Damn dozen expression. What is the devil's and not-the devil's dozen


No number in existing system calculus does not have as many legends, horror stories and bad omens as the number 13 or the “devil's dozen”. So, in the Middle Ages, it was believed that this day is ideal for a gathering of witches or revelry. evil spirits.

Times have changed. However, this number still has a bad reputation. In Europe, you will not find a building that has such an ominous number. Also, in many hotels after the 12th floor, you will immediately go to 14 or 12a. This phenomenon is not connected with the forgetfulness of the builders. This practice (omitting a frightening number) is also used when numbering cabins on liners or seats on airplanes.

Why did this number get the fate of a symbol of misfortune, bad omens and disasters? Where did the name "damn" or "baker's dozen" come from, and why is the date 13, which fell on Friday, inspires special horror? In the article we will try to find answers to these questions.

How did the number 13 become the "hell's dozen"?

Dozen is ancient measure calculus, which is equal to 12. In Rus', for the first time, sailors begin to use this measure, in the middle of the 17th century. The word was borrowed from French- douzaine. However, originally a dozen is of Latin origin. And in translation it meant the connection of two numbers - duo (2) and decim (10).

There is another version of the origin of this word. It was put forward by a famous linguist from Germany - Max Fasmer. He believed that it was based on the old Slavic term hefty (strong, large), which came from the word "dug" - strength.

"Strong dozen" denoted a special position of the number 12 in the ancient system of reckoning. The duodecimal system was formed by one of the first ancient civilizations - the Sumerians. Moreover, such a system of calculations exists to this day. It is used by some states of Tibet and Nigeria.

IN modern world there are also echoes ancient system calculus, where the basis was the number 12. For example, there are still 24 hours in a day (twice 12 hours each). The year has exactly 12 months, and the horoscope consists of 12 zodiac signs. There are 60 minutes in an hour, easily divisible by twelve. IN Christian religion the description is given to 12 apostles.

The number 13 violates the ideal status of the number 12 with an extra unit. Cabalism, which deals with occult practices based on numbers, considered 13 to be a sacred number. Given that Orthodoxy classifies all occultism as demonic and sinful hobbies, the number 13 has acquired a negative connotation. As a result, they began to call him nothing more than the "devil's dozen."

Creation bad reputation contributed and various legends. For example, the most famous superstition in Europe - "the misfortune of the 13th guest" is associated with the Last Supper. There were 12 disciples at the last supper of Christ. Jesus himself was the thirteenth. On the same evening he was betrayed, arrested and sentenced to death.

Apparently, therefore, it is believed that if 13 guests sit at one table, then one of them will certainly face misfortune during the year. For some time, the profession of "14th guest" was created. It was a specially invited person who "rounded off" the number of invited guests. In some European houses, it was customary to sit at the table as 14 people - a mannequin. He was treated like everyone else.

In the United States, a special “Club 13” was created to combat this heresy. It consisted of 13 people who gathered every evening for dinner. Rooms and chairs were numbered with this number, and in every possible way they tried to prove the fallacy of sinister superstitions.

Much later, in Christianity, there was a belief that Lucifer was the thirteenth angel. Since then, another name "devil's number" has been attached to the number.

According to ancient artifacts, our star galaxy has 13 heavenly gates. They open the way to other dimensions. It was believed that there light and darkness were a single force. It is also known that a coven of witches or a call dark forces took place on the 13th day of the month.

However interesting fact. In England, the number 13 is not called the devil's or devil's dozen, but the baker's. The story has its roots in the Middle Ages, when severe fines were introduced in England for underweight loaves of bread. Bakery products on the street they invariably shrank and lost weight. The baker, in order to avoid the gallows, all the peddlers of bread added 1 extra to a dozen rolls. It was used as a supplement to those loaves that did not reach the prescribed pound in weight. This 13 roll even had its own name "unbread" and meant "not bread."

Is the fear of the number 13 a disease?

