Russian language and literature. Literature


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Alexander Volodin
five evenings



This story took place in Leningrad, on one of the streets, in one of the houses. It began long before these five evenings and will not end soon.

Winter, it snows in the evenings. It stirs the heart with memories of school holidays, about meetings in the front door, about past winters ...

First evening

A small ottoman is lit on the proscenium. Zoya and Ilyin are sitting on it. Between them is an open gramophone, a record is spinning. Here the melody is over. Zoya removed the membrane.

ZOYA. No, it's crazy that I'm acting like this. I only ask you not to interpret my behavior as generally easy accessibility to me.


ZOYA. What is ok?

ILYIN. I won't interpret.

ZOYA. Harmful you is another matter. ( Pause.) And the truth is, how quickly everything happened with us. Just a week ago, we didn't know each other. And suddenly. I just can't believe it. It's true, I'm kind of crazy. You must despise me.

ILYIN. What are you, on the contrary.

ZOYA ( shows Ilyin a fashion magazine). Tell me, do you like this woman?

ILYIN. Nothing.

ZOYA. This model is the most filmed. Here she is good. And here is the bad one. And this one in latest magazines completely stopped showing, probably quarreled. Or maybe she married a rich man. One is generally better off. A man needs to buy socks, then meat, then a quarter. So tell me, what is love?

ILYIN. Unknown.

ZOYA. Love ... is an electric current.

ILYIN. It may very well be.

ZOYA. It can't be, but definitely. When does your vacation end?

ILYIN. Soon - tu-tu! .. How long have I been here, seventeen years? And now it’s interesting: some kind of sign, or a billboard, or a pharmacy on the corner - everything is exactly the same as before. Above this pharmacy my first love lived. I rented a room from them before the war.

ZOYA. Is it true? Oh, how interesting! Tell me about your first love. I love it when people talk about their first love...

ILYIN. She was beautiful, now there are none. Star. Her friends called her "Star".

ZOYA. Well, I didn't go to the latter either. In general, I was young - I was lovely. This person took care of me! Only he was old. My mother took me and dissuaded me. Then I myself married my girlfriend for him. Met her recently. Dressed! .. But it could be me.

ILYIN. And I would probably go now.

ZOYA. Where?

ILYIN. And to her.

ZOYA. I will challenge her to a duel.

ILYIN. Throughout the war, they corresponded with her. Publish - a whole volume.

ZOYA. Why did you break up then, if she is such a star?

ILYIN. Not satisfied with high ideals.

ZOYA. Does that mean you got fired?

ILYIN. No, by own will. And all in absentia, in writing.

Zoya. It's a pity, I can't talk, it's boring with me.

ILYIN. How can you not, how much you said.

ZOYA. With you, it's a different matter. Here answer me this question. The girl met a man. He fell in love with her unconsciously. She wants to be with him for the rest of her life. And he suddenly - time! threw her away. Then she met someone else. It’s not quite the same anymore, but still got used to him and also wants to go through life with him. And he - bang! - again the same thing, left. And she wants a family, because a woman! And she no longer believes in herself. "What's the matter, what am I missing?" And with the third, she already loses her pride, almost imposes herself. And they say about her: “What a licentious…” You don’t hear anything that I say. It goes in one ear and out the other.

ILYIN. Why, I hear. I'm just thinking about what you said.

ZOYA. What did you think?

ILYIN. That's all right, Zoenka, it happens. Sad story.

ZOYA. Of course, sad.

ILYIN ( looking out the window). This was our own alley. Our personal cinema. And our personal sky. What sky, huh? Winter, night, but it is blue, even if you burst! No, it is dangerous to return to those places where you were happy at nineteen! "Where I suffered, where I loved, where I buried my heart."

ZOYA. I wonder what she is now - a star?

ILYIN. And you know, it's still not too late: what if you take it and really go! Maybe she still lives here?

ZOYA. Well, Sasha, you are abusing my attitude towards you too much.

ILYIN ( patted her hair). What are you, Zoenka.

Ilyin sits thinking. Then he gets up and puts on his coat.

ZOYA. Wow what! All clear.

ILYIN. I'll be back soon. I'll come and go. ( Leaves.)

ZOYA. I will return to you! So from the stairs to the shugan ... I will return to you! ..

The light goes out.

Tamara's rooms: one is bigger, the other is smaller. Subsequently, the action takes place in one, then in the other, then in both rooms at the same time.

Tamara is alone, sitting at the table and winding her hair in curlers. They rang the doorbell. Tamara continues to do her job, because she is not waiting for anyone. They called again. You can hear the outer door being opened. Someone knocked on the room.

TAMARA ( alarmed, went to the door). Who's there?

TAMARA. What a room - twelve o'clock!

TAMARA. Get out of here and slam the door shut behind you.

The hallway is quiet.

TAMARA. Listen, what do you need? Who are you?

A passport is pushed through the door slot.

I don't need your passport.

Nevertheless, she took it and opened it. And I remembered. She sat down on a chair right next to the door. Then, forgetting to pull out the curlers, she silently opened the door. He looks at Ilyin so incredulously and plaintively that Ilyin laughed. Yes, and the Gulag was, but that's a separate conversation. He stepped up to her and, despite some resistance, kissed her on the cheek.

ILYIN ( looked around in a businesslike way, hung up his coat on the hook and went into the room). Well, what are you standing for? Come on.

Tamara passed.

Tamara sat down at the table. Ilyin is nearby.

TAMARA. No, you sit there.

ILYIN ( moved to another chair). Well?


ILYIN. How is life, mood, labor successes?

TAMARA ( with dignity). I personally live well, I do not complain. I work as a foreman at the Red Triangle. The work is interesting and responsible...

ILYIN ( softly, meaningfully sang).

You are my dear
Take me with you…

TAMARA. I have forgotten the words.

ILYIN ( sings).

There, in the distant land,
Call me wife.

TAMARA. I don't remember anything. I don't remember anything. How much time has passed, who will remember ... How do you live? Did you get what you wanted?

ILYIN. Achieved, not achieved ... How to look.

TAMARA. And how do you see yourself?

ILYIN. A… ( He waved his hand.)

My life is a railroad
Eternal striving forward!

TAMARA. So, we have achieved. What's your job?

ILYIN. Well, if you're interested, I work as an engineer. If you are interested in the table of ranks - chief engineer.

TAMARA ( respectfully). Is the plant big?

ILYIN. Just a chemical plant in Podgorsk. If you are interested in power - quite large. One of the largest in the Union.

TAMARA ( smiled politely). big ship great swim. I also have a good life. Working. I work as a master all on the same "Triangle".

ILYIN. Look, big man.

TAMARA ( waved her hand). You have to be responsible for everything: both for discipline, and for the schedule, and for community service. I am an agitator on all issues. When only girls work, they become so fighting, they even bloom. Another time she sits so pretty, but shaggy. “Comb your hair! With your face - and so you don’t take care of yourself. ” Well, of course, I'm a party member. A communist can be demanded from the party bureau. In a word, I live full life, not complaining.

ILYIN. Do you live alone?

TAMARA ( proudly). Why alone? I live with my nephew. Lucy is gone, she died in the blockade. But Slavik remained. Very capable boy- everyone says like that. Studying in technology, followed in your footsteps. An active boy, he is not limited to one occupation, he also has a public face. So he also lives a full life ... And what, did you come on a business trip?

ILYIN. Not for long, three days.

TAMARA. For a three days.

ILYIN. Or four.

TAMARA. Or four. Well, if you want, stay with us. Glory will fall on a cot. In general, he will not interfere with you. Only I have a condition: do not bring anyone here, the boy is studying, I come tired. So the main thing for us is silence.

Ilyin took out cigarettes and lit a cigarette.

Do you smoke?

ILYIN ( chuckled). Still smoking.

TAMARA. Already forgot. Then smoke, just open the window. ( She went out into the hallway, behind a folding bed.)

Ilyin put the cigarettes in his pocket and got up. I went into the room that I once rented. Stood there. He went back to the hanger and took off his coat. Tamara returned from the hallway.

ILYIN. Okay, sleep well.

TAMARA. Where are you going?

ILYIN. I will not bother you. Go to bed, it's late... Let's assume that the meeting took place.

TAMARA ( hastily, but still maintaining an official tone). What will you interfere with? You won't bother me at all. You will be comfortable here, take a look. ( She opened the door to the next room and turned on the light.) The bed is clean, just made it today. I don’t know, decide for yourself how it’s better for you, I’m not going to persuade you ...

ILYIN ( hesitated, returned). Thank you. ( Approached her.)

TAMARA ( still hastily, but dignity is already returning to her). You can go to bed now, it's late, so good night.

ILYIN. Good night. (He went into a small room.)

Tamara closed the door behind him, closed it tighter. She sat down on a bench by her bed, habitually threw up her hands to her hair, touched the protruding curlers, looked in the mirror and groaned in shame. She pulled out the curlers one by one and threw them against the wall. Ilyin, worried, opened the door.

TAMARA ( turned around and shouted). Please knock if you open the door at night, understand?

ILYIN. IN in general terms- Yes. ( Closed the door again.)

Tamara majestically walked to the switch, turned off the light, returned, flung herself flat on the bed and, burying her face in the pillow, fell silent. For some time the room is dark, only the windows are dimly lit by the glow of night lamps. But then the outer door slammed softly, the lock of the inner door clicked, the light came on. It was Slava and Katya. They are in coats, with turned up collars. They listened. It is quiet behind the screen where Tamara lies.

KATE. Uncomfortable, I'd better go home.

GLORY ( is embarrassed). Uncomfortable, you know what? ( I looked into the buffet.) So. Food. ( He put a loaf and a circle of sausage on the table. He took off Katya's coat. He lifted the newspapers above the drawing board.) See, work?

Katya leaned over.

Carefully. ( Closed again.)

We sat at the table. They break the loaf, take turns biting off the sausage.

Primitive Communism.

KATE. Interestingly, was there a primitive Komsomol? ( She glanced at Tamara's regiment.) How many books do you have! Have you read such a book - "Scorpio"? There, on the cover, a woman is drawn with a glass and so ... half-naked.

GLORY. Do not read.

KATE. God, what dullness!.. A footballer gave me this book. I generally have sports world there are connections. I can get a pass for any game.

GLORY. I see you are not lost.

KATE. Well, I have many friends. I'm used to making friends. I was friends with one after school for two years. Once I even met the general's son. Honestly. He immediately said: I am the son of a general.

GLORY. You're lying.

KATE ( no offense). Is it true. Even foreigners like me. Swedes. Do you remember the Swedes came? I met a sailor.

GLORY. They let him go ashore for two hours, and he rushed to the first one that came across.

KATE. Yes, he kissed my hand. Permission asked and kissed.

GLORY. And you are glad. ( He glanced at the screen, pulled a chair up to Katya, and with some awkwardness, but very resolutely, embraced her.)

KATE ( hesitated for a minute and - quickly). The aunt sewed an orange dress, so they looked at her on the street - she was old. Then she gave it to me.

GLORY. Do you want to be looked at too?

KATE. And they will look back at me - they will only say: “Good!” ( She smiled stiffly at Slava, removed his hand from her shoulder, gently but insistently placed it on his knee.)

GLORY. What are you?

KATE. Yesterday I went to the kindergarten - a sparrow drags a sparrow by the wing, he must have cheated on her ...

Slava got up, took out Tamara's cigarettes, and lit a cigarette. He returned to Katya, stopped behind her.

(Fixed her hair.) And I decided to paint, otherwise I have never been a brunette. ( She stood up, turned to face him, and laughed uneasily.)

GLORY. I look at you and think: are you stupid or smart?

KATE. I'm not stupid, I'm not smart - I'm funny. I am specially invited to the company so that I amuse them.

GLORY ( leaned on a chair, hugged her). Well, how did you cheer up many?

KATE ( smiling at first, and then angrily, with an effort she parted his hands). You can't keep your hands to yourself!

GLORY ( bristled). What did I do to you?

KATE. Nothing. Everyone will give free rein to their hands ...

GLORY. Am I everyone?

KATE. And you thought you had a special privilege? Go to marble hall to dances, there are such ugly ones, especially for you.

GLORY. Why did you go to the cinema with me then? The first time you see a person...

KATE. What's to be lost? Would you like me to go to the cinema?

GLORY ( with excruciating abandon). Will it kill you? .. ( Embraced her.)

KATE ( escaped). How much does the ticket cost?

GLORY ( innocently). Four fifty.

KATE ( put money on the table). Fifty kopecks for tea. ( Heads for the door.)

TAMARA ( pushing back the screen, got up on the bed). Twelve o'clock, you have to get up at eight tomorrow.

KATE ( Tamara). Excuse me, please. ( Glory.) And secondly, this is not the first time I see you. I live in the same apartment with your Lidochka, that's how observant you are.

TAMARA. And you, girl! Came at night to young man home. So young and that's how you start to behave. And you want to distract Slava from her studies.

KATE. And I don't distract him. It's not because of me that he gets a deuce.

TAMARA. What twos?

KATE. Ask him Lida.

TAMARA. What is Linda? ( Glory.) What's the matter?

GLORY. Do I know?

KATE. Our whole apartment does not like her. Your self-writing.

TAMARA. What kind of self-writing?

KATE. She notes lectures very soon. Straight word for word, like a parrot. Only here is the misfortune - Slava quarreled with her, she does not give him notes. But when she needs something, he is ready for anything, even to his own detriment. Nobody likes her in our apartment. He only knows to leaf through notebooks - he won’t open the door, even if you call! That's what I call her: self-written, eternal pen.

TAMARA. Well, what does it mean, a diligent girl, serious. And you do not interfere with her example to take.

KATE. Why should I take it? I am so successful.

TAMARA. See how you respond? You are a girl, for you honor is the most precious thing. I was already raising Slavik when I was your age!



GLORY. Sleep, I say, it's time.

TAMARA. And you! How could you! They came. Twelve o'clock at night!

KATE. We froze in the front door, we came to warm ourselves.

TAMARA ( not listening). Be ashamed! Bring someone. To me.

KATE. And to whom should he lead me, to a comrade?

TAMARA. Go away, I want to sleep.

KATE. Good night.

TAMARA. Rattle the bolt, the janitor will open.

GLORY ( sullenly). I'm seeing you off.

KATE. I'll come myself. ( Leaves.)

TAMARA. Svyatoslav, what happened?

GLORY. You see what parsley. Lida and I agreed to go together, and I had the cribs.

TAMARA. What cheat sheets?

GLORY. Well, what's the difference. Numbered, thirty in each pocket. She takes the ticket - thirty-one. ( Getting carried away.) I start flipping through in the right pocket, I reached the thirtieth, I realize: the thirty-first is in the left. I finally found her cheat sheet, I'm starting to look for myself. He took out: instead of the ninth - the eleventh ...

TAMARA. Why do you need cheat sheets?

GLORY. What, you never studied?

TAMARA. I studied without cheat sheets.

GLORY. Karas is an idealist.

TAMARA. May be. Now tell me who is this girl?

GLORY. Well, from the intercity station, telephone operator.

TAMARA. And she agreed to come to your house the very first day? At night?!

GLORY. Or maybe she hoped that I was a decent person?

TAMARA. This is the least of her worries. Do you know what women are? Are you really not disgusted, tell me honestly?


TAMARA. My God, what are you! No principles!

GLORY. But you have too many principles. You didn't get married.

