What is the meaning of verbal creativity of preschoolers. Formation of verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age


In the formation of artistic, in particular verbal, children's creativity, N.A. Vetlugina identified three stages.

The first stage is the accumulation of experience. The role of the teacher is to organize life observations that affect children's creativity. The child must be taught to visualize the environment.

The second stage is the actual process of children's creativity, when an idea arises, searches are underway. artistic means. The emergence of a plan in a child passes if an attitude to a new activity is created (let's think of a story). The presence of a plan encourages children to search for means of its implementation: searching for a composition, highlighting the actions of the characters, choosing words. Of great importance here creative tasks.

At the third stage, new products appear. The child is interested in its quality, strives to complete it, experiencing aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the results of creativity by adults, their interest.

Knowledge of the characteristics of the formation of children verbal creativity makes it possible to determine the conditions necessary for teaching children creative storytelling.

1. One of the conditions for the success of children in creative activities is the constant enrichment of the experience of children with impressions from life. This work can be of a different nature depending on the specific task: excursions, observing the work of adults, looking at paintings, albums, illustrations in books and magazines, reading books.

2. Another important condition for successful teaching of creative storytelling is considered to be the enrichment and activation of the vocabulary. Children need to replenish and activate the dictionary due to the words-definitions; words that help describe experiences, character traits actors.

3. A creative story is a productive activity, the end result of which should be a coherent, logically consistent story. Therefore, one of the conditions is the ability of children to coherently tell, to master the structure of a coherent statement, to know the composition of the narrative and description. Children learn these skills at previous age stages, reproducing literary texts, compiling descriptions of toys and paintings, inventing stories based on them. Especially close to verbal creativity are stories about one toy, thinking through the end and the beginning to the episode depicted in the picture.

4. Another condition is the children’s correct understanding of the “invent” task, i.e. to create something new, to talk about something that actually did not exist, or the child himself did not see it, but "invented it" (although in the experience of others there could be a similar fact).

If a modern normally developing child by 4.5 - 5 years old should master the entire system mother tongue: speak coherently, fully express your thoughts, easily building detailed complex sentences; easily retell stories and fairy tales; use all sounds correctly; his vocabulary is up to 4-5 thousand words, then a different picture is observed in children with speech disorders.


Verbal creativity is the most complex view creative activity of the child. The possibility of developing creative speech activity arises at the senior preschool age, when children have a sufficiently large stock of knowledge about the world around them, which can become the content of verbal creativity. Children take over complex shapes connected speech, vocabulary. They have the opportunity to act according to the plan. The imagination from a reproductive, mechanically reproducing reality turns into a creative one.

At preschool age, the emotional and expressive function of speech is significantly enriched and complicated. The child learns the meaning of words expressing an emotional state, emotional attitude to objects and phenomena, the meaning of words associated with emotional experiences, words denoting socially significant characteristics of a person. Assimilation by the child of words occurs in connection with a deeper and clearer difference in signs, objects and phenomena.

The development of the emotional and expressive function of children's speech - good foundation for the emergence and formation in the future of artistic perception and elements of artistic imagination in verbal creativity. Art is of particular importance in enriching perception.

The word can be not only a means of imagination, but also its "building material". The activity of the child is realized in mastering the language. This is manifested in the verbal creativity of children in the broad sense of the word, children manipulate, play with poetic forms (rhythm, rhyme, images).

Features of the manifestation of verbal creativity

at senior preschool age

The problem of developing the creativity of the younger generation is now increasingly attracting the attention of philosophers, psychologists, and educators. Society is constantly in need of creative people who are able to act actively, think outside the box, find original solutions to any life problems.

Verbal creativity is a complex process associated with the overall development of the child (O.S. Ushakova, F.A. Sokhin, N.N. Poddyakov, O.M. Dyachenko, N.V. Gavrish, O.N. Somkova, etc. ). There is a direct relationship between the development of children's speech and their creativity. Creativity itself is unthinkable without mastering the richness of the language in which the child speaks and thinks.

Verbal creativity is an integral part general development creativity preschoolers in different activities:

    its formation is based on the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art in the unity of content and artistic form;

    acquaintance with different genres of literary works, their specific features introduces the child into the world artistic images, the understanding of which is deepened in the pictorial and theatrical activities which contributes to the development creative imagination, as well as educates the ability to use a variety of language tools when creating your own compositions;

    the development of verbal creativity of older preschoolers is a multifaceted and multifaceted process. It depends on the general speech development of children: the higher this level, the more freely the child manifests himself in composing works.

Literary creativity is a two-pronged process: the accumulation of impressions in the process of cognizing reality and their creative processing in verbal form. The verbal creativity of children can be expressed in different forms:

In word creation, i.e. in the creation of new words, neologisms;

In composing poems;

In writing your own stories and fairy tales;

AT creative retellings.

Children need to be prepared for self-expression through creativity. Children must be taught to compose poems, riddles, fairy tales, stories. Children's texts help to trace the process of children's verbal creativity and their individuality.

Most scientists note that not all children have the ability to compose immediately and not every child seeks to show his "masterpiece". The problem of verbal creativity of preschoolers has not yet been sufficiently fully and deeply studied by preschool pedagogy.

Purpose of the study is to study the features of the manifestation of verbal creativity in older children preschool age.

