What is a genre in literature and gender. Literary genres and genera: features and classification


Genera and genres

epic - (from the Greek epos - word, narrative, story) - one of the three main types of literature, in contrast to the lyric drama, highlighting objective depiction of reality, the author's description of events unfolding in space and time, a story about various phenomena of life, people, their destinies, characters, actions, etc. A special role in the works of epic genres is played by the narrator (author-narrator or narrator), who reports on events, their development, about the characters, about their lives, while separating himself from the depicted. Depending on the temporal coverage of events, major genres of the epic are distinguished - the epic, the novel, the epic poem, or the epic poem; medium - story and small - story, short story, essay. TO epic kind also include some genres of oral folk art: a fairy tale, an epic, a fable.

Novel - ( from the French roman - originally: a work written in one of the Romance (i.e. modern, living) languages, as opposed to written in Latin) - the epic genre: a large epic work that comprehensively depicts the life of people in certain period time or for a lifetime. The characteristic properties of the novel are: the multilinear plot, covering the fate of a number of characters; the presence of a system of equivalent characters; coverage great circle life phenomena, setting socially significant problems; significant duration of action.

Story - small epic genre: prose work a small volume, in which, as a rule, one or several events of the hero's life are depicted. The circle of characters in the story is limited, the described action is short in time. Sometimes a storyteller may be present in a work of this genre. The masters of the story were A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Nabokov, A.P. Platonov, K.G. Paustovsky, O.P. Kazakov, V.M. Shukshin.

The story is an average (between the story and the novel) epic genre, which presents a number of episodes from the life of the hero (heroes). In terms of volume, the story is larger than a story and more broadly depicts reality, drawing a chain of episodes that make up a certain period in the life of the main character, it has more events and characters, however, unlike the novel, as a rule, there is one storyline.

Epic is the largest genre form epic. The epic is characterized by:

1. A wide coverage of the phenomena of reality, the image of the life of the people at a historically significant, turning point

2. Global problems of universal significance are raised

3. Nationality content

4. Multiple storylines

5. Very often - reliance on history and folklore

Journey is a literary genre based on the description of the hero's wanderings. This may be information about the countries and peoples seen by the traveler in the form of travel diaries, notes, essays, and so on.

epistolary genre- a genre of literary work, which is characterized by the form of personal letters.

Confession is a literary genre that can be epic or lyrical in nature. One of the seven Christian sacraments, which also includes baptism, communion, chrismation, marriage, etc. Confession demanded from a person complete sincerity, the desire to get rid of sins, repentance. Penetrating into the art literature, confession acquired a didactic connotation, becoming a kind of act of public repentance (for example, in J. J. Rousseau, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy). But at the same time, confession was also a means of moral self-affirmation of the individual. As a genre of lyric poetry, poetry was developed by the romantics. Confession is akin to a diary, but unlike it, it is not attached to the Ph.D. place and time.

Lyrics - one of the three main types of literature, highlighting the subjective image of reality: individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions of the author caused by certain circumstances, impressions. In lyrics, life is reflected in the experiences of the poet (or lyrical hero): it is not narrated, but an image-experience is created. The most important property of lyrics is the ability to convey a single (feeling, state) as universal. Characteristic features of the lyrics: poetic form, rhythm, lack of plot, small size.

elegy - genre of lyrics: a poem of meditative (from lat. meditatio - in-depth reflection) or emotional content, conveying deeply personal, intimate experiences of a person, as a rule, imbued with moods of sadness, light sadness. Most often written in the first person. The most common themes of the elegy are the contemplation of nature, accompanied by philosophical reflections, love, as a rule, unrequited, life and death, etc. This genre that arose in antiquity was most popular in the poetry of sentimentalism and romanticism, the elegies of V.A. Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkova, A.A. Pushkin, E.A. Baratynsky, N.M. Yazykov.

Message - a poetic genre: a poetic letter, a work written in the form of an appeal to someone and containing appeals, requests, wishes, etc. ("To Chaadaev", "Message to the Censor" by A.S. Pushkin; "Message to proletarian poets "V.V. Mayakovsky). There are lyrical, friendly, satirical, journalistic, etc.

Eat lyric-epic genres at the intersection of lyrics and epic. From the lyrics they have a subjective beginning, a pronounced author's emotion, from the epic - the presence of a plot, a story about events. Lyroepic genres gravitate toward the poetic form. A larger lyrical epic genre is a poem, a smaller one is a ballad

poem - lyrical-epic genre: a large or medium-sized poetic work (poetic story, novel in verse), the main features of which are the presence of a plot (as in an epic) and the image of a lyrical hero (as in lyrics)

Ballad is a genre of lyrical-epic poetry: a narrative song or poem of relatively small volume, with a dynamic development of the plot, the basis of which is an extraordinary event. Often in the ballad there is an element of the mysterious, fantastic, inexplicable, unspoken, even tragically insoluble. By origin, ballads are associated with legends, folk legends, they combine the features of a story and a song. Ballads are one of the main genres in the poetry of sentimentalism and romanticism. For example: ballads by V.A. Zhukovsky, M.Yu. Lermontov.

Drama - one of the three main types of literature, reflecting life in actions taking place in the present. These are works intended to be staged. The dramatic genre includes tragedies, comedies, dramas proper, melodramas and vaudevilles.

