Brothers Karamazov story briefly. Roman Brothers Karamazov


F.M. Dostoevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov", summary ... The first lines of the novel begin with an epigraph: “Truly, truly, I say to you: if a grain of wheat, falling into the ground, does not die, then only one will remain; and if he dies, he will bear much fruit (Gospel of John). It is in these words that the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work sounds. What do they mean? The world is a struggle and unity of two opposites. Is death always evil? Is white always light? Is a fight necessary? Is suffering necessary? What is the soul in this fight? Who is God in this duel? And does he exist? These and other questions are read in the destinies, deeds, words of the main characters...

Summary: "The Brothers Karamazov"

The novel takes place in small town Skotoprigonyevsk in the 70s of the 19th century. On the first page, we find ourselves in the monastery, in the skete of the elder Zosima, who is known in the district as a righteous man and healer. The prayed place becomes a stage where the main characters gather. The author introduces us in detail to each of them, symbolically anticipating subsequent tragic events.

Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov is the father of a large family, a dissolute, cynical, infinitely greedy and unusually cruel man. An extraordinary, sometimes terrible craving for power, for earthly pleasures and comfort erases in it all the existing boundaries between good and evil, destroys Eternal values. That kindred, spiritual thread that connects him with children is also lost.

The eldest son Dmitry Karamazov is a man with unbridled passions, he is thrown from one extreme to another like a pendulum. He is honest, ready for generous deeds and at the same time can be extremely cruel and ruthless. His soul is drawn to love, to light, deep faith, and every day he promises himself that he will stop this disorderly life full of drunkenness and debauchery. But the forces that affect the oscillations of its pendulum are so great and uncontrollable that the creative energy in it is instantly transformed into destructive. This is the so-called elemental "Karamazov" force, which, to one degree or another, was transmitted from his father, Fyodor Pavlovich, to each of his offspring.

Ivan Karamazov - middle son outwardly calm, self-possessed, rationally thinking. But even passions rage in him and the struggle between faith and godlessness does not stop. At first glance, he is more of a silent observer than an active participant in the unfolding drama. But this impression is deceptive. His silent agreement played a decisive role, it became a real killer .... However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Continuing to describe the brief content of The Brothers Karamazov, let us return to the youngest offspring of Fyodor Pavlovich, who, according to Dostoevsky, is the main person. Alyosha Karamazov - third, younger son- a novice at Zosima, an honest, sincere, deeply believing young man, who is in a constant search for truth and reconciliation. It was at his suggestion that the whole family gathered in the skete of the elder to resolve the flaring property dispute between the father and the eldest of the brothers.

Human passions? It is an intense desire to possess the here and now. It is so great that a person is ready to go to extreme measures, just to achieve his goal. It is in the possession of someone or something that he sees himself truly happy. Just such a duel for happiness takes place between Dmitry and his parent. At stake are three thousand rubles and the beautiful Grushenka, with whom both are immensely in love. In the skete of the elder, reconciliation does not occur.

On the contrary, everything ends in scandal.

Zosima, seeing with the eyes of God, gives parting words to everyone. Before Dmitry, he kneels, truly loving for his future suffering and for the pain that he needs to go through in order to be cleansed. He blesses Ivan, wisely noting that the issue in his heart has not yet been resolved. He tells Fyodor Pavlovich that his buffoonery comes solely from the fact that he is ashamed of himself. And he punishes Alyosha to be with his brothers and father now.

Everyone disperses, and a series of events unfold in the city of Skotoprigonyevsk. They follow one after another: words thrown in rage, thoughtless actions, increasing resentment. They are like a storm that grows every minute, captures everyone and everything along the way, turns black, ready to collapse and destroy everything around. Some will die and some will survive....

Dmitry increasingly demands money from his father. With each new day, hatred and jealousy become stronger. Day and night he guards his beloved Grushenka at his father's house, if she, seduced by Fyodor Pavlovich's money, decides to come to him. He becomes extremely suspicious and in a fit of rage and despair beats the parent. But another secret is hidden in his soul, his shame - he squandered someone else's three thousand with Grushenka at an inn in the village of Mokroe. And Katerina Ivanovna, his formal bride, gave him this money to send it to his sister in Moscow. Huge shame and in front of the girl for his theft, for his betrayal, for his love for another push him to a desperate step.

Ivan is secretly in love with Dmitry's fiancee. Every day he sits "near the anguish" and involuntarily plunges into her tormented soul, where there is a struggle between the feat of loyalty to the groom and a deep feeling for him, Ivan. Every day he observes the undisguised cynicism of his father, who is ready to exchange everyone and everything, if only to live in his filth to the end. Every day he becomes an unwitting listener to the deeply immoral, base reasoning of Smerdyakov, who is supposedly the illegitimate son of Karamazov from the tramp Lizaveta. He listens and realizes with disgust that the lackey's words echo his own thoughts to some extent. Is everything allowed or not? If you believe in God and the immortality of the soul, then not everyone, but if not ... So, everyone chooses for himself how it is better and more comfortable for him to settle in the world.

In his doubts, he writes the poem "The Grand Inquisitor", in which he raises the main questions: accepting God and not accepting the world of God, what is justice, striving for perfection and what is the true harmony of God, what is the difference between human happiness and true. The culmination of his "storm" is last conversation with Smerdyakov, in which the latter advises him to leave the city for a few days, hinting at length that anything can happen to his father in his absence. Ivan is outraged, but at the same time intrigued, and agrees ...