Object of study- verbal creativity and features of its manifestation. The subject of the study is the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the manifestation of verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age.

Research hypothesis there was an assumption that the manifestation of verbal creativity will depend on a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions:

From inclinations, from the inclination of children to activity;

From the personality of the teacher (environment of interests, intellect);

From the activities of the teacher with children (games, classes, observations, etc.);

From the conditions of upbringing in the family (hobbies, communication, communication between generations);

From the experience of the child (theater, literature, TV, CD / DVD, etc.);

From differentiated approach to the personality of the child.

The study was conducted on the basis of MDOU No. 157 in Murmansk. The experiment involved 15 children of the older group aged 5 to 6 years.

The purpose of the ascertaining experiment: to identify the features of the manifestation of verbal creativity in children of older preschool age.

    reveal the ability of children to compose various works: a riddle, a fairy tale, a song, a poem;

    to reveal the dependence of the features of the manifestation of verbal creativity on the inclinations and inclinations of children;

    to determine the general level of verbal creativity of older preschoolers.

The ascertaining experiment consisted of two series of tasks: conversation with children; supervision of children during the month.

Let us give an example of observations.

Morning. Dasha R. took the theatrical "Teremok", hid all the heroes of the fairy tale and decided to make riddles for Nastya, who had just entered the group. “Red-haired, with a long ponytail, a beautiful girl, walks, deceives everyone, sister. Hitralya she" (fox). “She digs minks, she loves cheese very much. A beautiful princess girl. She is so cute, she says “wee-wee” ”(mouse).

“Grey walks, eats calves, he eats pigs, and for dinner he can gobble up a calf with cow" (wolf). "Clumsy, loves honey, can raise huge house. He himself is handsome and rich ”(bear). “The green princess is jumping in the swamp. She is a talker. He croaks (he speaks softly, lowering his head under the table). And she has beautiful little things on her fingers ”(frog). “He jumps and waits for my riddles, a nice guy. He is afraid of the fox and quickly runs away through the grass, something like an ant ”(hare).

Nastya did not guess all the riddles, maybe she didn’t wake up, maybe she found it difficult. Dasha laughs and says: “Oh, you, Nastya, thoughtless your head!"

Evening. In the game, the girls built toys in a round dance and Dasha says: “This is how they danced, they were great and workers! I ask: “What does the word “workers” mean? “This means that they worked hard and together,” Dasha answered.

Lessons on visual activity. Dasha painted an aquarium, beautiful fish. I started drawing algae and probably forgot what they are called. “And here I will have such enslavement».

In the salt dough modeling class, Dasha asked me to look at my book. Seeing a salt shaker in it, he says: “Let's blind the same sunflower!.

Dasha has the best developed fantasy in the group, she composes with pleasure, invents a lot in games. For example, he never gets bored on the street, because he comes up with games with any objects (fallen leaves, sticks, boxes, grass, seeds, shells), presenting them different heroes. Mom, dad, grandparents always approve of Dasha's games and "miracles", treat creativity with respect, not considering stupidity. So, for example, once in the winter, on an evening walk, Dasha made a little snow maiden, and did not want to say goodbye to her. Mom allowed the Snow Maiden to settle at home. We read a fairy tale to the children: “Ivanushka said this, cried and went home.” Sasha Sh. asks: “What is svasi? In your own, in yours, in yours.

Independent activity. Anya M. draws and says: “But here I need a leathery color” (skin color). She also draws the mayor, the mayor's wife and a little girl. He explains: “And this is a meritska” (daughter of the mayor).

An analysis of the observation allows us to conclude that verbal creativity was manifested mainly by those children who have innate inclinations, a penchant for activity, as well as whose parents take an active part in the development of their children's creative abilities.

To implement the first task of the study, the children were offered 4 tasks: compose a riddle; invent a fairy tale come up with a song compose a poem. Let us give examples of the verbal creativity of children. Mystery Dashi R. “He looks like an octopus and a jellyfish, lives in the sea, but not a fish. It is delicious, they eat it and sell it in the store ”(squid).

Story Oli R. On the topic "Teapot, coffee pot and fish, or a tale of friendship":

“There was a new kettle. He had no friends, so it was boring. But one day the owners bought a coffee maker. Only the coffee maker disliked the teapot, because she imagined she was the best and loved only herself. Then they bought different fish: two crucians, a red cap and a gold one. And why did they bring an evil cat. He ate all the fish except the golden one and was punished. The teapot made friends with the fish. And the coffee maker is broken. So she needs it! You need to take care of your friends! End" (meaning coffee maker, but pronounced cafearka). Poem Sasha Sh. “A girl went out for a walk, pinching fresh grass (laughs and explains: for salad). And behind her is a bug, with a mouse on its side.

Histogram 1.

Children's writing levels

The main areas of work with children in the process of formation: classes aimed at the development of verbal creativity. The system of specially selected games. Teaching versification. Work with a picture, a book. Work with folklore. The interaction of the educator with the specialists of the preschool educational institution.

Games can be played with the whole group, with a subgroup of children and individually. Required condition- conducting games after observing, examining, comparing, etc. The child must accurately represent the subject in question. The inclusion of these activities in everyday life should arouse their constant interest, the desire to fantasize, to experience imaginary situations together with the teacher, adding new details each time. In the course of the work carried out, children and parents began to compose poems, riddles, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes.

