Scenario of the concert “Musical clearing.


Scenario of the reporting concert for children musical ensemble Melodiya and Guitar Studios

Author: Gudym Olga Vladimirovna, teacher-organizer of SBEI TsRTDiYU "Rainbow", Moscow

The relevance of this event lies in the fact that children of the first year of study on the big stage will demonstrate to their parents their mastery of playing musical instruments and singing songs to their own accompaniment, which they learned during the school year, and children of the second year of study can show previously learned works and their skills in the technique of playing musical instruments performed by musical compositions.

Purpose of the event: demonstrate creative achievements pupils of the children's musical ensemble "Melody" and the studio "Guitar"

Educational - the ability to interact with children among themselves, the education of one friendly team.
Educational - to study concert numbers with children and teenagers, to form the skill of performing in the stage space.
Developing - to develop the skills of the correct performance of songs and musical compositions, artistry.

Event duration 1.5 hours

Children's melodies are played 20 minutes before the start of the concert
Phonogram call signs of the holiday.

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends!
Leading: We are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the Melodiya children's musical ensemble and the classical guitar studio. And so another school year has ended.

Perhaps many will say: "What can you learn for this a short time"Yes, not so much time has passed and we did not walk to this day with easy steps. It was not easy for teachers, it was not easy for children, but everyone today can proudly say that he made a victory! Let it be small, but effective !! After all, everyone already knows how to play musical instruments, understand musical language. Every child can feel personal growth, its singularity and uncommonness!! So today is a holiday for each of us - a parent, teacher, student!

And if the performance does not seem professional enough to you, do not judge the children strictly, because this is only the beginning. great trip in the country of musical discoveries!

Leading: And the junior group of the Melodiya ensemble will begin the concert. Guys, get on stage soon.

Sunny bunnies run happily
Behind them, the pranksters quickly call into the distance
Sunny bunny is not given to catch up
In a small mirror you can only catch

Song "Sunshine"

Song about two ducks

Leading: The next piece is for those who care about their appearance. For you women.


Leading: In addition to professional, author's music, there is, as we know, folk art. Art of anonymous authors. Of all types of folk musical creativity the most favorite, no doubt, is the song.
The song accompanied the Russian people all his life: she was there in work, and in the struggle with life's difficulties. Russian songs amaze with their melody, sincerity, depth of feelings, playfulness...
In the folk calendar there is a holiday called "Agafya the Cow". On this day, a rite of ploughing took place: women at night in their shirts went out into the street, gathered all together and asked to protect their cattle from death and disease. We bring to your attention
Russian folk song "Korovushka" performed by Nikita Bakanov, classical guitar studio.

Leading: And one more work performed by Nikita Bakanov - "Andantino" by Mateo Carcassi. This is one of the "concert" works, which are studied in all music schools without fail. This piece, like all the others, is a very good tool for practicing guitar playing technique.

Mateo Carcassi "Andantino"

Leading: Musical accompaniment is one of the most important components of any film. The problem of many Russian films is the inability to choose the right, suitable composition. But the Stalker this respect is a notable exception. The music in this film plays important role- she talks about what the main characters and the director himself are silent about, she reveals to us the world of the Zone and the souls of the people who visited it.
Pukhov Timofey. Melody from the movie "Stalker", composer Eduard Artemyev, classical guitar studio

performance of pupils of the studio "Classical guitar"

Leading: Performance junior group continues.
Polka is a fun, lively dance in two-quarter time. Polka music is light and graceful.
Polka "Butterfly" - piece for orchestra.

Leading: For two whole centuries, the fascinating, forever young dance waltz. Waltz is smooth, whirling, as if "flying" pair dance rather fast movement in tripartite time.

On music lessons children listened to waltzes different nature. Now the children of the younger group will perform the work of Dmitry Shostakovich "Waltz - a joke." What do you think the music of a waltz with such a name should be like? That's right, because this waltz is performed not by people, but by puppets. This work is one of the collection "Dances of the Dolls". And what do you think, what instruments will suit us for the performance of this work? (Children answer: bells, musical triangles, crystal glasses, metallophone)
Shostakovich "Waltz Joke" - for orchestra

Leading: Russian folk song- a song, the words and music of which have developed historically in the course of the development of Russian culture. At folk song there is no definite author, or the author is unknown.
Russian folk dance "Lady" - for orchestra

Junior group award

Leading: Olya Solovieva, a graduate of the Melodiya musical ensemble, mastered playing the real flute. And what happened, now you will hear. Sergei Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"

Leading: And here Zhenya Shishmareva, studying in the ensemble, decided to master the piano as well. Today for you she will perform the play "Rain" by composer Lyubarsky.

Leading: The concert is continued by the guys from the Classical Guitar studio. The studio's repertoire includes many compositions by the British rock band from Liverpool, The Beatles.
Separately, the members of the ensemble are called "Beatles", they are also called " great four. Started by imitating the classics American rock and roll 1950s, The Beatles came up with their own style and sound. The Beatles had a significant impact on rock music and are recognized by experts as one of the most successful groups XX century.
Grigorieva Anna - Beatles "Let it Be". (eng. So be it) is the thirteenth and final studio album bands The The Beatles, released in May 1970.