Some people just try not to plan anything important on the thirteenth, and some people panic, and they don’t leave the house at all on this day. In the second case, we can talk about a disease called triskaidekaphobia.

This fear has no basis real basis and poses no danger. It is created by superstitions, religious prejudices. However, any mention of the number 13 can knock a person out of their usual way of life. Phobias are beyond reasonable explanation or control.

It is believed that the reason panic fear This number is rooted in Celtic mythology. Among the ancient Vikings, the most cunning, duplicitous is God Loki. And he also took 13th place in the pantheon of Scandinavian deities. In addition, according to the legends, it was he who became the progenitor of all sorcerers and witches. Therefore, later they bowed to the number 13.

Fear also warms up the Tarot card with the lasso 13. It means death. Although emotionally it is interpreted as rebirth and recovery.

Among famous people there are many who suffer from triskaidekaphobia. Here are some of the most illustrative examples this disease.

  1. Composer Arnold Schoenberg
    His birthday fell on the 13th. All his life, Arnold considered this a bad sign, and tried to avoid this number. One day he categorically refused to rent a suitable house. And the only reason was that he had the number 13.
  1. Bard John Meyer
    In his album “Room for Squares”, where 14 songs appear, 13 tracks are replaced only by silence for 2 seconds. Many bands also replace song 13 with noises or silence for a couple of seconds.
  1. Football player Eusebio (Portugal)
    In 1966, in preparation for the World Cup, he tested panic attack when he found out that his number in the team would be 13. He closed himself in the room and began to pray in order to drive away evil fate from himself. Many fans followed suit. As a result, this number brought good luck to the striker on the field.
  1. Motorcycle racer Angel Nieto
    Always says he won 12+1 championships. A biography film about a motorcycling athlete is also called "12 + 1".

In addition, among the cars of the modern "Formula -1" There are simply no 13 numbers. The explanation is pretty simple. It was customary to remove this number from the starting lists after a car with this number constantly got into accidents.

"Friday the 13th" should I be afraid of it?

But much more horror grips people when the "damn dozen" coincides with Friday. A special painful relationship to Friday the 13th is also called paraskevedekatriaphobia.

Why is this particular day of the week so unlucky? After all, it would be much more logical to consider Monday the 13th a terrible day, promising all sorts of trouble. Everything is very simple. The story begins with the defeat of the mysterious and ancient order of the Templars.

King Philip IV, reigning in France, was able to capture the founders of this order. He wanted to take possession of their wealth, so accusing them of witchcraft, he ordered them to be publicly tortured. Then he arranged a public burning, which took place on Friday, the 13th. In total, 54 knights were killed and burned. A Grand Master Jacques de Molay during the execution cursed the king and all his offspring. Indeed, subsequently the royal family was tragically interrupted under strange circumstances.

This historical event was so cruel and bloody that Friday the 13th became associated with fear and horror.

Another tragic event happened on that date. In 1907 the most capital ship, which existed at that time, the schooner "Thomas Laurson" was wrecked. It happened on December 13, Friday.

It is believed that the most famous biblical event - the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise Eden also happened on Friday. True, it is not known whether it was Friday the 13th. However, there is an opinion that Cain attacked his brother - Abel, also on this ill-fated day. And the crucifixion of Jesus also happened on this day of the week, the 13th.

But not everyone thinks this combination is so bad. Sailors in Spain and Portugal prefer to sail on long voyages only on this day - Friday, 13. It is believed that then everything will turn out the best way. This tradition is explained by the fact that Columbus began his significant journey on this date.

Scottish historian L. Henderson has spent a lot of time and effort to get to the bottom of the truth of this terrifying phenomenon. She discovered that Friday the 13th was first mentioned as an unlucky date in Notes and Queries (1913).

Then the peak of this superstition spread around the world thanks to the release of a series of films about serial killer"Friday, the 13th". The first picture was released in 1980.

However, not only Friday fell under the disgrace of people. In Spain, for example, the horror is caused by Tuesday with the calendar date 13.

