Who writes stories about animals. Bernhard Grzimek "Australian Studies"


Animal books for children are statistically the most popular. Everyone loves them, from kindergarten age. These are books about rare and extinct animals, wild and domestic, living in zoos and natural parks, popular science, documentaries, and fiction. They will talk about their habitat, habits, features that distinguish them from other species, ways of obtaining food and hunting. This is not only fascinating and informative literature, but also reading that calls for mercy, teaching us to love the living world that surrounds us and take care of its inhabitants. As one of the heroes of books about animals for children said: "We are responsible for those we have tamed"

The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya - Ian Larry
Ordinary curiosity led to very unusual consequences: Karik and Valya, having drunk the elixir without permission in the professor's office, decreased many times over and accidentally ended up on the street - in a world inhabited by insects, where they had to go through many incredibly dangerous adventures.

Black Handsome — Anna Sewell
Black Beauty tells his story from the pages of this novel - a magnificent horse that remembers joy free life. Now he is forced to live in captivity and work hard. But no difficulties can break him and harden his noble heart.

My home on wheels - Natalia Durova
Book People's Artist Soviet Union, the famous trainer Durova, will talk about her favorite artists: elephants, monkeys, dogs. The author will share the secrets of their training and stories (fun and not so funny) from the life of animals and people who worked with them.

Stories about animals - Boris Zhitkov
Collection wonderful stories about animals, aimed at children up to school age. Their heroes: a stray very brave cat, a small calf, an elephant who saved his master, a wolf - with big love described by the author.

Lion and dog - L. N. Tolstoy
A touching friendship story huge lion and a tiny white dog, which was thrown into the cage to the king of beasts as food. Contrary to the expectations of people, they became friends, and when the dog fell ill and died, the lion also died, refusing food.

Chanterelle bread - M. Prishvin
The story of a passionate hunter, nature lover M. Prishvin about a funny incident that happened one day after his return from the forest. The little girl was very surprised to see, among the trophies he brought, Rye bread. Most delicious bread- Lisichkin.

Stories and fairy tales - D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak
A collection of fairy tales and stories describing the author's native Ural nature: taiga expanses, forests, deep lakes and fast rivers. He perfectly knows the habits of animals and birds and tells about their life in his works.

White Beam black ear— Gavriil Troepolsky
A story about love and all-consuming devotion that made Bim go in search of his master. The dog, faced with indifference and cruelty towards himself from people to whom he had done nothing wrong, waited until the last minute and hoped for a meeting with the one he loved very much.

A year in the forest - I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov
The Russian forest and its inhabitants are the main characters of the stories in this collection. Each story is a short but surprisingly accurate sketch of their life: there is also a bear family hosting water procedures, and a hedgehog hurrying to its lair, and squirrels playing in the branches.

White-fronted - Anton Chekhov
The night outing of the old she-wolf ended in failure: instead of a lamb, she grabbed a stupid, good-natured puppy in the barn, which, even after she let him go, ran with her to the very lair. Having played enough with the cubs, he went back, and again inadvertently interfered with her hunting.

Kashtanka - A.P. Chekhov
A story about the loyalty and friendship of a boy and a dog named Kashtanka, who was once lost by Fedyushka's grandfather. She was picked up by a circus clown and taught to perform many tricks. Once, grandfather and Fedya came to the circus, and the boy recognized his dog.

White poodle — Alexander Kuprin
A friend cannot be sold, even for a lot of money, but not everyone understands this. The spoiled boy demands Artaud for himself. He needs new toy. The organ grinder and his grandson refuse to sell the dog, then the janitor is ordered to steal the poodle from the intractable owners.

Gray Neck — Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
A wing broken in childhood did not allow the duck to fly away with everyone else. And the fox, who had been dreaming of eating it for a long time, had to wait until the river freezes over ... But her plans were not destined to come true. gray neck noticed and took with him an old hunter who decided to please his granddaughters.