Leading: Yesterday (Russian "Yesterday") is a song by The Beatles! ("For help!"). Paul McCartney claims that the melody of the song came to him in a dream, waking up, he was sure that he had just heard this melody somewhere before, and did not compose it.
Sycheva Anna - Beatles "Yesterday"

Leading: Competitions, festivals, olympiads for musical groups center is commonplace. Some, already traditional, are held from year to year, others are a new phenomenon, but over time it becomes an integral part of the team. I would especially like to note our wonderful talents, whose competitive performances were evaluated by eminent musicians - professionals in their field. So, this year, young talents from the Melodiya children's musical ensemble took part and became
- Laureates of III degree on IV open festival competition of performing skills of children and teachers "Music of the XX century". More than 300 solo performers and various groups took part in the festival. Elena Nikolaevna became the laureate of this competition in the nomination "Arrangement and processing for instrumental ensemble"
- Laureates of the II degree at the All-Russian festival competition "The World of Nature", organized by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow.
- II place at the international competition "Planet of Childhood" in the nomination " Instrumental music»
- the ensemble took part in outdoor concert"Classical music in kindergarten"

Leading: We not only congratulate, but also thank the guys for their achievements. We believe in their continued success. And we hope that young musicians will please us with their successes and talents more than once!

Leading: There is no person who does not love music. We all have our favorite musical genres. Your favorite songs that you want to listen to and hum. Your favorite artists... Musical taste and understanding of music is formed from childhood. It is very important: what kind of music we offer to children. Small child, starting his acquaintance with music from relatively simple melodies, imperceptibly finds himself on a path that leads him to an understanding of all the best that mankind has come up with and experienced.
Dmitri Shostakovich "Sharmanka", the senior group of the ensemble "Melody"

Leading: The repertoire of the children's musical ensemble "Melody" is the most diverse: from simple children's songs to classical works by Tchaikovsky, Gaidan, Schubert. There is a waltz by the French composer in the repertoire.
Z. Giraud "Under the sky of Paris"

Leading: American composer Leroy Anderson specialized in short, light gigs. Anderson is the author of a musical joke: "A piece for a typewriter with an orchestra", as well as a popular play "Sledding". And the young musicians senior groups We will perform the play "Syncopized Hours", composer Leroy Anderson.

Leading: Clara and the prince reach the land of the Pellet Fairy. The Dragee Fairy and the people of the Candy Land dance for Clara and the prince. Children's fairy tale, magic of the New Year, ballet-holiday. Indeed, The Nutcracker is a magical ballet in two acts. And Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is considered one of the greatest Russian composers in the history of music.
P. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Shepherds" from the ballet "The Nutcracker"

Rewarding children of the senior group
Parents Award

Leading: The merits of those who are not indifferent to their work cannot go unnoticed. The work of a master teacher. It is they who help children look into the magical world of music, teach them to understand and love it.
These are our wonderful teachers.
Head of the children's musical ensemble "Melody" Elena Nikolaevna Svitelskaya
Concertmaster, teacher of higher qualification category
Tatyana Makarovna Dedovik
The teacher of the studio "classical guitar" Andrey Ivanovich Bazykin

Leading: So we drew a line under the achievements of the outgoing school year!
But we do not say goodbye, but only say ...
"Before new meeting V magical world musical art- an art in which kindness, understanding, light and love eternally flourish!"
Leading: Let it sound in your hearts and warm your family hearth. All the best!

Department of Education Dobryansky municipal district

Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script

"My music album"

piano teacher,

highest qualification category

Panina Natalia Anatolievna


Good evening, dear friends!

Today I am pleased to introduce to you a student of my class, a graduate of the piano department, Yulia Pikuleva.

She will present you her "Music Album", which consists of works different eras, styles and genres.

First page music album devoted to early music"Baroque"

Baroque music appeared at the end of the Renaissance and preceded the music of classicism. The most famous representatives of this period are composers Antonio Vivaldi, Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti, Georg Friedrich Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach and others.

The legacy of J.S. Bach is enormous. He was not only a brilliant composer of music, but also an excellent performer on many musical instruments, first of all, on the organ and clavier. Word " bang" in German means "stream". If we talk about the work of the master, then his music is not a stream, but rather a mighty ocean!

Many students of the art school are familiar with some of the works of this composer. This and polyphonic pieces from Notebook Anna Magdalena Bach, Little Preludes and Fugues, and of course the Inventions.

Invention(from Latin inventio - invention, invention) - the designation of a small play, indicating the role of musical ingenuity, invention in it. J.S. Bach created a whole collection of such two and three-part inventions - inventions.

In addition to polyphony, one of the mandatory components of the graduation program of pianists is a large form. These are sonatas, rondos or variations. The name "sonata" comes from the Italian verb "sonare", which translates as "to sound ».

Therefore, the next page of the music album is devoted to sonatas.

The formation of the classical sonata form is most associated with the work of the so-called Viennese classics. Their names, of course, are known to you - these are Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven.

sonata form - musical form, consisting of three main sections, where in the first section (exposition) the main and side party, in the second (development) these themes are developed, in the third (reprise) the exposition is repeated with tonal (and, possibly, other) changes. I would call it kind of - " musical performance", Where characters have their musical theme. And what exactly happens to them - the music will tell. So:

    J. Haydn Sonata in C sharp minor 1 part

Next page of the album. After classical period in development classical music the romantic period began.

In music, the direction of romanticism took shape in the 1820s, its development took the entire 19th century. Romantic composers tried with the help of musical means express depth and richness inner world person. Music becomes more embossed, individual.

prominent representatives romanticism in music are:

Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin, Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, A. A. Alyabiev, M. I. Glinka, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Balakirev, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. Mussorgsky, A. Borodin, P. I. Chaikovsky.