TAMARA ( got out of bed, very excited). Yes, I'm on principle. I'm on principle. And you? Here you are being rude. Nothing is sacred to you. And you think it's a feat. See how I'm not afraid of anything! ( He takes a book off the shelf and opens it.) Here, I want you to read it.

GLORY. Okay, put it down.

TAMARA. No, right now, with me.

GLORY. I am well-read to the marrow of my bones, I am saturated with theory to the throat.

TAMARA ( looks at him silently and suddenly hits him hard on the cheek). These are the letters of Marx!

Enter Ilyin. Half-hidden by a screen, Tamara sadly leafed through the pages of Karl Marx's letters.

GLORY. Who is this?

ILYIN. Ilyin, Alexander Petrovich.

GLORY. Which Ilyin?

ILYIN. Stayed with you temporarily.

GLORY. Very nice.

TAMARA. Why did you hide from me that you got a deuce? Some unfamiliar girl told, but hid from me?

GLORY. I didn't tell anyone. In general, I do not like to dedicate strangers to my affairs.

TAMARA. He is not an outsider. He knew you when you were two years old. Let him listen.

Ilyin leaned against the jamb: he was listening.

GLORY. A tragedy from the life of a Soviet student - "The Beginning of the Path". Attention curtain!

TAMARA. I gave him all my youth, nothing left!

ILYIN. Okay, old man, it's time for you to sleep.

Slava takes a cot and goes to her room.

TAMARA ( Ilyin). And you leave, I'm tired of both of you.

Ilyin also goes to himself.

Just lock the door first.

Ilyin locks the front door.

And turn off the light.

Ilyin puts out the light.

And let me get some sleep tonight!

Ilyin went to his room and sat down on the sofa. Slava rattles the cot, oppressing the guest in every possible way.

ILYIN. Well, how is our technological? Fomichev exists?

GLORY. Rampant. Are you also a victim of science?

ILYIN. That's right, sacrifice. I got kicked out of my third year.

GLORY. What did they suffer for?

ILYIN. For frankness. Once, in my spare time, I told Fomichev everything I thought about him. Then he led against me cold war, which ended with a brilliant victory at the end of the semester.

GLORY. Happens.

ILYIN. I can see that you and your aunt don't get along well.

GLORY. According to Newton's third law, action is equal to reaction. She educates me - I resist.

ILYIN. And what, your aunt lives alone all the time, never married?

GLORY. That unfortunate one had not yet been born ... However, she had someone at the dawn of a foggy youth. According to unofficial data.

ILYIN. Quiet. ( He shook his head at the door.) But, probably, it was me. We met before the war, I rented a room from you. Your dad served in the Morflot, your mom and Tom were just starting out as gluers on the Triangle. She was a beauty, your aunt, now there are none like her. Star! That's what they called her in the workshop - Zvezda. He will come running from the factory - knock-knock on the stairs ...

GLORY. And you are a romantic.

ILYIN. We corresponded throughout the war. Then, due to some circumstances, I stopped writing, and I carried all her letters with me. Then the letters disappeared.

GLORY. You know, if I were you, I would describe all this in a poem. Something like this:

Sweet look of your marvelous little eyes
Awakened an impression in me
You are one of the girls dearest to me,
My heart fell in love...

ILYIN ( laughed). Nothing. Only the rhyme is lame.

GLORY. The rhyme doesn't matter. There would be a feeling in the chest. Well, glad to meet you. ( He held out his hand to Ilya. Ilyin slowly squeezed her so that Slava gasped.)

ILYIN. Shh… ( Squeezed even harder.)

Glory has risen.

Shh. ( With ominous calm.) So. If you offend this woman in my presence, then I will pull down seven skins from you and let you go naked to Africa. Is the rhyme okay?

GLORY ( moaned). Arranges.

ILYIN. Shh… ( Let go.) What date do we have today?

GLORY. The fifteenth.

ILYIN. So, during these days that I spend in your house, I intend to provide this woman happy life. Got it?

GLORY. Got it. ( He took a towel and went to the kitchen.)

Ilyin turned off the light. In the twilight we see Tamara and Ilyin.

They lie in their rooms with open eyes.

ILYIN. Tom...

Tamara doesn't answer.

Tamara is silent.



ILYIN. Are you awake? ( Pause.) And I remembered you. And you?

TAMARA. I remembered the first time.

ILYIN. And you haven't changed much.

TAMARA. Do not chat.

Ilyin whistled the tune of the song.

Pretty much, I have to go to work early.

ILYIN. Good night.

TAMARA. Good night.

Lying with open eyes. Lights dim on the stage. Thus ended the first evening.

Second evening

We'll jump right into it, because nothing significant happened during the day.

Ilyin and Slava in Tamara's room. Ilyin sits astride a chair, watching Slava. In continuation of the subsequent conversation, Slava will lay a white tablecloth on the table, distribute three bouquets of mimosa in glass jars, wipe the dust from the chest of drawers.

ILYIN. See how good it is. When there is a white tablecloth and flowers on the table, it is embarrassing to be petty, rude, evil. The tablecloth should have iron folds: they evoke childhood memories.

GLORY. Sublime.

ILYIN. We must live wisely, without fuss. Bear in mind that there are many unnecessary details in the book of life. But there is a secret here: these pages can be skipped.

GLORY. Well, I don't feel like reading this page. Aunt Tom will come, let her clean up. After all, is there a division of labor?

ILYIN ( politely). Don't piss me off, work.

Slava, without answering, sat down on another chair in exactly the same position as Ilyin.

And you will do this operation every Saturday.

GLORY. Haha.

ILYIN. Well, get up.

Glory doesn't move.

ILYIN. It is inconvenient for me to beat the sitting one.

Slava got up, Ilyin too.

Drop your chin on your chest, turn sideways to the enemy, left hand put forward, the right one protects the chin. In a fighting stance, you are invulnerable to a blow.

Glory stood up.

The most effective blows are applied to the end of the chin. There are no swings in boxing. The translational movement of the fist occurs in a straight line, because a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Got it?

GLORY. Got it.


Glory strikes. Ilyin held out his hand, a step back.

Forward left, stretch right. Hit.

The same.

Fingers down, briefly, unexpectedly, hit! ..

Walking towards the door.

A door opens behind him. This is Katya, in an orange dress. For a moment she looks at what is happening in silence, and suddenly, with a piercing screech, she rushed at Ilyin, clung to his arm.

KATE. What are you doing, creeping bastard! What are you doing!

GLORY. Stunned? Let it go, it's forbidden.

Katya left Ilyin.

We're training, okay? Boxing technique.

KATE ( Ilyin). Do you know what happens during this workout? Fifteen days.

ILYIN. Demonic woman. Do you have a manicure?

KATE ( Glory). Why did you come to the meeting?

GLORY. So, I walked by - I went in.

KATE. And I thought it was business. Don't come again. ( Heads for the door.)

GLORY. I would sit.

KATE. What more!

GLORY. Where to hurry...

KATE. The kids are crying.

GLORY. Alexander Petrovich, does she really look like Zemfira from Gypsies?

KATE ( flattered, although it is not at all true). Not true. Here, they say, I look like an artist Larionova - it can be.

GLORY ( Ilyin). Well, there are similarities.

KATE. Don't know. And others say that I look like the Fedorov sisters. I'm just losing some weight. Last year waist was seventy, and now sixty-seven. She became completely dystrophic.

GLORY. Why did it happen?

KATE. I fell in love strongly.

GLORY. Who, no secret?

KATE. In our fitter, Vanya.

GLORY. And I look - dressed up. ( Ilyin.) No, girls should not dress brightly. Let them at least pretend that they are unearthly creatures. Okay, since you came, let's turn on, otherwise we're sewn up here.

KATE. What are your preparations?

ILYIN. Such a holiday. Birthday.

KATE ( nod to Glory). This one, right?

ILYIN. No, not this one... his aunt's.

KATE. How much did she hit?

GLORY. Generally birthday, abstractly.

KATE. It's clear. By the way, we have a woman on the stairs - thirty-eight years old - got married.

GLORY. For seventy years.

KATE. At thirty-eight, you can marry anything.

ILYIN. Well, more to the point. Wipe the window, the shelf, in general, there are two of you now - act. I'll be back soon. ( Gone.)

KATE ( took off her coat, tied up with an apron). First, the tablecloth is laid, then the dust is wiped off. Cleaners!

GLORY. Okay, more action, less words. ( He sat down in the place of Ilyin, watching the work.)

KATE ( after a pause). Now I'm walking down the street, I look, the birds are sitting above the eaves. He sleeps, and she pecks at him - she is bored.

Glory is silent.

(Looking out the window) There the girl went in boots, they cost three hundred rubles. It would be nice if they cost a hundred and fifty, I would definitely buy it.

GLORY. Aunt Toma has a woman's calendar - it is exactly calculated: if average duration seventy years of life, it takes twenty-five years to sleep, six years to eat, and a year and a half to wash. And if you calculate how much is spent on meaningless conversations ...

KATE. You can't talk. ( Removed silently. wipes bookshelf She took out a book and opened it.) Jules Renard.

GLORY. You are not interested.

KATE. Why is it not interesting! .. ( She put the book on the bedside table, continues to work silently.) I will also be a student, I will go to the technical school of communications. It's almost like an institute, they study there for four years.

GLORY. Come on try.

KATE. And what, our fitter says, I have technical abilities. This is rare for a woman. I had very good performance that I am an angel. Only reluctance to leave the negotiation room. For all the time, not a single comment, only gratitude. Because everyone knows me that I work clearly. On duty, even my voice becomes different, right? ( Pause.) Slava, do you want to go to Zorya for eight-thirty? I have an acquaintance there. I did two once. I sit between them, one says: "You came with me, turn to me." I turn, then another with a claim.

GLORY. Will I sit third? You're completely twisted. ( pointed out.) Clean that room.

Katya goes to Glory's room. Enter TAMARA. For a while, he silently watches what is happening.

TAMARA. What's going on here? Who gave you permission to lay this tablecloth? Why did you take the jars, they must be handed over to the store, I specially prepared them. Get off the table and tell me what's going on...

GLORY. And I know ... Your tenant ordered.

TAMARA ( after a pause). What's up with my tenant? Let him say thank you that he was allowed to spend the night. A new business, with its charter in a strange monastery. Free the banks.

Slava puts a mimosa on the window. Tamara cleans the tablecloth. Gradually, the room takes on its former form. Katya appears at the door.

(Frightened.) Who is this?

KATE. It's me, Katya.

TAMARA. What fates?

KATE. And I ... came.

TAMARA. Herself?

Katya lowered her head, shrugged vaguely.

What were you doing there?

KATE. Wiped the suitcase.

TAMARA ( Glory). Push it back.

GLORY. Maybe bring the garbage back?

Ilyin enters and stops at the door. In his hands he has various bundles and a bottle of wine.

ILYIN ( Glory). What's the matter? Come on, put back the flowers.

Glory likes these disagreements. Waddling went for the flowers, again puts them in jars.

TAMARA ( watching him silently). Empty the cans, I need to take them to the store.

Slava chuckled happily, awaiting further orders.

ILYIN ( Tamara). And here we decided to wash.

TAMARA. Wash what?

ILYIN. Our meeting.

TAMARA. Firstly, I see no need to mark our meeting with fireworks. And secondly, I need to change.

ILYIN. Then I apologize. ( Glory.) Free the jars, food - in the cold, flowers - in the trash. ( Went to another room.)

Tamara is thoughtful.

GLORY. Aunt Tom, you're too much.

TAMARA. Do you think he got offended?

GLORY. And then no! The man is busy...

TAMARA. Don't know. Well, call him...if you want.

GLORY. You drove away, you call.

TAMARA ( after a pause). Or maybe he really got offended. ( Quiet, Glory.) What is her name?

GLORY. Catherine.

TAMARA. Katya, if you want, call me.

KATE. It's kind of awkward for me. I myself am visiting - and I myself call.

Tamara hesitated, opened the door to the next room.

TAMARA. Alexander Petrovich! Are you offended? Well, if you want, let's have a drink, what's the deal! .. ( Went out to the kitchen.)

KATE. How strange!

GLORY. In the world, my friend, there is a lot of incomprehensible. ( He put flowers on the table and sat down.) Whistle everyone to the table!

Katya also sat down - impenetrable, impassive, with Renard's book, which she had leafed through during the previous scene.

(He opened the bottle and poured himself.) And then they won’t give it.

KATE ( covered her stack with her palm). I can't, it makes me sick.

GLORY. We don't keep non-drinkers. Go. ( He took a sip, choked, set aside, but did not lose heart.) We live!

KATE ( indifferent). Eat butter.

Tamara comes back, she saw the bottle she had started.

TAMARA. Already done.

GLORY. And we are epicureans. Do you know what was written on their door? "Passer-by, come in, pleasures await you here."

KATE. That's the vulgarity he said.

TAMARA. Only they understood not carnal pleasures, but spiritual ones.

GLORY. Then I refuse. I'd rather be stoic.

TAMARA. Is it time for you to become a Marxist?

GLORY. Marx was not born a Marxist either, he became a Marxist later.

TAMARA. Then go to the kitchen, chop up the salad.

GLORY. Well you know... ( But he went.)

TAMARA. Maybe move the table to the sofa, let's dance? I haven’t danced for a hundred years, I forgot how. Now after all somehow in a stylish way it is necessary?

KATE. Who is like. Not necessary.

They talk while setting the table.

TAMARA. Will you fit in here with Slava?

KATE. We'll fit, but I won't sit with him.


KATE. It's true what they say, the overtrained is worse than the undertrained. The whole evening they walked with him and did not really talk about anything.

TAMARA. Maybe he's bored with you?

KATE. If I wanted to, he would immediately become cheerful. He tried, only failed.

TAMARA. It's her own fault - it means he has little respect for you.

KATE. Think superhuman! I read it more. If you want, I’ll bring a notebook, I write individual thoughts there.

TAMARA. My dear, he is a student, you have to catch up with him and catch up.

KATE. So what. Have you read Martin Eden? He studied everything in a few months, even political works. Do you know how I read? I can read sixty pages an hour. And if the verses - seventy-five.

TAMARA. What's the point? You better read the page and think. And then today I read it - tomorrow I forgot.

KATE. Well, you know what kind of memory I have? I've only read it twice, I already remember it by heart. I have already studied Alexander Tvardovsky, Alexander Blok, Alexei Surkov…

GLORY ( comes with a bowl of salad). Vera Panov, Vera Ketlinskaya, Vera Inber...

Enter Ilyin.

KATE ( loud). Alexander Petrovich, tell him.

TAMARA. And the truth is, you are evil, Slavka.

KATE. People would see a lot of beauty around them if they weren't so angry.

GLORY. I read somewhere.

KATE. Jules Renard.

TAMARA. What you don't need, you read, but you don't have time to do it. Get two more!

GLORY. I don't have any notes on heat engineering. Tomorrow I'll take it from someone - I'll sit down.

KATE ( Tamara). Well, how can you study according to other people's notes!

TAMARA. Alexander Petrovich, tell him...

Five Evenings is a special story for the Sovremennik Theatre. "Five Evenings" by Alexander Volodin - in the top ten performances of a barely born, just getting on his feet, nevertheless, already legendary Moscow theater. "Five Evenings" - premiered in 1959, one of the first performances no longer by the Studio of Young Actors, but by the Sovremennik Theater. The first performance, on which, as a director, Galina Volchek worked alongside Oleg Efremov. It was she who chose Alexander Ogaryov among others and invited young director return this play to the theater poster to half a century"Contemporary". Ogaryov is a student of Anatoly Vasiliev, last years- actively puts in the provinces, even headed the Krasnodar academic theater drama named after Maxim Gorky, but still keeps aloof, did not finally join either the traditionalists or the radical innovators. At school dramatic art» After graduating from GITIS, he managed to work as an actor, played in Vasilyev’s performances, and since 1997 he has been staging performances in his native theater. The choice of Ogaryov to work with Five Evenings seemed to many then both unexpected and correct: Volodin's play needs such a - special - look.

