Methods for the development of emotional intelligence in adults. How to develop emotional intelligence EQ


It so happens that EQ is often associated with the ability to influence people. In fact, his role is wider. Developed emotional intelligence is a useful "background" skill that improves life in almost all areas. By investing in working with our own emotions, we care about our well-being and success.

What is emotional intelligence

Sales people joke: “Ordinary intelligence will help solve the problem. Emotional - will help convince others to solve it for you. In a broad sense, intelligence can be described as our competence in something. If we are good, freely operate with abstract quantities, think with formulas and algorithms, we have a well-developed mathematical intelligence. Emotional intelligence is also competence, but in the field of feelings and their expression.

In the 20th century, psychologist Richard Lazarus came to the conclusion that emotions are involved in the process of knowing and evaluating everything that happens to us.

The raw data from the senses that we receive “at the input”, the brain processes into sensations, and then evaluates what they should mean. John Meyer and Peter Salovey later described this system as "emotional intelligence".

If our internal “logistics” are clearly organized, we get an adequate picture of the world and our own reactions as a result.

If not, we get confused in our feelings and desires, ascribe fictitious intentions to others and behave inconsistently. Not the most pleasant situation, right?

The Importance of High EQ

Imagine that you work for a small company. The number of clients is still small, but things are going well, and the management decides to expand. New divisions are opening, deals with major partners are pecking, and all processes are organized in the old way. Problems begin.

The same thing happens to a person when he tries to take on more responsibility, but does not work with emotions. Constant communication is exhausting, stress and unresolved issues keep you awake at night, conflicts constantly flare up at home and at work.

The flow of tasks has become more intense, the experiences associated with them have intensified, but they are processed in the old way.

“A person with high emotional intelligence knows how to regulate his state - let go of emotions that take energy and hold on to those that give energy,” explains Elena Mechetina, psychologist, coach and founder of the development center emotional intelligence in children "D-A". - This does not mean that he avoids conflicts and tense situations. But he quickly returns to a state of equilibrium and does not succumb to provocations.

“Showing emotional intelligence means focusing not on the cause, but on the goal,” adds business coach Elena Sidorenko. - Emotional intelligence is directed to the future - as, by the way, rational intelligence. Do you want to change distrust or dislike towards you into curiosity? So, you should not do what your emotions tell you, but what will lead to the desired result.

Can EQ be developed?

IN in a certain sense the level of intelligence is a given, determined from birth. Upbringing, life and professional experience, one-sided knowledge about the world are layered on this given. Is it possible to change the emotional “firmware” that dictates certain reactions to us at a conscious age?

What matters here is the belief that we can change. Psychologist Carol Dweck and her followers argue that our results are influenced by the initial setting - stability or growth. If we believe that we can change (and in any case we change perceptibly under the influence of new experience), then we actually change.

“The style of emotions, like the style of thinking, is largely a matter of habit,” says Elena Mechetina. - The main charm of our body is that it can adapt to the loads that we give it. I can’t sit on the twine now - I’ll be able to after six months of training. Same with emotional reactions. Change is hard to believe because we are not used to purposefully working with ourselves.”

EQ Exercises

1. Review your beliefs

Recall Lazarus and his colleagues: feelings are formed after we have evaluated the event. This can happen at lightning speed, because there is a habit of thinking and feeling in a certain way. And it is formed by beliefs.

Misunderstood, out of touch with reality, or outdated beliefs can become an emotional trap.

“I had a client - a doctor who had been building up a database of contacts for a long time,” recalls Elena Mechetina. - Her professionalism also developed for a long time. The problem was that patients called her constantly, even at night, and she could not refuse: “I took the Hippocratic oath!” But does it say that a doctor should help patients at the cost of his personal life? This conviction at first helped her, but then - in the new conditions - it became a brake and a source of suffering.

An important part of working with emotional intelligence can be psychotherapy, where a specialist teaches us to be aware of our beliefs, understand the reasons for their appearance and relevance to our lives. And - if necessary - to revise these beliefs and abandon them.

2. Keep an emotional diary

Research by psychologist James Pennebaker has shown that those who have mastered the habit of regularly writing down their feelings find the solution to a complex issue faster and easier.

Here is one way to do it. Step 1: Set a timer for 20-30 minutes. Step 2. Describe how you feel this moment or what you experienced during last week(month, year).