“The letter I has always been dear to everyone and everyone. But, we advise, friends, to remember the place of the letter I ”(Katya S.); There was a letter I in the alphabet and there was a very beautiful letter. That letter stood at the end of the alphabet and therefore was very angry ”(Ira P.); “I decided to stand first in the alphabet, and change the letter A with me. I want to be the first! - she said, and displacing A, she took a place there ”; “Watermelon, orange, don’t be called I, because my most important letter! I am a proud, courageous, important me, all the capital letters are my merit! (Daniel S.).

A story about the green eye of a traffic light. “There was one amazing traffic light in the world. He had three eyes: red, yellow, green. Two eyes were obedient, lit up on time and in turn. And the green eye was always naughty. He loved to wink at pedestrians. Because of this, there were troubles on the road. One day, the peephole played a joke on a boy he knew, and he got hit by a car. The boy was taken to the hospital. The green eye was ashamed of his prank. And since then, he stopped being naughty. And now all three eyes light up in turn and on time, and order reigns on the road ”(Karina M. and her mother).

Fairy tale: “Warm spring is now. Our grapes are ripe. A horned horse on the run jumps in the snow in summer. There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. In the spring, their grapes ripened, and not simple, but magical. If you eat such grapes, then horns may grow or snow will fall. Grandfather and woman had a horse. One summer the horse accidentally ate grapes. He grew horns, and it began to snow. He was delighted and began to jump for joy in the snow. Imagine how much fun it was for grandpa and grandma! A survey of parents made it possible to identify examples of children's word creation: "Kepuch"- ketchup, "pokatika"- sausage, "monoki"- tomatoes, "jackal"- wallet, "monky"- pasta, "kufli" ( shoes), "Taratapiki" (slippers), "gunovatik" ( vineyard), "podratik" ( square). Later age: "eastern" ( dance in oriental costume) "pants" ( one trouser leg) "glacier"- fridge, "heater"- microwave, "non-spill"- funnel, "manager"- TV remote.

Almost all parents wrote that children compose riddles on their own. For example: "Semicircular, colored" (rainbow); “A bird with a long neck, can swim, walk. The wings are large, the legs have membranes. Tell me who is it? (duck); "What in the sky at night looks like a banana?" (month). Write stories at home. Let us give an example of the tale of Nastya S. “There was a multi-colored butterfly in the same forest. Once in a clearing she met a grasshopper. She told the Grasshopper that she had once seen how children played merrily with a ball. “Come on, blacksmith, play ball with you too! ". The grasshopper answered sadly: "Where can we find such a small ball?" Butterfly offered to play with dandelion, but it was very light. Suddenly the grasshopper brought a dewdrop, and the fun game! What a great ball it was! They did not notice how the night fell and appeared in the sky bright Star. "Are you going to sleep?" - asked the star. I had to remove the dewdrop before morning and go to bed.

The writings of the children showed how their artistic associations expanded. They included in their fairy tales, poems images fairytale heroes, came up with different actions of the characters, could develop the plot according to their own logic. The assimilated method of contamination was clearly revealed, the children easily connected the plots of fairy tales. In poetry, children retain melody, conciseness, in stories, the realism of events and figurative language. An analysis of the children's compositions showed that their compositions (riddles, fairy tales, poems, stories) correspond to the chosen genre.

Histogram 2.

Levels of originality of children's compositions

Verbal creativity arises and develops where there is a purposeful management of this activity, where all conditions are created for this activity. It is very important that it is at preschool age that writing becomes a habit, becomes a common thing. Then the desire to communicate, express one's thoughts, argue, defend one's point of view, and most importantly, the desire to create, will not disappear at school.

You can often see that in the families of artists, children also draw, and in the families of poets they write poetry. All this is not accidental, and the point here is not only in genes and heredity, but also in the fact that the child had the opportunity to try this type of creative activity at the right time for further development- at preschool age. The child has accumulated experience that he was able to combine and apply.

Understanding the creativity of children is impossible without knowing the following points:

    preschool age is the age of the child's rapid accumulation of experience, which in turn is necessary as the basis for any creative activity;

    the development of the mental characteristics of the child leads to the expansion of his experience, therefore, by developing attention, memory, thinking, sensation, emotions, we increase the child's ability to accumulate practical experience, and this, in turn, will favorably affect the mechanism of creativity;

    syncretism cognitive processes, better physical abilities of the child, "problematic" perception of the world - all these are developmental features that are essential in relation to creativity in preschoolers;

    all the features of preschool children indicate that the preschool period involves a high degree manifestations of creativity and is certainly significant for its development.

The proposed hypothesis that the manifestation of verbal creativity will depend on a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions was confirmed.

In order to help the child successfully develop his speech creativity, to realize the potential of his speech abilities, to encourage the creation of the simplest, most unpretentious stories, fairy tales, poems, it is necessary to systematically offer children creative exercises. Reading literary works, folklore brings to the minds of children the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language, contributes to the fact that they begin to use this wealth in independent activities - verbal creativity. The use of a variety of creative tasks affects the logic of the presentation of children's essays, expands children's understanding of the artistic image.

A.A. Smaga,

L.A. Kharchenko

Features of mastery grammatical structure speeches

preschool children

Mastering the grammatical structure of speech is carried out on the basis of a certain level of cognitive development of the child. So, when forming inflection, the child, first of all, should be able to differentiate grammatical meanings(meanings of gender, number, case, etc.), because before starting to use the language form, he must understand what it means.