Tragedy - ( from the Greek tragodia - goat song< греч. tragos - козел и ode - песнь ) is one of the main genres of drama: a play that depicts extremely sharp, often insoluble life contradictions. The plot of the tragedy is based on the irreconcilable conflict of the Hero, strong personality, with transpersonal forces (fate, state, elements, etc.) or with oneself. In this struggle, the hero, as a rule, dies, but wins a moral victory. The purpose of the tragedy is to cause shock in the viewer by what they see, which, in turn, gives rise to sorrow and compassion in their hearts: such a state of mind leads to catharsis - purification due to shock.

Comedy - ( from the Greek from komos - a cheerful crowd, a procession at the Dionysian festivals and odie - a song) is one of the leading genres of drama: a work based on the ridicule of social and human imperfections.

Drama is (in the narrow sense) one of the leading genres of dramaturgy; a literary work written in the form of a dialogue of characters. Designed to be performed on stage. Focused on spectacular expression. The relationship of people, the conflicts that arise between them are revealed through the actions of the characters and are embodied in a monologue-dialogical form. Unlike tragedy, drama does not end in catharsis.

One of the founders of Russian literary criticism was V. G. Belinsky. And although serious steps were taken in antiquity in the development of the concept of literary gender (Aristotle), it is Belinsky who owns the scientifically based theory of three literary genera, which you can get acquainted with in detail by reading Belinsky's article "Division of poetry into genera and types."

There are three kinds fiction: epic(from the Greek. Epos, narration), lyrical(called the lyre musical instrument, accompanied by sung verses) and dramatic(from Greek Drama, action).

Presenting a particular subject to the reader (meaning the subject of conversation), the author chooses different approaches to it:

First approach: can be detailed tell about the subject, about the events associated with it, about the circumstances of the existence of this subject, etc.; at the same time, the position of the author will be more or less detached, the author will act as a kind of chronicler, narrator, or choose one of the characters as the narrator; the main thing in such a work will be precisely the story, the narration about the subject, the leading type of speech will be precisely narration; this kind of literature is called epic;

The second approach: you can tell not so much about events, but about impression, which they produced on the author, about those feelings that they called; image inner world, experiences, impressions and will refer to the lyrical genre of literature; exactly experience becomes the main event of the lyrics;

Third approach: you can portray item in action, show him on stage; introduce to the reader and viewer of it, surrounded by other phenomena; this kind of literature is dramatic; in the drama itself, the voice of the author will be the least likely to sound - in remarks, that is, the author's explanations for the action and replicas of the characters.

Look at the table and try to remember its contents:

Genres of fiction

(Greek - narration)

story about the events, the fate of the heroes, their actions and adventures, the image outside what is happening (even feelings are shown from the side of their external manifestation). The author can directly express his attitude to what is happening.

(Greek - action)

image events and relationships between characters on the stage (special way text entries). The direct expression of the author's point of view in the text is contained in the remarks.

(from the name of the musical instrument)

experience events; image of feelings, inner world, emotional state; feeling becomes the main event.

Each type of literature in turn includes a number of genres.

GENRE is a historically formed group of works united common features content and form. These groups include novels, stories, poems, elegies, short stories, feuilletons, comedies, etc. In literary criticism, the concept is often introduced literary style, is a broader concept than genre. In this case, the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and genres - various varieties of the novel, for example, adventure, detective, psychological, parable novel, dystopian novel, etc.

Examples genus-species relations in literature:

  • Genus: dramatic; view: comedy; genre: sitcom.
  • Genus: epic; view: story; genre: fantasy story, etc.

Genres being categories historical, appear, develop and eventually "leave" from the "active reserve" of artists, depending on historical era: ancient lyricists did not know the sonnet; in our time, an ode born in antiquity and popular in the 17th-18th centuries has become an archaic genre; nineteenth-century romanticism gave rise to detective literature, and so on.

Consider the following table, which lists the types and genres related to the different kinds of word art:

Genera, types and genres of fiction

Folk Author's Folk Author's Folk Author's
Poem (epos):

Fairy tale
Small genres:

nursery rhymes...
epic novel:
Small genres:
Lit. fairy tale...
A game
folk drama
nativity scene

Song Oh yeah

Modern literary criticism also highlights fourth, an adjacent genre of literature, combining the features of the epic and lyrical genera: lyrical-epic to which it refers poem. Indeed, by telling the reader a story, the poem manifests itself as an epic; revealing to the reader the depth of feelings, inner world the person who tells this story, the poem manifests itself as a lyric.

In the table you came across the expression "small genres". Epic and lyrical works are divided into large and small genres to a greater extent in terms of volume. The epic, the novel, the poem belong to the large ones, the story, the story, the fable, the song, the sonnet, etc., to the small ones.

Read V. Belinsky's statement about the genre of the story:

If the story, according to Belinsky, is "a leaf from the book of life", then, using his metaphor, one can figuratively define the novel from the genre point of view as "a chapter from the book of life", and the story as "a line from the book of life".

Small epic genres to which the story relates is "intense" in terms of the content of prose: due to the small volume, the writer does not have the opportunity to "spread his thoughts along the tree", get carried away detailed descriptions, enums, play a large number of events in detail, and the reader often needs to say a lot.

The story is characterized by the following features:

  • small volume;
  • the plot is most often based on one event, the rest are only outlined by the author;
  • a small number of characters: usually one or two central characters;
  • the author is interested in a certain topic;
  • one decides main question, the remaining questions are "derived" from the main one.

