What fairy tales did Arkady Gaidar write. Literary and historical notes of a young technician


Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (Golikov) was born on January 9 (22), 1904 in the city of Lgov, Kursk province, into a family of teachers. boy childhood for the most part took place in Arzamas - a small town Nizhny Novgorod region. Here future writer studied at a real school.

Arkady was selfless at an early age. When the first world war his father was taken to the front, the boy ran away from home to also go to fight. However, he was stopped on the way.

In 1918 in short biography Gaidar, an important event occurred - the fourteen-year-old Arkady joined the Communist Party, began working in the Molot newspaper. At the end of the year he was enrolled in the Red Army.

Service in the active army

After completing training courses for command personnel in Moscow in 1919, Golikov was appointed assistant platoon commander. In 1911 he graduated from the Higher Rifle School ahead of schedule. Soon he was appointed commander of the Nizhny Novgorod regiment, fought on the Don, on the Caucasian front, near Sochi.

In 1922, Golikov participated in the suppression of the anti-Soviet insurrectionary movement in Khakassia, led by I. Solovyov. Heading the command of the second combat site in the Yenisei province, Arkady Petrovich gave rather tough orders aimed at cruel treatment With local residents who resisted the coming Soviet power.

In May 1922, by order of Golikov, five uluses were shot. The incident was learned in the provincial department of the GPU. Arkady Petrovich was demobilized with a diagnosis of "traumatic neurosis", which arose after an unsuccessful fall from a horse. This event became a turning point in Gaidar's biography.

Literary activity

In 1925, Golikov published the story "In the days of defeats and victories" in the Leningrad almanac "Kovsh". Soon the writer moved to Perm, where he first began publishing under the pseudonym Gaidar. In 1930, work was completed on the works "School", "The Fourth Dugout".

Since 1932, Arkady Petrovich has been working as a traveling correspondent for the Pacific Star newspaper. In 1932 - 1938, the novel and the story “Distant Countries”, “ A military secret”,“ Blue Cup ”,“ The Fate of a Drummer. In 1939 - 1940, the writer completed work on his most famous works for children - "Timur and his team", "Chuk and Gek", which are now being studied in elementary grades.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, the writer Gaidar worked as a correspondent for " Komsomolskaya Pravda". During this period, Arkady Petrovich creates essays "Bridge", "Rockets and grenades", "At the crossing", "At the front line", philosophical tale"Hot Stone"

In 1941 he served as a machine gunner in the partisan detachment of Gorelov.

On October 26, 1941, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar was killed by the Germans near the village of Leplyavo, Kanevsky District. The writer was buried in 1947 in Kanev, Cherkasy region.

Other biography options

  • According to the most famous version, the pseudonym "Gaidar" stands for "Golikov Arkady D'ARzamas" (similar to the name of d'Artagnan from Dumas' novel).
  • In 1939 Gaidar was awarded the order"Badge of Honor", in 1964 he was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.
  • Arkady Gaidar suffered from severe headaches, mood swings, and was repeatedly treated in a psychiatric clinic.
  • Gaidar's personal life did not develop immediately. The writer was married three times - to nurse Maria Plaksina (their son died before he was two years old), Komsomol member Leah Solomyanskaya (son Timur was born in marriage) and Dora Chernysheva (he adopted his wife's daughter).
  • Among Gaidar's close friends were the writers Fraerman and Paustovsky.

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Even during his lifetime, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar became a legend Soviet era: at the age of fourteen he joined the Communist Party and went to the front of the Civil War; at the age of seventeen he commanded a regiment, cracking down on bandits; then he became a writer, whose books were read by more than one generation of Soviet pioneers.

Countless streets, squares, lanes in central and not very central cities are named after Gaidar. Pioneer Houses, children's libraries, detachments and squads of Soviet schools bore his name. The biography of the writer, as a fascinating work of art, was read out at "Lenin" lessons and pioneer gatherings. A portrait of young Gaidar in the famous Kubanka, with a saber on his belt hung in almost every "classy corner". It seemed: there is no person more bright and heroic than the author of "Timur" and "The Fate of a Drummer". Gaidar passed the ice rink Stalinist repressions, persecution and oblivion. He died in battle with the fascist invaders, being at the peak of his literary glory. Such a hero could not be suspected or accused of anything.

However, during the period of the so-called “perestroika”, a stream of negative assessments of the recent past, accusations and sensational revelations literally rained down on the heads of our fellow citizens. Arkady Gaidar did not escape this fate either. By that time in the mind Soviet people the image of a children's writer and hero was so idealized that some facts from his real life, deliberately and without evidence inflated by false historians and zealous scribblers, produced not just an unfavorable, but rather a disgusting impression. It turned out that the seventeen-year-old regiment commander proved to be a merciless punisher in the suppression of anti-Soviet uprisings in the Tambov region and Khakassia in 1921-1922. At the same time, he fought not at all with whites or bandits armed to the teeth, but with civilians who tried to defend themselves from the arbitrariness and violence of local authorities. illustrious children's writer he taught the younger generation about kindness, justice, loyalty to the motherland, and he himself abused alcohol, did not have his own home, a normal family, and in general was a mentally ill, deeply unhappy, half-mad man.

As it turned out, more than half of these accusations turned out to be deliberate lies.

Gaidar is a man of his heroic-romantic, but also tragic time. Today it is hard to believe that it was creativity that saved the famous writer from complete internal discord, illness, fear of the reality in which he, a dreamer and romance, had to survive. In his imagination, Gaidar created a happy country of the pioneer Timur, Alka, Chuk and Gek, the little drummer Seryozha. Gaidar himself firmly believed in this country, believed in the reality of the great future of his heroes. His faith inspired thousands, even millions of Soviet boys and girls to live according to the fictitious, but the most beautiful and fair laws of the "country of Gaidar." As V. Pelevin wrote in his famous book “The Life of Insects”, even the image of a child killer created by a children's writer, free from the Christian commandment “do not kill” and throwing student Raskolnikov, has the right to exist. This image does not look so disgusting if only because Gaidar was truly sincere when he drew it from himself, a non-fictional hero and victim of a cruel revolutionary era. In fact, he was his own among the bookish, ideal heroes, from whom they took an example and whom entire generations sought to imitate. This is the whole truth about Gaidar. Looking for some other truth - it makes no sense ...

Parents and childhood

Arkady Petrovich Golikov was born in the small town of Lgov, Kursk region. His father - school teacher, Petr Isidorovich Golikov, was a native of peasants. Mother - Natalya Arkadyevna, nee Salkova, a noblewoman of a not very noble family (she was M.Yu. Lermontov's sixth cousin's great-granddaughter), worked first as a teacher, later as a paramedic. After the birth of Arkady, three more children appeared in the family - his younger sisters. The parents of the future writer were not alien revolutionary ideas and even participated in revolutionary events 1905. Fearing arrest, in 1908 the Golikovs left Lgov, and from 1912 they lived in Arzamas. It was this city that the future writer Arkady Gaidar considered his "small" homeland: here he studied at a real school, from here at the age of 14 he got to the front of the Civil War.

Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov was drafted into the army in 1914, after the February Revolution, the soldiers of the 11th Siberian Regiment elected him commissar, then the former ensign Golikov led the regiment. After October 1917, he became commissar of the division headquarters. Pyotr Isidorovich spent the entire Civil War on the fronts. He never returned to his family.

Natalya Arkadyevna, Gaidar's mother, until 1920 worked as a paramedic in Arzamas, then headed the county health department in the city of Przhevalsk, was a member of the county-city revolutionary committee. She died of tuberculosis in 1924.

Obviously, a boy from an intelligent family, which was Arkady at the beginning of the Civil War, could perceive the unfolding events as a kind of game. He could not care on whose side to realize his desire to accomplish a feat. However, the "revolutionary past" and the beliefs of the parents had an effect: in August 1918, Arkady Golikov applied to join the Arzamas organization of the RCP. By the decision of the Arzamas Committee of the RCP (b) on August 29, 1918, Golikov was admitted to the party "with the right of an advisory vote in his youth and until the completion of party education."

