Sports dancing for children benefit. At what age is it better to go to the floor? What does ballroom dancing give a child


Sports, of course, are very important for the proper physical and mental development of the child. In addition, a sports section or club can become a launching pad for a future champion. Of course, not everyone dreams of a great sports future for their baby, but all parents want to see him healthy, happy and successful. And here a difficult question arises before the family: what kind of sport to choose? In some cases, the answer is found quite quickly if the baby is already showing interest in something specific. And if not, what to do? In many cases, dancing can be an excellent choice. This article will focus on their specific form - ballroom dancing. We will talk about what is needed for ballroom dancing, at what age is it better to start ballroom dancing for children, how to choose the right dance school, clothes and shoes, etc.

ballroom dancing(more precisely, sports or sports ballroom dancing) include two programs: "European" and "Latin American". Each of them includes several dances. First: quickstep, foxtrot, slow waltz, Viennese waltz and tango. Second: drive, rumba, cha-cha-cha, paso doble and samba.

According to choreographers, ballroom dancing for children under 6 years old is often too difficult, kids can be given to rhythm or children's choreography. Classes in sports ballroom dancing are best to start at the age of 6-7 years.

Benefits of ballroom dancing

Arguments in favor of dancing include:

  • positive impact on the health of the child;
  • the baby will become more plastic, learn to control his own body, get rid of "tightness";
  • posture improvement;
  • habit of discipline;
  • dancing ennobles, teaches respect for opposite sex, girls turn into feminine girls, and boys into gallant gentlemen. It is not for nothing that dances and music from time immemorial have been an indispensable part of educational program aristocracy;
  • Dancing develops not only the body, but also the soul. Children learn to be more creative, open, perceive the world more subtle;
  • any kind of dance increases self-confidence;
  • teaching ballroom dancing to children (as well as adults) necessarily includes participation in various competitions, which means that your baby, firstly, will learn to win and lose with dignity, and secondly, will become more independent, because competitions are held in different cities.

Arguments against ballroom dancing

Like any other activity, ballroom dancing has its downsides:

  • risk of injury. It is easy to slip in the dance (especially in the wrong shoes), stumble or fall unsuccessfully;
  • compulsory participation in competitions often has to be paid for (as well as travel to the city where the competition is held and, if necessary, hotel accommodation);
  • high-quality shoes and dance costumes can be quite expensive. Decide whether the family budget can withstand the appearance of such an item of expenditure;
  • ballroom dancing is dancing in pairs. And this means that no one has canceled the problem of choosing a partner, and your child will have to learn how to find mutual language with him (her). And it just seems that in children's couples everything is simple, peaceful and no one ever swears, and if he swears, then “not really”, these are children, they quarreled and made up. You will understand the gravity of the situation when you face it in life. Small grievances that accumulate over the years can significantly spoil life.

What to look for when choosing a school?

Choosing a school is an extremely important and responsible decision. After all, whether the trainer can find an approach specifically to your child largely depends on the child’s attitude to classes: someone will happily wait for the next lesson, and someone will trudge to the dance school, like hard labor, just because the parents paid for an annual subscription. So you can't choose a school proximity to home, or to send a child to a certain school just because it is on the way to work. From time to time all schools do "Days open doors”, when you can freely come to the school, talk with coaches and administration, see group classes, clarify all questions of interest (cost, schedule, etc.). Of course, you can go to school and find out everything on any ordinary day, when it is convenient for you.

Of course, the administration and coaches are interested in recruiting students and will try to convince you that their school is the best. To determine if this is true, talk to the parents of several children who have been there for years. Perhaps they will open your eyes to some aspects of the school, and to ballroom dancing in general.

You still can't decide what to do with your beloved baby? Sport sections, literary circles, theater studios, art schools- The choice of activities is huge.

Ballroom and sports dancing are definitely worth a try! The elegance of the pas and the bewitching music attract more than one generation of young dancers. Why shouldn't your child do the same? beautiful view sports?

health benefits of dancing

Sports and ballroom dancing is not only an unusually beautiful, but also a very healthy hobby. Dance lessons:

  • Strengthen blood vessels and muscles;
  • Increase the physical endurance of the child;
  • Improve posture;
  • Remove muscle clamps;
  • Improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • They teach the child to calmly relate to failures and lose, to be more stress-resistant.

What is the passion for dancing?

