genre and direction. I


In the story "Death Ivan Ilyich"(1881 -1886), as in "Kholstomer", the moral problem was combined with the social one. The tragedy of the hero, who only before his death realized the whole horror of his past existence, is perceived as a completely inevitable, natural consequence of the way of life that he and all those around him perceived as something completely normal, generally accepted and absolutely correct.

ABOUT " past history the life of Ivan Ilyich”, which, according to Tolstoy, was “the simplest, most ordinary and most terrible”, is not told in the story in as much detail as about the three months of his illness. Only at the very last period the hero is endowed with individual, personal traits, in other words, he goes from an official to a person, which leads him to loneliness, alienation from his family and, in general, from all his previously familiar existence. Time, until recently for Ivan Ilyich, had rushed extremely quickly, now slowed down. With brilliant skill Tolstoy revealed the belated insight of his hero, the hopeless despair of a lonely man who only before his death realized that all his past life was self-deception. Ivan Ilyich opens up the ability for self-esteem, self-analysis. All his life he suppressed in himself everything individual, unique, personal. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that only a feeling of the proximity of death contributes to the awakening of human consciousness in him. Only now does he begin to understand that even the people closest to him live a false, artificial, ghostly life. One peasant Gerasim, who was courting Ivan Ilyich, brought him peace of mind.

In the works of art created after the turning point, Tolstoy revealed all the horror of the lies, deceit, lack of spirituality that dominated the life of that time, forcing the most sensitive and conscientious people suffer, suffer and even commit crimes (“Kreutzer Sonata”, “Devil”, “Father Sergius”). Tolstoy's new moods were most fully and artistically expressed in his novel Resurrection.

really great, philosophical thought Leo Tolstoy is conveyed through a story about the most uninteresting, most typical inhabitants of that time. The depth of this thought goes through the whole story as a grandiose background for insignificant, small theater dolls, which are the heroes of this work. Member of the Judicial Chamber Ivan Ilyich Golovin, having married at one time without love, but very beneficial for his own position, takes a very important step in life - moving. His affairs in the service are going well, and, to the delight of his wife, they move to a more worthy and prestigious apartment.

All the worries and worries about the purchase of furniture, the furnishings of the apartment take first place in the thoughts of the family: "To be no worse than others." What should be the chairs in the dining room, whether to upholster the living room with pink cretonne, but all this must certainly be "on the level", in other words, exactly repeat hundreds of the same apartments. It was the same in times of "stagnation" - carpets, crystal, wall; and in our time - renovation. Everyone has. The main thing is prestigious and worthy.

But do these people have happiness? Praskovya Fyodorovna, his wife, constantly "nags" Ivan Ilyich so that he advances in his service like the others. Children have their own interests. And Ivan Ilyich finds joy in a delicious dinner and success at work.

Tolstoy is not writing about some random family. It shows generations of such people. Most of them. To some extent, Tolstoy's story is a preaching of spiritual thought. Maybe such Ivan Ilyich, after reading this book today, will think about who he really is: is he only an official, a husband, a father, or does he have a higher destiny?

Our Ivan Ilyich discovers this greatness just before his death. But for all the time of his illness, and indeed for his whole life, such a thought does not come to him.

Decorating his new home, Ivan Ilyich hung up a fashionable picture, but fell off and fell from a height. "Absolutely successfully fell", only slightly damaged the side. Our hero laughs carelessly, but the reader is already hearing terrible music, the leitmotif of providence, death. The scene shrinks, the characters become cartoonish, fake.

The hurt side from time to time began to remind of itself. Soon even tasty food ceased to please the member of the Trial Chamber. After eating, he began to experience terrible pain. His complaints terribly irritated Praskovya Fyodorovna. She did not feel any pity, much less love for her husband. But she felt great pity for herself. Hey, with her noble heart, she has to endure all the stupid whims of her spoiled husband, and only her sensitivity allows her to restrain her irritation and respond favorably to his stupid whining. Each restrained reproach seemed to her an enormous feat and self-sacrifice.

Seeing no affection, the husband also tried not to start talking about the disease, but when, emaciated, with constant pain, he could no longer go to work and various mediocre doctors prescribed poultices for him, everyone already began to understand that the matter was serious. And an even more stuffy atmosphere develops in the family, since a conscience that is not quite asleep prevents the children and wife from having fun, as before. an even more stuffy atmosphere, because a not quite asleep conscience prevents the children and the wife from having fun as before. The children, offended in their hearts by their father, hypocritically ask him about his health, the wife also considers it her duty to take an interest, but the only one who really sympathizes with the patient is the barman Gerasim. He becomes both a nurse at the bedside of the dying and a comforter in his suffering. The absurd request of the master - to hold his legs, they say, it’s easier for him, does not cause either surprise or irritation of the peasant. He sees before him not an official, not a master, but first of all a dying person, and he is glad to serve him somehow.

Feeling like a burden, Ivan Ilyich became even more irritated and capricious, but finally, death, the deliverer, approached him. After a long agony, a miracle suddenly happened - never thinking about that very "great", Ivan Ilyich felt an unknown feeling of universal love and happiness. He was no longer offended by the callousness of his relatives, on the contrary, he felt tenderness for them and happily said goodbye to them. With joy, he went to a wonderful, sparkling world, where, he knew, he was loved and welcomed. Only now has he found his freedom.

But his son remained, the meeting with whom after the funeral is fleeting, but terribly specific: “It was little Ivan Ilyich, as Pyotr Ivanovich remembered him in Jurisprudence. ".

Every day, thousands of Ivanov Ilyichs die on the planet, but people also continue to marry and marry for convenience, hate each other and raise the same children. Everyone thinks that they are capable of a feat. And the feats lie in the very ordinary life, if it is illuminated, permeated with love and care for others.

Irina Bebneva (publisher) and Elena Atlanova (designer) from a distance e-book my little story "LIFE"


A bird flew into my room. She frightenedly beat her wings against the ceiling and walls, screamed loudly - she asked for help. But I just watched quietly. The bird, exhausted, sat down on the wardrobe and said sympathetically:

- What is your hard stone sky, how do you live here?