In his autobiography, Gaidar writes:

According to the information of the most authoritative "Gaidar expert" B. Kamov, Arkady was brought to the headquarters of the communist battalion by his mother. She alone was unable to feed four children, and Natalya Arkadyevna asked to take her son to the service. Battalion commander E.O. Efimov ordered that a literate and tall, precocious teenager be enlisted as an adjutant in the headquarters. Arkady was given a uniform, put on allowance. The family began to receive rations. A month later, Efimov was suddenly appointed commander of the troops for the protection of the railways of the Republic. An intelligent boy, who was excellent in documents and was efficient, the commander took with him to Moscow. Arkady was not yet 15 years old then.

The Red Army soldier Golikov successfully served first as an adjutant, then as the head of the communications team, but constantly "bombed" his superiors with reports of transfer to the front. In March 1919, after another report, he was sent to command courses, which were soon transferred from Moscow to Kyiv.

The situation in Kyiv did not allow the cadets to study in peace: they were constantly created combat detachments, thrown to liquidate gangs, used on the internal fronts. At the end of August 1919, early graduation took place at the courses, but the new painters were not distributed in parts. Of these, the Shock Brigade was formed here, which immediately came out to defend Kyiv from the Whites. On August 27, in the battle near Boyarka, platoon commander Arkady Golikov replaced the killed half-company Yakov Oksyuz with himself.

The years 1919-1920 pass for the newly minted commander in battles and battles: the Polish Front, Kuban, North Caucasus, Tavria.

"... I live like a wolf, I command a company, we fight with might and main with bandits"- Arkady Golikov reported in Arzamas to his comrade Alexander Plesko in the summer of 1920.

He is not yet seventeen, but not a boy: combat experience, three fronts, a wound, two shell shocks. The latter - in the attack, when the battalion occupied the Tubinsky Pass. The life path is chosen - the personnel commander of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

From the autobiography of A. Gaidar:

Adopted for the junior squad of company commanders, Arkady Golikov graduated from the "Shot" in the senior, tactical, squad. During his studies, he undergoes a short internship as a battalion commander and regiment commander, in March 1921 he took command of the 23rd reserve rifle regiment of the 2nd reserve rifle brigade of the Oryol military district, then was appointed commander of a battalion that acted against two rebel "armies" Antonov in the Tambov province. At the end of June 1921, the commander of the troops in the Tambov province M.N. Tukhachevsky signed an order appointing Arkady Golikov, who at that time was not yet 18 years old, commander of the 58th separate regiment for combating banditry.

Regiment commander

With the command of the regiment, a new stage in the life of Arkady Gaidar began, perhaps the most controversial. According to some biographers, during this period Golikov proved himself to be a decisive, talented commander who defended the gains of Soviet power. Others will say: cruel executioner and murderer.

It should not be forgotten that there are no right or wrong in the civil struggle. A very young man, in the past an intelligent boy Arkady Golikov, like many of his peers, scorched by the Civil War, was hardly psychologically ready for the activities that he had to lead when he headed the combat section in the fight against banditry. The newly minted commander of the Red Army, as best he could, tried to match the role imposed on him, but in reality he turned out to be not an executioner, but only a victim of the bloody military era and his own delusions.

After the defeat of the "Antonovshchina" in the fall of 1921, the commander Arkady Golikov received Tukhachevsky's personal praise for the work done. They wanted to send him to Moscow, giving a recommendation for admission to the Academy of the General Staff. However, the “experienced” commander had to lead one of the battalions of special forces (CHON) and go to Bashkiria, where it became necessary to fight against kulak and nationalist gangs. In Bashkiria, the Chonovites failed to make war: the battalion participated only in a few minor skirmishes, but already at the end of September 1921, Gaidar was transferred to Khakassia. Here, large gangs of the Cossack Solovyov intensified their activities.

The social base of the insurgent movement in Khakassia was the dissatisfaction of the local population with the policy of the communist regime (surplus appropriations, mobilization, labor duties, the seizure of pastures necessary for the Khakass cattle breeders). The new government, disregarding the real interests and objective possibilities of the "wild" population, tried to suppress by force the centers of spontaneous resistance, destroying the way of life that had developed over the centuries.

Under these conditions, the “criminal gang” of Solovyov, pursued by punitive detachments, acquired the status of a defender of the Khakass population. The size of the gang at different times ranged from two squadrons to twenty people.

Having found himself with small forces in the area where, in his opinion, half of the population supported the "bandits", Golikov informed the commander of the provincial CHON about the need, according to the experience of the Tambov region, to introduce harsh sanctions against the "half-savage foreigners", up to the complete destruction of the "bandit" uluses. Indeed, there were many people among the Khakasses who sympathized with the bandits, therefore, such methods of struggle as the capture and execution of hostages (women and children), the forcible expropriation of property, and the execution (flogging) of everyone suspected of having links with the rebels quickly entered the practice of the Chonovites.

No real documents confirming the direct participation of Arkady Golikov and his subordinates in the atrocities listed have been preserved.

It is only known that the representative of the military authorities failed to establish relations with the local Soviets and with the representatives of the Gubernia Department of the GPU. In his opinion, the "Gepeushniks" more closely followed the behavior of the Chon commanders and scribbled denunciations on them, but did not engage in their direct duties - the creation of a local intelligence network. Golikov had to personally recruit scouts for himself. He acted as any commander of the Red Army would have done in his place: he arrested those whom he suspected of having links with the gang, and then forced him to work as his scouts. The young commander had no experience, and he was guided only by the combat situation and the laws of wartime, because he did not know other laws. Naturally, numerous reports and complaints to higher authorities rained down on Golikov.

On June 3, 1922, a special department of the provincial department of the GPU initiated case No. 274 on charges of A.P. Golikov in abuse of official position. A special commission headed by battalion commander J. A. Wittenberg went to the place, which, having collected complaints from the population and local authorities, concluded its report by demanding the execution of the former head of the combat unit.

However, on June 7, the resolution of the commander V.N. was transferred from the headquarters of the provincial CHON to a special department. Kakoulina: "Arrest under no circumstances, replace and recall."

On June 14 and 18, Golikov was interrogated at the OGPU of the city of Krasnoyarsk. By that time, four departments had opened criminal cases against him at once: the CHON, the GPU, the prosecutor's office of the 5th army and the control commission under the Yenisei provincial party committee. Each department conducted its own investigation. During interrogations, the accused claimed that he shot without trial only bandits who themselves confessed to their crimes. However, no one carried out “legal formalities”, such as keeping an interrogation protocol or drawing up a death sentence, in his unit. Gaidar explained this by the fact that there was no competent clerk at the headquarters, and he himself was too busy to bother with unnecessary papers. In the course of the investigation, it was nevertheless found out that most of the crimes attributed to Golikov were the work of other persons or simply inventions of the scammers themselves.

On June 30, the gubernatorial department of the GPU transferred Golikov's case to the control commission of the Yenisei Gubernia Committee for consideration by the party line. Other cases were also transferred there. On August 18, the party organ considered this case at a joint meeting of the presidium of the provincial committee and the RKP(b) Committee. Almost all charges, except for illegal expropriations and the execution of three bandit accomplices, were dropped from Golikov. According to the decree of September 1, 1922, he was not expelled from the party (as some “researchers” now claim), but only transferred to the category of probationers for two years, with the deprivation of the opportunity to hold responsible positions.

As a result of the unrest, old injuries began to show. Three years earlier, the fifteen-year-old company commander had been wounded and at the same time severely shell-shocked by a nearby exploding shell. The shock wave damaged the brain. In addition, the young man unsuccessfully fell from a horse, hit his head and back. In peacetime, this injury might not have had such severe consequences, but during the war Gaidar quickly developed a traumatic neurosis. Some eyewitnesses of his actions in the Tambov region and Khakassia claimed that the commander Golikov, despite his youth, actively abused alcohol. People who knew Gaidar intimately already in the 1930s recalled that he could often look and act like he was drunk, although he did not actually drink. This is how the attacks of neurosis began in the writer. After judicial trial in Krasnoyarsk, Gaidar was immediately assigned a psychiatric examination.

