Pike from a fairy tale. Portfolio for the hero of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike" - Emelya


"There is nothing more hateful to wisdom than cunning."
Eastern wisdom.

This story was told to me by my parents. Mine are their grandparents. Because this tale is certainly more than a hundred years old. In tsarist times, the censors of the throne allowed the interpretation of everything and history and legends and fairy tales in the educational context that supported the system of slavery of the Russian peoples. Education, as you know, is laid from childhood, and so His Highest Pike Excellency was set up to leave only the beginning and end of the tale untouched, and edit the middle as He ordered. Sometimes fairy tales can be reduced to the level of an anecdote, for example, as a fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower", in others, this is unacceptable because the meaning of the fairy tale, its good and positive magic, is lost.

Fairy tale "By pike command"created by the Russian people has a completely different meaning! It traces the growth of Emelya as a person, from a small idea to a medium one, from an average creation to highest goal. Yes, he is a lazy person and the Russian people always love to laugh at themselves in moderation, but who wants to bend their backs?

Here the saying is appropriate: "Laziness and poverty are the engines of progress."

Any sailboat can be turned into a rowing boat, although it is difficult to sail, it is possible, as well as the reverse surrogate process of turning a person into a slave and a monkey. And what happened to the fairy tale was published. And read the works of A. S. Pushkin, written according to the legends of Arina Rodionovna, and the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Russian person immediately changes. In them, Ivan is ... a prince, a champion of goodness and justice, a kind and brave hero.

In our depths big motherland, fairy tales have been preserved in a pure, folk way. They remained pristine, as my mother told me. She was a descendant of a Cossack family from Central Asia and told as they were said by the Russian people.

Of course, it was difficult for me to restore this fairy tale, it abounded folk wisdom, sayings of the Russian people, bright humor and a riddle hidden for children's perception. My goal was to correct the misunderstanding, to put together the past and the lost in a new way, to build on the skeletons left in children's literature - living body wise and kind Russian folk tale.

A fairy tale, a fairy tale is different, and how to say, it's up to the parents. It is not for nothing that they say: "As you harness, so you will go" and "What you sow, you will reap."

I decided to write it for you - in Prose. ru and tell you how I heard it myself in early childhood.

Happy reading dear readers.

The Russian people are simple, but not simple.
And he tells simple and difficult tales.


Once upon a time there was an old man and he had three sons, two smart and the third weirdo - the fool Emelya.

The brothers are working so hard that their eyes are sweating, and Emelya lies on the stove all day, not wanting to know anything. He only dreams about everything falling by itself, like a shaft, from the sky.

Once the brothers went to the market to air their brains and soar their hands. And the women of the daughter-in-law, let's bare our teeth, send them at random - to the fool:

Go Emelya for water.

And he told them from the stove:

Where the women are smooth there and there is no water in the tub.

No, I don't want...

Go Emelya, otherwise the brothers from the market will come back and they won’t bring you presents.

Well, if so. That's okay!
Sleep, so sleep! And do not sleep, so get up!

Emelya stretched himself, got down from the stove, put on his shoes, dressed, ran out into the yard, washed himself with snow, ran into the hallway, took buckets and an ax and went to the river. And the girls go to meet him with yokes on their shoulders, chirping about their own, splashing water.

As soon as they passed each other, Emelya understood his mistake, realized that he had to return home for the yoke. He turned, slipped and so on the slope head over heels with buckets down and flew off. In spirit I rushed to the edge of the polynya, with all my swing the buckets slammed into the water, the spray flew in all directions. Yes, and he hit his head on the ice hard.

Emelya came to his senses, pulled the buckets out of the water, and in one the pike, belly up, dumbfounded, as if struck by thunder ...

Emel took the pike by the gills, brought it to his face, admires it overjoyed. He laughs, licks his broken lip, and says to himself:

Wow! We'll fry the cutlet for the brothers. For daddy - season the pike head with garlic and bake. Let's boil the giblets, wow!, the ear will be sweet.