- That is how we live. If it were not for the ceiling, then, lying on the sofa, we would never have known what the meaning of life is, - I enlightened the bird.

Valery Alexandrovich Vorobyov led the usual correct working life a provincial craftsman in a provincial Siberian town, where on one side of the dam of a hydroelectric power station splashed a man-made sea, swum with fat of high water oiled by industry, and on the other, a stump of a river branch, which lost among people as a result of technological reorganizations the original historical name. Vorobyov was born here, buried his father and mother, married two daughters. And along the way, where by honest, and where by risky work, he made a small capital, which he invested in a car repair shop. Of course, an auto repair shop is too strong a word, since it was an ordinary cooperative garage left to him by his father, which new owner significantly expanded and technologically equipped.

In the workshop, Valery Alexandrovich spent not only weekdays at work, but also weekends, sometimes turning into holidays, which had no end in our country. In his youth, Valery Alexandrovich loved to celebrate, but the older he got, the less he found spiritual joy in idleness, especially since he had long since firmly tied up with the main sin of the Russian person. The monotony of working days did not frighten him, Valery Aleksandrovich brightened up his working days with music The Beatles And deep purple, regularly read thick philosophical journals and no less impressive books, which he took to local library, - in the provinces there were such publications, but few people looked into them. The only competitors of the automaster were correspondence students who looked into books, but understood little of them, and did not strive for this, the main thing is to remember the basic postulates and pass the exam. And when Valery Alexandrovich came across such a hunter or huntress for a diploma, he did not miss the opportunity to show off his education, following the modern saying: he cut the truth of the uterus, so much so that the truth died, but the uterus remained.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 21.10.2013. Tale L-life in a new format
The portal provides authors with the opportunity to freely publish their literary works on the Internet on the basis of a user agreement. All copyrights to works belong to the authors and are protected by law. Reprinting of works is possible only with the consent of its author, which you can refer to on its author page. The authors are solely responsible for the texts of works on the basis of

Subject: Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. A word about a writer . Childhood in the image of Leo Tolstoy. The story of L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood" (chapters from the story).

educating: bring up moral values: kindness, sympathy, empathy.

Equipment: subject newspaper, a portrait of the writer, an exhibition of the writer's books, student drawings, “Literature 7th grade. textbook-reader.» Author-compiler V.Ya Korovina, presentation “Childhood in the image of L.N. Tolstoy"

Methodical techniques: selective reading of chapters, analytical conversation.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

In today's lesson, we will learn some information from the biography of L.N. Tolstoy, in particular, those that are reflected on the pages of the story "Childhood", discuss the chapters of this story, which we met on the pages of the textbook, think about what is interesting about the character of the hero and features developing relationships with adults.

III. Exploring a new topic.

    Reading textbook material (p. 305).

Consider carefully the portrait of L.N. Tolstoy. Describe his appearance high forehead, intelligent penetrating eyes, gray hair, beard and mustache, wrinkles on the forehead.)

What is your idea of ​​a writer? Judging by his portrait? What kind of person is this? (It's very smart, a wise man, kind and noble).

You are right guys. L. N. Tolstoy was, indeed, very wise and noble man, cordial, kind, hardworking.

The guys who prepared reports about the writer will tell in more detail about L. N. Tolstoy.

Information from the biography of Leo Tolstoy. Brief retelling reports.

L.N. Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in the estate Yasnaya Polyana Tula province (portrait on a board or slide). Leo Tolstoy is a descendant of two old noble families: Counts Tolstoy and princes Volkonsky.

Tolstoy is an unusual count. He was fond of agriculture, understood and respected peasant labor. Big role played in the life of Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana: there he learned to see nature and ordinary people, many works have been written there. (Reproductions on a board or slides) In Yasnaya Polyana, Lev Nikolaevich opened a school for peasant children, then 20 more schools in the surrounding villages. For the children, Tolstoy created the alphabet, arithmetic, 4 books for reading, stories and fairy tales (“Filipok”, “Bone”, “Lion and Dog”, “Liar”, “How a Man Divided Geese”, “Three Bears”, etc.) .

Analyzing these works, one can see that the main thing for Tolstoy is kindness, respect for the child, the ability to see a personality in him. He believed that many adults do not understand and do not respect the child, they give him little freedom.

This idea - respect for a person, even the smallest one, is the main one for the story, which we will consider today.

– What was the significance of Yasnaya Polyana for Tolstoy? (She is a cradle, she introduced people to life, with folk songs, fairy tales, legends, epics. She taught him to love.)

- Who is the main character of the story "Childhood"? (Nikolenka Irteniev.)

2. The word of the teacher.

Autobiographical prose is usually based on a living memory of the past, the reliability of direct impressions. Think about who owns the words below: the author or the hero Nikolenka Irteniev. Why did you decide so? What thoughts and feelings are conveyed in them?

“Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me. (Of course, these are the reflections of an adult, for whom childhood is a distant past. And memories of him, of what happened, “elevate the soul”, i.e. make it better, be like wonderful people who met on the path of life, remember and love the closest people - mother and father.)

What is the story "Childhood" about? (This story is about the relationship between children and adults in a noble family.)

Who is the main character of the story? (Nikolenka Irteniev).

Let's trace the character of the protagonist by reading the chapters. How does Nikolenka observe the behavior of adults, how acutely does she feel their attitude towards herself? What answers them?

3. Vocabulary work. On the board are written the words: affection, self-sacrifice, sympathy, consent.

Read the words written on the board. How do you understand them? After the discussion, open the slides.

Attachment- this is a feeling of love, getting used to a person, when a person cannot imagine himself without someone or without something.

self-sacrifice- this is when a person sacrifices himself (his happiness or life) for the benefit of other people.

Sympathy- this is when a person experiences someone else's misfortune as his own, helps people in trouble.

Agreement- mutual understanding, good relations, peace between people.

Use these words when discussing the chapters you have read.

