Patriotic statement. Aphorisms and quotes about love for the motherland, patriotism


I love my Motherland, but I hate the state.

Bulat Okudzhava
  • № 12236

    Only empty people do not experience a beautiful and sublime feeling of the homeland.

    Ivan Pavlov
  • № 12203

    The fatherland is the land where the captive of the soul.

    François-Marie Voltaire
  • № 12202

    The true courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the motherland.

    Georg Hegel
  • № 12201

    Each of us feels the wound inflicted on our homeland in the depths of our hearts.

    Victor Hugo
  • № 12200

    They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)
  • № 12172

    But I love you, meek homeland!

    And for what - I can not figure it out.

    Your short joy is merry

    With a loud song in the spring in the meadow.

    Sergey Yesenin
  • № 12163

    My love for the fatherland does not make me close my eyes to the merits of foreigners. On the contrary, the more I love my fatherland, the more I strive to enrich my country with treasures not extracted from its depths.

    François-Marie Voltaire
  • № 12122

    Exile the air is bitter

    Like poisoned wine.

    Anna Akhmatova
  • № 11968

    Maybe our people are bad, but they are our people, and that decides everything.

    Vasily Rozanov
  • № 11967

    Paganism is morning, Christianity is evening. Every single thing and the whole world. Will the morning not come, is it last night? Russian life is both dirty and weak, but somehow sweet. This is the last thing you are afraid to lose, otherwise it would be “for nothing”. You are afraid of losing something unique and something that will not happen again. The best will be repeated, but not this. And you want something like this...

    Vasily Rozanov
  • № 11808

    The people have a soul, which must be joined in order to understand it! No, its converters and educators see in it only a known quantity, a known given mental force, on which experiments are required. And besides, what amazing courage and self-confidence! It is required in the name of some higher and unconditional goal to carry out these experiments necessarily and forcibly!! How to produce them - in this very thing the teachers not only agree - in the firm intention to act on thought and develop, develop it! In vain do weak voices object to them that a simple man has more than one mind, that he has a soul, the same as any other, that in his heart he has the same fortress on which you must build your whole life, and on which you still it has a church building... No, they all turn to thought and want to call it to an essentially idle activity, on questions that have long been easily and cheaply resolved by the Enlighteners themselves. What a delusion!

    Konstantin Pobedonostsev
  • № 11796

    A people that has retained the feeling of a nation cannot perish.

    Pyotr Wrangel
  • № 11785

    For Bolshevism, both in its teaching and in its practice, there is no homeland, no patriotism, no nation, but only an international arena.

  • Wise quotes about love for the motherland, aphorisms of great people about patriotism that are put into our heads from a very early age.

    Better stale bread at home than many dishes at someone else's table.

    P. Aretino

    Love to the fatherland must come out of love for humanity, as the particular from the general.

    V. G. Belinsky

    Be in love one's homeland means to ardently desire to see in it the realization of the ideal of mankind and, to the best of one's ability, to promote this.

    V. G. Belinsky

    Any a noble person is deeply aware of his blood relationship, his blood ties with the fatherland.

    I. G. Belinsky

    P. Beranger

    Love to the homeland does not recognize half-heartedness; who does not do everything for her - does nothing; who does not give everything to her - he refuses everything to her.

    L. Berne

    Motherland… We owe her our strength, and inspiration, and joys.

    L. Blok

    Motherland- this is the land where the prisoner of the soul.

    F. Voltaire

    Truly The courage of enlightened peoples lies in their readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of the motherland.

    G. Hegel

    Love to the fatherland is compatible with love for the whole world.

    K. Helvetius

    foreign land will not become a home.

    I. Goethe

    At home you have a past and a future. In a foreign land - only one present.