Interesting signs and facts

Regarding the number 13, there are many amazing and sometimes strange beliefs and facts. Consider the most entertaining signs.

  1. If you found 13 coins at the door, then you should know that you have been subjected to “tearful” damage. To escape from her, you should go to the cemetery and leave these coins on the 13th grave. It is definitely recommended to cross yourself when you leave the cemetery gates.
  2. Those whose date of birth falls on the 13th are more likely to get sick, are deceived, and stolen. Misfortune literally haunts such "lucky ones." The same applies to those who live in the 13th house or apartment.
    It is possible to get rid of such bad luck. To do this, you should go to the church (it’s good that it’s not in the cemetery) and ask the minister to say out loud the names of all 12 apostles. The reason for such a request is not recommended. It is believed that this action will save a person from the fate of the number 13.
  1. Until now, Indiana has an interesting law. According to him, on Friday the 13th, all owners of black cats are required to wear bells on them. The ringing, apparently, is intended to scare away evil spirits or warn superstitious people about the approach of a black cat.
  2. In China, the number 13 in translation means "success, luck." Often the mobile numbers of Koreans contain this number, as it is believed that this should contribute to their prosperity.
  3. According to Christian beliefs, 13 is the number of the universe. A number that has the number 3 (Holy Trinity) in its composition cannot be bad.
  4. According to Jewish traditions, it is at the age of 13 that a boy reaches maturity. He undergoes a special rite of Barmitzvah, which marks the transition to adulthood.
  5. There are no 13 rows in SWISSa airlines.
  6. In the UK, a ship was specially built, which was given the name Friday the 13th. It was also launched on this date. However, by a strange coincidence, he soon disappeared from the radar. The ship and crew are considered missing.
  7. In Britain, surgeons try not to schedule operations on the 13th.

Not less than amazing story happened to famous spaceship"Apollo - 13". It was launched at 13:13. The explosion on the ship also occurred on the 13th. But, despite the tragic coincidences, the crew managed to return safely to Earth. It is noteworthy that this is the only ship from the existing Apollos with which an emergency occurred.

Positive characteristics of the number 13

Any phenomenon in nature has not only a “minus”, but also a “plus”. The number 13, no matter how much they feared it and ominous legends about it, also has positive properties. Also in ancient world it was believed that the thirteenth person in the team was distinguished by special strength, courage and dexterity. For example, in Greece, the Thunderer Zeus was the 13th god. He ruled the rest of the pantheon, standing out among them with special power, beauty and strength.

also in Greek myths, Ulysses, being the 13th member of the expedition, is the only one who manages to escape from the Cyclops. There are 13 Buddhas in India. Initially, there were 13 states or colonies in the United States that proclaimed freedom. This number did not prevent America from becoming a world power.

The ancient Maya had special wisdom and knowledge. Their calendar consisted of 13 cycles. They also used counting systems based on this number. According to their astronomy, the Mayan people also had the 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus. They revered this number and believed that it only brings good luck.

Modern occult sciences consider 13 a universal number. It symbolizes development, organization and rebirth. The deck of Tarot cards used in divination contains 13 lasso. The map depicts a bony death. But the interpretation is positive value. It means the end of another life cycle, period and the beginning of something new. This is forward movement. The death of the old self and the beginning of a new life.

The Aztecs believed that 13 would mark the end of any historical era. It has universal significance. Their week consisted of 13 days, and the month included 52 days (13 * 4). 13 months of 52 days formed great period, during which the lives of 4 heavenly bodies were replaced (seasons).

IN ancient Rus' in pagan times, the number 13 was a symbol of new life. It meant like three in one - immortal life, God, Immortality.

Kabbalah says that in paradise there are 13 healing rivers, heavenly fountains and gates of mercy. All this will be subject only to believing and pious people.

The ancient Mexicans or Indians also believed that all the gods are ruled by the main God, who is 13. He contains the hypostases of all 12 deities, and is able to transform into any of them.

Numerology, summarizing many scientific information, believes that the thirteenth number combines strength, helps to part with the past and see the truth. In some ancient scrolls, the number 13 was associated with power and might.