And the pike stared at Emelya with bulging eyes, opened its royal mouth, prayed, and with a voice from heaven and from the expanse of the river, it said to him:

Listen to Emily! Let me go for good and say goodbye, and for that, I will thank you.

Emelya opened his mitten, wondered, did not believe himself, pike!, but spoke in human language.

Emelya asks the pike:

How will you thank me?

She says:

Listen and understand.

All! In this World it is done - at My command! Remember it! You are left with one. Just want to... As you pronounce my cherished words, so everything will come true.

Emelya was already taken aback, he thinks to himself:

Not weakly, I shandarahnulsya, since such a thing is heard.

Emelya began to delve into the fish language, looks into the mouth, comprehends miraculous words. In the meantime, the mistress of the river came to her senses, spinning like in a frying pan, contrived, and finally, as a token of great gratitude for the perception - she rewarded Emelya, starred him with a magic tail in the face, putting all the memory into a crack hidden power promises written on water.

Emelya did not have time to open his mouth, and it just so happened, with tacit consent the Tsar-fish slipped out of Emelin's hands. She waved her fins and in parting, in a voice from heaven and the expanse of the river, affectionately said to him:

The time will come, you will become happy Emelyushka. Remember, don't forget what you said...

And she went to her enchanted river kingdom.

Emelya, from such a situation, he was already dumbfounded.

Live cutlets slipped through my fingers.

Emelya began to think. But how! Much has been said, but little has been said... He remembers, gets confused and cannot remember what the fish whispered to him:

According to me, he says ... by command, according to your ... therefore, to be desire ... or, according to our desire? And everything will be fulfilled!

Well things...

Emelya began to reproach himself, to talk to himself and say:

That's it, shu ... That's it ?! ... shu - ka.

He does not believe his ears, shivered, shook himself, licks his broken lip, feels how the mind goes beyond the mind, even stunned ... from such an insight.

And the girls on the hill are standing with their ears, holding on to their stomachs and asking for interruption:

What did Emelya explain to the pike in love, but she refused? And let's laugh as much as they are tearing themselves up.

But Emelya was embarrassed and said:

Yes, she begged, she told me while you don’t have a wife, I’ll be a planted mother for you and I’ll help you in everything, as soon as you want to!, and all your desires will be fulfilled. For this promise, I’ll pick her up and say hello, I took her and sent her away.

Oh, it’s not sickly to see Emelya from a pike slap in the face. Emelya thinks to himself: am I a man or not a man, am I going to carry water on a yoke like a woman? No, you need to decide things with your mind. Just something to do! It's worth it, just ... want!

He returned home, made racks with wheel traction, stuck one in the hole, put the others on the shore. He pulled on the straps, hooked the buckets, he himself rested his legs on the slope, pulls the belt pull on himself with his hands, and looks at the girls, laughs, covers his mouth with one palm and quietly says:

By pike command, according to my wish.

He just said, intercepted the belt traction with his second hand and the buckets themselves went uphill. The people smile, marvel, and Emelya himself is glad, he deftly set up his mechanics that the buckets flew into the hut and stood on the bench themselves. And Emelya entered the house and climbed onto the stove.

How much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say to him:

Emelya, why are you lying? I would go and chop wood.


If you don’t chop wood, the brothers from the market will return and they won’t bring you gifts.

Emelya too lazy to get off the stove. Yes, I really loved gifts. He got down from the couch, washed, dressed, began to put on shoes, and he thinks to himself: - with buckets, any fool is a master. But to make firewood pound with an ax ..., here is a task, it will be a little more difficult.

He sat down on a bench, thought, remembered about the wheel shaft, strained himself, thought, picked up a tool, assembled a marvelous assembly.

Yes, he says to the brides:

– The mustache seems to be in order and everything turned out smoothly.

He covered his mouth with his hand so that the daughter-in-law would not hear and whispers:

Give me an ax, chop wood, and go into the hut yourself and put the firewood in the oven ...

Everything spun, spun in the yard, and let's chop firewood with an ax and go into the hut themselves and climb into the stove.

