Means racist. What is racism: its manifestations and history of development


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Who is the racist?

September 30, 2013

A racist is a person who is convinced of the physical and mental superiority of some races over others and that these differences are decisive in cultural and historical achievements various peoples.

Racism in modern world

In the modern world, where the most progressive part of the community is in favor of democratic principles, the idea of ​​pluralism of opinions and views is also popular. This means that any opinion, interpretation historical process, political movement and other products of human thought have the right to exist and defend own positions legal ways. In the political sphere of states declaring the democratic nature of the system and power, this implies the peaceful coexistence of parties and movements of various directions in it. However, it is extremely important that pluralism and tolerance cannot in any way be extended to misanthropic views. In this sense, “racist” is an unambiguously negative definition, and people who call for discrimination against persons with a different skin color (eye shape) or even more so for illegal actions against them should definitely answer before the law.

History of racism

The opinion that representatives of different human races are unequal in their abilities appeared a very long time ago. And, in fact, it was born more than once, as soon as representatives of various civilizations with pronounced external differences met. However long time racism did not take shape in any significant philosophy for the reasons that, firstly, there was no special dominance of representatives of one race over another, and secondly, there was simply no need for it. It arose only in the era of colonialism and the mass conversion by Europeans of the inhabitants of the African continent into their slaves. Such a practice had to be justified in the eyes of the public, and the slave owners themselves. First of all, this justification was found in the Bible, in the story of the descendants of Ham cursed by Noah - supposedly those same Africans. The first racist from science is the Frenchman Joseph Gobineau. This person is still mid-nineteenth century became the founder of the scientific justification of the inequality of human races. His ideology was based practical observations about how far Europe of that time - economic, military, cultural and political - has gone in its development from the civilizations of other continents. According to Gobineau, this was due to the original advantage of the so-called Nordic race in intellectual abilities.

In general, the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century became the time of the theoretical substantiation and flourishing of racism. In the 1860s and 1870s, after the abolition of official slavery in the United States, racism flourished here among the demobilized soldiers and officers of the southern army. The American racist appears before us in white robes and with a cap. Representatives of the Ku Klux Klan, thanks to the scope of their activities, have become one of the main symbols of this movement. However, the most famous representative and ideologist of the belief about the inferiority of individual races and peoples is Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately, modern ultra-patriots in Russia, stubborn in their ignorance, continue to use the symbols of the NSDAP, despite the fact that the Nazis also considered the Slavic race to be inferior. As an extremely weak counterargument, Russian racists cite excerpts from the speeches of German officers flirting with local collaborators and sometimes saying what they wanted to hear. However, even after the defeat of National Socialist Germany, racism for a long time continued to prosper in some parts of the world. So, in the Republic of South Africa during the apartheid era, racist is not at all an abusive designation. But apartheid existed until the 1990s.

The phrase “come in large numbers here” is increasingly heard about visitors, especially if they are people of a different nationality. Some have a negative attitude towards Asians or Africans, considering themselves smarter and more well-mannered, but meanwhile this underlines their tendency to judge biased based on stereotypes.

The history of racism is quite ancient, the first mentions of racism are found in ancient oriental manuscripts. Later, in the 16th and 17th centuries, with the development of navigation and the discovery of the African continent by Europeans, the pseudoscientific theory of racism received a new impetus to development, trying to justify such a phenomenon as slavery.

When and why did the idea of ​​racial superiority arise?

They tried to justify the justice of racism in many ways, including from the point of view of religion. The exploitation of the lower classes by the upper classes was supposedly a charitable deed, and the humility shown by the poor was to be rewarded with paradise after death. Racism was especially popular among slave owners, who considered Negro slaves to be descendants of Ham, whose history is described in the Bible.

Joseph A. de Gobineau - a little-known French diplomat, writer, nobleman by birth, is rightfully considered the founder of the theory of racism. He considered the history of great empires and came to the conclusion that the reason for the decline is in the equality and mixing of different peoples, because this is the triumph of dullness and mediocrity.

In a four-volume work devoted to substantiating the concept of racism, de Gobineau defines what racism is: it is the unconditional superiority of one race over another, and therefore its privileged position is beyond doubt. He also argued that, in terms of racism, all peoples have different origin, and therefore are divided into three groups according to skin color:

  • White, or Aryan - racism believes that this is the highest nation, possessing racial superiority in terms of physical, aesthetic, intellectual, moral development.
  • The yellow race, or Asians, are second-class people.
  • The black race - to last group racism refers to representatives of African peoples, who were considered people only on the basis of physiological similarity.