4. Reading by the teacher of the chapter "Maman" from the story "Childhood" pp. 308-310

5. Analytical conversation(about mother) for questions.

What does Mother Nikolenka seem like?

Find the lines of the story that describe maman's appearance. (“When I try to remember my mother the way she was at that time, I imagine only her brown eyes always expressing the same kindness and love, a mole on her neck, a little below the place where small hairs curl, an embroidered white collar, a tender dry hand who caressed me so often and whom I kissed so often; but general expression eludes me.”) (p. 308)

- What feeling is imbued with the author's memories of his mother? (Love, adoration. He remembered the individual features of “a beloved creature: brown eyes that always expressed the same kindness and love” for everyone, a tender dry hand, which he kissed when she caressed him. Of the clothes, he remembered only an embroidered white collar. memory retained not the general expression of the image of the mother, but only its details.)

– What else did the author remember in the portrait of his mother? (The smile that made the beautiful and kind face of the mother beautiful. The eyes shone with kindness and joy. The smile added charm to her face. And it seemed that everything around was shining with happiness and joy. And if, according to the author, in difficult moments of life, at least for a moment to see that smile, “I wouldn’t know what grief is.”)

What does Tolstoy say about the beauty of the face? Find and read these lines. (“It seems to me that a smile alone consists of what is called the beauty of a face: if a smile adds charm to a face, then the face is beautiful; if it does not change it, then it is ordinary; if it spoils it, then it is bad.”) (with .309)

What is Nikolenka's relationship with her mother?

Remember what else the hero says, remembering his mother's smile? Find these words and read. (“If in the difficult moments of my life I could even catch a glimpse of this smile, I would not know what grief is.”) (p. 309)

What do these words say?

What does mother call Nikolenka? (My angel, my darling.)

How does he answer her? How does this characterize him?

How did your mother treat the servants? (“Wait a minute, Mimi,” said Marya Ivanovna with a smile ... ““ Put it on, Karl Ivanovich,” said my mother, when he raised his hat over his head. Natalya Nikolaevna did not express either impatience or annoyance when she I had to repeat my question, did the children sleep peacefully, three times.)

– Why did the author “unwittingly” shudder when answering the question why he was crying? (“It was I who wept in my sleep…” It was a lie. He could not explain the cause of the tears so as not to upset his mother. But to lie to her, this kind, pure, heavenly being, was a great sin for him…)

6. Teacher reading the chapter “What Kind of Man Was My Father?” pp. 310–312.

7. Conversation on questions.

- What is the portrait of the father? (S. 310.)

What was Nikolenka's father like and what is characteristic of him (his relationship with other people, the features of his clothes, his attitude to music, books, the ability to speak)?

How did the people around him treat him? (Everyone liked him, especially those who wanted to be liked. In dealing with people, he kept the border of pride and arrogance. He skillfully hid the unsightly aspects of life from others, avoiding grief. In a word, the author’s father is a born artist, an expert in all things that bring convenience and pleasures, and he knew how to use them. My father communicated with the relatives of his wife, the author’s mother, and friends of his youth, being angry with them, of course, in his heart for having succeeded in the service and “grew far away in ranks” from him. music, sang; he liked folk music.

Conclusion. the author's father lived for himself, thinking only about his own pleasures (cards, women). His life was full of all sorts of hobbies, and he never thought about whether his hobbies were pleasant to others, whether his wife and children were happy, he was so happy in life that he did not see the need (in moral convictions).

V. Summing up the lesson.

- How does the mother appear to the hero of the story? When did her face get even better?

- What was your father like and what was characteristic of him (his relationship with other people, the features of his clothes, his attitude to music, books, the ability to speak)?

L.N. Tolstoy. Chapter "Classes".

Goals and objectives: reveal the ideological and artistic meaning of the work, show moral issues set by the author.

Organizing time(greeting, communication of goals, setting goals).

Explanation of new material. The story "Childhood" is the first part of the trilogy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". A trilogy is a literary work consisting of three independent works but united common idea and continuity of the plot (recording the term in workbook). She first appeared in the September issue of the Sovremennik magazine for 1852 signed LN. "Boyhood" was printed in 1854 and was signed "LNT", "Youth" was published in January 1857, and the name "Count L.N. Tolstoy" was already widely known in Russian literature.

Main character"Childhood" Nikolenka Irteniev is brought up in a serf estate. In the 19th century, children began studying in lyceums and gymnasiums from the age of 9-10, and before that they were brought up by tutors and home teachers, most often foreigners. Sometimes home education continued until the young man entered the university or the page corps.

The teacher of Nikolenka and his brother Volodya was Karl Ivanovich Mauer, a German. Let's get to know him better.

Work with the text of the work .

Teacher. And now Karl Ivanovich found out that the guys were leaving to study in Moscow, where the best educational establishments. That is why our passage begins with the words: "Karl Ivanovich was very out of sorts." Let's read it.

Commented reading chapter "Classes" (pp. 312-315).

1. Tell us how children studied at the beginning of the last century. (Children studied at home, worked with them home teacher and caregiver. He gave assignments in the subjects themselves and immediately asked the answers of his students.)

2. Read the description of the classroom. What is interesting about the inhabitants of this room and their activities tells the interior?

Karl Ivanovich, with glasses on his nose and a book in his hand, was sitting in his usual place, between the door and the window. To the left of the door were two shelves: one was ours, the children's, the other was Karl Ivanych's, his own. On ours there were all sorts of books - educational and non-educational: some were standing, others were lying. Only two large volumes The Histoire des voyages (The General History of Travels), in red bindings, poised primly against the wall; and then there were long, thick, large and small books - crusts without books and books without crusts (...)

Landcards hung on the other wall, all almost torn, but skilfully pasted over by the hand of Karl Ivanovich. On the third wall, in the middle of which there was a door down, two rulers hung on one side: one was cut, ours, the other was brand new, his own, used by him more for encouragement than for ruling; on the other, a black board, on which our big misdeeds were marked with circles and small ones with crosses. To the left of the board was a corner where we were put on our knees (...)

