come forward the moment you speak to them. And they also love to experiment and present surprises. This is the surprise we have prepared for you. Leonid Nikolaevich Zuev and his graduate Kirill Chaliapin

A. Shalaev "Volga choruses"

And also - the people's department is the most playing department. It is here that two wonderful groups were created - the orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Siberian Patterns" and the ensemble "Usolsky Souvenir". Ensemble of Russian Folk Instruments "Usolsky souvenir"

A. Piazzolla "Libertango"

E. Derbenko "Semyonovna"

We want to wish you good luck
Success in life, bright days,
So that you with a smile, not otherwise,
Celebrate every anniversary!
Strength, creative daring and luck,
Youth, light, beauty!
And let always - not only on your birthday -
Cherished dreams will come true.

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