Alyosha, following the orders of the elder and his own loving soul, talks, instructs and tries to help everyone. He sees the turmoil in the heart of everyone, he observes this endless cruelty and indifference, he becomes a witness to the endless duel between true values and sin, in which a person more often chooses to fall into the abyss, and doubts also appear in his soul. At this time, the elder Zosima dies. Around there is an expectation of some miracle after his death, but instead of the expected, there is a smell of decay. Alyosha is embarrassed. There are too many stones on his way to the truth, which knock down and want to destroy ....

Passions run high, a storm rises, and the death of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov becomes the apotheosis. Who is the killer? Coincidence of circumstances and facts speak against the eldest son. He is arrested. Judgment begins. Dmitry is a libertine, a deceiver, a rowdy and a drunkard, but he is not a murderer. Smerdyakov confesses to Ivan the murder of his father and tells in detail how it happened, warning that it was he, Ivan, who inspired him, and with his secret consent a terrible crime took place. Ivan is desperate. On the one hand, he does not admit guilt, but on the other hand, his conscience says otherwise. He intends to go to court and tell how everything really happened. Smerdyakov, disappointed in him, in his ideas about permissiveness, gives him the stolen money and hangs himself. Ivan, in a fever, appears before the court and confesses his assistance to this crime: "The lackey killed, and I taught."

Ekaterina Ivanovna gets hysterical decisive letter, Dmitry's last message to her, in which he writes in detail about his desire to kill his father and take the money owed to him. This clue becomes key. Thus, she saves Ivan and destroys Dmitry, the ulcer of her heart, whom she promises to love forever, no matter what ... Finishing describing the summary of The Brothers Karamazov, we move on to the final, no less symbolic scene - the funeral little boy Ilyushenka Snegirev. At the funeral, Alyosha urges those gathered to love life, appreciate it wonderful moments to be kind and honest….

"The Brothers Karamazov": summary, conclusion

At the end of the journey, you always want to return to the beginning and remember how it all began .... Getting down to the description of “Summary of The Brothers Karamazov”, we touched on the epigraph. In conclusion, I would certainly like to return to it: “Truly, truly, I say to you: if a grain of wheat, falling into the ground, does not die, then only one will remain; and if he dies, he will bear much fruit (Gospel of John). "Wheat grains" fell into the ground. Many of them were trampled down, pressed into the mud and destroyed, but it is their "death", their fall, pain and suffering that will bring "much fruit" - spiritual purification and love ....

The idea to create a "psychological drama" about the opposition of the brothers came from Dostoevsky in 1874, although characters of the novel he started designing much earlier. It is easy to see parallels in the characters of various works the author: Alyosha Karamazov and Grushenka with Prince Myshkin and Nastasya Filippovna (“The Idiot”), Ivan Karamazov with Raskolnikov (“Crime and Punishment”), Elder Zosima with St. Tikhon (“Demons”).

The storyline of the work took shape more clearly after meeting in prison with the convicted Ilyinsky, who was mistakenly sent to hard labor for the murder of his father. In the first drafts of the novel, Dmitry also bears the surname Ilyinsky.

"The Brothers Karamazov"- the result, the understanding of the whole life of Dostoevsky. Childhood memories here are combined with thoughts and impressions. recent years, A images Dmitry, Ivan and Alexei symbolize three stages spiritual development the author himself. The novel has a complex, multifaceted structure, its genre difficult to define. Events take place over two weeks, but this a short time contains so many stories, disputes, conflicts, ideological clashes that would be enough for several works of detective, philosophical and family drama.

The action of the novel is concluded between two trials: the trial of the elder Zosima and the criminal trial of Dmitry Karamazov. And this sequence symbolic. Dostoevsky reliably showed that the moral fall of the heroes, their deviation from morality, neglect of spiritual truths leads to crime.

The novel consists of twelve parts (books). The first two are introductory. The third book presents negative characters- the father of the family Fyodor Pavlovich and footman Pavel Smerdyakov. In the fourth book, the reader gets acquainted with those who lead a “decent” lifestyle (Katerina, the Snegirevs, Father Ferapont), but their “righteousness” is dictated not by deep convictions, but by the benefit of observing decency. Only in the fifth and sixth books do the main characters appear - Ivan, Dmitry, Alyosha, Zosima. Dostoevsky then puts the brothers to the test, which tests life credo everyone. In the seventh book - Alexei, the eighth and ninth - Dmitry, in the eleventh - Ivan. In the final twelfth book, the judgments and moral foundations of the characters are evaluated by society.

Dostoevsky seeks to penetrate deeply into the inner world of his characters, to expose their soul layer by layer, to understand motives contradictory actions, moral torments, doubts and delusions. He achieves this with a wide range means of expression: from confessional monologues to ideological disputes, scandals and insults. Sharp plot twists, conflicts of interests and opinions, a genuine whirlpool of various passions keep the reader in constant suspense.

But the main task the author is not an intrigue. Dostoevsky portrayed in The Brothers Karamazov a generalized formula of the "mysterious Russian soul" with its aspiration "forgetfulness of every measure in everything" both destructive and creative at the same time. Duality, the conscious denial of faith and the need for it as a saving anchor, a mixture of selfishness and self-sacrifice, eternal wandering in captivity of false values ​​- this is how the Russian man appears to the writer.

The social and moral degradation characteristic of Dmitry, Ivan, Smerdyakov and Fyodor Pavlovich was called “Karamazovism”. The condemnation of this phenomenon, the healing from it, is, according to Dostoevsky, the path to the moral rebirth of the Russian people. And in the realm of "Karamazovism", in an atmosphere of permissiveness, cruelty and selfishness, crime is inevitable. And everyone is guilty of it.