From the standpoint of racist theories, superiority can be not only biological, but also intellectual. This approach to racism is considered in detail by the English Germanophile, a prominent representative of the racial-anthropological school, H. S. Chamberlain.

He believed that Aryan culture formed under the influence of all the best, and the Mosaic view of the world is imposed from the outside, so racism must reject this delusion. For the most part, Chamberlain justified racism with more mystical reasons than real facts, but his dogmas later found their application in Nazi propaganda.

Another well-known theorist, Ludwig F. Klaus, believed that racism is a combination of personal characteristics and experiences that determine the character of representatives of a certain nationality. From his point of view, within each race there are more noble representatives and less valuable ones, but it is only a person without a race who can impartially decide who is better.

Since there is no such representative in nature, the dilemma of racism will remain unresolved, and all other assessments are too subjective to be recognized as undeniable truth. Other supporters of the theory of racism believed that this doctrine is not fundamental enough, and therefore is secondary and to some extent untenable.

The Nazis' view of the problem of separation by skin color

The German theorists advanced the furthest in popularizing such a phenomenon as racism, who summed up the definition of this term under the new, military realities - to justify the seizure of foreign lands and the destruction of nations. However, the concept of racism and Aryan superiority, actively promoted by Nazism, ran into ideological rough edges, because the great Fuhrer, to put it mildly, did not quite meet the standards of the “master race”: he did not come out tall, and besides, he was a brunette with poor health.

Hitler had undoubted charisma and was a talented orator, but the crowd is unlikely to have ignored such a factor as appearance. To avoid embarrassment, German ideologists began to talk about the "Nordic soul" inherent in the "master race", to which all fascists were automatically assigned.

To justify the justice of racism, the Nazis used the works of the anthropometer O. Ammon and the sociologist F. Lyapuzh. Ammon, after conducting a study on the measurement human heads, concluded that the long-headed are more talented than the short-headed ones. Lyapuzh went much further in his reasoning, comparing the shape of the skull with the position in society, and also spoke out that racism rests on the need of the lower classes to have masters over themselves.

Numerous Nazi ideologists were able to create a strong foundation of racism, which helped to plant in the minds of millions of people the absurd idea of ​​the need to dominate the world by one race - the Aryans. During the war years, the idea of ​​nationalism spread in Germany.

Some mistakenly believe that racism and nationalism are two sides of the same coin, but the difference is clear. Racism involves discrimination based on biological or intellectual criteria, while nationalism involves discrimination based on belonging to one nation, regardless of ethnic roots.

Modern forms of discrimination

Modern society is more tolerant of racial differences, but discrimination has not yet been completely eradicated. This situation is especially evident in countries with a large proportion of migrants.

Racism in America still exists, despite all the attempts made to get rid of this phenomenon, and it takes absurd forms, when an African American can be justified for the same crime, and a white citizen can be severely condemned for the same crime. Donald Trump, as a presidential candidate in a country considered the backbone of world democracy, openly spoke with slogans containing racist ideas.

Such a phenomenon of racism as nationalism has received a second wind, and it can be expressed both in a positive and in a negative form. For example, in our country the idea of ​​national unity, Russia's special mission in world politics, assistance and good neighborliness are being actively promoted, which is a positive form.

A more aggressive expression of this phenomenon leads to confrontation, as, for example, in the case of North and South Korea. In a situation of active military confrontation, nationalists are unlikely to be deterred from using weapons of mass destruction.

The extreme form of nationalism is chauvinism, which implies the justification for the oppression and even destruction of other peoples. In its more ordinary form, chauvinism means individual intolerance and superiority over people who do not have certain characteristics, from the point of view of a particular person.

The emergence of the term is associated with the name of the soldier Chauvin, who lived in times French Revolution and wearing a violet on the lapel of his uniform as a sign of devotion to the deposed monarch. Ridiculed by everyone, Chauvin considered himself exceptionally noble and worthy person, and others - second-class people.

Chauvinism can take a wide variety of forms, but most often it affects women, whose role for a long period of history was limited to procreation and housekeeping.

German ideologists talked a lot about how the weaker sex differs, limiting the role of a woman to three things: kitchen, children, household. Male chauvinism is a stable phenomenon, even now the amount of earnings can depend on gender or appearance, and sexual harassment will remain an unsolvable problem for a long time to come.