In the middle of the room stood a table covered with a tattered black oilcloth, under which in many places one could see the edges cut with penknives. There were several unpainted stools around the table, but from long use of varnished stools. The last wall was occupied by three windows.

(Everything in this room says that they are studying here: books, maps, rulers, a table with stools, a blackboard ... But each item also tells about people: the teacher Karl Ivanovich and his students. And it turns out that almost a century and a half ago the children were also sometimes lazy, and, worrying or thinking about something extraneous, they could cut the table with a knife or tear the map, and were not averse to looking out the window, dreaming that the lesson would end quickly. knees, or circles and crosses on a black board.

A lot has also been said about Karl Ivanovich: about his strictness, accuracy, desire to assert independence (his own things), and much more.)

3. Conversation on questions.

- Briefly describe the content of the chapter.

- Why was Karl Ivanovich out of sorts? (S. 313. "...Tnow the children have become big, they need to study seriously ... Yes, now I have become no longer needed, and I must be driven away; where are the promises? where is the gratitude?

Find and read the episode from the chapter "Classes" in which the hero talks about how he was punished. Karl Ivanovich got angry, put me on my knees, kept repeating that this was stubbornness, a puppet comedy (that was his favorite word), threatened with a ruler and demanded that I ask for forgiveness, while I could not utter a word from tears; Finally, probably feeling his own injustice, he went into Nikolai's room and slammed the door.(p. 313)

Nikolenka hears a conversation between Karl Ivanovich and Nikolai. Karl Ivanovich complains about the injustice of the owner, who takes the children away to study, not trusting his work. What feelings does Nikolenka experience?

- How does Nikolenka perceive what he hears? (“... I was upset that I could not do anything.” From tears and sobs, I could not pronounce the dialogue and was punished, although Karl Ivanovich understood the injustice of punishment.)

- What is the relationship between Karl Ivanovich and the father of the protagonist?
(S. 314. “I know whose jokes these are ... to tell the truth ...”.)

Find the lines describing Nikolenka's feelings and read.

I sympathized with his grief, and it hurt me that my father and Karl Ivanovich, whom I loved almost equally, did not understand each other; I again went to the corner, sat on my heels and talked about how to restore harmony between them".) (p. 314)

– How is the character characterized by his thoughts about Karl Ivanovich and his father? (S. 314. "I sympathized ... there was agreement between them.")

Questions to the class:

How did Karl Ivanovich react to the news of the children's departure?

What did he say to Uncle Nikolai?

What was the teacher's indignation at the lesson?

What proposal did he dictate to the guys?

How did the boys react to separation from the teacher?

Summarizing. What did Tolstoy want to tell us, creating the image of Karl Ivanovich? What was the main thing for him? (Kindness, sincerity, love for children, affection, but most importantly - respect. This is the only way to educate a person).

Literature lesson "The story of the life and death of Natalia Savishna" (based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood").

Target: continuing the study of L.N. Tolstoy's story "Childhood", deepening the penetration into art world writer, arouse the desire to extract moral lessons from classical literature; reveal the image of Natalia Savishna, show his place in the story and in the life of the protagonist.

During the classes

I. Quiz "Recognize the hero by the portrait."

1) “Large, stately height, strange, small steps, gait, the habit of twitching the shoulder, small, always smiling eyes, a large aquiline nose, irregular lips that somehow awkwardly but pleasantly folded, lack of pronunciation - whispering, and big, in all his head, bald head ... ”(Father Nikolenka).

2) “... brown eyes, always expressing the same kindness and love, a mole on the neck, a little lower than the place where small hairs curl, an embroidered and white collar, a gentle dry hand that caressed me so often and which I kissed so often; but the general expression eludes me.” (Maman).

Who are these words about?

“What a rare, wonderful creature this old woman was!” (About Natalya Savishna.)

- Let's trace the life story of Natalia Savishna, to whom the author devoted a whole chapter - "Natalia Savishna". Why an entire chapter? What role did Natalya Savishna play in the life of the narrator? So, lesson topic: "The story of the life and death of Natalia Savishna".

II. Conversation on the text of the chapter “Natalya Savishna”.

- Who is Natalya Savishna?

    a simple serf woman,

    yard servant,

    serf peasant woman,

    nanny mother Nikolenka,


- Who is she housekeeper?(A woman who was in charge of the household.)

- She did not immediately become the housekeeper Natalia Savishna. Let's trace her history through the history of her name. Let's write:

Why is the name changed? (Growing respect.)

What did she do to deserve it? (“Meekness of disposition”, “industriousness”, “fidelity and devotion”, “love”.)

- Was there any self-interest in caring for the master's good? (“I didn’t profit from the master’s thread” - disinterested work, selfless love.)

What did Natasha look like? (“In a shabby dress, a barefoot, but cheerful, fat and red-cheeked girl.”)

– And Natalia Savishna? (No portrait.)

- How do you imagine her? (In a cap and apron.)

- Did Natalya Savishna have a family, children? And love? (Did not take place.)

- Tell me why. Who is to blame? ( Retelling.) p.316

- For what was the girl Natashka punished and exiled to the steppe village to the barnyard? (For the love of the lordly waiter. She is a serf, she has no right to love, to personal happiness. Her duty is to serve the masters and live for them, only for them.)

Why was she returned to her masters? («… nno one could replace Natalya ... "And if she is irreplaceable, why should she be punished if she gave her soul and heart to the masters even before punishment ?! Because she wished a little personal happiness?! Natashka returned (otherwise the servants were not called) insulted, humiliated, devastated. She didn't even think about love. “Returning in a robe (simple peasant clothes) from exile; she came to her grandfather, fell at his feet and asked him to return her mercy, affection and forget that nonsense that had been found on her and which, she swore, would never return. Indeed, she kept her word.")

“Fate was cruel to this woman. Was she angry at life? Does he grumble at fate? (With true Christian humility she bears the cross.)

“Besides, is her life devoid of love?” (Life gave her a huge, inexhaustible love for Natalya Nikolaevna.)