The daughters-in-law opened their mouths in amazement ...

And Emelya thinks with a thought, collects a miracle machine, lives in it day and night, does not sleep, does not eat, does not drink.

He collected it, climbed onto the stove and sleeps, rests, dreams of happiness.

How much time has passed, the daughters-in-law again say:

- Emelya, we have no more firewood. Go to the forest and chop.

And he chimes from the stove:

What are you all for?

What are we doing?.. Is it really our job to go to the forest for firewood?

Yeah, how to scratch your tongues so you can't find anyone against you.

No, I'm not reluctant, but he laughs himself ...

Well, if you don't want it as you like, there will be no gifts for you.

Emel got down from the stove, dressed warmly, took a rope, a saw and an ax and went out into the yard.

Sat in the sleigh and says:

Why bare your teeth, open the gate!

His bridesmaids ask him:

Why are you a weirdo, got into the sleigh and didn’t harness the horse?

I don't need a horse!

The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya covered his mouth with his hand so that the daughters-in-law would not hear and said quietly:

At the pike's command, at my will...

Go sleigh into the forest ...

The sleigh drove out of the gate on its own and so fast that it was impossible to catch up on a horse. And then I had to go to the forest through the capital, and here he crushed a lot of idlers and mouth-waterers with a miracle sleigh.

White hands let's shout:

Hold it! Catch him!

And he knows the sleigh drives. He came to the forest and with all his heart at the top of his voice and blurts out:

That's the pike of business, they all climb in the wrong direction, they look at the wrong thing! Don't do anything yourself! They want a pike of everything. What can you do with them! Therefore, you will have an ax: - at the behest of a pike, at my will - to chop dry firewood! And let the firewood fall into the sleigh themselves, knit themselves ...

Oh, and the well-coordinated hatchet began to chop, and the saw cut dry firewood. The firewood themselves fall into the sleigh and knit with a rope. Then, Emelya ordered the ax to cut down his clubs and such that they could hardly lift them.

The hatchet in the hands of Emelya began to work wonders, gloriously cut down. For a feast for the eyes! He tied Emel's clubs to the cogwheel, sat down on the cart and said:

Come on, let's go home yourself.

The sleigh raced home. Again Emelya passes through the streets and boyar courtyards, where just now he has crushed many idle paunches, and they are already waiting for him. They just wanted to grab Emelya by the sleeves, but Emelya got out, pulled out the key and said:

Well, batons, break off their sides ...

The clubs jumped out from under the wheel and let's thresh and beat the lazybones. They rushed away.

And Emelya, tired during the day, came home and, having not eaten, climbed onto the stove.

How long or how short time has passed, the tsar heard about Emelkin's tricks and sends the head of the gendarmerie to that village for Emelya.

And a lot of people came to Emelya, so he made two entrances, one to himself where he made crafts and crafts and the other was in the barnyard. Yes, he punished the daughters-in-law, depending on how they ask, to invite the one who comes either to him, or send him to the courtyard through another door. For the slanderous and rude, the entrance was with a secret, as you enter, you immediately fall into the pit.

The royal servant did not greet the door, did not introduce himself, but immediately began to wave his tongue like a saber to chop:

What are the images staring at? Yes, and you are an old stump sitting down, do not you see something who is standing in front of you! Come on, where is your son of a bitch Emelya?

And his daughters-in-law say to him:

Have mercy, they did not recognize. Don’t blame me, his father is both deaf and blind, and Emelyushka has been waiting for you in the barnyard since morning - waiting ...

He went out into the courtyard of the kings lackey, entered that door and immediately fell into the sump. He got out with force, and then straw with feathers woke up on him. It was in such a trimmed handsome man that he appeared before the king.

The king got angry, sent his greatest nobleman:

Bring me to the palace - a fool, son of a bitch Emelya.

The grandee bought raisins, prunes, gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began to ask his daughters-in-law:

What does Emelya love?

Our Emelya loves to be affectionately asked and promised a red caftan, then he will do whatever you ask!