From a letter from Arkady to his sister Natasha:

Such a diagnosis was made to a nineteen-year-old boy! The young "veteran" was treated for a long time in Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Moscow. Attacks of traumatic neurosis rolled less often, were not so acute. But the conclusion of the doctors crossed out the dream of an academy. In fact, paint Arkady Golikov was deprived of the opportunity to continue his service in the Red Army. The only way out for a disabled person - a victim of the Civil War - was writing.


Konstantin Fedin recalled:

There used to be a regimental commander - of course. Decided to become a writer - also understandable. But who was he then when he appeared in the editorial office of the almanac in a tunic and an army cap, on the burnt band of which there was a dark trace of a recently removed red star?

The answer to this question is the registration sheet No. 12371 of the Moscow City Military Commissariat, compiled by A.P. Golikov. in 1925. In the column "Is he in the service and where?" Answer: unemployed.

It is known that from the end of 1923 until his appearance in Leningrad in 1925, the former regimental commander Arkady Golikov wandered around the country, doing odd jobs, led the life of a half-traveler, half-tramp.

The work presented to the editors did not at all draw on a novel. It was the story "In the days of defeats and victories", which was published in the almanac, but it passed almost unnoticed by the reader. Critics spoke unflatteringly about the story, considering it a weak and mediocre work. But failures do not stop Gaidar. In April 1925, his story "RVS" was published. He also did not bring the author wide fame, but young readers liked it.

Arkady Golikov again spends the summer of 1925 wandering, and in the fall he ends up in Moscow, where he meets his Arzamas friend Alexander Plesko, who at that time was “well settled”: he worked in Perm as deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper of the district committee of the Zvezda party. Alexander Plesko advised Arkady to go to Perm. The newspaper is good, the staff is young, friendly, in addition, Nikolai Kondratiev collaborates in Zvezda, their mutual friend by Arzamas. Friends willingly accepted Arkady into their circle. Already on the eve of the 8th anniversary October revolution his material appeared in the festive issue of Zvezda. Here, for the first time, the pseudonym "Gaidar" appears. They Arkady Golikov signed the story about the civil war "Corner House".


The writer A. Rozanov in 1979, in his essay “Read and Think,” recalls the story of A.P. Gaidar about the origin of the pseudonym:

Then Arkady Petrovich continued - “... In the twenty-first year, our unit drove the bandits out of a village in Khakassia. I'm driving slowly down the street, suddenly runs up old woman strokes the horse and says to me in his own language: “Gaidar! Gaidar! It seems to mean "daring, dashing horseman." And this coincidence struck me so much that later I signed one of the first feuilletons printed - Gaidar ... ".

The son of the writer Timur Gaidar also began to adhere to this version.

Subsequently, one of the biographers interpreted the translation of this word from Mongolian as follows: "Gaidar is a rider galloping ahead."

Sounds nice. But it was worth doing a simple thing - looking through dictionaries to make sure: neither in Mongolian, nor in two dozen other oriental languages, such a meaning of the word "gaidar" or "haidar" simply does not exist.

In the Khakass language, “haidar” means: “where, in which direction?” Perhaps, when the Khakass saw that the head of the combat area for the fight against banditry was going somewhere at the head of the detachment, they asked each other: “Khaidar Golikov? Where is Golikov going? In which direction? - to warn others of impending danger.

Permian period

In Perm, Gaidar worked for a long time in local archives, studying the events of the period of the first Russian revolution in Motovilikha and the fate of Alexander Lbov from the Urals. He was helped in everything by a dark-haired, mischievous, mobile, like mercury, girl Rakhil (Liya) Solomyanskaya - an active member of the Komsomol, the organizer of the first printed pioneer newspaper in Perm "Ant-wonder". She was seventeen, Gaidar - 21. In December 1925 they got married. For Arkady Petrovich, this was the second marriage. In 1921 he was married to Maria Plaksina. Their son Eugene died in infancy. In December 1926, Rachel also gave birth to a boy. It happened in Arkhangelsk, where Rakhil temporarily went to her mother. From Perm, Gaidar sent a telegram to his wife: "Name your son Timur."

With son Timur

While living in Perm, Gaidar worked on the story "Lbovshchina" ("Life in Nothing"), which was published with a continuation in the regional newspaper "Zvezda", and then published as a separate book. A good salary was received. Arkady Petrovich decided to spend it on traveling around the country without vouchers and business trips. He was accompanied by his peer, also a journalist, Nikolai Kondratiev. First Central Asia: Tashkent, Kara-Kum. Then crossing the Caspian to the city of Baku.

Before arriving in the capital of Azerbaijan, they did not count money, but here, in the eastern bazaar, it turned out that travelers had nothing to pay even for a watermelon. Friends quarreled. Both had to "hares" to get to Rostov-on-Don. The clothes were worn out, the holes had to be sewn to the underwear. In this form, you will not enter either the editorial office of the Rostov "Hammer" or the book publishing house, where a children's writer could be helped with money. The travelers went to the freight railway station and worked for several days in a row loading watermelons. Here nobody cared about their clothes, because the others were no better dressed. And no one, of course, guessed that the writer, the former regiment commander, was loading the watermelons. The journey, full of romantic adventures, ended with the creation of the story “Riders of the Unapproachable Mountains” (published in Moscow in 1927).

Gaidar soon had to leave Perm. Because of the topical feuilleton published in Zvezda under his signature, a big scandal erupted. The writer was brought to trial for libel and personal insult. The charges of slander were dropped from him, but for the insult that took place on the pages of the newspaper, the author of the feuilleton was sentenced to a week's arrest. The arrest was replaced by a public censure, only the edition of the printed organ had to be responsible for the insult. Gaidar's feuilletons were never published in Zvezda. The scandalous journalist moved to Sverdlovsk, where he worked for a short time in the Ural Worker newspaper, and in 1927 he left for Moscow.

The first works that brought fame to Arkady Gaidar were the fascinating stories for young people On the Count's Ruins (1928) and An Ordinary Biography (published in the Roman Newspaper for Children in 1929).


In 1931, Gaidar's wife Leah Lazarevna left for another and took her son with her. Arkady was left alone, he yearned, could not work, he left for Khabarovsk as a correspondent for the Pacific Star newspaper.

In the fifth issue of the almanac "The Past", published in Paris in 1988, the memoirs of the journalist Boris Zaks about Arkady Gaidar (B. Zaks. Notes of an eyewitness. P. 378-390), with whom they worked together and lived in Khabarovsk, were published.

According to B. Zaks, after the divorce from his wife, Gaidar's illness became especially aggravated. At times, his behavior resembled violent insanity: he rushed at people with death threats, broke windows, defiantly cut himself with a razor.

“I was young, I had never seen anything like it, and that terrible night made a terrible impression on me. Gaidar cut himself. The blade of a safety razor. One blade was taken away from him, but as soon as he turned away, he was already cut with another. Asked to go to the restroom, locked himself, did not answer. They broke the door, and he cuts again, wherever he got the blade. They took him away in an unconscious state, all the floors in the apartment were covered with blood coagulated into large clots ... I thought he would not survive.
At the same time, it did not seem that he was striving to commit suicide; he did not try to inflict a mortal wound on himself, he simply arranged a kind of "shahsei-vakhsei". Later, already in Moscow, I happened to see him in his shorts. The entire chest and arms below the shoulders were completely - one to one - covered with huge scars. It was clear that he cut himself more than once ... "

The events described in the memoirs allow the doctor to qualify Gaidar's actions as "substitution therapy": the physical pain from cuts made it possible to distract from that terrible state of mind that caused his illness. People around could perceive this as a suicide attempt, and therefore in Khabarovsk the writer again ends up in a psychiatric hospital, where he spends more than a year.

