Five sayings about the meaning of life. How to understand: “Beauty will save the world” - what is the meaning of the statement


Everyone has their own concept of beauty. Of course, beauty is understood by each individual in its own way, and each generation has its own criteria of beauty. There is nothing wrong. Everyone has long known that thanks to contradictions and disputes between people, generations and nations, only truth can be born. People by their nature are completely different in terms of their worldview and worldview. For one person it is good and beautiful when he is simply neatly and fashionably dressed, for another it is bad to focus only on appearance, he prefers to develop his inner world and increase his intellectual level. Everything that somehow relates to the understanding of beauty comes from the lips of everyone, based on his personal perception surrounding reality. Romantic and sensual natures most often admire phenomena and objects created by nature. Fresh air after rain, autumn leaf, fallen from the branches, the fire of a fire and a clear mountain stream - all this is beauty that should be constantly enjoyed. For more practical natures, based on objects and phenomena material world, beauty can be the result, for example, of an important deal being concluded or a certain series of construction works being completed. A child will be incredibly pleased with beautiful and bright toys, a woman will be delighted with the beautiful jewelry, and the man will see the beauty in the new alloy wheels on his car. It seems like one word, but how many concepts, how many different perceptions!

Depth simple word“beauty” Beauty can also be viewed from a deep point of view. “Beauty will save the world” - an essay on this topic can be written by everyone in completely different ways. And there will be a lot of opinions about the beauty of life. Some people really believe that the world rests on beauty, while others will say: “Beauty will save the world? Who told you such nonsense? You will answer: “Like who? Russian great writer Dostoevsky in his famous literary work"Idiot"!" And the answer to you: “So what, maybe then beauty saved the world, but now the main thing is different!” And perhaps they will even name what is most important to them. And that’s all - there is no point in proving your idea of ​​beauty. Because you can, you see it, and your interlocutor, due to his education, social status, age, gender or other race I never noticed or thought about the presence of beauty in this or that object or phenomenon. Beauty will save the world, and we, in turn, must be able to save it. The main thing is not to destroy, but to preserve the beauty of the world, its objects and phenomena given by the Creator. Enjoy every moment and the opportunity to see and feel beauty as if it were your last moment in life. And then you won’t even have a question: “Why will beauty save the world?” The answer will be clear as a matter of course.

Our modern world, in which there are how many social contradictions and heterogeneity... A world in which there are rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and unhappy, free and dependent... And that, despite all adversity, beauty will save the world? Maybe you are right. But beauty must be understood not literally, not as an external expression of bright natural individuality or grooming, but as an opportunity to make beautiful noble deeds, helping these other people, and how to look not at the person, but at his beautiful and rich in content inner world. Very often in our lives we pronounce the familiar words “beauty”, “beautiful”, or simply “beautiful”.

Believers comprehend beauty through communication through prayer with the Lord, through contemplation of the world He created and through the improvement of their human essence. Of course, a Christian’s understanding and vision of beauty will differ from the usual ideas of people professing another religion. But somewhere between these ideological contradictions there is still that thin thread that connects everyone into one whole. In such divine unity there also lies the silent beauty of harmony.

How to imagine a world without this enchanting beauty of every moment of life? This is simply impossible. The existence of humanity is unthinkable without this. Almost every person, engaged in daily work or any other burdensome task, has thought more than once that in the usual bustle of life, as if carelessly, almost without noticing, he missed something very important, did not have time to notice the beauty of the moments. Yet beauty has a certain divine origin, it expresses the true essence of the Creator, giving everyone the opportunity to join Him and be like

Meaning of life… This topic eternal.

The constant questions that we ask ourselves “for what,” “why,” “why” accompany us throughout life and require each person to have their own answer. Let the data sayings about the meaning of life will help you understand this issue more deeply and at least slightly discover this very meaning for yourself...

These questions are probably much more important than the answers received. By asking ourselves questions like these, we discover the meaning of life in our own hearts.

great people contribute to the creation of their own beliefs. And the beliefs that a person has come to on his own are very valuable and important. They are more valuable than all knowledge and theories. In my opinion, the meaning of life is in life itself. It is also about realizing one’s own capabilities, personal improvement, joy and pleasure. The meaning of life is also in its knowledge, completeness and awareness, in love and harmony, in happiness and joy.

So, statements about the meaning of life:

“The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist”

D. London

"What is a sense of life? Serve others and do good"


“Two meanings in life - internal and external,

for the external – family, business, success;

And the inner one is unclear and unearthly -

Everyone is responsible for everyone.”

I. Guberman

“Fill every moment with meaning

hours and days of inexorable running,

then you will take possession of the whole world

Then, my son, you will be a Man."

R. Kipling

“I am sure that the meaning of life for each of us is simply to grow in love.”

L.N. Tolstoy.

“The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal.”

M. Gorky “Each person is a reflection of his own inner world

. As a person thinks, that is how he is (in life).”

Marcus Tulius Cicero.

“The meaning of life is self-expression. To manifest our essence in its entirety - that’s what we live for.”

Oscar Wilde

“The only happiness in life is a constant striving forward.”

Emile Zola

“There is no other meaning in life except what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully.”

Erich Fromm

"What is a sense of life?

More than once we suddenly ask ourselves

And like blind people we don’t notice at all,

That everything around is filled with meaning.”

Sergey Fetisov

“That’s the meaning of life, not to ask stupid questions.”

Mikhail Mamchits "Life individual person

has meaning only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble.”

Albert Einstein

has meaning only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble.”

“Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.”

“When You were born, You cried, and the World laughed - live so that when you die, You laugh, and the World cries.”

“You have to love life more than the meaning of life.”

F.M. Dostoevsky

“That’s the meaning of life, not to ask stupid questions.”

“A wise man does not seek the meaning of life, he simply does not lose it.”
If you are looking for the meaning of life because you don’t feel that there is one, this is psychiatry.”