Main feature her character? (“love and self-sacrifice.”)

What is self-sacrifice? (Relinquishing personal interests for the sake of others.)

- Is it good or bad? (If you love, then it’s good. Self-sacrifice without love is fruitless. On the other hand, it’s impossible to love and not sacrifice anything.)

- What act of Natalia Savishna speaks about this? (Tore free.)

- Why did Natalya Savishna do this? (Misunderstood, offended, regarded as a desire to drive away.)

- How does Nikolenka feel about Natalia Savishna? (With love and tenderness, but takes her love for granted: “Since I can remember myself, I remember Natalya Savishna, her love and caresses; but now I only know how to appreciate them ...”).

- Natalia Savishna's room beckoned Nikolenka. Let's imagine that "under the pretext of ... need" he ran here. Let's enter the room with him... What do we see?

Let's look at the picture in the textbook. Why so few details? (In Tolstoy, Natalia Savishna's room is described succinctly: "filled" with chests.)

– “In the chests ... there was definitely everything ...” Which of the following things were stored in the blue chest of Natalya Savishna?

- Why did Nikolenka like to be in Natalya Savishna's room? What did you do? (dreaming out loud)

- How do Nikolenka's dreams characterize him?

- What does the interior of the room in which Natalya Savishna lives say about her mistress? (The room where a person lives can tell a lot about the character, habits, occupation of the tenant. Natalya Savishna runs the household in the Irtenev family, so in her chests “there was absolutely everything.” In the blue chest - on the lid is a drawing of Volodya - Nikolenka's brother - proof of how dear Natalya Savishna is every sign of attention of her beloved children.Ochakovo smoking, brought by Nikolenka's grandfather from Turkey and carefully preserved by Natalya Savishna, is also a memory of the past years of faithful service and devotion.)

- “She was always busy with something ...” What occupation is Natalya Savishna depicted at A. Westfalen? (Rummages in the chest.)

What else could she be doing? (I knitted a stocking, wrote down linen.)

- When did Nikolenka appreciate the nanny? (When I became an adult, after 1.5 decades I realized: “Her whole life was love and self-sacrifice.”)

Assignment: "I got mad at her once." For what?

What was the main character thinking about as he walked around the room? (S. 319. “How! Natalya Savishna ... No, this is terrible! ..” ... The future master lives in the boy, until he himself realizes this. Class education made itself felt.)

- And then ... Nikolenka was not only not grateful, but even thought about how to take revenge on the impudent Natalya, who insulted him. What happened? What act of Nikolenka aroused such a base feeling?

– Tablecloth case: role reading.

- Why did Natalya Savishna punish Nikolenka like that? (“Beloved” - punished like her own son.)

- What interests Tolstoy more - an event or inner experiences?

- Let's see what feelings Nikolenka experienced, how one feeling is replaced by another.

Tolstoy was the first in Russian literature to show the world of the hero not frozen, but in constant change and development. This artistic discovery is called "Dialectics of the Soul"

- What angered Nikolenka? (The arrogance of serf Natalia.)

Why did he refuse revenge? (Natalya Savishna came to ask for forgiveness.)

- What are you ashamed of? (He behaved with a woman who gave herself to their family without a trace, as with an ordinary serf.)

- How does Natalya Savishna herself experience what happened? (Suffers from his own rudeness, pities the child.)

- What are the details about it? (“…Natalya Savishna… timidly came up to me and began to say:

– Completeness , my father, do not Cry... forgive me, you fool... it's my fault... you must forgive me, my darling... there you are.

She took out from under her handkerchief a cornet made of red paper, in which were two caramels and one fig, and trembling gave it to me by hand.)

- What significance did this story have for Nikolenka? (She taught me to love, appreciate the love of others, forgive. The author is convinced that love and forgiveness are the path to harmony and happiness.)

- If Natalya Savishna were different, would Nikolenka grow up to be such a conscientious person as we feel him in the narrator? (No .. If Natalya Savishna behaved differently, it would not be a shame, the case would not be remembered, because Nikolenka, after so many years, remembers her unseemly behavior).

Why did Tolstoy devote an entire chapter to Natalya Savishna, a simple woman? (Left a deep mark in the soul, taught high wisdom, true love to people, disinterestedness, sensitivity, kindness.)

L. N. Tolstoy. STORY "Childhood". chapter "childhood"

Goals: reveal the world of thoughts and conflicting feelings of the protagonist; show the generosity of the people who love him; to show Tolstoy's skill in depicting the movements of the soul.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Find out which heroine is being referred to in the above passage. What is she? How does Nikolenka feel about it and how is the author?

“She not only never spoke, but also did not think, it seems, about herself; her whole life was love and selflessness. I was so accustomed to her disinterested, tender love for us that I did not imagine that it could be otherwise, I was not at all grateful to her and never asked myself questions: is she happy? is it enough?

Sometimes, under the pretext of a necessary need, you would run from a lesson to her room, sit down and start dreaming aloud, not at all embarrassed by her presence. She was always busy with something: either knitting a stocking, or rummaging through the chests with which her room was filled, or writing down linen and, listening to every nonsense that I say (...), she would say: “Yes, my father, yes ". Usually, when I got up and was about to leave, she opened a blue chest, on the inside of which - as I remember now - there were pasted a painted image of some hussar, a picture from a lipstick jar and a drawing of Volodya, - she took out smoking from this chest, lit it and , waving, said:

- This, father, is still Ochakov smoking. When your dead grandfather - the kingdom of heaven - went under the Turk, they brought him from there. That’s the last piece left,” she added with a sigh.

In the chests with which her room was filled, there was absolutely everything.

In this passage we are talking about Natalia Savishna. All her life she selflessly served the Irtenev family, she was unusually modest and kind, she treated all family members with love, especially children. Nikolenka loved Natalya Savishna, but not only never tried to please her, to take care of her, but even when, on behalf of her mothers, Natalya Savishna punished him for ruining the tablecloth, he was indignant like a true little barchon: how the serf dared to punish him. The author not only describes the kind old woman with extraordinary love and tenderness, but also recalls with belated regret how little true warmth and attention that she deserved, he once showed her.