Biter — Leonid Andreev
She has not trusted people for a long time and rushes, expecting another kick or stick from them. But Kusaka believed this family, her little heart melted. But in vain ... The girl could not persuade her parents to take the dog. They betrayed Kusaka, left, leaving her alone.

Frog traveler - Vsevolod Garshin
How she envied the ducks that went to distant countries! But she could not fly with them - after all, frogs cannot fly. Then she came up with a way for her to see the world by going along with the ducks. That's just the desire to brag confused all her plans.

Golden meadow - M. Prishvin
small very warm story written by Prishvin on behalf of a little boy who noticed one interesting feature dandelion. It turns out that he goes to bed, squeezing his petals, and wakes up, opening up to meet the sun's rays.

Forest newspaper - Vitaly Bianchi
Collection of stories about nature. The author has been improving, supplementing and expanding the geography of the "newspaper" for thirty years. The book is made in the style news publication and will be of interest not only to small readers, even adults will be able to find a lot of interesting information in it.

Notes of a hunter - I. S. Turgenev
A cycle of stories by the famous Russian writer I. S. Turgenev - a hunter, a connoisseur of nature. Gorgeous landscape sketches, juicy characters of peasants and landowners, scenes describing working days and holidays, create amazing life pictures Russian life.

Miracles: stories about birds - Nikolai Ledentsov
To be in extraordinary country Miracles, no need to buy a ticket for the train, plane or bus. You just need to listen to the birds singing in the yard, forest or field. A collection of stories by N. Ledentsov will introduce you to different types of birds and teach you to understand their songs.

Fomka - white bear cub— Vera Chaplin
V. Chaplina, who has worked with animal cubs in the zoo for many years, in her works tells about some of them (monkey, tiger cub, bear cub and wolf cub), their upbringing, taming and trust in a person that arises in animals who are truly loved .

My pets - Vera Chaplina
A collection of short stories in 2 sections. The first tells about the animals from the zoo where the author worked, and the second tells about the people who took care of the abandoned, in trouble or sick animals and birds. Their experiences and great joy if the animal managed to help

Rogues of the North - James Curwood
In the far north, in a wild taiga forest, two unusual friends live: the puppy Miki and the orphaned bear cub Neeva. Their adventures, unexpected discoveries, true friendship and the dangers that lie in wait for kids are described in this wonderful book.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha - G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplin
The book, aimed at children of primary school age, is a collection of wonderful essays by animal writers G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina, written after their trip to the Belarusian reserve and observing the life of its inhabitants.

Theme and the Bug - N. Garin-Mikhailovsky
To save your dog a little boy, risking to break loose at any moment, descends into the old well. All attempts to pull her out in another way failed. But he could not leave the Beetle there, doomed by some cruel man to a slow death.

Thief cat - Konstantin Paustovsky
The ever-hungry feral red cat, a real bandit and thief, did not allow anyone to relax until one day a way was found to make him stop his raids. Well-fed and bred, he became an excellent guard and a true friend.

Fly with whims - Jan Grabowski
Collection Polish writer Jan Grabovsky, consisting of funny stories and stories about a dachshund named Mucha and her friends and neighbors. Their sweet pranks and funny adventures, disputes and little secrets, noticed by the author, will definitely please your child.

Menagerie Manor - Gerald Durrell
The book of the famous traveler, naturalist, tells about the creation of a private zoo on the island of Jersey and about the animals that lived in it. The reader is waiting humorous scenes, descriptions of unusual, even exotic animals, and everyday life of ordinary workers of this unique estate.

Stories about animals - E. Seton-Thompson
Collection of short stories and stories about nature. Their main characters - animals and birds - have extraordinary characters and remain in the memory of readers for a long time: the restless Chink, the brave rabbit Jack, the wise Lobo, the proud cat, the resourceful and courageous fox Domino.