The play is now German composer Robert Schumann "Remembrance". The author wrote this piece on November 4, 1847 in memory of his friend, also an outstanding musician Felix Mendelssohn.

    R. Schumann "Remembrance"

And now I propose to scroll through our music album a few years ago, and remember Yulia's performance on 1 international competition young pianists "In the World of Talent" and see archival materials.

Video from the 1st competition "In the world of talent"

Another romantic composer - Stefan Geller - outstanding Hungarian talented pianist and teacher. At one time, he even studied in Vienna with the famous teacher Karl Czerny, whose etudes are in the repertoire of almost every young pianist.

Geller's etudes are valuable material for the development of melodic phrasing, and some of them are included in repertoire collections for high school students of the Children's School of Art.

    Stefan Geller Etude in C minor

As you know, etudes and scales contribute to the formation of piano technique, which is very important for developing the ability to perform one or another piece of music. But it is equally important for a young musician to learn how to sing on an instrument, to master the so-called art of cantilena.

One of the characteristic genres of romantic art - Nocturne translated from French - "night song". In the 19th century, nocturne - dreamy, melodious piano piece, inspired by the image of the night, night silence, night thoughts.

For the first time, piano nocturnes began to be written by the Irish composer and pianist, John Field. This Irish musician, who spent many years in Russia and created his numerous nocturnes exactly here. “The romantics for the first time showed a deep artistic interest to this genre of "night music". Paintings of nocturnal nature, scenes of love dates against the backdrop of a moonlit night, various moods of a lonely romantic artist - either suppressed by the elemental power of a night thunderstorm, or dreaming on the river bank ... about a vague and distant happiness ... - all this ... romantic images well known not only in music, but also in poetry and painting,” wrote V. Ferman.

    J. Field "Nocturne" in B flat major

Piano miniature is one of the favorite genres of another representative of romanticism, the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, which captures his personal life observations, impressions of the world around him, nature, thoughts and feelings, thoughts about the Motherland. These are kind of " diary entries» composer. Grieg often refers to folk music, folk dances, folk Norwegian epic. In ego works there are such names as "In the cave of the mountain king", "Dance of the elves", "Kobold" - a mountain spirit, a dwarf.

A wonderful estate in the suburbs of the city of Bergen, Grieg called "Trollhaugen" - "Troll Hill". He loved his home very much and left only for the sake of the tour. Edward and his wife Nina gave concerts in Paris, Vienna, London, Prague, Warsaw. During each performance, a clay frog lay in the pocket of Grieg's jacket. Before the start of each concert, he always took it out and stroked its back. The talisman worked: at the concerts every time there was an unimaginable success.

    E. Grieg "Poetic Picture" in E minor

Musical traditions are remembered and honored in Norway. Folk dances and music is still very popular, during weddings, religious and other holidays, folk village dances are performed.

And now, if you listen carefully, you will hear in the music how the inhabitants gather for the holiday, go to the main square, hear an invitation to dance, ringing bells and even festive fireworks.

    E. Grieg "Dance from Yolster"

And now I would like to tell you a little about Yulia. From the first grades, Yulia has been studying music with pleasure, comprehending the intricacies of the piano art. Yulia was awarded the Future of Russia Prize by the Head of the Dobryansky Municipal District. She is actively involved in concert activity schools, Laureate and Diploma of competitions of various levels from school to International. There is a short film about this.

Video - film "My music album"

Yulia's repertoire includes not only classical works. And the following pages of the music album are devoted to popular music of the 20th century.

“I am happy that my songs bring joy to people,” said Joe Dassin French singer and composer American descent.

One of his songs is called "Indian Summer". In fact, "Indian summer" is a purely American concept and is equivalent to our "Indian summer" - a farewell burst of heat before the onset of winter cold.

    D. Dassin "Indian Summer" (synthesizer)

reggae- direction contemporary music, which was formed in Jamaica in the late 1960s and has become widespread since the early 1970s. Reggae can be both dance, relaxation and protest music at the same time, which follows from the traditions of African culture, in which rhythm, dance and music coexist with other phenomena and events. The acknowledged king of reggae is singer-songwriter Bob Marley. The play by the modern German composer Manfred Schmitz "Memory Reg" also has features of this style.

    M. Schmitz "Memory reg"

In 2008, the film-saga "Twilight" was released. Many people like the music for this film, they play it with pleasure. Listen to the melody of a South Korean composer performed by Yulia And RumaRiverflowsinYou» from this movie.

    ANDRuma"River Flows in You"

Another page of the music album is dedicated to the work of the Swedish band ABBA. at the premiere movie Mamma Mia! in Stockholm in 2008 for the first time in almost 20 years, all four participants of the famous in the 60-80s of the 20th century Swedish group ABBA gathered at the same time in one place. In this film, the music of ABBA received a new birth.

On May 7, 2013, a museum dedicated to the work of ABBA was opened in Sweden. Their music still sounds in the 21st century.

    Anderson"Happy New Year"synthesizer)

Now we are giving you another musical gift

    ABBA « Winner takes it all" (f- But + synthesizer)

I hope that the pages of Yulia's music album will be filled with new works and I want to wish her further creative success in the world of music, in the world of art.

And now I invite the parents of Yulia Nina Alexandrovna and Sergey Vladimirovich to the stage

I thank Yulia for her performance, for the opportunity to immerse herself in the world of musical colors and harmonies. I thank the parents of Yulia Nina Aleksandrovna and Sergey Vladimirovich for their support and assistance in educating and developing her creativity.