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Study of the chapter "Childhood".

1. Commented reading.

Task: draw an oral picture (using a textbook) of a boy falling asleep at the table.

What does he see through his drowsiness? (Look and smile.)

– What does he feel? (The touch of a “gentle hand,” a “wonderful gentle hand,” hears a “cute” voice.)

- What kind of feeling do the memories of parting breathe before going to bed? (Love filled his heart, it was a need, it gave strength. And nothing was needed except innocent gaiety and the boundless need of love.)

What is young Irteniev praying for? Find these lines and read.

After that, as you used to come upstairs and stand in front of the icons, in your quilted robe, what a wonderful feeling you experience when you say: "Save, Lord, papa and mama.")

(“Remember, it happened, about Karl Ivanovich and his bitter fate - the only person whom I knew unhappy - and you will feel so sorry for him, you will love him so much that tears will flow from your eyes, and you think: "God grant him happiness, give me the opportunity to help him, ease his grief; I am ready to sacrifice everything for him.")

You will also pray that God will give happiness to everyone, that everyone will be happy and that tomorrow there will be good weather for walking, you will turn on the other side, thoughts and dreams will get mixed up, mixed up, and you will fall asleep quietly, calmly, still with your face wet from tears. )

How does this characterize him?

So, let's characterize the hero of the story "Childhood". How do you see Nikolenka Irteniev?

Conclusion (teacher's word): Nikolenka is smart, observant, has a vivid imagination, constantly analyzes his thoughts and actions. Nikolenka's soul is open to all the impressions of life, but in childhood, children are limited to a narrow family circle. Nikolenka begins to notice the shortcomings of the people of his circle and comes to the idea of ​​the need to correct human vices and, above all, correct himself. But real life every now and then destroys his dreams.

Nikolenka makes mistakes, analyzes her actions, suffers because of her mistakes.

Conclusion. L. N. Tolstoy carefully preserved the spiritual image of his mother. "She seemed to me such a high, pure, spiritual being that often... I prayed to her soul, asking her to help me, and this prayer always helped a lot."

At the end of the chapter, Tolstoy asks: “Will that freshness, carelessness, need for love and strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? What time can be better than that when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need for love - were the only motives in life? .. Has life left such heavy traces in my heart that these tears and raptures have departed from me forever?

- What worries Tolstoy when he thinks about childhood?

V. Summing up the lesson.

A feature of the hero of the story "Childhood" is that he constantly thinks about the manifestation of his feelings and is often "merciless to himself."

- What interests Tolstoy more - an act or his moral sense?

Do you always critically evaluate your actions and feelings? Are you at the same time "merciless" to yourself?

Homework: prepare an answer to question-task 4 (p. 322); read the article by N. K. Gudziy “How Tolstoy worked” (p. 323).

“Childhood” is one of the first works of Leo Tolstoy, from which his long life began. creative way. This story is autobiographical.

Lev Nikolayevich was always interested in the life and soul of a simple Russian person, and in 1851, being in the Caucasus with his brother, Tolstoy thoroughly set about writing the story “Childhood” - the first part of the trilogy, which was supposed to show all the stages of development and formation of personality. Many stories and facts from the book are taken from the life of the author himself. He, too, looked up to his brother in everything, lost his mother early and searched for himself from birth.

Genre and direction

Book genre - autobiographical story. The direction is realism, because all the main events are based on facts from the life of the writer. Everything that is told in the work shows the life and customs of the Russian nobles of the 19th century.

The story is part of a trilogy, as you know, after "Childhood" follow "Boyhood" and "Youth" Nikolenka.


The story is based on events from the life of Nikolenka Irteniev, the main character. The story is told on behalf of Kolya himself, the boy talks about life in a noble house, hunting, a teacher, first love, personal experiences and hard times. We see the world through the eyes of a 10-year-old boy who is just beginning to understand the essence of things, feelings and behavior of people.

Nicholas is faced with a variety of phenomena. His mother dies, and he is forced to leave home and go to study in a large and foreign city. There he begins new life, full of adventure, discoveries and reflections. We described the plot of the book briefly and precisely in

Main characters

The image and characteristics of each character are in this. Here we give only the most basic information about the life and character of the hero.

  1. Nikolenka Irteniev- the main character, a boy from noble family. He feels the world very subtly, is smart beyond his years, but the learning process itself is boring for him. Nikolenka tries to find the essence, meaning in everything, but she often makes mistakes due to her heightened sensitivity and temper. He is kind, but driven: he is easily led astray, because he often imitates older or stronger peers.
  2. Mother- in the story itself, the author does not show the character of the woman directly, but we can trace her influence on her son. Thanks to the kind mother's heart the boy became so empathetic and compassionate.
  3. Dad- a sensible and strict man. The hero loves him no less, the father retains authority over his son in any situation.
  4. Natalya Savishna- housekeeper, former nanny of Nikolenka's mother. By nature, a very altruistic woman, she is ready to give everything for the sake of the family she serves.
  5. Karl Ivanovich- Nikolenka's teacher, a very kind and caring person who wants only the best for the boy.


  1. The main theme of the story is the formation of personality. A person acquires individuality, starting from childhood. Events in early age further influence the fate of people, determine it in many ways. Tolstoy shows the dialectic of the hero's soul - the process of his development. Every feature, every gesture has an explanation, and it is necessary to look for it in childhood.
  2. Another important topic is upbringing. The hero is surrounded by care and attention with young years he feels needed. That's why good qualities often prevent him from doing bad things. This is not the merit of genetics, he is simply well brought up, and, assimilating manners in an urban environment, he gradually becomes more and more reasonable and far-sighted.
  3. Mother's love is also a central theme in the story. It was the mother who taught her sons to subtly feel the world around them, rewarded the children with a heightened sense of justice and sympathy. Receiving affection and warmth of maternal participation, they themselves became merciful, attentive and caring people who were able to admit mistakes and make amends.
  4. Family Theme- also very important aspect. Relationships between relatives largely determine the future of children. Seeing a prosperous home and well-being, they strive to build their lives in the image and likeness of their relatives.
  5. The role of the teacher. Tolstoy understands the importance of the educator for the pupil. Karl Ivanovich does not dismiss his students, he shows firmness, but at the same time he is sincerely disposed towards them. The old man loves and respects children, not allowing himself to be rude towards them.