From the diary of Arkady Gaidar:

Children's writer Arkady Gaidar

Gaidar returns to Moscow in the autumn of 1932. Here the writer has neither permanent housing, nor relatives, nor money. Here is how Gaidar describes his first impressions of his stay in Moscow:

I have nowhere to put myself, no one to easily go to, nowhere even to spend the night ... In fact, I have only three pairs of linen, a duffel bag, a field bag, a sheepskin coat, a hat - and nothing else and no one, no home, no place, no friends .

And this at a time when I am not at all poor, and not at all outcast and not needed by anyone. It just kind of comes out like that. For two months he did not touch the story "Military Secret". Meetings, conversations, acquaintances ... Overnight stays - where necessary. Money, lack of money, again money.

They treat me very well, but there is no one to take care of me, and I myself do not know how. That's why everything comes out somehow not humanly and stupidly.

Yesterday they finally sent me to the OGIZ rest home to finalize the story ... "

But his works for youth are published in the central magazines. Books are published and republished by metropolitan publishing houses. Gradually come fame, high fees, fame, success ...

Many people who knew the writer Arkady Gaidar in life considered him a cheerful, even reckless, but in his own way a very strong and whole person. In any case, outwardly he made just such an impression. In what he wrote, he himself believed and could make others believe. A real, noisy success came to Arkady Petrovich after the publication of the autobiographical story "School" (1930). This was followed by the story "Far Countries" (1932), "Military Secret" (1935), which included famous fairy tale about Malchish-Kibalchish. In 1936, the magazine "Children's Literature" published the story "The Blue Cup", remarkable in its lyricism, which caused a lot of discussion. In the end, the story was banned for further printing by the People's Commissar of Education N.K. Krupskaya personally. During the life of the author, The Blue Cup was no longer published, but, in our opinion, this is the most talented and deeply psychological work of Arkady Petrovich. One of the first in children's literature, Gaidar presented the child not just as a unifying and reconciling factor in the family. Having made the child a full-fledged participant in “adult” relationships, the author provides his parents with the opportunity to look at the situation with different eyes, reconsider their actions, and evaluate them differently.

According to the memoirs of his son Timur, his father was always very sorry that he had to leave the army service. Remaining faithful to the era of the Civil War that had raised him, Gaidar always wore semi-military clothes, never wore suits and ties, and opened the window in any weather if some military unit was marching down the street singing a song. Once he bought a huge portrait of Budyonny, which did not fit in the room, and Arkady Petrovich had to give his wardrobe to place an image of your favorite military leader on the wall.

In addition to writing, Gaidar did not find any other occupation in peacetime. He devoted himself entirely to literature, without a trace, clutching at war memories as the most important and dear in life. Creativity, obviously, helped the writer to fill the inner void, to realize his unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. It is no coincidence that in his works almost all adult characters (male fathers) are military men, officers of the Red Army, participants in the Civil War.

In 1938, Arkady Gaidar for some reason left Moscow for Klin. Why exactly in Klin - for all his biographers - is a "military secret". It is difficult to trace the logic of a sick person, but it was in this town that Arkady Petrovich decided to “take root”. In Klin, he rented a room and almost immediately married the daughter of his landlord - Chernyshova Dora Matveevna, adopted her daughter Zhenya.

Zhenya recalled how one day dad took her and two girlfriends for a walk around Klin. And he told them to take empty buckets with them. He brought the girls to the center of the city, blindfolded them with ribbons and put them in buckets ... topped them with ice cream!

Arkady Petrovich wrote his famous story "Timur and his team" in Klin in 1940. True, at first it was a script for a movie. In issues with a continuation, it was published by Pionerskaya Pravda. Each issue of the newspaper was discussed at the debate - with the participation of writers, professional journalists and, of course, pioneers.

In Klin, the writer worked as if he was trying to save himself from bouts of mental illness by creative effort. Literally “on a binge”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “Chuk and Gek”, “Smoke in the Forest”, “Commandant of the Snow Fortress”, “In the Winter of 1941” and “Timur's Oath” were written in a few years.

Reading the memoirs of people close to Gaidar and his works, full of optimism and faith in the bright future of the Soviet country, it is hard to believe that for almost the entire period of 1939-41 Gaidar was haunted by a serious illness. He spent a lot of time in psychiatric clinics, often suffered and did not believe in himself.

From a letter to the writer R. Fraerman (1941):

In this letter, in our opinion, Gaidar's attitude to the reality surrounding him is clearly manifested. He could not but understand that everyone around him was lying, that he himself was descending to previously impossible lies: he did not believe himself, he was prevaricating, inventing unrealistic circumstances in the life of his heroes. Perhaps in everyday life he goes against his convictions and principles, tries to arrange his personal life, knowing that his first wife was repressed, creates the illusion of a family with Chernyshova that did not work out, again plunges headlong into saving creativity.

By 1941, Gaidar's talent and fame had reached their peak. It was in the early 40s that his most famous works were published. Perhaps Gaidar would have written more than one wonderful book, but the Great Patriotic War began.


In June 1941, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar turned only 37 years old. In his blond light hair, gray hair was not even guessed, he looked quite healthy, young, full of strength, but the medical commission refuses the writer, as an invalid, to be called up for active military service.

A.P. Gaidar, 1941

Then Gaidar went to the editorial office of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and offered his services as a war correspondent. On July 18, 1941, he received a pass from the General Staff of the Red Army to the active army and left for the Southwestern Front. IN military uniform, but with plastic buttons on the tunic. Civilian and unarmed.

After the encirclement in September 1941 of the units of the South-Western Front in the Uman-Kyiv region, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ended up in Gorelov's partisan detachment. In the detachment he was a machine gunner. He died on October 26, 1941, near the village of Leplyavo, Kanevsky district, Cherkasy region. The real circumstances of his death have not yet been clarified. According to the official version, a group of partisans stumbled upon a German ambush near the railway embankment near the village of Leplyavo. Gaidar was the first to see the Germans and managed to shout: “Guys, Germans!”, after which he was killed by a machine-gun burst. This saved the lives of his comrades - they managed to leave. The fact that it was Arkady Gaidar who was killed was revealed only after the war, thanks to the testimony of two surviving witnesses (S. Abramov and V. Skrypnik). But there are other testimonies of local residents who claim that in the winter of 1941-1942 they hid in their house a man very similar to the writer Arkady Gaidar. In the spring of 1942, this man, who introduced himself as Arkady Ivanov, left them, intending to cross the front line. His further fate is unknown to anyone.




Illustrated quiz with various questions. Designed for younger and intermediate readers school age. The program itself counts the number of correct answers and shows the time spent on the game. Suitable for individual and group play. Rewrite the game to your computer and play with pleasure. Author Galushko N.V. The size of the archive is 2.4 mb. DOWNLOAD QUIZ


Poster size - 768x1024
File size - 106 kb.
The collage was designed by Galushko N.V.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image and download the poster.


Click on the picture thumbnail to read the correct answers

1. "Hot ..."
4. "Fourth ..."
5. "Military ..."
6. "... drummer"
7. "Chuk and ..."
8. "... in the forest"
9. "On the counts ..."


Andreeva M. S. "Hello, funny people...": [methodological materials for working with books by A. P. Gaidar: book exhibition scheme, questionnaires, Gaidar tournament] / M. S. Andreeva, M. P. Korotkova / / Library at school. - 2003. - No. 23. - P.55-57.

Andrianova M. A.
Lesson of "cordialization": [script of the lesson based on the story of A.P. Gaidar "Conscience"] // elementary school. - 1995. - No. 6. - P.77.

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar, 1904-1941
: to the 100th anniversary of the birth. Issue. 1 / Author-editor: M. S. Andreeva, M. P. Korotkova. - M.: School library, 2004. - 22 p. : 10 s ill. - (Exhibition in the school library).