Retired officer Dmitry, a devout believer, is guilty. But this does not prevent him from beating his father and threatening to kill him. Mitya did not commit such a terrible crime, but allowed it in his mind, plotted against native person. And he cannot forgive himself for this. Dmitry accepts the unfair verdict of the court, seeking to purify his soul through repentance and suffering.

Guilty and the middle brother - an intellectual, atheist and philosopher Ivan. It is his preaching about the absence of God, about the indestructibility of evil in man and permissiveness that guides Smerdyakov's hand. Ivan recognizes himself as the main killer. His image is a warning to the Russian intelligentsia, which, in the era of Dostoevsky and more later times the idea of ​​human development was extremely popular new way, by liberation from religious shackles. The introduction of this idea into illiterate, spiritually undeveloped minds has led the world to the greatest destructive theories.

Alyosha, the youngest of the brothers, is a type of new religious truth seeker. At the very beginning of the work, Dostoevsky emphasizes the exclusivity of this image, its significance. Previously, positive heroes opposed themselves to a negative environment, sought to fight it and destroy it ideologically, and even physically. Alexei Karamazov does not oppose himself to the world. On the contrary, he goes to people, admonished by the spiritual mentor, the elder Zosima.

Alyosha seeks to understand and forgive everyone: the cunning depraved father, the quick-tempered Dmitry, the theomachist Ivan. He feels that they all need him. Without his love and support, the Karamazov family is doomed to death, and the souls of those close to them are doomed to eternal wandering in the darkness of delusions.

Alexey believes with all his heart that there is a lot of good in people. Following Zosima, he sees the future of mankind in the spiritual perfection of the individual: “In order to remake the world in a new way, it is necessary that people themselves ... mentally turn to the other side”.

Is Alyosha guilty of his father's death? Indirectly, yes, because he knew about Dmitry's intentions, about Ivan's mood, but did nothing to stop the trouble.

IN images of three brothers the writer depicted three main trends in the development of Russian society. It is symbolic that they common root- decaying and dying nobility of the 60s ( father image), as well as common guilt. And everyone gets their payback. Fyodor Pavlovich is killed, Smerdyakov commits suicide, Ivan goes mad, Dmitry goes to hard labor. And Alexey? He has to live with all this.

Three generations are represented in the novel: fathers, children and "boys" - Ilyusha's classmates. This is a new, emerging Russia. It is not for nothing that The Brothers Karamazov ends with a scene where 12 boys, gathered around Alyosha, take an oath to serve good.

To the novel "The Brothers Karamazov"

Back in 1862, Fyodor Mikhailovich dreamed of “the appearance at least by the end of a century” of “some such great work that would express the aspirations and characterization of its time as fully and eternally as, for example, The Divine Comedy expressed its era” .

Dreamed, but left only foreword to the intention. It was meant to be total: « I have never looked at any of my writings. more seriously than to this."

Everything is thought out, clearly, but bears traces of incompleteness, preliminary, preparation - this is “ opening" novel.

In the center"the idea of ​​the rebirth of man again" . It's the same idea about recovery dead person», which already in 1862 Dostoevsky considered the basis of a work that gives immortality.

But this idea was never carried out by Dostoevsky. He took us through hell" and left in anticipation" purgatory." But "hell"- fabulous.

Russian literature gravitated toward encyclopedia: Pushkin, Gogol, Nekrasov, Tolstoy - "people's thought", "family thought".

Dostoevsky has an amazing encyclopedia of human suffering, crimes, fracture and anguish: there is no crime that would not turn into punishment, "would not torment the soul from circle to circle." (The architectonics of The Brothers Karamazov is based on such circles, the visible delimitation of which is fences(Staraya Russa), in center theirs is the house of the Karamazovs, near them But outside of them- monastery).

By 1868, the idea of ​​a cycle of novels "Atheism" was formed, where the modern Russian person, in his wanderings around Russia, loses, seeks and finds faith. Alyosha Karamazov was to become such a hero later. Subject " boys", at first glance, not directly connected in The Brothers Karamazov with the main plot of the novel, plays a huge role. (The idea of ​​the novel "Childhood" also organically entered the text of "The Brothers Karamazov").

Recall that in the late 60s Dostoevsky worked on the topic "Life of a Great Sinner" and this is the general summary of the work that was being prepared in thought, the preface to which was The Brothers Karamazov.

Close to work on "Brothers" Dostoevsky starts in 1874- Thinking in detail. He goes back to history Ilinskog about, who ended up in prison on charges of murder and was released after 10 years, since the real killer was discovered.

Then another story that happened 20 years ago in Tobolsk. “Two brothers, an old father, one has a bride, with whom the second brother is secretly and enviously in love. But she loves the older one. But the eldest, the young ensign, revels, fools, quarrels with his father. The father disappears. Evidence on the elder. Condemned to hard labor ... After 12 years, the younger brother comes to hard labor to see his brother. A scene where the brothers silently understand each other. Since then, another 7 years have passed. The younger one is in rank, in rank, but suffers, announces to his wife that it was he who killed. End: he returns. This one is on the transit. He is sent away. The younger one asks the older one to be the father of his children. "I'm on the right path!" Dostoevsky is interested not so much in the story of the rivalry between the two brothers, but much more in the return of one of them, "innocently convicted", after 12 years. The outline of the future novel is almost ready, but the idea took shape, polished for another three long years.

IN December 1877 Dostoevsky announced the end of The Writer's Diary: “Preparing to write one very large novel, I decided to immerse myself in the study not of reality, I seem to be familiar with it, but of the details of the current. One of the most important tasks in this current for me is the young generation and at the same time a young family. (Already "Teenager" was conceived as "fathers and sons").

So The Brothers Karamazov was originally conceived as a novel about father and children.