Write whatever comes to mind, disregarding style, mistakes, and other imperfections. Leave the entry or delete it - it doesn't matter.

The very process of writing will teach you to systematize emotional thinking, to “unstick” feelings that have stuck together in a lump and more accurately find their causes.

3. Practice Expressing Your Emotions

Who is the most masterful in controlling their emotions? theater actors! Of course, this statement is not undeniable, but consider: it is work for these people to demonstrate a deep range of experiences. The skill of an actor has a lot to do with the ability to let in a certain emotion and let it out without being imbued with it.

Elena Mechetina advises everyone who wants to develop their emotional intelligence to read the book by Konstantin Stanislavsky "The work of an actor on himself". The writer or journalist owns the word as a tool, just as the actor owns the emotion. A developed emotional intelligence just implies the ability to own an emotion, and not surrender to it.

4. Expand your emotional vocabulary

Susan David, Harvard psychologist medical school and author of the book Emotional Flexibility, advises not only to listen to yourself, but also to expand the emotional vocabulary: study the nuances of emotions, name them and find a range of applications for each.

The language has amazing magic - it sets emotions a certain development scenario, and it obeys it.

When you picked appropriate title for feeling, try to find at least two more words to describe its shade. What is experienced as sadness can be disappointment, depression, emptiness, or regret. Unwinding these threads woven into the common fabric, you will reach the causes and foundations of your reactions.

5. Remember the goal

According to Elena Sidorenko, the ability to manage one's feelings is associated with such a quality as self-denial. If we are willing to surrender to the mercy of an outburst of anger or irritation, then we allow these emotions to control us. We follow the lead of those who evoked these emotions, without thinking about their own interests.

While inside the situation, develop an inner observer who matches intuitive reactions with goals. For example, if someone draws you into a conflict, think: “What are the goals of this person? What are my goals? What emotional response would be more in line with my goals?” This is a difficult exercise because it requires good practice of mindfulness and the ability to switch quickly. But over time, you can master it.

Modern culture is focused on productivity. For many active people this translates not only into constant nervous tension, but also the desire to rationalize everything and everyone to the detriment of their emotions. But it is a comfortable emotional state that allows us to achieve great success and helps to move on, and rational decisions do not always coincide with what we want “deep down”. The concept of emotional intelligence can come to the rescue, which will help you better understand yourself and your impulses. We explain what it is and why it is needed.


How are feelings and emotions different?

Both feelings and emotions affect our psychological condition, but they differ significantly. A feeling is a conscious emotional experience (an outburst of anger, for example). Emotions arise against the will of a person, give rise to specific feelings and are often too complex to be aware of them. At the same time, they can and should be analyzed in order to be able to separate yourself from your negative experience or mood and maintain a pleasant emotional background. True, the sensual side of life can be so confusing that it can take a long time to realize a voluminous emotion: sometimes recognizing being in love with best friend behind a spectrum of constantly flashing positive and negative feelings obtained only years later and with the help of a therapist.

The matter is complicated by the fact that there is still no single list of emotions. In 1972, psychologist Paul Ekman compiled a list of six basic emotions, including anger, disgust, surprise, happiness, sadness, and fear. Ekman later added embarrassment, infatuation, contempt, shame, pride, satisfaction, and excitement. Robert Plutchik proposed another classification of emotions, the so-called wheel. In his opinion, there are 8 main emotional spaces that can intersect and give rise to new emotions. For example, faded amazement and horror can give rise to awe, and annoyance and boredom can turn into contempt.

Where did the concept come from
emotional intelligence?

The concept of emotional intelligence is relatively new, previously such a phrase was perceived as an oxymoron. It was first taken seriously in 1990 after an article of the same name by Peter Salovey and John Mayer for the journal Imagination, Cognition, and Personality. They defined it as the ability to recognize their own and other people's emotions and feelings, to distinguish between them and use this information for further reflections and actions. Salovey and Mayer noted that they consider emotional intelligence a subsystem of the already known social intelligence, which allows "understanding and managing people."