A.N. Gvozdev identifies five periods of formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

The first period (l year 3 months - l year 10 months) is the period of sentences consisting of amorphous root words, which are used in one unchanged form in all cases. This period is divided into two stages:

The stage of using one-word sentences (1 year 3 months - 1 year 8 months);

The stage of using sentences of several words, mainly two-word sentences (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months).

The second period (1 year 10 months - 3 years) is the period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence, associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression. It is characterized by rapid growth different types simple and complex sentences, in which the members of the sentence receive expression in the syntactic means of the language. Within this period, there are three stages:

The stage of formation of the first forms: number, case, time (1 year 10 months - 2 years 1 month);

The stage of using the inflectional system of the Russian language (inflection) to express syntactic links(2 years 1 month - 2 years 3 months);

The stage of assimilation of function words for expressing syntactic relations (2 years 3 months - 3 years).

A.N. Gvozdev notes that this period is sharply demarcated from the first period, and the subsequent one does not have sharply defined boundaries.

The third period (3 years - 4 years) - the system of inflections is being mastered. Words acquire grammatical design, the singular and plural appear, opposition of cases, verbs appear tense. In the speech of the child there are already inherent spoken language parts of speech and basic grammatical categories, but not yet complete grammatical correctness.

The fourth period (4 years - 5 years) - a new formation appears: a surge in word creation, complex grammatical constructions sentences (complex, complex). Children master the coordination of adjectives with all forms of nouns. By the end of the 5th year, the number of grammatical errors increases.

The fifth period (5 years - 6 years) - word creation fades, the number of grammatical errors decreases. Simple sentences are always grammatically correct. Complex sentences appear, allied and non-union, sentences with a formal-composing connection (then, then, and), sentences with a causal relationship (because), sentences with homogeneous members.

A.N. Gvozdev singled out the characteristic features of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech:

1. The child quite accurately singles out the root, prefix, suffix, ending (morphological structure) in the word, but masters these parts of words intuitively.

2. The child forms words by analogy, using the elements of words when extracting from another word.

3. Initial period the use of morphological elements is characterized by the relative freedom of their use.

4. The child freely uses the morphological elements of the word, which speaks of independent creation individual forms, words.

A.G. Arushanova identifies several stages in the assimilation of grammatical means and methods of the language.

1. Understanding the meaning of what was said (focusing on the ending of the noun, to distinguish where there is one object, and where there are many).

2. The use of one or another grammatical means in one's speech, borrowing a grammatical form from the speech of others.

3. Independent formation of the form of a new word by analogy with a familiar one (foals, bear cubs by analogy with the word-form kittens).

4. Assessing the grammatical correctness of one's own and someone else's speech, determining whether one can or cannot say so.

In the speech of preschoolers A.N. Gvozdev notes single examples of isolation (isolated participial phrase; isolated single adjective separated from a noun; clarifying controlled group of words) and gives an example with a rare disjunctive union "or".

At the senior preschool age, complex sentences with two subordinate clauses appear, while there may be both subordinate and subordinate clauses of different degrees. Children combine simple sentences into complex ones using the unions “when”, “how”, “to”, “if”, “because”, “what”, allied words “who”, “from what”, “which” and etc.

The appearance of grammatically formalized sentences is preceded by the so-called words-sentences, consisting of one word, representing a complete whole and expressing a message. Sentence words can mean actors, animals, serve as a designation of objects or actions. The same word-sentence can have different meanings. In some cases, these meanings become clear thanks to intonation, in others - only from the situation, and thirdly, thanks to gestures. The use of sentence words, according to the observations of A.N. Gvozdev, occurs approximately at the age of 1 year 3 months to 1 year 8 months.

Describing this stage of development, A.A. Leontiev notes that the word and the sentence are not delimited, more precisely, the equivalent of the sentence is the word that is included in one or another subject situation.

Approximately by the middle of the second year of life, two-word sentences appear in the child's speech. It is their appearance that speaks of the first step in the development of the sentence from the “primary syntactic whole”. An important factor is that the child independently constructs these sentences.

By the age of two, three or four complex sentences appear, which can be considered as the initial stage of mastering the grammatical structure of a sentence. It is connected with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression. According to A.A. Leontiev, at this time the first complex sentences appear. So, at the age of 1 year 9 months, the child begins to pronounce complex unionless proposals.

The main types of complex sentences are learned by the age of three. Initially they are used without unions, then with unions ( Wake up - I'll give you candy). Children use both writing and subordinating conjunctions (The girl sat on a chair and put on boots. The girl sat down on a chair to put on felt boots.).

As V.I. Yadeshko, the fourth and fifth years of life are a further stage in mastering the system of the native language. In the speech of children, simple common sentences still prevail (57%), but their structure is noticeably more complicated due to the increase in the number of members of the sentence. For the first time, sentences appear with homogeneous circumstances, homogeneous additions and definitions. Children also use complex sentences, which make up 11% in relation to total number offers.

The structure of complex sentences also becomes more complicated. It is not uncommon for cases when, before listing homogeneous members in one of simple sentences, which are part of a complex sentence, there is a generalizing word. Among the appendage-exact sentences, the most common are additional subordinate clauses, adverbs of time, reasons, places, comparative, conditions, less often definitive, goals, measures and degrees.