There was a dream write a poem about Christ; about the meeting of Christ with the Grand Inquisitor + the story of the innocently convicted Ilyinsky + a novel about a young, even young man, with a pure heart, like that of Myshkin, but whose soul has already touched the abominations of life. It was supposed to be a story about the way the idea matured, the birth of a new person, capable of embodying the idea of ​​redemption. What will be the redemption? Thus, we are talking about a novel of temptations, followed by a novel of redemption.

In May 1878, a terrible blow befell the Dostoevsky family: he died three year old son Alyosha. Dostoevsky in mid-June, together with Sergei Solovyov, went to Optina Pustyn. (The Kireevskys, Gogol, Leo Tolstoy visited there at different times). Dostoevsky's meeting with Elder Ambrose (to some extent the prototype of Elder Zosima) is significant. 66-year-old Father Ambrose is indeed an outstanding personality. (In the world - Alexander Mikhailovich Grenkov). He possessed phenomenal memory, knew 5 languages, was fond of ancient and modern philosophy, had poetic inclinations. He was an intelligent man, a connoisseur of spiritual and bookish wisdom. It was interesting both to uneducated people and to people living an intense spiritual life. Optina was famous for its library of 30 thousand volumes - theological works, ancient philosophical, natural science, medical and other works.

(The monastery in Optina Hermitage is located near the Zhizdra River. The elder is the same monk who lives by the charter common with all the brethren, but at the same time, his own, special, more internal than external life; participates in common life monastery, but also, as it were, independent of it. It's not about age or wisdom. Teacher of life, healer of moral ailments, mentor of lost souls in need of a disinterested word coming from a pure soul that does not want anything for itself).

By 1878 year the plan of the novel was finally developed. The plot and construction are meticulously thought out. When the novel was finished “the apparent formlessness turned out to be the completion of a huge Gothic cathedral ». This architectural masterpiece Dostoevsky.

Returning from Optina Pustyn, Dostoevsky sat down to write a novel. First part appeared in "Russian Messenger" in January 1879 of the year. Then continuation - in No. 2 -6,8,9; and in 1880 in No. - 1,4,7 -10. Epiloguein No. 11 for 1880 year.

“If there is a person in hard labor, it is me. I was in hard labor in Siberia for 4 years, but it’s easier there.” 3 months after the end of the novel, Dostoevsky died. standalone edition in 2 volumes it was published during the life of the writer and sold out in a few days. (And the discussion began even earlier: before the end of publication, as early as 1880. The British Modern Review writes in 1880: “A very interesting novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky began to be published in St. Petersburg.

Later, in 1685, Kramskoy wrote: "When I read the Karamazovs, there were moments when it seemed: well, if even after that the world does not turn on its axis to the direction the artist wants, then the human heart must die!

(What and where did Dostoevsky want " turn the world»?).

In an effort to reveal the connection between the content of the novel and world issues, Dostoevsky introduces the images of his characters into a broad literary and cultural-historical context. Connection modern era the life of mankind with its past is one of the tasks of the writer. These " main questions » of human existence were solved in different ways. In this novel, many of them are heard again and again:

The theme of the warring brothers, patricide ("Robbers" by Schiller; the theme of "spiritual chivalry" - ("Glove" by Schiller); demonic rebellion, temptation, temptation - (medieval mysteries, "Faust" by Goethe); restoration of the "dead man" - (Gospel, "Divine Comedy" by Dante, "Walking of the Virgin through Torments", "Les Misérables" by V. Hugo, "Maupra" by George Sand); Voltaire), the themes of Catholicism and the Inquisition - ("Don Carlos" by Schiller, etc.).

In the "Preface" to the Brothers Karamazov "(" Russian Messenger, January 1879) Dostoevsky writes that the novel is given "biography of a strange man, even an eccentric", But “The main novel of the second is the activity of my hero already in our time, precisely in our current current moment. The very first novel took place 13 years ago and there is almost not even a novel , but only one moment from my hero's first youth." Introductory novel.

The action of the first novel takes place at the same time as the action of the novel Crime and Punishment (1865), i.e. we are talking about a Russia that is being renewed, standing on the eve of a new, still unclear, but perhaps formidable era.

"Life in progress" fleeting "minutes" And "moments" interesting not by themselves, but by their deep, intimate, "all of a sudden revealing meaning. Often "minutes" of Dostoevsky is the meaning human life, and maybe the life of all mankind .

So, the idea of ​​the 2nd novel:

The time of action is the 2nd half of the 70s. But "beginning" this "now'of the moment lay in the moment "then", A "ends" of "then» of the current moment were detected in the moment "now", current. About what happened 13 years back - "Then", tells "Today".

Moment "present"- the most important component "flesh» novel. The author's view is a view from the future, but for the narrator it has become the present.So the years of the 60s and 70s, "then" and "now" converged.

In the "Preface" we are talking about one hero, the main one - Alyosha. Such a hero is “an eccentric”, “a strange person”, “Particularity and isolation”- may in other cases include in itself, in its life and fate sometimes the core of the whole.

But in the first novel - the hero "indefinite," unidentified ".

Alyosha is the main one in the conceived dilogy, now he is in the 2nd plan, as if “non-main”. The rest are the main ones. Alexey is justlooking for approachesto his future "main activity". (Then he will be 33 years old).

The plot focus, the center of the novel is “catastrophe”, crime, “bloody villainy”.

About the crime:

Still in the Omsk prison, Dostoevsky thought a lot about the crime. From outside- terrible, absurd, cruel - to the "philosophy" of the crime, the clarification of its deep, hidden causes.