The support group can go up on stage and congratulate Yulia on the Debut poster concert.

Dear friends our concert is over. We thank you for your warm welcome. And we wish you many amazing meetings-acquaintances with piano music V concert hall, V classroom and in home music making!

Department of Education of the Dobryansky Municipal District

Municipal educational institution of additional education for children

"Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script« MUSICAL GLADE"

compiled by the teacher of the second qualification category Kayukova Galina Leonidovna

Dobryanka 2009

Quietly, quietly sit next to -

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart -

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

The forest and meadow are lightly dormant.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting in a haze of blue ...

This music is rushing

And leads us along.

Hello our young friends! Today is an amazing day - the day of Music! You know that there is a holiday, Mom's Day - March 8, Dad's Day - February 23. And today, October 1, is Music Day. Hello Music! we say. Music is songs and dances. This world is amazingly kind and friendly. I would like you to make friends with music, and we will try to help you with this, and I invite you to look at our musical meadow, that's how we called our today's concert, see how many musicians came to you from the children's art school, both big and small. Big musicians are our teachers, and small ones are our students. “And this meadow is wonderful, there will be a lot of interesting things on it.”

I'm in a hurry to the meadow

Children, if you want

Hurry up after me.

Let's go along the path

Let's find a Russian song.

Russian folk song "Kalinka" Spanish Radosteva Dasha

“I am the mistress of all the fun,

Comfortable and light"

The balalaika tells us.

"I'm alone in the whole country

I can do it so well

Touch the Russian string.

Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field" Spanish Kursin Egor Now try to solve riddles about tools.

1. We are very surprised

And we greatly admire

When baby Phillipka

Plays us on ... (violin)

2. Pleasure for Vasya -

Play the double bass

And for Sanya and for Vanya

Knock on ... (drum)

And for Dashenka Vorontsova pleasure to perform on the piano.

Knipper "Polyushko - field"

Allow me to brag:

I am a famous singer.

Not a trumpet and not a flute

It's me cello.

Czech folk song "Rich Bridegroom" Spanish Shayakhmetova Tanya And now, guys, I want to check you, do you know polite words. I will start and you will complete the sentences.
    Even an ice block will melt, from a warm word:
a/ please b/ hello c/ thank you
    The old stump turns green when it hears:
a/ rubbish, b/ good afternoon, c/ deer
    A polite and developed child says at a meeting:
a/ goodbye, b/ bye, c/ hello
    And in Russia and Denmark they say goodbye:
a/ hello b/ goodbye c/ how are you

Quietly the leaf rustles in the grass,

Quietly the brook murmurs

Mom wakes up quietly in the morning

The Italian will say "piano".

Maykapar "Prelude" Spanish Silantieva Alena Somewhere in fairyland snakes lived - were,Their musical names were:Dolly, reli, milli, fally, salt, lally, silli.They lived very well, they loved music.

Struve. "Music is always with you." Khromushin. "Ecological song". Spanish Vocal Ensemble "Zvonochki"

And more riddles

1. We all love to listen,

How Tamara sings with us,

And obedient in her hands
Six-string … (guitar)

2 . Performed at concerts

Our dear Tatyana
Like a star she played

whole hour on.. (piano)

Czech folk song. "Annushka" Spanish Belyaeva Masha

I am your friend, I am your travel companion

On the road without me, nothing will work.

With me, friends, you are always interested.

Know who I am?

Well, of course… the song.

"Shor song". Spanish Busyreva Nastya And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. We do like me.

Clap your hands, stomp your feet!

Head to and fro!

And now stronger elbows

Let's work, friends!

Now stop

And all turn into cats!

(And turn into dogs)

Oh, how nice it turned out

The whole clearing revived!

And again, riddles.

    Immediately pulls on

To ditties and to the dance,

If fun Earring

Will play on ... (accordion)

    Sting on the keys Anton,

Sting on the buttons Ivan,

And the accordion sounded

And played ... (button accordion)

"Slovak polka". Spanish Egor Kursin

    Grandfather Egor is not old yet

He made a gift to his grandson.

And now we have Vanyutka

All day blowing on ... (pipe)

    Very fond of music

Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,

And so we bought

They are big ... (piano)

Zone. "Recttime". Spanish Matalasova Valentina Ivanovna and Katya Shcherbak

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

Naughty melodies sounds:

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Ensemble "Zadorinka" Spanish. Dance "Young Sailors"

It lifts our spirits

Music is always good

We look forward to meeting her.

We need music like air.

On this, dear guys, we say goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention, see you soon.


    Khrebtyugov A.A. Children's riddles about musical instruments. M; Children's Literature, 1988

MBUDO "Children's School of Arts" Usinsk

Scenario of the concert of the musical lounge

"Music is a magical land"

Venue - Kindergarten No. 16.

Listeners - pupils of the preparatory and senior groups

Event organizer and accompaniment - Popova I.F.

Scenario and presenter of the concert - Pugina S.V.

"Music is a magical land"

Music is a magical land

We'll go there now

She keeps many secrets

And I'm ready to open them for you

But magical land

Visible only to the elite (not always, not visible to everyone)

The one who hears sees it
And yet, who breathes in time with her.

They dance and sing in it,
They play rainbow
Sounds live together there,
The colors sparkle.

Hello dear guys!

As you may have guessed, we are now going to a magical land.

And what is the name of this country, you tell me yourself. It `s music.