Vladimirova L. A."Favorite children's books creator and best friend of the guys" (S. Mikhalkov): [material for a library lesson on the work of A.P. Gaidar for children 7-9 years old] // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2011. - No. 3. - P.16-21.

Davydova M.A. About brave guys: a script about the life and work of the famous children's writer for students in grades 4-6 // Read, study, play. - 2013. - No. 10. - S. 16-21 .: ill.

Makarova B.A. The horseman galloping ahead: the script for a theatrical literary and musical composition about Gaidar A.P. // Read, study, play. - 2003. - No. 11. - S. 44-50 .: ill.

Chizhova L.G. The fate of the commander: a game event for family teams dedicated to the anniversary of A.P. Gaidar for students in grades 5-6 // Reading, learning, playing. - 2013. - No. 10. - S. 22-25 .: ill.

1. "Timur and his ..."
2. "Far ..."
3. "Blue ..."
4. "Forest ..."
6. "... about the military secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word"

Compiled by: Galushko N.V.


He will never be old.
Into the eyes of readers from a portrait
Looks laughing Gaidar,
Dressed in a marching overcoat.
S.Ya. Marshak

Computer quiz in pictures "Heroes of the story "Timur and his team" (From the illustration, determine the name of the character in the story, describe the plot that the picture illustrates). PowerPoint-2010 (ppsx). Document size - 4.5 mb.


S.Ya. Marshak

Big, funny, bright-eyed,
Sitting down at the fire,
He wrote his stories
Like an endless game.
He was a soldier and leader.
And every line
Remained as a testament to the guys
Bolshevik writer.
He died somewhere near Leplyava,
Like a partisan, behind enemy lines,
And, overshadowed by eternal glory,
Sleeps on the banks of the Dnieper.
And every day to the grave of a warrior
The wave brings the news
What has blossomed and what has been built
On the fields where the war was going on.
To make the earth buzz with construction
Where the war was on fire,
They got the world with courage
People like Gaidar.

S.V. Mikhalkov

Favorite children's books creator
And a true friend of the guys,
He lived like a fighter should live,
And he died like a soldier.
You open the school story
Gaidar wrote:
The true hero of that story
And dared, though small in stature.
Read Gaidar's story
And look around
Live among us today
Timur, and Gek, and Chuk.
They are recognized by their actions.
And it's not a problem
What is the Gaidar name
Heroes are not always
Pages of honest, clean books
left as a gift to the country
Fighter, Writer, Bolshevik
And Citizen - Gaidar ...

I. Belyaev

Reading Gaidar's book
In the evening aloud the three of us,
Suddenly the boys were dreaming
About your future.
Dreamed, argued a lot
And again began to dream:
They have a road for everyone in life
That evening I wanted to choose.
One agreed without dispute
Becoming adults, a gift to the Motherland
Build a beautiful city
And give him a name - Gaidar.
From a portrait in an open book
Gaidar smiled in response:
"My dear boys,
Nothing is impossible for you!”

I. Antonov

Tired from work
Mother came in the evening
And he sees that his son
Bed not made
That tea is getting cold in a glass,
That the floor is not swept
What, lying on the sofa,
He is reading a book...
And his mother with resentment
She said: "Son,
Someday you mom
Any help?"
And the son answered gloomily,
Barely looking at the mother:
“You, mother, about Timur
You're stopping me from reading."
I'm sure guys
What if Gaidar lived
Illustrious Writer
and brave commissioner, -
That this boy
That's how mother meets
The author of the book would say
(Or rather, I could say):
"You must have a conscience
Fall asleep, boy!
You managed to read the story
But I couldn’t understand!”

S.Ya. Marshak

Every Soviet citizen knows
Whether he is very young or old,
That a children's writer lived in the world,
Blue-eyed hero Gaidar.
From youth, wearing a soldier's overcoat,
He defended his homeland
Was he best friend you guys
And for our happiness fell in battle.

The name Gaidar first appeared on the pages of the Permian newspaper Zvezda on November 7, 1925. When did Arkady Golikov come up with this pseudonym and what does it mean?
In one of the diary entries of 1940, Arkady Petrovich recalls poems written by him 17 years ago, i.e. in 1923:
Everything is gone. But fires smoke
The roar of storms is heard in the distance.
All comrades left Gaidar.
Further, further forward they went.
Already then, in 1923, Gaidar sounded in the quatrain. Where does this resounding word come from? Arkady Petrovich himself did not answer this question. And if they insisted, he got off with a joke or answered differently each time. Gaidar's contemporary, fellow writer B. Zaks wrote: “Even explaining the origin of his pseudonym, he did not always adhere to the same version, ... perhaps the most reliable is this. During the period when he commanded a separate regiment somewhere in the steppes near Minusinsk, the inhabitants called him "Gaidar Golikov", which means: chief Golikov.

Another version is offered by a classmate of Arkady Petrovich A.M. Goldin in the book "An Unfictional Life". He considers the pseudonym as an anagram: G is the initial letter of the surname "Golikov". AI - the first and last letters of the name Arkady (A-th), D - in French, the prefix "de" or "d" means "from" (Arkady studied French), AR - initial letters titles hometown- Arzamas.

This version is also supported by Arkady Gaidar's son Timur Gaidar in the book Arkady Golikov from Arzamas. He writes that Arkady was a great inventor in childhood and often invented ciphers. G - AY - D - AR, Timur Arkadevich believes, this is: Arkady Golikov from Arzamas, “... a pseudonym in which the inviting childish “aida!” and the free word "gaidamak" and even rolls under the drumstick Arkady's favorite "rrrr".

The version of the writer Boris Yemelyanov also became widespread: “In Mongolian,“ Gaidar ”is“ a horseman galloping ahead ”. For many, this beautiful and romantic version is inextricably merged with the image of Arkady Gaidar. The pseudonym "Gaidar" in the meaning - "The horseman galloping ahead" entered the consciousness of many generations. This happened, probably, because the symbolic meaning of the pseudonym accurately reflected not only the personal and creative biography writer, but also the place and role of the artist in literary development.




Virtual album "Rider galloping ahead". Archive - 14.9 mb. A virtual book with turning pages will help the librarian guide readers interesting conversation about Gaidar. The album is made up of photographs of Gaidar and his family from different years, as well as photographs of monuments to the writer. The album was designed by Galushko N.V.


Among the letters, find 15 names, surnames and nicknames of the characters in the story "Timur and his team".

Hints can be found in the electronic version of the game (see section "Computer games")

"15 names and surnames of the heroes of the story "Timur and his team": flash-fillword. Archive - 412 kb. The game requires a program that reads flash files. In the archive - instructions for the game. DOWN-LOAD A GAME.

Click on the fillword grid to read the correct answers

When creating the page (poems and educational materials), the following was used Toolkit:
Arkady Petrovich Gaidar, 1904-1941: to the 100th anniversary of the birth. Issue. 1 / Author-editor: M. S. Andreeva, M. P. Korotkova. - M.: School Library, 2004. - 22 p. : 10 s ill. - (Exhibition in the school library).


Our library dedicated to the 110th anniversary of A.P. Gaidar has a whole cycle of events - a book exhibition, watching cartoons, loud readings of the writer's fairy tales, a drawing competition, a computer game library.January 22 was held under the motto "Day with Gaidar", during which young readers got acquainted with the work of this wonderful writer. For students of the 4th grade of school No. 1 and 3rd grade of school No. 44, a competitive program based on the story "Timur and his team". First, the children got acquainted with the biography of the writer, and then took part in various competitions for knowledge of the text of the work - they added the loto "Heroes of the story", guessed the event from the picture, determined who owns this or that object, answered computer quiz questions. Award - diploma "Connoisseurs of the works of A.P. Gaidar", received the team that scored b O more points. The children were satisfied with the event and took Gaidar's other books with them to read them at home.

Slide 2. The life of Arkady Gaidar is full of paradoxes. She herself is a paradox.