“Once you have taken the painkiller “life is a game”, stop looking for meaning in it, there is only sense in rushing to score points.”

Elena Ermolaeva

“If anyone knows the meaning of life, let him not frighten others with this meaning.”

“The meaning of life is to be happy. And the reasons for happiness are not important.”

“The meaning of life is to find your happiness. The happiness of life is not to lose its meaning.”

“It would be easy to understand the meaning of life if it weren’t so difficult to find...”

“That’s the meaning of life, not to ask stupid questions.”

“Understand Who You Are and don’t change yourself.”

K-F "Hurry to love"

“Your purpose is hidden in what you love to do more than anything else.”

Jonathan Zakarin

"In everything you see,

You are looking for yourself!

And even loving someone madly,

Everything you are looking for in him -

only yourself!”

Kira Borg

“The meaning of life is not to cry, not to laugh, but to understand.”

Dmitry Rubashkin

“I saw the meaning of my life in helping others find meaning in their lives.”

Victor Frankl

“What is the purpose of life? Reproduction of one's own kind? For what? Serve people? And what should we do for those whom we will serve? Serve God? Can't He do what He needs without us? If He orders us to serve Himself, it is only for our good. Life cannot have any other purpose than goodness and joy.”

Lev Tolstoy

"Let it be ours supreme goal one thing: to speak as we feel, and to live as we speak.”

“The meaning of life does not exist, I will have to create it myself.”

J.-P. Sartre

"Our the main objective in this life - to help other people. If you are not able to help them, then at least do not harm them.”

T. Gyatso

The above statementsabout the meaning of life very different, sometimes contradictory. And this is understandable. As they say, as many people as there are, so many opinions (so many statements about the meaning of life).

Parable about the meaning of life

One day a student asked the Teacher:
- Teacher, what is the meaning of life?
- Whose? – the Teacher was surprised.
The student thought for a while and replied:
- At all. Human life.
The teacher took a deep breath and then said to the students:
- Try to answer.
One student said:
- Maybe in love?
“Not bad,” said the Teacher, “but is love alone enough to say in one’s declining years, “I didn’t live in vain?”
Then another student said:
– In my opinion, the meaning of life is to leave something behind for centuries. Like you, Teacher.
“Wow,” the Teacher smiled, “if I knew you worse, I could take it for flattery.” Are you saying that most people live in vain?
The third student suggested hesitantly:
– Or maybe you don’t need to look for it, this very meaning?
“Come on, come on,” the Teacher became interested, “explain why you think so?”
“It seems to me,” said the student, “that if you ask this question, then, firstly, you still won’t find an exact and final answer, you will doubt it all the time, and, secondly, no matter what answer you find, you will still always there will be someone who will argue with him. So all life will pass in search of its meaning.
“That is,,” the Teacher smiled, “the meaning of life is...
- Live? - said the student.
- In my opinion, this is the answer! – and the Teacher gestured that classes were over for today.

How to reveal the meaning of a statement?

Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. We remind you that incorrect understanding of the meaning and the assessment of this criterion with “0” points leads to the fact that other parts of the work are not taken into account and, thus, the entire task is scored as “0” points.

It is the disclosure of the meaning of a statement that should become primary when writing an essay, and the ability to develop and formulate judgments that reveal the meaning of a particular aphorism should be given special attention when preparing for the exam. Mastery of this skill will contribute to a more meaningful, harmonious, logically holistic fulfillment of the remaining requirements of the task, and the presentation and argumentation of one’s own point of view regarding the statement.

Having chosen the topic of the essay, you should clearly formulate the problem that served as the basis for the statement. A proven way to do this is to try to express the essence of the statement using terms and concepts from a specific section school course. To do this, the graduate must reformulate the topic in his own words, defining main idea, in order to remove doubts about whether he understands the phrase correctly.

It is also advisable to highlight the key words (phrases) of the statement that will help determine the main idea of ​​the saying, the main idea of ​​the author of the statement. This will also help determine the scope of the section or topic of the social science course within the boundaries within which the revealed problem should be covered.

Those. The high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more logical to do this at the very beginning of the essay.

What are the main ideas (problems) in exam essays? 2

When writing an essay, it is necessary to identify the problems that are raised in the above statements, for example:

Topic: “Economics is the art of satisfying unlimited needs with limited resources” (L. Peter)  Problem: rational use resources using effective methods management and reasonable consumption.

Topic: “Every person should be given an equal right to pursue his own benefit, and the whole society benefits from this” (A. Smith)  Problem: private interest is the source of initiative and entrepreneurship in the economy.

main idea(problem), being a kind of condition of the task, to which you need to periodically return throughout the entire process of writing an essay, requires a clear designation. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the framework and not get carried away by general reasoning.

Let us list the main ideas (problems) that graduates can encounter in the proposed topics of C9 assignments


1. The relationship between matter and consciousness.

2. Space and time as forms of being.

3. Movement and development as ways of existence.

4. The problem of the essence of consciousness.

5. Features of the human psyche.

6. The relationship between the conscious and the unconscious.

7. The infinity of the process of cognition.

8. The question of the knowability of the world: agnosticism and gnosticism.

9. The relationship between the subject and the object of knowledge.

10. The relationship between sensory experience and rational thinking, their main forms.

11. Intuition and its role in cognition.

12. Truth and its criteria. Relative and absolute truth.

13.Empirical and theoretical levels scientific knowledge.

14. Interaction between nature and society.

15.Environmental problem and ways to solve it.