However physical health- this is far from the only reason why it is worth enrolling a child in a dance school. Ballroom and sport dancing influence many areas of children's development. They:

  • Train motor skills and coordination.
  • Develop ear for music, sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste.
  • Improve moral, moral qualities.
  • They learn to live in society and communicate with other people.
  • Form a beautiful gait.
  • Reveal Creative skills child.
  • They make children more active, collected, disciplined.
  • Learn to control your body.
  • They transform the appearance - a sparkle in the eyes, a smile on the face and a toned figure adorn the guys.
  • Develop intelligence and curiosity.
  • Guide the child towards achieving goals.
  • They help to get rid of many fears, complexes and self-doubt, as well as raise self-esteem. Dancing changes even the most shy and introverted guys!

Interested? Then read how to start dancing classes.

When to start classes?

After decision The question for parents is: “And at what age is it best to give your child to choreographic studio According to experts, it is best to do this at 6-7 years. However, it all depends on the individual qualities of your child.

On the one hand, children who started dancing early (at 3-5 years old) are much more likely to succeed. And on the other hand, kids who are not yet 6-7 years old get tired quickly, their coordination of movements is poorly developed, and they cannot concentrate on one thing. And it is still difficult for them to perceive all the requirements of the coach correctly.

If you still want to take your baby to dance at 3-4 years old, then answer the following questions:

  1. Will the baby be able to understand and follow the coach's commands?
  2. Is he able to coordinate movements and concentrate?
  3. Is he able to endure physical activity, or does he usually spend time passively?
  4. Does your child want to dance?
  5. Does he have a good memory and musical ear?

If you answered “yes” to 3-4 questions, then feel free to take the baby to the dance section. Otherwise, take your time, most likely, he is not ready for this yet.

Clothes, shoes and other ... expenses

Ballroom and sports dancing is one of the most expensive sports. In addition to paying for classes, you will need:

  • Shoes and costumes for performances;
    • At least 2 pairs of training shoes (boots or slippers). They should be light, comfortable and natural;
    • Minimum 2 suits for training. Boys train in trousers and shirts or t-shirts made of stretch fabric. Girls - in a free short skirt and a top or blouse in a figure.

Concert outfits will need to be made to order, and training clothes are usually bought in specialized stores.

You will also need to pay for travel to the venue of competitions and competitions, accommodation and meals (yours and your child) and individual sessions of necessity.

Before starting classes and think about whether it will be possible for you. If you feel that you won’t pull it, choose more for the child a budget option classes to save him from tears and disappointments in the future.

Choice of school and teacher

When choosing a dance section, give preference to those that are closest to your home. Long trips will tire both you and your baby. In addition, after school he will need to rest, eat and change.

You should also pay attention to Timetable of classes(it should be comfortable for the child) and age group (best to do with peers). Find out if there are special requirements for appearance(clothes, shoes, hair).

Refine the cost of classes- lower prices are usually in those schools that have recently opened or are located in less prestigious areas.

You need to know name and surname of the coach, his status- work experience, age, whether Teacher Education and a diploma from the Institute of Physical Education, how many years he has been working at this school, etc.

Ask about school status- what organization does it belong to, who are its graduates, do students win prizes in competitions, how many years have they been studying here.

Having compared all the nuances, you will surely choose the most suitable section, studio or dance school.

Let's hope that the passion for dancing will bring your child a lot of impressions and positive emotions. And who knows, maybe from little dancer someday a star of world significance will grow!

Ballroom dancing will help you acquire good manners for your children. No wonder during the time of the nobility noble families included ballroom dancing in the compulsory education and upbringing of their children. And even now ballroom dancing does not lose its popularity - it is considered prestigious if a child dances.

What does ballroom dancing give a child.