White Fang. The Call of the Wild - Jack London
The book consists of 2 popular works D. London, talking about difficult fate And dangerous adventures a half-wolf and a dog living among the people who pan for gold in Alaska. Each of them will choose his own path: the wolf will remain devoted to man and the dog will lead the pack of wolves.

Childhood friends - Skrebitsky G.
An excellent book about the world of wildlife, written by in plain language Suitable for preschoolers and students elementary school. The author talks about animals, their life and habits, so interesting that the reader seems to be transported into this wonderful world and becomes part of it.

Peers - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
A story about an incredibly touching friendship between a teenager and a little deer. Beautiful landscapes, realistic descriptions of animals living in the forests around the farm, true male friendship between father and son and love for all living things will not leave readers indifferent. There once was a bear - Igor Akimushkin
A short story for children. Everything that a child needs to know about the life of bears in the forest: hibernation, the birth of babies, their upbringing and training by a bear and a nanny (older bear cub-breeder), food and hunting, is described in it in an easy, accessible language.

The dog that didn't want to be just a dog - Farley Mowat
Matt is an extraordinary dog ​​who accidentally appeared in their house. In fact, dad dreamed of a hunting dog, but mom, feeling sorry for the unfortunate puppy and saving $199.96 at the same time, bought Matta, a mischievous, stubborn dog, who became a member of their family.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Insects - Julia Bruce
An illustrated guide for children about different types insects, their habitat, ways of adapting to environment, nutrition and structural features. Together with the main character - a bumblebee - the child will go on an exciting journey into the world of insects.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Marine Animals - Julie Bruce
A brief guide that will introduce the reader to the life of the inhabitants of the underwater depths: sharks, octopuses, turtles, dolphins, etc. Vivid illustrations, Interesting Facts and the travel narrative make this book a truly enjoyable read.

On the Threshold of Spring - Georgy Skrebitsky
An unexpected meeting took place with the author, who came to the forest to see the first signs of the approaching spring. He noticed an elk, which was wading through the trees, trying to get rid of the antlers. People say: "The elk takes off his winter hat - he greets the spring."

Forest great-grandfather - G. Skrebitsky
Skrebitsky is a naturalist writer who tells children about the life of the forest in a very interesting way. Trees, wild animals and birds in his stories are individual. The books of this author teach children to be kind, compassionate, love and protect wildlife.

Mukhtar — Israel Metter
It is not known how the fate of this smart, but very wayward dog, if he had not got into the service of the police, and Lieutenant Glazychev had not become his guide, who believed that if you earn the love of a dog, then it will not only obey, but become the most devoted friend.

In different parts - Gennady Snegirev
A book about the beauty and grandeur of our nature big country. These are original notes of a traveler who is delighted with the magnificent landscapes and how many interesting animals and birds are found in the northern forests, tundra, on the southern shores and in central Russia.

Stories about Cap - Yuri Khazanov
funny, kind and cautionary tales about the tricks of Cap and his little master. Dogs are happiness! And the eaten shoes, the destroyed apartment and puddles are a perfect trifle! Vovka and Kap, a mischievous, cheerful spaniel, are inseparable friends. So, all the troubles, adventures and joys - in half.

My Mars - Ivan Shmelev
The ship trip nearly ended tragically for the author's favorite dog, Mars' Irish Setter. His presence annoyed the passengers, the owner was constantly reprimanded. But when the dog was overboard, all as one began to ask the captain to reverse.

Our reserves – Georgy Skrebitsky
A collection of stories by the naturalist writer Grigory Skrebitsky, introducing young readers to the reserves located on the territory of our country, their animals and flora And hard work scientists trying to save endangered species and develop new valuable breeds

Lassie – Eric Knight
Lassie is the pride of the owners and the envy of everyone who has ever seen her. Circumstances force Sam's parents to sell the dog. But between her and the boy there is such a strong affection that even a distance of hundreds of kilometers does not stop Lassie. She's going home!