16. Material and spiritual sides public life, their ratio.

17. The relationship between the individual and society.

18. The relationship between freedom and responsibility of the individual.

19. Culture as a transformative activity of man as a whole.

20. Multivariate social development.

21. The essence of civilization.

22. Basic approaches to the study of society.

23. Social progress, its criteria and main stages.

24. Spiritual life of society.

25. Social consciousness, its structure and forms.

26. Science as a form of social consciousness.

27. Aesthetic consciousness.

28. Philosophical understanding of art. 29. Religion as a form of culture, a type of worldview.

30. Moral consciousness.

31. Philosophical understanding of morality.

32. Basic global problems humanity and possible ways their decisions.

33. Information revolution as the most important component of scientific and technological revolution.

34. The role of the masses and individuals in history.

35. Globalization of public life.

Social Psychology

1. Interpersonal communication, its essence and tasks to be solved.

2. The essence and barriers of interpersonal communication and possible options their elimination.

3. Intrapersonal conflict-conflict social roles one man.

4. Interaction, communication between people, building their relationships.

5. Psychological climate team.

6. A man among people.

7. Essential characteristics of a small group.

8. Relationships between the individual and the group.

9. Features of group formation.

10. Roles, norms and personality status.

11. Self-control as correlation of one’s behavior with the norms of society or group.

12. Self-determination as choosing one’s own position.

13. Discrepancy between the claims and capabilities of people.

14. Interrelation of the main spheres of personal socialization.

15. National identity.

16. Social interaction.

17. The importance of the communication process.

18. The essence of social conflict.

19. Relationships between the individual and the team.

20. Sources of social progress.

21. Social development.

22. Family relationships.

23. Conflict between “fathers and sons”.

24. The essence of the crowd and the herd instinct.

25. Social and psychological portrait of a leader.

26. Family relationships.

27. A system of organizational, socio-economic, psychological, moral and legal decisions that ensure the effective implementation of the individual’s capabilities in society and the group.


1. The contradiction between limited resources and limitless human needs.

2. The problem of economic choice.

3. Factors of production and their importance in the economy.

4. Labor as a type of activity and economic resource.

5. Capital as an economic resource.

6. Intellectual capital as the main source of formation of competitive advantages in economic activity.

7. Factors determining the productivity and competitiveness of production in the modern economy.

8. The essence and functions of money in economics.

9. Efficient use of resources.

10. The meaning of the social division of labor.

11. Two sides of the social division of labor - specialization and cooperation.

12. The benefits of social labor cooperation: joint work,

learning by doing and comparative advantage.

13. Efficiency in the distribution of available resources.

14. The role of trade in the development of society.

15.Incentives and production efficiency.

16. Fairness in the distribution of social benefits.

17. The essence of market relations.

18. The role of the state in regulating the economy.


1. The relationship between objective and subjective factors influencing social processes.

2. The role of spiritual and material assets in people's lives.

3. Social inequality and struggle.

4. Maintaining the stability of public life.

5. Progressive change (progress) in the organization of society.

6. Patterns of differentiation of male and female social roles.

7. Historically unequal relationships between men and women.

8. Specific qualities cities.

9. Social nature of knowledge, thinking, and activities of society.

10. Processes of information transfer between social groups.

11. Youth as a social community.

12. Features of socialization of generations entering life.

13. Features of the lifestyle of young people.

14. Formation of life plans, goals and value orientations.

15. Social mobility.

16. Performing various social roles.

17. Science how social institution.

18. Social functions of science.

19. Education as a social institution, its functions in society and the relationship with other social institutions.

20. Interaction of religion and society.

21. Family as a social institution and small group.

22. Family structure and functions, patterns of family behavior.

23. A person’s attitude towards work, his social activity.

24. The influence of globalization on local life.

25. The influence of national factors on social structure and population migration.

26. National identity.

27. Trends in interethnic relations.

28. Interethnic conflicts.

29. National characteristics value orientations and behavioral stereotypes.

Political science.

1. Politic system society and its role in the life of society.

2. The place and role of the state in the political system of society.

3. Parties and social movements in the political system of society.

4. Features of modern political relations.

5. Subjects of politics.

6. World politics and international relations.

7. Types of a person’s attitude towards politics.

8. Regulation of political behavior and political activity.

9. The relationship between goals and means in politics.

10. Political progress and its criteria.

11. The relationship between economics, politics and law.

12. The essence and features of political power.

13. The nature and functions of political power.

14. Legitimacy of political power and its types.

15. Political regime: concept and signs.

16. The essence of a democratic regime.

18. Totalitarian regime.

19. Political system of society: concept, functions and structure.

20. Origin of the state.

21. The essence and characteristics of the state.

22. State sovereignty.

23. Government How special variety social power.

24. Form of state and its elements.

25. The relationship between society and the state.

26. Civil society: concept, structure, characteristics.

27. Correlation and relationship between state and law.

28. Rule of law: concept and principles.

29. Separation of powers as a principle of the rule of law.

30. State and individual: mutual responsibility.

31. Concept, functions, types and structure of political parties.

32. Party systems.

33. Socio-political movements, pressure groups.

34. Political relations.

35. Political pluralism.

36. The essence and structure of the political process.

37. Revolution and reform as types of political transformations.

38. Political modernization..

39. Uprising, riot, mutiny, putsch as types of political process.

40. Political campaigns: their strategy and tactics.

41. Populism: concept and signs.

43. Political decision.

44. The essence and functions of political leadership.

45. Political consciousness: concept, structure, functions.

46. ​​The role of ideology in politics.

47. Political culture: concept and structure, types.

48. Interaction of the individual, society and state.

49. The functioning of political norms, values, expectations, orientations and aspirations characteristic of various social groups.

50. Interaction of the institution of law with other social institutions.


1. Law as a regulator of social life.

2. Social value of law.

3. Essence and specific signs states.

4. Political system and the role of the state in it.

5. Law and morality: similarities and differences.

6. Lawmaking: principles, types, lawmaking process.

7. Mechanism for the implementation of fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual.

8. State and civil society.

9. Concept, signs of a welfare state.

10. Legal nihilism and ways to overcome it.

11. Offenses: concepts, signs and composition.

12. Types of offenses.

13. The essence of legal responsibility.

14. Legal culture.

How to formulate your own opinion in an essay?