The greatest nobleman treated his daughters-in-law to raisins, gingerbread, prunes, and he himself entered the door where Emelya was making, greeted and said:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

Emelya answers him:

- It’s warm here too, but he himself thinks: - oh, the gentleman-boyar, like a royal servant, but he himself is a fool a fool, he can’t distinguish a cart from an oven.

And the nobleman is eager to fulfill the royal decree - he persuades and sweetly sings like this:

Emelya, you can’t warm your belly with a stove, but the tsar will feed you well, give you water, please let’s go.

Emelya does not stop working, she masters and says:

And I don't feel like it.

The nobleman does not lag behind, climbs out of his skin, flushed, puffs like a samovar, already sweating.

He thinks to himself, what else to offer?

I remembered what his daughters-in-law told him at the meeting.

He hit his forehead with his hand and said:

Emelya! ... The king will give you a red caftan! ...hat and boots!

Emelya looked at the nobleman and thought: - seems to be simple as a pig and cunning as a snake.

You know, in truth, I'm not as lazy as I used to be. Well, okay, you go ahead and I'll follow you - I'll follow.

The nobleman left, and Emelya stoked the furnace to red and said to his daughters-in-law:

What can you do? At least I’ll look at people and show myself. Hunting, more than bondage, and therefore, at the behest of a pike! According to my desire - let's "bake" go to the palace ...

Here in the hut the corners cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out and the stove itself went along the street, along the road, straight to the palace.

The king looks out the window, marvels:

What kind of miracle is this crew?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove going to you.

The king came out onto the porch and said:

Something Emelya has a lot of complaints about you! You crushed mine a lot and crushed the raven. This made me very upset.

Emelya says:

They suffered because of their curiosity. They themselves climbed under an unprecedented sled. And the sled is not simple, new and not run-in. But it’s not in vain that they say: “The curious Barbara got her nose torn off at the bazaar,” and so they got it.

Okay, says the king - I'll forgive you your sins, if you want to wipe your nose with one arrogant foreign princess, but you don’t want to! I'll take my head off my shoulders.

And he takes out a tiny crystal casket and gives it to Emelya. Emelya opened the chest and wondered, a silver flea sits on red velvet and sorts through with its legs. And while Emelya was examining the flea, he himself all this time looked with one eye at the tsar's daughter Marya the princess and fell in love.

It was already evening, and Emelya was standing and dreaming:

Right now... How great it would be! By royal decree, at my will!... He will marry me, a beautiful princess... And we would throw a feast! - to the whole world!

Emelya began to ask the king, he says:

Give me your daughter in marriage! I want to marry her!

Princess Marya heard this, was delighted, she herself also fell in love with Emelyushka at first sight. It happens so!

And how not to fall in love? The guy is Russian, his own, with a head and an artisan!

The king narrowed his eyes cunningly and said to Emelya:

Want is not harmful! Maryushka is no match for you, a foreign prince is wooing her. Only one, only speaks like a spring brook murmurs.

So come on, go for good, healthy, and don't break the flea. And kill yourself on the nose, the time will come - I'll ask.

Emelya squirmed, but what can you do. He took the casket, sat on the self-propelled "oven" and drove home.

Again he lies, lies down, puffs up and puffs up over the royal decree, she cannot forget Maryushka.

Yes, and says:

After all, the pike, the tsar himself and he cannot live without me, no one gives me rest day or night! You hear one thing: - sleeps and sleeps, but there is no time to rest. And he set a task - a difficult tricky one.

He got down from the couch, started a flea, put it on the table, and she let's jump in a circle. The bridesmaids laugh and wonder.

One says:

Oh!... Even though it's a flea, it's like a foal spinning near the uterus...

What does Emelya think, ... let me take her ...

He took a flea ... and ... shod.

In the meantime, the king in the palace screams and tears. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him. She asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Then the tsar got into trouble, and said to Marya the princess:

If you don't obey me! And at My command you will not marry the prince - I will let you go into the world.