Unknown paths - G. Skrebitsky
Reading the book, the child, following the author, will go to places where no human has gone before, observe the life of forest animals, look into "guests" in some forest families, take part in their daily affairs will empathize and learn to take care of the world around him.

On the seas around the Earth - S. Sakharnov
Reading this book, the child will follow the author to trip around the world, during which he learns a lot of interesting things about the seas, their inhabitants, famous travelers. Each article about a certain sea is accompanied by an anecdote, sea tale or stories from the life of the author.

In the world of a dolphin and an octopus - Svyatoslav Sakharnov
This book by a military sailor, writer, participant in many expeditions will tell about the inhabitants of underwater world e.g. octopuses, rays, sea ​​urchins, fish and dolphins, as well as those terrestrial animals whose life is inextricably linked with sea ​​depths: seals, walruses, seals.

Scarlet - Yuri Koval
Scarlet - a dog-border guard, brought up by an instructor Koshkin, a simple, kind guy. They became a real team and detained many offenders. And this time they were chasing the enemy. The dog rushed. Shots rang out. And Koshkin could not believe that Alogo was no more.

Silent Lake - Stanislav Romanovsky
A collection of surprisingly poetic stories for children about the nature of the Kama region - a reserved corner, the birthplace of S. Romanovsky. His main character- third grader Alyosha, an inquisitive boy, often with his father in the forest, on lakes, watching the life of animals, birds and insects.

About the elephant - Boris Zhitkov
In India, elephants are domestic animals, like our dogs, cows and horses. Kind and very smart helpers, they sometimes take offense at the owners who love them and refuse to work. But the owners are different: some do nothing to lighten their hard work.

How does a rabbit not look like a hare - Igor Akimushkin
Very often a wild rabbit is called a hare. But they are very different animals! Igor Akimushkin, the author of this story, will tell about their external differences, habitats, breeds, habits and preferences in food in a language understandable to a small reader.

In a new place - Zverev M.
A short story about the adventures of a very unusual family in a new habitat, written by naturalist Maxim Zverev, a scientist, professor of zoology, who founded a zoo in Siberia and the first station for young naturalists.

Hill Dwellers - Richard Adams
novel about incredible adventures wild rabbits that have escaped from their colony. Younger brother Orekha sees the future: soon they will all be destroyed. But no one listens to his words, then Nut convinces several friends to leave and establish a colony elsewhere.

Fox Vuk - Istvan Fekete
There has been an addition to the fox family. The foxes have already grown up, and Yin and Kag can leave the hole together to find food. Soon they will start teaching children to hunt on their own. Of course, you can also eat frogs, although the chickens that live with Man are much tastier. But getting them is very difficult.

The Incredible Journey - Sheila Barnford
8 months ago, John Longridge got a Labrador, a Siamese cat and an old bull terrier - the pets of the family of his friend, who left for England. The young dog did not stop being bored, and when John left, this trio set off in search of their owners, passing a long and dangerous path across the country.

Zamarayka - Vladimir Stepanenko
The story of a fox named Zamarayka, who was born in the harsh northern tundra, and a Nenets boy who, having met him, realized that the main task people to help animals and protect them. This changed his life, taught him to see the beauty of nature and sing about it in verse.

Adventures of Proshi — Olga Pershina
Tales of life and adventure little puppy named Prosha, calling little reader to be responsive, sensitive to someone else's misfortune, forgive insults and love everything that surrounds him. Prosha always comes to the rescue, he is kind and faithful to his masters and friends.

Vitaly Bianchi. Russian fairy tales about nature - Vitaly Bianchi
Collection of kind, funny and instructive tales about the nature of one of the most beloved children's writers Vitaly Bianchi. It contains the most famous of his works, some of which were filmed: \"Orange Neck\",\"Mouse Peak\",\"The Adventures of an Ant\"

Animal life - A. Brem
Abridged edition of Brehm's multi-volume collection of animals, birds and insects. This is a guide describing most representatives of the animal world of our planet. The articles in it are arranged in alphabetical order and are illustrated with the famous Bremovsk drawings.