Further firewood was thrown into the fire - and continues to be thrown - by the writer, psychologist and uncle of the author of The Myth of Beauty Naomi Wolf Daniel Goleman: it was after his best-selling book that I learned about emotional intelligence wide circle readers. Goleman managed to find the right intonation for talking to a huge audience and captivate them with a difficult topic. True, the writer not only chewed on the works of his predecessors, but also offered his own interpretation: in his opinion, emotional intelligence does not consist of four areas, as Salovey and Mayer suggested, but of five.

What does it consist of?

IN classical model Emotional intelligence has four components. Self-awareness - the ability to recognize one's emotions and feelings; self-control - the ability to manage them; social awareness allows you to understand the emotional processes taking place in society; relationship management, affecting both interpersonal and group relationships. Goleman agrees with the first two positions, but combines and breaks the rest in his own way: in addition to self-awareness and self-control, his model contains intrinsic motivation, empathy and social skills. In general, Goleman's classification looks simplistic, but it is extremely practical and does not cause rejection even among those who encounter the topic for the first time.

Is it true that emotional
Is intelligence more important than IQ?

IN recent decades intelligence was assessed only on the basis of IQ. Those who were “lucky” to get a high score were predicted a great future, and people with a low score were given more and more new ways to pump their intellectual abilities. Microsoft, for example, used to select candidates based on how quickly they could solve logic problems.

The fact that in addition to the intellect there are other equally important components of the mind (in English Literature- intelligences), spoke Harvard professor Howard Gardner. He states that intelligence should not be measured by IQ or any other single measure, but by seven. This is a penchant for linguistics, logical-mathematical thinking (what is so valued in schools to the detriment of the rest) and understanding one's own body, musical ability, spatial thinking and, finally, the ability to get along well with other people and with oneself. Later, Gardner added to them the "mind of a naturalist" (Neville Longbottom, hello) and also admitted that competencies in existential and moral issues can also be useful categories in the analysis of personality.

So the statement in the title of Goleman's sensational book that emotional intelligence may be more important than IQ, although true (for some people in some circumstances), is more of a marketing ploy: emotions, unlike intelligence, are still a fresh topic on which to speculate effectively.

Why develop emotional intelligence?

Surely you have heard more than once about how easy it is for someone to move up career ladder. Or how well someone manages to communicate with their own children. The heroes of these situations almost certainly have highly developed emotional intelligence, which allows them not only to be more aware of their goals (and therefore achieve them faster), but also to successfully build communication with people on different levels- at some point in development it becomes a necessary step in any field.

If productivity does not seem so attractive to you, think about the calmness with which you can perceive not the most laudable of your own and other people's actions and emotions - a developed emotional intelligence allows this. No one is in danger of becoming an insensitive blockhead - on the contrary, without unnecessary reflections, time is freed up to enjoy the pleasant manifestations of life and minimize the unpleasant ones (and draw all the necessary conclusions from them). Note that independent work with your emotions is not a substitute for medical care, so if you suspect you have urgent or serious psychological problems, you should not solve them yourself.

How to do it?

Curious people can first take an emotional intelligence test. At the end of this questionnaire, for example, they will give a very mild assessment of your emotional skill, which can be taken as a starting point. In addition, tests of this kind help to recognize oneself in the proposed situations (“being in a group of friends, can you always understand how each of them feels?”) And independently analyze their abilities. In general, there are many assessment systems (SASQ, MSCEIT, ECI, for example), but in order to delve into them, you need either really a lot of free time or the help of a specialist.

In any case, it will not be useless to read Mayer's articles with Salovey and the work of Goleman. The first two will give an academic perspective useful for general development, and Goleman's books can be consulted for more vital information. He gives enough of it to familiarize himself with the topic, and forces the reader to perform simple but demonstrative exercises like leading. If there is no time for articles and books, you can use proven methods for self-development, there is a good example. It is important to remember that the development of emotional intelligence, like any other restructuring, takes time and dedication, so do not worry if your personal life does not improve within a month or you do not fly up the career ladder (but probably even for this short term small changes in relationships with people and with oneself will be noticeable).

Emotional intelligence is the development of skills such as understanding and own feelings and the emotions of the people around. Thanks to this, we can effectively manage the reaction to the feelings of others and, thus, be more productive in our work. the main task in the development of emotional intelligence - not to suppress or ignore difficult emotions or feelings, but to intelligently control them.