And he himself called the greatest nobleman and said:

Go, bring Emelya to me, dead or alive.

Bought the largest nobleman of sweet wines and various snacks and went to that village. In his own way, he entered that hut and began to treat his daughters-in-law, feed his father and brothers with tales, regale and drink everyone.

He pours a full cup for his hosts and just a little for himself. From the belly leans on pies with hare, with cabbage and with sterlet. He blushed, sits and incessantly this and that, about the king and about the kingdom - he says everything. Himself, imperceptibly, pours everything to Emelya and solders it.

Emelya thinks to herself:

Oh, the boyar master, cunning and gluttonous like a pike and not at all as simple as you seem.

Late evening is already leaning towards midnight, the daughters-in-law and brothers are tired of talking and retired to sleep, and the nobleman keeps joking, does not leave. Emelya was tired from work during the day, he got very drunk and did not even notice how he dozed off. And the tsar’s servant put the deadly sleeping Emelya in a wagon and took him to the palace.

The king stirred up, woke up Emelya and asked:

Well, son of a bitch, wiped his nose to foreigners?
Let's show the bug!

Emel took out a chest, only gave it to the king in the hands and immediately fell asleep.

The tsar looks, sees nothing, got angry, ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in, they put Emelya and the disobedient Marya Tsarevna in it, pitched it and threw the barrel into the sea.

How long did they swim briefly - Emelya woke up, he senses that it is dark and crowded around. My head hurts, my ears are ringing. He asks himself:

- Where am I?

Princess Marya answers:

In the sea we are Emelyushka. You and I would go out to free will ... Free will.

Emelya was delighted, covered his mouth and quietly says:

At the behest of the pike, at my will - violent winds roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand ...

The winds blew violently. The sea was agitated, the barrel was thrown onto a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the princess came out of it.

Princess Mary says:

- Emelyushka, where will we sleep and live? Build any kind of hut with pastels and a pillow.

And he answers her:

- No, I don’t want anything ... I can’t bear it, I’m tired and I want to sleep.

Then she began to ask him even more and say:

Emelyushka and you try and want. I didn’t sleep on the grass and I won’t live in a hut.

Emelya sighed, covered his mouth with his hand so that Princess Marya would not hear, and said:

- Well ... By pike command ...

And he began to build, grow in breadth, rise to the heights of a stone palace with a golden roof, such as Marya the princess herself on the tongue of a skewer, and most importantly, Emelyushka wanted herself for Maryushka. It's a very nice palace. Around - a green garden, flowers bloom and birds sing. Princess Marya and Yemelya entered the palace and sat down by the little window.

They look into the distance, they drink tea with jams and honey, they talk about an unprecedented, new free life.

Emelya says:

Oh Maryushka! How boring is the day until the evening when there is nothing to do.

Yes! Emelyushka is always like this, when she lives for herself, her heart is torn to work.

Princess Marya blossomed, smiled and asked:

Emelyushka, can't you become handsome? He himself shod an English flea and put your teeth in front. And if you don’t fix it, I won’t pardon or kiss.

Then Emelya began to grieve, chattered ... I realized that now it’s just so easy, you can’t remember the pike.

Yes, and says:

Okay Maryushka, I'll do it.

And Emelya also became a dentist and such that neither in a fairy tale can be said nor described with a pen. He straightened his teeth, stopped lisping, became the first guy in the kingdom.

Emelya says:

From now on, Maryushka, I will do everything, only - at your command! And... My understanding.

Well done Emelyushka, you should not take your mind! And desire ... I will always provide you.

So they lived and did not grieve.

How much time has passed, the king decided to inspect his possessions. And by that time, the king had already become decrepit and toothless. The king gathered his servants and went hunting. How long was it short, and suddenly I saw ... there is a palace where there was nothing before.

The king asks his servants:

What kind of ignoramus is this - pike giblets, without my high permission for that, and on my land he set up a palace?

And he sent to find out who they were. The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking questions.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads him to the palace, puts him at the table. They start drinking. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Who will you be, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool, the weirdo Emelya. How did he come to you on the stove and you ordered him and your daughter to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea?