Kisya white - Zakhoder G.
The book contains funny, sad, funny, instructive, but always very bright stories for children by Galina Zakhoder about pets, their life among people, habits, characters. With their love, they make us kinder, but we must not forget that the animal is not a toy.

Writers are such a people that special conditions are required for their work. Hemingway, for example, kept about 50 cats and cats on his estate, and William Wordsworth constantly read poetry to his dog. TodayAmateur. mediajust tell about the animals that somehow helped their owners to create.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and French Bulldog Bulka

Vladimir Mayakovsky loved to travel to France and each time returned with chic purchases. Once, for his beloved Lily Brik, the writer brought her a brand new Renault straight from Paris. During the next trip in 1920, his purchases were a little more modest: in France, Mayakovsky acquired the most popular accessory among rich people - a French bulldog.

Bulldog lived with Mayakovsky until the death of the writer

Being a great lover of dogs, Mayakovsky treated his pet not as a means of demonstrating his own well-being, but as a full-fledged member of the family. The poet always took the bulldog with him on all trips. Bulka also liked Lilya Brik, so Mayakovsky himself, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, always presented the pet as their common one.

Vladimir Mayakovsky with the bulldog Bulka

Bulka brought a lot of trouble to the poet: every now and then Mayakovsky had to attach puppies to friends. So on the last day of Mayakovsky's life, when the writer was already on his deathbed, his beloved pet in the same apartment looked after newborn puppies.

Joseph Brodsky and his cats

The Brodsky family treated the cat family very respectfully. Still quite small, Osya kept calling his mother - Marina Moiseevna - Kisa or Masya. And to express the most different feelings the child could purr or meow. For the grown-up Joseph, cats remained constant companions of life: his Leningrad cat, who lived with him for a long time, died almost immediately after Brodsky's departure abroad.

Phone conversation, according to Brodsky's friends, he often ended with a laconic "meow"

The writer once expressed the deepest respect for a journalist by offering to wake up his beloved cat for him. In general, Joseph Brodsky often associated himself with a cat, in " big book interview,” he even says, “I’m like a cat. Here, look, cat. The cat doesn't care if the Memory Society exists. Or the propaganda department in the Central Committee of the CPSU. Also, however, he is indifferent to the US President, his presence or absence. Why am I worse than this cat?

Mark Twain and Bambino the cat

Twain always had cats at home. Among them there were even trained ones: by the ringing of a bell they ran to a certain chair, and on the order to “sleep” they could pretend to be sleeping. Mark Twain's cats had their passions: most of all they liked to watch the writer play billiards. But the trouble is for the cat who suddenly changed the direction of the ball with his outstretched paw - such hooligans Twain could easily be expelled from the billiard room.

Bombino's cat became Mark Twain's favorite

Cats, if they had such rights, could sue Mark Twain for inventing them funny names: Zoroaster, Appolinaris, Sur Mash and Blatherskit lived at the Twains. The writer came up with such nicknames for cats so that his daughter would train in pronunciation compound words. Appolinaris was less fortunate than others: on Christmas night, a large red bow was tied around the cat's neck and launched into the room with the girls so that the cat would amuse them. In addition to cats, dogs, squirrels and turtles lived at Twain's house.

Mark Twain with his next pet

However, his main favorite was the cat Bambino, who appeared at home in last years writer's life. Mark Twain's daughter, Clara, once tamed a kitten during her illness and stopped him in her sanatorium room. When the workers of the sanatorium discovered the four-legged one, Clara had to get rid of him. It was then that she decided to give the cat to her father. Mark Twain - a great original in the field of raising cats - taught Bambino to lap water with his paw and with the same paw to extinguish the light of a candle in a small lamp, from which the writer lit up. The writer was so proud of this skill of Bambino that none of his guests could leave the house without looking at this performance. “If a man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve the man, but worsen the cat,” said Mark Twain.

