Art on the theme of autumn senior group. Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in the senior group "Waltz of autumn leaves


For children of the preparatory group

Program tasks:

1. To cultivate in children an interest in autumn natural phenomena, to emotionally respond to the beauty of autumn.

2. Learn to convey the colors of "autumn" in the drawing.

3. To introduce children to the paintings of Russian artists.

4. Develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills hands

Materials for the lesson:

Sheets of paper for drawing A-4 format

Gouache, watercolors

Tassels: No. 2, No. 5, No. 8

Jar of water, napkins

Preparations of tree leaves (at least 5 types)

Preliminary work:

1. Watching the autumn weather while walking.

2. Learning poems about autumn: M. Lesovaya “Golden Rain”, E. Trutneva “Autumn”, L. Zimina “Autumn Leaves”.

3. Conversations about the signs of autumn.

4. Riddles about autumn.

5. Reading short stories M. P. Prishvina: “Leaf fall”, “Beginning of autumn”, “Autumn leaves”.

6. Outdoor games: “Leaf fall”, “One, two, three! Take this sheet”, “Competitions in the autumn meadow”.

Didactic games: "Autumn signs", "From what tree leaf", "Maple leaf".

7. Learning the dance "Waltz" autumn leaves».

Course progress.

A piece of music by P. And Tchaikovsky "The Seasons - Autumn" sounds quietly.


What time of the year sounded in the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky?

(children's answers)

Guys, how is autumn here? – late or early?

(children's answers)

What color is autumn?

(children's answers)

Educator: Now listen to a poem by Ivan Bunin

"Leaf fall"

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower ......

Educator: Yes, autumn is different, but most of all it has shades: gold, orange, brown, red.

1st child: "Autumn"

Every day, the wind is sharper
Tearing leaves from the branches in the forest ...
Whatever the day - then earlier the evening,
And it dawns late.
The sun lingers, as if
No power to rise...

That's why the morning rises above the earth
Almost noon.

2nd child: “October has already come ...”
October has already come - the grove is already shaking off
Last sheets from their bare branches;
The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through.
The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
In the departing fields with his hunt,
And they suffer winter from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

Educator: - Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees? (children's answers)

Educator: When the season "Autumn" comes, you can see how the leaves on the trees change their green color on gold, red, orange, brown. This is because the tree is preparing for winter. Walking in the park, in the forest or just walking down the street, you can observe such a picture, the breeze is blowing and our leaves are scattered into different sides.


A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
A maple leaf circles above the ground...
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise,

And again put on a golden outfit!

Physical education minute: "Red squirrels"
The leaves are falling
red squirrels,
How are you doing? (Leaning forward.)
- We scored cones
For your kids. (Jumping in place.)
Leaves full hollow -
We will be warm in winter. (Torso turns left and right.)

The leaves are falling
Fall has come. (Mahi hands up - to the sides - down.)
red squirrels,
How are you doing? (Squats.)
- dried berries,
Enough for a year. (Mahi hands up - to the sides - down.)

Educator: Listen to the poem "Autumn Treasure"


Yellow coins fall from a branch.

There's a treasure under your feet!

This autumn is golden

Gives leaves, not counting.

Gives golden leaves

To you and to us

And everyone in a row.

Educator: - Guys, I will guess riddles for you, and you will guess and tell me what it is.


1. Came without paints
And no brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

2. Fields are empty,

Wet earth,

The rain is pouring.

When does it happen? (in autumn)

3. The days are getting shorter

The nights have become longer

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen? (in autumn)

4. Autumn came to visit us

And I brought with me...

What? Say random!

Well, of course ... (Leaf fall)

5.Our Queen, Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret

Who is your second servant? (October)

6. There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It blows like that, there is no salvation!

What's happened? Give an answer! (Late fall)

Educator: Tell me, what tree is the symbol of our Motherland?

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, the birch is our white-trunked beauty.


In the transparent blue of autumn
Birches golden sadness.
Summer greenery withered around,
Frost soon. Well, let!

Coolness draws from the valley,
The fog spread over the ground.
There is a birch in the middle of the plain,
Dew drops on the trunk.

Fragile, tender and defenseless,
Lives against the winds
Calm, silent, secretive,
Sometimes wise beyond her years….

Educator: - Guys, for our lesson I brought you a reproduction of the painting by the Russian artist Isaac Levitan "Golden Autumn". Let's take a look at it.