Slide 3. For starters, the roots. On the line of the father of Peter Isidorovich, the Golikovs are peasants. And my mother, Natalya Arkadyevna, nee Salkova, was Lermontov's sixth cousin's great-great-niece. The connection is not direct, but symbolic.

slide 4. Arkady Golikov (Gaidar - his literary name) learned to read early, early learned the names of those who wrote the most interesting books– Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne…

But Arkady not only read a lot. He liked to perform on the stage of the "home theater", which was organized by the Golikovs' neighbor, teacher Tatyana Ivanovna Babaykina, at school amateur art evenings. Once he was reading an excerpt from "Peasant Children" by N.A. Nekrasov. None of the students of the real school was applauded as loudly as he was. Even the strict teacher of literature (as literature lessons were then called) smiled and said to his neighbor: “The boy is well prepared, knows a lot about poetry. But on the street I met him more than once and thought that a daredevil did not even hold good books in his hands.

Arkasha's childhood, with his usual boyish activities - a real school, games, first poems, "sea battles" on the pond - coincided with the First World War and the revolution. He called it a happy time. Dreams came true - you could easily exchange a revolver at the market, hear revolutionaries live - Socialist-Revolutionaries, Cadets, Bolsheviks. The fourteen-year-old Golikov leaned into the latter, becoming perhaps the youngest member of this party. But it was no longer a game. He believed in a new wonderful life and went to protect her.

In four years of war he went from adjutant to regiment commander. Colonel at seventeen! Even the young officers of 1812 did not know such a career. They fought for the Fatherland, against a foreign enemy, and Golikov fought with his own - with the Russians. So much shock and pain was brought by the civil, no, the real military war. Wounds, shell shock, bivouac life, cruelty, blood were not in vain for such a sensitive and proud young man as Arkady. The result was a severe nervous illness that haunted him all his life and forced him to leave the army. But the life experience accumulated during the civil war draws Arkady to writing. The first publication refers to 1925. The Zvezda magazine published the story "In the days of defeats and victories." That was the name of the first story by Golikov, but not yet by Gaidar. Signed "Ark. Gaidar appeared and became famous on the pages of the Permian newspaper Zvezda. This sonorous name has taken root so much that it has become a surname.

To use the expression of Gogol, beloved by Gaidar, he "traveled around Russia" to his fullest. And not only for her. In 1926, Gaidar and his comrade made a careless and presumptuous journey to Central Asia. Later, as a newspaperman in Arkhangelsk, he dictates correspondence from the board of the French ship Said in distress.

Slide 5. As one of the brightest, unforgettable episodes, the meeting of Velichka readers with Arkady Gaidar is stored in the history of the Rostov Regional Children's Library.

In 1934, a regional meeting of children's library workers was held in Rostov, in which A.P. Gaidar. He then performed in several children's libraries, including the library. V.M. Velichkina, read excerpts from the story "Military Secret", then left the manuscript to the readers of the library. The guys read the story and wrote a letter to Arkady Petrovich, in which they expressed their dissatisfaction with the death of the hero - Alka. In a heartfelt and memorable letter to the readers of the Rostov Library named after. V.M. Velichkina, answering their questions, the writer shared: “Of course, it’s better that Alka stay alive. Of course, it is better that Chapaev stay alive. Of course, it would be immeasurably better if thousands and tens of thousands of big, small, famous and unknown heroes remained alive and well. But this does not happen in real life... You feel sorry for Alka. Some guys in their review write to me that they are even “very sorry”. Well, I'll tell you frankly that when I wrote, I was so sorry myself that sometimes my hand refused to finish the last chapters. And yet it's good, which is a pity. This means that you, together with me, and I, together with you, will love even more strongly both the Soviet country in which Alka lived, and foreign comrades, those who are thrown into hard labor and prisons. And we will hate all enemies even more: both our own, at home, and strangers, foreign ones - all those who stand across our path, and in the struggle against which our best big and often small comrades perish. Here is the answer to your first question.

“Why “Military secret”? Of course, according to a fairy tale. The bourgeois asks three questions: the first of them is whether the victorious Red Army has any special military secret or the secret of its victories? Of course, there is a secret, but the main Burzhuin will never understand it. It's not just about weapons, guns, tanks and bomb carriers. There is quite a lot of this among the capitalists as well. The fact is that she is deeply convinced of the rightness of her struggle. The fact that it is surrounded by the great love of millions of the best proletarians of the capitalist countries ... And this is also the Red Army's own military secret. Here is the answer to your second question.

With this letter, in order not to repeat myself, I immediately answer the guys of the libraries to them. Velichkina and Lomonosov. Strong greetings to everyone - Mitya Belykh, Vita Zaraisky, Alekseev, Podskorin, Richter, Valya Cherednichenko and in general to everyone who has a smart head on their shoulders.

I'm alive and well. Now I live in the mountains. Arzamas, I'm working, I'll stay here for a few more months. In the fall, I will probably be in the Caucasus, and then, perhaps, we will meet again for a day or two. Be alive and well and you.

Letter to A.P. Gaidar was published in the Pioneer magazine in 1940. The original of the writer's letter to the readers of the library, unfortunately, was lost during the occupation of Rostov by the Germans.

slide 6. The son of the Soviet writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (Golikov). The well-known novel by Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team" was associated with his name.

Timur Gaidar graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval School in 1948, Faculty of Journalism of the Military-Political Academy. Lenin in 1954. He served on a submarine in the Baltic and Pacific fleets. Later he worked in the newspapers "Soviet Fleet" and "Red Star", and since 1957 - in the newspaper "Pravda", where he was the editor of the military department, his own correspondent in Cuba, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan. He also published in Moscow News and Izvestia, was a member of the editorial board of Pioneer magazine.

Timur Arkadyevich Gaidar was an honored guest and an active assistant to the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. A. P. Gaidar, located in the Moscow district Tekstilshchiki.

Slide 7. During the Great Patriotic War, Gaidar was in the army as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. He was a witness and participant in the Kyiv defensive operation of the Southwestern Front. Wrote military essays "At the crossing", "Bridge", "At the front line", "Rockets and grenades".

slide 8. After the encirclement of the South-Western Front near Kiev, in September 1941, Arkady Petrovich fell into the partisan detachment of Gorelov. In the detachment he was a machine gunner. On October 26, 1941, near the village of Leplyavoy in Ukraine, Arkady Gaidar died in battle with the Germans, warning members of his detachment of the danger. In 1947 he was reburied in Kanev.

slide 9. In 2014, the story "The Fate of the Drummer" turns 75 years old!

The story "The Fate of the Drummer" was written by Gaidar in 1938. She talks about the severe trials that befell the thirteen-year-old boy Seryozha Shcherbachev, the drummer of the pioneer detachment. The boy is proud of his father, who fought for the revolution. But my father was arrested for embezzlement of government money. The boy dreamed of being a brave drummer soldier, similar to the little French hero he had read about, but, having lost the sense of internal responsibility for his actions, he makes a series of mistakes that lead him to meet with criminals.

The plot is based on a sharp conflict that helps to reveal the inner world of the protagonist. The rapidly developing action is psychologically justified: the chain of mistakes and delusions of the boy, left without relatives, without the kindness and trust of others, is growing. In the tone of the story, the motive of anxiety for the fate of the child sounds more and more strongly. The author traces how, day after day, the main ethical standards. The plot develops from episode to episode more and more intensely, in some places approaching a detective story. However, the detective elements are subordinated to the main theme of the work - the theme of education. In The Fate of the Drummer, Gaidar uses the form of a story in the first person, which allows him to show the hero's experiences, to give his self-esteem, without resorting to the author's commentary. This is a sincere story of the boy about his mistakes and delusions.

Internal monologues, observations and reflections of the hero are combined with the image of him in action. Believing in his hero, Gaidar psychologically accurately shows the "straightening" of the young drummer. Defeated in a teenager a sense of unity with home country, the memory of the "good soldiers' songs" of his father and "yellow glades in dandelions", on which many soldiers of the Red Army died. The feeling of a revolutionary connection with the whole people aroused in Serezha the desire to live like everyone else, to look people in the eyes “directly and openly”.