In the years that have passed since the appearance of this play by Volodin, which has become one of the main, important for the theater short Soviet thaw In the 50s and 60s, life changed dramatically, beyond recognition. The time in which the saleswoman of the grocery department was preparing for the entrance exams has irretrievably gone, and Marx's letters to his wife seemed to be some kind of "above-book" - spiritual - value. In a non-fictional past, a girl working at a call center proudly announces that she can grow up to be a dispatcher. In a non-fictional present, this causes laughter.

So, having arrived at hometown, after a quick acquaintance with the saleswoman of the grocery department, the hero, the driver Ilyin, recalls his first love and goes to visit her late in the evening. She, as it turns out, did not arrange her personal life, replacing it with everyday work and activity along the party line. He takes care of his nephew, who is studying at a polytechnic and is friends with a telephonist girl. Well, and then Ilyin, ashamed of his low rank as a driver, composes that he works as the chief engineer of a chemical plant. Then, ashamed of this untruth, one might say, she runs, but Tamara, what is the name of the heroine, forgetting about women's pride, overcoming distances and obstacles, achieves happiness. “If only there was no war” - her last words reflect understandable to everyone Soviet people dreams of happiness.

In the play Sovremennik Ilyin is played by Sergey Garmash, Tamara at the premiere is played by Elena Yakovleva, in the current performance the actress of the Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky Evgeny Simonov.

In the set design of Natalia Dmitrieva, one can simultaneously see some touching attention to the details of Leningrad life, long since washed away by the new time, and an attitude to the history of Volodin as old, old Soviet fairy tale. It is not for nothing that the heroes, as if escaping from a completely built-up Leningrad, suddenly get on skates, as if in some kind of Andersen's " snow queen”, and snowballs here grow and roll out - immediately to human height. “From Leningrad” is not only the famous twisted lattice, but also the hoarse voice of Yuri Shevchuk, singing with a familiar, “his”, recognizable frenzy - the good-natured words of a song that at first does not know a happy ending: “My dear, take me with you ...” . gone Soviet authority, trade union and party meetings, remained eternal history about loneliness, which - like it or not - must be whiled and overcome. And here - He (Sergey Garmash). And She is Evgenia Simonova, who is so able to play the subtleties of these sorrows. Equal - in silence filled with meanings, in pauses - leading to tears.

massive round tables, covered with a tablecloth, string bags, an iron bed, a lampshade with a fringe - everything that is needed, without which a Leningrad post-war house cannot do. Everything is in its place. Big city- somewhere nearby, behind the wall of the house, to which a lonely burning window “stuck” forever. Any meeting is an accident, this one seems to the heroine not accidental, she responds with all her heart, with her whole body, and, as one of the reviewers wrote, “again, like for the first time, she experiences the taste of a kiss on her lips, a touch male hands to your naked body. And the hero of Sergei Garmash is “a crushed man, rushing about like a hunted beast through the echoing streets of Leningrad, scooping up his only woman in an armful and immediately throwing her away from him. Having swallowed betrayals and humiliations, having exhausted himself with loneliness, he recklessly accepts true love for pity and again runs into his usual dreary “nowhere”, never to return from it. And then, mortally tired, he will fall on his knees before her, bury his face in the folds of her dress - a big abandoned child, in his hearts breaking his favorite toy - life. The well-thought-out movements of “marked” doorways, single beds, tables, snow globes the size of a human being, to the details, that is, the excess of life for such a simple story is disproportionate and only emphasizes the insufficiency, incompleteness of human stories.

The partners of the main characters performed by Sergei Garmash and Evgenia Simonova in the new performance were Shamil Khamatov and Daria Belousova, as well as Galina Petrova and Alexander Kahun.

The protagonist of the play, Ilyin, has not been in Leningrad for 17 years. Now he is returning to his hometown. He looks at the house where he rented a room a long time ago in one of the communal apartments. He recalls Tamara, whom he liked then. He tells his friend Zoe about it. Ilyin wrote a lot to Tamara during the war, and then stopped. He can’t wait to find out how her life has turned out, how much she has changed. He goes to her.

Tamara still lives in the same apartment, only now with her nephew Slavik. The appearance of Ilyin scares the woman a little. At first she does not recognize him, but even then she does not understand where he has disappeared for so many years. Tamara's personal life did not work out, her sister died during the war. The woman is all at work and proudly tells Ilyin that she is a foreman. The protagonist at one time studied at Institute of Technology where Slavik is currently studying. To make himself more attractive in Tamara's eyes, he boasts that he is an engineer and works at a large chemical plant. The man says that he is in Leningrad for work and will stay for a few days. Tamara hospitably invites him to live in one of the rooms.

Slavik stays up to night with Katya, because of which he quarrels with Tamara. The woman reproaches the youth that Slavik gets bad grades, and it is indecent for a young girl to behave like that. Ilyin intervenes and explains to the guy that for the sake of Tamara he is ready for anything and will not allow her to be offended in his presence. Thus ended the first evening of Ilyin and Tamara, of whom there were exactly five.

The next day, the inhabitants of the apartment put it in order for the arrival of Tamara. She is at first dissatisfied with the fact that Ilyin and the youth are hosting in her house, but then she calms down. When Slavik and his girlfriend leave, Ilyin and Tamara have a nice conversation, the woman sings songs and says that she is glad that she did not get married. The man takes this as a hint of sympathy.

Evening after evening, Tamara looks at Ilyin with increasing tenderness. And he is tormented by conscience for lying, because in fact he is just a simple driver. He works far in the North and nothing good happens in his life. He begs the woman to go with him to the North, where he is going to work as a driver. Tamara does not understand why an engineer should change his profession and refuses. While she goes to the grocery store, Ilyin secretly leaves the apartment. Slavik restrains Tamara and does not allow her to catch up with her beloved man.

His friend Timofeev agrees to shelter Ilyin, who is hiding from Tamara, he is an engineer at a large plant. Overhearing his conversation on the phone, the woman learns the truth, but for her it does not change anything. She asks Timofeev to tell Ilyina to come back to her. But he is tormented by shame and he is in no hurry for Tamara. And she is looking for him everywhere, even at Zoya, where she has to listen to many unpleasant and caustic words.

The main character is trying to leave Leningrad. While he gets drunk with grief, Katya intercepts him at the station. They drink together, telling each other about their experiences. Katya talks about Slavik, and Ilyin talks about Tamara. He talks about who he really is.

In turn, Tamara tells her nephew about her feelings for Ilyin, about how she saw him off and waited for letters from the front. Drunk, Katya brings Slavik a synopsis, which she wrote for him all night. Then Timofeev appears, he is looking for Ilyin everywhere. Soon comes and main character. He asks forgiveness from Tamara, promises that he will take care of her. The woman rejoices at his return and says that she agrees to go with him to the North.

The work teaches that any deception will be revealed. There is no point in lying to the people you love and trying to embellish yourself.

Picture or drawing Volodin - Five evenings

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Love Under the Elms O'Neill

    The dramatic plot of the works has attracted fans at all times. this genre. The play "Love under the Elms" by the founder American drama Eugene O "Neal, in which the atmosphere and realities of life are amazingly recreated

    From the first pages of the work, we see the main character named Busse, who was adopted by an elderly couple. However, the boy did not feel love and affection in the family, he was always alone.



This story took place in Leningrad, on one of the streets, in one of the houses. It began long before these five evenings and will not end soon.

Winter, it snows in the evenings. He excites the heart with memories of school holidays, of meetings in the front door, of past winters...

First evening

A small ottoman is lit on the proscenium. Zoya and Ilyin are sitting on it. Between them is an open gramophone, a record is spinning. Here the melody is over. Zoya removed the membrane.

ZOYA. No, it's crazy that I'm acting like this. I only ask you not to interpret my behavior as generally easy accessibility to me.


ZOYA. What is ok?

ILYIN. I won't interpret.

ZOYA. Harmful you is another matter. ( Pause.) And the truth is, how quickly everything happened with us. Just a week ago, we didn't know each other. And suddenly. I just can't believe it. It's true, I'm kind of crazy. You must despise me.

ILYIN. What are you, on the contrary.

ZOYA ( shows Ilyin a fashion magazine). Tell me, do you like this woman?

ILYIN. Nothing.

ZOYA. This model is the most filmed. Here she is good. And here is the bad one. And this one was completely stopped showing in the latest magazines, probably, she had a fight. Or maybe she married a rich man. One is generally better off. A man needs to buy socks, then meat, then a quarter. So tell me, what is love?

ILYIN. Unknown.

ZOYA. Love ... is an electric current.

ILYIN. It may very well be.

ZOYA. It can't be, but definitely. When does your vacation end?

ILYIN. Soon - tu-tu! .. How long have I been here, seventeen years? And now it’s interesting: some kind of sign, or a billboard, or a pharmacy on the corner - everything is exactly the same as before. Above this pharmacy my first love lived. I rented a room from them before the war.

ZOYA. Is it true? Oh, how interesting! Tell me about your first love. I love it when people talk about their first love...

ILYIN. She was beautiful, now there are none. Star. Her friends called her "Star".

ZOYA. Well, I didn't go to the latter either. In general, I was young - I was lovely. This person took care of me! Only he was old. My mother took me and dissuaded me. Then I myself married my girlfriend for him. Met her recently. Dressed! .. But it could be me.

ILYIN. And I would probably go now.

ZOYA. Where?

ILYIN. And to her.

ZOYA. I will challenge her to a duel.

ILYIN. Throughout the war, they corresponded with her. Publish - a whole volume.

ZOYA. Why did you break up then, if she is such a star?

ILYIN. Not satisfied with high ideals.

ZOYA. Does that mean you got fired?

ILYIN. No, by choice. And all in absentia, in writing.

Zoya. It's a pity, I can't talk, it's boring with me.

ILYIN. How can you not, how much you said.

ZOYA. With you, it's a different matter. Here answer me this question. The girl met a man. He fell in love with her unconsciously. She wants to be with him for the rest of her life. And he suddenly - time! threw her away. Then she met someone else. It’s not quite the same anymore, but still got used to him and also wants to go through life with him. And he - bang! - again the same thing, left. And she wants a family, because a woman! And she no longer believes in herself. "What's the matter, what am I missing?" And with the third, she already loses her pride, almost imposes herself. And they say about her: “What a licentious…” You don’t hear anything that I say. It goes in one ear and out the other.

ILYIN. Why, I hear. I'm just thinking about what you said.

ZOYA. What did you think?

ILYIN. That's all right, Zoenka, it happens. Sad story.

ZOYA. Of course, sad.

ILYIN ( looking out the window). This was our own alley. Our personal cinema. And our personal sky. What sky, huh? Winter, night, but it is blue, even if you burst! No, it is dangerous to return to those places where you were happy at nineteen! "Where I suffered, where I loved, where I buried my heart."

ZOYA. I wonder what she is now - a star?

ILYIN. And you know, it's still not too late: what if you take it and really go! Maybe she still lives here?

ZOYA. Well, Sasha, you are abusing my attitude towards you too much.

ILYIN ( patted her hair). What are you, Zoenka.

Ilyin sits thinking. Then he gets up and puts on his coat.

ZOYA. Wow what! All clear.

ILYIN. I'll be back soon. I'll come and go. ( Leaves.)

ZOYA. I will return to you! So from the stairs to the shugan ... I will return to you! ..

The light goes out.

Tamara's rooms: one is bigger, the other is smaller. Subsequently, the action takes place in one, then in the other, then in both rooms at the same time.

Tamara is alone, sitting at the table and winding her hair in curlers. They rang the doorbell. Tamara continues to do her job, because she is not waiting for anyone. They called again. You can hear the outer door being opened. Someone knocked on the room.

TAMARA ( alarmed, went to the door). Who's there?

TAMARA. What a room - twelve o'clock!

TAMARA. Get out of here and slam the door shut behind you.

The hallway is quiet.

TAMARA. Listen, what do you need? Who are you?

A passport is pushed through the door slot.

I don't need your passport.

Nevertheless, she took it and opened it. And I remembered. She sat down on a chair right next to the door. Then, forgetting to pull out the curlers, she silently opened the door. He looks at Ilyin so incredulously and plaintively that Ilyin laughed. Yes, and the Gulag was, but that's a separate conversation. He stepped up to her and, despite some resistance, kissed her on the cheek.

ILYIN ( looked around in a businesslike way, hung up his coat on the hook and went into the room). Well, what are you standing for? Come on.

Tamara passed.

Tamara sat down at the table. Ilyin is nearby.

TAMARA. No, you sit there.

ILYIN ( moved to another chair). Well?


ILYIN. How is life, mood, labor successes?

TAMARA ( with dignity). I personally live well, I do not complain. I work as a foreman at the Red Triangle. The work is interesting and responsible...

ILYIN ( softly, meaningfully sang).

You are my dear
Take me with you…

TAMARA. I have forgotten the words.

ILYIN ( sings).

There, in the distant land,
Call me wife.

TAMARA. I don't remember anything. I don't remember anything. How much time has passed, who will remember ... How do you live? Did you get what you wanted?

ILYIN. Achieved, not achieved ... How to look.

TAMARA. And how do you see yourself?

ILYIN. A… ( He waved his hand.)

My life is a railroad
Eternal striving forward!

TAMARA. So, we have achieved. What's your job?

ILYIN. Well, if you're interested, I work as an engineer. If you are interested in the table of ranks - chief engineer.

TAMARA ( respectfully). Is the plant big?

ILYIN. Just a chemical plant in Podgorsk. If you are interested in power - quite large. One of the largest in the Union.

TAMARA ( smiled politely). Big ship big sailing. I also have a good life. Working. I work as a master all on the same "Triangle".

ILYIN. Look big man.

TAMARA ( waved her hand). You have to answer for everything: for discipline, and for the schedule, and for social work. I am an agitator on all issues. When only girls work, they become so fighting, they even bloom. Another time she sits so pretty, but shaggy. “Comb your hair! With your face - and so you don’t take care of yourself. ” Well, of course, I'm a party member. A communist can be demanded from the party bureau. In a word, I live a full life, I do not complain.

ILYIN. Do you live alone?

TAMARA ( proudly). Why alone? I live with my nephew. Lucy is gone, she died in the blockade. But Slavik remained. A very capable boy, everyone says so. Studying in technology, followed in your footsteps. An active boy, he is not limited to one occupation, he also has a public face. So he also lives a full life ... And what, did you come on a business trip?

ILYIN. Not for long, three days.

TAMARA. For a three days.

ILYIN. Or four.

TAMARA. Or four. Well, if you want, stay with us. Glory will fall on a cot. In general, he will not interfere with you. Only I have a condition: do not bring anyone here, the boy is studying, I come tired. So the main thing for us is silence.

Ilyin took out cigarettes and lit a cigarette.

Do you smoke?

ILYIN ( chuckled). Still smoking.

TAMARA. Already forgot. Then smoke, just open the window. ( She went out into the hallway, behind a folding bed.)

Ilyin put the cigarettes in his pocket and got up. I went into the room that I once rented. Stood there. He went back to the hanger and took off his coat. Tamara returned from the hallway.