Questions for children:

What time of year does it show? Why?

(children's answers)

What signs of autumn do you see here?

(children's answers)

Educator: - Guys, you can talk about our picture in verse. Listen to how "Autumn" was described by the poet Ella Gonik.

Quiet autumn came to earth inaudibly,
Enrapturing us with the beauty of the bright-eyed heaven,
Again in a robe, and multi-colored, and magnificent,
How the forest played with all the hot colors!

Again we meet with the soul, with a welcome smile
All the inexpressible charm of enchanting days,
Autumn will shine for us with primordial beauty,
We sometimes yearn for her in the spring.

Educator: Watching nature while walking, we can see "Autumn" as a beautiful time. She, like an artist, comes up with her outfits, she decides what color this or that tree or bush will be painted.

Dynamic pause:


Teacher's words: Movements performed:

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine, wave your hands above your head.

The wind in the field is howling, Depicting a mouthpiece.

The rain is drizzling, Wave your hands in front of you.

The waters rustled

Rapid stream, Stomp their feet in place.

The birds have flown away

To warm climes. Depict flying birds.

Practical part:

(Children sit at the tables.)

Educator: You have different leaves on your tables, oak, maple, birch leaves, mountain ash. Let's take a look at them.

Questions for children:

Are all leaves the same?

What is the difference? (color, shape, size)

(children's answers)


Before starting work, let's close our eyes and imagine that you will draw, how you will arrange trees, shrubs, or it will just be an oak or birch leaf.

Quiet music sounds, the children get to work.


Educator: - Guys, what beautiful drawings you got. Looking at your work, you can see how the leaves from the trees are falling, spinning, as if dancing a waltz.

Well done! Each of you got "Golden Autumn"

Lesson analysis.
1. Ask a few children if they managed to draw autumn?

2. Did you enjoy the activity?

3. What did we draw?

4. What was your favorite moment?

5 Talk about your drawings.

6. Design an exhibition called "Golden Autumn".


1. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: Practical development of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games (middle, senior, preparatory groups). - M.: VAKO, 2005. -176 p. - (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).

2. description in verse


By fine arts activities

Synopsis of GCD on visual activity
in the senior group "Golden Autumn"

Nazarova T.N., teacher of Kindergarten No. 53, Tambov

Subject: "Gold autumn"

Educational area: "Artistic Creativity"


  • To teach children to see the beauty of nature through the means of visual activity.
  • Continue to develop the ability to figuratively perceive the beauty of nature and its transfer through color, shape, composition.

Program content:

  • To teach children to convey in the drawing the structure of a tree - a trunk (brush), branches of different lengths.
  • To consolidate the skills of painting foliage with a vertical stroke (method of sticking).
  • reinforce children's ideas about characteristics autumn.
  • Develop multidirectional, fused, smooth hand movements
  • Develop mental activity, memory, coherent speech, imagination and creativity.
  • Bring up positive attitude to nature and the desire to take care of it.

Material: - White list A2 paper (for sample), - album sheets for children, - reproduction - painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", - easel, - watercolors, brushes No. 3, 6 (squirrel), - wet wipes, water, - foam sponge for each child.

Methodical methods: - showing and explanation of the educator, - musical accompaniment, questions for children, - a reminder of the drawing technique, - observation of the work of children, advice, - listening to the music of P. Tchaikovsky, - examining the work of children, - analysis of the work by children and the teacher, - D / I “Find by description”.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance of children with the technique of toning a sheet of paper, looking at illustrations, pictures, photographs with an image autumn trees (autumn).

Activity progress:

I. Introductory part.

Educator: Guys, who is your guest today? Do you know him?

Children: Lesovichok.

Educator: Where did he come to us from?

Children: The woodsman came to us from the forest.

Educator: And he did not come empty-handed. What is this?

Children: This is an illustration of a painting.

Educator: Where are the real paintings kept?

Children: Museums and art galleries.

Educator: Guys, who paints the pictures?

Children: Artists.

Educator: Do you know the name of the artist who painted this picture?

Children: Isaac Ilyich Levitan.

Educator: Let's repeat the name of the artist together.

Educator: Guys, what would you name this picture? (children's statements)

Educator: Why is the painting called "Golden Autumn"?

What is given more space in the picture: the earth or the sky?