  • Sports ballroom dancing helps to develop plasticity, coordination of movements, posture.
  • Ballroom dancing contributes to the development of rhythm and the aesthetic component of life.
  • A child who goes in for dancing develops the leg muscles and muscles of the body, the plasticity of the hands. During classes, all muscle groups work, which contributes to the development of coordination, stability, allows the child to be flexible, enduring and dexterous.
  • When practicing ballroom dancing, the child receives the correct physical development, it improves the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Dancing children have rhythm and plasticity and they have proper breathing.
  • A dancing child has a correct beautiful posture and gait, an athletic physique and the ability to move confidently and beautifully. If the child has an incorrect posture, then ballroom dancing will help correct it. Dancing children are distinguished by an easy and smooth gait, even if ballroom dancing is a hobby.
  • By learning ballroom dancing, the child will receive great opportunity not only to dance, but to exquisitely express their emotions.
  • Ballroom dancing is a tool of self-expression, and also contributes to the composure and responsibility of the child.
  • Ballroom dancing teaches children to discipline, helps to coordinate thoughts and actions, contributes to the education of a gifted, hardworking, creative and physically strong personality.
  • Being engaged in ballroom dancing, the child will learn to listen to music, acquire rhythm and learn to express impressions of music with meaningful movements, according to his age, i.e. everything that is so necessary for education and proper development child.
  • Also, ballroom dancing is beautiful view sports that contribute to the formation of the right aesthetic taste in children due to: good choreography, bright dance costumes and good music.
  • A dancing child will easily find his life path, will enjoy the performances and the flowers and applause received. Such a child will always look stylish, study well and love art.
  • Also, it should be noted that in addition to the development physical form And aesthetic education, ballroom dancing will help shy children to relax and gain self-confidence, as well as help to overcome many complexes.
  • The dance program includes not only European and Latin American programs. In the classroom great attention is also given to teaching the basics of etiquette, the ability to present and keep oneself. In a few months of classes, the child will have noble manners.
  • It is also important that dancing children improve their mood, and they are charged with positive energy. Such children will not spend all the time at the computer or lying on the couch in front of the TV, you will not worry about where they are walking now because they will be doing sports ballroom dancing in training.

So what is the best age for ballroom dancing?

  • Some experts say that the most suitable age to start ballroom dancing is from 4 to 5 years. They argue this by the fact that at this age the child already perceives necessary information, he can be taught to listen to music and he can perform physical activities.
  • And others are sure that children can perceive information from the age of 6. They argue this by insufficient coordination of movements and the rapid fatigue of children from monotonous actions. Also, it is difficult for children to remember the names of figures in dances.
  • Most parents also believe that a 4-year-old child should start with folk dances, gymnastics, etc., classes that can prepare a child for ballroom dancing, for which he can be given from the age of 6.
  • But there are parents who bring their children to ballroom dancing from the age of 4. They talk about the fact that children begin to dance well between the ages of 7 and 8, and until that moment they receive physical activity, are present at ballroom dancing competitions and absorb all this atmosphere.
  • Most children's dance schools and studios accept children from 4 years old and over. Therefore, it would be useful for parents to know that when giving a child to dance, it is necessary to take into account the level of his development.
  • Children under the age of 4 will have difficulty in ballroom dancing. They will quickly get tired, and also such children have poorly developed coordination and they do not know how to concentrate their attention. However, if you see that your child has sufficient development, perceives music, can listen to a coach and has a good memory, then you can send him to classes even at this age.
  • But experts agree that the most optimal age for ballroom dancing will be 6 years of age.

European program.

If we consider the European program, then the most beautiful and elegant dance in it is the slow waltz. This dance has the longest history.

It appeared in the XII-XIII centuries and throughout its history was supplemented with elements of various European folk and court dances. The slow waltz gained its greatest popularity in the 19th century. Our generation knows several types of slow waltz, which received its differences through the influence of the traditions of the countries where it was danced: waltz-boston, figured, viennese and slow waltz.

Also worthy of mention is the tango dance. In the European program, this is the most emotional and very effective dance. He has a pronounced rhythm and a clear step. The birthplace of the dance is South America, from where it came to Europe in the 20th century. But the Europeans smoothed it out a bit original dance because some elements of it were considered indecent. The tango distinguishes from other dances of the European program with an imprinted decisive step, all other dances have a smooth step, flowing from the heel to the toes. Tango suits confident and determined people.

The European program ends with two foxtrots - slow and fast (from the English "quickstep" - a quick step). Two varieties of the foxtrot appeared in the 20th century and instantly became popular with young people.

The slow type foxtrot in the modern variation is considered complex - it is based on fast and slow steps, and these movements are performed to even music. This dance is characterized by a change in the intensity of movement and a change in direction, which requires certain skills and good coordination. It is precisely because of this that entry level V dance school this dance does not exist.

And here is another foxtrot - a fast one begins to be studied at the very first lesson. This dance is sparkling, lively, it contains elements of jumps and jumps. And if the couple dances harmoniously, then from the side the dance looks like a “flutter” on the floor.