ILYIN. Okay, sleep well.

TAMARA. Where are you going?

ILYIN. I will not bother you. Go to bed, it's late... Let's assume that the meeting took place.

TAMARA ( hastily, but still maintaining an official tone). What will you interfere with? You won't bother me at all. You will be comfortable here, take a look. ( She opened the door to the next room and turned on the light.) The bed is clean, just made it today. I don’t know, decide for yourself how it’s better for you, I’m not going to persuade you ...

ILYIN ( hesitated, returned). Thank you. ( Approached her.)

TAMARA ( still hastily, but dignity is already returning to her). You can go to bed now, it's late, so good night.

ILYIN. Good night. ( He went into a small room.)

Tamara closed the door behind him, closed it tighter. She sat down on a bench by her bed, habitually threw up her hands to her hair, touched the protruding curlers, looked in the mirror and groaned in shame. She pulled out the curlers one by one and threw them against the wall. Ilyin, worried, opened the door.

TAMARA ( turned around and shouted). Please knock if you open the door at night, understand?

ILYIN. In general terms, yes. ( Closed the door again.)

Tamara majestically walked to the switch, turned off the light, returned, flung herself flat on the bed and, burying her face in the pillow, fell silent. For some time the room is dark, only the windows are dimly lit by the glow of night lamps. But then the outer door slammed softly, the lock of the inner door clicked, the light came on. It was Slava and Katya. They are in coats, with turned up collars. They listened. It is quiet behind the screen where Tamara lies.

KATE. Uncomfortable, I'd better go home.

GLORY ( is embarrassed). Uncomfortable, you know what? ( I looked into the buffet.) So. Food. ( He put a loaf and a circle of sausage on the table. He took off Katya's coat. He lifted the newspapers above the drawing board.) See, work?

Katya leaned over.

Carefully. ( Closed again.)

We sat at the table. They break the loaf, take turns biting off the sausage.

Primitive Communism.

KATE. Interestingly, was there a primitive Komsomol? ( She glanced at Tamara's regiment.) How many books do you have! Have you read such a book - "Scorpio"? There, on the cover, a woman is drawn with a glass and so ... half-naked.

GLORY. Do not read.

KATE. God, what dullness!.. A footballer gave me this book. In general, I have connections in the sports world. I can get a pass for any game.

GLORY. I see you are not lost.

KATE. Well, I have many friends. I'm used to making friends. I was friends with one after school for two years. Once I even met the general's son. Honestly. He immediately said: I am the son of a general.

GLORY. You're lying.

KATE ( no offense). Is it true. Even foreigners like me. Swedes. Do you remember the Swedes came? I met a sailor.

GLORY. They let him go ashore for two hours, and he rushed to the first one that came across.

KATE. Yes, he kissed my hand. Permission asked and kissed.

GLORY. And you are glad. ( He glanced at the screen, pulled a chair up to Katya, and with some awkwardness, but very resolutely, embraced her.)

KATE ( hesitated for a minute and - quickly). The aunt sewed an orange dress, so they looked at her on the street - she was old. Then she gave it to me.

GLORY. Do you want to be looked at too?

KATE. And they will look back at me - they will only say: “Good!” ( She smiled stiffly at Slava, removed his hand from her shoulder, gently but insistently placed it on his knee.)

GLORY. What are you?

KATE. Yesterday I went to the kindergarten - a sparrow drags a sparrow by the wing, he must have cheated on her ...

Slava got up, took out Tamara's cigarettes, and lit a cigarette. He returned to Katya, stopped behind her.

(Fixed her hair.) And I decided to paint, otherwise I have never been a brunette. ( She stood up, turned to face him, and laughed uneasily.)

GLORY. I look at you and think: are you stupid or smart?

KATE. I'm not stupid, I'm not smart - I'm funny. I am specially invited to the company so that I amuse them.

GLORY ( leaned on a chair, hugged her). Well, how did you cheer up many?

KATE ( smiling at first, and then angrily, with an effort she parted his hands). You can't keep your hands to yourself!

GLORY ( bristled). What did I do to you?

KATE. Nothing. Everyone will give free rein to their hands ...

GLORY. Am I everyone?

KATE. And you thought you had a special privilege? Go to the Marble Hall to dance, there are some ugly ones, especially for you.

GLORY. Why did you go to the cinema with me then? The first time you see a person...

KATE. What's to be lost? Would you like me to go to the cinema?

GLORY ( with excruciating abandon). Will it kill you? .. ( Embraced her.)

KATE ( escaped). How much does the ticket cost?

GLORY ( innocently). Four fifty.

KATE ( put money on the table). Fifty kopecks for tea. ( Heads for the door.)

TAMARA ( pushing back the screen, got up on the bed). Twelve o'clock, you have to get up at eight tomorrow.

KATE ( Tamara). Excuse me, please. ( Glory.) And secondly, this is not the first time I see you. I live in the same apartment with your Lidochka, that's how observant you are.

TAMARA. And you, girl! Came at night to the young man's home. So young and that's how you start to behave. And you want to distract Slava from her studies.

KATE. And I don't distract him. It's not because of me that he gets a deuce.

TAMARA. What twos?

KATE. Ask him Lida.

TAMARA. What is Linda? ( Glory.) What's the matter?

GLORY. Do I know?

KATE. Our whole apartment does not like her. Your self-writing.

TAMARA. What kind of self-writing?

KATE. She notes lectures very soon. Straight word for word, like a parrot. Only here is the misfortune - Slava quarreled with her, she does not give him notes. But when she needs something, he is ready for anything, even to his own detriment. Nobody likes her in our apartment. He only knows to leaf through notebooks - he won’t open the door, even if you call! That's what I call her: self-written, eternal pen.

TAMARA. Well, what does it mean, a diligent girl, serious. And you do not interfere with her example to take.

Alexander Volodin

five evenings



This story took place in Leningrad, on one of the streets, in one of the houses. It began long before these five evenings and will not end soon.

Winter, it snows in the evenings. He excites the heart with memories of school holidays, of meetings in the front door, of past winters...

First evening

A small ottoman is lit on the proscenium. Zoya and Ilyin are sitting on it. Between them is an open gramophone, a record is spinning. Here the melody is over. Zoya removed the membrane.

ZOYA. No, it's crazy that I'm acting like this. I only ask you not to interpret my behavior as generally easy accessibility to me.


ZOYA. What is ok?

ILYIN. I won't interpret.

ZOYA. Harmful you is another matter. ( Pause.) And the truth is, how quickly everything happened with us. Just a week ago, we didn't know each other. And suddenly. I just can't believe it. It's true, I'm kind of crazy. You must despise me.

ILYIN. What are you, on the contrary.

ZOYA ( shows Ilyin a fashion magazine). Tell me, do you like this woman?

ILYIN. Nothing.

ZOYA. This model is the most filmed. Here she is good. And here is the bad one. And this one was completely stopped showing in the latest magazines, probably, she had a fight. Or maybe she married a rich man. One is generally better off. A man needs to buy socks, then meat, then a quarter. So tell me, what is love?

ILYIN. Unknown.

ZOYA. Love ... is an electric current.

ILYIN. It may very well be.

ZOYA. It can't be, but definitely. When does your vacation end?

ILYIN. Soon - tu-tu! .. How long have I been here, seventeen years? And now it’s interesting: some kind of sign, or a billboard, or a pharmacy on the corner - everything is exactly the same as before. Above this pharmacy my first love lived. I rented a room from them before the war.

ZOYA. Is it true? Oh, how interesting! Tell me about your first love. I love it when people talk about their first love...

ILYIN. She was beautiful, now there are none. Star. Her friends called her "Star".

ZOYA. Well, I didn't go to the latter either. In general, I was young - I was lovely. This person took care of me! Only he was old. My mother took me and dissuaded me. Then I myself married my girlfriend for him. Met her recently. Dressed! .. But it could be me.

ILYIN. And I would probably go now.

ZOYA. Where?

ILYIN. And to her.

ZOYA. I will challenge her to a duel.

ILYIN. Throughout the war, they corresponded with her. Publish - a whole volume.

ZOYA. Why did you break up then, if she is such a star?

ILYIN. Not satisfied with high ideals.

ZOYA. Does that mean you got fired?

ILYIN. No, by choice. And all in absentia, in writing.

Zoya. It's a pity, I can't talk, it's boring with me.

ILYIN. How can you not, how much you said.

ZOYA. With you, it's a different matter. Here answer me this question. The girl met a man. He fell in love with her unconsciously. She wants to be with him for the rest of her life. And he suddenly - time! threw her away. Then she met someone else. It’s not quite the same anymore, but still got used to him and also wants to go through life with him. And he - bang! - again the same thing, left. And she wants a family, because a woman! And she no longer believes in herself. "What's the matter, what am I missing?" And with the third, she already loses her pride, almost imposes herself. And they say about her: “What a licentious…” You don’t hear anything that I say. It goes in one ear and out the other.

ILYIN. Why, I hear. I'm just thinking about what you said.

ZOYA. What did you think?

ILYIN. That's all right, Zoenka, it happens. Sad story.

ZOYA. Of course, sad.

ILYIN ( looking out the window). This was our own alley. Our personal cinema. And our personal sky. What sky, huh? Winter, night, but it is blue, even if you burst! No, it is dangerous to return to those places where you were happy at nineteen! "Where I suffered, where I loved, where I buried my heart."

ZOYA. I wonder what she is now - a star?

ILYIN. And you know, it's still not too late: what if you take it and really go! Maybe she still lives here?

ZOYA. Well, Sasha, you are abusing my attitude towards you too much.

ILYIN ( patted her hair). What are you, Zoenka.

Ilyin sits thinking. Then he gets up and puts on his coat.

ZOYA. Wow what! All clear.

ILYIN. I'll be back soon. I'll come and go. ( Leaves.)

ZOYA. I will return to you! So from the stairs to the shugan ... I will return to you! ..

The light goes out.

Tamara's rooms: one is bigger, the other is smaller. Subsequently, the action takes place in one, then in the other, then in both rooms at the same time.

Tamara is alone, sitting at the table and winding her hair in curlers. They rang the doorbell. Tamara continues to do her job, because she is not waiting for anyone. They called again. You can hear the outer door being opened. Someone knocked on the room.

TAMARA ( alarmed, went to the door). Who's there?

TAMARA. What a room - twelve o'clock!

TAMARA. Get out of here and slam the door shut behind you.

The hallway is quiet.

TAMARA. Listen, what do you need? Who are you?

A passport is pushed through the door slot.

I don't need your passport.

Nevertheless, she took it and opened it. And I remembered. She sat down on a chair right next to the door. Then, forgetting to pull out the curlers, she silently opened the door. He looks at Ilyin so incredulously and plaintively that Ilyin laughed. Yes, and the Gulag was, but that's a separate conversation. He stepped up to her and, despite some resistance, kissed her on the cheek.

ILYIN ( looked around in a businesslike way, hung up his coat on the hook and went into the room). Well, what are you standing for? Come on.

Tamara passed.

Tamara sat down at the table. Ilyin is nearby.

TAMARA. No, you sit there.

ILYIN ( moved to another chair). Well?


ILYIN. How is life, mood, labor successes?

TAMARA ( with dignity). I personally live well, I do not complain. I work as a foreman at the Red Triangle. The work is interesting and responsible...

ILYIN ( softly, meaningfully sang).

You are my dear

Take me with you…

TAMARA. I have forgotten the words.

ILYIN ( sings).

There, in the distant land,

Call me wife.

TAMARA. I don't remember anything. I don't remember anything. How much time has passed, who will remember ... How do you live? Did you get what you wanted?

ILYIN. Achieved, not achieved ... How to look.

TAMARA. And how do you see yourself?

ILYIN. A… ( He waved his hand.)

My life is a railroad

Eternal striving forward!

TAMARA. So, we have achieved. What's your job?

ILYIN. Well, if you're interested, I work as an engineer. If you are interested in the table of ranks - chief engineer.

TAMARA ( respectfully). Is the plant big?

ILYIN. Just a chemical plant in Podgorsk. If you are interested in power - quite large. One of the largest in the Union.

TAMARA ( smiled politely). Big ship big sailing. I also have a good life. Working. I work as a master all on the same "Triangle".

ILYIN. Look big man.

TAMARA ( waved her hand). You have to answer for everything: for discipline, and for the schedule, and for social work. I am an agitator on all issues. When only girls work, they become so fighting, they even bloom. Another time she sits so pretty, but shaggy. “Comb your hair! With your face - and so you don’t take care of yourself. ” Well, of course, I'm a party member. A communist can be demanded from the party bureau. In a word, I live a full life, I do not complain.

ILYIN. Do you live alone?

TAMARA ( proudly). Why alone? I live with my nephew. Lucy is gone, she died in the blockade. But Slavik remained. A very capable boy, everyone says so. Studying in technology, followed in your footsteps. An active boy, he is not limited to one occupation, he also has a public face. So he also lives a full life ... And what, did you come on a business trip?

ILYIN. Not for long, three days.

TAMARA. For a three days.

ILYIN. Or four.

TAMARA. Or four. Well, if you want, stay with us. Glory will fall on a cot. In general, he will not interfere with you. Only I have a condition: do not bring anyone here, the boy is studying, I come tired. So the main thing for us is silence.

Ilyin took out cigarettes and lit a cigarette.

Do you smoke?

ILYIN ( chuckled). Still smoking.

TAMARA. Already forgot. Then smoke, just open the window. ( She went out into the hallway, behind a folding bed.)

Ilyin put the cigarettes in his pocket and got up. I went into the room that I once rented. Stood there. He went back to the hanger and took off his coat. Tamara returned from the hallway.

ILYIN. Okay, sleep well.

TAMARA. Where are you going?

ILYIN. I will not bother you. Go to bed, it's late... Let's assume that the meeting took place.

TAMARA ( hastily, but still maintaining an official tone). What will you interfere with? You won't bother me at all. You will be comfortable here, take a look. ( She opened the door to the next room and turned on the light.) The bed is clean, just made it today. I don’t know, decide for yourself how it’s better for you, I’m not going to persuade you ...

ILYIN ( hesitated, returned). Thank you. ( Approached her.)

TAMARA ( still hastily, but dignity is already returning to her). You can go to bed now, it's late, so good night.

ILYIN. Good night. ( He went into a small room.)

Tamara closed the door behind him, closed it tighter. She sat down on a bench by her bed, habitually threw up her hands to her hair, touched the protruding curlers, looked in the mirror and groaned in shame. She pulled out the curlers one by one and threw them against the wall. Ilyin, worried, opened the door.

TAMARA ( turned around and shouted). Please knock if you open the door at night, understand?

ILYIN. In general terms, yes. ( Closed the door again.)

Tamara majestically walked to the switch, turned off the light, returned, flung herself flat on the bed and, burying her face in the pillow, fell silent. For some time the room is dark, only the windows are dimly lit by the glow of night lamps. But then the outer door slammed softly, the lock of the inner door clicked, the light came on. It was Slava and Katya. They are in coats, with turned up collars. They listened. It is quiet behind the screen where Tamara lies.

KATE. Uncomfortable, I'd better go home.

GLORY ( is embarrassed). Uncomfortable, you know what? ( I looked into the buffet.) So. Food. ( He put a loaf and a circle of sausage on the table. He took off Katya's coat. He lifted the newspapers above the drawing board.) See, work?

Katya leaned over.

Carefully. ( Closed again.)