What's wrong with racial discrimination

It would seem, what difference does it make what color a person's skin is, what gender or age he is? However, our psyche is designed in such a way that any dissimilarity can cause us rejection or even extreme forms hatred, inciting to commit unseemly acts.

History knows many examples when racism led to the death of millions of innocent people, as happened during the existence of Nazi Germany. Millions of slaves taken out of Africa died from backbreaking work in hard labor conditions on plantations under the scorching sun or were brutally tortured by slave owners.

It is unworthy to judge a person badly just because he is a Jew, because this nation has given the world many brilliant scientists, philosophers, economists, doctors and inventors. You can’t be negative about blacks only on the basis of skin color, because among them there are many talented athletes, musicians, actors, businessmen and politicians. Racism in any form is a manifestation of the narrowness and limitation of thinking, the inability to perceive the world in all its diversity.

The theory of racism was debunked as untenable and unscientific, and any attempt to link racism to the physiological or intellectual characteristics of a particular nation failed. Some racist ideologues have vainly referred their opponents to the Bible as a book justifying this phenomenon. However, the Testaments do not contain a single mention or allusion to racism, but great book All Christians preach only patience and love for one's neighbor.

An active struggle against manifestations of racism in our country is carried out at several levels at once. At the state level, punishment for racism has been toughened, amendments to articles 115, 282 of the Criminal Code have been adopted, providing for severe punishment for illegal actions on ethnic grounds.

In schools, special classes are held on the inadmissibility of racism in relation to people of other nationalities, children are told about how valuable the life of each person is. special attention is given to work with teenagers in order to prevent the spread of the ideology of racism and direct the turbulent energy in a positive direction: thematic gatherings and festivals are held, political and volunteer movements are organized.

Propaganda of tolerance and national unity is already yielding positive results, society is recovering, getting rid of the infection of racism. This is evidenced by numerous charitable centers to help refugees from Ukraine and victims of hostilities in Syria. Remember the example of Dr. Lisa, a woman who saved dozens of human lives, children's lives, but she herself tragically died in a plane crash. Let's all be a little more tolerant, a little kinder, because without racism our world will be a better place. Author: Natalya Yakovleva

The concept, which is based on the assertion of the superiority of one race over others.

What is racism - definition in simple words.

Simply put, racism is a system of prejudices that is built on the initial inequality between different races. Such racial prejudices often include beliefs that people of different races are different in mental or physical abilities, in the presence of certain moral or cultural qualities, and so on.

Thus, we can say that racism is a type of discrimination or oppression by a dominant race in relation to people of another race. As a rule, the dominant race considers itself superior to the rest in a number of ways, which allegedly gives it the right to treat or even subjugate representatives of other races. It goes without saying that such an ideology or concept is absolutely anti-scientific and dangerous. History knows many examples when, under the influence of racist ideas, entire nations were destroyed or enslaved (slavery, Nazism).

Types, kinds and forms of racism.

Based on modern reality, it can be argued that there are a huge number of different forms of manifestation of racism in the world. Conventionally, they can be divided into three large groups:

  • Biological or scientific racism;
  • individual racism;
  • institutional racism.

Biological or scientific racism.

This type racism is based on early scientific misconceptions that were made by scientists as early as the early 18th century and gained popularity and influence in the mid 19th century. So using such misconceptions, there were attempts to justify cruelty towards the Negroid race. Based on measurements of various skulls of representatives of the Negroid race, theories were built that they are the middle link between "white" people and chimpanzees. Naturally, all this does not stand up to criticism, but such views were very popular in their time.

Such ideas were so popular that even Darwin, who considered all people to be the same species, noted that some races have differences in mental capacity. What to do, such were the times and such was science.

It is also worth noting the contribution of Joseph Arthur de Gobineau to the development of racism. After all, it was he who was the author of the theory about the existence of the so-called "Aryan" race, which, according to him, occupied a dominant place among all the others. Similar thoughts were set forth in his work An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853-1855). And it was his ideas that were taken as the basis for the creation of the Nazi racial policy of the Third Reich.

individual racism.