Emotional intelligence is what separates successful leaders from everyone else. more productive in hiring new employees, better motivating colleagues, efficient in the service sector. But emotional intelligence is important at any stage of your career, especially if you want to achieve high level responsibility for your work. And in other aspects of life, EI allows you to be happier, healthier and strengthen relationships. So how do you improve emotional intelligence and make it work for you?

1. Develop emotional self-awareness

Emotions can cause a person to behave in unusual and often unproductive ways, and self-awareness will improve your ability to understand and interpret own emotions moods and internal motives. This practice will help you recognize emotional states other people and understand what is behind their words and actions. In short, if you don't understand your own motivations and behaviors, you won't understand others either.

What to do for this:

  • Speak three phrases every day that begin with the words “I feel …” - through this technique, you will gradually learn to accurately identify your emotions and increase self-awareness.
  • Take time each day to experience the emotion - articulate how you feel and why.
  • Remind yourself that emotions are fickle and short-lived, and therefore cannot be the basis for communication and decision making.
  • Reflect on how negative emotions—frustration, rejection, anger, or jealousy—affect your colleagues and clients.
  • Identify your fears and desires. This will help you better understand what worries you and drives you.
  • Check how you react to stress. Do you get frustrated every time something doesn't go the way you planned?

2. Emotional self-control

It is important to develop the ability to control impulsive reactions and emotions that negatively affect your potential and leadership. This is the next step after the development of self-awareness. In short, self-control is the ability to rise above pathetic explanations, jealousy, relapses, and not let your emotions control you. Through self-control, you will think before you act and build a reputation as a reliable member of any team.

Self-control techniques:

  • Don't let yourself side with one side or the other during office dramas and conflicts.
  • If the situation is emotionally difficult and charged, step back for a while, do not make a decision right away. Analyze your emotions.
  • Accept the fact that life is volatile and frustration and disappointment are part of any job. And the professional response to them is brainstorming and strategy development, not complaints and suspension from work.
  • Don't join the blame game, don't point fingers at everyone and everything around you. Except for yourself: learn and accept your mistakes.
  • Stay focused on yourself and the things you can control, not on things that are out of your control.
  • Find ways to respond to emotions that don't involve spontaneous reactions or bad language.

3. Develop the ability to show empathy

Sympathy - natural way in the development of emotional self-awareness. It allows you to move away from your personal experience and see and understand the problem from another person's point of view. By developing empathy, you show your ability to treat people with respect, kindness, dignity, and professionalism. Empathetic people are good at recognizing the feelings of others, even if they are not obvious.

How to develop empathy:

  • Live by the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • It is easy to maintain your point of view, guided by this feeling, put yourself in the place of another person and look at the situation from his position.
  • Develop the ability to listen and reflect on what your interlocutor said.
  • At least once a day, ask how the person is feeling, for example, on a scale of 0 to 10. This will encourage others to express their emotions and understand them better.
  • Acknowledge other people's anxieties and feelings - let them know that you see their source and realize the value of their point of view.

4. Work on your motivation

Motivation is passion and enthusiasm in your work and career that cannot be explained by money or status, it is what helps you realize your internal goals and do it with enviable perseverance.

How to improve motivation:

  • At any difficult situation and even if you fail, try to find at least one good thing.
  • Record the moment when you think and speak in a negative way. Stop doing this, pause and once again “roll through” all your thoughts and words in your mind. Change them to positive ones, even if you have to pretend at first.
  • It's easy to forget what you really love about your job. Take time to remember and articulate it, and main reason why you want to be successful in what you do.
  • Remember that people are attracted to positive, energetic and inspiring people. If you increase motivation, you will get more attention from colleagues, top managers and clients.
  • Set yourself inspiring yet achievable goals. Make a list of what needs to be done to achieve them. Reward yourself when you reach key goals.

5. Improve your communication skills

An important aspect of emotional intelligence is the ability to interact well with other people, but this does not mean that introverts or shy people have low EI. Communication skills can take different forms, because this is not only the ability to be friendly, but also the ability to listen, persuade, verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are often very good at communicating, resolving conflicts and sharing their vision with the team - they set an example of behavior and values ​​that others can follow.

How to improve communication skills:

  • Study conflicts and their solutions, this will help in difficult situations with colleagues, clients or suppliers.
  • Learn to praise others, so you inspire the team and make it loyal.
  • Try to understand the person you are talking to. You can't have just one approach that works for everyone at work.