Why is there more land?

What did the artist want to show?

Are the trees drawn at the same distance from each other?

Why did you decide so? Prove it. (children's statements)

Educator: Guys, do you like autumn? How? (children's answers)

Educator: For example, I like to walk on fallen leaves, as if on a golden carpet. Isn't it really beautiful in autumn? As if good wizard painted all around bright colors.

II. Main part.

Educator: Lesovichok also brought a package and hid it in the group. He wants to play a game of "Find by description" with you. Lesovichok will prompt, and you listen to me carefully: “This parcel is rectangular in shape ..., golden in color ..., to the right of the cabinet .... etc."

Children: Hooray! Found.

Educator: Let's open the package and see what's inside.

(children take out one item and name it)

Educator: Look, a white sheet, not completely painted over. Strange! Brush, sponge, watercolours, non-spill glass…

Educator: Why do you think it's all here? For what? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, Lesovichok invites you to become little wizards (artists).

Educator: I have one more question for you. Why is there a sponge in the package?

Children: To tone the sheet.

Educator: What part of the sheet do you think should be tinted here? (answers)

Show tutor. (The teacher tints the upper part of the sheet with a sponge from left to right with quick movements. During tinting, a silhouette of a birch trunk and branches appears on the sheet.)

Educator: What is this? What is missing from the tree?

Children: Leaves.

Educator: Why did you decide that this is a birch? (children's answers) Q: What color are birch leaves in autumn?

Children: Yellow. Independent work.

Children come to the tables where various pictorial materials and get to work: tinting the sheets. While the sheets are drying up, the teacher conducts a physical education session “We are autumn leaves”. Children take from the basket yellow birch and multi-colored Maple leaves.

Educator: What tree did you get the leaves from?

Physical education "We are autumn leaves" We are autumn leaves On the branches we sit The wind blew - we flew We flew, we flew And quietly sat on the ground. The wind came up again And the leaves all picked up They swirled, flew And quietly sat on the ground.

Educator: And now let's draw the birch foliage. What color? (yellow)

Educator: I collect water on the brush and yellow paint. I draw leaves on the branches of a tree quickly, applying and tearing off the brush from the paper, holding the brush obliquely to the paper. We draw vertical strokes, this method of drawing is called the sticking method. (Children draw on their sheets.)

Educator: Let's draw another tree with you. How do we start drawing a tree?

Children: From the stem.

Educator: Right. I will draw a straight tall trunk with a brush. To do this, I will take a little more than necessary, water and paint on the brush, and draw a straight line.

Educator: What color will we draw the trunk? (brown)

Educator: It turned out the trunk (draw from top to bottom, gradually pressing the brush). What else, children, do I need to draw to make a tree?

Children: Twigs.

Educator: Right. At the top we draw very short branches, a little lower - the branches are longer.

Educator: Got a tree? (Yes)

Educator: Now let's draw a tree with colorful leaves. What paints will we use?

Children: Yellow, red, orange.

Educator: Maple trees have such colorful foliage in autumn. We draw the leaves in the way of sticking. painted yellow leaves, then we rinse the brush well with water and pick up red paint, etc. (During independent work children hear the music of P. Tchaikovsky.)

III. Final part. Work analysis.

What time of year do you depict in your drawings?

What paints were used?

How did you draw? (toning, priming)

Who better managed to convey the image of an autumn tree?

Abstract of the lesson on unconventional drawing V middle group

Educator: Enina Olga Vladimirovna

Theme: "Autumn"

Target. Introduce children to non-traditional technique drawing, way - print. Develop interest in unconventional image leaves; encourage interest in experimentation; develop fine motor skills of the hands; form cognitive interest; educate responsiveness, goodwill, accuracy, independence.

Material: sketches and illustrations depicting various trees autumn, landscape sheet, gouache, brushes, autumn leaves from various trees, napkins.

Preliminary work. Observation of nature, looking at trees, learning poems about autumn, reading poetry. picking leaves while walking .

Region Integration: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, music.

Course progress.

Educator. Remember guys how we looked at fallen leaves on the street.

Leaves lie everywhere: in puddles, and on asphalt. The earth is like a colorful carpet.

Educator. Can you please tell me what time of the year it is? (Autumn).

Educator. Name her signs. (it's cool, the leaves have turned yellow, it's raining, the birds fly away to warmer climes).