    L. Hirshfeld

    15 phrases about patriotism. Quotes of great men

    Samuel Johnson:

    Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
    Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

    Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy:

    Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and undoubted meaning is nothing else for the rulers, but a tool for achieving power-hungry and selfish goals, and for the ruled - a renunciation of human dignity, reason, conscience and slavish subordination of oneself to those in power. This is how it is preached wherever patriotism is preached. Patriotism is slavery.
    (From the book "Christianity and Patriotism")
    Igor Mironovich Guberman:

    Patriotism is an amazing feeling that does not exist in people who say this word aloud.
    Mark Twain:

    The soul and essence of what is usually understood by patriotism is and always has been moral cowardice.
    The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice—and always has been. (From Mark Twain's Notebook)
    He also:
    To be a patriot, one had to say and repeat: “this is our country, whether it is right or not,” and call for a small war. Is it not clear that this phrase is an insult to the nation?

    To be a patriot, one had to say and keep on saying, "Our Country, right or wrong", and urge on the little war. have you not perceived that that phrase is an insult to the nation?
    ("Papers of the Adams Family")
    George Santayana:

    It seems to me a terrible humiliation to have a soul controlled by geography.
    To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography.
    (From a letter to Mary Williams Winslow, August 16, 1914)
    Oscar Wilde:

    Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
    Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
    James Joyce:

    Let Ireland die for me
    Let Ireland die for me.
    (When asked if he was ready to die for Ireland (during the Easter Rising of 1916)

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Patriotism means supporting your country. This does not mean that it is patriotic to support the president or other officials. Only to the extent that they serve the interests of the country.

    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    My patriotism is not a closure to one nation; it is all-encompassing, and I am ready to renounce that kind of patriotism that builds the well-being of one nation on the exploitation of others.
    Oscar Wilde

    Patriotism is a great frenzy.
    He also:
    Patriotism is inherently aggressive, and patriots are generally evil people.
    Boris Grebenshchikov:

    "Patriotism" simply means "kill the infidel."
    Johann Wolfgang Goethe:

    Patriotism spoils world history.

    Patriotism ruins history.

    Bertrand Russell:

    Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for ordinary reasons.
    Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.
    Ambrose Gwyneth Beers:

    A patriot is a toy in the hands of statesmen and a tool in the hands of conquerors.
    George Bernard Shaw:

    Patriotism is a destructive, psychopathic form of idiocy.
    Albert Einstein:

    Those who joyfully march in formation to the music received a brain by mistake: for them, a spinal cord would be enough. I so detest heroism on command, senseless cruelty, and all the disgusting nonsense of what is grouped under the word "patriotism", as well as I despise vile war, that I would rather let myself be torn to pieces than be part of such actions.

    Know the history home country every citizen must. Any self-respecting person strives to own life comfortable and prosperous. And for this you always need to live in accordance with the laws of the country in which you are. It is impossible to cultivate love for the motherland in one day, but it is possible to gradually lay the foundations for courage, justice, respect, and reverence for heroic deeds.

    Quotes about patriotism reveal the invariable desire of the individual to be useful to his state. You need to express yourself with better side and be proud of the achievements of the country. Quotes about the motherland and patriotism are filled with colossal faith in the success and well-being of their own undertakings for the good of their native land.

    “A person is, first of all, the son of his country” (Belinsky V.G.)

    Motherland is a sacred concept, which ideally should be developed by any of us. Whatever happens in the state, a true patriot never forgets about his own sacred duty to the fatherland. If such a significant priority in favor of one's own service to the motherland is not brought up from childhood, a person will always feel quite vulnerable to external circumstances and, in a sense, restless.

    Quotes about patriotism warm the soul, encourage self-development. If everyone fully understood their responsibility to the country, there would be much less crippled destinies.

    “A patriot is one who will not spare his life for the sake of the elevation of his homeland, love for the people” (Akhundov M.F.)

    A rare person today dreams of devoting his existence to his own country. Most people live in selfish pursuits to satisfy their needs and turn a blind eye to what is happening around. Such an attitude cannot but have a negative impact on the country as a whole and on the individual himself. As a result, an indifferent generation grows up, which cannot be surprised and interested in anything. In such people, material satiety dominates in character, they simply have nothing to desire. Individuality is destroyed in the bud, and vices develop rapidly, since nothing limits them.

    Quotes of great people about patriotism make it possible to understand what a significant role the homeland plays in the formation of the personality and how easy it is to lose it.

    “Patriotism lies not in big words, but in a feeling for one’s country” (Belinsky V.G.)