Do you want to control your emotions, be happy without external stimuli? The highest level of development of emotional intelligence is all that is needed for this. It will provide a constant inner life that satisfies you (you will easily understand what you need right now), a rational and productive solution of issues without including unnecessary, unnecessary or dangerous emotions. It is easy to understand, manage and regulate one's own and others'. From the article you will learn exactly how to do this.

“To be happy, you need to constantly strive for this happiness and understand it. It does not depend on circumstances, but on oneself.” – Leo Tolstoy domestic writer and thinker.

Emotional control automatically implies mind control. You can’t be productive in a situation of emotional “slagging” or make serious decisions in moments of anxiety, anger,. Why develop emotional intelligence? To think clearly and in the right direction than to speed up the flow of things in your life and ensure ease of communication and relationships.

A person who is able to control emotions is cheerful and active. His life is a world of opportunities and joy, for which it is impossible not to love it. His opposite is a hostage of negative and chaotic thoughts, a gloomy and dissatisfied type. For inappropriate emotions, he has to pay with health, money, reputation, sometimes life.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) - the basis of charm, the ability to remain balanced in any situation. In addition, it is the key to productive and strong relationships in and at work. Understanding other people's emotions is an essential component for. And we have to communicate every day.

Emotional intelligence allows you to:

  • express and understand emotions (own and others);
  • include emotions in reasoning;
  • evaluate emotions and determine their causes;
  • control and manage emotions.

People with high level emotional intelligence:

  • are more efficient and productive;
  • more than others are satisfied with their appearance (especially girls) and weight;
  • more accurately than others, emotions are determined by facial expressions;
  • more responsible attitude to study, work (fewer passes for disrespectful reasons).

Signs of Low Emotional Intelligence

You can determine for sure the level of EQ and the need for its development using special tests. However, there are several signs that suggest low level emotional intelligence:

  • self-doubt, doubt about the correctness of actions;
  • excessive self-criticism;
  • problems and difficulties in communication, inability to find mutual language with people;
  • modest and unprejudiced attitude towards other people.

How to develop emotional intelligence

We are talking about the development of a skill, respectively, the same methods of development are applicable as in the formation of other skills. But first, pay attention to the conditions of development:

  • daily workouts;
  • patience and discipline;
  • high motivation.

Gaining control over your own, and even more so, other people's emotions is not easy. Do not expect an easy and quick victory, be prepared for difficulties and small steps back for a powerful leap forward. So, how to develop emotional intelligence:

  1. Study yours. They influence what, when and how you feel. The conditions and specifics of decision-making are also determined by other mental characteristics. For example, due to innate reasons, it is very difficult for a choleric person to control emotions, and a phlegmatic person experiences obvious difficulties in understanding them. Conduct a full-fledged personal diagnosis using psychological techniques. Remember that a person changes daily, even innate features are corrected. Monitor yourself, commit changes with . You need to find out who you are, and only then learn to understand how you feel.
  2. Be aware, relaxed and open. Knowing your emotions begins with meditation and relaxation, that is, gaining the maximum unity of the body and mind. Master these and others, for example, breathing. They will allow you to maintain and restore rationality in tense situations, limit you from making rash decisions.
  3. Determine which component of emotional intelligence needs to be improved: expression and understanding of emotions, reasoning and comparison, assessment and search for causes, management. Determine your level of emotional intelligence.
  4. Once you know your emotions, move on to studying other people. Start by trying to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Why is the person angry? Is he tired, offended, dissatisfied with his life? Do this exercise every day - come up with as many reasons (sources) as possible for a particular emotion (feeling).
  5. Keep a mood diary and learn to differentiate emotions. Learn to express your feelings, to distinguish anxiety from fear, and anger from resentment. Record the dynamics of feelings. This will allow you to determine the roots of emotions, the percentage of positive and negative and the prevailing emotions.
  6. Develop, broaden your horizons. Limited thinking and perception also limits the understanding of emotions. Watch movies, read books, create, go to exhibitions. The more you are involved in large areas, the more you will get to know versatile and unique people, realize the impossibility of generalization and the diversity of human feelings.
  7. Break down your environment into vital and non-essential people. Focus your emotional intelligence on the first group. With loved ones, emotional communication should be especially interesting and meaningful. Surround yourself with those who want to learn from, harmonious and emotionally intelligent people.
  8. Learn to think ahead, don't make promises you can't keep. Do not promise, even if you are sure that you can handle it. In addition to subjective factors, life is influenced by external stimuli that cannot always be predicted.
  9. Shape and responsibility for own life. You are the source of all events in the script of life. Learn to be independent of external circumstances.