In the monologic utterances of older preschool children, there are complex sentences of a complicated type, which consist of three or more simple sentences, united either by a coordinative or a subordinating connection.

G.M. Lyamina notes that up to the age of four, a child easily comments on what he sees, talks about what he will do or has done, but is silent while performing his own actions.

In the fifth year of life, according to G.M. Lyamina, in children there is an increase in the desire and ability to confirm their activity with speech. True, the children's statements in these cases consist of 90% simple sentences. Preschoolers of this age have a great need to explain to each other what they see and know. In these situations, children pronounce as many complex sentences as you will not hear from them even in very cognitively rich classes in their native language.

Dissertation abstract

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  • The starting point for understanding the essence of verbal creativity is the concept of "creativity". Creativity in a broad sense is the most important socially significant type of human spiritual and practical activity, the content of which is a purposeful change in the objective world. A.L. Wenger notes that children's creativity is a form of activity and independent activity of the child, during which he deviates from the model and stereotype, experiments, modifies the world, creates something new for others and for himself .

    I. A. Kirshin says that verbal creativity is a complex type of creative activity of a child, is considered as an activity that arises under the influence of the perception of works of art and manifests itself in the creation of successful combinations - stories, fairy tales, poems. Verbal creativity is understood as a dual process of accumulation of impressions in the process pedagogical activity and their creative processing into the language of verbal signs.

    According to O. S. Ushakova, verbal creativity - productive activity, arising under the influence of a work of art and impressions from the surrounding life and expressed in the creation of oral compositions.

    L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, E.A. Medvedeva, N.A. Selyanina, R.M. Chumicheva, D.B. Elkonin, U.V. Ul’enkova note that Among the types of artistic creative activity, verbal creativity occupies a special place as a vital, communicative and social-personal function, which is formed in the process of activity under the influence of the environment, including the artistic one.

    According to researchers L.M. Gurovich, N.I. Lepskaya, O.N. mysteries and untruths.

    The basis of verbal creativity, notes O. S. Ushakova, is the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art, including small folklore forms(proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseological units) in the unity of content and artistic form. The relationship between the perception of fiction and verbal creativity, which interact on the basis of the development of poetic hearing, is noted. The verbal creativity of children is expressed in various forms: in writing stories, fairy tales, descriptions; in the composition of poems, riddles, fables; in word creation (creation of new words - neoplasms).

    Let us dwell on the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the verbal creativity of preschool children. The formation of the creative activity of children is traditionally considered by psychologists in connection with the development of the imagination. According to the idea of ​​​​L. S. Vygotsky, generally accepted in Russian science, imagination begins to develop in the game, and then continues its development in other types of activity: in constructive, visual, musical, literary and artistic.

    Promotes the manifestation of creativity and figurative thinking of a preschooler. It provides freshness, unconventional children's perception of the world, contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy. A. V. Zaporozhets repeatedly emphasized in his works that figurative character children's thinking should be considered as a virtue and developed precisely at preschool age, since it underlies the creative activity of artists, writers, designers, etc.

    Perception works of art and verbal creativity are linked together through poetic hearing. So, O. S. Ushakova believes that the basis of verbal creativity is the perception of works of fiction, oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseological units) in the unity of content and artistic form. At the same time, poetic hearing should be understood more broadly, as referring to the perception of any works, not only the poetic genre. "Poetic hearing is the ability to feel means of expression artistic speech, distinguish between genres, understand their features, as well as the ability to recognize the connection between the components of an art form and content literary work» .

    So, for the active and successful participation of the child in verbal creativity, a psychological platform is needed in the form of developed imagination, thinking, perception.

    One of the most accessible and effective means of developing creative speech skills in preschoolers is folklore, in particular, a folk tale.

    For the development of coherent monologue speech, it is necessary to form ideas about the composition of the story, the ability to link sentences and parts of the statement together, to use a variety of lexical and stylistic means. However, the concept of "verbal creativity" is much broader than "creative storytelling", as it includes active writing, inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, scenarios, not only in the classroom, but also in free self-study. activities.




    E.Yu.Galochkina - teacher

    (ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada "DS No. 187 "Solnyshko", Togliatti)

    One of the priority areas pedagogical science on the present stage is the study of the creative activity of the child, the search for ways to form it. Studies by psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, B.M. Teplov) and teachers (N.A. Vetlugina, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerin, Dybina O.V., Tanina L.V.) prove , what creative activity meets the needs and abilities of the child, accompanied by the activity of his emotional and intellectual forces.

    In research, dedicated to the problem of verbal creativity, one of the most accessible and pedagogically effective means of forming creative speech skills in preschoolers is folklore, in particular, a folk tale (M.M. Konina, L.M. Pankratova, O.I. Solovieva, etc.). The authors note the obvious influence of individual elements of the fairy tale on the composition of children. At the same time, the studies note that the correspondence of the specifics of folk tales to the peculiarities of children's perception does not yet ensure the positive impact of folklore on the development of children's verbal creativity. statements (violation of the structure of the narrative, limited use of stylistic means). The psychological prerequisites that determine the possibilities of children in the field of speech creativity, on the one hand, and the difficulties that arise when constructing a fairy tale narrative, on the other hand, are a problem that arises when organizing work with children to develop the verbal creativity of preschoolers.