Energetic program - Latin American dances.

Dances from the Latin American program are very emotional and energetic. They are characterized by fast tempos, dizzying spins and fiery melodies, which makes them more popular than the waltz or tango.

The most famous Latin American dance is the samba. The birthplace of samba is Africa, from which the dance came to South America, and gained immense popularity in Brazil and, out of general enthusiasm, got to the carnival. This dance is the most incendiary of Latin American dances, perky and rhythmic. It consists of a springy step with a simultaneous turn of the hip. Watching the dance, the audience themselves begin to dance.

The second equally rhythmic is the cha-cha-cha dance. It is based on elements of movements from rumba and mambo. This is a young dance since it appeared in the middle of the twentieth century. Thanks to the light and rhythmic music of the dance, a relaxed atmosphere is created, accompanied by expressive movements of the hips, which gives some zest to what is happening.

All Latin American dances have one distinguishing feature- fast pace. The most unusual for Latin American dances is the rumba. This dance is very beautiful, it is permeated with feelings and has some elements of eroticism. Rumba is a fairly easy dance to learn - it is based on a simple basic movement and slow music. But you can dance it only by putting your soul into it. Each couple dancing rumba seems to tell about their love story.

This dance appeared in America in the sixteenth century and was already popular in those days, but immediately received a ban, as it was considered immodest. Now the rumba has a standard look, which, in principle, does not affect its popularity among dance fans.

Have you ever tried on the role of a cape? Yes, you read that right, the role of the cloak. The paso doble dance is a bullfighter performing at a bullfight with his invariable attribute of a cloak, the movements of which are conveyed by the dance. The main difference between this dance and other Latin American dances is that the main partner is here, and the partner has a supporting role.

And at the end of the Latin American program, a jive performs. This jumpy and sparkling dance will appeal to fans of rock and roll. It is as incendiary as cha-cha-cha or samba, has similar movements and tempo to rock and roll and appeared in Europe during the Second World War. As a result of its simplification, not a single dance came out. These dances gained incredible popularity on dance floors in the middle of the 20th century, including rock and roll.

Ballroom dancing for children is not only a graceful children's sport, but also a fascinating art that can captivate girls and boys.

ballroom dancing is a great alternative to any sport and even more than an alternative, because it is movement, plasticity, and love for music at the same time. Without exaggeration, ballroom dancing for children really enhances comprehensive development child. In order to glide so easily on the parquet, in fact, the child needs remarkable strength and endurance - they develop through a variety of training, intense movement and the constant complication of the elements.
Flexibility and coordination are needed here no less than in rhythmic gymnastics: many movements require a good stretch, and the study of various figures will allow you to learn how to move around the site correctly and correlate your actions with the actions of a partner and other dancers. And of course, dancing is an endless variety of great melodies.
“Getting into the music” is one of the basic requirements even for beginner dancers: children learn to hear the music, feel the rhythm and correlate their movements with it. The movements become more complicated gradually and in parallel the musical fragments become more saturated.

When to start exercising?

3-4 years: early start You can start dancing from an early age.

It is best to start ballroom dancing from the age of 5, but some children already at 3 years old are able to learn well. It all depends on how easy the child perceives information. Imitation abilities are also important - can he repeat the movements after the coach, and then independently. If you are thinking about taking your child to ballroom dancing in early age, pay attention to how active he is in movement and how he listens to music.

A good sign, if the child begins to move himself to the music, gets to the beat. But it's better to show baby professional teacher, and he will determine the degree of readiness of the baby for classes.

5–6 years:

We choose - a dance school or professional sports. From the age of 5, everyone who wants to take classes in sports ballroom dancing, no special training this is not required. At this age, classes are held on average 2 times a week for 60 minutes, the trainer, focusing on the level of the group, can gradually increase the duration. Dmitry Tarasevich argues that “it’s not even talent that matters here, but desire and perseverance - these are serious pursuits, work in which you often have to overpower yourself.”

Features of classes at an early age

At the age of 3-4, even a sufficiently collected child is better to study individually so as not to be distracted by other children.

At an early age, children study 1-2 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
The trainer must have extensive experience working with children. The main difficulty in working with kids is their scattered attention: the coach needs to be able to win the respect and attention of the child, teach him to concentrate and persistently achieve results.
For kids, any children's activities should be in the form of a game. In ballroom dancing, a child’s training is based on constant repetition of movements, so the coach will have to try hard to turn the routine into a game.