About punishment:

All these links, prisons - " don't fix criminals”, they only punish them, ensuring the peace of society. They do not correct, they do not intimidate, and the number of crimes "not only does not decrease, but increases." This theme in The Brothers Karamazov does not so much continue the theme of House of the Dead, but deepens it.

Human life is enclosed in a world of malice and selfishness. " People are taken in abnormal conditions. Evil exists before them. Trapped in a cycle of lies, people commit crime and die irresistibly» The inevitable result of the universal « worldly malice”, abnormal conditions - the disintegration of human relations, the separation of people, leading them not only to a complete break, not only social, but also family ties - to a crime. And that's why "philosophy » Crime is a social and moral philosophy that treats the very foundations human being about the nature of society and the state.

(Therefore, Alyosha in the cell anxiously follows the conversation). Zosima and Ivan at the head "Random Meeting" talking about " rebirth of man again”, “his resurrection”, “his salvation”, “the rebirth of the fallen».

The main theme, the main idea of ​​the novel, begins to sound: "The restoration of a dead person, crushed unfairly by the yoke of circumstances, the stagnation of centuries and social prejudices." Dostoevsky thought about this back in 1864. . We are talking about the tragedy of human disunity, the universal “worldly malice, and the ways and means of overcoming this abnormal tragic disunity.

The novel "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879 - 1880)

This is the most difficult ideological content and artistic structure of Dostoevsky's novel.

The novel depicts a broad picture of the life of Russia in the post-reform era, a gallery of diverse and complex characters is displayed, and a chain of dramatic events unfolds.

At the same time, "The Brothers Karamazov" is Dostoevsky's most saturated novel with journalistic and philosophical thought.

The writer appears in The Brothers Karamazov both as an artist and as a thinker, preacher, sociologist, philosopher, publicist.

He seeks not only to pose a number of important social and moral questions to his contemporaries by analyzing the burning problems raised by social life. He seeks to answer these questions, point out the ways that, in his opinion, will help improve society.

Dostoevsky raised those questions that worried the great writers of the past, felt them as unresolved and tried to give them his own answer.

One sentence from the prosecutor: “Can Karamazov think like a Hamlet about what will happen there? No, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, those have Hamlets, but we still have the Karamazovs.” Here is the row for you. Dostoyevsky's irony swirls over the poor prosecutor. The prosecutor is blind and slow-witted, he has long been surrounded by figures of the Byronic, and above that, Shakespearean scale, and this is not so much their own, but the scale of Russian life itself ”(Berkovsky).

The work of Dostoevsky is the clearest confirmation of this. How could it happen that patricide occurred, perhaps the most terrible sin of known to mankind? ("King Lear", "Robbers", "Father Goriot"). Who is guilty? Society, so to speak, environment? Or the people themselves? Fathers or children? Or maybe both of them?

Mitya, who created around him an atmosphere of revelry, unbridledness, violence?

Ivan, with his theory of "permissiveness"?

What is the degree of guilt of Smerdyakov, who believed Ivan?

Is it the depraved old man Karamazov himself, who raised the question of the defender: “is it possible to be tried at all for the murder of such a person?”

Or even Alyosha, who left his brothers on the eve of the murder?

Solving these questions, Dostoevsky tries to answer which path Russia should not take, which path awaits her decomposition and spiritual impoverishment, and where is the path, the hero who will overcome this disintegration, the decomposition of the country and alienation, "seclusion" of people from each other.

Dostoevsky believed that an artist comes into the world “to tell us the secret about man, the human soul!”

About himself: “With full realism, find a person in a person. They call me a psychologist...not true. I am a realist in the highest sense, that is, I depict all the depths of the human soul.”

For the first time in a great novel by Dostoevsky, the action of the novel takes place not in St. Petersburg, but in the small provincial county town of Skotoprigonievsk, which is remote from the center. And this is an important circumstance: the Writer thereby wanted to show that the social, psychological processes that he described in the novels of the 60s ceased to be the privilege of St. Petersburg, they swept the whole country. These processes are directly related to the growth of capitalism, the breaking of the traditional way of life: the disintegration of the family, the collapse of old moral norms.

The action of the novel is set back 13 years (again for the first time).

Dostoevsky shows that there is not a single corner left in Russia where the struggle of passions is not in full swing.

The Karamazov family at the center of the novel and the other families described in it (Khokhlakovs, Snegirevs) represent different variants of the general type of family that Dostoevsky (in The Idiot) described as a type of "random family" (Ivolgins in The Idiot) . There is no peace in these families, there is a hidden or open struggle going on in them, antagonism between generations.

The murder of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov was a manifestation of such antagonism. But not only the decay, the disintegration of the family in the post-reform era is evidenced by murder. Behind this is the collapse of the old moral norms of life.

The theme of “general disarray and stupidity of our present moment”, “shakenness” to the foundation of “our moral principles”, mental confusion, moral impassibility, general decay runs through the whole novel.

The main plot knot is the history of the crime: the court confuses cases, Smerdyakov asserts himself.

What is behind the crime?


The composition of the novel is masterfully done.

1 book "History of one family" - an introduction about the father and 3 sons of the Karamazovs, the history of their relationship - before the start of the action.

2 book - "Misplaced meeting." The action takes place in the cell of the elder Zosima. All main characters are involved general conversation- enmity, brewing conflict. Then a deepening into the reasons for the confrontation of the heroes.

3 book "Voluants" - in turn about each of the participants in the future drama (Karamazov, Smerdyakov, Katerina Ivanovna, Grushenka)4.

Book 4 “Tears” - other heroes come into action: father Ferapont, staff captain Snegirev, Ilyushechka, Liza Khokhlakova and her mother - each of them carries his own theme, which correlates with the main one - the conflict in the Karamazov family.