    Many people like to brag about their own accomplishments. Moreover, the more dubious and fake they are, the more insistent the words sound. Such pathos is due to the urgent need to prove to oneself that life passes under the right motto. In fact, a person not only does not know where to go next, he is completely lost, he lacks a meaningful goal. By themselves, big words do not solve anything and cannot serve as confirmation of their own viability.

    Quotes about patriotism emphasize the undeniable importance of being an honest and worthy citizen of your country. A person whose life is devoted to serving the motherland simply cannot be two-faced or a traitor. Sincere service educates morality, reveals in personality best qualities character, makes you make bold decisions and move forward. Great quotes about patriotism are quickly remembered for their expressiveness and focus on the welfare of all.

    “Whoever could not share grief with the people will not rejoice at the common holiday” (Leonov L.M.)

    Working together brings people together. Everyone can easily confirm this long-known truth on own example. When we have good support behind us, we are able to act quickly, with little or no hesitation. Courage comes from the realization that there is someone who cares about what is happening. Common grief unites people, joy makes them practically spiritual brothers. Quotes about patriotism are filled sincere desire make the life of their compatriots happy and prosperous. That is why any leader must have the makings of a generous person who seeks to benefit everyone around him.

    “They love their homeland not because it is great, but because it is their own” (Seneca)

    Whatever events take place in the country, it should always be remembered that each of us daily, hourly creates history. We cannot remain indifferent to what is happening around, it is simply unworthy of a real person. Love for the motherland must be instilled from childhood and maintained in oneself constantly. Raising a respectful attitude towards one's own country, its resources and achievements makes the person himself happy. This is how people learn to feel important and needed in the place where they were born and raised.

    Thus, quotes about patriotism teach kindness, respect for oneself and the people around. When there is something in common that unites people, common goals, tasks, and aspirations appear.

    Project of 5th grade students MKOU Shishovskaya secondary school

    In the classroom "Patriot" students proposed to create a dictionary patriotic words. The main word in this dictionary is PATRIOT



    Municipal state educational institution

    Shishov secondary school






















    RODINA, Rus'










    Army (Soviet, Russian)

    Army in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Army - (from lat. armo - I arm) - 1) the totality of the armed forces of the state. 2) Ground troops, unlike the Navy. 3) An operational association, consisting of several connections and separate parts various branches of the military and special forces. There are combined arms, tank, air and other armies.


    Nobility - there is everything valuable in a person. Purity of soul, honor, pride, courage, directness. It is in every person, you just need to show it correctly and use it for good.

    Nobility is a quality that combines

    Yourself indulgence, hope, understanding, faith, honor and dignity, kindness.

    Nobility - This is a manifestation of high morality, honesty. Nobility can sometimes be synonymous with grace, purity.

    Nobility - this is not a position and not a noble origin, nobility is not an external beautiful pose, with arrogance, arrogance. Nobility - living matter, which finds where the moon wakes up more often and the full moon ends ...


    Warrior ( st.-glor. warrior, from other Greek στρατιῶτης) - a person related to military affairs, directly participating in hostilities.

    A warrior accepts responsibility for all his actions, even the smallest ones. A common person preoccupied with his own thoughts and never takes responsibility for what he does.

    Taking responsibility for your decisions means being willing to die for them.

    Every battle for a true warrior is last fight in his life, so the outcome of the battle is irrelevant.

    A warrior dies the hard way. His death must fight him. A warrior does not give himself up to death so easily.

    A warrior knows what he is waiting for, and he knows what he is waiting for, he saturates his eyes with peace. For the warrior, the final accomplishment of his task is a delight, the joy of infinity.

    Coat of arms

    Coat of arms ( Polish herb from German Erbe - legacy) - emblem , distinctive sign , inherited, which depicts objects symbolizing the owner of the coat of arms (human , estate , genus , city , country and so on.). Is engaged in the study of coats of armsheraldry .

    State Emblem of the Russian Federation- official state symbol Russian Federation ; one of the main state symbols Russia, along withState flag of the Russian Federation And State anthem of the Russian Federation . Approved by Presidential Decree Russian Federation November 30th 1993 .