And it is also important to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, which implies not only the correct repetition after the coach, but also the perception of his instructions by ear. Parents should pay attention to ensuring that the child in home games masters spatial concepts (up / down, forward / backward, right / left), as well as body parts (neck, chin, elbows, etc.). Then it will be much easier for the child to perceive the words of the coach: left hand up, right leg back, knee higher, etc.

Where to dance?

Education centers. Many clubs operate on the basis of schools that provide opportunities for additional development of children.

Advantages: no need to take the child anywhere (classes take place directly in the halls of the school); Opportunity to work with classmates.

Fitness and sports clubs, dance studios, art houses

Benefits: the ability to dance "for yourself", not to take part in any official competitions; the ability to create your own class schedule.

Dance and sports clubs(net official clubs Russian Dance Sport Federation)
Advantages: high class coaches; the opportunity to practice both in pairs (competitive dancing) and independently (dance school); participation in Federation events; contests and competitions from the first year of study.

In the dance and sports club there are always 2 areas of development: a dance school and competitive dancing.

School of dance is a school of mass education, here they learn several dances, in which they start with the most simple elements gradually making them more difficult. It is important that you can dance without a partner in a dance school - therefore the ratio of boys and girls in the group is completely unimportant. To switch to new level the guys pass the certification: these are real competitions for which they are seriously preparing. It is the upcoming competitions that discipline and spur them on during classes, when their strength is already running out.

competitive dancing- it's already professional training. Here they compete in pairs, and the pair is selected from the very beginning.
It can be difficult for children to maintain the mutual understanding that is absolutely necessary for a couple to be stable and the time spent “dancing” is not wasted because of petty quarrels.
An individual program is created for each couple, based on physical and psychological characteristics children.

Is it a man's thing?

Understanding why ballroom dancing attracts girls is easy. But if you doubt that dancing is a suitable children's sport for a future man, remember that ballroom dancing used to be obligatory element good education not only for girls, but also for boys. All famous generals and commanders were not only daredevils, riders and well-aimed arrows but also excellent dancers. Yes, and in modern military schools, officers are still taught ballroom dancing.

For the boy in sports dancing many conquests, heights to be reached. In addition, classes are constant serious sports loads, our boys often run and jump in competitions for the whole school. Motivation is different for everyone: someone is fascinated by music, someone - interesting communication and travel, someone's charisma teacher. Much also depends on parents - it is very important how much they are ready to pay attention to their child, because competitive dancing means constant tournaments, training camps, travels.

Despite the fact that ballroom dancing is considered very costly type sports, children's equipment is quite modest.

For girl

Gymnastic leotard for training
- skirt,
- bolero (optional)
- Czechs.
One set per year is enough.

For boy

Black pants,
- White shirt,
- Czechs.

For girl

For competitions, a rating dress is enough, one per year is enough: one-color, up to 11 years old, not only jewelry, but also any combination of fabrics is prohibited.
Shoes - special dance shoes with small heels, also without decorations.
Hairstyle - strictly meets the requirements: a bun strongly fixed with varnish with a simple net, without decorations.
Only from the age of 11 girls can wear a long dress for the European program and a suit for Latina to competitions, from the age of 14 - dresses can be decorated with various jewelry. The cost of such dresses to order.

For boy

Dancing shoes,
- Bow tie or tie.
Custom-made suits are always more expensive.
From 11 years old, a black shirt for Latin is allowed, from 14 years old - a vest for the European program and a separate suit for Latin, from 16 - a tailcoat and also a special suit for Latin.

Ballroom dancing is divided into two programs:
European (standard) - slow waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot, fast foxtrot (quickstep);
Latin American (Latin) - samba, rumba, paso doble, cha-cha-cha, jive.
Classification by age of the child in groups:
children 0: 7 years and under,
children 1: 8–9 years old,
children 2: 10–11 years old.

Classification by level of training:

H class (“beginner” or hobby class) - only some dances are performed in this class: slow waltz, cha-cha-cha, samba. The set of movements is limited.
E class - performed: slow waltz, Viennese waltz and quickstep in the European program and samba, cha-cha-cha and jive in the Latin American program.
D class - already includes 8 dances, excluding only the slow foxtrot in the European program and the paso doble in the Latin American program.
C class - includes all 10 dances. With this class, a serious career of dancers usually begins.
The higher grades: B, A, S and M are the highest skill class for amateurs.
Dancing for children has always been relevant, and today they are at the peak of dance fashion.