Educator. Do you like autumn?

Educator. AND I really love autumn! I like to walk on fallen leaves like on a golden carpet.

Educator. Listen to the poems

Child 1.Z. Fedorovskaya "Autumn"

Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,

I quietly brushed through the leaves with a brush,

The hazel turned yellow, and the maples blushed,

In autumn purple, only green oak.

Autumn consoles: do not feel sorry for summer!

Look at the grove dressed in gold.

child 2.M. Lessova "Golden Autumn"

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

The leaves are soaked in the sun.

Poured, weighed down,

Turned yellow and flew

Rustled through the bushes

They jumped on the knots.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!


Leaves are falling, falling (children are spinning with their hands up with the leaves up)

In our garden, leaf fall, (squat)

Yellow, red leaves. (circling, flying)

Birds fly south (run in circles, flap their wings)

Geese, rooks, cranes

Here is the last flock

Wings flapping in the distance.

Educator. We rested, and now let's sit down in our seats.

Look at the image of autumn, the beautiful decoration of the trees.

Educator. Guys, tell me what colors autumn painted the leaves of trees. (yellow, red, orange).

Educator. Isn't it really beautiful in autumn? As if a magician painted everything around with bright colors.


Today I invite you to become wizards yourself and draw a magical autumn picture.

Why magical? And because we will draw in an unusual way- print.

What it is? This is an imprint, from any form, in this case from leaves, onto paper.

But how are we going to do it? I'll tell you now.

We put our sheet on the oilcloth and cover it with paint with a brush. Then carefully put the painted side on our sheet of paper, press it with a napkin, and then carefully remove everything. (The story is accompanied by a demonstration).

Children work to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn".

The drawings are placed on the stand, the children examine and discuss.

Educator. What leaves, from which tree did you draw.

Educator. Why did you choose this color?

Mark those pic at nk, who has leaves of two or three colors.

Outline of the lesson on fine arts

Theme: "Beauty Autumn"

Theme of the lesson: "Beauty Autumn."

Target: Creating conditions for the practical application by students of knowledge, skills and abilities in the depiction of the autumn landscape and the use of various methods of work wax crayons And watercolor paints.

Tasks :


· Strengthening the skills of drawing trees;

Harmonious filling of the entire surface of the sheet;

Use of different brush strokes

Conveying mood with color.


Education of perseverance, diligence;

· Raising a love for the native nature.


1. Creation of a creative emotional atmosphere, cognitive activity, emotional responsiveness;

2. Development of observation; mindfulness.

Kind of activity: Drawing from memory, representation.

Lesson type: lesson on practical application knowledge, skills and abilities.

materials: paper, black and white wax crayons Brown, brushes, jar for water, palette.

Equipment: reproductions of works by artists depicting autumn-2-3reproductions, drawings of children with autumn scenery, a fairy tale about autumn.

Practical activities: the image of the trunk and branches of a tree with wax crayons, drawing leaves in watercolor.

Lesson structure :

· Organizing time- 1 minute

Updating knowledge - 1 minute

Conversation - 2 minutes

Setting goals for the lesson - 1 minute

Demonstration of working methods - 1 minute

· Practical work- 15 minutes

·. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of your drawings - 3 minutes

·. Workplace cleaning – 1 minute

Lesson progress:

Organizing time : 1 min Welcome. Workplace preparation. Readiness check.

Knowledge update :1min - connection with previous lessons (it is suggested to remember how we drew trees)

Who is in our park today
Did you paint the leaves?
And circles them, blows them off the branches?
It's autumn!

We already know how to draw trees. They are all different, but all trees have a trunk. It is thicker at the bottom, and gets thinner towards the top. The trunk is covered with bark. It comes in different colors and different shades. Branches grow from the trunk - they are also different - thick and thin, long and short.

Fairy tale conversation.

Guys, I think all of you know what time of year it is?


And I invite you to go to a fairy tale - to a fairy tale together with the beautiful Autumn.

Fairy tale "Beauty Autumn".

Beauty Autumn traveled through the fields and meadows for a long time and finally got to the forest, deciding to visit old friends.

First, she went to visit the hedgehog Mitrofan and did not recognize him. He has grown so much last year. Autumn brought mushrooms and ripe ruddy apples as a gift to her friend.