    In Russian pedagogy, verbal creativity is considered as a two-pronged process: the accumulation of impressions in the course of cognition of reality and their creative processing in verbal form (N.A. Vetlugina, O.S. Ushakova).

    In a special study on teaching creative storytelling, performed by N.A. Orlanova, the following conditions for teaching creative storytelling are highlighted:

    Enriching the experience of children;

    The richness of the dictionary and the ability to use it;

    Mastering the ability to coherently tell, knowledge of the structure of the story: beginning, climax, end;

    Children's correct understanding of the "think up" task.

    The dynamics of the development of children's creativity under the influence of learning is traced in her study by S.K. Alekseeva. She justifies the following learning sequence:

    Stage 1: To teach children to subordinate their experience to a certain plan, to draw children's attention to the compositional language features of stories (enrichment of life and literary experience child, familiarization with linguistic means of expression, analysis of the compositional structure of the work);

    Stage 2: Determine the correct balance between the child's desire to show himself in creative activity and the ability to find suitable means to express his intention. Draw the attention of children to the evaluation of stories (inventing the beginning and ending of the story, describing the environment in which the action takes place, independent artistic addition to the stories);

    Stage 3: To put the child in front of the need to act more consciously, to use conditional methods of verbal creativity more independently (independent selection of plot, compositional and linguistic means, a deeper analysis of the proposed works, familiarization with new linguistic means);

    Stage 4: Improve children's ability to combine and

    transform the received ideas and perceptions, describe

    action in the sequence of its development of a logical connection.

    For the development of creative activity of children, it is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions:

    a) selection of literary works, taking into account the possibility of a specific embodiment of their content;

    b) carrying out special creative tasks that develop the theatrical abilities of children (combining movements with expressiveness of speech, facial expressions and gestures);

    c) the active participation of children in the preparation of the script and the preparation of performances.

    At preschool age, a child is able not only to perceive works of art, to express his attitude towards characters, but also to comprehend their behavior, generalize, analyze, experiment, and on this basis create something new for himself and his peers. Artistic imagination plays a special role in this.

    KD Ushinsky repeatedly emphasized the importance of developing speech and abilities by means of art, starting from preschool age. It is not enough if children understand the content of the work, it is necessary to feel its expressive features of expression and figurative words. In the future, they will perceive literary works more deeply, learn to subtly distinguish the semantic shades of the word and transfer them to their work.

    Of course, for the development of coherent monologue speech, it is necessary to form ideas about the composition of the story, the ability to link sentences and parts of the statement together, to use a variety of lexical and stylistic means. However, the concept of "verbal creativity" is much broader than "creative storytelling", as it includes active writing, inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, scenarios, not only in the classroom, but also in free self-study.


    exemplary artistic text from the standpoint of the structural and semantic unity of content and form is a folk fairy tale.

    Numerous researchers of folk tales (V.A. Bakhtina, N.M. Vedernikova, R.M. Volkov, N.V. Novikov, A.I. Nikiforov, E.V. Pomerantseva and others) as a distinctive feature fairy tale call it a magical-fantastic beginning. The unity of the magical and the fantastic makes the fairy tale especially attractive to a children's audience. A peculiar combination of real and fictional is the content of a fairy tale.

    Fairy tale style is single system interrelated methods and means. Traditional language forms are the subject of study of folklore phraseology. Among the typical means of fairy tale poetics are, first of all, stable verbal formulas, traditional formulas, poetic clichés, which are an important element in the construction of fairy tales of this type (sayings, beginnings, endings) and performing various functions in the narrative.

    Another stylistic device of the fairy tale is the use of constant epithets that serve as decoration for the work. The probability of using one or another combination in an epic or song epic is associated with the features of the reflection of the outside world in various genres. According to O.A. Davydova, 38.7% of certain combinations of a fairy tale are not actually fairy tales, that is, they are also recorded in other folklore genres “violent head”, “hot arrow”.

    to traditional poetic means fairy tales also include: the use of synonyms “the wedding was played in a good way, in a good way” and paired associations of words expressing one concept “let’s go with bread and salt to meet, maybe we will make peace”, the use of antonyms “neither more nor less passed time” or amplification “willy-nilly I had to agree”, the use of general language proverbs and sayings “the pike is sharp, but you can’t eat the ruff from the tail”, the use of various comparisons “Ivan sat on the wolf. The wolf ran like an arrow"; lexical and syntactic turns that form parallel syntactic constructions “It is written on the pillar: “To go on the right road - you will not see good, and to go on the left road - you will not be alive.”

    M.M. Konina distinguishes two types of children's compositions: creative processing of famous fairy tales and actually creative fairy tales and notes the presence of characteristic features fairy tales ( typical plots, miraculous transformations and elements of heroics, miraculous objects, fabulous rituals).

    In her opinion, "the development of children's verbal creativity goes along the line of qualitative growth under the influence of the quantitative accumulation of new fairy-tale images."

    The folk tale traditionally refers to the circle " children's reading” and is one of the genres most loved by children. A fairy tale has a huge impact on the moral and aesthetic development of a preschooler. Colorful, romantic image fairy world, idealization goodies, required a happy ending, fascination, combined with instructiveness - all this causes a vivid aesthetic reaction in children, contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings. A fairy tale embodies the high ideals of the people, their wisdom. The dynamics of a fairy tale requires intellectual tension, a comparison of facts and events in the assimilation of the semantic line of the plot, i.e. stimulates cognitive activity.