IN real history you can also find a lot of evidence positive impact number 13 on celebrity lives.

For example, the brilliant chess player G. Kasparov considered the number 13 to be his talisman. All games under this number were played by him in an attacking, aggressive style. In 1985 he became the 13th world chess champion. It never even crossed his mind to give up this title because of an unreliable number.

Football player from Germany M. Ballack most spent time on the field at number 13. This brought him only success. For some time he even served as team captain.

Diva Russian stage- Alla Pugacheva also gives her preference to the 13th. She rented several apartments with that number, and that's it. important events in her life fell on this date.

In addition, no matter how superstitious people are, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse the thirteenth salary, motivating their decision by the fact that this can bring misfortune.

You should know that not only the number 13 is so lucky to become an outcast in the numerical world. In the East, this fate is given to the number 4, and in Italy they try to avoid meetings with the number 17.

In this case, one should listen to the Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. He said: - "Be careful with the number thirteen. It is fraught with many surprises!".

And what kind of surprises it will be - positive or negative - it's up to you.

For the first time in Russian, the word "dozen" is mentioned since 1720. It was originally used by sailors. The word is borrowed from the French douzaine or Italian dozzina, which in turn are derived from the Latin duodecim (duo - "two" and decim - "ten"). M. Vasmer in his dictionary does not exclude that the origin of the word could be influenced by the common Slavic hefty (formed from the same base as the disappeared arc - “strength”).
But why is there a separate word for 12? Not for 11, not for 14, 15, nineteen, finally. Most likely, the special status of the number 12 is associated with the spread of the duodecimal number system in antiquity. Counting on the phalanges of the fingers in the duodecimal number system The duodecimal number system arose in ancient Sumer. It is assumed that such a system arose based on the number of phalanges of the four fingers of the hand (excluding the thumb) when counting them with the thumb of the same hand. The phalanges of the fingers were used as the simplest abacus (the current state of the score was marked with the thumb), instead of the bending of the fingers adopted in European civilization. Some peoples in Nigeria and Tibet use the duodecimal number system today. Almost monopolistic reign in the account of the modern decimal number system, duodecimal and now occupies its small but strong niche. This is especially reflected in the measurement of time. There are 24 hours in a day, 12 hours a day, 12 hours a night. There are 12 months in a year. In one hour, not 100, but 60 minutes, that is, 12 times five. The same can be said about seconds. Celestial sphere ancient astrologers and astronomers divided conditionally into 12 signs of the zodiac. The number 12 also appears in the angle measurement system. Twelfths were often found in European systems of measures. The Roman standard fraction was the ounce (1/12). 1 English penny (pence) \u003d 1/12 shilling, 1 inch \u003d 1/12 foot, etc. Finally, 12 apostles are described in Christianity. And the number 13, which Kabbalistics worships, is “bad”, as evidenced by both studies of the holy scriptures and folk beliefs. The fear of the number 13 may also have roots in Viking mythology: the god of tricksters, Loki, was the 13th god in the Old Norse pantheon. In addition, card XIII in the Tarot deck represents Death. The fear of the number 13 that many people have is called triskaidekaphobia. The specific fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia. Implicitly numbered thirteenth house Therefore, in some buildings, the floors are numbered so as not to unnerve triskaidekaphobes: after the 12th floor, the 14th may immediately follow, the building may have floors 12A and 12B, or the 13th floor may be called “12+ 1". Sometimes this also applies to house and room numbers. IN opera houses In Italy, sometimes there are no places with this number, and on almost all ships, after the 12th cabin, the 14th immediately goes. Also, the 13th row is sometimes absent in aircraft (after the 12th row, the 14th immediately follows). Due to the superstition of many pilots, the US never had an F-13 fighter: the YF-12 (prototype SR-71) was immediately followed by the F-14. Also, the number 13 is not used in car racing, 12 immediately goes 14. There was a superstition, possibly associated with the Last Supper: if 13 people gather at the same table, then one of them will die within a year. There was even a profession of the "fourteenth guest", who was invited to a meeting in order to avoid an unlucky number. In the United States, the "Club of Thirteen" was created to combat this superstition. Later, the apocryphal belief spread in Christianity that Satan was the 13th angel. Hence the number thirteen and began to be called - the devil's dozen. The movie "Friday the 13th" (Eng. Friday, The 13th) The popular sign about "Friday the 13th" originally came from the merger of two really ancient superstitions: about the unfavorability of Friday (the execution of Christ) and the number 13 (an unlucky number), and in the 20th century it was popularized by the Friday the 13th film series, the first of which was filmed in 1980. From the point of view of mathematics, the number 13: Natural, two-digit (in the decimal number system), odd number. 7th Fibonacci number. 6th Prime number, has prime twin 11. Sum of squares of first two prime numbers: 13 = 22 + 32; Largest number in a primitive Pythagorean triple (5, 12, 13), that is, is the length of the hypotenuse right triangle with leg lengths 5 and 12: 132 = 52 + 122. There are exactly 13 Archimedean solids. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. For example, in England, the number 13 is called in English not a damn thing, but a "baker's dozen", or "a baker's dozen". The history of turning the number 13 into the "baker's dozen" in England began with the introduction of severe fines for underweight pound loaves of bread. Bread inevitably shrinks; to avoid fines, all the peddlers and shopkeepers who took bread from the bakers added one extra to every dozen loaves. In addition, the number "13" was popular as the tail number of the German fighters of the Second World War. At the same time, in addition to the belief of some pilots in the lucky properties of the number, it is likely that such a side number sometimes singled out the squadron commander, which traditionally numbered 12 fighters, among other pilots. And in Asian countries the number thirteen is the most common, there they are most afraid of chila 4, which means "death."