The romantic theme of the drummer runs through the whole story; it culminates in one of last scenes story: “And there was a sound, clear, even, as if someone touched a large melodious string, and she, delighted, long untouched by anyone, trembled, rang, striking the whole world with the amazing purity of her tone. The sound grew stronger and stronger, and with it I grew and grew stronger.

"Stand up, drummer! the same voice prompted me warmly and affectionately. “Get up and don’t rot!” The time has come!

In internal dialogue Serezha is defeated by a fearless drummer, and the boy at a crucial moment becomes a fighter who does not put up with the fact that bandits and spies "go anywhere they want" before his eyes. The climactic scene of the story - the straightening of the drummer - is solved by romantic means, and this gives it a high emotionality.

Arkady Gaidar: “I write mainly for the youth. My best reader is ten or fifteen years old. I love this reader, and it seems to me that I understand him, because comparatively not so long ago I myself was the same teenager.

slide 10. The story "Chuk and Gek" (1939) will also celebrate its 75th anniversary this year! This story, like the "Blue Cup", was not immediately understood by critics, but was immediately accepted by the guys. Not years, but decades have passed, and works that at one time seemed to some critics to be “largely controversial”, “elementary simple in plot”, “compositionally incoherent”, “incomprehensible” for a children's reader, live in the memory of contemporaries of their first editions and in the reading of those who are growing now. These “elementarily simple in plot” stories are not so simple, and the poetic charm of the same “Chuk and Gek” is not only in its “artlessness” or in the fact that “the world is shown through the prism of children's perception”. The creative concept of the writer is deeper, the external "artlessness" and "simplicity of the plot" reflect the richness and complexity of life. This is the simplicity of a great talent, and not a primitive vision of the world.

Chuk and Gek are two brothers, and each has his own habits, his own manner of behavior and the logic of the development of thoughts. It does not matter that so far these thoughts seem to be not very significant, for example, what is the best way to deal with the disappeared telegram. Tell your mother the truth about your antics, or come up with something? After all, “this mother had a strange character,” and for a fight she “brought fighters into different rooms and for an hour, or even two, did not allow them to play together.”

And Chuk suggests not talking about the telegram at all. But Huck is more careful; he recalls that “you can’t lie,” because “mother is always even worse angry for lying.” So Huck makes a discovery that is not so “simple” and “sophisticated” that it is dangerous to lie, and nothing more. If you convince yourself that a lie is not a lie at all, which means that there should be no punishment, then you can lie. The writer does not soften the theme of lies and truth, but puts it in all its sharpness.

“Chuk and Gek” is a story about the meaning of human life, about happiness, about love for the Motherland. “What is happiness - everyone understood it in their own way. But all together people knew and understood that it was necessary to live honestly, work hard and love and protect this huge happy land, which is called Soviet country”- these words of Gaidar contain the main idea of ​​the story. Huge and good world revealed to the brothers during a trip from Moscow to the east, to the Blue Mountains. The fairy-tale opening of “Chuk and Gek” (“A man lived in a forest near the Blue Mountains”) determines the whole intonation structure of the story. Events, episodes, incidents are given in it in the emotional refraction of the perception of Chuck and Huck.

And when you start reading from an enchanted phrase: "A man lived in a forest near the Blue Mountains ..." - it warms your heart because you look forward to the pleasure of further exciting events, from Gaidar's radiant prose, from the feeling of happy delight, which is so characteristic of childhood and which with comes less and less over the years. Real events take on a fabulous coloring, are complemented by fiction, poetized: “It was an amazing walk! They walked in single file to the spring along a narrow path. Above them shone a cold blue sky; like fabulous castles and towers, the pointed cliffs of the Blue Mountains rose to it.

Gaidar's idea to write "bright as a pearl", the story was fully realized. Poetry, emotionality, humor, clear lyrical overtones - character traits this work, with amazing power conveying a feeling of happiness in life and love for the Motherland. V. Shklovsky's remark in connection with the appearance of the stories "Chuk and Gek" and "The Blue Cup" turned out to be very true about the lyricism of A. Gaidar's understanding of life, about his new voice, that this new in Gaidar's manner did not cease to make the writer understandable and beloved children."

Konstantin Paustovsky: “Arkady Gaidar was rightfully a heroic and legendary man. He was brave, faithful to his work - writing. He had a light, winged, inexhaustible imagination. The power of his imagination did not fit entirely on the pages of his books. The excess of this force, as it were, spilled into everyday life, filling with joy, made this everyday life extraordinary.

Life with Gaidar always promised surprises. Obviously, therefore, the children seriously considered him a magician, adults were amazed at his insight.

Most people do not know how to treat children as equals. Gaidar knew how to do it. He saw through any village boy with all his dreams and hobbies, with his stormy joy, thirst for activity and ingenuous slyness.

The children did not lag behind him, followed him like a leader and best friend. They were proud of him and unquestioningly obeyed his orders, always precise and reasonable ... "

Slide 11. An old house on Gorky Street, whose age has already crossed a century, is familiar to everyone in Arzamas - here from 1912 to 1918 the children's writer Arkady Gaidar lived with his family. In those years, the writer himself was still a child, but it was here that the foundations of his future work were laid, which later influenced the development of a whole generation. The house-museum still preserves the interiors of the early twentieth century, in which the family lived famous writer. The house has four rooms - a living room, a parents' room, a kitchen and a nursery. In these rooms you can see things, the value of which lies not only in involvement in the life of Gaidar. On an antique chest of drawers in the parents' room is an elegant rectangular carriage clock. Back in those years, a hundred years ago, these watches were considered real family heirloom. The kitchen is an excellent example of the way of life of the beginning of the 20th century: a large Russian stove, a copper washbasin, a samovar. And in the children's room there is the same table at which little Arkady first learned to draw letters, and then, as an adult, he wrote serious letters to his father at the front. Many books in the house are not a museum decoration. The Gaidar family really liked to read, and the books that belonged to the family are still carefully preserved.

The A.P. Gaidar House-Museum tells the story of not just one family, but of an entire historical era. In communication with the museum guides, you can learn a lot about life in Arzamas during the years of the revolution and the civil war. In addition to the permanent exhibition - the interiors of the house, there are other exhibitions related to the history of the city and neighboring regions, with museums of which there is active cooperation.

In Arzamas, the name of A.P. Gaidar was given to one of the streets, the city park of culture and recreation, school No. 7, the central city children's library, the Arzamas State pedagogical institute. Gaidar's ponds are located in the central part of the city, on which little Arkady arranged his "sea battles". The building of the Real School, where the writer studied, has been preserved in the city.

slide 12. From 1938 to 1941, A.P. Gaidar lived in Klin, near Moscow, on Bolshevik Street (now Gaidar Street). Here he wrote the works "Timur and his team", "Smoke in the forest", "Commandant of the snow fortress". In Klin, the Central Children's Library bears his name.

In 1989 in Klin, in the house where A.P. Gaidar, a museum has been opened, which presents an exposition dedicated to his life in the Klin period.

House-Museum of A.P. Gaidara keeps a lot of documents, photographs, books, personal items, household items related to the life and work of the writer.

The memorial part of the exposition reproduces the main stages of the writer's biography during the Civil War. Photos of the writer in the circle of relatives and friends, the furnishings of the writer's workplace, living room reveal the period of his life in Klin from 1938 to 1941.