STORY- this is a small prose work with one or two main characters, dedicated to the image of a single event. Somewhat more voluminous story, but the difference between a story and a story is not always possible to catch: the work of A. Chekhov "Duel" is called by some a small story, and some - a big story. The following is important: as the critic E. Anichkov wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century, " personality is at the center of the story rather than a group of people."

Rise of the Russian short prose starts in the 20s XIX years century, which gave excellent examples of small epic prose, including the absolute masterpieces of Pushkin ("Tales of Belkin", "The Queen of Spades") and Gogol ("Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", St. Petersburg stories), romantic short stories by A. Pogorelsky, A. Bestuzhev -Marlinsky, V. Odoevsky and others. In the second half of the 19th century, small epic works were created by F. Dostoevsky ("The Dream of a Ridiculous Man", "Notes from the Underground"), N. Leskov ("Lefty", "Dumb Artist", "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district"), I. Turgenev ("Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky district", "Steppe King Lear", "Ghosts", "Notes of a hunter"), L. Tolstoy ("Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Hadji Murat", "Cossacks", Sevastopol stories) , A. Chekhov as the greatest master short story, works by V. Garshin, D. Grigorovich, G. Uspensky and many others.

The twentieth century also did not remain in debt - and the stories of I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, M. Zoshchenko, Teffi, A. Averchenko, M. Bulgakov appear ... Even such recognized lyrics as A. Blok, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva "descended to despicable prose," in the words of Pushkin. It can be argued that on turn of XIX-XX centuries, the small genre of epic took leading position in Russian literature.

And for this reason alone, one should not think that the story raises some minor problems and touches on shallow topics. Form story concise, and the plot is sometimes uncomplicated and concerns, at first glance, simple, as L. Tolstoy said, "natural" relations: there is simply nowhere for a complex chain of events in the story to unfold. But this is precisely the task of the writer, in order to conclude a serious and often inexhaustible subject of conversation in a small space of text.

If the plot of the thumbnail I. Bunina "Muravsky Way", consisting of only 64 words, captures only a few moments of the conversation between the traveler and the coachman in the middle of the endless steppe, then the plot of the story A. Chekhov "Ionych" Enough for a whole novel artistic time The story spans nearly a decade and a half. But the author does not care what happened to the hero at each stage of this time: it is enough for him to “snatch” several “links”-episodes from the hero’s life chain, similar friend on a friend, like drops of water, and the whole life of Dr. Startsev becomes extremely clear to both the author and the reader. “As you live one day of your life, so you will live your whole life,” Chekhov seems to say. At the same time, the writer, reproducing the situation in the house of the most “cultural” family of the provincial city of S., can focus all his attention on the knock of knives from the kitchen and the smell of fried onions ( artistic details! ), but to say about several years of a person’s life as if they didn’t exist at all, or it was a “passing”, uninteresting time: “Four years have passed”, “Several more years have passed”, as if it’s not worth wasting time and paper on the image of such a trifle ...

Image Everyday life a person devoid of external storms and upheavals, but in a routine that makes a person wait forever for happiness that never comes, became a cross-cutting theme of A. Chekhov's stories, which determined further development Russian short prose.

Historical upheavals, of course, dictate other themes and plots to the artist. M. Sholokhov in the cycle of Don stories speaks of terrible and beautiful human destinies in a time of revolutionary upheaval. But the point here is not so much in the revolution itself, but in eternal problem man's struggle with himself, in the eternal tragedy of the collapse of the old familiar world, which mankind has experienced many times. And therefore Sholokhov turns to plots that have long been rooted in world literature, depicting private human life, as it were, in the context of the world. legendary history. Yes, in the story "Mole" Sholokhov uses the story, as ancient as the world, about the duel between father and son, who are not recognized by each other, which we meet in Russian epics, in the epics of ancient Persia and medieval Germany ... But if ancient epic explains the tragedy of a father who killed his son in battle by the laws of fate beyond the control of man, then Sholokhov speaks of the problem of a person’s choice of his life path, a choice that determines all further events and in the end makes one a beast in human form, and the other an equal the greatest heroes of the past.

When studying topic 5, you should read those works of art that can be considered within the framework of this topic, namely:
  • A. Pushkin. The stories "Dubrovsky", "Snowstorm"
  • N. Gogol. The stories "The Night Before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "The Overcoat", "Nevsky Prospekt".
  • I.S. Turgenev. Tale " Noble Nest"; "Notes of a hunter" (2-3 stories of your choice); story "Asya"
  • N.S. Leskov. Stories "Lefty", "Dumb Artist"
  • L.N. Tolstoy. The stories "After the Ball", "The Death of Ivan Ilyich"
  • M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales " wise gudgeon", "Bogatyr", "Bear in the province"
  • A.P. Chekhov. The stories "The Jumper", "Ionych", "Gooseberries", "About Love", "The Lady with the Dog", "Ward Number Six", "In the Ravine"; other stories of your choice
  • I.A. Bunin. Stories and novels "The Gentleman from San Francisco", "Dry Valley", " easy breathing", "Antonov apples", "Dark alleys" A.I. Kuprin. The story "Olesya", the story "Garnet bracelet"
  • M. Gorky. The stories "Old Woman Izergil", "Makar Chudra", "Chelkash"; collection "Untimely Thoughts"
  • A.N. Tolstoy. The story "Viper"
  • M. Sholokhov. The stories "The Mole", "Alien Blood", "The Fate of Man";
  • M. Zoshchenko. Stories "Aristocrat", "Monkey tongue", "Love" and others of your choice
  • A.I. Solzhenitsyn. The story "Matryona yard"
  • V. Shukshin. The stories "I believe!", "Boots", "Space, nervous system and shmat lard", "Mil pardon, madam!", "Stalled"

Before doing task 6, consult a dictionary and set exact value concepts with which you have to work.