The Devil's Dozen is a competitive division in the Russian Bench Federation.
There are standards, there are features.
It has been a long time since we are developing this competitive division, but numerous questions come and go.
I looked - on our forum, for some reason, there is no detailed explanation of what the "Devil's Dozen" is? I confess it's my fault!
Here, I begin to tell what it is and "what it is eaten with."

Note: "Devil's Dozen" is a common expression among different peoples, which applies to practically only one number. This number is 13.
It is considered unlucky, unlucky, but in our Devil's Dozen Russian bench press competition, athletes defy prejudice and try to lift a self-selected barbell weight for 13 repetitions, and even in three approaches!
Regulations on the fundamental features of the exercise in the competitive version of the "Devil's Dozen" MROO "Russian Bench Press Federation".
1. For the competitive version of the "Devil's Dozen" weight categories are introduced:
for men: up to 60.00 kg; up to 70.00 kg; up to 80.00 kg; up to 90.00 kg; up to 100.00 kg; up to 110.00 kg; up to 120.00 kg; over 120.00 kg.
in women: up to 50 kg; up to 60 kg; up to 70.00 kg; over 70.00 kg.
2. Athletes of the same weight category compete with each other.
3. The weight of the bar is chosen by the athlete independently in order to gain the greatest tonnage in this approach. We strongly advise you to focus on the weight of the bar that the athlete can shake at least 13 repetitions!
4. According to the terms of the competitive version of the "Devil's Dozen", the athlete must lift the weight of the barbell no more than 13 and no less than 8 repetitions for each competitive approach.
5. When going through the registration procedure, the athlete declares in writing the weight of the barbell for the first attempt on the form of the established sample.
6. After the end of the procedure for weighing the participants, the division of the performing athletes is carried out according to the streams in the weight categories.
7. The number of athletes of one stream should not be less than 8 participants and not exceed 15 people. At in large numbers participants of the same weight category, it is possible to divide the participants into two, three or more streams. If the number of participants in one weight category is initially less than 8 participants, then it is possible to combine two or more weight categories in one stream.
8. Competitions of one stream are necessarily held according to next system: first, all athletes of this stream perform the first approach in turn, depending on the amount of increase in the ordered weight, then, without additional rest, proceed to the second, and, accordingly, the third approach. If, by coincidence (injury of a participant, refusal to fight, etc.), the number of athletes of one stream is less than 8 participants, then an additional rest time between sets of up to 5 minutes is assigned.
9. The competition secretary must announce the beginning of the additional rest time. Recommended commands:
“- Time for extra rest 5 minutes! Referees and assistants may leave their places. Stopwatch starts. One minute before the end of the additional rest time: “- Judges and assistants, take their places! Assistants to set the weight of the rod ... (called the weight of the rod in kilograms)! To this weight to perform ... (called serial number) the approach is being prepared ... (the name of the athlete is called) ".
After performing the above actions, the senior referee on the platform notifies the secretary of the competition about readiness: “Weight is ready!”. The competition secretary calls the previously announced athlete. And the competition continues as usual.
10. Depending on the increase in the weight of the bar in kilograms, the order in which athletes enter the platform is determined. The first to start their performance are athletes who indicated lower weights of the barbell. In case of equal ordered weight of the bar for two or more participants of the same stream, the athlete with the lower body weight will be called first.