I am the same Emelya and I am that I shod a flea and assembled a self-propelled stove.

The king frowned and said:
- So that means you! ...Pike head?!

And Emelya answers him:
- You, Your Majesty, say yes, do not talk. I want! I will heap up such things - I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and cunningly asks:

Do you want to marry my daughter?... Emelyushka.

Maryushka and happiness! And my love.

So get married...

The king sits under his breath mumbling:

Here it is! ...pike...

The king got up from the table and said to Emelya:

From now on, you will be dear to me like a dear puppy! Take My Kingdom! Just...don't ruin it.

Here they arranged a feast - for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the Kingdom.

That's the end of the tale and who listened, well done!

Russian proverbs:

When a person believes in his own strength, in himself, he is a creator and gives birth to miracles. Pike so that the gudgeon does not doze off. With ours, the most important thing is that the man on the stove does not sleep, but wants and wants. If life gets better, then the work gets better. Holding on to the tug, do not say that it is not a dozen. The kingdom took so know how to own, only - do not destroy. Manage, great skill, so that everyone would be fine. It is good to live in high esteem yes the answer is great. Russian spirit in culture and education. Freedom is not enough. When wives scold, then they often say: I told you, humanly.
The tarred people live, shackled with iron hoops, and after all, what kind of people, artisans and with a head.

The tale teaches the main thing:

As a person wants what he wants, so he will fuss about it. If a person wants, flowers will bloom on a bare peak.
Have time and patience for whatever you want. Without desire and labor, you cannot even catch a fish from a pond.

Strive to want! Dream, learn, read. Set a goal! Work hard and make your dreams come true. Believe in knowledge, in yourself!
Be brave, strong and you will become free and happy yourself! And the fantasy world will come true for you.

It also happens. Sometimes scolding others - you praise and praising, you scold yourself ...

The Russian folk tale "By the Pike" tells about simple guy from peasant family named Emelya. In his family, Emelya was considered a narrow-minded person, and to physical labor He didn't have much traction. Most of all, Emelya loved to lie on the stove. It took a lot of work to persuade Emelya to do something around the house. He agreed to do the job only if he was promised a present.

Once I managed to lift Emelya from the stove and send him to the river for water. It was winter. Emel took buckets and an ax and went to the river. On the river, he not only cut an ice-hole and collected water, but also managed to catch a pike with his bare hands. The pike turned out to be not simple, but magical. She said to Emily cherished words who fulfill any desire. Emelya immediately wished that the buckets of water would go home by themselves.

Then the magic words helped to chop wood. And when the firewood ran out, Emelya, on a sleigh alone, without horses, went to the forest. In the forest, the ax chopped the wood himself, the firewood itself formed in the sledge, and Emelya returned home.

The tsar himself learned about the unusual deeds of Emelya. He ordered Emelya to be delivered to his palace. Emelya showed ingenuity here too. With the help of magic words, he went to the king right lying on the stove. In the palace, Emelya liked the princess, and again he used magic words to make the royal daughter fall in love with him. The king did not like such a candidate for grooms. Emelya was sedated by deceit and, together with the princess in a barrel, was sent across the sea.

When Emelya woke up in a barrel, he was not at a loss, but asked the waves and the wind to throw him ashore and free him from the barrel. At the request of the princess, Emelya decided to build a rich palace on the other side, and he himself became handsome.

Once the king passed by the palace. Emelya invited him to visit and the king saw how rich and strong he had become. The king was frightened, asked Emelya for forgiveness and gave Emelya the kingdom, and married his daughter to him.

Takovo summary fairy tales "By the command of the pike."

Fairy tale hero peasant son Emelya, turned out to be not so stupid person. Having become the owner of magic words, he showed remarkable imagination, inventing how hard peasant labor could be facilitated.