Anton Chekhov and Mongoose Bastard

Anton Pavlovich was not indifferent to pets: unequivocal confirmation of this is his two dachshunds, Brom Isaich and Hina Markovna. Named after drugs, they long years spent next to the writer. However, their peace was disturbed by a purchase made by Chekhov in Ceylon. From there he brought a mongoose, in front of which the dachshunds, in the words of the writer himself, “passed over”.

For hours, Anton Pavlovich could talk with his pets, from which all the household members rolled with laughter

The mongoose in Chekhov's house was desperately brawling: he unfolded and tore all the bundles, regularly shook out the earth from flower pots, and Chekhov's father, Pavel Yegorovich, kept ruffling his beard. The household gave the animal a well-deserved nickname - Bastard. The last straw was the incident with the mother of Anton Pavlovich: Evgenia Yakovlevna was bitten on the nose by a magnus at night. Chekhov was forced to give the outlandish animal to the Moscow Zoo. The next day, the mongoose was taken away from the Chekhovs, in exchange for which they were given one ticket to visit the zoo. This ticket was used by Anton Pavlovich's sister Masha. The bastard, sticking his paws through the bars of his cage, pulled a comb out of her hair.

The animalistic theme is rightfully considered eternal. Its elements can be found both in folklore and in the works of classical and modern literature. Alexander Kuprin, Jack London, Gerald Durrell - these are the authors who wrote about animals (the list is long). Despite the fact that the number of animalistic works of these writers is different, and the depth of their talent is not the same, they all created capacious and memorable images of "our smaller brothers", which attract readers to this day.


Sometimes it is difficult to determine who wrote about animals. The frames are so mobile and indefinite that, if desired, one can include both the fairy tale about Kolobok and Franz Kafka's "Transformation". That is why literary critics developed a detailed classification of all works about animals:

  • "Classic" animalism representing animal world self-sufficient, autonomous from a person. A striking example- Seton-Thompson stories.
  • Comparative anthropology: An animal is compared to a person who understands that he has a lot to learn from his “smaller brothers”. An example of such a comparison is the "Song of the Falcon" by Maxim Gorky.
  • Animalism with a touch of sentimentalism, when in a bestiary image one can see the acquisition of something long lost, something that causes a feeling of nostalgia.
  • Fables and literary tales with animals as the main characters, etc.

The term “natural literature” is also used in parallel, but its thematic range is somewhat wider than that of animalistic works, and includes stories and stories about plants.

Ernest Seton-Thompson

Among those who wrote stories about animals, perhaps the most famous is the Canadian writer Seton-Thompson. Although he did not always live in Canada: he moved to this part with his parents, being a 6-year-old boy. From childhood, he was accustomed to nature and the prairies more than to the company of people. This means that there is nothing strange in the fact that the heroes of his first work were by no means representatives of the human race, but ... birds.

Over the course of his life, Seton-Thompson produced several thousand articles, as well as books of value to animal science. Although the fans artistic word more know him as the author of fascinating stories that open the world of nature from an unexpected angle (“Lobo”, “Mustang Pacer”, etc.). Seton-Thompson is known for his paintings, as well as the creation of the "Woodcraft Society", which will become the prototype of modern Boy Scout organizations. This idea of ​​Seton-Thompson was prompted by a long study of the culture of the Indians, originating from early years writer.