This type of manifestation of racism can take the following forms:

  • Racial prejudice- These are personal opinions about a particular person, based on his belonging to another race. For example, it could be like this: this person is bad, because he is a representative of another race. Such prejudices are often formed on the basis of social opinions or stereotypes.
  • Racial discrimination is a form of racism in which people are treated according to their race. For example, for work, they may simply not accept black people or give preference to “whites”, if there is a choice.
  • Reverse discrimination. This is a rather ambiguous form of racism that can refer to both individual and institutional racism. The bottom line is that as compensation for past "sins" to a certain race, its representatives are given an advantage. So, for example, an employer may intentionally or because of existing quotas give a place to a representative of another race and ignore the candidates of his own race.
  • Racism against one's own race. This type of racism occurs when within one race there is a group with some pronounced features. For example, lighter-skinned blacks may experience a sense of superiority over darker-skinned people.

0 Today we will talk about a rather serious topic that not everyone will like. Live in the world different nations, and by by and large they are all equal, but some of them are more equal. At least the Anglo-Saxons and Jews think so. In general, those people who exalt their race and put their people above others are called Racists. Today we will answer the question what does racist mean.
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So, let's continue, what does racist mean? This term comes from the word race", and is quite negative in the culture of most peoples.

Racist- this is the name of a person who is convinced that his race is dominant, and everyone else is second-class people or even compares them to animals

Racist- a person who believes that his race is mentally and physically superior to the rest, and that these differences also apply to historical and cultural achievements

Synonyms for racist: Fascist, Nazi.

Racists did not appear today, and not even yesterday, back in the 16th century, the first sailors who saw blacks were sure that they come from the biblical Ham, once cursed by Noah.
However, researchers tend to think that modern concept racism came from Joseph de Gobineau, a French historian, who wrote a rather curious work called " Experience on the inequality of human races"(1853 - 1855). This scientist believed that it was the Nordic race that showed superiority over other peoples throughout, although why did he not mention the ancient Indian or Arab culture unclear. Western people were savages and lived in huts when the Egyptians were building the pyramids. Probably, this Frenchman did not even know about it.

After this book, in the wake of racism in the West, they began to preach superiority white race. Probably in this way they tried to cheer themselves up, seeing all their squalor and poverty, and comparing themselves with the same Aztecs. The Indians were in decline at that time, but retained a magnificent culture and cyclopean buildings.

However, there is probably some grain of truth in the superiority of some races over others. After all, there is no smoke without fire.
For example, white kids in the USA, coming after school, declare that blacks are stupid and lazy, to which their parents say that, God forbid, they don’t say that at school.
In addition, according to statistics on the official website of the FBI, it is blacks who commit most crimes, and their academic performance is very low compared to whites or Asians. And although enormous sums from the budget are spent on the education of blacks, the gap between the two races is practically not reduced. But Asians, on the contrary, very quickly catch up, and even overtake their white peers in their studies.

There are practically no blacks in Russia, but there are other peoples who mirror their mental development. They are just as lazy, they do not want to work, but they like to go around in a crowd, bully passersby. Their most important thing is show-offs, all kinds of shiny trinkets. Does this not resemble blacks? In fact, in this case there is almost a hundred percent coincidence. These southern people, like blacks, love to smoke grass, whites women, and sit in a restaurant with friends. As they say, find three differences.
On the other hand, several thousand years ago, it was the Arabs who represented the concentration of all scientific knowledge on the planet, but now the situation is just the opposite.

Probably, at certain intervals of time, one race begins to surpass the other, and this happens cyclically.

It's funny that Russians have a huge number of jokes about the Chukchi, and no one even thinks that this is inherently racial racism.

Here, take the same Ukrainians, this is a beggar, a people who destroyed their country and live on Western handouts. All they have left is promote own superiority. Therefore, we have now learned that the ukrams are 300 thousand years old, that they flew from Venus, and also built the pyramids and taught all peoples Ukrainian language. Did I forget to mention something?
Yes, for sure ... they dug up the Black Sea! Rumor has it that they dug the earth with special teaspoons brought with them from their home planet.

Be that as it may, but now wherever you throw, everyone considers himself better than others. Now the majority nationalities lead their own, separate thousand-year culture. Therefore, you should not laugh at the Ukrainians so much, they will recover, over time ... or disappear, but that's another story.

Attributing characteristics of superiority or inferiority to people who have certain inherited physical qualities. One of special forms prejudices that emphasize the physical differences between people. Racist attitudes and attitudes were firmly entrenched during the colonial expansion of the West, but to this day they are common in many cultures. Prejudice and discrimination underlie the mechanism of formation of these attitudes.