First competition

Competitions - necessary element any sport. If a child takes dancing seriously, then participation in competitions will become an obligatory part of the family schedule.

You can participate in the first competitions by mastering simple options movements of three dances.
Children compete among themselves in their age category.

Participation in competitions earns points by scoring a certain amount of which, the dancer moves to a new level (class). In order to go to next level skill, you need to take part in several competitions, sometimes 10 or even more.

Participation in the competition is paid.

Registration for competitions usually takes place early in the morning, each participant receives a number to dance under.

Usually many dancers take part in competitions at once, and children come out on the floor in groups of 20-30 and perform one or another dance together.

Scores are given by the jury, but children, as a rule, are not told the number of points, but are assigned some place. But 125th place, even out of 500, will only upset the kid, so everyone gets first, second or third place: the first is for those who danced on maximum amount points, and so on. So, according to the results of the competition, there can be several gold medalists, many silver medalists and very, very many bronze medalists.

Diplomas and medals that the participants receive are a huge reason for pride and motivation for further studies.

And still dancing. I decided to write what I comprehended for a long time and slowly myself - the basics of sports ballroom dancing. I write for parents like myself. For parents who can't figure out what's going on. For parents whose head is spinning from the amount of information that needs to be learned.

Do I advise anyone to send their child to ballroom dancing? Of course no.
1. it's expensive
2. takes a lot of time
3. "takes off" a lot of weekends
4. it's hours of waiting
5. take pity on your nerves!

Let's say you enrolled your child in ballroom dancing.
At first, the child only has group classes twice a week. If the child is small, they are taught to dance:
5 years
children's polka, ducklings, disco
6 years
slow waltz, berlin polka, disco
7 years and older
slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka

All clubs teach the same steps. These are the steps required for attestation. For children, the tournament is equal to certification. But there are also certain programs, such as the Six Steps of Mastery (but more on that later).

When your child has learned the first steps, the coach says it's time to participate in tournaments.

After the child’s performance, DO NOT FORGET to take a printed PAPER (looks like a ribbon) that says how many points your child scored, who was the main judge, where the event took place, how many couples there were, your child’s number. Paste the paper into the tournament book! If there is no book yet, DO NOT throw away the paper, paste it later!
Your child moves to the next level when the coach decides. Or when you score 100 points in tournaments.

DON'T FORGET TO TAKE WATER! Children though to drink! and a chocolate can be useful - it does not overload the stomach before a performance and gives a small boost of energy :)
At tournaments, you should always have pins with you to pin your number, as pins are not always sold.
At the beginning of the year, the coach usually collects money and makes an athlete's book. If the book is ready for the first tournament, don't forget to take it with you. If the book is not ready yet, do not forget to take the birth certificate of the child or your passport, where the child is recorded.
Do not forget to find out the name and surname of the coach and the name of the club!

You arrive an hour before the start. Buying admission ticket for yourself, a child, and if you want, you can also buy a cup of one dance, but this is not necessary. For example, the Polka Cup.
After buying a ticket, you go and register the child, they give you a number. Dress up your child:
nude tights, sandals, white swimsuit, black skirt or (if allowed, rating dress), bun on the head (nail polish must be without glitter, no makeup)
white long sleeve shirt, black pants, black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dance shoes

and pin the number on the child's back.
Tournaments usually feature solos, couples, and goblets. For kids, the program is called:
Baby 1 and Baby 2

For children seven years of age and older
H3, H4 ... H6 - by the number of dances performed.
After H6 there are classes E, D, C, B, A. A class is the highest. Behind him is a master of sports.

At tournaments, your child dances his program. Judges evaluate the child on a three-point system. The highest score for one dance is 3 points. The lowest is 1. Sometimes the judge may not give a mark at all. Highest score in H3 - 9 points. That is, 3 dances, three points for each. Sometimes children who scored 9 points dance again H3. And among them choose the best - 1,2 and 3 place.

If you bought a cup of one dance, then the child dances together with everyone else one dance. If you're lucky, your child will get to the semi-finals, and then to the final. Usually 7 people remain in the final. 1st to 7th place.

First they dance the program H3. These kids are coming early. When they complete their program and receive prizes, then, of course, they are going to go home. And at this time already underway registration of children who will dance H4.
If your child dances two programs, then you first register for H3, and when registration begins for H4, then also for H4. Naturally, the child will have a different number. Don't forget to buy another ticket.