We sat at the table. They break the loaf, take turns biting off the sausage.

Primitive Communism.

KATE. Interestingly, was there a primitive Komsomol? ( She glanced at Tamara's regiment.) How many books do you have! Have you read such a book - "Scorpio"? There, on the cover, a woman is drawn with a glass and so ... half-naked.

GLORY. Do not read.

KATE. God, what dullness!.. A footballer gave me this book. In general, I have connections in the sports world. I can get a pass for any game.

GLORY. I see you are not lost.

KATE. Well, I have many friends. I'm used to making friends. I was friends with one after school for two years. Once I even met the general's son. Honestly. He immediately said: I am the son of a general.

GLORY. You're lying.

KATE ( no offense). Is it true. Even foreigners like me. Swedes. Do you remember the Swedes came? I met a sailor.

GLORY. They let him go ashore for two hours, and he rushed to the first one that came across.

KATE. Yes, he kissed my hand. Permission asked and kissed.

GLORY. And you are glad. ( He glanced at the screen, pulled a chair up to Katya, and with some awkwardness, but very resolutely, embraced her.)

KATE ( hesitated for a minute and - quickly). The aunt sewed an orange dress, so they looked at her on the street - she was old. Then she gave it to me.

GLORY. Do you want to be looked at too?

KATE. And they will look back at me - they will only say: “Good!” ( She smiled stiffly at Slava, removed his hand from her shoulder, gently but insistently placed it on his knee.)

GLORY. What are you?

KATE. Yesterday I went to the kindergarten - a sparrow drags a sparrow by the wing, he must have cheated on her ...

Slava got up, took out Tamara's cigarettes, and lit a cigarette. He returned to Katya, stopped behind her.

(Fixed her hair.) And I decided to paint, otherwise I have never been a brunette. ( She stood up, turned to face him, and laughed uneasily.)

GLORY. I look at you and think: are you stupid or smart?

KATE. I'm not stupid, I'm not smart - I'm funny. I am specially invited to the company so that I amuse them.

GLORY ( leaned on a chair, hugged her). Well, how did you cheer up many?

KATE ( smiling at first, and then angrily, with an effort she parted his hands). You can't keep your hands to yourself!

GLORY ( bristled). What did I do to you?

KATE. Nothing. Everyone will give free rein to their hands ...

GLORY. Am I everyone?

KATE. And you thought you had a special privilege? Go to the Marble Hall to dance, there are some ugly ones, especially for you.

GLORY. Why did you go to the cinema with me then? The first time you see a person...

KATE. What's to be lost? Would you like me to go to the cinema?

GLORY ( with excruciating abandon). Will it kill you? .. ( Embraced her.)

KATE ( escaped). How much does the ticket cost?

GLORY ( innocently). Four fifty.

KATE ( put money on the table). Fifty kopecks for tea. ( Heads for the door.)

TAMARA ( pushing back the screen, got up on the bed). Twelve o'clock, you have to get up at eight tomorrow.

KATE ( Tamara). Excuse me, please. ( Glory.) And secondly, this is not the first time I see you. I live in the same apartment with your Lidochka, that's how observant you are.

TAMARA. And you, girl! Came at night to the young man's home. So young and that's how you start to behave. And you want to distract Slava from her studies.

KATE. And I don't distract him. It's not because of me that he gets a deuce.

TAMARA. What twos?

KATE. Ask him Lida.

TAMARA. What is Linda? ( Glory.) What's the matter?

GLORY. Do I know?

KATE. Our whole apartment does not like her. Your self-writing.

TAMARA. What kind of self-writing?

KATE. She notes lectures very soon. Straight word for word, like a parrot. Only here is the misfortune - Slava quarreled with her, she does not give him notes. But when she needs something, he is ready for anything, even to his own detriment. Nobody likes her in our apartment. He only knows to leaf through notebooks - he won’t open the door, even if you call! That's what I call her: self-written, eternal pen.

TAMARA. Well, what does it mean, a diligent girl, serious. And you do not interfere with her example to take.

KATE. Why should I take it? I am so successful.

TAMARA. See how you respond? You are a girl, for you honor is the most precious thing. I was already raising Slavik when I was your age!



GLORY. Sleep, I say, it's time.

TAMARA. And you! How could you! They came. Twelve o'clock at night!

KATE. We froze in the front door, we came to warm ourselves.

TAMARA ( not listening). Be ashamed! Bring someone. To me.

KATE. And to whom should he lead me, to a comrade?

TAMARA. Go away, I want to sleep.

KATE. Good night.

TAMARA. Rattle the bolt, the janitor will open.

GLORY ( sullenly). I'm seeing you off.

KATE. I'll come myself. ( Leaves.)

TAMARA. Svyatoslav, what happened?

GLORY. You see what parsley. Lida and I agreed to go together, and I had the cribs.

TAMARA. What cheat sheets?

GLORY. Well, what's the difference. Numbered, thirty in each pocket. She takes the ticket - thirty-one. ( Getting carried away.) I start flipping through in the right pocket, I reached the thirtieth, I realize: the thirty-first is in the left. I finally found her cheat sheet, I'm starting to look for myself. He took out: instead of the ninth - the eleventh ...

TAMARA. Why do you need cheat sheets?

GLORY. What, you never studied?

TAMARA. I studied without cheat sheets.

GLORY. Karas is an idealist.

TAMARA. May be. Now tell me who is this girl?

GLORY. Well, from the intercity station, telephone operator.

TAMARA. And she agreed to come to your house the very first day? At night?!

GLORY. Or maybe she hoped that I was a decent person?

TAMARA. This is the least of her worries. Do you know what women are? Are you really not disgusted, tell me honestly?


TAMARA. My God, what are you! No principles!

GLORY. But you have too many principles. You didn't get married.

TAMARA ( got out of bed, very excited). Yes, I'm on principle. I'm on principle. And you? Here you are being rude. Nothing is sacred to you. And you think it's a feat. See how I'm not afraid of anything! ( He takes a book off the shelf and opens it.) Here, I want you to read it.

GLORY. Okay, put it down.

TAMARA. No, right now, with me.

GLORY. I am well-read to the marrow of my bones, I am saturated with theory to the throat.

TAMARA ( looks at him silently and suddenly hits him hard on the cheek). These are the letters of Marx!

Enter Ilyin. Half-hidden by a screen, Tamara sadly leafed through the pages of Karl Marx's letters.

GLORY. Who is this?

ILYIN. Ilyin, Alexander Petrovich.

GLORY. Which Ilyin?

ILYIN. Stayed with you temporarily.

GLORY. Very nice.

TAMARA. Why did you hide from me that you got a deuce? Some unfamiliar girl told, but hid from me?

GLORY. I didn't tell anyone. In general, I do not like to dedicate strangers to my affairs.

TAMARA. He is not an outsider. He knew you when you were two years old. Let him listen.

Ilyin leaned against the jamb: he was listening.

GLORY. A tragedy from the life of a Soviet student - "The Beginning of the Path". Attention curtain!

TAMARA. I gave him all my youth, nothing left!

ILYIN. Okay, old man, it's time for you to sleep.

Slava takes a cot and goes to her room.

TAMARA ( Ilyin). And you leave, I'm tired of both of you.

Ilyin also goes to himself.

Just lock the door first.

Ilyin locks the front door.

And turn off the light.

Ilyin puts out the light.

And let me get some sleep tonight!

Ilyin went to his room and sat down on the sofa. Slava rattles the cot, oppressing the guest in every possible way.

ILYIN. Well, how is our technological? Fomichev exists?

GLORY. Rampant. Are you also a victim of science?

ILYIN. That's right, sacrifice. I got kicked out of my third year.

GLORY. What did they suffer for?

ILYIN. For frankness. Once, in my spare time, I told Fomichev everything I thought about him. Then he waged a cold war against me, which he ended with a brilliant victory at the end of the semester.

GLORY. Happens.

ILYIN. I can see that you and your aunt don't get along well.

GLORY. According to Newton's third law, action is equal to reaction. She educates me - I resist.

ILYIN. And what, your aunt lives alone all the time, never married?

GLORY. That unfortunate one had not yet been born ... However, she had someone at the dawn of a foggy youth. According to unofficial data.

ILYIN. Quiet. ( He shook his head at the door.) But, probably, it was me. We met before the war, I rented a room from you. Your dad served in the Morflot, your mom and Tom were just starting out as gluers on the Triangle. She was a beauty, your aunt, now there are none like her. Star! That's what they called her in the workshop - Zvezda. He will come running from the factory - knock-knock on the stairs ...

GLORY. And you are a romantic.

ILYIN. We corresponded throughout the war. Then, due to some circumstances, I stopped writing, and I carried all her letters with me. Then the letters disappeared.

GLORY. You know, if I were you, I would describe all this in a poem. Something like this:

Sweet look of your marvelous little eyes

Awakened an impression in me

You are one of the girls dearest to me,

My heart fell in love...

ILYIN ( laughed). Nothing. Only the rhyme is lame.

GLORY. The rhyme doesn't matter. There would be a feeling in the chest. Well, glad to meet you. ( He held out his hand to Ilya. Ilyin slowly squeezed her so that Slava gasped.)

ILYIN. Shh… ( Squeezed even harder.)

Glory has risen.

Shh. ( With ominous calm.) So. If you offend this woman in my presence, then I will pull down seven skins from you and let you go naked to Africa. Is the rhyme okay?

GLORY ( moaned). Arranges.

ILYIN. Shh… ( Let go.) What date do we have today?

GLORY. The fifteenth.

ILYIN. So, during these days that I spend in your house, I intend to provide this woman with a happy life. Got it?

GLORY. Got it. ( He took a towel and went to the kitchen.)

Ilyin turned off the light. In the twilight we see Tamara and Ilyin.

They lie in their rooms with open eyes.

ILYIN. Tom...

Tamara doesn't answer.

Tamara is silent.



ILYIN. Are you awake? ( Pause.) And I remembered you. And you?

TAMARA. I remembered the first time.

ILYIN. And you haven't changed much.

TAMARA. Do not chat.

Ilyin whistled the tune of the song.

Pretty much, I have to go to work early.

ILYIN. Good night.

TAMARA. Good night.

Lying with open eyes. Lights dim on the stage. Thus ended the first evening.

Second evening

We'll jump right into it, because nothing significant happened during the day.

Ilyin and Slava in Tamara's room. Ilyin sits astride a chair, watching Slava. In continuation of the subsequent conversation, Slava will lay a white tablecloth on the table, distribute three bouquets of mimosa in glass jars around the room, and dust off the chest of drawers.

ILYIN. See how good it is. When there is a white tablecloth and flowers on the table, it is embarrassing to be petty, rude, evil. The tablecloth should have iron folds: they evoke childhood memories.

GLORY. Sublime.

ILYIN. We must live wisely, without fuss. Bear in mind that there are many unnecessary details in the book of life. But there is a secret here: these pages can be skipped.

GLORY. Well, I don't feel like reading this page. Aunt Tom will come, let her clean up. After all, is there a division of labor?

ILYIN ( politely). Don't piss me off, work.

Slava, without answering, sat down on another chair in exactly the same position as Ilyin.

And you will do this operation every Saturday.

GLORY. Haha.

ILYIN. Well, get up.

Glory doesn't move.

ILYIN. It is inconvenient for me to beat the sitting one.

Slava got up, Ilyin too.

Lower your chin to your chest, turn sideways to the enemy, the left hand is put forward, the right hand protects the chin. In a fighting stance, you are invulnerable to a blow.

Glory stood up.

The most effective blows are applied to the end of the chin. There are no swings in boxing. The translational movement of the fist occurs in a straight line, because a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. Got it?

GLORY. Got it.


Glory strikes. Ilyin held out his hand, a step back.

Forward left, stretch right. Hit.

The same.

Fingers down, briefly, unexpectedly, hit! ..

Walking towards the door.

A door opens behind him. This is Katya, in an orange dress. For a moment she looks at what is happening in silence, and suddenly, with a piercing screech, she rushed at Ilyin, clung to his arm.

KATE. What are you doing, creeping bastard! What are you doing!

GLORY. Stunned? Let it go, it's forbidden.

Katya left Ilyin.

We're training, okay? Boxing technique.

KATE ( Ilyin). Do you know what happens during this workout? Fifteen days.

ILYIN. Demonic woman. Do you have a manicure?

KATE ( Glory). Why did you come to the meeting?

GLORY. So, I walked by - I went in.

KATE. And I thought it was business. Don't come again. ( Heads for the door.)

GLORY. I would sit.

KATE. What more!

GLORY. Where to hurry...

KATE. The kids are crying.

GLORY. Alexander Petrovich, does she really look like Zemfira from Gypsies?

KATE ( flattered, although it is not at all true). Not true. Here, they say, I look like an artist Larionova - it can be.

GLORY ( Ilyin). Well, there are similarities.

KATE. Don't know. And others say that I look like the Fedorov sisters. I'm just losing some weight. Last year, the waist was seventy, and now sixty-seven. She became completely dystrophic.

GLORY. Why did it happen?

KATE. I fell in love strongly.

GLORY. Who, no secret?

KATE. In our fitter, Vanya.

GLORY. And I look - dressed up. ( Ilyin.) No, girls should not dress brightly. Let them at least pretend that they are unearthly creatures. Okay, since you came, let's turn on, otherwise we're sewn up here.

KATE. What are your preparations?

ILYIN. Such a holiday. Birthday.

KATE ( nod to Glory). This one, right?

ILYIN. No, not this one... his aunt's.

KATE. How much did she hit?

GLORY. Generally birthday, abstractly.

KATE. It's clear. By the way, we have a woman on the stairs - thirty-eight years old - got married.

GLORY. For seventy years.

KATE. At thirty-eight, you can marry anything.

ILYIN. Well, more to the point. Wipe the window, the shelf, in general, there are two of you now - act. I'll be back soon. ( Gone.)

KATE ( took off her coat, tied up with an apron). First, the tablecloth is laid, then the dust is wiped off. Cleaners!

GLORY. Okay, more action, less words. ( He sat down in the place of Ilyin, watching the work.)

KATE ( after a pause). Now I'm walking down the street, I look, the birds are sitting above the eaves. He sleeps, and she pecks at him - she is bored.

Glory is silent.

(Looking out the window) There the girl went in boots, they cost three hundred rubles. It would be nice if they cost a hundred and fifty, I would definitely buy it.

GLORY. Aunt Toma has a woman's calendar - it's accurately calculated: if the average life expectancy is seventy years, then it takes twenty-five years to sleep, six to eat, and a year and a half to wash. And if you calculate how much is spent on meaningless conversations ...

KATE. You can't talk. ( Removed silently. She wipes the bookshelf, took out a book, opened it.) Jules Renard.

GLORY. You are not interested.

KATE. Why is it not interesting! .. ( She put the book on the bedside table, continues to work silently.) I will also be a student, I will go to the technical school of communications. It's almost like an institute, they study there for four years.

GLORY. Come on try.

KATE. And what, our fitter says, I have technical abilities. This is rare for a woman. I had very good characteristics in school that I am an angel. Only reluctance to leave the negotiation room. For all the time, not a single comment, only gratitude. Because everyone knows me that I work clearly. On duty, even my voice becomes different, right? ( Pause.) Slava, do you want to go to Zorya for eight-thirty? I have an acquaintance there. I did two once. I sit between them, one says: "You came with me, turn to me." I turn, then another with a claim.

GLORY. Will I sit third? You're completely twisted. ( pointed out.) Clean that room.