Is this the first time you have taken such an unusual journey?

So, in order not to get lost and not fall into insidious musical traps, you need a guide. I will be that guide. I will guide you along the musical paths, reveal the secrets of how to listen to music in order to hear and see miracles, and even help you how to move into the future and the past without a time machine.

Music can tell everything.

Many of you must have thought, how can she speak if she is speechless? And how can we see something if sounds are invisible? And you are right. You can't see, feel or smell the music. But everyone can feel and understand her mood. Music can be cheerful and sad, menacing and affectionate, soft and rough. Instead of words and colors, music speaks to us with sounds that are intertwined in melody. And she speaks with the voices of different instruments.

In it you can hear whatever your heart desires. The singing of birds and the rustling of leaves, the whisper of waves and gusts of wind, raindrops and sunrise, and even whims and jokes of children, as well as much more.

Our journey will begin - a vocal ensemble. An ensemble is when several people participate in a performance. And the word vocal means that the number performs human voice. Accompanies vocal singing- accompanist. An accompanist is a musician who plays the piano.

So, our youngest musicians can offer you something delicious ...

will perform a song

A. Petryashova "Bun with cottage cheese"

Well, we refreshed ourselves, and now let's move to the rainbow islands. This is the name of the play that will be performed

2. Yakubovsky Bogdan (3rd grade)

A. Balavlenkov "Rainbow Islands"

On the calendar - Golden autumn, and in the north the weather is already winter: snow and frost. Kolobova Anna will perform the play "Spring Day", which will remind the sounds of spring and joyful mood, which everyone experienced at the sight of murmuring streams and the singing of birds. Listen and imagine the lovely "Spring Day"

3 . Kolobova Anna

P. Shevchenko "Spring Day" (2nd grade)

And now I want to ask you. Who among you likes to march? I thought it was your favorite pastime. Now tell me what kind of music is especially pleasant and joyful to march to (clear, cheerful, cheerful, but not very fast). Quite right. But we're in a magical land.

Try to guess which animals will be marching now? You won't guess anything! Pigs. Let's hear how they do it.

4. Danilyuk Olesya (grade 2)

B. Berlin "Marching Pigs"

Anyone who knows the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" can easily guess my riddle. But I have one condition. If you guess from my first words who it is - do not rush to shout out. Wait for the moment when it will be necessary to say this word. And you will say it all together. For musicians, when everyone plays together in an orchestra, this is called tutti. Here we are now, as in an orchestra, together we will tell the answer. And so attention.

All the time he prowls through the forest,

He is looking for someone in the bushes

He clicks from the bushes with his teeth

Who say it...


Well done! That is what the next play will be called, which will be performed by

5. Novoselov Ivan

Y. Vesnyak " Gray wolf»

And now let's remember what a waltz is. (Answers). That's right, dance. The word "waltz" means "circling". How do you think it is danced? (Answer.) That's right, circling, easily and smoothly. And it was once danced in palaces and huge halls. The ladies were dressed in beautiful ball dresses, and gentlemen in strict black suits, which were called tailcoats. But try to guess who will dance the waltz in our concert? Well, I won't bore you. These are roosters!

Let's hear how they do it.

6. Eroshin Nikita (grade 2)

A. Stribbog "Waltz of the Cockerels"

And now we will hear another waltz, it will be performed by Sasha Ivanov. Sasha will play the string instrument. And on which - this will be my next mystery. Ready?

This tool is always fashionable.

Six strings play whatever
He will never get old.
We call that instrument ... (guitar)

7.Ivanov Sasha

V. Kalinin "Waltz"

What a beauty this violin is!
Gentle sounds float
Give people smiles
They call everyone for good

Violin one of the old string instruments. No one knows the exact date of birth of the violin. Once upon a time, a hunter pulled on a bowstring and, releasing it, heard a sound. Since then, as scientists suggest, experiments have begun to create a violin. They play the violin with a bow, which appeared much later. It was made from the hair of a horse's tail.

The violin stimulates the brain. It is not for nothing that many outstanding minds loved to play at their leisure on this magical instrument in order to prepare the mind for the birth of new ideas. Sherlock Holmes and Einstein).

In the performance of the violin will sound Aria- (Italian aria). So in music is called the number in the opera, which is performed by singer-soloists accompanied by an orchestra. But sometimes melodious melodic pieces for different instruments are called so.

8. Yalieva Alexandra

A. Purcell "Aria"

And the march sounds again. This time we have Geese marching

9. Otter Violetta

R. Peterson "March of the Geese"

Guys, and now a sad melody will sound, about one very kind girl, guess who we are talking about

I'm from the royal ball
Once ran away
And a crystal shoe
Accidentally lost.

10. Julia Demina

M. Malevich "Cinderella is sad"

And now a little unusual dance will sound Boogie Woogie. This is a modern dance in which sharp and even rough movements can occur. The music that accompanies it also does not differ in tenderness and grace.

1. This is a pair dance from North America, a free composition performed at a moderately fast tempo
2. The style of jazz music. Boogie-woogie is a style of piano playing accompanied by blues, free improvisation on a characteristic, repetitive melodic-rhythmic pattern in the bass. Born in the USA in con. 19th c.)

11. Barakhoeva Dzhumana (2nd grade)

E. Gradeski "Cocky Boogie"

Now we will find ourselves in a fairyland and watch the game of little elves. Do you know what elves are? (Answers)

elves - these are beautiful, bright magical creatures, spirits of the forest, friendly to humans. Depicted small and winged, like babies - .