The next step is to determine your attitude to the problem identified during the analysis of the statement. The personal attitude to the chosen topic must be recorded in the text of the essay in a clearly expressed wording (“I agree”, “I disagree”, “I do not completely agree”, “I agree, but partially”, or phrases similar in meaning and meaning) . A clear and intelligible expression of one’s own attitude to the position of the author of the statement is necessary - in many cases, schoolchildren fail to convey their attitude through the context, system of justifications and arguments, which can lead to a decrease in expert assessment.

The presence of a personal value judgment is one of the criteria on the basis of which experts evaluate an essay. It must be remembered that such wording is not enough to obtain 1 (one) assessment point for the examination paper. In accordance with the K2 essay evaluation criterion, your own opinion must be substantiated. Therefore, the phrase “I agree” must necessarily have a continuation: “I agree with the author’s opinion, because...”, “I do not agree with the position expressed by the author, because...”.

It is advisable to draw the attention of graduates to the fact that a position that implies agreement with the author’s point of view, as a rule, turns out to be more advantageous in the examination paper, since the author’s statement itself may contain an indication of possible ways to resolve the problem.

Sometimes the problem raised by the author of the statement turns out to be complex, which does not allow the graduate to formulate an unambiguous answer. In this case, it can be recommended to record your own position in the text of the essay in the following formulation: “On the one hand, I agree with the author, on the other, I’m ready to argue with him.” It should be remembered that this opinion will require giving arguments “for” and “against”.

It should be borne in mind that, unlike an essay on literature, the points do not reflect the ideological position of the author of the work. The author can express optimistic and pessimistic, progressive and regressive, liberal and conservative, left and right positions. The main thing is to be able to argue your point of view. However, you cannot violate the laws of our country - call for the overthrow of the existing system, preach extremist views. The name of the author remains unknown only until the assessment is given, after which he can be identified and even punished.

What's it like meaning correct use of social science terminology in an essay?

The chosen topic should be disclosed using the conceptual and terminological apparatus and theoretical content of a particular science.

The use of terms, concepts, and definitions in an essay indicates the student’s mastery of the basics of social sciences and speaks of the graduate’s theoretical preparedness. Therefore, operating with a conceptual apparatus must be competent, appropriate, in relation to the chosen topic and science.

The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the chosen problem. Unfortunately, graduates often try to insert as many terms as possible into their work, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency.

It is interesting to note that for grammatical errors, even in social studies terms, the grade for a social studies essay is not reduced. However, the presence of a large number of such errors worsens the expert’s overall impression of the essay. In addition, not paying attention to the correct spelling of words often leads to embarrassment when the incorrect spelling of a word distorts the very thought of the author. For example, in the definition of the political process, a graduate wrote “the purpose of political events” instead of the phrase “chain of political events,” which led to an incorrect explanation of the meaning of the quote and the assignment of “O” points.

How to make arguments?

We remind you that argumentation must be carried out at two levels: theoretical and empirical.

The theoretical level involves relying primarily on knowledge of social science material (concepts, characteristics, factors, directions of scientific thought, revealing contradictions, illuminating hypotheses, etc.)

The empirical level provides coverage of the problem in three directions:

1) use of examples from history and literature;

2) addressing social realities;

3) reliance on personal experience.

How many and what arguments should be given?

The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are most optimal for revealing the topic.

You need to be very careful in selecting arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and justified. Data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from social life are used as arguments. Arguments of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so they should be presented with extreme caution.

It should also be remembered that examples from history are most relevant in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. Data from the relevant sciences must be used when choosing any of the topics.

A favorable impression is created if the graduate in his essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, provides reference to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: “Gorbachev M.S. thought this:..., and Yeltsin B.N. - otherwise:..."), or they can be indirect, non-personalized: “A number of political scientists think this way:..., others think differently:..., and some suggest something completely different:....”

Arguments must be presented in strict sequence, the internal logic of presentation in the essay must be clearly visible. The student should not jump from one to another and return to the first again without explanation and internal connection, connecting the individual provisions of his work.

An argumentative essay, based on logically constructed facts, seeks to persuade the reader to agree with some opinion, perform some action, or do both. The authors of argumentative essays achieve their goal through rational influence based on immutable truths, opinions of authorities, primary sources of information, statistical data, etc.; emotional and ethical impact.

How to reveal multi-dimensional topics?

The next step assumes that the examinee breaks the problem into several components (identifies aspects of the problem), which he will later reveal. Thus, the student outlines the main directions for solving the problem and creates a kind of “skeleton” of a mini-essay.

It is not necessary to disclose all identified aspects in a mini-essay - you can select several of the most advantageous ones. In this case, it is worth recommending that all identified aspects be recorded in the text of the essay, and then indicate which of them will be expanded. Let us note that the presence of a clear structure of the essay, reflecting the structure of the problem raised in the statement, creates the conditions for writing a high-quality essay and receiving a high expert score.

Next, it is necessary to outline a range of aspects that will be disclosed in detail. It is advisable to recall famous scientists, philosophers who have studied this issue, and various scientific views on this aspect. This material, introduced into the context of a mini-essay, is very advantageous.

Further work on the essay is associated with the involvement of facts necessary to disclose the problem (aspects of the problem). In principle, it is possible to use facts of social life, models of social objects and processes. When writing a social science mini-essay, it is not recommended to use everyday everyday experience: in a non-generalized form, its use may indicate the low quality of the student’s social science skills and significantly reduce the expert assessment of the work. You should also not use unfamiliar historical and literary material. In this case, serious factual errors are often made, which reduces the expert's impression of the work.