    The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is a quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle that raised its outstretched wings. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one big crown connected with a ribbon. In the right paw of an eagle -scepter , on the left - power . On the chest of the eagle, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned and trampled by a horse.


    HYMN (from the Greek hymnos - a song of praise) is a solemn song, often used as a musical symbol. Along with the coat of arms and the flag, it is one of the state symbols. It is performed at official ceremonies of domestic political and international character.

    Anthem of the Russian Federation:

    Music by A. Alexandrov
    Words by S. Mikhalkov

    Russia is our sacred power,
    Russia is our beloved country.
    mighty will, great glory -
    Yours forever!

    From the southern seas to the polar region
    Our forests and fields are spread out.
    You are the only one in the world! One you are -
    Protected by God native land!

    Hail, our free Fatherland,
    Fraternal peoples age-old union,
    Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
    Hail country! We are proud of you!

    Wide scope for dreams and for life
    The coming years open up to us.
    Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength.
    So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!

    Hail, our free Fatherland,
    Fraternal peoples age-old union,
    Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
    Hail country! We are proud of you!


    Citizenship of the Russian Federation- a stable legal connection of a person with the Russian Federation, expressed in the totality of their mutual rights and obligations.

    A citizen is an individual associated with the state by certain political and legal relations. This is expressed in mutual rights, duties and freedoms within the framework of the law. One of the signs of citizenship of a certain country is the presence of a passport - a document confirming citizenship. Citizens who have the citizenship of a certain state in the territory of this state differ in their legal status from stateless persons or citizens of other countries (foreign citizens).

    Citizens of the Russian Federation (Russia), i.e. individuals, who have the right to be considered persons with Russian citizenship, according to the current legislative acts are:

    1. persons who were citizens of Russia on the day of July 1, 2002, when the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” came into force, and who subsequently did not lose (terminate) their citizenship of Russia;
    2. persons who became citizens of Russia in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" after 2002.


    the highest spiritual courage, steadfastness, nobility; high property of the soul, the highest virtue, generosity, self-sacrifice, etc. One cannot master all the virtues. Valiant, Valiant, Valiant, strong in good, strong and firm in high virtues, valor. Valiant, courageous follower of virtue. To valor (to valor), to strive valiantly. Kindness cf. property of a valiant, a man of a valiant soul. Doble-wise, doble-wise, combining valor with wisdom. Thoughtful, thoughtful.


    Good is a general concept moral consciousness, categoryethics characterizing positive moralvalues . Initially, it was opposite to the concept of bad (that is, it meant the result of the action of good, as opposed to the result of the action of evil), and at a later time it began to be used as an antonym of the conceptevil , meaning intentional, unselfish and sincere desireto the realization of a good, a useful deed, for example, helping one's neighbor, as well as to a stranger or even an animal flora. In the everyday sense, this term refers to everything that causes a positive assessment in people, or is associated with happiness, joy, love of certain people, i.e., becomes close to the relevant concept of “good”.

    Good is actions that bring happiness and do not cause harm, damage, pain, suffering to anyone. In Christianity, the most important representative and source of good is consideredGod . Objective criterion goodness (as well as good ) is its correspondencethe will of God . The state or feeling from which good is created is love. Perfect love belongs only to God. And, therefore, perfect goodness, without the slightest admixture of evil, can only be created by Him or beings that fulfill His will.

    Christianity considers evil not as an independent entity, but as a diminution of good.


    Unity - Inseparability, mutual connection

    Unity Commonality, complete similarity

    Unity Wholeness, solidarity


    Banner - 1. A wide panel of a certain color (or combination of colors) and size, mounted on a staff, which is official symbol state, any organization,


    ideology is system of views and ideas, political programs and slogans, philosophical concepts in which people's attitudes to reality and to each other are realized and evaluated, which express the interests of various social classes, groups, societies.

    Ideology is a set of principles, norms and rules defining, establishing and regulating relations within the sphere of social production and consumption.