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(English - racism, German - Rassismus) - anti-scientific concepts and everyday ideas about the genetically determined physical, mental, intellectual disparity of various racial, as well as ethnic and other social groups, according to which humanity is divided into “higher” and “lower” races, into “full” and “inferior” peoples, into a noble “elite” and “mass” (“rabble”), and the ideology, politics associated with such concepts and social practice.

Racist concepts affirm the supposedly decisive importance of physical and political features racial and ethnic groups for the nature and level of their culture, social structure, historical development, ability to progress.

Racist myths, stereotypes, prejudices are very persistent. Very significant groups of the population of many countries and regions are subject to their influence (confirmation of which is the wide spread of the so-called “domestic racism”), they manifest themselves in the attitude of “whites” (Europeans) to the peoples of the “non-white” world, to “colored” immigrants, to indigenous ethno-racial minorities. On the other hand, in the conditions of the anti-colonial struggle of the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America arose various forms“colored” racism - “yellow”, “black” - Negritude, “red” (Indian).

The ideological and related political function of R. is to “justify” and “justify” various forms of domination, discrimination, intolerance of some peoples (groups) against others, including expansion, colonialism and neocolonialism (see), social and territorial segregation (up to before apartheid), genocide (see).

The psychological function of R. is to suppress the feeling of personal and national dignity of people classified as “inferior” peoples and races in order to strengthen the control over them by the ruling strata of the dominant ethnic group. At the same time, the demoralization of the latter takes place. R.'s economic function is to be a special instrument for the exploitation and super-exploitation of individual racial groups and entire peoples.

Ethno-racial prejudice against people who are alien in appearance and behavior existed even in pre-class and early class societies. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Chinese had concepts about the different nature, abilities, mental warehouse of slaves and landlords, who in most cases belonged to different ethnic groups, and sometimes different racial types; they can be considered the first attempts to justify social and ethno-racial inequality. In the feudal societies of the Middle Ages, ideas about the biological inequality of the feudal lords and the nobility were widespread (“ white bone”, “blue blood”) and the peasantry (“black bone”). During the period of the Great geographical discoveries, the formation of capitalism, the beginning of the colonization of overseas lands by Europeans, a “theory” of the hierarchy of various groups of mankind is gradually taking shape. Spanish and Portuguese conquerors of Central and South America justified the barbaric cruelty towards the Indians with the thesis of their "inferiority". Later, racist concepts were also used by the British for the moral and legal justification of the African slave trade and slavery in America. The economic, military-technical, organizational and political advantage of the colonial countries, which contributed to the subordination of other peoples to them, led to the emergence among their populations, especially among the ruling groups, of the consciousness of the superiority of the “white” race over the “black” or “yellow”. One of the first attempts The “scientific” substantiation of such views was made by the German writer and historian Hr. Meiners in the book “ Common features history of mankind” (1785), where the “Caucasian” (white) race was singled out as especially perfect physically and mentally gifted.

A new stage in the development, wide dissemination and active use of racist ideas dates back to the middle and second half of the 19th century. In the United States, R.'s ideas were put at the service of the defenders of the slave status of Negroes by anthropologists S.J. Morton, J.K. Nott, and G.R. Later, a number of American historians and politicians came up with the concept of the superiority of Americans (whites) as a “special race” of people called to lead the world (M. Grant, J. Fisk, D. Strong, T. Roosevelt).

In Europe, a special place in the attempts to theoretically substantiate and formalize racism belongs to the French sociologist A. de Gobineau, the author of the four-volume work An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races (1853). A staunch supporter of polygenism (the origin of people from various anthropoids in different parts peace), he put on top floor in the pyramid of human groups, the white race, allegedly superior in all respects to the “yellow” and especially the “black”. In the “white” race, Gobineau singled out an elite race - the “Aryan”, within which the Germans were considered the same “elite”. Racial differences, according to Gobineau, predetermine not only the inequality of peoples, but also social stratification within the nations.

R. was objectively served by numerous ethnographic descriptions that emphasized the primitivism of most non-white peoples without explaining the reasons for their historical lagging behind Europeans. The explanation of tensions and conflicts between different ethnic and racial groups by the incompatibility of cultural values, which is still insisted by some supporters of cultural relativism, had a similar direction.