When realizing deep psychological problems and, interfering with your own work on the development of emotional intelligence, contact a psychotherapist.

Exercises to develop individual EQ components


Plug your ears and strain your visual analyzer as much as possible. Take a close look at everything around you. Gradually, the picture should become brighter, and you will notice new details in your familiar environment.

Then close your eyes and strain your ears. Under normal conditions, we perceive sounds at a distance of a maximum of 1.5 meters from us. Concentrate, you should hear more.

The third step is to close your eyes and ears, feel. You must be aware of your body and its interaction with the outside world. You may feel a breeze or a sway.

It is enough to carry out the technique once a week to learn how to better recognize intonations and short-term facial expressions. You will be able to more accurately determine the true and hidden motives of the interlocutor, messages in your direction, as well as your reactions to this. In addition, you will better understand how the body reacts to certain emotions.

Adaptability (adaptation to situations)

Write the names of the emotions on the cards. Pull out the cards one by one and depict the emotions that are written on them. The exercise can be carried out in the form of a game in the company.


Define your "power pose". What it is? A pose that increases the level of dopamine - the hormone of joy, pleasure, activity, euphoria. The most popular power poses include: straight, extended posture, upturned nose and chin, raised hands. Standing in such positions in public is not worth it - they will not understand it that way. But at home, you need to devote a minute to your posture of strength. It is also effective to stand in this position before negotiations - during them it will be easier to remember and assimilate information, you will feel more confident.


Write down 10 of your favorite activities. Now name each of them with one verb that conveys the content as accurately as possible. One verb - one month. Now 10 days in each month you need to live under the motto of a particular verb.


There is an interesting opinion that emotional intelligence is wisdom. In this context, wisdom refers to the ability to combine the mind, logic and emotions. It can also be said that emotional intelligence is a complex of social skills, empathy, motivation (adequately overcoming failures and difficulties, perceiving new things, building plans and goals, striving for self-actualization), and awareness (awareness of one’s thoughts and emotions, body and behavior). Emotional intelligence is the balance of mind and heart golden mean that many dream of. It is possible and necessary to develop EQ and increase its level throughout life.

Victoria Shimanskaya is a psychologist, a leading specialist in the field of emotional intelligence (EQ) research in Russia, the author of the Monsiki methodology for developing the EQ of children, a partner in the EQ-factor Laboratory, a leader of master classes and trainings on the subject of EQ - about the intellectual-emotional profile of a personality and its role in organizing and running a business.

Key Factors in Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is talked about a lot these days. The need to develop emotional intelligence has been repeatedly proven by scientists and various examples from life and business.

Obviously, a person with a higher level of emotional intelligence perceives reality more adequately and reacts to it and interacts with it much more effectively. This applies to almost all communications - both interpersonal and social; subjective and objective experiences; abstract and concrete concepts. Thus, emotional intelligence has become one of the new tools for business management, building effective communications and management.

The perception of information occurs through sensory systems. In this case, key areas of the brain act first, and then the reactions of the autonomic nervous, muscular and other systems take place. Interaction with information, with oneself and the outside world is built depending on the degree of development of the key drivers of emotional intelligence: awareness, self-esteem, motivation, adaptability.

Drivers actually contain basic personality traits, but they are not immutable and can evolve.

Each driver can be unlocked through four skills:

  1. awareness through awareness of one's thoughts and emotions, one's body and behavior;
  2. self-esteem through a positive perception of the world and determination, as well as through acceptance and assertiveness (a person’s ability not to depend on external influences and assessments, to independently regulate their own behavior and be responsible for it);
  3. motivation through the desire for self-actualization and determination, as well as through open perception of the new, strong goal-setting and objective experience of failures;
  4. adaptability through conscious empathy with another person - empathy, stress resistance, decision making and sociability.

Emotional quote

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that emotional intelligence does not exist separately from the intellect. Over the past three decades, science has advanced significantly, studying the interaction of the emotional and intellectual spheres (IQ and EQ) from the point of view of brain activity, psychology and business.