    To identify the features of the perception of a fairy tale by children of senior preschool age and to determine the level of verbal creativity in coherent speech of preschoolers, we used the method of O.S. Ushakova, highlighting the criteria and indicators.


    1. Features of the perception of a fairy tale

    Name of essential features

    Determining the content of a fairy tale

    Highlighting Structural Parts of Text

    Preservation of language means of expression

    2. Features of verbal creativity

    The ability to subdue storyline common theme

    The use of techniques for revealing the images of characters and features of the plot of a fairy tale

    Ability to use different types of sentences

    The ability to formulate a statement according to the laws of the composition of a fairy tale

    Using expressiveness

    3. Determination of the development of coherent speech

    The ability to determine the topic of the utterance and correctly reproduce its content

    Ability to use different types of communication between sentences

    Use of different types of offers.

    First task. In order to determine the features of the perception of a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form, the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" was proposed.

    Second task. To identify the level of verbal creativity, the situation "Continue the tale" was proposed.

    Third task. Determining the level of development of coherent speech was carried out on the example of the fairy tale "Geese-swans".

    To enhance the motivation of the statement, various speech situations(“A conversation about a fairy tale”, “A fairy tale on the phone”, “Compose a fairy tale”). The choice of fairy-tale material was determined by the requirements of the speech development methodology for the selection of works of art with the principles of pedagogy and aesthetics.

    The incorrect answers of the children consisted in the indistinguishability of a fairy tale and a story.

    The diagnostic results showed that children from the seventh year of life do not have a clear idea of genre features fairy tales, which, in our opinion, should be reflected in the writings of children.

    Children's understanding of the content of a fairy tale was determined by identifying the ability to recognize the theme of this statement. No cases were identified during the survey. high level understanding the content, which requires the child to have elementary skills in analyzing the work. Based on the diagnostic results,levels of children's perception of folk tales.

    I level (high).Determine the genre of the story. Call it essential features. Summarize the content of the story. They see the boundaries of the structural parts of the text. They strive to preserve the language means of expression.

    II level (intermediate).They correctly define the genre of a fairy tale, but in the order of argument they put forward both its essential and formal features. Determine the topic of the story. Often they experience difficulties in isolating the main parts of the composition. Use additional language tools.

    III level (low).Difficult to define genre affiliation works and in identifying hallmarks fairy tales. They do not understand the content of the work. They do not see the boundaries between the plot, the development of actions and the denouement of a fairy tale. Do not single out the means of expressiveness of the tale.

    A necessary condition for the verbal creativity of preschoolers is the formation of coherent speech skills, therefore the purpose of task 2 was to determine the level of development of coherent speech when reproducing the content of a fairy tale.

    Criteria for the analysis of retellings children have become traditional indicators in the methodology of speech development:

    1. Understanding the topic
    2. Scope and grammar of the utterance
    3. Vocabulary of the utterance
    4. Means of communication
    5. Structural organization of each part
    6. Fluency and independence of presentation.

    The data obtained made it possible to determine the followinglevels of coherent speech of preschoolers.

    I (high). Generalized determine the topic of the statement and correctly reproduce its content. Use different types of sentences, there are no grammatical errors. They use their exact word substitutions, a variety of ways to link between sentences. Correctly frame the statement. Independently retell the text without pauses.

    II (medium). Determine the topic of the speech. Minor deviations from the text are allowed. Limited use of complex sentences, single grammatical errors are possible. Refer to individual means of language expressiveness. Communication methods are not diverse. In case of difficulty, use a small number of pauses and need additional questions.

    III (low). Do not define the topic of the speech. Events are schematically conveyed without using expressive means. They make grammatical errors. When the content is transmitted, the compositional integrity is violated. They do not know how to retell the text on their own (they pause, repeat, need hints).

    The children were given the task: “Imagine that you are a storyteller and come up with a fairy tale with miracles and magic.” No instructions were given to complete the tasks. Children's compositions were recorded and considered according to a number of indicators aimed at assessing both the content and the artistic form of the composition.

    The second group of indicators consisted of some generally acceptedcreativity criteria:

    Fluency is the ability to generate more ideas expressed in verbal formulations or drawings.

    Flexibility is the ability to come up with a variety of ideas, move from one aspect of a problem to another, and use a variety of problem-solving strategies.

    Originality is the ability to come up with an idea.

    Authenticity is the correspondence of the emotional reaction to the needs, values ​​and interests of the subject.

    The results obtained during the assignment may serve as the basis for determininglevels of verbal creativityolder preschoolers.

    I (high). Subordinate the storyline to a common theme. The techniques of revealing the images of characters and the features of the plot of a fairy tale are used in an original way in the essay. They turn to the traditional figurative and expressive means of a fairy tale.

    II (medium). They try to stick to the chosen topic, inaccurate selection of the title. They use individual elements of a fairy tale in essays with an independent plot and simple content. They find it difficult to structure the narrative (one of the parts of the composition is missing).

    III (low). They mostly adhere to the topic, but find it difficult to disclose it, there is no name. They schematically convey the events of the narrative or retell a well-known fairy tale without change.