The facts selected to solve the problem are used as an illustration of the basic theoretical principles and reasoning of the graduate; at the same time, they can also be the starting point for reflection. It is necessary to avoid being overly carried away by facts in the process of writing an essay, otherwise it may become descriptive and lose the character of reasoning, reflection, i.e. its theoretical component. At the same time, one cannot completely abandon the use of facts, since reliance on knowledge of the realities of social life is one of the elements being assessed.

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  • Is life worth living? This is a question for the embryo, not for the man.
    Samuel Johnson

    Life may not be worth living, but what else can you do with it?

    Is there a meaning to life? It depends when.
    David Samoilov

    Life has exactly the value we want to give it.
    Ingmar Bergman

    We must love life more than the meaning of life.
    Fedor Dostoevsky

    If there is no pleasure in life, then there must be at least some meaning.
    Maxim Zvonarev

    If you suddenly found the meaning of life, it’s time to consult a psychiatrist.
    Unknown American

    If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick.
    Sigmund Freud

    The highest shame is to lose the meaning of life for the sake of life.

    People start thinking about life and money when they come to an end.
    Emil Krotky

    The answers to the tasks given to us by life are not given in the end.
    Emil Krotky

    Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly.
    Franz Kafka

    We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as support.
    Maria Ebner Eschenbach

    If someone asked life for a thousand years: why are you living? - she would not say anything other than: I live to live. Life lives without any “why” and lives itself.
    Meister Eckhart

    Living is the same as loving: all reasonable arguments are against, and all healthy instincts are for.
    Samuel Butler

    In a dialogue with life, it is not its question that is important, but our answer.
    Marina Tsvetaeva

    What is the most important hour in life, and what is the most significant person, and what is the most necessary business? The most important hour is always the present, the most significant person is the one. who is in front of us now, and the most necessary thing is love.
    Attributed to Meister Eckhart

    A life endowed with meaning does not ask about it.
    Theodor Adorno

    You cannot ask about the meaning of life - this meaning must be put into it.
    Romain Gary

    Before you have time to find the meaning of life, it has already been changed.
    George Carlin

    A drinker always has a goal in life.
    Arkady Davidovich

    The goal of life is the desire for immortality (even just name); The meaning of life is the choice of path (and actions) to achieve a goal...
    A. Ananyev

    Life without a goal is a man without a head.

    Man lives on earth not to become rich, but to become happy.

    To know the end to which we strive is prudence; to achieve this goal is the fidelity of the view; dwelling on it is strength; getting further than the goal is daring.
    C. Duclos

    Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires.
    W. Irving

    Man's initial goal is to be a man. The ultimate goal of man is to be human, and at every stage of development of the human goal it remains the same - to be human.
    F. Iskander

    A man without a goal is like a bird without wings.

    Man's destiny is to achieve perfection through freedom.
    I. Kant

    The most intolerable thing is that living in the world is useless.
    N. Karamzin

    Blessed is the one who has found his work; let him not seek another blessing. He has a business and a purpose in life.
    T. Carlyle

    Our main task is not to direct our gaze and attention to what is in the foggy distance, but to do things that are immediately in front of us.
    T. Carlyle

    The magnet points north and south; It is up to a person to choose a good or bad path in life.
    Kozma Prutkov

    The most reliable compass on life path- target.
    B. Krutier

    Most people who strive for a goal are able to make one big effort rather than stubbornly follow the chosen path; Because of laziness and inconstancy, they often lose the fruits of their best endeavors and allow themselves to be overtaken by those who set off later than them and walked more slowly, but without stopping.
    J. Labruyère

    If the goal itself is bad, then it is unreasonable, and where there is no reason, there is no greatness.
    J. Labruyère

    A far-sighted person must determine a place for each of his desires and then implement them in order. Our greed often disrupts this order and forces us to pursue so many goals that in pursuit of trifles we miss the essential.
    F. La Rochefoucauld

    A person often thinks that he is in control of himself, when in fact something is in control of him; While he strives for one goal with his mind, his heart imperceptibly carries him towards another.
    F. La Rochefoucauld

    Will the messenger of deliverance come?
    Reveal to me the purpose of life,
    The goal of hopes and passions.
    M. Lermontov

    A life spent without serving the broad interests and objectives of society has no justification.
    N. Leskov

    The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goal, walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly.
    G. Lessing

    Whenever I have to die, I want the people who knew me best to say that I always pulled out thistles and grew flowers wherever, in my opinion, flowers could grow.
    A. Lincoln

    Life reaches its peak in those moments when all its forces are directed towards achieving the goals set for it.
    D. London

    Failure is not a crime; It is criminal to set goals below your capabilities.
    D. Lowell

    There is one true goal, but there are myriads of false ones.

    Nothing can be done well if you don’t know what you want to achieve.
    A. Makarenko

    A goal is a dream that must come true by a specific date.
    X. Mackay

    The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize.
    Marcus Aurelius

    We humans are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a leg helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.
    Marcus Aurelius

    He who does not always have the same goal in life cannot be the same all his life. What has been said is not enough if you do not add what this goal should be... you must set yourself a social and civil one. Because whoever directs all his aspirations towards her, all his actions will become similar, and therefore he himself will always be the same.
    Marcus Aurelius

    Despite any obstacles, I will go towards my goal.
    K. Marx

    An end that requires wrong means is not a right end.
    K. Marx

    People must be valued according to the goals they set for themselves.
    N. Miklouho-Maclay

    It seems to me that the most perfect is the one that achieves its goals with the least cost.
    C. Montesquieu

    The role of man is to understand the facts that life offers him, organize them and build a more just world.
    A. Maurois

    The goal is not to “succeed”, to achieve “perishable things”, but to have the right, looking into your soul in the light of conscience, to make sure that you can be proud of what you have done, or at least not to blush for it.
    A. Maurois