11. The weight of the boom should consist of a set of standard discs. The smallest, of which by weight 1.25 kg. That is, the total weight of the bar must be a multiple of 2.5 kg. For example: 20 kg; 22.5 kg; ... 95 kg; 97.5 kg; 100 kg; 102.5 kg; 105 kg; 107.5 kg etc.
12. Not later than before the start of the athlete’s call to the platform in the first and third attempts, you can re-apply the weight of the barbell chosen by yourself once, but not less than the weight of the barbell that was set for the previous participant! And no later than the message of the competition secretary about the challenge of this athlete to the platform!
In the second approach, the weight of the barbell chosen independently cannot be reordered!
13. All changes in the weight of the rod are indicated in a written application in the form of an approved sample and submitted to the competition secretary. Applications in oral from the athlete or his representative are not accepted.
14. After the participant completes the approach, the weight of the bar is multiplied by the number of counted repetitions (no more than 13!) And the resulting tonnage is entered as final result this approach.
15. A competitive set in which an athlete performed (was counted in the protocol) less than 8 repetitions is considered equal to the value"Zero", that is - the approach is unsuccessful. In the total total tonnage for this approach, the amount of a kilogram is not charged!
16. The chief judge on the platform keeps a loud score, announcing a valid replay. If the repetition is not counted, the judge can duplicate the previous score, if the athlete has not taken measures to correct the mistake, the senior judge on the platform can give the command: “-Stop!”, And, after the athlete stops the approach (usually on straightened arms at the top), briefly formulate the main mistake of the athlete, for example: “-Elbows!” (or “-Taz!”, “-Chest!”), gives the command: “- Bench press!” and keep counting. The athlete has the right to try to score 13 valid repetitions in the approach, not counting unsuccessful attempts.
17. After completing the approach, regardless of the result, the athlete has the right to declare the weight of the bar with changes up or down for the next approach. Also, the athlete has the right to leave the previous barbell weight unchanged.
18. The athlete is given 2 (two) minutes to make a decision and submit an application for the weight of the barbell for the next approach! If the competition secretary fails to provide the required information to the athlete, the previous weight of the barbell is left unchanged.
19. When determining the winners and prize-winners in each weight category "Devil's Dozen", the total tonnage (CT) in three competitive approaches of one athlete is taken into account. That is, the tonnages of the first, second and third approaches of one participant are summed up.
20. Distribution occupied places in each weight category is made from the highest SM indicator among all participants in this weight category who took 1st (first) place and the rest of the places - in descending order of the SM indicator.
21. Digit standards in the competitive version of the "Devil's Dozen" are awarded on the basis of the total tonnage in each weight category approved by the standards on the basis of the Competition Protocol of the MROO "Russian Bench Press Federation".
22. The title of "Master of Sports in Russian Bench Press" is awarded only to full members of the MROO FRF at tournaments with a status not lower than "Master Tournament".
24. Registration of Russian records in the competitive version of the "Devil's Dozen" of the MROO FRF is possible only among the full members of the IROO FRF.

this topic is being discussed

It must be said right away that the number 13 does not inspire any confidence in people. Residents of some countries are openly wary of this combination of numbers. Some citizens even develop a phobia. It is especially typical for Friday the 13th. On this day, the forces of evil reign supreme on earth. Therefore, some gentlemen and ladies try not to go out in order to protect themselves from negative surprises as much as possible.