The literary part of the exposition introduces the work of Gaidar, lifetime editions of his works, written in Klin.

slide 13. Monument to Malchish - Kibalchish ( literary hero) was opened on May 19, 1972, on the day of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the pioneer organization, at the main entrance to the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills. The authors of this work are sculptor V.K. Frolov, architect V.S. Kubasov. The height of the monument is 5 meters. The monument to Malchish - Kibalchish is a sculpture of a boy made of forged copper and mounted on a granite pedestal. The figure is depicted in forward motion, one leg raised for a further step. In the hands of the boy is a horn and a saber. A budenovka is on his head, a shirt is fluttering in the wind. The sculpture is mounted on a long, elevated, sloping pedestal made of granite slabs. The sculptor found and embodied in artistic and plastic form a vivid image of youthful romance, ardor, readiness for heroism and fidelity.

slide 14. In the Soviet Union, Gaidar's books played a huge role in the upbringing of the younger generations. The name of Gaidar was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages of the USSR.

In the Rostov region, Gaidar Street is in Rostov-on-Don and Bataysk, Gaidar Lane - in Novocherkassk and Shakhty.

10 children's libraries are named after Arkady Petrovich Gaidar:

The Kaliningrad and Belgorod Regional Children's Libraries, the Kaluga Central City Children's Library, and the Central Children's Library of Sevastopol bear the name of A.P. Gaidar.

In 1978 and 1983, an artistic stamped envelope dedicated to the writer was published.

slide 15. The most famous works of Arkady Gaidar: "P.B.C." (1925), "School" (1930), "Far Countries" (1932), "The Fourth Dugout", "Military Secret" (1935), "Timur and His Team" (1940), "Chuk and Gek" (1939) , "The Fate of the Drummer" (1938), the stories "Hot Stone" (1941), "The Blue Cup" (1936). In the works of the 1930s - glorification and romanticization of the Civil War, devotion to the ideals of the first years of Soviet power.

In the Soviet Union, the works of Arkady Gaidar were published more than 1,100 times with a total circulation of about 105 million copies in Russian, in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and foreign countries.

The writer's works were included in the school curriculum, actively filmed, translated into many languages ​​of the world. The work "Timur and his team" actually laid the foundation for a unique Timurov movement, which set as its goal volunteer assistance to veterans and the elderly from the side of the pioneers. S. Marshak called Gaidar "the all-Union leader."


  1. Arzamastseva I. N. Gaidar A. P. / I. N. Arzamastseva, S. A. Nikolaeva // Children's literature: a textbook for students. higher and avg. ped. textbook establishments. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy"; graduate School, 2001. - S. 296-303.
  2. Gaidar Arkady Petrovich // Writers of our childhood. 100 names: biographical dictionary in 3 parts. Part 1. - M.: Liberea, 1999. - S. 102-105.
  3. Gaidar Arkady Petrovich / / Russian children's writers of the twentieth century: a bio-bibliographic dictionary. – M.: Flint, Nauka. - 1997. - S. 113-116.
  4. Gaidar at school: a guide for teachers / comp. T. F. Kurdyumova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1976. – 126 p.
  5. The life and work of A. P. Gaidar: materials for an exhibition at a school and a children's library. - M.: Det. lit., 1984. - 18 p., l. ill.
  6. Kamov B. Arkady Gaidar. Target for newspaper killers / B. Kamov. - M .: CJSC Olma Media Group, 2011. - 544 p.
  7. Kruk N. V. Chuk and Gek: literary hour/ N. V. Kruk, I. V. Kotomtseva // Library lessons on reading. Scenarios of grades 1-9: at 2 pm. Part 1. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2010. - P. 179-197.
  8. Belyankova N. M. About the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “The role of the works of A.P. Gaidar in patriotic education children and youth” / N.M. Belyankova // Elementary school. - 2006. - No. 10. - S. 30-31.
  9. Korf O. "The fate of the drummer" Arkady Gaidar - 60 years! / O. Korf // Children's literature. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 71.
  10. Korf O. The stories of Arkady Gaidar "Chuk and Gek" - 60 years! / O. Korf // Children's literature. - 1999. - No. 1. – S. 57.
  11. Manturova L. The Tale of Prince Gaidar / Lyudmila Manturova // Children's Literature. - 2004. - No. 1/2. - S. 80-82.
  12. Motyashov I. "... Like in heaven and on earth": [for what Gaidar lived and died] / Igor Motyashov // Children's literature. - 2004. - No. 1/2. - S. 40-78.
  13. Ovchinnikova I. "Chuk and Gek". In memory of A. Gaidar (1904-1941) / I. Ovchinnikov // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2011.- No. 1. - P.12-14.
  14. Frolova E. A. Nomination of characters in A. P. Gaidar's story "Chuk and Gek" as a means of disclosure family theme/ E. A. Frolova // Russian language at school. - 2001. - No. 5. - S. 49-51.
  15. Tsvetov V. Land of dying knights: non-anniversary epilogue to the 100th anniversary of Arkady Gaidar / Vladimir Tsvetov // First of September. - 2004. - 10 Feb. (No. 11). - p. 3.

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar

Arkady Petrovich Gaidar - pseudonym, real name - Arkady Petrovich Golikov; Lgov, Russian empire; 09.01.1904 – 26.10.1941

Books by Arkady Gaidar need no introduction. More than one generation in our country grew up on them. They are included in the school curriculum, and more than 20 cartoons and television films based on Gaidar's works have been shot. Many of the writer's works are included in the school curriculum, and the writer himself is still included in.

Biography of Arkady Gaidar

Arkady Petrovich Golikov was born in the family of Pyotr Isidovich Golikov. The mother and father of the future writer were teachers. Moreover, the mother had family ties with the family. In 1912, Petr Isidovich was assigned to the city of Arzamas and the whole family of the future writer moved there. Here Arkady Petrovich enters the school and joins the revolutionary cause. Already at the age of thirteen, he participates in rallies, plays the role of a messenger, and a little later joins the RCP (b) and becomes a journalist for the Molot newspaper. In 1918, hiding his age, Arkady Golikov joined the Red Army. He is sent to training courses for command personnel in Moscow. After their completion, he participates in battles in different areas, where he receives a shell shock and wound.

After leaving the hospital, he entered the Higher Rifle School, which he graduated from in 1921. Around the same time, he marries the nurse Marusa. The result of their marriage is the son of the Wife, who died in infancy. In the same year, Arkady is appointed commander of a battalion in the Tambov province, which separates the marriage and leads to its collapse. He is entrusted with the suppression of insurgent movements. During this operation, he had multiple conflicts with the local population, which supported the rebels. As a result, complaints from local authorities about illegal confiscations and executions were constantly sent to higher authorities. The result of this was the arrest and further trial of the future writer Arkady Gaidar. During court session he was found partially guilty and was suspended from office without the right to hold leadership positions for two years.

It was at this time that the new life of Arkady Golikov began as a journalist and writer. Gaidar's first story was published in 1925 in the Zvezda magazine. It was called "In the days of defeats and victories" and was rather coolly received by critics. By this time, Arkady Gaidar had moved to Perm and became a journalist for a local newspaper. Here he meets Leah Lazareva Solomyanskaya, who becomes his second wife. But their relationship did not work out, and in 1926 the woman left for another, taking her son Timur with her.

In 1932, the writer and journalist moved to the Far Eastern Territory, where he got a job at the Pacific Star newspaper. At this time, the release of such works by Arkady Gaidar as "Chuk and Gek", "Blue Cup" and of course "Timur and his team" falls. Thanks to this, he becomes one of the leading Soviet writers for children. This allows him to get to know closely with, and many other leading writers of the country. In 1938, the writer marries for the third time. Dora Chernysheva, the daughter of the owner of his apartment, becomes his chosen one.

With the outbreak of World War II, Arkady Gaidar was sent to the front as a journalist. But near Kiev he was surrounded and became a partisan. On October 26, 1941, he, along with four other brothers, was moving towards the railway. But here they were ambushed. At the cost of his own life, Arkady Gaidar warned his associates about the ambush, which allowed them to escape.

Books by Arkady Gaidar on the Top Books website

Arkady Gaidar's books are quite popular to read to this day. Thanks to this, his works occupy worthy places in our rating. And interest in them has not diminished over the years. And the presence of books by Arkady Gaidar in the school curriculum only fuels interest in them.

Arkady Gaidar book list

Timur and his team:

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