First of all, a fairy tale teaches us mindfulness. If Emelya had not been an attentive person, he would not have noticed a pike in the hole. The fairy tale also teaches us to be dexterous and resourceful. Emelya, noticing a pike, was not at a loss and caught it with his bare hands. We can say that he literally "caught luck by the tail" and, as a result, got the opportunity to work miracles. It should be noted that in this tale the pike symbolizes the nature around us. By carefully observing the phenomena of nature, people gradually learned its secrets, and came up with many useful things - a wheel, self-propelled carts, many other useful things, and even learned to fly in the sky like birds.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "By the Pike" is that a person's happiness depends on himself. If you don't know what to want, then nothing will happen. Emelya, although presented to us as a stupid simpleton, actually wanted happiness, and he got it. And we judge everything, as they say, by the end result.

Of course, in real life we will not catch the magic pike, but in order to succeed in life, you need to have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you need to strive for. Emelya knew what he wanted and was able to properly take advantage of the new opportunities that the pike had given him.

Main character fairy tales - Emelya - absorbed both negative and positive traits an ordinary Russian guy of his time.

Unknown author

Some fairy tales appear on their own, others are invented by writers. How did the story called "By the Pike" come about? The fairy tale, the author of which is still unknown, is the product of folk art. It had several variations and different regions told differently.

The Russian ethnographer Afanasiev, following the example of the Brothers Grimm or Charles Perrault, decided to organize a voyage around the country and collect scattered legends into one voluminous work, so to speak, to systematize the national heritage. He slightly changed the title of the story and generalized the individual elements that differed depending on the region. Thanks to this, the fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" gained popularity.

The next one who undertook to cut a familiar plot was Alexei Tolstoy. He added to folk epic literary beauty and returned to the work the old name "By the Pike's Command". The fairy tale, the author of which tried to make it more interesting for children, quickly scattered around Moscow and St. Petersburg, and local theaters even added a new performance to their repertoire.

Main characters

The main character of this legend is a certain not too quick young guy Emelya. It contains those negative qualities that prevent him from leading a good life:

  • frivolity;


However, when he shows his intelligence and kindness, he comes across real luck - a pike from an ice hole.

The second character, literally the antipode of Emelya, is the pike. She is smart and fair. The fish is designed to help the young man in his personal development, to direct his thoughts in the right direction. As expected in such situations, Emelya and pike became friends.

The third hero acts as a villain. The tsar is a busy man who leads a state of many millions, whom Emelya forces with his antics to descend to the common man. The tale "About Emelya and the Pike" endowed him with an envious character.

The Tsar's daughter is a prize for the protagonist for taking the path of correction.


The tale "Emelya and the Pike" begins with an acquaintance with the main character. He is so unintelligent and extremely lazy that everything entrusted to him has to be redone by other people.

Emelya's daughters-in-law interrogated him for help with long persuasion. Nevertheless, as soon as someone promises him a reward for what he does, he will immediately set to work with double strength.

And suddenly, one fine day, Emelya pulls out a magic pike from the hole. She offers him her service in exchange for her life. The guy immediately agrees.

Magic Help

After the pike becomes his magical subordinate, Emelya lives even better than before. Now he does not even have to carry out very simple orders.

Magic powers cut wood, walk on water, and even beat up his enemies. Emelya remains very pleased with what is happening. He is so lazy that he does not even want to get up from the stove. Pike helps him with this too, turning the stove into the first prototype of a mechanical vehicle.

During such walks on horseback, Emelya can crush several peasants who come across along the way. He justifies himself by the fact that people themselves jumped under his stove.

It seems that he has no remorse for what he did. The tale "About Emelya and the Pike" contains a hidden moral.

Tsar and Emelya

Having heard about an unprecedented miracle, a self-propelled stove, and even about the cool temper of its owner, the tsar decides to call Emelya to him.

Reluctantly, the "hero" comes to look at the master's mansions. But this trip changes the whole life of a guy.

IN royal palace he is dating the queen. At first, she also seems rather wayward and lazy. But Emelya decides that it is time for him to settle down, and wants to call her as his wife.