    Constitution (from lat. constitutio - device, establishment, addition) - the fundamental law of the state, a special normative legal act that has the highest legal force. The constitution defines the foundations of the political, legal and economic systems of the state. Constitution - founding documentstatesa , which outlines the main goals of the creation of the state. In the vast majority of countries, the constitution is adopted constituent assembly or by referendum

    The text with which the Constitution of the Russian Federation begins

    We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, are united common destiny on their land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and affirming the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Motherland to present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we adopt the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.


    Each state has the most main city- capital. Organs are usually located here. state power, live leaders of the state. Moscow has been the capital of Russia for over 300 years. This city is dear to every Russian. And how many poems, songs, paintings and films are dedicated to Moscow!

    Moscow Kremlin

    In the center of Moscow is the Kremlin - the heart of Russia. This is the oldest part of Moscow. On the territory of the Kremlin rise old cathedrals - the Assumption, Arkhangelsk and Annunciation. All the tsars and emperors of Russia got married in the main temple of the country - the Assumption Cathedral. The Kremlin houses the residence of the President of Russia and his office. The President of Russia takes an oath of allegiance to Russia in the Grand Kremlin Palace. Every time it comes New Year, the president of the country addresses us from the TV screens from the Kremlin and wishes us all happiness in the coming year. After that, we are shown the Spassky Tower of the Kremlin, and on it the main chimes in the country, and under the chimes all the people of our country make a wish, in the hope that it will come true.


    Courage - this is a volitional act performed consciously, the implementation of which requires the individual to overcome fear Courage - one of the virtues, reflecting moral strength in overcoming fear. Courage often acts as the ability to endure suffering, including physical pain.

    Courage is usually understood as the quality of a person to endure difficulties steadfastly, to complete the work begun, not succumbing to circumstances, even overcoming, perhaps, physical suffering.

    Courage in a more particular sense is a set of qualities inherent in a man. In a broader sense, courage is the ability of a person to remain a Human in any trials and shocks, even if they threaten his health and life itself. From this point of view, it is believed that even a woman can be courageous. “Be courageous”, “take courage” - they say to her in difficult moments of life, giving strength to survive the shock.

    So, courage is such behavior when a person acts without succumbing to fear, despair and other non-humanoid states.


    Peace is the absence of war


    1) in the broad sense of the word, the entire population is defined. countries. 2) The term used to refer to various forms ethnic communities (tribe, nationality, nation). In the process of development of the socialist society in the USSR, a new historical community has developed.

    PEOPLE - husband. people born in a certain space; people in general; language, tribe; residents of the country speaking one language; inhabitants of the state, the country, consisting under one management; mob, common people, lower, taxable estates; A lot of people.

    people - PEOPLE, people, m. 1. The population, united by belonging to one state; the inhabitants of the country. "The Red Army is armed Soviet people." Voroshilov. “Persons encroaching on public, socialist property are enemies ... ...


    Society is a system of people connected with each other in some way. The connection of society can be the social origin of individuals, their interests, common work, the performance of any similar duties, work, and simply a geographically close location, obliging and conducive to communication.

    Society - 1) in the broadest sense of the word, it is a combination of all types of interaction and forms of association of people that have developed historically; 2) in a narrow sense - a historically specific type social system a particular form of social relationship. 3) a group of persons united by common moral - ethical standards(by foundations)


    The concept of fatherland denotes the country of the ancestors (fathers) of a person, and also often has an emotional connotation, implying that some have a special feeling for the fatherland that combines love and a sense of duty - patriotism.


    Word Patriotismoriginated from the Greek word "motherland" - this is a social and moral principle that characterizes the attitude of people to their homeland.

    It includes:

    Respect for the historical past of the Motherland, for its traditions;

    Caring for the interests and historical destinies of their homeland, readiness to work for its benefit and protect it in case of danger;

    Loyalty to the Motherland;

    Pride in the achievements of one's country;

    Attachment to the place of residence (to the city, village, region, country as a whole).


    Dictionary of foreign words

    patriot [gr. patriotes countryman, compatriot] - a person who loves his fatherland, devoted to his people, ready for sacrifice and performing feats in the name of the interests of his homeland (see patriotism).

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language. Author T. F. Efremova.

    patriot m. 1) He who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland. 2) unfold One who is devoted to smth., passionately loves smth.