12. Nosova Lolita

B. Frede "Dance of the elves"

There is a very sad message connected with the instrument you are about to hear. story. Legends say that in ancient times there was a god who protected shepherds and livestock. His name was Pan.

He looked like a forest demon, half-man, with goat legs, with goat beard and with horns. He instilled "panic" horror in people.

Once he fell in love with the beautiful nymph Syrinx, but she was so afraid of his appearance that she began to run away from him. Soon a river blocked her path, and she asked the river god to hide her. The river god turned her into a riverside reed.

The upset Pan made a multi-barreled flute from this reed and called it "Syrinx". It is also called Pan's flute.

The sound of this flute is sad, as if Pan is remembering a beautiful nymph.

And from this ancient flute all other flutes were born, including this one, which will perform a play with a very beautiful name Alegia,what does it mean in translation mournful song, (Greek elegeia, from elegos)

13.Shaydurova Anastasia (flute 6kl)

Y. Dolzhikov "Elegy"

The journey continues, and now we will go to the summer. Try to guess what it's called next work. To do this, you need to solve another riddle:

Thunder rumbled in the sky
The whole house is shaking
I closed my eyes.
What's on the street? - ... .. ( storm)

That's right, of course - it's a thunderstorm. Now Hildenbrand Sofya will demonstrate how music can turn simple sounds into a thunderstorm.

14. Gildenbrandt Sophia

A. Gedike "Thunderstorm"

You solve riddles so wonderfully that I will ask you another one. For example, guess

about what musical instrument is it about?
Teeth black and white lined up in a row.
Don't be afraid, don't bite
If you touch, they will sound.

15. Fakhretdinova Renata

V. Ignatiev "Donkey Eeyore"

Music speaks of beauty native land and allows you to make exciting trips to distant countries. Now we will visit Venice and ride on an Italian boat. Venice city, literally stands on the water. Instead of sidewalks, there are canals, and people move only in boats. These boats are not the same. The owners decorate and dress them up with great love. These peculiar boats are called gondolas. A gondolier is the one who drives the gondola. The Venetian gondoliers were famous for being great singers. And the townspeople listened to their singing for a long time.

16. Arteeva Sofia

F. Mendelssohn "Song of the Venetian gondolier"

And at the end of our concert there will be a fun polka dance with an unusual name Trick-Trak`.

Backgammon does not mean playing backgammon or backgammon, which are German called French name`Tric-trac`. `Trich-trach` in the Viennese dialect is `chatter` or `gossip`.

Unusual name and the playful rhythm of the polka is due to the poodle of the composer's wife, a dog named Trick-truck (Tritsch-Tratsch).

The German word "Tratsch" means "gossip", and the word "trick" has no meaning. “The music of the polka is energetic and I guessed that many of the dancers during its sound would sit down and talk while the waltz was played.” The title is an example of how Maestro Strauss played with words.

17. Mikhailova Lera

I. Strauss "Polka backgammon"

And so our concert ended. Young musicians children's art school were happy to play for you. You are great listeners! Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to our magical country, which is called Music. See you soon!

Concert program of the Musical Lounge

"Music is a magical land"

October 16, 2015 (Thursday 10:30)

1. A. Petryashova "Bun with cottage cheese"

Performed by a vocal ensemble of students of the preparatory group:

Kolobova Masha, Kolobanova Ksenia

2. A. Balavlenkov "Rainbow Islands"

Performed by Yakubovsky Bogdan (3rd grade)

3. P. Shevchenko "Spring Day" (2nd grade)

Kolobova Anna (2nd grade)

4. B. Berlin "Marching Pigs"

Danilyuk Olesya (2nd grade)

5. Yu. Vesnyak "Grey wolf"

Novoselov Ivan

6. A. Stribbog "Waltz of the Cockerels"

Eroshin Nikita (grade 2)

7. V. Kalinin "Waltz"

Ivanov Sasha (2nd grade)

8. A. Purcell "Aria"

Yalieva Alexandra (2nd grade)

9. R. Peterson "March of the Geese"

Otter Violetta

10. M. Malevich "Cinderella is sad"

Demina Julia (3rd grade)

11. E. Gradeski "Snooty Boogie"

Barakhoeva Dzhumana (2nd grade)

12. B. Frede "Dance of the elves"

Nosova Lolita (3rd grade)

13. Y. Dolzhikov "Elegy"

Shaydurova Anastasia (6th class)

14. A. Gedike "Thunderstorm"

Hildenbrandt Sofia (6th class)

15. V. Ignatiev "Donkey Eeyore"

Fakhretdinova Renata (2nd grade)

16. F. Mendelssohn "Song of the Venetian gondolier"

Arteeva Sofia

17. Mikhailova Lera

I. Strauss "Polka backgammon"

(The stage is in festive decoration. The soundtrack of the song “Wider Circle” sounds. The curtain opens. The stage is in festive decoration. Leading programs enter the stage.)