Recommended literature for work 4:
  • Grechnev V.Ya. Russian end story XIX-beginning XX century. - L., 1979.
  • Zhuk A.A. Russian prose II half of XIX century. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.
  • Literary encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1987.
  • Literary criticism: Reference materials. - M., 1988.
  • Russian story XIX century: History and problems of the genre. - L., 1973.

epic - (gr.story, narration) - one of the three types of literature, narrative type. Genre varieties epic: fairy tale, short story, story, short story, essay, novel, etc. epic reproduces external in relation to the author, objective reality in its objective essence. The epic uses a variety of ways of presentation - narration, description, dialogue, monologue, author's digressions. epic genres enriched and improved. Techniques of composition, means of depicting a person, the circumstances of his life, everyday life are being developed, a multilateral image of the picture of the world and society is being achieved.

The literary text is similar to a kind of fusion of narrative speech and the statements of the characters.

Everything that is told is given only through narration. epic very freely masters reality in time and space. He knows no limits in the amount of text. Epic novels also belong to the epic.

The epic works include the novel by Honorémp de Balzac "Father Goriot", the novel by Stendhal "Red and Black", the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Lyrics - (gr. lira, a musical instrument, to the accompaniment of which poetic works were performed) - one of the types of literature. Lyric works are characterized by a special type of artistic image - an image-experience. Unlike epic and drama, where the image is based on a multilateral image of a man, his character in complex relationships with people, in a lyrical work we have before us a holistic and concrete state of the human character.

The perception of a person does not require any description of events or background of character. lyrical image reveals the individual spiritual world of the poet, but at the same time it must be socially significant, carry a universal human principle. For us, it is important both that a given experience was felt by a given poet in certain circumstances, and that this experience could be experienced at all in given circumstances. That is why a lyrical work always contains fiction.

Circumstances can be widely deployed in a lyrical work (Lermontov “When the yellowing field is agitated ...”) or reproduced in a collapsed form (Block “Night, street, lamp, pharmacy ...”), but they always have a subordinate meaning, play the role of a “lyrical situation” necessary for the emergence of an image-experience.

lyric poem in principle, this is a moment of human inner life, her snapshot, so the lyrics are mostly written in the present tense, unlike the epic, where the past tense dominates. The main means of creating an image-experience in lyrics is the word, the emotional coloring of speech, in which the experience becomes vitally convincing for us. Vocabulary, syntax, intonation, rhythm, sound - this is what characterizes poetic speech.

lyrical emotion- a bunch of spiritual experience of a person.

For lyrics characterized by a conversation about the beautiful, the proclamation of the ideals of human life. There may be satire and grotesque in lyrics, but the bulk of lyrical poems still belong to another area. The principle of the lyrical genre: as short as possible and as full as possible.

Drama - (other Greek action, action) - one of the types of literature. Unlike lyrics and like epic, drama primarily reproduces the external world for the author - actions, relationships between people, conflicts. Unlike the epic, it has not a narrative, but a dialogical form. In it, as a rule, there are no internal monologues, author's characteristics of characters and direct author's comments of the depicted. In Aristotle's Poetics, drama it is said to be the imitation of action by action, not by story. This provision has not been outdated to this day. Dramatic works are characterized by acute conflict situations that encourage characters to verbal and physical actions. The author's speech can sometimes be in drama, but is of an auxiliary nature. Sometimes the author briefly comments on the replicas of his characters, makes indications of their gestures, intonation.

Drama is closely related to theatrical art and must meet the needs of the theater.

Drama regarded as the pinnacle of literary creativity. Examples drama is the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky, "At the Bottom" by Gorkov.

Novel - a great epic form, the most typical genre of bourgeois society.

Name "novel" arose in the Middle Ages and originally referred only to the language in which the work was written. The most common language of medieval Western European writing was, as you know, the literary language of the ancient Romans - Latin. In the XII-XIII centuries. AD, along with plays, stories, stories written in Latin and existing mainly among the privileged classes of society, the nobility and the clergy, began to appear novels and stories written in Romance languages and existed mainly among the democratic strata of society that did not know the Latin language, among the merchant bourgeoisie, artisans, villans. These works, in contrast to the Latin ones, began to be called: conte roman - romance story, story. And then the adjective acquired an independent meaning. Thus, a special name for narrative works arose. In the future, it became part of the language and over time lost its original meaning. novel they began to call a work in any language, but not any, but only large in size, differing in some features of the subject matter, compositional construction, plot development, etc. In modern times, especially in the 18th-19th centuries, this type of work became the leading genre of modern literature.

Despite the exceptional prevalence of this genre, its boundaries are still not sufficiently clear and defined. Along with the works bearing this name, we find in the literature of the last centuries major narrative works, which are called stories. Some writers give their great epic works the title of a poem (suffice it to recall Gogol, his "Dead Souls").