From the hedgehog, Autumn went to the squirrels, but on the way it stopped in a forest clearing. She wanted to strew the earth with a multi-colored carpet of leaves to make it more beautiful.

And here are the whites! They were so happy about Autumn that they merrily ran along the oak branches, collecting acorns to treat the guest. And Autumn gave them a wonderful bouquet of autumn leaves - yellow, orange, red.

Autumn wandered for a long time forest paths. She covered the trees with warm colors, covered the ground with a bright blanket of leaves. The forest was fabulous.

But nowhere did Autumn meet the hare. And she missed him so much.

And here is the bunny! Autumn met her old friend. They played together for a long time until evening came. Then they said goodbye until morning, so that in the morning they would meet again and set about decorating the forest together.

-.Setting the goal of the lesson : 1 min - But when Autumn met the hare in the morning, they saw that there were still so many trees in the forest left without autumn attire and thought that they themselves could not cope with decorating the forest.

And let's help them and decorate the forest with autumn foliage? (yes, we can help!)

Then let's get started!

What colors of leaves appear on trees in autumn? (yellow, orange, red - warm colors, green)

・Show workflow : 1min - Show the children how to draw a trunk with wax chalk (below - thicker, up - thinner) and tree branches.

· Practical work : 7 min

Children draw a tree trunk and color it in brown, adding different shades of brown and black, trying to convey the texture of the bark, then draw the main branches and add many neat little thin branches.

Physical education "Leaflets" -1-2 min

We are leaves (standing still, hands up)

We are the leaves

We- autumn leaves.(wiggle)

We were sitting on branches

The wind blew, they flew. (They scatter in different directions)

They flew, flew, (running, spinning)

And then they got tired of flying.

The breeze stopped blowing - (squat down)

We all sat in a circle.

The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter again)

And the leaves quickly blew away. (wave hands over head)

All the leaves flew (squat)

And they sat quietly on the ground.

· Practical work: 7 min

And now it's time for us to give our tree an autumn outfit. Let's draw him autumn leaves with watercolors. What colors will we take on the palette? (yellow, orange, red, green)

- Repeat brush strokes:

A) priming with a brush;

B) sticking with the tip;

C) mixing colors on a palette.

Children paint leaves on a tree.

Help as needed.

Some leaves fall (leaf fall) and you can draw how they fall from the tree down to the ground, while other leaves have already covered the ground, as if they covered it with a warm cozy blanket, protecting it from the cold. .
Autumn on the palette
mixed paints:
Yellow- for linden,
for rowan - red.
Ocher in all shades
for alder and willow -
All trees will
to look nice
(O. Korneeva)

9. Summary of the lesson .

Viewing works. Self-esteem.

Exhibition -3min

Here are some wonderful work we got it, Autumn with a bunny will be very pleased with our help!

10. Cleaning the workplace - 1min

Prepared by: Sushko Anastasia Vladimirovna. teacher MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities", Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. 2014

Lesson 25 min, designed for children 5.5 - 6 years old, studying at the departments of early aesthetic development institutions additional education. Also, the lesson can be adapted for older and preparatory group kindergarten and elementary school.



Outline of the lesson on fine arts

Theme: "Beauty Autumn"

Prepared by: Sushko Anastasia Vladimirovna. teacher MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities", Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. 2014

Lesson 25 minutes, designed for children 5.5 - 6 years old, studying at the departments of early aesthetic development of institutions of additional education.

Autumn is one of the brightest picturesque seasons. The theme of autumn is the most suitable for mastering various practical skills in working with paints in preschool age. It helps to reveal the rich color palette, to create a bright emotional background in the lesson.

Theme of the lesson: "Beauty Autumn."

Target: Creating conditions for the practical application by students of knowledge, skills and abilities in the depiction of the autumn landscape and the use of various methods of working with wax crayons and watercolors.

Tasks :


· Strengthening the skills of drawing trees;

Harmonious filling of the entire surface of the sheet;

Use of different brush strokes

Conveying mood with color.


Education of perseverance, diligence;

· Raising a love for the native nature.


1. Creation of a creative emotional atmosphere, cognitive activity, emotional responsiveness;

2. Development of observation; mindfulness.

Kind of activity: Drawing from memory, representation.

Lesson type : lesson on the practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

materials : paper, black and brown wax crayons, brushes, water jar, palette.