There is also a certification program "Six levels of mastery"
This is a system for assessing the dance skills of children 1-3 years of study. The smallest dancers (5-6 years old, 1st year of training are groups of preschoolers) participate in steps called baby-1 and baby-2. Older dancers (6 years and older) gradually pass from 1 to 6 levels of mastery.

At the certification there are a number of rules and traditions that must be observed. Firstly, a certain dress- for girls it is a white leotard, a black skirt, flesh-colored tights or white socks and dancing shoes (from the 4th step it is allowed to dance in a rating dress), for boys - a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, a black tie or bow tie, black socks and black dancing shoes. Hairstyle for girls- a bunch (other options are not allowed if the girl has short haircut, all hair should be removed as much as possible with invisible hairpins and styling products), all hair should be collected into a hairstyle with varnish or other styling products (without shine) and invisible hairpins. Clothing and hairpins should be free of jewelry and sequins. It is better to do your hair in advance, at home, so that you only need to fix it before the performance. Secondly, there is a tradition at certification - children give flowers to your coach. This happens before the start of each stage after the parade of participants. Therefore, you need to have a flower with you - since the coach is present at the certification from morning until evening, and there are usually a lot of students, it is better to give one flower with a slight smell and such that it does not wither. It will not be out of place for those who pass the baby-1 or baby-2 or step 1 steps to bring some kind of flower container with them so that they do not wither until the evening (for example, a cut 5-liter water bottle) - this will be a manifestation respect for the coach. Thirdly, you must have 4 safety pins- it is English, they are necessary for pinning the number, ordinary pins can injure the child. Fourth, participation in certification is paid(usually it is 250-300 rubles per spectator and per participant, and the participant pays this fee for each step). And lastly, the coach informs you in advance what time you need to arrive for registration. Attention! If you are late, you may not be registered, and the child will not be able to participate in the assessment. Plan your time in advance so that you arrive without delay.

Where is certification carried out? Most often, certification takes place in dance hall"Nika" (street Kirovogradskaya, 21a, nearest metro station "Prazhskaya"). You have arrived for certification, what should you do next? First of all, you need to pay a fee for participation in certification. Then you need to register. Lists of participants are posted next to the registration (look carefully for which stage the list is posted, sometimes registration is delayed). You need to find your child's name and number in the list. You name this number and the number of the school at registration. If you suddenly did not find your last name on the list, you need to go to registration and simply give the last name and first name of the child, the team and the last name of the coach. The person registering you usually asks for the last name of the child, be careful. As your child is registered, his name and surname will be written on the diploma. After that, you will be given a number. It needs to be pinned on the child's back. In the hall, try to be close to the coach and other children and parents from your club so as not to miss the parade of participants and the warm-up (children are given the opportunity to repeat the dances before the performance). All children are dressed the same, look the same from the back. Be careful not to lose the child in the crowd))). After the end of the performance, you need to quickly remove the number and give it to the coach.

What dances are performed at the certification?

Program " dance planet childhood":

Stage I (baby-1) - children's polka, ducklings, disco
Stage II (baby-2) - slow waltz, Berlin polka, disco

According to the program of 6 levels of mastery, the following dances are performed:

Stage I - slow waltz, cha-cha-cha and polka.
Stage II - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
Stage III - slow waltz, samba, cha-cha-cha, disco
Stage IV - slow waltz, rhythmic foxtrot, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
Stage V - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive
Stage VI - slow waltz, quickstep, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive

You can see which figures are performed at which steps

What is the grading system for certification?

At the attestation, marks are given by 5 judges. Competitive attestation participants are evaluated on a 5-point system.

1 point- participant does not dance competitive program
2 points- dances the competitive program, but not in accordance with the musical rhythm
3 points- dances the competitive program to music, but does not keep the lines of the body.
4 points- dances to the music, keeps the lines of the body, but technically does not accurately perform the figures.
5 points- dances to the music, holds the lines of the body, performs the figures technically correctly.

According to the results of the assessments, the participant is awarded: diploma, diploma, diploma with honors. According to the results of the assessments, the participant is awarded: diploma, diploma, diploma with honors.

Number of dances


Number of points



baby-1, baby-2, 1 step


Honors degree



53 and under



2 and 3 steps


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