The most famous novels of Russian literature are Tolstoy's "War and Peace", Sholokhov's "Quiet Flows the Don".

Tale - a broad, vague genre term that does not lend itself to a single definition. In his historical development as the very term story”, and the material he embraces has come a long historical way; it is absolutely impossible to talk about the story as a single genre in ancient and modern literature. The uncertainty of this term is complicated by two more specific circumstances. Firstly, for our term there are no exactly corresponding terms in Western European languages: German "Erzählung", French "conte", partly "nouvelle", English "tale", "story", etc., we answer as story, and "story", part of the "fairy tale". The term story in its definite opposition to the terms "story" and "novel" is a specifically Russian term.

Secondly, story- one of the oldest literary terms, which changed its meaning at various historical moments. It is also necessary to distinguish between the change in the meaning of the term story from a change in the phenomena themselves. The historical development of the term reflects, of course, 19 (with only some delay) the movement of the genre forms themselves. It is no coincidence that the terms "story" and "novel" appear later than the story in our country, just as it is not accidental that at a certain stage this latter is applied to works that are essentially stories.

Story - a narrative epic genre with an emphasis on a small volume and on the unity of an artistic event.

Story the same, as a rule, is dedicated to a specific fate, speaks of a separate event in a person's life, is grouped around a specific episode. This is its difference from the story, as a more detailed form, which usually describes several episodes, a segment of the hero's life. Chekhov's short story "I want to sleep" tells about a girl who, through sleepless nights, is driven to a crime: she strangles a baby that prevents her from falling asleep. About what happened to this girl before, the reader learns only from her dream, about what will happen to her after the crime is committed, it is generally unknown. All the characters, except for the girl Varka, are outlined very briefly. All the described events prepare the central one - the murder of a baby. Story small in volume.

But the point is not the number of pages (there are short stories and relatively long stories), and not even in the number of plot events, but in the author's attitude to the utmost brevity. So, Chekhov's story "Ionych" in content is close not even to the story, but to the novel (almost the entire life of the hero is traced). But all the episodes are presented as briefly as possible, the author's goal is the same - to show the spiritual degradation of Dr. Startsev. According to Jack London, "a story is ... a unity of mood, situation, action."

The small volume of the story also determines its stylistic unity. The story is usually told from one person. It can be the author, and the narrator, and the hero. But in the story, much more often than in the "major" genres, the pen is, as it were, transferred to the hero, who himself tells his story. Often we have before us - a tale: a story of some fictional person with his own, pronounced speech style (the stories of Leskov, in the 20th century - Remizov, Zoshchenko, Bazhov, etc.).

Feature article - close to a documentary story about a real event or person; the role of fiction in the essay is minimal (see, for example, the physiological essays of the "natural school").

Parable - a short story of a moralizing nature, akin to a fable; contains teaching in an allegorical, allegorical form. It differs from the fable by the depth and significance of the meaning, the breadth of generalization. It illustrates an important idea that is related not only to the private life of a person, but also to the universal laws of being.

Poem - a major poetic work with a plot-narrative organization; a story or novel in verse; a multi-part work in which the epic and lyrical beginnings merge together.

Ballad - a narrative song (or poem) with a dramatic development of the plot, the basis of which is an extraordinary event, one of the types of lyrical-epic poetry.

Poem - a small work created according to the laws of poetic speech. WITH. it can be lyrical, publicistic, etc. “A lyrical poem expresses a direct feeling aroused in the poet by a known phenomenon of nature or life, and the main thing here is not the feeling itself, not passive perception, but the internal reaction to the impression that is received from the outside » ( ON THE. Dobrolyubov).

Elegy - a lyrical work with a sad mood. It can be a mournful, mournful poem about unrequited love, a reflection on death, about the transience of life, or maybe sad memories of the past. Most often, elegies are written in the first person. Elegy (lat. elegia from Greek elegos, the mournful melody of a flute) is a genre of lyrics that describes a sad, thoughtful or dreamy mood, this is a sad meditation, a poet’s reflection on a fast-moving life, about losses, parting with their native places, with loved ones, about that joy and sadness are intertwined in the heart of a person ... In Russia, the heyday of this lyrical genre refers to the beginning of the XIX century: elegy K. Batyushkov, V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, N. Nekrasov, A. Fet wrote; in the twentieth century - V. Bryusov, I Annensky, A. Blok and others.

Originated in ancient poetry; originally it was called crying over the dead. Elegy was based on the life ideal of the ancient Greeks, which was based on the harmony of the world, the proportionality and balance of being, incomplete without sadness and contemplation, these categories have passed into the modern elegy. Elegy can embody both life-affirming ideas and disappointment. The poetry of the 19th century still continued to develop the elegy in its "pure" form; in the lyric poetry of the 20th century, elegy is found rather as a genre tradition, as a special mood. IN modern poetry an elegy is a plotless poem of a contemplative, philosophical and landscape nature.

Epigram short poem making fun of a person.