Equipment: reproductions of works by artists depicting autumn-2-3 reproductions, drawings of children with autumn landscapes, a fairy tale about autumn.

Practical activities: the image of the trunk and branches of a tree with wax crayons, drawing leaves in watercolor.

Lesson structure:

Organizational moment - 1 minute

Updating knowledge - 1 minute

Conversation - 2 minutes

Setting goals for the lesson - 1 minute

Demonstration of working methods - 1 minute

Practical work - 15 minutes

·. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of your drawings - 3 minutes

·. Workplace cleaning – 1 minute

Lesson progress:

Organizing time: 1 min Welcome. Workplace preparation. Readiness check.

Knowledge update:1min - connection with previous lessons (it is suggested to remember how we drew trees)

Who is in our park today
Did you paint the leaves?
And circles them, blows them off the branches?
It's autumn!

We already know how to draw trees. They are all different, but all trees have a trunk. It is thicker at the bottom, and gets thinner towards the top. The trunk is covered with bark. It comes in different colors and different shades. Branches grow from the trunk - they are also different - thick and thin, long and short.

Fairy tale conversation.

Guys, I think all of you know what time of year it is?


And I invite you to go to a fairy tale - to a fairy tale together with the beautiful Autumn.

Fairy tale "Beauty Autumn".

Beauty Autumn traveled through the fields and meadows for a long time and finally got to the forest, deciding to visit old friends.

First, she went to visit the hedgehog Mitrofan and did not recognize him. He has grown so much in the past year. Autumn brought mushrooms and ripe ruddy apples as a gift to her friend.

From the hedgehog, Autumn went to the squirrels, but on the way it stopped in a forest clearing. She wanted to strew the earth with a multi-colored carpet of leaves to make it more beautiful.

And here are the whites! They were so happy about Autumn that they merrily ran along the oak branches, collecting acorns to treat the guest. And Autumn gave them a wonderful bouquet of autumn leaves - yellow, orange, red.

Autumn wandered along the forest paths for a long time. She covered the trees with warm colors, covered the ground with a bright blanket of leaves. The forest was fabulous.

But nowhere did Autumn meet the hare. And she missed him so much.

And here is the bunny! Autumn met her old friend. They played together for a long time until evening came. Then they said goodbye until morning, so that in the morning they would meet again and set about decorating the forest together.

Setting the goal of the lesson: 1 min - But when Autumn met the hare in the morning, they saw that there were still so many trees in the forest left without autumn attire and thought that they themselves could not cope with decorating the forest.

And let's help them and decorate the forest with autumn foliage? (yes, we can help!)

Then let's get started!

What colors of leaves appear on trees in autumn? (yellow, orange, red - warm colors, green)

・Show workflow: 1min - Show the children how to draw a trunk with wax chalk (below - thicker, up - thinner) and tree branches.

· Practical work: 7 min

Children draw a tree trunk and paint it brown, adding different shades of brown and black, trying to convey the texture of the bark, then draw the main branches and add many neat little thin twigs.

Physical education "Leaflets" -1-2 min

We are leaves (standing still, hands up)

We are the leaves

We are autumn leaves. (swaying)

We were sitting on branches

The wind blew, they flew. (They scatter in different directions)

They flew, flew, (running, spinning)

And then they got tired of flying.

The breeze stopped blowing - (squat down)

We all sat in a circle.

The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter again)

And the leaves quickly blew away. (wave hands over head)

All the leaves flew (squat)

And they sat quietly on the ground.

· Practical work: 7 min

And now it's time for us to give our tree an autumn outfit. Let's draw him autumn leaves with watercolors. What colors will we take on the palette? (yellow, orange, red, green)

- Repeat brush strokes:

A) priming with a brush;

B) sticking with the tip;

C) mixing colors on a palette.

Children paint leaves on a tree.

Help as needed.

Some leaves fall (leaf fall) and you can draw how they fall from the tree down to the ground, while other leaves have already covered the ground, as if they covered it with a warm cozy blanket, protecting it from the cold. .
Autumn on the palette
mixed paints:
Yellow color - for linden,
for rowan - red.
Ocher in all shades
for alder and willow -
All trees will
to look nice
(O. Korneeva)

9. Summary of the lesson.

Viewing works. Self-esteem.

Exhibition -3min

Here are some wonderful works we got, Autumn with a bunny will be very pleased with our help!

10. Cleaning the workplace - 1min

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