    Everything is determined by what you are looking for in life, and also by what you ask of yourself and others.
    S. Maugham

    Many are persistent in relation to the path once chosen, few - in relation to the goal.
    F. Nietzsche

    The one who answered the question: “Why live?” - will be able to tolerate almost any answer to the question: “How to live?”
    F. Nietzsche

    When the struggle of life has already turned into a conscious striving for a specific goal, then a person can already consider himself happy, even if he had to fall and die on the road.
    D. Pisarev

    The purpose of life is chosen not by character, but by mind; and the choice, successful or unsuccessful, is determined by the mental development and knowledge that a person possesses at the time when he has to choose.
    D. Pisarev

    To understand what is just, to feel what is beautiful, to desire what is good - this is the goal of intelligent life.
    A. Platen

    He who lives only for himself... is dead to others.
    Publilius Syrus

    To set all his forces in motion, a person needs to place in front of himself some noble goal that can inspire him.
    E. Renan

    When a person has some life goal, time does not slow down, but speeds up.
    A. Rivarol

    If selfish well-being is the only goal of life, life quickly becomes purposeless.
    R. Rolland

    When a person is full of life, he does not ask himself why he lives; he lives to live, because living is a damn fine thing.
    R. Rolland

    There is no life for that in the world,
    Who seeks food in vanity of vanities.
    A. Rumi

    In metric certificates they write where a person was born, when he was born, but they just don’t write why he was born.
    M. Safir

    Our main task should be that we do not follow, like cattle, the leaders of the herd, that we go not where others are going, but where duty dictates.
    Seneca the Younger

    There are people who live without any purpose, who pass through the world like blades of grass: they do not float in the river, they are carried along.
    Seneca the Younger

    When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him.
    Seneca the Younger

    A life not sanctified by a sense of duty would have, in essence, no value.
    S. Smiles

    A person who has chosen a prudent and reasonable life should not rejoice at all.

    I believe that there is no better way to live than by trying to become better, and that there is no greater pleasure than feeling that you are actually becoming better. This is a happiness that I have not ceased to experience until now and of which my conscience testifies to me.

    A person's life is only reasonable when it is understood as service.
    L. Tolstoy

    Human life, full of bodily suffering, which can be cut short at any second, this life, in order not to be the grossest mockery, must have a meaning, such that the meaning of life is not violated either by its suffering, or by its duration or short duration.
    L. Tolstoy

    The shortest expression of the meaning of life can be this: the world moves and improves. the main task- to contribute to this movement, to submit to it and to cooperate with it.
    L. Tolstoy

    You cannot swim and row without knowing where you are sailing, and you cannot live and do your life without knowing why.
    L. Tolstoy

    The right way is this: learn what your predecessors did and move on.
    L. Tolstoy

    A person who is aware of his purpose is thereby aware of his dignity.
    L. Tolstoy

    If the aspiration comes from a pure source, it still, even if it is not completely successful, without achieving the goal, can bring great benefit.
    I. Turgenev

    Doing duty: this is what a person should be concerned about.
    I. Turgenev

    He who strives for a great goal should no longer think about himself.
    I. Turgenev

    Life is colorful and varied - that’s why it’s so difficult to comprehend it.
    T. Wilder

    The purpose of life is self-expression. To reveal our essence in its entirety is what we live for.
    O. Wilde

    Purpose in life is the core human dignity and human happiness.
    K. Ushinsky

    The labor and strength of those who lived before us live in us. May future generations, in turn, be able to live thanks to our work, thanks to the strength of our hands and our minds. Only in this case will we adequately fulfill our purpose.
    J. Fabre

    Act! Act! This is what we exist for.
    I. Fichte

    The progress of science and machinery is a useful means, but the only goal of civilization is the development of man.
    E. Flaiano

    There is no sacred purpose except that of serving the freedom and development of the individual.
    S. Frank

    In the end, it turns out that no pursuit of happiness in itself can be either a basic principle or an ultimate goal. human life.
    V. Frankl

    The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving.
    O. Holmes

    Actions are defined by their purposes; That is what is called a great deed whose purpose is great.
    A. Chekhov

    The higher a person is in mental and moral development, the freer he is, the more pleasure life gives him.
    A. Chekhov

    A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them.
    W. Channing

    The purpose of human life is service, compassion and willingness to help people.
    A. Schweitzer

    If a person has no goal in life, he comes up with an ersatz.
    I. Shevelev

    He lives in the world to carry his belly.
    I. Shevelev

    A person grows as his goals grow.
    F. Schiller

    No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it.
    A. Einstein

    The meaning of life is only a life lived for the sake of others.
    A. Einstein

    A person who considers his life meaningless is not only unhappy, he is hardly fit for life at all.
    A. Einstein

    Understanding the world and loving it are two tasks that are not easy to reconcile.
    R. Emerson

    Achieving your dreams - this is greatest meaning human life.
    A. Yakovlev

    The main question in life is not “what can I get?” , but “what can I give?”
    R. Baden-Powell

    Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life. The source of interests, goals and activities is the substance of social life.
    V. Belinsky

    Life becomes meaningless if we are not connected to other people with warm feelings of kinship and if we do not feel that we are creating and making a difference.
    L. Bennion

    Anyone who left behind at least one bright, new thought, at least one useful feat for humanity, did not die childless.
    A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

    Anyone who understands that the meaning of human life lies in worry and anxiety will no longer be an ordinary person.
    A. Blok

    A person's life has meaning as long as he brings meaning to the lives of others through love, friendship, compassion and protest against injustice.
    S. Beauvoir

    The concept of “happiness” and the concept of “meaning of life” cannot be separated from each other, as a consequence from the cause, and vice versa.
    Yu. Bondarev

    If a person has no goal, then his life is nothing more than a prolonged death.
    P. Buast

    Wealth cannot be a worthy goal of human existence.
    F. Bacon

    A thousand times insignificant are those who strive only to fill their bellies with food; but the person who sees his own benefit in the benefit of others is the first among the righteous.