Message - 1) the prose genre of ancient Russian literature of didactic or political content in the form of a letter to a real or fictitious person. The "sense of authorship" was different in the genre of sermon and in the genre of chronicle, in the genre of epistle and in the genre of story. The first suggest an individual author and often signed with the names of their authors ... ”(D.S. Likhachev). 2) a poetic work in the form of a letter, a letter in verse to a real, fictitious person or group of persons. The content is varied - from philosophical reflections to satirical paintings. A.S. Pushkin "Message to Siberia". V.V. Mayakovsky, Message to the Proletarian Poets. SUBSEQUENTstory- this is a message about how the fate of the characters developed after the end of the action of the work.

Song - a small lyrical work intended for singing; usually couplet (strophic). 1) P. the main form of folk poetry. In ancient times, it is associated with dance and facial expressions. Types of songs: everyday, lyrical, burlatskaya, urban, revolutionary peasant, soldier, polyphonic, dance, solo, author's, folk. “In traditional folklore, the text of a song and its melody were created at the same time. The literary song served only as the basis for subsequent, often different musical arrangements" ( S. Lazutin

Oh yeah - solemn poem. Initially, in ancient Greek poetry - a lyrical poem on various topics, performed by a choir. IN odes The ancient Greek poet Pindar (c. 518–442 BC) sings of kings and aristocrats, who, according to the poet, were honored with the favor of the gods. Special development of the genre odes received in the poetry of European classicism. Solemn ode is the main genre of creativity of the founder of French classicism F. Malherbe (1555–1628). The theme of his odes is the glorification of absolutist power in France. A stage in the development of the ode genre is the work of J. J. Rousseau.

In Russia Oh yeah, which “sings high, noble, sometimes tender matter” (V. K. Trediakovsky), was the main genre of classicism poetry. Exemplary works of this genre belong to M. V. Lomonosov, famous authors of odes were his poetic heir V. P. Petrov and opponent A. P. Sumarokov, the best works of this genre belong to G. R. Derzhavin. In addition to the solemn (Pindaric) odes, in Russian poetry there was an ode to moralizing (Horatian), love (Anacreontic) and spiritual (arrangement of psalms).

Sonnet (Italian sonetto, from Provence sonet - song) - a type (genre) of lyrics, the main feature of which is the volume of the text. A sonnet always consists of fourteen lines. Other rules for composing a sonnet (each stanza ends with a period, not a single word is repeated) are far from always observed. The fourteen lines of the sonnet are arranged in two ways. It can be two quatrains and two tercetes, or three quatrains and distich. It was assumed that in quatrains there are only two rhymes, and in tercetes there can be either two rhymes or three.

The idea of ​​the comic goes back to ancient rituals, playful, festive and cheerful folk laughter. This is "the fantasy of the mind, which is given complete freedom." Comic is also called life changes, which contain a discrepancy with the generally accepted norm, alogism.

A constant subject of comedy is the unfounded claim of the ugly to imagine itself beautiful, petty - sublime, inert, dead - alive. All elements of the comic image are taken from life, from a real object, person. They are not transformed by creative imagination. Types of comic - irony, humor, satire. High types of comedy differ in value (the greatest example in literature is Don Quixote M. de

Cervantes, laughter at the highest in man) and funny, playful views (puns, friendly caricatures). Comedy is associated not only with the denial of the obsolete, but also with the spirit of affirmation, expressing the joy of being and the eternal renewal of life.

Tragedy - a dramatic work depicting deep, most often insoluble life contradictions. Their consequences end with the death of the hero. Reality conflicts transferred to tragedy in the most intense form. This, influencing the audience, awakens the strength of their feelings and gives rise to spiritual uplift (catharsis - purification). Tragedy originated in Ancient Greece from the religious ritual of worshiping the god of viticulture and winemaking Dionysus. In honor of Dionysus, festivities were held, solemn processions with the singing of dithyrambs. Actions were played out, in which the fans of Dionysus dressed in goatskins became participants and the choir (coryphaeus) sang. These games, these "songs of the goats" marked the beginning tragedy as a form of drama.

The very word " tragedy" means "song of the goats". " Tragedy there is an imitation of an important and complete action, having a certain volume, produced by speech, sweetened in different ways in its various parts, produced in action and purifying such passions through compassion and fear. As for the characters, there are four points that must be kept in mind: the first and most important is that they be noble. The second point is that the characters are suitable ...

The third point is for the characters to be believable... The fourth point is for the character to be consistent. The virtue of verbal expression is to be clear and not low. The clearest expression, of course, consists of common words, but it is low. A noble and free from triviality expression is one that uses unusual words. And I will call gloss, metaphor, elongation, and everything that deviates from the common language unusual ”(Aristotle“ Poetics ”).

One of the main genres (types) drama as a kind of literature along with tragedy and comedy. Like comedy, drama mainly reproduces the private life of people, but its main goal is not to ridicule morals, but to depict the individual in her dramatic relationship with society.

At the same time, like tragedy, drama tends to recreate acute contradictions, but at the same time these contradictions are not so tense and allow for the possibility of a successful resolution.

As an independent genre drama formed in the second half of the 18th century. at the enlighteners. Drama 19th-20th centuries is predominantly psychological. Separate varieties drama merge with related genres, using their means of expression, such as the techniques of tragicomedy, farce, mask theater.

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Literary genera and genres (theory of literary criticism)

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Literary gender - group literary works, isolated by a number of unity of signs.

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Lyrics is a kind of literature that reflects life by depicting individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions and experiences of a person. Feature- poetic speech, rhythm, lack of plot, small size.