In this story, Tolstoy touches on many issues that are relevant to this day. We will list only the main ones.

  • A loss loved one . Children especially take loss to heart. Especially in the family. The writer showed how sons yearn for their mother, how painful it is for them to lose her. They just don't know how to live on. This problem does not have a universal solution, but relatives should do everything possible so that children do not feel like orphans. This is the only way out, and Tolstoy shows how to behave in such a situation.
  • bad influence. The child is very susceptible to outside influences. It is easy to lead him astray from the true path, especially if he was brought up gently, without special demands. Nikolai succumbed to harmful moods and began to behave badly towards another boy, obeying the herd mentality. He imitated Seryozha Ivin and wanted to please him. Unfortunately, adults do not always notice the source of bad influence in time, and this connivance can lead to the fact that proper upbringing will not bear fruit.
  • Adult negligence and indiscretion. Parents themselves often make mistakes in education. For example, Tolstoy showed this at a reception at his grandmother, where little Nikolenka was strongly pressed by relatives. Grandmother publicly assured people that her grandson was taking care of the little guest, he was very embarrassed and lost confidence in himself. The impressionability of the child must be taken into account and not frighten him with his revelations, especially in front of outsiders.
  • Problem of choice life path . The hero rushes between good and evil, between vocations, between the girls he likes. He hasn't decided what he is yet.

the main idea

In his work, Tolstoy wanted to show the influence of the surrounding world and people on the formation of personality. How each event is built into a clear picture and is reflected in the formation of human consciousness. Each seemingly insignificant episode can become a motive for a fateful act in the future. Such is the idea of ​​the story, from which morality can be drawn: nothing can be neglected in the upbringing of the rising generation. Everything that is done with a child is very important, because the foundations of the human worldview are formed from childhood.

The meaning of the story is that the role of the family in society cannot be overestimated. In that social institution a person acquires moral guidelines where he finds himself. And what he will be depends, first of all, on his parents, relatives, who must choose the right and healthy environment for the younger generation.

Conclusion: what does it teach?

This story teaches us to value our family, our home and to be more attentive to everything that surrounds us. Being close to the people we love, learning from mistakes to make the lives of our loved ones better every day.

The author also teaches the reader responsibility. The birth of a child is a very important and responsible step, which makes the whole family, and not just mom. Every relative, every friend of the family should take part in the upbringing of children, be attentive to their needs, because this is our common future.

The children themselves must learn moral lessons: to love and respect their relatives, to think with their own heads, and not repeat the mistakes of others. You need to value yourself without humiliating yourself in front of other children and not trying to win their friendship if they themselves treat you arrogantly. Also, the child must learn to objectively evaluate the world around and people, not allowing the first and wrong impressions to overshadow the arguments of the mind.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer who created over 279 literary works. In our article you will get acquainted with the list of the best and popular books given author.


War and Peace

"War and Peace" is an epic four-volume novel written during the hostilities of 1805-1812. Tolstoy was inspired by the ongoing events, which is why he decided to create this masterpiece. The action of the book takes place during the war with Napoleon (Russia was an ally of Austria, also participating in this conflict). Each volume describes separate story. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The first volume tells about the life of Russian society in the 19th century, about how people lived in those hard years, and the stories of the poor and rich social strata are affected.

The second volume of the book "War and Peace" describes in detail the arrival of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov to Austria in the town of Braunau, which was made to inspect and assess the power and strength of the Russian army.

The third volume is considered the most "calm and peaceful", as it is dedicated to love stories the main characters, in particular the young count's son Pierre Bezukhov.

The fourth part of the novel begins with the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte's troops on Russian soil.

Tolstoy's books are read by the whole world

Anna Karenina

"Anna Karenina" - a novel about the unhappy love of a young married woman named Anna Karenina, who was passionately in love with the brave and courageous officer Alexei Vronsky. also in this work you can find many interesting historical facts about the life of the bourgeois and peasant society of the 19th century. The author describes in detail St. Petersburg of that time, and this happens simultaneously with the love events of the novel.

family happiness

"Family Happiness" is a novel that was first published in the well-known at that time magazine "Russian Messenger" in 1859. The book tells the story of a young village girl who fell in love with best friend his not so long ago deceased father - 38-year-old Sergei Mikhailovich. After some time, the man married a young beauty, so the first years of their married life, including quarrels and partings, are described below.


"Resurrection" - a work written in 1899, which is considered latest novel Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The book tells the story of a court hearing in which the case of the theft of money and the poisoning of the merchant Smelkov, who could not be saved, is being considered, as a result of which he dies. The police managed to establish the identity of three suspects in this crime. What will be next? Who will be made guilty? You can learn about this by reading the book.

educated person should be familiar with at least a few of Tolstoy's works


Christmas night

"Christmas Night" is a short story written in 1853. The book is about a little girl who remembers an old Christmas story told to her by her grandmother. One night, a man went in search of fire in order to warm his wife and newly born child. Along the way, he meets shepherds warming themselves by the fire. The shepherds allowed the stranger to take coals from their fire. They were very surprised that he did not burn himself when he took the red-hot stones in his hands. Who is this mysterious traveler? If you are intrigued, then you need to read this story as soon as possible.

Sevastopol in August 1855

"Sevastopol in August 1855" is a book that is part of a cycle of three works about the defense of the city of Sevastopol, which took place in 1855 during Crimean War. The story "Sevastopol in August 1855" describes the fate of the young soldier Volodya, who voluntarily went to the front. This work describes military operations, the experiences of the protagonist, his personal idea and impression of the war.