Book 5 “Pro I contra” - the main character is Ivan Karamazov (the most important chapters in this book and throughout the novel are “Rebellion” and “The Grand Inquisitor”).

6 book "Russian monk" - main character- Elder Zosima.

These first six books are almost devoid of external action - a huge role in them is played by the self-statements of the characters.

The second half of the novel also consists of six books. New turning points take place.

7 book "Alyosha" (after the death of the elder Zosima, Alyosha changes his way of life. He leaves the monastery. The image of Grushenka is important here).

8-9 books. They play out 2 dramas: 1. Mitya, Grushenka.

10 book "Boys" - the most important in general idea dilogy.

Book 11 "Brother Ivan Fedorovich". (the main one is Ivan’s date with Smerdyakov and the chapter “Damn. Nightmare of Ivan Fedorovich”

EPILOGUE?????7 (finish)

The main themes of the novel "The Brothers Karamazov":

Roman - synthesis . Almost all the main themes and problems of the writer's work are reflected in it to varying degrees. It is easy to follow:

    « poor people "- the main theme of poor people, humiliated and insulted; the theme of the little man.

    « Double " - subject " little man and the theme of duality.

    « Hostess" , "White Nights" - the theme of the dreamer, the beginning of the theme goodie; woman's destiny.

    "Notes from the House of the Dead" » - the theme of crime and punishment.

    « Humiliated and insulted "- the theme of poor people, a positive person.

    "Crime and Punishment » - the theme of crime and punishment; the theme of “restoration of a dead person; humiliated and offended; positive person. Paphos - "to find a person in a person."

    "Idiot "- the theme of "a positively beautiful person"; money; beauty; fathers of children; "Random Family"

    « Demons" - the theme of demonism, ugliness; general decay.

    "Teenager" - the theme of fathers and children; capital, family; romance-education

    « Brothers Karamazov » - novel-synthesis where all beginnings and ends meet. To varying degrees, many of the above-mentioned themes that occupied Dostoevsky throughout his life, throughout his entire work, were continued, deepened or completed.

The main ones :

1. The problem is positive- beautiful person,

2. The problem of faith and unbelief, "permissiveness",


3. Fathers and children;

4. The problem of the power of money and capital;

5. The problem of goodness and beauty;

8. The problem of poor people and the humiliated and offended;

9. The problem of crime and punishment;

10. The problem of searching for truth, ways of development of society.

Basic principles of Dostoevsky's creativity sound here: Man is a mystery…”; "Beauty will save the world"; "Disgrace will kill"; ""Everyone is responsible for everything and everyone"; “Compassion is the main, and perhaps the only law of the existence of all mankind”;

“A person on the surface of the earth has no right to turn away and ignore what is happening on Earth, and there are higher moral reasons for that.”

Socio-political situation in Russia

late 70s - early 80s.

The end of 1979 is a continuous chain of terrorist actions. In Kharkov, a certain Golbdenberg shot Prince Kropotkin. In St. Petersburg, Mirsky shot at the chief of the gendarmes, Drenteln. There have already been three assassination attempts on the king.

The year 1980 began with news of new assassination attempts. Explosion in winter palace. Established " Supreme Administrative Commission for the Protection of State Order and Public Peace" headed by Count Loris-Melikov. A few days later they also shot at him. ( Execution of Mlodetsky).

The novel is the most ingenious of his literary work. The last creation of the writer sums up all his work. Throughout the work, the problem of a person about the meaning of life and the moral foundations of society is visible.

Reading carefully the first lines of the novel, it is clear how the entire Karamazov family appears before our eyes - Dmitry, Ivan and Alyosha, headed by their father Fyodor Mikhailovich, a riotous and stupid landowner. A family meeting to resolve property issues is held at the elder Zosima.

The eldest son Dmitry, who is generally close in temperament and way of life to his father, wants him to give him a large amount money. But the father is not going to change the issue of inheritance, and the conversation on this matter turns into a scandal. Dislike for each other also arose because of love for the beautiful and passionate Grushenka. Having learned from the lackey Pavel Smerdyakov, who was born out of wedlock to Fyodor Pavlovich from the tramp Elizaveta, that three thousand rubles had been set aside for Grushenka, Dmitry hated his father even more. Curbed by jealousy and anger, Dmitry not only beats, but even threatens to destroy his loved one.

He realized that he was losing Grushenka, and in one of the conversations he expressed everything that was sore to his younger brother Alyosha. Sinless Alexei with his clean shower he is worried not only because of Dmitry's disagreements with his father, but because of Ivan, who has long been not indifferent with all his heart to Ekaterina Ivanovna. But this noble girl is devoted to vicious Dmitry with all her heart. She passionately loves Mitya and trusts him in everything. It is to Dmitry that Ekaterina Ivanovna gives money to transfer to her sister in Moscow. But, unfortunately, the entire amount was spent by the young man on entertainment with Grushenka.

After some time, Ekaterina Ivanovna realizes that she loves not Dmitry, but Ivan. In parallel with Alyosha's mental anguish, Dmitry's irascibility and recklessness, and Ivan's inner rebellion with his "permissiveness theory", the elder Zosima is clearly shown, empathizing with people all their sins. The Seer anticipates that there will still be enough grief in this family. And this prediction will soon come true.

Dmitry, in search of money, realizes that he is about to lose Grushenka and decides to visit his father's house. Not finding the woman he loves there, he runs away. In the course of his rampage, Dmitry hits the servant Grigory on the head with a pestle and rushes to find out where his Grushenka is. Appearing first at the official Perkhotin, and then at the inn in Mokry, stained with blood and with a lot of money, makes everyone suspicious. But Dmitri, not paying attention to anyone, drunk, goes on a spree with Grushenka. But this festivity did not last long. Dmitry is arrested, charged with the murder of his father.