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The epic is coherent story about certain events that are as close as possible to objectivity. The epic is characterized by the reproduction of an action unfolding in space and time. specific trait The epic is that the author (or narrator) himself reports the events and their details as something past and remembered, along the way resorting to descriptions of the situation of the action and the appearance of the characters, and sometimes to reasoning. The epic narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a kind of intermediary between the depicted and the listener (reader).

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Drama is a kind of literature that reflects life in the action (actions and experiences) of people. Designed to be performed on stage. The action is shown through the conflict lying in the center dramatic work, defining all the structural elements of a dramatic action. Dramatic conflict, reflecting specific historical and universal contradictions, revealing the essence of time, social relations, is embodied in the behavior and actions of the characters, and, above all, in dialogues, monologues, replicas.

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Lyroepic is one of the four types of literature in the traditional classification. In lyrical works art world the reader observes and evaluates from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment of the narrator.

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Epic (ancient Greek “word, narration” + “I create”) is a generic designation for large epic and similar works: An extensive narrative in verse or prose about outstanding national historical events. A complex, long history of something, including a number of major events. A novel is a work in which the narrative is focused on the fate of an individual in the process of its formation and development. According to Belinsky's definition, a novel is an "epos of private life" (for example, "Oblomov" by A. Goncharov, "Fathers and Sons" by I. Turgenev). The story is the "middle" genre of the epic kind of literature. In terms of volume, usually less romance, but more of a story, a short story. If in the novel the center of gravity lies in the holistic action, in the actual and psychological movement of the plot, then in the story the main burden is often transferred to the static components of the work - positions, states of mind, landscapes, descriptions, etc. (eg "Steppe"). Novella - small prose genre, comparable in volume to the story (which sometimes gives rise to their identification - there is a point of view on the short story as a kind of story), but differs from it in a sharp centripetal plot, often paradoxical, lack of descriptiveness and compositional rigor (for example, A. Chekhov's stories , N. Gogol, " dark woods"I. Bunina). The story is a small epic genre form of fiction - a small prose work in terms of the volume of the phenomena of life depicted, and hence in terms of the volume of the text.

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A fable is a poetic or prose literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a brief moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. Actors animals, plants, things usually act. In the fable, the vices of people are ridiculed. The fable is one of the oldest literary genres. Epics (starins) - heroic-patriotic songs-tales that tell about the exploits of heroes and reflect life Ancient Rus' IX-XIII centuries; a kind of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence vernacular name epics - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). Fairy tale literary - epic genre: fiction-oriented work, closely related to folk tale, but, unlike it, belongs to a specific author, did not exist before publication in oral and had no options.

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Myth is a legend that conveys people's ideas about the world, the place of man in it, about the origin of all things, about gods and heroes. Legend (from the Middle Latin “reading”, “readable”, “collection of liturgical passages for daily service”) is one of the varieties of fabulous prose folklore. Written tradition about some historical events or personalities. IN figuratively refers to those who are covered with glory, admirable events of the past, reflected in fairy tales, stories, etc. As a rule, it contains additional religious or social pathos. An essay is one of all varieties of a small form of epic literature - a story, which differs from its other form, a short story, by the absence of a single, acute and quickly resolved conflict and a greater development of a descriptive image. Both differences depend on the features of the problematics of the essay. Essay literature does not touch on the problems of the formation of the character of the individual in its conflicts with the established public environment, as is inherent in the short story (and the novel), and the problems of the civil and moral state of the "environment" (usually embodied in individuals) - "moral descriptive" problems; it has great educational diversity. Essay literature usually combines features of fiction and journalism.

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1. Ode - a glorifying genre, a solemn lyrical poem, glorifying a heroic deed. It goes back to the traditions of classicism. For example, the ode "Liberty". 2. Elegy - a genre of romantic poetry, a poem riddled with sadness, sad thoughts about life, fate, your dream. For example, "The light of day went out ...". 3. Message - an appeal to another person. A genre unrelated to a particular tradition. Pushkin's epistles are based on the combination of the personal beginning with the public, civil beginning. Broader in scope than specific life situation. For example "To Chaadaev". 4. An epigram is a satirical poem addressed to a specific person. For example, "on Vorontsov". 5. Song - The genre goes back to the traditions of oral folk art. For example "song Western Slavs". 6. Romance - for example, "I'm here, Inezilla ...". 7. Sonnet - for example, "Severe Dante did not despise advice ...".

All literary works, depending on the characteristics of the narrative and the position of the author in relation to the depicted, are divided into genera. And each of them, in turn, is divided into genres.

In literary criticism, the following main epic, lyrics, drama are distinguished, in some cases they are also added to them. We will talk about each of them in more detail later in the article.

Epos - a way to see events from the side

At one time, Aristotle argued that the narration can be either about something detached from oneself (epos), or directly from oneself (lyrics), or one can put the narration into the mouths of the characters (drama). And although, of course, this definition is very limited, it helps to some extent to understand the basic principles of species separation.

The main three types of literature, as a rule, begin to be listed with the epic, which is an objectively depicted course of events that occurs independently of the author. He acts in such works, as a rule, as an outside observer and narrator. Even in the case of first-person narration, the author takes a position in relation to which the transmitted events are in the past - thus the so-called "epic distance" is maintained.

The pace of the epic narrative is always leisurely and measured, as the epic tends to be thorough. This, by the way, often interferes with the production famous novels on stage, as full adherence to the text makes the performance unreasonably long.