Congratulations, friends!
Did you pay attention? Not "Good afternoon!" Not "Hello!" - congratulations!
Don't be surprised... We're just looking for new forms of communication with the audience. Oddly enough, good, traditional forms of greetings " Good morning!”, “Good evening!”, “Good afternoon!”, “Hello!” are somewhat outdated today.
Increasingly, at a meeting, expressive and concise words and the phrases: “Salute!”, “Hi!”, “How are you?”, “How are you?”…
And no less expressive answers: “Order!”, “Everything is in openwork!”, “Everything is OK!”
Presenter: It got to the point that the hosts of concerts, evenings, festivals, who greeted the audience in the old fashioned way, are accused of backwardness ...
So come into our position. We are the presenters, the first of those who, having stepped on the stage, should say hello to you. But how???
“Salute-hello?” ... We don’t want to. I do not like. And we decided that we didn’t risk anything if, when we went on stage, we said to you: “Congratulations, friends!”
After all, you must admit that we always have something to congratulate each other on.

Surely, there will be people in the hall who have something to congratulate today. Someone got a new apartment... Congratulations!
Someone has a birthday today… Congratulations!
Someone bought a new car today... Congratulations!
Someone finally got rid of her... Congratulations!
Someone's son was born today... Congratulations!
And someone had a daughter ... Congratulations!
Someone is just in a good mood today… Congratulations!
Someone may be in a bad mood. But we still congratulate you! Because a bad mood cannot last forever. Because to replace bad mood good things are sure to come. We congratulate this person on the upcoming good mood!
We are pleased to congratulate ourselves and our comrades on the stage, if the appearance of this Have a good mood our today's program will help ...
(Applause. Musical beat.)

Today, all of us, the participants of the Wider Circle program, will have to create small miracles of art. After all, miracles are flowers, and they grow on the soil of selfless, joyful labor. And if you have ever seen the birth of a miracle, you will want more, and you will also selflessly shout: “Bravo!”, “Encore!”. After all, people are characterized by a thirst for a miracle ...
By the way, one scientist said: “We all know what CAN be done and what is IMPOSSIBLE. And suddenly someone does something that others can not do. And… a miracle is born on Earth!”
And if you, dear viewers, want to make sure of this, sit back comfortably - you have such an opportunity today! Miracles begin!

(Without an announcement, a bright spectacular concert number is performed.)

Our program was opened by... (gives names of performers)
When (name and surname of the next performer) sings, praise seems out of place. Sings with soul, soulfully. Doesn't "perform"! SING!!! How does he live. How to breathe. Her (his) clear, silver voice bewitches, bewitches. You listen to her (his) voice, and you understand that the song is a part of her (his) soul. Sings for you (gives the name of the performer).

(Leaders leave.)

While the number was running, I was flipping through the backstage Dictionary. I open the first page that comes across and read: FUTUROLOGY… what do you think that would mean? It turns out that this is a science that studies and predicts the future. What if I try to be a futurist for just a few seconds?
Try! We are waiting for your predictions...
In the future, in the very near future, all of you are waiting for ... a meeting with dance. Guessed?
Guessed! Indeed, the program continues ...

(Leaders leave.)

I'm a little tired...
Have a rest. Do you want me to feed you?
Who would refuse a treat?!
Would you like... "Black coffee"?
No thanks! Heart flutters…
Well, then "Orange"?

I would like something simpler ... Not overseas.
No, I don't know, I won't try.
Well, then, maybe, "Kalinov Bridge"? “Technology?”, “Summer Garden?”, “Sounds of Mu?”…
Wait, wait… What are you putting together in one heap? Bridges. Gardens, some strange sounds...
Well, these are groups.
Which groups?
Clear! And is there among them a group with some gentle. Melodic name?
May be, _____________?
Perhaps… Ah. How beautiful it sounds - "____________"! Can't you listen?
From what? On the stage _____________ and the musical group "__________"!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PERFORMANCE OF THE MUSIC GROUP. The presenters come out.)

Bravo! And now…
I want the music to ring again.
Well, get down to business!
Hey, hit, spoons, in ringing palms!
Wouldn't you like to be silent? Start performing!
An ensemble of spoon-carriers takes part in our program. Meet!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PERFORMANCE OF THE SPOONS ENSEMBLE. The presenters come out.)

For some reason, I just now thought: what kind of peculiar position do I have today - leading music program. Here in your workplace, they will definitely make a remark for extra talk in the workplace. Right? And in our program, they will make a remark if you don’t talk.
You have probably noticed that today we are talking now and then, talking about what others will do. This is the specifics of the position of entertainer.
And now I only say that I gladly give up my place on the stage to the song.

Every day we hear a lot of songs from the stage and in the cinema,
Known songs, unknown ones, it's hard to remember them all.
Some are annoying to listen to: there is emptiness in them, or just a lie,
But there are those that touch the soul,
Close your eyes and freeze...
These are the songs they give (gives) you today calls the name (s) of the performers.

(Leaders leave.)

Now look here folks!
With a dance, a meeting awaits you all!
Let's cheer our dancers.
Let them dance faster!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - DANCE. The presenters come out.)

You smile... Your faces are beautiful. Look into each other's eyes. Perhaps you did not notice before that there are so many kind looks and open faces? You smile, radiating that spiritual warmth, which is often so lacking in our lives.
You are smiling... By doing so, give all those who enter the stage a creative mood, give the joy of communication. We are giving you our next number for your kind smiles.

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

Master gets the job done quickly
Each master has his own tool.
A carpenter, say, an ax is supposed to
And I need a microphone at the moment.
And to make things go smoothly and smoothly.
The tool must be skillfully owned.
Friends! We present to you an instrumental group,
We assure you - there is something to see!

(Leaders leave.)