Katya goes to Glory's room. Enter TAMARA. For a while, he silently watches what is happening.

TAMARA. What's going on here? Who gave you permission to lay this tablecloth? Why did you take the jars, they must be handed over to the store, I specially prepared them. Get off the table and tell me what's going on...

GLORY. And I know ... Your tenant ordered.

TAMARA ( after a pause). What's up with my tenant? Let him say thank you that he was allowed to spend the night. A new business, with its charter in a strange monastery. Free the banks.

Slava puts a mimosa on the window. Tamara cleans the tablecloth. Gradually, the room takes on its former form. Katya appears at the door.

(Frightened.) Who is this?

KATE. It's me, Katya.

TAMARA. What fates?

KATE. And I ... came.

TAMARA. Herself?

Katya lowered her head, shrugged vaguely.

What were you doing there?

KATE. Wiped the suitcase.

TAMARA ( Glory). Push it back.

GLORY. Maybe bring the garbage back?

Ilyin enters and stops at the door. In his hands he has various bundles and a bottle of wine.

ILYIN ( Glory). What's the matter? Come on, put back the flowers.

Glory likes these disagreements. Waddling went for the flowers, again puts them in jars.

TAMARA ( watching him silently). Empty the cans, I need to take them to the store.

Slava chuckled happily, awaiting further orders.

ILYIN ( Tamara). And here we decided to wash.

TAMARA. Wash what?

ILYIN. Our meeting.

TAMARA. Firstly, I see no need to mark our meeting with fireworks. And secondly, I need to change.

ILYIN. Then I apologize. ( Glory.) Free the jars, food - in the cold, flowers - in the trash. ( Went to another room.)

Tamara is thoughtful.

GLORY. Aunt Tom, you're too much.

TAMARA. Do you think he got offended?

GLORY. And then no! The man is busy...

TAMARA. Don't know. Well, call him...if you want.

GLORY. You drove away, you call.

TAMARA ( after a pause). Or maybe he really got offended. ( Quiet, Glory.) What is her name?

GLORY. Catherine.

TAMARA. Katya, if you want, call me.

KATE. It's kind of awkward for me. I myself am visiting - and I myself call.

Tamara hesitated, opened the door to the next room.

TAMARA. Alexander Petrovich! Are you offended? Well, if you want, let's have a drink, what's the deal! .. ( Went out to the kitchen.)

KATE. How strange!

GLORY. In the world, my friend, there is a lot of incomprehensible. ( He put flowers on the table and sat down.) Whistle everyone to the table!

Katya also sat down - impenetrable, impassive, with Renard's book, which she had leafed through during the previous scene.

(He opened the bottle and poured himself.) And then they won’t give it.

KATE ( covered her stack with her palm). I can't, it makes me sick.

GLORY. We don't keep non-drinkers. Go. ( He took a sip, choked, set aside, but did not lose heart.) We live!

KATE ( indifferent). Eat butter.

Tamara comes back, she saw the bottle she had started.

TAMARA. Already done.

GLORY. And we are epicureans. Do you know what was written on their door? "Passer-by, come in, pleasures await you here."

KATE. That's the vulgarity he said.

TAMARA. Only they understood not carnal pleasures, but spiritual ones.

GLORY. Then I refuse. I'd rather be stoic.

TAMARA. Is it time for you to become a Marxist?

GLORY. Marx was not born a Marxist either, he became a Marxist later.

TAMARA. Then go to the kitchen, chop up the salad.

GLORY. Well you know... ( But he went.)

TAMARA. Maybe move the table to the sofa, let's dance? I haven’t danced for a hundred years, I forgot how. Now after all somehow in a stylish way it is necessary?

KATE. Who is like. Not necessary.

They talk while setting the table.

TAMARA. Will you fit in here with Slava?

KATE. We'll fit, but I won't sit with him.


KATE. It's true what they say, the overtrained is worse than the undertrained. The whole evening they walked with him and did not really talk about anything.

TAMARA. Maybe he's bored with you?

KATE. If I wanted to, he would immediately become cheerful. He tried, only failed.

TAMARA. It's her own fault - it means he has little respect for you.

KATE. Think superhuman! I read it more. If you want, I’ll bring a notebook, I write individual thoughts there.

TAMARA. My dear, he is a student, you have to catch up with him and catch up.

KATE. So what. Have you read Martin Eden? He studied everything in a few months, even political works. Do you know how I read? I can read sixty pages an hour. And if the verses - seventy-five.

TAMARA. What's the point? You better read the page and think. And then today I read it - tomorrow I forgot.

KATE. Well, you know what kind of memory I have? I've only read it twice, I already remember it by heart. I have already studied Alexander Tvardovsky, Alexander Blok, Alexei Surkov…

GLORY ( comes with a bowl of salad). Vera Panov, Vera Ketlinskaya, Vera Inber...

Enter Ilyin.

KATE ( loud). Alexander Petrovich, tell him.

TAMARA. And the truth is, you are evil, Slavka.

KATE. People would see a lot of beauty around them if they weren't so angry.

GLORY. I read somewhere.

KATE. Jules Renard.

TAMARA. What you don't need, you read, but you don't have time to do it. Get two more!

GLORY. I don't have any notes on heat engineering. Tomorrow I'll take it from someone - I'll sit down.

KATE ( Tamara). Well, how can you study according to other people's notes!

TAMARA. Alexander Petrovich, tell him...

ILYIN. And what, taking notes is, brother, not a mechanical process. You are learning the material at the same time.

GLORY. The second front has opened.

ILYIN. Something solemn part is delayed. Shall we have a drink?

GLORY ( drank). Force…

KATE. Oh let's have a bite!

GLORY. Feed her.

KATE. I'm not worried about myself. If you want to know, I was already visiting today.

GLORY ( takes her plate). Ah, she's already been there...

TAMARA. Glory!

KATE. I don't hate him. I don't trust boys at all. I was friends with one for two years. And then he beat me up and left me. Yes, now it can no longer be like in some century: a girl, give one's life for her ... Now the inflection is in the other direction. They are not interested in one that will push any ideas. They have one goal - they believe that it is necessary to achieve something. He leaves home without a kiss - it means that the evening was wasted in vain.

TAMARA. It also depends on the girl, you have to be proud.

Slava put the record on. Invite Katya. They dance. Tamara looked at Ilyin, raised her glass, and they drank.

GLORY. What a group! I condemn you and everyone will condemn you for drinking individually. Katya, let's drink brotherhood!

TAMARA. Take it easy, cheer up.

GLORY. Well, I'm having fun, I'm not ashamed. By the way, I'm not having as much fun as you think. Aunt Tom! ( He kisses her on the cheek.) I understand you alone. You hold on to me!

ILYIN ( put down his stack). You've gone overboard, take a break.

GLORY. I don’t know what to do: defiantly leave or defiantly stay.

KATE ( politely, Ilyina). Why are you in charge? Who are you, tenant? Tenant. So be tactful. And you have a bad influence on Glory. So he drank three glasses, why is this?

They didn't answer her. Slava sensed something was wrong. He moved his eyes so that Katya would pay attention: Ilyin's hand was on Tamara's hand. Slava nodded his head at the door. Katya got up, walked away inaudibly, put on her coat. Slava made it clear that she had to leave, he would catch up with her.

Katya left. Then he also got up and quietly walked to the door. Only then did Tamara look at him.

TAMARA. Where is Katya?

GLORY. She left home.

TAMARA. And where are you going?

GLORY. Go for a walk.

TAMARA. Looking at night. Sit.

Glory sat down on a chair. Sat, lulling vigilance. I got up and took my coat.

ILYIN. It says sit down.

GLORY ( sat down, sighed). You can go.

Nobody hears him. I put on my coat and went out.

TAMARA ( took the guitar, sings).

- My dear, take me with you.

There, in a distant land, you will call me your wife.

- My dear, I would take you -

There, in a distant land, my wife is waiting for me.

There, in a distant land, call me sister.

- My dear, I would take you -

There, in a distant land, my sister is waiting for me.

- My dear, take me with you,

There, in a distant land, you will call me a stranger.

- My dear, I would take you -

There, in a distant land, I don't need a stranger.

(Suddenly, it's very simple.) What a horror it would be if I married someone! ( Plays.)

ILYIN. What?..

Tamara plays louder and faster.

What did you say?..

The light goes out. Now the music sounds in the orchestra. This is a fast, passionate, almost exotic melody.

Third Evening

It's getting dark. The evening shift has already begun. It's all snowing. Janitors cover the icy paths with sand, but children and women roll them out again. And in the Mikhailovsky Garden it is quiet, like in a forest. AND Peter-Pavel's Fortress stands, it seems, not on the banks of the Neva, but on the very edge of a snowy field.

Proscenium. Barrier, behind him at the switch - Katya. Glory sits on the bench. On the second curtain, two booths with numbers 5 and 4 are painted ... The rest are behind the scenes. This is an intercity call center. telephone exchange. We do not see subscribers telephone conversations heard from backstage.

KATE ( with the characteristic intonations of a telephone operator). Hello! On duty? Three seven. Serezhu, fifteen minutes. Minsk!

Minsk, the third cab! ( In the pauses of the subsequent scene, Katya, continuing her work, can say into the microphone:

Last minute, finish.

Zvenigorod, there is Kubinka, this is a place.

Fifty-three who will fit.

Murom, fourth cabin, Murom, fourth.

Finished, I disconnect, everything, everything ...

From the backstage cabin: “Dad, pass the phone to mom. Mother? Everything is in order, already five teeth. Two above, three below.)

GLORY. And one in the middle.

KATE. You can laugh on the street. Vyborg, cabin three, go, girl.

KATE. Did you say you won't come again?

GLORY. Call went.

KATE. Call.

GLORY. Exchange.

KATE. What am I to you - a change point? ( Dropped a coin.)

GLORY ( dialed a number). Lidochka?.. Slava says hello. What are your plans for the evening? Just passed today, tomorrow you will work out ...

KATE. I said - you need a student to understand A plus B.

Glory hung up.

You just don't need a student. ( By your phone.) Hello? Vanya?.. It’s good that I called, I already missed you… Today?.. I don’t know, actually I didn’t think… Me?.. When?.. Well, remind me where, what and when?.. I'm not going to prove it... Well, I'll come. Only you are not a pessimist? And then I met one here, I almost died of longing, he showed me his drawings so that I would appreciate them ...

He was a fitter Vanya,

But in the spirit of the Parisians,

He gave himself the title

Electrical engineer Jean.

KATE. What's your business? Petrozavodsk, third cabin.

SECONDED ( backstage, very fast). Pestrikov. I sent the duralumin sheets, the receipt was seven or four.

KATE. You hear, people are engaged in business, and you all sit. Go study.

Women's laughter is heard from the street. Enter Ilyin and Tamara. She laughs as she brushes off the snow.

TAMARA ( Ilyin). You see, it is, it sticks out here again. ( Glory.) She's at work! And you wouldn't mind doing it.

KATE. Don't worry, no more will come. If he is a swindler, then I will have fun.

TAMARA ( Glory). Ask forgiveness.


ILYIN. It’s not a shame to apologize to girls, it’s always worse for them than for us.

TAMARA. It's good that you think so. Although this is not true. Now I'm better than you. I saw lightning in the sky. This is fortunately.

GLORY. There are no lightning bolts in winter.

TAMARA. What if I saw? If I saw it with my own eyes, then what?

ILYIN. Then it happens.

TAMARA. Understood?

GLORY. What is not to be understood.

TAMARA. Here, study. Let's go, you want to eat terribly.

ILYIN. I'll catch up, I need to call.

TAMARA. Hurry, we won't wait.

Tamara and Slava leave.

ILYIN ( hooked to the city machine). Reference? Phone "Gastronom", corner of Liteiny and Pestel. Yes. Thank you. ( Dial a number.) May I ask Zoya from the grocery store?.. Zoya? Hello Sasha. I promised to visit you. I'm sorry, I can't... No, I won't be able to tomorrow either. And than.

The light goes out.

Tamara's room. This time it is festively cleaned. Light tablecloth, flowers. Slava, gloomy, at the desk is drowning in textbooks and notes. Tamara, in elegant dress, sits sideways on his windowsill, looks excitedly at Ilyin. Ilyin stands in the middle of the room.

ILYIN ( making passes). Oklahoma, sinerama, pneumothorax, quadarama! ( She takes an orange out of Slava's collar and presents it to Tamara.)

Tamara is very happy, she eats.

Ale-op!.. ( She pulls a transparent scarf from Slava's ear and puts it on Tamara.)

GLORY. Well, you to Allah, as much as possible. I need to practice. ( He took out a bottle of perfume and a bar of chocolate from his pocket.)

ILYIN ( rolling out sleeves). Dude.

TAMARA. Alexander Petrovich is leaving, you have to have fun.

GLORY. Without me. ( He picked up the books from the table and went into the next room.)

It immediately became quiet and empty. Long pause. Ilyin, putting his hands in his pocket, circled the room, went up to Tamara.

ILYIN. You have beautiful hands.

TAMARA. All women have beautiful hands.

ILYIN. Do you remember the front door?

TAMARA. And then no?

ILYIN. We spent a lot of time there.

TAMARA. How abnormal. Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Right on the stairs. Wow! .. I dropped my purse out of fear.

Ilyin stepped towards her. She stood up, leaned against the wall, lowering her eyelids. Kiss. The book fell from under her hand to the floor.

And why is everyone in the front door kissing? Like condemned. Why, tell me?

ILYIN. Don't know.

TAMARA. Because it's warm there.

Kiss. A knock on the door from the next room.

What are you knocking?

Slava entered, took something from the desk and, without raising his eyes, left.

ILYIN. You have beautiful eyes.

TAMARA. Just big eyes, large size.

ILYIN. And the complexion is good.

TAMARA. What you! I used to have a complexion, it's true. Today I get on the tram, I hear: "Get in, mother." I looked around - they turn to me.

TAMARA. And I was not deceived at all. I always knew that I would be happy. And here is happy!

ILYIN. Nothing, me with the globe don't sleep, it's big.

TAMARA. I knew, I always knew that you would achieve great things. Chief Engineer. This is the head of production. I have a plot - eighty gluers. And then there's the plant. Whole city! Do the workers love you?

ILYIN. I don't know, I didn't ask.

TAMARA. For everyone to love - this does not happen. But mostly, of course, love. Of this I am sure.

ILYIN ( made up his mind). Tom, I have to tell you one thing. But this is between us.

TAMARA. Between us. Only between us. Between you and me

ILYIN. Tom, I want to quit my job.

TAMARA. How to leave, why?

ILYIN. Tired.

TAMARA. I don't understand, are you serious?

ILYIN. Absolutely.

TAMARA. Why do you have such strange thoughts? Maybe you are tired? Such a job, but you live carelessly. And in general, when a person is alone, everything appears to him in a gloomy light. Now it will be different, believe me! It’s a trifle to come here - about five hours away.

ILYIN. Do not understand. Well, I'm tired of it! .. You have to play big with fate: you are her or she is you.

TAMARA ( alarmed). Did something happen to you? Trouble?

ILYIN. Still a strange people. Does something have to happen? A!.. ( He waved his hand.) Listen, Tom! Let's break away, sail somewhere to the North. I'm a first class driver. That's right! ( He took out his right from his pocket and waved.) I am a driver, I am a mechanic. A? Would I be worse for you or not?

Tamara is silent, collecting her thoughts.

TAMARA. Don't know…

ILYIN. Ah, you don't know!