    Patriotism ( Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς -fatherland ) - moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the motherland and the willingness to sacrifice one's interests for the sake of it. Patriotism means prideachievements and culture of their homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and self-identification (special emotional experience of belonging to the country and citizenship,language , traditions ) with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland andpeople . Love for one's homeland, country, people, attachment to one's place of birth, place of residence.


    Victory - this is success in battle, in battle, ending in the complete defeat of the enemy; success in sports competition, a competition that ended with the defeat of the opponent; success in the struggle for something; any achievement as a result of struggle, overcoming something.

    And here is what is said in the explanatory dictionary edited by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova:
    Victory - success in battle, war with the complete defeat of the enemy; win a victory; return with a victory; Victory Day (May 9 - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War); success in the struggle for something, implementation, achievement of something as a result of overcoming something.

    We won the Great Patriotic War!


    No matter how much a person strives to move away from his country, improving the living conditions of his family, the place where he grew up does not let go. "Motherland" does not exist as a territory in conjunction with the people. She is part of the soul. This is often said by immigrants. You can hate the rulers, but the smells and sights of your beloved country haunt you all the time. They appear out of nowhere and make you yearn for the "birch trees" or the "pond" (each in its own way). The meaning of the word "motherland" cannot be overestimated. This is exactly the concept that identifies a person. For centuries, his family was associated with a certain people, lifestyle, culture. There is no escape from this. The word "motherland" means everything together: geography and population, politics and culture. The main thing in it is what distinguishes the totality of these concepts from another totality characterizing a different country. Only a mature person can fully embrace and realize the depth of this word. The motherland is not only the victories of the state and individual citizens, it is both defeats and losses. This is not only pride in achievements, but also pain due to “imperfections”, mistakes and thoughtlessness. Motherland is something without which a person feels lost and disoriented, deprived of the deep meanings of existence, something for which it is not a pity to give his life!


    Rus - a vast ethno-cultural region in Eastern Europe, historical name East Slavic lands. The influential Old Russian state (Kievan Rus), whose political heyday came in the 10th-11th centuries, became the basis for the formation of a single ancient Russian nationality, language and culture. In 988, Rus' was baptized along the eastern Christian tradition. Feudal fragmentation of Rus' and Mongol invasion led to the fall of its individual parts under the authority of external centers of power, stopping the consolidation processes and subsequently causing a different development of cultural, linguistic, and also, in part, religioustraditions. At the end of the 15th century, an independent unified Russian state, whose struggle with externalrivals for the collection of Russian lands became one of the main defining lines of politics and history of Eastern Europe over the course of several centuries. .

    A country

    A country - a territory that has certain political (political countries ), climatic (climatic countries and regions), cultural (cultural countries and regions) or historical borders (historical countries and regions). Our country is called RUSSIA


    Honorary fame as evidence of universal respect, recognition of merit, talent.


    expedient activity man, in the process of which he influences nature with the help of tools and uses it in order to create the objects necessary to satisfy his needs. Considered in such general view T. is, as K. Marx wrote, “... the eternal naturalcondition human life, and therefore it is not dependent on any form of this life, but, on the contrary, is equally common to all its social forms.(Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., vol. 23, p. 195).


    Respect - the position of one person in relation to another, the recognition of the merits of the individual. Respect prescribes not to harm another person, either physical or moral.

    Respect is one of the most important requirementsmorality . In the moral consciousness of society, respect implies justice, equality of rights, attention to the interests of another person, his convictions. Respect implies freedom, trust. Suppressing these demands is a breach of respect. However, the meaning of these qualities that make up respect is determined by the nature of society and the accepted paradigms. Understanding of human rights, freedom, equality in different centuries was completely different. According to the ethics dictionary edited by I. Kohn, the greatest opportunities for deep respect, the elimination of exploitation, as well as the conditions for the highest measure of real freedom of the individual, are provided by the communist formation.

    By Cantu respect establishes the norm of human relations even more than sympathy. Only on the basis of respect can there be mutual understanding.

    Also, respect is a moral duty and the only correct position of a person in the face of everything valuable, in the face of any person.