20 - 30 years ago - this is already "retro" ... Something long forgotten ... But he eats songs that are just as loved today as they were 20-30 years ago. Now, when the songs of the past years continue our program, it's time to think about whether these songs will become obsolete, will they live and sound further?
It seems that they will not become obsolete and will live. Because our (and) next performers (performer) cherish (protect) and store (store) them, like gold placers in a stormy song world, as a memory of their youth!
And now you will be convinced of it!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - RETRO SONGS. Presenters come out.)

Chastushka... The soul and chronicle of the people. It embodies his thoughts, aspirations and deeds. Chastushkas can be heard everywhere. They, like swallows, flock to us from all over the vast Russian land. They are loved, they are expected, and they come.

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PARTS. The presenters come out.)

Our program is growing. The circle includes new and new performers. Because neither the Russian chastushka, nor the song, nor the dance becomes a thing of the past. Just as streams feed rivers, so folk art will be a living spring to nourish our Russian character.
Welcome to the stage...

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

Friends! Do you know what empathy is? Again, let's look at the explanatory dictionary: “Empathy is the ability to understand the world of a person, to participate in his emotional. What is a person with a high degree of empathy?
This person is optimistic, interested. He is plastic, contact, knows how to say the right word in time. In general, defuse the situation. It's time to introduce you to such a person on our program. Meet ____________________!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

If you look at the stage, you will not regret it.
You will be able to meet so many dancers only here!
Break out, people! Famously, with a hitch, - as the people say, - the participants of __________________________ dance.
"__________________" is the name of the dance performed by them.

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - DANCE. The presenters come out.)

If we mentally go back, say, 50-60 years ago, then we can say with confidence that not a single village evening was complete without a daring harmonica player. Chastooshkas were sung, songs were flowing, and the heels of the girls famously beat off “Lady” or “Kamarinskaya”. Nowadays, it would seem that harmonica playing has been eclipsed by new instruments, new musical styles. But no! There are still folk talents!!!
The play of the accordion touches everyone's heart,
And anyone will agree, no matter who you ask -
In Rus', harmonies will never be silent,
Rus' without their voice is like grass without dew!

Here in our program on this day, at this hour
Harmonists dashing everyone will delight you!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PLAYING THE HARMONY. The presenters come out.)

The poet Leonid Derbenev has wonderful lines:
“There is high art on Earth:
Awaken dormant feelings among the people,
Without demanding gifts and preferences ... "
On the stage ___________________________________________

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

Of all the goddesses in art, the song is touchy. It is incorruptible, subject to the hearing of the heart. She is the most beautiful of the invisibles. You think about it when you listen to the name of the artist. The songs that she sings breathe, sound, and there is a feeling that they are about to slip into the hall, and hug, warm everyone's soul.
Sings the artist's name.

(The presenter leaves.)
(Concert number - SONG. Leading out.)

There are people with whom you feel a sense of joy. Their simplicity, open, complete inner light, smile. And if we are talking about an artist, then there is also talent and creative inspiration.

Quite sincerely, these reflections can be attributed to the name of the performer. These qualities have not gone unnoticed. And, as a result - an award - for performing skills participation in our program "Wider Circle".
So, I'm glad to introduce you to the artist's name. Meet!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

To root for the cause of the soul, what does it mean? This means putting your whole soul into it! All heart! And yet ... You still need to overcome four "must!"
Need to know! This condition is the easiest. Must be able to! This is more difficult. Skill comes only with practice.
You have to wish! Desire passionately, ardently, selflessly! We must act! You can't sit idly by. There is such a person in our program! A person who has overcome these four “needs”, works with a twinkle, puts his whole soul, his whole heart into the performed numbers.
Meet the name of the artist.

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)

In one of the songs of Vyacheslav Dobrynin there are such lines:
“Only he wants peace, only he is old in soul,
Who ceased to be surprised at everything that happens.

Whatever happens, remember one rule:
And rejoicing, and twisting, be surprised all the same!

So we decided to follow the advice of this simple song and surprise you with beautiful guitar playing and a wonderful manner of performance.
Who can do it better than the name of the artist. We meet him (her) with applause!

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number. Presenters come out.)
Although I am not Marcel Marceau and I do not know the language of pantomime, I feel pleasure when I see how people combine youth, grace, plasticity. The name of the performer is fluent in the language and technique of performing pantomime. The number in her (his) performance is a vivid confirmation of this.

(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PANTOMIE. Leading out.)

This modern Art so hard to understand!
But in my opinion, everything is very simple: if the work can be walked around, then it is a sculpture, if it hangs on the wall, then it is a painting. Well, if the synthesizer sounded, the guitars sang, the drum hit ...
So… Got it! Understood! This means that the instrumental ensemble "___________" is on stage. And we, giving way to them, leave the stage again.
(Leaders leave.)
(Concert number - PERFORMANCE OF THE INSTRUMENTAL GROUP. The presenters come out.)

So our program "Wider Circle" has come to an end. And we want to congratulate you again.
We congratulate you on the fact that when you go home, you take with you a piece of our warmth, joy and good mood.
We congratulate you on the fact that our program has helped you make new friends, hear wonderful songs and see wonderful dances. We invite all participants of the program to the stage. All those. Who delighted you with their creativity!

(Musical beat. Exit of all program participants to the stage.)

Congratulations to everyone who helped bring the program to life. Congratulations, and we hope that it will become traditional and will live for a long time.
Congratulations to those who, without knowing it, will become its new member. Because we believe that the circle of talents, the circle of friends will grow every year, becoming wider and wider.
Good luck, the Wider Circle program!

(Music sounds. The curtain closes. The audience leaves the hall)

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