TAMARA. For me, you would not become worse! .. Only, you understand, a person should still do the most that he is capable of.

ILYIN. And who is capable of what, figure it out! .. Let's go? ..

TAMARA. Where?

ILYIN. With me.

TAMARA ( laughs). So all of a sudden? Out of the blue? Think!

ILYIN. What if you don't think?

TAMARA ( laughs). Well, okay, let's go ... But what am I going to do there, I have to work.

ILYIN. The case is everywhere.

TAMARA. But what about Glory? He will disappear here, spin.

ILYIN. Nothing, spin and unwind.

TAMARA. Why are you teasing me? What if I accept yes and agree? You don't know me! ( Spreading her arms, she turned around. But then she sat down on a chair.)

ILYIN. Well? .. So how is it, Tom?

TAMARA. Are you serious?.. What's wrong with you? You are somewhat restless. Why? This used to be a concern. And now? Now we will decide everything calmly, now there is nowhere to hurry.

ILYIN. So. It's clear.

TAMARA. No, it's not clear. I want to know what happened to you.

ILYIN. I said.

TAMARA. And I don't believe you. You can't reason like that. Anyone but you.

ILYIN. Alas, it's still me. It's time for you to come to terms with it.

Tamara. No! You are better than you think you are. You were always afraid of difficulties, you always did not believe in yourself - this is true. But after all, you still achieved what you wanted, and I respect you for that. And now - on you, again the same thing! Quit what you love. Sacrifice your calling. And for what! If all this was a joke, then excuse me, I did not understand it. Maybe I don't have enough humor for this.

ILYIN. What if I just wanted to check your attitude to me? Can you follow me to the ends of the world or not. What then?

TAMARA. Then know. If you were really an unscrupulous person or empty, then go wherever you want, but alone. I won't run after you like a dog. Understood?

ILYIN. Quite.

TAMARA. Offended.

ILYIN ( got up). Okay, time to pack up. Buy me something to eat for the road. Until my moral character is clarified, am I not removed from allowance?

TAMARA. Sasha, what's wrong with you?

ILYIN. With me? Nothing.

TAMARA. Tell me Sasha, I'll understand.

ILYIN. Run Run… ( He went into a small room.)

Tamara stood at the door, sighed, and went out. When Ilyin returned with his suitcase, the room was empty. He checks the contents of the suitcase, fits.

Glory entered.

I have a conversation for you. Don't hate Tom. Don't drink vodka. Memory fades. Well, be healthy.

GLORY. Are you already on your way? Now?

ILYIN ( fast). Deeds, deeds, friend. You have to work hard.

GLORY. Still, it's a pity. I got used to you, or something. Alexander Petrovich, tomorrow I have a scholarship. Would you delay a day, eh?

ILYIN. Next time. Yes, I keep forgetting to ask: why did you hit chemistry exactly?

GLORY. Aunt Tom insisted, she had a fixed idea.

ILYIN. Consider yourself lucky. Chemistry, my brother, is the most abstract, the most logical and at the same time the most practical of the sciences. But for an indifferent person, chemistry is death. You must love the smell of ammonia, the smell of hydrogen sulfide, damn it! A real chemist comes to the lab in his best suit. Alkalis in his hands do not splash, acids do not burn matter ... Come on, show me your hand. Is this the hand of a chemist? The chemist takes any flask from any fire without a rag. Got it?

GLORY. Got it.

ILYIN. What is your conclusion for the future?

GLORY. Yes sir. I will move science back and forth. Still, it's a pity that you're leaving today. We would go to the institute in the evening to look at the old walls. Tomorrow there will be a debate: “Is it possible to consider an underachieving student honest man? Then a review, there are good jokes.

ILYIN. I can't, old man.

GLORY. Honestly, I promised the guys that I would introduce them to you. And you would be interested, there are original types. For example, Igor is a person. First of all, smart. Although some believe that it seems because he is wearing glasses. By the way, he writes interesting poems. I persuaded him to read to you. I wonder what you will say. Alexander Petrovich, and now frankly. Now you thought: cheeky and talkative.

ILYIN. Don't introspect. I love you.

GLORY ( very excited). No, I hate myself obsessive people. Although, on the other hand, we are old enough to speak frankly. Yes, I like you too. Here you go. We had some kind of childish conversation. Funny. Tell me, what are you going to do on vacation? Shouldn't you take off for a couple of weeks on a boat trip along the Volga? How do you feel about this adventure?

ILYIN. I am positive.

GLORY. Can we write? Leave only the address.

ILYIN. Okay, it'll work. Now for the theory part. It's bad, brother, when you make a mistake in a woman and she will spoil your existence until the end of your days. But a hundred times worse if you foolishly pass by standing man. I mean Katya. Got it? Be quiet. How much pressure is there?

GLORY ( looked at the clock). Nine.

ILYIN. It's time. ( Tamarin took off his scarf from the wall and put it in his pocket.)

GLORY. These are Aunt Toms.

ILYIN. Doesn't matter. ( Looks back.)

GLORY ( understanding something). Will you wait for Aunt Tom?

ILYIN. She's already downstairs, in the front door. Well, be. Farewell, old man.

GLORY. She will freak out if you leave without saying goodbye. You know her.

ILYIN. Let's not bicker. I'm in a hurry.

GLORY ( stood in front of the door). Alexander Petrovich, you are not telling the truth. What's the matter? Open up, I am the grave.

ILYIN. Listen, don't be weird, I've got a train. ( Whether playful or serious struggle at the door.) Are you crazy?

GLORY. Are you afraid of Tomka? Are you afraid she won't let you go? Don't be afraid, he won't say a word, I give you my head! And you will have to wait.

ILYIN. Ultimatum?

Short fight. Ilyin threw Slava aside. Slava immediately jumped up, clung to Ilyin again.

GLORY. She has never had anyone but you! In such cases, you should at least say goodbye! ..

Ilyin carried Slava on himself into the hallway. Soon Slava flew into the room, sprawled out on the floor. Then he stood up, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled wryly. He sat down on his desk and whistled thoughtfully. Tamara enters.

TAMARA. Our door is open.

GLORY. Close the.

TAMARA. Where is Alexander Petrovich?

GLORY. He said you were waiting for him downstairs. Didn't you follow him?

TAMARA ( silent, with a bag in his hand. She went to the table, automatically laid out the purchases). Conducted. ( Went to the door.)

GLORY. Aunt Tom!

Tamara stopped.

Do not humiliate yourself, do not run after him.

Tamara began to slowly, methodically tidy up the room. She took out cigarettes from the shelf and lit a cigarette. She turned on the reflector, sat down on a bench and, without taking off her coat, began to wind her hair in curlers.

The light goes out. A curtain.


Admiration and pity...

fourth evening

Hanger, chest (of those that stand in the hallway). The phone rings. In a jacket draped over his shoulders, Ilyin comes out and picks up the phone.

ILYIN. Yes… Leningrad… Timofeeva?.. Now. Micha, you. Hey phone!

Timofeev comes out of the room, a disheveled, gloomy man in pajamas. Wants to pick up the phone, but at that time the doorbell rang.


Ilyin shook his head in panic and waved his hands, lowered the receiver on the lever and went into the room, whispering from the door: "I'm not here." Timofeev opened the door. Tamara entered.

TAMARA. Sorry, I don't know your last name. I'm so late... But sometimes I have to... I wanted to ask you about Ilyin, Alexander Petrovich.

Timofeev ( indefinitely). Alexander Petrovich?

TAMARA ( very polite). You studied with him at the institute.

TIMOFEEV. Ah, Sasha! Yes, I studied. What do you need now? Immediately?

TAMARA. No, why! I just wanted to ask. Sorry it's so late.

Timofeev ( looked at his watch, put it to his ear, shook it). Fixed it yesterday, today they stand.

TAMARA. It often happens to us, they fix it ...


TAMARA. I say: they will fix it, but how the clock goes is not of interest to them.

Timofeev ( winced). Don't drown, damn it. Sit down, I'll put something on.

Timofeev disappeared. Tamara sat down on the chest. For some time he sits alone, stiff with embarrassment. Quietly, at night, music sounds from the loudspeaker.

Timofeev, warmed up, entered again.

Timofeev ( dry). Well, what do you want?

TAMARA. I wanted to ask about Ilyin. Don't know where he is now?

Timofeev ( fast). Well, he was with me, he came.


TIMOFEEV. I didn’t write down the number, maybe ten days ...

TAMARA. Didn't he promise to come to you?

TIMOFEEV. Didn't promise.

TAMARA. And did you leave an address?

TIMOFEEV. And he didn't leave an address.

TAMARA. Hm. It's called friends. How did you meet and not ask anything ... ( Heading towards the exit. But she turned around at the door.)

TIMOFEEV. Well, I asked him how, what, he asked me what, how ...

TAMARA ( returned). Well, how about you, what?

TIMOFEEV. So, he came on a business trip, stayed with relatives. So you accidentally caught me. ( Phone call.) Yes!.. Timofeev is listening... Podgorsk? Hello! Where is your Podgorsk? .. Yes, no one hangs up the phone! .. Waiting, waiting ...

TAMARA. So you also work at the Podgorsk plant?

Timofeev ( with tube). Me too. Who else?

TAMARA. Well, Ilyin!

TIMOFEEV. Ah, Ilyin! Well, perhaps.

TAMARA. What does it mean, don't you know? What are you working for?

TIMOFEEV. I? Chief engineer.

TAMARA ( suspicious). Strange. Very strange. And Ilyin?

TIMOFEEV. What is Ilyin?

TAMARA. Is he also in Podgorsk?

TIMOFEEV. No, Ilyin - I don't know where.

TAMARA ( understood something). So.

Timofeev ( into the phone). Yes, Timofeev... Okay, I can hear you well, speak... So... It's all right... We've already agreed... Already! ( Hung up.) And you, in fact, who will he be, wife?

TAMARA. I? No, just a friend.


TAMARA. What do you sympathize with?

TIMOFEEV. Okay, now is not the time, somehow at your leisure.

TAMARA. And yet. It interests me. Once you've started, negotiate.

TIMOFEEV. I didn’t start anything, I don’t like to interfere in other people’s affairs.

TAMARA. Maybe you are implying that he lives carelessly?

TIMOFEEV. You are a strange woman, I'm not hinting at anything.

TAMARA. Or are you hinting that he is an unbalanced person, quick-tempered, that he was even expelled from the institute, so he is not to blame. Even now, all the students do not like this dean, whom Sasha was rude to then ... Well, it’s good if even then Sasha made a mistake ... But he correctly said: “The merit is not in not making mistakes, but in correcting them in time ".

TIMOFEEV. What hasn't been fixed?

TAMARA. Do you envy him?

TIMOFEEV. What to envy, curious.

TAMARA. But ... But he is talented! He was even called a “gum arabic chemist” at school - he had such abilities! And at the institute, you didn’t help him, but he helped you!

Timofeev ( chuckled). Remembers.

TAMARA. He did not boast, he just had to say the word ... Now I understand why he left me. Didn't explain anything. Still, it's embarrassing. Didn't think of me at all. And so I run after him. You will say that I am humiliated. May be. But I'm not thinking about myself, but about him! Though that's what everyone seems to think.

TIMOFEEV. Well, calm down, calm down, you will ...

TAMARA. I actually live alone. On weekdays, nothing - my work is interesting, responsible, all the time you feel people need. And the holiday is bad. I don't want to go anywhere. All in pairs, in pairs, only you are alone. Once I ride the tram and think: “I wish I could go, go, don’t come anywhere.” Can you imagine? And at home it suddenly becomes so bad that the floor is rubbed, and everything is in place ... You throw things around the room, and then it gets even worse, you put things in order again. ( She buttoned up her coat.)

TIMOFEEV. The neck is open, inflates.

TAMARA. Nothing. The scarf has gone somewhere.

(Timofeev took a scarf from the hanger and threw it around her neck.)

What do you? For what?

TIMOFEEV. For memory.

TAMARA ( returns). No need.

TIMOFEEV. Wait, I'll accompany you.

TAMARA. No need.

TIMOFEEV. At least leave the address, I'll find out something - I'll come and tell you.

TAMARA. The address is simple: Vosstaniya, twenty-two, apartment two. Remember? Goodbye.

Tamara is gone. Timofeev, gloomy, sits on a chest, lit a cigarette. Ilyin left the room. Looks at Timofeev silently.

ILYIN. Yes, funny situation...

TIMOFEEV. Much more fun.

ILYIN. I remember that I was wounded - I was shaking in the medical battalion car, pressed against the side. A fragment hit the lung, I feel: if you bend over a little, blood will gush in your throat. So, I think you won’t live long, coffin. And only one thought was in my head: if I were allowed to live one more year. Huge year. A million of such endless minutes. What can I do this year! I would work sixteen, twenty hours a day. God knows, maybe I could do something worthwhile! .. ( He grimaced, shook his head.) And you eloquently described. Still a bastard.

Timofeev does not answer.

And why, for God's sake, did you tell her your biography? What does it matter to her whether you are the chief engineer or not? Yes, even in Podgorsk? Why does she need your address? Why didn't you tell at the same time what your salary is and how many women you knew? I asked you what: tell me - there is no one here, I don’t know anything. simple thing. No, wow, trrr... trrr... Whip!

TIMOFEEV. I have never lied to anyone in my life. I can't, and you won't make me do it again!

ILYIN. Don't yell, you'll wake up the old people.

TIMOFEEV. Here's my advice: run after her, wallow at your feet.

ILYIN. Excluded.


ILYIN. You see, there are women with dimples, there are women without dimples. Tamara - the only woman in a world with a dimple on one cheek.

TIMOFEEV. Not a farce.

ILYIN. You see, I lied to her. blurted out that I Chief Engineer. Well, you know, I used to be a kind of Mendeleev in her eyes. I don't think you should be disappointed. Then I look - the matter is something more serious than I thought. Sooner or later the cards will have to be revealed. What to do? Confess. What about shame? Let him think that I'm a kind of desperate, reckless, well, impractical - it's women who forgive. I'm tired, I say, of all this, let's wave somewhere to the devil in the North ... Now, if she agreed, I would take her to me, and then it would somehow work out. So no, first she needs to find out, judge, delve into all the circumstances of my life. I don't want her to get involved! I have the right to live as I please and not be accountable to anyone. Including in front of you. Accuser! From higher considerations, he spat in the woman's soul. Be proud! And in general, I'm tired of you, I'm leaving you.

TIMOFEEV. Where are you going now - night!

ILYIN. I won't die. ( I put on my coat and left.)

Fifth Evening

Have you noticed how much sunlight can accommodate an ice icicle? One by one, drops fall from it, and it sparkles all the time! No, it's not spring yet, it's far away. The session hasn't ended yet.

Tamara's room. Slava is studying, Katya plays the guitar on the sidelines.

GLORY. There is attraction on the moon, only six times less.

KATE. Yes? And they told me...

GLORY. Weight disappears at the point where the attraction of the Earth and the Moon is balanced.

KATE. In the atmosphere?

GLORY. There is no atmosphere there anymore - airless space.

KATE. Yes? And they told me ... Glory!

GLORY. What?

KATE. Didn't return?

GLORY. Harun ran stronger than a doe, faster than a hare from an eagle.

KATE. Where did you run?

GLORY. In an unknown direction. Can you talk about something else?

KATE. Please. You read, today they write about you in the newspaper.

GLORY. About whom, about us?

KATE. Pro chemical industry. Huge prospects.

GLORY. Prospects - be calm. Chemistry is the science of the future. The most abstract and at the same time the most practical of the sciences.