The master's daughter at first disagrees. The monarch himself opposes such a union, harboring hopes that his daughter will marry only noble person or a foreign king.

Emelya asks the pike to bewitch the disobedient princess. In the end, the young man gets his way. The girl agrees. They are getting married.

The enraged king locks the couple forever in love in a barrel and throws them into the sea. Emelya asks the pike to save them. She makes the barrel come to the shore, they get out of it.

The guy asks the pike to build a huge palace for himself, and turn him into a hand-written handsome man. magic fish fulfills a wish.

Happy newlyweds live in clover until an angry king comes to them. His palace is much smaller than that of Emelya. The protagonist graciously forgives the sovereign for all the past. He invites him to dine with them. During the banquet, Emelya confesses to him who he really is. The king remains amazed by dexterity and intelligence young man. Now he understands that it was such a guy who was supposed to marry his daughter.

"By the Pike's Command" is a kind and instructive tale. Its end does not leave a concrete guide to action. On the contrary, everyone should think for himself and decide for himself what is right in life and what is not worth doing.

“At the command of the pike” (Russian fairy tale): analysis

This story is like a dream Slavic peoples by using magical powers get everything you want, without much straining.

At the same time, Emelya managed to catch a pike only on his own, when he nevertheless began to do at least something and honestly.

A complete quitter in front of readers evolves into a hardworking, decent person. Having received sufficient motivation in the form of love for the princess, he forgets about the desire to remain lazy, live only for his own pleasure and gets down to business.

If the pike and does not produce on him great impression, he initially takes her for granted, then the girl's first refusal awakens feelings in him.

At the moment when Emelya on the stove begins to crush passers-by, according to many researchers of the tale, the guy shows royal features. After this incident, even the monarch turned his attention to him.

It is possible that our ancestors, who created the fairy tale, saw in the last external transformation of Emelya and internal changes for the better.

When he became more beautiful, he managed to forgive and understand the king, became kinder and more attentive to others. People with visible facial markings were usually considered bad or even familiar with evil spirits.

While Emelya looked like an ordinary, not too pleasant guy, he could not become a king. With the acquisition inner beauty everything immediately changed.

Traditional Russian fairy tales always end hopefully. Most likely, the peasants of that time imagined the happiest day in this way.

"By the Pike's Command"

The catchphrase of the whole fairy tale is "At the command of the pike, at my will." This is a kind of spell that summons a magical pike. Saying these words, Emelya gets everything he wants. "By the pike command", that is, just like that. Without putting any effort into it. Despite the fact that the tale is called "Emelya and Pike", among the people it was renamed in honor of these magic words.

Pike teaches the guy this secret spell. And as soon as it sounds, the magic begins to act, wherever Emelya is. Though on the stove, even under water. In the barrel, he is saved by the phrase "at the command of the pike." The tale is its main thread.

These words immediately became a proverb among the people. They mean an attempt to do something not with your own hands, but for someone else's, most often magical, account.

Fairy tale in pop culture

When the story was first published in large numbers and read by many, it immediately became popular.

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" even became the basis for the film of the same name. A children's film was made in 1938. The well-known at that time Alexander Row was responsible for directing. Separate elements of the script were taken from Elizaveta Tarakhovskaya's play "Emelya and the Pike". The tale in her interpretation has been adapted to modern realities but the moral is the same.

Director Ivanov-Vano made a cartoon based on the same fiction in 1957. And once again, Tarakhovskaya's play was taken in 1970, for a new film adaptation by Vladimir Pekar.

The third cartoon was created by Valery Fomin, already in 1984.

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" was immortalized on the stamps of the GDR in 1973. Each of the six stamps depicts one of the subjects were.

The mentions of Emelya themselves became popular. The protagonist of the story began to be associated with a lazy person who wants to get rich without doing anything.

"Emelya and the Pike" - a fairy tale, the author of which is not known, did not want to perpetuate himself and remain in the memory of his descendants, not striving for fame, wealth, fame. Nevertheless, his image perfectly demonstrates what a good person should be like.

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