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of the heart over the head - this is the only way for the intersection of both,” David R. Caruso, a psychologist, professor of the Department of Psychology at Yale University (USA), once said management and co-author of the concept of emotional intelligence.

Along with the well-known abbreviation IQ (Eng. Intelligence Quotient - intelligence quotient or intelligence quotient), there is the concept of emotional EQ ( English. Emotional Quotient), which was introduced by clinical physiologist Reuven Bar-On back in 1985. In 1996, at a meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, he presented his EQ-i (Emotional Quotient Inventory) test, which contained a list of questions to determine the coefficient of emotional intelligence, from which the now famous Bar-On model of emotional intelligence was born.

Despite the fact that the interaction of IQ and EQ is recognized by many researchers, the first model that clearly showed the interaction of these two coefficients was developed by Russian scientists at the EQ-factor Emotional Intelligence Laboratory under the leadership of N. Koro and V. Shimanskaya.

Intellectual-emotional profile of the leader's personality

This model is integral part intellectual-emotional personality profile IEPP. According to this model, emotional intelligence EQ is a kind of base of the personality pyramid in the coordinate system. The vectors of this system are EQ drivers and form various strategies of behavior in various fields life:

  1. awareness - the "strategy of philosophers";
  2. self-esteem - the "strategy of the stars";
  3. motivation - "strategy of heroes";
  4. adaptability - the "strategy of leaders".

When emotional intelligence connects with the IQ intelligence vector, the “strategy of creators” is formed - a strategy that is key in all areas of life, and even more so in business.

It is the “strategy of the creators” that makes it possible to realize the potential of a person to such an extent that in the end he reaches the highest level of self-realization. Therefore, the larger this pyramid has (due to the development of EQ drivers and IQ itself), the more opportunities a person will have to influence his own life, the lives of other people and the world as a whole.

IN modern world any leader and entrepreneur must be a creator - to create not just a product or service, but best product, the best service, best service and the best experience. And this is almost impossible without the ability to manage your emotions.

How to develop EQ?

As noted in this article, the development of EQ occurs through the development of its main factors - drivers. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to develop them.

1. Exercise for the development of "mindfulness"

  1. Close your ears and concentrate on environment try to see all the details. How the picture will become "brighter" and you will notice something that you did not pay attention to before.
  2. Then close your eyes and concentrate on the sounds. In a normal situation, we subconsciously concentrate on a zone of no more than 1.5 meters around us. “Expanding” our hearing, we begin to notice the nuances of natural and mechanical.
  3. Close your eyes and ears together. Feel how your body interacts with the world around you - for example, the touch of wind or grass on it, if you are ready to take off your shoes.

It is enough to do this exercise once a week so that the ability to recognize the voice intonations of interlocutors, the nuances of facial expressions become much higher. This will allow you to more accurately determine the explicit and hidden messages of the interlocutors and, most importantly, own reaction to certain processes, as well as to understand how your body reacts to information, how it experiences emotions.

2. For the development of “adaptability”, a simple training on “emotion cards” is suitable

You depict anger, joy, sadness or interest - depending on which card you draw. It's simple and effective method"work out" your emotional expression. At the same time, your efficiency as a negotiator increases several times.

3. To develop “self-esteem”, you should first master the poses of power

Power poses are postures of the human body that "start" the production of dopamine: a straight back, arms raised up, head held high. The production of this hormone contributes to a better memorization of material and information.

One minute of this exercise before negotiations will make you feel much more confident.

4. To develop "motivation" do the following right now

Write down ten things you enjoy doing. Then reformulate them so that only the verbs remain. Find the exact verb the best way will transfer one or another occupation.

Use these verbs to create a plan for the month. And during this month you will need to live ten days under the motto of this word. Traveling or laughing, tasting and learning new things, jumping or counting - there are many options.

For example, under the motto of the verb "tasting", you can go to a specialty restaurant or wine boutique - or maybe have a party at home. And it can also become a concept for the presentation of goods and services of your company.

Just live each of these days 200% with the ten words of action that really make up your essence of growth - what you can give to the world.

By doing these exercises, you are sure to move closer to your true goals than you have in the past few years, because you will be engaged in the most important thing a successful businessman or leader - the implementation of the "creator strategy".

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