Snowstorm is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy in 1856. The book is written on behalf of the author and begins with a story about how he jumps into a sleigh to a passing coachman and asks to be taken home from the station. On the way, a severe blizzard begins, which the city of Novocherkassk has not seen for a long time lately. It became difficult for the horse to walk, she could hardly see anything because of the blizzard, so the driver decided to turn back. The protagonist tried to help the coachman and decides to get out of the wagon to find a trace of the sleigh, but nothing comes of it. How will they manage to deal with this situation?


"Degraded" is a story that was written in 1856, which is part of the Caucasian cycle of Tolstoy's works. The plot of the book takes place during the Caucasian War in 1850. The story begins with a young prince serving in an artillery battalion Russian army. In a small forest clearing near the fire, officers gather to chat and play a game that was popular at that time - towns. Suddenly, a strange stranger appears - a little man in a hare coat, who sits down next to the officers and begins to tell his story. Who is this a strange man? You will only learn about this from the book.

Prisoner of the Caucasus

"Prisoner of the Caucasus" - a story that was first published in the magazine "Zarya" in 1873. It tells about the Russian officer Zhilin, who, by an unfortunate coincidence, was captured by the highlanders during the Caucasian War. Zhilin's mother sends him a letter with a request that his son come to see her. The young man immediately decides to go to meet his mother. On the way he is attacked and taken prisoner.


"Filipok" - a story written by Lev Nikolaevich in 1875. The plot describes the life of a little curious boy named Philip, but his mother affectionately calls him "Filipok". The boy is interested in everything that catches his eye. Philip dreams of going to school. Every morning he looks with envy at the older guys who are going to study. One day, he decides to sneak into class. What will he get? You can find out by reading the book.

Surat coffee house

"Surat Coffee House" is a short story created in 1906. It tells about one small coffee shop located in the Indian town of Surat. Travelers, travelers and high-ranking officials were very fond of visiting this place, because excellent coffee was brewed in the Surat coffee house. Once a strange man came here, introducing himself as a theologian. What is the meaning of his appearance? This can be found in the story.

Dream of a young king

"The Dream of the Young Tsar" is a work written in 1958. It tells about the life of a young king who recently took the throne. For almost 5 weeks he worked tirelessly, practically without rest: he signed decrees, attended meetings, received foreign ambassadors and guests. One day he had a strange dream. What was it about? You can learn about this only after reading this book.



"Childhood" is one of the books included in the trilogy of Leo Tolstoy's autobiography, which was written in 1852. The story tells many facts and stories from the life of the writer, describes his experiences, joys, resentments, first love, ups and downs.


"Cossacks" - a story by Lev Nikolaevich, written in 1864. It tells about the Cossack cadet Olenin Dmitry Andreevich, who went from Moscow to the Caucasus to a new place of service. Olenin is located in the small village of Novomlinskaya, located on the banks of the Terek River. A little later, the guy falls in love with the daughter of the owners of the house, from whom he rents housing. The girl's parents are against such a union, because they already have a groom for their daughter in mind. Who is this? You can only learn about this from the book.

Morning of the landowner

"The Morning of the Landowner" is a story created in 1856, which has an autobiographical style of writing. It tells about the 19-year-old prince Nekhlyudov, who comes to his village for the holidays. After life in the capital young man greatly surprised poor life local peasants, so he decides to help the unfortunate people. The guy decides to leave the university, return to his native land and engage in agriculture.

Two hussars

"Two Hussars" - a story first published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1857. Lev Nikolaevich dedicated this work to his beloved sister. It tells about the hussar Fyodor Turbin (a count and a well-known secular person at that time), who arrived in a small provincial town, in whose hotel he meets cornet Ilyin, who not so long ago lost a large amount of money in cards. Turbin decides to help the unfortunate man and comes up with a game plan to beat the card sharper. Will they succeed?


"Idyll" is one of the last stories of Leo Tolstoy, written in 1862. In this work, the author describes the life of his family in the village of Yasnaya Polyana, located in the Tula province. The village "idyll" of the Tolstoy family is described in detail in this book.


"Boyhood" - the second story from autobiographical trilogy Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, created in 1855. The book tells about the teenage period of the life of the boy Kolya, who is going through many difficulties: first feelings, betrayal of friends, school exams and admission to a cadet school.


"Youth" - last story from an autobiographical trilogy, written in 1857. Life is described here young guy Nikolai Irtenyev during his university years, about his friends, their experiences and difficulties that they will face more than once.

Hadji Murad

"Hadji Murad" - a story published in 1890. The book tells about the life of the famous brave Avar Hadji Murad, who fought in Caucasian war against the Russian army. Hadji Murad goes over to the side of the enemy, abandons his compatriots and runs away from them into the mountains. Further, he tries to establish relations with the Russian soldiers, starting to fight along with them.

Along with this also read

The above works, written by Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, are considered one of the best and most famous among readers around the world. But, there are books that are no less popular and interesting. These include:

  • "Polyushka";
  • "Mother";
  • "Diary of a Madman";
  • "Master and worker";
  • "Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich";
  • "Father Sergius";
  • "The History of Yesterday";
  • "Two horses";
  • "Kholstomer";
  • "Lucerne";
  • "Expensive";
  • "Fake Coupon";
  • "Alyosha Pot";
  • "For what?";
  • "The Power of Childhood";
  • "Father Vasily";
  • "Three Days in the Village";
  • "Khodynka";
  • "Infected family";
  • "Nihilist";
  • "The Fruits of Enlightenment";
  • "Grateful soil";
  • "The Aeronaut's Tale";
  • "Bounce";
  • “The power of darkness, or the Claw is stuck, the whole bird is abyss”;
  • "Pyotr Khlebnik";
  • “All qualities come from her”;
  • "Dramatic treatment of the legend of Agea";
  • "A song about the battle on the Chernaya River on August 4, 1855".

In this article, you learned about the best and interesting works Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The most popular novels, novellas and short stories were described here. Each of which we recommend reading.

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