    When people devote themselves to service, life ceases to be meaningless to them.
    D. Gardner

    Through the achievement of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character, which makes him a beacon for others.
    G. Hegel

    The purpose of our earthly existence is to cultivate humanity, and all the low needs of life only serve it and should become reason, subtle feelings - art, attractions - noble freedom and beauty, motivating forces - philanthropy.
    I. Herder

    A person must develop from himself, find in himself, understand what constitutes his purpose, his goal...
    A. Herzen

    High goals, even if impossible, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.
    I. Goethe

    Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation.
    I. Goethe

    To live in the world and have nothing to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.
    N. Gogol

    Truth and honest life- this is the goal of my thoughts.

    Every person must justify his existence. That is, to answer the question of why he lived, what he did.
    B. Gorbatov

    A person who does not know what he will do tomorrow is unhappy.
    M. Gorky

    Two meanings in life - internal and external,
    The external one has business, family, success;
    And the inner one is unclear and unearthly -
    Everyone is responsible for everyone.
    I. Guberman

    A truly serious desire for any goal is half the success in achieving it.
    V. Humboldt

    Our main goal in this life is to help other people. If you are not able to help them, then at least do not harm.
    T. Gyatso

    The purpose of life is not to die even after death.
    M. Jalil

    The completeness of life, both short and long, is determined only by the purpose for which it is lived.
    D. Jordan

    If you don't have a goal, you don't do anything, and you don't do anything great if the goal is insignificant.
    D. Diderot

    Trying to leave behind us more knowledge and happiness than we had before, to improve and multiply the inheritance we have received - this is what we must work on.
    D. Diderot

    Life is too short to allow yourself to live it insignificantly.
    B. Disraeli

    If I could prevent just one heart from breaking, if I could ease the sorrow of just one life, or cool the pain, or return a fallen chick to its nest, my life would not be in vain.
    E. Dickinson

    Oh, eating, sleeping, shitting, and sitting on soft things will continue to attract people on earth for too long...
    F. Dostoevsky

    Anyone who does not understand his purpose is most often deprived of self-esteem.
    F. Dostoevsky

    Even if a person does not live long, his life is happy if he lived it for the sake of his neighbors.
    Ancient Indian

    Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. We remind you that incorrect understanding of the meaning and the assessment of this criterion with “0” points leads to the fact that other parts of the work are not taken into account and, thus, the entire task is scored as “0” points.

    It is the disclosure of the meaning of a statement that should become primary when writing an essay, and the ability to develop and formulate judgments that reveal the meaning of a particular aphorism should be given special attention when preparing for the exam. Mastery of this skill will contribute to a more meaningful, harmonious, logically holistic fulfillment of the remaining requirements of the task, and the presentation and argumentation of one’s own point of view regarding the statement.

    Having chosen the topic of the essay, you should clearly formulate the problem that served as the basis for the statement. A proven way to do this is to try to express the essence of the statement using terms and concepts from a specific section of the school course. To do this, the graduate must reformulate the topic in his own words, defining the main idea, in order to remove doubts about whether he understands the phrase correctly.

    It is also advisable to highlight keywords(phrases) statements that will help determine the main idea of ​​the saying, the main idea of ​​the author of the statement. This will also help determine the scope of the section or topic of the social science course within the boundaries within which the revealed problem should be covered.

    Those. The high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more logical to do this at the very beginning of the essay.

    What are the main ideas (problems) in exam essays?

    When writing an essay, it is necessary to identify the problems that are raised in the above statements, for example:

    Topic: “Economics is the art of satisfying limitless needs with limited resources” (L. Peter) à Problem: rational use of resources through effective management methods and reasonable consumption.

    Topic: “Every person should be given an equal right to pursue his own benefit, and the whole society benefits from this” (A. Smith) àProblem: private interest is the source of initiative and entrepreneurship in the economy.

    The main idea (problem), being a kind of condition of the task, to which you need to periodically return throughout the entire process of writing an essay, requires a clear designation. This is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, and also not to accidentally go beyond the framework and not get carried away by general reasoning.

    Let us list the main ideas (problems) that graduates can encounter in the proposed topics of C9 assignments


    1. The relationship between matter and consciousness.

    2. Space and time as forms of being.

    3. Movement and development as ways of existence.

    4. The problem of the essence of consciousness.

    5. Features of the human psyche.

    6. The relationship between the conscious and the unconscious.

    7. The infinity of the process of cognition.

    8. The question of the knowability of the world: agnosticism and gnosticism.

    9. The relationship between the subject and the object of knowledge.

    10. The relationship between sensory experience and rational thinking, their main forms.

    11. Intuition and its role in cognition.

    12. Truth and its criteria. Relative and absolute truth.

    13. Empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge.

    14. Interaction between nature and society.

    15.Environmental problem and ways to solve it.