The amazed young man, having learned that the servant is alive, is ready to answer all questions. Truth seeker Ivan tries to help his brother out. At the trial, he talks about a conversation with Smerdyakov, and says that it was he who pushed him to commit the murder. He speaks in complete rage. And perhaps the prosecutor would have believed Ivan's words. But, the testimony of Ekaterina Ivanovna crossed out all the words of the witnesses in favor of Dmitry. The letter presented to the court, which contains a threat to the father of her former beloved, turned out to be fatal in future fate. Dmitry is doomed to hard labor.

The work ends with the funeral of a boy, the son of staff captain Snegirev, who was recently beaten by Dmitry Karamazov. The death of Ilyushenka helped to rethink the attitude towards people of his schoolmates, who vowed to devote the rest of their lives good deeds. wonderful novel teaches us kindness, justice and mercy. Each of us must realize what it means to be a moral person and be merciful not only to close people, but also to others.

Picture or drawing Brothers Karamazov

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary Panteleev Fenka

    One evening, the narrator was at home alone and heard a strange scratching. He began to look for the source of the noise and saw on the ledge outside the window a tiny girl no larger than a finger.

When you pick up a tattered volume of Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and read it, you see before your eyes the destinies of people - Father Fyodor, his three sons, women - Grushenka and Ekaterina Ivanovna - who played a role in their destinies. However, first things first.

So, the first pages of the novel reveal the image of the elder Zosima from the monastery, a man leading a righteous life and trying to instruct the members of the Karamazov family, one of whom, the youngest son Alexei, is his novice. It is on the initiative of this humble boy that the elder Zosima meets with his family, the purpose of which is to solve important issue. But in order to understand what happened there, one must first touch briefly on the description of the characters of each of the Karamazovs.

Fyodor Karamazov, the father of the family, although he was considered a landowner, was distinguished by greed and cruelty, he did not consider anyone and led a hectic life in drunkenness and numerous vices. His son from the first wife of Adelida Ivanovna - Dmitry - with early childhood did not know his father and was brought up either by his cousin uncle Pyotr Aleksandrovich Miusov, or by his cousin, one of the Moscow young ladies, and when she died, by her daughter. It is not surprising that, without proper education, the young man grew up eccentric, led a hectic life, did not finish his studies at the gymnasium, fought duels, squandered a lot of money and eventually got into debt. It is characteristic that Dmitry saw his father, Fyodor Pavlovich, already after eighteen years.

And at first he paid off his son with small handouts, and then it turned out at all that the property that belonged to Dmitry was no longer there: the young man had made too many debts.

The second wife of Fyodor Pavlovich, from whom two more sons were born - Ivan and Alexei - was Sofya Ivanovna. This poor orphan girl has a sad background: she was brought up by the widow of General Vorokhov, a noble, domineering, jealous and wayward woman. So the unfortunate Sonya did not marry Fyodor Great love, but under the yoke of circumstances: too much I wanted to get rid of the tyranny of the so-called "benefactor".

deceitful hopes

Having married, the girl got, as they say, “out of the fire and into the frying pan”: the newly-made husband, right in front of her, arranged wild orgies with other women, reveled and, of course, did not put his wife in anything. It is not surprising that during such a life, Sonya fell ill, and soon, when her youngest son Lesha was about four years old, she died.

So the children ended up with the general's wife - the one who once brought up Sonya. They, dirty and intimidated, this fighting old woman took away from the servant of Fyodor - Grigory. The father himself, which, however, was to be expected, had nothing to do with his sons.

Now it's time to describe the characters of Vanya and Lesha, who, after the death of the general's wife, were brought up by her heir Efim Petrovich, a decent and honest man, the provincial marshal of the nobility.

The middle son Alexei grew up gloomy and withdrawn. From childhood, he realized that he was in a strange family, and his father and his brother were somehow unlucky. But this boy, among other things, began to show learning abilities, which is why at the age of thirteen he got to the famous teacher, a childhood friend of Efim Petrovich. The young man graduated from the gymnasium, and then the university. He made a living by writing small articles, at that time in demand.

Time passed - and the middle son suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, came to his father, whom he had never known until now. But what is most surprising of all - he got along well with him and even had an influence on this man with such an unbearable character.

As for the third son of Alyosha, he was the complete opposite of the brothers. This twenty-year-old youth was distinguished by philanthropy and embodied many positive traits, did not want to judge people, but was not afraid of them, did not remember insults, was known as bashful and chaste. Wherever Lesha appeared, everyone loved him, but in the gymnasium sometimes peers allowed themselves to ridicule him. Being in the monastery, where he got on own will, Alexei was strongly attached to the elder Zosima ...

It should be noted that Karamazov had another son who had nothing to do with his wives. This is the servant Smerdyakov, the fruit of Fyodor's vicious connection with the holy fool, the vagrant Elizaveta. He serves in the house as a lackey and a cook and enjoys the trust of the owner (and maybe his father). By the way, here it would not be superfluous to touch on the image of Lizaveta herself quite a bit. This girl is one of the most mysterious characters. She does not take part in the development of the novel, but knows about everything that happens around.

Inner world this heroine is studied by the author deeply and carefully. The girl feels that Ivan despises the evil that reigns in her soul, and turns to him as her tormentor. Her love is love-hate, it is suffering. She is disgusted by the falsity and lies of this world, everything is disgusting to her, and therefore she does not want to live. But it is Lisa who notices that people love crime: “Listen, now your brother is on trial for killing his father, and everyone loves that he killed his father.” However, we will touch on this part of the story a little later.