KATE. When do you hand over heating equipment?

GLORY ( puckered up). You have to say something stupid! More notes need to be rewritten. What about time?

KATE. Ask Lida.

GLORY. Asked.

KATE. Self-written messed up?

Pause. Slava shook himself, dispelling bad forebodings, and went up to Katya.

(Pulled away.) Hands!

GLORY. You went to hell!

KATE. You thought it was easier with me than with your students? No, it's not easier with me, you'll have to be disappointed.

Glory returned to the table.

Slava, but you probably think that I have an easy job. Wrong! Depends on how to do it. You know how subscribers love me. And most importantly, very perspective job. I can grow to be a dispatcher. I don't know, I'm sorry you underestimate my specialty.

Tamara enters.

TAMARA. Nobody came to me?

GLORY. Nobody has come and nobody will come.

TAMARA. You see, Alexander Petrovich hasn't left yet, and I really need to see him on business.

GLORY. For what business? Why do you need it? Yes, I'll lock you in a room like a lunatic.

TAMARA ( sadly). What did he do to you to make you so mad at him?

GLORY. Still, life is a sinister thing. Broke one, bent another.

Tamara hid behind a screen and lay down on the bed.

KATE ( approached the curtain). By the way, I know one address, you can inquire about it there.

GLORY. Your business is a side.

Tamara got up on the bed.

KATE. He spoke on the phone, from the negotiation, I heard.

GLORY. Keep in mind - there is a secret of telephone conversations.

KATE. Yes, I do not want to hear, but I hear. Even the most unpleasant. He called the Gastronom, at the corner of Liteiny and Pestel. You tell her maybe she's coming down.

GLORY. You build a heavenly creature out of yourself, and let others run around, humiliate themselves.

KATE. And let him ask Zoya from the grocery. She will learn something from her, either good or bad.

Glory is taken up again.

TAMARA. Maybe drink some tea?

KATE ( sat down at the table). With pleasure.

GLORY. It's time for Kate to go home.

Katya looked at Slava. She broke loose, grabbed her coat and, without putting it on, ran out.

TAMARA. Why are you like this?

GLORY. Talking too much. ( He went to himself.)

Tamara quietly gets up, puts on her clothes and goes to the Grocery Store at the corner of Liteiny. The light goes out. Desk "Gastronom". Zoya is sitting at the table in a white bathrobe over her coat. In her hands is a stack of papers with exam tickets. She shuffles them like a deck of cards. She opened the top sheet and read it.

ZOYA. “Waffles. Characteristics, quality, grade. ( I thought.) Wafers - finely porous plates with a cellular surface. They should have their own scent. ( She dropped a bone in the accounts. Unhappy with herself, she shook her head. Shuffled the tickets again, opened the top one.) "Dessert strong wines". Of the strong dessert wines, the most characteristic are the Massandra and Livadia ports. ( Another bone.)

ZOYA. Skip.

Enter Ilyin. The collar is turned up - it's cold outside. I put down my suitcase. He weighed himself on the scales and shook his head.

That's not expected. Well, as a friend accepted, did not offend?

Ilyin sat down on a chair.

What is your melancholy? In this day and age, you must be an optimist. Take everything from life!

ILYIN. All taken, nothing left.

ZOYA. Did your madam drive you away?

ILYIN. Chased away.

ZOYA. Well, tell us about your breakup. I love it when people talk about breakups.

Ilyin is silent, whistling.

A man in his prime. Ashamed. You still have everything ahead of you.

ILYIN. I have everything ahead. And at seventeen everything was ahead, and now everything is ahead.

ZOYA. Do you complain. How much have you seen in your life. No worse than Maxim Gorky.

ILYIN. Maxim Gorky wrote thirty volumes.

ZOYA. So what, not everyone has the ability. I'm no better either. I teach, I teach, but what's the point? Someone else will be asked a question, and he went and went, and I immediately laid out everything and was silent. They say little.

ILYIN. You don't know what I was before, what was not prophesied to me. And here's a camouflage.

ZOYA. Is she even interesting?


ZOYA. Your madam. Keep in mind, an uninteresting woman is like a stupid man.

ILYIN. I've completely screwed up with you. Time to go home. Home to work.

ZOYA. I wish you success. Labor created man.

ILYIN. It's time, it's time. A faint breeze of memories is already blowing in our faces ...

ZOYA. And I have an idea. Let's kiss?

ILYIN. Next time.

ZOYA. Scared, I was joking. Do you know why I'm so frivolous? It turns out that my great-grandfather was French. I’ll be honest: I can’t stand these symphonies - I respect her, I adore her, I please her ...

ILYIN. I would have been silent.

ZOYA. Why should I be silent, I'm at home.

ILYIN ( got up). Eh!

ZOYA. Where are you going?

ILYIN. I'll go.

ZOYA. At all?

ILYIN. At all.

ZOYA. Why did you come?

ILYIN. Say goodbye. ( He waved a train ticket.)

ZOYA. Goodbye...

Say goodbye by the hand. Ilyin leaves.

(Screaming after him.) Well, the jester is with you, walk - do not look back. Oh you! Where are you running, what are you looking for? I listened. Ilyin does not answer. She sat down at a table and shuffled her exam papers.) So. Grape. Well, a standard grape, it has to live up to its standard. Most grapes are packed in sieves. ( Clicked on the accounts.) So. Vitamins. In one thousand eight hundred and eightieth year, the scientist Lukin proved that there are vitamins. Vitamin E protects against nervous system. (Another bone.)

Tamara enters.

You to me?

TAMARA. To you. On a personal matter.

ZOYA. Have a seat. Just briefly, I have exams tomorrow - advanced training. Such questions - directly on the Minister of Commerce.

TAMARA ( villages). I need to find Alexander Petrovich.

ZOYA. Excuse me, which Alexander Petrovich?

TAMARA. Ilyin is his surname.

ZOYA. Sasha, right?

TAMARA. Sasha.

ZOYA ( understand who he is talking to). Ah, the star has fallen. So you are looking for it.

TAMARA. I have business with him.

ZOYA. So. So he ran away.

TAMARA. I know that he is here.

ZOYA. You had to keep it before. They don't wave their fists after a fight.

TAMARA. I need to see him for a while.

ZOYA. So he's brainwashing you too.

TAMARA. How strange you say.

ZOYA. Listen, girlfriend, it won’t come off here, it’s firmly anchored.

TAMARA. I am not interested. I have a private matter with him.

ZOYA. And I don't have a public one.

They look at each other.

TAMARA. So you tell him, please, that I want to see him.

ZOYA. And who are you to him?

TAMARA. Just an acquaintance. An old friend.

ZOYA. Wonderful! I'm a new friend, and he tells me everything about himself. And an old friend comes to me to ask what's wrong with him and where he is.

TAMARA. Yes, he doesn't tell me everything. Maybe ashamed.

ZOYA. Ahah! When they love, they are not ashamed. Love is a shameless feeling, keep in mind ... Yes, you don’t come close to each other, well, not at all! He will start cheating on you in a month anyway. You will not be able to bear it. And I will forgive. ( Gradually aroused.) After all, he himself does not understand what he needs! He still has memories of his youth about you, that's what worries him! Is it my fault that he then met not with me, but with you? I was better than you, believe me. ( Digging in a bag.) Here, look what I was.

TAMARA ( not without poison). Yes, you have changed a lot.

ZOYA. I'm still far away from you. Have you ever thought about your age?

TAMARA ( easily). And what, they say, I was well preserved.

ZOYA. Trust me, they're exaggerating. ( Sympathizing.) You need to get married, that's what. Behind good man. Oh, you should go to India. There, they say, there are one and a half men for one woman. At least half would get.

TAMARA. So you'll pass it on to him, won't you forget?

ZOYA. Do you think it will come running?

Tamara is silent.

ZOYA. Well, hope, hope.

TAMARA. Goodbye.

ZOYA. You just don't have to transfer. You don't have it, and neither do I.

TAMARA. How - no?

ZOYA. Like this. Seek-search. If you find it, say hi.

Tamara leaves.

So. Starch. ( Remembering.) Starch is the smallest particles that are invisible to the naked eye. ( Looked at the notebook, got better.) Unarmed! ( And she cried.)

At the table, in the station restaurant. Ilyin. Katya enters with a number in her hands.

KATE. Comrade Ilyin!


KATE. Let's get out of here.

ILYIN. Where are you from, lovely child?

KATE. I? From the negotiation

ILYIN. And how did you get here?

KATE. I? I was walking past, and you were standing at the front door, where Tamara Vasilievna lives.

ILYIN. I didn't stand for anything.

KATE. Or maybe they didn’t, it seemed to me. You can eat this herring, but let me take the decanter back. You didn’t touch him, the buffet is obliged to accept.

Ilyin poured himself a glass and drank.

Comrade Ilyin! No need! After all, this is where it all begins. Have you seen the science film "It prevents us from living"? Let's get out of here, it's uncomfortable for a girl to sit here. What will they think of me?

ILYIN. Never think about what they think of you, learn not to depend on someone else's opinion.

KATE. How not to think? We do not live alone, in a human society ...

Ilyin poured himself another.

Alexander Petrovich, don't! Let's go to Tamara Vasilievna, for some reason she wanted to see you.

ILYIN. Ai try that du may best.

KATE. What?

ILYIN. For you I will do everything in my power.

KATE. Thank you.

ILYIN. Just not this.

KATE. Why? A strange man… How she loves you! It happens once in a lifetime, and then not with everyone. The other will live and think like that - everything is in order. Somewhere I read that there is no love, there is only sympathy. Not true! Is there anything that compares to love? Without it, a person dries up.

ILYIN. If so, let's drink to Tamara Vasilievna!

KATE. Ah well! Then I'll drink too. How much you are, so much me.

ILYIN. I praise. ( Pours for her.)

KATE. Only I can’t, I’ll be drunk right away. ( We drank. Katya gasped and ate hastily.)

ILYIN. Yes, you have to get used to the idea that the best is over.

KATE ( drinking, began to agree). And what is true. I'm not that young either. I'm nineteen years old, and my nerves are already fraying.

ILYIN. You were talking about Tamara Vasilievna.

KATE. I? I do not remember.

ILYIN. In theory, you can only live with a woman who strikes sparks from your soul.

Kate. In my opinion, Tamara Vasilievna is carving.

ILYIN. The war began - she alone saw me off. We sit in cars, women roar all around, and she looks up and says: “You see how insensitive you will be ...” - and stuttered. I ask: "What?" The motors rumble, you can't hear it. “What did you say, I don’t understand!” - "I said: you see what an insensitive wife you will have." The cars started moving, she runs behind. Runs and is silent. Then the engine, or something, stalled - they stopped. And she stopped. She leaned against the drainpipe, looking. Let's go again, she ran again. Then lagged behind ... ( I poured myself.) And you have enough.

KATE. You drink - and I will drink! ( She burst out laughing.) We have one girl cut her braids, put on a tight-fitting sweater, a skirt with slits - she immediately had boys. Tell me why is that? The boys are no better either. He gets to know you and already asks in advance where you live - he is afraid that he will see you off far ... Alexander Petrovich, when I saw him, it was as if a bell had struck in my chest!

ILYIN. Whom did you see?

KATE. Whom? Slavka.

ILYIN. You see, and you are sitting here. Go to him. And then you know there is such a word: "late." Nothing, you'll find out! You listen to me. Most good advice give losers.

KATE. Why are you a failure? You are a big person. How do you know about chemistry? Glory says - this is now a rarity.

ILYIN. Chemistry, Katenka, is just a dream. Chemistry - Blue bird. And in the middle of nowhere there is the village of Ust-Omul. And frosts there - forty degrees, fog is above the ground, milk. You blow - the rumble goes on, as if a locomotive whistled, the air freezes. You can’t move the car from its place, there is no adhesion to the soil, the rubber falls off in pieces from the slopes. And you know the whole day twist the steering wheel. And an urgent flight - and you won’t sleep at night. He chewed without leaving the cab, and then go on the gas. Otherwise, you will get stuck in the taiga, five hundred kilometers from the village, and wait until they dig it out. Here it is, the driver's job.

KATE. So you all lied? You are the driver.

ILYIN. Now a garage manager. Major position.

KATE. Why did you lie?

ILYIN. Just for petty vanity.

KATE. So you wanted to put yourself above others?

ILYIN. Well, they talked - that's enough. Go Katya.

KATE. And you?

ILYIN. And I'll sit.

KATE. I won't go alone.

ILYIN ( with annoyance). A!..

He knocked over a glass. And Katya overturned. He slammed it on the table. And Katya knocked. They look at each other silently.

Tamara's room. We find our aunt and nephew in the mise-en-scene in which their conversation stopped: she with the tablecloth, which she began to fold, he with an unfolded sheet of drawing paper.

TAMARA. They are already sitting in cars, everyone around is crying. And I told him: “You see, what an insensitive wife you will have ...” Slavik, don’t be angry. After all, it's over!

GLORY. And if it's over, why reminisce?

TAMARA. That's why I surrender. Previously, after all, she did not indulge. The cars started and I ran. Then for some reason their car stopped, and I stopped, looking at him. Let's go again, I ran again.

GLORY. I just don't understand one thing. It is in novels that people fall in love for no one knows why, but in life they still love for something.

TAMARA. No, Slava, he is not the kind of person you think he is. Not like that at all, not like that at all!

GLORY. I envy people who like everything.

TAMARA. I don't like everything anymore.

GLORY. Progress.

Tamara. So what, it often seemed to people that there were more bad things in life than good things. But now time has passed - and what in fact? Lenin, Giordano Bruno, Pushkin - people will always remember them! And various inquisitors, persecutors, kings - almost all are forgotten. Only individual representatives still pass through history, and even then they confuse which king came after which.

GLORY. And you are not devoid of logic.

And, having fallen silent at the same time, they, as if on a revived film frame, continue their interrupted classes.

TAMARA ( absently). How are your union affairs?

GLORY. But no way. What am I, will I work hard for everyone? It's called an election! All of them gave themselves recusals: one says - he sings in the choir, another says - he lives outside the city, the third says - you can’t choose me, I suppress the initiative of others. So do not suppress! And I went out for a minute - bam! - chose!

TAMARA. It's a shame to say such words! Students have gathered from God knows where, some live in private apartments. You know better who needs a hostel, who needs help from the director's fund. There are those who are shy, they will not say anything themselves. What about cultural work? Especially for foreigners. Go together either to the theater or to the museum ... Excursions around memorable places either on foot or by bus. The trade union committee has the means to pay for this. And you? What an egotist! .. Tomorrow I will bring you a form: a screen for paying membership fees. Hang it on the wall for everyone to see.

GLORY ( sighed). OK.

TAMARA. I'll take it from you. ( He leaves for another room.)

GLORY. We have. How many of you. Once.

Doorbell. Tamara returned to the room.

TAMARA. It is he! ( She sank into a chair.)

GLORY. Open?

TAMARA. Wait. Egor Ivanovich will open.

GLORY. Your Katya has arrived.

Tamara disappeared into the next room again. Katya entered. She is very tipsy.

KATE ( immediately from the door, warning). I didn't come to you. ( She approached the table. Pouting, he looks at the drawing.) Are you going to Lida again? Come on, come on.

GLORY. Well, breathe.

She breathed.

Where did you get drunk?

KATE. What's your business? ( She held out her hand arrogantly and pointed to her handkerchief, which she had deliberately dropped.) Get up!

End of free trial.

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