    Russian flag

    Flag - a panel of regular geometric (most often, rectangular) shape, having some special coloring. Usually the flag is raised on a special mast (flagpole).

    The national flag is one of the state symbols.

    In addition to the state, many states have naval and commercial (commercial) flags.

    The naval ensign of Russia isSt. Andrew's flag , while the commercial flag (the flag of civil fleet ships) "in combination" is the state flag. In some countries, for example in the USA, for all three goals the same flag is used.

    Not only states, but also individual regions and cities have their own flags. ; as well as international organizations (for example, the UN flag), commercial companies, national movements and diasporas (see Ethnic flag), social movements (for example, the pacifist flag) and even sports teams.

    In addition, signal flags are used in the navy to relay messages between ships.

    The flag of our country is a tricolor: white, blue, red

    , India , Germany, etc.

    2)] In the Russian Federation, the subjects of the federation, except for the republics within Russia, are territories, regions, cities of federal significance (Moscow And Saint Petersburg ), autonomous regions and autonomous regions


    Bread is the head of everything

    The main place on the Russian table, especially on the national table, has always occupied and still occupies bread, in terms of the consumption of which per capita, our country has always ranked first in the world. With cabbage soup or another liquid dish, a worker or peasant usually ate from half a kilogram to a kilogram of black, rye bread, which in the 19th century often made up the entire lunch of the working people. White bread, wheat, was not actually distributed in Russia until the beginning of the 20th century. And if at white bread there were regional varieties - saika, kalachi, pretzels, bagels, etc., then black (rye) bread differed not by region, but only by the type of baking and the type of flour - baked, custard, hearth, peeled, etc.

    (Culinary dictionary. Zdanovich L.I. 2001)


    Value - the importance, significance, benefit, usefulness of something. Externally, value acts as a property of an object or phenomenon. However, their significance and usefulness are not inherent in them by nature, not simply by virtue of internal structure object in itself, but are subjective assessments of specific properties that are involved in the sphere of human social existence, a person is interested in them or feels a need. The system of values ​​plays the role of everyday landmarks in the objective and social reality of a person, designations of his various practical relations to surrounding objects and phenomena.

    Honor (military)

    Definitions for the word "honor" can be found in many spelling, explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary, for example, we find the following explanation: "Honor is the inner, moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience; Ushakov's dictionary interprets the concept of honor as "moral or social dignity, that which causes, maintains respect ( to oneself or from others)". Let's take one more definition: "Honor and dignity - strict observance by a person professional debt And moral standards business communication; worthy of respect and pride moral qualities principles of man.

    And what does the concept of "officer honor" include? Russian military thinkers, military leaders, and many classical writers were also involved in the discussion of this problem.

    Peter I understood officer honor as service to the Fatherland: "In service - honor!".

    Published in the 19th century a book for officers, "Instruction to Self-Discipline and Self-Education" (having the subtitle "Collection of Letters from an Old Officer to His Son"), the following is said on this subject: "True honor isthe good reputation we enjoy, the general trust in our truthfulness and justice, in our sincere love to people".

    Prominent military historian and publicist Soviet period YES. Volkogonov gives the following definition: "The honor of an officer is an expression of his consciousness of his dignity and readiness to fulfill his military duty to society."


    line - a system in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line.

    Four people or less are always built in one line.


    All-Russian military-patriotic public movement "Yunarmiya"

    The purpose of the movement is to arouse interest among the younger generation in the geography and history of Russia and its peoples, heroes, outstanding scientists and military leaders. Any student, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the Yunarmiya.

    In their free time, the members of the Yunarmiya will work to preserve memorials, obelisks, keep watch of memory at the Eternal Flame, engage in volunteer activities, take part in major cultural and sports events, can get as additional education and first aid skills.

    The Yunarmey movement was created on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Defense and supported by the President of the Russian Federation. It is intended to unite all organizations, bodies involved in pre-conscription training citizens. DOSAAF Russia will enable members of the newly minted movement to be trained on the basis of their facilities.

    This is: me, you, he, she, together the whole country.

    Together - a friendly family. In the word WE - a hundred thousand I: big-eyed, mischievous, black, white and linen

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