Now let us return to the event that took place on the day when the whole family gathered together to resolve an important issue in the cell of the elder Zosima. I must say, the reason was false - a property dispute: Dmitry believed that his father owed him a large sum money, Fedor categorically disagreed with this. People who wished to come together to discuss the problem had different goals- Brother Ivan, for example, and the unbelieving Miusov decided to attend this meeting out of simple curiosity. When everyone - the father of the family, the brothers, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Miusov, his distant relative Pyotr Fomich Kalaganov - arrived at the place, the conversation began. We talked for a long time, and, as mentioned above, did not come to general opinion- especially Dmitri and Fyodor Pavlovich, whom this matter most concerned. On the contrary, between them flared up big scandal, but still surprising is the behavior of the elder Zosima in this situation and his attitude towards everyone present. In the midst of a verbal skirmish, he suddenly knelt down in front of his eldest son, and asked everyone for forgiveness.

After that, no one was able to stay in the cell ... The guests dispersed - and Elder Joseph blessed Alyoshenka to be with his brothers, although he really wanted to stay. What can you do - it happens that a person, contrary to his desires, needs to be where he is needed ...

But, besides hereditary issues, there was another reason for the dispute between Dmitry and Fyodor Pavlovich. Both were passionately in love with Grushenka, the former kept woman of the old merchant Samsonov, a woman, although beautiful, but unyielding and furious. She is not inferior to either father or son, she laughs at them and becomes the cause of hatred. She plunged them into slavery - her voluptuousness and desires. It got to the point that Dmitry, in a fit of feelings, expresses the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bkilling his father, and his father says that he will "crush Mitka like a cockroach."

Another character in the novel

Another heroine appears in the novel - Dmitry's real bride: Ekaterina Ivanovna. This is a noble girl. Her father once missed the state money, and Dmitry made up for the missing amount, without asking for anything in return. Now the young man feels guilty before the girl, because he squandered three thousand rubles with Grushenka, which Catherine gave to send to her sister in Moscow.

The eldest son does not love Ekaterina Ivanovna. Moreover, he concedes her to Ivan (who is not indifferent to this girl) in order to relieve himself of his obligations and leave as soon as possible to Grushenka. I must say, Katerina refuses Ivan, saying that she will be faithful only to Dmitry. Ivan, hearing this, intends to leave for a long time. Only after a while, under the pressure of difficult circumstances, Catherine will realize that she really loves not Dmitry, but Ivan.

And the war for Grushenka between Fyodor Pavlovich and Dmitry continues. Suddenly, the father of the Karamazovs is found at home with a fractured skull. Suspicion, of course, immediately falls on the one who repeatedly threatened to kill Fyodor Pavlovich - Dmitry. This is confirmed by multiple pieces of evidence, and the eldest son of Karamazov is arrested. But Ivan unexpectedly receives a confession from Smerdyakov in the murder. He is shocked, because he thinks that the crime happened at his suggestion - Smerdyakov was too influenced by arguments about permissiveness. At night, the servant of the Karamazovs is found hanged. Ivan presents to the court evidence of the footman's guilt - a pack of banknotes received from him.

The court does not believe these testimonies (most likely the lackey son slandered himself in order to cover up the real criminal). And then Katerina Ivanovna intervenes in the trial, presenting a document of particular importance - a letter from Dmitry, in which he announces his intention to kill his father and take the money.

This is followed by bright and eloquent speeches by the local prosecutor and the famous lawyer Fetyukovich, who paint a picture of Russian Karamazovism and cleverly talk about the prerequisites for Dmitry's crime - the environment in which he was, the unbearable character of his father. But a murderer is a murderer, albeit an unwitting one. The eldest son of Karamazov is sentenced to 12 years of hard labor. After the trial, a nervous fever occurs with him, and Ekaterina Ivanovna comes to him. She admits that "Dmitry will forever remain an ulcer in her heart", even though she loves another, and he loves another.

Here you can get acquainted with Fyodor Dostoevsky, written by him after returning from exile and conveying his impressions of the grief and suffering of people.

Learn more about the artist and master of the word Fyodor Dostoevsky, who touches on the topics of philosophy, religion, history and ethics in his works. They expose the problem of poverty and those vices that lead a person to the collapse of personality.

The Brothers Karamazov ends with Alyosha attending the funeral of Captain Snegirev's son, Ilyushenka Snegirev. Younger brother Karamazov calls on the boys with whom he has begun strong friendship when visiting Elijah in the hospital, be kind, never forget each other. After all, life is beautiful when you do good.

After all of the above, one can speculate a little about the very origin of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov, which is the final work of the author, because it was written on the eve of his death. It was published in the journal "Russian Messenger" in 1879-1880 and caused a lot of feedback from both readers and critics. “Never before have I had such success,” wrote the author. With the publication of the novel, Dostoevsky became a spiritual teacher in the eyes of readers.

A masterpiece that has stood the test of time
What else is surprising? More than a hundred years have passed since the publication of the novel, but so far this talentedly written work continues to excite the minds of people.

And here's just one small tip modern reader: I was told that Fyodor Dostoevsky is difficult to read, but I read The Brothers Karamazov in one breath. I was very impressed with this book. “The Brothers Karamazawa” is another confirmation that our thoughts, words, glance, even the movement of an eyebrow – everything that we do not attach importance to, can change a lot: not only our lives, but also the lives of the people who surround us. After reading this work, you begin to follow not only your actions, but also what you say; you begin to think that your words and actions do not always lead to good, that they can harm not only you, but also those who are close to you. I strongly advise everyone to read this brilliant book by a brilliant author.

“The Brothers Karamazov” summary

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