    An analysis of the results obtained showed a low level of development of children's verbal creativity and made it possible to determine the ways for further work.

    We have developed and tested a system of classes and games with the inclusion of a fairy tale, created situations for game improvisations and involving children in the preparation of attributes, performances, exhibitions of children's creativity, which contributed to a significant increase in the level of verbal creativity of older preschoolers.

    Tatyana Kozlova
    Features of the development of verbal creativity in children of senior preschool age

    preschool age called the period of intense development of creative child's possibilities. Formation creative activities are considered in close connection with development all mental processes, and above all with development of creative imagination, suggesting novelty, uncertainty of the cognizable situation and an unlimited variety of possible ways to resolve it.

    Exist different opinions and about the sources creativity of children. Some researchers consider creation the result of the internal self-generating forces of the child and that an adult should not interfere in his creative process. Others consider sources creativity surrounding life, art. The authors recognize the intuitiveness and originality of the artistic creativity of children, but consider it necessary to have a reasonable influence of the teacher.

    By definition, creativity is activity, as a result of which a person creates a new, original, showing imagination, realizing his plan, independently finding means for its implementation. It is characterized by two main indicators: it must be of social value and give a completely new product.

    It is believed that it is completely childish creation does not meet these criteria. It is the initial step in development of creative activity. artistic creation child cannot be carried out without the participation of an adult who helps him create and assumes the functions of a critic and partly a creator. AT development of children's creative abilities Education and training play a leading role. And only with the right pedagogical guidance and training creative the child's activity can reach a relatively high level.

    Children's creative activity has no artistic value for others, however, in the socio-pedagogical sense, it is important for the child. Since in his creativity the child actively discovers new things for himself and about himself.

    Creative activity meets the needs and abilities of the child, accompanies him with emotional and intellectual activity, and ensures the formation ways of unified creative cognition.

    One of the varieties creative activities of children is literary or verbal creativity.

    baby verbal creativity are compositions and improvisations. This type of activity satisfying One of the most important needs of a child is self-expression.

    Verbal creativity- the most difficult type creative child's activities. Element creativity is in any children's story. Therefore the term « creative stories » - short story title that children make up themselves (the plot, the course of the event, the climax and interchange) . The child must independently come up with the content (plot, imaginary characters, based on the topic and his past experience.

    At the core verbal creativity lies the perception of works of fiction, oral folk creativity in the unity of content and artistic form. Verbal creativity is considered as an activity arising under the influence of works of art and impressions from the surrounding life and expressed in oral compositions.

    A special role in the development of verbal creativity is given to the ability to make a coherent statement. It turns out with the child whether he has experience in compiling a story (fairy tales, whether he responds with desire to the proposal to come up with an essay, whether he can logically build a plot and structure it structurally, what lexical means he will use in his statement. These indicators are criteria development of verbal creativity: the ability to perceive works of fiction, development connected monologue, creative essay.

    AT development children's art creativity is divided into three stages. The first stage is the accumulation of experience. On the second - the actual process of children's creativity, directly related to the emergence of the idea, with the search for artistic means. At the third stage, a new product is created.

    At the core creative storytelling is the process of processing and combining ideas that reflect reality, and the creation on this basis of new images, actions, situations that had no place before in the direct perception of the child. The source of the combinatorial activity of the imagination is the surrounding world. That's why creative activity depends on the richness and diversity of the child's ideas and life experience.

    The study features of the development of children's verbal creativity allows you to define pedagogical terms, conducive to verbal creativity.

    The personality of a teacher who has professional skill, human charm, ability to create providing positive influence on the child's creativity.

    Development imagination - a kind of reflection of reality, which consists in the creation of new images and ideas based on existing ideas.

    Development of observation.

    Education industriousness.

    Learning in the classroom.

    Complex problem solving development speeches in the classroom for teaching storytelling.

    Enrichment and activation vocabulary through definition words, helping to describe the experiences, character traits of the characters; with the formation of new concepts, new dictionary and the ability to use the available stock words.

    Skill tell children coherently, own the structure of a coherent statement, know the composition of the narrative and description.

    Correct understanding of the task by children "come up with", i.e. to create something new, to tell about what actually did not exist.

    Development poetic ear - ability to distinguish between genres, understanding them features, the ability to feel the components of an artistic form and realize their functional connection with the content.

    Interaction different types artistic activity (music, painting, literature, theater).

    The development of verbal creativity is possible, if at each lesson to acquaint children with content and art form works, draw their attention to figurative words and expressions, characterization, mood, dialogues of characters, description of facial expressions and gestures of heroes.

    This is directed creative tasks: clarify understanding of the meaning of figurative words and expressions; include in the story of impromptu dialogue new (various) intonation; perform plastic sketches depicting the hero; come up with unusual endings for well-known fairy tales; combine plots of works of different genres; select synonyms, antonyms, definitions that characterize the characters, their mood, state, actions and deeds; dramatization of the most interesting passages works; development of stage skills, performance (repetition) replicas of heroes; scenery drawing and conditions in which the heroes of a literary work acted; correlating the content of the text with the nature of the musical work.

    Thus, it follows from the above that creative speech activity, expressed in the creation of oral compositions, is successfully carried out in senior preschool age and under the influence special education, important condition which is the choice of means.

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