With an unfortunate number inseparable bond Baker's dozen. The name itself says that there is some kind of dependence on evil spirits. It really is. When the witches arrive for the sabbath, they unite in groups, each of which has 13 witches. If in last group such a number cannot be dialed, then the witches stand apart. That's where the heck of a lot came from.

You can also remember last supper. This is the last meal of Christ with his disciples. In total, 13 people sat at the table with the teacher (if Christ can be called a man). And the last among them was Judas Iscariot. He betrayed the Son of God, receiving 33 pieces of silver for this. So this company is also related to the damn dozen. After all, a traitor wormed his way among the righteous people.

The number 13 has been negatively treated since ancient times, not only in Europe, but also in the East. In China, it is associated with death. The same opinion is shared by the peoples inhabiting Central Asia. They do not like the ill-fated figure in the USA and Latin America. The planes of some airlines do not have the 13th row, the trains do not have the 13th car. And in some cities it is impossible to find houses with this number. In a word, the poor number is terrorized as best they can. It's all about human superstition. But it has to be based on something, right?

For example, there is a belief that if 13 people gather at the table, then one of them will surely die within a year. What if there are 50 people? More people mean more chances. In addition, age and physical health present. If 13 elders who have crossed the 80-year mark will participate in the feast, then it is clear that one of them will appear before God in the coming months. And if 12 people aged 25 to 35 sit at a richly laid table. There is a high probability that none of them will die within a year.

The photo shows 13 people or the devil's dozen

How, then, can we talk about the fatal significance of the number 13. Many other factors must be taken into account here. And this is no longer mysticism, but physiology and an ordinary coincidence. So maybe the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. People intimidate themselves with things that should not be frightened. And what about those unfortunates who were born on the 13th. For example, August 13, 1976. Here you get two scary numbers. The date of birth itself, and the sum of the numbers 7 and 6 also give 13. And what should such a poor fellow do? And if a person is not at all lucky, and he was born in Friday the 13th. By the way, why is there such a negative attitude towards her?

It turns out that someone found out that it was on Friday with such a number that Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit. And if they tried it on the 12th on Tuesday, would the result be different? Wouldn't God have driven them out of paradise? I would have kicked out, like pretty little ones, and even slapped on soft places. And the Creator would not care what the date and day of the week is. Once the forbidden fruit is eaten, get punished.

But those people who are haunted by the number 13 and Friday bring another deadly argument. It is associated directly with the Knights Templar. In the XIII century, these knights simply burst from gold, which had a very bad effect on the health of the French king Philip the Handsome. The crowned lady slept poorly and ate poorly. Indeed, such riches lie very close by, but it is impossible to use them.

Therefore, the envious monarch accused the Templars of all mortal sins and ordered their arrest. The mass arrests of the knights took place on the night of October 13, 1307. They were thrown into dungeons and brutally tortured. But this sad historical fact does not at all indicate a mystical pattern. Rather it random selection, which has nothing to do with the sinister purpose of poor Friday with its 13th. By the way, atrocities much larger in scale were committed on other days of the week and on other dates.

Friday the 13th is believed to be filled with mystical evil

Let's take at least June 22, 1941, when the Great Patriotic War. It claimed tens of millions of lives, but the number 22 and Sunday do not cause any mystical association in people. Yes, and on September 1, 1939, when the Second World War, also for some reason did not get into the black list of mystical evil.