    16. Material and spiritual aspects of social life, their relationship.

    17. The relationship between the individual and society.

    18. The relationship between freedom and responsibility of the individual.

    19. Culture as a transformative activity of man as a whole.

    20. Multivariate social development.

    21. The essence of civilization.

    22. Basic approaches to the study of society.

    23. Social progress, its criteria and main stages.

    24. Spiritual life of society.

    25. Social consciousness, its structure and forms.

    26. Science as a form of social consciousness.

    27. Aesthetic consciousness.

    28. Philosophical understanding of art. 29. Religion as a form of culture, a type of worldview.

    30. Moral consciousness.

    31. Philosophical understanding of morality.

    32. The main global problems of humanity and possible ways to solve them.

    33. Information revolution as the most important component of scientific and technological revolution.

    34. The role of the masses and individuals in history.

    35. Globalization of public life.

    Social Psychology

    1. Interpersonal communication, its essence and tasks to be solved.

    2. The essence and barriers of interpersonal communication and possible options for their elimination.

    3. Intrapersonal conflict - conflict of social roles of one person.

    4. Interaction, communication between people, building their relationships.

    5. Psychological climate of the team.

    6. A man among people.

    7. Essential characteristics of a small group.

    8. Relationships between the individual and the group.

    9. Features of group formation.

    10. Roles, norms and personality status.

    11. Self-control as correlation of one’s behavior with the norms of society or group.

    12. Self-determination as choosing one’s own position.

    13. Discrepancy between the claims and capabilities of people.

    14. Interrelation of the main spheres of personal socialization.

    15. National identity.

    16. Social interaction.

    17. The importance of the communication process.

    18. The essence of social conflict.

    19. Relationships between the individual and the team.

    20. Sources of social progress.

    21. Social development.

    22. Family relationships.

    23. Conflict between “fathers and sons”.

    24. The essence of the crowd and the herd instinct.

    25. Social and psychological portrait of a leader.

    26. Family relationships.

    27. A system of organizational, socio-economic, psychological, moral and legal decisions that ensure the effective implementation of the individual’s capabilities in society and the group.


    1. The contradiction between limited resources and limitless human needs.

    2. The problem of economic choice.

    3. Factors of production and their importance in the economy.

    4. Labor as a type of activity and economic resource.

    5. Capital as an economic resource.

    6. Intellectual capital as the main source of formation competitive advantages in economic activity.

    7. Factors determining the productivity and competitiveness of production in the modern economy.

    8. The essence and functions of money in economics.

    9. Efficient use of resources.

    10. The meaning of the social division of labor.

    11. Two sides of the social division of labor - specialization and cooperation.

    12. The benefits of social labor cooperation: joint work,

    learning by doing and comparative advantage.

    13. Efficiency in the distribution of available resources.

    14. The role of trade in the development of society.

    15.Incentives and production efficiency.

    16. Fairness in the distribution of social benefits.

    17. The essence of market relations.

    18. The role of the state in regulating the economy.


    1. The relationship between objective and subjective factors influencing social processes.

    2. The role of spiritual and material values ​​in people's lives.

    3. Social inequality and struggle.

    4. Maintaining the stability of public life.

    5. Progressive change (progress) in the organization of society.

    6. Patterns of differentiation of male and female social roles.

    7. Historically unequal relationships between men and women.

    8. Specific qualities of the city.

    9. Social nature of knowledge, thinking, and activities of society.

    10. Processes of information transfer between social groups.

    11. Youth as a social community.

    12. Features of socialization of generations entering life.

    13. Features of the lifestyle of young people.

    14. Formation of life plans, goals and value orientations.

    15. Social mobility.

    16. Performing various social roles.

    17. Science as a social institution.

    18. Social functions of science.

    19. Education as a social institution, its functions in society and the relationship with other social institutions.

    20. Interaction of religion and society.

    21. Family as a social institution and small group.

    22. Family structure and functions, patterns of family behavior.

    23. A person’s attitude towards work, his social activity.

    24. The influence of globalization on local life.

    25. The influence of national factors on the social structure and migration of the population.

    26. National identity.

    27. Trends in interethnic relations.

    28. Interethnic conflicts.

    29. National characteristics of value orientations and behavioral stereotypes.

    Political science.

    1. The political system of society and its role in the life of society.

    2. The place and role of the state in the political system of society.

    3. Parties and social movements in the political system of society.

    4. Features of modern political relations.

    5. Subjects of politics.

    6. World politics and international relations.

    7. Types of a person’s attitude towards politics.

    8. Regulation of political behavior and political activity.

    9. The relationship between goals and means in politics.

    10. Political progress and its criteria.

    11. The relationship between economics, politics and law.

    12. The essence and features of political power.

    13. The nature and functions of political power.

    14. Legitimacy of political power and its types.

    15. Political regime: concept and characteristics.

    16. The essence of a democratic regime.

    18. Totalitarian regime.

    19. Political system of society: concept, functions and structure.

    20. Origin of the state.

    21. The essence and characteristics of the state.

    22. State sovereignty.

    23. State power as a special type of social power.

    24. Form of state and its elements.

    25. The relationship between society and the state.

    26. Civil society: concept, structure, characteristics.

    27. Correlation and relationship between state and law.

    28. Rule of law: concept and principles.

    29. Separation of powers as a principle of the rule of law.

    30. State and individual: mutual responsibility.

    31. Concept, functions, types and structure of political parties.

    32. Party systems.

    33. Socio-political movements, pressure groups.

    34. Political relations.

    35. Political pluralism.

    36. The essence and structure of the political process.

    37. Revolution and reform as types of political transformations.

    38. Political modernization..

    39. Uprising, riot, mutiny, putsch as types of political process.

    40. Political campaigns: their strategy and tactics.

    41. Populism: concept and signs.

    43. Political decision.

    44. The essence and functions of political leadership.

    45. Political consciousness: concept, structure, functions.

    46. ​​The role of ideology in politics.

    47. Political culture: concept and structure, types.

    48. Interaction of the individual, society and state.

    49. The functioning of political norms, values, expectations, orientations and aspirations characteristic of various social groups.

    50. Interaction of the institution of law with other social institutions.


    1. Law as a regulator of social life.

    2. Social value of law.

    3. The essence and specific features of the state.

    4. Political system and the role of the state in it.

    5. Law and morality: similarities and differences.

    6. Lawmaking: principles, types, lawmaking process.

    7. Mechanism for the implementation of fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual.

    8. State and civil society.

    9. Concept, signs of a welfare state.

    10. Legal nihilism and ways to overcome it.

    11. Offenses: concepts, signs and composition.

    12. Types of offenses.

    13. The essence of legal responsibility.

    14. Legal culture.

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