"My family and other animals"

Sometimes, the authors of works about animals were forced to temporarily abandon their hobby - zoology - and turn to literature due to material reasons. This is what happened to Gerald Durrell. Since childhood, he raved about animals and everything connected with them. At the age of 14, the boy got a job at the Aquarium store, and after the Second World War, he tried himself at the Whipsnade Zoo as a "boy on pets." In 1947, Gerald receives his share of his father's inheritance, which he successfully spends on expeditions. Left without money and work, Darrell, on the advice of his brother, a famous novelist, tries his hand at writing. And very well, I must say. This was especially true of the first part of the Greek trilogy "My family and other animals." Only in England the book was published more than 30 times!

Animal theme of classical Russian literature

Unlike the writers discussed above, the Russian-speaking authors of works about animals turned to the animalistic theme as if in passing, in passing. At the same time, such experiments are very successful. So, Alexander Kuprin, following the example of Tolstoy's "Kholstomer", created the story "Emerald". Its main character is a stallion, whose image is not devoid of psychologism: the Emerald is even able to dream.

Among those authors who wrote stories about animals in Soviet time, one can single out Mikhail Prishvin, Viktor Astafiev. The work of the latter is associated with the ideological and stylistic direction " village prose”, which concerned, among other things, comprehended the place of man in the world around him, the Cosmos.

Contemporary animal writers

Literary process in Russia recent decades accompanied by publicity, the removal of censorship bans. This could not but affect animalistic literature. Contemporary authors works about animals (for example, L. Petrushevskaya) use bestiary images not only as a means of allegory, creating an allegory, referring to socio-historical realities, but also as ordinary acting characters devoid of any features of human resemblance.

, Brandt , Harriot- right after.

And of course, it is very important that the child likes the book at first sight. So that the illustrations match the text, and the design matches the ideas of a good book. In our review, they are.

Evgeny Charushin

When Tyupa is very surprised or sees something incomprehensible and interesting, he moves his lips and sings: "Tyup-tup-tup-tup ..." -tup-tup ... I'll grab it! I'll catch! I'll catch! I’ll play!“ That’s why Tyupa was called Tyupa.

It's great that DETGIZ published Brandt's book in such a worthy frame. Strict and elegant illustrations famous graphic Klima Lee perfectly conveys the mood and character of his stories.

At the end of April, the she-wolf climbed under a tree and did not show up for a long time. The wolf lay down nearby, resting its heavy head on its paws, and waited patiently. He heard the she-wolf fiddling under the tree for a long time, raking the peat with her paws, and finally calmed down. The wolf closed his eyes and remained lying.
An hour later, the she-wolf was again brought under the tree, the wolf opened his eyes and listened. It seemed that the she-wolf was trying to move the tree and groaning from the effort, then she calmed down, and a minute later she began to lap something greedily and at the same time a faint, barely audible squeak was heard.
Hearing this new voice, the wolf trembled and carefully, on his stomach, as if he himself had just been born into the world and did not yet know how to walk, crawled up to the hole and stuck his muzzle into the hole.
The she-wolf stopped licking her firstborn and snapped her teeth with a snarl. The wolf quickly leaned back and lay down in the same place. Soon the she-wolf was brought in again, a new squeak was heard and, licking the second cub, the mother squelched with her tongue.
These sounds were repeated many more times, and the intervals between them were getting longer and longer.
But the wolf lay patiently beside him, as if petrified, only his ears twitched tensely on his heavy head each time. His eyes were open, looking somewhere at one point, and it seemed that they saw something there, which made them thoughtful and stopped mowing.
When all the sounds under the tree subsided, the wolf lay down for a while, then got up and moved on to hunt.

Daniel Pennack

Daniel Pennack believes that "books are always better authors". We think Pennak's children's books are excellent. in stories French writer children and animals always go side by side. In the story "Dog Dog" a homeless dog re-educates a spoiled insensitive girl, in the story "The Eye of the Wolf" the boy Africa reconciles the wolf with the world of people. Pennak makes no distinction between animal and man. The formula "Man is the king of nature" after reading his stories seems to be the greatest delusion.