Some ideas of R. received support and development in the works of prominent sociologists (G. Spencer), psychologists (G. Le Bon), biologists (E. Haeckel, L. Buchner), who stood on the positions of “social Darwinism”, whose representatives endured open Ch .Darwin regularities of the organic world (the struggle for existence, natural selection as a factor in the development of species, etc.) on human society. French sociologist J.V. de Lapouge, creator of the so-called. anthroposociometry, argued that there is a causal relationship between racial characteristics and social phenomena, that the class struggle is in fact an interracial struggle. In England, F. Galton - the founder of the doctrine of "eugenics" - proved that the aristocracy has much greater creative abilities, transmitted from generation to generation, than the "lower" social classes; R.'s concept was defended by the ethnologist J. Gent, the historian J. Seeley, the sociologist B. Kidd, and others. In Germany, among the ideologists of racism and social Darwinism, O. Ammon, L. Voltman, H. Chamberlain (an Englishman who was naturalized there), who proved the superiority of the German (“Nordic”) race (long-headed, light-pigmented “Aryans”) over all other peoples, gained particular fame and races. Their views, along with some of the reactionary ideas of F. Nietzsche, O. Spengler, and others, were adopted by National Socialism, received further “development” and implementation in the misanthropic “concepts” and monstrous crimes of Hitlerism, which made R. the official political doctrine . During the period of the Nazi regime, R. dominated German anthropology and ethnology; among the "racialists" of the fascist persuasion, G. Günther, F. Lenz, E. Fischer should be mentioned.

Unlike the period of colonial expansion (and fascism in the 20-40s of the XX century), in the second half of the XX century. various veiled forms of R. predominate, especially “psychoracism”. Racist concepts are developed and “substantiated” in the writings of various authors who try to prove the hierarchy of races and racial groups, the harm of interracial marital contacts, mainly with the help of psychological, psychometric methods and techniques. Based on some data on the measurement of the so-called. “intelligence quotient”, A. Jensen, G. Eysenck, R. Herrnstein made attempts to show unequal intellectual abilities of different racial groups (in particular, higher among whites).

Leading scientists in ethnography and anthropology have always strongly protested against R., demonstrating its anti-science, revealing its social roots. Even I.G. Herder, a famous German scientist and educator of the 18th century, expressed the idea of ​​the unity of mankind and the equal rights of all its groups to historical development. R.'s opponents were prominent representatives of nineteenth-century evolutionism. with his fundamental idea of ​​the unity of the human race - LG Morgan, E. Taylor and others; in the 20th century F.Boas, A.Hrdlichka, A.Vallois, K.Levi-Strauss, F.Luschan, L.Niederle and others took over the baton. In Russia, N.G. , A.P. Bogdanov, D.N. Anuchin and others; this tradition was accepted and developed in the works of Soviet anthropologists and ethnographers (V.P. Alekseev, V.V. Bunak, G.F. Debets, M.G. Levin, D.A. Olderogge, I.I. Potekhin, Ya .Ya. Roginsky, S.A. Tokarev, S.P. Tolstov and others). IN Lately most specialists - psychologists, sociologists, ethnographers - reject the value of testing to determine the level of abilities of a particular human group as an incorrect technique, because the results obtained are determined by many factors, including those not related to the genetic characteristics of the individual.

Science of the 20th century proved the failure of all arguments of racism, all fictions and myths about the physical or mental "inferiority" of modern racial types humanity. This was repeatedly stated in the documents of international meetings on the racial problem, which were held under the auspices of UNESCO (in particular, s 1950, 1951, 1952, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1978, 1981). It is unacceptable to confuse the concept of “race” as a biological category with such social phenomena as ethnos, class, estate; language and racial type are not causally related; refuted assumptions about the genetic connection of existing races with different types of ancient anthropomorphic monkeys, about the dangers interracial marriages; when mixed, all racial types give, as a rule, fertile offspring, complete in physical and mental terms. The data of modern anthropology and genetics irrefutably testify to the close biological relationship of all races, racial types, populations; all humans belong to the same species Homo sapiens. Neither their external morphological features, nor their physiological or anatomical features, in particular, there are no differences in the structure of the brain among representatives of different racial types. All noted by scientists specific features racial types and populations are of secondary importance, they do not determine the mental, social development ethnic groups or other social groups.

R. in any of its forms contradicts the most important principles and norms of international law. Fight with R. in modern conditions- significant component the process of establishing new thinking in the internal and foreign policy states, important factor a movement that is expanding all over the world for the democratization and humanization of relations between people and nations, for peaceful coexistence, for the survival of mankind.

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