The main epic genres include novels, short stories and essays. The epic can also include folklore works - fairy tales, legends, epics or

More on major epic genres

The main types of fiction, as already mentioned, are divided into genres, and the largest of epic works is an epic novel. It usually covers some historical period and includes a large number storylines intersecting with each other (L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" or M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don").

It is followed in volume by the novel. This genre also involves a large number of characters and storylines. Although, for example, modern detective novels often have only one such line.

In literature, there are a huge number of modifications of the named genre - family, social, female, fantastic, fantasy, detective novel, etc.

On the small genres of the epic

The main types of literature suggest the presence of small epic genres. These include the story (it is rather a medium-sized genre), which focuses, as a rule, on one fate or one event.

The story, which, by the way, is considered a young epic genre (it began to take shape only at the beginning of the 19th century), is a story about some episode from the life of a hero. Very close in form to the story is the modern short story.

IN contemporary literature it is customary to speak separately about the essay. The narrative in it, unlike a story or short story, is based on documentary facts. True, between all these genres there are many intermediate forms.

Do not lose their popularity and fairy tales - stories about fictional characters with the obligatory participation of magical powers. modern fairy tale already bears little resemblance to folklore, as it is more closely connected with general literary trends and trends.

The genres of feuilletons, anecdotes, parables, as well as essays, which are popular in our time, are also referred to the epic genus.

Lyric genres

One of the three main types of literature - lyrics - differs from the rest in its subjectivity and emphasized interest in the author's world. It is also characterized by increased emotionality, the desire to display not events, but a personal attitude towards them. By the nature of these emotions, several lyrical (solemn, praising poem), elegy (lyrical reflection on the transience of being) and satire (accusatory, angry work) can be distinguished.

But contemporary poets, as they themselves say, they write poetry - that is, works that are difficult or simply impossible to strictly attribute to some genre.

About the drama inside and out

G. Hegel, trying to deepen the division into the main types of literature proposed by Aristotle, explained that the basis of the drama is the synthesis of lyrics and epic. After all, drama, from his point of view, is a conflict based on individual aspirations, which is presented as an objectively occurring event.

And the main hallmark drama is its focus not on the story, but on the show (direct image) of a particular situation. The author's beginning is practically absent in it, and if in the epic dialogue is just one of the means of revealing the character of the hero, then in the drama dialogue is often the only way to characterize him.

Such a change in emphasis leads to radical changes in the structure of the work. So, the speech of the characters becomes more dense, refined, accentuated than in the epic, because it is it that creates the necessary dramatic tension. The close connection of the named genre with the theater also plays a huge role - the drama is always spectacular, which, by the way, strictly regulates its size.

But to interpret the drama only as a text for staging is extremely wrong. This genre retains its impact on the reader even without being embodied on the stage and, along with the theatrical, also has a literary life.

Drama genres

The main types of literature, as you can see, have their own genres. Drama was no exception in this sense. The most striking and historically significant among dramatic genres There has always been tragedy and comedy.

Tragedy is an image of an irreconcilable conflict, which is usually inevitable fatal in nature and most often ends in the death of the hero.

Comedy is characterized by a humorous, comical approach to depicting reality and a specific conflict. In this genre, it is not irreconcilable and, as a rule, is safely resolved. A distinction is made between comedy of characters and comedy of situations, which is based on the source of the comic. In the first case, these are the ridiculous characters of the characters, and in the second, the situations in which they find themselves. Often these types of comedies are synthesized.

To genre modifications modern comedy include farce - a pointed, deliberate comic performance - and vaudeville, which has an unpretentious funny plot.

Drama is also a dramatic genre

The main genres of literature include drama not only as a genre, but also as a genre. It received its distribution in the 18th-19th centuries, gradually replacing tragedy with itself. The drama is characterized by an acute conflict, but it is not as global and not as inevitable as in a tragedy.

Relationship issues are at the center of this piece. specific person and society. The plot of the drama, as a rule, is very realistic - thanks to this, it has become a leading genre in the repertoire of theaters, competing with the comedy that is very popular in our time.

Drama has many varieties: psychological, philosophical, social, historical, love, etc.

What are lyro-epic genres

IN educational literature the concept of genre is interpreted as belonging to one or another group of literary works, which are united by common features. Genres, as already mentioned, are formed within the genus, becoming, as it were, a real embodiment of generic features.

But the existence of synthetic, intermediate genres is also possible, in which two or even three main types of literature and its types can be combined. By the way, most of these "interlacings" occur between lyrics and epic, which allows some researchers to add to the existing one another kind (fourth) - lyrical-epic. To him, some researchers include poems (poetic works that have a lyrical or narrative plot that develops against a historical background), as well as ballads (peculiar stories in verse).


Of course, any literary critic, as well as just a person who is fond of reading, will say that the division into main genera and is a very complicated matter and doomed to inaccuracy. Many works of art combine the main features of different genres, and even genera. And the task of the reader is not to clearly classify them, but to be able to determine the ratio of the beginnings of each kind in it.

After all, the genre is, in fact, not the work itself, but only the principle of its creation. That is, if the author intends to write a novel, there is only a genre that has creative process of birth, its main features can be severely deformed and the boundaries of species can be pushed apart, as, for example, happened with Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" at one time. True creativity knows no boundaries.

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