The sinister significance of the devil's dozen is also far-fetched. Well, witches gather 13 in a circle - so what? They also gather at the Sabbath, that is, during the rest. Ladies are simply "pulled off" after the labors of the "righteous". They do not perform any terrible spells and do not do evil. However, people are still wary of the ill-fated number, be it wrong.

But let's turn to the statistics and see what kind of significant events took place on the 13th.

On October 13, 54, at the age of 63, the Roman emperor Claudius died. It is said that Agrippina's wife poisoned him. Sadly, cruelly, but an example of note that the same Julius Caesar was killed on March 15th.

On March 13, 1893, the Moscow mayor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Alekseev was shot dead. Here it would be superstitious to cross oneself and cautiously look askance at the ill-fated number. But again, let's take note that on October 17, 1888, the royal train crashed near Kharkov. There were many victims, but royal family didn't get hurt. True, the Emperor Alexander III after the crash, kidney disease began to develop rapidly.

On February 13, 1820, Pierre Louvel mortally wounded the Duke of Berry with a knife and the senior line of the Bourbon dynasty was practically cut short. This also includes July 13, 1793, when Charlotte Corday stabbed Marat to death. But do not rush to breathe a sigh of relief. This does not at all prove the mystical significance of the supposedly sinister number. On July 27, Robespierre's jaw was crushed with a shot from a pistol, and on July 28 he was hanged. And on July 17, 1918, the royal family of the Romanovs was shot.

For some reason, people believe in the mystical power of the number 13

But let's try to rehabilitate the number 13. Let's remember the execution of five Decembrists. It happened on July 13, 1826. The trump card is deadly and clearly indicates a mystical component. But then let us remember the death of Pushkin. The great poet was shot on January 29, 1837, and according to the new style, this is February 10. "Ominous number" does not even smell. Lermontov was killed on July 15, 1841. Again, nothing to do with the two mysterious figures.

Should we continue or is that enough? There are thousands of such examples in history. Therefore, let's face it, discarding conventions, the number 13 is no different from other numbers, and the devil's dozen is no better and no worse than an ordinary dozen equal to 12. The mystical halo can be safely dispelled. Yes, actually, there is nothing to dispel. As for Black Friday, it's the same here. You just need to look at the statistics and make sure that in our world other days of the week are more dangerous.

For example, Monday, which is absolutely rightly considered a hard day. The body goes into working condition after rest. Adaptation takes a whole day, so there are accidents, breakdowns and other various bad things that are directly related to the human factor. Keep this in mind and don't get hung up on last day work week.

Anyone who wants to give significance to an ordinary number is simply engaged in juggling historical facts. The emphasis is on the events that took place on the 13th, and no less important events that occurred on other numbers are hushed up. And people have an opinion about the sinister mystical power unfortunate numbers. But it's not. They are absolutely harmless and there is nothing supernatural behind them. Even the forces of good and evil never give out any numbers. For them, they are equal. Therefore, tragedies occur on different days, which have nothing to do with mysterious patterns and mysticism.

The article was written by Winter Cherry

Some companies, releasing numbered versions software, after the 12th version they switch to a different version calculation mechanism - for example, Opera released version 2013 after the 12th version. Also due to the tetraphobia of the market South-East Asia, due to the number 4 in number 14, versions 13 and 14 are skipped, and version 15 is released immediately. Examples: Cisco IOS , Sybase ASE

In England, the number 13 is called in English not a damn thing, but a "baker's dozen" or "baker's dozen" (eng. Baker's dozen). The history of turning the number 13 into the "baker's dozen" in England began with the introduction of severe fines for underweight pound loaves of bread. Bread inevitably shrinks; to avoid fines, all the peddlers and shopkeepers who took bread from the bakers added one extra to every dozen loaves. It was called unbread in English (“not bread”) and was cut into appendages for all loaves that did not reach a pound or two pounds. In the Middle Ages, bakers, fearful of the then severe penalties for defrauding customers (up to cutting off a hand), used to add an extra unit of product to every dozen sold so as not to accidentally cheat in their favor.

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