The boy stands in front of the wolf's enclosure and does not move. The wolf walks back and forth. He paces back and forth and doesn't stop. “How does he annoy me…”
That's what the wolf thinks. For the past two hours the boy has been standing there, behind the bars, as motionless as a frozen tree, watching the wolf walk.
"What does he want from me?"
This is the question the wolf asks himself. This boy is a mystery to him. Not a threat (the wolf is not afraid of anything), but a riddle.
"What does he want from me?"
Other children run, jump, scream, cry, they show the wolf their tongue and hide behind their mothers' skirts. Then they go to grimace in front of the gorilla's cage and growl at the lion, which beats its tail in response. This boy is not. He stands there, silent, motionless. Only his eyes move. They follow the wolf back and forth along the bars.
“Have you never seen a wolf?”
Wolf - he sees the boy only once.
This is because he, the wolf, has only one eye. The second he lost in a battle with people ten years ago, when he was caught.

Ernest Seton-Thompson

Ernest Seton-Thompson can rightly be called the ancestor literary genre about animals. And in any case, its influence on animal writers is difficult to overestimate. As well as a huge impact on the inquisitive minds of young naturalists.
Seton-Thompson has to be traversed like other childhood experiences: the first jump out of the garage or the first fight. This is a milestone that marks the beginning of growing up, knowing the world and yourself.
Adults who did not have a chance to read Seton-Thompson in their adolescence reproach him for cruelty, for lack of humanism. But are children humane? Children are kind, because when they read "Lobo", "Royal Analostanka" and "Mustang Pacer", they sincerely cry and laugh, and are not horrified.

The whole day was spent in fruitless attempts. The mustang pacer - it was he - did not let go of his family and, together with them, disappeared among the southern sandy hills.
Frustrated, the ranchers rode home on their wretched horses, vowing revenge on the culprit of their misfortune.
A large black horse with a black mane and gleaming greenish eyes ruled the whole area with absolute authority and kept increasing its retinue, dragging the mares from different places until his herd reached at least twenty heads.
Most of the mares who followed him were meek, shabby horses, and among them those nine thoroughbred mares that the black horse led away first stood out for their size.
This herd was guarded so energetically and jealously that any mare that once got into it could already be considered irretrievably lost to the cattle breeder, and the pastoralists themselves very soon realized that the mustang that settled in their area brings them too much loss.

Despite the seemingly rather prosaic plots, the doctor's attitude towards four-legged patients and their owners - sometimes warm and lyrical, sometimes sarcastic - is conveyed very subtly, with great humanity and humor.
In his "notes of a veterinarian" he shares with readers his memories of episodes that occur in his practice.

When the gate fell on me, I realized with all my being that I had really returned home.
My thoughts drifted effortlessly through my brief stint in aviation to the day I last time came to Mr. Ripley's farm - "to pinch a couple of calves," as he put it on the phone, or rather, to emasculate them in a bloodless way. Farewell morning!
Trips to Anson Hall have always been like hunting expeditions in the wilds of Africa. A broken road led to the old house, consisting of nothing but potholes and potholes. He meandered through the meadows from gate to gate—there were seven in all.
Gates are one of the worst curses in the life of a rural veterinarian, and before the appearance of horizontal metal bars, impassable for cattle, we in the Yorkshire hills suffered especially from them. There were usually no more than three of them on farms, and we somehow endured. But seven! And on the Ripley farm, it was not even the number of gates, but their insidiousness.
The first ones, blocking the exit to a narrow country road from the highway, behaved more or less decently, although they had become very rusty over the antiquity of years. When I dropped the hook, they, groaning and groaning, turned on their own hinges. Thank you for this though. The other six, not of iron but of wood, were of the type known in Yorkshire as "shoulder gates". "Apt name!" - I thought, lifting another sash, hooking the upper crossbar with my shoulder and describing a semicircle to open the way for the car. These gates consisted of one leaf without hinges, simply tied to a pole with a rope at one end from above and below.

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